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HR Prospective:
Are we moving
in right
Functions of HR
Recruitment & Staffing
Recruitment is a process of
extracting best talents from a big
Broadly it looks after the
following two aspects:
1. Attract the talent &
2. Hire the right candidates.
To ensure that the workforce is duly paid for the services, in time & in
compliance with the statutory requirements.
Payroll Management
Functions of HR
Appraisals and Performance Management
To appraise performance of
employees, incentivize for better
performance via bonus etc.
Understanding the current
competency (knowledge, skills,
attributes) level of employees, gaps
and design training programs for
both NEW and EXISTING employees
Training & Development
Employee Engagement
To ensure employee’s morale and
motivation are kept high leading to
a highly engaged workforce
Functions of HR
Conflict Resolution
In a multi-cultural set-up with
employees from different
background & temperaments,
conflicts are bound to happen. HR
has to ensure that these are
managed for team results.
Employee Relations
To ensure healthy relation between
employee and employer.
Labour Law Compliance
To ensure that the Organization is
compliant to statutory laws –
Industrial Act 1947, PF Act, Gratuity
Act etc.
Evolution of HR through Technology
Automation &
Integration of HR
• Attendance roll count to biometric based
• Payroll  legacy system to SAP
• Record keeping  file to e-file
• Learning Management  Manuals to Knowledge portal
• Building HR Software to improve on
productivity, monitor performance and
help teams work better
• Agile and engaged workforce
New Value propositions of HR
What enables HR Partners to be successful?
 Develop the skills that underlines
 Business Acumen
 Consulting Skills
 Networking, relationship, and influencing skills
 Critical skills to assess progress, review
effectiveness and measure impact
 Shift operational work away – to focus on core
 Build leadership pipeline
 Empower employees
 Engage employees
Innovation in HR
• Invention used to be by Tech. Companies
• HR was an adaptor and user of such
• HR proactively experiments with new
performance Models, learning strategies,
techniques to up-skill workforce
Continuous Performance Management
Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is
round the year.
Continuous Performance Management
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, continuous performance management has experienced a new revolution. Com-
panies are now re-evaluating more than ever before on how they conduct performance discussions, their atti-
tude toward Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and how the annual appraisal process has impacted employee
engagement and company culture.
Agile businesses around the world have come to recognise that the traditional annual appraisal has a lot of
inherent flaws and is no longer viable in the modern world. They are turning instead to continuous performance
management (known to some as agile performance management), a growing trend in human capital manage-
Below we’ll explore what continuous performance management is, why companies are overhauling their perfor-
mance reviews and how continuous feedback can add real value to your bottom line. We’ll also look at which
continuous performance management tools can be used to make the transition smooth and effortless.
What Is Continuous Performance Management — Explained
Continuous Performance Management in a human resource (HR) management context is defined as perfor-
mance management processes that take place throughout the year on an ongoing basis. It is a continual, holis-
tic process, as opposed to those based on a traditional, one-off annual appraisal.
As feedback occurs more often, it becomes natural for both the manager and the employee to develop
a healthy, trusting and authentic workplace relationship.
These processes include near-term objectives and goal setting, regular one-to-ones (or​“check-ins”) and real-
time feedback.
Continuous Performance Management
What Is Continuous Performance Management —
Continuous Performance Management in
a human resource (HR) management context is
defined as performance management processes
that take place throughout the year on an ongoing
basis. It is a continual, holistic process, as
opposed to those based on a traditional, one-off
annual appraisal.
As feedback occurs more often, it becomes natur-
al for both the manager and the employee to
develop a healthy, trusting and authentic work-
place relationship.
These processes include near-term objectives
and goal setting, regular one-to-ones (or​“check-
ins”) and real-time feedback.
Continuous Performance Management
Why Is Now the Time for Continuous Performance Management?
Management thought leaders such as the CEB have long been advocating that performance management
should be part of managers’ everyday role and that once or twice-a-year appraisals are not enough to be an
effective use of time.
But it’s no longer just academics who think this. 95% of managers are not satisfied with their organisation’s
annual performance management process, and 75% of employees see yearly reviews as unfair. Another
study has found that only 8% of companies believe that their traditional performance management process
drives business value.
When looking for an alternative to annual appraisals, continuous performance management is a solution that
complements and supports the pace of modern business.
Aside from the fact that more and more companies are turned off by the inefficiencies and limitations of their
traditional performance management processes, there are many reasons why now is the best time to transi-
tion to a more continuous process.
Modern businesses are fast-paced, and with the COVID-19 pandemic coming into the mix, companies face
unexpected pressures and obstacles daily, and they need a performance management system that accom-
modates this reality. Businesses need to be agile to thrive and compete. They need employees who are
empowered, connected and able to take ownership over their work. Continuous performance management
encourages this by providing instant communication, strengthening relationships through transparent dia-
logue and giving employees autonomy and independence — something that greatly appeals to the modern
Continuous Performance Management
Why Is Now the Time for Continuous Performance Management?
Management thought leaders such as the CEB have long been advocating that performance management
should be part of managers’ everyday role and that once or twice-a-year appraisals are not enough to be an
effective use of time.
But it’s no longer just academics who think this. 95% of managers are not satisfied with their organisation’s
annual performance management process, and 75% of employees see yearly reviews as unfair. Another
study has found that only 8% of companies believe that their traditional performance management process
drives business value.
When looking for an alternative to annual appraisals, continuous performance management is a solution that
complements and supports the pace of modern business.
Aside from the fact that more and more companies are turned off by the inefficiencies and limitations of their
traditional performance management processes, there are many reasons why now is the best time to transi-
tion to a more continuous process.
Modern businesses are fast-paced, and with the COVID-19 pandemic coming into the mix, companies face
unexpected pressures and obstacles daily, and they need a performance management system that accom-
modates this reality. Businesses need to be agile to thrive and compete. They need employees who are
empowered, connected and able to take ownership over their work. Continuous performance management
encourages this by providing instant communication, strengthening relationships through transparent dia-
logue and giving employees autonomy and independence — something that greatly appeals to the modern
Continuous Performance Management
Who Has Adopted Continuous Performance Management?
There are a number of notable companies who have decided to adjust their performance review process to
get the most out of their workforce. Below is a small selection of continuous performance management case
studies that have successfully made the transition.
Adobe Inc
Adobe Inc was the first well-known organisation to adopt continuous performance management when they
ditched their annual appraisal process back in 2012 in favour of​“check-ins” and frequent feedback. Adobe
worked hard to embed this new approach into their culture, and that work has paid off with voluntary
turnover decreasing by 30% since they introduced check-ins.
Cargill Inc
US food producer and distributor Cargill also transformed their outdated performance management process
in 2012, launching​”everyday performance management” instead.
The company got rid of their annual review forms and performance ratings and instead encouraged man-
agers to have regular, on-the-job conversations and give frequent, constructive feedback. They too have
seen remarkable results with 70% of their employees now indicating they feel valued due to their ongoing
performance discussions with their manager — a massive improvement.
More recently a number of leading, global organisations have implemented continuous performance man-
Continuous Performance Management
What Are the Tangible Business Benefits and Outcomes of Regular Check-Ins?
There are many statistics and case studies to back up the efficiency of continuous feedback and its impact
on employee performance, employee development and retention.
Research has found that over 50% of companies that review goals each month are in the top quartile in
terms of financial performance, whereas only 24% of companies that re-evaluate goals once a year made it
into the same bracket. It has also been shown that companies who manage objectives quarterly gener-
ate 30% higher returns than organisations who address them annually.
Frequent feedback is now being labelled the​“killer app” and has been shown to boost performance by up
to 39%. A study by Gallup has also found that employees whose managers hold regular one-to-ones with
them are almost three times as likely to be engaged. Furthermore, as mentioned previously, after transition-
ing to agile performance management, Adobe saw a remarkable 30% drop in voluntary turnover.
Importantly, more continuous performance reviews can actually save your company time and money. Annual
reviews take a substantial investment when it comes to management hours and form-filling. Because they
try to accomplish too much in one sitting and because they are so dreaded by everyone involved, they end
up being unproductive and, ultimately, a waste of time.
Continuous Performance Management
What Is Stopping Companies From Using Continuous Performance Management?
Given all the clear benefits of continuous performance management, why haven’t all companies made the
transition? Why are some companies still holding onto their annual appraisals?
At Clear Review, we ran a poll to find out.
We discovered 60% of our participants were holding back from continuous reviews because they were wor-
ried about encouraging managers to have more meaningful conversations. This is an understandable con-
cern — the last thing you want is to have more meaningless meetings wasting time in your organisation. This
is why we recommend giving managers appropriate training and guidance, so they know how to conduct
one-on-ones effectively. Managers can also be given a one-on-one meeting template to ensure a productive
coaching and feedback session.
Continuous Performance Management
Is There Still a Place for Annual Performance Reviews?
Most organisations that we speak to embrace the concept of continuous performance management, but
many question whether they should still be doing annual performance reviews. Our view is that annual
reviews are, in most cases, an unnecessary bureaucracy.
Performance management is ultimately about supporting employees to perform to their highest potential,
and this cannot be achieved through an annual performance review. Having regular, future-focused check-
ins and giving frequent feedback are proven to be the best way of improving an employee’s performance.
For some organisations, this may leave the question of how they can collate the performance and talent
data they need to make decisions about pay and promotions. Organisations like Deloitte have addressed
this by periodically asking managers a small number of performance and talent-related questions about
each of their team members. If managers are having regular check-ins with their staff and seeing feedback
about them throughout the year, then they can answer these questions without the need for a lengthy
appraisal discussion. We have adopted this same process for our own Clear Review Performance Manage-
ment Software.
Continuous Performance Management
How to Implement Continuous Performance Management into Your Company
If you’re looking for practical tips on how to transition to continuous performance management, we can help
you with this organisational change. It all starts with getting your leadership and management team on the
same page — they will need to understand and buy into the benefits offered by agile performance manage-
ment. The appropriate training is also a necessity — managers need to know how to give effective, motiva-
tional feedback during employee on-to-ones.
For a more in-depth, step-by-step process, we have a guide on how to implement continuous performance
Continuous Performance Management
What Is the Role of Continuous Performance Management Software?
To be effective, continuous performance management needs to be collaborative, frequent and take place in
real-time rather than retrospectively. It also needs to be monitored to ensure it is being carried out effective-
ly. Continuous performance management software aids this by enabling:
•feedback to be given “​in-the-moment” rather than delaying this until the next one-to-one
•action points from check-ins to be captured and followed up, rather than being noted down in a book and
forgotten about
•objectives to be set collaboratively. They also need to align with organisational goals and be regularly
•progress and obstacles to be captured as they happen
•reminders to be sent automatically to those who have not had a check-in or given feedback recently
•HR to have visibility of how often check-ins are taking place across the organisation and how frequently
feedback is being given
•HR to collate performance and talent data without having to carry out formal performance appraisals.
Business is always changing, and technology is always evolving … but when was the last time you made
a significant change to your performance management system? Organisational change might not be quick
and simple, but it is certainly necessary to keep your business thriving long into the future.
The Digital Age has set in...where world is going…
Technology as an Enabler – Efficiency
Better compliance
Reduce Administrative burden
Better reporting
Embrace Technology!!!
AI Is Making Recruitment Smarter
Recruiting new hires is a time-consuming and costly process, but thanks to
automation and AI it’s getting easier to find skilled people who are a great fit for
your company.
From automated resume screeners to robot interviewers, a wave of these tech
solutions for recruiting has hit the market.
Around the World – Screening – VERA (Russia)
In the one-and-a-half years since
the startup was founded, Russian
based AI-service
Verahas conducted roughly 1.5
million phone interviews
“She collects the CVs according to what the specific position requires and
identifies candidates 10 times faster than a human being could.
Used by MNCs like Pepsico etc.
Around the World – Prejudice free Interviews
DNB , one of the largest banks in the Nordic region, is
now the first in the world to recruit for an internship
program with the help of a social AI robot.
Around the World – Augmented Writing – Job Descriptions
Corporations from Nvidia to McDonald’s have used Textio’s original tech to
change up their job listings in the hopes of attracting a wider pipeline.
Able to suggest words that are more likely to attract job applicants and improve
the diversity of those candidates
Around the World – Augmented Writing – Job Descriptions
Around the World – Cloud based ERP
Workday claims its use of a single,
cloud-based database for both HCM
and financials provides better integration
and embedded business
intelligence across business functions
than is available in most ERP
Around the World & India – Compliance
• India has more than 40 labour laws regulated by the Ministry of Labour and
Employment, the Government of India and State Government.
• Compliance with these laws is tedious and time-consuming. As a result,
employers often do not comply.
• The scale of noncompliance exceeds the ability of enforcement agencies to
Internet of Thing (IoT)
HR integrating IoT with workplace helps to :
 Monitor remote location working
 Continuous performance monitoring
 Insights like travel trends, route mapping
 Sustenance of sound health – ergonomics, work hours and nutritious cafeteria
Companies using Internet of Thing (IoT)
Where IOCL stands -- Recruitment
Where IOCL stands – HR Analytics
At each stage of H2R, analytics forms the backbone of Corporate business decisions
• Cost per hire
• By Corporate HR Team to streamline & optimize hiring actions
• Manpower Planning
• Driven by Corporate and Divisional HR teams to determine gaps and meet
existing/additional manpower needs
• Recruitment
• Hiring is driven on the basis of competency and gaps
• Mentoring
• Adequate check on mentor-mentee ratio, frequency of interaction etc.
• Performance Management System
• Based on ratings, year of experience and DPC recommendations
• Attrition
• To address attrition issues. Main reasons being switch to Civil/higher studies
Where IOCL stands – E-platforms
Unnayan Portal
• ePMS
• E-Audit
• Book my Guest House
• e-Tenders
• e-Doc
• Integrated L&D portal
Where IOCL stands – Digital Workplace
Where IOCL stands – Digital Workplace
Where IOCL stands – Learning Management System
Swadhayay has been meticulously designed by our team of Subject Matter Experts,
Functional Nodal Officers and e-L&D/L&D teams keeping on-the-job requirements
as well as personal development of an officer in mind.
In other words, the content has been kept practical, relevant, and important
Where IOCL stands – Mobile Apps
Dhruva is a Single Window App for Retail Officers viz. RDB, Dhruva Quiz, eRACTS,
Xtrapower & IOCL Mkt Div
My ESS - on Mobile for IndianOil Employees to access services like
1. Leave Balance. 2. Pay Data. 3. Nomination Details. 4. Dependants. 5. Holiday List 6.
Furniture/PC Card 7. Off Cycle Payments 8. LFA Details
9. Employee Search 10. Location/Department Head Search
Where IOCL stands – Mobile Apps - XERA (2)
XERA is the ESS Robot Assistant for IOCL employees, AI
principled mobile app which answers queries related to ESS
XERA at present extends support
to the ESS related queries like –
1. user access issue
2. tracking the status of pending
3. agent is missing in ESS
4. issues in filling travel expense
5. print out issues in ESS
6. leave balance
7. GH/RH/holidays in any month
8. whether XXXXXX hospital is
nominated or not
9. off cycle details,
Where IOCL stands – Training & Development Portal
Where IOCL stands – Book My Guest House
Self Serviced – Booking for Guest House for employees
The Future -- IOCL as an Organization
 iDrive
 Leveraging latest IT tools to enhance productivity and market share
 Potential Value Creation - USD 1-2 Billion
 10 Themes – 80 Initiatives
 Drone based pipeline monitoring (next slide)
 Virtual reality based e-learning
 Block Chain inspired Supply Chain Tool
 Digital Centre of Excellence (CoE) to enable technology transformation
The Future – Aerial Surveillance – Pipeline Transfer
Check with
pipeline if it is
happening or
Around the World – HR Analytics
• HR analytics can illuminate the major causes of attrition
• New policies, along with training programs, can be put in place to help mitigate
the problem.
• Determine who your best and worst performers are
• Analysis of promotion rates, promotion wait times, and qualitative data from
employees will help HR meet employee expectations and keep them motivated
• Pre screen assessment – what questions such assessment tests contain
• Cost per recruitment channel can be gauged
• Predictive analytics and data analytics platforms to determine competency
• Staffing as per Organization need and workload
Workforce Planning
• Survey results analytics to help determine best action plan
• Data analysis can provide insight into the most impactful monetary and non-
monetary rewards.
Compensation and
Incentive Programs
Medical Facilities
• IOCL is offering best medical facilities in the industry.
• Top priority is always given.
• In Rajasthan, more hospitals with ‘child, eye, dentist specialist/ homoe/
ayurvedic’ should be incorporated in nomination (more coverage)
• Medical cards
Improvement areas
School Tie-Ups
Recreational Club
Tea/ coffee vending machines
Offline L&D
• Training and knowledge building for leader development - Present
L&D system should incorporate the global trends and technology in
their training methods
• Although Virtual trainings has increased reach & access to all
employees but its effectiveness has decreased.
• People are attending VCs but with diverted focus which defeats the
propose the sessions.
• Traditional offline training system should be re-incorporated to
enhance the networking among employees & for better knowledge
Resignation Data
1. Mention any three functions (covered today) entrusted to
Human Resource?
2. Name the Mobile App specifically developed to monitor
Retail Sales performance in IOCL?
3. VERA is an AI service system used for screening CVs and
conducting telephonic interviews? Name the country to
which it owes its origin to?
4. Shram Suvidha portal comes under which Ministry?
5. We came across one of the Cloud-based database used for
HCM and financials. Can you name it?
Backup – Extra Slides
Leadership Competencies (followed at IndianOil)
Content &
Experts have developed Some of best Effective Goal-
Setting Techniques for Achieving Your Goals
Goal-setting techniques are frameworks you can use for developing and achieving goals. They provide a means for setting goals with direction
and focus.
1. SMART goals
SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. These goals help you focus your efforts, and each part of the
word means:
Specific: Make sure you define your goal carefully and clearly. For example, a goal could be organization, but a specific goal could be
organization of your cubicle.
Measurable: Include something in your goal that you can measure, such as a goal of organizing your desk, filing cabinet and floor within three
Achievable: Find a goal that you are likely to meet with your current schedule. For example, if you want to organize your filing cabinet this
month, make sure you have enough time each week to clean and organize one of the four drawers.
Realistic: Ensure that you can actually meet the goal. Choose to organize one area of your workspace per week, rather than the entire cubicle,
for example.
Time-bound: Give your goal a time frame so that you can plan for your success. For example, if you plan to finish organizing before the first
day of the next quarter, you know when you need to complete your last task to succeed at this goal.
Sometimes SMART goals are expanded to make SMARTER goals, where the extra letters stand for evaluate and readjust. If you choose to make
a SMARTER goal, you'll also need to consider:
Evaluate: Choose a regular time to check on your goal's progress. For example, check every two weeks to be sure you have made progress on
your project in order to achieve your goal.
Readjust: Be prepared to change your plan as needed. If you get assignments that require overtime, for instance, be flexible and spread your
project over the week instead.
Experts have developed Some of best Effective Goal-
Setting Techniques for Achieving Your Goals
Goal-setting techniques are frameworks you can use for developing and achieving goals.
They provide a means for setting goals with direction and focus.
2. HARD goals
HARD stands for heartfelt, animated, required and difficult. They each mean:
Heartfelt: If you want to learn a new skill, imagine the pride of having a new skill. Then,
connect that pride with the goal and use that emotion as your motivation for learning.
Animated: Visualize what achieving your goal would look like. Incorporate every sense that
you can and imagine what it would sound, feel, smell or even taste like so you can
remember the feeling every time you think about your goal.
Required: If possible, connect your goal to something that's necessary for you. For example,
if you want to improve your research skills, volunteer to create a report for your team, as
this obligation can motivate you to keep working on your goal.
Difficult: Set a goal that challenges you. By doing this, you'll feel accomplished when you
complete it.
Experts have developed Some of best Effective Goal-
Setting Techniques for Achieving Your Goals
Goal-setting techniques are frameworks you can use for developing and achieving goals.
They provide a means for setting goals with direction and focus.
3. WOOP goals
WOOP stands for wish, outcome, obstacle and plan. Some consider this an exceptionally
helpful technique for stopping a habit you might no longer want. The steps include:
Wish: Make sure your wish is exciting for you. Imagine the sort of goal you would wish for
and attach a positive feeling to the goal you want.
Outcome: Imagine the best possible result of achieving your goal. Think of how you would
feel if this happened and visualize it in as much vivid detail as possible.
Obstacle: Consider what might prevent you or slow you down from success. For example,
suppose you want to learn how to speed up your workflow, but you type slowly and this
causes you to work at a slower pace.
Plan: Find solutions to any obstacles that might interfere with your goal. If you have a slow
typing speed, you can practice touch typing with software or websites intended to improve
typing speed.
Experts have developed Some of best Effective Goal-
Setting Techniques for Achieving Your Goals
Goal-setting techniques are frameworks you can use for developing and achieving goals.
They provide a means for setting goals with direction and focus.
4. OKR goals (step-wise)
OKR stands for objectives and key results. This type of goal is common among management
who want to set goals that may affect the entire company. OKR goals are also helpful for
large groups of people who need to work together toward a bigger goal. To set an OKR
goal, choose a goal that you want to achieve, such as reaching 2,000 new customers by the
end of the year. Then, identify the steps that can help you achieve the goal.
If you want 2,000 new customers by the end of the year, you may consider a social media
outreach program, which means you may need to hire someone to complete this, train
current employees or find employees who may already have this training. Set specific goals
for the social media outreach that can help you achieve the larger goal of 2,000 new
customers. Assess and reevaluate your smaller goals as needed.
• What is a Check-in?
• It’s one-to-one meeting between an employee and their manager
where they will typically discuss:
• Progress against existing objectives
• Personal development
• Priorities
• Issues or concerns
• Any new objectives to be added
• Agree action points
Recruitment – Competitive place
Chat-bots, open sourcing tools, Virtual reality, AI...
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Shift in Orientation

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Appraisal of performance
Appraisal of performanceAppraisal of performance
Appraisal of performance

HR Prospective.pptx

  • 1. HR Prospective: Are we moving in right Direction 21.12.2022
  • 2. Functions of HR Recruitment & Staffing Recruitment is a process of extracting best talents from a big pool. Broadly it looks after the following two aspects: 1. Attract the talent & 2. Hire the right candidates. To ensure that the workforce is duly paid for the services, in time & in compliance with the statutory requirements. Payroll Management
  • 3. Functions of HR Appraisals and Performance Management To appraise performance of employees, incentivize for better performance via bonus etc. Understanding the current competency (knowledge, skills, attributes) level of employees, gaps and design training programs for both NEW and EXISTING employees Training & Development Employee Engagement To ensure employee’s morale and motivation are kept high leading to a highly engaged workforce
  • 4. Functions of HR Conflict Resolution In a multi-cultural set-up with employees from different background & temperaments, conflicts are bound to happen. HR has to ensure that these are managed for team results. Employee Relations To ensure healthy relation between employee and employer. Labour Law Compliance To ensure that the Organization is compliant to statutory laws – Industrial Act 1947, PF Act, Gratuity Act etc.
  • 5. Evolution of HR through Technology Automation & Integration of HR practices Productivity • Attendance roll count to biometric based • Payroll  legacy system to SAP • Record keeping  file to e-file • Learning Management  Manuals to Knowledge portal • Building HR Software to improve on productivity, monitor performance and help teams work better • Agile and engaged workforce
  • 7. What enables HR Partners to be successful?  Develop the skills that underlines  Business Acumen  Consulting Skills  Networking, relationship, and influencing skills  Critical skills to assess progress, review effectiveness and measure impact  Shift operational work away – to focus on core  Build leadership pipeline  Empower employees  Engage employees
  • 8. Innovation in HR Earlier • Invention used to be by Tech. Companies • HR was an adaptor and user of such technologies Now • HR proactively experiments with new performance Models, learning strategies, techniques to up-skill workforce
  • 9. Continuous Performance Management Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is round the year. Goal Setting
  • 10.
  • 11. Continuous Performance Management Since the COVID-19 pandemic, continuous performance management has experienced a new revolution. Com- panies are now re-evaluating more than ever before on how they conduct performance discussions, their atti- tude toward Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and how the annual appraisal process has impacted employee engagement and company culture. Agile businesses around the world have come to recognise that the traditional annual appraisal has a lot of inherent flaws and is no longer viable in the modern world. They are turning instead to continuous performance management (known to some as agile performance management), a growing trend in human capital manage- ment. Below we’ll explore what continuous performance management is, why companies are overhauling their perfor- mance reviews and how continuous feedback can add real value to your bottom line. We’ll also look at which continuous performance management tools can be used to make the transition smooth and effortless. What Is Continuous Performance Management — Explained Continuous Performance Management in a human resource (HR) management context is defined as perfor- mance management processes that take place throughout the year on an ongoing basis. It is a continual, holis- tic process, as opposed to those based on a traditional, one-off annual appraisal. As feedback occurs more often, it becomes natural for both the manager and the employee to develop a healthy, trusting and authentic workplace relationship. These processes include near-term objectives and goal setting, regular one-to-ones (or​“check-ins”) and real- time feedback.
  • 12. Continuous Performance Management What Is Continuous Performance Management — Explained Continuous Performance Management in a human resource (HR) management context is defined as performance management processes that take place throughout the year on an ongoing basis. It is a continual, holistic process, as opposed to those based on a traditional, one-off annual appraisal. As feedback occurs more often, it becomes natur- al for both the manager and the employee to develop a healthy, trusting and authentic work- place relationship. These processes include near-term objectives and goal setting, regular one-to-ones (or​“check- ins”) and real-time feedback. performance-management/
  • 13. Continuous Performance Management Why Is Now the Time for Continuous Performance Management? Management thought leaders such as the CEB have long been advocating that performance management should be part of managers’ everyday role and that once or twice-a-year appraisals are not enough to be an effective use of time. But it’s no longer just academics who think this. 95% of managers are not satisfied with their organisation’s annual performance management process, and 75% of employees see yearly reviews as unfair. Another study has found that only 8% of companies believe that their traditional performance management process drives business value. When looking for an alternative to annual appraisals, continuous performance management is a solution that complements and supports the pace of modern business. Aside from the fact that more and more companies are turned off by the inefficiencies and limitations of their traditional performance management processes, there are many reasons why now is the best time to transi- tion to a more continuous process. Modern businesses are fast-paced, and with the COVID-19 pandemic coming into the mix, companies face unexpected pressures and obstacles daily, and they need a performance management system that accom- modates this reality. Businesses need to be agile to thrive and compete. They need employees who are empowered, connected and able to take ownership over their work. Continuous performance management encourages this by providing instant communication, strengthening relationships through transparent dia- logue and giving employees autonomy and independence — something that greatly appeals to the modern
  • 14. Continuous Performance Management Why Is Now the Time for Continuous Performance Management? Management thought leaders such as the CEB have long been advocating that performance management should be part of managers’ everyday role and that once or twice-a-year appraisals are not enough to be an effective use of time. But it’s no longer just academics who think this. 95% of managers are not satisfied with their organisation’s annual performance management process, and 75% of employees see yearly reviews as unfair. Another study has found that only 8% of companies believe that their traditional performance management process drives business value. When looking for an alternative to annual appraisals, continuous performance management is a solution that complements and supports the pace of modern business. Aside from the fact that more and more companies are turned off by the inefficiencies and limitations of their traditional performance management processes, there are many reasons why now is the best time to transi- tion to a more continuous process. Modern businesses are fast-paced, and with the COVID-19 pandemic coming into the mix, companies face unexpected pressures and obstacles daily, and they need a performance management system that accom- modates this reality. Businesses need to be agile to thrive and compete. They need employees who are empowered, connected and able to take ownership over their work. Continuous performance management encourages this by providing instant communication, strengthening relationships through transparent dia- logue and giving employees autonomy and independence — something that greatly appeals to the modern
  • 15. Continuous Performance Management Who Has Adopted Continuous Performance Management? There are a number of notable companies who have decided to adjust their performance review process to get the most out of their workforce. Below is a small selection of continuous performance management case studies that have successfully made the transition. Adobe Inc Adobe Inc was the first well-known organisation to adopt continuous performance management when they ditched their annual appraisal process back in 2012 in favour of​“check-ins” and frequent feedback. Adobe worked hard to embed this new approach into their culture, and that work has paid off with voluntary turnover decreasing by 30% since they introduced check-ins. Cargill Inc US food producer and distributor Cargill also transformed their outdated performance management process in 2012, launching​”everyday performance management” instead. The company got rid of their annual review forms and performance ratings and instead encouraged man- agers to have regular, on-the-job conversations and give frequent, constructive feedback. They too have seen remarkable results with 70% of their employees now indicating they feel valued due to their ongoing performance discussions with their manager — a massive improvement. More recently a number of leading, global organisations have implemented continuous performance man-
  • 16. Continuous Performance Management What Are the Tangible Business Benefits and Outcomes of Regular Check-Ins? There are many statistics and case studies to back up the efficiency of continuous feedback and its impact on employee performance, employee development and retention. Research has found that over 50% of companies that review goals each month are in the top quartile in terms of financial performance, whereas only 24% of companies that re-evaluate goals once a year made it into the same bracket. It has also been shown that companies who manage objectives quarterly gener- ate 30% higher returns than organisations who address them annually. Frequent feedback is now being labelled the​“killer app” and has been shown to boost performance by up to 39%. A study by Gallup has also found that employees whose managers hold regular one-to-ones with them are almost three times as likely to be engaged. Furthermore, as mentioned previously, after transition- ing to agile performance management, Adobe saw a remarkable 30% drop in voluntary turnover. Importantly, more continuous performance reviews can actually save your company time and money. Annual reviews take a substantial investment when it comes to management hours and form-filling. Because they try to accomplish too much in one sitting and because they are so dreaded by everyone involved, they end up being unproductive and, ultimately, a waste of time.
  • 17. Continuous Performance Management What Is Stopping Companies From Using Continuous Performance Management? Given all the clear benefits of continuous performance management, why haven’t all companies made the transition? Why are some companies still holding onto their annual appraisals? At Clear Review, we ran a poll to find out. We discovered 60% of our participants were holding back from continuous reviews because they were wor- ried about encouraging managers to have more meaningful conversations. This is an understandable con- cern — the last thing you want is to have more meaningless meetings wasting time in your organisation. This is why we recommend giving managers appropriate training and guidance, so they know how to conduct one-on-ones effectively. Managers can also be given a one-on-one meeting template to ensure a productive coaching and feedback session.
  • 18. Continuous Performance Management Is There Still a Place for Annual Performance Reviews? Most organisations that we speak to embrace the concept of continuous performance management, but many question whether they should still be doing annual performance reviews. Our view is that annual reviews are, in most cases, an unnecessary bureaucracy. Performance management is ultimately about supporting employees to perform to their highest potential, and this cannot be achieved through an annual performance review. Having regular, future-focused check- ins and giving frequent feedback are proven to be the best way of improving an employee’s performance. For some organisations, this may leave the question of how they can collate the performance and talent data they need to make decisions about pay and promotions. Organisations like Deloitte have addressed this by periodically asking managers a small number of performance and talent-related questions about each of their team members. If managers are having regular check-ins with their staff and seeing feedback about them throughout the year, then they can answer these questions without the need for a lengthy appraisal discussion. We have adopted this same process for our own Clear Review Performance Manage- ment Software.
  • 19. Continuous Performance Management How to Implement Continuous Performance Management into Your Company If you’re looking for practical tips on how to transition to continuous performance management, we can help you with this organisational change. It all starts with getting your leadership and management team on the same page — they will need to understand and buy into the benefits offered by agile performance manage- ment. The appropriate training is also a necessity — managers need to know how to give effective, motiva- tional feedback during employee on-to-ones. For a more in-depth, step-by-step process, we have a guide on how to implement continuous performance management.
  • 20. Continuous Performance Management What Is the Role of Continuous Performance Management Software? To be effective, continuous performance management needs to be collaborative, frequent and take place in real-time rather than retrospectively. It also needs to be monitored to ensure it is being carried out effective- ly. Continuous performance management software aids this by enabling: •feedback to be given “​in-the-moment” rather than delaying this until the next one-to-one •action points from check-ins to be captured and followed up, rather than being noted down in a book and forgotten about •objectives to be set collaboratively. They also need to align with organisational goals and be regularly updated •progress and obstacles to be captured as they happen •reminders to be sent automatically to those who have not had a check-in or given feedback recently •HR to have visibility of how often check-ins are taking place across the organisation and how frequently feedback is being given •HR to collate performance and talent data without having to carry out formal performance appraisals. Business is always changing, and technology is always evolving … but when was the last time you made a significant change to your performance management system? Organisational change might not be quick and simple, but it is certainly necessary to keep your business thriving long into the future.
  • 21. The Digital Age has set in...where world is going…
  • 22. Technology as an Enabler – Efficiency Better compliance Reduce Administrative burden Better reporting
  • 23. CONTEMPORARY AND WAY FORWARD Embrace Technology!!!
  • 24. AI Is Making Recruitment Smarter Recruiting new hires is a time-consuming and costly process, but thanks to automation and AI it’s getting easier to find skilled people who are a great fit for your company. From automated resume screeners to robot interviewers, a wave of these tech solutions for recruiting has hit the market.
  • 25. Around the World – Screening – VERA (Russia) In the one-and-a-half years since the startup was founded, Russian based AI-service Verahas conducted roughly 1.5 million phone interviews “She collects the CVs according to what the specific position requires and identifies candidates 10 times faster than a human being could. Used by MNCs like Pepsico etc.
  • 26. Around the World – Prejudice free Interviews DNB , one of the largest banks in the Nordic region, is now the first in the world to recruit for an internship program with the help of a social AI robot.
  • 27. Around the World – Augmented Writing – Job Descriptions Inclusivity Corporations from Nvidia to McDonald’s have used Textio’s original tech to change up their job listings in the hopes of attracting a wider pipeline. Able to suggest words that are more likely to attract job applicants and improve the diversity of those candidates
  • 28. Around the World – Augmented Writing – Job Descriptions Inclusivity
  • 29. Around the World – Cloud based ERP Workday claims its use of a single, cloud-based database for both HCM and financials provides better integration and embedded business intelligence across business functions than is available in most ERP systems.
  • 30. Around the World & India – Compliance • India has more than 40 labour laws regulated by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Government of India and State Government. • Compliance with these laws is tedious and time-consuming. As a result, employers often do not comply. • The scale of noncompliance exceeds the ability of enforcement agencies to regulate.
  • 31. Internet of Thing (IoT) HR integrating IoT with workplace helps to :  Monitor remote location working  Continuous performance monitoring  Insights like travel trends, route mapping  Sustenance of sound health – ergonomics, work hours and nutritious cafeteria food.
  • 32. Companies using Internet of Thing (IoT)
  • 33. Where IOCL stands -- Recruitment
  • 34. Where IOCL stands – HR Analytics At each stage of H2R, analytics forms the backbone of Corporate business decisions • Cost per hire • By Corporate HR Team to streamline & optimize hiring actions • Manpower Planning • Driven by Corporate and Divisional HR teams to determine gaps and meet existing/additional manpower needs • Recruitment • Hiring is driven on the basis of competency and gaps • Mentoring • Adequate check on mentor-mentee ratio, frequency of interaction etc. • Performance Management System • Based on ratings, year of experience and DPC recommendations • Attrition • To address attrition issues. Main reasons being switch to Civil/higher studies
  • 35. Where IOCL stands – E-platforms Unnayan Portal • ePMS • E-Audit • Book my Guest House • e-Tenders • e-Doc • Integrated L&D portal
  • 36. Where IOCL stands – Digital Workplace
  • 37. Where IOCL stands – Digital Workplace
  • 38. Where IOCL stands – Learning Management System Swadhayay has been meticulously designed by our team of Subject Matter Experts, Functional Nodal Officers and e-L&D/L&D teams keeping on-the-job requirements as well as personal development of an officer in mind. In other words, the content has been kept practical, relevant, and important
  • 39. Where IOCL stands – Mobile Apps Dhruva is a Single Window App for Retail Officers viz. RDB, Dhruva Quiz, eRACTS, Xtrapower & IOCL Mkt Div My ESS - on Mobile for IndianOil Employees to access services like 1. Leave Balance. 2. Pay Data. 3. Nomination Details. 4. Dependants. 5. Holiday List 6. Furniture/PC Card 7. Off Cycle Payments 8. LFA Details 9. Employee Search 10. Location/Department Head Search
  • 40. Where IOCL stands – Mobile Apps - XERA (2) XERA is the ESS Robot Assistant for IOCL employees, AI principled mobile app which answers queries related to ESS services. XERA at present extends support to the ESS related queries like – 1. user access issue 2. tracking the status of pending claim 3. agent is missing in ESS 4. issues in filling travel expense 5. print out issues in ESS 6. leave balance 7. GH/RH/holidays in any month 8. whether XXXXXX hospital is nominated or not 9. off cycle details,
  • 41. Where IOCL stands – Training & Development Portal
  • 42. Where IOCL stands – Book My Guest House Self Serviced – Booking for Guest House for employees
  • 43. The Future -- IOCL as an Organization  iDrive  Leveraging latest IT tools to enhance productivity and market share  Potential Value Creation - USD 1-2 Billion  10 Themes – 80 Initiatives  Drone based pipeline monitoring (next slide)  Virtual reality based e-learning  Block Chain inspired Supply Chain Tool  Digital Centre of Excellence (CoE) to enable technology transformation
  • 44. The Future – Aerial Surveillance – Pipeline Transfer Check with pipeline if it is happening or not??????
  • 45. Around the World – HR Analytics • HR analytics can illuminate the major causes of attrition • New policies, along with training programs, can be put in place to help mitigate the problem. Retention • Determine who your best and worst performers are • Analysis of promotion rates, promotion wait times, and qualitative data from employees will help HR meet employee expectations and keep them motivated Employee Performance • Pre screen assessment – what questions such assessment tests contain • Cost per recruitment channel can be gauged Recruiting • Predictive analytics and data analytics platforms to determine competency required • Staffing as per Organization need and workload Workforce Planning • Survey results analytics to help determine best action plan Employee Engagement • Data analysis can provide insight into the most impactful monetary and non- monetary rewards. Compensation and Incentive Programs
  • 46. Medical Facilities • IOCL is offering best medical facilities in the industry. • Top priority is always given. • In Rajasthan, more hospitals with ‘child, eye, dentist specialist/ homoe/ ayurvedic’ should be incorporated in nomination (more coverage) • Medical cards Improvement areas School Tie-Ups Recreational Club Tea/ coffee vending machines
  • 47. Offline L&D • Training and knowledge building for leader development - Present L&D system should incorporate the global trends and technology in their training methods • Although Virtual trainings has increased reach & access to all employees but its effectiveness has decreased. • People are attending VCs but with diverted focus which defeats the propose the sessions. • Traditional offline training system should be re-incorporated to enhance the networking among employees & for better knowledge retention.
  • 49. Q&A 1. Mention any three functions (covered today) entrusted to Human Resource? 2. Name the Mobile App specifically developed to monitor Retail Sales performance in IOCL? 3. VERA is an AI service system used for screening CVs and conducting telephonic interviews? Name the country to which it owes its origin to? 4. Shram Suvidha portal comes under which Ministry? 5. We came across one of the Cloud-based database used for HCM and financials. Can you name it?
  • 50. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Citations
  • 51.
  • 53. Leadership Competencies (followed at IndianOil) Strategic Leadership Business Result Leadership Talent Leadership Change Leadership Relationship Leadership Operational Leadership Content & Customer Leadership
  • 54. Experts have developed Some of best Effective Goal- Setting Techniques for Achieving Your Goals Goal-setting techniques are frameworks you can use for developing and achieving goals. They provide a means for setting goals with direction and focus. 1. SMART goals SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. These goals help you focus your efforts, and each part of the word means: Specific: Make sure you define your goal carefully and clearly. For example, a goal could be organization, but a specific goal could be organization of your cubicle. Measurable: Include something in your goal that you can measure, such as a goal of organizing your desk, filing cabinet and floor within three months. Achievable: Find a goal that you are likely to meet with your current schedule. For example, if you want to organize your filing cabinet this month, make sure you have enough time each week to clean and organize one of the four drawers. Realistic: Ensure that you can actually meet the goal. Choose to organize one area of your workspace per week, rather than the entire cubicle, for example. Time-bound: Give your goal a time frame so that you can plan for your success. For example, if you plan to finish organizing before the first day of the next quarter, you know when you need to complete your last task to succeed at this goal. Sometimes SMART goals are expanded to make SMARTER goals, where the extra letters stand for evaluate and readjust. If you choose to make a SMARTER goal, you'll also need to consider: Evaluate: Choose a regular time to check on your goal's progress. For example, check every two weeks to be sure you have made progress on your project in order to achieve your goal. Readjust: Be prepared to change your plan as needed. If you get assignments that require overtime, for instance, be flexible and spread your project over the week instead.
  • 55. Experts have developed Some of best Effective Goal- Setting Techniques for Achieving Your Goals Goal-setting techniques are frameworks you can use for developing and achieving goals. They provide a means for setting goals with direction and focus. 2. HARD goals HARD stands for heartfelt, animated, required and difficult. They each mean: Heartfelt: If you want to learn a new skill, imagine the pride of having a new skill. Then, connect that pride with the goal and use that emotion as your motivation for learning. Animated: Visualize what achieving your goal would look like. Incorporate every sense that you can and imagine what it would sound, feel, smell or even taste like so you can remember the feeling every time you think about your goal. Required: If possible, connect your goal to something that's necessary for you. For example, if you want to improve your research skills, volunteer to create a report for your team, as this obligation can motivate you to keep working on your goal. Difficult: Set a goal that challenges you. By doing this, you'll feel accomplished when you complete it.
  • 56. Experts have developed Some of best Effective Goal- Setting Techniques for Achieving Your Goals Goal-setting techniques are frameworks you can use for developing and achieving goals. They provide a means for setting goals with direction and focus. 3. WOOP goals WOOP stands for wish, outcome, obstacle and plan. Some consider this an exceptionally helpful technique for stopping a habit you might no longer want. The steps include: Wish: Make sure your wish is exciting for you. Imagine the sort of goal you would wish for and attach a positive feeling to the goal you want. Outcome: Imagine the best possible result of achieving your goal. Think of how you would feel if this happened and visualize it in as much vivid detail as possible. Obstacle: Consider what might prevent you or slow you down from success. For example, suppose you want to learn how to speed up your workflow, but you type slowly and this causes you to work at a slower pace. Plan: Find solutions to any obstacles that might interfere with your goal. If you have a slow typing speed, you can practice touch typing with software or websites intended to improve typing speed.
  • 57. Experts have developed Some of best Effective Goal- Setting Techniques for Achieving Your Goals Goal-setting techniques are frameworks you can use for developing and achieving goals. They provide a means for setting goals with direction and focus. 4. OKR goals (step-wise) OKR stands for objectives and key results. This type of goal is common among management who want to set goals that may affect the entire company. OKR goals are also helpful for large groups of people who need to work together toward a bigger goal. To set an OKR goal, choose a goal that you want to achieve, such as reaching 2,000 new customers by the end of the year. Then, identify the steps that can help you achieve the goal. If you want 2,000 new customers by the end of the year, you may consider a social media outreach program, which means you may need to hire someone to complete this, train current employees or find employees who may already have this training. Set specific goals for the social media outreach that can help you achieve the larger goal of 2,000 new customers. Assess and reevaluate your smaller goals as needed.
  • 58. • What is a Check-in? • It’s one-to-one meeting between an employee and their manager where they will typically discuss: • Progress against existing objectives • Personal development • Priorities • Issues or concerns • Any new objectives to be added • Agree action points
  • 59. Recruitment – Competitive place Chat-bots, open sourcing tools, Virtual reality, AI...

Editor's Notes

  1. Getting the right skills at the right time is a challenge. Recruitment and Staffing are the major functions of the HR management. Initially, the human resource personnel have to understand the business model, get the requirement of the organization and have a recruitment strategy in place. Once this is done, they need to reach out to the candidates, filter the best from the numerous applications and hire the most suitable candidate for the role. It is a very long and tedious process.
  2. The key to success of any organization depends on the level of training. After induction, a detailed training should take place. HR department should assess the training needs and it should be at predefined intervals. The outcomes need to be monitored. T & D is not only for new employees it also for existing workforce. 
  3. Within an organisation, there are different types of people with a different educational background, temperament, values and cultural backgrounds. Conflicts are common and any organization. The HR has to map a solution to the problems, either between the employees or the employees and the management. In this process, the HR also ensures that there is no discrimination and none of the parties is disappointed and the functioning of the organisation is not affected. Sometimes this is known as grievance handling.  Employee Relation Employee relation management is majorly the responsibility of the HR department. They screen the candidatures, interviews the people and much more. The biggest aim of employee relationship management is to ensure that there is a healthy relationship between the employee and the employer and the employees are satisfied with the organisation. Losing a good employee is a cost for the organisation. Which is inevitable due to the advancement of technology and the headhunting organizations. 
  4. Earlier the thrust was on automating the existing practices & work methods, legacy system to SAP.
  5. HR has to continue to deliver value to employees inside and customers, investors and communities outside. The outside-in logic leads HR to create Continuous supply of Qualified Talent Talent capabilities High performance Workforce Engaged Workforce
  6. The new focus on the HR department is on engagement, fit, culture, analytics, empowerment, performance and leadership
  7. Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is round the year.
  8. Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is round the year.
  9. Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is round the year.
  10. Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is round the year.
  11. Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is round the year.
  12. Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is round the year.
  13. Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is round the year.
  14. Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is round the year.
  15. Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is round the year.
  16. Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is round the year.
  17. Rather than a one-time set function of reviewing the performance, the monitoring is round the year.
  18. Beyond your everyday ERP or HRIS system, there is relatively little that HR departments are doing to embrace the wildly expanding pool of HCM technologies exploding onto the market in the last 3 year. HR needs to evolve and incorporate technology in its various processes. Millenials who are born in the Digital Age would be 50% of the workforce in the next decade.
  19. To deliver value, HR professionals have to understand that managing in a digital age will require both efficiency and innovation through technology, but it will also require the ability to choose the right digital solutions and to source information and build connection—the emerging steps of the digital age.
  20. The unconscious bias in recruitment is a common problem. Although it happens unconscious, without any willing of HRs, the bias leads to missing the best talents and decreases the level of diversity in the company. Can technologies solve this problem and help you with building a more diverse and happy team? Fortunately, yes.
  21. Prejudice-free recruitment, or objective recruitment, is something we truly believe in. It is not a desktop product. We know that it pays to recruit and staff free from prejudice - and instead have full focus on skills and potential. And we do it for real. It is not just nice words, but based on 15 years of development work and research that has led us to challenge the HR and recruitment industry. No matter how good we think we are at recruiting, we have all the prejudices that affect us. Not least when recruiting. In doing so, interviews with Tengai, who treat everyone equally, will lead to candidates not being eliminated too early in the process due to prejudice.
  22. Inclusion starts here Textio, a Seattle startup that helps companies write better job listings, today introduced a new feature that uses artificial intelligence to speed up the writing process. Know your gender tone. Unconscious bias in language isn’t always obvious or intuitive, but the impact it has on your candidate pipeline is clear. Gender-neutral jobs not only draw a broader applicant pool, they also fill three weeks faster on average than jobs that are biased at either end of the spectrum. Textio Hire uses data science to reveal the hidden gender bias in your writing and suggest alternatives so you can recruit from the widest possible pool of qualified candidates. After all, you can’t hire people who choose not to apply.
  23. Inclusion starts here Textio, a Seattle startup that helps companies write better job listings, today introduced a new feature that uses artificial intelligence to speed up the writing process. Know your gender tone. Unconscious bias in language isn’t always obvious or intuitive, but the impact it has on your candidate pipeline is clear. Gender-neutral jobs not only draw a broader applicant pool, they also fill three weeks faster on average than jobs that are biased at either end of the spectrum. Textio Hire uses data science to reveal the hidden gender bias in your writing and suggest alternatives so you can recruit from the widest possible pool of qualified candidates. After all, you can’t hire people who choose not to apply.
  24. The changing world of work requires new ways of working. Ways that are faster, smarter, and more agile than ever before.
  25. Staying compliant has often been a major challenge for HR teams. Laws and regulations are constantly changing and often require vast amounts of paperwork and information. Compliance once required organization and dedicated IT storage capacity, but cloud-based solutions have streamlined the process. Shram Suvidha is a Web Portal to provide a single platform for all labour compliances.
  26. What is it? Web of smart devices and sensors connected through the internet and connecting people, their devices with plethora of information. Organization havung
  27. A centralised portal for Application, Result and documents
  28. Unnayan Portal E PMS E-Audit Book M
  29. HR analytics is the application of statistics, modeling, and analysis of employee-related factors to improve business outcomes. HR analytics can help improve retention through a churn analysis that looks at data points like: Current churn rate Attrition by department Attrition by estimated commute time Similar attributes of employees with longer tenure Similar attributes of employees who leave within 1 year Onboarding experience Survey data Qualitative data such as employee interviews Employee performance data to forecast future attrition Through this data-driven approach, HR analytics can illuminate the major causes of attrition, and new policies, along with training programs, can be put in place to help mitigate the problem. For example, data might show that high-aspiration employees are not challenged or employees are frustrated with a certain management style. Human resources analysis will reveal these issues, and then it will be up to leadership to act. It’s also possible to spot an at-risk employee before they leave so preemptive actions can be taken to resolve issues. For example, a once high-performer may not be as productive because he feels he or she is underpaid. An analysis of productivity alongside a comparison of market-value salaries can help spot this. EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE As qualified candidates become more difficult to find and retain, improvements in performance evaluation can prove to be tremendously valuable. HR analytics leverages your employee data to determine who your best and worst performers are, based on factors like past work experience, length of employment, and to whom they report. Common characteristics between groups of employees can emerge, which can be used to properly motivate employees and ensure they receive the right rewards. Career progression is an important component to monitor, as well, since employees are much more likely to leave if they’re not satisfied with their career trajectory. Analysis of promotion rates, promotion wait times, and qualitative data from employees will help HR meet employee expectations and keep them motivated. Leadership traits may emerge in some employees, and companies can determine which characteristics correlate with future leaders. HR can then foster this potential, resulting in long-term ROI for the organization. Organizations need to first determine who their ideal candidate is and what skills are needed for the job. This can be discovered through discussions with hiring managers, analysis of previously successful hires, and available market data. Organizations can then match their need to where the largest pool of applicants with that skillset resides. For example, the best cities for PR jobs according to Forbes are Los Angeles, New York, and Washington D.C., so a recruiter may want to focus efforts in these cities if they aren’t able to find local talent for the job. Likewise, a recruiter may look at college graduate data to see where the best new talent is if they need to fill an entry-level position. Talent acquisition teams also need to adopt channel optimization strategies based on recruitment analytics. A continuous process of evaluating which channels drive the best candidates at the most efficient price is extremely important. Data analytics may reveal one source has a lower cost per applicant, while another may provide the best talent. HR analytics can also be used to craft the best recruitment message to the right candidate based on internal, open-source, and third-party data. This is all data that HR analytics platforms can consume and transform into easily digestible formats such as dashboards and charts. Recruitment relies heavily on metrics gathered during the interview process. Important metrics include: Average number of applicants Number of applications to offer Scheduled maintenance windows for system patching, security updates, and AWS infrastructure management Number of final rounds to offer Offer acceptance rate
  30. Competency Key Themes/Dimensions Strategic Leadership Strategic Thinking, Business/Industry/Product/Customer knowledge, Business acumen, Global Outlook, Scenario Planning Business Results Leadership Business Result orientation, Execution, Scouting for opportunities and capitalising on them, Initiative, Ownership & Accountability, Risk Taking, Business judgement Talent Leadership Empowering, Guiding, Talent identification and nurturing, Delegating, Coaching, Leading groups for better results Change Leadership Flexible & open to change, Early adoption of change, Understand and create case for change, Implementation of change, lead the change Relationship Leadership Impact, Networking, Boundary management, Influencing strategies, Win-win situations, Inter-cultural Sensitivity Operational Leadership Systematic Planning, Optimise use of resources, Quality, Cost, Time and process focus, Continuous improvement Content (Innovation) Leadership Thinking out of the box, Practical Solutions, Innovation and Creativity Customer Leadership Understanding customer requirement, Customer Responsiveness, Provide solutions for customer delight
  31. A shift from HR’s focus on efficiency (cost per hire per employee) to functional excellence (quality of HR practice like training or hiring), to strategic HR (helping to make strategy happen) to outside-in HR. Outside-in focuses on customers, investors, communities and general business conditions. HR investments should help deliver value to the stakeholders and respond to the changing business conditions. HR is not about being the employer of choice, but the employer of choice of employees customers would choose (outside-in). HR develops leaders who give confidence to investors. In this view HR is not about HR, but delivering sustainable value to stakeholders outside the firm.