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Free 350 performance review phrases
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Useful materials: •
Useful free ebooks for performance appraisal:
• -9-tips-to-writing-a-winning-self-
Useful materials: •
1.Attendance Performance Review Samples
You can’t perform if you don’t show
up! Attendance and punctuality
performance review phrases discuss
both an employee’s ability to keep to
his work schedule, but also his overall
attendance. Is he frequently late to
work? Does he take long breaks? Is his
lunch hour really two hours?
Attendance employee evaluation
samples, such as the ones below, focus
on these attendance issues.
Useful materials: •
Positive review
• Cara is one of our most reliable
employees who arrives on-time and
leaves on-time. Her break times are
perfectly timed – she really sets the
standard for attendance and punctuality
on the team.
• Jim arrives each day fully prepared to
tackle his responsibilities.
• Heather is reliable and does not have
any attendance problems.
• Bill always ensures his employees
adhere to their lunch schedules and
• Kevin meets all company standards for
attendance and punctuality.
Useful materials: •
Negative review
• Harry is continually late for work and
should improve this area by focusing on
showing up on time each day.
• Tim often takes extended lunches and does
not make up the added time in his work
• Trina took several more personal days
than permitted and was frequently not here
when needed.
• Jim frequently provides excuses for his
late arrival times, yet does not account for
delays such as heavy traffic in his travel
• Bill does not show up on time in the
morning and then leaves at his normally
scheduled exit time. Bill needs to improve
his work schedule.
Useful materials: •
2.Attitude Performance Review Examples
When hiring customer service focused
staff, I used to remark that I can train job
knowledge, but I can’t train attitude.
Having the right attitude for a job is a
crucial part of “fit” for a role. In this
section of the employee evaluation,
you’re reviewing the employee’s attitude
on the job, dealing with customers, co-
workers, managers, and his employees.
Attitude performance appraisal phrases
highlight how the employee has
expressed himself and how he reacts to
adverse situations.
Useful materials: •
Positive review
• Holly has one of those attitudes that is
always positive. She frequently has a
smile on her face and you can tell she
enjoys her job.
• Greg is a cheerful guy who always makes
you feel delighted when you’re around
him. We are fortunate to have Greg on our
• Thom has an even demeanor through good
times and bad. His constant cheer helps
others keep their “enthusiasm” – both
positive and negative – in check.
• Angela has a soothing personality which
reflects in a very calm demeanor. Her
attitude is one which should be emulated.
Useful materials: •
Negative review
• Jim frequently gives off “an air” of
superiority to his coworkers. He is not
approachable and is rough to work
• Bill has a dreadful outlook at times
which has a tendency to bring down
the entire team.
• For the most part, Lenny is a
personable guy, but when he gets
upset, his attitude turns shocking.
Lenny needs to balance his personality
out and not react so much to negative
Useful materials: •
3.Communication Employee Evaluation Samples
How key is communication in the
workforce today! Many employers have
moved to hiring a lot of virtual employees
and keeping open communications is a
crucial part of one’s job performance. In
the communication performance appraisal
section of the employee evaluation, look
for examples of how an employee
communicates with their teammates and
clients. Communication performance
review comments discuss how well an
employee communicates and how
effective his communications are.
Useful materials: •
Positive review
• David keeps managers and coworkers
informed of his work progress.
• Allison is excellent at keeping written
information about her assignments and
• One of Jim’s strengths is his use of candor
and effective communication with his
• One of Jane’s core strengths is her ability
to immediately connect with someone.
• Tom clearly communicates with his
employees and they understand his
Useful materials: •
Negative review
• Despite other areas of strength for Ben,
communication continues to be substandard. Ben
consistently fails to properly notify team members
about impending changes or other required
• Jim does not effectively communicate – both written
and verbal communication must be improved.
• At a bare minimum, Tom needs to improve his
communication skills with his co-workers.
Preferably, Tom will learn to improve his
communications with other employees and
• Jack needs to share department and corporate goals
in a more timely and complete manner. Jack’s
employees do not understand what the company is
• George’s position requires him to have sufficient
technical skills, however, he does not speak up
during technical meetings to discuss potential
Useful materials: •
4.Cooperation Performance Appraisal Paragraphs
How well does the employee cooperate
with fellow team members, managers,
and customers? What kind of attitude
does he show? Cooperation employee
evaluation statements delve into the
details of how well the employee gets
along with others. These sample
cooperation performance review phrases
examine how the employee exceeds or
meets cooperation expectations and for
those employees who are Negative review
for cooperation.
Useful materials: •
Positive review
• Frank can be counted on to carry out
assignments with careful follow- through
and follow-up.
• George helps form alliance between his
staff members to foster a team first
• Randy excels at any project he is involved
with as he can form effective teams.
• Whenever we have a difficult situation, we
know we can bring Ryan into it as he can
bring disparate groups of people together.
• Julia is willing to do whatever it takes to
get the job done – even perform tasks or
jobs that are not her own.
Useful materials: •
Negative review
• David has been known to enter into a
shouting match with fellow employees.
• Jeanne is often the last to offer assistance or
help out in times of need. This feeling is
common among Jeanne’s coworkers and
management team.
• John takes on new tasks with ease, but
when it comes time to communicate with
other team members and train them on these
tasks, John does not perform very well.
• Jennifer is too cautious – she is afraid of
confrontation so she does not step out to
assist when it’s necessary.
Useful materials: •
5.Creativity and Innovation Performance Review Phrases
Many jobs afford some level of creativity
for employees to express themselves. The
creativity performance review paragraphs
focus on how employees use this latitude
in their job performance. Innovation is a
key attribute for many jobs and the
performance review phrases really
explore how well an employee innovates
in his job. Explore creative ways to
review your employees with these
Useful materials: •
Positive review
• Sally has a creative touch in a
sometimes monotonous role within our
team – the way she adds inspiration to
the day to day tasks she performs is
• Whenever we need a fresh look at a
problem, we know we can turn to Julia
for a novel perspective.
• Ben doesn’t rely on common methods
to solve a problem, but addresses each
situation with a innovative viewpoint.
• Walter creates an exciting atmosphere
for his team: one in which new ideas
are rewarded and encouraged.
Useful materials: •
Negative review
• Jean does not tap into the creative side of
her team and consistently overlooks the
innovate employees reporting to her.
• Kevin has a difficult time thinking
“outside of the box” and creating new and
untested solutions.
• Jim is a creative guy but he has a tendency
to act before thinking. This causes
problems when an untested or unexamined
idea is moved forward too quickly.
• Bob has a lot of creative potential but so
far he has failed to tap into it. Bob should
strike a balance between being pragmatic
and creative.
Useful materials: •
6.Customer Service Performance Review Samples
Everyone has a customer. If you have a
job, you have a customer. Customer
Service is a key attribute in every job –
especially so in customer facing jobs.
Customer service evaluations can be
difficult as you may have to get creative
with your performance evaluation
phrasing, but the samples below really
highlight how to write about customer
service on the employee appraisal.
Useful materials: •
Positive review
• Paula understands the latitude to
ensure customer satisfaction and does
everything necessary to retain
• Lenny is able to handle his clients well
and does not have any complaints
against him.
• Tom is adept at having happy
customers and successfully up selling
them at the same time.
• Teri deals with customer complaints
with a calm demeanor. Teri is very
good at handling difficult situations
with customers.
Useful materials: •
Negative review
• Greg has not fully understood why
customer service training is important and
frequently is late to class and does not
• In most areas of customer service Harry
does a good job, but when it comes to
difficult situations, Harry does not
understand how to calm the customer
down and follow the script.
• Teri can handle the run of the mill
customer service situation, but the more
complex issues seem to cause her to freeze
and not react.
• Ryan is very good at dealing with
customers on the phone, but when they
come in the store, he doesn’t handle one
on one contact very well.
Useful materials: •
7.Performance appraisal phrases – critical thinking
Critical thinking means making reasonable
judgment based on actual details and your
thinking process. It is more about “thinking about
thinking” rather than “thinking about solution”. In
critical thinking, you make judgment whether
something is true, false or either or neither.
A person having critical thinking skill shall have
ability to:
• Understand problems and know how to address
those problems in an appropriate manner.
• Understand the importance of the problem and
know which problem should be dealt with first
• Collect relevant information to resolve the
• Understand implied meanings and values of the
problem or problem solving method.
Useful materials: •
Positive performance appraisal phrases
for critical thinking
• Before submitting a solution, John
always thinks it over.
• John equips himself analytical and
critical-thinking skills and he can uses
them to deal with problems.
• In order to find out the most suitable
solution for a problem, John considered
carefully various sides of a situation.
• John always has a quick answer for any
issue. He always brings out a timely
Useful materials: •
Negative performance appraisal phrases
for critical thinking
• John always seems to be hurried and does
not think twice when making decision.
• John never cares about the situations that
can be happened when he makes decision.
• John does not consider the possible
situations when making decision.
• John never thinks any problem twice and he
is too hurried to carry out his decision.
• John never finds out the most suitable
solution to the issue. His ideas are not
Useful materials: •
8.Performance review phrases for decision making
Decision making skill is crucial to a
person in relation to their ability of self-
managing. Decision making skill relates
very closely to one’s ability to take
responsible for what he/she is doing in
his/her life. It is the most important skill
that a leader should have. A person with
good decision-making skill will be able to
set goal and know the way to keep their
goal on the track. They are confident in
their approach to make sound decisions.
So, what are the descriptions of such a
person with good decision-making skill?
Useful materials: •
Positive performance review phrases for
decision making
A person with good decision-making skills
should be a person:
• Be able to make sound fact-based
• Be able to work out multiple alternative
solutions and determined the most suitable
• Be objective in considering a fact or
• Be firm to not let the individual emotion
and feeling affect on the made decision;
• Be decisive in hard case scenario and
And what about the descriptions of a person
with bad decision-making ability?
Useful materials: •
Negative performance review phrases
for decision making
•Apply complex and impractical
approaches in solving problems;
•Fail to make a short-list of solutions
recommended by direct units;
•Be paralyzed and confused when facing
tight deadlines to make decisions;
•Make too much complaint on the content
of the job;
•Tend to apply a single and rush decision-
making approach;
•Avoid conflicts at work in relation to
decision making process.
Useful materials: •
9.Ethics Employee Evaluation Samples
Ethics may not seem like a difficult topic,
but many managers struggle to come up
with the right words to use on the
performance review. Ethics is an area it is
often difficult to review for, but using
these ethics performance review phrases,
you should be able to find the right words
to express to your employee – whether
they score high for ethics, or find
themselves ethically challenged.
Useful materials: •
Positive review
• Bob is one of the most morally sound
employees I have ever met. His firm
stand on principles is to be
• Bill follows all company policies and
sticks by the letter of the rules and the
intent of the rules.
• Bryan is not only trustworthy, but has
high ideals for how he wants those
around him to behave.
• John is very good at understanding his
fiduciary responsibility to the
Useful materials: •
Negative review
• On occasion, Paula has made misleading
statements that have needed to be
• Ethics in business dealings internationally
must be carefully considered and Bill is
often too loose with managing his
employees in this area.
• We’ve had some accusations from
customers that Bill has lied in certain
dealings and this is a trend that cannot
• Though George meets the letter of the law
as far as our ethics policy is concerned, he
frequently doesn’t meet the intent of the
Useful materials: •
10.Interpersonal Skills Performance Review Phrases
Positive review
• Ben has a natural rapport with people
and does very well at communicating
with others.
• Jack makes people feel at home with
him. His natural ability to work with
people is a great asset to our team.
• Peter’s uncanny ability to connect with
people is a great personality attribute
in his role as a manager.
• Greg seemingly can strike up a
conversation with anybody. He has a
gift in relating to people around him.
Useful materials: •
Negative review
• Tim does not understand how crucial good
working relationships with fellow team
members are.
• John has an excellent impression among
the management team, yet his fellow team
members cannot stand working with him.
• Paula seems to shrink when she’s around
others and does not cultivate good
relations with her co-workers.
• Tim does not understand the difference
between “friend” and “coworker” and only
wants to focus any energy on friendships
and not building good working
Useful materials: •
11.Leadership Performance Appraisal Phrases
Positive review
• Eve understands how to take daily
tasks and motivate employees to meet
a long term goal.
• Customer service can be a difficult
organization to lead, yet Peter doesn’t
just manage them to success, he leads
them to meet objectives.
• Richard understands people and
different ways to motivate them to get
the job done.
• Peter is an excellent coach and
regularly receives maximum
performance from his direct reports.
Useful materials: •
Negative review
• In Jack’s role, he needs to focus on big
picture items, yet he continues to
micromanage his staff.
• Trust is something Bob doesn’t part
with easily, to the point that his
employees are not able to get much
• Pete is a capable manager, but he
doesn’t influence people like a leader
• Bill is not able to influence people to
get the job done.
Useful materials: •
12.Problem Solving Skills Employee Evaluation Examples
Positive review
• Frank examines a problem and quickly
identifies potential solutions – and then
makes a recommendation as to what
solution to pursue.
• Rachel understands the testing process
and how to discover a solution to a
particular problem.
• Brian is one of the more technical
employees we have on staff and can
quickly analyze a situation and
discover practical solutions.
• Bill is good at discovering potential
solutions for problems.
Useful materials: •
Negative review
• Joan is poor at communicating
problem status before it becomes a
• Bill can offer up potential solutions to
a problem, but struggles to identify the
best solution.
• Unraveling a problem to discuss the
core issues is a skill Janet lacks.
• Peter resists further training in problem
solving, believing he is proficient, yet
lacking in many areas.
Useful materials: •
13.Teamwork Skills Performance Appraisal Phrases
Positive review
• Harry manages his relationships with
his coworkers, managers, and
employees in a professional manner.
• Tom contributes to the success of the
team on a regular basis.
• Ben isn’t concerned about who gets the
credit, just that the task gets
• Mary is a team player and understands
how to help others in times of need.
• Peter is the consummate team player.
Useful materials: •
Negative review
• Bill does not assist his teammates as
• Ryan holds on to too much and does not
delegate to his team effectively.
• Bryan focuses on getting his own work
accomplished, but does not take the time
to help those members of his team who are
struggling to keep up.
• Peter was very good at teamwork when he
was just a member of the team, now that
he is in a supervisory role, Peter has lost
much of those teamwork skills.
• Lyle works with the team well when his
own projects are coming due and he needs
help, but once those are accomplished, he
does not frequently help others on their
Useful materials: •

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Free 350 performance review phrases

  • 1. Free 350 performance review phrases Useful materials: • •
  • 2. Useful materials: • •
  • 3.
  • 4. Useful free ebooks for performance appraisal: • • • • • management-system • -9-tips-to-writing-a-winning-self- appraisal Useful materials: • •
  • 5. 1.Attendance Performance Review Samples You can’t perform if you don’t show up! Attendance and punctuality performance review phrases discuss both an employee’s ability to keep to his work schedule, but also his overall attendance. Is he frequently late to work? Does he take long breaks? Is his lunch hour really two hours? Attendance employee evaluation samples, such as the ones below, focus on these attendance issues. Useful materials: • •
  • 6. Contd… Positive review • Cara is one of our most reliable employees who arrives on-time and leaves on-time. Her break times are perfectly timed – she really sets the standard for attendance and punctuality on the team. • Jim arrives each day fully prepared to tackle his responsibilities. • Heather is reliable and does not have any attendance problems. • Bill always ensures his employees adhere to their lunch schedules and breaks. • Kevin meets all company standards for attendance and punctuality. Useful materials: • •
  • 7. Contd… Negative review • Harry is continually late for work and should improve this area by focusing on showing up on time each day. • Tim often takes extended lunches and does not make up the added time in his work schedule. • Trina took several more personal days than permitted and was frequently not here when needed. • Jim frequently provides excuses for his late arrival times, yet does not account for delays such as heavy traffic in his travel time. • Bill does not show up on time in the morning and then leaves at his normally scheduled exit time. Bill needs to improve his work schedule. Useful materials: • •
  • 8. 2.Attitude Performance Review Examples When hiring customer service focused staff, I used to remark that I can train job knowledge, but I can’t train attitude. Having the right attitude for a job is a crucial part of “fit” for a role. In this section of the employee evaluation, you’re reviewing the employee’s attitude on the job, dealing with customers, co- workers, managers, and his employees. Attitude performance appraisal phrases highlight how the employee has expressed himself and how he reacts to adverse situations. Useful materials: • •
  • 9. Contd… Positive review • Holly has one of those attitudes that is always positive. She frequently has a smile on her face and you can tell she enjoys her job. • Greg is a cheerful guy who always makes you feel delighted when you’re around him. We are fortunate to have Greg on our team. • Thom has an even demeanor through good times and bad. His constant cheer helps others keep their “enthusiasm” – both positive and negative – in check. • Angela has a soothing personality which reflects in a very calm demeanor. Her attitude is one which should be emulated. Useful materials: • •
  • 10. Contd… Negative review • Jim frequently gives off “an air” of superiority to his coworkers. He is not approachable and is rough to work with. • Bill has a dreadful outlook at times which has a tendency to bring down the entire team. • For the most part, Lenny is a personable guy, but when he gets upset, his attitude turns shocking. Lenny needs to balance his personality out and not react so much to negative events. Useful materials: • •
  • 11. 3.Communication Employee Evaluation Samples How key is communication in the workforce today! Many employers have moved to hiring a lot of virtual employees and keeping open communications is a crucial part of one’s job performance. In the communication performance appraisal section of the employee evaluation, look for examples of how an employee communicates with their teammates and clients. Communication performance review comments discuss how well an employee communicates and how effective his communications are. Useful materials: • •
  • 12. Contd… Positive review • David keeps managers and coworkers informed of his work progress. • Allison is excellent at keeping written information about her assignments and projects. • One of Jim’s strengths is his use of candor and effective communication with his employees. • One of Jane’s core strengths is her ability to immediately connect with someone. • Tom clearly communicates with his employees and they understand his expectations. Useful materials: • •
  • 13. Contd… Negative review • Despite other areas of strength for Ben, communication continues to be substandard. Ben consistently fails to properly notify team members about impending changes or other required information. • Jim does not effectively communicate – both written and verbal communication must be improved. • At a bare minimum, Tom needs to improve his communication skills with his co-workers. Preferably, Tom will learn to improve his communications with other employees and management. • Jack needs to share department and corporate goals in a more timely and complete manner. Jack’s employees do not understand what the company is doing. • George’s position requires him to have sufficient technical skills, however, he does not speak up during technical meetings to discuss potential solutions. Useful materials: • •
  • 14. 4.Cooperation Performance Appraisal Paragraphs How well does the employee cooperate with fellow team members, managers, and customers? What kind of attitude does he show? Cooperation employee evaluation statements delve into the details of how well the employee gets along with others. These sample cooperation performance review phrases examine how the employee exceeds or meets cooperation expectations and for those employees who are Negative review for cooperation. Useful materials: • •
  • 15. Contd… Positive review • Frank can be counted on to carry out assignments with careful follow- through and follow-up. • George helps form alliance between his staff members to foster a team first environment. • Randy excels at any project he is involved with as he can form effective teams. • Whenever we have a difficult situation, we know we can bring Ryan into it as he can bring disparate groups of people together. • Julia is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done – even perform tasks or jobs that are not her own. Useful materials: • •
  • 16. Contd… Negative review • David has been known to enter into a shouting match with fellow employees. • Jeanne is often the last to offer assistance or help out in times of need. This feeling is common among Jeanne’s coworkers and management team. • John takes on new tasks with ease, but when it comes time to communicate with other team members and train them on these tasks, John does not perform very well. • Jennifer is too cautious – she is afraid of confrontation so she does not step out to assist when it’s necessary. Useful materials: • •
  • 17. 5.Creativity and Innovation Performance Review Phrases Many jobs afford some level of creativity for employees to express themselves. The creativity performance review paragraphs focus on how employees use this latitude in their job performance. Innovation is a key attribute for many jobs and the performance review phrases really explore how well an employee innovates in his job. Explore creative ways to review your employees with these phrases. Useful materials: • •
  • 18. Contd… Positive review • Sally has a creative touch in a sometimes monotonous role within our team – the way she adds inspiration to the day to day tasks she performs is admirable. • Whenever we need a fresh look at a problem, we know we can turn to Julia for a novel perspective. • Ben doesn’t rely on common methods to solve a problem, but addresses each situation with a innovative viewpoint. • Walter creates an exciting atmosphere for his team: one in which new ideas are rewarded and encouraged. Useful materials: • •
  • 19. Contd… Negative review • Jean does not tap into the creative side of her team and consistently overlooks the innovate employees reporting to her. • Kevin has a difficult time thinking “outside of the box” and creating new and untested solutions. • Jim is a creative guy but he has a tendency to act before thinking. This causes problems when an untested or unexamined idea is moved forward too quickly. • Bob has a lot of creative potential but so far he has failed to tap into it. Bob should strike a balance between being pragmatic and creative. Useful materials: • •
  • 20. 6.Customer Service Performance Review Samples Everyone has a customer. If you have a job, you have a customer. Customer Service is a key attribute in every job – especially so in customer facing jobs. Customer service evaluations can be difficult as you may have to get creative with your performance evaluation phrasing, but the samples below really highlight how to write about customer service on the employee appraisal. Useful materials: • •
  • 21. Contd… Positive review • Paula understands the latitude to ensure customer satisfaction and does everything necessary to retain customers. • Lenny is able to handle his clients well and does not have any complaints against him. • Tom is adept at having happy customers and successfully up selling them at the same time. • Teri deals with customer complaints with a calm demeanor. Teri is very good at handling difficult situations with customers. Useful materials: • •
  • 22. Contd… Negative review • Greg has not fully understood why customer service training is important and frequently is late to class and does not participate. • In most areas of customer service Harry does a good job, but when it comes to difficult situations, Harry does not understand how to calm the customer down and follow the script. • Teri can handle the run of the mill customer service situation, but the more complex issues seem to cause her to freeze and not react. • Ryan is very good at dealing with customers on the phone, but when they come in the store, he doesn’t handle one on one contact very well. Useful materials: • •
  • 23. 7.Performance appraisal phrases – critical thinking Critical thinking means making reasonable judgment based on actual details and your thinking process. It is more about “thinking about thinking” rather than “thinking about solution”. In critical thinking, you make judgment whether something is true, false or either or neither. A person having critical thinking skill shall have ability to: • Understand problems and know how to address those problems in an appropriate manner. • Understand the importance of the problem and know which problem should be dealt with first • Collect relevant information to resolve the problem. • Understand implied meanings and values of the problem or problem solving method. Useful materials: • •
  • 24. Contd… Positive performance appraisal phrases for critical thinking • Before submitting a solution, John always thinks it over. • John equips himself analytical and critical-thinking skills and he can uses them to deal with problems. • In order to find out the most suitable solution for a problem, John considered carefully various sides of a situation. • John always has a quick answer for any issue. He always brings out a timely solution. Useful materials: • •
  • 25. Contd… Negative performance appraisal phrases for critical thinking • John always seems to be hurried and does not think twice when making decision. • John never cares about the situations that can be happened when he makes decision. • John does not consider the possible situations when making decision. • John never thinks any problem twice and he is too hurried to carry out his decision. • John never finds out the most suitable solution to the issue. His ideas are not outstanding. Useful materials: • •
  • 26. 8.Performance review phrases for decision making Decision making skill is crucial to a person in relation to their ability of self- managing. Decision making skill relates very closely to one’s ability to take responsible for what he/she is doing in his/her life. It is the most important skill that a leader should have. A person with good decision-making skill will be able to set goal and know the way to keep their goal on the track. They are confident in their approach to make sound decisions. So, what are the descriptions of such a person with good decision-making skill? Useful materials: • •
  • 27. Contd… Positive performance review phrases for decision making A person with good decision-making skills should be a person: • Be able to make sound fact-based judgments; • Be able to work out multiple alternative solutions and determined the most suitable one; • Be objective in considering a fact or situation; • Be firm to not let the individual emotion and feeling affect on the made decision; • Be decisive in hard case scenario and times; And what about the descriptions of a person with bad decision-making ability? Useful materials: • •
  • 28. Contd… Negative performance review phrases for decision making •Apply complex and impractical approaches in solving problems; •Fail to make a short-list of solutions recommended by direct units; •Be paralyzed and confused when facing tight deadlines to make decisions; •Make too much complaint on the content of the job; •Tend to apply a single and rush decision- making approach; •Avoid conflicts at work in relation to decision making process. Useful materials: • •
  • 29. 9.Ethics Employee Evaluation Samples Ethics may not seem like a difficult topic, but many managers struggle to come up with the right words to use on the performance review. Ethics is an area it is often difficult to review for, but using these ethics performance review phrases, you should be able to find the right words to express to your employee – whether they score high for ethics, or find themselves ethically challenged. Useful materials: • •
  • 30. Contd… Positive review • Bob is one of the most morally sound employees I have ever met. His firm stand on principles is to be commended. • Bill follows all company policies and sticks by the letter of the rules and the intent of the rules. • Bryan is not only trustworthy, but has high ideals for how he wants those around him to behave. • John is very good at understanding his fiduciary responsibility to the company. Useful materials: • •
  • 31. Contd… Negative review • On occasion, Paula has made misleading statements that have needed to be corrected. • Ethics in business dealings internationally must be carefully considered and Bill is often too loose with managing his employees in this area. • We’ve had some accusations from customers that Bill has lied in certain dealings and this is a trend that cannot continue. • Though George meets the letter of the law as far as our ethics policy is concerned, he frequently doesn’t meet the intent of the law. Useful materials: • •
  • 32. 10.Interpersonal Skills Performance Review Phrases Positive review • Ben has a natural rapport with people and does very well at communicating with others. • Jack makes people feel at home with him. His natural ability to work with people is a great asset to our team. • Peter’s uncanny ability to connect with people is a great personality attribute in his role as a manager. • Greg seemingly can strike up a conversation with anybody. He has a gift in relating to people around him. Useful materials: • •
  • 33. Contd… Negative review • Tim does not understand how crucial good working relationships with fellow team members are. • John has an excellent impression among the management team, yet his fellow team members cannot stand working with him. • Paula seems to shrink when she’s around others and does not cultivate good relations with her co-workers. • Tim does not understand the difference between “friend” and “coworker” and only wants to focus any energy on friendships and not building good working relationships. Useful materials: • •
  • 34. 11.Leadership Performance Appraisal Phrases Positive review • Eve understands how to take daily tasks and motivate employees to meet a long term goal. • Customer service can be a difficult organization to lead, yet Peter doesn’t just manage them to success, he leads them to meet objectives. • Richard understands people and different ways to motivate them to get the job done. • Peter is an excellent coach and regularly receives maximum performance from his direct reports. Useful materials: • •
  • 35. Contd… Negative review • In Jack’s role, he needs to focus on big picture items, yet he continues to micromanage his staff. • Trust is something Bob doesn’t part with easily, to the point that his employees are not able to get much accomplished. • Pete is a capable manager, but he doesn’t influence people like a leader does. • Bill is not able to influence people to get the job done. Useful materials: • •
  • 36. 12.Problem Solving Skills Employee Evaluation Examples Positive review • Frank examines a problem and quickly identifies potential solutions – and then makes a recommendation as to what solution to pursue. • Rachel understands the testing process and how to discover a solution to a particular problem. • Brian is one of the more technical employees we have on staff and can quickly analyze a situation and discover practical solutions. • Bill is good at discovering potential solutions for problems. Useful materials: • •
  • 37. Contd… Negative review • Joan is poor at communicating problem status before it becomes a crisis. • Bill can offer up potential solutions to a problem, but struggles to identify the best solution. • Unraveling a problem to discuss the core issues is a skill Janet lacks. • Peter resists further training in problem solving, believing he is proficient, yet lacking in many areas. Useful materials: • •
  • 38. 13.Teamwork Skills Performance Appraisal Phrases Positive review • Harry manages his relationships with his coworkers, managers, and employees in a professional manner. • Tom contributes to the success of the team on a regular basis. • Ben isn’t concerned about who gets the credit, just that the task gets accomplished. • Mary is a team player and understands how to help others in times of need. • Peter is the consummate team player. Useful materials: • •
  • 39. Contd… Negative review • Bill does not assist his teammates as required. • Ryan holds on to too much and does not delegate to his team effectively. • Bryan focuses on getting his own work accomplished, but does not take the time to help those members of his team who are struggling to keep up. • Peter was very good at teamwork when he was just a member of the team, now that he is in a supervisory role, Peter has lost much of those teamwork skills. • Lyle works with the team well when his own projects are coming due and he needs help, but once those are accomplished, he does not frequently help others on their projects. Useful materials: • •