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If you're sick and tired of wasting money on all the weight loss
hype, B.S., and lies, then this scienti몭c breakthrough can change
your life...
"Introducing The
7 Greatest Weight
Loss Nutrients Ever
A breakthrough formula so scienti몭cally
advanced, it's proven to dramatically reduce body
weight in 11 "Gold Standard," randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled, human trials ...
and is federally protected by 4 US patents!
Hi, I’m Jayson Hunter,
If you’re sick and tired
of all the weight loss
hype, B.S. and lies in
the supplement
industry …
… then I want you to
look at these four
important documents
I’m holding in my
These are patent
numbers 9,034,342 …
6,899,892 …6,153,198
… and 7,318,938.
All four have been
2021 © Digistore24 Inc., United States Inc. and/or its licensors. Review legal terms of use here and privacy policy here. Contact us here.
awarded by the U.S. Patent and Trademark O몭ce …
… to protect the discovery of a powerful compound proven to help
women lose an average of 11.5 pounds in only 8 weeks ...
… all without changing their diet, without starving themselves, and even
without exercise.
This startling discovery is the reason why the US government awards
these bulletproof patents.
Because you see, when science uncovers a breakthrough of this
magnitude …
… when 7 of the greatest herbal ingredients across the world are 몭nally
assembled together in one laboratory …
… when modern manufacturing technology takes a futuristic leap and
can 몭nally blend them together without losing any potency ...
… and when 11 human trials (and dozens of peer-reviewed studies)
remove any doubt that these super-ingredients deliver on their
promises …
… you patent-protect these nutrients with the full force and weight of
the federal government!
All the exciting proof is right here on this page.
But 몭rst …
Let me show you the best way ever to determine if a supplement can
back up its claims before you sink your hard-earned money into it.
How To Know If A Weight Loss
Works Before You Buy It
If you've ever wondered if a weight loss supplement will actually work
before you sink your hard-earned money into it …
... just follow the patents.
Because in this day and age, that's where the real proof of e몭cacy is
If the weight loss supplement you are considering doesn't have the
power of US patents protecting it, I urge you …
… please keep looking!
A breakthrough formula so scientifically and dramatically advanced, it's proven to
dramatically reduce
… please keep looking!
Here's why: Everyone
has heard the phrase,
"If you want the truth,
follow the money."
The weight loss
industry has its own
version: "If it makes
money, steal the
formula and make
cheap versions of it."
That's why I caution
you to beware of
knock-o몭 products.
Because due to the modern manufacturing technology we have today,
knock-o몭 products are easier than ever to produce.
Almost anyone can call a manufacturer and have them 'formulate' a
ripo몭 product and replace proven and patented ingredients with
ine몭ective, low-cost 몭llers.
Once that's done, they know it's hard, if not impossible, to tell their
cheap knock-o몭 from the patented originals.
That's when they crank up their predatory marketing machine and
begin selling to a gullible market.  
Buyer beware — it's a scam!
Listen: You'd be far better o몭 going down to your local health food store
and buying the ingredients individually and mixing them yourself at
your kitchen table!
And in just a moment, I'm going to show you the 7 greatest weight
loss ingredients ever assembled.
But 몭rst, to fully appreciate what you are about to see, it's important
you know the exciting research behind each of these super ingredients.
That's because all 7 have been tried, tested, proven, and re몭ned
through …
11 Randomized, Double-Blind,
Placebo-Controlled Human Clinical
Now, admittedly that's a mouthful, but here's why it's vitally important
for you to grasp:
Randomized (to select at random by computer algorithm)
Double-blind (neither the patient nor doctor knows if
you've received the experiment treatment, a standard
treatment, or a placebo)
Placebo-controlled (a group of patients will receive a
fake but harmless treatment)
Human clinical trials (not an animal trial)
What all that means to you is, these randomized controlled trials are
the "Gold Standard" of scienti몭c research. 
And when it comes to obtaining US patents on supplements, there's
nothing better than a unique blend of ingredients with proven results ...
… being put through rigors of the gold standard process of human trials.
That's Exactly Why These
7 Ingredients Are So Special
In just a moment, I'm going to tell you how to get your hands on every
single one of these ingredients and how to use them to help you lose all
the weight your body needs.
First, though, let me show you the proof I promised.
All the ingredients I'm about to show
you serve their own purposes in
helping you lose weight.
Each ingredient has its unique bene몭ts,
functions, and purposes for being
included in the 7 greatest weight-loss
But the magic happens when you
bring them all together into a single, easy to swallow capsule.
That's when you get a weight loss breakthrough unlike anything else on
That's when you get a weight loss breakthrough unlike anything else on
the market.
Because when we assemble these 7 nutrients together, they help
restore three primary hormones that easily slip out of balance in our
hyper-stressed world.
Balance 3 Essential Hormones
And Restore Your Natural Metabolism
If you've tried to lose weight in the past and were unhappy with your
results, then you probably suspect you have a hormone imbalance.
But if you've ever tried to lose weight with the ...
1. Workout discipline of a Spartan warrior…
2. Diet regimen of a hard-core vegan…
3. Fanatical enthusiasm of a Paleo devotee …
… only to fail at losing weight and keeping it o몭, that's when you know
it's true.
The good news is, since hormone imbalance is the reason you're not
able to lose weight and keep it o몭, you can 몭nally relax.
That's because all the weight loss failures
in the past are not your fault.
The bad news is, when a person has diet-resistant body fat, it's almost
always because there are three essential hormones out of sync with
each other: insulin, leptin, and cortisol.
When these three hormones are out of whack, it can make losing weight
almost impossible.
Here's why…
Insulin Is The
Fat-Producing Hormone
When a person is insulin resistant, they can't seem to stop gaining
That's because insulin is the hormone that unlocks a cell's protective
membranes, and opens the door that allows the cell to absorb glucose.
When insulin levels are high, the
body stores fat instead of
breaking it down.
To make matters worse, as a
body becomes increasingly
insulin resistant, the pancreas
(a 6-inch organ behind the
stomach) stops producing its own natural hormone.
If left untreated, insulin dysregulation can lead to diabetes, and they
are forced to go on daily injections.
I urge all my clients to have great respect for and optimize this
Because without insulin, a body can't access enough sugar to function
properly, and …
People With Type 1 Diabetics Can Su몭er
A Condition Called Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Ketoacidosis is as bad as it sounds because people die quickly and
usually alone if it's left untreated.   
Currently, there are an estimated 1.25 million people in the US with
type 1 diabetes.
Yet remarkably, as tragic as that is, it's also a drop in the bucket to the
30 million people su몭ering from type 2 diabetes.
With type 2 diabetes, either the body isn't producing enough insulin, or
it's failing to use it correctly.
As a Registered Dietitian for the last 20 years, I see this a lot.
I've had thousands of clients tell me they feel like they are always
Here's why: When insulin is working in harmony with your body, it
naturally moves sugar found in your blood into your cells.
Once sugar is
inside your
cells, your
body burns
the sugar as
when it's not
properly, the
(door) does
not open.
That's when your body produces more insulin in an attempt to get the
body to regulate.
But since the cell membrane won't open, the body becomes resistant to
It's the lack of insulin penetrating the cell that causes a "starvation" of
the cells.
In an attempt to balance your body's energy needs, your cells keep
signaling that they need more sugar.
This in turn …
Causes You To Feel Hungry All The Time
And Forces You To Crave Sweets
That's because cells are hormone speci몭c, and not just any chemical can
open any cell.
And since insulin is the key that unlocks the cell's door, the cell can't
open if there is an insulin-resistant 몭ght going on.
As you can see, this becomes a complicated and vicious cycle.
Your takeaway, though, is...
the more resistant your body is to the e몭ects of
insulin, the more insulin it will need to get the
same response.
The body's cells need energy, but insulin isn't unlocking the cell's doors.
So, if your body can't get energy from sugar, then your body will
attempt to convert fats and proteins into sugar.
That's your body's desperate attempt to balance the hormone, but
instead, it causes ketones to form in the blood. 
In high enough levels, a condition called ketoacidosis will occur.
And despite what all the Keto-diet proponents say, ketone build-up in
your body can lead to coma or death if left untreated.
Thankfully, the 7 super-ingredients you're about to see helps soothe the
hormonal resistance to insulin.
Now Let's Make Sure You
Never Su몭er From A
Leptin Problem
Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells.
It's true; fat is a hormone-producing organ like your pancreas,
hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries (or testes).
Like all hormone-producing organs
and glands, when everything is
working as it should, leptin
regulates your body weight.
It accomplishes this when leptin
naturally crosses the blood-brain
The purpose of the blood-brain
barrier is to protect your brain from
becoming toxic with pathogens that
can cause brain infections.
A breakthrough formula so scientifically and dramatically advanced, it's proven to
dramatically reduce
It also allows vital nutrients to reach the brain, like the hormone leptin.
In much the same way a person can develop insulin resistance, a person
can also develop leptin resistance.
When a person is leptin-resistant, leptin
can't cross the blood-brain barrier.
The reason that's important is that leptin is the hormone that tells
your brain when you've eaten enough food and are now satis몭ed.
When leptin is in harmony with your body, losing weight becomes a
much more enjoyable experience.
Because when you no longer feel like you are starving all the time, when
your appetite is easily satiated, and when your glycemic levels are under
control …
Remarkably, You'll Lose All The Weight
You Need
As Naturally As You Gained It
And that's the promise waiting
on you when you start including
the 7 greatest weight loss
nutrients ever assembled.
I'll show you exactly what these
super ingredients are in just a
Until then, you should know it's
very common for overweight
and obese people to have leptin
production that is much higher than normal …
… and yet its ability to function is diminished because your body
becomes resistant to it.
Leptin resistance causes people to be hungry more often, struggle with
poor blood sugar balance, and struggle with a much slower
But the 7 greatest weight loss nutrients ever assembled reduces leptin
resistance by modulating the primary in몭ammatory components
hindering leptin function …
 … namely C-reactive protein, a marker of systemic in몭ammation in the
body that is in몭ated in people with metabolic syndrome.
When in몭ammation is soothed and cooled, leptin can naturally cross the
blood-brain barrier, and …
Your Metabolism Naturally Increases
Even Without Exercise
It's a marvelous thing — when you cool the in몭ammation in your body,
you automatically enjoy a faster metabolism!
In just a moment, I will reveal the plant-based nutrients (and natural
fatty acids) that act in concert to help improve leptin function and
promote healthy weight loss.
But 몭rst …
Let's Bring Down Your
Cortisol (The Stress
To Serene Levels
We've all heard stress is a killer.
But did you know stress is recognized as the #1 proxy killer disease
By proxy, we mean it's an accessory to the crime of other diseases.
The American Medical Association says that …
Stress Is The Cause Of More Than 60%
Of All Human Illness And Disease.
It's widely known that stress inhibits everything from your ability to
concentrate, to sleep, to sucking life's energy out of you.
Stress releases a hormone called cortisol that is released by the
adrenal glands sitting on top of your kidneys.
It's known as the '몭ght or 몭ight' hormone for a reason…
It's known as the '몭ght or 몭ight' hormone for a reason…
Too Much Cortisol
Causes Internal Panic!
You'll recognize it when your mood is
You'll know it when you feel more on
edge than normal.
Everyone in your life will know you're
overly stressed when every little
irritation seems to drive you nuts.
And your hunger? Well, let's just say
it's worthy of a Snickers commercial.
Because as numerous studies show,
both physical and emotional distress
increases the desire for high fat and sugary foods.
And that means…
Cortisol Sabotages Your Body's Ability
To Respond To Both Insulin And Leptin
When you add cortisol to the mix of insulin and leptin resistance, you
get a perfect storm.
It's a hormonal trifecta that stops you from losing weight before you
ever get started.
That's why I tell my clients that if they are still 몭ghting hunger cravings,
we've got to get their hormones balanced.
Because when you think about it, everything related to hormones
"directs" our decisions.
This is both good and bad news.
It's bad news because you feel like
you don't have any control over your
But it's good news, in that you are
not at fault.
It's never been your fault.
You're not su몭ering from a lack of
inner reserve or motivation.
You do not have a lack of personal
And as of right now, you can stop beating yourself up for thinking you
have a lack of willpower.
You Do Not Have A Willpower Problem
That's why, if you've ever tried to lose weight in the past only to regain it
— mission #1 is to balance your hormones .
Because weight loss programs only work when your hormones are
Hormones are the reason weight loss programs work
for some, yet don't make a bit of di몭erence for others.
Thankfully, in just a few short weeks from now, however, …
… once you start using the 7 greatest weight loss nutrients ever
assembled …
… you will start to notice you are much calmer, less stressed, and
more at peace.
That's the 몭rst sign these super-ingredients are beginning to change
your life.
Not long after that, you will notice you naturally have more willpower.
You'll enjoy a greater sense of contentment.
You'll become emotionally stronger.
You'll feel more stable.
You'll feel happier.
Soon, you'll see the weight
scale move in the right
As the months come and go,
you'll wonder why it was so
you'll wonder why it was so
hard to lose weight in the
Then you'll remember.
It's because you were
unknowingly 몭ghting an uphill battle.
Your hormones were so out of whack they were never going to let you
It was only after you started taking a single capsule twice a day — and
allowing a few weeks to let the magic happen — that you noticed the
hormonal rage is suddenly tame.
It may feel like a miracle — but it's just normal.
It's how your body is supposed to feel and function when your
hormones are balanced.
It's like su몭ering from a migraine headache for days, and when it 몭nally
fades, you FEEL ALIVE!
Normal feels fantastic!
So, let's get you started right now!
"Introducing The 7
Weight Loss Nutrients
Ever Assembled"
A breakthrough formula so scienti몭cally
advanced, it's proven to dramatically reduce body
weight in 11 "Gold Standard," randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled, human clinical
trials … and is federally protected by 4 US patents!
1. GUM ARABIC (Acacia arabica)
GA is derived from the sap of acacia trees. The US Food and
Drug Administration consider it as one of the safest dietary
몭bers. Preserves lead body mass while reducing fat. Increases
mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acid oxidation by skeletal
muscles. Acts as a powerful prebiotic, stimulating the growth of
bi몭dobacteria and lactobacilli — the good gut bacteria.
2. GUAR GUM (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba)
GG is derived from the guar bean, or Indian cluster bean. It's a
soluble 몭beri used to reduce fasting blood gluclose, improve
glycemic control, reduce insulin requirements in insulin-
dependent diabetics, and reduce LDL cholesterol. The demand
for GG is worldwide because of its ability to manage glycemic
indices and in reducing cardiovascular disease risk.
LBE is derived from the seeds of the carob tree and has a sweet
LBE is derived from the seeds of the carob tree and has a sweet
and subtle chocolate taste. It is an indigestible 몭ber and is
unique in its ability to turn to a gel. It decreases blood sugar
levels by limiting the body's absorption of carbs and sugars in
food. It also slows gastric emptying, and helps with re몭ux issues
in infants.
PE is derived from the pomegranate fruit and exhibits various
potential therapeutic uses against in몭ammation, cancer,
diabetes, osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, Alzheimer's,
arthritis, obesity, and male infertility.
5. BLUE GREEN ALGAE (Aphanizomenon
BGA is derived from both fresh and saltwater sources. Studies
show it is e몭ective in reducing in몭ammation as well as C-reactive
protein. It is known to help in weight loss, to improve satiety (you
are less hungy), and to aid in the prevention of cholesterol
accumulation. It also helps to reduce the absoroption of fats in
the small intestine.
(Withania somnifera)
ARLE is derived from roots and is world-renowned for its ability
to help manage and reduce chronic stress. It is used to treat
brain disorders such as anxiety, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's,
Schizophrenia, Huntington's disease, dyslexia, depression, and
many others. It is commonly used in body weight management
in adults under chronic stress.
CP is a trace mineral that aids weight loss, regulates insulin, and
reduces cholesterol. It boosts the e몭ectiveness of insulin and
helps to keep blood sugar at optimal levels. It participates in the
92 people …
8 weeks …
Randomized …
Double-blind …
Placebo-controlled …
Human trial … 
helps to keep blood sugar at optimal levels. It participates in the
metabolism of carbs, fats and protein.
Individually, each of these nutrients is scienti몭cally renowned in its own
Some have been used for thousands of years to treat various diseases.
But when you combine the miracle of modern science with the futuristic
advancements in manufacturing technology …
… and blend these super-ingredients together into one easy-to-swallow
capsule  …
It all begins with a product called Lepticore®, which is bullet-proof
protected by two US patents.
And for a good reason, too, because Lepticore® is a multifunctional
complex of plant-based polysaccharides.
Don't let the big word throw you — polysaccharides are the most
abundant carbohydrate found in food.
Its job is to store energy and provide structural support to cells.
This product contains Gum Arabic, Guar Gum, Locust Bean Gum,
Pomegranate extract, and Blue Green Algae — 6 of the 7 super
ingredients in our list of the greatest weight loss ingredients ever
It's so e몭ective in helping people lose weight that the prestigious
medical journal, Lipids in Health and Disease, published a peer-
reviewed study consisting of …
… And The Results Are Scienti몭cally
… And The Results Are Scienti몭cally
The average person lost ...
11.5 pounds …
2.8% of their body fat …
1.8 inches in their waist, and …
1.7 inches in their hips …
… All Without Changing Their Diet—And No
Not only that, but the average individual also enjoyed …
 Dropping 18% of their total cholesterol …
Reducing their triglycerides by 7.1% …
Eliminating 14% of their LDL (bad cholesterol) …
Improving their HDL (good cholesterol) 13.6% …  
Cooling their C-reactive protein (in몭ammation) by 15.1%,
and …
Dropping their fasting Blood Sugar by 7.9%!
If all that were not enough to drop the jaws of the researchers, then this
certainly did …
Their Hormone Leptin Levels
 Improved By A Whopping 46.9%!
That means they were no longer hungry between meals.
Leptin was able to cross the brain-blood barrier and signal they are full
and satis몭ed.
When I 몭rst discovered Lepticore®, I was 몭oored!
I instantly knew I was going to start giving it to my clients as soon as I
could get my hands on it.
could get my hands on it.
But then something else captured my scienti몭c imagination.
Another product called Sensoril® came on my radar.
Sensoril®, I noticed, also has two US patents protecting its formula!
I had to check it out, and what I discovered set my mind on 몭re!
Not only is Sensoril® federally protected by two US patents …
They Also Conducted 10 "GOLD
STANDARD," Peer-Reviewed,
Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-
Controlled, Human Clinical Trials!
They did study-after-study,
conducted human-trial after
human-trial, all to prove how
incredibly powerful the purest
forms of Ashwagandha can be.
In just one of these trials, the
average participant ...
Reduced their stress
Gained 79.3% more energy!
Calmed their irritability by 76.5%!
Improved their sleep by 67.7%!
Reduced headaches and muscle pain by 70.6%!
Restored their ability to concentrate by 75.8%!
Reduced forgetfulness by 57.1%! 
To say the scienti몭c credentials of Sensoril® are second to none is to
understate the obvious.
It's so compelling and overwhelming, in fact, that even the Dietary
Supplement Health and Education board approves of their
structure/function claims!
Below is a partial list of product claims Sensoril® proudly makes:
•       Helps the body cope with stress
•       Promotes a calming, relaxing state of mind
•       Helps increase resistance to stress, tension, and irritability
•       Helps to reduce physical, emotional, and mental stress and
•       Enhances feeling of emotional well-being
•       Enhances energy levels while helping to alleviate fatigue
•       Helps restore and sustain energy levels
•       Boost energy levels 
•       Helps enhance focus in mental stamina
•       Helps promote mental clarity and concentration 
•       Helps support joint function
•       Maintenance of joints
•       Support joint function and mobility
•       Helps support joint health as we age
•       Supports cardiovascular function
•       Help support cholesterol levels that are already within
normal range
•       Helps support blood sugar levels that are already within
•       Helps promote more restful sleep
•       Reduces stress to help promote more restful sleep
As a Registered Dietitian With Over 20
In Practice, The Results Of These Two
Set My Mind On Fire!
I knew I had to get them into the hands of my clients as soon as
humanly possible.
But how?
I knew if I were to send my clients out to buy each of these ingredients,
they'd have a hard, if not impossible, time 몭nding the highest quality
versions of them.
I also knew that it would become cost prohibitive really fast if I told
them to buy these products themselves.
That's because the highest levels of these ingredients are ridiculously
expensive compared to the less potent, cheaper versions.
Not only that, knock-o몭 product
manufacturers will sell supplements
with cheap 몭llers so fast it'll make
your head spin.
That's when I had an epiphany … a
revelation of sorts.
Why not contact the heads of both
Lepticore® and Sensoril® and work
a deal to create a brand new blend
using both products?
We'll formulate it to exact standards to ensure the highest potency
It would include all 7 of the greatest weight loss ingredients ever
assembled, and we'd call it…
And that's exactly what we did!
I call it LeptiSense because leptin is considered
the "Master Fat Burning Hormone."
And it just makes sense to balance leptin along
with both insulin and cortisol to maximize
weight loss and fat-burning.
And like its inspiration products (Lepticore®
and Sensoril®), LeptiSense does not have to be
combined with any other healthy habits to help
your body.
Now, all that was left was to test it in the real
So I contacted Sherry, a 41-year-old mother of 3 kids, and asked for a
"Sherry, I know you work full time, have 3 kids, and have very
little time to exercise. Would you like to do an experiment with
She agreed, and when the results came in, we were both shocked!
Take a look for yourself…
"I was shocked when I lost 2.5 inches from
my waist in just 4 weeks!"
I am a mother of 3 kids, work full-time, and su몭er from thyroid
disease. Over the years I have tried countless diets and I could just
never get the weight o몭. I always blamed my thyroid and pretty
much gave up.
I eat healthy, but nothing ever seems to work. I started taking
LeptiSense and continued with my healthy diet and I was shocked
when I lost 2.5 inches from my waist in just 4 weeks and 1.5
inches from my thighs.
Oh, I should mention I have a chronic foot injury that prevents me
from doing cardio such as running or even consistent walking. I did
work out a few times during the 4 weeks with a kettlebell. I am
starting my 2nd bottle of LeptiSense so I can lose the rest of my
belly fat."
In only one month — in only 30 days — she lost 2.5 inches from around
her waist!
I could hardly believe it!
Was this a 몭uke? Could this be dupable?
I had to 몭nd out.
So I reached out to Liane, a 42-year-old mother of 2 kids.
She also works full time, and I asked her for the same favor.
"Liane, I know you work full time, have a couple of kids, and
you don't have any time to exercise. So…would you like to do
an experiment with me?"
Like Sherry, she agreed and started taking LeptiSense the next day.
For the next 30 days, I held my breath.
Would Liane have the same kind of results?
Or would all my time and investment be lost on hope and prayer?
When her results came back, however, I was even more shocked than
Just take a look for yourself…
Just take a look for yourself…
"I was so surprised I could lose my mu몭n
top — in only 4 weeks — just by adding
I suspect I'm like most 42-year-old mothers of two, who also work
a full time job: I tend to carry a lot stress. Like most women, I'd
love to 몭nd the time to workout, but then — reality! My husband
travels at times, leaving me with the full time taxi responsibility,
transporting our kids back and forth to sporting events every
Because of my hectic schedule, and because I haven't been able to
workout, I make it a point to try and eat healthy. So, when I heard
about LeptiSense from a friend, I was skeptical, but I decided to
give it 30 days anyway. To say I'm surprised by the results is an
In only 4 weeks, I've lost 1.5 inches of my waist, 1.75 inches o몭
my hips, 2.25 inches o몭 my thighs, and 3/4 inch o몭 my arms.
That's 6.25 inches lost, which means I also lost my mu몭n top! I'm
so surprised, and delighted, that I was able to lose so many inches
without exercise, and by just adding LeptiSense.
I am really excited that by adding LeptiSense, my body naturally
started shedding my belly fat ... and now I'm extra motivated to
몭nd time to add exercise so I can really accelerate my fat loss.
All my research … all my business dealings with the heads of
Lepticore® and Sensoril® …
Lepticore® and Sensoril® …
… all the trial and error in 몭nding the right manufacturer … all the
sleepless nights …
… and all the expense that has gone into creating LeptiSense has really
paid o몭 …
In Documented, Undeniable,
Real-World Results!
That's why I'm so delighted to announce that after years of dogged
determination, I can 몭nally bring LeptiSense to the market!
I want you to experience LeptiSense for yourself, and I want you to give
it 90 days to change your life.
I want you to feel the di몭erence that the 7 greatest weight loss nutrients
ever assembled can have on balancing your hormones and helping you
lose weight.
And I Want YOU
 To Experience It All ... RISK-FREE!
I'm so excited for you!
Because if you've ever struggled with losing
weight and keeping it o몭, then LeptiSense really
does have the power to change your life!
That's not more weight loss hype, B.S., and lies
that you've been told before…
It's The Promise, Proof, And
Of 4 US Trademarks And
Patents At Work!
It's also my personal guarantee.
Try LeptiSense for 90 days …
… if it isn't the best dietary supplement you've ever used …
… if it doesn't help soothe and balance your insulin, leptin, and cortisol
hormones …
… if you don't see and feel the di몭erence even after taking all 120
capsules …
… I want you to contact us to receive a FULL REFUND of your purchase
This is my 100% guarantee. Even after you take the last LeptiSense
capsule in the very last bottle, you can still change your mind, and we
will still give you a FULL money-back refund.
Here's How To Take
Of This 100% Money-Back,
Patented Guarantee
To take advantage of your RISK-FREE o몭er, I'm making you an o몭er on
this page no one else will get.
Because as you can imagine …
A metabolism-restoring supplement
like LeptiSense isn't cheap to
After all, when you gather the 7
greatest weight loss nutrients ever
assembled into one super-
supplement, every scienti몭c step is
brutally expensive.
Still, after seeing the results of the 11
'Gold Standard' human trials, I
knew I had to get these ingredients
into the hands of those who need it most.
After all, how much is your health, happier mood, ideal weight, and
improved energy worth to you?
What's the impact of fatigue and frustration on your happiness,
relationships, and 몭nancial future?
Can you even put a price on something
Can you even put a price on something
valuable as the quality of your life?
Normally, a single bottle of LeptiSense retails for $57.95, and will last
you 4 weeks.
However, that price is NOT for you — not today — if you order from
this page.
Since you've read this far, you've proven how much you desire a better
life, more energy, and a trimmer, sexier body for yourself …
Which is why I insist
you get the best o몭er possible
For the 몭rst few hundred orders only, I've instructed my team to drop
the price of your single order of LeptiSense …
Valid only if you order today ... and only if you use the order form on
this page …
For a MASSIVE 23% savings!
You'll get your bottle of LeptiSense for only $44.95 when you become a
VIP Member!
That's a little less than $1.50 a day to restore
your fat-burning, health-creating
… containing the 7 greatest weight loss nutrients ever assembled and
are guaranteed to have potent active ingredients …
Documented by dozens of clinical studies and used safely for decades.
There's simply no faster way to naturally balance your metabolic
hormones ... period.
JayLab Pro's
The GOLD STANDARD In Natural Health
As you already know by now, every capsule of LeptiSense gives you the
highest quality sources of Gum Arabic, Guar Gum, Locust Bean Gum,
Blue Green Algae, Pomegranate extract, Ashwagandha, and Chromium
Polynicotinate available anywhere without …
Harmful add-ons which leave you jittery or anxious …
Needless 몭llers which pad the capsule (and your cost) …
Worrying about potency or purity …
Having to su몭er through yo-yo energy levels and constant
hunger …
Having to experience the frustrating disappointment of
yet another diet program that doesn't work as promised or
which you can't possibly stick to …
And instead, allows your metabolism to do the heavy lifting, so you shed
the inches more e몭ortlessly.
To be clear, that's $1.49 a day for 4 full weeks of metabolism-restoring
Less than what you'd spend on a cup of co몭ee or even a bottle of
And a tiny fraction of the cost of what you'd pay Big Pharma to treat
obesity-related diseases, all caused by weight and lifestyle…
And which you'll potentially avert by restoring your metabolism now,
rather than waiting for your health to deteriorate…
When you think of that, your $44.95 investment in your long-term
health is an undeniably smart choice…
Then, when you add in JayLabPro's 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee,
Then, when you add in JayLabPro's 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee,
you'll see in a moment…
Your decision today is a no-brainer.
But your savings don't stop at one
bottle …
I'm con몭dent you'll love how you feel on LeptiSense, and that's why I
want to pass on the most outrageous savings possible.
Go ahead and pick up four bottles of metabolism-restoring, mood-
enhancing LeptiSense today and get incredible savings o몭 the retail
For a limited time only …
When you invest in 4 bottles of
I'll send you TWO BOTTLES — FREE!
That drops the $2 a day cost to just .99 cents a day.
99 cents a day to get six full months of metabolism-balancing, life-
enhancing LeptiSense.
... saving you a WHOPPING 51% o몭 the retail
(Or get the same savings by ordering 2 bottles today and we'll include
the third for free, giving you 90 days of hormone balance.)
AND if you act today, you'll keep these savings for life.
Meaning, you'll never pay retail for LeptiSense … EVER … for as long as
you're a member of the VIP Membership Savings Club.
($1.50 per
4 + 2 FREE
2 + 1 FREE
Just click the yellow button below that says "YES! I Want It!" to claim
your discounted VIP price now before someone else takes it …
Then 몭ll out your information on the next page...
But that's not all.
And as I said a moment ago …
I insist on making this RISK FREE for you.
That's why I personally guarantee your complete satisfaction, and I'll
even put it into writing,…
Hi, I'm Jayson Hunter, founder of JayLab
Pro, and here's my 90-Day, 100% Money
Back, Patented Guarantee:
"I'm so con몭dent you'll be delighted by the results you see and feel
with LeptiSense, I want you to enjoy it RISK-FREE for 90 days with
no obligation.
You must be completely thrilled with your results, or I want you to
contact us and you'll receive a FULL REFUND, no questions asked.
contact us and you'll receive a FULL REFUND, no questions asked.
This is a 100% guarantee. Even after you take the last LeptiSense
capsule in the very last bottle, you can still change your mind, and
we will still give you a FULL money-back refund.
So if in the unlikely event you aren't completely satis몭ed with how
much clearer you're feeling, how much more energy you have, and
how much slimmer you're looking, simply let me know within 90
days and I'll refund your purchase 100%.
That's how con몭dent I am that you'll love your results."
P.S. I feel you deserve to know why I'm
o몭ering you such outrageous savings today ...
Not to sound corny, but you can probably tell by now that I have a
Well, It's Really A Cause
And I'd Love YOU To Be A Part Of It
You, along with the many others who are ready to...
Transform their health...
Turbo-charge their energy...
And trade ugly, health-draining blubber with life-producing,
calorie-eating, sexy muscle tone …
And above all, share that new life and body with the world! 
You see, what I haven't told you yet is that in the 20+ years I've been a
Registered Dietitian, I've had the honor of …
… helping over 100,000 people reinvent
their bodies and reinvigorate their
And achieve their goals of a slimmer,
sexier frame. 
I can only imagine how many
communities have been impacted by
those 100,000 transformations.
I wonder how many kids now have
healthier, happier parents?
How many people need to be inspired by this cause?
So, I decided I needed to let as many
men and women into this cause as
possible for the bene몭t of thousands
more ... a cause I'm calling:
F.A.S.T., an acronym that represents the qualities of my health-
conscious community.
Women and men, like you, who use science - rather than the latest fads
- to dictate what they eat, drink, and do to get their ideal body.
It all stems from that dogged pursuit of the truth that started so many
years ago in the print shop.
And we simply cannot let "price" stand in the way of you achieving
YOUR  goals, as well as helping make a positive impact on the world …
This is why you're getting, for a limited
three premium bonuses so you can lose
even faster, and with less stress …
As a thank you for taking action today you'll ALSO receive a fast-action
bonus worth well over the $37 you'd pay for it upfront …
And that's because it'll accelerate your body's responsiveness to
LeptiSense by healing your liver…
... the very organ responsible for turning the ample stores of body fat on
your hips, thighs, and belly into abundant, life-fueling energy.
(Or not, which is more often the case.)
And this is a VERY limited o몭er, good for today only ...
We're giving you the highly successful 71-page
Heal Your Fat Burning Hormones program for
FREE ($37 Value)
Over 2,789 happy women and
men have discovered …
The exact foods to
eat for your body type
in order to burn fat
FASTER than ever
before ...
The exact foods you
need to AVOID to
keep you on the road
to successful body
transformation ...
The ONLY exercise
program you will ever
need to melt away years of unwanted belly, hip, thigh, and butt
fat ...
And so much more!
PLUS you'll also get …
The Printable "30-Day Done-For-You Meal Plan
Speci몭c To Your Body Type" ($87 Value)
These worksheets are your on-the-go solution to eating well. And you'll
get over 30 days of meal planning guides for FREE when you order
LeptiSense today and become a VIP Member.
So you won't have to guess at what to eat with LeptiSense -- you'll get
my guide to fast-track your results.
And as an ADDED BONUS you'll also receive
My "Speci몭c Body Type Workouts"... ($127
... and you'll want this
because these speci몭c
exercises boost your body
stores of fat-burning
And they're yours FREE
when you order LeptiSense
These three fat loss jump-
starting bonuses from JayLabPro's retail store would cost you over $251
That's just a little over $8 a day to make it super easy to 몭gure out what
to eat... when to eat... and how to work out e몭ciently …
... a little over $8 a day to lose an extra 5, 10, or even 15 pounds in the
next four weeks.
But those prices aren't for you.
When you order today these gifts are worth a combined $251 for FREE
So you are guaranteed to get a slimmer, healthier, and sexier you over
the next 30 days.
Remember, with LeptiSense you're getting …
Lepticore® , the combination
of naturally sourced,
metabolism balancing
Including PEA, the "love
molecule" found in chocolate …
Which will balance your leptin
levels and restore leptin
sensitivity …
So you kick start your fat-burning metabolism to drop the excess
blubber …
… and, thanks to PEA, feel good all the time.
And then you're getting
Sensoril® , the nation's best-
selling source of "Indian
Reduce cortisol, the "stress
… and get your fat cells to
release stubborn, diet-resistant
body fat ….
… while reducing your feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.
So you sleep better, love better, and live better than ever before.
And 몭nally, you're getting
Chromium …
So you balance your insulin
Which means you feel more
natural, manageable levels
of hunger and fullness.
So you lose the extra weight, improve your energy levels, to sleep
better, and experience the sexual vitality you deserve.
And LeptiSense is lab certi몭ed to be potent, pure, and free of allergens,
GMOs, and unnecessary 몭llers.
PLUS:  you're getting three of my best hormone-supporting gifts to
speed up your results. So you lose pounds and inches fast…
And slash your risk of health problems like Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2
Diabetes, and heart disease.
It's our thank you for acting now.
Remember, for an extremely limited time only, you can get SIX bottles
of LeptiSense for the price of four or THREE bottles for the price of
... and save 51% o몭 the retail price while getting 3 premium bonuses
originally priced at over $251 …
So you can shed the pounds, balance your hormones, and improve your
mood and energy levels so look and feel amazing …
Go ahead and click the button underneath the LeptiSense option that's
right for you …
Then 몭ll out your information.
Then click the yellow "Add to Cart" button below.
It's that easy.
Just "one thing" to transform your life, just as it did mine.
A Truly Limited Time,
First-come, First-Served
O몭er …
This is so cutting edge and high quality that just 1,100 bottles are able to
be produced at a time.
And LeptiSense isn't available in retail stores due to JayLabPro's strict
focus on quality.
Only the 몭rst-comers will be guaranteed access to LeptiSense and at
this exclusive price …
Everyone else will be out of luck.
And let's not forget:
Unless you take action now,
today, you may never take
action …
You may do what I did for a long
time and "put it o몭…"
Just a "few more days…" which
turn into "months…"
Then "years…"
But if you do, your health will
begin to deteriorate …
Your energy will drop to next to nothing …
You might lose your friends … your job … maybe even your romantic
relationship …
And where will that leave you and the loved ones who count on you?
All for the sake of doing nothing to change the course of your health.
So Let's Make Sure You
And do the only smart thing you can do …
Take advantage of this limited-time special o몭er while it's available to
you …
And wisely get on the right path to a simple, e몭cient, and friendly
journey to weight loss today.
Click the Yellow "Choose Your Package"
Button Below… And Let's Get You
Started NOW!
If you're still reading,
I bet you have some questions…
Here are the most common questions asked about LeptiSense, and the
answers to help you out while you decide which LeptiSense option is
right for you and your future ...
Can I restore my metabolism through a diet or
special foods?
In short, no. If that was the case, all the diets and 몭tness programs
attempted by millions of overweight people would work, wouldn't they?
There wouldn't be so many stories of people who tried one diet or
another and failed.
And there wouldn't be a need for the dozens and dozens of studies into
the impact of leptin, cortisol, and insulin on your health … nor the
studies of hormone-balancing ingredients like those found in
Can't I just buy a less expensive form of these
You'll be able to 몭nd a less expensive form of "Indian Ginseng" found in
Sensoril®… but you simply cannot 몭nd a higher quality, certi몭ed potent,
certi몭ed pure form found in Sensoril®.
And as for Lepticore® with its PEA and mix of high quality, plant-based
micronutrients and antioxidants? It's only available as the proprietary,
quality-ensured combination found in LeptiSense.
But let's be honest here …
Aren't you worth more than the bottom of the barrel, expired
ingredients for the sake of saving a few quarters?
Isn't your long-term savings of the costs of lifestyle health conditions
worth the investment of $1.49 a day?
I think so, which is why your best bet is to take advantage of the special
o몭er for LeptiSense extended to you right now. 
Can I take this while on a diet or exercise program?
Yes! As mentioned, LeptiSense enhances what you're doing, making any
diet or exercise program more e몭ective.
This is why adding the Body Reset Program to your order today is a
smart move.
However, you don't need to embark on some kind of intense program in
order to get results you can see and feel. Which is what makes
balancing your metabolism so incredibly powerful.
How soon will I feel the bene몭ts of LeptiSense?
Most people start feeling a clearer mind and more balanced moods
within the 몭rst few days…
… I personally felt it within the 몭rst day.
And as for the hunger-reducing e몭ects? Those happened in the 몭rst 7
To maintain these bene몭ts, and to see improved hunger/fullness
signals, better sleep,
signals, better sleep,
… decreased stress levels, and steady weight loss, you need to give
LeptiSense at least 90-120 days, which is only fair …
… and one of the main reasons you should take me up on this special
LeptiSense o몭er today.
What will happen if I don't balance my hormones?
Honestly, a lot can happen if you don't take action today.
You run the risk of shortening your life by years — if not decades — by
putting yourself at risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and metabolic
And even if none of those a몭ect you …
Your blood sugar will still spike and drop, leaving you bouncing between
intensely hungry and devastatingly tired every few hours…
Your sleep will su몭er, as you gain more fat around your face, neck, and
core …
Your sex life will nosedive, since your metabolism a몭ects all hormones,
including the ones responsible for pleasurable sex and enjoyable
companionship …
You'll continue to gain unattractive and unhealthy 몭ab around your
waist, hips, thighs, arms, and face …
… and your mood will drop like a sinking rock, stealing your con몭dence
and joy with it …
Can you truly and honestly say that ANY of those is acceptable to you?
If not, then you have your answer - LeptiSense.
And it's backed by JayLabPro's
90-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
($1.50 per
4 + 2 FREE
2 + 1 FREE
And, on this page only, available at an unsurpassed price.
Do it right now …
You have absolutely nothing to lose but the weight …
And you have everything to gain …
Remember, to save an incredible 51% o몭 the regular retail price, for
an extremely limited time only, you can get 6 bottles of LeptiSense for
the price of 4 …
And claim the free gifts available to turbocharge your fat loss results
Go ahead and click the button underneath the LeptiSense option that's
right for you …
Then 몭ll out your information.
© Copyright 2021, | All rights reserved.
Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Returns Policy
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using
this product.

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Leptisense - 7 Greatest Weight Loss Nutrients Ever Assembled

  • 1.
  • 2. If you're sick and tired of wasting money on all the weight loss hype, B.S., and lies, then this scienti몭c breakthrough can change your life... "Introducing The 7 Greatest Weight Loss Nutrients Ever Assembled" A breakthrough formula so scienti몭cally advanced, it's proven to dramatically reduce body weight in 11 "Gold Standard," randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, human trials ... and is federally protected by 4 US patents! Hi, I’m Jayson Hunter, If you’re sick and tired of all the weight loss hype, B.S. and lies in the supplement industry … … then I want you to look at these four important documents I’m holding in my hand. These are patent numbers 9,034,342 … 6,899,892 …6,153,198 … and 7,318,938. All four have been SECURE ORDER 2021 © Digistore24 Inc., United States Inc. and/or its licensors. Review legal terms of use here and privacy policy here. Contact us here.
  • 3. awarded by the U.S. Patent and Trademark O몭ce … … to protect the discovery of a powerful compound proven to help women lose an average of 11.5 pounds in only 8 weeks ... … all without changing their diet, without starving themselves, and even without exercise. This startling discovery is the reason why the US government awards these bulletproof patents. Because you see, when science uncovers a breakthrough of this magnitude … … when 7 of the greatest herbal ingredients across the world are 몭nally assembled together in one laboratory … … when modern manufacturing technology takes a futuristic leap and can 몭nally blend them together without losing any potency ... … and when 11 human trials (and dozens of peer-reviewed studies) remove any doubt that these super-ingredients deliver on their promises … … you patent-protect these nutrients with the full force and weight of the federal government! All the exciting proof is right here on this page. But 몭rst … Let me show you the best way ever to determine if a supplement can back up its claims before you sink your hard-earned money into it. How To Know If A Weight Loss Supplement Works Before You Buy It If you've ever wondered if a weight loss supplement will actually work before you sink your hard-earned money into it … ... just follow the patents. Because in this day and age, that's where the real proof of e몭cacy is found. If the weight loss supplement you are considering doesn't have the power of US patents protecting it, I urge you … … please keep looking! A breakthrough formula so scientifically and dramatically advanced, it's proven to dramatically reduce
  • 4. … please keep looking! Here's why: Everyone has heard the phrase, "If you want the truth, follow the money." The weight loss industry has its own version: "If it makes money, steal the formula and make cheap versions of it." That's why I caution you to beware of knock-o몭 products. Because due to the modern manufacturing technology we have today, knock-o몭 products are easier than ever to produce. Almost anyone can call a manufacturer and have them 'formulate' a ripo몭 product and replace proven and patented ingredients with ine몭ective, low-cost 몭llers. Once that's done, they know it's hard, if not impossible, to tell their cheap knock-o몭 from the patented originals. That's when they crank up their predatory marketing machine and begin selling to a gullible market.   Buyer beware — it's a scam! Listen: You'd be far better o몭 going down to your local health food store and buying the ingredients individually and mixing them yourself at your kitchen table! And in just a moment, I'm going to show you the 7 greatest weight loss ingredients ever assembled. But 몭rst, to fully appreciate what you are about to see, it's important you know the exciting research behind each of these super ingredients. That's because all 7 have been tried, tested, proven, and re몭ned through … 11 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Human Clinical Trials!
  • 5. Trials! Now, admittedly that's a mouthful, but here's why it's vitally important for you to grasp: Randomized (to select at random by computer algorithm) Double-blind (neither the patient nor doctor knows if you've received the experiment treatment, a standard treatment, or a placebo) Placebo-controlled (a group of patients will receive a fake but harmless treatment) Human clinical trials (not an animal trial) What all that means to you is, these randomized controlled trials are the "Gold Standard" of scienti몭c research.  And when it comes to obtaining US patents on supplements, there's nothing better than a unique blend of ingredients with proven results ... … being put through rigors of the gold standard process of human trials. That's Exactly Why These 7 Ingredients Are So Special In just a moment, I'm going to tell you how to get your hands on every single one of these ingredients and how to use them to help you lose all the weight your body needs. First, though, let me show you the proof I promised. All the ingredients I'm about to show you serve their own purposes in helping you lose weight. Each ingredient has its unique bene몭ts, functions, and purposes for being included in the 7 greatest weight-loss nutrients. But the magic happens when you bring them all together into a single, easy to swallow capsule. That's when you get a weight loss breakthrough unlike anything else on
  • 6. That's when you get a weight loss breakthrough unlike anything else on the market. Because when we assemble these 7 nutrients together, they help restore three primary hormones that easily slip out of balance in our hyper-stressed world. Balance 3 Essential Hormones And Restore Your Natural Metabolism If you've tried to lose weight in the past and were unhappy with your results, then you probably suspect you have a hormone imbalance. But if you've ever tried to lose weight with the ... 1. Workout discipline of a Spartan warrior… 2. Diet regimen of a hard-core vegan… 3. Fanatical enthusiasm of a Paleo devotee … … only to fail at losing weight and keeping it o몭, that's when you know it's true. The good news is, since hormone imbalance is the reason you're not able to lose weight and keep it o몭, you can 몭nally relax. That's because all the weight loss failures in the past are not your fault. The bad news is, when a person has diet-resistant body fat, it's almost always because there are three essential hormones out of sync with each other: insulin, leptin, and cortisol. When these three hormones are out of whack, it can make losing weight almost impossible. Here's why…
  • 7. Insulin Is The Fat-Producing Hormone When a person is insulin resistant, they can't seem to stop gaining weight. That's because insulin is the hormone that unlocks a cell's protective membranes, and opens the door that allows the cell to absorb glucose. When insulin levels are high, the body stores fat instead of breaking it down. To make matters worse, as a body becomes increasingly insulin resistant, the pancreas (a 6-inch organ behind the stomach) stops producing its own natural hormone. If left untreated, insulin dysregulation can lead to diabetes, and they are forced to go on daily injections. I urge all my clients to have great respect for and optimize this hormone. Because without insulin, a body can't access enough sugar to function properly, and … People With Type 1 Diabetics Can Su몭er From A Condition Called Diabetic Ketoacidosis Ketoacidosis is as bad as it sounds because people die quickly and usually alone if it's left untreated.    Currently, there are an estimated 1.25 million people in the US with type 1 diabetes. Yet remarkably, as tragic as that is, it's also a drop in the bucket to the 30 million people su몭ering from type 2 diabetes. With type 2 diabetes, either the body isn't producing enough insulin, or it's failing to use it correctly. As a Registered Dietitian for the last 20 years, I see this a lot.
  • 8. I've had thousands of clients tell me they feel like they are always starving. Here's why: When insulin is working in harmony with your body, it naturally moves sugar found in your blood into your cells. Once sugar is transported inside your cells, your body burns the sugar as fuel. However, when it's not working properly, the cell membrane (door) does not open. That's when your body produces more insulin in an attempt to get the body to regulate. But since the cell membrane won't open, the body becomes resistant to insulin. It's the lack of insulin penetrating the cell that causes a "starvation" of the cells. In an attempt to balance your body's energy needs, your cells keep signaling that they need more sugar. This in turn … Causes You To Feel Hungry All The Time And Forces You To Crave Sweets That's because cells are hormone speci몭c, and not just any chemical can open any cell. And since insulin is the key that unlocks the cell's door, the cell can't open if there is an insulin-resistant 몭ght going on. As you can see, this becomes a complicated and vicious cycle.
  • 9. Your takeaway, though, is... the more resistant your body is to the e몭ects of insulin, the more insulin it will need to get the same response. The body's cells need energy, but insulin isn't unlocking the cell's doors. So, if your body can't get energy from sugar, then your body will attempt to convert fats and proteins into sugar. That's your body's desperate attempt to balance the hormone, but instead, it causes ketones to form in the blood.  In high enough levels, a condition called ketoacidosis will occur. And despite what all the Keto-diet proponents say, ketone build-up in your body can lead to coma or death if left untreated. Thankfully, the 7 super-ingredients you're about to see helps soothe the hormonal resistance to insulin. Now Let's Make Sure You Never Su몭er From A Leptin Problem Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells. It's true; fat is a hormone-producing organ like your pancreas, hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries (or testes). Like all hormone-producing organs and glands, when everything is working as it should, leptin regulates your body weight. It accomplishes this when leptin naturally crosses the blood-brain barrier. The purpose of the blood-brain barrier is to protect your brain from becoming toxic with pathogens that can cause brain infections. A breakthrough formula so scientifically and dramatically advanced, it's proven to dramatically reduce
  • 10. It also allows vital nutrients to reach the brain, like the hormone leptin. In much the same way a person can develop insulin resistance, a person can also develop leptin resistance. When a person is leptin-resistant, leptin can't cross the blood-brain barrier. The reason that's important is that leptin is the hormone that tells your brain when you've eaten enough food and are now satis몭ed. When leptin is in harmony with your body, losing weight becomes a much more enjoyable experience. Because when you no longer feel like you are starving all the time, when your appetite is easily satiated, and when your glycemic levels are under control … Remarkably, You'll Lose All The Weight You Need As Naturally As You Gained It And that's the promise waiting on you when you start including the 7 greatest weight loss nutrients ever assembled. I'll show you exactly what these super ingredients are in just a moment. Until then, you should know it's very common for overweight and obese people to have leptin production that is much higher than normal … … and yet its ability to function is diminished because your body becomes resistant to it. Leptin resistance causes people to be hungry more often, struggle with poor blood sugar balance, and struggle with a much slower metabolism. But the 7 greatest weight loss nutrients ever assembled reduces leptin resistance by modulating the primary in몭ammatory components hindering leptin function …
  • 11.  … namely C-reactive protein, a marker of systemic in몭ammation in the body that is in몭ated in people with metabolic syndrome. When in몭ammation is soothed and cooled, leptin can naturally cross the blood-brain barrier, and … Your Metabolism Naturally Increases Even Without Exercise It's a marvelous thing — when you cool the in몭ammation in your body, you automatically enjoy a faster metabolism! In just a moment, I will reveal the plant-based nutrients (and natural fatty acids) that act in concert to help improve leptin function and promote healthy weight loss. But 몭rst … Let's Bring Down Your Cortisol (The Stress Hormone) To Serene Levels We've all heard stress is a killer. But did you know stress is recognized as the #1 proxy killer disease today? By proxy, we mean it's an accessory to the crime of other diseases. The American Medical Association says that … Stress Is The Cause Of More Than 60% Of All Human Illness And Disease. It's widely known that stress inhibits everything from your ability to concentrate, to sleep, to sucking life's energy out of you. Stress releases a hormone called cortisol that is released by the adrenal glands sitting on top of your kidneys. It's known as the '몭ght or 몭ight' hormone for a reason…
  • 12. It's known as the '몭ght or 몭ight' hormone for a reason… Too Much Cortisol Causes Internal Panic! You'll recognize it when your mood is o몭. You'll know it when you feel more on edge than normal. Everyone in your life will know you're overly stressed when every little irritation seems to drive you nuts. And your hunger? Well, let's just say it's worthy of a Snickers commercial. Because as numerous studies show, both physical and emotional distress increases the desire for high fat and sugary foods. And that means… Cortisol Sabotages Your Body's Ability To Respond To Both Insulin And Leptin When you add cortisol to the mix of insulin and leptin resistance, you get a perfect storm. It's a hormonal trifecta that stops you from losing weight before you ever get started. That's why I tell my clients that if they are still 몭ghting hunger cravings, we've got to get their hormones balanced. Because when you think about it, everything related to hormones "directs" our decisions. This is both good and bad news. It's bad news because you feel like you don't have any control over your hormones. But it's good news, in that you are not at fault.
  • 13. It's never been your fault. You're not su몭ering from a lack of inner reserve or motivation. You do not have a lack of personal integrity. And as of right now, you can stop beating yourself up for thinking you have a lack of willpower. You Do Not Have A Willpower Problem YOU HAVE A CHEMISTRY PROBLEM  That's why, if you've ever tried to lose weight in the past only to regain it — mission #1 is to balance your hormones . Because weight loss programs only work when your hormones are balanced. Hormones are the reason weight loss programs work for some, yet don't make a bit of di몭erence for others. Thankfully, in just a few short weeks from now, however, … … once you start using the 7 greatest weight loss nutrients ever assembled … … you will start to notice you are much calmer, less stressed, and more at peace. That's the 몭rst sign these super-ingredients are beginning to change your life. Not long after that, you will notice you naturally have more willpower. You'll enjoy a greater sense of contentment. You'll become emotionally stronger. You'll feel more stable. You'll feel happier. Soon, you'll see the weight scale move in the right direction. As the months come and go, you'll wonder why it was so
  • 14. you'll wonder why it was so hard to lose weight in the past. Then you'll remember. It's because you were unknowingly 몭ghting an uphill battle. Your hormones were so out of whack they were never going to let you win. It was only after you started taking a single capsule twice a day — and allowing a few weeks to let the magic happen — that you noticed the hormonal rage is suddenly tame. It may feel like a miracle — but it's just normal. It's how your body is supposed to feel and function when your hormones are balanced. It's like su몭ering from a migraine headache for days, and when it 몭nally fades, you FEEL ALIVE! Normal feels fantastic! So, let's get you started right now! "Introducing The 7 Greatest Weight Loss Nutrients Ever Assembled" A breakthrough formula so scienti몭cally advanced, it's proven to dramatically reduce body weight in 11 "Gold Standard," randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, human clinical trials … and is federally protected by 4 US patents!
  • 15. 1. GUM ARABIC (Acacia arabica) GA is derived from the sap of acacia trees. The US Food and Drug Administration consider it as one of the safest dietary 몭bers. Preserves lead body mass while reducing fat. Increases mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acid oxidation by skeletal muscles. Acts as a powerful prebiotic, stimulating the growth of bi몭dobacteria and lactobacilli — the good gut bacteria. 2. GUAR GUM (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) GG is derived from the guar bean, or Indian cluster bean. It's a soluble 몭beri used to reduce fasting blood gluclose, improve glycemic control, reduce insulin requirements in insulin- dependent diabetics, and reduce LDL cholesterol. The demand for GG is worldwide because of its ability to manage glycemic indices and in reducing cardiovascular disease risk. 3. LOCUST BEAN EXTRACT (Ceratonia siliqua) LBE is derived from the seeds of the carob tree and has a sweet
  • 16. LBE is derived from the seeds of the carob tree and has a sweet and subtle chocolate taste. It is an indigestible 몭ber and is unique in its ability to turn to a gel. It decreases blood sugar levels by limiting the body's absorption of carbs and sugars in food. It also slows gastric emptying, and helps with re몭ux issues in infants. 4. POMEGRANATE EXTRACT (Punica granatum) PE is derived from the pomegranate fruit and exhibits various potential therapeutic uses against in몭ammation, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, Alzheimer's, arthritis, obesity, and male infertility. 5. BLUE GREEN ALGAE (Aphanizomenon 몭os-aquae) BGA is derived from both fresh and saltwater sources. Studies show it is e몭ective in reducing in몭ammation as well as C-reactive protein. It is known to help in weight loss, to improve satiety (you are less hungy), and to aid in the prevention of cholesterol accumulation. It also helps to reduce the absoroption of fats in the small intestine. 6. ASHWAGANDHA ROOT & LEAF EXTRACT (Withania somnifera) ARLE is derived from roots and is world-renowned for its ability to help manage and reduce chronic stress. It is used to treat brain disorders such as anxiety, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Schizophrenia, Huntington's disease, dyslexia, depression, and many others. It is commonly used in body weight management in adults under chronic stress. 7. CHROMIUM POLYNICOTINATE CP is a trace mineral that aids weight loss, regulates insulin, and reduces cholesterol. It boosts the e몭ectiveness of insulin and helps to keep blood sugar at optimal levels. It participates in the
  • 17. 92 people … 8 weeks … Randomized … Double-blind … Placebo-controlled … Human trial …  helps to keep blood sugar at optimal levels. It participates in the metabolism of carbs, fats and protein. Individually, each of these nutrients is scienti몭cally renowned in its own right. Some have been used for thousands of years to treat various diseases. But when you combine the miracle of modern science with the futuristic advancements in manufacturing technology … … and blend these super-ingredients together into one easy-to-swallow capsule  … YOU GET A BREAKTHROUGH SUPPLEMENT THAT'S FEDERALLY PROTECTED BY 4 US PATENTS! It all begins with a product called Lepticore®, which is bullet-proof protected by two US patents. And for a good reason, too, because Lepticore® is a multifunctional complex of plant-based polysaccharides. Don't let the big word throw you — polysaccharides are the most abundant carbohydrate found in food. Its job is to store energy and provide structural support to cells. This product contains Gum Arabic, Guar Gum, Locust Bean Gum, Pomegranate extract, and Blue Green Algae — 6 of the 7 super ingredients in our list of the greatest weight loss ingredients ever assembled. It's so e몭ective in helping people lose weight that the prestigious medical journal, Lipids in Health and Disease, published a peer- reviewed study consisting of … … And The Results Are Scienti몭cally
  • 18. … And The Results Are Scienti몭cally Staggering! The average person lost ... 11.5 pounds … 2.8% of their body fat … 1.8 inches in their waist, and … 1.7 inches in their hips … … All Without Changing Their Diet—And No Exercise! Not only that, but the average individual also enjoyed …  Dropping 18% of their total cholesterol … Reducing their triglycerides by 7.1% … Eliminating 14% of their LDL (bad cholesterol) … Improving their HDL (good cholesterol) 13.6% …   Cooling their C-reactive protein (in몭ammation) by 15.1%, and … Dropping their fasting Blood Sugar by 7.9%! If all that were not enough to drop the jaws of the researchers, then this certainly did … Their Hormone Leptin Levels  Improved By A Whopping 46.9%! That means they were no longer hungry between meals. Leptin was able to cross the brain-blood barrier and signal they are full and satis몭ed. When I 몭rst discovered Lepticore®, I was 몭oored! I instantly knew I was going to start giving it to my clients as soon as I could get my hands on it.
  • 19. could get my hands on it. But then something else captured my scienti몭c imagination. Another product called Sensoril® came on my radar. Sensoril®, I noticed, also has two US patents protecting its formula! I had to check it out, and what I discovered set my mind on 몭re! Not only is Sensoril® federally protected by two US patents … They Also Conducted 10 "GOLD STANDARD," Peer-Reviewed, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo- Controlled, Human Clinical Trials! They did study-after-study, conducted human-trial after human-trial, all to prove how incredibly powerful the purest forms of Ashwagandha can be. In just one of these trials, the average participant ... Reduced their stress 69.9%! Gained 79.3% more energy! Calmed their irritability by 76.5%! Improved their sleep by 67.7%! Reduced headaches and muscle pain by 70.6%! Restored their ability to concentrate by 75.8%! Reduced forgetfulness by 57.1%!  To say the scienti몭c credentials of Sensoril® are second to none is to understate the obvious. It's so compelling and overwhelming, in fact, that even the Dietary Supplement Health and Education board approves of their structure/function claims! Below is a partial list of product claims Sensoril® proudly makes:
  • 20. STRESS: •       Helps the body cope with stress •       Promotes a calming, relaxing state of mind •       Helps increase resistance to stress, tension, and irritability •       Helps to reduce physical, emotional, and mental stress and fatigue •       Enhances feeling of emotional well-being ENERGY: •       Enhances energy levels while helping to alleviate fatigue •       Helps restore and sustain energy levels •       Boost energy levels  MENTAL COGNITION: •       Helps enhance focus in mental stamina •       Helps promote mental clarity and concentration  HEALTHY JOINT FUNCTION: •       Helps support joint function •       Maintenance of joints •       Support joint function and mobility •       Helps support joint health as we age CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH: •       Supports cardiovascular function •       Help support cholesterol levels that are already within normal range GLUCOSE RELEASE •       Helps support blood sugar levels that are already within range 
  • 21. SLEEP: •       Helps promote more restful sleep •       Reduces stress to help promote more restful sleep As a Registered Dietitian With Over 20 Years In Practice, The Results Of These Two Products Set My Mind On Fire! I knew I had to get them into the hands of my clients as soon as humanly possible. But how? I knew if I were to send my clients out to buy each of these ingredients, they'd have a hard, if not impossible, time 몭nding the highest quality versions of them. I also knew that it would become cost prohibitive really fast if I told them to buy these products themselves. That's because the highest levels of these ingredients are ridiculously expensive compared to the less potent, cheaper versions. Not only that, knock-o몭 product manufacturers will sell supplements with cheap 몭llers so fast it'll make your head spin. That's when I had an epiphany … a revelation of sorts. Why not contact the heads of both Lepticore® and Sensoril® and work a deal to create a brand new blend using both products? We'll formulate it to exact standards to ensure the highest potency possible. It would include all 7 of the greatest weight loss ingredients ever assembled, and we'd call it…
  • 22. LEPTISENSE! And that's exactly what we did! I call it LeptiSense because leptin is considered the "Master Fat Burning Hormone." And it just makes sense to balance leptin along with both insulin and cortisol to maximize weight loss and fat-burning. And like its inspiration products (Lepticore® and Sensoril®), LeptiSense does not have to be combined with any other healthy habits to help your body. Now, all that was left was to test it in the real world! So I contacted Sherry, a 41-year-old mother of 3 kids, and asked for a favor. "Sherry, I know you work full time, have 3 kids, and have very little time to exercise. Would you like to do an experiment with me?" She agreed, and when the results came in, we were both shocked! Take a look for yourself…
  • 23. "I was shocked when I lost 2.5 inches from my waist in just 4 weeks!" I am a mother of 3 kids, work full-time, and su몭er from thyroid disease. Over the years I have tried countless diets and I could just never get the weight o몭. I always blamed my thyroid and pretty much gave up. I eat healthy, but nothing ever seems to work. I started taking LeptiSense and continued with my healthy diet and I was shocked when I lost 2.5 inches from my waist in just 4 weeks and 1.5 inches from my thighs. Oh, I should mention I have a chronic foot injury that prevents me from doing cardio such as running or even consistent walking. I did work out a few times during the 4 weeks with a kettlebell. I am starting my 2nd bottle of LeptiSense so I can lose the rest of my belly fat." In only one month — in only 30 days — she lost 2.5 inches from around her waist! I could hardly believe it! Was this a 몭uke? Could this be dupable? I had to 몭nd out. So I reached out to Liane, a 42-year-old mother of 2 kids. She also works full time, and I asked her for the same favor. "Liane, I know you work full time, have a couple of kids, and you don't have any time to exercise. So…would you like to do an experiment with me?" Like Sherry, she agreed and started taking LeptiSense the next day. For the next 30 days, I held my breath. Would Liane have the same kind of results? Or would all my time and investment be lost on hope and prayer? When her results came back, however, I was even more shocked than before! Just take a look for yourself…
  • 24. Just take a look for yourself… "I was so surprised I could lose my mu몭n top — in only 4 weeks — just by adding LeptiSense!" I suspect I'm like most 42-year-old mothers of two, who also work a full time job: I tend to carry a lot stress. Like most women, I'd love to 몭nd the time to workout, but then — reality! My husband travels at times, leaving me with the full time taxi responsibility, transporting our kids back and forth to sporting events every night. Because of my hectic schedule, and because I haven't been able to workout, I make it a point to try and eat healthy. So, when I heard about LeptiSense from a friend, I was skeptical, but I decided to give it 30 days anyway. To say I'm surprised by the results is an understatement. In only 4 weeks, I've lost 1.5 inches of my waist, 1.75 inches o몭 my hips, 2.25 inches o몭 my thighs, and 3/4 inch o몭 my arms. That's 6.25 inches lost, which means I also lost my mu몭n top! I'm so surprised, and delighted, that I was able to lose so many inches without exercise, and by just adding LeptiSense. I am really excited that by adding LeptiSense, my body naturally started shedding my belly fat ... and now I'm extra motivated to 몭nd time to add exercise so I can really accelerate my fat loss. All my research … all my business dealings with the heads of Lepticore® and Sensoril® …
  • 25. Lepticore® and Sensoril® … … all the trial and error in 몭nding the right manufacturer … all the sleepless nights … … and all the expense that has gone into creating LeptiSense has really paid o몭 … In Documented, Undeniable, Real-World Results! That's why I'm so delighted to announce that after years of dogged determination, I can 몭nally bring LeptiSense to the market! I want you to experience LeptiSense for yourself, and I want you to give it 90 days to change your life. I want you to feel the di몭erence that the 7 greatest weight loss nutrients ever assembled can have on balancing your hormones and helping you lose weight. And I Want YOU  To Experience It All ... RISK-FREE! I'm so excited for you! Because if you've ever struggled with losing weight and keeping it o몭, then LeptiSense really does have the power to change your life! That's not more weight loss hype, B.S., and lies that you've been told before… It's The Promise, Proof, And Power Of 4 US Trademarks And Patents At Work! It's also my personal guarantee. Try LeptiSense for 90 days … … if it isn't the best dietary supplement you've ever used … … if it doesn't help soothe and balance your insulin, leptin, and cortisol hormones …
  • 26. … if you don't see and feel the di몭erence even after taking all 120 capsules … … I want you to contact us to receive a FULL REFUND of your purchase price. This is my 100% guarantee. Even after you take the last LeptiSense capsule in the very last bottle, you can still change your mind, and we will still give you a FULL money-back refund. Here's How To Take Advantage Of This 100% Money-Back, Patented Guarantee To take advantage of your RISK-FREE o몭er, I'm making you an o몭er on this page no one else will get. Because as you can imagine … A metabolism-restoring supplement like LeptiSense isn't cheap to formulate. After all, when you gather the 7 greatest weight loss nutrients ever assembled into one super- supplement, every scienti몭c step is brutally expensive. Still, after seeing the results of the 11 'Gold Standard' human trials, I knew I had to get these ingredients into the hands of those who need it most. After all, how much is your health, happier mood, ideal weight, and improved energy worth to you? What's the impact of fatigue and frustration on your happiness, relationships, and 몭nancial future? Can you even put a price on something as
  • 27. Can you even put a price on something as valuable as the quality of your life? Normally, a single bottle of LeptiSense retails for $57.95, and will last you 4 weeks. However, that price is NOT for you — not today — if you order from this page. Since you've read this far, you've proven how much you desire a better life, more energy, and a trimmer, sexier body for yourself … Which is why I insist you get the best o몭er possible For the 몭rst few hundred orders only, I've instructed my team to drop the price of your single order of LeptiSense … Valid only if you order today ... and only if you use the order form on this page … For a MASSIVE 23% savings! You'll get your bottle of LeptiSense for only $44.95 when you become a VIP Member! That's a little less than $1.50 a day to restore your fat-burning, health-creating metabolism… … containing the 7 greatest weight loss nutrients ever assembled and are guaranteed to have potent active ingredients … Documented by dozens of clinical studies and used safely for decades. There's simply no faster way to naturally balance your metabolic hormones ... period. JayLab Pro's LeptiSense The GOLD STANDARD In Natural Health
  • 28. As you already know by now, every capsule of LeptiSense gives you the highest quality sources of Gum Arabic, Guar Gum, Locust Bean Gum, Blue Green Algae, Pomegranate extract, Ashwagandha, and Chromium Polynicotinate available anywhere without … Harmful add-ons which leave you jittery or anxious … Needless 몭llers which pad the capsule (and your cost) … Worrying about potency or purity … Having to su몭er through yo-yo energy levels and constant hunger … Having to experience the frustrating disappointment of yet another diet program that doesn't work as promised or which you can't possibly stick to … And instead, allows your metabolism to do the heavy lifting, so you shed the inches more e몭ortlessly. To be clear, that's $1.49 a day for 4 full weeks of metabolism-restoring LeptiSense… Less than what you'd spend on a cup of co몭ee or even a bottle of water… And a tiny fraction of the cost of what you'd pay Big Pharma to treat obesity-related diseases, all caused by weight and lifestyle… And which you'll potentially avert by restoring your metabolism now, rather than waiting for your health to deteriorate… When you think of that, your $44.95 investment in your long-term health is an undeniably smart choice… Then, when you add in JayLabPro's 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee,
  • 29. Then, when you add in JayLabPro's 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee, you'll see in a moment… Your decision today is a no-brainer. But your savings don't stop at one bottle … I'm con몭dent you'll love how you feel on LeptiSense, and that's why I want to pass on the most outrageous savings possible. Go ahead and pick up four bottles of metabolism-restoring, mood- enhancing LeptiSense today and get incredible savings o몭 the retail price! For a limited time only … When you invest in 4 bottles of LeptiSense, I'll send you TWO BOTTLES — FREE! That drops the $2 a day cost to just .99 cents a day. 99 cents a day to get six full months of metabolism-balancing, life- enhancing LeptiSense. ... saving you a WHOPPING 51% o몭 the retail price. (Or get the same savings by ordering 2 bottles today and we'll include the third for free, giving you 90 days of hormone balance.) AND if you act today, you'll keep these savings for life. Meaning, you'll never pay retail for LeptiSense … EVER … for as long as you're a member of the VIP Membership Savings Club.
  • 30. 1 MONTH PLAN BEGINNER OFFER YOUR PRICE: ($1.50 per day) 6 MONTH PLAN MOST POPULAR! 4 + 2 FREE OFFER YOUR PRICE: (SAVE: $167.90) 3 MONTH PLAN 2 + 1 FREE OFFER YOUR PRICE: (SAVE: $65.90) Just click the yellow button below that says "YES! I Want It!" to claim your discounted VIP price now before someone else takes it … Then 몭ll out your information on the next page...   But that's not all. And as I said a moment ago … I insist on making this RISK FREE for you. That's why I personally guarantee your complete satisfaction, and I'll even put it into writing,… Hi, I'm Jayson Hunter, founder of JayLab Pro, and here's my 90-Day, 100% Money Back, Patented Guarantee: "I'm so con몭dent you'll be delighted by the results you see and feel with LeptiSense, I want you to enjoy it RISK-FREE for 90 days with no obligation. You must be completely thrilled with your results, or I want you to contact us and you'll receive a FULL REFUND, no questions asked.
  • 31. contact us and you'll receive a FULL REFUND, no questions asked. This is a 100% guarantee. Even after you take the last LeptiSense capsule in the very last bottle, you can still change your mind, and we will still give you a FULL money-back refund. So if in the unlikely event you aren't completely satis몭ed with how much clearer you're feeling, how much more energy you have, and how much slimmer you're looking, simply let me know within 90 days and I'll refund your purchase 100%. That's how con몭dent I am that you'll love your results." P.S. I feel you deserve to know why I'm o몭ering you such outrageous savings today ... Not to sound corny, but you can probably tell by now that I have a dream. Well, It's Really A Cause And I'd Love YOU To Be A Part Of It You, along with the many others who are ready to... Transform their health... Turbo-charge their energy... And trade ugly, health-draining blubber with life-producing, calorie-eating, sexy muscle tone … And above all, share that new life and body with the world!  You see, what I haven't told you yet is that in the 20+ years I've been a Registered Dietitian, I've had the honor of … … helping over 100,000 people reinvent their bodies and reinvigorate their health. And achieve their goals of a slimmer, sexier frame.  I can only imagine how many
  • 32. communities have been impacted by those 100,000 transformations. I wonder how many kids now have healthier, happier parents? How many people need to be inspired by this cause? So, I decided I needed to let as many men and women into this cause as possible for the bene몭t of thousands more ... a cause I'm calling: F.A.S.T., an acronym that represents the qualities of my health- conscious community. Women and men, like you, who use science - rather than the latest fads - to dictate what they eat, drink, and do to get their ideal body. It all stems from that dogged pursuit of the truth that started so many years ago in the print shop. And we simply cannot let "price" stand in the way of you achieving YOUR  goals, as well as helping make a positive impact on the world … This is why you're getting, for a limited time, three premium bonuses so you can lose weight even faster, and with less stress … As a thank you for taking action today you'll ALSO receive a fast-action bonus worth well over the $37 you'd pay for it upfront … And that's because it'll accelerate your body's responsiveness to LeptiSense by healing your liver… ... the very organ responsible for turning the ample stores of body fat on your hips, thighs, and belly into abundant, life-fueling energy. (Or not, which is more often the case.) And this is a VERY limited o몭er, good for today only ...
  • 33. We're giving you the highly successful 71-page Heal Your Fat Burning Hormones program for FREE ($37 Value) Over 2,789 happy women and men have discovered … The exact foods to eat for your body type in order to burn fat FASTER than ever before ... The exact foods you need to AVOID to keep you on the road to successful body transformation ... The ONLY exercise program you will ever need to melt away years of unwanted belly, hip, thigh, and butt fat ... And so much more! PLUS you'll also get … The Printable "30-Day Done-For-You Meal Plan Speci몭c To Your Body Type" ($87 Value) These worksheets are your on-the-go solution to eating well. And you'll get over 30 days of meal planning guides for FREE when you order LeptiSense today and become a VIP Member. So you won't have to guess at what to eat with LeptiSense -- you'll get my guide to fast-track your results. And as an ADDED BONUS you'll also receive My "Speci몭c Body Type Workouts"... ($127 Value) ... and you'll want this because these speci몭c
  • 34. exercises boost your body stores of fat-burning muscle. And they're yours FREE when you order LeptiSense today. These three fat loss jump- starting bonuses from JayLabPro's retail store would cost you over $251 … That's just a little over $8 a day to make it super easy to 몭gure out what to eat... when to eat... and how to work out e몭ciently … ... a little over $8 a day to lose an extra 5, 10, or even 15 pounds in the next four weeks. But those prices aren't for you. When you order today these gifts are worth a combined $251 for FREE … So you are guaranteed to get a slimmer, healthier, and sexier you over the next 30 days. Remember, with LeptiSense you're getting … Lepticore® , the combination of naturally sourced, metabolism balancing ingredients... Including PEA, the "love molecule" found in chocolate … Which will balance your leptin levels and restore leptin sensitivity … So you kick start your fat-burning metabolism to drop the excess blubber … … and, thanks to PEA, feel good all the time. And then you're getting Sensoril® , the nation's best- selling source of "Indian Ginseng..."
  • 35. Reduce cortisol, the "stress hormone"… … and get your fat cells to release stubborn, diet-resistant body fat …. … while reducing your feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. So you sleep better, love better, and live better than ever before. And 몭nally, you're getting Chromium … So you balance your insulin levels… Which means you feel more natural, manageable levels of hunger and fullness. So you lose the extra weight, improve your energy levels, to sleep better, and experience the sexual vitality you deserve. And LeptiSense is lab certi몭ed to be potent, pure, and free of allergens, GMOs, and unnecessary 몭llers. PLUS:  you're getting three of my best hormone-supporting gifts to speed up your results. So you lose pounds and inches fast… And slash your risk of health problems like Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes, and heart disease. It's our thank you for acting now. Remember, for an extremely limited time only, you can get SIX bottles of LeptiSense for the price of four or THREE bottles for the price of TWO … ... and save 51% o몭 the retail price while getting 3 premium bonuses originally priced at over $251 … So you can shed the pounds, balance your hormones, and improve your mood and energy levels so look and feel amazing … Go ahead and click the button underneath the LeptiSense option that's right for you … Then 몭ll out your information.
  • 36. Then click the yellow "Add to Cart" button below. It's that easy. Just "one thing" to transform your life, just as it did mine. A Truly Limited Time, First-come, First-Served O몭er … This is so cutting edge and high quality that just 1,100 bottles are able to be produced at a time. And LeptiSense isn't available in retail stores due to JayLabPro's strict focus on quality. Only the 몭rst-comers will be guaranteed access to LeptiSense and at this exclusive price … Everyone else will be out of luck. And let's not forget: Unless you take action now, today, you may never take action … You may do what I did for a long time and "put it o몭…" Just a "few more days…" which turn into "months…" Then "years…" But if you do, your health will begin to deteriorate … Your energy will drop to next to nothing … You might lose your friends … your job … maybe even your romantic relationship … And where will that leave you and the loved ones who count on you? All for the sake of doing nothing to change the course of your health.
  • 37. So Let's Make Sure You GET WHAT YOU REALLY WANT And do the only smart thing you can do … Take advantage of this limited-time special o몭er while it's available to you … And wisely get on the right path to a simple, e몭cient, and friendly journey to weight loss today. Click the Yellow "Choose Your Package" Button Below… And Let's Get You Started NOW! If you're still reading, I bet you have some questions… Here are the most common questions asked about LeptiSense, and the answers to help you out while you decide which LeptiSense option is right for you and your future ... Can I restore my metabolism through a diet or special foods? In short, no. If that was the case, all the diets and 몭tness programs attempted by millions of overweight people would work, wouldn't they? There wouldn't be so many stories of people who tried one diet or another and failed. And there wouldn't be a need for the dozens and dozens of studies into the impact of leptin, cortisol, and insulin on your health … nor the studies of hormone-balancing ingredients like those found in LeptiSense. 
  • 38. LeptiSense.  Can't I just buy a less expensive form of these ingredients? You'll be able to 몭nd a less expensive form of "Indian Ginseng" found in Sensoril®… but you simply cannot 몭nd a higher quality, certi몭ed potent, certi몭ed pure form found in Sensoril®. And as for Lepticore® with its PEA and mix of high quality, plant-based micronutrients and antioxidants? It's only available as the proprietary, quality-ensured combination found in LeptiSense. But let's be honest here … Aren't you worth more than the bottom of the barrel, expired ingredients for the sake of saving a few quarters? Isn't your long-term savings of the costs of lifestyle health conditions worth the investment of $1.49 a day? I think so, which is why your best bet is to take advantage of the special o몭er for LeptiSense extended to you right now.  Can I take this while on a diet or exercise program? Yes! As mentioned, LeptiSense enhances what you're doing, making any diet or exercise program more e몭ective. This is why adding the Body Reset Program to your order today is a smart move. However, you don't need to embark on some kind of intense program in order to get results you can see and feel. Which is what makes balancing your metabolism so incredibly powerful. How soon will I feel the bene몭ts of LeptiSense? Most people start feeling a clearer mind and more balanced moods within the 몭rst few days… … I personally felt it within the 몭rst day. And as for the hunger-reducing e몭ects? Those happened in the 몭rst 7 days. To maintain these bene몭ts, and to see improved hunger/fullness signals, better sleep,
  • 39. signals, better sleep, … decreased stress levels, and steady weight loss, you need to give LeptiSense at least 90-120 days, which is only fair … … and one of the main reasons you should take me up on this special LeptiSense o몭er today. What will happen if I don't balance my hormones? Honestly, a lot can happen if you don't take action today. You run the risk of shortening your life by years — if not decades — by putting yourself at risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. And even if none of those a몭ect you … Your blood sugar will still spike and drop, leaving you bouncing between intensely hungry and devastatingly tired every few hours… Your sleep will su몭er, as you gain more fat around your face, neck, and core … Your sex life will nosedive, since your metabolism a몭ects all hormones, including the ones responsible for pleasurable sex and enjoyable companionship … You'll continue to gain unattractive and unhealthy 몭ab around your waist, hips, thighs, arms, and face … … and your mood will drop like a sinking rock, stealing your con몭dence and joy with it … Can you truly and honestly say that ANY of those is acceptable to you? If not, then you have your answer - LeptiSense. And it's backed by JayLabPro's 90-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
  • 40. 1 MONTH PLAN BEGINNER OFFER YOUR PRICE: ($1.50 per day) 6 MONTH PLAN MOST POPULAR! 4 + 2 FREE OFFER YOUR PRICE: (SAVE: $167.90) 3 MONTH PLAN 2 + 1 FREE OFFER YOUR PRICE: (SAVE: $65.90) And, on this page only, available at an unsurpassed price. Do it right now … You have absolutely nothing to lose but the weight … And you have everything to gain … Remember, to save an incredible 51% o몭 the regular retail price, for an extremely limited time only, you can get 6 bottles of LeptiSense for the price of 4 … And claim the free gifts available to turbocharge your fat loss results … Go ahead and click the button underneath the LeptiSense option that's right for you … Then 몭ll out your information.   © Copyright 2021, | All rights reserved. Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Returns Policy   * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.