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Job Roles
Creative Development
Game Designer:
Thisis the bigone.The crux of the industryandone of the mostexcitingjobsthere is it’sabout
creatingworlds,manipulatingemotionsanddefiningthe experience thatyouwantthe playerto go
through.Thisis a jobabout ideasthe actual contentandtheme of the game,the actionsandabilities
that the playerwill have available,the mechanicstheywill be able touse andthe challengesthey
will face.However,agoodGame Designerneedsmuchmore thanjustraw creativityand
imagination.The role requiresenormousdisciplineandthe abilitytounderstandthe needsand
demandsof the entire audience.Youneedtostrike the balance betweencreatingagame thatyou
wantto playversusthe game the audience want.It'sa difficulttaskandconstantlyhitsyouwith
contradictorydemands.Game designactuallycoverstwodifferentstrandsdevelopment designand
initial conceptdesign.Of the two,the initial conceptdesignisthe one thatmostpeople expecttobe
doing:actuallycomingupwithideasforbrandnew games.In truth,thisis onlya small partof the
designer'slife.Youwill spendmuchmore time workingonthe developmentdesign,where youwill
go intoenormousdetail abouteveryaction,abilityandmechanicof the game.Inmany respects,the
termGame Designerisnotso mucha specificjobperformedbyagivenperson,butmore a general
task that isperformedbythe seniormembersof the designteamlevel designersanddesign
manager.So,good communicationskillsandanexcellentattitude toteamworkare vital forthisrole
as, infact, theyare for all the designroles.
Level Editor:
Althoughthisisoftenthe entrypointfordesigners,it'sanextremelyimportantpartof the
developmentprocess.The Level Editoristhe personwhoactuallyplacesthe items,enemiesand
interactive mechanicsinthe game world.Ina typical game thismight include monsters, health
pickups,weapons orspecial items.However,itgoesmuchfurther,since the editorisultimately
responsible forthe timingandchoreographyof the levelitself.Thereare somanydecisionsto be
takenwheneditingalevel. Forexample,how manyenemiesshouldthe playerhave tofightthrough
before youofferthemahealthpackor special power-up.Ormaybe youwantto generate tensionby
havinga fewenemiesattackinginaslightlyunpredictable way.Carefulandskilleduse of the
available gameplayoptionswillhave anenormousimpactonthe qualityof the final game.Thisis
where youwill learnahuge amountaboutthe art of game design.Youwill discoverhow topace the
gameplaytokeepthe experience variedandexciting.Itis alsoa verytechnical job.Asa Level Editor
youwill be ultimatelyresponsibleforthe scriptthat runsthe level,the triggersandrulesthatcope
withthe actionsof the playerandthe responsesof AIentitiesintheirvicinity.Thisrequiresavery
clearand logical brain,aswell asthe creative andimaginativemind-setthatputsthe funand
excitementintothe gameplay.
Lead Artist:
The leadartist isresponsibleforthe overall lookof the game.Workingwiththe Game
DesignerandLeadProgrammer,the LeadArtistdevisesthe game’svisual styleanddirectsthe
productionof all visual material throughoutthe game’sdevelopment. Theyproduce muchof the
initial artworkthemselves,settingcreative andtechnical standardsanddeterminingthe besttools
and techniquestouse. Inconjunctionwiththe Producer,the LeadArtistputstogetherandmanages
the team of ArtistsandAnimators whoproduce mostof the art assetsfor the game including
environments,characters,objectsandeffectsunderthe leadartist’sdirection. The leadartistmust
ensure thatthe art andanimationteamworksto schedule and withinbudget.Theyalsoworkclosely
withthe programmingteamto make sure that all art and animationassetsproducedcanbe easily
importedintothe game engine.The stylingisoftencommunicatedthroughconceptart.The Lead
Artistwill supervise,if notactuallyundertake the productionof material whichillustratesthe visual
atmosphere andgraphical designforthe game. Theyalsoresearchandtestout differentmodelling,
texturing,animation,renderingandlightingtechniquesandtoolsappropriatetothe games
technology,withinputfromthe LeadProgrammer. Theysupervisethe team’soutputfromacreative
and technical pointof view,andalsoensure thatthe workgetsdone accordingto budgetand
schedule,alongsidethe game’sproducer,anticipating problemsandplanningforanycontingencies.
Theyare alsousuallyresponsible foroverseeinganyoutsourcedartproduction.
Technical Artist:
Technical Artisthelpsartistanddesignerstogettheircontentintothe game withthe leastpain
possible,and helpsengineersandthe artistto communicate fluidly. If youare an artistor designer
and youhave problemswithyourcontentoryour tools,the leadtechnical artististhe firstperson
youshouldgo to forhelp.If you’re alreadyworkingwithanother technical artistthencertainly
continue todo so,but newissuesshouldalwaysgotothe lead,forthe quickestsolution. If youare
an engineerdesigninganewcontentfeature,it’sagoodideatosolicitfeedbackfromthe lead
technical artist,forhow it will fitintothe contentpipeline.
The dutiesof a game artistwill varydependingonwhatpart of game productionanartistworkson
and the particularmediumoraspectof game art he or she specializesincreating.Someone who
workson pre-productionforagame,forexample,will typicallycreate conceptartforvarious
locations,characters,anditemsfoundinthe game world.A productionartist,onthe otherhand,
usuallycreatesartassetsfor use withinthe game itself,whichare directlyseenbyplayersof the
game.The assetsthat are made,however,are oftenmade bymanydifferentartistsandanyone
game artist will usuallyonlycreate acertainaspectof such work. A game artist istypicallysomeone
whoworksin the videogame industry andcreatesvariouspiecesof artworkwhileworkingon
games.The actual workdone by suchan artist can vary quite widely,dependingonthe nature of the
workhe or she does.A game artist usuallyworksonpre-productionorproductionof a game,though
he or she couldalsocreate marketingartworkthatis notusedwithinthe game itself.
An animatorproducesmultiple imagescalledframes,whichwhensequencedtogetherrapidlycreate
an illusionof movementknownasanimation.The imagescanbe made upof digital orhand-drawn
Animatorstendtoworkin 2D animation,3Dmodel-makinganimation,stopframe orcomputer
generated animation.Computergeneratedanimationfeaturesstronglyinmotionpicturesto create
special effectsoran animatedfilminitsownright,aswell asin aspectsof televisionwork,the
internetandthe computergamesindustry.
The basic skill of animationstillreliesheavilyonthe animator'sartisticability,butthere isan
increasingneedforfamiliaritywithtechnical computerpackages.
A soundengineerordesignerworkingin the computerandvideogame industryischargedwith
makingthe game and itscharacters come to life.Byaddingbackgroundmusic,aswell asgivingthe
characters a voice,computerandvideogamesbecome anentertainmentexperience,notjusta
hobby.The soundengineer/designeralsoaddsotherkindsof soundstothe game.He or she is
responsible formakingthe game more interestingbymakingsure thatexplosion,carchases,crowd
noises,andweatherconditionslike stormsorrainare includedinthe game. Thispartof the video
game productionteamneedstouse theircreativitytomake sure that the game has the rightsound
effectstofititstone and storyline.Theymayneedtocreate just the rightsoundeffectfora game as
part of theirjobresponsibilities.Familiarityandanappreciationforthe game industryare essential
for anyone whowantsto workinthiscapacity. The soundengineer/designermaybe workingwith
real or manufacturedsounds.He or she mayneedto editandmix the soundswhenworkingona
game project.Anotherpartof the sounddesignjob descriptionissoundmastering.
Technical Development
Game Programmer:
At the mostbasic level,programmerswrite the code thatmakesthingshappeninavideogame.This
includesconnectingormapping the playerinputfromthe control padto the action that'shappening
on the screen.Italso includesall the actionormovementof non-playercharacters;forinstance,
whenyousee NPCswanderingthe terrainof avideogame,it'sthe programmerswhogave the
characters the artificial intelligence toroamwhere theydo. Inrelatedindustries,the equivalent
positiontogame programmerisusuallyasoftware developerorsoftware programmer.Some
programmers,dependingontheirtitle,mightcode somethingotherthanthe game,such as the
proprietary toolsusedtobuildthe game or the networkingarchitecture behindthe
game. Programmersworkcloselywithartists,designers,producers,testers,sounddesigners,and
everyone else whohashands onrole makingthe game,supportingthemwhentheyneedmore
technical know-howtocomplete theirtasks.
Lead Game Programmer:
The Lead Programmerleadsthe programmingteamresponsibleforcreatingall the computercode
whichrunsand controlsa game.Programmershave variousrolesandspecialismsincludingAIwhich
isartificial intelligence,game engine development,userinterface,toolsdevelopmentandphysics.
Theyusuallycompile all the technical documentationforthe software producedbythe
programmingteamandensure the quality,effectivenessandappropriatenessof all the game
code. Alsothe leadgame programmerwill alsoprovide tosupportthe programmingteamtomake
sure that the programmersunderstandtohave the rightskillsandtrainingtobe able to do theirjobs
effectivelywithinthe companythattheyare inand will benefit everyoneinthe industry.
Project Implementation
Project Manager/Producer:
The projectmanageralso knownasthe producerisresponsible forensuringthe successfuldelivery
of a game on time andwithinbudgetforthe people. Duringdevelopment the ProjectManager
monitorsprogressagainstthe schedule.They are the central pointof contact forall aspectsof a
productionliaisingwithseniormanagement publishers PRandmarketingdepartmentsQA aswell as
the programmingdesignandart teams whichcan include anyoutsourcedpersonal.Alsoproject
managersmighthave to go oversee afteragame producthas be launchedandreleasedthiswill
involve updatesonthe game to talkaboutfor the publicnew thingsthattheymightneedtoknow
aboutand at the endtheymightalsoaskyou questionsaboutthe productyou produce andmight
leave commentsonwhatyourgame is like andhow theyfeel aboutyourproduct.
Assistant Producer:
The assistantproducerworkswitha game'sproductionstaff to ensure the timelydeliveryof the
highestqualityproductpossible. Typically,theywillfocusonspecificareasof the development
process.Thiscouldinvolve handlingthe communicationsbetweenthe publisheranddeveloper,or
co-ordinatingworkonsome of the project'skeyprocessessuchasmanagingthe outsourcingof art
assets.AssistantProducersare employedbypublishersaswell asdevelopmentstudios.Working
such as design,artand programming.Ina publisherenvironment,AssistantProducerswillfocuson
liaisingbetweensalesandmarketingdepartmentsandthe developer,andsupportingthe workof
the publisher's Producer.The AssistantProducer'srole andresponsibilitieschange duringthe
developmentprocess,asdifferentelements of the game are created.Importantaspectsof the job
can include taskandmilestone planningandtracking,aswell ashandlingreview andapproval
processes.Theyare usuallyresponsibleforfilingandarchivinggame assetssuchas conceptartwork,
External Producer:
Theyare mostlyresponsibleforensuringthe deliveryof agame,while workingfromthe
developmentteam.External producersare mostlyalwaysemployedbyagame publisherand
workingoutof the publishersheadoffice andtheyare liaisebetweenthe publisherssalesand
marketingdepartmentsandthe game developerwhichislocatedmilesaway.Alsotheyworkclosely
withthe gamesinternal producerwhoisa part of the onsite developmentteamwhile the internal
producersfocusesonthe staff managementtaskof gettingagame finishedontime andona budget
and it’sthe external producerare more concernedwiththe broaderissues.
Creative Director:
A creative directoristhe importantpersonduringthe game developmentprocesswithanyhighlevel
decisionsthateffectonhowthe gameplaywithlooklike andwhatitwill soundlike.Notall game
companiesemploycreative directorsbutsome companiesprefertocontinue tosplitthe jobs
betweenagamesleadartist,programmers,designersandproducerstheywill workall togetherasa
teamto produce a product. The positionisusedineachgame developmentteamhasitsown
creative directorwithsome highlyexperiencedandtalenteddirectorsoversee multipleprojects.
Alsoresponsible forthe overall lookandfeel of acomputeror console game.The positionisa
relativelynewone withinthe gamesindustry.It hasevolvedoutof the producer’srole which has
shiftedintotowardsmanagingthe processof completingagame on time andwitha budget.
Quality Assurance
QA Tester:
Qualityassurance isresponsible fortestingagame while theydropdownsome pointsonwhatto
sort out andfix aboutthe game with maybe some bugsor glitchesortechnical faults.Theyputthe
title of the countrythat you testeditinand whattype of console thatyou playeditonand the name
of the bugand what happenedonit.Whilsttheyputthe versionof thatgame and whatversion
maybe the bug or glitcheshappenedonandalsoputdownthe date on whatit happenedonthen
howmany timesyourepeatedthe game soyouknow that glitchor bugon that game actually
happensonthe game.Thenthe QA testersputthe level of thatmapor the level of the game and
youlabel whatbug type itis if it’sa classa, b or c and if that bug isa class a where itcrashesthe
whole game downthe testerswouldlabel itaclass a withitbeinga classb theywouldsaythat it’sa
minorbut doesn’tcrashesthe game downwiththe final classc itwouldjustbe minorwithslight
delaysalsowithevidence byshowingthe bugandglitchessome sourcesof imagesandvideos.Allof
the qualityassurance theyputitall downto show for the makersof the game to sort out before
releasingthe game sothe buyerswouldnotbe disappointedof thatgame.
The primaryrole of the publicrelationsmanagerwill be tohelpexecutefullglobal PRcampaigns
that broadenthe visibilityof assignedgamingproducts.The PRManagerwill workcloselyacrossall
functionswithingamingdivisiontoexecute globalPRplans,developstrategies,aswell ascreate
positioningandmessagingtosecure mediacoverage throughoutthe campaigns.Anadditional
· Execute strategictacticsas outlinedinthe PRplans
· Provide PRandcommunicationscounsel tothe greaterteam
· Developall external communication,includingpressreleases,factsheets,EPKsandotherpress
· Alignactivitiesandmaximize opportunitiesacrossgamingdivision,aswell asthe restof the studio
· Distribute coverage reportsasneeded
· Manage PR agenciestosecure coverage withkeypress
· Arrange and staff presstoursand events
· Manage licenseePR
Product Manager:
Theirjobis to helpandcreate an implementmarketingcampaignstomaximisethe salesof the
gamesthat theyare workingon.While workinginthe marketingteamastheysupportthe senior
marketingmanagerswhoorganise international orglobal campaigns.Theymightalsoworkwitha
brand managerwhoisresponsible fordevelopinglongtermplansforanindividualgame franchise
and alsoprovidingstrategicoverviewof how agame brandshouldchange overtime.Product
managerstypicallyworkfora game publisherorindependentmarketingcompanieswhoworkwith
publishers theyalsomanage the marketingbudgetinaresponsible manneranddemonstrate an
Marketing Executive:
Theyare involvedindevelopingmarketingcampaignstopromote aproductservice oran ideathat is
a variedrole that includesplanning,advertising,eventorganisation,productdevelopment,
distributionetc.The workisoftenafast-pacedwhichmanyorganisationshave marketing
departments, thatmarketingexecutivescanbe foundinbothprivate andpublicsectors,ranging
fromthe financial retailingandmediaindustriestovoluntaryandpublicsectororganisations.The
markingexecutivevarydependingonthe size of the organisationandsectorand whetherthe selling
productor service oron raisingawarenessof anissue thataffectsthe public. If theyare selling
gamesinthe industrytheywouldneedtohave anideaon whatit isabout and if theyare certainto
release the game forthe public.
Marketing Manager:
Theywouldbe responsible forpreparingandconductingmarketingstrategies,cooperationwith
external contractor’smedia,advertisingindustryandmarketmonitoringandresearchsupervisionof
production of marketassetsanddocumentswritingpressreleasesandproductdescriptionsand
creatingads like print,online if youhave atleast3 yearsof professionalexperience gainedonsimilar
positionwithingamingindustryexcellentwritingandcommunication skillscombinedwithextensive
knowledge aboutthe gaming industryforapassionwhentheyare neededforseveral servicesor
productsthat couldbe in charge of a single productasall marketingmanagersneedtobe highly
focusedandveryconscientiousof meetingbudgetrestraintsandtimelines.

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Job roles task 2

  • 1. Job Roles Creative Development Game Designer: Thisis the bigone.The crux of the industryandone of the mostexcitingjobsthere is it’sabout creatingworlds,manipulatingemotionsanddefiningthe experience thatyouwantthe playerto go through.Thisis a jobabout ideasthe actual contentandtheme of the game,the actionsandabilities that the playerwill have available,the mechanicstheywill be able touse andthe challengesthey will face.However,agoodGame Designerneedsmuchmore thanjustraw creativityand imagination.The role requiresenormousdisciplineandthe abilitytounderstandthe needsand demandsof the entire audience.Youneedtostrike the balance betweencreatingagame thatyou wantto playversusthe game the audience want.It'sa difficulttaskandconstantlyhitsyouwith contradictorydemands.Game designactuallycoverstwodifferentstrandsdevelopment designand initial conceptdesign.Of the two,the initial conceptdesignisthe one thatmostpeople expecttobe doing:actuallycomingupwithideasforbrandnew games.In truth,thisis onlya small partof the designer'slife.Youwill spendmuchmore time workingonthe developmentdesign,where youwill go intoenormousdetail abouteveryaction,abilityandmechanicof the game.Inmany respects,the termGame Designerisnotso mucha specificjobperformedbyagivenperson,butmore a general task that isperformedbythe seniormembersof the designteamlevel designersanddesign manager.So,good communicationskillsandanexcellentattitude toteamworkare vital forthisrole as, infact, theyare for all the designroles. Level Editor: Althoughthisisoftenthe entrypointfordesigners,it'sanextremelyimportantpartof the developmentprocess.The Level Editoristhe personwhoactuallyplacesthe items,enemiesand interactive mechanicsinthe game world.Ina typical game thismight include monsters, health pickups,weapons orspecial items.However,itgoesmuchfurther,since the editorisultimately responsible forthe timingandchoreographyof the levelitself.Thereare somanydecisionsto be takenwheneditingalevel. Forexample,how manyenemiesshouldthe playerhave tofightthrough before youofferthemahealthpackor special power-up.Ormaybe youwantto generate tensionby havinga fewenemiesattackinginaslightlyunpredictable way.Carefulandskilleduse of the available gameplayoptionswillhave anenormousimpactonthe qualityof the final game.Thisis where youwill learnahuge amountaboutthe art of game design.Youwill discoverhow topace the gameplaytokeepthe experience variedandexciting.Itis alsoa verytechnical job.Asa Level Editor youwill be ultimatelyresponsibleforthe scriptthat runsthe level,the triggersandrulesthatcope withthe actionsof the playerandthe responsesof AIentitiesintheirvicinity.Thisrequiresavery clearand logical brain,aswell asthe creative andimaginativemind-setthatputsthe funand excitementintothe gameplay. Lead Artist: The leadartist isresponsibleforthe overall lookof the game.Workingwiththe Game DesignerandLeadProgrammer,the LeadArtistdevisesthe game’svisual styleanddirectsthe productionof all visual material throughoutthe game’sdevelopment. Theyproduce muchof the
  • 2. initial artworkthemselves,settingcreative andtechnical standardsanddeterminingthe besttools and techniquestouse. Inconjunctionwiththe Producer,the LeadArtistputstogetherandmanages the team of ArtistsandAnimators whoproduce mostof the art assetsfor the game including environments,characters,objectsandeffectsunderthe leadartist’sdirection. The leadartistmust ensure thatthe art andanimationteamworksto schedule and withinbudget.Theyalsoworkclosely withthe programmingteamto make sure that all art and animationassetsproducedcanbe easily importedintothe game engine.The stylingisoftencommunicatedthroughconceptart.The Lead Artistwill supervise,if notactuallyundertake the productionof material whichillustratesthe visual atmosphere andgraphical designforthe game. Theyalsoresearchandtestout differentmodelling, texturing,animation,renderingandlightingtechniquesandtoolsappropriatetothe games technology,withinputfromthe LeadProgrammer. Theysupervisethe team’soutputfromacreative and technical pointof view,andalsoensure thatthe workgetsdone accordingto budgetand schedule,alongsidethe game’sproducer,anticipating problemsandplanningforanycontingencies. Theyare alsousuallyresponsible foroverseeinganyoutsourcedartproduction. Technical Artist: Technical Artisthelpsartistanddesignerstogettheircontentintothe game withthe leastpain possible,and helpsengineersandthe artistto communicate fluidly. If youare an artistor designer and youhave problemswithyourcontentoryour tools,the leadtechnical artististhe firstperson youshouldgo to forhelp.If you’re alreadyworkingwithanother technical artistthencertainly continue todo so,but newissuesshouldalwaysgotothe lead,forthe quickestsolution. If youare an engineerdesigninganewcontentfeature,it’sagoodideatosolicitfeedbackfromthe lead technical artist,forhow it will fitintothe contentpipeline. Artist: The dutiesof a game artistwill varydependingonwhatpart of game productionanartistworkson and the particularmediumoraspectof game art he or she specializesincreating.Someone who workson pre-productionforagame,forexample,will typicallycreate conceptartforvarious locations,characters,anditemsfoundinthe game world.A productionartist,onthe otherhand, usuallycreatesartassetsfor use withinthe game itself,whichare directlyseenbyplayersof the game.The assetsthat are made,however,are oftenmade bymanydifferentartistsandanyone game artist will usuallyonlycreate acertainaspectof such work. A game artist istypicallysomeone whoworksin the videogame industry andcreatesvariouspiecesof artworkwhileworkingon games.The actual workdone by suchan artist can vary quite widely,dependingonthe nature of the workhe or she does.A game artist usuallyworksonpre-productionorproductionof a game,though he or she couldalsocreate marketingartworkthatis notusedwithinthe game itself. Animator: An animatorproducesmultiple imagescalledframes,whichwhensequencedtogetherrapidlycreate an illusionof movementknownasanimation.The imagescanbe made upof digital orhand-drawn pictures,modelsorpuppets. Animatorstendtoworkin 2D animation,3Dmodel-makinganimation,stopframe orcomputer generated animation.Computergeneratedanimationfeaturesstronglyinmotionpicturesto create
  • 3. special effectsoran animatedfilminitsownright,aswell asin aspectsof televisionwork,the internetandthe computergamesindustry. The basic skill of animationstillreliesheavilyonthe animator'sartisticability,butthere isan increasingneedforfamiliaritywithtechnical computerpackages. AudioEngineer: A soundengineerordesignerworkingin the computerandvideogame industryischargedwith makingthe game and itscharacters come to life.Byaddingbackgroundmusic,aswell asgivingthe characters a voice,computerandvideogamesbecome anentertainmentexperience,notjusta hobby.The soundengineer/designeralsoaddsotherkindsof soundstothe game.He or she is responsible formakingthe game more interestingbymakingsure thatexplosion,carchases,crowd noises,andweatherconditionslike stormsorrainare includedinthe game. Thispartof the video game productionteamneedstouse theircreativitytomake sure that the game has the rightsound effectstofititstone and storyline.Theymayneedtocreate just the rightsoundeffectfora game as part of theirjobresponsibilities.Familiarityandanappreciationforthe game industryare essential for anyone whowantsto workinthiscapacity. The soundengineer/designermaybe workingwith real or manufacturedsounds.He or she mayneedto editandmix the soundswhenworkingona game project.Anotherpartof the sounddesignjob descriptionissoundmastering. Technical Development Game Programmer: At the mostbasic level,programmerswrite the code thatmakesthingshappeninavideogame.This includesconnectingormapping the playerinputfromthe control padto the action that'shappening on the screen.Italso includesall the actionormovementof non-playercharacters;forinstance, whenyousee NPCswanderingthe terrainof avideogame,it'sthe programmerswhogave the characters the artificial intelligence toroamwhere theydo. Inrelatedindustries,the equivalent positiontogame programmerisusuallyasoftware developerorsoftware programmer.Some programmers,dependingontheirtitle,mightcode somethingotherthanthe game,such as the proprietary toolsusedtobuildthe game or the networkingarchitecture behindthe game. Programmersworkcloselywithartists,designers,producers,testers,sounddesigners,and everyone else whohashands onrole makingthe game,supportingthemwhentheyneedmore technical know-howtocomplete theirtasks. Lead Game Programmer: The Lead Programmerleadsthe programmingteamresponsibleforcreatingall the computercode whichrunsand controlsa game.Programmershave variousrolesandspecialismsincludingAIwhich isartificial intelligence,game engine development,userinterface,toolsdevelopmentandphysics. Theyusuallycompile all the technical documentationforthe software producedbythe programmingteamandensure the quality,effectivenessandappropriatenessof all the game code. Alsothe leadgame programmerwill alsoprovide tosupportthe programmingteamtomake sure that the programmersunderstandtohave the rightskillsandtrainingtobe able to do theirjobs effectivelywithinthe companythattheyare inand will benefit everyoneinthe industry.
  • 4. Project Implementation Project Manager/Producer: The projectmanageralso knownasthe producerisresponsible forensuringthe successfuldelivery of a game on time andwithinbudgetforthe people. Duringdevelopment the ProjectManager monitorsprogressagainstthe schedule.They are the central pointof contact forall aspectsof a productionliaisingwithseniormanagement publishers PRandmarketingdepartmentsQA aswell as the programmingdesignandart teams whichcan include anyoutsourcedpersonal.Alsoproject managersmighthave to go oversee afteragame producthas be launchedandreleasedthiswill involve updatesonthe game to talkaboutfor the publicnew thingsthattheymightneedtoknow aboutand at the endtheymightalsoaskyou questionsaboutthe productyou produce andmight leave commentsonwhatyourgame is like andhow theyfeel aboutyourproduct. Assistant Producer: The assistantproducerworkswitha game'sproductionstaff to ensure the timelydeliveryof the highestqualityproductpossible. Typically,theywillfocusonspecificareasof the development process.Thiscouldinvolve handlingthe communicationsbetweenthe publisheranddeveloper,or co-ordinatingworkonsome of the project'skeyprocessessuchasmanagingthe outsourcingof art assets.AssistantProducersare employedbypublishersaswell asdevelopmentstudios.Working withinadevelopmentstudioofteninvolvesmanagingcommunicationsbetweendifferentteams such as design,artand programming.Ina publisherenvironment,AssistantProducerswillfocuson liaisingbetweensalesandmarketingdepartmentsandthe developer,andsupportingthe workof the publisher's Producer.The AssistantProducer'srole andresponsibilitieschange duringthe developmentprocess,asdifferentelements of the game are created.Importantaspectsof the job can include taskandmilestone planningandtracking,aswell ashandlingreview andapproval processes.Theyare usuallyresponsibleforfilingandarchivinggame assetssuchas conceptartwork, marketingandpressassets. External Producer: Theyare mostlyresponsibleforensuringthe deliveryof agame,while workingfromthe developmentteam.External producersare mostlyalwaysemployedbyagame publisherand workingoutof the publishersheadoffice andtheyare liaisebetweenthe publisherssalesand marketingdepartmentsandthe game developerwhichislocatedmilesaway.Alsotheyworkclosely withthe gamesinternal producerwhoisa part of the onsite developmentteamwhile the internal producersfocusesonthe staff managementtaskof gettingagame finishedontime andona budget and it’sthe external producerare more concernedwiththe broaderissues. Creative Director: A creative directoristhe importantpersonduringthe game developmentprocesswithanyhighlevel decisionsthateffectonhowthe gameplaywithlooklike andwhatitwill soundlike.Notall game companiesemploycreative directorsbutsome companiesprefertocontinue tosplitthe jobs betweenagamesleadartist,programmers,designersandproducerstheywill workall togetherasa teamto produce a product. The positionisusedineachgame developmentteamhasitsown creative directorwithsome highlyexperiencedandtalenteddirectorsoversee multipleprojects.
  • 5. Alsoresponsible forthe overall lookandfeel of acomputeror console game.The positionisa relativelynewone withinthe gamesindustry.It hasevolvedoutof the producer’srole which has shiftedintotowardsmanagingthe processof completingagame on time andwitha budget. Quality Assurance QA Tester: Qualityassurance isresponsible fortestingagame while theydropdownsome pointsonwhatto sort out andfix aboutthe game with maybe some bugsor glitchesortechnical faults.Theyputthe title of the countrythat you testeditinand whattype of console thatyou playeditonand the name of the bugand what happenedonit.Whilsttheyputthe versionof thatgame and whatversion maybe the bug or glitcheshappenedonandalsoputdownthe date on whatit happenedonthen howmany timesyourepeatedthe game soyouknow that glitchor bugon that game actually happensonthe game.Thenthe QA testersputthe level of thatmapor the level of the game and youlabel whatbug type itis if it’sa classa, b or c and if that bug isa class a where itcrashesthe whole game downthe testerswouldlabel itaclass a withitbeinga classb theywouldsaythat it’sa minorbut doesn’tcrashesthe game downwiththe final classc itwouldjustbe minorwithslight delaysalsowithevidence byshowingthe bugandglitchessome sourcesof imagesandvideos.Allof the qualityassurance theyputitall downto show for the makersof the game to sort out before releasingthe game sothe buyerswouldnotbe disappointedof thatgame. BusinessDevelopment PublicRelationManager: The primaryrole of the publicrelationsmanagerwill be tohelpexecutefullglobal PRcampaigns that broadenthe visibilityof assignedgamingproducts.The PRManagerwill workcloselyacrossall functionswithingamingdivisiontoexecute globalPRplans,developstrategies,aswell ascreate positioningandmessagingtosecure mediacoverage throughoutthe campaigns.Anadditional responsibilityincludes. · Execute strategictacticsas outlinedinthe PRplans · Provide PRandcommunicationscounsel tothe greaterteam · Developall external communication,includingpressreleases,factsheets,EPKsandotherpress materials · Alignactivitiesandmaximize opportunitiesacrossgamingdivision,aswell asthe restof the studio · Distribute coverage reportsasneeded · Manage PR agenciestosecure coverage withkeypress · Arrange and staff presstoursand events · Manage licenseePR Product Manager: Theirjobis to helpandcreate an implementmarketingcampaignstomaximisethe salesof the gamesthat theyare workingon.While workinginthe marketingteamastheysupportthe senior marketingmanagerswhoorganise international orglobal campaigns.Theymightalsoworkwitha brand managerwhoisresponsible fordevelopinglongtermplansforanindividualgame franchise
  • 6. and alsoprovidingstrategicoverviewof how agame brandshouldchange overtime.Product managerstypicallyworkfora game publisherorindependentmarketingcompanieswhoworkwith publishers theyalsomanage the marketingbudgetinaresponsible manneranddemonstrate an effectivereturnoninvestment. Marketing Executive: Theyare involvedindevelopingmarketingcampaignstopromote aproductservice oran ideathat is a variedrole that includesplanning,advertising,eventorganisation,productdevelopment, distributionetc.The workisoftenafast-pacedwhichmanyorganisationshave marketing departments, thatmarketingexecutivescanbe foundinbothprivate andpublicsectors,ranging fromthe financial retailingandmediaindustriestovoluntaryandpublicsectororganisations.The markingexecutivevarydependingonthe size of the organisationandsectorand whetherthe selling productor service oron raisingawarenessof anissue thataffectsthe public. If theyare selling gamesinthe industrytheywouldneedtohave anideaon whatit isabout and if theyare certainto release the game forthe public. Marketing Manager: Theywouldbe responsible forpreparingandconductingmarketingstrategies,cooperationwith external contractor’smedia,advertisingindustryandmarketmonitoringandresearchsupervisionof production of marketassetsanddocumentswritingpressreleasesandproductdescriptionsand creatingads like print,online if youhave atleast3 yearsof professionalexperience gainedonsimilar positionwithingamingindustryexcellentwritingandcommunication skillscombinedwithextensive knowledge aboutthe gaming industryforapassionwhentheyare neededforseveral servicesor productsthat couldbe in charge of a single productasall marketingmanagersneedtobe highly focusedandveryconscientiousof meetingbudgetrestraintsandtimelines.