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                                                                                                                             07.11.08 Issue 45

Take a look around you right now. Are you surrounded by transparent waters
inundated with light while lying on soft white sand under the cooling shade of a
large palm tree? No? Ok, let’s try a different question - would you like to be?
Well, it’s entirely possible that in five months time you could be! And if you think
it couldn’t get any better than the three sentence description above, just
remember – this wouldn’t be any old trip to the Caribbean; it’s a Kleeneze trip to
the Caribbean. It makes all the difference to be not only soaking up the sun in
one of the most beautiful places on earth, but to do it in true Kleeneze style.
So, who can qualify?
•   Gold Distributors using the exclusive Gold Rush criteria
•   Distributors who have not hit Gold yet
•   Anyone at Senior level or above
•   Existing Distributors moving up the Sales Plan
Actually – ANYONE CAN DO IT! Don’t believe us? Ok, well here’s what the man-behind-the-criteria, Michael Khatkar had to say on the matter:
    “Firstly, I’ve never known a Destination as amazing as this, but more amazingly, I’ve never known an incentive so available to absolutely everyone –
    especially so late in the year. It has to be the best incentive I’ve ever known since I’ve been with Kleeneze.
    To clarify:
    • If you’re planning on hitting Bronze or above, we need you to hold that position for a total of three Periods (up to and including Period 1, 2009)
    • If you’re at Gold level, you need to participate in the amazing Gold Rush Competition! Email, if you have any questions.
    • If you’re Senior and above, we will be issuing the first league tables in accordance with the criteria in two weeks and from then on at the end of
      Period 12 and 13 Red.
    Even more exciting – if you’re not at Gold level yet, hit Gold by Period 1, 2009 and attend the New Year Showcase on Saturday 3 January and you
    could win one of 10 cabins on the exclusive Club Med 2!”
Phew, what are you doing still reading this?! Make your plan NOW and in just over 19 weeks you could be touring around the stunning islands of
Guadeloupe, Antigua, Jost van Dyke, Virgin Gorda and St Martin on one of the most impressive sea vessels of all time.

                               This week, Silver Senior Executive Distributor, Sylvia Laing took to the airwaves to discuss the Kleeneze Opportunity on
                               popular radio show, Ladies @ Lunch.
                               The show, a format not unlike Loose Women, aired on BBC Radio Lancashire alongside the live web chat on their website
                               and was a two hour feast of all things from current affairs to popular culture.
                               Sylvia, who based her conversation around topics such as how people in the midst of the credit crunch cannot miss out on
                               this business, was hugely successful in spreading the brand name and we have already seen a rise in hits to our website.
                               Joined by Debs Sloan from the 90th year of Remembrance and presenters of the show, Sally Naden and Carole Turner, the
                               show can now be listened to again at

Not everyone is looking forward to Christmas this year with many              “I joined Kleeneze in September
forced to tighten their purse strings. However, even Scrooge himself
would be delighted to find out that our Christmas Monthly Bargains is
now available!
                                                                              part-time to make a bit of extra
                                                                              cash. I joined with the basic
                                                                              Starter Kit of 50 catalogues,

With over 12-pages packed full of decorations, gifts and more at              personally presented them to                        LAST
                                                                                                                                                                        Tree Foil Roll
                                                                                                                                                                       Width 50cm (19 1
                                                                                                                                                                       Code 080977-

                                                                              50 houses, collected them
                                                                                                                                                                                                Code 081183-

knock-down prices, your customers will be delighted to hear that now
they can have an even more cost-effective, but just as glittering             back in and put them out                                                                                                              Tree Gift Tags

Christmas season.                                                             again - a total of 100                                                                                                                   ONLY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Code 080667-    8A

                                                                              catalogues dropped in the                                                                                                                    • Available in 2

The leaflets contain over 40 items less than £5 and over 60 items less        first week. The end result was      Santa Paper Roll
                                                                                                                 Width 50cm (19 1 Wrap
                                                                                                                 Code 081396-          10m
than £10 and will be included in all product parcels (pack of 50), but
                                                                                                                              8A       Code 081450-

                                                                              very positive - €950 in orders                                                                                                         £1.00
will also be available to download off the DSA.                               – and that was without the                                                          Santa Gift Tags
This is a great retailing opportunity at a great retailing time of year!      Christmas Catalogue!”                  Great Products
                                                                                                                                    delivered FREE
                                                                                                                                                                   Code 080772-     8A
                                                                                                                                                   to your                                                             door
Stock is limited, so grab these unbelievable bargains while you can!          Claire Mc Loughlin,
                                                                              Silver Distributor
According to some of the Fast Track team, retailing is already flying, so
                                                                              “Having put out 120 catalogues to part of my customer base, I found
imagine what you could do with even better bargains!
                                                                              that I had picked up orders totalling over £860, earning me over £230.
“The retail from the Christmas Catalogue is already brilliant. On our first   It just goes to show that if you stay with this business and build on your
pick up of the season - we picked up over £1000 of orders of which            customer base, putting in the hard work in the early days certainly pays
£477 was from the Christmas books. We thought that was marvellous,            off. I do this very part-time around my full time job working for Honda
but orders are still coming in - from those 200 books we are now up to        and the extra income makes a real difference.”
nearly £1200!”                                                                Andy Powell, Silver Distributor
Kath and John Clease,
                                                                              “Retail is absolutely fantastic at the moment. This week’s order was
Bronze Executive Distributors
                                                                              £815 from 120 catalogues out to customer base plus some blanket
“I have just had a great week with the catalogues. I delivered 153            dropped. Included was an order for £110 from a regular customer and
catalogues to regular customers and picked up £977.49 in orders. That         £65 from a brand new customer. The previous week I had £1,017 in
will earn me £365.13 in Retail and Volume Profit for effectively 12           orders from 100 customers and 150 blanket drops. Customer orders
hours of work! Anyone can achieve this by building a customer base,           are averaging between £6 and £8 per book. I'm really looking forward
servicing it regularly, and then building a team to Gold level. Put the       to Monday morning (how often do you hear that?!) to see what orders
effort in consistently, and this will happen for anyone.”                     today’s books will produce.”
Andy Ridley, Bronze Executive Distributor                                     Mary Fullerton, Senior Distributor

                        Last month we offered you the chance to meet with Network Marketing guru and our Kleeneze New Year Showcase
                        guest speaker, Mr Ed Ludbrook, simply by booking your Showcase tickets!
                        We can now announce that Senior Distributors, Tony and Sarah Henshall are the lucky couple who will have an
                        exclusive meeting with the man who wrote the best-selling, Shakeout, and who is the world's foremost authority on the
                        industry of Direct Sales and Network Marketing.
                        Would you like to join the Henshalls in meeting Ed in person and receiving some personalised tips?
                        Simply book your tickets now and you can be entered into a weekly draw to be part of this exclusive gathering.
                        Don’t forget, you can now order tickets for the Showcase with your normal product order by using the
                        code 00027 and submitting the quantity you require.
 [The Be There Video is now online! Make sure you log onto the DSA and find out what else we have lined up for our New Year
 Showcase 2009! – Ed]

   Our 85th anniversary year is almost over, but for one couple the celebrations continue, as they were lucky enough
   to be the eighty-fifth Distributorship to sign up in October – the reward being a full refund on their start-up fee!
   Congratulations to Andrew and Clare Crush (sponsored by Stephen Cooper)
   Not only have you joined a fantastic business, you’ve done it entirely for free!

                                                                                                  07.11.08 Issue 45 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
With a company that prides itself upon recognition, it only seems fair that EWB salutes some of                    STAR Y
the hardest working people at HQ – the Service Centre. Receiving anywhere in the region of 1,000
to 1,200 calls a day, the 50 staff members of the Service Centre constantly endeavour to make                      STOR
sure that you have all in the information, help, advice and tools that you need to run your business
smoothly. We could write a book with all the positive feedback we get on a daily basis for the
various teams, but here’s just a taster:
“I would just like to say what a great idea the New Starter Callout Advisors are. For those that
don’t know about this, advisors from the Service Centre call all new starters over their first four
weeks in the business regularly and offer support throughout this crucial time in the business;
                                                                                                           Attitude is everything
                                                                                                           “Sadie Walker started the year by having a
advising on all aspects of the business from how to reach bonuses to processing returns.
                                                                                                           major operation on her foot to re-correct
Although nothing can replace consistent contact and care from sponsors with their team and we              the damage a bunion had done. Her foot
call our team regularly, I feel that this service from Kleeneze is fantastic and a great bonus for all     had to be pinned and bone cut away, but
new distributors. The feedback from our team has been extremely positive and all the new
                                                                                                           within a few days she was up and retailing
distributors feel truly valued and supported by the company. Sarah Darch, Gold Distributor
                                                                                                           again with a special splint on her foot and
“In what have undoubtedly been difficult times for the Company since repatriation to Accrington,           she never, never missed a meeting.
you probably feel that you have heard more than your fair share of criticisms over the last few            She also made it to and sat through the
months, so it is a privilege for me instead, to be able to single out one of your Advisers, Amanda         whole Conference in Birmingham from
Harrison, for well deserved praise, and for being a shining light to us all. The way in which she has      Northern Ireland.
resolved my problem in one day, when others prevaricated, has demonstrated an initiative and
drive, and degree of professionalism that has restored my faith in the ability of the Service Centre       While she waited for a hip replacement, she
to provide real help and support when it is most needed.                                                   was in immense pain, but still retailed away
                                                                                                           on crutches. Sadie had to be in hospital
Her actions have benefited all of us - the Company, distributor and customers alike, and I hope
                                                                                                           before 7am Wednesday morning to have
that you can give her the recognition that her positive attitude and manner so richly deserve. A job
                                                                                                           her hip replacement operation, but the
very well done, Amanda and again many thanks.” James Fisher, Silver Distributor
                                                                                                           night before she came along to one of our
“Just a quick message to say what excellent service I received today from Safina Ahmed in the              sizzles where she was prepared to learn
Service Centre. We have 6 new distributors starting this week and I called to confirm date of              something new and help other
delivery for business kits and catalogues. Not only did she confirm the dates she also confirmed           Kleeneze distributors even though they were
ones that had been delivered today.
                                                                                                           not in her team.
Safina also offered to come back to me
                                                                                                           We thought we would give her a few days
regarding delivery of the free half and full
                                                                                                           to recover before we went to see her, so we
retail kit for one of our new distributors who
                                                                                                           gave her a ring on the Monday morning
has qualified for both with her first 2 orders!
Excellent service – please pass on my thanks.”                                                             after her operation to let her know we
Diane Goulding, Bronze                                                                                     would be popping round. However, we
Executive Distributor                                                                                      learned to our amazement that she was in
                                                                                                           fact sitting in her jeep showing her husband
                                                                                                           Keith where to pick her catalogues up.
DISCOUNTED RATES WITH OUR                                                                                  Sadie really is a shining example and
NEW ONLINE RE-REGISTRATION                                                                                 inspiration to us all as she is the perfect
This week, our new Online Re-registration            re-register. For new Distributors who have            example that if there is a will there's a way
process went live meaning it’s now even easier       joined Kleeneze between 1 December 2007               as too many people in Kleeneze have too
to stake your claim in a future that’s set to be     and 31 October 2008, re-registration is FREE.         many excuses.
incredibly successful!                               However, they will still need to complete the
                                                     re-registration process to ensure all their details   I would also like to take this opportunity
To be part of our growing success story, it is
important for everyone to complete their re-         on our system are correct.                            to thank her husband Keith and her
registration before the end of December 2008.        For all non-Internet registered Distributors, we      Downline, Marie, for helping her with the
The re-registration service will ensure that all     will be sending you manual registration forms         physical side of her business until she is back
Distributors comply with the latest terms and        by 30 November to be completed by the end             on her feet.”
conditions of the new agreement forms, and           of December. Manual registration is only for          Thank you to Gold Distributors,
will be activated alongside your annual              those Distributors who are non Internet
                                                                                                           Roberta Chessell and Rachele Sproston
distributor card renewal.                            registered and have no email address and the
                                                                                                           for sending us this story, but most of
This year, we are also offering a discounted         fee for this service is £20/€30.
                                                                                                           all, thank you to Sadie who’s story is
rate for distributors who re-register before the     For Dutch and German Distributors, we will
                                                                                                           inspirational to say the least. Retail
end of November 2008. To support you at this         contact you shortly to confirm details.
time we have frozen the re-registration fee of                                                             Kits are on their way to you!
only £10 since 2006!                                 To try out our new service, log into the              Keep sending your stories in to
The fee for re-registration will be charged to       DSA click on ”Online Registration” and
your account the following month after you           follow the simple instructions.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Issue 45 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
                                                                                19 Nov (every 4 wks) Teeside Opportunity Meeting, Blue Bell Hotel,          19 Nov   (17/12) West Monmouthshire Golf Club, Nantyglo, BLAENAU             1 Dec    Herts BOM at the Novotel Stevenage, Knebworth Park,
                                                                                       Acklam Road, MIDDLESBROUGH TS5 7HL. Easy access from                          GWENT, NP234QT. Registration 7.45 - 7.55 pm. Meeting start                   Stevenage, HERTFORDSHIRE SG1 2AX (on J7 of A1M) 8.00pm
                                                                                       A19. Open meeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start £2.50 per                      8pm prompt. Business dress. £2 per distributor. Guests FREE.                 - 9.30pm. Doors open at 7.15pm for networking. £2.50 per
COMPANY CONFERENCE AND TRAINING DAYS                                                   head. Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table.
                                                                                       Geldard and Cathy Brookes ITS 119822 Sue Phoenix ITS
                                                                                                                                                                     Raffle prize draw. Hosts KerryAnne and John Watkins, tel: 07815
                                                                                                                                                                     128169. ITS 508435.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  person - guests FREE. Evening includes: Opportunity, Proof of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the Pudding / Product Demo, Recognition, The Best 'Crazee'
19 Nov         Kleeneze Gold Day – KLEENEZE HQ (Book now – email                       514235.                                                                                                                                                    Raffle in Town, Great Multi-Coaching, Guest Speakers Plus Lots
                                                                                                                                                            19 Nov   (every 4 weeks) Business Opportunity Meeting at Newtown,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of 'Whooping' & ‘Hollering’. Interactive Sozzle in the bar
                                                                                19 Nov (four weekly) Business Opportunity Meeting at Newtown.                        POWYS, SY16 1LH. 7.45 pm for an 8.00pm start finishing at
3 Jan 09       Kleeneze New Year Showcase and Gala Dinner – THE NIA                    Maldwyn Leisure Centre, Plantation Lane, Newtown, POWYS,                      9.00pm. £1 per Distributor - Guests Free. Everyone welcome                   afterwards. Business Dress (and Suits). Open Herts Meeting.
               and HALL 3, ICC, BIRMINGHAM                                             SY16 1LH. 8pm-9pm, doors open 7.30pm. £1 per Distributor.                     Business dress only please. Contact Roger Mantle 01686 628                   Everyone Welcome! Hosts: Group Victory.
22-28 Mar      Kleeneze Spring Destination Conference 2009 –                           This is the first meeting. Please notify your team members and                423 or Wilf Parry 01691 777 232.                                             Contact Mike Lunn & Fiona Deans Tel: 01438 229 480 Email:
               CARIBBEAN CRUISE                                                        guests of this event. Contact: Roger Mantle at                       19 Nov   (10/12) Redruth Business Opportunity Meeting. Tricky’s, Tolgus      Text: 07954 577 340 ITS:
9 May 09       Kleeneze Summer Showcase – THE NIA, BIRMINGHAM                , Tel 01686 628 423 or Wilf Parry                  Mount, Redruth, CORNWALL, TR15 3TA. 7.45pm for 8pm start.                    511705.
5 Sept 09      Kleeneze Christmas Showcase and Gala Dinner 2009 –                      on 01691 777 232.                                                             Everyone welcome. Still only £2.50 per Distributorship, guests      3 Dec    (first Wednesday of the month) Holsworthy Business Opportunity
               THE NIA and HALL 3, ICC, BIRMINGHAM                              25 Nov (every four weeks) Glasgow Opportunity Meeting at the Quality                 free. Hosts David and Jenny Gerry. Contact on 01209 714067,                  Meeting, the White Heart, Fore Street, Holsworthy DEVON.
                                                                                       Hotel, 99 Gordon Street, GLASGOW, next door to Glasgow              , ITS 297533.                                    7.30pm for 8pm. Dress smart/casual. All welcome. Contact Les
                                                                                       Central Railway station. 8pm-9pm. Contact Lynn Macdonald at                                                                                                and Betty Slade: ITS 529662 / tel: 01288 381248 or Terry and
TRAINING MEETINGS - 2008 COUNTRYWIDE                                          or Tel: 01506 414456.
                                                                                                                                                            20 Nov   (18/12) Leicester Business Opportunity Meeting, The Field Head
                                                                                                                                                                     Hotel, Markfield Lane, Markfield, LEICESTER, LE67 9PS.                       Jane Hodges: ITS 437407/Tel: 01288 331706.
16 Nov Freedom Training. 10.00am – 1.00pm (Doors open at 9.30am)                3 Dec (every 4 wks) North East Business Opportunity Meeting, Quality        £3 per distributorship. Registration   3 Dec    Swindon Business Opportunity Meeting, Campanile Hotel
       Best Western Moat House Hotel, Festival Way, Etruria, STOKE-                    Hotel, Boldon Business Park, SUNDERLAND. NE5 9PE. Easy                        7.30pm/7.45pm. Starts 8pm. For further information, contact                  (formally the Ibis) Delta Business Park, SWINDON, SN5 7XG.
       ON-TRENT, ST1 5BQ. Bookings only, £6.00 per person. Guest                       Access from A19. Open meeting, everyone welcome. 8.00pm                       Andy and Sharon Bird on 0116 233 0966.                                       Everyone welcome. 8pm start please wear business dress £2.50
       speakers Michael Khatkar & Richard Woods, please send                           START £2.50 per head. Guests free                                    20 Nov   (18/12). Sussex Business Opportunity Meeting. The Halland                    per distributor Guests Free. Please contact Steve or Debra Nell
       cheques (payable to A de Caso) to: Adele & Jaime de Caso, 12                    Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table Steve Geldard and Cathy                 Forge Hotel on A22, Halland, SUSSEX, BN8 6PW. Fantastic                      on 01793 887978.
       Kennington Oval, Trentham, Stoke on Trent, Staffs, ST4 8FX.                     Brookes ITS 119822 Sue Phoenix ITS 514235.                                    training from guest speakers. £2.50 per Distributor, guests free.   3 Dec    Business Opportunity Meeting. The Firs Club, Firs Lane,
       (Names will be held at the door, no tickets are sent out) Business                                                                                            7.30pm for 8pm prompt start. Business dress, please. Hosts:                  FOLKESTONE, Kent, CT19 4QF, off junction 12 M20. 7:30 for
       dress only please, everyone welcome.
23 Nov FastForward Northwest Millionaires training at the Holiday Inn,          SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES                                                        24 Nov
                                                                                                                                                                     Judy and Gordon Seldon, Tel: 01903 893887.
                                                                                                                                                                     (four weekly) Open Business opportunity meeting at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  8:00pm prompt start. Business dress, please. Distributors £2,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  guests free. Hosts Emma and Chris Shafe. Tel: 02083 389887
       RUNCORN. Starts at 12 noon, tickets £8 at the door and                   10 Nov   Business Opportunity Evening at The Holiday Inn, Lake View,                                                                                              Voicemail: 164892.
                                                                                                                                                                     Churchillian Pub, Portsdown Hill, Cosham, PORTSMOUTH
       includes a FREE training CD and FREE bumper raffle. Speakers                      Bridge Rd, Impington, CAMBRIDGE CB24 9PH. 7.30 for 8pm                                                                                          3 Dec    Somerset Business Opportunity Meeting. The Bathpool Inn and
                                                                                                                                                                     Hampshire PO6 3LS. Ample parking. 7.45pm for an 8pm prompt
       include top of the Kleeneze pay plan Principal Distributor Bob                    Start. Business dress only please. Distributors £3 guests Free.                                                                                          Restaurant, Bathpool, TAUNTON, TA2 8BE. 7.30pm for 8pm
                                                                                                                                                                     start. Business dress please. £2 per distributor. Guests free.
       Webb, Neil Young Silver SED, Toby Acton SED and more. BIDS                        Everyone Welcome! Host Craig White, contact 020 8626 9541.                                                                                               start. £3 per Distributorship, Guests free. Contact Chris and
                                                                                                                                                                     Hosts Caroline Roberts and Martin Bell on 02392 430411.
       table is therefore all your sponsoring aids. Further details from        10 Nov   (2nd Monday of each Period) Eltham Open Evening/Opportunity                                                                                              Jacqui Hill on ITS 237999, tel: 01458 841 046, email
                                                                                                                                                            24 Nov   (every four weeks) Business Opportunity Evening. The Holiday
       Mel Wilson, 01524 720192 or ITS 137603.                                           Meeting at the Eltham Conservative Club, 254 High Street,                                                                                       or Gerald Longman on ITS
                                                                                                                                                                     Inn, Ipswich Road, NORWICH. Business dress only, please.
23 Nov Gillian Nicholson’s Training at the Gables Hotel, Bristol Road,                   ELTHAM, London, SE9 1AA. Doors open at 7.30pm for prompt                                                                                                 297398, tel: 01460 55614, email
                                                                                                                                                                     Distributors £3, guests free. Everyone welcome! Host Craig
       FALFIELD, GL12 8DL. 1.30pm – 4pm. Guest speaker Jaime De                          8pm start, ends around 9pm, then relax for a drink and a sizzle                                                                                 4 Dec    Gloucester Business Opportunity Meeting. Twigworth Lodge
                                                                                                                                                                     White, contact 020 8626 9541.
       Caso. £2.50 per distributor. Guests free. Arrive ready to learn,                  plus visit our well stocked Sales Aids table. £3 per                                                                                                     (Premier Travel Inn), Tewkesbury Road, Twigworth,
                                                                                         distributorship, guests free, dress code: smart casual. Hosts      25 Nov   Hemel Hempstead Business Opportunity Meeting. Holiday Inn,
       depart ready to earn! For further details, contact Gillian                                                                                                                                                                                 GLOUCESTER, GL2 9PG. 7.45pm for 8pm start. £3 per
                                                                                         Joyce and Pete Rowe. Tel: 020 8463 7133. ITS: 317 688.                      Breakspear Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP2 4AU. £3 per
       Nicholson 07808 763058, email                                                                                                                                                                                 distributorship, guests free. Host: Mike Perkins, ITS 508802
                                                                                                                                                                     Distributor, guests free. 7.30pm for 8pm start. Hosts: Rosina and
4 Dec SED Success Seminar. The Grangemoor Hotel, St Michaels                    12 Nov   (second Wednesday of every month) The After Eight Opportunity                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                     Frank Pocock, Tel: 01442 256405.
       Road, Maidstone, KENT, ME16 8BS. Every month we have                              Meeting. Chobham Rugby Club, Fowlers Wells, Windsor Road,                                                                                       4 Dec    (first Thursday of the month) Business Opportunity Meeting. St
                                                                                         CHOBHAM, Surrey, GU24 8NA. Doors open 8pm, 8.30pm start            25 Nov   Business Opportunity Meeting, Field Hotel, Markfield,
       training from a guest Senior Executive Distributor or above                                                                                                                                                                                Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St Leonards, RINGWOOD,
                                                                                         – 10pm. £2.50 per Distributor, guests free. Everyone welcome.               LEICESTER, LE67 9PS. £2 per person, guests free. 8pm start.
       (includes Business Opportunity Presentation). 7.30pm start. £3                                                                                                                                                                             Hampshire, BH24 2NP 7.30pm for 8pm start, £2.50 per person.
                                                                                         Mike and Amanda Bibby always in attendance. Bookstall and                   Contact Adam and Charlotte Wilford on 07999 226 907.
       per Distributor. Guests free. Hosts: Andy and Sue Boswell,                                                                                                                                                                                 Business dress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on
                                                                                         Sales Aids. Business dress please. Hosts: Vicky and Hugh Scott,             Everyone welcome.
       01634 323326,                                                                                                                                                                                                    01425 480675 or ITS 119727.
                                                                                         Tel 01483 473318,                             26 Nov   (every four weeks) Business Opportunity Meeting at The Holiday
                                                                                                                                                                     Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD, CM14 5NF, J28 - M25. 7.30
OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND                                           12 Nov   (10/12) New Business Opportunity Meeting open to everyone.
                                                                                         Comfort Inn A17/A52 Jct Bickers Bar, BOSTON, Lincs, PE20                    for 8pm start, Business Dress please. Guest Speaker: Distributor    REPUBLIC OF IRELAND
11 Nov     (every four weeks) Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting, Edinburgh                   3AN Registration 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. £2.50 per person,                 of the Year, Craig White. Everyone welcome. Hosts: Richard and      27 Nov Business Opportunity Meeting. Cooney’s Hotel, Ballymahon,
           Training Centre, 16 St Mary’s Street EDINBURGH, EH1 1SU.                      Guests Free. Business Dress please. Contact Andy & Amanda                   Vanadis. Voicemail: 184496.                                                LONGFORD.
           8pm 9pm. Contact Lynn MacDonald at                                            Holland 01205 358075 or I.T.S 137713.                              26 Nov   Open Opportunity Meeting at The Summit Centre, Pavilion
                                                                                                                                                                     Road, Kirkby in Ashfield, NOTTINGHAM NG17 7LL, Jct. 27 or
12 Nov
           (10/12) Business Opportunity Meeting. Parkside Hotel,
                                                                                14 Nov   (4 Weekly) Opportunity Training evening. Newton Regis Village
                                                                                         Hall, Newton Regis, TAMWORTH, Staffordshire, B79 0NL.                       28 of the M1. 8pm-9.30pm. £3 per distributorship, guests free.      THE NETHERLANDS
           PONTEFRACT, 1/2 mile Jct. 32 M62 toward Pontefract. 7.30pm                    7.30pm for 8pm start. Distributorship £3, guests FREE. Everyone             Parking facilities available and good access for wheelchairs.       29 Nov Bastion Bastion (Best Western) Amsterdam Airport Hotel,
           for 8pm start. £2.50 per person, guests free. Hosts Graham and                welcome. Host: Dave Pemberton-Smith                                         Please support us in this new venture, which is important to us            Vuursteen 1, 2132 LZ, HOOFDDORP, Nederland
           Georgina Long. Tel: 01757 268830. ITS 119857.                                 ( or Voice Mail:119853).                      all in building our businesses. Contact Mike and Margaret         12noon-2.00pm. Free
                                                                                                                                                                     Drayton on 01623 722500.                                                   parking and free shuttle bus to and from the airport. Email Rita
14 Nov     (four weekly) Going for Gold. Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Ingram St,        17 Nov   (3rd Mon of every Month) South East Open Evening-BOM with a
                                                                                                                                                            27 Nov   Worthing Opportunity Meeting, The Pashley Suite, Shoreham                  Weyn & Frank Kamsteeg at
           GLASGOW, 7.30 for 8pm. Business dress please. All welcome.                    twist. Venue Forest Suite, Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot
           £3 per distributor, guests free. Further info contact Tom and Kate            Road, BRACKNELL, Berks, RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm                         Airport, Shoreham by Sea, WEST SUSSEX, BN43 5FF. £3 per
           Forbes, 0141 626 0013, Andrew Walkinshaw 07915 063458, or                     start. Distributors £3.00 single/£4.00 joint, guests free, guest            person, includes one raffle ticket. Guests free. Chantele and                Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings in your
           Bob Park 0191 247 1821.                                                       speaker Bob Webb. Dress code: Business Dress Please, call                   Barry Travis. Contact:                                   area? Let us know, at and we will
17 Nov     Business Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn, Wood Lane,                         Debbie Gee 01628 626327 or Kate Lee 0118 9268540 to reserve        27 Nov   (every last Thursday of the month) Business Opportunity                      include them in our weekly meetings diary.
           Runcorn, MERSEYSIDE, WA7 3HA, Jct. 12 M56, 8pm start.                         your table for your team sizzle! Everyone welcome across the                Meeting. Tottenham Green Leisure, The Gold Room, first floor, 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY.
           £2.50 per person. Guests free. Contact Mary and Harry                         network.                                                                    Philip Lane, LONDON, N15 4JA. 7.30pm for 8pm start. Special
           Fullerton, tel: 0151 4277108, email:       18 Nov   Business Opportunity Meeting. The Thurrock Hotel, Ship Lane,                guest speakers each month. £3 per distributorship, guests free.
                                                                                         Aveley, ESSEX, RM19 1YN. 7.30pm start. £3 per Distributor,                  Everyone welcome. Contact Gary Diamond Dixon on 07973
17 Nov     (08/12) Business Opportunity Meeting, David Lloyd Leisure,
                                                                                         guests free. Hosts: Gill Nicholson 07808 763058 and Andy and                712425 or ITS 113915.
           Barton Embankment, Trafford Park, MANCHESTER, M17 8RH.
           Doors open: 19.30 - 21.30, Everyone welcome/Guests Free,                      Sue Boswell 01634 323326,               30 Nov   FAST START Training. Newton Regis Village Hall, Newton Regis,
           business dress please, raffle. Contact Warren and Pam Sewell:        19 Nov   Bristol Opportunity Meeting. Ship Inn (next to Premier                      TAMWORTH Staffordshire, B79 0NL. 1.30pm for 2pm Start,
           0161 749 8863.                                                                Inn),Thornbury Road, Alveston, BRISTOL, BS35 3LL. 7.45pm                    Distributors £3, guests free. Training to suit every level, Host:
                                                                                         start. Business dress please. Distributors £2 per head, guests              Dave Pemberton-Smith ( or
19 Nov     (every four weeks) Business Opportunity Evening. The Holiday
                                                                                         free. Host: Andy Cooper, ITS 124171.                                        Voice Mail:119853).
           Inn, Clifton Village, Brighouse, LEEDS, HD6 4HW. 8pm start.
           Business dress only, please. Distributors £3, guests free.
           Everyone welcome! Host Craig White, contact 020 8626 9541.

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  • 1. ONLY 6 WEEKS LEFT! 07.11.08 Issue 45 ALL ABOARD THE MOST LUXURIOUS SAILING SHIP IN THE WORLD! Take a look around you right now. Are you surrounded by transparent waters inundated with light while lying on soft white sand under the cooling shade of a large palm tree? No? Ok, let’s try a different question - would you like to be? Well, it’s entirely possible that in five months time you could be! And if you think it couldn’t get any better than the three sentence description above, just remember – this wouldn’t be any old trip to the Caribbean; it’s a Kleeneze trip to the Caribbean. It makes all the difference to be not only soaking up the sun in one of the most beautiful places on earth, but to do it in true Kleeneze style. So, who can qualify? • Gold Distributors using the exclusive Gold Rush criteria • Distributors who have not hit Gold yet • Anyone at Senior level or above • Existing Distributors moving up the Sales Plan Actually – ANYONE CAN DO IT! Don’t believe us? Ok, well here’s what the man-behind-the-criteria, Michael Khatkar had to say on the matter: “Firstly, I’ve never known a Destination as amazing as this, but more amazingly, I’ve never known an incentive so available to absolutely everyone – especially so late in the year. It has to be the best incentive I’ve ever known since I’ve been with Kleeneze. To clarify: • If you’re planning on hitting Bronze or above, we need you to hold that position for a total of three Periods (up to and including Period 1, 2009) • If you’re at Gold level, you need to participate in the amazing Gold Rush Competition! Email, if you have any questions. • If you’re Senior and above, we will be issuing the first league tables in accordance with the criteria in two weeks and from then on at the end of Period 12 and 13 Red. Even more exciting – if you’re not at Gold level yet, hit Gold by Period 1, 2009 and attend the New Year Showcase on Saturday 3 January and you could win one of 10 cabins on the exclusive Club Med 2!” Phew, what are you doing still reading this?! Make your plan NOW and in just over 19 weeks you could be touring around the stunning islands of Guadeloupe, Antigua, Jost van Dyke, Virgin Gorda and St Martin on one of the most impressive sea vessels of all time. WORKING LUNCH FOR KLEENEZE DISTRIBUTOR This week, Silver Senior Executive Distributor, Sylvia Laing took to the airwaves to discuss the Kleeneze Opportunity on popular radio show, Ladies @ Lunch. The show, a format not unlike Loose Women, aired on BBC Radio Lancashire alongside the live web chat on their website and was a two hour feast of all things from current affairs to popular culture. Sylvia, who based her conversation around topics such as how people in the midst of the credit crunch cannot miss out on this business, was hugely successful in spreading the brand name and we have already seen a rise in hits to our website. Joined by Debs Sloan from the 90th year of Remembrance and presenters of the show, Sally Naden and Carole Turner, the show can now be listened to again at 560-071-08
  • 2. SPREAD SOME FESTIVE CHEER WITH OUR BARGAIN BUYS Not everyone is looking forward to Christmas this year with many “I joined Kleeneze in September forced to tighten their purse strings. However, even Scrooge himself would be delighted to find out that our Christmas Monthly Bargains is now available! part-time to make a bit of extra cash. I joined with the basic Starter Kit of 50 catalogues, ChristmaE SAL s WHILST STOCKS From With over 12-pages packed full of decorations, gifts and more at personally presented them to LAST Tree Foil Roll Width 50cm (19 1 5m Wrap ⁄2"). 10m Code 080977- 8A 50 houses, collected them Code 081183- 8A knock-down prices, your customers will be delighted to hear that now they can have an even more cost-effective, but just as glittering back in and put them out Tree Gift Tags Christmas season. again - a total of 100 ONLY £1.00 Code 080667- 8A catalogues dropped in the • Available in 2 sizes The leaflets contain over 40 items less than £5 and over 60 items less first week. The end result was Santa Paper Roll Width 50cm (19 1 Wrap ⁄2"). 5m 5m Code 081396- 10m only than £10 and will be included in all product parcels (pack of 50), but 8A Code 081450- 8A very positive - €950 in orders £1.00 will also be available to download off the DSA. – and that was without the Santa Gift Tags 10m ONLY £1.00 only This is a great retailing opportunity at a great retailing time of year! Christmas Catalogue!” Great Products delivered FREE Code 080772- 8A £2.50 to your door Stock is limited, so grab these unbelievable bargains while you can! Claire Mc Loughlin, Silver Distributor According to some of the Fast Track team, retailing is already flying, so “Having put out 120 catalogues to part of my customer base, I found imagine what you could do with even better bargains! that I had picked up orders totalling over £860, earning me over £230. “The retail from the Christmas Catalogue is already brilliant. On our first It just goes to show that if you stay with this business and build on your pick up of the season - we picked up over £1000 of orders of which customer base, putting in the hard work in the early days certainly pays £477 was from the Christmas books. We thought that was marvellous, off. I do this very part-time around my full time job working for Honda but orders are still coming in - from those 200 books we are now up to and the extra income makes a real difference.” nearly £1200!” Andy Powell, Silver Distributor Kath and John Clease, “Retail is absolutely fantastic at the moment. This week’s order was Bronze Executive Distributors £815 from 120 catalogues out to customer base plus some blanket “I have just had a great week with the catalogues. I delivered 153 dropped. Included was an order for £110 from a regular customer and catalogues to regular customers and picked up £977.49 in orders. That £65 from a brand new customer. The previous week I had £1,017 in will earn me £365.13 in Retail and Volume Profit for effectively 12 orders from 100 customers and 150 blanket drops. Customer orders hours of work! Anyone can achieve this by building a customer base, are averaging between £6 and £8 per book. I'm really looking forward servicing it regularly, and then building a team to Gold level. Put the to Monday morning (how often do you hear that?!) to see what orders effort in consistently, and this will happen for anyone.” today’s books will produce.” Andy Ridley, Bronze Executive Distributor Mary Fullerton, Senior Distributor COMPETITION WINNERS Last month we offered you the chance to meet with Network Marketing guru and our Kleeneze New Year Showcase guest speaker, Mr Ed Ludbrook, simply by booking your Showcase tickets! We can now announce that Senior Distributors, Tony and Sarah Henshall are the lucky couple who will have an exclusive meeting with the man who wrote the best-selling, Shakeout, and who is the world's foremost authority on the industry of Direct Sales and Network Marketing. Would you like to join the Henshalls in meeting Ed in person and receiving some personalised tips? Simply book your tickets now and you can be entered into a weekly draw to be part of this exclusive gathering. Don’t forget, you can now order tickets for the Showcase with your normal product order by using the code 00027 and submitting the quantity you require. [The Be There Video is now online! Make sure you log onto the DSA and find out what else we have lined up for our New Year Showcase 2009! – Ed] ANNIVERSARY WINNER Our 85th anniversary year is almost over, but for one couple the celebrations continue, as they were lucky enough to be the eighty-fifth Distributorship to sign up in October – the reward being a full refund on their start-up fee! Congratulations to Andrew and Clare Crush (sponsored by Stephen Cooper) Not only have you joined a fantastic business, you’ve done it entirely for free! 07.11.08 Issue 45 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
  • 3. NOW THAT’S WHAT YOU CALL SERVICE With a company that prides itself upon recognition, it only seems fair that EWB salutes some of STAR Y the hardest working people at HQ – the Service Centre. Receiving anywhere in the region of 1,000 to 1,200 calls a day, the 50 staff members of the Service Centre constantly endeavour to make STOR sure that you have all in the information, help, advice and tools that you need to run your business smoothly. We could write a book with all the positive feedback we get on a daily basis for the various teams, but here’s just a taster: “I would just like to say what a great idea the New Starter Callout Advisors are. For those that don’t know about this, advisors from the Service Centre call all new starters over their first four weeks in the business regularly and offer support throughout this crucial time in the business; Attitude is everything “Sadie Walker started the year by having a advising on all aspects of the business from how to reach bonuses to processing returns. major operation on her foot to re-correct Although nothing can replace consistent contact and care from sponsors with their team and we the damage a bunion had done. Her foot call our team regularly, I feel that this service from Kleeneze is fantastic and a great bonus for all had to be pinned and bone cut away, but new distributors. The feedback from our team has been extremely positive and all the new within a few days she was up and retailing distributors feel truly valued and supported by the company. Sarah Darch, Gold Distributor again with a special splint on her foot and “In what have undoubtedly been difficult times for the Company since repatriation to Accrington, she never, never missed a meeting. you probably feel that you have heard more than your fair share of criticisms over the last few She also made it to and sat through the months, so it is a privilege for me instead, to be able to single out one of your Advisers, Amanda whole Conference in Birmingham from Harrison, for well deserved praise, and for being a shining light to us all. The way in which she has Northern Ireland. resolved my problem in one day, when others prevaricated, has demonstrated an initiative and drive, and degree of professionalism that has restored my faith in the ability of the Service Centre While she waited for a hip replacement, she to provide real help and support when it is most needed. was in immense pain, but still retailed away on crutches. Sadie had to be in hospital Her actions have benefited all of us - the Company, distributor and customers alike, and I hope before 7am Wednesday morning to have that you can give her the recognition that her positive attitude and manner so richly deserve. A job her hip replacement operation, but the very well done, Amanda and again many thanks.” James Fisher, Silver Distributor night before she came along to one of our “Just a quick message to say what excellent service I received today from Safina Ahmed in the sizzles where she was prepared to learn Service Centre. We have 6 new distributors starting this week and I called to confirm date of something new and help other delivery for business kits and catalogues. Not only did she confirm the dates she also confirmed Kleeneze distributors even though they were ones that had been delivered today. not in her team. Safina also offered to come back to me We thought we would give her a few days regarding delivery of the free half and full to recover before we went to see her, so we retail kit for one of our new distributors who gave her a ring on the Monday morning has qualified for both with her first 2 orders! Excellent service – please pass on my thanks.” after her operation to let her know we Diane Goulding, Bronze would be popping round. However, we Executive Distributor learned to our amazement that she was in fact sitting in her jeep showing her husband Keith where to pick her catalogues up. DISCOUNTED RATES WITH OUR Sadie really is a shining example and NEW ONLINE RE-REGISTRATION inspiration to us all as she is the perfect This week, our new Online Re-registration re-register. For new Distributors who have example that if there is a will there's a way process went live meaning it’s now even easier joined Kleeneze between 1 December 2007 as too many people in Kleeneze have too to stake your claim in a future that’s set to be and 31 October 2008, re-registration is FREE. many excuses. incredibly successful! However, they will still need to complete the re-registration process to ensure all their details I would also like to take this opportunity To be part of our growing success story, it is important for everyone to complete their re- on our system are correct. to thank her husband Keith and her registration before the end of December 2008. For all non-Internet registered Distributors, we Downline, Marie, for helping her with the The re-registration service will ensure that all will be sending you manual registration forms physical side of her business until she is back Distributors comply with the latest terms and by 30 November to be completed by the end on her feet.” conditions of the new agreement forms, and of December. Manual registration is only for Thank you to Gold Distributors, will be activated alongside your annual those Distributors who are non Internet Roberta Chessell and Rachele Sproston distributor card renewal. registered and have no email address and the for sending us this story, but most of This year, we are also offering a discounted fee for this service is £20/€30. all, thank you to Sadie who’s story is rate for distributors who re-register before the For Dutch and German Distributors, we will inspirational to say the least. Retail end of November 2008. To support you at this contact you shortly to confirm details. time we have frozen the re-registration fee of Kits are on their way to you! only £10 since 2006! To try out our new service, log into the Keep sending your stories in to The fee for re-registration will be charged to DSA click on ”Online Registration” and your account the following month after you follow the simple instructions. ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN Issue 45 07.11.08
  • 4. LEARN WHILE YOU EARN EVENTS Issue 45 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN 19 Nov (every 4 wks) Teeside Opportunity Meeting, Blue Bell Hotel, 19 Nov (17/12) West Monmouthshire Golf Club, Nantyglo, BLAENAU 1 Dec Herts BOM at the Novotel Stevenage, Knebworth Park, Acklam Road, MIDDLESBROUGH TS5 7HL. Easy access from GWENT, NP234QT. Registration 7.45 - 7.55 pm. Meeting start Stevenage, HERTFORDSHIRE SG1 2AX (on J7 of A1M) 8.00pm A19. Open meeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start £2.50 per 8pm prompt. Business dress. £2 per distributor. Guests FREE. - 9.30pm. Doors open at 7.15pm for networking. £2.50 per COMPANY CONFERENCE AND TRAINING DAYS head. Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table. Geldard and Cathy Brookes ITS 119822 Sue Phoenix ITS Raffle prize draw. Hosts KerryAnne and John Watkins, tel: 07815 128169. ITS 508435. person - guests FREE. Evening includes: Opportunity, Proof of the Pudding / Product Demo, Recognition, The Best 'Crazee' 19 Nov Kleeneze Gold Day – KLEENEZE HQ (Book now – email 514235. Raffle in Town, Great Multi-Coaching, Guest Speakers Plus Lots 19 Nov (every 4 weeks) Business Opportunity Meeting at Newtown, of 'Whooping' & ‘Hollering’. Interactive Sozzle in the bar 19 Nov (four weekly) Business Opportunity Meeting at Newtown. POWYS, SY16 1LH. 7.45 pm for an 8.00pm start finishing at 3 Jan 09 Kleeneze New Year Showcase and Gala Dinner – THE NIA Maldwyn Leisure Centre, Plantation Lane, Newtown, POWYS, 9.00pm. £1 per Distributor - Guests Free. Everyone welcome afterwards. Business Dress (and Suits). Open Herts Meeting. and HALL 3, ICC, BIRMINGHAM SY16 1LH. 8pm-9pm, doors open 7.30pm. £1 per Distributor. Business dress only please. Contact Roger Mantle 01686 628 Everyone Welcome! Hosts: Group Victory. 22-28 Mar Kleeneze Spring Destination Conference 2009 – This is the first meeting. Please notify your team members and 423 or Wilf Parry 01691 777 232. Contact Mike Lunn & Fiona Deans Tel: 01438 229 480 Email: CARIBBEAN CRUISE guests of this event. Contact: Roger Mantle at 19 Nov (10/12) Redruth Business Opportunity Meeting. Tricky’s, Tolgus Text: 07954 577 340 ITS: 9 May 09 Kleeneze Summer Showcase – THE NIA, BIRMINGHAM, Tel 01686 628 423 or Wilf Parry Mount, Redruth, CORNWALL, TR15 3TA. 7.45pm for 8pm start. 511705. 5 Sept 09 Kleeneze Christmas Showcase and Gala Dinner 2009 – on 01691 777 232. Everyone welcome. Still only £2.50 per Distributorship, guests 3 Dec (first Wednesday of the month) Holsworthy Business Opportunity THE NIA and HALL 3, ICC, BIRMINGHAM 25 Nov (every four weeks) Glasgow Opportunity Meeting at the Quality free. Hosts David and Jenny Gerry. Contact on 01209 714067, Meeting, the White Heart, Fore Street, Holsworthy DEVON. Hotel, 99 Gordon Street, GLASGOW, next door to Glasgow, ITS 297533. 7.30pm for 8pm. Dress smart/casual. All welcome. Contact Les Central Railway station. 8pm-9pm. Contact Lynn Macdonald at and Betty Slade: ITS 529662 / tel: 01288 381248 or Terry and TRAINING MEETINGS - 2008 COUNTRYWIDE or Tel: 01506 414456. 20 Nov (18/12) Leicester Business Opportunity Meeting, The Field Head Hotel, Markfield Lane, Markfield, LEICESTER, LE67 9PS. Jane Hodges: ITS 437407/Tel: 01288 331706. 16 Nov Freedom Training. 10.00am – 1.00pm (Doors open at 9.30am) 3 Dec (every 4 wks) North East Business Opportunity Meeting, Quality £3 per distributorship. Registration 3 Dec Swindon Business Opportunity Meeting, Campanile Hotel Best Western Moat House Hotel, Festival Way, Etruria, STOKE- Hotel, Boldon Business Park, SUNDERLAND. NE5 9PE. Easy 7.30pm/7.45pm. Starts 8pm. For further information, contact (formally the Ibis) Delta Business Park, SWINDON, SN5 7XG. ON-TRENT, ST1 5BQ. Bookings only, £6.00 per person. Guest Access from A19. Open meeting, everyone welcome. 8.00pm Andy and Sharon Bird on 0116 233 0966. Everyone welcome. 8pm start please wear business dress £2.50 speakers Michael Khatkar & Richard Woods, please send START £2.50 per head. Guests free 20 Nov (18/12). Sussex Business Opportunity Meeting. The Halland per distributor Guests Free. Please contact Steve or Debra Nell cheques (payable to A de Caso) to: Adele & Jaime de Caso, 12 Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table Steve Geldard and Cathy Forge Hotel on A22, Halland, SUSSEX, BN8 6PW. Fantastic on 01793 887978. Kennington Oval, Trentham, Stoke on Trent, Staffs, ST4 8FX. Brookes ITS 119822 Sue Phoenix ITS 514235. training from guest speakers. £2.50 per Distributor, guests free. 3 Dec Business Opportunity Meeting. The Firs Club, Firs Lane, (Names will be held at the door, no tickets are sent out) Business 7.30pm for 8pm prompt start. Business dress, please. Hosts: FOLKESTONE, Kent, CT19 4QF, off junction 12 M20. 7:30 for dress only please, everyone welcome. 23 Nov FastForward Northwest Millionaires training at the Holiday Inn, SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES 24 Nov Judy and Gordon Seldon, Tel: 01903 893887. (four weekly) Open Business opportunity meeting at the 8:00pm prompt start. Business dress, please. Distributors £2, guests free. Hosts Emma and Chris Shafe. Tel: 02083 389887 RUNCORN. Starts at 12 noon, tickets £8 at the door and 10 Nov Business Opportunity Evening at The Holiday Inn, Lake View, Voicemail: 164892. Churchillian Pub, Portsdown Hill, Cosham, PORTSMOUTH includes a FREE training CD and FREE bumper raffle. Speakers Bridge Rd, Impington, CAMBRIDGE CB24 9PH. 7.30 for 8pm 3 Dec Somerset Business Opportunity Meeting. The Bathpool Inn and Hampshire PO6 3LS. Ample parking. 7.45pm for an 8pm prompt include top of the Kleeneze pay plan Principal Distributor Bob Start. Business dress only please. Distributors £3 guests Free. Restaurant, Bathpool, TAUNTON, TA2 8BE. 7.30pm for 8pm start. Business dress please. £2 per distributor. Guests free. Webb, Neil Young Silver SED, Toby Acton SED and more. BIDS Everyone Welcome! Host Craig White, contact 020 8626 9541. start. £3 per Distributorship, Guests free. Contact Chris and Hosts Caroline Roberts and Martin Bell on 02392 430411. table is therefore all your sponsoring aids. Further details from 10 Nov (2nd Monday of each Period) Eltham Open Evening/Opportunity Jacqui Hill on ITS 237999, tel: 01458 841 046, email 24 Nov (every four weeks) Business Opportunity Evening. The Holiday Mel Wilson, 01524 720192 or ITS 137603. Meeting at the Eltham Conservative Club, 254 High Street, or Gerald Longman on ITS Inn, Ipswich Road, NORWICH. Business dress only, please. 23 Nov Gillian Nicholson’s Training at the Gables Hotel, Bristol Road, ELTHAM, London, SE9 1AA. Doors open at 7.30pm for prompt 297398, tel: 01460 55614, email Distributors £3, guests free. Everyone welcome! Host Craig FALFIELD, GL12 8DL. 1.30pm – 4pm. Guest speaker Jaime De 8pm start, ends around 9pm, then relax for a drink and a sizzle 4 Dec Gloucester Business Opportunity Meeting. Twigworth Lodge White, contact 020 8626 9541. Caso. £2.50 per distributor. Guests free. Arrive ready to learn, plus visit our well stocked Sales Aids table. £3 per (Premier Travel Inn), Tewkesbury Road, Twigworth, distributorship, guests free, dress code: smart casual. Hosts 25 Nov Hemel Hempstead Business Opportunity Meeting. Holiday Inn, depart ready to earn! For further details, contact Gillian GLOUCESTER, GL2 9PG. 7.45pm for 8pm start. £3 per Joyce and Pete Rowe. Tel: 020 8463 7133. ITS: 317 688. Breakspear Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP2 4AU. £3 per Nicholson 07808 763058, email distributorship, guests free. Host: Mike Perkins, ITS 508802 Distributor, guests free. 7.30pm for 8pm start. Hosts: Rosina and 4 Dec SED Success Seminar. The Grangemoor Hotel, St Michaels 12 Nov (second Wednesday of every month) The After Eight Opportunity Frank Pocock, Tel: 01442 256405. Road, Maidstone, KENT, ME16 8BS. Every month we have Meeting. Chobham Rugby Club, Fowlers Wells, Windsor Road, 4 Dec (first Thursday of the month) Business Opportunity Meeting. St CHOBHAM, Surrey, GU24 8NA. Doors open 8pm, 8.30pm start 25 Nov Business Opportunity Meeting, Field Hotel, Markfield, training from a guest Senior Executive Distributor or above Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St Leonards, RINGWOOD, – 10pm. £2.50 per Distributor, guests free. Everyone welcome. LEICESTER, LE67 9PS. £2 per person, guests free. 8pm start. (includes Business Opportunity Presentation). 7.30pm start. £3 Hampshire, BH24 2NP 7.30pm for 8pm start, £2.50 per person. . Mike and Amanda Bibby always in attendance. Bookstall and Contact Adam and Charlotte Wilford on 07999 226 907. per Distributor. Guests free. Hosts: Andy and Sue Boswell, Business dress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on Sales Aids. Business dress please. Hosts: Vicky and Hugh Scott, Everyone welcome. 01634 323326, 01425 480675 or ITS 119727. Tel 01483 473318, 26 Nov (every four weeks) Business Opportunity Meeting at The Holiday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD, CM14 5NF, J28 - M25. 7.30 OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND 12 Nov (10/12) New Business Opportunity Meeting open to everyone. Comfort Inn A17/A52 Jct Bickers Bar, BOSTON, Lincs, PE20 for 8pm start, Business Dress please. Guest Speaker: Distributor REPUBLIC OF IRELAND 11 Nov (every four weeks) Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting, Edinburgh 3AN Registration 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. £2.50 per person, of the Year, Craig White. Everyone welcome. Hosts: Richard and 27 Nov Business Opportunity Meeting. Cooney’s Hotel, Ballymahon, Training Centre, 16 St Mary’s Street EDINBURGH, EH1 1SU. Guests Free. Business Dress please. Contact Andy & Amanda Vanadis. Voicemail: 184496. LONGFORD. 8pm 9pm. Contact Lynn MacDonald at Holland 01205 358075 or I.T.S 137713. 26 Nov Open Opportunity Meeting at The Summit Centre, Pavilion Road, Kirkby in Ashfield, NOTTINGHAM NG17 7LL, Jct. 27 or 12 Nov (10/12) Business Opportunity Meeting. Parkside Hotel, 14 Nov (4 Weekly) Opportunity Training evening. Newton Regis Village Hall, Newton Regis, TAMWORTH, Staffordshire, B79 0NL. 28 of the M1. 8pm-9.30pm. £3 per distributorship, guests free. THE NETHERLANDS PONTEFRACT, 1/2 mile Jct. 32 M62 toward Pontefract. 7.30pm 7.30pm for 8pm start. Distributorship £3, guests FREE. Everyone Parking facilities available and good access for wheelchairs. 29 Nov Bastion Bastion (Best Western) Amsterdam Airport Hotel, for 8pm start. £2.50 per person, guests free. Hosts Graham and welcome. Host: Dave Pemberton-Smith Please support us in this new venture, which is important to us Vuursteen 1, 2132 LZ, HOOFDDORP, Nederland Georgina Long. Tel: 01757 268830. ITS 119857. ( or Voice Mail:119853). all in building our businesses. Contact Mike and Margaret 12noon-2.00pm. Free Drayton on 01623 722500. parking and free shuttle bus to and from the airport. Email Rita 14 Nov (four weekly) Going for Gold. Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Ingram St, 17 Nov (3rd Mon of every Month) South East Open Evening-BOM with a 27 Nov Worthing Opportunity Meeting, The Pashley Suite, Shoreham Weyn & Frank Kamsteeg at GLASGOW, 7.30 for 8pm. Business dress please. All welcome. twist. Venue Forest Suite, Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot £3 per distributor, guests free. Further info contact Tom and Kate Road, BRACKNELL, Berks, RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm Airport, Shoreham by Sea, WEST SUSSEX, BN43 5FF. £3 per Forbes, 0141 626 0013, Andrew Walkinshaw 07915 063458, or start. Distributors £3.00 single/£4.00 joint, guests free, guest person, includes one raffle ticket. Guests free. Chantele and Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings in your Bob Park 0191 247 1821. speaker Bob Webb. Dress code: Business Dress Please, call Barry Travis. Contact: area? Let us know, at and we will 17 Nov Business Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn, Wood Lane, Debbie Gee 01628 626327 or Kate Lee 0118 9268540 to reserve 27 Nov (every last Thursday of the month) Business Opportunity include them in our weekly meetings diary. Runcorn, MERSEYSIDE, WA7 3HA, Jct. 12 M56, 8pm start. your table for your team sizzle! Everyone welcome across the Meeting. Tottenham Green Leisure, The Gold Room, first floor, 1 DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY. £2.50 per person. Guests free. Contact Mary and Harry network. Philip Lane, LONDON, N15 4JA. 7.30pm for 8pm start. Special Fullerton, tel: 0151 4277108, email: 18 Nov Business Opportunity Meeting. The Thurrock Hotel, Ship Lane, guest speakers each month. £3 per distributorship, guests free. Aveley, ESSEX, RM19 1YN. 7.30pm start. £3 per Distributor, Everyone welcome. Contact Gary Diamond Dixon on 07973 17 Nov (08/12) Business Opportunity Meeting, David Lloyd Leisure, guests free. Hosts: Gill Nicholson 07808 763058 and Andy and 712425 or ITS 113915. Barton Embankment, Trafford Park, MANCHESTER, M17 8RH. Doors open: 19.30 - 21.30, Everyone welcome/Guests Free, Sue Boswell 01634 323326, 30 Nov FAST START Training. Newton Regis Village Hall, Newton Regis, business dress please, raffle. Contact Warren and Pam Sewell: 19 Nov Bristol Opportunity Meeting. Ship Inn (next to Premier TAMWORTH Staffordshire, B79 0NL. 1.30pm for 2pm Start, 0161 749 8863. Inn),Thornbury Road, Alveston, BRISTOL, BS35 3LL. 7.45pm Distributors £3, guests free. Training to suit every level, Host: start. Business dress please. Distributors £2 per head, guests Dave Pemberton-Smith ( or 19 Nov (every four weeks) Business Opportunity Evening. The Holiday free. Host: Andy Cooper, ITS 124171. Voice Mail:119853). Inn, Clifton Village, Brighouse, LEEDS, HD6 4HW. 8pm start. Business dress only, please. Distributors £3, guests free. Everyone welcome! Host Craig White, contact 020 8626 9541.