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                                Woman of
                                  Roshaneh Zafar
                          COVER STORY
                          BRIDGING THE


quotable quotes
   FAITH                                    CHALLENGE
   No religious faith is loftier than       When you get into a tight place
   feeling ashamed of doing wrong           and everything goes against
   and bearing calamities patiently.        you, till it seems as though you
   n Hazrat Ali (A.S)                       could not hang on a minute
   It's faith in something and en-          longer, never give up then, for
   thusiasm for something that              that is just the place and time
   makes a life worth living. Oliver        that the tide will turn.
   n Oliver Wendell Holmes                  n Harriet Beecher Stowe

   ATTITUDE                                 COMMITMENT
   When one door of happiness               Making your mark on the world
   closes, another opens; but often         is hard. If it were easy, everybody
   we look so long at the closed            would do it. But it's not. It takes
   door that we do not see the one          patience, it takes commitment,
   which has been opened for us.            and it comes with plenty of fail-
   n Helen Keller                           ure along the way. The real test is
   The pessimist complains about the        not whether you avoid this fail-
   wind; the optimist expects it to         ure, because you won't. It’s
   change; the realist adjusts the sails.   whether you let it harden or
   n William Arthur Ward                    shame you into inaction, or
                                            whether you learn from it;
   BELIEF                                   whether you choose to persevere.
   There are two ways to slide eas-         n Barack Obama
   ily through life: to believe every-
   thing or to doubt everything;            COURAGE
   both ways save us from thinking.         Courage is the ladder on which
   n Alfred Korzybski                       all the other virtues mount.
   To accomplish great things, we           Clare Booth Luce
   must not only act, but also dream;       Courage is going from failure to
   not only plan, but also believe.         failure without losing enthusiasm.
   n Anatole France                         n Winston Churchill

   FORGIVENESS                              The secret of joy in work is con-
   Punish your servant, if he dis-          tained in one word - excellence.
   obeys Allah, but forgive his dis-        To know how to do something
   obedience to yourself.                   well is to enjoy it.
   n Hazrat Ali (A.S)                       n Pearl S. Buck

                         MAKING THE DIFFERENCE

                         With the blessings of Almighty Allah, the second issue of Manager Today
                         is in your hands right now. June has just begun; a month when mostly a
                         large part of corporate sector reviews its year-long policies, strategies, fi-
                         nancial statements and thus an annual report is made and presented to
                         the entrepreneurs and top managers. Indeed, it’s a hectic time of the year
                         as for the people who lead companies, organizations and various business
                         concerns; it appears as a showcasing time of their employees’ year-long
                         productive performance under their leadership, expertise and hard work.
                         No doubt, everyone loves to be appreciated for one’s productive contribu-
                         tion. But in the wake of current global financial crunch, managers are seen
      Ijaz Nisar         trying to sustain their products and services.
       Editor-in-Chief     But the dilemma with Pakistan is much severe as the country since its in-
    & CEO Leading Edge
                         ception, has been facing leadership crisis in every sphere of life. Unfortu-
                         nately, our nation has not been able to produce real leaders so far and due
                         to the decades-long political instability, our economy is still lagging behind
                         despite being blessed with plenty of natural resources and human re-
                           Keeping the crisis in mind, this issue’s cover story comprises the char-
                         acteristics of a true, sincere and competent leadership that our country re-
                         quires in this hour of need. Be it a top manager or leader in a business
                         hierarchy, the sooner these contemporary leaders adopt these traits the
                         better it will be for the future of their businesses and consequently for our
                         country. Our second article on the cover story represents Allama Iqbal’s
                         philosophy on leadership. His philosophy can be applied universally which
                         addresses the leadership problems of modern age. We are sure that this ar-
                         ticle will be inspirational to many of our readers. We also have included
                         three wonderful business leaders’ interviews in this issue. Get to know our
                         woman of substance Ms Roshaneh Zafar, Founder and President of Kashf
                         Foundation this month. Another interview of a dynamic personality, Mr
                         Ghazanfar Azzam, COO, Kashf Microfinance Bank appears on our Man-
                         ager’s interview pages while the unique perspective of Entrepreneur ,Mr
                         Farrukh Salim, CEO, Hush Puppies makes his interview a memorable one
                         for you all.
                           The rest of Manager Today’s content has been selected to address the ac-
                         tual issues faced by most of the managers these days. Workplace bullying,
                         anger management, ideas for recession proof businesses, a reflection on
                         succession planning, sales success, customer care, career counseling and
                         several other interesting and useful articles have been included. For your
                         delight, we have not missed to include a movie review besides a comment
                         on an interesting book in this issue. We hope you will appreciate our ef-
                         fort. Please keep us updated with your feedback and don’t miss the next
                         issue’s must-read cover story, ‘Emotional Intelligence Skills for Managers’.
                         Wish you a happy reading till next issue.
        et me avail the opportunity to pay spe-                   anager Today is a new idea to im-        eing a student of HR, Manager
L       cial thanks for publishing Manager
Today, a great supplement for the stu-
                                                    M             part training and improve profes-
                                                    sional skills out of classroom. It is a
                                                                                                      B    Today is of great importance to me.
                                                                                                      The way you are instilling a new soul in
dents of business studies. It’s a consider-         sincere effort on your part to cover all          HR people for the accomplishment of
able addition in library collection of the          areas from leadership development to              their personal & professional goals
Punjab University.                                  marketing and sales development. It feels         through your rich knowledge and experi-
Ch. Muhammad Hanif                                  great to see that the area of human re-           ence in this particular field is highly com-
Chief Librarian, Punjab University.                 source management and development                 mendable. I hope Manager Today will
----------------------------------------------      has been given prominence. It will surely         keep us engaged and up to date with
        he headquarters of Pakistan Civil Avi-      help enhance the personnel as well as             the core issues and latest develop-
T       ation Authority is thankful for the com-
plementary copy of Manager Today. It’s
                                                    professional life of the readers. I would
                                                    love to be a regular reader of this maga-
                                                                                                      ments in our field. Keep it up.
truly Pakistan’s first magazine for the per-         zine.                                             Emergency Program Manager
sonal and professional development of               Tariq Naseem                                      Earthquake Response Program
our people. We appreciate your contribu-            SVP/Head Establishment                            Abbottabad.
tion and services to HR field.                       The Bank of Khyber, Peshawar.
Masood-ur-Rehman                                    ----------------------------------------------              orn and bought up in London, I have
Headquarters                                        P        lease accept my heartiest congratu-
                                                             lations on this great achievement of
                                                                                                      B         completed 18 years working in corpo-
                                                                                                      rate world around three continents,
Civil Aviation Authority, Karachi.                  publishing such an enlightening educa-            presently serving at the helm of Serena
----------------------------------------------      tional and supportive magazine. All the           Hotels countrywide sales and marketing
    felt great happiness to see the first            topics I went through inspired me a lot           efforts. As I walked into my office yester-
I   issue of Manager Today. At last, the
need for establishing HR departments in
                                                    making me read the magazine thoroughly.
                                                    No doubt this magazine will enhance the
                                                                                                      day I was greeted by a decent envelope.
                                                                                                      Upon opening the package, I caught the
organizations is being recognized in Pak-           professional skills. By introducing such an       first glimpse of ‘Manager Today’. I must
istan. This realization will reshape the or-        essential magazine you’ve fulfilled one of         admit that my schedule did not allow me to
ganizational performance altogether. I              the social responsibilities. I must thank         read the entire contents, but I found it very
congratulate the whole team of the mag-             you for your great efforts to bringing up         hard to put the magazine down. What a
azine and wish them great success in the            the middle managers helping them meet             breath of fresh air! I felt obligated to ink my
venture.                                            the upcoming challenges in their compa-           feelings. I congratulate you in pioneering
S. Tanveer H. Kazmi, Manager (HR)                   nies. Wish you all the best.                      something that was really required in our
Murree Brewery Company Limited,                     Aneela Sameer,Manager Publicity,                  country. Please do convey my profound re-
Rawalpindi.                                         Diamond Jumbolon, Johar Town,                     gards to every member of your team,
----------------------------------------------      Lahore.                                           along with heartiest congratulations on
              anager Today comprises very inter-    ----------------------------------------------    producing such a wonderful product.
M             esting and useful content, covering
all the issues and challenges of manage-            P        lease accept my heartiest congratu-
                                                             lations and best wishes on launching
                                                                                                      Raja Nayer Zaman
                                                                                                      Director of Sales
ment practices. Many congratulations on             Manager Today. I feel honored to receive          Serena Hotels, Faisalabad.
reaching this milestone.                            the first issue of such an outstanding             ----------------------------------------------
Dr Mirza Dilshad Baig                               magazine.
Head Organizational Development                     Amir Faisal Hashmi
Management, HR Group                                Country Human Resource Manager                                     INSPIRED?
Allied Bank, Karachi.                               The Coca-Cola Export Corporation                                   MOTIVATED?
----------------------------------------------      Pakistan Branch.                                                   DID YOU LIKE WHAT
      must appreciate the bold and timely           ----------------------------------------------                     YOU READ?
I     endeavor you have undertaken. May
Almighty Allah helps and blesses you and            T       he magazine is fabulous and contains
                                                            tips to enhance personal and profes-
                                                                                                       If you find ManagerToday inspirational for the
                                                                                                       personal and professional development, do
your team with the best of health, pros-            sional development. I wish you best of luck.       inform us. You can also contribute with your
perity, peace and courage.                          May it becomes a success story very soon.          articles, suggestions and recommendations at:
Dr Shahid Mahmood                                   Syed Zakir Hussain
Director Ph.D. Program                              Incharge Corporate HR Dept.              
University of Central Punjab, Lahore.               Descon Engineering Ltd., Lahore.                   Ph: 042 5792066
----------------------------------------------      ----------------------------------------------     Don’t forget to mention your
                                                                                                       full name, postal address and phone number.
                                                                         PCPB # 303-M


                                                                                         Bridging the
                                                                                         leadership gap
                                                                                         Compare the productivity and morale of a workforce that
                                                                                         is encouraged and supported in finding the rare work-
                                                                                         life balance with those of a dispirited workforce where
                                                                                         work-life balance is not a consideration. You’ll see the

                                                                                         difference. The approach ‘take no prisoners’ is a valued
                                                                                         management style which every great leader implements
                                                                                         in his/her organization

                              Iqbal on leadership
   Qaht-ur-Rijal is an Urdu word that describes the absence or

rarity of men of caliber in a society. This ‘Qaht-ur-Rijal’ is one of
    the basic causes of leadership crisis and decline of Muslim

                                                                                        Workplace bullying
                                                                                        Job responsibilities are structured sets of problems
                                                                                        required to be solved persistently


             In an economic downturn, scope for
        microfinance institutions increases more:
                               Ghazanfaar Azzam

                                                                                              Are you shy? Confident? Impatient?
                                                                                              The first man had nothing but his instincts and
                                                                                              his body to communicate with. Perhaps those
                                                                                              were the first signs of body language

Editor-in-Chief Ijaz Nisar Managing Editor Shakil A. Chaudhary Editorial Advisor Shakeel Ahmed
Senior Editor Kahkashan Farooq Baig Editor Nabeela Malik Associate Editor Saba Kiani Art Director Faiz-ur-Rehman
Marketing Manager Munir Hussain Marketing Executive Sajjad Latif, Hassan Yaseen Operations Manager Muhammad Yasir
Sales Manager Haseeb Nisar Photographer Kamran Legal Advisor Muhammad Zulfiqar Ali Buttar
                                                                        Reflections on succession planning
                                                                        Succession is more important than ever; it’s
                                                                        also the most neglected responsibility of the

                                                                        corporate boards


                              Positive self-esteem in the workplace
                               nurtures creativity and healthy work

                                                                                    Woman of substance

                                                                                    Trust your own self and also trust the people
                                                                                    around. There is no reason to doubt every

                    New rules for finding your path
                       Are you looking for the six rules that govern

                       career paths, wage levels and the nature of
                        managerial work in today’s post-corporate
                                                world? Here we go


                                                                                                     I would request our government to pay attention to
                                                                                                     shoemaking industry because of great employment
                                                                                                     opportunites it offer:
                                                                                                     Farrukh Salim

                                               An exemplary

                                The key to success and excellent
                         performance is that one should always be
                                                producing results

                                                                                                     One-minute customer

                                                                                                     In a matter of 45 to 60 seconds, he managed
                                                                                                     to bring forth small details of good customer

                                 Healthy food practices
               Although this term has not been commonly used to
               describe health in years past, sustainable health is a
                                                growing movement

Publisher Leading Edge Printer Naeem Qasim Printers Head Office PL-20 Siddiq Trade Centre, Main Boulevard, Gulberg II,
Lahore Tel: 042-5792066, 5817048 Email: Website:,
Contributors Dr. SM Naqi, Maqbool Ahmed Babri (Max), Masood Ali Khan, Bakhtiar Khawaja, Saghir Ahmad, Sonia
Urooj, Wali Muhammad, Ghazanfar Azzam, Shahid Nafees, Muhammad Zaheer, Bilal Ilahi, Philip Lal

                                     IJAZ NISAR

                                     Compare the
                                     productivity and morale
                                     of a workforce that is
                                     encouraged and
                                     supported in finding the
                                     rare work-life balance
                                     with those of a
                                     dispirited workforce
                                     where work-life balance
                                     is not a consideration.
                                     You’ll see the difference.
                                     The approach ‘take no
                                     prisoners’ is a valued
                                     management style
                                     which every great
                                     leader implements in
                                     his/her organization

                                     Bridging the

8 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009
                                               gap in pakistan
akistan is a country of di-

                                              we can see a trickle down effect of their     does what is the motive of the organi-
         chotomies and contradictions, an     traits and good policies in effect in an      zation’s existence, its purpose, its rea-
         enigma in South Asia. At first       organization. We must keep in mind            son for being there, etc. These leaders
glance, Pakistan should be at the fore-       that our employees are not only work-         invest in building a focused and value-
front, a leader amongst its fellow coun-      ers like machines but they are humans         based demographic-driven organization
tries. According to the World Bank            as well. We need leaders who believe          from top to bottom.
report, “Pakistan today is South Asia’s       and embody the true concept of leader-           We need leaders who communicate
most open economy.” However, despite          ship. They must reflect from the lan-         proficiently with the people of their or-
her apparent strong economic and so-          guage they use and their actions must         ganization the clientele and the masses
cial indicators, things are not as positive   show that leadership is a matter of how       keeping in mind the frame of reference
as they appear.                               things should be done. It’s not about         of their target audience. Such leaders
   We have sufficient natural resources       tackling things only after the situation      when they communicate are heard by
and more than sufficient human capital.       becomes worse. It’s the stature and           their audience. Each and every word of
So what do we need actually? We need                                                        their communication is valued and ap-
good leaders at all levels, especially at                                                   preciated. No doubt, the effective use of
the organizational and national levels as       Bringing hope and                           language is one of the most important
it’s the leaders’ vision that matters the       unity within the                            skills a leader of future outlook should
most for a country or an organization.                                                      be perfect in. His one word, one sen-
   All of us face the challenge of leading
                                                organizations,                              tence or one paragraph all must be con-
in an era of discontinuity and ambiguity        enterprises and                             necting, helping, inspiring, and being
far greater than it was 10 or 20 years          different sectors will                      heard by the people on large scale.
ago. All of us should try to be prescient       create an overall                              We need leaders who are masters in
in a rapidly changing world as we try to                                                    the art of listening, who practice the
peer into the future for better planning        positive impact.                            rule of thinking first and speaking in the
and maximum benefits. By now we                 Leaders possessing                          last. Leaders who are healers and uni-
should be wise enough to idealize the           such a dynamic                              fiers listen to employees complaints
qualities of the people who can lead us                                                     peacefully, build consensus, appreciate
against the backdrop of the current sit-
                                                personality traits are                      differences, find common concepts,
uations of our times and the challenges         necessary to solve the                      common language, and common
ahead.                                          problems and meet the                       ground to create harmony among em-
    As we come closer to the fiscal year                                                    ployees of his/her organization.
of 2009-2010, which qualities do we
                                                challenges of our time.                        We need leaders who in their own
need in our leaders now more than               We do have leaders but                      lives try to keep a good work-life balance
ever? Whatever the organization or the          these necessary traits                      and make this balance a reality in the
sector is, I propose that this is the high      are lacking in them.                        lives of their people as well. It may ap-
time when our masses need real lead-                                                        pear as an unrealistic ideal in today’s
ers who nurture and live according to                                                       tough work environment but it’s quite
the high values of life, capable enough to    character of the leader that determines       workable. Compare the productivity and
unify people and heal the hurts of those      the performance and results.                  morale of a workforce that is encour-
who have been oppressed since incep-            We need leaders who firmly believe in       aged and supported in finding this rare
tion of this country. Bringing hope and       the idea of considering employees as          work-life balance with those of a dispir-
unity within the organizations, enter-        the greatest asset of an organization,        ited workforce where work-life balance
prises and different sectors will create      and they must demonstrate this belief         is not a consideration. You’ll see the dif-
an overall positive impact. Leaders pos-      by their policies thus making it a reality,   ference. The approach ‘take no prison-
sessing such a dynamic personality            not a slogan. These leaders build a richly    ers’ is a valued management style which
traits are necessary to solve the prob-       diverse organization through powerful         every great leader implements in
lems and meet the challenges of our           representation of their beliefs at every      his/her organization.
time. We do have leaders but these nec-       level. They have a realization of the enor-      Most importantly, we need leaders
essary traits are lacking in them.            mous opportunities that rapidly chang-        who share success widely while accept-
   Furthermore, we need such strong           ing demographics present in a society.        ing responsibility of shortfalls and fail-
leaders who can become role models              We need leaders who help clarify the        ures. Such leaders have made strict
for the people playing the second lead at     concept and language of the ultimate          standards of evaluating their own per-
every level of an enterprise. Only then       mission of an organization: whatever it       formance, fully knowing that their                                                                                June - July 2009 | MANAGER TODAY 9

language, behavior and actions are eval-         novations even if it is not out of thin air.      Leaders in companies, corporations,
uated against their self-proclaimed val-         However, leading creative people in this       banks, industries, academic institutions
ues and principles.                              age of diverse work arrangements and           and the government have already cho-
   What is the secret to building a great        electronic relationships require from          sen to follow the unusual people who
organization? How do you sustain con-            leaders themselves to be significantly in-      can revive and restore vitality and op-
sistent growth, profits, loyal clientele, will-   novative. The secret, I believe, lies in how   portunity in their relative fields. Once a
ing employees, unique contribution and           individual leaders in variety of settings      leader commits to a new way of dealing
service in an uncertain economy that can         make room for people with unusual and          with creative people, the process can be
literally change overnight? And how do           creative abilities and temporarily become      defined quickly. It can be called a search
you build a culture of commitment and            followers themselves.                          for beneficial surprise. Traditional edu-
performance when the notion of loyalty             Creative persons stand out from the          cation does not prepare us for this.
on the part of customers, employees,             rest of us. Somehow, their contributions       Though familiarity with technology helps
and employers seems like a quaint                affect large groups and move organiza-         us deal with such a search, all the tech-
anachronism?                                     tions towards improvement. I call them:        nology in the world will not help us dis-
   The answer lies only within these two         ‘explorationists’ (the most creative peo-      covering the knowledge of ideas,
words: be yourself.                              ple in an organization). Yet they function     experiments, failures, and successes
   That is both a simple yet extremely dif-      for the most part, being outside or away       that we will be requiring on advent of a
ficult goal. It means spending lesser time        from their organizations. They work in all     venture.
by benchmarking a best practice and              kinds of places: in cafes, airports, at           If we want to find new sources and per-
spending of extra time for building an or-       home and they benefit from their unusual        spectives, there come two questions
                                                                                                which, if thoughtfully considered, are
                                                                                                likely to yield good results. The first looks
                                                                                                at innovation from a leader’s point of view
                              The things that will destroy us are                               while the second arises from the view of
                              knowledge without character,                                      creative persons.
                          worship without sacrifice, politics                                       A leader will be careful about measur-
                          without principles and leadership                                     ing the contributions of creative persons.
                                                                                                Return on assets has become a Baal in
                          without integrity     Quaid-i-Azam                                    too many organizations. All things cannot
                                                                                                and must not be quantified. Financial and
                                                                                                legal matters are truly important but
                                                                                                they do not lie at the heart of our future.
ganization where personality counts as           relationships with the organizations they      Resist the urge to structure all things
much as quality and reliability. It also         join. They often have odd reporting rela-      alike.
means cultivating an ability to embrace          tionships but somehow they instinctively          We also need to keep in mind that mov-
paradox.                                         insert themselves into organizations           ing up in the hierarchy does not confer
  Shakespeare in King Lear tells us that         wherever they are needed.                      competence or wisdom. The discern-
nothing comes from nothing. So do sci-             The changes and innovations they bring       ment and judgment necessary to evalu-
entists, for that matter. Everything in this     about are often more like giant leaps          ate true innovation, to doom or give life
world exists already; whatever seems             than the small steps most of us experi-        to good design or breakthroughs in tech-
new is only something old re-arranged.           ence frequently. They think of the world       nology lie with people trained in those
So how do we explain innovation?                 in larger terms. They work for institu-        fields.
  Innovation is a form of change. Though,        tions or societies or culture or greater          Creative persons come in all shapes,
our culture welcomes change to some              ideas for mass effect, not for individuals.    sizes, and fields: from graphic design and
extent, but people proposing it, as you          Their creativity comes from the novel          architecture to software design and
might expect, often run into barriers. As        connections they establish between their       human resource. The best are volun-
our society has become more complex              work and personal and professional ex-         teers. They can find work almost every-
we find important segments of it becom-           periences and observations. They are           where and they gauge the quality of their
ing larger, more structured, more bu-            usually curious and look for a field where      leaders as a way of deciding where they
reaucratic, less nimble and less                 they can satiate that curiosity. Leaders       will contribute. Leaders make it possible
hospitable to non-conformists and peo-           can work to bring these special and cre-       for creative persons to make something
ple of unusual ideas. Leaders can help           ative people forth to have an impact upon      out of nothing---nothing, that is, but ex-
these unusual people bring forth their in-       the efforts of a group.                        pressions of themselves. n

10 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009                                                                         
                                                                             PASSION No trait is

                                                                                                                         INNER PEACE The most
                                                                             more noticeable in the top                  successful leaders ap-
                                                                             business leaders than the                   pear to be least stressed.
                                                                   passion they share for their poli-          They are composed, self-assured,
                                                                   cies and their companies. Quite             and more in harmony than most
                                                                   simply, they love what they do.             of the managers.

                                                                              INTELLIGENCE AND

                                                                                                                       CAPITALIZING ON
                                                                              CLARITY OF MIND                          FORMATIVE EARLY LIFE
                                                                              Most successful business                 EXPERIENCES The study
                                                                   leaders are highly intelligent. Some        found that these leaders believe in
                                                                   of their intelligence is clearly the        the idea of capitalizing on their
                                                                   kind of raw intellectual horse-             formative, early life experiences.
                                                                   power that is innate. However,              They believe as people cannot de-
                                                                   equally as important as their na-           cide who their parents are, what
                                                                   tive smarts is their ability to make        order they are born in, or what
                                                                   the complex seem simple.                    economic stratum they grow up in

                                                                              GREAT COMMUNICA-                 but they indeed can control what
                                                                              TION SKILLS One of the           they make out of their early life ex-
                                                                              common traits among              perience.
                                                                   the 50 business leaders identified

                                                                                                                         STRONG FAMILY LIFE
                                                                   by this study is ability to communi-                  Comparatively, the di-
                                                                   cate well. best business leaders ef-                  vorce rate among man-
                                                                   fectively explain business                  agers is higher. However, it is
                                                                   fundamentals, strategy, alterna-            almost zero in case of top class
                                                                   tives and a course of action in             business leaders. Many of these
                                                                   ways that tap the employees’                leaders cite their intelligent efforts
                                                                   sense of understanding.                     to balance a strong family life with

                                                                              HIGH ENERGY LEVEL                their work and most importantly
                                                                              On an average, the world-        the quality of objective advice they
                                                                              class business leaders           get from an intelligent spouse as
                                                                   work more than 65 hours a week.             key ingredients in their success.
                                                                   The line between their work and

                                                                                                                         POSITIVE ATTITUDE As
                                                                   private life is more blurry. The                      a general rule, these peo-
                                                                   physical strain of developing strat-                  ple tend to look at chal-
                                                                   egy, forging consensus, making de-          lenges as opportunities and seek
                                                                   cisions, building a management              to make the best out of difficult sit-
                                                                   team, dealing with regulators,              uations. Their outlook and commit-
                                                                   communicating with institutional            ment to capitalizing rather than
                                                                   investors, lobbying the govern-             punishing mistakes help give em-
                                                                   ment, traveling – all that require          ployees a sense of responsibility.
                                                                   an enormous amount of stamina

                                                                                                                               FOCUS ON DOING

      t is an interesting question for many academicians,          that seem to be not so enormous                             THE RIGHT
      consultants and practitioners of management that             to these leaders as they enjoy high                         THINGS The great
      whether the successful business leaders possess dis-         energy level sprouting out of their         business leaders achieve their re-
  tinct personality traits or simply they are like other man-      innate ceaseless enthusiasm.                sults by focusing on the right
  agers, maybe with more drive for achievement and luckier

                                                                               EGOS IN CHECK When              things throughout the day that in-
  than others. If they possess distinct traits, how distinct are               you are the ultimate boss,      clude:
  they and whether is there any commonality in the person-                     it is tempting to take credit   • living with integrity and leading
  ality traits of business leaders across the world? Based on      for the success of your organization.       by example.
  the study of 50 top world-class business leaders, Thomas         In contrast, the best of business           • developing a winning strategy or
  Neft and James Citrin clarified many of these issues. They        leaders are humans of small egos.           a big idea.
  found the best of world business leaders possess some            Being quite humble about what they          • building a great management
  distinct traits and there is commonality in these traits         have accomplished, they give credit         team.
  across the business leaders. They also identified ten traits      of hard work, good timing, a healthy        • inspiring employees to achieve
  these leaders seemed to hold in common and presented             dose of luck to the efforts of all staff    greatness.
  them in their book titled Lessons from the Top, published in     members and colleagues for the              • creating a flexible but responsi-
  2001. These ten traits are:                                      success.                                    ble organization. n                                                                                         June - July 2009 | MANAGER TODAY 11

                                  ON LEADERSHIP       SHAHID NAFEES
                                      The writer is a senior training manager in Bank Alfalah

                   Qaht-ur-Rijal                            is an Urdu word that describes the absence or rarity of
                                                            men of caliber in a society. This ‘Qaht-ur-Rijal’ is one of the
                   basic causes of leadership crisis and decline of Muslim Ummah. Leadership crisis is also re-
                   sponsible for institutional or national decline.
                     Leadership aims at harnessing the potential of people, creating synergy and building effective
                   teams. It is the driving force that synergizes the masses and determines their place in con-
                   temporary history of nations or institutions. For leaders, it is their steadfastness and ability to
                   actualize and use the hidden talent of people that determines their own stature.
                     A society is never devoid of people of wisdom and leadership qualities but they fail to break the
                   mold or to bring about any material change because either they are few in numbers or they
                   themselves lack something somewhere. All eminent authors who have written books on Lead-
                   ership and similar topics provide good amount of insight into such shortcomings. Here, I would

12 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009
like to dwell on the subject from purely ori-      Creating that type of ‘Yaqeen’ may not be         work environment.
  ental & poetic perspective.                        easy but with commitment and right ap-                 B) Element of excellence:
     Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali in his Mu-           proach, this is something achievable as                i. That his objectives in life are not
  saddas and Allama Sir Muhammad Iqbal in            well as inevitable.                                          mean or ordinary.
  his Shikwa and Jawab-e-Shikwa have beau-           2. Amal Paiham mean ‘perpetual strug-                  ii. He is high-looking and is focused on
  tifully highlighted the reasons of such                gle’. It suggests that:                                  something big and worthwhile.
  paucity of leadership that has ultimately re-          e. We should never be complacent.                  iii. He does not involve himself in small
  sulted into decline of Muslim Ummah. In-                    Not even when we have achieved                      talk, small thinking and trivialities.
  depth study of these two poems gives us a                   our goals.                                    C) Element of virtue:
  comprehensive reformatory plan in situa-               f. We should always stay proactive                 i. He is a man of virtue.
  tions of distress like that of ours. I recom-               and shun passivity.                           ii. He himself enjoys self-esteem and
  mend to the readers to study these poems               g. We should not remain inactive,                        cares about the esteem and re-
  and find out for themselves the plan that is                 naïve or dull.                                      spect of others.
  thought-provoking as well as interesting.            No doubt that thinking, especially this              iii. Obstacles in his way cannot diffuse
     There are two famous verses of Allama           right thinking is very important in deter-                   his passion.
  Iqbal in which he describes the essential el-      mining the direction and goals but nothing        5. Sukhan Dilnawaz: In literal sense
  ements of leadership. Missing out these el-        can be achieved merely by thinking. It is al-          ‘sukhan’ means conversation or talk
  ements will bring us nothing but ‘leadership       ways action that transforms the societies              but we know now that the ways to talk
  crisis.                                            and brings about change.                               are diverse and multiple. This phrase
     In one of his verses he says,                   3. Muhabbat Fatah-e-Alam: Fatah-e-Alam                 therefore includes all types of commu-
     “Nigah Buland, Sukhan Dilnawaz, Jaan                is described as an adjective of Muhab-             nication. Dilnawaz means beautiful, at-
  Pur Soz,                                               bat- ‘the love’. It means that love and af-        tractive or appealing. Iqbal most
     Yehi hai Rakht-e-Safar Mir-e-Karwan ke              fection, and similar good feelings are             probably has picked up this phrase
  liey”                                                  such a strong quality that they can win            from Quranic words of ‘Qooloo Linnas-
     At another place he says,                           over the whole world. It is love and care          e-Husna’. It means when you commu-
     “Yaqeen Mohkam, Amal Paiham, Mo-                    shown for others that wins their                   nicate with people, do it beautifully (and
  habbat Fateh-e-Alam,                                   hearts. So the third element of this               artfully). This attribute of Mir-e-
     Jehad-e-Zindagani mein hain yeh Mardon              recipe is love, care and compassion for            Karwan or leader makes it imperative
  ki Shamsheeren”                                        others. This is how we can win over                on leaders to learn the art of commu-
     Taking cue from these two verses we find             other people and create win-win situa-             nication. He should communicate with
  six elements that help us in meeting the               tions.                                             others in a way that is appealing, beau-
  challenge of leadership crisis. It suggests          We know that humility breeds love and                tiful and interesting.
  developing the right traits in ourselves as        arrogance breeds hate. That is why arro-          6. Jaan Pur Soz: In Iqbal’s poetry ‘Soz’
  well as in those whom we can influence.             gant people always infuse hate amongst                 means ‘Ishq’ that includes passion and
     Stephen Covey has given the world an ex-        others and humility results into feeling of            compassion. He strongly believes that
  cellent book on 7 Habits of the most influ-         love and attachment.                                   it is the dearth of passion, compassion
  ential people. I wonder if following this set of   4 Nigah Buland: This is a very compre-                 and dearth of Ishq that has done a hor-
  six elements of leadership highlighted in              hensive phrase that encompasses:                   rendous damage to Muslim Ummah.
  these two verses carries any less weight.            A) Element of being a visionary:                     Ishq and Janoon for Iqbal, mean doing
  1. Yaqeen Mohkam means an unflinching                   i. That a person has a vision of the ul-           something with highest degree of zeal
       belief. This includes:                                 timate of his endeavors.                      and enthusiasm; to put heart and soul
       a. Having ‘Self-belief’                           ii. That he sees himself and his or-               in something. He believes that unless
       b. Developing ‘Trust’                                  ganization at an appropriate level in         we put our hearts and souls, unless we
       c. Believing in Values and inculcating                 a short-term and at a relatively far-         work with Ishq and Janoon we cannot
           a Value-based Culture                              ther future.                                  achieve our goals of personal and in-
       d. Having ‘Faith’ in Allah and things or-         iii. That he enjoys clarity of thought             stitutional excellence.
           dained by Him.                                     about all his ideas, efforts, mission      It is time for us to find out where we are
     Impossible things become possible when                   and strategy.                            losing ground with respect to these at-
  ‘Yaqeen’ comes into action. To me, the two             iv. That he is focused and this focus         tributes essential for our personalities
  main problems in our personality are that                   does not dilute at any stage of his      and that of our leaders. Excellence,
  we do not believe: neither in ourselves nor                 endeavors.                               whether it is personal or institutional or
  in others. We can call it a state of ‘Trust          The concept of being visionary also             national, will be a far cry if we fail to ac-
  Deficit’. Yaqeen Mohkam can certainly and           means that he has the ability to foresee the      quire these leadership characteristics de-
  most effectively counter this ‘trust deficit’.      opportunities and threats that lie at his         fined by Iqbal. n

                                                                                                                  June - July 2009 | MANAGER TODAY 13

                                              imilar problems clustered under a     have victimized a succession of employ-
 The writer is an Islamabad-based
        corporate trainer
                                      S       variety of designations constitute
                                              the functional hierarchy of an or-
                                      ganization. The meekest of employees to
                                                                                    ees. Their vainglorious self-perpetuating
                                                                                    manners cause devastating blows to the
                                                                                    organizations' talent pool and gnaw at its
                                      the CEO, all human resources strive to        very ability to achieve its cherished goals.
                                      deal with their given share of problems.        Bullying is a repeated pattern of pro-
                                      Their individual success rates determine      voked, unwelcoming, hostile behavior that
                                      the extent of entire organizational output.   intentionally inflicts or attempts to inflict in-
                                        Facing the ad infinitum performance          jury, insult, hurt, humiliation or discomfort.
      Job responsibilities are
                                      challenge of modern day competitive envi-     Targeted, persistent bullying, most often
  structured sets of problems         ronment “workplace bullying” appears as a     progresses to the ultimate painful conse-
        required to be solved         black hole in an organization and gulps its   quence of perpetual state of depression,
                  persistently        human resources' ability to perform ef-       serious social, family and health hazards
                                      fectively. Many dysfunctional companies       for the victim.

Workplace                             can be traced back to chronic bullies who,
                                      under the guise of tough management,
                                                                                      From the physical hounding in the school
                                                                                    yards, workplace bullying goes psychologi-


14 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009
cal, occurring in situations of real or per-        Classical tactics for a victim's undermin-    Juniors for them are only to be seen not
  ceived imbalance of power. It can be a dif-      ing include not providing a clear job de-        heard.
  ference in personality – one person more         scription (a deliberate strategy to make           Workplace bullying is definitely a no-win
  dominant than the other, command of lan-         the role unclear), devaluation of role by tak-   situation. It is not only damaging for the
  guage – one person with a sharper                ing away important and interesting tasks         employees being bullied and their families
  tongue and quicker wit than the other. Psy-      replaced with menial tasks.                      but the business bears its cost through in-
  chological bullies deploy tactics of mali-          Threats of dismissal are typical at Asian     creased leave and tardiness, reduced effi-
  cious teasing, name-calling, hurtful             organizational scene, where the organiza-        ciency and productivity, low morale and
  personal remarks, and cunning deflation           tion itself bullies its employees.               high turnover.
  of competence by strategies such as iso-            Behavioral repertoire of bullies cuts           Good intentions are obviously not
  lation, humiliation, excessive supervision       across a variety of patterns. They may be        enough to escape this quagmire. Suc-
  and denial of employee rights.                   differentiated accordingly.                      cessful man is one who finds out what is
     The situation is insidiously convoluted on       Some mastering the blame game, are            the matter with the business before his
  the domestic organizational scene, blem-         experts at conjuring thoughtful and caring       competitors do. Prevention is any organi-
  ished by little awareness and practice of        public appearances. They are calculating,        zation's best strategy against bullying. This
  employee rights, scanty legislation and          scheming and deceitful deep down. Suf-           can be achieved through a three prong
  diminutive law enforcement. Victims keep         fering from narcissistic self-love and con-      strategy.
  suffering in silence for the fear of losing      vinced of their exalted abilities, they blame      FIRST STEP is drafting an anti bullying
  their jobs. Bullies thrive on the victims' ex-   everyone but themselves for their mis-           policy that clearly spells out bullying be-
  tended insecurities.                             takes. Even their victims are charmed by         haviors. Every member of staff must be
     Bullying usually starts slowly and then es-   their nice manners. ‘I was thinking about        provided with a copy and the policy should
  calates rapidly. Hallmark of a bully is double   you’ is their favorite sentence before deliv-    be updated regularly.
  bind communication - where the verbal            ering devastating criticism to their victims.      SECOND STEP adequate mechanisms
  content of the message does not coincide
  with the body language or two conflicting                As I entered boss's office, he sat there with manager
  ideas about the same subject are pack-                  of administration department. I thought maybe it was
  aged in an apparently coherent verbal
  message - all to confuse the victim. Addi-
                                                    not the right time to be around, so I said, "I may come later".
  tional signs are extensive use of negative        But he insisted, I should tell him about my progress. As I
  body language such as eye rolling, eyebrow        began, he quickly picked up small gaps and started spitting
  lifting, heavy sighs, finger gestures, shoul-      fire right away. I felt I was made to go naked in public. Next
  der shrugging and arm movements. Bul-             day he told me that such lessons will help me progress in
  lies get away with their conduct by making
  victims feel, it's their fault.
                                                    my career.       (A victim)
     Nitpicking - finding out constant small
  faults in victim's work with a flagrant dis-
  regard of any achievements is one of the           Opportunistic bullies are extremely ca-        must be drawn to report the bullying be-
  favorite strategies of bullies. Their con-       reer-oriented and if anything comes in           havior. This may include nominating a con-
  stant unjustified criticism eventually con-       their way they use every ploy to eliminate it.   tact person for reporting, a system of
  vinces victims that they are no good.            They are highly competitive and manipu-          mediation, investigation and sanctions be-
     Belittling tactics are also some sure         late circumstances to achieve their ends.        cause policy does no good unless enforced
  ways to devastate victims.                         Self-preserving bullies are insecure,          properly.
     Isolation is being ignored, ostracized and    loyal only to the agenda of personal sur-          THIRD STEP is compulsory training for
  given the silent treatment during the team       vival. Utmost authority orientation is their     managers, human resource staff dealing
  meetings while offering less lee way or flex-     cornerstone. They go any length to ap-           with bullying complaints, the contact peo-
  ibility to the victim.                           pease their superiors though absolutely          ple and all the general staff. Training must
     Systematic incapacitation is extreme          flip side of coin to subordinates. In the         adequately address the intricacies of as-
  level of manipulation where the victim is in-    name of system they bash their juniors           sertive communication skills required to
  tentionally excluded from essential infor-       with no holds barred and hate to see any         become an effective team player rather
  mation, or misinformed of the workplace          initiative coming from them. This simply         than a starving slave runner.
  developments, called upon in meetings at         provokes their internalized insecurity that        Even the bullies just like their victims may
  odd times, issued written complaints, and        they relieve by searching and advertising        become valuable human resources; they
  communicated through sticky notes, in-           their constituents' weaknesses and find-          must be identified and helped before they
  stead of personal meetings.                      ing creative ways of demeaning them.             bring the organization to a grinding halt. n

                                                                                                              June - July 2009 | MANAGER TODAY 15

                              NABEELA MALIK

        In an economic downturn, scope
            for microfinance institutions
                        increases more:
                                                                   –GHAZANFAR AZZAM

Those persons in the government who do have an
understanding of capital generation and realise that
microfinance plays a pivotal role in economic and social
development of any country, they encourage it

Q          Please give an introduction of
           your academic profile and the
beginning of your professional career.
                                                  nies in our trainings. It proved very suc-
                                                  cessful as this exercise gave our employ-
                                                  ees a fair chance of sharing their
  I did graduation in Commerce from Pre-          knowledge and experience with trainees
miere College, Karachi and joined Habib           coming from other institutions.
Bank Limited (HBL) as a probationer offi-             With passage of time, our trainings be-
cer. Banking appealed to me much but a            came very popular among different com-
feeling of incomplete education remained          panies. Many banks became our regular
with me even being on the job. So I ap-           clients including Bank of America, City
peared in professional exams and com-             Bank, Faysal Bank and Indo-Swiss Bank.
pleted DIBP. Seeing my interest in teaching
and training, I was invited to the HR training
institute of HBL in Peshawar which I joined
                                                  Q           Please share with us the fac-
                                                              tors you focused on to excel in
                                                  your profession?
  There I along with others started con-            Although I was working successfully, I
tacting private corporate sector. It was the      started feeling lack of experience of inter-
time when private banks were again being          national level because the people I was in-
nationalised and training was absolutely a        teracting with had vast exposure of
new institution. At start, we could find only      international companies and banking.
ten to fifteen nominations from our own              Thus, I applied for Chevening Scholarship
bank. Getting a good number of trainees           and also the American Fulbright Program;
proved really difficult. Thus, we started invit-   luckily, I was shortlisted for both scholar-
ing other banks and multinational compa-          ships. On my own discretion, I went for the

16 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009
                          Chief Operating Officer at Kashf Microfinance Bank, sports a dy-
                          namic personality. In a career spread over 22 years, this Ful-
                          bright-Hubert Humphrey fellow has worked for four leading
                          Pakistani banks including Habib Bank Limited, Union Bank (now
                          Standard Chartered Bank, Pakistan), Bank Alfalah and Prime
                          Bank (now part of Royal Bank of Scotland, Pakistan). He has held
                          senior positions in many international institutions; served as “Fi-
                          nancial Sector Specialist” for a Chicago-based institution, Shore
                          Bank International in Pakistan on a USAID funded WHAM project
                          aimed at building and strengthening Small Business lending ca-
                          pacity in Pakistani financial institutions. He is an experienced
                          banker in retail and consumer banking, small business lending,
                          sales force management, training and development. His key skills
                          are strategic planning, leading teams, setting up new lines of busi-
                          ness, establishing & managing projects and mentoring & devel-
                          opment of staff. Mr. Azzam keeps an inspiring work and personal
                          life balance. His approach towards life and its challenges is quite
                          down to earth.

American scholarship as it was better
being the unique opportunity offering new
developments. So I went to Pennsylvania
State University and completed two se-
mesters and some courses on HR, Lead-
ership and Management. That scholarship
program gave me a great exposure. They
arranged a World Bank seminar on global
finance in Washington DC and we were
given access to the capital market of New
York. Last in the program was the option
of working with an American bank for four
months. They asked me if I was interested
in any bank, I gave them three names in-
cluding Citi Bank and ABN Amro. The re-
sponse of ABN Amro was the best, it
offered me to work at it’s headquarter in
Chicago. Thus, I ended up my scholarship
with ABN Amro in Chicago for four
months. After completing my scholarship,
I had to decide whether to return to my
own country or to build my career in Amer-
                                                 We have 18 branches in
                                                 operation at present and
                                                                                            Q            When and how did you shift to
                                                                                                         microfinance banking?
                                                                                               Being with the Shore Bank, I actually
  Meanwhile, a very nice and senior col-         by the end of 2009, this                   came to know about microfinance banking
league of mine, Mr. Bakhtiar Khawaja, now                                                   while being in the commercial banking, I
Head of the Learning and Development de-         count will raise up to 32                  could never understand microfinance as
partment of Bank Alfalah contacted me            branches while within                      most of the bankers from commercial
and insisted me to join Bank Alfalah (then                                                  banking do not understand it because of its
an emerging bank in Karachi) if I wanted to
                                                 five years Kashf Bank will                  totally different methodology, mindset and
come back to Pakistan.. I came back to           become a hundred                           market.
Pakistan and joined Bank Alfalah as the          branches network                              It relates to the smallest consumers at
training manager.                                                                           the grass root level while commercial bank-
  In 2002, I rejoined Prime Bank’s busi-         InshAllah. We also hope                    ing deals with large groups. I came to know
ness side. By that time, the State Bank of       to fetch one million                       about microfinance through discussions of
Pakistan had started recognizing Small                                                      the international consultants who used to
and Medium Enterprises, we also set up
                                                 savers to our bank within                  talk about the activities of microfinance in-
SME as a special line of business as it was      five years. We are also                     stitutions all over the world like the per-
a very important area of finance. I served        planning to reach up to                    formance of Grameen Foundation
as the country head of consumer banking                                                     Bangladesh, Grameen Foundation USA, ac-
and as the regional head of Prime Bank as        500 thousand                               tivities of microfinance in Latin America
well.                                            microfinance borrowers                      and the performance of microfinance
  In 2005, acquisitions and mergers of                                                      banks in Indonesia etc. All their stories
banks got started. At that time I came to
                                                 in the same time period                    taught me a lot about microfinance bank-
know about a Chicago-based institution,                                                     ing in real terms.
Shore Bank International. They were as-
signed a three-year SME and Microfinance
Sector Development project in Pakistan.
They declared a position of a financial sec-      During that time, I got many chances to
                                                                                            Q           So did this knowledge of mi-
                                                                                                        crofinance banking pave your
                                                                                            way to the Kashf Microfinance Bank?
tor specialist, requiring a Pakistani having a   work with Standard Chartered Bank, Na-       Yes, indeed it was the time when I came
good knowledge of the industry and the           tional Bank of Pakistan and Union Bank’s   across Kashf Foundation and its services
ability to communicate with the Pakistani        Kisan Card product. We also conducted      in the field of microfinance. I met Roshaneh
industry. They selected me and I worked          many trainings and community awareness     Zafar, President of Kashf Foundation in fo-
with them for around two-and-a-half year.        programs.                                  rums on microfinance. Roshaneh was of

18 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009                                                                     
Most of the bankers from commercial banking do not
                                                 understand microfinance banking because of its
                                                 totally different methodology, mindset and market

                                                   We have 18 branches in operation at           any country, they encourage it.
                                                 present and by the end of 2009, this              But on the other hand, some negative
                                                 count will raise up to 32 branches while        elements are trying to distort the image
                                                 within five years Kashf Bank will become         and performance of microfinance as they
                                                 a hundred branches network InshaAllah.          encourage the culture of non-refunding
                                                 We also hope to fetch one million savers        loans to the banks but anyhow, we are try-
                                                 to our bank within five years. We are also       ing to cope with these challenges and cre-
                                                 planning to reach up to 500 thousand mi-        ating maximum awareness among our
                                                 crofinance borrowers in the same time            people and customers.

                                                 Q            What are the challenges
                                                              faced by the bank right now?
                                                                                                 Q           In the wake of current eco-
                                                                                                             nomic crunch, do you think
                                                                                                 that your bank will be able to establish
  the opinion that Kashf Foundation had ac-         I think the greatest challenge is the lack   more branches and grow at a high
  quired the potential of establishing a mi-     of understanding of microfinance among           pace?
  crofinance bank. Being well-experienced         our people. Our commercial banks and              Economic downturn definitely affects
  in this field, I was offered to join the ven-   bankers do not understand it in real            all institutions in a country, it affects us
  ture. I agreed and in 2007, we started         terms. Another point is that as microfi-         as well but if we assess the microfinance
  formal steps of establishing the bank.         nance consists of very small loans and          institution, we find it in a direct relation-
     Kashf Foundation had nearly 0.3 million     borrowings, it deals with meagre                ship with the low income community as
  borrowers at that time. We thought of          amounts thus its operating cost is very         microfinance banks always deal with the
  converting them into savers because the        high.                                           low income groups. So, in an economic
  foundation could not make savings which           For instance, if in commercial banking       downturn, scope for microfinance insti-
  could only be done through a bank.             one person makes a portfolio of 500 mil-        tutions increases more, its unfortunate
     In the total investment for the estab-      lion, the same will be done by a hundred        but a fact that the market of microfi-
  lishment of the bank, Kashf contributed        customers in the microfinance banking            nance expands further as poverty in-
  51% while the remaining 49% was con-           so its operating cost ratio becomes high.       creases.
  tributed by participants including IFC, the                                                      However, if the law and order situation
  World Bank group, Shore Bank,
  Women’s World Banking, (a New-York
  based institution) and also a Dutch group
                                                 Q          Is the Government of Pak-
                                                            istan helping and promoting
                                                 microfinance banking?
                                                                                                 worsens in a country then it creates
                                                                                                 problems and affects the performance of
                                                                                                 microfinance banking. Incidents like riots
  of social investors.                             Yes, the Government of Pakistan un-           and strikes affect our institution also.
     We applied for a licence from the SBP.      derstands its value and usefulness. The
  It went through our business plan, evalu-
  ated our team and issued the licence to
  us within a record time of seven to eight
                                                 government made a policy for the micro-
                                                 finance institutions, formed a law, en-
                                                 forced Microfinance Act 2001, created
                                                                                                             Would you like to tell our
                                                                                                             readers the secret of your

  weeks.                                         Khushali Bank and offered five-year debt            Practically speaking, there is no short-
     Thus, on October 27, 2008 Kashf Mi-         holidays to the microfinance banks to            cut to success, but the factors leading to
  crofinance Bank became operational with         help and encourage people to get bene-          it include commitment to your goals, ded-
  18 lending branches.                           fits from its services. Thus, those persons      ication and hard work to achieve excel-
                                                 in the government who do have an un-            lence. The golden principles read in

  Q       Please tell us about the
          strategic plan of expansion
  for Kashf Microfinance Bank?
                                                 derstanding of capital generation and re-
                                                 alise that microfinance plays a pivotal role
                                                 in economic and social development of
                                                                                                 theory must be trusted upon and prac-
                                                                                                 ticed sincerely, only this belief and sincere
                                                                                                 hard work will lead to success. n                                                                                    June - July 2009 | MANAGER TODAY 19

Are you shy?                          CONFIDENT? IMPATIENT?
                                      The first man had nothing but his
                                      instincts and his body to
                                      communicate with. Perhaps those
                                      were the first signs of body language.
                                      Communication has come a long way
                                      now. So, does the body still
20 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009                                 
        The writer is a communication trainer and consultant

                     he world would be in utter   hands in front of the face is a hostile ges-
                     chaos without effective      ture while clenched hands held down on the        A thumbs-up sign in many parts of the
              communication. History talks        table is an authoritative gesture.                world means ‘it is good’.
              about sign languages. Drawings         Well, if at all there is another part of the
              and inscriptions that were used     body that displays a range of emotions, it is
              as the means of communica-          the human eye.
              tion. The most commonly used           Generally, excitement and happiness tend
and understood language is body language          to dilate the pupils four times their original
which transcend all boundaries and region         size and anger contracts them. These
and cultural aspects.                             sharply contracted pupils have given rise to
   However, unlike other languages, body lan-     terms like ‘snake eyes’, ‘evil eyes’ or beady
guage can sometimes communicate un-               little eyes’. It may be easy to hide your inner
knowingly. The trick lies in reading the signs    thoughts by hiding your hands but the same
right and understanding them. According           cannot be said about the eyes.
to psychologists, there are many other ge-           There are two ways in which you can gaze
netic, learned and cultural signals through       at a person, namely ‘the business gaze’ and       Shaking the fist means ‘I am angry’. Its
which we communicate.                             ‘the intimate gaze’. For that assume the for-     a threat of aggression.
   Some of the most basic and common              mation of an imaginary triangle on every-
communication gestures include the smile,         one’s head. The triangle has its vertices at
when we are happy; the frown, when we are         the two eyes and a point on the person’s          Unlike other languages,
angry and tears, when we are sad.                 forehead. When conversing with a person,          body language can
   The palms of a person talk much based          if the gaze is focused on this triangle it is
on their positioning during a conversation.       called ‘business gaze’. This is a formal style    sometimes communicate
The open palm gesture has often been as-          of using the eyes and talking to the person       unknowingly. The trick lies
sociated with truth, honesty, allegiance and      looking him straight in the eye. If this gaze     in reading the signs right
submission. During normal conversation,           shifts below the triangle at the nose, mouth
open palms (open upwards) indicate how            and the neck, then it seems ‘the intimate
                                                                                                    and understanding them.
the speaker is trying to impose his honesty       gaze’, meant for casual or informal conver-       According to
with another person. In a conversation            sations.                                          psychologists, there are
where the speaker is slowly opening up and           All these concepts of body language
revealing facts, his palms come out open          teach us one thing—every gesture repre-
                                                                                                    many other genetic,
upwards slowly throughout the conversa-           sents a positive or a negative trait. One of      learned and cultural
tion. This is a completely unconscious ges-       the most common gestures is the                   signals through which we
ture implying that the person is telling the      crossed arms before the chest. This is            communicate
truth. On the other hand, an unaware liar         generally viewed as a defensive gesture
will have his palms concealed, hidden in a        and represent a barrier to block un-
pocket or folded behind him in an effort to       wanted elements from invading your per-
hold back the truth. Palms can also reveal        sonal space. Another negative gesture is
nervousness when they are sweaty or               the hand to face gesture. When some-
shaky. Other signs of nervousness include         body is lying, he is bound to cover his
knuckle cracking and clenching of fists.           mouth or start rubbing the area below his
Again, clenched fists come as a result of          nose. Small children often tend to clap
anger and vengeance. Generally, clenched          their hands over their mouth when they
hands are a sign of confidence. Clenched           see or do something that they should not                                                                                      June - July 2009 | MANAGER TODAY 21
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
Manager Today - 2nd Issue
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Manager Today - 2nd Issue

  • 1. MANAGEMENT Workplace bullying MOTIVATION Boosting self-esteem INTERVIEW Woman of substance Roshaneh Zafar COVER STORY BRIDGING THE LEADERSHIP GAP
  • 2.
  • 3. WISDOM CORNER quotable quotes FAITH CHALLENGE No religious faith is loftier than When you get into a tight place feeling ashamed of doing wrong and everything goes against and bearing calamities patiently. you, till it seems as though you n Hazrat Ali (A.S) could not hang on a minute It's faith in something and en- longer, never give up then, for thusiasm for something that that is just the place and time makes a life worth living. Oliver that the tide will turn. n Oliver Wendell Holmes n Harriet Beecher Stowe ATTITUDE COMMITMENT When one door of happiness Making your mark on the world closes, another opens; but often is hard. If it were easy, everybody we look so long at the closed would do it. But it's not. It takes door that we do not see the one patience, it takes commitment, which has been opened for us. and it comes with plenty of fail- n Helen Keller ure along the way. The real test is The pessimist complains about the not whether you avoid this fail- wind; the optimist expects it to ure, because you won't. It’s change; the realist adjusts the sails. whether you let it harden or n William Arthur Ward shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; BELIEF whether you choose to persevere. There are two ways to slide eas- n Barack Obama ily through life: to believe every- thing or to doubt everything; COURAGE both ways save us from thinking. Courage is the ladder on which n Alfred Korzybski all the other virtues mount. To accomplish great things, we Clare Booth Luce must not only act, but also dream; Courage is going from failure to not only plan, but also believe. failure without losing enthusiasm. n Anatole France n Winston Churchill EXCELLENCE FORGIVENESS The secret of joy in work is con- Punish your servant, if he dis- tained in one word - excellence. obeys Allah, but forgive his dis- To know how to do something obedience to yourself. well is to enjoy it. n Hazrat Ali (A.S) n Pearl S. Buck
  • 4. EDITOR’S NOTE MAKING THE DIFFERENCE W With the blessings of Almighty Allah, the second issue of Manager Today is in your hands right now. June has just begun; a month when mostly a large part of corporate sector reviews its year-long policies, strategies, fi- nancial statements and thus an annual report is made and presented to the entrepreneurs and top managers. Indeed, it’s a hectic time of the year as for the people who lead companies, organizations and various business concerns; it appears as a showcasing time of their employees’ year-long productive performance under their leadership, expertise and hard work. No doubt, everyone loves to be appreciated for one’s productive contribu- tion. But in the wake of current global financial crunch, managers are seen Ijaz Nisar trying to sustain their products and services. Editor-in-Chief But the dilemma with Pakistan is much severe as the country since its in- & CEO Leading Edge ception, has been facing leadership crisis in every sphere of life. Unfortu- nately, our nation has not been able to produce real leaders so far and due to the decades-long political instability, our economy is still lagging behind despite being blessed with plenty of natural resources and human re- source. Keeping the crisis in mind, this issue’s cover story comprises the char- acteristics of a true, sincere and competent leadership that our country re- quires in this hour of need. Be it a top manager or leader in a business hierarchy, the sooner these contemporary leaders adopt these traits the better it will be for the future of their businesses and consequently for our country. Our second article on the cover story represents Allama Iqbal’s philosophy on leadership. His philosophy can be applied universally which addresses the leadership problems of modern age. We are sure that this ar- ticle will be inspirational to many of our readers. We also have included three wonderful business leaders’ interviews in this issue. Get to know our woman of substance Ms Roshaneh Zafar, Founder and President of Kashf Foundation this month. Another interview of a dynamic personality, Mr Ghazanfar Azzam, COO, Kashf Microfinance Bank appears on our Man- ager’s interview pages while the unique perspective of Entrepreneur ,Mr Farrukh Salim, CEO, Hush Puppies makes his interview a memorable one for you all. The rest of Manager Today’s content has been selected to address the ac- tual issues faced by most of the managers these days. Workplace bullying, anger management, ideas for recession proof businesses, a reflection on succession planning, sales success, customer care, career counseling and several other interesting and useful articles have been included. For your delight, we have not missed to include a movie review besides a comment on an interesting book in this issue. We hope you will appreciate our ef- fort. Please keep us updated with your feedback and don’t miss the next issue’s must-read cover story, ‘Emotional Intelligence Skills for Managers’. Wish you a happy reading till next issue.
  • 5. Mail Box et me avail the opportunity to pay spe- anager Today is a new idea to im- eing a student of HR, Manager L cial thanks for publishing Manager Today, a great supplement for the stu- M part training and improve profes- sional skills out of classroom. It is a B Today is of great importance to me. The way you are instilling a new soul in dents of business studies. It’s a consider- sincere effort on your part to cover all HR people for the accomplishment of able addition in library collection of the areas from leadership development to their personal & professional goals Punjab University. marketing and sales development. It feels through your rich knowledge and experi- Ch. Muhammad Hanif great to see that the area of human re- ence in this particular field is highly com- Chief Librarian, Punjab University. source management and development mendable. I hope Manager Today will ---------------------------------------------- has been given prominence. It will surely keep us engaged and up to date with he headquarters of Pakistan Civil Avi- help enhance the personnel as well as the core issues and latest develop- T ation Authority is thankful for the com- plementary copy of Manager Today. It’s professional life of the readers. I would love to be a regular reader of this maga- ments in our field. Keep it up. Anjum truly Pakistan’s first magazine for the per- zine. Emergency Program Manager sonal and professional development of Tariq Naseem Earthquake Response Program our people. We appreciate your contribu- SVP/Head Establishment Abbottabad. tion and services to HR field. The Bank of Khyber, Peshawar. Masood-ur-Rehman ---------------------------------------------- orn and bought up in London, I have G.M HR Headquarters P lease accept my heartiest congratu- lations on this great achievement of B completed 18 years working in corpo- rate world around three continents, Civil Aviation Authority, Karachi. publishing such an enlightening educa- presently serving at the helm of Serena ---------------------------------------------- tional and supportive magazine. All the Hotels countrywide sales and marketing felt great happiness to see the first topics I went through inspired me a lot efforts. As I walked into my office yester- I issue of Manager Today. At last, the need for establishing HR departments in making me read the magazine thoroughly. No doubt this magazine will enhance the day I was greeted by a decent envelope. Upon opening the package, I caught the organizations is being recognized in Pak- professional skills. By introducing such an first glimpse of ‘Manager Today’. I must istan. This realization will reshape the or- essential magazine you’ve fulfilled one of admit that my schedule did not allow me to ganizational performance altogether. I the social responsibilities. I must thank read the entire contents, but I found it very congratulate the whole team of the mag- you for your great efforts to bringing up hard to put the magazine down. What a azine and wish them great success in the the middle managers helping them meet breath of fresh air! I felt obligated to ink my venture. the upcoming challenges in their compa- feelings. I congratulate you in pioneering S. Tanveer H. Kazmi, Manager (HR) nies. Wish you all the best. something that was really required in our Murree Brewery Company Limited, Aneela Sameer,Manager Publicity, country. Please do convey my profound re- Rawalpindi. Diamond Jumbolon, Johar Town, gards to every member of your team, ---------------------------------------------- Lahore. along with heartiest congratulations on anager Today comprises very inter- ---------------------------------------------- producing such a wonderful product. M esting and useful content, covering all the issues and challenges of manage- P lease accept my heartiest congratu- lations and best wishes on launching Raja Nayer Zaman Director of Sales ment practices. Many congratulations on Manager Today. I feel honored to receive Serena Hotels, Faisalabad. reaching this milestone. the first issue of such an outstanding ---------------------------------------------- Dr Mirza Dilshad Baig magazine. Head Organizational Development Amir Faisal Hashmi Management, HR Group Country Human Resource Manager INSPIRED? Allied Bank, Karachi. The Coca-Cola Export Corporation MOTIVATED? ---------------------------------------------- Pakistan Branch. DID YOU LIKE WHAT must appreciate the bold and timely ---------------------------------------------- YOU READ? I endeavor you have undertaken. May Almighty Allah helps and blesses you and T he magazine is fabulous and contains tips to enhance personal and profes- If you find ManagerToday inspirational for the personal and professional development, do your team with the best of health, pros- sional development. I wish you best of luck. inform us. You can also contribute with your perity, peace and courage. May it becomes a success story very soon. articles, suggestions and recommendations at: Dr Shahid Mahmood Syed Zakir Hussain Director Ph.D. Program Incharge Corporate HR Dept. University of Central Punjab, Lahore. Descon Engineering Ltd., Lahore. Ph: 042 5792066 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Don’t forget to mention your full name, postal address and phone number.
  • 6. A PROJECT OF LEADING EDGE TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT PCPB # 303-M ManagerToday CONTENTS 08 Bridging the leadership gap Compare the productivity and morale of a workforce that is encouraged and supported in finding the rare work- life balance with those of a dispirited workforce where work-life balance is not a consideration. You’ll see the 12 difference. The approach ‘take no prisoners’ is a valued management style which every great leader implements in his/her organization Iqbal on leadership Qaht-ur-Rijal is an Urdu word that describes the absence or 14 rarity of men of caliber in a society. This ‘Qaht-ur-Rijal’ is one of the basic causes of leadership crisis and decline of Muslim Ummah 16 Workplace bullying Job responsibilities are structured sets of problems required to be solved persistently Interview 20 In an economic downturn, scope for microfinance institutions increases more: Ghazanfaar Azzam Are you shy? Confident? Impatient? The first man had nothing but his instincts and his body to communicate with. Perhaps those were the first signs of body language Editor-in-Chief Ijaz Nisar Managing Editor Shakil A. Chaudhary Editorial Advisor Shakeel Ahmed Senior Editor Kahkashan Farooq Baig Editor Nabeela Malik Associate Editor Saba Kiani Art Director Faiz-ur-Rehman Marketing Manager Munir Hussain Marketing Executive Sajjad Latif, Hassan Yaseen Operations Manager Muhammad Yasir Sales Manager Haseeb Nisar Photographer Kamran Legal Advisor Muhammad Zulfiqar Ali Buttar
  • 7. 24 Reflections on succession planning Succession is more important than ever; it’s also the most neglected responsibility of the 26 corporate boards Boosting self-esteem 30 Positive self-esteem in the workplace nurtures creativity and healthy work practices Woman of substance 34 Trust your own self and also trust the people around. There is no reason to doubt every phenomenon New rules for finding your path Are you looking for the six rules that govern 38 career paths, wage levels and the nature of managerial work in today’s post-corporate world? Here we go Interview 44 I would request our government to pay attention to shoemaking industry because of great employment opportunites it offer: Farrukh Salim An exemplary educationist 48 The key to success and excellent performance is that one should always be producing results One-minute customer 54 In a matter of 45 to 60 seconds, he managed to bring forth small details of good customer service Healthy food practices Although this term has not been commonly used to describe health in years past, sustainable health is a growing movement Publisher Leading Edge Printer Naeem Qasim Printers Head Office PL-20 Siddiq Trade Centre, Main Boulevard, Gulberg II, Lahore Tel: 042-5792066, 5817048 Email: Website:, Contributors Dr. SM Naqi, Maqbool Ahmed Babri (Max), Masood Ali Khan, Bakhtiar Khawaja, Saghir Ahmad, Sonia Urooj, Wali Muhammad, Ghazanfar Azzam, Shahid Nafees, Muhammad Zaheer, Bilal Ilahi, Philip Lal
  • 8. COVER STORY IJAZ NISAR Compare the productivity and morale of a workforce that is encouraged and supported in finding the rare work-life balance with those of a dispirited workforce where work-life balance is not a consideration. You’ll see the difference. The approach ‘take no prisoners’ is a valued management style which every great leader implements in his/her organization leadership Bridging the 8 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009 gap in pakistan
  • 9. akistan is a country of di- P we can see a trickle down effect of their does what is the motive of the organi- chotomies and contradictions, an traits and good policies in effect in an zation’s existence, its purpose, its rea- enigma in South Asia. At first organization. We must keep in mind son for being there, etc. These leaders glance, Pakistan should be at the fore- that our employees are not only work- invest in building a focused and value- front, a leader amongst its fellow coun- ers like machines but they are humans based demographic-driven organization tries. According to the World Bank as well. We need leaders who believe from top to bottom. report, “Pakistan today is South Asia’s and embody the true concept of leader- We need leaders who communicate most open economy.” However, despite ship. They must reflect from the lan- proficiently with the people of their or- her apparent strong economic and so- guage they use and their actions must ganization the clientele and the masses cial indicators, things are not as positive show that leadership is a matter of how keeping in mind the frame of reference as they appear. things should be done. It’s not about of their target audience. Such leaders We have sufficient natural resources tackling things only after the situation when they communicate are heard by and more than sufficient human capital. becomes worse. It’s the stature and their audience. Each and every word of So what do we need actually? We need their communication is valued and ap- good leaders at all levels, especially at preciated. No doubt, the effective use of the organizational and national levels as Bringing hope and language is one of the most important it’s the leaders’ vision that matters the unity within the skills a leader of future outlook should most for a country or an organization. be perfect in. His one word, one sen- All of us face the challenge of leading organizations, tence or one paragraph all must be con- in an era of discontinuity and ambiguity enterprises and necting, helping, inspiring, and being far greater than it was 10 or 20 years different sectors will heard by the people on large scale. ago. All of us should try to be prescient create an overall We need leaders who are masters in in a rapidly changing world as we try to the art of listening, who practice the peer into the future for better planning positive impact. rule of thinking first and speaking in the and maximum benefits. By now we Leaders possessing last. Leaders who are healers and uni- should be wise enough to idealize the such a dynamic fiers listen to employees complaints qualities of the people who can lead us peacefully, build consensus, appreciate against the backdrop of the current sit- personality traits are differences, find common concepts, uations of our times and the challenges necessary to solve the common language, and common ahead. problems and meet the ground to create harmony among em- As we come closer to the fiscal year ployees of his/her organization. of 2009-2010, which qualities do we challenges of our time. We need leaders who in their own need in our leaders now more than We do have leaders but lives try to keep a good work-life balance ever? Whatever the organization or the these necessary traits and make this balance a reality in the sector is, I propose that this is the high are lacking in them. lives of their people as well. It may ap- time when our masses need real lead- pear as an unrealistic ideal in today’s ers who nurture and live according to tough work environment but it’s quite the high values of life, capable enough to character of the leader that determines workable. Compare the productivity and unify people and heal the hurts of those the performance and results. morale of a workforce that is encour- who have been oppressed since incep- We need leaders who firmly believe in aged and supported in finding this rare tion of this country. Bringing hope and the idea of considering employees as work-life balance with those of a dispir- unity within the organizations, enter- the greatest asset of an organization, ited workforce where work-life balance prises and different sectors will create and they must demonstrate this belief is not a consideration. You’ll see the dif- an overall positive impact. Leaders pos- by their policies thus making it a reality, ference. The approach ‘take no prison- sessing such a dynamic personality not a slogan. These leaders build a richly ers’ is a valued management style which traits are necessary to solve the prob- diverse organization through powerful every great leader implements in lems and meet the challenges of our representation of their beliefs at every his/her organization. time. We do have leaders but these nec- level. They have a realization of the enor- Most importantly, we need leaders essary traits are lacking in them. mous opportunities that rapidly chang- who share success widely while accept- Furthermore, we need such strong ing demographics present in a society. ing responsibility of shortfalls and fail- leaders who can become role models We need leaders who help clarify the ures. Such leaders have made strict for the people playing the second lead at concept and language of the ultimate standards of evaluating their own per- every level of an enterprise. Only then mission of an organization: whatever it formance, fully knowing that their June - July 2009 | MANAGER TODAY 9
  • 10. COVER STORY language, behavior and actions are eval- novations even if it is not out of thin air. Leaders in companies, corporations, uated against their self-proclaimed val- However, leading creative people in this banks, industries, academic institutions ues and principles. age of diverse work arrangements and and the government have already cho- What is the secret to building a great electronic relationships require from sen to follow the unusual people who organization? How do you sustain con- leaders themselves to be significantly in- can revive and restore vitality and op- sistent growth, profits, loyal clientele, will- novative. The secret, I believe, lies in how portunity in their relative fields. Once a ing employees, unique contribution and individual leaders in variety of settings leader commits to a new way of dealing service in an uncertain economy that can make room for people with unusual and with creative people, the process can be literally change overnight? And how do creative abilities and temporarily become defined quickly. It can be called a search you build a culture of commitment and followers themselves. for beneficial surprise. Traditional edu- performance when the notion of loyalty Creative persons stand out from the cation does not prepare us for this. on the part of customers, employees, rest of us. Somehow, their contributions Though familiarity with technology helps and employers seems like a quaint affect large groups and move organiza- us deal with such a search, all the tech- anachronism? tions towards improvement. I call them: nology in the world will not help us dis- The answer lies only within these two ‘explorationists’ (the most creative peo- covering the knowledge of ideas, words: be yourself. ple in an organization). Yet they function experiments, failures, and successes That is both a simple yet extremely dif- for the most part, being outside or away that we will be requiring on advent of a ficult goal. It means spending lesser time from their organizations. They work in all venture. by benchmarking a best practice and kinds of places: in cafes, airports, at If we want to find new sources and per- spending of extra time for building an or- home and they benefit from their unusual spectives, there come two questions which, if thoughtfully considered, are likely to yield good results. The first looks at innovation from a leader’s point of view The things that will destroy us are while the second arises from the view of knowledge without character, creative persons. worship without sacrifice, politics A leader will be careful about measur- without principles and leadership ing the contributions of creative persons. Return on assets has become a Baal in without integrity Quaid-i-Azam too many organizations. All things cannot and must not be quantified. Financial and legal matters are truly important but they do not lie at the heart of our future. ganization where personality counts as relationships with the organizations they Resist the urge to structure all things much as quality and reliability. It also join. They often have odd reporting rela- alike. means cultivating an ability to embrace tionships but somehow they instinctively We also need to keep in mind that mov- paradox. insert themselves into organizations ing up in the hierarchy does not confer Shakespeare in King Lear tells us that wherever they are needed. competence or wisdom. The discern- nothing comes from nothing. So do sci- The changes and innovations they bring ment and judgment necessary to evalu- entists, for that matter. Everything in this about are often more like giant leaps ate true innovation, to doom or give life world exists already; whatever seems than the small steps most of us experi- to good design or breakthroughs in tech- new is only something old re-arranged. ence frequently. They think of the world nology lie with people trained in those So how do we explain innovation? in larger terms. They work for institu- fields. Innovation is a form of change. Though, tions or societies or culture or greater Creative persons come in all shapes, our culture welcomes change to some ideas for mass effect, not for individuals. sizes, and fields: from graphic design and extent, but people proposing it, as you Their creativity comes from the novel architecture to software design and might expect, often run into barriers. As connections they establish between their human resource. The best are volun- our society has become more complex work and personal and professional ex- teers. They can find work almost every- we find important segments of it becom- periences and observations. They are where and they gauge the quality of their ing larger, more structured, more bu- usually curious and look for a field where leaders as a way of deciding where they reaucratic, less nimble and less they can satiate that curiosity. Leaders will contribute. Leaders make it possible hospitable to non-conformists and peo- can work to bring these special and cre- for creative persons to make something ple of unusual ideas. Leaders can help ative people forth to have an impact upon out of nothing---nothing, that is, but ex- these unusual people bring forth their in- the efforts of a group. pressions of themselves. n 10 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009
  • 11. 1. PASSION No trait is 6. INNER PEACE The most more noticeable in the top successful leaders ap- business leaders than the pear to be least stressed. passion they share for their poli- They are composed, self-assured, cies and their companies. Quite and more in harmony than most simply, they love what they do. of the managers. 2. INTELLIGENCE AND 7. CAPITALIZING ON CLARITY OF MIND FORMATIVE EARLY LIFE Most successful business EXPERIENCES The study leaders are highly intelligent. Some found that these leaders believe in of their intelligence is clearly the the idea of capitalizing on their kind of raw intellectual horse- formative, early life experiences. power that is innate. However, They believe as people cannot de- equally as important as their na- cide who their parents are, what tive smarts is their ability to make order they are born in, or what the complex seem simple. economic stratum they grow up in 3. GREAT COMMUNICA- but they indeed can control what TION SKILLS One of the they make out of their early life ex- common traits among perience. the 50 business leaders identified 8. STRONG FAMILY LIFE by this study is ability to communi- Comparatively, the di- cate well. best business leaders ef- vorce rate among man- fectively explain business agers is higher. However, it is fundamentals, strategy, alterna- almost zero in case of top class tives and a course of action in business leaders. Many of these ways that tap the employees’ leaders cite their intelligent efforts sense of understanding. to balance a strong family life with 4. HIGH ENERGY LEVEL their work and most importantly On an average, the world- the quality of objective advice they class business leaders get from an intelligent spouse as work more than 65 hours a week. key ingredients in their success. The line between their work and 9. POSITIVE ATTITUDE As private life is more blurry. The a general rule, these peo- physical strain of developing strat- ple tend to look at chal- egy, forging consensus, making de- lenges as opportunities and seek cisions, building a management to make the best out of difficult sit- team, dealing with regulators, uations. Their outlook and commit- communicating with institutional ment to capitalizing rather than investors, lobbying the govern- punishing mistakes help give em- ment, traveling – all that require ployees a sense of responsibility. an enormous amount of stamina 10. FOCUS ON DOING I t is an interesting question for many academicians, that seem to be not so enormous THE RIGHT consultants and practitioners of management that to these leaders as they enjoy high THINGS The great whether the successful business leaders possess dis- energy level sprouting out of their business leaders achieve their re- tinct personality traits or simply they are like other man- innate ceaseless enthusiasm. sults by focusing on the right agers, maybe with more drive for achievement and luckier 5. EGOS IN CHECK When things throughout the day that in- than others. If they possess distinct traits, how distinct are you are the ultimate boss, clude: they and whether is there any commonality in the person- it is tempting to take credit • living with integrity and leading ality traits of business leaders across the world? Based on for the success of your organization. by example. the study of 50 top world-class business leaders, Thomas In contrast, the best of business • developing a winning strategy or Neft and James Citrin clarified many of these issues. They leaders are humans of small egos. a big idea. found the best of world business leaders possess some Being quite humble about what they • building a great management distinct traits and there is commonality in these traits have accomplished, they give credit team. across the business leaders. They also identified ten traits of hard work, good timing, a healthy • inspiring employees to achieve these leaders seemed to hold in common and presented dose of luck to the efforts of all staff greatness. them in their book titled Lessons from the Top, published in members and colleagues for the • creating a flexible but responsi- 2001. These ten traits are: success. ble organization. n June - July 2009 | MANAGER TODAY 11
  • 12. COVER STORY ON LEADERSHIP SHAHID NAFEES The writer is a senior training manager in Bank Alfalah Qaht-ur-Rijal is an Urdu word that describes the absence or rarity of men of caliber in a society. This ‘Qaht-ur-Rijal’ is one of the basic causes of leadership crisis and decline of Muslim Ummah. Leadership crisis is also re- sponsible for institutional or national decline. Leadership aims at harnessing the potential of people, creating synergy and building effective teams. It is the driving force that synergizes the masses and determines their place in con- temporary history of nations or institutions. For leaders, it is their steadfastness and ability to actualize and use the hidden talent of people that determines their own stature. A society is never devoid of people of wisdom and leadership qualities but they fail to break the mold or to bring about any material change because either they are few in numbers or they themselves lack something somewhere. All eminent authors who have written books on Lead- ership and similar topics provide good amount of insight into such shortcomings. Here, I would 12 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009
  • 13. like to dwell on the subject from purely ori- Creating that type of ‘Yaqeen’ may not be work environment. ental & poetic perspective. easy but with commitment and right ap- B) Element of excellence: Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali in his Mu- proach, this is something achievable as i. That his objectives in life are not saddas and Allama Sir Muhammad Iqbal in well as inevitable. mean or ordinary. his Shikwa and Jawab-e-Shikwa have beau- 2. Amal Paiham mean ‘perpetual strug- ii. He is high-looking and is focused on tifully highlighted the reasons of such gle’. It suggests that: something big and worthwhile. paucity of leadership that has ultimately re- e. We should never be complacent. iii. He does not involve himself in small sulted into decline of Muslim Ummah. In- Not even when we have achieved talk, small thinking and trivialities. depth study of these two poems gives us a our goals. C) Element of virtue: comprehensive reformatory plan in situa- f. We should always stay proactive i. He is a man of virtue. tions of distress like that of ours. I recom- and shun passivity. ii. He himself enjoys self-esteem and mend to the readers to study these poems g. We should not remain inactive, cares about the esteem and re- and find out for themselves the plan that is naïve or dull. spect of others. thought-provoking as well as interesting. No doubt that thinking, especially this iii. Obstacles in his way cannot diffuse There are two famous verses of Allama right thinking is very important in deter- his passion. Iqbal in which he describes the essential el- mining the direction and goals but nothing 5. Sukhan Dilnawaz: In literal sense ements of leadership. Missing out these el- can be achieved merely by thinking. It is al- ‘sukhan’ means conversation or talk ements will bring us nothing but ‘leadership ways action that transforms the societies but we know now that the ways to talk crisis. and brings about change. are diverse and multiple. This phrase In one of his verses he says, 3. Muhabbat Fatah-e-Alam: Fatah-e-Alam therefore includes all types of commu- “Nigah Buland, Sukhan Dilnawaz, Jaan is described as an adjective of Muhab- nication. Dilnawaz means beautiful, at- Pur Soz, bat- ‘the love’. It means that love and af- tractive or appealing. Iqbal most Yehi hai Rakht-e-Safar Mir-e-Karwan ke fection, and similar good feelings are probably has picked up this phrase liey” such a strong quality that they can win from Quranic words of ‘Qooloo Linnas- At another place he says, over the whole world. It is love and care e-Husna’. It means when you commu- “Yaqeen Mohkam, Amal Paiham, Mo- shown for others that wins their nicate with people, do it beautifully (and habbat Fateh-e-Alam, hearts. So the third element of this artfully). This attribute of Mir-e- Jehad-e-Zindagani mein hain yeh Mardon recipe is love, care and compassion for Karwan or leader makes it imperative ki Shamsheeren” others. This is how we can win over on leaders to learn the art of commu- Taking cue from these two verses we find other people and create win-win situa- nication. He should communicate with six elements that help us in meeting the tions. others in a way that is appealing, beau- challenge of leadership crisis. It suggests We know that humility breeds love and tiful and interesting. developing the right traits in ourselves as arrogance breeds hate. That is why arro- 6. Jaan Pur Soz: In Iqbal’s poetry ‘Soz’ well as in those whom we can influence. gant people always infuse hate amongst means ‘Ishq’ that includes passion and Stephen Covey has given the world an ex- others and humility results into feeling of compassion. He strongly believes that cellent book on 7 Habits of the most influ- love and attachment. it is the dearth of passion, compassion ential people. I wonder if following this set of 4 Nigah Buland: This is a very compre- and dearth of Ishq that has done a hor- six elements of leadership highlighted in hensive phrase that encompasses: rendous damage to Muslim Ummah. these two verses carries any less weight. A) Element of being a visionary: Ishq and Janoon for Iqbal, mean doing 1. Yaqeen Mohkam means an unflinching i. That a person has a vision of the ul- something with highest degree of zeal belief. This includes: timate of his endeavors. and enthusiasm; to put heart and soul a. Having ‘Self-belief’ ii. That he sees himself and his or- in something. He believes that unless b. Developing ‘Trust’ ganization at an appropriate level in we put our hearts and souls, unless we c. Believing in Values and inculcating a short-term and at a relatively far- work with Ishq and Janoon we cannot a Value-based Culture ther future. achieve our goals of personal and in- d. Having ‘Faith’ in Allah and things or- iii. That he enjoys clarity of thought stitutional excellence. dained by Him. about all his ideas, efforts, mission It is time for us to find out where we are Impossible things become possible when and strategy. losing ground with respect to these at- ‘Yaqeen’ comes into action. To me, the two iv. That he is focused and this focus tributes essential for our personalities main problems in our personality are that does not dilute at any stage of his and that of our leaders. Excellence, we do not believe: neither in ourselves nor endeavors. whether it is personal or institutional or in others. We can call it a state of ‘Trust The concept of being visionary also national, will be a far cry if we fail to ac- Deficit’. Yaqeen Mohkam can certainly and means that he has the ability to foresee the quire these leadership characteristics de- most effectively counter this ‘trust deficit’. opportunities and threats that lie at his fined by Iqbal. n June - July 2009 | MANAGER TODAY 13
  • 14. MANAGEMENT imilar problems clustered under a have victimized a succession of employ- WALI MUHAMMAD The writer is an Islamabad-based corporate trainer S variety of designations constitute the functional hierarchy of an or- ganization. The meekest of employees to ees. Their vainglorious self-perpetuating manners cause devastating blows to the organizations' talent pool and gnaw at its the CEO, all human resources strive to very ability to achieve its cherished goals. deal with their given share of problems. Bullying is a repeated pattern of pro- Their individual success rates determine voked, unwelcoming, hostile behavior that the extent of entire organizational output. intentionally inflicts or attempts to inflict in- Facing the ad infinitum performance jury, insult, hurt, humiliation or discomfort. Job responsibilities are challenge of modern day competitive envi- Targeted, persistent bullying, most often structured sets of problems ronment “workplace bullying” appears as a progresses to the ultimate painful conse- required to be solved black hole in an organization and gulps its quence of perpetual state of depression, persistently human resources' ability to perform ef- serious social, family and health hazards fectively. Many dysfunctional companies for the victim. Workplace can be traced back to chronic bullies who, under the guise of tough management, From the physical hounding in the school yards, workplace bullying goes psychologi- Bullying 14 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009
  • 15. cal, occurring in situations of real or per- Classical tactics for a victim's undermin- Juniors for them are only to be seen not ceived imbalance of power. It can be a dif- ing include not providing a clear job de- heard. ference in personality – one person more scription (a deliberate strategy to make Workplace bullying is definitely a no-win dominant than the other, command of lan- the role unclear), devaluation of role by tak- situation. It is not only damaging for the guage – one person with a sharper ing away important and interesting tasks employees being bullied and their families tongue and quicker wit than the other. Psy- replaced with menial tasks. but the business bears its cost through in- chological bullies deploy tactics of mali- Threats of dismissal are typical at Asian creased leave and tardiness, reduced effi- cious teasing, name-calling, hurtful organizational scene, where the organiza- ciency and productivity, low morale and personal remarks, and cunning deflation tion itself bullies its employees. high turnover. of competence by strategies such as iso- Behavioral repertoire of bullies cuts Good intentions are obviously not lation, humiliation, excessive supervision across a variety of patterns. They may be enough to escape this quagmire. Suc- and denial of employee rights. differentiated accordingly. cessful man is one who finds out what is The situation is insidiously convoluted on Some mastering the blame game, are the matter with the business before his the domestic organizational scene, blem- experts at conjuring thoughtful and caring competitors do. Prevention is any organi- ished by little awareness and practice of public appearances. They are calculating, zation's best strategy against bullying. This employee rights, scanty legislation and scheming and deceitful deep down. Suf- can be achieved through a three prong diminutive law enforcement. Victims keep fering from narcissistic self-love and con- strategy. suffering in silence for the fear of losing vinced of their exalted abilities, they blame FIRST STEP is drafting an anti bullying their jobs. Bullies thrive on the victims' ex- everyone but themselves for their mis- policy that clearly spells out bullying be- tended insecurities. takes. Even their victims are charmed by haviors. Every member of staff must be Bullying usually starts slowly and then es- their nice manners. ‘I was thinking about provided with a copy and the policy should calates rapidly. Hallmark of a bully is double you’ is their favorite sentence before deliv- be updated regularly. bind communication - where the verbal ering devastating criticism to their victims. SECOND STEP adequate mechanisms content of the message does not coincide with the body language or two conflicting As I entered boss's office, he sat there with manager ideas about the same subject are pack- of administration department. I thought maybe it was aged in an apparently coherent verbal message - all to confuse the victim. Addi- not the right time to be around, so I said, "I may come later". tional signs are extensive use of negative But he insisted, I should tell him about my progress. As I body language such as eye rolling, eyebrow began, he quickly picked up small gaps and started spitting lifting, heavy sighs, finger gestures, shoul- fire right away. I felt I was made to go naked in public. Next der shrugging and arm movements. Bul- day he told me that such lessons will help me progress in lies get away with their conduct by making victims feel, it's their fault. my career. (A victim) Nitpicking - finding out constant small faults in victim's work with a flagrant dis- regard of any achievements is one of the Opportunistic bullies are extremely ca- must be drawn to report the bullying be- favorite strategies of bullies. Their con- reer-oriented and if anything comes in havior. This may include nominating a con- stant unjustified criticism eventually con- their way they use every ploy to eliminate it. tact person for reporting, a system of vinces victims that they are no good. They are highly competitive and manipu- mediation, investigation and sanctions be- Belittling tactics are also some sure late circumstances to achieve their ends. cause policy does no good unless enforced ways to devastate victims. Self-preserving bullies are insecure, properly. Isolation is being ignored, ostracized and loyal only to the agenda of personal sur- THIRD STEP is compulsory training for given the silent treatment during the team vival. Utmost authority orientation is their managers, human resource staff dealing meetings while offering less lee way or flex- cornerstone. They go any length to ap- with bullying complaints, the contact peo- ibility to the victim. pease their superiors though absolutely ple and all the general staff. Training must Systematic incapacitation is extreme flip side of coin to subordinates. In the adequately address the intricacies of as- level of manipulation where the victim is in- name of system they bash their juniors sertive communication skills required to tentionally excluded from essential infor- with no holds barred and hate to see any become an effective team player rather mation, or misinformed of the workplace initiative coming from them. This simply than a starving slave runner. developments, called upon in meetings at provokes their internalized insecurity that Even the bullies just like their victims may odd times, issued written complaints, and they relieve by searching and advertising become valuable human resources; they communicated through sticky notes, in- their constituents' weaknesses and find- must be identified and helped before they stead of personal meetings. ing creative ways of demeaning them. bring the organization to a grinding halt. n June - July 2009 | MANAGER TODAY 15
  • 16. INTERVIEW NABEELA MALIK In an economic downturn, scope for microfinance institutions increases more: –GHAZANFAR AZZAM Those persons in the government who do have an understanding of capital generation and realise that microfinance plays a pivotal role in economic and social development of any country, they encourage it Q Please give an introduction of your academic profile and the beginning of your professional career. nies in our trainings. It proved very suc- cessful as this exercise gave our employ- ees a fair chance of sharing their I did graduation in Commerce from Pre- knowledge and experience with trainees miere College, Karachi and joined Habib coming from other institutions. Bank Limited (HBL) as a probationer offi- With passage of time, our trainings be- cer. Banking appealed to me much but a came very popular among different com- feeling of incomplete education remained panies. Many banks became our regular with me even being on the job. So I ap- clients including Bank of America, City peared in professional exams and com- Bank, Faysal Bank and Indo-Swiss Bank. pleted DIBP. Seeing my interest in teaching and training, I was invited to the HR training institute of HBL in Peshawar which I joined immediately. Q Please share with us the fac- tors you focused on to excel in your profession? There I along with others started con- Although I was working successfully, I tacting private corporate sector. It was the started feeling lack of experience of inter- time when private banks were again being national level because the people I was in- nationalised and training was absolutely a teracting with had vast exposure of new institution. At start, we could find only international companies and banking. ten to fifteen nominations from our own Thus, I applied for Chevening Scholarship bank. Getting a good number of trainees and also the American Fulbright Program; proved really difficult. Thus, we started invit- luckily, I was shortlisted for both scholar- ing other banks and multinational compa- ships. On my own discretion, I went for the 16 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009
  • 17. Mr. GHAZANFAR AZZAM Chief Operating Officer at Kashf Microfinance Bank, sports a dy- namic personality. In a career spread over 22 years, this Ful- bright-Hubert Humphrey fellow has worked for four leading Pakistani banks including Habib Bank Limited, Union Bank (now Standard Chartered Bank, Pakistan), Bank Alfalah and Prime Bank (now part of Royal Bank of Scotland, Pakistan). He has held senior positions in many international institutions; served as “Fi- nancial Sector Specialist” for a Chicago-based institution, Shore Bank International in Pakistan on a USAID funded WHAM project aimed at building and strengthening Small Business lending ca- pacity in Pakistani financial institutions. He is an experienced banker in retail and consumer banking, small business lending, sales force management, training and development. His key skills are strategic planning, leading teams, setting up new lines of busi- ness, establishing & managing projects and mentoring & devel- opment of staff. Mr. Azzam keeps an inspiring work and personal life balance. His approach towards life and its challenges is quite down to earth.
  • 18. INTERVIEW American scholarship as it was better being the unique opportunity offering new developments. So I went to Pennsylvania State University and completed two se- mesters and some courses on HR, Lead- ership and Management. That scholarship program gave me a great exposure. They arranged a World Bank seminar on global finance in Washington DC and we were given access to the capital market of New York. Last in the program was the option of working with an American bank for four months. They asked me if I was interested in any bank, I gave them three names in- cluding Citi Bank and ABN Amro. The re- sponse of ABN Amro was the best, it offered me to work at it’s headquarter in Chicago. Thus, I ended up my scholarship with ABN Amro in Chicago for four months. After completing my scholarship, I had to decide whether to return to my own country or to build my career in Amer- ica. We have 18 branches in operation at present and Q When and how did you shift to microfinance banking? Being with the Shore Bank, I actually Meanwhile, a very nice and senior col- by the end of 2009, this came to know about microfinance banking league of mine, Mr. Bakhtiar Khawaja, now while being in the commercial banking, I Head of the Learning and Development de- count will raise up to 32 could never understand microfinance as partment of Bank Alfalah contacted me branches while within most of the bankers from commercial and insisted me to join Bank Alfalah (then banking do not understand it because of its an emerging bank in Karachi) if I wanted to five years Kashf Bank will totally different methodology, mindset and come back to Pakistan.. I came back to become a hundred market. Pakistan and joined Bank Alfalah as the branches network It relates to the smallest consumers at training manager. the grass root level while commercial bank- In 2002, I rejoined Prime Bank’s busi- InshAllah. We also hope ing deals with large groups. I came to know ness side. By that time, the State Bank of to fetch one million about microfinance through discussions of Pakistan had started recognizing Small the international consultants who used to and Medium Enterprises, we also set up savers to our bank within talk about the activities of microfinance in- SME as a special line of business as it was five years. We are also stitutions all over the world like the per- a very important area of finance. I served planning to reach up to formance of Grameen Foundation as the country head of consumer banking Bangladesh, Grameen Foundation USA, ac- and as the regional head of Prime Bank as 500 thousand tivities of microfinance in Latin America well. microfinance borrowers and the performance of microfinance In 2005, acquisitions and mergers of banks in Indonesia etc. All their stories banks got started. At that time I came to in the same time period taught me a lot about microfinance bank- know about a Chicago-based institution, ing in real terms. Shore Bank International. They were as- signed a three-year SME and Microfinance Sector Development project in Pakistan. They declared a position of a financial sec- During that time, I got many chances to Q So did this knowledge of mi- crofinance banking pave your way to the Kashf Microfinance Bank? tor specialist, requiring a Pakistani having a work with Standard Chartered Bank, Na- Yes, indeed it was the time when I came good knowledge of the industry and the tional Bank of Pakistan and Union Bank’s across Kashf Foundation and its services ability to communicate with the Pakistani Kisan Card product. We also conducted in the field of microfinance. I met Roshaneh industry. They selected me and I worked many trainings and community awareness Zafar, President of Kashf Foundation in fo- with them for around two-and-a-half year. programs. rums on microfinance. Roshaneh was of 18 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009
  • 19. Most of the bankers from commercial banking do not understand microfinance banking because of its totally different methodology, mindset and market We have 18 branches in operation at any country, they encourage it. present and by the end of 2009, this But on the other hand, some negative count will raise up to 32 branches while elements are trying to distort the image within five years Kashf Bank will become and performance of microfinance as they a hundred branches network InshaAllah. encourage the culture of non-refunding We also hope to fetch one million savers loans to the banks but anyhow, we are try- to our bank within five years. We are also ing to cope with these challenges and cre- planning to reach up to 500 thousand mi- ating maximum awareness among our crofinance borrowers in the same time people and customers. period. Q What are the challenges faced by the bank right now? Q In the wake of current eco- nomic crunch, do you think that your bank will be able to establish the opinion that Kashf Foundation had ac- I think the greatest challenge is the lack more branches and grow at a high quired the potential of establishing a mi- of understanding of microfinance among pace? crofinance bank. Being well-experienced our people. Our commercial banks and Economic downturn definitely affects in this field, I was offered to join the ven- bankers do not understand it in real all institutions in a country, it affects us ture. I agreed and in 2007, we started terms. Another point is that as microfi- as well but if we assess the microfinance formal steps of establishing the bank. nance consists of very small loans and institution, we find it in a direct relation- Kashf Foundation had nearly 0.3 million borrowings, it deals with meagre ship with the low income community as borrowers at that time. We thought of amounts thus its operating cost is very microfinance banks always deal with the converting them into savers because the high. low income groups. So, in an economic foundation could not make savings which For instance, if in commercial banking downturn, scope for microfinance insti- could only be done through a bank. one person makes a portfolio of 500 mil- tutions increases more, its unfortunate In the total investment for the estab- lion, the same will be done by a hundred but a fact that the market of microfi- lishment of the bank, Kashf contributed customers in the microfinance banking nance expands further as poverty in- 51% while the remaining 49% was con- so its operating cost ratio becomes high. creases. tributed by participants including IFC, the However, if the law and order situation World Bank group, Shore Bank, Women’s World Banking, (a New-York based institution) and also a Dutch group Q Is the Government of Pak- istan helping and promoting microfinance banking? worsens in a country then it creates problems and affects the performance of microfinance banking. Incidents like riots of social investors. Yes, the Government of Pakistan un- and strikes affect our institution also. We applied for a licence from the SBP. derstands its value and usefulness. The It went through our business plan, evalu- ated our team and issued the licence to us within a record time of seven to eight government made a policy for the micro- finance institutions, formed a law, en- forced Microfinance Act 2001, created Q success? Would you like to tell our readers the secret of your weeks. Khushali Bank and offered five-year debt Practically speaking, there is no short- Thus, on October 27, 2008 Kashf Mi- holidays to the microfinance banks to cut to success, but the factors leading to crofinance Bank became operational with help and encourage people to get bene- it include commitment to your goals, ded- 18 lending branches. fits from its services. Thus, those persons ication and hard work to achieve excel- in the government who do have an un- lence. The golden principles read in Q Please tell us about the strategic plan of expansion for Kashf Microfinance Bank? derstanding of capital generation and re- alise that microfinance plays a pivotal role in economic and social development of theory must be trusted upon and prac- ticed sincerely, only this belief and sincere hard work will lead to success. n June - July 2009 | MANAGER TODAY 19
  • 20. COMMUNICATION Are you shy? CONFIDENT? IMPATIENT? The first man had nothing but his instincts and his body to communicate with. Perhaps those were the first signs of body language. Communication has come a long way now. So, does the body still communicate? 20 MANAGER TODAY | June - July 2009
  • 21. SONIA UROOJ The writer is a communication trainer and consultant he world would be in utter hands in front of the face is a hostile ges- chaos without effective ture while clenched hands held down on the A thumbs-up sign in many parts of the communication. History talks table is an authoritative gesture. world means ‘it is good’. about sign languages. Drawings Well, if at all there is another part of the and inscriptions that were used body that displays a range of emotions, it is as the means of communica- the human eye. tion. The most commonly used Generally, excitement and happiness tend and understood language is body language to dilate the pupils four times their original which transcend all boundaries and region size and anger contracts them. These and cultural aspects. sharply contracted pupils have given rise to However, unlike other languages, body lan- terms like ‘snake eyes’, ‘evil eyes’ or beady guage can sometimes communicate un- little eyes’. It may be easy to hide your inner knowingly. The trick lies in reading the signs thoughts by hiding your hands but the same right and understanding them. According cannot be said about the eyes. to psychologists, there are many other ge- There are two ways in which you can gaze netic, learned and cultural signals through at a person, namely ‘the business gaze’ and Shaking the fist means ‘I am angry’. Its which we communicate. ‘the intimate gaze’. For that assume the for- a threat of aggression. Some of the most basic and common mation of an imaginary triangle on every- communication gestures include the smile, one’s head. The triangle has its vertices at when we are happy; the frown, when we are the two eyes and a point on the person’s Unlike other languages, angry and tears, when we are sad. forehead. When conversing with a person, body language can The palms of a person talk much based if the gaze is focused on this triangle it is on their positioning during a conversation. called ‘business gaze’. This is a formal style sometimes communicate The open palm gesture has often been as- of using the eyes and talking to the person unknowingly. The trick lies sociated with truth, honesty, allegiance and looking him straight in the eye. If this gaze in reading the signs right submission. During normal conversation, shifts below the triangle at the nose, mouth open palms (open upwards) indicate how and the neck, then it seems ‘the intimate and understanding them. the speaker is trying to impose his honesty gaze’, meant for casual or informal conver- According to with another person. In a conversation sations. psychologists, there are where the speaker is slowly opening up and All these concepts of body language revealing facts, his palms come out open teach us one thing—every gesture repre- many other genetic, upwards slowly throughout the conversa- sents a positive or a negative trait. One of learned and cultural tion. This is a completely unconscious ges- the most common gestures is the signals through which we ture implying that the person is telling the crossed arms before the chest. This is communicate truth. On the other hand, an unaware liar generally viewed as a defensive gesture will have his palms concealed, hidden in a and represent a barrier to block un- pocket or folded behind him in an effort to wanted elements from invading your per- hold back the truth. Palms can also reveal sonal space. Another negative gesture is nervousness when they are sweaty or the hand to face gesture. When some- shaky. Other signs of nervousness include body is lying, he is bound to cover his knuckle cracking and clenching of fists. mouth or start rubbing the area below his Again, clenched fists come as a result of nose. Small children often tend to clap anger and vengeance. Generally, clenched their hands over their mouth when they hands are a sign of confidence. Clenched see or do something that they should not June - July 2009 | MANAGER TODAY 21