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Product: FLSUN PubDate: 08-12-2007     Zone: BR   Edition: 1 Page: JUMP2@1 User: rhehir Time: 08-10-2007 07:33 Color: C

                   BR      08-12-2007      E-4                                                                                                                                                                 CMYK

4 • SOUTH FLORIDA SUN-SENTINEL • SUN-SENTINEL.COM • Sunday, August 12, 2007 • BR                    *


QUOTES                                                                                                                                                                                              MO

By Elvis                                                                                                                                                                                      AR               TENNESSEE      24
   “Some people tap their
feet, some people snap their                                                                                                                                                                                                            75
fingers, and some people                                                                                                                                                                             MS          AL           59
sway back and forth. I just
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      65                GA
sorta do ’em all together, I                                                                                                                                                                       100 MILES
guess.” (1956)
   “I ain’t no saint, but I’ve                                                                                                                                                                                              Staff graphic
tried never to do anything
that would hurt my family or
offend God ... I figure all any                                                                                                                                                               IF YOU GO: GRACELAND
kid needs is hope and the
                                                                                                                                                                                              Getting there: Northwest Air-
feeling he or she belongs. If I
                                                                                                                                                                                              lines offers nonstop service to
could do or say anything
                                                                                                                                                                                              Memphis, Tenn., from Fort Lau-
that would give some kid
                                                                                                                                                                                              derdale. Graceland, at 3764
that feeling, I would believe I
                                                                                                                                                                                              Elvis Presley Blvd., is 10 miles
had contributed something
                                                                                                                                                                                              south of downtown Memphis.
to the world.” (1950s)
                                                                                                                                                                                              Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon-
  “I’ve never gotten over                                                                                                                                                                     day-Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
what they call stage fright. I                                                                                                                                                                Sundays, most days of the year.
go through it every show.”                                                                                                                                                                    The self-guided tour takes less
(1972)                                                                                                                                                                                        than two hours. But leave your-
    “The first time that I                                                                                                                                                                    self time to wander around the
appeared onstage, it scared       THE KING’S COSTUMES: A former raquetball court at Graceland has been converted to a shrine to Elvis Presley’s 1970s personna,                               ticket complex across the boule-
me to death. I really didn’t      featuring the King’s signature jumpsuits, gold records, guitars, awards and other artifacts. Photo courtesy Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc.                 vard, which includes gift shops,
know what all the yelling                                                                                                                                                                     restaurants and a movie theater
was about. I didn’t realize                                                                                                                                                                   that plays Elvis films. The King’s
that my body was moving.
It’s a natural thing to me. So
to the manager backstage I
said, ‘What’d I do? What’d I
                                  Museum of jumpsuits, gold records                                                                                                                           music is piped into the complex
                                                                                                                                                                                              around the clock.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Admission: Ticket prices begin
                                                                                                                                                                                              at $25 for a Graceland tour
do?’ And he said, ‘Whatever                                                                                                                                                                   ($22.50 for seniors and students,
it is, go back and do it          ■ GRACELAND                                                                                                           with the dozens of others pre-
                                                                                                                                                        sented to him.
                                                                                                                                                                                              $10 for children 7-12, and free
again.’ ” (1972)                  CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1                                                                                                                                       for those 6 and younger). For
                                                                                                                                                           Next to the Trophy Room is a
   “The image is one thing                                                                                                                                                                    $30 ($27 for seniors and stu-
                                  a visit to Graceland. It’s a place                                                                                    converted racquetball court and
and the human being is                                                                                                                                                                        dents, $15 for kids 7-12), you can
                                  both sacred and profane, where                                                                                        piano room (the last place Elvis
another ... it’s very hard to                                                                                                                                                                 also tour the King’s two custom
                                  myth and reality blur. It’s a his-                                                                                    made music, on the morning of
live up to an image.” (1972)                                                                                                                                                                  airplanes, see his automobile
                                  toric landmark where the ves-                                                                                         the day he died) that serves as a
                                                                                                                                                                                              collection, and wander through
  “ ’Til we meet you again,       tiges of Elvis’ opulent wealth                                                                                        shrine to Elvis’ 1970s stage per-
                                                                                                                                                                                              the Elvis After Dark and Sincerely
may God bless you. Adios.”        and tacky tastes battle for do-                                                                                       sona.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Elvis mini-museums. For $68 (all
(1977, at the end of a concert    minion. And it’s a living muse-                                                                                          Video monitors play the 1973
                                                                                                                                                                                              ages), you get the VIP treatment,
during his last tour)             um that showcases the glory,                                                                                          Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii tele-
                                                                                                                                                                                              which gains you access to some
                                  tragedy and divine excesses                                                                                           vision special that features Elvis
                                                                                                                                                                                              additional archival buildings and
                                  that defined the King’s life, mu-                                                                                     in his iconic white “American
“Rhythm is                        sic and death.                         THE ELVIS FAN                                                                  Eagle” cape and jumpsuit. The
                                                                                                                                                                                              a souvenir backstage pass.
                                                                                                            How he became a fan: "When                  tour guides won’t tell you this —     Souvenirs: For Elvis trinkets and
something you                     The Elvis fan                          Name: Josh Tate
                                                                                                            I heard his music the first time, I         there’s no mention of the King’s      baubles, steer clear of the pricier
                                      Full disclosure: I’ve never        Age: 12                                                                        battles with weight and drugs,        Graceland complex stores. Go
                                                                                                            just got into it. My grandfather
                                                                                                                                                                                              instead to the Graceland Outlet,
either have or                    been a big Elvis fan. Never lis-
                                  tened to the King’s records as a
                                                                         Favorite song: Jailhouse Rock      played it for me."                          or his 1973 divorce from Pris-
                                                                                                                                                        cilla after six years of marriage     not far from the mansion on Elvis
                                                                         How long he’s loved the            Photo location: Beale Street,
don’t have, but                   kid. Never watched Love Me
                                  Tender or Viva Las Vegas until
                                                                         King: 8 years                      Memphis
                                                                                                                                                        — but Elvis reportedly favored
                                                                                                                                                        jumpsuits in his later years for
                                                                                                                                                                                              Presley Boulevard. It’s licensed
                                                                                                                                                                                              by Elvis Presley Enterprises, but
when you have                     this year.
                                      My 12-year-old son Josh, on      on iPod-style headsets. The self-
                                                                                                                                                        their roominess. When wearing
                                                                                                                                                        regular suits, he had a tendency
                                                                                                                                                                                              independently operated. Here,
                                                                                                                                                                                              you can buy just about every
                                                                                                               The Jungle Room: This
it, you have it                   the other hand, is a true blue-
                                  suede-shoes fanatic. While his
                                                                       guided audio tour featured the
                                                                       voices of Elvis’ daughter, Lisa
                                                                                                            cave-like, faux-Polynesian
                                                                                                                                                        to rip the back of his pants
                                                                                                                                                        when he’d go down on one
                                                                                                                                                                                              kind of Elvis paraphernalia you
                                                                                                                                                                                              can imagine.We picked up an
                                                                                                            chamber is awash in deep-pile
all over.”                        friends are consumed with            Marie, his parents and the King
                                                                                                            green shag carpet, on the floor
                                                                                                                                                        knee or do a split onstage.           Elvis necklace, video, 3-D poster
                                                                                                                                                                                              and T-shirt, emblazoned with
                                  bands of the moment like Fall-       himself. It was strange to hear
Elvis Presley                     out Boy and My Chemical Ro-          Elvis welcoming us to his home.
                                                                                                            and ceiling, and dark-wood
                                                                                                                                                        The final word                        the gold Sun Studios logo — all
                                  mance, Josh’s MP3 player and            A little while later, we heard                                                   We ended the tour at Elvis’        for under $30.
                                                                                                               A waterfall, custom-made in
About Elvis                       CD case are lush with Elvis. A       rare home recordings of Elvis                                                    grave behind the mansion. He is       For information: Go to www.
                                                                                                            1974, cascades down one wall.
                                  portrait of the King — in gold la-   singing gospel songs with his                                                    buried alongside his parents, or call 800-238-2000.
                                                                                                            A 12-string acoustic guitar sits
   “In the spotlight, the         mé tuxedo — hangs in his             parents. And Lisa Marie, who                                                     Vernon and Gladys Presley, and        Lodging: The Peabody Hotel is
                                                                                                            on a fur-covered lounge chair.
lanky singer flails furious       room. He can sing the words to       was 9 when he died, reminisced                                                   his maternal grandmother. A           the grand old dame of Memphis
                                                                                                            And red-shaded lamps create
rhythms on his guitar, every      B-side tracks and savors rarities    about “the rattle of jewelry as he                                               meditation garden, an eternal         hotels, luxuriously appointed
                                                                                                            just enough light to illuminate
now and then breaking a           like a collector (his favorite:      came down the stairs.” We                                                        flame and a fountain grace the        and rich with history. One block
                                                                                                            the rough-hewn wooden ani-
string. In a pivoting stance,     Presley’s plaintive cover of Paul    watched grainy home movies of                                                    grounds, next to the swimming         off Beale Street, at 149 Union
                                                                                                            mal carvings.
his hips swing sensuously         McCartney’s Yesterday). And          the Presleys, from the ’60s and                                                  pool.                                 Ave., the Peabody is best known
                                                                                                               This room became a make-
from side to side and his         Tupelo’s most famous native          ’70s, in the rooms where they                                                       Although it’s not encour-          for its resident ducks, which
                                                                                                            shift studio in Elvis’ later years.
entire body takes on a fran-      will inspire his Halloween cos-      were filmed. The self-guided                                                     aged, visitors leave stuffed          make their way via red carpet to
                                                                                                            Six of the songs recorded for his
tic quiver, as if he had swal-    tume this year and his bar mitz-     tour began just inside the front                                                 teddy bears, flowers and heart-       the lobby fountain each day at
                                                                                                            last album, Moody Blue, were
lowed a jackhammer.” —            vah theme (we’ve ordered blue-       doors of the mansion, in a for-                                                  felt notes. It’s not unusual for      11 a.m. to the strains of a John
                                                                                                            produced here.
Time, May 15, 1956                suede yamulkes). Josh prefers        mal living room that announced                                                   fans to spend long minutes at         Philip Sousa march. They return
                                  the “older Elvis” of the ’70s to     Elvis’ peculiar tastes in interior      Exhibit rooms: Various                   the site, reading the inscriptions    to their penthouse pool at 5
   “I wanted to say to Elvis
                                  the “young Elvis” of the ’50s.       decor. Two stained-glass pea-        places in the home have been                on the stones, and contemplat-        p.m., with similar fanfare. In-
Presley and the country that
                                  (“You can tell when he’s older       cocks — in shocking blue and         converted to exhibit rooms that             ing. A small plaque commemo-          formation: www.peabodymem
this is a real decent, fine
                                  because his voice is deeper and      gold — flanked the main living       showcase Elvis’ clothes and                 rates Elvis’ twin brother, Jesse or call 901-529-4000.
boy.” — Ed Sullivan, during
                                  a little slower,” he notes).         area. A white sofa stretched the     personal items. Dozens of cos-              Garon Presley, who died in            There are also major hotel chains
Elvis’ third appearance on
                                      “There’s nobody who sings        length of the room. A grand pia-     tumes are on display here, from             childbirth on Jan. 8, 1935, and       like Hilton, Marriott and Holiday
his show, Jan. 6, 1957
                                  like Elvis,” he explains. “None      no occupied a side area.             the black-leather suit from his             was buried in an unmarked             Inn.
   “You have no idea how          of his music sounds the same.           Here, Elvis and his parents       televised ’68 Comeback Spe-                 grave in Tupelo. The mind bog-
great he is, really you don’t.    And every time you hear it, you      sang gospel songs shortly after      cial to the caped jumpsuits he              gles at what might have been          Eating: Memphis is known for
You have no comprehension         hear something different that        he purchased the home in 1957        favored in the 1970s.                       had young Jesse lived.                its neat, dry-rubbed style of pork
— it’s absolutely impossible.     you didn’t hear before.”             for just over $100,000. He was          One exhibit room features an                “ When I was a child,” we          ribs. The Rendezvous restaurant
I can’t tell you why he’s so          Josh takes in stride the fact    22 at the time; only three years     office desk and bookshelf that              heard Elvis say on our audio          may get all the press, but several
great, but he is. He’s sensa-     that he alone among his pals         had passed since he had record-      h o l d s Ka h l i l G i b r a n’ s T h e   tour, “I was a dreamer. [And] ev-     lesser-known rib places also
tional.” — Phil Spector           likes the King.                      ed a swinging version of Arthur      Prophet, Herman Hesse’s Sid-                ery dream that I ever dreamed         provide terrific fare, including
                                      “No kid my age likes good        Crudup’s blues standard That’s       dhartha and The Warren Re-                  has come true 100 times.”             Corky’s and Tops.
   “Elvis Presley’s death                                                                                                                                                                        Our favorite: Central BBQ at
                                  music,” he says. “All my friends     Alright [Mama] for famed             port. Elvis’ gun collection, in-               Heading out, I asked Josh
deprives our country of a                                                                                                                                                                     two locations: 2249 Central Ave.,
                                  like rap, but all the rappers sing   Memphis record producer Sam          cluding a prized turquoise-han-             what he’d liked best about the
part of itself. He was unique,                                                                                                                                                                and 4375 Summer Ave. Serves
                                  about is money and women. Ex-        Phillips. As we proceeded on         dled Colt 45 engraved with his              place. “Probably the Jungle
irreplaceable. ... And he was                                                                                                                                                                 fall-off-the-bone tender ribs in a
                                  cept for Snoop Dogg — he’s           the tour, the decor became pro-      initials, is on display, along with         Room or the Trophy Room,” he
a symbol to the people the                                                                                                                                                                    no-fuss, no-muss atmosphere. A
                                  cool.”                               gressively more garish, but also     his karate clothes.                         said. “I liked seeing all the weird
world over of the vitality,                                                                                                                                                                   full slab is (a reasonable) $18,
rebelliousness and good               With the 30th anniversary of     more intriguing. The upstairs            The Trophy Room: This                   furniture he had and I can’t be-
                                  the King’s death and Josh’s          rooms, including the bathroom                                                    lieve all those jumpsuits he          and includes bread and two
humor of this country.” —                                                                                   elaborate 40-foot-long gallery,                                                   sides.
President Carter, official        13th birthday coinciding in Au-      where Elvis was found dead,          filled with awards and memora-              wore.”
                                  gust, this summer seemed like        are closed to the public. (These                                                    But he quickly added: “I              For a treat, check out Donald’s
statement after Elvis’ death,                                                                               bilia, is the tour’s centerpiece.                                                 Donuts on 5144 Riverdale Road.
1977                              the perfect time for a visit to      private areas are reportedly         Visitors can pore over hundreds             think the whole place was cool
                                  Graceland.                           where Lisa Marie and other                                                       — all of it.”                         The sweet, fluffy glazed originals
                                                                                                            of vintage photos and film clips,                                                 are a local favorite.
    “It was like he came along                                         family members stay when they                                                       We stopped to sign the brick
                                  The King’s castle                                                         gold records, news clippings,
and whispered some dream                                               visit.) But the first-floor living                                               wall that rings the property,         Fun: Beale Street, with its blues
                                                                                                            movie posters and costumes
in everybody’s ear, and              Elvis Presley Boulevard is a      areas were vivid enough: Avo-                                                    adding our names and senti-           joints and BBQ places near the
                                                                                                            from every decade of his career.
somehow we all dreamed            shabby stretch of broken Mem-        cado shag carpeting and gold                                                     ments to thousands of others.         Mississippi Riverfront. Keep an
                                                                                                                Among the highlights: Video
it.” — Bruce Springsteen          phis asphalt flanked by low-         kitchen appliances. Blood-red                                                    “What should I write?” Josh           eye out for Mr. Walter, a street
                                                                                                            of the King’s performances on
  “When I first heard Elvis’      rent strip malls, vacant lots and    velvet sofas with ostrich-feather                                                asked, uncapping a Magic              actor who makes his living doing
                                                                                                            the Ed Sullivan and Milton
voice I just knew that I          aging car-repair shops. Cheesy       pillows. A white-fur-lined cano-                                                 Marker. “What’s the first thing       an uncanny impersonation of
                                                                                                            Berle shows in the 1950s that in-
wasn’t going to work for          Graceland souvenir shops line        py bed, inlaid with an 8-track                                                   that comes to mind when you           the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
                                                                                                            troduced him to a national audi-
anybody. ... Hearing him for      the street, joined by the ram-       player. Dark-wood paneling                                                       think of what Graceland is all
                                                                                                            ence. The Hall of Gold inside
the first time was like bust-     shackle Elvis Presley Coin-Op        and animal-skin furniture. Ca-       the Trophy Room contains the                about?” I asked.                      History: Memphis is home to
ing out of jail.”                 Laundromat and the Rock ‘N’          nary-yellow bar stools and verti-    King’s first gold record, Heart-               He smiled, then wrote:             Sun Studio, the place that
  — Bob Dylan                     Roll Café, which features an El-     go-inducing mirrored hallways.       break Hotel from 1956, along                   “Elvis lives!”                     launched Elvis, Johnny Cash and
                                  vis impersonator several nights         And, of course, some rooms                                                                                          Jerry Lee Lewis, among others
   “It’s rare when an artist’s    a week.                              stood out.                                                                                                             (706 Union Ave., 800-441-6249,
talent can touch an entire           Eventually, the boulevard                                                                                                                       The Stax
generation of people. It’s                                                The TV Room: In the 1960s,
                                  leads to the elegant gates of                                                                                                                               Museum of American Soul
even rarer when that same                                              Elvis had heard President John-
                                  Graceland. And here, amid the                                                                                                                               Music is also here (926 E.
influence affects several                                              son installed three TVs at the
                                  crowds of other pilgrims, the                                                                                                                               McLemore Ave., 901-946-2535,
generations. Elvis made an                                             White House so he could watch
                                  magic begins to emerge.                                                                                                                                     staxmuseum. com).
imprint on the world of pop                                            all three network news stations
                                     Pulling up to the estate, the                                                                                                                               The former Lorraine Motel,
music unequaled by any                                                 at once. So when the King de-
                                  first thing we noticed was how                                                                                                                              where the Rev. Martin Luther
other single performer.” —                                             signed his basement TV den,
                                  modest it is, given its storied                                                                                                                             King Jr. was slain in 1968, has
Dick Clark                                                             with an accompanying yellow-
                                  reputation. Rising from a gentle                                                                                                                            been converted into the Na-
                                                                       and-black leather bar, he outfit-
  “He was the firstest with       hill, the 17,000-square-foot Co-                                                                                                                            tional Civil Rights Museum (450
                                                                       ted it with three TVs. (Eleven
the mostest.”                     lonial revival home — tiny by to-                                                                                                                           Mulberry St., 901-521-9699,
                                                                       others fill the home).
  — Roy Orbison                   day’s celebrity standards — is                                                                                                                    
                                                                          The room displays a wide as-
                                  encircled by a low brick wall
                — NICK TATE                                            sortment of records from the                                                                                           For more info: Contact the
                                  that allows the home to be seen
                                                                       King’s extensive collection. It’s                                                                                      Memphis Convention and Visi-
                                  from the street.
                                                                       also decorated with a large ce-                                                                                        tors Bureau (901-543-5300,
“Before Elvis,                       “Kinda small, isn’t it?” Josh
                                  asked. “ Why would he live
                                                                       ramic monkey that sits on a                                                                                   You
                                                                       mirrored table, and a mural fea-                                                                                       can also visit the Web site of the
there was                         here? This isn’t that great a
                                  place. He could have lived any-
                                                                       turing the lightning-bolt “TCB”                                                                                        city’s alternative paper, the
                                                                       insignia (“Takin’ Care of Busi-                                                                                        Memphis Flyer: www.memphis
nothing.”                         where.”
                                     We took a shuttle bus from a
                                                                       ness”) that Elvis adopted as a
                                                                                                            THEY STILL LOVE HIM TENDER: Visitors pause at the grave site
                                                                                                            of Elvis Presley. Thursday is the 30th anniversary of the music         
                                                                       slogan in the late 1970s.                                                                                                                  — NICK TATE
John Lennon                       nearby ticket complex and put                                             legend’s death. Staff photos/Nick Tate

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Graceland 2

  • 1. Product: FLSUN PubDate: 08-12-2007 Zone: BR Edition: 1 Page: JUMP2@1 User: rhehir Time: 08-10-2007 07:33 Color: C K Y M BR 08-12-2007 E-4 CMYK 4 • SOUTH FLORIDA SUN-SENTINEL • SUN-SENTINEL.COM • Sunday, August 12, 2007 • BR * FROM THE COVER QUOTES MO Memphis KY Nashville 40 By Elvis AR TENNESSEE 24 “Some people tap their feet, some people snap their 75 fingers, and some people MS AL 59 sway back and forth. I just 65 GA sorta do ’em all together, I 100 MILES guess.” (1956) “I ain’t no saint, but I’ve Staff graphic tried never to do anything that would hurt my family or offend God ... I figure all any IF YOU GO: GRACELAND kid needs is hope and the Getting there: Northwest Air- feeling he or she belongs. If I lines offers nonstop service to could do or say anything Memphis, Tenn., from Fort Lau- that would give some kid derdale. Graceland, at 3764 that feeling, I would believe I Elvis Presley Blvd., is 10 miles had contributed something south of downtown Memphis. to the world.” (1950s) Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- “I’ve never gotten over day-Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. what they call stage fright. I Sundays, most days of the year. go through it every show.” The self-guided tour takes less (1972) than two hours. But leave your- “The first time that I self time to wander around the appeared onstage, it scared THE KING’S COSTUMES: A former raquetball court at Graceland has been converted to a shrine to Elvis Presley’s 1970s personna, ticket complex across the boule- me to death. I really didn’t featuring the King’s signature jumpsuits, gold records, guitars, awards and other artifacts. Photo courtesy Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. vard, which includes gift shops, know what all the yelling restaurants and a movie theater was about. I didn’t realize that plays Elvis films. The King’s that my body was moving. It’s a natural thing to me. So to the manager backstage I said, ‘What’d I do? What’d I Museum of jumpsuits, gold records music is piped into the complex around the clock. Admission: Ticket prices begin at $25 for a Graceland tour do?’ And he said, ‘Whatever ($22.50 for seniors and students, it is, go back and do it ■ GRACELAND with the dozens of others pre- sented to him. $10 for children 7-12, and free again.’ ” (1972) CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 for those 6 and younger). For Next to the Trophy Room is a “The image is one thing $30 ($27 for seniors and stu- a visit to Graceland. It’s a place converted racquetball court and and the human being is dents, $15 for kids 7-12), you can both sacred and profane, where piano room (the last place Elvis another ... it’s very hard to also tour the King’s two custom myth and reality blur. It’s a his- made music, on the morning of live up to an image.” (1972) airplanes, see his automobile toric landmark where the ves- the day he died) that serves as a collection, and wander through “ ’Til we meet you again, tiges of Elvis’ opulent wealth shrine to Elvis’ 1970s stage per- the Elvis After Dark and Sincerely may God bless you. Adios.” and tacky tastes battle for do- sona. Elvis mini-museums. For $68 (all (1977, at the end of a concert minion. And it’s a living muse- Video monitors play the 1973 ages), you get the VIP treatment, during his last tour) um that showcases the glory, Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii tele- which gains you access to some tragedy and divine excesses vision special that features Elvis additional archival buildings and that defined the King’s life, mu- in his iconic white “American “Rhythm is sic and death. THE ELVIS FAN Eagle” cape and jumpsuit. The a souvenir backstage pass. How he became a fan: "When tour guides won’t tell you this — Souvenirs: For Elvis trinkets and something you The Elvis fan Name: Josh Tate I heard his music the first time, I there’s no mention of the King’s baubles, steer clear of the pricier Full disclosure: I’ve never Age: 12 battles with weight and drugs, Graceland complex stores. Go just got into it. My grandfather instead to the Graceland Outlet, either have or been a big Elvis fan. Never lis- tened to the King’s records as a Favorite song: Jailhouse Rock played it for me." or his 1973 divorce from Pris- cilla after six years of marriage not far from the mansion on Elvis How long he’s loved the Photo location: Beale Street, don’t have, but kid. Never watched Love Me Tender or Viva Las Vegas until King: 8 years Memphis — but Elvis reportedly favored jumpsuits in his later years for Presley Boulevard. It’s licensed by Elvis Presley Enterprises, but when you have this year. My 12-year-old son Josh, on on iPod-style headsets. The self- their roominess. When wearing regular suits, he had a tendency independently operated. Here, you can buy just about every The Jungle Room: This it, you have it the other hand, is a true blue- suede-shoes fanatic. While his guided audio tour featured the voices of Elvis’ daughter, Lisa cave-like, faux-Polynesian to rip the back of his pants when he’d go down on one kind of Elvis paraphernalia you can imagine.We picked up an chamber is awash in deep-pile all over.” friends are consumed with Marie, his parents and the King green shag carpet, on the floor knee or do a split onstage. Elvis necklace, video, 3-D poster and T-shirt, emblazoned with bands of the moment like Fall- himself. It was strange to hear Elvis Presley out Boy and My Chemical Ro- Elvis welcoming us to his home. and ceiling, and dark-wood paneling. The final word the gold Sun Studios logo — all mance, Josh’s MP3 player and A little while later, we heard We ended the tour at Elvis’ for under $30. A waterfall, custom-made in About Elvis CD case are lush with Elvis. A rare home recordings of Elvis grave behind the mansion. He is For information: Go to www. 1974, cascades down one wall. portrait of the King — in gold la- singing gospel songs with his buried alongside his parents, or call 800-238-2000. A 12-string acoustic guitar sits “In the spotlight, the mé tuxedo — hangs in his parents. And Lisa Marie, who Vernon and Gladys Presley, and Lodging: The Peabody Hotel is on a fur-covered lounge chair. lanky singer flails furious room. He can sing the words to was 9 when he died, reminisced his maternal grandmother. A the grand old dame of Memphis And red-shaded lamps create rhythms on his guitar, every B-side tracks and savors rarities about “the rattle of jewelry as he meditation garden, an eternal hotels, luxuriously appointed just enough light to illuminate now and then breaking a like a collector (his favorite: came down the stairs.” We flame and a fountain grace the and rich with history. One block the rough-hewn wooden ani- string. In a pivoting stance, Presley’s plaintive cover of Paul watched grainy home movies of grounds, next to the swimming off Beale Street, at 149 Union mal carvings. his hips swing sensuously McCartney’s Yesterday). And the Presleys, from the ’60s and pool. Ave., the Peabody is best known This room became a make- from side to side and his Tupelo’s most famous native ’70s, in the rooms where they Although it’s not encour- for its resident ducks, which shift studio in Elvis’ later years. entire body takes on a fran- will inspire his Halloween cos- were filmed. The self-guided aged, visitors leave stuffed make their way via red carpet to Six of the songs recorded for his tic quiver, as if he had swal- tume this year and his bar mitz- tour began just inside the front teddy bears, flowers and heart- the lobby fountain each day at last album, Moody Blue, were lowed a jackhammer.” — vah theme (we’ve ordered blue- doors of the mansion, in a for- felt notes. It’s not unusual for 11 a.m. to the strains of a John produced here. Time, May 15, 1956 suede yamulkes). Josh prefers mal living room that announced fans to spend long minutes at Philip Sousa march. They return the “older Elvis” of the ’70s to Elvis’ peculiar tastes in interior Exhibit rooms: Various the site, reading the inscriptions to their penthouse pool at 5 “I wanted to say to Elvis the “young Elvis” of the ’50s. decor. Two stained-glass pea- places in the home have been on the stones, and contemplat- p.m., with similar fanfare. In- Presley and the country that (“You can tell when he’s older cocks — in shocking blue and converted to exhibit rooms that ing. A small plaque commemo- formation: www.peabodymem this is a real decent, fine because his voice is deeper and gold — flanked the main living showcase Elvis’ clothes and rates Elvis’ twin brother, Jesse or call 901-529-4000. boy.” — Ed Sullivan, during a little slower,” he notes). area. A white sofa stretched the personal items. Dozens of cos- Garon Presley, who died in There are also major hotel chains Elvis’ third appearance on “There’s nobody who sings length of the room. A grand pia- tumes are on display here, from childbirth on Jan. 8, 1935, and like Hilton, Marriott and Holiday his show, Jan. 6, 1957 like Elvis,” he explains. “None no occupied a side area. the black-leather suit from his was buried in an unmarked Inn. “You have no idea how of his music sounds the same. Here, Elvis and his parents televised ’68 Comeback Spe- grave in Tupelo. The mind bog- great he is, really you don’t. And every time you hear it, you sang gospel songs shortly after cial to the caped jumpsuits he gles at what might have been Eating: Memphis is known for You have no comprehension hear something different that he purchased the home in 1957 favored in the 1970s. had young Jesse lived. its neat, dry-rubbed style of pork — it’s absolutely impossible. you didn’t hear before.” for just over $100,000. He was One exhibit room features an “ When I was a child,” we ribs. The Rendezvous restaurant I can’t tell you why he’s so Josh takes in stride the fact 22 at the time; only three years office desk and bookshelf that heard Elvis say on our audio may get all the press, but several great, but he is. He’s sensa- that he alone among his pals had passed since he had record- h o l d s Ka h l i l G i b r a n’ s T h e tour, “I was a dreamer. [And] ev- lesser-known rib places also tional.” — Phil Spector likes the King. ed a swinging version of Arthur Prophet, Herman Hesse’s Sid- ery dream that I ever dreamed provide terrific fare, including “No kid my age likes good Crudup’s blues standard That’s dhartha and The Warren Re- has come true 100 times.” Corky’s and Tops. “Elvis Presley’s death Our favorite: Central BBQ at music,” he says. “All my friends Alright [Mama] for famed port. Elvis’ gun collection, in- Heading out, I asked Josh deprives our country of a two locations: 2249 Central Ave., like rap, but all the rappers sing Memphis record producer Sam cluding a prized turquoise-han- what he’d liked best about the part of itself. He was unique, and 4375 Summer Ave. Serves about is money and women. Ex- Phillips. As we proceeded on dled Colt 45 engraved with his place. “Probably the Jungle irreplaceable. ... And he was fall-off-the-bone tender ribs in a cept for Snoop Dogg — he’s the tour, the decor became pro- initials, is on display, along with Room or the Trophy Room,” he a symbol to the people the no-fuss, no-muss atmosphere. A cool.” gressively more garish, but also his karate clothes. said. “I liked seeing all the weird world over of the vitality, full slab is (a reasonable) $18, rebelliousness and good With the 30th anniversary of more intriguing. The upstairs The Trophy Room: This furniture he had and I can’t be- the King’s death and Josh’s rooms, including the bathroom lieve all those jumpsuits he and includes bread and two humor of this country.” — elaborate 40-foot-long gallery, sides. President Carter, official 13th birthday coinciding in Au- where Elvis was found dead, filled with awards and memora- wore.” gust, this summer seemed like are closed to the public. (These But he quickly added: “I For a treat, check out Donald’s statement after Elvis’ death, bilia, is the tour’s centerpiece. Donuts on 5144 Riverdale Road. 1977 the perfect time for a visit to private areas are reportedly Visitors can pore over hundreds think the whole place was cool Graceland. where Lisa Marie and other — all of it.” The sweet, fluffy glazed originals of vintage photos and film clips, are a local favorite. “It was like he came along family members stay when they We stopped to sign the brick The King’s castle gold records, news clippings, and whispered some dream visit.) But the first-floor living wall that rings the property, Fun: Beale Street, with its blues movie posters and costumes in everybody’s ear, and Elvis Presley Boulevard is a areas were vivid enough: Avo- adding our names and senti- joints and BBQ places near the from every decade of his career. somehow we all dreamed shabby stretch of broken Mem- cado shag carpeting and gold ments to thousands of others. Mississippi Riverfront. Keep an Among the highlights: Video it.” — Bruce Springsteen phis asphalt flanked by low- kitchen appliances. Blood-red “What should I write?” Josh eye out for Mr. Walter, a street of the King’s performances on “When I first heard Elvis’ rent strip malls, vacant lots and velvet sofas with ostrich-feather asked, uncapping a Magic actor who makes his living doing the Ed Sullivan and Milton voice I just knew that I aging car-repair shops. Cheesy pillows. A white-fur-lined cano- Marker. “What’s the first thing an uncanny impersonation of Berle shows in the 1950s that in- wasn’t going to work for Graceland souvenir shops line py bed, inlaid with an 8-track that comes to mind when you the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. troduced him to a national audi- anybody. ... Hearing him for the street, joined by the ram- player. Dark-wood paneling think of what Graceland is all ence. The Hall of Gold inside the first time was like bust- shackle Elvis Presley Coin-Op and animal-skin furniture. Ca- the Trophy Room contains the about?” I asked. History: Memphis is home to ing out of jail.” Laundromat and the Rock ‘N’ nary-yellow bar stools and verti- King’s first gold record, Heart- He smiled, then wrote: Sun Studio, the place that — Bob Dylan Roll Café, which features an El- go-inducing mirrored hallways. break Hotel from 1956, along “Elvis lives!” launched Elvis, Johnny Cash and vis impersonator several nights And, of course, some rooms Jerry Lee Lewis, among others “It’s rare when an artist’s a week. stood out. (706 Union Ave., 800-441-6249, talent can touch an entire Eventually, the boulevard The Stax generation of people. It’s The TV Room: In the 1960s, leads to the elegant gates of Museum of American Soul even rarer when that same Elvis had heard President John- Graceland. And here, amid the Music is also here (926 E. influence affects several son installed three TVs at the crowds of other pilgrims, the McLemore Ave., 901-946-2535, generations. Elvis made an White House so he could watch magic begins to emerge. staxmuseum. com). imprint on the world of pop all three network news stations Pulling up to the estate, the The former Lorraine Motel, music unequaled by any at once. So when the King de- first thing we noticed was how where the Rev. Martin Luther other single performer.” — signed his basement TV den, modest it is, given its storied King Jr. was slain in 1968, has Dick Clark with an accompanying yellow- reputation. Rising from a gentle been converted into the Na- and-black leather bar, he outfit- “He was the firstest with hill, the 17,000-square-foot Co- tional Civil Rights Museum (450 ted it with three TVs. (Eleven the mostest.” lonial revival home — tiny by to- Mulberry St., 901-521-9699, others fill the home). — Roy Orbison day’s celebrity standards — is The room displays a wide as- encircled by a low brick wall — NICK TATE sortment of records from the For more info: Contact the that allows the home to be seen King’s extensive collection. It’s Memphis Convention and Visi- from the street. also decorated with a large ce- tors Bureau (901-543-5300, “Before Elvis, “Kinda small, isn’t it?” Josh asked. “ Why would he live ramic monkey that sits on a You mirrored table, and a mural fea- can also visit the Web site of the there was here? This isn’t that great a place. He could have lived any- turing the lightning-bolt “TCB” city’s alternative paper, the insignia (“Takin’ Care of Busi- Memphis Flyer: www.memphis nothing.” where.” We took a shuttle bus from a ness”) that Elvis adopted as a THEY STILL LOVE HIM TENDER: Visitors pause at the grave site of Elvis Presley. Thursday is the 30th anniversary of the music slogan in the late 1970s. — NICK TATE John Lennon nearby ticket complex and put legend’s death. Staff photos/Nick Tate