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A Mission to Rescue Missing Children
The American Association for Lost Children Recovers Kidnapped Kids
By Holly L. Meade
Special to ASSIST News Service
LATROBE, PA (ANS) -- Maria Nicholas was seven months pregnant when her ten-
month-old baby girl, AnnaMaria, was abducted by her estranged husband. He told
Maria her baby would never return to the United States again. Years passed along with
unsuccessful attempts by eleven organizations to rescue AnnaMaria. After almost five
and one-half years, AnnaMaria was eventually rescued in Germany. Maria experienced
the joy of finally embracing her daughter again.
AnnaMaria is just one example of the many children who have been rescued by the
American Association for Lost Children. The AAFLC is a non-profit charity founded in
1987 by Mark Miller of Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
Miller wasn’t even a Christian almost twenty years ago. Yet, Miller knew he wanted to
make a difference in people’s lives. When he saw an advertisement for a missing child
in the grocery store, the caption “Have you seen me”? caught his eye… and his heart…
Miller soon discovered there weren’t any organizations actually looking for the children.
Miller thought, “Boy, that’s strange. Somebody needs to be looking for them!”
So Mark took his life savings and started the American Association for Lost Children.
During the process Miller’s life also changed for eternity!
“I started to seek after the Lord. I had a dream and it was scary. I realized if I was to
pass at that time, I would end up in hell. It happened the second time that night ... it
was a double dream.”
A friend told him about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Miller was
raised Catholic so that was all news to him! He went to church, gave his life to God, and
has been sold out ever since! He then began to minister Jesus’ love to distraught
parents and frightened children through the charity.
One woman from Romania called Miller for help in recovering her kidnapped children.
Miller prayed with her over the phone and she eventually invited Jesus Christ into her
heart. This joyous mother not only got her children back but her life was changed for
Volunteers often help Miller use creative tactics to recover children. Many of these
children are taken by a non-custodial parent in a divorce situation and there’s often a
felony charge involved. Sometimes the children have been brain washed and sexually
Miller has gone all over the world to rescue kidnapped children. He has even been
arrested in Mexico. Parents often turn for help to the American Association of Lost
Children after attempts with police and detectives have failed. The charity relies on
donations since Miller never charges the parents any fees. Since 1987, approximately
120 missing children have been rescued by the American Association of Lost Children
at no cost to the parents.
Miller admits some days can be challenging for him financially and physically. He has
slept on the office floor and sold M&Ms and lemonade trying to keep the charity’s doors
open. There have even been times when he has lived on peanut butter sandwiches and
40 dollars a week. But his faith in God, his love for children, and his desire to help
others has kept him going.
Miller says, “It’s something in me that drives me. I’m going to keep going ‘cause I’m
going to help somebody and do the best I can and know that God will open the door to
get the child back.”
AIR DATE: Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Making a Difference
I’m Steve Douglass and on today’s Lighthouse Report… let me ask you… what actions
are you doing that count for God? Let’s say, in your neighborhood? What are you
doing to make a difference in your neighbors’ lives? You know, we’ve become a
society, that often retreats behind the walls of our houses. But Jesus calls us to “love
our neighbors.” And that’s difficult to do that without building relationships with them.
God has commissioned us to reach out and intertwine our lives into theirs! Perhaps that
means changing our lifestyle a bit. Spending more time outside in our neighborhood…
walking in our neighborhood and talking to neighbors. Sharing ourselves with them.
Learning more about their lives. Asking how we can pray for them. Observing ways we
can tangibly care for them. And continually praying for God to use us to make a
difference in their lives.
Let me tell you about Larry and Sandra. They led a neighborhood Bible Study. A
neighbor named Sally started coming and she confessed, “I don’t know anything about
the Bible!” One night Larry and Sandra shared a little booklet with Sally called “Peace
with God.” Sally invited Jesus Christ into her heart! Soon she began understanding
how to apply God’s Word practically to her life. And she started sharing her faith!
When Sally became ill and went in the hospital, she shared Jesus Christ with the staff.
She would ask, “Do you know Jesus? If you don’t you better take care of it right away!”
At Sally’s memorial service, her “before Jesus friends” sat on one side. And on the
other, were all of her “after Jesus friends.” Now think about the impact of one couple’s
Bible Study on Sally’s life… which was then multiplied into many others. So now
consider, how can you make a difference too?
AIR DATE: Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Incredibly Loved
Hi, I’m Steve Douglass with The Lighthouse Report. You’ve probably heard the verse in
James which says, “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”
But what does it mean? James goes on to say, Elijah prayed earnestly that might not
rain. And it did not rain for three and a half years! Then Elijah prayed again, and the
sky poured rain! Wow… that’s pretty effective prayer! But I think the really encouraging
part is this. James says, “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours.” So Elijah was just
an ordinary human… like you and me… and yet his prayers were so powerful!
I think God wants us to see and know that we also can accomplish extraordinary things
through prayer! For example, studies have shown that prayer has a positive effect on
healing. But no matter what the outcome, the person who receives prayer, feels
incredibly loved.
Let me tell you about Maureen. Maureen battled and survived cancer. And she
believes that prayer had an important role in her healing. In fact, Maureen had a prayer
team of six friends who faithfully prayed for her. They prayed daily for six months as
she went through chemo treatment. Maureen didn’t have any side effects and her
blood counts remained good. And when she was done with the treatment, Maureen’s
prayer team held a “No More Chemo” party to celebrate! And through it all, she felt a
wonderful sense of peace and rest.
Maureen says, “I truly learned how outrageously God can pour out His love and healing
through a community of believers.”
So when you pray for others… whether they seem to be doing great… or struggling
through a valley, God can use you to make a big difference! And they will feel incredibly
loved along the way!
AIR DATE: Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Protective Power of Prayer
Prayer. It changes lives, you know.
I’m Steve Douglass with The Lighthouse Report… and God hears the prayers of the
righteous. So when you pray for others, you can make a difference in their lives forever!
Imagine for a moment…a protective covering… surrounding your neighbors and co-
workers as you pray for them. Or maybe even those people you meet in the grocery
store or at the gym.
You have the privilege of extending God’s love to them and wrapping them in His care
through your prayers. And even if you don’t know your neighbors or whomever very
well, God will put a love for them in your heart as you pray!
And a time may come when it seems their world is caving in, you may be the one they
turn to for help and for encouragement… all because you extended a protective
covering of prayer over their lives.
Recently, there was a devastating earthquake in East Asia. As rescuers were
searching for survivors, they found a woman. She was already dead, crushed by the
collapsed house. But through all the debris, they could see her posture. She had both
knees down, upper body forward with hands holding her body, like praying to heaven.
The rescue team started to leave when the team leader shouted, “Come back, there’s a
baby alive under her body!” They carefully cleared the debris and found a well-wrapped
baby, about three or four months old. Because of his mother’s protection, he was
unharmed and sleeping peacefully.
The doctor examined him and found a cell phone tucked under his blanket. He saw a
message on the phone’s screen which read: “My loving baby. If you survive, please
remember I’ll always love you.”
Hmmm…what an awesome picture of the protective power of prayer!
Script Number: 1
Program: BTC/July 2007
Title: Kiwi’s Mass Medical Team 6-41-07
From the studios of HCJB Global, it’s Beyond the Call with Ron Cline!
An earthquake measuring eight point one on the Richter scale rocked the Solomon
Islands. After a tsunami left many dead and thousands homeless, HCJB Global New
Zealand sent relief teams from Ecuador to these South Pacific Islands. Medical
personnel and volunteers brought medications, tents and other essentials. When they
arrived, there were no village shops open to purchase supplies… much less make
contact with the outside world. The teams went from village to village attending
patients, refilling medications and giving immunizations. Together, they saw about six
hundred patients! And despite language barriers, team members shared the Gospel
with villagers both individually and in groups. You can be an ambassador for Christ!
Keep your bags packed and be ready to Go Beyond the Call! For HCJB Global, I’m
Ron Cline.
Script Number: 4
Program: BTC/June 2007
Title: Building Bridges 6-19-07
From the studios of HCJB Global, it’s Beyond the Call with Ron Cline!
Mike Salomon almost died during a climbing trip in the Himalayas. But the people of
Sewangma shared their meager resources and nursed Mike back to health. Mike
wanted to give something back to those who’d helped him. The people of Sewangma
had no electricity or plumbing and food was scarce. It took five hours to reach the
nearest school. Mike started his own computer company to give a portion of the profits
to Sewangma. Now Mike’s company runs an Adopt-a-Village program with other high-
tech companies. They fund and carry out projects in regions of Nepal. So far Adopt-a-
Village has helped build badly needed sanitation systems. Not only that, but the
children of Sewangma now have a bridge that gets them to school in only thirty minutes!
You can build bridges with God’s love! Go Beyond the Call! For HCJB Global, I’m Ron
God’s Way with Enemies
Blessing Those Who Curse Us
By Holly Meade
Who is your enemy? Perhaps you think of Satan or a political leader. Yet, it could be a
family member, ex-spouse, neighbor or the person who just cut you off in traffic.
Obviously, it’s someone whom you do not love…or even like. However, Jesus tells us
we must choose to love our enemies, despite our feelings.
In Matthew 5:43-45, Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your
neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those
who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.” The
word used for love in this passage is the Greek word, agape, which literally means ‘to
will the good of another.”
James Bryan Smith, author of The Good and Beautiful Life, says, “When we hate our
enemies we betray the God who loves His enemies. Conversely, when we pray for and
bless those who curse us, we align ourselves with God and His kingdom. We are doing
what Jesus did.”
Jesus said, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
(Matthew 5:48 ESV). In this passage of Scripture the word “perfect” is not referring to
moral flawlessness but instead to spiritual maturity.
Unconditional love is the most crucial expression of God’s character in the life of a
follower of Jesus Christ.
For example, Renee Napier could have easily labeled Eric Smallridge as her enemy.
Eric was driving drunk one night, lost control of his car and struck another vehicle,
instantly killing Renee’s 20-year-old daughter Meagan and her friend, Lisa. Convicted
of DUI manslaughter, Eric was convicted to 22 years in prison. Despite her pain and
grief, Renee turned to Eric in the courtroom and expressed her forgiveness. Eric
accepted responsibility for his actions and gave his life to Jesus Christ. Then Renee
went the extra mile and had Eric’s sentence reduced in half. Now a free man, Eric joins
Renee as they speak in schools about the dangers of driving under the influence of
Our enemies expose our total need for God’s unconditional love, mercy and grace.
When we act out of gratitude and take opportunities to bless our enemies, we also may
have open doors to share the Gospel with them
As you practice unconditional love, Ray Pritchard of Keep Believing Ministries suggests
seven ways to bless your enemies:
1. Greet them. One part of loving our enemies is to greet them graciously when we
see them. Sometimes (often, perhaps) some of us have been quite adept at
looking the other way, ducking into a room, crossing the street, or even using
Caller ID to keep from greeting those who have hurt us.
2. Disarm them. That’s what you do when you turn the other cheek or go the
second mile. You disarm them by doing the very thing they least expect.
3. Do good to them. Doing good means that you do what will promote their
healing despite the way they have treated you. You make the first move. You
send the e-mail. You pick up the phone. You make the contact. You bridge the
4. Refuse to speak evil of them. Refuse to think evil thoughts and to speak evil
words against those who have wronged you. At some point, we have to stop
talking and start forgiving.
5. Thank God for them. If you believe in the sovereignty of God, you must believe
that your enemy is sent to you by God’s design and with God’s approval. Take a
picture of your enemy, frame it and place it where you can see it. Thank God for
your enemy every time you look at the picture.
6. Pray for them. What if you dislike the person? Tell that to the Lord. He won’t be
surprised. Then say something like, “Lord, I dislike this person, but I ask You to
love this person through me because I can’t do it in my own power.”
7. Ask God to bless them. When faced with someone who has mistreated you,
ask God to do for them what you want God to do for you. Think of it this way: The
greater the hurt, the greater the potential blessing that will come when we totally
forgive and by God’s grace, bless those who curse us.
An Apparent Lack of Thirst in America
Holly L. Meade
Water. It’s crucial to sustaining life. Scientists differ in opinions regarding the number
of days we can survive without water; however, it is a fact we will die without it. Of
course, on a hot day, or after exercising, or eating salty foods, it’s easy to crave a
refreshing glass of water. In fact, our thirst for water can become a preoccupation until
it’s satisfied.
Consider an analogy between our thirst for water and our thirst for God. Do we thirst for
a relationship with God as we thirst for water? According to a recent survey by veteran
researcher George Barna of the Barna Research Group, the answer seems to “no.”
When Barna surveyed more than 30,000 randomly selected adults about their faith, he
reports that two out of three U.S. adults consider themselves “Casual Christians.” In
other words, sixty-six percent of the adult population describe themselves as spiritually
middle-of-the-road and even ambivalent about their faith.
“Casual Christianity,” states Barna, is faith in moderation. “It allows them to feel
religious without having to prioritize their faith. A Casual Christian can be all things that
they esteem: a nice human being, a family person, religious, an exemplary citizen, a
reliable employee and never have to publicly defend or represent difficult moral or social
position or even lose much sleep over their private choices as long as they mean well
and generally do their best.”
In the book of Revelation, God addressed the church in Laodicea, one of the wealthiest
of the seven cities. However, the city had a problem with its water supply. An aqueduct
was built to bring water from hot springs; yet, when the water reached the city, it was
When God confronted the people’s spiritual apathy in Revelation 3:15, He said, “I know
your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So
because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.”
Perhaps that same message to Laodicea applies to us today.
As Americans, we live in a nation of wealth. Even though there is a questionable
economy, we still often overeat, overspend and overindulge in luxuries other people in
Third World countries could not imagine. Even the commodity of fresh hot and cold
water, to which many in other countries is precious, often flows freely in American
homes. However, when it comes to our Christian faith, the majority of Americans seem
to have become lukewarm.
In Barna’s survey, he also reports that only sixteen percent of U.S. adults are “Captive
Christians.” “Captive Christians” seek to uphold the absolute moral and spiritual truths.
Barna says, “For Captives, success is obedience to God, as demonstrated by
consistently serving Christ and carrying out His commands and principles. For Casuals,
success is balancing everything just right so that they are able to maximize their
opportunities and joys in life without undermining their perceived relationship with God
and with others. Casuals are about moderation in all things while Captives are about
extreme devotion to their God regardless of the worldly consequences.”
In essence, “Captive Christians” seem to be those people who thirst after God.
In the Bible, God is referred to as the “fountain of life” and the “living water.” In the book
of John, Jesus tells the woman at the well that if she drinks of the water He provides,
she will never thirst again.
As we anguish and complain over the spiritual condition of this nation, perhaps we
should look at our reflections in the fountain of God’s truth. Are we thirsting after a
relationship with God with all our hearts, minds and souls? Or are we willing to
compromise and live spiritually lukewarm?
Are we choosing to live as “Casual Christians” or as “Captive Christians”?
ATM/GCN/CNT Graphics Video Script
Writer: Holly L. Meade
Transformation is “a change in character or condition.”
A radical change!
Jesus Christ came to transform hearts and transform lives.
He reached out to touch those with physical and spiritual needs.
The same needs that are rampant today…
 Poverty
 Crime
 Lack of education
 Lack of job
 Malnutrition
 High mortality
 Alcoholism
 Gambling
 Domestic violence
Now God chooses people to be vessels of His transformation.
People reaching out to others in need.
Now God chooses you…
To share His love and His truth in tangible ways
To be a change-agent and see…
 Poverty alleviated
 Disease prevention
 Child mortality reduced
 Crime reduced
 World views changed
 Churches planted
Most of all…People embracing the life-changing love of Jesus Christ!
Jesus is asking you to step out of your comfort zone and go into the world…your
world.…your neighborhood…and make a difference.
Whether in a village (Global Che Network logo) or downtown U.S.A. (Collaborative
Neighborhood Transformation logo), you can leave a footprint of eternal
Transforming the world starts with cities, communities and neighborhoods.
That starts with relationships.
Transforming the world starts with you!
FLC Donor Letter
Holly L. Meade
Dear <Name>,
“At the age of eight, my mom shot herself in front of me. I remember laying on top of
her, pleading with her not to die!”
Angela Vestal Villegas had a challenging childhood as her mother continuously
attempted suicide. Angela never went to a dance, a prom… or even on a date. She
had to stay home and supervise her emotionally unstable mother. As a result, Angela
felt unloved.
When she was only seventeen, Angela dropped out of school, got married, and gave
birth to her first daughter. She became addicted to drugs, alcohol and parties. After a
divorce and her fourth child, Angela and her second husband’s drug habit soon landed
them in prison.
Angela says, “We lost custody of our children to grandparents and they experienced the
same feelings and emotions I did as a child. They said, ‘If Mom and Dad loved us, they
wouldn’t do drugs and abandon us.’”
While Angela was in prison, she was blessed with a spiritual mentor who e-mailed her
every week. However, when Angela was released, she relapsed into dealing and using
drugs. She became involved with the Mafia and lived in constant danger.
Angela was known for having the best drugs in town. Yet, all those drugs never filled
the void in her heart. They only numbed Angela’s true pain.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for
welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.” Even though Angela
almost experienced death several times, God had a different plan for her life! The
Creator of the Universe reached down with His grace and changed her life forever!
“On February 13, 2008, I woke up, cried out to God on my knees and cried so hard I
thought blood was coming out of my eyes,” Angela says. “I believe to this day that it was
Jesus’ blood delivering me from my addiction! Satan didn’t want to let go of me but
Jesus defeated him. I haven’t touched a drug or anything to alter my mind since that
Though many days have been a struggle, Angela praises God that He has given her a
new life! She also has seen her four daughters receive Jesus Christ through the
support of her local church and through Family Life Radio.
“My car radio and house radio never leave your station. Vickie with Family Life Radio
has been such an example for me as well! I can call her anytime and she is there along
with anyone else I talk to. These are all reasons I contribute monthly to your station,”
she says.
God is in the business of changing lives! Ephesians 1:7 says, “In Him we have
redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches
of His grace which He lavished on us.” Angela is thankful that God has extended His
priceless grace to her through people like you. Please know that when you support
Family Life Radio ministry, you are touching lives for eternity.
Thank you for making it possible for Family Life Radio to reach people like Angela.
Remember, there is no greater return for your investment!
For Him,
Dr. Randy L. Carlson
President, Family Life Radio
P.S. As my special thank you for your financial support this month, I want to send you
our beautiful 2010 Family Life Radio wall calendar. It features daily scriptures and
messages to encourage you in your relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s yours with a gift
to Family Life Radio this month. Ask for it today.
Holly L. Meade
Samples of FLR Facebook Posts
 Praise God that 1,035 stood to make an intentional one thing commitment...over
90% of the audience! Dr. Randy invited attendees to receive Jesus Christ and 24
answered the call! There's still time to see if there's a conference coming near
 Enter the Celebrate a Teacher Contest and tell us (in 25 words or less) how one
special teacher shows your child hope. You and the teacher might win a Nook
Simple Touch!
 Bill Ronning models the iPad2....just like the one Teena Hicks from Phoenix was
so excited to win yesterday...along with a $25 gift card and over $250 worth of
Intentional Living resources! Congrats, Teena! YOU might be the next winner
when you become a member of the Family of Hope! Call 888-888-9976 now or
go online
Please share this with your friends too!
 After Sherry lost her son to suicide, a Family Life Radio billboard gave her hope
and encouragement. Now Sherry helps others who have lost a loved one
experience hope through Jesus Christ. When you become a new member of the
Family of Hope today with your ongoing, monthly gift, we’ll say thank you with
two identical copies of our exclusive new book, “Hope for the Soul.” One for you
and one to give away to someone who needs some hope! Call now 888-888-
9976 or go online to
 Cindy says, "I experienced hope in Jesus Christ when I realized my value comes
from God and not this world." How about you? What's your story of hope?
 If you are blessed by the music and messages of Family Life Radio, share the
hope! Tell your friends about us by sharing this post!
 God moved among the crowd of more than 2500 attendees recently in Tucson as
the Newsboys, Anthem Lights, Abandon, The City Harmonic and Bob Lenz
presented the Gospel through music and message. Many received Jesus Christ
for the first time as a result! Go to and click on events to see if
they are coming to your area soon.
 Talk about being one in a million! Ephesians 3:16 CEV "God is wonderful and
glorious. I pray that his Spirit will make you become strong followers and that
Christ will live in your hearts because of your faith. Stand firm and be deeply
rooted in his love." And if you want to make that commitment to be "One in a
Million" check out our website
 Jesus is risen and we have so much for which to be thankful! Enter the Celebrate
LIFE Contest here on Facebook and you could win a new study Bible! Just click
on the picture of the Bible next to our "likes" and enter!
Randy Carlson Article/Blog (Repurposed from a presentation)
Writer: Holly L. Meade
Intentional Living: It’s a Matter of Our Head, Heart and Hand
Good Intentions Versus God Intentions
It seems most of us often have good intentions. We stand in the shower and say,
“Today, I’m going to change my attitude!” Or maybe… “Today’s the day I’m going to be
a better spouse!” Perhaps…“Today, I’m going to start reading my Bible!” And often it’s
“I’m going to start that diet today! However, within a few hours or days, we often fail.
Good intentions are really an issue of our personal integrity. I have an intention to do
something and when I don’t do it, it becomes an issue of my integrity. However, God
doesn’t judge us on our good intentions. God judges us on our “God Intentions.”
“God Intentions” are the result of living according to what we believe in Christ and what
the Bible teaches about a life focused on Christ. It’s a matter of spiritual integrity. The
Bible says, “Man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart”
(1 Samuel 16:7). So God looks deep into our heart and knows our true motivations.
Recently, I cooked some hamburgers on the grill. After about five minutes, the burgers
looked done on the outside. So I used my trusty thermometer and pushed it inside the
meat. However, the thermometer revealed that the burgers weren’t done. That’s a
similar analogy to our lives. On the outside, we judge ourselves by our good intentions;
yet, on the inside, we are cold or broken or hollow.
So how does God judge us? What is His thermometer? What does He use to push in
us to determine we’re not done? Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the Word of God is living and
powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the division of soul
and spirit and of joints and marrow, and is the discerner of both the thoughts and the
intents of the heart.”
The Bible is the thermometer. It pierces. It divides. This passage in Hebrews says
God’s Word will pierce us and divide us like the meat thermometer. It divides soul and
spirit. God allows the Bible to be thrust in us as an opportunity so we can see what His
intentions are for our life. It doesn’t matter where we are on our spiritual journey. It
doesn’t matter what our intentions or actions may be. It’s the Word of God that’s going
to be the discerner of what’s inside.
Our desire should be to align our intentions with God’s intentions. An intention is what
we purpose in our heart. Oswald Chambers wrote, “The term heart in the Bible is best
understood if we simply say me. It is the central citadel of a man’s personality. The
heart is the altar on which the physical body is the outer core, and whatever is offered
on the altar of the heart will tell ultimately through the extremities of the body.” So the
intentions of our heart is what we purpose in our heart about ourselves. It’s that altar
upon which we place everything that comes into our life…money, marriage, my family,
work, ambitions, etc. and God tells us to continually check our spiritual temperature.
This is the piercing instrument into our life just like my trusty thermometer into the
barbecue to see what is real in our life.
I constantly battle with this. I am constantly asking God to thrust into me and ask,
“What’s your temperature, Randy? Is there anything real in there?” For example,
during a recent Sharathon week, I was so discouraged by the second day. Sharathon is
a critical time for us to raise support for this ministry and we were considerably behind
on our projected goal. Basically, we had given God our goal and told Him what He was
supposed to do. I continually shared that goal on the air and encouraged people to give
accordingly. But then I felt like I was manipulating God. When I realized what was
happening, I knew it was my good intention but not my “God intention.” I realized that I
needed to get out of God’s way and let His plan be my priority for this ministry. I went
home and told my wife, Donna, “This is God’s work, not my work. We’ve just got to do
the best job we can and let God do the rest.”
The next day, it was like God opened the floodgates! We had the largest Sharathon in
the history of Family Life Radio with over five thousand calls! God was saying, “Randy,
listen, take your temperature. Let’s find out what’s inside.”
It’s a Matter of Our Head, Heart and Hand
So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles
do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and
separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the
hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to
sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed
(Ephesians 4:17 -19)
Our Head
The Apostle Paul explains in Ephesians 4: 17-19 three things on which we need to
focus to stay on God’s path of living an intentional life. The first thing is to get our
thinking, or our head, straight. “So I tell you this and I insist on it in the Lord that you
must no longer live or you could say walk as the Gentiles do in the futility of their
thinking” (verse 17).
Paul is referring to the importance of thinking like Christ. Just like an athletic coach
shouts to a struggling team, Paul is saying, “Get your head in the game!” Don’t walk
and live like the Gentiles. As Christians we often believe we have victory in Christ;
however, we live in mediocrity like the rest of the world. We compromise in our
relationship with God. We compromise in our marriage. We compromise in our
relationship with our children. Paul admonishes us to get our head straight and to
change our way of thinking. We must see life through the lens of our relationship with
Christ. We must view life the way God sees life and that is according to His Word.
Our Heart
The second thing to live an intentional life is to get our heart straight. In other words, we
need to continually be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. In verses 18 and 19, Paul says “They
are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the
ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all
Paul addresses the futility of the Ephesians’ thinking as they are darkened in their
understanding and are separated from God because of ignorance. They are not stupid.
They just don’t know. They are ignorant as a result of the hardening of their hearts.
Basically what Paul is saying is that they had lost all sensitivity to God. They just didn’t
care anymore.
Any doctor will confirm that it’s a serious problem when we experience a physical
hardening of the heart. However, when we are not living an intentional life, our heart
can become spiritually hard and we become callous to God’s intentions for our life. We
become apathetic about our relationship with God, our marriage, our children or
whatever God is doing in our life. It’s vital to our spiritual heartbeat to stay in tune with
the Holy Spirit. We must keep open communication with God through prayer, reading
the Bible, and confession of our sins.
Our Hand
The third thing to live an intentional life is to get our hand, or our behavior, straight.
Paul addresses the Ephesians regarding the futility of their thinking, hardening of their
hearts, and loss of sensitivity. Then in verse 19 he says, “and then they have given
themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge into every kind of impurity with a
continual lust for more.” They had insatiable appetites and their sinful behavior
continually increased.
So the head gets messed up, the heart becomes apathetic, and the hand continues in
sin. However, Paul provides an answer in the rest of this chapter of Ephesians. He
says, “Renew your minds, be angry and sin not and then start behaving like a
I have counseled people who appear to have their head straight with the right theology;
yet, their heart is callous. If I were to stick a thermometer into their heart it would come
back cold and empty. There are others who are excited and passionate about God but
don’t have their theology straight. So there must be a balance. In other words, get your
head straight, get your heart straight, and get your hand straight!
Our Whole Business in Life is to Bring Him Pleasure
The banner over the ministries of Intentional Living and Family Life Radio is
Ephesians 5:10: “Figure out what pleases Christ or approved by Christ and do it.” It is
also my personal theme. Figure out what pleases Christ and do it. Every morning I ask
God, “What is one thing I can do that will bring You pleasure?” Perhaps it’s spending
extra time in prayer. Perhaps it’s giving an encouraging talk to a group. Perhaps it’s
investing in my marriage.
So let’s daily consider: What’s one thing we can do today that will bring God pleasure?
This takes care of eating meat that’s not done. This takes care of living a life that’s not
done. This takes care of understanding God’s intentions for our life. It is the piercing
divider. We should allow it to be penetrating … not just in knowledge, but intentionally
in our heart. Then we’ll see what God does through us as a result!
Our whole business in life is to bring Him pleasure. That’s intentional living.
Action Points
1. In which area do you need to focus the most in order to live a more intentional
 Head – your view of God; your theology; your knowledge of Scripture, etc.
 Heart – your lack of sensitivity toward God and His Word; apathetic toward
your relationship with God and with others; callous toward listening to the
Holy Spirit
 Hand – your involvement in sinful behavior; your continuous, inappropriate
actions against God and/or toward others
2. Regarding your answer to number one, pray and ask God’s forgiveness for not
pursuing His intentions in that area (head, heart or hand) of your life.
3. Regarding your answer to question one, pray and ask God to show you actions
you can take in order to grow in this area (head, heart or hand). List one specific
action in each of these categories.
- In your relationship with God.
- In your relationship with others (family, friends, neighbors, co-workers).
- In your finances.
- In your personal lifestyle choices.
- In your health.
- In your job.
4. Regarding your answer to question three, which one of these actions will you
commit to do every day for thirty days?
5. Share your decision with a trusted person and ask that person to hold you
accountable for your commitment for thirty days.
:30 Spots
You feel feverish and pull out a thermometer to check your temperature. But what
about your spiritual temperature? How does God measures that? The Bible says, “For
the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword… and is
the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” God’s Word is His thermometer.
So dive into the Bible! See if your intentions and actions agree with His Word.
Intentionally allow God to keep a check on what’s inside your heart every today!
[Use various voices for quotes] “Today, I’m going to be nicer to my spouse!” “I’m going
to find a higher-paying job! “I’m going to lose twenty pounds this month! Most of us
often have good intentions. But the Bible says, “Man looks on the outward appearance
but the Lord looks at the heart.” God looks deep inside us to reveal our true motivations.
So pray and study God’s Word. Discover what His intentions are for your life today…
and every day!
Hello, I’m Dr. Randy Carlson. What’s one thing you could do that would bring God
pleasure? Now let me encourage you to commit to do this for thirty days. And if you’re
like me, you might need a visual reminder. That’s why I wear a particular wristband to
remind me every day to ask God that question. And He is faithful to answer!
Remember…Our whole business in life is to bring God pleasure. That’s intentional
Discussion Points for Announcing Team
1. Announcing Team discusses the difference between good intentions and “God
 “God Intentions” are the result of living according to what we believe in
 God Intentions” are what the Bible teaches about a life focused on Christ
 Pursuing God’s plan instead of our plan
 Share personal examples when they pursued their own good intentions…
but then they asked God to reveal His intentions instead (“God intentions”)
and the results.
 Ask listeners and Facebook followers to share how they realized their
intentions were not God’s intentions and the results.
2. Announcing Team discusses the difference between how we measure (judge)
ourselves versus how God measures our spiritual temperature.
 Talk about when your child is sick you use a thermometer
 We measure our good intentions or actions or accomplishments
 “Man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the
heart” (1 Samuel 16:7)
 God’s Word is His thermometer
3. Announcing Team discusses the importance of keeping our head, or thinking,
focused on God and His Word.
 “So I tell you this and I insist on it in the Lord that you must no
longer live or you could say walk as the Gentiles do in the futility of
their thinking” (Ephesians 4: 17).
 Use analogy of sports “get your head in the game!”
 Share their personal struggles with keeping their “head”, or
thinking, straight.
 Areas of compromise with relationships with God, spouse, children,
work, health, finances, etc.
 Encourage listeners to spend time in prayer and reading God’s
Word and listening to Holy Spirit.
 Pray for listeners and their struggles in this area.
4. Announcing Team discusses the importance of keeping our heart sensitive to the
Holy Spirit.
 Paul says “They are darkened in their understanding and separated
from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to
the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity…”
(Ephesians 4:18-19).
 Use analogy of physical hardening of heart.
 Share their personal struggles with being apathetic to God and His
intentions for our life.
 Areas of apathy in relationships with spouse, children, work, health,
finances, etc.
 Encourage listeners to spend time in prayer, reading God’s Word
and confessing sin.
 Pray for listeners and their struggles in this area.
 Ask listeners to share a testimony of how God changed their heart
after they committed to do what pleases Him on a regular basis.
Survey Questions for Social Media
1. What is one action you will intentionally commit to do for thirty days that would
bring God pleasure?
 Encourage a co-worker.
 Share my faith with someone.
 Exercise for at least thirty minutes.
 Spend more quality time in prayer and reading God’s Word.
 Spend at least thirty uninterrupted minutes talking to my spouse.
 Do an act of kindness for a stranger or a neighbor.
2. To whom will you be accountable about this commitment?
 A friend
 My spouse
 A parent
 A leader in my church or small group
 A prayer partner
3. From what source do you most often get your understanding about God and
spiritual issues?
 The Bible
 Friends or family members
 The media (radio, television, the Internet, etc.)
 My church
4. How often do you typically ask God and read His Word regarding decisions you
 Almost all of the time
 Most of the time
 Sometimes
 Only when I’m desperate
 Never
A Reflection of His Goodness
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all
generations. Psalm 100:5 NIV
High school senior Spencer Harrison was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphona several
years ago. While Spencer received his chemotherapy, he noticed the rooms were dull
and drab. So Spencer founded a nonprofit organization called Teen with a Dream.
Teen with a Dream provides DVD movies and cheerful, colorful art work for treatment
rooms. There’s even care packages and sour Skittles to help with the taste of
chemotherapy. Spencer says, “When I look at this now, I don’t see myself in the bed
going through chemo. I see I may help that person in that bed.”
God does good things. It is His nature to be kind, generous and benevolent. So when
you display goodness toward others, you are a reflection of His holy nature. When you
know God’s true nature, you can face difficulty and still say, “God is good.” And like
Spencer, God can use your adversity to give others hope!
Today’s One Thing
Be intentional about showing someone an act of kindness.
Go Deeper
Psalm 31:19; Mark 10:18
Revival in America
It Starts with You and Me
Holly L. Meade
“Have you noticed how much praying for revival has been going on of late - and how
little revival has resulted? I believe the problem is that we have been trying to substitute
praying for obeying, and it simply will not work.” -A.W. Tozer
Revival. The word may conjure thoughts of tent meetings with a preacher shouting an
evangelistic message and people flocking down the aisle in response. However, author
Elmer Towns says, “You can't hold a revival. All you can do is participate in one that
God is throwing. Revival crashes your Daytimer. . . interrupts TV times . . . demands
your full attention . . and wears you out. Usually when we pray for revival, we’re telling
God “sic ‘em” on the bad guys. Little do we realize that revival begins with us, the
people of God.”
Revival is not about bringing people to salvation. The prefix "re" in the English language
means "to do again." The root word "vive" is from the Latin for "life." So, "revival" means
"to bring to life again." To be revived, you must have been alive once before. It’s about
God's people returning to Him. Hearts are cleansed and sensitized to the Creator.
Revival means turning from a destructive path and moving instead into God's abundant
There have been many occasions throughout history where great numbers of God’s
people experienced revival simultaneously: The Revival of 1904, The Great Awakening
(1727) The Second Great Awakening (1780), The General Awakening (1830), The
Layman’s Prayer Revival (1857), The World War II Revival (1935), The Baby Boomer
Revival(1965), The Pre-Reformation Revivals (1300) The Protestant Reformation
(1517) and Pentecost (A.D. 30).
Pastor Greg Laurie, the lead pastor at Harvest Church in Riverside, California recently
preached the message, “Can God Bring Another Revival to America?” Laurie referred
to the Book of Jonah as “a story about one of the largest spiritual awakenings in human
history…a story of the revival of one of the wickedest cities ever, the city of Nineveh.
The days of this nation were numbered,” Laurie said, adding that “the days of every
nation are numbered. And that’s true also for the United States of America. We know
the judgment is coming. We know that the U.S. will no longer be the superpower. But
let’s wish we have one more spiritual awakening for the United States of America.”
So how can revival in America begin? It starts in the hearts of God’s people. Henry
Blackaby of Blackaby Ministries International says, “I've heard many "calls" for revival
recently but with very little teaching and exposition on revival. It seems that in these
urgent days there are too few leaders who actually are leading God's people corporately
to repent, pray, seek holiness and return to God. Do we not realize that scripturally it is
impossible to have a call for revival without a call for repentance? This has always been
God's requirement for His people. The passionate, unceasing corporate prayer that is
always present in revival is desperately lacking. In short, I see little evidence of sincere
brokenness among God's people for our present condition or the condition of our
Blackaby adds that the sin of nonbelievers is not the real issue. “Christians are aware
that America is in desperate need of revival, but we haven't made the connection.
“While we see the spiritual darkness around us, we do not recognize that the greater
problem is with the light! Revival tarries because God's people will not repent. Even if
Christians recognize that the times are urgent and the spiritual climate is dark, without
repentance God will refuse to listen because we keep iniquity in our hearts.”
In his message Laurie also quoted Psalm 85:6, which says, “Won’t you revive us
again?” Then he read from Habakkuk 3:2, “I have heard all about you, Lord. I am filled
with awe by your amazing works. In this time of our deep need, help us again as you did
in years gone by…”
Can God bring spiritual awakening to America? Laurie says, “I believe He can…and I
pray He will. Revival starts with you; it starts with me. Nothing can happen through me
until it happens to me.”
So BOLDLY pray for the nation’s Christian leaders to have a humble, repentant attitude
toward God and to experience true revival in their hearts. But first…pray that it starts
with you.
Shiny Stuff
Holly L. Meade
Then one of the twelve, named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, ‘What
are you willing to give me to betray Him to you?’ And they weighed out thirty pieces of
silver to him. From then on he began looking for a good opportunity to betray Jesus.
(Matthew 26:14-16)
Shiny stuff. We like to possess it. We like to wear it. We like to be surrounded by it.
Shiny stuff can be attractive accents like jewelry. Women sometimes refer to it as
“bling.” In fact, many ladies host parties just about jewelry!
There is nothing wrong with shiny stuff. In fact, God loves to bless us with it. Yet, shiny
stuff can also be distractions…distractions from Him. It’s when our perspective gets out
of balance that problems arise. When our eyes and hearts focus more on things like
material possessions, people, relationships, careers …they can draw our primary
attention and affection instead of Jesus Christ.
Judas got distracted by shiny coins and denied Jesus. He made the choice to turn his
affections away from Christ and toward money. Jesus had called Judas to be one of
His disciples. What an honor. Yet, Jesus knew Judas would eventually deny Him. It’s
easy to think, I could never do that! However, our human tendency can easily be to
satisfy the desires of self, instead of the desires of God. Judas is an example that no
one is infallible or exempt from needing God’s grace and mercy.
When we focus our eyes and our heart on God first, we receive His priceless blessings.
How blessed is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding. For
her profit is better than the profit of silver and her gain is better than fine gold. She is
more precious than jewels; and nothing you desire compares with her. (Proverbs 3:13-
15) Solomon knew the key to a prosperous life was one where we acknowledge God in
all our ways.
Is it always easy? No. Yet, when we listen to God’s voice each day and seek Him with
all our heart, His desires will become our desires!
Ask God to show you any areas where He needs to be first in your life. Remember…it’s
a blessing to have shiny stuff. Just make sure you see Jesus’ reflection in it!
Wanted: Godly Role Models
Examining One Ordinary Man
Holly L. Meade
In God we trust. It’s on all American currency. But do most Americans really trust in
God? Not really, according to a recent survey by the Barna Group. Among those who
believe they are Christians, only one-fifth say they live in a way that makes them
completely dependent on God.
Instead, most Americans worship at the altar of idols consisting of materialism,
secularism and mysticism. What is desperately needed today are godly role models
who live without compromise. Perhaps a step back in time during biblical days is helpful
to examine leaders who certainly were not perfect, yet had a powerful impact on their
cultures as a result of faithfully following God. One example is Elijah.
Elijah was an ordinary guy who loved his extraordinary God. The book of James
describes Elijah as “a man with a nature like ours.” However, God used this prophet to
turn the hearts of the people back to Him. His unrelenting faith and trust in Jehovah
made him effective in his day of spiritual and moral decadence. Elijah demonstrated
“The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16)
because he stood firm on God’s integrity and truth.
It was a time of spiritual drought and idol worship of the false prophets of Baal at Mount
Carmel and Elijah wanted to show evil Ahab that only Yahweh was the true God. The
people had just witnessed the futile praying of the Baal priests to provide the fire for
their sacrifice. Elijah prayed for a miraculous sign so they would know that only God
answered prayer. Not only did he not put any fire under the sacrifice, but Elijah
drenched it with water so there could be no mistake how the sacrifice was consumed. It
was only a work of the living God when it miraculously burned.
When the people repented three and one-half years later, Elijah prayed and claimed
God’s promise of rain. The book of James says, “…and he prayed fervently that it might
not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed
again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit.” Again, God demonstrated His
lordship over Baal, the so-called “god of the storm cloud.” His gentle whisper is more
powerful than the supposed thundering of Baal. The drought was broken through the
prayer of faith according to the will of God, but the ultimate goal was the removal of the
spiritual drought in Israel.
Today in America the scene is no different from Elijah’s day. Spiritual drought and idol
worship prevails. God is calling His modern-day Elijah’s to be the role models and to
fervently pray individually and corporately for this nation. As a result, God promises to
rain down His blessings on people’s spiritually-dry hearts. It means ending the spiritual
drought on souls in communities as well as this nation. It means seeing people turning
their lives to God. It means the answer to any political or moral issue.
So consider examining your life. Is there unmistakable evidence of the power of God or
are you building fires under your sacrifices? Is it evident that you are running your life
rather than the Lord? Whenever you can show evidence that your life is unexplainable
apart from God, you will have opportunities to share those miracles with others as a
God recruits ordinary people to pray with extraordinary faith. So as you pray, remember
that you can make a difference as the strength of your prayers begins in “knowing your
Father who is in heaven and in realizing every good thing bestowed and every perfect
gift is from above” (James 1:17).
 Ask the Holy Spirit to rain down on peoples’ heart as a result of the fervent
prayers of the righteous.
 Implore that God’s people refuse to be like the world, or to go along with its
ideas, patterns and schemes that are so clearly contrary to Scripture.
 Pray that Christians will take a biblical stand for political and moral issues of
 Ask God to bring the churches to deep repentance and a return to faith in Him
 As followers of false religions continue to increase, pray that their eyes be
opened to God’s truth.
God’s Way with Enemies
Blessing Those Who Curse Us
By Holly L. Meade
Who is your enemy? Perhaps you think of Satan or a political leader. Yet, it could be a
family member, ex-spouse, neighbor or the person who just cut you off in traffic.
Obviously, it’s someone whom you do not love…or even like. However, Jesus tells us
we must choose to love our enemies, despite our feelings.
In Matthew 5:43-45, Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your
neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those
who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.” The
word used for love in this passage is the Greek word, agape, which literally means ‘to
will the good of another.”
James Bryan Smith, author of The Good and Beautiful Life, says, “When we hate our
enemies we betray the God who loves His enemies. Conversely, when we pray for and
bless those who curse us, we align ourselves with God and His kingdom. We are doing
what Jesus did.”
Jesus said, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
(Matthew 5:48 ESV). In this passage of Scripture the word “perfect” is not referring to
moral flawlessness but instead to spiritual maturity.
Unconditional love is the most crucial expression of God’s character in the life of a
follower of Jesus Christ.
For example, Renee Napier could have easily labeled Eric Smallridge as her enemy.
Eric was driving drunk one night, lost control of his car and struck another vehicle,
instantly killing Renee’s 20-year-old daughter Meagan and her friend, Lisa. Convicted
of DUI manslaughter, Eric was convicted to 22 years in prison. Despite her pain and
grief, Renee turned to Eric in the courtroom and expressed her forgiveness. Eric
accepted responsibility for his actions and gave his life to Jesus Christ. Then Renee
went the extra mile and had Eric’s sentence reduced in half. Now a free man, Eric joins
Renee as they speak in schools about the dangers of driving under the influence of
Our enemies expose our total need for God’s unconditional love, mercy and grace.
When we act out of gratitude and take opportunities to bless our enemies, we also may
have open doors to share the Gospel with them
As you practice unconditional love, Ray Pritchard of Keep Believing Ministries suggests
seven ways to bless your enemies:
1. Greet them. One part of loving our enemies is to greet them graciously when we
see them. Sometimes (often, perhaps) some of us have been quite adept at
looking the other way, ducking into a room, crossing the street, or even using
Caller ID to keep from greeting those who have hurt us.
2. Disarm them. That’s what you do when you turn the other cheek or go the
second mile. You disarm them by doing the very thing they least expect.
3. Do good to them. Doing good means that you do what will promote their
healing despite the way they have treated you. You make the first move. You
send the e-mail. You pick up the phone. You make the contact. You bridge the
4. Refuse to speak evil of them. Refuse to think evil thoughts and to speak evil
words against those who have wronged you. At some point, we have to stop
talking and start forgiving.
5. Thank God for them. If you believe in the sovereignty of God, you must believe
that your enemy is sent to you by God’s design and with God’s approval. Take a
picture of your enemy, frame it and place it where you can see it. Thank God for
your enemy every time you look at the picture.
6. Pray for them. What if you dislike the person? Tell that to the Lord. He won’t be
surprised. Then say something like, “Lord, I dislike this person, but I ask You to
love this person through me because I can’t do it in my own power.”
7. Ask God to bless them. When faced with someone who has mistreated you,
ask God to do for them what you want God to do for you. Think of it this way: The
greater the hurt, the greater the potential blessing that will come when we totally
forgive and by God’s grace, bless those who curse us.
The Celebration of Easter
Turning pagan traditions into God opportunities
By Holly L. Meade
Jelly beans and Jesus. When you walk down the grocery aisle this time of year and the
sight and smell of chocolate bunnies and marshmallow Peeps surround you, the
question arises: “How should Christians deal with the pagan celebration of Easter?”
It’s a fact the name “Easter” is derived from the Eastre, the Teutonic goddess of spring.
The symbols of the egg and the rabbit are rooted in a pagan springtime fertility feast. In
the 1500s, the Germans began using the Easter Hare as a symbol of rebirth. On the
night before Easter, children would make nests from their bonnets and caps and leave
them outside, where the Easter Hare would leave colorful eggs for them.
From a Christian perspective, the timing of Easter is linked to the Jewish celebration of
the Passover. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread were observed by the
ancient Israelites early in each new year. Easter, which celebrates Jesus Christ's
resurrection from the dead, is Christianity's most important holiday. It doesn't fall on the
same date every year as most holidays do. Instead, Christian churches in the West
celebrate Easter on the first Sunday following the full moon after the vernal equinox on
March 21. Therefore, Easter is observed anywhere between March 22nd and April 25th
every year. Orthodox Christians use the Julian calendar to calculate when Easter will
occur and typically celebrate the holiday a week or two after the Western churches,
which follow the Gregorian calendar.
In a study by Barna Group, two out of three Americans described Easter as a religious
celebration. However, the research also showed that only a minority of adults directly
linked Easter to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. These Americans were most likely to
be evangelicals (73%), large church attendees (60%), born again Christians (55%),
active churchgoers (54%), upscale adults (54%) and Protestants (51%).
The Barna research also examined whether churchgoing adults perceive Easter
weekend to be a good time to invite people to attend worship services. While most
active churchgoers said they would be open to doing this, only 31% of active
churchgoers said they would definitely invite someone they know who does not usually
attend a church to accompany them on Easter weekend.
David Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group, said, “Realistically, if all people who
said they would bring unchurched people with them on Easter were to follow through,
America’s churches couldn’t handle the overflow.”
Paganism is an emotion-laden subject and Christians sometimes can be dogmatic and
legalistic about arguing a Biblical belief. However, debate does not usually attract
nonbelievers to embrace the Christian faith. You can celebrate without the plastic eggs,
chocolate bunnies and jelly beans, but avoid condemning those who do. Lost souls are
more important than egg hunts. Whether you participate or not, remember Jesus said,
“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory
to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16 ESV).
After the resurrection, the women went to the empty tomb and discovered that Jesus
was no longer dead but alive. The angel then told them to go and share that news.
Consider how you can use Easter as an opportunity to turn a pagan tradition into an
evangelistic opportunity. Offer to bring your unchurched neighbors or friends to church
and then treat them to lunch. Look beyond the Easter eggs and jelly beans and ask
questions like, “Have you ever thought seriously about the true meaning of Easter?” as
a conversation starter with friends, family and neighbors.
John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever
believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Jesus’ motive for willingly dying
on a cross and overcoming death through the resurrection was love for sinners just like
you and me. In order to draw others to the saving cross of Jesus Christ, let love be the
motivation for your words and actions on Easter and every day.
Please Pray:
 For God to show you which unchurched friend or neighbor to invite to church this
 For Christians to take opportunities to share the true meaning of Easter with
 For churches to be filled with those who have never heard the gospel.
Ending Child Poverty
Tying Stronger Marriage Knots
Holly L. Meade
Though America is a rich country of great abundance, approximately one in seven
children in the United States go to bed hungry every night, according to a recent report
by the United Nation’s Children’s Fund (UNICEF). That means more than 16 million, or
22 percent of all children – live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level.
Research is clear that poverty is the single greatest threat to children’s well-being. It can
impede children’s ability to learn and contribute to poor physical, emotional and mental
health. Child poverty is an ongoing national concern, but few are aware of its principal
cause: the absence of married fathers in the home. According to the U.S. Census, the
poverty rate for single parents with children in the United States in 2009 was 37.1
percent. The rate for married couples with children was 6.8 percent. Being raised in a
married family reduced a child’s probability of living in poverty by about 82 percent.
Many times families with children that were not poor before the divorce see their income
drop as much as 50 percent. Almost 50 percent of the parents with children that are
going through a divorce move into poverty after the divorce.
Marriage is a powerful weapon in fighting poverty. "Any conversation that we're having
about poverty has got to take into account marriage and the relationship between
marriage and poverty," said Jennifer Marshall, director of Domestic Policy Studies at the
Heritage Foundation. She argued that, far from liberating women from oppressive
marriages, the feminist movement has restricted many of them to a poorer social class.
While women do bring home the largest income in four of ten American households with
kids under 18, only 15 percent of those households have a father. In the other 25
percent, a single mother provides the income. Marshall says the median annual income
of those single mothers averages only $23,000. Forty four percent of these mothers
have never been married, and a third are not even working, but rely on welfare.
Kay Hymowitz, senior fellow at the Manahattan Institute, contributing editor of City
Journal, and author of Marriage and Caste in America: Separate and Unequal Families
in a Post-Marital Age says, the decline in marriage has cultivated a new "caste society,"
where a child's future social status is determined by the relationship between his mother
and father. She said what attracted her to the issue of marriage decay was its
connection to "poverty and inequality."
So if marriage is the key to ending child poverty, how can the church and Christians
make an important difference in this issue?
Church’s role in stronger marriages
Churches are uniquely suited to address this issue, since they have "relational capital,"
Marshall explained. Training for marriage should be a key part of a church's outreach to
the poor. "We need to be helping cultivate the skills for marriage in communities that are
in need."
Ted Lowe, Director of MarriedPeople, states, “Every church is spending time and
resources on helping marriages, but for most churches, that time is reactive. I've found
that most churches spend 90 percent on couples in crisis, 5 percent on weddings and 5
percent on everyone else. What if we no longer thought of marriage ministry as
counseling for troubled couples, but instead purposed to treat marriage ministry like any
other ongoing ministry in our church?”
A recent survey by Leadership Network’s Marriage Ministry revealed that 36 of the 100
largest churches in the U.S. did not have a visible, easy-to-identify ministry to married
couples. Therefore, it’s important not only to teach church members how to have strong
marriages but also to reach out to those lower income families in the community. It’s
easy to give food and clothing handouts. Yet, why not get to the root of issues like
poverty and offer these people free marriage classes?
Christians’ role in stronger marriages
Marriage in the Western society has been cheapened, even among God’s people. As
the breakdown of traditional marriage continues, child poverty will increase. But
Hebrews 13:4 says, “Let marriage be held in honor among all.”
You hold an essential key as you BOLDLY pray for:
 Churches to embrace marriage outreaches as priorities for members and for
lower income families in their communities.
 Christians to be lights and uphold the sanctity of marriage in their homes and
their communities.
 Stronger marriages to increase and for child poverty to decrease.
The Purpose and Practice of Prayer – Part 1
Relationship and Revelation
Holly L. Meade
“Prayer should not be regarded as a duty which must be performed, but rather as a
privilege to be enjoyed, a rare delight that is always revealing some new beauty." -
E.M. Bounds
“God is great, God is good. Let us thank Him for our food.” I remember reciting this
mundane prayer before each family evening meal. However, after I began a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ, I could no longer pray this way. I couldn’t imagine talking
to a friend in this monotone script, so I certainly could not talk to my Heavenly Father
this way! I learned that I could express my thoughts about the meal or anything else
with heart-felt freedom of expression. As I fell more in love with God, my prayers
became more sincere and spontaneous. Of course, many Christians deeply respect and
find comfort in traditional prayers typically recited during church services. However, the
primary purpose of prayer is to enhance our personal relationship with our Heavenly
God delights in our presence and He created us to have friendship and intimacy with
Him. He is certainly all-sufficient and doesn’t need us. Yet, God chose to create Adam
and Eve out of a desire for relationship. As His children He wants us to know Him as
our loving Heavenly Father. That means there are times when we should not ask for
anything. We just bask in His presence.
Just as we spend time with friends we love, we pray because we love God and want to
be with Our Creator. Only He can satisfy our deepest longings and that desire draws us
toward a more intimate union with Him. As illustrated in the Song of Solomon, God, the
Lover of our hearts, does not spend time with us, the Beloved, because of any agenda.
The Lover just wants to be with the Beloved.
When it comes to communication with the Father, Jesus is our greatest example. Even
though Jesus was as much God as He was human, the Son was intensely committed to
prayer because this loving presence of the Father was His very life. He told His
disciples, “I live because of the Father” (John 6:57) and prayer was His lifeline. Jesus
often had to find solitary places and pray alone with the Father. However, He let nothing
deter Him from maintaining this love relationship.
In his book, The Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence insists that to be
constantly aware of God’s presence, it is necessary to form the habit of continually
talking with Him throughout each day. He says, “Sometimes I imagine that I’m a piece of
stone, waiting for the sculptor. When I give myself to God this way, He begins sculpting
my soul into the perfect image of His beloved Son. At other times, I feel my whole mind
and heart being raised up into God’s presence, as if, without effort, they had always
belonged there.” Brother Lawrence began this practice by cultivating a deep presence
of God in his heart which he said had to be maintained by the heart and by love rather
than by understanding and speech.
An important element to enhance our relationship with God through prayer involves
listening. Listening prayer is spending time alone with Him in a dialogue where we
express our heart to Him and wait for His gentle whisper. Since Jesus depended on the
Father to indicate what and how He was to say things, shouldn’t we follow His example?
Author Henri J. M. Nouwen said, “Many voices ask for our attention. But underneath all
these often very noisy voices is a still, small voice that says, “You are my Beloved, my
favor rests on you.” That’s the voice we need most of all to hear. To hear that voice,
however, requires special effort; it requires solitude, silence, and a strong determination
to listen. That’s what prayer is. It is listening to the voice that calls us “my Beloved.”
My prayer for you is that communication with God becomes a rare delight each day. As
you experience the presence of your Heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally,
your relationship with Him will deepen and you will understand more of His heart for
you…His Beloved.
Single Adults in the Church
Are They an Invisible Population?
Holly L. Meade
When the U.S. government began tracking data in 1976, over 37 percent of the
population age 16 and older was unmarried. As of 2014, more than 50 percent of
Americans are single adults. In fact, there are 27 states where singles comprise more
than half the population, according to data assembled by CityLab and the Martin
Prosperity Institute. Unmarried adults range from 18 to 56 years and older and include
never married, divorced, widowed and single parents.
Yet with this vast population, how effectively is the church ministering to them? Not so
well, according to some.
Kris Swiatocho, director of The Singles Network Ministries, says, “For most churches
single adults are invisible. Mainly because most pastors, secretaries, deacons/elders
are married with children. When they are in the pulpit they typically preach and identify
with those that are like themselves."
Swiatocho believes there are multiple factors leading to this state of invisibility, including
competition from other ministries, a lack of funds, “high turnover" for members and a
lack of demand from many congregations. "We need more pastors trained to minister to
single adults; but, we need more churches who want single adult pastors that will
create the jobs for them when they do graduate," he said.
Nathan Keeler, pastor of a young adult congregation overseen by McLean Bible
Church in Virginia, agrees. "We do not have enough pastors and staff that are engaging
the culture, giving opportunities for young adults and singles to have a voice and
responsibility within the church and putting resources toward this effort," he says.
Rev. Craig A. Young serves as director of the singles ministry at Oak Cliff Bible
Fellowship in Dallas. “I think singles ministry is one of the auxiliary needs in the church
that is often overshadowed by other needs. Whereas the ministry and support to singles
is a recognized need, there are many other needs in the church as well with a limited
amount of resources. Therefore, it is difficult for many churches to have a well-
supported ministry to singles.”
“One of the challenges of having a singles ministry is you have four leaking tires,” says
Tim Grosshans, pastor of First Baptist Church in Winter Garden, Florida. Grosshans
was the singles pastor at First Baptist Church Orlando for five years. “You’re always
losing people. They constantly marry each other.”
While singles ministry may be lacking in some churches, it is crucial to examine the
purpose of a singles ministry as well as the motives of individual unmarried adults.
Approximately 45 percent of the adult congregation at Saddleback Church in California
are unmarried. Jeremy Hsieh assists the pastor of Saddleback’s singles ministry. “Some
people are professional singles. They go from event to event but never contribute or
invest,” he says.
For example, Saddleback hosts quarterly six-week gatherings which invite singles to
participate in Bible study as well as community events like movies, golf and games.
Hsieh says that typically a group of 40 to 50 people attend the first gathering with about
15 percent tapering off each week. The last gathering usually includes about 20 people.
Saddleback integrates singles with married couples so they can witness healthy
relationships and feel like an important part of the church community. Hsieh states
segregating the unmarried also feeds the perspective they are there to just receive
versus serving.
“I’m a 30-something single adult and I don’t think it is the church’s job is to contribute
events. I think it’s to help me with my relationship with God,” says Hsieh. “Some see it
so they would not be single anymore. Our purpose is to get them in a healthy
community. The greatest need is to become a healthy Christian.”
Pastor Grosshans says singles are invisible by their own choice because they can
proactively devote more time to serving the Lord and others.
Jesus said that not everyone can receive or accept serving God as a purpose for
staying single. Remember to pray that churches across this nation provide the
unmarried with opportunities to grow closer to God and to serve Him. Pray also that
singles continually pursue God first with all their heart, soul and mind.
“We are alive for two reasons: to love God and to share His love with others. If you want
to find someone focused on the Lord, just keep pursuing Jesus! The moment you take
your eyes off Him, it becomes idol worship,” says Grosshans.
Social Media Teaser
Are single adults an invisible population in the church?
Treasure Hunt
Holly L. Meade
I have not departed from the commandment of his lips; I have treasured the words of
his mouth more than my portion of food. Job 23:12
Treasure. Whether it is a high-tech underwater expedition or one person combing the
beach with a metal detector, people have been searching for it for years. One treasure
hunter discovered a huge stash of 52,000 Roman coins buried in a field in southwest
England. These ancient silver and bronze coins dated from the third century A.D. are
valued at five million dollars!
It’s easy to dream about finding similar riches. However, Psalm 119:62 says, “I rejoice
at your word like one who finds great spoil.” The Bible is God’s treasure chest. God’s
truths must be pursued earnestly as someone seeking hidden treasure. In it you will find
precious words worth more than any silver or gold. As you discover the hidden treasure
of God’s Word, you will find the presence, power and peace of Jesus Christ.
So start digging for these pearls as you spend time reading His Word. As you do, you
will fall more in love with the One who loves you unconditionally. Pray also for your
nation’s leaders that they will discover the truths stored in God’s Word and apply them
daily to their lives.
Recommended reading: Psalm 119:161-168
Holly L. Meade
Though you do not now see him, you believe in him. 1 Peter 1:8
How big is your God? It’s difficult for people on earth to grasp the width, depth,
complexity or immensity of any part of God’s nature. But four-year-old Colton Burpo is
an exception.
Colton was rushed into emergency surgery due to a ruptured appendix. The infection
still raged, requiring another surgery. Four days after the second surgery the Burpos’
church gathered to pray for Colton. The doctor was speechless. Within twelve hours,
Colton was skipping down the hall of the hospital. One nurse said, “There has to be a
God because this is a miracle!”
Soon Colton revealed that during the surgery he went to heaven and sat in Jesus’ lap.
In heaven, Colton met his miscarried sister whom he was never told about and his
great-grandfather who died 30 years before he was born. One day, Colton told his dad,
“God is the biggest one there is. And He really, really loves us, Dad, you can’t
belieeeeve how much he loves us!”
The Creator of the Universe wants you to know Him intimately. Spend time daily reading
God’s Word and meditating on His incredible love for you. Pray also for the nation’s
leaders to discover God’s limitless love for them.
Recommended reading: Psalm 145:1-12
Object of His Love
Holly L. Meade
Do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. Philippians
There are three primary words for love in the Bible: eros (sensual love); phileo (brotherly
love); and agape (unconditional, supernatural love). Society focuses mainly on eros or
phileo. God’s love is the purest, deepest kind form, agape. However, His love is
incomplete alone. It requires action.
You are created as the object of God’s love. His heart overflows toward you. Your
Heavenly Father proved His love first when He sent Jesus to die on the cross on your
behalf. Then He left His Holy Spirit to guide and comfort you. Finally, God has given
you His love letter, the Bible, through which you come to understand how much He
adores and cherishes you.
Thank Him each day for the incredible gift of His love. Read First Corinthians 13 and let
the words sink into your mind and your heart. Insert your name in the place of the word
“love” and ask God to develop those qualities in you.
Look for opportunities to demonstrate His love to others. Pray also that the nation’s
leaders would come to understand true agape love in their lives.
Recommended reading: 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Discover New Ground
Holly L. Meade
He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Psalm
Sheep are creatures of habit. They will follow the same trails until they become ruts.
They will graze the same hills until they turn to desert wastes. They will pollute their own
ground until it is corrupt with disease and parasites. However, a good shepherd will
regularly move them to different pastures. When the shepherd leads them to a fresh
pasture, even the older ewes will often kick up their heels and leap with excitement
about finding fresh feed!
Just as sheep will blindly and habitually follow one another along the same little trails
until they erode into gigantic gullies, people cling to the same habits that ruin their lives.
Yet, Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD,
plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
As you pray and read God’s Word each day, ask Your Good Shepherd to lovingly guide
you onto new ground with Him. God has greater abundance, health and holiness
waiting for you! Pray also for America’s leaders to discover that a relationship with
Jesus Christ is the only path toward hope and peace.
Recommended reading: John 10:1-9

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Holly L. Meade Writing Samples 4-2015

  • 1. A Mission to Rescue Missing Children The American Association for Lost Children Recovers Kidnapped Kids By Holly L. Meade Special to ASSIST News Service LATROBE, PA (ANS) -- Maria Nicholas was seven months pregnant when her ten- month-old baby girl, AnnaMaria, was abducted by her estranged husband. He told Maria her baby would never return to the United States again. Years passed along with unsuccessful attempts by eleven organizations to rescue AnnaMaria. After almost five and one-half years, AnnaMaria was eventually rescued in Germany. Maria experienced the joy of finally embracing her daughter again. AnnaMaria is just one example of the many children who have been rescued by the American Association for Lost Children. The AAFLC is a non-profit charity founded in 1987 by Mark Miller of Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Miller wasn’t even a Christian almost twenty years ago. Yet, Miller knew he wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. When he saw an advertisement for a missing child in the grocery store, the caption “Have you seen me”? caught his eye… and his heart… Miller soon discovered there weren’t any organizations actually looking for the children. Miller thought, “Boy, that’s strange. Somebody needs to be looking for them!” So Mark took his life savings and started the American Association for Lost Children. During the process Miller’s life also changed for eternity! “I started to seek after the Lord. I had a dream and it was scary. I realized if I was to pass at that time, I would end up in hell. It happened the second time that night ... it was a double dream.” A friend told him about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Miller was raised Catholic so that was all news to him! He went to church, gave his life to God, and has been sold out ever since! He then began to minister Jesus’ love to distraught parents and frightened children through the charity. One woman from Romania called Miller for help in recovering her kidnapped children. Miller prayed with her over the phone and she eventually invited Jesus Christ into her heart. This joyous mother not only got her children back but her life was changed for eternity!
  • 2. Volunteers often help Miller use creative tactics to recover children. Many of these children are taken by a non-custodial parent in a divorce situation and there’s often a felony charge involved. Sometimes the children have been brain washed and sexually abused. Miller has gone all over the world to rescue kidnapped children. He has even been arrested in Mexico. Parents often turn for help to the American Association of Lost Children after attempts with police and detectives have failed. The charity relies on donations since Miller never charges the parents any fees. Since 1987, approximately 120 missing children have been rescued by the American Association of Lost Children at no cost to the parents. Miller admits some days can be challenging for him financially and physically. He has slept on the office floor and sold M&Ms and lemonade trying to keep the charity’s doors open. There have even been times when he has lived on peanut butter sandwiches and 40 dollars a week. But his faith in God, his love for children, and his desire to help others has kept him going. Miller says, “It’s something in me that drives me. I’m going to keep going ‘cause I’m going to help somebody and do the best I can and know that God will open the door to get the child back.”
  • 3. THE LIGHTHOUSE REPORT AIR DATE: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 Making a Difference TWO – MINUTE PROGRAM I’m Steve Douglass and on today’s Lighthouse Report… let me ask you… what actions are you doing that count for God? Let’s say, in your neighborhood? What are you doing to make a difference in your neighbors’ lives? You know, we’ve become a society, that often retreats behind the walls of our houses. But Jesus calls us to “love our neighbors.” And that’s difficult to do that without building relationships with them. God has commissioned us to reach out and intertwine our lives into theirs! Perhaps that means changing our lifestyle a bit. Spending more time outside in our neighborhood… walking in our neighborhood and talking to neighbors. Sharing ourselves with them. Learning more about their lives. Asking how we can pray for them. Observing ways we can tangibly care for them. And continually praying for God to use us to make a difference in their lives. Let me tell you about Larry and Sandra. They led a neighborhood Bible Study. A neighbor named Sally started coming and she confessed, “I don’t know anything about the Bible!” One night Larry and Sandra shared a little booklet with Sally called “Peace with God.” Sally invited Jesus Christ into her heart! Soon she began understanding how to apply God’s Word practically to her life. And she started sharing her faith! When Sally became ill and went in the hospital, she shared Jesus Christ with the staff. She would ask, “Do you know Jesus? If you don’t you better take care of it right away!” At Sally’s memorial service, her “before Jesus friends” sat on one side. And on the other, were all of her “after Jesus friends.” Now think about the impact of one couple’s Bible Study on Sally’s life… which was then multiplied into many others. So now consider, how can you make a difference too?
  • 4. THE LIGHTHOUSE REPORT AIR DATE: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 Incredibly Loved TWO – MINUTE PROGRAM Hi, I’m Steve Douglass with The Lighthouse Report. You’ve probably heard the verse in James which says, “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” But what does it mean? James goes on to say, Elijah prayed earnestly that might not rain. And it did not rain for three and a half years! Then Elijah prayed again, and the sky poured rain! Wow… that’s pretty effective prayer! But I think the really encouraging part is this. James says, “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours.” So Elijah was just an ordinary human… like you and me… and yet his prayers were so powerful! I think God wants us to see and know that we also can accomplish extraordinary things through prayer! For example, studies have shown that prayer has a positive effect on healing. But no matter what the outcome, the person who receives prayer, feels incredibly loved. Let me tell you about Maureen. Maureen battled and survived cancer. And she believes that prayer had an important role in her healing. In fact, Maureen had a prayer team of six friends who faithfully prayed for her. They prayed daily for six months as she went through chemo treatment. Maureen didn’t have any side effects and her blood counts remained good. And when she was done with the treatment, Maureen’s prayer team held a “No More Chemo” party to celebrate! And through it all, she felt a wonderful sense of peace and rest. Maureen says, “I truly learned how outrageously God can pour out His love and healing through a community of believers.” So when you pray for others… whether they seem to be doing great… or struggling through a valley, God can use you to make a big difference! And they will feel incredibly loved along the way!
  • 5. THE LIGHTHOUSE REPORT AIR DATE: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 Protective Power of Prayer TWO – MINUTE PROGRAM Prayer. It changes lives, you know. I’m Steve Douglass with The Lighthouse Report… and God hears the prayers of the righteous. So when you pray for others, you can make a difference in their lives forever! Imagine for a moment…a protective covering… surrounding your neighbors and co- workers as you pray for them. Or maybe even those people you meet in the grocery store or at the gym. You have the privilege of extending God’s love to them and wrapping them in His care through your prayers. And even if you don’t know your neighbors or whomever very well, God will put a love for them in your heart as you pray! And a time may come when it seems their world is caving in, you may be the one they turn to for help and for encouragement… all because you extended a protective covering of prayer over their lives. Recently, there was a devastating earthquake in East Asia. As rescuers were searching for survivors, they found a woman. She was already dead, crushed by the collapsed house. But through all the debris, they could see her posture. She had both knees down, upper body forward with hands holding her body, like praying to heaven. The rescue team started to leave when the team leader shouted, “Come back, there’s a baby alive under her body!” They carefully cleared the debris and found a well-wrapped baby, about three or four months old. Because of his mother’s protection, he was unharmed and sleeping peacefully. The doctor examined him and found a cell phone tucked under his blanket. He saw a message on the phone’s screen which read: “My loving baby. If you survive, please remember I’ll always love you.” Hmmm…what an awesome picture of the protective power of prayer!
  • 6. Script Number: 1 Program: BTC/July 2007 Title: Kiwi’s Mass Medical Team 6-41-07 From the studios of HCJB Global, it’s Beyond the Call with Ron Cline! An earthquake measuring eight point one on the Richter scale rocked the Solomon Islands. After a tsunami left many dead and thousands homeless, HCJB Global New Zealand sent relief teams from Ecuador to these South Pacific Islands. Medical personnel and volunteers brought medications, tents and other essentials. When they arrived, there were no village shops open to purchase supplies… much less make contact with the outside world. The teams went from village to village attending patients, refilling medications and giving immunizations. Together, they saw about six hundred patients! And despite language barriers, team members shared the Gospel with villagers both individually and in groups. You can be an ambassador for Christ! Keep your bags packed and be ready to Go Beyond the Call! For HCJB Global, I’m Ron Cline. (142)
  • 7. Script Number: 4 Program: BTC/June 2007 Title: Building Bridges 6-19-07 From the studios of HCJB Global, it’s Beyond the Call with Ron Cline! Mike Salomon almost died during a climbing trip in the Himalayas. But the people of Sewangma shared their meager resources and nursed Mike back to health. Mike wanted to give something back to those who’d helped him. The people of Sewangma had no electricity or plumbing and food was scarce. It took five hours to reach the nearest school. Mike started his own computer company to give a portion of the profits to Sewangma. Now Mike’s company runs an Adopt-a-Village program with other high- tech companies. They fund and carry out projects in regions of Nepal. So far Adopt-a- Village has helped build badly needed sanitation systems. Not only that, but the children of Sewangma now have a bridge that gets them to school in only thirty minutes! You can build bridges with God’s love! Go Beyond the Call! For HCJB Global, I’m Ron Cline. (143)
  • 8. God’s Way with Enemies Blessing Those Who Curse Us By Holly Meade Who is your enemy? Perhaps you think of Satan or a political leader. Yet, it could be a family member, ex-spouse, neighbor or the person who just cut you off in traffic. Obviously, it’s someone whom you do not love…or even like. However, Jesus tells us we must choose to love our enemies, despite our feelings. In Matthew 5:43-45, Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.” The word used for love in this passage is the Greek word, agape, which literally means ‘to will the good of another.” James Bryan Smith, author of The Good and Beautiful Life, says, “When we hate our enemies we betray the God who loves His enemies. Conversely, when we pray for and bless those who curse us, we align ourselves with God and His kingdom. We are doing what Jesus did.” Jesus said, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48 ESV). In this passage of Scripture the word “perfect” is not referring to moral flawlessness but instead to spiritual maturity. Unconditional love is the most crucial expression of God’s character in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ. For example, Renee Napier could have easily labeled Eric Smallridge as her enemy. Eric was driving drunk one night, lost control of his car and struck another vehicle, instantly killing Renee’s 20-year-old daughter Meagan and her friend, Lisa. Convicted of DUI manslaughter, Eric was convicted to 22 years in prison. Despite her pain and grief, Renee turned to Eric in the courtroom and expressed her forgiveness. Eric accepted responsibility for his actions and gave his life to Jesus Christ. Then Renee went the extra mile and had Eric’s sentence reduced in half. Now a free man, Eric joins Renee as they speak in schools about the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol. Our enemies expose our total need for God’s unconditional love, mercy and grace. When we act out of gratitude and take opportunities to bless our enemies, we also may have open doors to share the Gospel with them
  • 9. As you practice unconditional love, Ray Pritchard of Keep Believing Ministries suggests seven ways to bless your enemies: 1. Greet them. One part of loving our enemies is to greet them graciously when we see them. Sometimes (often, perhaps) some of us have been quite adept at looking the other way, ducking into a room, crossing the street, or even using Caller ID to keep from greeting those who have hurt us. 2. Disarm them. That’s what you do when you turn the other cheek or go the second mile. You disarm them by doing the very thing they least expect. 3. Do good to them. Doing good means that you do what will promote their healing despite the way they have treated you. You make the first move. You send the e-mail. You pick up the phone. You make the contact. You bridge the gap. 4. Refuse to speak evil of them. Refuse to think evil thoughts and to speak evil words against those who have wronged you. At some point, we have to stop talking and start forgiving. 5. Thank God for them. If you believe in the sovereignty of God, you must believe that your enemy is sent to you by God’s design and with God’s approval. Take a picture of your enemy, frame it and place it where you can see it. Thank God for your enemy every time you look at the picture. 6. Pray for them. What if you dislike the person? Tell that to the Lord. He won’t be surprised. Then say something like, “Lord, I dislike this person, but I ask You to love this person through me because I can’t do it in my own power.” 7. Ask God to bless them. When faced with someone who has mistreated you, ask God to do for them what you want God to do for you. Think of it this way: The greater the hurt, the greater the potential blessing that will come when we totally forgive and by God’s grace, bless those who curse us.
  • 10. An Apparent Lack of Thirst in America Holly L. Meade Water. It’s crucial to sustaining life. Scientists differ in opinions regarding the number of days we can survive without water; however, it is a fact we will die without it. Of course, on a hot day, or after exercising, or eating salty foods, it’s easy to crave a refreshing glass of water. In fact, our thirst for water can become a preoccupation until it’s satisfied. Consider an analogy between our thirst for water and our thirst for God. Do we thirst for a relationship with God as we thirst for water? According to a recent survey by veteran researcher George Barna of the Barna Research Group, the answer seems to “no.” When Barna surveyed more than 30,000 randomly selected adults about their faith, he reports that two out of three U.S. adults consider themselves “Casual Christians.” In other words, sixty-six percent of the adult population describe themselves as spiritually middle-of-the-road and even ambivalent about their faith. “Casual Christianity,” states Barna, is faith in moderation. “It allows them to feel religious without having to prioritize their faith. A Casual Christian can be all things that they esteem: a nice human being, a family person, religious, an exemplary citizen, a reliable employee and never have to publicly defend or represent difficult moral or social position or even lose much sleep over their private choices as long as they mean well and generally do their best.” In the book of Revelation, God addressed the church in Laodicea, one of the wealthiest of the seven cities. However, the city had a problem with its water supply. An aqueduct was built to bring water from hot springs; yet, when the water reached the city, it was lukewarm. When God confronted the people’s spiritual apathy in Revelation 3:15, He said, “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.” Perhaps that same message to Laodicea applies to us today. As Americans, we live in a nation of wealth. Even though there is a questionable economy, we still often overeat, overspend and overindulge in luxuries other people in Third World countries could not imagine. Even the commodity of fresh hot and cold water, to which many in other countries is precious, often flows freely in American homes. However, when it comes to our Christian faith, the majority of Americans seem to have become lukewarm.
  • 11. In Barna’s survey, he also reports that only sixteen percent of U.S. adults are “Captive Christians.” “Captive Christians” seek to uphold the absolute moral and spiritual truths. Barna says, “For Captives, success is obedience to God, as demonstrated by consistently serving Christ and carrying out His commands and principles. For Casuals, success is balancing everything just right so that they are able to maximize their opportunities and joys in life without undermining their perceived relationship with God and with others. Casuals are about moderation in all things while Captives are about extreme devotion to their God regardless of the worldly consequences.” In essence, “Captive Christians” seem to be those people who thirst after God. In the Bible, God is referred to as the “fountain of life” and the “living water.” In the book of John, Jesus tells the woman at the well that if she drinks of the water He provides, she will never thirst again. As we anguish and complain over the spiritual condition of this nation, perhaps we should look at our reflections in the fountain of God’s truth. Are we thirsting after a relationship with God with all our hearts, minds and souls? Or are we willing to compromise and live spiritually lukewarm? Are we choosing to live as “Casual Christians” or as “Captive Christians”?
  • 12. ATM/GCN/CNT Graphics Video Script Writer: Holly L. Meade Transformation is “a change in character or condition.” A radical change! Jesus Christ came to transform hearts and transform lives. He reached out to touch those with physical and spiritual needs. The same needs that are rampant today…  Poverty  Crime  Lack of education  Lack of job  Malnutrition  High mortality  Alcoholism  Gambling  Domestic violence Now God chooses people to be vessels of His transformation. People reaching out to others in need. Now God chooses you… To share His love and His truth in tangible ways To be a change-agent and see…  Poverty alleviated  Disease prevention  Child mortality reduced  Crime reduced  World views changed  Churches planted Most of all…People embracing the life-changing love of Jesus Christ! Jesus is asking you to step out of your comfort zone and go into the world…your world.…your neighborhood…and make a difference.
  • 13. Whether in a village (Global Che Network logo) or downtown U.S.A. (Collaborative Neighborhood Transformation logo), you can leave a footprint of eternal significance. Transforming the world starts with cities, communities and neighborhoods. That starts with relationships. Transforming the world starts with you!
  • 14. FLC Donor Letter Holly L. Meade Dear <Name>, “At the age of eight, my mom shot herself in front of me. I remember laying on top of her, pleading with her not to die!” Angela Vestal Villegas had a challenging childhood as her mother continuously attempted suicide. Angela never went to a dance, a prom… or even on a date. She had to stay home and supervise her emotionally unstable mother. As a result, Angela felt unloved. When she was only seventeen, Angela dropped out of school, got married, and gave birth to her first daughter. She became addicted to drugs, alcohol and parties. After a divorce and her fourth child, Angela and her second husband’s drug habit soon landed them in prison. Angela says, “We lost custody of our children to grandparents and they experienced the same feelings and emotions I did as a child. They said, ‘If Mom and Dad loved us, they wouldn’t do drugs and abandon us.’” While Angela was in prison, she was blessed with a spiritual mentor who e-mailed her every week. However, when Angela was released, she relapsed into dealing and using drugs. She became involved with the Mafia and lived in constant danger. Angela was known for having the best drugs in town. Yet, all those drugs never filled the void in her heart. They only numbed Angela’s true pain. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.” Even though Angela almost experienced death several times, God had a different plan for her life! The Creator of the Universe reached down with His grace and changed her life forever! “On February 13, 2008, I woke up, cried out to God on my knees and cried so hard I thought blood was coming out of my eyes,” Angela says. “I believe to this day that it was Jesus’ blood delivering me from my addiction! Satan didn’t want to let go of me but Jesus defeated him. I haven’t touched a drug or anything to alter my mind since that day!”
  • 15. Though many days have been a struggle, Angela praises God that He has given her a new life! She also has seen her four daughters receive Jesus Christ through the support of her local church and through Family Life Radio. “My car radio and house radio never leave your station. Vickie with Family Life Radio has been such an example for me as well! I can call her anytime and she is there along with anyone else I talk to. These are all reasons I contribute monthly to your station,” she says. God is in the business of changing lives! Ephesians 1:7 says, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us.” Angela is thankful that God has extended His priceless grace to her through people like you. Please know that when you support Family Life Radio ministry, you are touching lives for eternity. Thank you for making it possible for Family Life Radio to reach people like Angela. Remember, there is no greater return for your investment! For Him, Dr. Randy L. Carlson President, Family Life Radio P.S. As my special thank you for your financial support this month, I want to send you our beautiful 2010 Family Life Radio wall calendar. It features daily scriptures and messages to encourage you in your relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s yours with a gift to Family Life Radio this month. Ask for it today.
  • 16. Holly L. Meade Samples of FLR Facebook Posts  Praise God that 1,035 stood to make an intentional one thing commitment...over 90% of the audience! Dr. Randy invited attendees to receive Jesus Christ and 24 answered the call! There's still time to see if there's a conference coming near you!  Enter the Celebrate a Teacher Contest and tell us (in 25 words or less) how one special teacher shows your child hope. You and the teacher might win a Nook Simple Touch!  Bill Ronning models the iPad2....just like the one Teena Hicks from Phoenix was so excited to win yesterday...along with a $25 gift card and over $250 worth of Intentional Living resources! Congrats, Teena! YOU might be the next winner when you become a member of the Family of Hope! Call 888-888-9976 now or go online Please share this with your friends too!  After Sherry lost her son to suicide, a Family Life Radio billboard gave her hope and encouragement. Now Sherry helps others who have lost a loved one experience hope through Jesus Christ. When you become a new member of the Family of Hope today with your ongoing, monthly gift, we’ll say thank you with two identical copies of our exclusive new book, “Hope for the Soul.” One for you and one to give away to someone who needs some hope! Call now 888-888- 9976 or go online to  Cindy says, "I experienced hope in Jesus Christ when I realized my value comes from God and not this world." How about you? What's your story of hope?  If you are blessed by the music and messages of Family Life Radio, share the hope! Tell your friends about us by sharing this post!  God moved among the crowd of more than 2500 attendees recently in Tucson as the Newsboys, Anthem Lights, Abandon, The City Harmonic and Bob Lenz presented the Gospel through music and message. Many received Jesus Christ for the first time as a result! Go to and click on events to see if they are coming to your area soon.
  • 17.  Talk about being one in a million! Ephesians 3:16 CEV "God is wonderful and glorious. I pray that his Spirit will make you become strong followers and that Christ will live in your hearts because of your faith. Stand firm and be deeply rooted in his love." And if you want to make that commitment to be "One in a Million" check out our website  Jesus is risen and we have so much for which to be thankful! Enter the Celebrate LIFE Contest here on Facebook and you could win a new study Bible! Just click on the picture of the Bible next to our "likes" and enter!
  • 18. Randy Carlson Article/Blog (Repurposed from a presentation) Writer: Holly L. Meade Intentional Living: It’s a Matter of Our Head, Heart and Hand Good Intentions Versus God Intentions It seems most of us often have good intentions. We stand in the shower and say, “Today, I’m going to change my attitude!” Or maybe… “Today’s the day I’m going to be a better spouse!” Perhaps…“Today, I’m going to start reading my Bible!” And often it’s “I’m going to start that diet today! However, within a few hours or days, we often fail. Good intentions are really an issue of our personal integrity. I have an intention to do something and when I don’t do it, it becomes an issue of my integrity. However, God doesn’t judge us on our good intentions. God judges us on our “God Intentions.” “God Intentions” are the result of living according to what we believe in Christ and what the Bible teaches about a life focused on Christ. It’s a matter of spiritual integrity. The Bible says, “Man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). So God looks deep into our heart and knows our true motivations. Recently, I cooked some hamburgers on the grill. After about five minutes, the burgers looked done on the outside. So I used my trusty thermometer and pushed it inside the meat. However, the thermometer revealed that the burgers weren’t done. That’s a similar analogy to our lives. On the outside, we judge ourselves by our good intentions; yet, on the inside, we are cold or broken or hollow. So how does God judge us? What is His thermometer? What does He use to push in us to determine we’re not done? Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow, and is the discerner of both the thoughts and the intents of the heart.” The Bible is the thermometer. It pierces. It divides. This passage in Hebrews says God’s Word will pierce us and divide us like the meat thermometer. It divides soul and spirit. God allows the Bible to be thrust in us as an opportunity so we can see what His intentions are for our life. It doesn’t matter where we are on our spiritual journey. It doesn’t matter what our intentions or actions may be. It’s the Word of God that’s going to be the discerner of what’s inside. Our desire should be to align our intentions with God’s intentions. An intention is what we purpose in our heart. Oswald Chambers wrote, “The term heart in the Bible is best understood if we simply say me. It is the central citadel of a man’s personality. The heart is the altar on which the physical body is the outer core, and whatever is offered on the altar of the heart will tell ultimately through the extremities of the body.” So the intentions of our heart is what we purpose in our heart about ourselves. It’s that altar upon which we place everything that comes into our life…money, marriage, my family, work, ambitions, etc. and God tells us to continually check our spiritual temperature.
  • 19. This is the piercing instrument into our life just like my trusty thermometer into the barbecue to see what is real in our life. I constantly battle with this. I am constantly asking God to thrust into me and ask, “What’s your temperature, Randy? Is there anything real in there?” For example, during a recent Sharathon week, I was so discouraged by the second day. Sharathon is a critical time for us to raise support for this ministry and we were considerably behind on our projected goal. Basically, we had given God our goal and told Him what He was supposed to do. I continually shared that goal on the air and encouraged people to give accordingly. But then I felt like I was manipulating God. When I realized what was happening, I knew it was my good intention but not my “God intention.” I realized that I needed to get out of God’s way and let His plan be my priority for this ministry. I went home and told my wife, Donna, “This is God’s work, not my work. We’ve just got to do the best job we can and let God do the rest.” The next day, it was like God opened the floodgates! We had the largest Sharathon in the history of Family Life Radio with over five thousand calls! God was saying, “Randy, listen, take your temperature. Let’s find out what’s inside.” It’s a Matter of Our Head, Heart and Hand So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed (Ephesians 4:17 -19) Our Head The Apostle Paul explains in Ephesians 4: 17-19 three things on which we need to focus to stay on God’s path of living an intentional life. The first thing is to get our thinking, or our head, straight. “So I tell you this and I insist on it in the Lord that you must no longer live or you could say walk as the Gentiles do in the futility of their thinking” (verse 17). Paul is referring to the importance of thinking like Christ. Just like an athletic coach shouts to a struggling team, Paul is saying, “Get your head in the game!” Don’t walk and live like the Gentiles. As Christians we often believe we have victory in Christ; however, we live in mediocrity like the rest of the world. We compromise in our relationship with God. We compromise in our marriage. We compromise in our relationship with our children. Paul admonishes us to get our head straight and to change our way of thinking. We must see life through the lens of our relationship with Christ. We must view life the way God sees life and that is according to His Word.
  • 20. Our Heart The second thing to live an intentional life is to get our heart straight. In other words, we need to continually be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. In verses 18 and 19, Paul says “They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity…” Paul addresses the futility of the Ephesians’ thinking as they are darkened in their understanding and are separated from God because of ignorance. They are not stupid. They just don’t know. They are ignorant as a result of the hardening of their hearts. Basically what Paul is saying is that they had lost all sensitivity to God. They just didn’t care anymore. Any doctor will confirm that it’s a serious problem when we experience a physical hardening of the heart. However, when we are not living an intentional life, our heart can become spiritually hard and we become callous to God’s intentions for our life. We become apathetic about our relationship with God, our marriage, our children or whatever God is doing in our life. It’s vital to our spiritual heartbeat to stay in tune with the Holy Spirit. We must keep open communication with God through prayer, reading the Bible, and confession of our sins. Our Hand The third thing to live an intentional life is to get our hand, or our behavior, straight. Paul addresses the Ephesians regarding the futility of their thinking, hardening of their hearts, and loss of sensitivity. Then in verse 19 he says, “and then they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge into every kind of impurity with a continual lust for more.” They had insatiable appetites and their sinful behavior continually increased. So the head gets messed up, the heart becomes apathetic, and the hand continues in sin. However, Paul provides an answer in the rest of this chapter of Ephesians. He says, “Renew your minds, be angry and sin not and then start behaving like a Christian.” I have counseled people who appear to have their head straight with the right theology; yet, their heart is callous. If I were to stick a thermometer into their heart it would come back cold and empty. There are others who are excited and passionate about God but don’t have their theology straight. So there must be a balance. In other words, get your head straight, get your heart straight, and get your hand straight!
  • 21. Our Whole Business in Life is to Bring Him Pleasure The banner over the ministries of Intentional Living and Family Life Radio is Ephesians 5:10: “Figure out what pleases Christ or approved by Christ and do it.” It is also my personal theme. Figure out what pleases Christ and do it. Every morning I ask God, “What is one thing I can do that will bring You pleasure?” Perhaps it’s spending extra time in prayer. Perhaps it’s giving an encouraging talk to a group. Perhaps it’s investing in my marriage. So let’s daily consider: What’s one thing we can do today that will bring God pleasure? This takes care of eating meat that’s not done. This takes care of living a life that’s not done. This takes care of understanding God’s intentions for our life. It is the piercing divider. We should allow it to be penetrating … not just in knowledge, but intentionally in our heart. Then we’ll see what God does through us as a result! Our whole business in life is to bring Him pleasure. That’s intentional living. Action Points 1. In which area do you need to focus the most in order to live a more intentional life?  Head – your view of God; your theology; your knowledge of Scripture, etc.  Heart – your lack of sensitivity toward God and His Word; apathetic toward your relationship with God and with others; callous toward listening to the Holy Spirit  Hand – your involvement in sinful behavior; your continuous, inappropriate actions against God and/or toward others 2. Regarding your answer to number one, pray and ask God’s forgiveness for not pursuing His intentions in that area (head, heart or hand) of your life. 3. Regarding your answer to question one, pray and ask God to show you actions you can take in order to grow in this area (head, heart or hand). List one specific action in each of these categories. - In your relationship with God. - In your relationship with others (family, friends, neighbors, co-workers). - In your finances. - In your personal lifestyle choices. - In your health. - In your job. 4. Regarding your answer to question three, which one of these actions will you commit to do every day for thirty days? 5. Share your decision with a trusted person and ask that person to hold you accountable for your commitment for thirty days.
  • 22. :30 Spots You feel feverish and pull out a thermometer to check your temperature. But what about your spiritual temperature? How does God measures that? The Bible says, “For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword… and is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” God’s Word is His thermometer. So dive into the Bible! See if your intentions and actions agree with His Word. Intentionally allow God to keep a check on what’s inside your heart every today! [Use various voices for quotes] “Today, I’m going to be nicer to my spouse!” “I’m going to find a higher-paying job! “I’m going to lose twenty pounds this month! Most of us often have good intentions. But the Bible says, “Man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart.” God looks deep inside us to reveal our true motivations. So pray and study God’s Word. Discover what His intentions are for your life today… and every day! Hello, I’m Dr. Randy Carlson. What’s one thing you could do that would bring God pleasure? Now let me encourage you to commit to do this for thirty days. And if you’re like me, you might need a visual reminder. That’s why I wear a particular wristband to remind me every day to ask God that question. And He is faithful to answer! Remember…Our whole business in life is to bring God pleasure. That’s intentional living! Discussion Points for Announcing Team 1. Announcing Team discusses the difference between good intentions and “God intentions.”  “God Intentions” are the result of living according to what we believe in Christ  God Intentions” are what the Bible teaches about a life focused on Christ  Pursuing God’s plan instead of our plan  Share personal examples when they pursued their own good intentions… but then they asked God to reveal His intentions instead (“God intentions”) and the results.  Ask listeners and Facebook followers to share how they realized their intentions were not God’s intentions and the results. 2. Announcing Team discusses the difference between how we measure (judge) ourselves versus how God measures our spiritual temperature.  Talk about when your child is sick you use a thermometer  We measure our good intentions or actions or accomplishments  “Man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7)  God’s Word is His thermometer
  • 23. 3. Announcing Team discusses the importance of keeping our head, or thinking, focused on God and His Word.  “So I tell you this and I insist on it in the Lord that you must no longer live or you could say walk as the Gentiles do in the futility of their thinking” (Ephesians 4: 17).  Use analogy of sports “get your head in the game!”  Share their personal struggles with keeping their “head”, or thinking, straight.  Areas of compromise with relationships with God, spouse, children, work, health, finances, etc.  Encourage listeners to spend time in prayer and reading God’s Word and listening to Holy Spirit.  Pray for listeners and their struggles in this area. 4. Announcing Team discusses the importance of keeping our heart sensitive to the Holy Spirit.  Paul says “They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity…” (Ephesians 4:18-19).  Use analogy of physical hardening of heart.  Share their personal struggles with being apathetic to God and His intentions for our life.  Areas of apathy in relationships with spouse, children, work, health, finances, etc.  Encourage listeners to spend time in prayer, reading God’s Word and confessing sin.  Pray for listeners and their struggles in this area.  Ask listeners to share a testimony of how God changed their heart after they committed to do what pleases Him on a regular basis. Survey Questions for Social Media 1. What is one action you will intentionally commit to do for thirty days that would bring God pleasure?  Encourage a co-worker.  Share my faith with someone.  Exercise for at least thirty minutes.  Spend more quality time in prayer and reading God’s Word.  Spend at least thirty uninterrupted minutes talking to my spouse.  Do an act of kindness for a stranger or a neighbor.
  • 24. 2. To whom will you be accountable about this commitment?  A friend  My spouse  A parent  A leader in my church or small group  A prayer partner 3. From what source do you most often get your understanding about God and spiritual issues?  The Bible  Friends or family members  The media (radio, television, the Internet, etc.)  My church 4. How often do you typically ask God and read His Word regarding decisions you make?  Almost all of the time  Most of the time  Sometimes  Only when I’m desperate  Never
  • 25. A Reflection of His Goodness For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5 NIV High school senior Spencer Harrison was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphona several years ago. While Spencer received his chemotherapy, he noticed the rooms were dull and drab. So Spencer founded a nonprofit organization called Teen with a Dream. Teen with a Dream provides DVD movies and cheerful, colorful art work for treatment rooms. There’s even care packages and sour Skittles to help with the taste of chemotherapy. Spencer says, “When I look at this now, I don’t see myself in the bed going through chemo. I see I may help that person in that bed.” God does good things. It is His nature to be kind, generous and benevolent. So when you display goodness toward others, you are a reflection of His holy nature. When you know God’s true nature, you can face difficulty and still say, “God is good.” And like Spencer, God can use your adversity to give others hope! Today’s One Thing Be intentional about showing someone an act of kindness. Go Deeper Psalm 31:19; Mark 10:18
  • 26. Revival in America It Starts with You and Me Holly L. Meade “Have you noticed how much praying for revival has been going on of late - and how little revival has resulted? I believe the problem is that we have been trying to substitute praying for obeying, and it simply will not work.” -A.W. Tozer Revival. The word may conjure thoughts of tent meetings with a preacher shouting an evangelistic message and people flocking down the aisle in response. However, author Elmer Towns says, “You can't hold a revival. All you can do is participate in one that God is throwing. Revival crashes your Daytimer. . . interrupts TV times . . . demands your full attention . . and wears you out. Usually when we pray for revival, we’re telling God “sic ‘em” on the bad guys. Little do we realize that revival begins with us, the people of God.” Revival is not about bringing people to salvation. The prefix "re" in the English language means "to do again." The root word "vive" is from the Latin for "life." So, "revival" means "to bring to life again." To be revived, you must have been alive once before. It’s about God's people returning to Him. Hearts are cleansed and sensitized to the Creator. Revival means turning from a destructive path and moving instead into God's abundant life. There have been many occasions throughout history where great numbers of God’s people experienced revival simultaneously: The Revival of 1904, The Great Awakening (1727) The Second Great Awakening (1780), The General Awakening (1830), The Layman’s Prayer Revival (1857), The World War II Revival (1935), The Baby Boomer Revival(1965), The Pre-Reformation Revivals (1300) The Protestant Reformation (1517) and Pentecost (A.D. 30). Pastor Greg Laurie, the lead pastor at Harvest Church in Riverside, California recently preached the message, “Can God Bring Another Revival to America?” Laurie referred to the Book of Jonah as “a story about one of the largest spiritual awakenings in human history…a story of the revival of one of the wickedest cities ever, the city of Nineveh. The days of this nation were numbered,” Laurie said, adding that “the days of every nation are numbered. And that’s true also for the United States of America. We know the judgment is coming. We know that the U.S. will no longer be the superpower. But let’s wish we have one more spiritual awakening for the United States of America.”
  • 27. So how can revival in America begin? It starts in the hearts of God’s people. Henry Blackaby of Blackaby Ministries International says, “I've heard many "calls" for revival recently but with very little teaching and exposition on revival. It seems that in these urgent days there are too few leaders who actually are leading God's people corporately to repent, pray, seek holiness and return to God. Do we not realize that scripturally it is impossible to have a call for revival without a call for repentance? This has always been God's requirement for His people. The passionate, unceasing corporate prayer that is always present in revival is desperately lacking. In short, I see little evidence of sincere brokenness among God's people for our present condition or the condition of our nation.” Blackaby adds that the sin of nonbelievers is not the real issue. “Christians are aware that America is in desperate need of revival, but we haven't made the connection. “While we see the spiritual darkness around us, we do not recognize that the greater problem is with the light! Revival tarries because God's people will not repent. Even if Christians recognize that the times are urgent and the spiritual climate is dark, without repentance God will refuse to listen because we keep iniquity in our hearts.” In his message Laurie also quoted Psalm 85:6, which says, “Won’t you revive us again?” Then he read from Habakkuk 3:2, “I have heard all about you, Lord. I am filled with awe by your amazing works. In this time of our deep need, help us again as you did in years gone by…” Can God bring spiritual awakening to America? Laurie says, “I believe He can…and I pray He will. Revival starts with you; it starts with me. Nothing can happen through me until it happens to me.” So BOLDLY pray for the nation’s Christian leaders to have a humble, repentant attitude toward God and to experience true revival in their hearts. But first…pray that it starts with you.
  • 28. Shiny Stuff Holly L. Meade Then one of the twelve, named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, ‘What are you willing to give me to betray Him to you?’ And they weighed out thirty pieces of silver to him. From then on he began looking for a good opportunity to betray Jesus. (Matthew 26:14-16) Shiny stuff. We like to possess it. We like to wear it. We like to be surrounded by it. Shiny stuff can be attractive accents like jewelry. Women sometimes refer to it as “bling.” In fact, many ladies host parties just about jewelry! There is nothing wrong with shiny stuff. In fact, God loves to bless us with it. Yet, shiny stuff can also be distractions…distractions from Him. It’s when our perspective gets out of balance that problems arise. When our eyes and hearts focus more on things like material possessions, people, relationships, careers …they can draw our primary attention and affection instead of Jesus Christ. Judas got distracted by shiny coins and denied Jesus. He made the choice to turn his affections away from Christ and toward money. Jesus had called Judas to be one of His disciples. What an honor. Yet, Jesus knew Judas would eventually deny Him. It’s easy to think, I could never do that! However, our human tendency can easily be to satisfy the desires of self, instead of the desires of God. Judas is an example that no one is infallible or exempt from needing God’s grace and mercy. When we focus our eyes and our heart on God first, we receive His priceless blessings. How blessed is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding. For her profit is better than the profit of silver and her gain is better than fine gold. She is more precious than jewels; and nothing you desire compares with her. (Proverbs 3:13- 15) Solomon knew the key to a prosperous life was one where we acknowledge God in all our ways. Is it always easy? No. Yet, when we listen to God’s voice each day and seek Him with all our heart, His desires will become our desires! Ask God to show you any areas where He needs to be first in your life. Remember…it’s a blessing to have shiny stuff. Just make sure you see Jesus’ reflection in it!
  • 29. Wanted: Godly Role Models Examining One Ordinary Man Holly L. Meade In God we trust. It’s on all American currency. But do most Americans really trust in God? Not really, according to a recent survey by the Barna Group. Among those who believe they are Christians, only one-fifth say they live in a way that makes them completely dependent on God. Instead, most Americans worship at the altar of idols consisting of materialism, secularism and mysticism. What is desperately needed today are godly role models who live without compromise. Perhaps a step back in time during biblical days is helpful to examine leaders who certainly were not perfect, yet had a powerful impact on their cultures as a result of faithfully following God. One example is Elijah. Elijah was an ordinary guy who loved his extraordinary God. The book of James describes Elijah as “a man with a nature like ours.” However, God used this prophet to turn the hearts of the people back to Him. His unrelenting faith and trust in Jehovah made him effective in his day of spiritual and moral decadence. Elijah demonstrated “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16) because he stood firm on God’s integrity and truth. It was a time of spiritual drought and idol worship of the false prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel and Elijah wanted to show evil Ahab that only Yahweh was the true God. The people had just witnessed the futile praying of the Baal priests to provide the fire for their sacrifice. Elijah prayed for a miraculous sign so they would know that only God answered prayer. Not only did he not put any fire under the sacrifice, but Elijah drenched it with water so there could be no mistake how the sacrifice was consumed. It was only a work of the living God when it miraculously burned. When the people repented three and one-half years later, Elijah prayed and claimed God’s promise of rain. The book of James says, “…and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit.” Again, God demonstrated His lordship over Baal, the so-called “god of the storm cloud.” His gentle whisper is more powerful than the supposed thundering of Baal. The drought was broken through the prayer of faith according to the will of God, but the ultimate goal was the removal of the spiritual drought in Israel. Today in America the scene is no different from Elijah’s day. Spiritual drought and idol worship prevails. God is calling His modern-day Elijah’s to be the role models and to fervently pray individually and corporately for this nation. As a result, God promises to rain down His blessings on people’s spiritually-dry hearts. It means ending the spiritual drought on souls in communities as well as this nation. It means seeing people turning their lives to God. It means the answer to any political or moral issue.
  • 30. So consider examining your life. Is there unmistakable evidence of the power of God or are you building fires under your sacrifices? Is it evident that you are running your life rather than the Lord? Whenever you can show evidence that your life is unexplainable apart from God, you will have opportunities to share those miracles with others as a result. God recruits ordinary people to pray with extraordinary faith. So as you pray, remember that you can make a difference as the strength of your prayers begins in “knowing your Father who is in heaven and in realizing every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17).  Ask the Holy Spirit to rain down on peoples’ heart as a result of the fervent prayers of the righteous.  Implore that God’s people refuse to be like the world, or to go along with its ideas, patterns and schemes that are so clearly contrary to Scripture.  Pray that Christians will take a biblical stand for political and moral issues of society.  Ask God to bring the churches to deep repentance and a return to faith in Him alone.  As followers of false religions continue to increase, pray that their eyes be opened to God’s truth.
  • 31. God’s Way with Enemies Blessing Those Who Curse Us By Holly L. Meade Who is your enemy? Perhaps you think of Satan or a political leader. Yet, it could be a family member, ex-spouse, neighbor or the person who just cut you off in traffic. Obviously, it’s someone whom you do not love…or even like. However, Jesus tells us we must choose to love our enemies, despite our feelings. In Matthew 5:43-45, Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.” The word used for love in this passage is the Greek word, agape, which literally means ‘to will the good of another.” James Bryan Smith, author of The Good and Beautiful Life, says, “When we hate our enemies we betray the God who loves His enemies. Conversely, when we pray for and bless those who curse us, we align ourselves with God and His kingdom. We are doing what Jesus did.” Jesus said, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48 ESV). In this passage of Scripture the word “perfect” is not referring to moral flawlessness but instead to spiritual maturity. Unconditional love is the most crucial expression of God’s character in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ. For example, Renee Napier could have easily labeled Eric Smallridge as her enemy. Eric was driving drunk one night, lost control of his car and struck another vehicle, instantly killing Renee’s 20-year-old daughter Meagan and her friend, Lisa. Convicted of DUI manslaughter, Eric was convicted to 22 years in prison. Despite her pain and grief, Renee turned to Eric in the courtroom and expressed her forgiveness. Eric accepted responsibility for his actions and gave his life to Jesus Christ. Then Renee went the extra mile and had Eric’s sentence reduced in half. Now a free man, Eric joins Renee as they speak in schools about the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol. Our enemies expose our total need for God’s unconditional love, mercy and grace. When we act out of gratitude and take opportunities to bless our enemies, we also may have open doors to share the Gospel with them
  • 32. As you practice unconditional love, Ray Pritchard of Keep Believing Ministries suggests seven ways to bless your enemies: 1. Greet them. One part of loving our enemies is to greet them graciously when we see them. Sometimes (often, perhaps) some of us have been quite adept at looking the other way, ducking into a room, crossing the street, or even using Caller ID to keep from greeting those who have hurt us. 2. Disarm them. That’s what you do when you turn the other cheek or go the second mile. You disarm them by doing the very thing they least expect. 3. Do good to them. Doing good means that you do what will promote their healing despite the way they have treated you. You make the first move. You send the e-mail. You pick up the phone. You make the contact. You bridge the gap. 4. Refuse to speak evil of them. Refuse to think evil thoughts and to speak evil words against those who have wronged you. At some point, we have to stop talking and start forgiving. 5. Thank God for them. If you believe in the sovereignty of God, you must believe that your enemy is sent to you by God’s design and with God’s approval. Take a picture of your enemy, frame it and place it where you can see it. Thank God for your enemy every time you look at the picture. 6. Pray for them. What if you dislike the person? Tell that to the Lord. He won’t be surprised. Then say something like, “Lord, I dislike this person, but I ask You to love this person through me because I can’t do it in my own power.” 7. Ask God to bless them. When faced with someone who has mistreated you, ask God to do for them what you want God to do for you. Think of it this way: The greater the hurt, the greater the potential blessing that will come when we totally forgive and by God’s grace, bless those who curse us.
  • 33. The Celebration of Easter Turning pagan traditions into God opportunities By Holly L. Meade Jelly beans and Jesus. When you walk down the grocery aisle this time of year and the sight and smell of chocolate bunnies and marshmallow Peeps surround you, the question arises: “How should Christians deal with the pagan celebration of Easter?” It’s a fact the name “Easter” is derived from the Eastre, the Teutonic goddess of spring. The symbols of the egg and the rabbit are rooted in a pagan springtime fertility feast. In the 1500s, the Germans began using the Easter Hare as a symbol of rebirth. On the night before Easter, children would make nests from their bonnets and caps and leave them outside, where the Easter Hare would leave colorful eggs for them. From a Christian perspective, the timing of Easter is linked to the Jewish celebration of the Passover. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread were observed by the ancient Israelites early in each new year. Easter, which celebrates Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead, is Christianity's most important holiday. It doesn't fall on the same date every year as most holidays do. Instead, Christian churches in the West celebrate Easter on the first Sunday following the full moon after the vernal equinox on March 21. Therefore, Easter is observed anywhere between March 22nd and April 25th every year. Orthodox Christians use the Julian calendar to calculate when Easter will occur and typically celebrate the holiday a week or two after the Western churches, which follow the Gregorian calendar. In a study by Barna Group, two out of three Americans described Easter as a religious celebration. However, the research also showed that only a minority of adults directly linked Easter to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. These Americans were most likely to be evangelicals (73%), large church attendees (60%), born again Christians (55%), active churchgoers (54%), upscale adults (54%) and Protestants (51%). The Barna research also examined whether churchgoing adults perceive Easter weekend to be a good time to invite people to attend worship services. While most active churchgoers said they would be open to doing this, only 31% of active churchgoers said they would definitely invite someone they know who does not usually attend a church to accompany them on Easter weekend. David Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group, said, “Realistically, if all people who said they would bring unchurched people with them on Easter were to follow through, America’s churches couldn’t handle the overflow.” Paganism is an emotion-laden subject and Christians sometimes can be dogmatic and legalistic about arguing a Biblical belief. However, debate does not usually attract nonbelievers to embrace the Christian faith. You can celebrate without the plastic eggs, chocolate bunnies and jelly beans, but avoid condemning those who do. Lost souls are
  • 34. more important than egg hunts. Whether you participate or not, remember Jesus said, “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16 ESV). After the resurrection, the women went to the empty tomb and discovered that Jesus was no longer dead but alive. The angel then told them to go and share that news. Consider how you can use Easter as an opportunity to turn a pagan tradition into an evangelistic opportunity. Offer to bring your unchurched neighbors or friends to church and then treat them to lunch. Look beyond the Easter eggs and jelly beans and ask questions like, “Have you ever thought seriously about the true meaning of Easter?” as a conversation starter with friends, family and neighbors. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Jesus’ motive for willingly dying on a cross and overcoming death through the resurrection was love for sinners just like you and me. In order to draw others to the saving cross of Jesus Christ, let love be the motivation for your words and actions on Easter and every day. Please Pray:  For God to show you which unchurched friend or neighbor to invite to church this weekend.  For Christians to take opportunities to share the true meaning of Easter with others.  For churches to be filled with those who have never heard the gospel.
  • 35. Ending Child Poverty Tying Stronger Marriage Knots Holly L. Meade Though America is a rich country of great abundance, approximately one in seven children in the United States go to bed hungry every night, according to a recent report by the United Nation’s Children’s Fund (UNICEF). That means more than 16 million, or 22 percent of all children – live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level. Research is clear that poverty is the single greatest threat to children’s well-being. It can impede children’s ability to learn and contribute to poor physical, emotional and mental health. Child poverty is an ongoing national concern, but few are aware of its principal cause: the absence of married fathers in the home. According to the U.S. Census, the poverty rate for single parents with children in the United States in 2009 was 37.1 percent. The rate for married couples with children was 6.8 percent. Being raised in a married family reduced a child’s probability of living in poverty by about 82 percent. Many times families with children that were not poor before the divorce see their income drop as much as 50 percent. Almost 50 percent of the parents with children that are going through a divorce move into poverty after the divorce. Marriage is a powerful weapon in fighting poverty. "Any conversation that we're having about poverty has got to take into account marriage and the relationship between marriage and poverty," said Jennifer Marshall, director of Domestic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation. She argued that, far from liberating women from oppressive marriages, the feminist movement has restricted many of them to a poorer social class. While women do bring home the largest income in four of ten American households with kids under 18, only 15 percent of those households have a father. In the other 25 percent, a single mother provides the income. Marshall says the median annual income of those single mothers averages only $23,000. Forty four percent of these mothers have never been married, and a third are not even working, but rely on welfare. Kay Hymowitz, senior fellow at the Manahattan Institute, contributing editor of City Journal, and author of Marriage and Caste in America: Separate and Unequal Families in a Post-Marital Age says, the decline in marriage has cultivated a new "caste society," where a child's future social status is determined by the relationship between his mother and father. She said what attracted her to the issue of marriage decay was its connection to "poverty and inequality." So if marriage is the key to ending child poverty, how can the church and Christians make an important difference in this issue?
  • 36. Church’s role in stronger marriages Churches are uniquely suited to address this issue, since they have "relational capital," Marshall explained. Training for marriage should be a key part of a church's outreach to the poor. "We need to be helping cultivate the skills for marriage in communities that are in need." Ted Lowe, Director of MarriedPeople, states, “Every church is spending time and resources on helping marriages, but for most churches, that time is reactive. I've found that most churches spend 90 percent on couples in crisis, 5 percent on weddings and 5 percent on everyone else. What if we no longer thought of marriage ministry as counseling for troubled couples, but instead purposed to treat marriage ministry like any other ongoing ministry in our church?” A recent survey by Leadership Network’s Marriage Ministry revealed that 36 of the 100 largest churches in the U.S. did not have a visible, easy-to-identify ministry to married couples. Therefore, it’s important not only to teach church members how to have strong marriages but also to reach out to those lower income families in the community. It’s easy to give food and clothing handouts. Yet, why not get to the root of issues like poverty and offer these people free marriage classes? Christians’ role in stronger marriages Marriage in the Western society has been cheapened, even among God’s people. As the breakdown of traditional marriage continues, child poverty will increase. But Hebrews 13:4 says, “Let marriage be held in honor among all.” You hold an essential key as you BOLDLY pray for:  Churches to embrace marriage outreaches as priorities for members and for lower income families in their communities.  Christians to be lights and uphold the sanctity of marriage in their homes and their communities.  Stronger marriages to increase and for child poverty to decrease.
  • 37. The Purpose and Practice of Prayer – Part 1 Relationship and Revelation Holly L. Meade “Prayer should not be regarded as a duty which must be performed, but rather as a privilege to be enjoyed, a rare delight that is always revealing some new beauty." - E.M. Bounds “God is great, God is good. Let us thank Him for our food.” I remember reciting this mundane prayer before each family evening meal. However, after I began a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I could no longer pray this way. I couldn’t imagine talking to a friend in this monotone script, so I certainly could not talk to my Heavenly Father this way! I learned that I could express my thoughts about the meal or anything else with heart-felt freedom of expression. As I fell more in love with God, my prayers became more sincere and spontaneous. Of course, many Christians deeply respect and find comfort in traditional prayers typically recited during church services. However, the primary purpose of prayer is to enhance our personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. God delights in our presence and He created us to have friendship and intimacy with Him. He is certainly all-sufficient and doesn’t need us. Yet, God chose to create Adam and Eve out of a desire for relationship. As His children He wants us to know Him as our loving Heavenly Father. That means there are times when we should not ask for anything. We just bask in His presence. Just as we spend time with friends we love, we pray because we love God and want to be with Our Creator. Only He can satisfy our deepest longings and that desire draws us toward a more intimate union with Him. As illustrated in the Song of Solomon, God, the Lover of our hearts, does not spend time with us, the Beloved, because of any agenda. The Lover just wants to be with the Beloved. When it comes to communication with the Father, Jesus is our greatest example. Even though Jesus was as much God as He was human, the Son was intensely committed to prayer because this loving presence of the Father was His very life. He told His disciples, “I live because of the Father” (John 6:57) and prayer was His lifeline. Jesus often had to find solitary places and pray alone with the Father. However, He let nothing deter Him from maintaining this love relationship. In his book, The Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence insists that to be constantly aware of God’s presence, it is necessary to form the habit of continually talking with Him throughout each day. He says, “Sometimes I imagine that I’m a piece of stone, waiting for the sculptor. When I give myself to God this way, He begins sculpting my soul into the perfect image of His beloved Son. At other times, I feel my whole mind and heart being raised up into God’s presence, as if, without effort, they had always belonged there.” Brother Lawrence began this practice by cultivating a deep presence
  • 38. of God in his heart which he said had to be maintained by the heart and by love rather than by understanding and speech. An important element to enhance our relationship with God through prayer involves listening. Listening prayer is spending time alone with Him in a dialogue where we express our heart to Him and wait for His gentle whisper. Since Jesus depended on the Father to indicate what and how He was to say things, shouldn’t we follow His example? Author Henri J. M. Nouwen said, “Many voices ask for our attention. But underneath all these often very noisy voices is a still, small voice that says, “You are my Beloved, my favor rests on you.” That’s the voice we need most of all to hear. To hear that voice, however, requires special effort; it requires solitude, silence, and a strong determination to listen. That’s what prayer is. It is listening to the voice that calls us “my Beloved.” My prayer for you is that communication with God becomes a rare delight each day. As you experience the presence of your Heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally, your relationship with Him will deepen and you will understand more of His heart for you…His Beloved.
  • 39. Viewpoint Single Adults in the Church Are They an Invisible Population? Holly L. Meade When the U.S. government began tracking data in 1976, over 37 percent of the population age 16 and older was unmarried. As of 2014, more than 50 percent of Americans are single adults. In fact, there are 27 states where singles comprise more than half the population, according to data assembled by CityLab and the Martin Prosperity Institute. Unmarried adults range from 18 to 56 years and older and include never married, divorced, widowed and single parents. Yet with this vast population, how effectively is the church ministering to them? Not so well, according to some. Kris Swiatocho, director of The Singles Network Ministries, says, “For most churches single adults are invisible. Mainly because most pastors, secretaries, deacons/elders are married with children. When they are in the pulpit they typically preach and identify with those that are like themselves." Swiatocho believes there are multiple factors leading to this state of invisibility, including competition from other ministries, a lack of funds, “high turnover" for members and a lack of demand from many congregations. "We need more pastors trained to minister to single adults; but, we need more churches who want single adult pastors that will create the jobs for them when they do graduate," he said. Nathan Keeler, pastor of a young adult congregation overseen by McLean Bible Church in Virginia, agrees. "We do not have enough pastors and staff that are engaging the culture, giving opportunities for young adults and singles to have a voice and responsibility within the church and putting resources toward this effort," he says. Rev. Craig A. Young serves as director of the singles ministry at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas. “I think singles ministry is one of the auxiliary needs in the church that is often overshadowed by other needs. Whereas the ministry and support to singles is a recognized need, there are many other needs in the church as well with a limited amount of resources. Therefore, it is difficult for many churches to have a well- supported ministry to singles.” “One of the challenges of having a singles ministry is you have four leaking tires,” says Tim Grosshans, pastor of First Baptist Church in Winter Garden, Florida. Grosshans was the singles pastor at First Baptist Church Orlando for five years. “You’re always losing people. They constantly marry each other.”
  • 40. While singles ministry may be lacking in some churches, it is crucial to examine the purpose of a singles ministry as well as the motives of individual unmarried adults. Approximately 45 percent of the adult congregation at Saddleback Church in California are unmarried. Jeremy Hsieh assists the pastor of Saddleback’s singles ministry. “Some people are professional singles. They go from event to event but never contribute or invest,” he says. For example, Saddleback hosts quarterly six-week gatherings which invite singles to participate in Bible study as well as community events like movies, golf and games. Hsieh says that typically a group of 40 to 50 people attend the first gathering with about 15 percent tapering off each week. The last gathering usually includes about 20 people. Saddleback integrates singles with married couples so they can witness healthy relationships and feel like an important part of the church community. Hsieh states segregating the unmarried also feeds the perspective they are there to just receive versus serving. “I’m a 30-something single adult and I don’t think it is the church’s job is to contribute events. I think it’s to help me with my relationship with God,” says Hsieh. “Some see it so they would not be single anymore. Our purpose is to get them in a healthy community. The greatest need is to become a healthy Christian.” Pastor Grosshans says singles are invisible by their own choice because they can proactively devote more time to serving the Lord and others. Jesus said that not everyone can receive or accept serving God as a purpose for staying single. Remember to pray that churches across this nation provide the unmarried with opportunities to grow closer to God and to serve Him. Pray also that singles continually pursue God first with all their heart, soul and mind. “We are alive for two reasons: to love God and to share His love with others. If you want to find someone focused on the Lord, just keep pursuing Jesus! The moment you take your eyes off Him, it becomes idol worship,” says Grosshans. Social Media Teaser Are single adults an invisible population in the church?
  • 41. Treasure Hunt Holly L. Meade I have not departed from the commandment of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food. Job 23:12 Treasure. Whether it is a high-tech underwater expedition or one person combing the beach with a metal detector, people have been searching for it for years. One treasure hunter discovered a huge stash of 52,000 Roman coins buried in a field in southwest England. These ancient silver and bronze coins dated from the third century A.D. are valued at five million dollars! It’s easy to dream about finding similar riches. However, Psalm 119:62 says, “I rejoice at your word like one who finds great spoil.” The Bible is God’s treasure chest. God’s truths must be pursued earnestly as someone seeking hidden treasure. In it you will find precious words worth more than any silver or gold. As you discover the hidden treasure of God’s Word, you will find the presence, power and peace of Jesus Christ. So start digging for these pearls as you spend time reading His Word. As you do, you will fall more in love with the One who loves you unconditionally. Pray also for your nation’s leaders that they will discover the truths stored in God’s Word and apply them daily to their lives. Recommended reading: Psalm 119:161-168
  • 42. Belieeeeve Holly L. Meade Though you do not now see him, you believe in him. 1 Peter 1:8 How big is your God? It’s difficult for people on earth to grasp the width, depth, complexity or immensity of any part of God’s nature. But four-year-old Colton Burpo is an exception. Colton was rushed into emergency surgery due to a ruptured appendix. The infection still raged, requiring another surgery. Four days after the second surgery the Burpos’ church gathered to pray for Colton. The doctor was speechless. Within twelve hours, Colton was skipping down the hall of the hospital. One nurse said, “There has to be a God because this is a miracle!” Soon Colton revealed that during the surgery he went to heaven and sat in Jesus’ lap. In heaven, Colton met his miscarried sister whom he was never told about and his great-grandfather who died 30 years before he was born. One day, Colton told his dad, “God is the biggest one there is. And He really, really loves us, Dad, you can’t belieeeeve how much he loves us!” The Creator of the Universe wants you to know Him intimately. Spend time daily reading God’s Word and meditating on His incredible love for you. Pray also for the nation’s leaders to discover God’s limitless love for them. Recommended reading: Psalm 145:1-12
  • 43. Object of His Love Holly L. Meade Do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. Philippians 1:16 There are three primary words for love in the Bible: eros (sensual love); phileo (brotherly love); and agape (unconditional, supernatural love). Society focuses mainly on eros or phileo. God’s love is the purest, deepest kind form, agape. However, His love is incomplete alone. It requires action. You are created as the object of God’s love. His heart overflows toward you. Your Heavenly Father proved His love first when He sent Jesus to die on the cross on your behalf. Then He left His Holy Spirit to guide and comfort you. Finally, God has given you His love letter, the Bible, through which you come to understand how much He adores and cherishes you. Thank Him each day for the incredible gift of His love. Read First Corinthians 13 and let the words sink into your mind and your heart. Insert your name in the place of the word “love” and ask God to develop those qualities in you. Look for opportunities to demonstrate His love to others. Pray also that the nation’s leaders would come to understand true agape love in their lives. Recommended reading: 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
  • 44. Discover New Ground Holly L. Meade He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Psalm 23:3 Sheep are creatures of habit. They will follow the same trails until they become ruts. They will graze the same hills until they turn to desert wastes. They will pollute their own ground until it is corrupt with disease and parasites. However, a good shepherd will regularly move them to different pastures. When the shepherd leads them to a fresh pasture, even the older ewes will often kick up their heels and leap with excitement about finding fresh feed! Just as sheep will blindly and habitually follow one another along the same little trails until they erode into gigantic gullies, people cling to the same habits that ruin their lives. Yet, Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” As you pray and read God’s Word each day, ask Your Good Shepherd to lovingly guide you onto new ground with Him. God has greater abundance, health and holiness waiting for you! Pray also for America’s leaders to discover that a relationship with Jesus Christ is the only path toward hope and peace. Recommended reading: John 10:1-9