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Annual Report 20

Public Conference
February 2012

          Member of Knesse
                             t, Amnon Cohen (Sh
          with Saman Khou                           as),
                            ry, senior Palestin
          Geneva Initiative                     ian        Israeli-Palestinian
                            activist, May 2012                                 joint
                                                           meeting, October

                  YES TO AN
                 AGREEMENT        The Geneva Initiative
Who We Are                                                                                     2012

There is a Plan. There is a Partner.                                                           Over the past year, 10,434 Israelis took part in 153 Geneva Initiative activities across the
                                                                                               country. We continue to raise awareness about the issues, bringing together partners
                                                                                               in peace and pushing the urgency for a solution to the conflict.
After a century of violence between Israelis and Palestinians, H.L. Education for Peace-
Geneva Initiative offers a real and mutually agreed upon possibility for ending the conflict   Public opinion polls published at the end of 2012 showed that two-thirds of the
between the two nations and obtaining an acceptable peace that guarantees the vital            Israeli public supports the Geneva Initiative principles for solving the conflict. More
national interests of both sides.                                                              specifically, this support is also shared by the majority of right-wing Likud and Shas
                                                                                               voters – two key target groups that we have worked with for several years.
We work to gather support among the majority of Israelis in order to encourage the
leadership to negotiate and reach an agreement. Our activities are designed to re-instill in   Recent elections in Israel gave a renewed hope that change will be made by the
the Israeli people the hope that peace is urgently needed and actually possible. With our
Palestinian partners, we show that there is broad public support for a peace agreement         Together with your support, we will continue to lay the groundwork for peace. There is
based on the two-state solution, according to the Geneva Initiative parameters.                no better cause to serve.

                                                                                               Gadi Baltiansky                Andrea Diamond
                                                                                               Director-General               Director of Foreign Relations

                                                                                                                                                       Polling by Dahaf,
                                                                                                                                        67%            December 2012


                                                                                                                                         Support   Oppose

2   Geneva Initiative                                                                                                                                                           Geneva Initiative   3
15 Events
Going from City to City                                                                                     220
                                                                                                                                      Influencing the
                                                                                                                                      Political Arena                                                                      671 Participants
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           9 Parties

This year we held dozens of activities in different cities around the                                                                 Shas Party
country in cooperation with mayors and municipal leaders.

                                                                                   A Man of the
                                                                                   Peace Camp
                                                                                  Moshe Abutbul
                                                                              The left-wing Geneva Initiative organization
                                                                              that is trying to promote their peace initiative,
                                                                              organized on Thursday a special conference in
                                                                              the city of Beit Shemesh The event featured
                                                                              Mayor Moshe Abutbul and was coordinated by
                                                                              council member Reuvan Cohen

                                                                          Beit Shemesh News, 29.3.2012
Head of the Mevaseret Zion local council, Aryeh Shamam, and Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas, on a Geneva Initiative delegation visit to

                                                                                                                                          Minister Margi meets with
Ramallah (October)

                                                                                                                                          Palestinian delegation                                                         Minister Yaakov Margi, MK Amnon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cohen, and senior political
                                                                                                                                           The secret meeting took place between Shas and senior Palestinian officials   activists from Shas with senior
                                                                                                                                           last week in Budapest Margi: the approach was more practical                  Palestinians at a joint seminar
                                                                                                                                           In the context of the political deadlock between
                                                                                                                                           Israel and the Palestinians, this week a meeting
                                                                                                                                           took place between Ministers and members of
                                                                                                                                           Knesset from Shas with senior Palestinians, under
                                                                                                                                           the guise of the Geneva Initiative organization.

                                                  Ganei Tikva holds a Geneva
                                                     Initiative Conference
                                                                                                                                           Minister Margi told “Yediot Aharonot” that
                                                                                                                                           the meeting was very successful and that the
                                                                                                                                           Palestinians that they met with had a practical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of Shas voters
Head of Ganei Tikva local council,
                                                                                                                                           approach. “It was a good atmosphere. They                                        support the
Avishai Levin, former Palestinian            At the Geneva Initiative conference that was held in Ganei Tikva, former                      understood that Shas does not “hate Arabs”, and                                  principles of the
Minister of Prisoner Affairs, Ashraf         Palestinian Minister of Prisoner Affairs, Ashraf al Ajrami, said that: “We can                that we are open and practical. Our approach,                                    Geneva Initiative
al-Aljrami, and Steering Committee           reach a final-status agreement within weeks.” Avishai Levin: “We grasp with                   according the Rabbi Ovadia, is that the sanctity of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Smith Institute,
member, Talia Sasson (March)                 both hands the solutions of the Geneva Initiative.”                                           the human being comes first”.

                                                                                                               Gal Gefen, 29.3.2012   Yediot Aharonot, 1.4.2012

4       Geneva Initiative                                                                                                                                                                                                   Geneva Initiative        5
15 Events
Influencing the
Political Arena                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 671 Participants
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                9 Parties

Likud Party                                                                                                                                          In 2012 we worked with members of Knesset and senior party leaders from across the
                                                                                                                                                     political spectrum. We exposed hundreds of political activists, leaders of branches and
                                                                                                                                                     ministers in government to the details underlying the two-state solution.

     Likud Minister pushes
     for support of the Two-
     State Solution at Geneva
     Initiative seminar
     “The new government will have to take on the
     Palestinian issue diplomatically” said Likud Minister
     Michael Eitan at a seminar held by the Geneva Initiative                                                                                                                                                                                 MK Amir Peretz (Ha’Tnua) and
     which included dozens of Likud activists                                                                                                                                                                                                 MK Zahava Galon (Meretz), at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Geneva Initiative conference
     Some participants intend to propose a change in the Likud                                                                                                                                                                                “From Elections to Elections”
     constitution to include support for the two-state solution.                                                                                                                                                                              (October)
     Following the seminar there were futher discussions within
     the Likud about forming a majority among the seminar
     members to support such a move.
                                                                          Former Minister of Prisoner Affairs, Ashraf al Ajrami, with senior Likud
                                                                          member Solomon Madmon, at joint Israeli-Palestinian seminar (May)

Arutz Sheva, 09.02.2013

                                                                                                                                                     From left to right: MK Amram
                                                                                                                                                     Mitzna (Ha’tnua), former MK
                                     A Romance between Likud and the Geneva Initiative                                                               Aryeh Eldad (National Union),
                                                                                                                                                     MK Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz),
                                                                                                                                                     MK Yael German (Yesh Atid), and
                                     The Geneva Initiative continues its efforts         This is not the first meeting of the Likud and              journalist Tal Schneider, at
                                     to persuade the Likud to support their cause.       the Geneva Initiative. “The last visit took place           Geneva Initiative conference
                                     Last weekend 20 members of Likud attended           in Kfar Maccabiah,” Shimon Hazan told Arutz                 “After Gaza and Before Elections”
                                     a seminar. The participants are members of the      Sheva, Holon mayoral candidate in the Likud                 (December)
                                     Likud central committee and heads of branches       Party. Hazan told Arutz 7 that after discussion
                                     across the country.                                 with the inititative and exchange of views “I
                                                                                         identify with many of the solutions on which

                                     During the two-day seminar, participants took a     we discussed, including the issues of water and
                                     tour in Jerusalem and discussed the boundaries      the subject of compensation.”
                                     as proposed by the Geneva Initiative. They
                                     also met with leaders of the initiative and         Hazan explained that the views presented by
    of Likud voters                  security experts to discuss the core issues of      the Geneva Initiative received support on the
    support the                      the conflict. They also met with prominent          part of the vast majority of the participants.
    principles of the                Palestinians and demographer Arnon Soffer.          “The vast majority support it and they have an
    Geneva Initiative                At the end of the seminar they agreed on            open mind to hear the other side.”
    Smith Institute,                 continued cooperation and expanding the
    December                         circle to other Likud members.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    MK Merav Michaeli (Labor), MK Uri Orbach (Jewish
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Home), and journalist Maya Bengel, at Genenva Initaitive
                                                                                                                                                                                                    conference “Where’s the Missing Peace?” (February)
                                   Arutz Sheva, 03.01.2012

6       Geneva Initiative                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Geneva Initiative            7
Getting into the Details                                                                                      8 Seminars                Talking to Young Leaders                                                                                              28 &eLmcinares
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    e tu

                                                                                                              301 Participants                                                                                                                               2260 Participants

In meetings held over two to three days, political activists, journalists, young leaders                                                Thousands attended Geneva Initiative conferences this year to hear experts discussing
and the heads of the Russian-speaking immigrant community, learned about the core                                                       the impact of regional and global developments – from the Arab Spring to the lections
issues of the conflict and the solutions provided by the Geneva Initiative.                                                             in Israel and the US – on the prospects for the two-state solution.

                                                                                                                                        Geneva Initiative public conference (February)

Brig. Gen. (ret.) Israela Oron at a seminar for young journalists (May)

                                                                                                                                        The speakers at a public conference. From left to right: Journalist Ayala Hasson, public relations consultant Roni
Participants attending a seminar for political activists (December)       Participants attending a political party seminar (December)   Rimon, former MK Daniel Ben Simon (Labor), MK Merav Michaeli (Labor), MK Uri Orbach (Jewish Home), and
                                                                                                                                        journalist Maya Bengel (February)

8       Geneva Initiative                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Geneva Initiative   9
Confronting the Realities
on the Ground
                                                                             47 Tours
                                                                            2554 Participants
                                                                                                Bringing Israelis to Ramallah                                                                                          60

Our tours, guided by experts, give a firsthand look at the possible and necessary               In light of the political deadlock in negotiations, we organized several political
solutions for peace on the ground.                                                              delegations and groups to meet with the Palestinian leadership, and specifically
                                                                                                with President Mahmoud Abbas.

                                                                                                Members of Knesset and senior Israeli political activists meet with the senior           Michael Bitton, Mayor of Yeruham, with President of the
                                                                                                Palestinian leadership in Ramallah (October)                                             Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, part of a Geneva
                                                                                                                                                                                         Initiative delegation visit to Ramallah (October)

Participants of a multi-party seminar on a tour of the
Jerusalem envelop (December)

                                                                                                Senior representatives of the Geneva Initiative meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. From left to right: Director-General of
                                                                                                the Geneva Initiative, Gadi Baltiansky, Steering Committee member Haim Oron, Brig. Gen. (ret.) Amnon Lipkin-Shahak (Z”L.), Chairman of the Geneva
                                                                                                Initiative Steering Committee, Dr. Yossi Beilin, and President Abbas.

10      Geneva Initiative                                                                                                                                                                                          Geneva Initiative        11
Investing in Education                                                          50 Paorticipants
                                                                                   C urse
                                                                                                   Getting to know the Partner                                                      11 Meetings
                                                                               12 Meetings                                                                                          212 Participants

The fifth cycle of our political course included key activists from political parties such         In partnership with our Palestinian counterpart, the Palestinian Peace Coalition –
as Likud, Shas, Labor and Meretz. The course served to enrich the participants’ political          Geneva Initiative, we arranged joint meetings this year with Israelis and Palestinians.
knowledge on the central issues of the conflict and solutions of the Geneva Initiative.            Meetings were held in Israel, Ramallah and abroad.

Graduates of the Geneva Initiative political course (September)                                    Israeli and Palestinian young political activists at a joint seminar (October)

Participants of the political course at a lecture in Tel Aviv (September)                          Israeli and Palestinian leading women at a joint seminar (May)

12      Geneva Initiative                                                                                                                                                           Geneva Initiative   13
Reaching out to Immigrant                                                                                        4 Activities                    Building                                                                                                         14 Activities
Communities in Israel                                                                                            104 Participants                the Next Generation                                                                                              663 Participants

As part of our work with the Russian-speaking community, this year we focused                                                                    Through a variety of activities this year we met with hundreds of young
on a series of local community leaders, journalists and bloggers who had the                                                                     leaders and students and talked with them about the future of the country
ability to spread our messages to the wider Russian-speaking public.                                                                             and their role in that future.

                                                                                                                                                 Attorney Talia Sasson, Steering Committee member, speaking before a group of young political activists (March)

Participants of a seminar for young Russian-speaking leaders on a tour with Col. (ret.) Shaul Arieli (October)

                                                                                                                   Hisham Abdel-Razeg,
                                                                                                                   former Minister of Prisoner
                                                                                                                   Affairs in the Palestinian
                                                                                                                   Authority, in an interview
                                                                                                                   on Russian-speaking
                                                                                                                   TV News Channel 9
                                                                                                                                                 Participants at a conference “The Arab Spring and the effects on the Peace Process” (April)

14      Geneva Initiative                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Geneva Initiative   15
4 Events                                                                                                                                 20 Activities
Harnessing the Media                                                                              Enlarging International
                                                                              80 Participants     Support                                                                                                            2075 Participants
                                                                              23 Media Outlets

We continued our media outreach this year through a variety of means, including targeted         This past year we met with dozens of leaders from around the world, spoke at
seminars for journalists. Reports on our activities and conferences, as well our public          major international conferences and held briefings and tours for diplomats and
opinions, were published in national and local media news outlets, including in the              visiting foreign officials.
Russian-speaking and ultra-Orthodox medias.

                                                                                                 Chairmen of the Geneva Initiative, Yossi Beilin and Yasser Abed Rabbo at the Brazilian parliament (April)

Director-General of the Geneva Initiative, Gadi Baltiansky, in an interview                      Foreign diplomats on tour around the Jerusalem Envelope (October)                  Geneva Initiative table at the Annual J Street Conference in the
on Israeli Radio (October)                                                                                                                                                          United States (March)

16      Geneva Initiative                                                                                                                                                                                               Geneva Initiative         17
Millions                                                                                                                      6 Videos
Campaigns                                                                  Exp   osed                     Campaigns                                                                                      50 Video clips
                                                                         of clicks                                                                                                                      102,450 Views

                                                                                                                                                                                        Video “Save the
                                                                                                                                                                                        Zionist Vision”
                                                                                                                                                                                        competed in a video
                                                                                                                                                                                        contest in the Israeli
                                                                                                                                                                                        Ministry of Culture
                                                                                                                                                                                        and Sport and
                                                                                                                                                                                        received over 50,000

Billboard “Before the West Bank becomes Gaza” in central Tel Aviv

                                                                                                          Video “Peace is Still Possible”   Video “The Excuses and Facts of the Peace Process”

                                                                    Online banner campaign
                                                                    “Before the West Bank becomes Gaza”

18     Geneva Initiative                                                                                                                                                                                    Geneva Initiative   19
Bringing the Discussion                                                                                                                                                8106 friecedsook
                                                                                                                                                                              Fa b

to Social Media                                                                                                                                                        1401 fowitwerrs
                                                                                                                                                                            T te

Throughout 2012, we increased our activity on social media networks. We published
banners, advertisements, and held discussions on the everyday political issues on the
ground, thus reaching out to thousands.

                                                                                                                                   Geneva Initiative on Facebook in Hebrew

                                                                                        Geneva Initiative YouTube Channel

                                                                                                                                   Geneva Initiative on Twitter

                                                                                        Geneva Initiative on Facebook in English

20   Geneva Initiative                                                                                                                                                   Geneva Initiative   21
Behind the Initiative                                                        Where to find us                            3 Websites
                                                                                                                        282,340 Vie

The Geneva Initiative Steering Committee serves as an advisory board to                                Hebrew Website
the overall strategic goals of the organization. The committee consists of
senior experts from different professions including current and former
members of Knesset, former generals, ambassadors and academics.

We work in conjunction with our Palestinian counterpart, the Palestinian
Peace Coalition – Geneva Initiative, which is also guided by a senior
committee consisting of members of government, former ministers ,
academics and experts.

                                                                                          Russian Website

Israeli and Palestinian signatories of the Geneva Accords 2003                            English Website

22     Geneva Initiative                                                                                                 Geneva Initiative   23

              YES TO AN
             AGREEMENT    The Geneva Initiative

         Geneva Initiative – H.L. Education for Peace // 8 Shaul Hamelech Blvd. , Tel Aviv 64733 // Tel: +972 (3) 6938780 // Fax: +972 (3) 6911306

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Geneva Initiative PPC Annual Report
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Geneva Initiative PPC Annual Report
סיכום שנתי 2012 סופי
סיכום שנתי 2012 סופיסיכום שנתי 2012 סופי
סיכום שנתי 2012 סופי
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נחום ברנע, ידיעות אחרונות 31.8.12
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נחום ברנע, ידיעות אחרונות 31.8.12
Skmbt 28312090213360
Skmbt 28312090213360Skmbt 28312090213360
Skmbt 28312090213360

Hoveret2012 eng05

  • 1. Annual Report 20 12 Public Conference , February 2012 Member of Knesse t, Amnon Cohen (Sh with Saman Khou as), ry, senior Palestin Geneva Initiative ian Israeli-Palestinian activist, May 2012 joint meeting, October 2012 YES TO AN AGREEMENT The Geneva Initiative
  • 2. Who We Are 2012 There is a Plan. There is a Partner. Over the past year, 10,434 Israelis took part in 153 Geneva Initiative activities across the country. We continue to raise awareness about the issues, bringing together partners in peace and pushing the urgency for a solution to the conflict. After a century of violence between Israelis and Palestinians, H.L. Education for Peace- Geneva Initiative offers a real and mutually agreed upon possibility for ending the conflict Public opinion polls published at the end of 2012 showed that two-thirds of the between the two nations and obtaining an acceptable peace that guarantees the vital Israeli public supports the Geneva Initiative principles for solving the conflict. More national interests of both sides. specifically, this support is also shared by the majority of right-wing Likud and Shas voters – two key target groups that we have worked with for several years. We work to gather support among the majority of Israelis in order to encourage the leadership to negotiate and reach an agreement. Our activities are designed to re-instill in Recent elections in Israel gave a renewed hope that change will be made by the decision-makers. the Israeli people the hope that peace is urgently needed and actually possible. With our Palestinian partners, we show that there is broad public support for a peace agreement Together with your support, we will continue to lay the groundwork for peace. There is based on the two-state solution, according to the Geneva Initiative parameters. no better cause to serve. Sincerely, Gadi Baltiansky Andrea Diamond Director-General Director of Foreign Relations Polling by Dahaf, 67% December 2012 21% Support Oppose 2 Geneva Initiative Geneva Initiative 3
  • 3. 15 Events Going from City to City 220 Participants Influencing the Political Arena 671 Participants 9 Parties This year we held dozens of activities in different cities around the Shas Party country in cooperation with mayors and municipal leaders. A Man of the Peace Camp Moshe Abutbul The left-wing Geneva Initiative organization that is trying to promote their peace initiative, organized on Thursday a special conference in the city of Beit Shemesh The event featured Mayor Moshe Abutbul and was coordinated by council member Reuvan Cohen Beit Shemesh News, 29.3.2012 Head of the Mevaseret Zion local council, Aryeh Shamam, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on a Geneva Initiative delegation visit to Minister Margi meets with Ramallah (October) Palestinian delegation Minister Yaakov Margi, MK Amnon Cohen, and senior political The secret meeting took place between Shas and senior Palestinian officials activists from Shas with senior last week in Budapest Margi: the approach was more practical Palestinians at a joint seminar (March) In the context of the political deadlock between Israel and the Palestinians, this week a meeting took place between Ministers and members of Knesset from Shas with senior Palestinians, under the guise of the Geneva Initiative organization. Ganei Tikva holds a Geneva Initiative Conference Minister Margi told “Yediot Aharonot” that the meeting was very successful and that the Palestinians that they met with had a practical 58% of Shas voters Head of Ganei Tikva local council, approach. “It was a good atmosphere. They support the Avishai Levin, former Palestinian At the Geneva Initiative conference that was held in Ganei Tikva, former understood that Shas does not “hate Arabs”, and principles of the Minister of Prisoner Affairs, Ashraf Palestinian Minister of Prisoner Affairs, Ashraf al Ajrami, said that: “We can that we are open and practical. Our approach, Geneva Initiative al-Aljrami, and Steering Committee reach a final-status agreement within weeks.” Avishai Levin: “We grasp with according the Rabbi Ovadia, is that the sanctity of Smith Institute, member, Talia Sasson (March) both hands the solutions of the Geneva Initiative.” the human being comes first”. December Gal Gefen, 29.3.2012 Yediot Aharonot, 1.4.2012 4 Geneva Initiative Geneva Initiative 5
  • 4. 15 Events Influencing the Political Arena 671 Participants 9 Parties Likud Party In 2012 we worked with members of Knesset and senior party leaders from across the political spectrum. We exposed hundreds of political activists, leaders of branches and ministers in government to the details underlying the two-state solution. Likud Minister pushes for support of the Two- State Solution at Geneva Initiative seminar “The new government will have to take on the Palestinian issue diplomatically” said Likud Minister Michael Eitan at a seminar held by the Geneva Initiative MK Amir Peretz (Ha’Tnua) and which included dozens of Likud activists MK Zahava Galon (Meretz), at Geneva Initiative conference Some participants intend to propose a change in the Likud “From Elections to Elections” constitution to include support for the two-state solution. (October) Following the seminar there were futher discussions within the Likud about forming a majority among the seminar members to support such a move. Former Minister of Prisoner Affairs, Ashraf al Ajrami, with senior Likud member Solomon Madmon, at joint Israeli-Palestinian seminar (May) Arutz Sheva, 09.02.2013 From left to right: MK Amram Mitzna (Ha’tnua), former MK A Romance between Likud and the Geneva Initiative Aryeh Eldad (National Union), MK Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz), MK Yael German (Yesh Atid), and The Geneva Initiative continues its efforts This is not the first meeting of the Likud and journalist Tal Schneider, at to persuade the Likud to support their cause. the Geneva Initiative. “The last visit took place Geneva Initiative conference Last weekend 20 members of Likud attended in Kfar Maccabiah,” Shimon Hazan told Arutz “After Gaza and Before Elections” a seminar. The participants are members of the Sheva, Holon mayoral candidate in the Likud (December) Likud central committee and heads of branches Party. Hazan told Arutz 7 that after discussion across the country. with the inititative and exchange of views “I identify with many of the solutions on which 58% During the two-day seminar, participants took a we discussed, including the issues of water and tour in Jerusalem and discussed the boundaries the subject of compensation.” as proposed by the Geneva Initiative. They also met with leaders of the initiative and Hazan explained that the views presented by of Likud voters security experts to discuss the core issues of the Geneva Initiative received support on the support the the conflict. They also met with prominent part of the vast majority of the participants. principles of the Palestinians and demographer Arnon Soffer. “The vast majority support it and they have an Geneva Initiative At the end of the seminar they agreed on open mind to hear the other side.” Smith Institute, continued cooperation and expanding the December circle to other Likud members. MK Merav Michaeli (Labor), MK Uri Orbach (Jewish Home), and journalist Maya Bengel, at Genenva Initaitive conference “Where’s the Missing Peace?” (February) Arutz Sheva, 03.01.2012 6 Geneva Initiative Geneva Initiative 7
  • 5. Getting into the Details 8 Seminars Talking to Young Leaders 28 &eLmcinares S e tu rs 301 Participants 2260 Participants In meetings held over two to three days, political activists, journalists, young leaders Thousands attended Geneva Initiative conferences this year to hear experts discussing and the heads of the Russian-speaking immigrant community, learned about the core the impact of regional and global developments – from the Arab Spring to the lections issues of the conflict and the solutions provided by the Geneva Initiative. in Israel and the US – on the prospects for the two-state solution. Geneva Initiative public conference (February) Brig. Gen. (ret.) Israela Oron at a seminar for young journalists (May) The speakers at a public conference. From left to right: Journalist Ayala Hasson, public relations consultant Roni Participants attending a seminar for political activists (December) Participants attending a political party seminar (December) Rimon, former MK Daniel Ben Simon (Labor), MK Merav Michaeli (Labor), MK Uri Orbach (Jewish Home), and journalist Maya Bengel (February) 8 Geneva Initiative Geneva Initiative 9
  • 6. Confronting the Realities on the Ground 47 Tours 2554 Participants Bringing Israelis to Ramallah 60 Participants Our tours, guided by experts, give a firsthand look at the possible and necessary In light of the political deadlock in negotiations, we organized several political solutions for peace on the ground. delegations and groups to meet with the Palestinian leadership, and specifically with President Mahmoud Abbas. Members of Knesset and senior Israeli political activists meet with the senior Michael Bitton, Mayor of Yeruham, with President of the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah (October) Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, part of a Geneva Initiative delegation visit to Ramallah (October) Participants of a multi-party seminar on a tour of the Jerusalem envelop (December) Senior representatives of the Geneva Initiative meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. From left to right: Director-General of the Geneva Initiative, Gadi Baltiansky, Steering Committee member Haim Oron, Brig. Gen. (ret.) Amnon Lipkin-Shahak (Z”L.), Chairman of the Geneva Initiative Steering Committee, Dr. Yossi Beilin, and President Abbas. 10 Geneva Initiative Geneva Initiative 11
  • 7. Investing in Education 50 Paorticipants C urse Getting to know the Partner 11 Meetings 12 Meetings 212 Participants The fifth cycle of our political course included key activists from political parties such In partnership with our Palestinian counterpart, the Palestinian Peace Coalition – as Likud, Shas, Labor and Meretz. The course served to enrich the participants’ political Geneva Initiative, we arranged joint meetings this year with Israelis and Palestinians. knowledge on the central issues of the conflict and solutions of the Geneva Initiative. Meetings were held in Israel, Ramallah and abroad. Graduates of the Geneva Initiative political course (September) Israeli and Palestinian young political activists at a joint seminar (October) Participants of the political course at a lecture in Tel Aviv (September) Israeli and Palestinian leading women at a joint seminar (May) 12 Geneva Initiative Geneva Initiative 13
  • 8. Reaching out to Immigrant 4 Activities Building 14 Activities Communities in Israel 104 Participants the Next Generation 663 Participants As part of our work with the Russian-speaking community, this year we focused Through a variety of activities this year we met with hundreds of young on a series of local community leaders, journalists and bloggers who had the leaders and students and talked with them about the future of the country ability to spread our messages to the wider Russian-speaking public. and their role in that future. Attorney Talia Sasson, Steering Committee member, speaking before a group of young political activists (March) Participants of a seminar for young Russian-speaking leaders on a tour with Col. (ret.) Shaul Arieli (October) Hisham Abdel-Razeg, former Minister of Prisoner Affairs in the Palestinian Authority, in an interview on Russian-speaking TV News Channel 9 (December) Participants at a conference “The Arab Spring and the effects on the Peace Process” (April) 14 Geneva Initiative Geneva Initiative 15
  • 9. 4 Events 20 Activities Harnessing the Media Enlarging International 80 Participants Support 2075 Participants 23 Media Outlets We continued our media outreach this year through a variety of means, including targeted This past year we met with dozens of leaders from around the world, spoke at seminars for journalists. Reports on our activities and conferences, as well our public major international conferences and held briefings and tours for diplomats and opinions, were published in national and local media news outlets, including in the visiting foreign officials. Russian-speaking and ultra-Orthodox medias. Chairmen of the Geneva Initiative, Yossi Beilin and Yasser Abed Rabbo at the Brazilian parliament (April) Director-General of the Geneva Initiative, Gadi Baltiansky, in an interview Foreign diplomats on tour around the Jerusalem Envelope (October) Geneva Initiative table at the Annual J Street Conference in the on Israeli Radio (October) United States (March) 16 Geneva Initiative Geneva Initiative 17
  • 10. Millions 6 Videos Campaigns Exp osed Campaigns 50 Video clips Thousands of clicks 102,450 Views Video “Save the Zionist Vision” competed in a video contest in the Israeli Ministry of Culture and Sport and received over 50,000 views Billboard “Before the West Bank becomes Gaza” in central Tel Aviv Video “Peace is Still Possible” Video “The Excuses and Facts of the Peace Process” Online banner campaign “Before the West Bank becomes Gaza” 18 Geneva Initiative Geneva Initiative 19
  • 11. Bringing the Discussion 8106 friecedsook Fa b n to Social Media 1401 fowitwerrs T te llo Throughout 2012, we increased our activity on social media networks. We published banners, advertisements, and held discussions on the everyday political issues on the ground, thus reaching out to thousands. Geneva Initiative on Facebook in Hebrew Geneva Initiative YouTube Channel Geneva Initiative on Twitter Geneva Initiative on Facebook in English 20 Geneva Initiative Geneva Initiative 21
  • 12. Behind the Initiative Where to find us 3 Websites 282,340 Vie ws The Geneva Initiative Steering Committee serves as an advisory board to Hebrew Website the overall strategic goals of the organization. The committee consists of senior experts from different professions including current and former members of Knesset, former generals, ambassadors and academics. We work in conjunction with our Palestinian counterpart, the Palestinian Peace Coalition – Geneva Initiative, which is also guided by a senior committee consisting of members of government, former ministers , academics and experts. Russian Website Israeli and Palestinian signatories of the Geneva Accords 2003 English Website 22 Geneva Initiative Geneva Initiative 23
  • 13. ranshacked YES TO AN AGREEMENT The Geneva Initiative Geneva Initiative – H.L. Education for Peace // 8 Shaul Hamelech Blvd. , Tel Aviv 64733 // Tel: +972 (3) 6938780 // Fax: +972 (3) 6911306