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Matt 14:15-20,"15
As evening approached,the disciples
came to him and said, "This is a remote place, and it's
already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they
can go to the villages and buy themselves some food."
Jesus replied, "They do not need to go away. You
give them something to eat." 17
"Wehave here only five
loaves of bread and two fish," they answered. 18
them here to me," he said. 19
And he directed the
people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves
and the two fish and lookingup to heaven, he gave
thanks and broke the loaves.Then he gave them to the
disciples, and the disciplesgave them to the people.
They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples
picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were
left over.
Matthew 14:16 16
Jesus replied, "They do not need to
go away. You give them something to eat."
“But Jesus saidunto them, They need not depart.” Matthew 14:16.
OF course the Masterwas right, but He appearedto speak unreasonably. It
seemedself-evident that the people very much needed to depart. They had
been all day long hearing the Preacher. The mostof them had not broken
their fast and they were ready to faint for hunger. The only chance of their
being fed was to let them break up into small parties and forage for
themselves among the surrounding villages. But our Lord declaredthat there
was no necessityfor them to go awayfrom Him, even though they were
hungry, famished and in a desertplace. Now, if there was no necessityfor
hungry hearers to go away, much less will it ever be necessaryfor loving
disciples to depart from Him! If these, who were hearers only—and the bulk
of them were nothing more, a congregationcollectedby curiosity and held
togetherby the charm of His eloquence and by the renownof His miracles—if
these needed not to depart, much less need they depart who are His own
friends and companions, His chosenand beloved. If the crowds needednot
through hunger to depart bodily, much less need any of the saints depart
spiritually from their Lord. There is no necessitythat our communion with
Christ should ever be suspended— “To walk with Christ from morn till eve,
In Him to breathe, in Him to live— is no mere wish, no visionary’s prayer—it
may be realized—we need not depart from Jesus!There is no need that the
spouse of Christ should wander from beneath the banner of His love. Mary
may always sit at Jesus’feet. There is no law which says to holy fellowship,
“To here shall you come, but no further. Here shall your communion cease!”
There is no sethour when the gate of communion with Christ must inevitably
be closed. We may continue to come up from the wilderness, leaning upon the
beloved. We “need not depart.” Yet is it so commonly thought to be a matter
of course that we should wander from our Lord that I shall ask for strength
from heaven to combat the injurious opinion. I. brothers and sisters in
FROM CHRIST. At this moment we may truthfully sayof all the saints of
God, “Theyneed not depart.” There is nothing in your circumstances which
compels you to ceasefrom following hard after your Lord. You are very poor,
you say. But you need not depart from Christ because ofpenury, for, in the
depths of distress the saints have enjoyed the richest presence oftheir once
houseless Lord. Your poverty may be pinching you at this very moment—to
be relieved from that pinch you need not break awayfrom Jesus, for
fellowship with Him may be maintained under the direst extremity of need.
Indeed, your need increases your necessityto walk closelywith your Lord so
that patience may have its perfect work and your soul may be sustainedby the
mighty consolationswhichflow out of nearness to Jesus. Needshall not
separate the soulfrom communion with Him who hungered in the wilderness
and thirsted on the cross!You tell me that in order to relieve your necessities,
you are compelled to exercise greatcare and anxiety. But all the cares which
are useful and allowable are such as will allow of a continuance of fellowship
with Christ! You may care as much as you ought to care—andI need not say
how little that is—and yet you need not depart from Him who cares for you.
But you tell me that in addition to deep thought, you have to expend much
labor in order to provide things honest in the sight of all men. Yes, but you
need not depart from Christ for that reason!The carpenter’s Sonis not
ashamedof the sons of toil—He who wore the garment without seamdoes not
despise the peasant’s smock orthe servant’s apron. Labor is no enemy to
communion—idleness is a far more likely separatorof the soul from Christ.
Not to the idlers in Herod’s court did Jesus revealHimself, but to hard-
working fishermen by the lake of Galilee. If Satan is never far away from the
idle, it is pretty plain that it is no disadvantage to be busy! A toil amounting to
slavery may weakenthe body and prostrate the spirit, but even when heart
and flesh fail, the heart may callthe Lord its portion. There is no service
beneath the sun so arduous that you need depart from Christ in it! But
2 One of the Master’s Choice Sayings Sermon#3046
2 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 53
rather, while the limbs are weary, the spirit should find its rest in drawing
nearer to Him who canstrengthen the weak and give rest to the laboring and
heavy-laden. Do you tell me that you are rich? Ah, indeed, how often has this
made men depart from Christ!— “Gold and the gospelseldomdo agree—
Religionalways sides with poverty.” So said John Bunyan and his saying is
true. Too oftenthe glitter of wealthhas dazzled men’s eyes so that they could
not see the beauty of Christ Jesus. But O, you few wealthy saints, you need not
depart! The camelcan go through the needle’s eye for, “with God, all things
are possible.” Menhave worn coronets onearth and inherited crowns in
heaven! He who was the man after God’s own heart swayeda scepter. To
grow rich in substance does not make it inevitable that you should become
poor in divine grace. Do riches bring you many responsibilities and burdens—
and are you so much occupiedwith them that your fellowshipwith the Lord
grows slack?It should not be so. You need not depart from Him. You can
bring those responsibilities and the wealthto Jesus and communion with Him
will prevent the gold from cankering and the responsibility from involving
you in sin. Very often the servant of God who ministers to the Church of
Christ finds so much to do in watching over the souls of others—andin caring
for the various needs of the flock—thathe is in dangerof losing his own
personalenjoyment of his Lord’s presence. But it need not be so. We can
make all our many works subservientto our personalcommunion with our
Lord and, as the bee flies to many flowers and gathers honey from eachone,
so may we, out of many forms of service, extracta sweetconformity to Him
who was always about His Father’s business. We need not be “cumbered”
either with much serving or with much suffering. Our surroundings are not to
be our sovereigns, but our subjects. We are, in all these things, to be “more
than conquerors through Him that loved us.” Brothers and sisters, youneed
not depart because ofanything in Christ Jesus. Those whomwe love most
would not desire us to be always with them and never out of their sight. A
guestis very welcome, but the proverb says that after three days he is stale. A
mother does not always want her child in her arms! Its face is the epitome of
beauty, but at eventide she is glad that those dear blue eyes no longer shine
upon her—she is happy to lay her treasure in its cradle basket. We do not
always wish for the company of those whom we compassionate—ifthey will
condense their requests and do their errands rapidly, we are best content.
And Jesus Christ says to us, His poor dependents, His crying children, “You
need not depart.” When we are weeping, He will lay us in His bosom and give
us rest. When we are famishing, He will entertain us at His royal table till we
forgetour misery. He is “a friend that sticks closerthan a brother” in this
respect, for we need not, in this instance, heedthe wise man’s caution, “Go not
into your brother’s house in the day of your calamity,” for we may, at all
times and seasons, resortto our elder brother! We may ask Him, “Where do
You dwell?” and when we receive His answer, we may go forth and dwell with
Him and make His house our home. Do you not remember His words, “Abide
in Me”? Notmerely “Abide with Me,” but, “Abide in Me.” The closest contact
with Christ may be maintained with the utmost constancy— “Youneed not
depart, you may tarry for, yes, Unchanged is His heart, He invites you to
stay! He does not despise nor grow weary of you, You’re fair in His eyes and
most comely to view. Thenwish not to roam, but abide with your Lord Since
He is your home, go no longer abroad! Lie down on His breast in unbroken
repose, Forthere you may rest, though surrounded with foes.” II. Secondly,
DEPART FROM JESUS. It will always be true, “You need not depart.” You
do not know what your needs will be and though you are no prophet, your
words will be true if you affirm that no need shall ever necessarilydivide you
from Jesus because yourneeds will, instead, bind you to Him. “It pleasedthe
Father that in Him should all fullness dwell.” “And of His fullness have we all
received, and grace for grace.” We will draw nearerto Him, in time of need,
to obtain the grace we need! We shall never be forced to go elsewhereto find
supplies for our spiritual needs! There stands another trader over the way
who gladly would have you dealwith him—“his infallible Holiness,” as he
styles himself—but, ah, if you need infallibility, you need not wander from
Him who is “the truth!” And if you desire holiness, you need not withdraw
from Him who was the “Holy Child Jesus.”To gain all that
Sermon #3046 One ofthe Master’s Choice Sayings 3
Volume 53 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. 3
the superstitious profess to find in Babylon, you need not depart from the Son
of David who reigns in Zion! They tell us that we must confess oursins to a
priest—we will stay at home and lay bare our hearts to the greatHigh Priest
who “sprang out of Judah” and who is “touched with the feeling of our
infirmities.” They teachthat we must receive absolution from one chosen
from among men to forgive sins—we go at once to Him who was raised from
the dead “that repentance and remission of sins should be preachedin His
name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” Theytell us that we should
continue in morning and evening prayers—we do so, and offer our “matins”
and our “vespers” where no bells callus exceptthe bells upon our High
Priest’s garments!Our daily office may not be according to “the use of
Sarum,” but it is according to the use of those who “worshipGod in spirit and
in truth.” They cry up their daily sacrifice ofthe “mass”—butin Him who
“offeredone sacrifice forsins forever,” we find our all-in-all! His “fleshis
meat, indeed,” and His “blooddrink, indeed.” You “neednot depart” to pope
or priest, church or altar, for you may rest assuredthat there dwells in the
man, Christ Jesus, the Mediatorof the New covenant, all that your spiritual
needs shall need for their supply! And on no occasion—forany needs that can
by any possibility arise—needyou go down into Egypt for help, or trust
yourself to Assyria or Babylon! You will experience greattrials as well as
greatneeds. That young man, fresh from the country, has come to town to live
in a godless family. And last night he was laughed at when he knelt down to
pray. My young friend, you need not forsake the faith, for other saints have
endured more severe ordeals than yours and have still rejoiced in the Lord!
Yours are only the trials of cruel mocking—theywere stoned and sawn
asunder—yet neither persecution, nor nakedness,nor sworddivided them
from the love of God in Christ Jesus their Lord! Many also are those with
whom God, in His providence, deals severely—allHis waves and billows go
over them! Through much tribulation they enter the kingdom of God and
everything in the future forebodes multiplied adversities—but still, “they need
not depart” from Jesus their friend! If, like Paul, you should come to a place
where two seas meet. If you should experience a double trouble and if neither
sun nor moon should give you cheer, yet you need not suspend, but may
rather deepen your fellowship with the man of Sorrows!Christ is with you in
the tempest-tossedvesseland you, and those who sailwith you, shall yet come
to the desired haven. Therefore be of goodcourage and let not your hearts be
troubled. The Sonof God will be with you in the furnace heated seventimes
hotter than normal. He has said, “Whenyou pass through the waters, I will be
with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you; when you walk
through the fire, you shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon
you.” This proves to a demonstrationthat you “neednot depart” from Christ
in greattrials! You will also encountermany difficulties betweenhere and
heaven. Those who paint the road to glory through rose-coloredglasseshave
never trodden it. Many are the hills and dales betweenthis Jericho and the
city of the Great King! Let who will, be without trials—Christians will have
their full share of them! But there shall come no difficulty of any kind,
betweenhere and paradise, which shall necessitatethe soul’s going anywhere
but to her gracious Lord for guidance, for consolation, forstrength, or for
anything besides!Little know we of the walls to be leapedor the troops to be
overcome—butwe know full well that we never need part from the Captain of
our salvation, or call in other helpers. Deathwill probably befall us, but we
“neednot depart” from Jesus in the hour of our departure out of this world.
On the contrary, when the death-dew lies cold on our brow we will sing— “If
ever I loved You, my Jesus, ‘tis now”— and we will say with the apostle Paul,
“I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, norprincipalities,
nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor
any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of Godwhich is
in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Straight on into eternity—and on and on forever—
that word, “depart,” never need cross our path. As never in eternity will the
greatJudge pronounce the sentence, “Depart, you cursed,” upon His saints, so
never in His providence, nor in the severesttrial will He render it necessary
that the saints should in any sense depart from Him— “Never, O time, in your
darkesthour Shall I need depart from Him, Though round me your blackest
tempests lower And both sun and moon grow dim. Fasterand faster each
grief shall bind My soul to her Lord above And all the woes that assailmy
4 One of the Master’s Choice Sayings Sermon#3046
4 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 53
Shall drive me to rest in His love.” There is no necessity, then, in the
present—and there will be none in the future—for departing from
communion with the Lord! III. Thirdly, “they need not depart.” that is to
JESUS. The world can tempt us to depart and, alas, too successfullydoes it
seduce with its fascinating blandishments! Its frowns alarm the cowardlyand
its smiles delude the unwary, but none need depart. If we have grace enough
to play the man, Madam Bubble cannot lead us astray! “Surelyin vain the net
is spread in the sight of any bird.” We need not be takenin the world’s
traps—there is One who can deliver us from the snare of the fowler!We are
not ignorant of the devices ofSatan and the temptations of the world—we are
not compelledto fall from our steadfastness—andif we do, it is our willful
fault. There is no necessityfor it. Many live above the world—many in as
difficult circumstances as ours. There are those in heaven who have found as
hard hand-to-hand fighting in the spiritual life as we do—yet they were not
vanquished, nor need we be—for the same strength which was given to them
is also available for us! “But,” says one, “you do not know where I live.”
Perhaps not. “You do not know what I have to endure,” cries another. Most
true, but I know where my Lord lived and I have read that He endured “such
contradiction of sinners againstHimself” that Paul holds Him up as a pattern
to all His people! He did not depart from holiness, nor from love to you. “You
have not yet resistedunto blood, striving againstsin.” Perseveranceto the end
is possible to every believer—no, it is promised to us and we may have it for
the seeking!You need not depart from Christ, my young friend—the world
cannot drag you from Jesus, though it may entice you. Yield not and you shall
stand, for “there has no temptation takenyou but such as is common to man:
but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are
able; but will, with the temptation, also make a way to escape, thatyou may
be able to bear it” (1 Cor 10:13). Satanis a very cunning tempter of the souls
of men, but though he would gladly constrain you to depart from your Lord,
you need not do his bidding. Satanis strong, but Christ is stronger!His
temptations are insinuating, but you are no longerin darkness that you should
be deceivedby him. You “need not depart.” Even though surprising
temptation should assaultyou unawares, it ought not to find you sleeping. Has
not Christ said, “WhatI say unto you, I say unto all, Watch”? You will not be
surprised if holy anxiety stands sentinel to your soul. Prayer and watchfulness
will warn you of the enemy’s approach and, therefore, you need not be driven
to forsake your Lord. Yes, but it may be that in addition to the world and to
Satan, you are very conscious ofthe terrible depravity of your own heart.
And, indeed, that is the chief ground of fear! The heart is deceitful, prone to
wander and ready enough to depart from the living God—but you “neednot
depart” from the Masterbecauseofthat. The newborn nature takes up arms
againstthe body of sin and death. The Holy Spirit also dwells within to
conquer indwelling sin. Shall not the life which is from above subdue the
natural death? Shall not the Spirit of God purge out the old leaven? You
“neednot depart” from Jesus!It is true that you have a fiery temper, but it
must not prevail—there is a cure for that plague. Perhaps we are inclined to
levity, but we need not let our frivolous nature reign—grace canovercome it
and will. “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” There is no
unconquerable sin! There is no Dagonthat shall not be broken in the presence
of the ark of God! There is no temple of the Philistines which shall not fall
beneath the might of our greaterSamson!We need not, as the result of
temperament, or because of any sin that does so easilybesetus, depart from
Jesus, forgrace is equal to all emergencies. Do you call to mind that there
may be another force employed beside that of the world, or of Satan, or the
corruption within, namely, the lamentable coldness ofthe Christian Church?
Truly it is to be feared that more have departed from close walking with
Christ through the chilliness of inconsistentprofessors thanfrom almost any
other cause!Newbornchildren of God too often feel the atmosphere of the
church to be as freezing as that of an ice-well. Their holy warmth of zeal is
frozen and their limbs are stiffened into a rigor of inactivity—so that it is a
marvel that they do not die—and die they would were not the spiritual life
immortal and eternal! But, brothers and sisters, evenin the midst of the
coldestchurch we “neednot depart” from a near and elevatedfellowshipwith
the Lord. The Church of Rome is a church defiled with error and debased
with superstition, but was there ever a nobler Christian woman in this world
than Madame de la Mother Guyon? She did not depart from Christ, though
in the midst of a pestilent atmosphere. Remember, too, the names of
Jansenius, Arnold, Pascal, and Fenelonwhich are an honor to the universal
Church of Christ—who everwalkedin closercommunion with Christ than
those holy men did? In the midst of the darkestages, there have shone forth
the brightest stars!John wrote, by inspiration,
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Volume 53 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. 5
“You have a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments.”
Often am I told, by some brother in a country village where the minister
seems to have gone to sleep20 years ago and has never awakenedsince, that
he finds it very hard to rejoice in the Lord, for his Sabbaths are a burden
instead of a joy. My dear brother, you need all the more grace if this is your
case!You must have more vitality within if you see so much death without.
You “neednot depart” from Christ—on the contrary, by becoming an
example of living near to Christ, yourself, you may be the means of
quickening others, for, thank God, grace is contagious as wellas sin! At any
rate, it is certainthat though many influences may seduce us, no force can
compel us to depart from Jesus— “No powerin earth or hell Can force me to
depart— Christ is my unconquerable strength, He fortifies my heart! Fixed
in His love I stand, And none shall drive me thence— EnclosedI am within
the hand Of Love’s omnipotence!” IV. Regardedfrom another point, our
CLOSE TO THE BELOVED. Many believers think that if they have
fellowship every now and then with Jesus, with long intervals between, they
are quite as much advanced as they need be and have probably reachedas far
as human nature is ever likely to go. An affectationof superfine godliness is
suspicious but, at the same time, a higher standard of religionthan is
commonly seenamong professors atthis time canbe maintained—and ought
to be maintained. We ought to attain to such a walk with God—to so calm and
serene a frame—that the light which shines upon our pathway shall be
constantand clear. “Enochwalkedwith God” for hundreds of years. So
cannot a man, nowadays, walk with God for 20 years? Enochlived in the dark
age of the world, comparatively, so cannot we, who live under the gospel
dispensation, continuously walk with God? Enochbegatsons and daughters
and so had all the cares ofa household—yethe walkedwith God— so cannot
we, who have the same cares, yetstill, by divine grace, be enabled to maintain
unbroken communion with Christ? I know the place is high where they stand
who consciouslyabide in Christ, but will you not strive to climb there and
bathe your foreheads in the everlasting sunlight of Jehovah’s face? Iknow
that it would require most jealous walking, but you serve a jealous God and
He demands holy jealousyfrom you! Oh the joy of living in the embrace of
Jesus and never departing from it! Oh the bliss of sitting always at His feet,
abiding with the Bridegroom and listening to His voice! Surely the gain is
worth the exertion and the prize is worthy of the struggle!Let us not, since the
attainment is not impossible, murmur at the difficulty, but rather, in faith, let
us ask that we may begin tonight to achieve the blessedresult and continue to
achieve it till we are privileged to see the face of Christ in heaven! Others have
done so—whyshouldn’t we? Brothers and sisters, the way to maintain
fellowship with Christ is very simple. If you desire to retain in your mouth all
day the flavor of the “wines on the lees well refined,” take care that you drink
deeply of them by morning devotion. Do not waste those few minutes which
you allot to morning prayer! Lay a text on your tongue and, like a wafermade
with honey, it shall sweetenyour soul till nightfall! During the day, when you
can do so, think about your Redeemer—His Person, His work. Pray to Him
and ask Him to speak to you. All day long lean on the beloved. During the day,
serve Him and constantly say, “Lord, how canI best serve You in my
calling?” Consecratethe kitchen, consecratethe market-room—make every
place holy by glorifying the Lord there. Converse much with Him and it will
not be impossible for you to abide in Him from the year’s beginning to its
close!You “neednot depart.” There is no mental or spiritual impossibility in
the maintenance of unbroken communion with Christ if the Holy Spirit is
your Helper! V. Once more, we “need not depart.” That is to say, THERE IS
FROM CHRIST. Suppose that the searchafterhappiness is the greatdrift of
our life, as the old philosophers assert— then we “neednot depart” from
Jesus to win it, for He is heaven below!If you desire pleasure, forgetnot that
the pleasures ofGod which are in Christ—His joy, the joy that fills His great
heart—are more than enough to fill your heart! I sometimes hearpeople say,
as an excuse for professors going to doubtful places
6 One of the Master’s Choice Sayings Sermon#3046
6 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 53
of amusement, “You know, they must have some recreation.” Yes, I know, but
the re-creationwhich the Christian experiencedwhen he was born-again has
so completely made all things new to him, that the vile rubbish called
recreationby the world is so dull to him that he might as well try to fill
himself with fog as to satisfyhis soul with such utter vanity! No, the Christian
finds happiness in Christ Jesus—andwhen he needs pleasure, he does not
depart from Jesus. Perhaps it is said that we require a little excitement now
and then, for excitement gives a little stimulant to life and is as useful to it as
stirring is to a fire. I know it and I trust you may have excitement, for the
medicinal power of a measure of exhilaration and excitement is great. But you
“neednot depart” from Christ to getit, for there is such a thing as the soul’s
dancing at the sound of His name while all the sanctified passions are lifted up
in the ways of the Lord! Holy mirth will sometimes so bubble up and overflow
in the soul, that the man will say with Paul, “Whetherin the body, I cannot
tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell; God knows.”Joyin Christ can
rise to ecstasyandsoaraloft to bliss! If you desire to wearthe highest crown
of joy, you “need not depart” from Christ. “But,” it is said, “we require food
for our intellect. A man needs to develop his intellectual faculties. He must
learn that which will enlarge and expand his mind.” Certainly, by all means.
But, O belovedbrothers and sisters, you “need not depart” from Christ to get
this, for the science ofChrist crucified is the most excellent, comprehensive
and sublime of all the sciences!It is the only infallible science in the circle of
knowledge!Moreover, by all true science youwill find Christ honored, and
not dishonored. And your learning, if it is true learning, will not make you
depart from Christ, but lead you to see more of His creating and ruling
wisdom. The most profound astronomeradmires the Sun of Righteousness!
The besttaught geologisthas no quarrel with the Rock ofAges! The greatest
mathematician marvels at Him who is the sum totalof the universe! He who
knows the most of the physical, if he knows aright, loves the spiritual and
reverences Godin Christ Jesus!To imagine that to be wise one needs forsake
the Incarnate Wisdom is insanity! No, to reachthe highestdegree of
attainment in true learning, there is no reasonfor departing from Christ.
“We must have friends and acquaintances,” one says. You“need not depart”
front Christ to getthem. We admit that a young woman does well to enter the
marriage state—a young man is saferand better for having a wife—but, my
dear young friends, you need not break Christ’s law and depart from Him in
order to find a goodhusband or a goodwife! His rule is that you should not be
“unequally yokedtogetherwith unbelievers.” It is a wise and kind rule and is
an assistanceratherthan a hindrance to a fit marriage. “But,” says one, “I do
not intend to depart from Christ, though I am about to marry an unconverted
person.” Restassuredthat you are departing from Jesus by that act!I have
never yet met with a single case in which marriages of this kind have been
blessedof God. I know that young women say, “Do not be too severe, s”ir, I
shall bring him around.” You will certainly fail! You are sinning in marrying
under that idea. If you break Christ’s law, you cannot expectChrist’s
blessing. To be happy in future life with a suitable partner you “neednot
depart” from Jesus. There is nothing in life you can need that is truly
desirable, nothing that canpromote your welfare, nothing that is really good
for you that can ever make it necessaryfor you to depart from the Lord Jesus
Christ! Now, if this is true, do not some of us feel very guilty? I could weepto
think that I have so often departed from close fellowshipwith my Lord and
Masterwhen I need not have done it. I am castdown and weary—and
occasionallycumbered with much serving. I know my faith is in Christ, but I
have not the calm, unstaggering faith I desire to have. And I know that with a
thousand cares, (and I have ten thousand), I need not for a moment lose
serenity and peace ofmind if I can reachthe place which, by God’s grace, I
will yet reach. Do you not feel ashamedthat your family troubles and perhaps
your family joys have taken you off from your Savior? Some of you have a
greatdeal of leisure and yet you slide awayfrom Christ. Let us be ashamed
together, but let us remember that while this verse stands true—if we have
departed from Christ and the enjoyment of His fellowship—we canoffer no
excuse by saying that we could not help it! We do it willfully, we do it sinfully!
It is not to be thrust on the back of circumstances. It cannotbe laid on the
devil nor blamed to this, nor blamed to that—it is our own fault. We “need
not depart!” There never was any need for it and there never will be. May
God’s grace descendmightily upon us so that we may henceforthabide in our
Lord! May those who know Him not, be led to seek Him by faith even now,
and find Him, and then even they shall not need to depart from Him at the
Pulpit Commentary Homiletics
Jesus Feeding The Multitude
Matthew 14:15-21
W.F. Adeney On the death of John the Baptist Jesus retired to the eastern side of the lake,
oppressed with grief and longing for a time of seclusion. But it was one of his trials that he was
forbidden the rest of privacy when he most craved it. The crowds followed him with such
enthusiasm that they quite forgot to provide themselves with needful food, and therefore when
the evening was come they were out among the lonely mountains faint and hurry. Jesus had not
brought about this awkward situation. But he could not see distress without desiring to remove it.
Thus there was an adequate occasion for the wonderful feeding of the thousands.
I. JESUS HAS COMPASSION ON BODILY DISTRESS. He had manifested this compassion
earlier by healing the sick who were brought out to him in this remote region; and now the sight
of the weary multitude touched his heart, as it became apparent to him that the evening shadows
would find them far from home and without the means of providing themselves with their
evening meal
1. The motive of Christ was compassion. This was the motive of his life work and of his atoning
death. He came into the world because he took pity on the world's misery. The same motive
moved him in particular actions. This is the grand Christian motive. The passion of pity is a
peculiarly Christ-like feeling that seems to be rising among us in the present day.
2. The trouble was bodily distress - hunger. Then it is a Christ-like thing to feed the hungry. We
are not to neglect men's bodies in caring for their souls.
II. JESUS HELPS THROUGH EARTHLY MEANS. He utilized the existing provisions. He did
not create food out of nothing, but he wrought with the loaves and fishes already in hand. They
were few, but he did not despise them, for they were invaluable in affording a foundation for his
miracle. Christ now uses the instruments of human work. We have to contribute our share, and if
we selfishly or despairingly refuse to do so we have no right to look for his blessing.
III. JESUS PRODUCES WONDERFUL PROVISIONS. We do not know how the miracle was
wrought; we cannot even conceive of it. But we do not know how God makes the corn to grow in
the fields. Nature only seems to us less wonderful than miracle because we are familiar with her
external aspect and her visible processes. But behind all nature, as behind every miracle, there is
the unfathomable mystery of life and being which God only understands. It is enough for us that
our Lord is not thwarted, that there is nothing to which he sets his band in which he fails. He is
powerful as well as pitiful. We bemoan the distress we cannot aid. When Christ is moved with
compassion he helps effectively.
IV. JESUS SATISFIES THE HUNGRY. He gave no princely banquet, but mere loaves and
fishes - the common barley loaves of the poor, the familiar fishes of the lake. His object was not
to pamper jaded appetites - that was not needed in the keen mountain air; he simply fed the
hungry. Moreover, he gave what he received, and of the same kind. He will bless our work
according to its character and quality. He gives the increase, but it is according to the seed we
sow - "after its kind." Surely this miracle is more than a miracle; it is a sacrament, a sacred
symbol, as our Lord shows in the discourse that follows in St. John's account (John 6.). Christ is
the real Bread of life, feeding hungry souls. - W.F.A.
Biblical Illustrator
They need not depart; give ye them to eat.
Matthew 14:15-21
Christ feeding the multitude
T. Kidd.The miracles of Jesus were:
1. When was it wrought? In "the evening." The evening of a day that had been well spent.
2. Where was it performed? In "a desert place." The miracle as to time and place encourages our
confidence in Christ in the most trying and destitute situations.
3. What was the order of its performance.
(1)Christ's tenderness to the people — "They need not depart."
(2)The all-sufficiency which He possessed in Himself.
(3)The plainness of their provision, as well as the scantiness of the supply.
(4)However little you have bring it to Jesus, and He will make it more.
(5)His devotion — "looking up to heaven."
(6)Our Lord employed the disciples as the dispensers of His bounty.
(7)A lesson of frugality — "They took up the fragments."
1. In this provision see an emblem of Jesus Christ. He is the true Bread.
2. In the distribution of this provision learn the office and work of Christian ministers.
3. In the apparent deficiency of this provision we are reminded of the treatment of the Saviour
and His gospel by an unbelieving world. "Five loaves and two fishes" appeared nothing to the
supply of such an assembly.
4. In the real sufficiency of this provision we are instructed in the glorious ability of Christ to
complete the happiness of all that believe. The multitude " did all eat and were filled."
(T. Kidd.)
The five barley loaves in the desert
A. M. Stuart.I. CHRIST'S RETREAT INTO THE DESERT. He sought retirement; multitude
intruded, yet Christ was not disappointed or annoyed.
1. There is the want of bread for the congregation in the desert.
2. Jesus asks the disciples what supply they have.
3. Jesus orders the disciples to bring the loaves to Himself. Christ's way of giving us more is to
begin with what we have.
4. Jesus next commands the multitude to sit down in order. The multitude needed great faith. We
cannot first eat and then believe; must believe and eat. The disciples need faith and courage; sent
by Christ on a trying errand — "Give ye them to eat. The foolishness of preaching becomes the
power of God.
1. Jesus gave thanks to God for the bread in the face of all the multitude.
2. Jesus blesses the bread before he breaks and gives to the people; and His blessing breathed
upon it fills the bread with an infinite fulness. Christ is the Bread of Life to the sinner dying for
want; sweet to the soul in the desert.
3. Jesus breaks the bread and multiplies in the using; He breaks and distributes to the apostles,
and they break and distribute to the people; and probably the people break and distribute to each
other. Christ breathes upon and blesses the Word.
1. After the feast is finished there are many fragments over.
2. Jesus and His disciples live upon these fragments. The fragments are more than the entire
supply for the feast. The more we feed on Christ, the more always is there of Christ to feed on;
He increases to us.
(A. M. Stuart.)
The food of the worm
American Homiletic Review.I. Christ feeds the famishing world by means of His Church.
1. The food, though supernaturally provided, is carried to the hungry by the ordinary means.
2. The disciples were prepared for their work. They had to learn the absolute disproportion
between the means at their command and the needs of the crowd.
3. We must carry our poor and inadequate resources to Christ.
II. THE BREAD IS ENOUGH FOR ALL THE WORLD — "They did all eat and were filled."
(American Homiletic Review.)
The miracle of the loaves and fishes
striking representation of the moral condition of the human family. In the provision we see a true
exhibition of the blessing of the gospel. In its distribution we see the nature of the office of the
Christian ministry. In the abundance remaining we see the boundlessness of gospel supplies.
What personal participation of gospel blessing is necessary to our happiness and satisfaction?
(Dr. J. Burns.)
The food of the world
A. Maclaren, D. D.Scripture miracles are not merely wonders, but signs. This one is a symbolic
revelation of Christ supplying all the wants of this hungry world. Three points — the
distribution, the meal, the gathering up.
1. Economy of power. God does not interfere supernaturally, any further than is necessary.
Christ's incarnation and sacrifice are the purely supernatural work of the Divine power and
mercy; but, after their introduction into the world, human agency is required for the diffusion of
the new power. Christian people are henceforth Christ's instruments.
2. Preparation of the disciples for this work. Looking at their own resources, they felt utterly
inadequate to the work. Humility and self-distrust are necessary if God is to work with and in us.
He works with bruised reeds, and out of them makes polished shafts, pillars in His house. In His
hands our feeble resources are enough.
3. The disciples seem to have partaken first. Those only can distribute and impart, who have
themselves found sustenance and life in Christ. And an obligation lies on them to do so. Power to
its last particle is duty.
II. THE BREAD IS ENOUGH FOR ALL THE WORLD. The gospel addresses itself to
universal wants, brushing aside all surface distinctions, and going right down to the depths of our
common nature. The seed of the kingdom is like corn, an exotic nowhere, for wherever man lives
it will grow — and yet an exotic everywhere, for it came down from heaven. Other food requires
an educated palate for its appreciation; but any hungry man in any land will relish bread. For
every soul on earth this living, dying love of Jesus addresses itself to and satisfies his deepest
wants. It is the bread which gives life to the world.
THE DISTRIBUTORS. TO impart to others is to gain for oneself. If you would learn, teach. If
you would have your own spiritual life strengthened and deepened, remember that not by solitary
meditation or raptures of silent communion alone can that be accomplished, but by these and by
honest, manful work for God in the world.
(A. Maclaren, D. D.)
The work of the Church in a starving world
A. Maclaren, D. D.An emblem of the whole work of the Church in this starving world. The
multitudes famish. Tell Christ of their wants. Count your own small resources till you have
completely learned your poverty: then take them to Jesus. He will accept them, and in His hands
they will become mighty, being transfigured from human thoughts and forces into Divine words,
spiritual powers. On that bread which He gives, do you yourself live. Then carry it boldly to all
the hungry. Rank after rank will eat. All races, all ages, from grey hairs to babbling childhood,
will find there the food of their souls. As you part the blessing, it will grow beneath His eye; and
the longer you give, the fuller handed you will become. Nor shall the bread fail, nor the word
become weak, till all the world has tasted of its sweetness, and been refreshed by its potent life.
(A. Maclaren, D. D.)
The miracle of the loaves
1. What is wanted — food.
2. The urgency of the want — in the wilderness.
II. THE ABUNDANCE OF THE SUPPLY — "He openeth His hand and filleth all things living
with plenteousness."
1. Like the five loaves the word is, in the letter of it. contemptible and mean.
2. The miracle instructive on account of its typical character; the disciples received the food they
set before the people from the hands of Jesus. We should determine:
(1)To eat the food ourselves;
(2)To distribute it to others.
(C. Clayton, M. A.)
Compassion for the multitude
C. H. Spurgeon.I. OUR MISSION AND OUR WEAKNESS. Hungry men around us. To feed
them, superstition offers stones instead of bread. Infidelity tries to persuade that they are not
hungry. You say " Who are we that we should feed this multitude, who can count them?" Do not
let the magnitude of the work dispirit you. "The supply is scant" you say. There is a tendency to
shift responsibility. "Let us send them away into the villages to buy meat."
1. "In immediate obedience to Christ's commands.
2. In consecrating what we have to Christ.
3. In prayer.
4. In active service.
(C. H. Spurgeon.)
Communication begets plenty
CONSUMED IN THE USING. Shut up your bread-corn in a granary, and though it may not rot,
it cannot grow; but strow it Abroad over the furrows of the ground, and it will swell into a
harvest. Lock up your piece of silver or gold, and it is no better than dead; but send it out into the
world's free commerce, and the rusty solitary shall become a glittering host. An avaricious policy
is dull-sighted and thriftless. It saves, but to be barren. Modern science teaches us that public
wealth is born of trust and free communications.
not less ready than the soil to render back with interest what is sown in it. Jesus gave to the
disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. That is the way in which instruction is imparted. It
passes from one to the many. It finds companions. Truth begets truth; and you must have a
company to show the supply. What would have seemed inconsiderable if left by itself, grows
into great account as it is sent forward among those who apprehend it, and transmit it in new and
manifold forms. It is manifested, it is accumulated, by travelling down among the sympathies
and wants of those whose hearts love it, whose natures crave it, and whose ability and experience
reproduce and recommend it to all men.
SOJOURNERS. Nothing is more heightened by communication than just such impulses as those
we here require. Joy and hope are social; they ask for companionship; they spread by contact and
mutual encouragement. He who has awakened them in his own breast, finds them greatly
enhanced by expressing them; and their expression is caught up and repeated by numberless
voices that had till then slept.
(L. N. Frothingham.)
Sitting on grass
Dean Stanley.The tall grass which, broken down by the feet of the thousands there gathered
together, would make as it were "couches" for them to recline upon.
(Dean Stanley.)
Multiplied by giving
, Lapide.From whence God multiplies the crops of corn from a few grains, from thence He
multiplied the loaves in His own hands. For the power was in the hands of Christ. For those five
loaves were, as it were, seed, not indeed committed to the earth, but multiplied by Him who
made the earth.
( Augustine.)When you give a loaf or a coin to a poor man, you do not lose it, but you sow it; for,
as from one grain of seed many grains grow, so it is likewise with loaves and money.
Increase by distribution
Bishop Hall.Christ could as welt have multiplied the loaves whole; why would He rather do it in
the breaking? Perhaps to teach us that in the distribution of our goods we should expect His
blessing, and not in their entireness and reservation. There is no man but increaseth by scattering.
(Bishop Hall.)
Strong charity, weak faith
Bishop Hall."Send them away, that they may buy victuals." Here was a strong charity, but a
weak faith: a strong charity, in that they would have the people relieved; a weak faith, in that
they supposed they could not otherwise be so well relieved. As a man, when he sees many ways
lie before him, takes that which he thinks both fairest and nearest, so do they: this way of relief
lay openest to their view and promised most.
(Bishop Hall.)
Baskets for fragments
A. Cart.The Roman poet Juvenal describes a large provision-basket, together with a bundle of
hay, as being part of the equipment of the Jewish mendicants who thronged the grove of Egeria
at Rome. The motive for this custom was to avoid ceremonial impurity in eating, or in resting at
(A. Cart.)
Our Lord in prayer
George Macdonald.Likely he was weary in body, and also worn in spirit for lack of that finer
sympathy which His disciples could not give Him. being very earthly yet. He who loves his
fellows and labours among those who can ill understand him will best know what this weariness
of our Lord must have been like He had to endure the world-pressure of surrounding humanity in
all its ungodlike phases.
(George Macdonald.)
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary14:13-21 When Christ and his word withdraw, it is best
for us to follow, seeking the means of grace for our souls before any worldly advantages. The
presence of Christ and his gospel, makes a desert not only tolerable, but desirable. This little
supply of bread was increased by Christ's creating power, till the whole multitude were satisfied.
In seeking the welfare of men's souls, we should have compassion on their bodies likewise. Let
us also remember always to crave a blessing on our meals, and learn to avoid all waste, as
frugality is the proper source of liberality. See in this miracle an emblem of the Bread of life,
which came down from heaven to sustain our perishing souls. The provisions of Christ's gospel
appear mean and scanty to the world, yet they satisfy all that feed on him in their hearts by faith
with thanksgiving.
Barnes' Notes on the BibleJesus said They need not depart; give ye them to eat - John adds John
6:5-6 that previous to this Jesus had addressed Philip, and asked, Whence shall we buy bread that
these may eat? and that he "said this to prove him; for he himself knew what he would do;" that
is, he said this to try his faith; to test the confidence of Philip in himself.
Philip, it seems, had not the kind of confidence which he ought to have had. He immediately
began to think of their ability to purchase food for them. Two hundred pennyworth of bread, said
he, would not be enough, John 6:7. In the original it is two hundred denarii. These were Roman
coins amounting to about fourteen cents (7d.) each. The whole two hundred, therefore, would
have been equal to about twenty-eight dollars. In the view of Philip this was a great sum, a sum
which twelve poor fishermen were by no means able to provide. It was this fact, and not any
unwillingness to provide for them, which led the disciples to request that they should be sent into
the villages around in order to obtain food. Jesus knew how much they had, and he required of
them, as he does of all, implicit faith, and told them to give them to eat. He requires us to do
what he commands, and we need not doubt that he will give us strength to accomplish it.
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible CommentaryMt 14:12-21. Hearing of the Baptist's Death, Jesus
Crosses the Lake with Twelve, and Miraculously Feeds Five Thousand. ( = Mr 6:30-44; Lu 9:10-
17; Joh 6:1-14).
For the exposition of this section—one of the very few where all the four Evangelists run
parallel—see on [1302]Mr 6:30-44.
Matthew Poole's Commentary John relates the story thus: When Jesus lifted up his eyes, and saw
a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may
eat? And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do. Philip answered him.
Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a
little. One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, saith unto him, There is a lad here
which hath five barley loaves and two small fishes: but what are they among so many? And
Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat
down, in number about five thousand.
Gill's Exposition of the Entire BibleBut Jesus said unto them,.... the disciples,
they need not depart; meaning so long as he was with them, who had power enough to provide a
sufficient meal for them, as well as by a word speaking, to heal their diseases; however, to try
their faith, and make way for the working of the following miracle, he says to them,
give ye them to eat; such provisions as you have along with you.
Geneva Study BibleBut Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat.
Expositor's Greek TestamentHYPERLINK "/matthew/14-16.htm"Matthew 14:16. οὐ χρείαν
ἔχουσιν ἀπελθεῖν, etc.: even if, as some think, what happened was that under the moral influence
of Jesus the people present generously made the provisions they had brought with them available
for the company at large, the character of Jesus appears here in a commanding light. No situation
appears to Him desperate, no crisis unmanageable. No need to go. Give ye them to eat, resources
will be forthcoming (cf. Exodus 14:15). And they were, how we cannot tell. The story is a fact
supported by the testimony of all four evangelists, not a baseless legend, or a religious allegory.
Bengel's GnomenHYPERLINK "/matthew/14-16.htm"Matthew 14:16. Οὐ χρείαν, no need) We
should not labour for that which is not necessary.—ὑμεῖς, you) significantly. The disciples
already possessed the rudiments of miraculous faith.[670]
[670] In the original, “Rudimenta fidei miraculorum apud discipulos”—i.e. that special faith
which is required for the performance of miracles.—(I. B.)
Pulpit CommentaryVerse 16. - But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; they have no
need to go away (Revised Version). Matthew only. The Lord takes up the expression. There is no
need for them to move from this place, desert though it is. Give ye them to eat. Ye; emphatic, he
throws upon his disciples the duty of feeding them, and, strange though the command seemed to
them (cf. 2 Kings 4:43), they carried it out.
14:13-21 continued)
(iii) This miracle informs us very clearlyof the place of the disciple in the
work of Christ. The story tells that Jesus gave to the disciples and the disciples
gave to the crowd. Jesus workedthrough the hands of his disciples that day,
and he still does.
Again and againwe come face to face with this truth which is at the heart of
the Church. It is true that the disciple is helpless without his Lord, but it is
also true that the Lord is helpless without his disciple. If Jesus wants
something done, if he wants a child taught or a person helped, he has to get a
man to do it. He needs people through whom he can act, and through whom
he can speak.
Very early in the days of his enquiring, Premanand came into contactwith
Bishop Whitley at Ranchi. He writes: "The Bishopread the Bible with me
daily, and sometimes I read Bengaliwith him, and we talkedtogetherin
Bengali. The longer I lived with the Bishop the closerI came to him, and
found that his life revealedChrist to me, and his deeds and words made it
easierfor me to understand the mind and teaching of Christ about which I
read daily in the Bible. I had a new vision of Christ, when I actually saw
Christ's life of love, sacrifice and self-denial in the everyday life of the Bishop.
He became actually the epistle of Christ to me."
Jesus Christ needs disciples through whom he can work and through whom
his truth and his love canenter into the lives of others. He needs men to whom
he can give, in order that they may give to others. Without such men he
cannot getthings done and it is our task to be such men for him.
It would be easyto be daunted and discouragedby a task of such magnitude.
But there is another thing in this story that may lift up our hearts. When
Jesus told the disciples to feed the crowd, they told him that all they had was
five loaves and two fishes;and yet with what they brought to him, Jesus
wrought his miracle. Jesus sets everyone of us the tremendous task of
communicating himself to men; but he does not demand from us splendours
and magnificences thatwe do not possess. He says to us, "Come to me as you
are, howeverill-equipped; bring to me what you have, howeverlittle, and I
will use it greatly in my service." Little is always much in the hands of Christ.
(iv) At the end of the miracle there is that strange little touch that the
fragments were gatheredup. Even when a miracle could feed men
sumptuously there was no waste. There is something to note here. God gives to
men with munificence, but a wastefulextravagance is never right. God's
generous giving and our wise using must go hand in hand.
THE MAKING OF A MIRACLE (Matthew 14:13-21 continued)
There are some people who readthe miracles of Jesus, and feel no need to
understand. Let them remain for ever undisturbed in the sweetsimplicity of
their faith. There are others who read and their minds question and they feel
they must understand. Let them take no shame of it, for God comes far more
than half way to meet the questing mind. But in whatever way we approach
the miracles of Jesus, one thing is certain. We must never be content to regard
them as something which happened; we must always regardthem as
something which happens. They are not isolatedevents in history; they are
demonstrations of the always and forever operative power of Jesus Christ.
There are three ways in which we can look at this miracle.
(i) We may look at it as a simple multiplication of loaves and fishes. That
would be very difficult to understand; and would be something which
happened once and never repeateditself. If we regard it that way, let us be
content; but let us not be critical and condemnatory of anyone who feels that
he must find another way.
(ii) Many people see in this miracle a sacrament. Theyhave felt that those who
were present receivedonly the smallestmorsel of food, and yet with that were
strengthenedfor their journey and were content. They have felt that this was
not a meal where people glutted their physical appetite; but a meal where they
ate the spiritual food of Christ. If that be so, this is a miracle which is re-
enactedevery time we sit at the table of our Lord; for there comes to us the
spiritual food which sends us out to walk with firmer feet and greaterstrength
the wayof life which leads to God.
(iii) There are those who see in this miracle something which in a sense is
perfectly natural, and yet which in another sense is a real miracle, and which
in any sense is very precious. Picture the scene. There is the crowd; it is late;
and they are hungry. But was it really likely that the vast majority of that
crowdwould setout around the lake without any food at all? Would they not
take something with them, howeverlittle? Now it was evening and they were
hungry. But they were also selfish. And no one would produce what he had,
lest he have to share it and leave himself without enough. Then Jesus took the
lead. Such as he and his disciples had, he began to share with a blessing and
an invitation and a smile. And thereupon all began to share, and before they
knew what was happening, there was enoughand more than enough for all.
If this is what happened, it was not the miracle of the multiplication of loaves
and fishes;it was the miracle of the changing of selfishpeople into generous
people at the touch of Christ. It was the miracle of the birth of love in
grudging hearts. It was the miracle of changedmen and womenwith
something of Christ in them to banish their selfishness.If that be so, then in
the realestsense Christfed them with himself and sent his Spirit to dwell
within their hearts.
Matthew 14:1-21 8-28-16 YouGive Them Something I. Slide1
Announce: A. Slide2-4 Andrew: Military Ministry. Women of
Encouragement. Thrive. B. Slide5 Sun Night pray: Next Sun, 6:30-7:30pm. II.
Slide6 Intro: You Give Them Something A. We now move into a new &
import sectionof Mt, The Retirementof the King. chps.14-20.1 1. Jesusnow
withdraws from the multitudes & spends time alone w/His disciples,
preparing them for the coming crisis in Jerusalem(the cross). 2. Remember
even the disciples thought in terms of an earthly kingdom. 3. It was necessary
that He prepare them for this faith-testing experience. The 2 events in this 1/2
a chapter illustrate the characteristicsofour present age, when the King is
rejected:a) Christ’s servants will suffer and die for Him. Persecutionb)
Christ’s servants will minister the bread of life to man. Provision
B. Slide7 Zombie Apocalypse. The Walking Dead. Night of the Living Dead.
The Dawnof the Dead. Zombie Jesus? That’s whatHerod thought...Read
vs.1,2. 1. A zombie, from Haitian Creole zonbi. Zombism is really about a
virus or disease that infiltrates someone's body which kills him/her. The
person is then reanimated as a zombie. Other humans are then infected by a
bite or a virus which then turns that personinto a zombie, thus perpetuating
the cycle. A zombie then is, “a dead person’s body, reanimated but continuing
the process ofdecay. A zombie is consideredundead rather than fully alive.”
C. Now Zech.14:12 does sayTheir people will become like walking corpses,
their flesh rotting away. Their eyes will rot in their sockets, andtheir tongues
will rot in their mouths. But...despite pastorDan’s interpretation of this... :) 1.
Clarification: So no Herod, Jesus was nota Zombie - Zombies are reanimated
and are in the process ofputrefaction. John is present in heaven w/His Lord.
1 Wiersbe’s ExpositoryOutlines of the NT, Mt.
Jesus will eventually be resurrectedfully back to life w/a fully functioning
III. Slide8 HEROD VS. JOHN (1-12) A.Slide9 (1) Herod Antipas - Herod The
Great, 3 sons, 4 areas (tetrarch). Antipas gets Galilee/Peraea. Tiberius is
where Antipas lived & ruled. 1. So, this Herod eloped w/Herodias, the wife of
his 1/2 brother Philip I, divorcing his own wife & sending her back to her
father, the king of Petra (Aretas). B. Slide10 (2) I see ghosts orzombies -
JOHN was written on this tyrants memory. 1. Do you have any ghosts in your
past? Any skeletons in your closet? 2. Godsent many voices to warn Herod.
Especiallythe voice of Conscience & the voice of a Prophet. a) What other
voices canwe hear? God, Satan, conscience, friends, enemies, the world. C.
Conscience- The voice of Consciencecanbe a powerful voice. It can also be
silenced. 1. Herod decided insteadto listen to the voice of cowardice &
plunged himself into terrible sin. D. (3-5) The Prophet John was another voice
that warned him & boldly warned him to repent. Herod laid hold on John,
because John’s word laid hold on Herod. E. Slide11a Let’s note these 3
things... sorry, nevertheless, he commanded it. F. (9) The King was sorry - It’s
also said a crocodile shed’s tears overthose it snaps in two. 1. Poorpuppet
king...He basicallyput a close pin on his Conscience. a)He was remorseful
over the situation but not repentant over sin. 2. (FBMeyer)To tamper
w/conscience is like killing the watchdog while the burglar is breaking in.
G. (9b) Nevertheless - How easilyinfluenced. 1. Influenced by his: cunning
concubine, his dancing daughter, his carelesscovenant, & his beer-drinking
buddies. a) Afraid of the jeers, Herod are you too religious to put awaya
Prophet? (1) The fearof being thought weak, provedthat he was weak indeed.
2. Who influences you? Actually, every friend influences you for the goodor
the bad. How do eachof your friends influence you? H. (9c)He commanded it
- (Spurg) With the regret a wolf has because he must eatthe lamb, he gave
orders for the murder of John. 1. WickedOaths ought to be repented of, not
actedout. 2. In the sight of heaven it was Herod who perished not John. I.
Slide11b(10) No miracles were brought about for John’s deliverance. Never
be shockedthat goodchristians die. 1. So our friend John left his prison for
paradise, by 1 sudden strike of the sword. Which still happens today in the
persecutionof Christians around our world. J. (11) What a mother &
daughter combo. 1. I wonder if when Herodias lookedatJohns’ face on that
platter, if it was still Slide12 silently screaming...It’s not lawful for you to have
him. K. At the end of most true story TV shows & movies, it tells what
happened w/the keypeople: Herod: lost his prestige & power. His armies were
defeatedby the Arabs. His appeals to be made a real king (urged by his wife)
were refused by Emperor Caligula. Herod was banished to Gaul (France)&
then to Spain, where he died. L. (12) Notice:They buried it not him. The real
John no man could bury. (as w/you) 1. And Herod soonfound out that being
dead, yet he spoke. M. Slide13,14Johnhad taught his disciples well - They
went to Jesus at once!
Jesus now departs. Severalreasons forthis withdrawing:2 1. The report of
John’s death. The growing antagonismof Herod. The disciples’need for rest
after their preaching tour (Mrk.6:31). His need to get alone with His disciples
to teachthem. B. Slide16 Illus: Do you remember what it was like to learn
how to swing? Learning how to pump. Feetextended toward the sky. Leaning
way back. The spin maneuver. Timing the jump.
2 Wiersbe’s ExpositoryOutlines of the NT, Mt.
1. Its one of the 1stplaces we learned to trust. It all depended who was
pushing us. If it was someone we trusted, they could try anything with us &
we’d shout, Again! Again! But if it was some kid on the playground, or some
random cousinat a family get together...ohman, sick feeling in your gut &
hang on. 2. Slide17 Who pushes your swing? In the right hands, you can find
peace...evenin the twisty’s of life. Even in the big pushes where all u see is sky.
You can Trust Him a) This is what Jesus seeksto teachhis disciples in this life
lesson. TrustHim. C. The why to this story is given by Jesus in Mrk.6:34, they
were like sheepnot having a shepherd. Shepherd-less sheep; folks trying to
make it on their own through life. D. When you come to the Scriptures are
you looking stories ofpersonalgrowth, or an understanding of the character
& nature of God? E. What is God trying to communicate about Himself?
The fact that He can feeda bunch of people? That Jesus is greaterthan His
disciples? 1. What’s the underlying message?Is there one? Jn.6:22; 26,27;33-
35 a) So, the miracle was a symbol of our Lord’s higher spiritual work. Trust
Him...for everything. F. Slide18 Their Rest(13) - Come aside by yourselves to
a desertedplace and rest a while. 1. By Himself - i.e. not w/the crowds, but
w/his small group. 2. Every wearyChristian workerneeds to hear those words
by Christ. a) It is important that we getalone from time to time to hear God’s
voice and refresh ourselves physicallyand mentally. b) “If we don’t come
apart and rest - we’ll come apart.” Vance Havner. 3. “We need times when we
smooth out the wrinkles of our soul, getalone w/ God, refresh our bodies, &
then getready to serve the Lord again.” 4. A restis much needed...butis not
to be. [sometimes you just HAVE to disconnect;other times, He’ll give you
that extra measure of grace/strength]G. Slide19 Their Interrupted Rest(14)
[note slide: whole rest/semēbrēv. 64thhemidemisemiquaver] 1. Eagerto be
w/Christ they ran around the Northern shoreline. H. Instead of resenting their
interruption, He was gripped w/compassion. 4
1. Slide20a He wasn’t moved w/complaining. “This is my day off, This is my
time.” a) That phone call, that knock on the door. The flesh screams, Notright
now Lord, you know I’m busy, or resting. b) Slide20bHe was moved
w/Compassion= have one’s inner-being stirred. compassion+ actionc) Found
8 times in the N.T. - All refer to Jesus. WhenHe saw the needy mult. Twice
when he saw the hungry crowds. Saw the 2 blind men, Leper, widow at Nain.
Was used in 3 parables. 2. How do you reactwhen your plans are
unexpectedly spoilt? 3. Jesus saw this crowd not as a mob, but as individuals.
a) Individuals who lookedlike sheep w/o a shepherd. Who needed healings.
Who needed teachings (Mrk.6:34). Who needed food. 4. Do you know anyone
that needs shepherding, a healing, or food? a) How can we help them find the
GoodShepherd? I. Their Challenge (15-21)J. The only miracle found in all 4
gospels (exceptfor the Res). Mostpublic of all the miracles. K. (15)Here they
remind Jesus it was a desertedplace. (There wasn’t a Jamba Juice, Chick-fil-
A, Chipotle, or McDavids...notevena Starbucks for miles) L. Slide21a Send
them away- Never send someone awaywho is hungry [Sp, Emotionally, or
Phys] M. (16) Jesus will give us seemingly impossible challenges...yougive
them something to eat. 1. May this be written on every church, & every
believing heart, We have the Slide21b bread that satisfies!!! give them
something to eat! N. Slide22 (17) 5 loaves, 2 fish - A meal that might feed two
people. Bread and fish were the staples of a Galileanpeasantdiet. O. (19)
Blessed/He gave thanks NIV - Jesus thanks God for providing the food. 1.
Slide23 The sequence ofverbs (blessed/give thanks, broke, gave)occurs again
in Matt 26:26, which may hint that it representeda traditional blessing. 2.
Jesus took bread, blessedand broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said,
Take, eat;this is My body. P. Blessed& broke – We are not manufacturers,
we are only distributors. (the miracle took place in Jesus hands, not theirs) 5
Q. (20) Jesus didn’t only feed the 5000, but he taught the 12. He sent them
home w/a doggie-bag reminder. [maybe Jesus has em carry the big basketall
the wayhome so they don’t forgetthis lesson]1. Twelve baskets full - 1 per
disciple. In the OT, God fed His people with manna, but there were no edible
leftovers. R. (Mrk.6:37)Shall we go & buy 200 denarii worth of bread & give
them something to eat? 1. Leave Jesus out of your calculations & you’ll come
up short every time. 2. Oh, they were keenly aware ofthe need, but powerless
to meet it. a) Standing before them was the One who createdthe Heavens &
the earth. One who had all power. So, the 1st stepis not to measure our
resources,but to determine God’s will & trust Him to meet the need. S.
(Mrk.6:39)Green Grass – Just to show you how detailed Scripture is…in
John 6:4 he mentions it is right before Passover(i.e. spring time) the only time
of year of green grass. 1. Here he makes them to lie down in green pastures.
Ps.23:2 T. Slide24 (Mrk.6:40)Sat down in ranks – (lit. πρασια) A garden bed.
Refers to the arrangement in rows, like a well-kept flowerbed. It often was
customary for the students of the rabbis to sit in rows which were compared
to the rows of vines in the vineyard or to well-orderedgardens.3 - They must
have lookedliterally like flower beds. U.Slide25 Let’s remember, insteadof
telling Jesus what to do (15) let Him bring you back into a place of service as
waiters. V. Jesus gave them something impossible or preposterous to do in
their own strength. 1. When Jesus gives us a command…He enables us. 2. Oh,
that we might face up to our own inadequacy, & learn that Jesus is able to
cope w/any crisis. 3. Oh, that we might learn againtotal dependence upon
Him. W.John6 makes it clearthat the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 was
a sermon in action. 1. Christ, through His Word, is the Bread of Life on whom
we feed. It is the privilege - and responsibility - of His servants to give this
bread to the hungry multitudes. The servants receive that bread personally
from Christ, then pass it on to others. 6
3 Linguistic Key to the Greek N.T., pg.105
X. Slide26 Lessons from this miracle: 1. Christ can take our little and make
it much. [Moses’stick. David’s rock. Elijah’s mantle/cloak. Widows jar/oil.
Samson’s donkeyjawbone. A lil lad’s lunch... Your monthly missionary
support check. Your prayer. Your individual tithe. Your prep time for your
SS class]Our means, His power. 2. Slide27-29 WhateverHe blesses,He
breaks. Are we willing to be broken? 3. People today are in a desert place of
sin (15)and need Christ. 4. Christ can overcome every difficulty and feed the
multitudes. The disciples had many excuses - not enough $, the wrong place,
the wrong time - but Christ took what they had and met the need. He will do
this today. Y.As Jesus this week made them to lie down in greenpastures, next
week He will lead them beside still waters (walks onsea)& then will restore
some souls (healings).
Matthew 14:15-21
Intro: Of all the many miracles performed by the Lord Jesus, this is the only on recorded by all
four Gospel writers. This signifies its great importance. This miracle was designed by the Lord to
do more than just feed a multitude. It was designed to reveal the Lord Jesus Christ as the
Messiah of the Jews and to reveal His nature as God. In fact, there were three distinct reasons
this miracle was performed:
1. To illustrate Jesus Christ as the Bread of Life, Who was to be broken for the sin of humanity
on the cross.
2. To show the Jews that One greater than Moses was here. The Jews revered Moses because
they believed that he had given the Israelites bread in the wilderness. Jesus set the record straight
in John 6:32-33. He reminded them that God gave the Hebrews the manna, but that Jesus
Himself was the true Bread of God.
3. To demonstrate His power as the Lord of all creation. This miracle and the miracle of
transforming water to wine in John 2 are the only miracles in which Jesus actually used His
power to create. In all the other miracles, He used resources that were already present.
As we all know, this is a tremendous miracle and it is usually handled in a way that shows Jesus
as the Bread of Life and the need of all humanity. At other times, we think of how the Lord can
take just a little and make a lot out of it. However, today, I want to explore this miracle from the
vantage point of the bread and the fish. I would like for us to see how the Lord Jesus took just
five small biscuit like pieces of bread and two tiny fish and multiplied them so that they were
sufficient to feed a multitude. I won't attempt to explain the mechanics of what Jesus did here. I
do not think we humans can understand the miraculous power of God at work. What I want to do
is to point out that Jesus took a small amount of bread and greatly expanded its potential for
usefulness. I want to preach to you for a while on this thought: The Ministry Of The Master's
Hand. As I do, I would remind you that we may feel insignificant this morning. We may feel
like our lives and our church are small and limited in what we can accomplish for the Lord. I
want to show you that anything that is placed in His hands, whether it be an individual or a
church, will be used of Him in mighty and remarkable ways. As we have a little time this
morning, let's explore The Ministry Of The Master's Hand. Just remember that what He does
for this bread, He can and will do for you, if you will place all you have and are in His hands!
A. Ill. The Context. John tells us that the bread and the fish came from a small boy in the
crowd, John 6:9. Jews were always very careful to render their thanks to God for His
blessings. They always prayed over their food at mealtime. Often, their prayer went as
"Blessed be thou,
O Lord our God,
the King of the world,
who hast produced this food
and this drink
from the earth and the vine. The point His, Jesus took this bread in His hands and He
looked up to Heaven and the thanked God for His provision! (Ill. He set a standard that
we are to follow as well! You ought to always take the time to thank God for the food He
gives you! 1 Tim. 4:3-4)
B. Just as Jesus blessed the bread and fish that day, He blesses the lives of His people!
Think about His blessings upon you since the day He placed His hand upon your life! My
how we love life when the Lord is blessing! Things are good at home when the Lord is
blessing. The church house is a glorious place when the Lord is blessing there! (Note:
Just take a moment to think with me about how the Lord has blessed your life!
Remember the answered prayers? Remember the mountains He has moved? Remember
the needs He has met? Remember the times He came near to you and held you by grace?
Remember the lonely hours when He reminded you that He still cared for you? His
blessings are wonderful and He deserves to be thanked for them! Have you done that
lately?) (Note: Even the lost folks among us today should be aware of the Lord's
blessings. The air you breath, the food you eat, the water you drink are all His blessing on
your life. Even your life itself is nothing more than something God has blessed you with!
Yes, His grace and blessings extend to every member of the human family, Matt. 5:45.)
C. We all love it when the Lord is blessing, don't we? Just as a reminder, the Lord doesn't
expect us to repay Him for the blessings He gives us. All He wants in return is our love,
our obedience and our praise. Is He getting that from your life?
A. After He had blessed the bread, He used the same hands to break the bread! The
reason? Before the bread could be shared with others, it had to be broken!
B. One of the hardest truths for humans to grasp is the great truth that those God would
use greatly, He hurts deeply! A period of brokenness always precedes a time of
usefulness! You can see this principle at work even in the life of the Lord Jesus Himself.
Before He could provide salvation to the world, He had to be broken on the cross! We
love His blessings, but we shrink from His breakings! However, while the blessings of
the Lord are nice, the breakings of the Lord are necessary!
C. One of the clearest examples of this truth in the Bible is the life of the man named Job.
God blessed the life of Job greatly, Job 1:1-3; then God hurt the heart of Job deeply, Job
1:8-2:10. The Lord's purpose in breaking Job is not revealed until the end of the book,
when we see Job's influence expanded and God glorified, Job 42:1-17!
D. The reasons for His breaking ministry in our lives are always the same. He does it for
His glory and to prepare us for greater usefulness in His kingdom work, Rom. 8:28-29.
(Ill. Paul - 2 Cor. 12:7-10) It is never pleasant, but the results are always worth the pain!
(Note: The lessons learned in the furnace are lessons that can be learned no where else!
Ill. Daniel, Noah, 3 Hebrews, Disciples in boat, Widow in Zarephath, Elijah by the dry
brook, Widow of Nain; Mary, Martha and Lazarus!) (Note: The primary lesson He
wants us all to learn is the lesson of total and absolute dependence upon Him! Have you
learned that lesson yet?)
E. The methods He uses for breaking a life will vary greatly. He used the analogy of
metal in a furnace in Ezekiel - Eze. 22:18-22. He used the analogy of a potter in Jer.
18:1-6. In both cases, God was taking His people and He was breaking them down so that
they would be more like Him! (Note: I do not want to scare anyone this morning, but I
just want to remind you that the Lord knows just how to break your life! He knows
exactly what to touch in your life to get your attention! He knows your heartstring! By
the way, He will tug that heartstring if need be to get your undivided attention! Ill. 2
Sam. 14:28-33 - God knows where your barley field is and if need be, He will set it on
fire to get you where He can use you in a greater way!) (Note: There are people here
today that God wants to use, but He doesn't have your attention. I assure you that if you
don't respond to His gentle calls, He will use more direct means to focus your heart on
Him.) (Note: He can and will break churches just like He breaks the lives of individuals!)
F. Friends, if you are in one of those breaking periods of life right now, let me point out a
great truth. Did you notice where the bread was while it was being broken? It was in the
Master's hands! I would just remind you that when the Lord is breaking you, it isn't to
damage you beyond repair. He does it to prepare you so that He can use you in a far
greater way. The bread was never closer to the Master than when He was breaking it!
A. The five small loves and two small fishes were just enough to feed one little boy, but
they were woefully insufficient to feed a vast multitude. However, when they were
blessed and broken by the Master, their ability was broadened. He took what was
designed for one and used it to feed as many as 25,000! That is what the Master can do
with those things He blesses and breaks!
B. God only breaks us so that He might broaden our ministry! Therefore, do not try to run
away when the hand of the Lord lays heavy on your life!. When He is breaking you, it is
so that He can use you in a greater manner! (Ill. Think of Elijah by the dry brook. Think
of Jacob as he served his uncle Laban for 20 years and as he wrestled with the Lord, Gen.
32 (Note: It left him altered for life - Gen. 32:24-33). Think of Moses on the backside of
the desert. Think of Paul in prison. Think of Mary's alabaster box of ointment!) (Note:
Remember Joseph. He was the apple of his father's eye, but he wound up in slavery and
prison before the Lord exalted him to the throne of Egypt. He hurt him deeply so that He
might use him greatly!)
C. If you have been blessed and broken for the Lord, then get ready, He has a plan for
your life that is glorious beyond imagination!
Conc: That bread and those fish were greatly used of the Lord. Before He could use them,
however, they had to be placed in His hands. There are people here today who need to place their
lives in the hand of the Master. Some need to place their life there so that He can save your soul
and begin to use you for His glory. Others are already saved, but they and not the Master are in
control of their lives. Friend, I beg you to take your life today and place it in His hand. Trust Him
to do what is right by your life and to prepare you for greatness.
I challenge this church body to come before the Lord today, call on His name and ask Him to
move in power around this place. Let's ask Him to bless us! Let's ask Him to break us to bring us
to a place of total dependence upon Him. Then let's watch Him use us for His glory!

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Jesus was to be our clothing
Jesus was the source of unity
Jesus was the source of unityJesus was the source of unity
Jesus was the source of unity
Jesus was love unending
Jesus was love unendingJesus was love unending
Jesus was love unending
Jesus was our liberator
Jesus was our liberatorJesus was our liberator
Jesus was our liberator

More from GLENN PEASE (20)

Jesus was urging us to pray and never give up
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Jesus was questioned about fasting
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Jesus was scoffed at by the pharisees
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Jesus was clear you cannot serve two masters
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Jesus was clear you cannot serve two masters
Jesus was saying what the kingdom is like
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Jesus was saying what the kingdom is like
Jesus was telling a story of good fish and bad
Jesus was telling a story of good fish and badJesus was telling a story of good fish and bad
Jesus was telling a story of good fish and bad
Jesus was comparing the kingdom of god to yeast
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Jesus was comparing the kingdom of god to yeast
Jesus was telling a shocking parable
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Jesus was telling a shocking parable
Jesus was telling the parable of the talents
Jesus was telling the parable of the talentsJesus was telling the parable of the talents
Jesus was telling the parable of the talents
Jesus was explaining the parable of the sower
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Jesus was explaining the parable of the sower
Jesus was warning against covetousness
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Jesus was warning against covetousness
Jesus was explaining the parable of the weeds
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Jesus was explaining the parable of the weeds
Jesus was radical
Jesus was radicalJesus was radical
Jesus was radical
Jesus was laughing
Jesus was laughingJesus was laughing
Jesus was laughing
Jesus was and is our protector
Jesus was and is our protectorJesus was and is our protector
Jesus was and is our protector
Jesus was not a self pleaser
Jesus was not a self pleaserJesus was not a self pleaser
Jesus was not a self pleaser
Jesus was to be our clothing
Jesus was to be our clothingJesus was to be our clothing
Jesus was to be our clothing
Jesus was the source of unity
Jesus was the source of unityJesus was the source of unity
Jesus was the source of unity
Jesus was love unending
Jesus was love unendingJesus was love unending
Jesus was love unending
Jesus was our liberator
Jesus was our liberatorJesus was our liberator
Jesus was our liberator

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Jesus was clear, none need go away

  • 1. JESUS WAS CLEAR, NONE NEED GO AWAY EDITED BY GLENN PEASE Matt 14:15-20,"15 As evening approached,the disciples came to him and said, "This is a remote place, and it's already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food." 16 Jesus replied, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat." 17 "Wehave here only five loaves of bread and two fish," they answered. 18 "Bring them here to me," he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and lookingup to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciplesgave them to the people. 20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. Matthew 14:16 16 Jesus replied, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat." ONE OF THE MASTER’S CHOICE SAYINGS NO. 3046
  • 2. A SERMON PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1907. DELIVERED BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON. “But Jesus saidunto them, They need not depart.” Matthew 14:16. OF course the Masterwas right, but He appearedto speak unreasonably. It seemedself-evident that the people very much needed to depart. They had been all day long hearing the Preacher. The mostof them had not broken their fast and they were ready to faint for hunger. The only chance of their being fed was to let them break up into small parties and forage for themselves among the surrounding villages. But our Lord declaredthat there was no necessityfor them to go awayfrom Him, even though they were hungry, famished and in a desertplace. Now, if there was no necessityfor hungry hearers to go away, much less will it ever be necessaryfor loving disciples to depart from Him! If these, who were hearers only—and the bulk of them were nothing more, a congregationcollectedby curiosity and held togetherby the charm of His eloquence and by the renownof His miracles—if these needed not to depart, much less need they depart who are His own friends and companions, His chosenand beloved. If the crowds needednot through hunger to depart bodily, much less need any of the saints depart spiritually from their Lord. There is no necessitythat our communion with Christ should ever be suspended— “To walk with Christ from morn till eve, In Him to breathe, in Him to live— is no mere wish, no visionary’s prayer—it may be realized—we need not depart from Jesus!There is no need that the spouse of Christ should wander from beneath the banner of His love. Mary may always sit at Jesus’feet. There is no law which says to holy fellowship, “To here shall you come, but no further. Here shall your communion cease!” There is no sethour when the gate of communion with Christ must inevitably be closed. We may continue to come up from the wilderness, leaning upon the beloved. We “need not depart.” Yet is it so commonly thought to be a matter of course that we should wander from our Lord that I shall ask for strength
  • 3. from heaven to combat the injurious opinion. I. brothers and sisters in Christ, THERE IS NO PRESENTNECESSITYFOR YOUR DEPARTING FROM CHRIST. At this moment we may truthfully sayof all the saints of God, “Theyneed not depart.” There is nothing in your circumstances which compels you to ceasefrom following hard after your Lord. You are very poor, you say. But you need not depart from Christ because ofpenury, for, in the depths of distress the saints have enjoyed the richest presence oftheir once houseless Lord. Your poverty may be pinching you at this very moment—to be relieved from that pinch you need not break awayfrom Jesus, for fellowship with Him may be maintained under the direst extremity of need. Indeed, your need increases your necessityto walk closelywith your Lord so that patience may have its perfect work and your soul may be sustainedby the mighty consolationswhichflow out of nearness to Jesus. Needshall not separate the soulfrom communion with Him who hungered in the wilderness and thirsted on the cross!You tell me that in order to relieve your necessities, you are compelled to exercise greatcare and anxiety. But all the cares which are useful and allowable are such as will allow of a continuance of fellowship with Christ! You may care as much as you ought to care—andI need not say how little that is—and yet you need not depart from Him who cares for you. But you tell me that in addition to deep thought, you have to expend much labor in order to provide things honest in the sight of all men. Yes, but you need not depart from Christ for that reason!The carpenter’s Sonis not ashamedof the sons of toil—He who wore the garment without seamdoes not despise the peasant’s smock orthe servant’s apron. Labor is no enemy to communion—idleness is a far more likely separatorof the soul from Christ. Not to the idlers in Herod’s court did Jesus revealHimself, but to hard- working fishermen by the lake of Galilee. If Satan is never far away from the idle, it is pretty plain that it is no disadvantage to be busy! A toil amounting to slavery may weakenthe body and prostrate the spirit, but even when heart and flesh fail, the heart may callthe Lord its portion. There is no service beneath the sun so arduous that you need depart from Christ in it! But 2 One of the Master’s Choice Sayings Sermon#3046 2 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 53
  • 4. rather, while the limbs are weary, the spirit should find its rest in drawing nearer to Him who canstrengthen the weak and give rest to the laboring and heavy-laden. Do you tell me that you are rich? Ah, indeed, how often has this made men depart from Christ!— “Gold and the gospelseldomdo agree— Religionalways sides with poverty.” So said John Bunyan and his saying is true. Too oftenthe glitter of wealthhas dazzled men’s eyes so that they could not see the beauty of Christ Jesus. But O, you few wealthy saints, you need not depart! The camelcan go through the needle’s eye for, “with God, all things are possible.” Menhave worn coronets onearth and inherited crowns in heaven! He who was the man after God’s own heart swayeda scepter. To grow rich in substance does not make it inevitable that you should become poor in divine grace. Do riches bring you many responsibilities and burdens— and are you so much occupiedwith them that your fellowshipwith the Lord grows slack?It should not be so. You need not depart from Him. You can bring those responsibilities and the wealthto Jesus and communion with Him will prevent the gold from cankering and the responsibility from involving you in sin. Very often the servant of God who ministers to the Church of Christ finds so much to do in watching over the souls of others—andin caring for the various needs of the flock—thathe is in dangerof losing his own personalenjoyment of his Lord’s presence. But it need not be so. We can make all our many works subservientto our personalcommunion with our Lord and, as the bee flies to many flowers and gathers honey from eachone, so may we, out of many forms of service, extracta sweetconformity to Him who was always about His Father’s business. We need not be “cumbered” either with much serving or with much suffering. Our surroundings are not to be our sovereigns, but our subjects. We are, in all these things, to be “more than conquerors through Him that loved us.” Brothers and sisters, youneed not depart because ofanything in Christ Jesus. Those whomwe love most would not desire us to be always with them and never out of their sight. A guestis very welcome, but the proverb says that after three days he is stale. A mother does not always want her child in her arms! Its face is the epitome of beauty, but at eventide she is glad that those dear blue eyes no longer shine upon her—she is happy to lay her treasure in its cradle basket. We do not always wish for the company of those whom we compassionate—ifthey will condense their requests and do their errands rapidly, we are best content.
  • 5. And Jesus Christ says to us, His poor dependents, His crying children, “You need not depart.” When we are weeping, He will lay us in His bosom and give us rest. When we are famishing, He will entertain us at His royal table till we forgetour misery. He is “a friend that sticks closerthan a brother” in this respect, for we need not, in this instance, heedthe wise man’s caution, “Go not into your brother’s house in the day of your calamity,” for we may, at all times and seasons, resortto our elder brother! We may ask Him, “Where do You dwell?” and when we receive His answer, we may go forth and dwell with Him and make His house our home. Do you not remember His words, “Abide in Me”? Notmerely “Abide with Me,” but, “Abide in Me.” The closest contact with Christ may be maintained with the utmost constancy— “Youneed not depart, you may tarry for, yes, Unchanged is His heart, He invites you to stay! He does not despise nor grow weary of you, You’re fair in His eyes and most comely to view. Thenwish not to roam, but abide with your Lord Since He is your home, go no longer abroad! Lie down on His breast in unbroken repose, Forthere you may rest, though surrounded with foes.” II. Secondly, NO FUTURE NECESSITYWILL EVER ARISE TO COMPELYOU TO DEPART FROM JESUS. It will always be true, “You need not depart.” You do not know what your needs will be and though you are no prophet, your words will be true if you affirm that no need shall ever necessarilydivide you from Jesus because yourneeds will, instead, bind you to Him. “It pleasedthe Father that in Him should all fullness dwell.” “And of His fullness have we all received, and grace for grace.” We will draw nearerto Him, in time of need, to obtain the grace we need! We shall never be forced to go elsewhereto find supplies for our spiritual needs! There stands another trader over the way who gladly would have you dealwith him—“his infallible Holiness,” as he styles himself—but, ah, if you need infallibility, you need not wander from Him who is “the truth!” And if you desire holiness, you need not withdraw from Him who was the “Holy Child Jesus.”To gain all that Sermon #3046 One ofthe Master’s Choice Sayings 3 Volume 53 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. 3
  • 6. the superstitious profess to find in Babylon, you need not depart from the Son of David who reigns in Zion! They tell us that we must confess oursins to a priest—we will stay at home and lay bare our hearts to the greatHigh Priest who “sprang out of Judah” and who is “touched with the feeling of our infirmities.” They teachthat we must receive absolution from one chosen from among men to forgive sins—we go at once to Him who was raised from the dead “that repentance and remission of sins should be preachedin His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” Theytell us that we should continue in morning and evening prayers—we do so, and offer our “matins” and our “vespers” where no bells callus exceptthe bells upon our High Priest’s garments!Our daily office may not be according to “the use of Sarum,” but it is according to the use of those who “worshipGod in spirit and in truth.” They cry up their daily sacrifice ofthe “mass”—butin Him who “offeredone sacrifice forsins forever,” we find our all-in-all! His “fleshis meat, indeed,” and His “blooddrink, indeed.” You “neednot depart” to pope or priest, church or altar, for you may rest assuredthat there dwells in the man, Christ Jesus, the Mediatorof the New covenant, all that your spiritual needs shall need for their supply! And on no occasion—forany needs that can by any possibility arise—needyou go down into Egypt for help, or trust yourself to Assyria or Babylon! You will experience greattrials as well as greatneeds. That young man, fresh from the country, has come to town to live in a godless family. And last night he was laughed at when he knelt down to pray. My young friend, you need not forsake the faith, for other saints have endured more severe ordeals than yours and have still rejoiced in the Lord! Yours are only the trials of cruel mocking—theywere stoned and sawn asunder—yet neither persecution, nor nakedness,nor sworddivided them from the love of God in Christ Jesus their Lord! Many also are those with whom God, in His providence, deals severely—allHis waves and billows go over them! Through much tribulation they enter the kingdom of God and everything in the future forebodes multiplied adversities—but still, “they need not depart” from Jesus their friend! If, like Paul, you should come to a place where two seas meet. If you should experience a double trouble and if neither sun nor moon should give you cheer, yet you need not suspend, but may rather deepen your fellowship with the man of Sorrows!Christ is with you in the tempest-tossedvesseland you, and those who sailwith you, shall yet come
  • 7. to the desired haven. Therefore be of goodcourage and let not your hearts be troubled. The Sonof God will be with you in the furnace heated seventimes hotter than normal. He has said, “Whenyou pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you; when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon you.” This proves to a demonstrationthat you “neednot depart” from Christ in greattrials! You will also encountermany difficulties betweenhere and heaven. Those who paint the road to glory through rose-coloredglasseshave never trodden it. Many are the hills and dales betweenthis Jericho and the city of the Great King! Let who will, be without trials—Christians will have their full share of them! But there shall come no difficulty of any kind, betweenhere and paradise, which shall necessitatethe soul’s going anywhere but to her gracious Lord for guidance, for consolation, forstrength, or for anything besides!Little know we of the walls to be leapedor the troops to be overcome—butwe know full well that we never need part from the Captain of our salvation, or call in other helpers. Deathwill probably befall us, but we “neednot depart” from Jesus in the hour of our departure out of this world. On the contrary, when the death-dew lies cold on our brow we will sing— “If ever I loved You, my Jesus, ‘tis now”— and we will say with the apostle Paul, “I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, norprincipalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of Godwhich is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Straight on into eternity—and on and on forever— that word, “depart,” never need cross our path. As never in eternity will the greatJudge pronounce the sentence, “Depart, you cursed,” upon His saints, so never in His providence, nor in the severesttrial will He render it necessary that the saints should in any sense depart from Him— “Never, O time, in your darkesthour Shall I need depart from Him, Though round me your blackest tempests lower And both sun and moon grow dim. Fasterand faster each grief shall bind My soul to her Lord above And all the woes that assailmy mind 4 One of the Master’s Choice Sayings Sermon#3046 4 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 53
  • 8. Shall drive me to rest in His love.” There is no necessity, then, in the present—and there will be none in the future—for departing from communion with the Lord! III. Thirdly, “they need not depart.” that is to say, NO FORCE CAN COMPELTHE CHRISTIAN TO DEPART FROM JESUS. The world can tempt us to depart and, alas, too successfullydoes it seduce with its fascinating blandishments! Its frowns alarm the cowardlyand its smiles delude the unwary, but none need depart. If we have grace enough to play the man, Madam Bubble cannot lead us astray! “Surelyin vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.” We need not be takenin the world’s traps—there is One who can deliver us from the snare of the fowler!We are not ignorant of the devices ofSatan and the temptations of the world—we are not compelledto fall from our steadfastness—andif we do, it is our willful fault. There is no necessityfor it. Many live above the world—many in as difficult circumstances as ours. There are those in heaven who have found as hard hand-to-hand fighting in the spiritual life as we do—yet they were not vanquished, nor need we be—for the same strength which was given to them is also available for us! “But,” says one, “you do not know where I live.” Perhaps not. “You do not know what I have to endure,” cries another. Most true, but I know where my Lord lived and I have read that He endured “such contradiction of sinners againstHimself” that Paul holds Him up as a pattern to all His people! He did not depart from holiness, nor from love to you. “You have not yet resistedunto blood, striving againstsin.” Perseveranceto the end is possible to every believer—no, it is promised to us and we may have it for the seeking!You need not depart from Christ, my young friend—the world cannot drag you from Jesus, though it may entice you. Yield not and you shall stand, for “there has no temptation takenyou but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will, with the temptation, also make a way to escape, thatyou may be able to bear it” (1 Cor 10:13). Satanis a very cunning tempter of the souls of men, but though he would gladly constrain you to depart from your Lord, you need not do his bidding. Satanis strong, but Christ is stronger!His temptations are insinuating, but you are no longerin darkness that you should be deceivedby him. You “need not depart.” Even though surprising temptation should assaultyou unawares, it ought not to find you sleeping. Has not Christ said, “WhatI say unto you, I say unto all, Watch”? You will not be
  • 9. surprised if holy anxiety stands sentinel to your soul. Prayer and watchfulness will warn you of the enemy’s approach and, therefore, you need not be driven to forsake your Lord. Yes, but it may be that in addition to the world and to Satan, you are very conscious ofthe terrible depravity of your own heart. And, indeed, that is the chief ground of fear! The heart is deceitful, prone to wander and ready enough to depart from the living God—but you “neednot depart” from the Masterbecauseofthat. The newborn nature takes up arms againstthe body of sin and death. The Holy Spirit also dwells within to conquer indwelling sin. Shall not the life which is from above subdue the natural death? Shall not the Spirit of God purge out the old leaven? You “neednot depart” from Jesus!It is true that you have a fiery temper, but it must not prevail—there is a cure for that plague. Perhaps we are inclined to levity, but we need not let our frivolous nature reign—grace canovercome it and will. “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” There is no unconquerable sin! There is no Dagonthat shall not be broken in the presence of the ark of God! There is no temple of the Philistines which shall not fall beneath the might of our greaterSamson!We need not, as the result of temperament, or because of any sin that does so easilybesetus, depart from Jesus, forgrace is equal to all emergencies. Do you call to mind that there may be another force employed beside that of the world, or of Satan, or the corruption within, namely, the lamentable coldness ofthe Christian Church? Truly it is to be feared that more have departed from close walking with Christ through the chilliness of inconsistentprofessors thanfrom almost any other cause!Newbornchildren of God too often feel the atmosphere of the church to be as freezing as that of an ice-well. Their holy warmth of zeal is frozen and their limbs are stiffened into a rigor of inactivity—so that it is a marvel that they do not die—and die they would were not the spiritual life immortal and eternal! But, brothers and sisters, evenin the midst of the coldestchurch we “neednot depart” from a near and elevatedfellowshipwith the Lord. The Church of Rome is a church defiled with error and debased with superstition, but was there ever a nobler Christian woman in this world than Madame de la Mother Guyon? She did not depart from Christ, though in the midst of a pestilent atmosphere. Remember, too, the names of Jansenius, Arnold, Pascal, and Fenelonwhich are an honor to the universal Church of Christ—who everwalkedin closercommunion with Christ than
  • 10. those holy men did? In the midst of the darkestages, there have shone forth the brightest stars!John wrote, by inspiration, Sermon #3046 One ofthe Master’s Choice Sayings 5 Volume 53 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. 5 “You have a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments.” Often am I told, by some brother in a country village where the minister seems to have gone to sleep20 years ago and has never awakenedsince, that he finds it very hard to rejoice in the Lord, for his Sabbaths are a burden instead of a joy. My dear brother, you need all the more grace if this is your case!You must have more vitality within if you see so much death without. You “neednot depart” from Christ—on the contrary, by becoming an example of living near to Christ, yourself, you may be the means of quickening others, for, thank God, grace is contagious as wellas sin! At any rate, it is certainthat though many influences may seduce us, no force can compel us to depart from Jesus— “No powerin earth or hell Can force me to depart— Christ is my unconquerable strength, He fortifies my heart! Fixed in His love I stand, And none shall drive me thence— EnclosedI am within the hand Of Love’s omnipotence!” IV. Regardedfrom another point, our text may teachus that THERE IS NO IMPOSSIBILITYIN KEEPING CLOSE TO THE BELOVED. Many believers think that if they have fellowship every now and then with Jesus, with long intervals between, they are quite as much advanced as they need be and have probably reachedas far as human nature is ever likely to go. An affectationof superfine godliness is suspicious but, at the same time, a higher standard of religionthan is commonly seenamong professors atthis time canbe maintained—and ought to be maintained. We ought to attain to such a walk with God—to so calm and serene a frame—that the light which shines upon our pathway shall be constantand clear. “Enochwalkedwith God” for hundreds of years. So cannot a man, nowadays, walk with God for 20 years? Enochlived in the dark age of the world, comparatively, so cannot we, who live under the gospel dispensation, continuously walk with God? Enochbegatsons and daughters
  • 11. and so had all the cares ofa household—yethe walkedwith God— so cannot we, who have the same cares, yetstill, by divine grace, be enabled to maintain unbroken communion with Christ? I know the place is high where they stand who consciouslyabide in Christ, but will you not strive to climb there and bathe your foreheads in the everlasting sunlight of Jehovah’s face? Iknow that it would require most jealous walking, but you serve a jealous God and He demands holy jealousyfrom you! Oh the joy of living in the embrace of Jesus and never departing from it! Oh the bliss of sitting always at His feet, abiding with the Bridegroom and listening to His voice! Surely the gain is worth the exertion and the prize is worthy of the struggle!Let us not, since the attainment is not impossible, murmur at the difficulty, but rather, in faith, let us ask that we may begin tonight to achieve the blessedresult and continue to achieve it till we are privileged to see the face of Christ in heaven! Others have done so—whyshouldn’t we? Brothers and sisters, the way to maintain fellowship with Christ is very simple. If you desire to retain in your mouth all day the flavor of the “wines on the lees well refined,” take care that you drink deeply of them by morning devotion. Do not waste those few minutes which you allot to morning prayer! Lay a text on your tongue and, like a wafermade with honey, it shall sweetenyour soul till nightfall! During the day, when you can do so, think about your Redeemer—His Person, His work. Pray to Him and ask Him to speak to you. All day long lean on the beloved. During the day, serve Him and constantly say, “Lord, how canI best serve You in my calling?” Consecratethe kitchen, consecratethe market-room—make every place holy by glorifying the Lord there. Converse much with Him and it will not be impossible for you to abide in Him from the year’s beginning to its close!You “neednot depart.” There is no mental or spiritual impossibility in the maintenance of unbroken communion with Christ if the Holy Spirit is your Helper! V. Once more, we “need not depart.” That is to say, THERE IS NO REASON THAT CAN BE IMAGINED WHICH WOULD RENDER IT A WISE, PROPER AND GOOD THING FOR A CHRISTIAN TO DEPART FROM CHRIST. Suppose that the searchafterhappiness is the greatdrift of our life, as the old philosophers assert— then we “neednot depart” from Jesus to win it, for He is heaven below!If you desire pleasure, forgetnot that the pleasures ofGod which are in Christ—His joy, the joy that fills His great
  • 12. heart—are more than enough to fill your heart! I sometimes hearpeople say, as an excuse for professors going to doubtful places 6 One of the Master’s Choice Sayings Sermon#3046 6 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 53 of amusement, “You know, they must have some recreation.” Yes, I know, but the re-creationwhich the Christian experiencedwhen he was born-again has so completely made all things new to him, that the vile rubbish called recreationby the world is so dull to him that he might as well try to fill himself with fog as to satisfyhis soul with such utter vanity! No, the Christian finds happiness in Christ Jesus—andwhen he needs pleasure, he does not depart from Jesus. Perhaps it is said that we require a little excitement now and then, for excitement gives a little stimulant to life and is as useful to it as stirring is to a fire. I know it and I trust you may have excitement, for the medicinal power of a measure of exhilaration and excitement is great. But you “neednot depart” from Christ to getit, for there is such a thing as the soul’s dancing at the sound of His name while all the sanctified passions are lifted up in the ways of the Lord! Holy mirth will sometimes so bubble up and overflow in the soul, that the man will say with Paul, “Whetherin the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell; God knows.”Joyin Christ can rise to ecstasyandsoaraloft to bliss! If you desire to wearthe highest crown of joy, you “need not depart” from Christ. “But,” it is said, “we require food for our intellect. A man needs to develop his intellectual faculties. He must learn that which will enlarge and expand his mind.” Certainly, by all means. But, O belovedbrothers and sisters, you “need not depart” from Christ to get this, for the science ofChrist crucified is the most excellent, comprehensive and sublime of all the sciences!It is the only infallible science in the circle of knowledge!Moreover, by all true science youwill find Christ honored, and not dishonored. And your learning, if it is true learning, will not make you depart from Christ, but lead you to see more of His creating and ruling wisdom. The most profound astronomeradmires the Sun of Righteousness! The besttaught geologisthas no quarrel with the Rock ofAges! The greatest mathematician marvels at Him who is the sum totalof the universe! He who knows the most of the physical, if he knows aright, loves the spiritual and
  • 13. reverences Godin Christ Jesus!To imagine that to be wise one needs forsake the Incarnate Wisdom is insanity! No, to reachthe highestdegree of attainment in true learning, there is no reasonfor departing from Christ. “We must have friends and acquaintances,” one says. You“need not depart” front Christ to getthem. We admit that a young woman does well to enter the marriage state—a young man is saferand better for having a wife—but, my dear young friends, you need not break Christ’s law and depart from Him in order to find a goodhusband or a goodwife! His rule is that you should not be “unequally yokedtogetherwith unbelievers.” It is a wise and kind rule and is an assistanceratherthan a hindrance to a fit marriage. “But,” says one, “I do not intend to depart from Christ, though I am about to marry an unconverted person.” Restassuredthat you are departing from Jesus by that act!I have never yet met with a single case in which marriages of this kind have been blessedof God. I know that young women say, “Do not be too severe, s”ir, I shall bring him around.” You will certainly fail! You are sinning in marrying under that idea. If you break Christ’s law, you cannot expectChrist’s blessing. To be happy in future life with a suitable partner you “neednot depart” from Jesus. There is nothing in life you can need that is truly desirable, nothing that canpromote your welfare, nothing that is really good for you that can ever make it necessaryfor you to depart from the Lord Jesus Christ! Now, if this is true, do not some of us feel very guilty? I could weepto think that I have so often departed from close fellowshipwith my Lord and Masterwhen I need not have done it. I am castdown and weary—and occasionallycumbered with much serving. I know my faith is in Christ, but I have not the calm, unstaggering faith I desire to have. And I know that with a thousand cares, (and I have ten thousand), I need not for a moment lose serenity and peace ofmind if I can reachthe place which, by God’s grace, I will yet reach. Do you not feel ashamedthat your family troubles and perhaps your family joys have taken you off from your Savior? Some of you have a greatdeal of leisure and yet you slide awayfrom Christ. Let us be ashamed together, but let us remember that while this verse stands true—if we have departed from Christ and the enjoyment of His fellowship—we canoffer no excuse by saying that we could not help it! We do it willfully, we do it sinfully! It is not to be thrust on the back of circumstances. It cannotbe laid on the devil nor blamed to this, nor blamed to that—it is our own fault. We “need
  • 14. not depart!” There never was any need for it and there never will be. May God’s grace descendmightily upon us so that we may henceforthabide in our Lord! May those who know Him not, be led to seek Him by faith even now, and find Him, and then even they shall not need to depart from Him at the last. BIBLEHUB RESOURCES Pulpit Commentary Homiletics Jesus Feeding The Multitude Matthew 14:15-21 W.F. Adeney On the death of John the Baptist Jesus retired to the eastern side of the lake, oppressed with grief and longing for a time of seclusion. But it was one of his trials that he was forbidden the rest of privacy when he most craved it. The crowds followed him with such enthusiasm that they quite forgot to provide themselves with needful food, and therefore when the evening was come they were out among the lonely mountains faint and hurry. Jesus had not brought about this awkward situation. But he could not see distress without desiring to remove it. Thus there was an adequate occasion for the wonderful feeding of the thousands. I. JESUS HAS COMPASSION ON BODILY DISTRESS. He had manifested this compassion earlier by healing the sick who were brought out to him in this remote region; and now the sight of the weary multitude touched his heart, as it became apparent to him that the evening shadows would find them far from home and without the means of providing themselves with their evening meal 1. The motive of Christ was compassion. This was the motive of his life work and of his atoning death. He came into the world because he took pity on the world's misery. The same motive moved him in particular actions. This is the grand Christian motive. The passion of pity is a peculiarly Christ-like feeling that seems to be rising among us in the present day. 2. The trouble was bodily distress - hunger. Then it is a Christ-like thing to feed the hungry. We are not to neglect men's bodies in caring for their souls. II. JESUS HELPS THROUGH EARTHLY MEANS. He utilized the existing provisions. He did not create food out of nothing, but he wrought with the loaves and fishes already in hand. They were few, but he did not despise them, for they were invaluable in affording a foundation for his miracle. Christ now uses the instruments of human work. We have to contribute our share, and if we selfishly or despairingly refuse to do so we have no right to look for his blessing.
  • 15. III. JESUS PRODUCES WONDERFUL PROVISIONS. We do not know how the miracle was wrought; we cannot even conceive of it. But we do not know how God makes the corn to grow in the fields. Nature only seems to us less wonderful than miracle because we are familiar with her external aspect and her visible processes. But behind all nature, as behind every miracle, there is the unfathomable mystery of life and being which God only understands. It is enough for us that our Lord is not thwarted, that there is nothing to which he sets his band in which he fails. He is powerful as well as pitiful. We bemoan the distress we cannot aid. When Christ is moved with compassion he helps effectively. IV. JESUS SATISFIES THE HUNGRY. He gave no princely banquet, but mere loaves and fishes - the common barley loaves of the poor, the familiar fishes of the lake. His object was not to pamper jaded appetites - that was not needed in the keen mountain air; he simply fed the hungry. Moreover, he gave what he received, and of the same kind. He will bless our work according to its character and quality. He gives the increase, but it is according to the seed we sow - "after its kind." Surely this miracle is more than a miracle; it is a sacrament, a sacred symbol, as our Lord shows in the discourse that follows in St. John's account (John 6.). Christ is the real Bread of life, feeding hungry souls. - W.F.A. Biblical Illustrator They need not depart; give ye them to eat. Matthew 14:15-21 Christ feeding the multitude T. Kidd.The miracles of Jesus were: (1)public; (2)beneficent. I. THE NATURE AND CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE MIRACLE. 1. When was it wrought? In "the evening." The evening of a day that had been well spent. 2. Where was it performed? In "a desert place." The miracle as to time and place encourages our confidence in Christ in the most trying and destitute situations. 3. What was the order of its performance. (1)Christ's tenderness to the people — "They need not depart." (2)The all-sufficiency which He possessed in Himself. (3)The plainness of their provision, as well as the scantiness of the supply.
  • 16. (4)However little you have bring it to Jesus, and He will make it more. (5)His devotion — "looking up to heaven." (6)Our Lord employed the disciples as the dispensers of His bounty. (7)A lesson of frugality — "They took up the fragments." II. REFLECTIONS. 1. In this provision see an emblem of Jesus Christ. He is the true Bread. 2. In the distribution of this provision learn the office and work of Christian ministers. 3. In the apparent deficiency of this provision we are reminded of the treatment of the Saviour and His gospel by an unbelieving world. "Five loaves and two fishes" appeared nothing to the supply of such an assembly. 4. In the real sufficiency of this provision we are instructed in the glorious ability of Christ to complete the happiness of all that believe. The multitude " did all eat and were filled." (T. Kidd.) The five barley loaves in the desert A. M. Stuart.I. CHRIST'S RETREAT INTO THE DESERT. He sought retirement; multitude intruded, yet Christ was not disappointed or annoyed. II. THE MEN SITTING DOWN TO THE BARLEY LOAVES. 1. There is the want of bread for the congregation in the desert. 2. Jesus asks the disciples what supply they have. 3. Jesus orders the disciples to bring the loaves to Himself. Christ's way of giving us more is to begin with what we have. 4. Jesus next commands the multitude to sit down in order. The multitude needed great faith. We cannot first eat and then believe; must believe and eat. The disciples need faith and courage; sent by Christ on a trying errand — "Give ye them to eat. The foolishness of preaching becomes the power of God. III. THE BREAD BLESSED END MULTIPLIED. 1. Jesus gave thanks to God for the bread in the face of all the multitude. 2. Jesus blesses the bread before he breaks and gives to the people; and His blessing breathed upon it fills the bread with an infinite fulness. Christ is the Bread of Life to the sinner dying for want; sweet to the soul in the desert. 3. Jesus breaks the bread and multiplies in the using; He breaks and distributes to the apostles, and they break and distribute to the people; and probably the people break and distribute to each other. Christ breathes upon and blesses the Word. IV. THE FRAGMENTS REMAINING. 1. After the feast is finished there are many fragments over. 2. Jesus and His disciples live upon these fragments. The fragments are more than the entire supply for the feast. The more we feed on Christ, the more always is there of Christ to feed on; He increases to us.
  • 17. (A. M. Stuart.) The food of the worm American Homiletic Review.I. Christ feeds the famishing world by means of His Church. 1. The food, though supernaturally provided, is carried to the hungry by the ordinary means. 2. The disciples were prepared for their work. They had to learn the absolute disproportion between the means at their command and the needs of the crowd. 3. We must carry our poor and inadequate resources to Christ. II. THE BREAD IS ENOUGH FOR ALL THE WORLD — "They did all eat and were filled." III. THE BREAD THAT IS GIVEN TO THE FAMISHING IS MULTIPLIED FOR THE FUTURE OF THE DISTRIBUTORS. (American Homiletic Review.) The miracle of the loaves and fishes Dr. J. Burns.I. EXPLAIN AND ILLUSTRATE THE VARIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES CONNECTED WITH THE MIRACLE. II. THE SPIRITUAL LESSONS WHICH THE MIRACLE AFFORDS. In the people we see a striking representation of the moral condition of the human family. In the provision we see a true exhibition of the blessing of the gospel. In its distribution we see the nature of the office of the Christian ministry. In the abundance remaining we see the boundlessness of gospel supplies. What personal participation of gospel blessing is necessary to our happiness and satisfaction? (Dr. J. Burns.) The food of the world A. Maclaren, D. D.Scripture miracles are not merely wonders, but signs. This one is a symbolic revelation of Christ supplying all the wants of this hungry world. Three points — the distribution, the meal, the gathering up. I. CHRIST FEEDS THE FAMISHING WORLD BY MEANS OF HIS CHURCH. 1. Economy of power. God does not interfere supernaturally, any further than is necessary. Christ's incarnation and sacrifice are the purely supernatural work of the Divine power and mercy; but, after their introduction into the world, human agency is required for the diffusion of the new power. Christian people are henceforth Christ's instruments. 2. Preparation of the disciples for this work. Looking at their own resources, they felt utterly inadequate to the work. Humility and self-distrust are necessary if God is to work with and in us. He works with bruised reeds, and out of them makes polished shafts, pillars in His house. In His hands our feeble resources are enough. 3. The disciples seem to have partaken first. Those only can distribute and impart, who have themselves found sustenance and life in Christ. And an obligation lies on them to do so. Power to its last particle is duty. II. THE BREAD IS ENOUGH FOR ALL THE WORLD. The gospel addresses itself to universal wants, brushing aside all surface distinctions, and going right down to the depths of our common nature. The seed of the kingdom is like corn, an exotic nowhere, for wherever man lives it will grow — and yet an exotic everywhere, for it came down from heaven. Other food requires
  • 18. an educated palate for its appreciation; but any hungry man in any land will relish bread. For every soul on earth this living, dying love of Jesus addresses itself to and satisfies his deepest wants. It is the bread which gives life to the world. III. THE BREAD GIVEN TO THE FAMISHING IS MULTIPLIED FOR THE FUTURE OF THE DISTRIBUTORS. TO impart to others is to gain for oneself. If you would learn, teach. If you would have your own spiritual life strengthened and deepened, remember that not by solitary meditation or raptures of silent communion alone can that be accomplished, but by these and by honest, manful work for God in the world. (A. Maclaren, D. D.) The work of the Church in a starving world A. Maclaren, D. D.An emblem of the whole work of the Church in this starving world. The multitudes famish. Tell Christ of their wants. Count your own small resources till you have completely learned your poverty: then take them to Jesus. He will accept them, and in His hands they will become mighty, being transfigured from human thoughts and forces into Divine words, spiritual powers. On that bread which He gives, do you yourself live. Then carry it boldly to all the hungry. Rank after rank will eat. All races, all ages, from grey hairs to babbling childhood, will find there the food of their souls. As you part the blessing, it will grow beneath His eye; and the longer you give, the fuller handed you will become. Nor shall the bread fail, nor the word become weak, till all the world has tasted of its sweetness, and been refreshed by its potent life. (A. Maclaren, D. D.) The miracle of the loaves C. Clayton, M. A.I. THE URGENCY OF THE NEED. 1. What is wanted — food. 2. The urgency of the want — in the wilderness. II. THE ABUNDANCE OF THE SUPPLY — "He openeth His hand and filleth all things living with plenteousness." 1. Like the five loaves the word is, in the letter of it. contemptible and mean. 2. The miracle instructive on account of its typical character; the disciples received the food they set before the people from the hands of Jesus. We should determine: (1)To eat the food ourselves; (2)To distribute it to others. (C. Clayton, M. A.) Compassion for the multitude C. H. Spurgeon.I. OUR MISSION AND OUR WEAKNESS. Hungry men around us. To feed them, superstition offers stones instead of bread. Infidelity tries to persuade that they are not hungry. You say " Who are we that we should feed this multitude, who can count them?" Do not let the magnitude of the work dispirit you. "The supply is scant" you say. There is a tendency to shift responsibility. "Let us send them away into the villages to buy meat." II. OUR LINE OF DUTY AND THE MASTER'S STRENGTH. 1. "In immediate obedience to Christ's commands.
  • 19. 2. In consecrating what we have to Christ. 3. In prayer. 4. In active service. (C. H. Spurgeon.) Communication begets plenty L. N. Frothingham.I. THE PRODUCTIONS OF THE EARTH AND OF THE EARTH'S INDUSTRY, OUTWARD POSSESSIONS AND BENEFITS, THE THINGS THAT ARE CONSUMED IN THE USING. Shut up your bread-corn in a granary, and though it may not rot, it cannot grow; but strow it Abroad over the furrows of the ground, and it will swell into a harvest. Lock up your piece of silver or gold, and it is no better than dead; but send it out into the world's free commerce, and the rusty solitary shall become a glittering host. An avaricious policy is dull-sighted and thriftless. It saves, but to be barren. Modern science teaches us that public wealth is born of trust and free communications. II. INTELLIGENCE AND KNOWLEDGE, THE POWER OF LEARNING AND THE TREASURES OF LEARNING, ARE MULTIPLIED BY DISTRIBUTION. The human mind is not less ready than the soil to render back with interest what is sown in it. Jesus gave to the disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. That is the way in which instruction is imparted. It passes from one to the many. It finds companions. Truth begets truth; and you must have a company to show the supply. What would have seemed inconsiderable if left by itself, grows into great account as it is sent forward among those who apprehend it, and transmit it in new and manifold forms. It is manifested, it is accumulated, by travelling down among the sympathies and wants of those whose hearts love it, whose natures crave it, and whose ability and experience reproduce and recommend it to all men. III. JOY, HOPE, AND ALL CHEERING INFLUENCES ARE INCREASED BY BEING SENT ROUND FROM A SINGLE MIND AMONG THE RANKS OF THE WORLD'S POOR SOJOURNERS. Nothing is more heightened by communication than just such impulses as those we here require. Joy and hope are social; they ask for companionship; they spread by contact and mutual encouragement. He who has awakened them in his own breast, finds them greatly enhanced by expressing them; and their expression is caught up and repeated by numberless voices that had till then slept. (L. N. Frothingham.) Sitting on grass Dean Stanley.The tall grass which, broken down by the feet of the thousands there gathered together, would make as it were "couches" for them to recline upon. (Dean Stanley.) Multiplied by giving , Lapide.From whence God multiplies the crops of corn from a few grains, from thence He multiplied the loaves in His own hands. For the power was in the hands of Christ. For those five loaves were, as it were, seed, not indeed committed to the earth, but multiplied by Him who made the earth.
  • 20. ( Augustine.)When you give a loaf or a coin to a poor man, you do not lose it, but you sow it; for, as from one grain of seed many grains grow, so it is likewise with loaves and money. (Lapide.) Increase by distribution Bishop Hall.Christ could as welt have multiplied the loaves whole; why would He rather do it in the breaking? Perhaps to teach us that in the distribution of our goods we should expect His blessing, and not in their entireness and reservation. There is no man but increaseth by scattering. (Bishop Hall.) Strong charity, weak faith Bishop Hall."Send them away, that they may buy victuals." Here was a strong charity, but a weak faith: a strong charity, in that they would have the people relieved; a weak faith, in that they supposed they could not otherwise be so well relieved. As a man, when he sees many ways lie before him, takes that which he thinks both fairest and nearest, so do they: this way of relief lay openest to their view and promised most. (Bishop Hall.) Baskets for fragments A. Cart.The Roman poet Juvenal describes a large provision-basket, together with a bundle of hay, as being part of the equipment of the Jewish mendicants who thronged the grove of Egeria at Rome. The motive for this custom was to avoid ceremonial impurity in eating, or in resting at night. (A. Cart.) Our Lord in prayer George Macdonald.Likely he was weary in body, and also worn in spirit for lack of that finer sympathy which His disciples could not give Him. being very earthly yet. He who loves his fellows and labours among those who can ill understand him will best know what this weariness of our Lord must have been like He had to endure the world-pressure of surrounding humanity in all its ungodlike phases. (George Macdonald.) COMMENTARIES Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary14:13-21 When Christ and his word withdraw, it is best for us to follow, seeking the means of grace for our souls before any worldly advantages. The presence of Christ and his gospel, makes a desert not only tolerable, but desirable. This little supply of bread was increased by Christ's creating power, till the whole multitude were satisfied. In seeking the welfare of men's souls, we should have compassion on their bodies likewise. Let
  • 21. us also remember always to crave a blessing on our meals, and learn to avoid all waste, as frugality is the proper source of liberality. See in this miracle an emblem of the Bread of life, which came down from heaven to sustain our perishing souls. The provisions of Christ's gospel appear mean and scanty to the world, yet they satisfy all that feed on him in their hearts by faith with thanksgiving. Barnes' Notes on the BibleJesus said They need not depart; give ye them to eat - John adds John 6:5-6 that previous to this Jesus had addressed Philip, and asked, Whence shall we buy bread that these may eat? and that he "said this to prove him; for he himself knew what he would do;" that is, he said this to try his faith; to test the confidence of Philip in himself. Philip, it seems, had not the kind of confidence which he ought to have had. He immediately began to think of their ability to purchase food for them. Two hundred pennyworth of bread, said he, would not be enough, John 6:7. In the original it is two hundred denarii. These were Roman coins amounting to about fourteen cents (7d.) each. The whole two hundred, therefore, would have been equal to about twenty-eight dollars. In the view of Philip this was a great sum, a sum which twelve poor fishermen were by no means able to provide. It was this fact, and not any unwillingness to provide for them, which led the disciples to request that they should be sent into the villages around in order to obtain food. Jesus knew how much they had, and he required of them, as he does of all, implicit faith, and told them to give them to eat. He requires us to do what he commands, and we need not doubt that he will give us strength to accomplish it. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible CommentaryMt 14:12-21. Hearing of the Baptist's Death, Jesus Crosses the Lake with Twelve, and Miraculously Feeds Five Thousand. ( = Mr 6:30-44; Lu 9:10- 17; Joh 6:1-14). For the exposition of this section—one of the very few where all the four Evangelists run parallel—see on [1302]Mr 6:30-44. Matthew Poole's Commentary John relates the story thus: When Jesus lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do. Philip answered him. Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, saith unto him, There is a lad here which hath five barley loaves and two small fishes: but what are they among so many? And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. Gill's Exposition of the Entire BibleBut Jesus said unto them,.... the disciples, they need not depart; meaning so long as he was with them, who had power enough to provide a sufficient meal for them, as well as by a word speaking, to heal their diseases; however, to try their faith, and make way for the working of the following miracle, he says to them, give ye them to eat; such provisions as you have along with you. Geneva Study BibleBut Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat. EXEGETICAL (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES) Expositor's Greek TestamentHYPERLINK "/matthew/14-16.htm"Matthew 14:16. οὐ χρείαν ἔχουσιν ἀπελθεῖν, etc.: even if, as some think, what happened was that under the moral influence of Jesus the people present generously made the provisions they had brought with them available
  • 22. for the company at large, the character of Jesus appears here in a commanding light. No situation appears to Him desperate, no crisis unmanageable. No need to go. Give ye them to eat, resources will be forthcoming (cf. Exodus 14:15). And they were, how we cannot tell. The story is a fact supported by the testimony of all four evangelists, not a baseless legend, or a religious allegory. Bengel's GnomenHYPERLINK "/matthew/14-16.htm"Matthew 14:16. Οὐ χρείαν, no need) We should not labour for that which is not necessary.—ὑμεῖς, you) significantly. The disciples already possessed the rudiments of miraculous faith.[670] [670] In the original, “Rudimenta fidei miraculorum apud discipulos”—i.e. that special faith which is required for the performance of miracles.—(I. B.) Pulpit CommentaryVerse 16. - But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; they have no need to go away (Revised Version). Matthew only. The Lord takes up the expression. There is no need for them to move from this place, desert though it is. Give ye them to eat. Ye; emphatic, he throws upon his disciples the duty of feeding them, and, strange though the command seemed to them (cf. 2 Kings 4:43), they carried it out. PRECEPTAUSTIN RESOURCES BARCLAY THE PLACE OF THE DISCIPLE IN THE WORK OF CHRIST (Matthew 14:13-21 continued) (iii) This miracle informs us very clearlyof the place of the disciple in the work of Christ. The story tells that Jesus gave to the disciples and the disciples gave to the crowd. Jesus workedthrough the hands of his disciples that day, and he still does. Again and againwe come face to face with this truth which is at the heart of the Church. It is true that the disciple is helpless without his Lord, but it is also true that the Lord is helpless without his disciple. If Jesus wants something done, if he wants a child taught or a person helped, he has to get a man to do it. He needs people through whom he can act, and through whom he can speak. Very early in the days of his enquiring, Premanand came into contactwith Bishop Whitley at Ranchi. He writes: "The Bishopread the Bible with me
  • 23. daily, and sometimes I read Bengaliwith him, and we talkedtogetherin Bengali. The longer I lived with the Bishop the closerI came to him, and found that his life revealedChrist to me, and his deeds and words made it easierfor me to understand the mind and teaching of Christ about which I read daily in the Bible. I had a new vision of Christ, when I actually saw Christ's life of love, sacrifice and self-denial in the everyday life of the Bishop. He became actually the epistle of Christ to me." Jesus Christ needs disciples through whom he can work and through whom his truth and his love canenter into the lives of others. He needs men to whom he can give, in order that they may give to others. Without such men he cannot getthings done and it is our task to be such men for him. It would be easyto be daunted and discouragedby a task of such magnitude. But there is another thing in this story that may lift up our hearts. When Jesus told the disciples to feed the crowd, they told him that all they had was five loaves and two fishes;and yet with what they brought to him, Jesus wrought his miracle. Jesus sets everyone of us the tremendous task of communicating himself to men; but he does not demand from us splendours and magnificences thatwe do not possess. He says to us, "Come to me as you are, howeverill-equipped; bring to me what you have, howeverlittle, and I will use it greatly in my service." Little is always much in the hands of Christ. (iv) At the end of the miracle there is that strange little touch that the fragments were gatheredup. Even when a miracle could feed men sumptuously there was no waste. There is something to note here. God gives to men with munificence, but a wastefulextravagance is never right. God's generous giving and our wise using must go hand in hand. THE MAKING OF A MIRACLE (Matthew 14:13-21 continued) There are some people who readthe miracles of Jesus, and feel no need to understand. Let them remain for ever undisturbed in the sweetsimplicity of their faith. There are others who read and their minds question and they feel they must understand. Let them take no shame of it, for God comes far more than half way to meet the questing mind. But in whatever way we approach the miracles of Jesus, one thing is certain. We must never be content to regard them as something which happened; we must always regardthem as something which happens. They are not isolatedevents in history; they are demonstrations of the always and forever operative power of Jesus Christ. There are three ways in which we can look at this miracle. (i) We may look at it as a simple multiplication of loaves and fishes. That would be very difficult to understand; and would be something which
  • 24. happened once and never repeateditself. If we regard it that way, let us be content; but let us not be critical and condemnatory of anyone who feels that he must find another way. (ii) Many people see in this miracle a sacrament. Theyhave felt that those who were present receivedonly the smallestmorsel of food, and yet with that were strengthenedfor their journey and were content. They have felt that this was not a meal where people glutted their physical appetite; but a meal where they ate the spiritual food of Christ. If that be so, this is a miracle which is re- enactedevery time we sit at the table of our Lord; for there comes to us the spiritual food which sends us out to walk with firmer feet and greaterstrength the wayof life which leads to God. (iii) There are those who see in this miracle something which in a sense is perfectly natural, and yet which in another sense is a real miracle, and which in any sense is very precious. Picture the scene. There is the crowd; it is late; and they are hungry. But was it really likely that the vast majority of that crowdwould setout around the lake without any food at all? Would they not take something with them, howeverlittle? Now it was evening and they were hungry. But they were also selfish. And no one would produce what he had, lest he have to share it and leave himself without enough. Then Jesus took the lead. Such as he and his disciples had, he began to share with a blessing and an invitation and a smile. And thereupon all began to share, and before they knew what was happening, there was enoughand more than enough for all. If this is what happened, it was not the miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fishes;it was the miracle of the changing of selfishpeople into generous people at the touch of Christ. It was the miracle of the birth of love in grudging hearts. It was the miracle of changedmen and womenwith something of Christ in them to banish their selfishness.If that be so, then in the realestsense Christfed them with himself and sent his Spirit to dwell within their hearts. BRIAN BELL Matthew 14:1-21 8-28-16 YouGive Them Something I. Slide1 Announce: A. Slide2-4 Andrew: Military Ministry. Women of Encouragement. Thrive. B. Slide5 Sun Night pray: Next Sun, 6:30-7:30pm. II. Slide6 Intro: You Give Them Something A. We now move into a new &
  • 25. import sectionof Mt, The Retirementof the King. chps.14-20.1 1. Jesusnow withdraws from the multitudes & spends time alone w/His disciples, preparing them for the coming crisis in Jerusalem(the cross). 2. Remember even the disciples thought in terms of an earthly kingdom. 3. It was necessary that He prepare them for this faith-testing experience. The 2 events in this 1/2 a chapter illustrate the characteristicsofour present age, when the King is rejected:a) Christ’s servants will suffer and die for Him. Persecutionb) Christ’s servants will minister the bread of life to man. Provision B. Slide7 Zombie Apocalypse. The Walking Dead. Night of the Living Dead. The Dawnof the Dead. Zombie Jesus? That’s whatHerod thought...Read vs.1,2. 1. A zombie, from Haitian Creole zonbi. Zombism is really about a virus or disease that infiltrates someone's body which kills him/her. The person is then reanimated as a zombie. Other humans are then infected by a bite or a virus which then turns that personinto a zombie, thus perpetuating the cycle. A zombie then is, “a dead person’s body, reanimated but continuing the process ofdecay. A zombie is consideredundead rather than fully alive.” C. Now Zech.14:12 does sayTheir people will become like walking corpses, their flesh rotting away. Their eyes will rot in their sockets, andtheir tongues will rot in their mouths. But...despite pastorDan’s interpretation of this... :) 1. Clarification: So no Herod, Jesus was nota Zombie - Zombies are reanimated and are in the process ofputrefaction. John is present in heaven w/His Lord. 1 1 Wiersbe’s ExpositoryOutlines of the NT, Mt. Jesus will eventually be resurrectedfully back to life w/a fully functioning body. III. Slide8 HEROD VS. JOHN (1-12) A.Slide9 (1) Herod Antipas - Herod The Great, 3 sons, 4 areas (tetrarch). Antipas gets Galilee/Peraea. Tiberius is where Antipas lived & ruled. 1. So, this Herod eloped w/Herodias, the wife of his 1/2 brother Philip I, divorcing his own wife & sending her back to her father, the king of Petra (Aretas). B. Slide10 (2) I see ghosts orzombies - JOHN was written on this tyrants memory. 1. Do you have any ghosts in your past? Any skeletons in your closet? 2. Godsent many voices to warn Herod.
  • 26. Especiallythe voice of Conscience & the voice of a Prophet. a) What other voices canwe hear? God, Satan, conscience, friends, enemies, the world. C. Conscience- The voice of Consciencecanbe a powerful voice. It can also be silenced. 1. Herod decided insteadto listen to the voice of cowardice & plunged himself into terrible sin. D. (3-5) The Prophet John was another voice that warned him & boldly warned him to repent. Herod laid hold on John, because John’s word laid hold on Herod. E. Slide11a Let’s note these 3 things... sorry, nevertheless, he commanded it. F. (9) The King was sorry - It’s also said a crocodile shed’s tears overthose it snaps in two. 1. Poorpuppet king...He basicallyput a close pin on his Conscience. a)He was remorseful over the situation but not repentant over sin. 2. (FBMeyer)To tamper w/conscience is like killing the watchdog while the burglar is breaking in. G. (9b) Nevertheless - How easilyinfluenced. 1. Influenced by his: cunning concubine, his dancing daughter, his carelesscovenant, & his beer-drinking buddies. a) Afraid of the jeers, Herod are you too religious to put awaya Prophet? (1) The fearof being thought weak, provedthat he was weak indeed. 2 2. Who influences you? Actually, every friend influences you for the goodor the bad. How do eachof your friends influence you? H. (9c)He commanded it - (Spurg) With the regret a wolf has because he must eatthe lamb, he gave orders for the murder of John. 1. WickedOaths ought to be repented of, not actedout. 2. In the sight of heaven it was Herod who perished not John. I. Slide11b(10) No miracles were brought about for John’s deliverance. Never be shockedthat goodchristians die. 1. So our friend John left his prison for paradise, by 1 sudden strike of the sword. Which still happens today in the persecutionof Christians around our world. J. (11) What a mother & daughter combo. 1. I wonder if when Herodias lookedatJohns’ face on that platter, if it was still Slide12 silently screaming...It’s not lawful for you to have him. K. At the end of most true story TV shows & movies, it tells what happened w/the keypeople: Herod: lost his prestige & power. His armies were defeatedby the Arabs. His appeals to be made a real king (urged by his wife) were refused by Emperor Caligula. Herod was banished to Gaul (France)& then to Spain, where he died. L. (12) Notice:They buried it not him. The real John no man could bury. (as w/you) 1. And Herod soonfound out that being
  • 27. dead, yet he spoke. M. Slide13,14Johnhad taught his disciples well - They went to Jesus at once! IV. Slide15 HE MAKES ME LIE DOWN IN GREEN PASTURES(13-21)A. Jesus now departs. Severalreasons forthis withdrawing:2 1. The report of John’s death. The growing antagonismof Herod. The disciples’need for rest after their preaching tour (Mrk.6:31). His need to get alone with His disciples to teachthem. B. Slide16 Illus: Do you remember what it was like to learn how to swing? Learning how to pump. Feetextended toward the sky. Leaning way back. The spin maneuver. Timing the jump. 3 2 Wiersbe’s ExpositoryOutlines of the NT, Mt. 1. Its one of the 1stplaces we learned to trust. It all depended who was pushing us. If it was someone we trusted, they could try anything with us & we’d shout, Again! Again! But if it was some kid on the playground, or some random cousinat a family get together...ohman, sick feeling in your gut & hang on. 2. Slide17 Who pushes your swing? In the right hands, you can find peace...evenin the twisty’s of life. Even in the big pushes where all u see is sky. You can Trust Him a) This is what Jesus seeksto teachhis disciples in this life lesson. TrustHim. C. The why to this story is given by Jesus in Mrk.6:34, they were like sheepnot having a shepherd. Shepherd-less sheep; folks trying to make it on their own through life. D. When you come to the Scriptures are you looking stories ofpersonalgrowth, or an understanding of the character & nature of God? E. What is God trying to communicate about Himself? The fact that He can feeda bunch of people? That Jesus is greaterthan His disciples? 1. What’s the underlying message?Is there one? Jn.6:22; 26,27;33- 35 a) So, the miracle was a symbol of our Lord’s higher spiritual work. Trust Him...for everything. F. Slide18 Their Rest(13) - Come aside by yourselves to a desertedplace and rest a while. 1. By Himself - i.e. not w/the crowds, but w/his small group. 2. Every wearyChristian workerneeds to hear those words by Christ. a) It is important that we getalone from time to time to hear God’s voice and refresh ourselves physicallyand mentally. b) “If we don’t come apart and rest - we’ll come apart.” Vance Havner. 3. “We need times when we
  • 28. smooth out the wrinkles of our soul, getalone w/ God, refresh our bodies, & then getready to serve the Lord again.” 4. A restis much needed...butis not to be. [sometimes you just HAVE to disconnect;other times, He’ll give you that extra measure of grace/strength]G. Slide19 Their Interrupted Rest(14) [note slide: whole rest/semēbrēv. 64thhemidemisemiquaver] 1. Eagerto be w/Christ they ran around the Northern shoreline. H. Instead of resenting their interruption, He was gripped w/compassion. 4 1. Slide20a He wasn’t moved w/complaining. “This is my day off, This is my time.” a) That phone call, that knock on the door. The flesh screams, Notright now Lord, you know I’m busy, or resting. b) Slide20bHe was moved w/Compassion= have one’s inner-being stirred. compassion+ actionc) Found 8 times in the N.T. - All refer to Jesus. WhenHe saw the needy mult. Twice when he saw the hungry crowds. Saw the 2 blind men, Leper, widow at Nain. Was used in 3 parables. 2. How do you reactwhen your plans are unexpectedly spoilt? 3. Jesus saw this crowd not as a mob, but as individuals. a) Individuals who lookedlike sheep w/o a shepherd. Who needed healings. Who needed teachings (Mrk.6:34). Who needed food. 4. Do you know anyone that needs shepherding, a healing, or food? a) How can we help them find the GoodShepherd? I. Their Challenge (15-21)J. The only miracle found in all 4 gospels (exceptfor the Res). Mostpublic of all the miracles. K. (15)Here they remind Jesus it was a desertedplace. (There wasn’t a Jamba Juice, Chick-fil- A, Chipotle, or McDavids...notevena Starbucks for miles) L. Slide21a Send them away- Never send someone awaywho is hungry [Sp, Emotionally, or Phys] M. (16) Jesus will give us seemingly impossible challenges...yougive them something to eat. 1. May this be written on every church, & every believing heart, We have the Slide21b bread that satisfies!!! give them something to eat! N. Slide22 (17) 5 loaves, 2 fish - A meal that might feed two people. Bread and fish were the staples of a Galileanpeasantdiet. O. (19) Blessed/He gave thanks NIV - Jesus thanks God for providing the food. 1. Slide23 The sequence ofverbs (blessed/give thanks, broke, gave)occurs again in Matt 26:26, which may hint that it representeda traditional blessing. 2. Jesus took bread, blessedand broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, Take, eat;this is My body. P. Blessed& broke – We are not manufacturers, we are only distributors. (the miracle took place in Jesus hands, not theirs) 5
  • 29. Q. (20) Jesus didn’t only feed the 5000, but he taught the 12. He sent them home w/a doggie-bag reminder. [maybe Jesus has em carry the big basketall the wayhome so they don’t forgetthis lesson]1. Twelve baskets full - 1 per disciple. In the OT, God fed His people with manna, but there were no edible leftovers. R. (Mrk.6:37)Shall we go & buy 200 denarii worth of bread & give them something to eat? 1. Leave Jesus out of your calculations & you’ll come up short every time. 2. Oh, they were keenly aware ofthe need, but powerless to meet it. a) Standing before them was the One who createdthe Heavens & the earth. One who had all power. So, the 1st stepis not to measure our resources,but to determine God’s will & trust Him to meet the need. S. (Mrk.6:39)Green Grass – Just to show you how detailed Scripture is…in John 6:4 he mentions it is right before Passover(i.e. spring time) the only time of year of green grass. 1. Here he makes them to lie down in green pastures. Ps.23:2 T. Slide24 (Mrk.6:40)Sat down in ranks – (lit. πρασια) A garden bed. Refers to the arrangement in rows, like a well-kept flowerbed. It often was customary for the students of the rabbis to sit in rows which were compared to the rows of vines in the vineyard or to well-orderedgardens.3 - They must have lookedliterally like flower beds. U.Slide25 Let’s remember, insteadof telling Jesus what to do (15) let Him bring you back into a place of service as waiters. V. Jesus gave them something impossible or preposterous to do in their own strength. 1. When Jesus gives us a command…He enables us. 2. Oh, that we might face up to our own inadequacy, & learn that Jesus is able to cope w/any crisis. 3. Oh, that we might learn againtotal dependence upon Him. W.John6 makes it clearthat the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 was a sermon in action. 1. Christ, through His Word, is the Bread of Life on whom we feed. It is the privilege - and responsibility - of His servants to give this bread to the hungry multitudes. The servants receive that bread personally from Christ, then pass it on to others. 6 3 Linguistic Key to the Greek N.T., pg.105 X. Slide26 Lessons from this miracle: 1. Christ can take our little and make it much. [Moses’stick. David’s rock. Elijah’s mantle/cloak. Widows jar/oil. Samson’s donkeyjawbone. A lil lad’s lunch... Your monthly missionary support check. Your prayer. Your individual tithe. Your prep time for your SS class]Our means, His power. 2. Slide27-29 WhateverHe blesses,He
  • 30. breaks. Are we willing to be broken? 3. People today are in a desert place of sin (15)and need Christ. 4. Christ can overcome every difficulty and feed the multitudes. The disciples had many excuses - not enough $, the wrong place, the wrong time - but Christ took what they had and met the need. He will do this today. Y.As Jesus this week made them to lie down in greenpastures, next week He will lead them beside still waters (walks onsea)& then will restore some souls (healings). ALAN CARR Matthew 14:15-21 THE MINISTRY OF THE MASTER'S HAND Intro: Of all the many miracles performed by the Lord Jesus, this is the only on recorded by all four Gospel writers. This signifies its great importance. This miracle was designed by the Lord to do more than just feed a multitude. It was designed to reveal the Lord Jesus Christ as the Messiah of the Jews and to reveal His nature as God. In fact, there were three distinct reasons this miracle was performed: 1. To illustrate Jesus Christ as the Bread of Life, Who was to be broken for the sin of humanity on the cross. 2. To show the Jews that One greater than Moses was here. The Jews revered Moses because they believed that he had given the Israelites bread in the wilderness. Jesus set the record straight in John 6:32-33. He reminded them that God gave the Hebrews the manna, but that Jesus Himself was the true Bread of God. 3. To demonstrate His power as the Lord of all creation. This miracle and the miracle of transforming water to wine in John 2 are the only miracles in which Jesus actually used His power to create. In all the other miracles, He used resources that were already present. As we all know, this is a tremendous miracle and it is usually handled in a way that shows Jesus as the Bread of Life and the need of all humanity. At other times, we think of how the Lord can take just a little and make a lot out of it. However, today, I want to explore this miracle from the vantage point of the bread and the fish. I would like for us to see how the Lord Jesus took just five small biscuit like pieces of bread and two tiny fish and multiplied them so that they were sufficient to feed a multitude. I won't attempt to explain the mechanics of what Jesus did here. I do not think we humans can understand the miraculous power of God at work. What I want to do is to point out that Jesus took a small amount of bread and greatly expanded its potential for usefulness. I want to preach to you for a while on this thought: The Ministry Of The Master's Hand. As I do, I would remind you that we may feel insignificant this morning. We may feel like our lives and our church are small and limited in what we can accomplish for the Lord. I want to show you that anything that is placed in His hands, whether it be an individual or a
  • 31. church, will be used of Him in mighty and remarkable ways. As we have a little time this morning, let's explore The Ministry Of The Master's Hand. Just remember that what He does for this bread, He can and will do for you, if you will place all you have and are in His hands! I. THE MASTER BLESSED THE BREAD A. Ill. The Context. John tells us that the bread and the fish came from a small boy in the crowd, John 6:9. Jews were always very careful to render their thanks to God for His blessings. They always prayed over their food at mealtime. Often, their prayer went as follows: "Blessed be thou, O Lord our God, the King of the world, who hast produced this food and this drink from the earth and the vine. The point His, Jesus took this bread in His hands and He looked up to Heaven and the thanked God for His provision! (Ill. He set a standard that we are to follow as well! You ought to always take the time to thank God for the food He gives you! 1 Tim. 4:3-4) B. Just as Jesus blessed the bread and fish that day, He blesses the lives of His people! Think about His blessings upon you since the day He placed His hand upon your life! My how we love life when the Lord is blessing! Things are good at home when the Lord is blessing. The church house is a glorious place when the Lord is blessing there! (Note: Just take a moment to think with me about how the Lord has blessed your life! Remember the answered prayers? Remember the mountains He has moved? Remember the needs He has met? Remember the times He came near to you and held you by grace? Remember the lonely hours when He reminded you that He still cared for you? His blessings are wonderful and He deserves to be thanked for them! Have you done that lately?) (Note: Even the lost folks among us today should be aware of the Lord's blessings. The air you breath, the food you eat, the water you drink are all His blessing on your life. Even your life itself is nothing more than something God has blessed you with! Yes, His grace and blessings extend to every member of the human family, Matt. 5:45.) C. We all love it when the Lord is blessing, don't we? Just as a reminder, the Lord doesn't expect us to repay Him for the blessings He gives us. All He wants in return is our love, our obedience and our praise. Is He getting that from your life? II. THE MASTER BROKE THE BREAD A. After He had blessed the bread, He used the same hands to break the bread! The reason? Before the bread could be shared with others, it had to be broken! B. One of the hardest truths for humans to grasp is the great truth that those God would use greatly, He hurts deeply! A period of brokenness always precedes a time of usefulness! You can see this principle at work even in the life of the Lord Jesus Himself. Before He could provide salvation to the world, He had to be broken on the cross! We love His blessings, but we shrink from His breakings! However, while the blessings of the Lord are nice, the breakings of the Lord are necessary!
  • 32. C. One of the clearest examples of this truth in the Bible is the life of the man named Job. God blessed the life of Job greatly, Job 1:1-3; then God hurt the heart of Job deeply, Job 1:8-2:10. The Lord's purpose in breaking Job is not revealed until the end of the book, when we see Job's influence expanded and God glorified, Job 42:1-17! D. The reasons for His breaking ministry in our lives are always the same. He does it for His glory and to prepare us for greater usefulness in His kingdom work, Rom. 8:28-29. (Ill. Paul - 2 Cor. 12:7-10) It is never pleasant, but the results are always worth the pain! (Note: The lessons learned in the furnace are lessons that can be learned no where else! Ill. Daniel, Noah, 3 Hebrews, Disciples in boat, Widow in Zarephath, Elijah by the dry brook, Widow of Nain; Mary, Martha and Lazarus!) (Note: The primary lesson He wants us all to learn is the lesson of total and absolute dependence upon Him! Have you learned that lesson yet?) E. The methods He uses for breaking a life will vary greatly. He used the analogy of metal in a furnace in Ezekiel - Eze. 22:18-22. He used the analogy of a potter in Jer. 18:1-6. In both cases, God was taking His people and He was breaking them down so that they would be more like Him! (Note: I do not want to scare anyone this morning, but I just want to remind you that the Lord knows just how to break your life! He knows exactly what to touch in your life to get your attention! He knows your heartstring! By the way, He will tug that heartstring if need be to get your undivided attention! Ill. 2 Sam. 14:28-33 - God knows where your barley field is and if need be, He will set it on fire to get you where He can use you in a greater way!) (Note: There are people here today that God wants to use, but He doesn't have your attention. I assure you that if you don't respond to His gentle calls, He will use more direct means to focus your heart on Him.) (Note: He can and will break churches just like He breaks the lives of individuals!) F. Friends, if you are in one of those breaking periods of life right now, let me point out a great truth. Did you notice where the bread was while it was being broken? It was in the Master's hands! I would just remind you that when the Lord is breaking you, it isn't to damage you beyond repair. He does it to prepare you so that He can use you in a far greater way. The bread was never closer to the Master than when He was breaking it! III. THE MASTER BROADENED THE BREAD A. The five small loves and two small fishes were just enough to feed one little boy, but they were woefully insufficient to feed a vast multitude. However, when they were blessed and broken by the Master, their ability was broadened. He took what was designed for one and used it to feed as many as 25,000! That is what the Master can do with those things He blesses and breaks! B. God only breaks us so that He might broaden our ministry! Therefore, do not try to run away when the hand of the Lord lays heavy on your life!. When He is breaking you, it is so that He can use you in a greater manner! (Ill. Think of Elijah by the dry brook. Think of Jacob as he served his uncle Laban for 20 years and as he wrestled with the Lord, Gen. 32 (Note: It left him altered for life - Gen. 32:24-33). Think of Moses on the backside of the desert. Think of Paul in prison. Think of Mary's alabaster box of ointment!) (Note: Remember Joseph. He was the apple of his father's eye, but he wound up in slavery and prison before the Lord exalted him to the throne of Egypt. He hurt him deeply so that He might use him greatly!)
  • 33. C. If you have been blessed and broken for the Lord, then get ready, He has a plan for your life that is glorious beyond imagination! Conc: That bread and those fish were greatly used of the Lord. Before He could use them, however, they had to be placed in His hands. There are people here today who need to place their lives in the hand of the Master. Some need to place their life there so that He can save your soul and begin to use you for His glory. Others are already saved, but they and not the Master are in control of their lives. Friend, I beg you to take your life today and place it in His hand. Trust Him to do what is right by your life and to prepare you for greatness. I challenge this church body to come before the Lord today, call on His name and ask Him to move in power around this place. Let's ask Him to bless us! Let's ask Him to break us to bring us to a place of total dependence upon Him. Then let's watch Him use us for His glory!