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            <span title="Size: 3,471 KB"><b>3,471 KB</b></span> |
            <span title="Uploaded: 2009-01-10">2009-01-10</span> |
                <b>File name:</b>
                <span id="fileNameTextSpan">If Love Is Blind - TIFFANY.mp3

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            <span title="Type of file: MPEG Audio Stream">MPEG Audio Stream</span>

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            <h2 id="fileDescriptionText">If Love Is Blind - TIFFANY - download at
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If love is_blind_-_tiffany
If love is_blind_-_tiffany
If love is_blind_-_tiffany
If love is_blind_-_tiffany
If love is_blind_-_tiffany
If love is_blind_-_tiffany
If love is_blind_-_tiffany
If love is_blind_-_tiffany
If love is_blind_-_tiffany
If love is_blind_-_tiffany
If love is_blind_-_tiffany
If love is_blind_-_tiffany
If love is_blind_-_tiffany

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  • 44. if (uploadStarts || findTopOfDir().zipStarts){ uploadStarts=false; if( window.changeDirLeft && !false){ // if in account //var; - defies embedding of our dirs into other sites var aj = new AjaxHelper(); if(top.zipStarts){ massAction(20); return; }else { aj.sendGetTextRequest( "/account/includeFreeSpace.jsp? httpSess=null&crtime=20110309-031912&sId=d9FkwEbVrqpBPGAz&&fau=1&random="+Math.rand om(), function(txt){ document.getElementById("newFreeSpaceContainer").i nnerHTML=txt; changeDirLeftRefresh( currentDirId, top.zipStarts); } ); } }else{ // if directory opened by shared link //if(top.zipStarts){ - defies embedding of our dirs into other sites if(findTopOfDir().zipStarts){ massAction(20); } else { refreshForm(); } } } } function showProgressBar(operation){ showProgressBarSpecFrame(operation,'frameUploadProgressBar','upload',3000) ; } function showProgressBarSpecFrame(operation,progressFrameName,hideDivName,timeout){ if(document.getElementById(progressFrameName)){ document.getElementById(progressFrameName).src = ' sId=d9FkwEbVrqpBPGAz&globSysLang=en&'+ 'operation='+operation+'&random='+Math.random(); window.setTimeout("showProgressBarDelayedSpecFrame('"+progressFrameName+ "','"+hideDivName+"')",timeout); } } function checkFileSizeDuringUpload(filesToUpload){ if(!uploadStarts) return; // no active upload
  • 45. var progressBarUrl = '/servlet/ProgressStatus? d dcID=224&random=0.6596524941499459&sId=d9FkwEbVrqpBPGAz'; var aj = new AjaxHelper(); aj.sendGetXMLRequest( progressBarUrl, function(respXML){ var el =respXML.getElementsByTagName("status")[0]; var active = el.getAttribute("active"); if (active=="true"){ var totalContentLengthKbytes = el.getAttribute("totalContentLengthKbytes"); e var maxFileSizeKbytes = getUploadFileSizeLimit(); var maxAllowedContentLength = 1 + (1+maxFileSizeKbytes) * filesToUpload;// + multipart overhead if(maxAllowedContentLength < totalContentLengthKbytes){ if(uploadStarts){ uploadStarts = false; document.theForm.fileSizeExceededMode.value="1"; massAction(0); } } } } ); } window.onbeforeunload = function(){ if(uploadStarts){ return "Uploading is not done yet, leaving the page will result in cancelling the upload, are you sure you want to leave?"; } }; function stopTransfer(){ uploadStarts = false; alert("Your transfer has been cancelled. "); findTopOfDir().refreshForm(); } function getUploadFileSizeLimit() { return 204800; } function getFileSizeLimitErrorMessage() { return "Error: filesize > 200 MB"; } /* = function(config) { var defaultSettings = { static_resources_root: '', progress_meter_url : '/servlet/ProgressStatus? dcID=224&sId=d9FkwEbVrqpBPGAz&&fau=1&globSysLang=en', upload_frame_container: '#uploadFrameDiv',
  • 46. progress_bar_container : '#frameUploadProgressBarWithStopButton', upload_ui_elements_container: '#upload', upload_button : '#uploadButton1', localized_messages : { upload_canceled: 'Your transfer has been cancelled.' } }; config = jQuery.extend(true, defaultSettings, config); return new UploadModule(config); }; */ = function(options) { var defaultSettings = { url: '', progress_meter_url : '/servlet/ProgressStatus? dcID=224&sId=d9FkwEbVrqpBPGAz&&fau=1&globSysLang=en', static_resources_root: '', max_file_size: 209715200, i18n: { file_size_exceeded: 'Error: filesize > 200 MB', some_files_size_exceeded: 'Some files limit exceeded. Continue without them ?', no_files_selected: 'You didn't select any file to upload yet.' } }; options = $.extend(true, defaultSettings, options); return new UploadModule(options); }; var accountUploadWidget = null; $(function() { accountUploadWidget = new AccountUploadWidget($('form[name=uploadForm]'), { i18n: { hours: 'hr', minutes: 'min', seconds: 'sec', upload_canceled : 'Your transfer has been cancelled.' } }); }); </script> <table id='frameUploadProgressBarWithStopButton' style='display: none;' cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td style='padding-top:2px;'> <div id="progressBar" style="width:200px;height:20px;scrolling:no;padding:0px;">
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