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Science in Literacy
Thank you Mr.
Balon, TCS and UGA
appreciate Publix's
support of our
Science and
Literacy Program
I'm glad Publix
does this and I
hope every body
there enjoys the
Come join in the
My pictures
bigger than
your picture
I hope this
cooks right.
What did I
Got to watch them
fingers, I can't
afford to lose
The food preparations are well under way.
What you
doin' ?
I hope I
don't start
Looks like it's
about done,
These folks need to
stay away from me.
How much
longer, I
Huh, what
You know I'm
I can't let it
make me cry.
Hope I'm
doing this
I'm so
What are
they doing
over there?
That looks like it's
fun. Better than
sitting here.
Next thing and
my dogs will be
call'n me
Whew, didn't
lose any
more fingers
I am smiling,
you fool!
Ok ladies,
Go find
else to
The food prep continues as folks begin to arrive.
No, I'm
trying to
ignore you.
Oh hurry up!
You're just
being mean!
What are
they doing?
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Hee Hee!
I've got to
stop doing
this, or people
will think this
is all I do.
Ain't I
He's so cute.
Sign so we can
read it.
Wonder how
I get one.
No, you sign -in on
this page
Love that
Hey! Watch it!!
This how they do it
where I'm
the club till I see the
Is that what I
think it is?
Oh hurry up!
Lets see A M B
hum I think E
is next
now how do
I figure this
Oh, please! Interesting
I know I
look good!
That is very
You be sure
and behave.
Both of you.
I should be
in that.
I wasn't
Dis be Kool
stuff man.
This is
pretty good.
Dat's right
get the
pretty one.
Why do I
always get
I hope thats
all over
Astronomy night video gets
plenty of comments
I'm going to enjoy
this. I wonder how
many will be
grossed out?
Hum, and
who's heart
are you?
Isn't this
bovine heart
She means cow folks.
I'm not so
sure about
Preparing the animal hearts to
wow the crowd.
Your heart is really a muscle. It's located a little to the left of
the middle of your chest, and it's about the size of your fist.
There are lots of muscles all over your body - in your arms,
in your legs, in your back, even in your behind.
But the heart muscle is special because of what it does. The
heart sends blood around your body. The blood provides your
body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It also carries
away waste.
Your heart is sort of like a pump, or two pumps in one. The
right side of your heart receives blood from the body and
pumps it to the lungs. The left side of the heart does the
exact opposite: It receives blood from the lungs and pumps it
out to the body.
Dissecting a heart.
I'm not
sure I want
to do this.
i ain't
touchin dat
Parts of a Heart.
oh this sort
of near.
Don't be
afraid, it
won't bite
Yeh Dre it
gonna bite.
If it does
anything , I'm
throwing it on
you JoJo
You got ta
see this man!
The hear of a cow.
Oh Wow!
Oh, this is
Bet we look
I can't believe
I'm doing this.
This is a
I wonder
what he's
This is neat! I
wonder if
she'll let me
hold it?
He looks
ok with
He sure is
this. If we cut
here and
move this
Every thing
appears to
be going
I wish I
could keep
This really
I'm not
See how the
Oh jeez
I didn't know
how mom
is liken
Can I touch
it now?
See how it all
together like
like a pump?
I can
get into this!
She looks like
she is really
getting into it.
See that over
there? That's
a valve to
the Aorta.
A What?
What are
you doing
What is that
This is the part
that sends....
Are you getting
Hope I'm
doing this
Wake me when
it's time to eat or
Better him
than me.
Let me see
Nurse Barry
that is so cool!
It matches your
Your doing
very good!
Wish I had
something to
do besides sit
Now don't
make it too
Don't be
nervous. I've
done this
quite abit.
Keeping up with your
blood pressure
Lookin' good!
Glad she
says it's OK.
What Is Blood Pressure?
Blood is carried from the heart to all parts of your
body in vessels called arteries. Blood pressure is the
force of the blood pushing against the walls of the
arteries. Each time the heart beats (about 60–70 times
a minute at rest), it pumps out blood into the
arteries. Your blood pressure is at its highest when
the heart beats, pumping the blood. This is called
systolic (sis-TOL-ik) pressure. When the heart is at
rest, between beats, your blood pressure falls. This
is the diastolic (di-a-STOL-ik) pressure.
What Is High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure is a blood pressure reading of
140/90 mmHg or higher. Both numbers are important.
Nearly 1 in 3 American adults has high blood pressure.
Once high blood pressure develops, it usually lasts a
lifetime. The good news is that it can be treated and
High blood pressure is called the silent killer because
it usually has no symptoms. Some people may not find
out they have it until they have trouble with their
heart, brain, or kidneys. When high blood pressure is
not found and treated, it can cause:
• The heart to get larger, which may lead to heart
• Small bulges (aneurysms (AN-u-risms)) to form
in blood vessels. Common locations are the main
artery from the heart (aorta); arteries in the
brain, legs, and intestines; and the artery leading
to the spleen.
• Blood vessels in the kidney to narrow, which
may cause kidney failure.
• Arteries throughout the body to "harden"
faster, especially those in the heart, brain,
kidneys, and legs. This can cause a heart attack,
stroke, kidney failure, or amputation of part of
the leg.
• Blood vessels in the eyes to burst or bleed,
which may cause vision changes and can result in
Next Vict.. I mean
ot oh
It's "The Incredible
Edible Cell"!
I'm not
sure I want
to know.
This is pretty
Your doing
very good.
Loks just
I'm gonna
have fun with
The cell is the structural and functional unit of
all living organisms, and is sometimes called the
"building block of life." Some organisms, such as
bacteria, are unicellular (consist of a single cell).
Other organisms, such as humans, are
multicellular. The largest known cell is an ostrich
The cell theory, first developed in 1839 by Matthias
Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, states that
all organisms are composed of one or more cells.
All cells come from preexisting cells. Vital
functions of an organism occur within cells, and
all cells contain the hereditary information
necessary for regulating cell functions and for
transmitting information to the next generation
of cells.
The word cell comes from the Latin cellula, a small
room. The name was chosen by Robert Hooke when
he compared the cork cells he saw to the small
rooms monks lived in.
Cross section View of a cell
I ain't so
sure about
This might be fun, but
Red don't look so sure.
What are we
supposed to
You go, girl
friend! You
are on a
and then I want
you to.....
You got
The "Incredible Edible Cell" helps you to
learn about cell structure.
let me do it!
You put this
i can't wait
to eat mine.
This at least is
fun, even if I am
Hey, Naz I'll
eat yours if
you don't
want it.
Ya'll doin' just
Hi! Welcome to
"Who knows
their nose?"
Isn't she
Why does he
have to act
so childish?
Now take a
whiff of this
We want you to
line up and then
we will give
She is
really good
at this.
I hope I
get all of
this right.
I'm not
sure I want
to do this
A big batch of cookies coming out of the oven. Your gym bag full of
dirty clothes. How do you smell these smells and thousands more? It's
your nose, of course.
Your nose lets you smell and it's a big part of why you are able to taste
things. The nose is also the main gate to the respiratory system, your
body's system for breathing.
Identifying smells is your brain's way of telling you about your
environment. Have you ever smelled your toast burning? In an
instant, your brain interpreted the smell and a problem and you knew
to check on your toast.
You learned to associate a certain smell with burning and now your
brain remembers that smell so you recognize it. Your sense of smell
also can help you keep safe. For example, it can warn you not to eat
something that smells rotten or help you detect smoke before you see a
WHy don't
you smell
this one.
Hello, this is
"Eye Spy".
that was
eeew yuk!
You want to
ˆdon't know
about this.
A sketch of the anatomical components of the human eye , as
we now know it, is shown in the Figure below.
We now know the basic function of the components of the
human eye and how they participate in the vision process.
Light that reflects off of objects around us is imaged onto the
retina by the lens. The retina, which consists of three layers
of neurons (photoreceptor, bipolar and ganglion) is
responsible for detecting the light from these images and
then causing impulses to be sent to the brain along the optic
nerve. The brain decodes these images into information that
we know as vision.
In The Mind's Eye: How The Brain Makes A Whole Out Of Parts
Science Daily — When a human looks at a number, letter or other shape, neurons in
various areas of the brain's visual center respond to different components of that
shape, almost instantaneously fitting them together like a puzzle to create an image
that the individual then "sees" and understands, researchers at The Johns Hopkins
University report.
"This may not even seem like a scientific question to some people, because seeing is
so automatic and we are so good at it – far better than the best computer vision
systems yet devised," Connor said. "That is because a large part of the human brain
is devoted to interpreting objects in our world, so that we have the necessary
information for interacting with our environment.
"Vision doesn't happen in the eye," Connor said. "It happens at multiple processing
stages in the brain. We study how objects are signaled or encoded by large
populations of neurons at higher-level stages in the object-processing part of the
Two Eyes = Two
Separate Views!
Human beings
generally come
equipped with two eyes
and one head.
Unlike horses, humans
have two eyes located
side-by-side in the
front of their heads.
Thanks to the close
positioning, each eye
takes a view of the
same area from a
slightly different angle.
The two eye views have
plenty in common, but
each eye picks up
visual information the
other doesn't.
This type of single image
stereogram has a hidden image
within it. Thus, the name. All the
Hidden Image Stereograms in this
3D Art Gallery are set up for
This type of single image stereogram
does not have a 3D image hidden within
it. These are called "floaters" because
objects in the image that can already
be seen during normal viewing will
float toward you during 3D viewing.
These are also called "wallpaper"
stereograms because they have
repeating patterns like wallpaper.
Flying Fish
I see things like that
all the time.
If you look
That' kinda
This seems
kinda dumb.
That's because
of the way the
brain translates
what the eye
sends to it
And here I
thought it was
because I needed
I don't see
Now if you
look at.......
This is too
Like ah,
what's that
supposed to
That's sort
of weird.
maybe if I
look at it
this way.
Hum, I
think I can
see what it
I think I see
Your sure
about those
statistics?This is very
Not again!!!
Thats right
hold it that
way and.....
Now look
at the.....
I can't see
Now for info on sickle cell.
Sickle cell anemia is a serious disease in
which the body makes abnormally shaped red
blood cells. Normal red blood cells are
smooth and round like a doughnut without a
hole. They move easily through blood
vessels to carry oxygen to all parts of the
body. In sickle cell anemia, the body
produces red blood cells that are shaped
like a sickle (or crescent). These "sickle
cells" are hard and sticky and they don't
move easily through blood vessels. They
tend to get stuck and block the flow of
blood to the limbs and organs. This can
cause pain, organ damage, and a low blood
count (anemia).
In the United States,
sickle cell anemia
affects about 72,000
people. The families
of most Americans
who are affected
come from Africa. In
the United States, the
disease occurs in
• One in every
600 African-
American births
• One in every
About 2 million
Americans have sickle
cell trait. About 1 in
12 African Americans
has sickle cell trait.Sickle Cell in the
blood vessels.
I didn't
realize it was
that wide
Sickle cell anemia is an inherited
(genetic) disorder. People who
have sickle cell anemia are born
with it. It is a lifelong disease.
Sickle cell anemia affects
millions of people.
And it
how many
Sickle Cell
That one is
for....I still don't
know if thats
This show
certain genetic
It's a matter of genetics.
Widow's peak
Genetic Traits
Earlobes: Free ear lobes (dominant trait) vs. Attached ear lobes
(recessive trait)
Free earlobes are those that hang below the point of attachment to the
head. Attached ear lobes are attached directly to the side of the head.
Forelock: White forelock (dominant trait) vs. No white forelock
(recessive trait)
A white forelock is a patch of white hair, usually located at the hairline.
Widow's Peak (below) is dominant over no widow's peak hairline.
Dimples: Dimples (dominant trait) vs. No dimples (recessive trait)
Dimples are natural dents in the face to the right or left of the mouth.
If a person has only one dimple, they should be counted as having
dimples.Cleft chin is dominant over no cleft.
Thumbs: Straight thumb (dominant trait) vs. Curved thumb (recessive
trait) When viewed from the side as in the illustration below, curved
thumbs can be seen as part of a circle.
Pinky: Straight pinky (recessive trait) vs. Bent pinky (dominant trait)
Mid-digit hair: Mid-digit hair (dominant trait) vs. No mid-digit hair
(recessive trait)
Longer 2nd toe is dominant over 2nd toe shorter than big toe.
Tongue-Rolling: Rolling up edges (dominant trait) vs not rolling
Cleft Chin
Free and attached ear lobes
Curved vs straight
Straight vs bent pinky
Tongue roll
Mid-diget hair
2nd Toe length
I think the
third one is
that one
right There is
Do I have that
Ms. Merkert?
Huh! I'm not
sure about....
What is he
So we each
get certain
Yes mam.
Basicaly thats
how it works.
I don't
get it.
Thank you.
Your get'in
Now I need
a couple
That's my
Normal Red
Blood Cells
I don't get it,
Wheres the
Even I knew
This represents
the different......
Oh, now
I get it.
Now, what was
I doing?
What cha
Welcome to "2
Thumbs Up:1
I'm the cute
She's so
lucky to be
working with
I can do it!!
eeew, yuk!
I'll show them how
it's done.
I wanna do
What is
that?I hope I get
this right.
This ain't
too hard.
I want this
I don't think
that's as
easy as it
Way to go
guys! Ya'll did
I knew I
This stop is
about fitness.
Yeh, we got
dat much
He talks
more than
Mr. Godsey.
See that
wasn't hard.
Was it?
Can I be next?
What's wit
"Physical Fitness" Microsoft Encarta Reference Library
“the ability of the human body to function with vigor
and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample
energy to engage in leisure activities, and to meet
physical stresses.”
Fitness is not about being thin, having a small waist,
or having bulging muscles. It is a combination of
qualities that enable us to be at our full potential in
performing vigorous physical activities. Physical
Fitness involves the performance of the heart, lungs,
and the muscles of the body. Specifically, it takes into
account our Cardio Respiratory Endurance, Muscular
Strength, Muscular Endurance, and Flexibility. To some
extent, Fitness also influences our mental and
emotional development since what we do with our
bodies also affects what we can do with our minds.
Although Physical Fitness and good health influences
each other, they are not the same. Healthy people
could be physically unfit due to lack of exercise. On
the other hand, Physically Fit people perform their
everyday tasks effortlessly.
Muscle Groups
You need to keep
moving to get the
blood flowing.....
I ain't doin no
What is
to do? I guess I
should pass
out some of
These big
people got
to move, so
I can see
They need
exercise and a
diet, too.
How are you
doing with
I wonder if
they get it?
Now, who can
the ......
Hum, should
I be doin'
I doin' pretty
good here.
Alright come
on, lets git
dis over wit.
Yo man!!
Come on
Why is
looking at me?
I can't deal
with people
looking at me!
What fits into your busy
schedule better, exercising 1
hour a day or being dead 24
hours a day?
I feel stupid.
I'm gonna
win this one.
Not fair! I
should have
the chair.
Hee Hee Hee,
bunch of
little........ I'm out of
Hey Tevin don't
you want to see
your germs?
Thats it for
yeeew, germy. you
didn't wash your
hands right.
The most important thing that you can do to keep from
getting sick is to wash your hands.
By frequently washing your hands you wash away germs that
you have picked up from other people, or from contaminated
surfaces, or from animals and animal waste.
What happens if you do not wash your hands frequently?
You pick up germs from other sources and then you infect
yourself when you
Touch your eyes
Or your nose
Or your mouth.
One of the most common ways people catch colds is by
rubbing their nose or their eyes after their hands have been
contaminated with the cold virus.
You can also spread germs directly to others or onto
surfaces that other people touch. And before you know it,
everybody around you is getting sick.
thing to
remember is
that, in
addition to
diseases --
hepatitis A,
diarrhea --
can easily
if people
make a habit
of washing
their hands.
Germs, Germs, Germs!
Let's check
out how you
did under
the light.
I know I
washed right
Check me!
Check me!
These kids so
sure but so
germs! You
didn't wash
I want you to pick
up a cup.........
Oh man free
I thought I
Why is Nutrition Important?
Nobody wants to die. Nobody wants to be fat. Nobody wants to feel tired all
day. And yet, every day, the overwhelming majority of us casually eat
whatever looks good, whatever we feel like eating right then, or whatever
we have time for. Obviously some things are bad for us, and some things
are good for us, but it doesn't really make a difference, does it?
Your diet is the biggest risk factor of all. With it you control how long you
will live, how you look, how you feel, how well you perform, even how
smart you are! Clearly, nutrition is something that we should obviously pay
close attention to in our lives. Two-thirds of Americans think changing
their diet would make them healthier, but they refuse to do anything
because they lack the will to change. Do you think you have the will to
What is this
So you see we
really are what
we eat.
I really
hope not.
Quit laugh'n
And what are
you so smug
I just
told you.
What the
heck is he
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
I can't help it.
What is he
I'll get
yours next.
Professor Tippens on
the prowl.
see, who
I can
Hey, she's
sorta cute.
JoJo, what
are you
looking at?
What are they
doin' in here?
I know I got
that done
There you go.
Let me put
some eggs......
to "Sweet
This sounds
Your going
I'll let dem
go first.
Hey wait
for me!
This is kinda
weird, fun,
but weird.
more kids.
Pleas let me
finish first.
What do we
Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes
you feel frustrated, angry, or anxious. What is stressful to
one person is not necessarily stressful to another.
Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension or fear. The source of
this uneasiness is not always known or recognized, which can
add to the distress you feel.
• Talk about your problems. If you cannot communicate
with your parents, try someone else that you can trust.
• Try to relax. Listen to calm music. Take a warm bath.
Close your eyes and take slow deep breaths. Take some
time for yourself. If you have a hobby or favorite
activity, give yourself time to enjoy it.
• Exercise. Physical activity reduces stress.
• Set realistic expectations. Do your best, and remember
that nobody is perfect.
• Learn to love yourself and respect yourself. Respect
others. Be with people who accept and respect you.
• Remember that drugs and alcohol NEVER solve
Push the eggs
This is so
Hey Mr,
Why can't I
use both
I'm not so
sure about
this. Let me put
some in your
this is fun!
I like this.
Totally stressed
What does
she think
she's doing?
This is fun!
Any thing to
make a mess.
Sign it neatly.
Very good!
Ok ok
Watch me!
I gotta get
it before she
I wish she'd
stop talking
and hurry up.
These kids did
alot of hard work
putting this meal
Food was
pretty good?
So, hows this
year been
The kids are
really great.
This looks
Now what are
they trying
to make us
Come on
Mama I want
to go home.
Well, how is
I can't
believe he
cooked this.
That's a
really good
job, your
I like doing
this stuff.
Let me see
Exercise is
You can start
right over
I can't
believe I'm
doing this.
That looks
pretty good.
Now what
should I do
Rock the
boat, baby,
rock the
This is
I wonder if
he knows
what he's
What would you say is the
most important impact that
tonight's program could have
on the community?
Well, I feel
This thing
just does
not want to
Now where
am I going
to set this
The dreaded interview
Special Thanks to:
Publix, Greensboro, GA
University of Georgia,
School of Education
Taliaferro County School
Contact: In Georgia -
In Pennsylvania
In New Jersey -

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  • 1.
  • 2. Publix, a company well known for it's support of literacy education. On behalf of Publix I would like to give you this gift certificate to help support TCS's Science in Literacy Thank you Mr. Balon, TCS and UGA appreciate Publix's support of our Science and Literacy Program I'm glad Publix does this and I hope every body there enjoys the food.
  • 3. Come join in the fun!! My pictures bigger than your picture
  • 4. I hope this cooks right. What did I do? Got to watch them fingers, I can't afford to lose another. The food preparations are well under way.
  • 5. What you doin' ? I hope I don't start crying? Looks like it's about done, finally. These folks need to stay away from me.
  • 6. How much longer, I wonder. Huh, what Duh.... You know I'm cute. Almost. I can't let it make me cry. Hope I'm doing this right.
  • 7. I'm so bored. What are they doing over there? That looks like it's fun. Better than sitting here. Next thing and my dogs will be call'n me cornbread Whew, didn't lose any more fingers I am smiling, you fool! Ok ladies, SMILE! Go find someone else to bother. The food prep continues as folks begin to arrive.
  • 8. No, I'm trying to ignore you. Oh hurry up! You're just being mean! What are they doing? Ha Ha Ha Ha Hee Hee! I've got to stop doing this, or people will think this is all I do. Ain't I gorgeous?
  • 9. Hi! He's so cute. Sign so we can read it. Wonder how I get one. Idiot! No, you sign -in on this page Love that outfit. Hey! Watch it!! This how they do it where I'm the club till I see the sun...
  • 10. Huh? Is that what I think it is? Oh hurry up! Lets see A M B hum I think E is next Humm, interesting, now how do I figure this out? Oh, please! Interesting I know I look good! That is very good! You be sure and behave. Both of you.
  • 11. I should be in that. I wasn't doing nothing! Dis be Kool stuff man. This is pretty good. Dat's right get the pretty one. Say what? Why do I always get caught? I hope thats all over with. Astronomy night video gets plenty of comments
  • 12. I'm going to enjoy this. I wonder how many will be grossed out? Lunch anyone? Hum, and who's heart are you? Isn't this bovine heart neat? She means cow folks. I'm not so sure about this. Preparing the animal hearts to wow the crowd.
  • 13. Your heart is really a muscle. It's located a little to the left of the middle of your chest, and it's about the size of your fist. There are lots of muscles all over your body - in your arms, in your legs, in your back, even in your behind. But the heart muscle is special because of what it does. The heart sends blood around your body. The blood provides your body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It also carries away waste. Your heart is sort of like a pump, or two pumps in one. The right side of your heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs. The left side of the heart does the exact opposite: It receives blood from the lungs and pumps it out to the body.
  • 14. Dissecting a heart. I'm not sure I want to do this. i ain't touchin dat thing! Parts of a Heart.
  • 15. oh this sort of near. Don't be afraid, it won't bite you. Yeh Dre it ain't gonna bite. If it does anything , I'm throwing it on you JoJo You got ta see this man! The hear of a cow.
  • 17. Yuk!!! Oh, this is disgusting. Bet we look Cool. I can't believe I'm doing this. This is a ventricle. I wonder what he's thinking? This is neat! I wonder if she'll let me hold it?
  • 18. He looks ok with it. Alright! He sure is enjoying this. If we cut here and move this piece.... Every thing appears to be going well. I wish I could keep one.
  • 20. Oh jeez that's gross! I didn't know that.Wonder how mom is liken this? Can I touch it now? See how it all works together like like a pump? I can definitely get into this!
  • 21. She looks like she is really getting into it. See that over there? That's a valve to the Aorta. A What? What are you doing Ryan? What is that for? This is the part that sends.... Good question!
  • 22. Are you getting this? Hope I'm doing this right. Wake me when it's time to eat or else. Better him than me. Let me see now.... Nurse Barry that is so cool! It matches your skirt.
  • 23. Your doing very good! Wish I had something to do besides sit here. Now don't make it too tight. Don't be nervous. I've done this quite abit. Keeping up with your blood pressure Lookin' good! Glad she says it's OK.
  • 24. What Is Blood Pressure? Blood is carried from the heart to all parts of your body in vessels called arteries. Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries. Each time the heart beats (about 60–70 times a minute at rest), it pumps out blood into the arteries. Your blood pressure is at its highest when the heart beats, pumping the blood. This is called systolic (sis-TOL-ik) pressure. When the heart is at rest, between beats, your blood pressure falls. This is the diastolic (di-a-STOL-ik) pressure. What Is High Blood Pressure? High blood pressure is a blood pressure reading of 140/90 mmHg or higher. Both numbers are important. Nearly 1 in 3 American adults has high blood pressure. Once high blood pressure develops, it usually lasts a lifetime. The good news is that it can be treated and controlled. High blood pressure is called the silent killer because it usually has no symptoms. Some people may not find out they have it until they have trouble with their heart, brain, or kidneys. When high blood pressure is not found and treated, it can cause: • The heart to get larger, which may lead to heart failure. • Small bulges (aneurysms (AN-u-risms)) to form in blood vessels. Common locations are the main artery from the heart (aorta); arteries in the brain, legs, and intestines; and the artery leading to the spleen. • Blood vessels in the kidney to narrow, which may cause kidney failure. • Arteries throughout the body to "harden" faster, especially those in the heart, brain, kidneys, and legs. This can cause a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, or amputation of part of the leg. • Blood vessels in the eyes to burst or bleed, which may cause vision changes and can result in blindness.
  • 25. Next Vict.. I mean customer ot oh It's "The Incredible Edible Cell"! I'm not sure I want to know. This is pretty neat. Your doing very good. Loks just great I'm gonna have fun with this. Look'in good!!
  • 26. The cell is the structural and functional unit of all living organisms, and is sometimes called the "building block of life." Some organisms, such as bacteria, are unicellular (consist of a single cell). Other organisms, such as humans, are multicellular. The largest known cell is an ostrich egg. The cell theory, first developed in 1839 by Matthias Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, states that all organisms are composed of one or more cells. All cells come from preexisting cells. Vital functions of an organism occur within cells, and all cells contain the hereditary information necessary for regulating cell functions and for transmitting information to the next generation of cells. The word cell comes from the Latin cellula, a small room. The name was chosen by Robert Hooke when he compared the cork cells he saw to the small rooms monks lived in.
  • 27. Cross section View of a cell I ain't so sure about this. This might be fun, but Red don't look so sure. What are we supposed to do? You go, girl friend! You are on a roll! and then I want you to..... You got it! The "Incredible Edible Cell" helps you to learn about cell structure.
  • 28. let me do it! You put this like....... i can't wait to eat mine. This at least is fun, even if I am Learning something Hey, Naz I'll eat yours if you don't want it. Ya'll doin' just fine.
  • 29. Hi! Welcome to "Who knows their nose?" Isn't she cute? Why does he have to act so childish? Now take a whiff of this one. We want you to line up and then we will give you..... She is really good at this. I hope I get all of this right. I'm not sure I want to do this
  • 30. A big batch of cookies coming out of the oven. Your gym bag full of dirty clothes. How do you smell these smells and thousands more? It's your nose, of course. Your nose lets you smell and it's a big part of why you are able to taste things. The nose is also the main gate to the respiratory system, your body's system for breathing. Identifying smells is your brain's way of telling you about your environment. Have you ever smelled your toast burning? In an instant, your brain interpreted the smell and a problem and you knew to check on your toast. You learned to associate a certain smell with burning and now your brain remembers that smell so you recognize it. Your sense of smell also can help you keep safe. For example, it can warn you not to eat something that smells rotten or help you detect smoke before you see a fire.
  • 31. WHy don't you smell this one. Hello, this is "Eye Spy". that was just gross. eeew yuk! You want to try? ˆdon't know about this.
  • 32. A sketch of the anatomical components of the human eye , as we now know it, is shown in the Figure below. We now know the basic function of the components of the human eye and how they participate in the vision process. Light that reflects off of objects around us is imaged onto the retina by the lens. The retina, which consists of three layers of neurons (photoreceptor, bipolar and ganglion) is responsible for detecting the light from these images and then causing impulses to be sent to the brain along the optic nerve. The brain decodes these images into information that we know as vision.
  • 33. In The Mind's Eye: How The Brain Makes A Whole Out Of Parts Science Daily — When a human looks at a number, letter or other shape, neurons in various areas of the brain's visual center respond to different components of that shape, almost instantaneously fitting them together like a puzzle to create an image that the individual then "sees" and understands, researchers at The Johns Hopkins University report. "This may not even seem like a scientific question to some people, because seeing is so automatic and we are so good at it – far better than the best computer vision systems yet devised," Connor said. "That is because a large part of the human brain is devoted to interpreting objects in our world, so that we have the necessary information for interacting with our environment. "Vision doesn't happen in the eye," Connor said. "It happens at multiple processing stages in the brain. We study how objects are signaled or encoded by large populations of neurons at higher-level stages in the object-processing part of the Two Eyes = Two Separate Views! Human beings generally come equipped with two eyes and one head. Unlike horses, humans have two eyes located side-by-side in the front of their heads. Thanks to the close side-by-side positioning, each eye takes a view of the same area from a slightly different angle. The two eye views have plenty in common, but each eye picks up visual information the other doesn't.
  • 34. This type of single image stereogram has a hidden image within it. Thus, the name. All the Hidden Image Stereograms in this 3D Art Gallery are set up for parallel-viewing. Dino Saturn
  • 35. This type of single image stereogram does not have a 3D image hidden within it. These are called "floaters" because objects in the image that can already be seen during normal viewing will float toward you during 3D viewing. These are also called "wallpaper" stereograms because they have repeating patterns like wallpaper. Candy Flying Fish
  • 36. I see things like that all the time. Quit clowning man! If you look down here...... That' kinda kool. This seems kinda dumb. That's because of the way the brain translates what the eye sends to it And here I thought it was because I needed stronger glasses
  • 37. I don't see me. Now if you look at....... This is too much. Like ah, what's that supposed to mean? That's sort of weird. maybe if I look at it this way. Hum, I think I can see what it is. I think I see it!
  • 38. Your sure about those statistics?This is very interesting! Not again!!! Thats right hold it that way and..... Now look at the..... I can't see nothing Now for info on sickle cell.
  • 39. Sickle cell anemia is a serious disease in which the body makes abnormally shaped red blood cells. Normal red blood cells are smooth and round like a doughnut without a hole. They move easily through blood vessels to carry oxygen to all parts of the body. In sickle cell anemia, the body produces red blood cells that are shaped like a sickle (or crescent). These "sickle cells" are hard and sticky and they don't move easily through blood vessels. They tend to get stuck and block the flow of blood to the limbs and organs. This can cause pain, organ damage, and a low blood count (anemia). In the United States, sickle cell anemia affects about 72,000 people. The families of most Americans who are affected come from Africa. In the United States, the disease occurs in about: • One in every 600 African- American births • One in every 1,000—1,400 Hispanic-American births About 2 million Americans have sickle cell trait. About 1 in 12 African Americans has sickle cell trait.Sickle Cell in the blood vessels.
  • 40. Sickle Cell Hey! I didn't realize it was that wide spread. Sickle cell anemia is an inherited (genetic) disorder. People who have sickle cell anemia are born with it. It is a lifelong disease. Sickle cell anemia affects millions of people. And it affects how many People
  • 41. Sickle Cell That one is for....I still don't know if thats right This show certain genetic traits.... What's genetic mean? It's a matter of genetics.
  • 42. Widow's peak Genetic Traits Earlobes: Free ear lobes (dominant trait) vs. Attached ear lobes (recessive trait) Free earlobes are those that hang below the point of attachment to the head. Attached ear lobes are attached directly to the side of the head. Forelock: White forelock (dominant trait) vs. No white forelock (recessive trait) A white forelock is a patch of white hair, usually located at the hairline. Widow's Peak (below) is dominant over no widow's peak hairline. Dimples: Dimples (dominant trait) vs. No dimples (recessive trait) Dimples are natural dents in the face to the right or left of the mouth. If a person has only one dimple, they should be counted as having dimples.Cleft chin is dominant over no cleft. Thumbs: Straight thumb (dominant trait) vs. Curved thumb (recessive trait) When viewed from the side as in the illustration below, curved thumbs can be seen as part of a circle. Pinky: Straight pinky (recessive trait) vs. Bent pinky (dominant trait) Mid-digit hair: Mid-digit hair (dominant trait) vs. No mid-digit hair (recessive trait) Longer 2nd toe is dominant over 2nd toe shorter than big toe. Tongue-Rolling: Rolling up edges (dominant trait) vs not rolling (recessive) Dimples Cleft Chin Free and attached ear lobes
  • 43. Curved vs straight thumbs Straight vs bent pinky Tongue roll Mid-diget hair 2nd Toe length
  • 44. Interesting I think the third one is me. that one right There is me! Do I have that Ms. Merkert? Huh! I'm not sure about.... What is he doing? So we each get certain genes.... Yes mam. Basicaly thats how it works.
  • 45. I don't get it. Thank you. Your get'in there. Now I need a couple more.....
  • 46. That's my boy. Normal Red Blood Cells I don't get it, Wheres the blood? Even I knew that. This represents the different...... Oh, now I get it. That's correct
  • 47. Now, what was I doing? What cha think?
  • 48. Welcome to "2 Thumbs Up:1 I'm the cute one. She's so lucky to be working with me. I can do it!! eeew, yuk! I'll show them how it's done.
  • 49. I wanna do that, What is that?I hope I get this right. This ain't too hard. I want this now. I don't think that's as easy as it looks. Way to go guys! Ya'll did it. I knew I could. Yuk!
  • 50. This stop is about fitness. Yeh, we got dat much He talks more than Mr. Godsey. See that wasn't hard. Was it? Can I be next? What's wit Kennebrew?
  • 51. "Physical Fitness" Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2004: “the ability of the human body to function with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to engage in leisure activities, and to meet physical stresses.” Fitness is not about being thin, having a small waist, or having bulging muscles. It is a combination of qualities that enable us to be at our full potential in performing vigorous physical activities. Physical Fitness involves the performance of the heart, lungs, and the muscles of the body. Specifically, it takes into account our Cardio Respiratory Endurance, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, and Flexibility. To some extent, Fitness also influences our mental and emotional development since what we do with our bodies also affects what we can do with our minds. Although Physical Fitness and good health influences each other, they are not the same. Healthy people could be physically unfit due to lack of exercise. On the other hand, Physically Fit people perform their everyday tasks effortlessly. Muscle Groups
  • 52. You need to keep moving to get the blood flowing..... I ain't doin no more. What is that supposed to do? I guess I should pass out some of these.
  • 53. These big people got to move, so I can see They need exercise and a diet, too. How are you doing with this? I wonder if they get it? Now, who can explain the ...... Hum, should I be doin' this? I doin' pretty good here. Alright come on, lets git dis over wit. Yo man!!
  • 54. Come on Brooke! Why is everyone looking at me? I can't deal with people looking at me! What fits into your busy schedule better, exercising 1 hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day? I feel stupid. I'm gonna win this one. Not fair! I should have the chair. Hee Hee Hee, bunch of fools!
  • 55. Sneaky little........ I'm out of here. Hey Tevin don't you want to see your germs? Yuk! Thats it for me. yeeew, germy. you didn't wash your hands right. Huh?
  • 56. The most important thing that you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands. By frequently washing your hands you wash away germs that you have picked up from other people, or from contaminated surfaces, or from animals and animal waste. What happens if you do not wash your hands frequently? You pick up germs from other sources and then you infect yourself when you Touch your eyes Or your nose Or your mouth. One of the most common ways people catch colds is by rubbing their nose or their eyes after their hands have been contaminated with the cold virus. You can also spread germs directly to others or onto surfaces that other people touch. And before you know it, everybody around you is getting sick. The important thing to remember is that, in addition to colds, some pretty serious diseases -- like hepatitis A, meningitis, and infectious diarrhea -- can easily be prevented if people make a habit of washing their hands.
  • 57. Germs, Germs, Germs! Let's check out how you did under the light. eeew! I know I washed right Check me! Check me! These kids so sure but so wrong.
  • 58. Germs, germs, germs! You didn't wash your I want you to pick up a cup......... Oh man free food! I thought I did.
  • 59. Why is Nutrition Important? Nobody wants to die. Nobody wants to be fat. Nobody wants to feel tired all day. And yet, every day, the overwhelming majority of us casually eat whatever looks good, whatever we feel like eating right then, or whatever we have time for. Obviously some things are bad for us, and some things are good for us, but it doesn't really make a difference, does it? Your diet is the biggest risk factor of all. With it you control how long you will live, how you look, how you feel, how well you perform, even how smart you are! Clearly, nutrition is something that we should obviously pay close attention to in our lives. Two-thirds of Americans think changing their diet would make them healthier, but they refuse to do anything because they lack the will to change. Do you think you have the will to change?
  • 60. Hi! What is this stuff? So you see we really are what we eat.
  • 61. I really hope not. Quit laugh'n fool. And what are you so smug about? I just told you. What the heck is he talking about? Ha Ha Ha Ha! I can't help it. Any questions? What is he doing?
  • 62. I'll get yours next. Professor Tippens on the prowl. Let's see, who I can Hey, she's sorta cute. JoJo, what are you looking at? What are they doin' in here? I know I got that done right. There you go.
  • 63. Let me put some eggs...... Welcome to "Sweet Relief"! This sounds weird. Your going to....... I'll let dem go first. Hey wait for me! This is kinda weird, fun, but weird. Great more kids. Pleas let me finish first. What do we
  • 64. Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or anxious. What is stressful to one person is not necessarily stressful to another. Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension or fear. The source of this uneasiness is not always known or recognized, which can add to the distress you feel. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO RELIEVE STRESS? • Talk about your problems. If you cannot communicate with your parents, try someone else that you can trust. • Try to relax. Listen to calm music. Take a warm bath. Close your eyes and take slow deep breaths. Take some time for yourself. If you have a hobby or favorite activity, give yourself time to enjoy it. • Exercise. Physical activity reduces stress. • Set realistic expectations. Do your best, and remember that nobody is perfect. • Learn to love yourself and respect yourself. Respect others. Be with people who accept and respect you. • Remember that drugs and alcohol NEVER solve problems.
  • 65. Push the eggs under.... Careful! This is so cool. Hey Mr, Bowman Why can't I use both hands? I'm not so sure about this. Let me put some in your pan this is fun! I like this.
  • 66. Totally stressed What does she think she's doing? This is fun! Any thing to make a mess. Sign it neatly. Very good! Ok ok already. Watch me! I gotta get it before she does.
  • 67. I wish she'd stop talking and hurry up. These kids did alot of hard work putting this meal together Food was pretty good? So, hows this year been going? The kids are really great. This looks good.
  • 68. Now what are they trying to make us do? Come on Mama I want to go home. Well, how is it? I can't believe he cooked this. That's a really good job, your doing. I like doing this stuff. Let me see now.
  • 69. Exercise is very important... You can start right over here. I can't believe I'm doing this. That looks pretty good. Now what should I do next? Rock the boat, baby, rock the boat This is boring.
  • 70. I wonder if he knows what he's doing What would you say is the most important impact that tonight's program could have on the community? Well, I feel that...... This thing just does not want to cooperate. Now where am I going to set this up? The dreaded interview Special Thanks to: Publix, Greensboro, GA University of Georgia, School of Education Taliaferro County School Contact: In Georgia - In Pennsylvania In New Jersey -