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“For Fear of the Jews”

If you were to use a search tool to find the phrase “fear of the Jews”, you’d find four instances of that
phrase in the KJV, NKJV, ASV, ESV (3x in NAS, and the NIV uses a few different phrases such “fear of the
leaders” or “fear of the Jewish leaders”.) The 4 verses are: (1) Esther 8:17, (2) John 7:13, (3) John 19:38,
and (4) John 20:19.

The setting of the first verse (Esther 8:17) is shortly after Esther the queen shows great courage to speak
up for God’s people against the evils that Haman had instituted against the Jews. Haman is hanged and
Mordecai given the authority Haman once had. A new decree is issued throughout all the land giving
the Jews the authority to rise up, stand together and defend themselves against those who would
destroy them (based on the prior decree by Haman) and take the spoils of victory. Verses 15 and 17
says Mordecai was clothed in great honor and the Jews had “light, and gladness, and joy, and honor.”
So, as a result, verse 17 says “many of the people of the land because Jews; for fear of the Jews fell upon
them.” The phrase “for the fear of the Jews” is then written in a positive light and many people became
proselytes (converts) in order to obtain the king’s favor and avoid destruction. Esther is such a great
story of God’s providence and one of courage of those who trust in Him.

But the next three verses (plus one more to make an additional point), all from the Gospel of John, are
not positive. In fact, they reflect a very negative message of which we need to be very mindful that can
get in our way of openly serving our Lord.

First, let me suggest that the term “Jews” in these passages may represent a few things: (1) an organized
religion, (2) an organized government and judgeship, and (3) a social group of people. I’ll make
application as we go through each verse.

Let’s consider John 7:13: “Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.” Chapter 7 opens
telling us that the Jews were out to kill Jesus. Jesus had healed a man on the Sabbath day and He
asserted Himself equal with God. He continually spoke out against their traditions and how
misunderstood the Scriptures and neglected the weightier matters of the Law. His sermon on the
mountain was so much about understanding the “spirit of the Law” as compared to their “so far down in
the weeds” mentality of the “letter of the Law.” So, the Jews sought to eliminate Him. They didn’t
believe in Him, even though they of all people should have known Him. He was getting in the way of
their rule, their control, their profits, and their prominence. John 7:12 tells us that people murmured.
Some agreed he was a “good man”, others said “yeah, but he deceives everyone.” But verse 13 tells us
that no one would talk openly about Him because they “feared the Jews.” Why? Because as a religion,
they had the power to “disfellowship”, “excommunicate”, “discipline” and “cast them out” from the
synagogue. As a government and judgeship, they had the power to “persecute” and “prosecute”. As a
social group, they had the power to “shun” and “blacklist” and speak evil of your name and reputation.
For those who did believe in Jesus, some feared these things. For those who were questioning Him,
even they couldn’t do it openly. “Curiosity killed the cat” or “death by association” might be the clichés
of the day. Now, some might say, “well, even Jesus feared the Jews based on verse 1, because he
wouldn’t walk through their lands (would not walk in Jewry) because “the Jews sought to kill him.” Let
me suggest that per verse 6 and Christ’s own words, He didn’t fear the Jews and He didn’t fear death, it
just wasn’t time for Him to die – “my time is not yet come.”

Now, let’s consider John 19:38: “And after this Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but
secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate have
him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus.” I believe we can all understand what has
just happened. Our Lord’s time had come and He has just been crucified. Now, let me start out by
saying, I’m not taking anything away from Joseph, for he did believe and he did a very honorable thing
here. But it’s the “but secretly for fear of the Jews” that is my concern here. Notice first, it wasn’t
because of “fear of the Roman government” since he had no issue going before Pilate personally. But it
was for fear of the Jews that he couldn’t publicly acknowledge that he believed in Jesus. Why not?
Same reasons as noted above for John 7:13 – disfellowship, persecution, prosecution, public shunning.
The Jews had such a grip on people (though it was loosening) that believers in Christ actually feared
what these Jews could do to them and as a result, they couldn’t do for the Lord what they really wanted
to do for the Lord.

I mentioned earlier that I wanted to use one other verse to make a point related to all of this. In John
19:39-40, it says “and there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought
a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pound weight. Then took they (Nicodemus and Joseph)
they body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury.”
Notice that it told us that Nicodemus was the one that “first came to Jesus by night” which we can read
about in John chapter 3. In that account, we find that he was a Pharisee and a ruler of the Jews. Being a
Pharisee was liked to being the “best of the best” or the “religious elite” of the day; the great
“protectors of the truth.” He was a leader and people were expected to follow him. But yet, he “came
to Jesus by night.” Again, not taking anything away from Nicodemus since he did find a way to come to
Jesus, but why come by night? Was it because of this same “fear of the Jews?” Might he lose his job, his
status, his influence, his riches, etc.? Did the Jewish religion, government, judgeship and social appeal
have that much of a grip upon him?

Now, let’s consider John 20:19: “Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when
the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in
the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.” Here we have a gathering of Christ’s followers, all
assembled together on the first day of the week, but the doors are closed because of “fear of the Jews.”
Yes, this was a dangerous time. The Jews had just crucified their Lord and Savior. And I’m sure; knowing
that you might be next if you were found would scare most of us. Yet, Mary Magdalene had come
earlier and told the disciples that she had seen Jesus and relayed what He had told her. Perhaps, if word
had gotten out that He was really alive; the Jews would come to their house expecting Him to be there?
I think in this case, the “fear” was based on what the Jewish government, judgeship, and religion might
do to them should they be found. It appears they once again locked the doors in verse 26 seemingly for
the same reason.

The “fear of the Jews” was a legitimate cause for these aforementioned individuals to be afraid. But
notice the difference in the disciples of Christ attitude following Pentecost and throughout the book of
Acts. They seem bold and unapologetic that they are Christians, oftentimes done so before the Jewish
and Roman seats of government. They had let go of their fears that had prior held them back and they
found great confidence and courage in proclaiming Jesus Christ. Even in writings outside of the Bible,
we read of the peaceful, yet courageous boldness that Christians exhibited in the first few centuries.

What I am suggesting is that “fear” keeps us from being more than what we could be. In fact, in the
sense of these aforementioned verses, the “fear of the Jews” could represent many things today.

First of all, not all churches or religions are created equal. It could well be that your “religion” or
“church” is holding you back from seeking, knowing, worshipping, and/or proclaiming Jesus Christ
according to His word. Perhaps you are afraid of being “disfellowshipped”, “publically or socially
shunned”, or “lose your place of honor among” among your so-called brethren. I believe there are
many today who are a part of a local body or religion for the wrong reasons and they know it, but they
are so controlled by that body that they won’t let go. As yourself, does your religious body go against
plain and simple teaching in the Scriptures? Do they give you volumes of academic explanations just so
you can “understand” simple, straightforward teaching in Scripture in order to for you to be “one of
them”? James 4:17 says “to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” So, not
only might it be sinful in what the organized religion is doing, it would be sinful to you if you know to do
better, and yet won’t do it. So, really, ask yourself ... are you following Christ or a religion and/or

Secondly, sometimes governments attempt to discourage and/or prevent one’s acknowledgement,
worship and practices of Christ. We in the U.S. are so fortunate to live in a country where the First
Amendment of the Constitution ensures us that Congress can make no law that prohibits the free
exercise of religion or abridges the freedom of speech. For now, we are able to assemble freely and
teach and practice Christian virtues. But don’t be naïve. Not everyone in our country appreciates the
Christian virtues and they would seek officials or offices in an attempt to put stumbling blocks in the way
of that right. There are those who want to mute the Christian voices. Whether or not they succeed is
not the question here. The question is: are we prepared to remain a Christian who continues to lovingly
practice and effectively teach those Christian values should the First Amendment be banished? Or
would “fear of the Jews” cause us to be less than what we should be? Even today, while it is still a
freedom, are you living “as you should” despite what voices might attempt to suppress your right or
even persecute you in some way for being a Christian? Christians should not be violent, belligerent, or
stupid in their behavior, manners and speech. We are to be meek, peaceful, informed, respectful and
loving in our lives and in our defense of our rights and the Gospel, despite how others are treating us. I
think this something many Christians have forgotten today. In fact, the period of largest growth among
Christians occurred when it was “against the law” to be a Christian (i.e., the first few centuries) and they
did by speaking peacefully and living respectfully and truthfully. There were no great organizational
missionary societies, internet and social media sites, or political activist committees with millions of
dollars, people and “likes” bringing people to Christ. No, it was Christians living like Christians.

Thirdly, sometimes our social groups we belong to may prevent you from being “all you can be” in
Christ’s army. Perhaps you put too much emphasis on what the “group might think” if you did
something instead of what the “Lord might think”? Maybe your social groups, friends and organizations
that on the outside promote so-called Christian values aren’t exactly what the Bible instructs us to be or
do? I think our various “clubs” and “committees” and “special interest groups” may cause us to “hold
back” doing what we know we should do because we are afraid of the social backlash or shunning we
might get should they find out what we are doing or saying? Oh yes, I’m even including those things we
are part of that carry the name of God or Christ on and within them. Not all clubs are created equal. Is
it “What Would Jesus Do” (WWJD) or “What Would They Think?) (WWTT)? Hopefully, we pick the side
of Jesus and are not worried what “others” think, so long as what we “do” is actually what Jesus Himself
would do! Don’t let your social influences be your “fear of the Jews” that hold you back.

In conclusion, we need to shed whatever holds us back from doing what we know are the right things to
do based on the simple teachings of the Bible. This certainly may include your organized religion or
even be your churches (Matthew 7:21), or it could be your social groups, jobs, friends, etc. We need to
be “strong and of good courage!” (Joshua 1:9)

Let’s not be Christians “by night” or “secretly” and let’s not be unwilling to “speak of Him openly”. Be
not ashamed to do or say what is right. Our Lord will help us, but we must be willing to make the first
move toward Him.

Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
Matthew 7:7 says “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened
unto you.” James 4:8 says “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye
sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.” Increase your faith by listening to what God has to
say through His word: “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans
10:17) Then go and do what it says do (James 1:22) without “fear of the Jews.”

“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all
boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by
death.” – Philippians 1:20

~ Manuel Stricklin, March 13, 2013

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For fear of the jews

  • 1. “For Fear of the Jews” If you were to use a search tool to find the phrase “fear of the Jews”, you’d find four instances of that phrase in the KJV, NKJV, ASV, ESV (3x in NAS, and the NIV uses a few different phrases such “fear of the leaders” or “fear of the Jewish leaders”.) The 4 verses are: (1) Esther 8:17, (2) John 7:13, (3) John 19:38, and (4) John 20:19. The setting of the first verse (Esther 8:17) is shortly after Esther the queen shows great courage to speak up for God’s people against the evils that Haman had instituted against the Jews. Haman is hanged and Mordecai given the authority Haman once had. A new decree is issued throughout all the land giving the Jews the authority to rise up, stand together and defend themselves against those who would destroy them (based on the prior decree by Haman) and take the spoils of victory. Verses 15 and 17 says Mordecai was clothed in great honor and the Jews had “light, and gladness, and joy, and honor.” So, as a result, verse 17 says “many of the people of the land because Jews; for fear of the Jews fell upon them.” The phrase “for the fear of the Jews” is then written in a positive light and many people became proselytes (converts) in order to obtain the king’s favor and avoid destruction. Esther is such a great story of God’s providence and one of courage of those who trust in Him. But the next three verses (plus one more to make an additional point), all from the Gospel of John, are not positive. In fact, they reflect a very negative message of which we need to be very mindful that can get in our way of openly serving our Lord. First, let me suggest that the term “Jews” in these passages may represent a few things: (1) an organized religion, (2) an organized government and judgeship, and (3) a social group of people. I’ll make application as we go through each verse. Let’s consider John 7:13: “Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.” Chapter 7 opens telling us that the Jews were out to kill Jesus. Jesus had healed a man on the Sabbath day and He asserted Himself equal with God. He continually spoke out against their traditions and how misunderstood the Scriptures and neglected the weightier matters of the Law. His sermon on the mountain was so much about understanding the “spirit of the Law” as compared to their “so far down in the weeds” mentality of the “letter of the Law.” So, the Jews sought to eliminate Him. They didn’t believe in Him, even though they of all people should have known Him. He was getting in the way of their rule, their control, their profits, and their prominence. John 7:12 tells us that people murmured. Some agreed he was a “good man”, others said “yeah, but he deceives everyone.” But verse 13 tells us that no one would talk openly about Him because they “feared the Jews.” Why? Because as a religion, they had the power to “disfellowship”, “excommunicate”, “discipline” and “cast them out” from the synagogue. As a government and judgeship, they had the power to “persecute” and “prosecute”. As a social group, they had the power to “shun” and “blacklist” and speak evil of your name and reputation. For those who did believe in Jesus, some feared these things. For those who were questioning Him, even they couldn’t do it openly. “Curiosity killed the cat” or “death by association” might be the clichés of the day. Now, some might say, “well, even Jesus feared the Jews based on verse 1, because he wouldn’t walk through their lands (would not walk in Jewry) because “the Jews sought to kill him.” Let
  • 2. me suggest that per verse 6 and Christ’s own words, He didn’t fear the Jews and He didn’t fear death, it just wasn’t time for Him to die – “my time is not yet come.” Now, let’s consider John 19:38: “And after this Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate have him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus.” I believe we can all understand what has just happened. Our Lord’s time had come and He has just been crucified. Now, let me start out by saying, I’m not taking anything away from Joseph, for he did believe and he did a very honorable thing here. But it’s the “but secretly for fear of the Jews” that is my concern here. Notice first, it wasn’t because of “fear of the Roman government” since he had no issue going before Pilate personally. But it was for fear of the Jews that he couldn’t publicly acknowledge that he believed in Jesus. Why not? Same reasons as noted above for John 7:13 – disfellowship, persecution, prosecution, public shunning. The Jews had such a grip on people (though it was loosening) that believers in Christ actually feared what these Jews could do to them and as a result, they couldn’t do for the Lord what they really wanted to do for the Lord. I mentioned earlier that I wanted to use one other verse to make a point related to all of this. In John 19:39-40, it says “and there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pound weight. Then took they (Nicodemus and Joseph) they body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury.” Notice that it told us that Nicodemus was the one that “first came to Jesus by night” which we can read about in John chapter 3. In that account, we find that he was a Pharisee and a ruler of the Jews. Being a Pharisee was liked to being the “best of the best” or the “religious elite” of the day; the great “protectors of the truth.” He was a leader and people were expected to follow him. But yet, he “came to Jesus by night.” Again, not taking anything away from Nicodemus since he did find a way to come to Jesus, but why come by night? Was it because of this same “fear of the Jews?” Might he lose his job, his status, his influence, his riches, etc.? Did the Jewish religion, government, judgeship and social appeal have that much of a grip upon him? Now, let’s consider John 20:19: “Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.” Here we have a gathering of Christ’s followers, all assembled together on the first day of the week, but the doors are closed because of “fear of the Jews.” Yes, this was a dangerous time. The Jews had just crucified their Lord and Savior. And I’m sure; knowing that you might be next if you were found would scare most of us. Yet, Mary Magdalene had come earlier and told the disciples that she had seen Jesus and relayed what He had told her. Perhaps, if word had gotten out that He was really alive; the Jews would come to their house expecting Him to be there? I think in this case, the “fear” was based on what the Jewish government, judgeship, and religion might do to them should they be found. It appears they once again locked the doors in verse 26 seemingly for the same reason. The “fear of the Jews” was a legitimate cause for these aforementioned individuals to be afraid. But notice the difference in the disciples of Christ attitude following Pentecost and throughout the book of
  • 3. Acts. They seem bold and unapologetic that they are Christians, oftentimes done so before the Jewish and Roman seats of government. They had let go of their fears that had prior held them back and they found great confidence and courage in proclaiming Jesus Christ. Even in writings outside of the Bible, we read of the peaceful, yet courageous boldness that Christians exhibited in the first few centuries. What I am suggesting is that “fear” keeps us from being more than what we could be. In fact, in the sense of these aforementioned verses, the “fear of the Jews” could represent many things today. First of all, not all churches or religions are created equal. It could well be that your “religion” or “church” is holding you back from seeking, knowing, worshipping, and/or proclaiming Jesus Christ according to His word. Perhaps you are afraid of being “disfellowshipped”, “publically or socially shunned”, or “lose your place of honor among” among your so-called brethren. I believe there are many today who are a part of a local body or religion for the wrong reasons and they know it, but they are so controlled by that body that they won’t let go. As yourself, does your religious body go against plain and simple teaching in the Scriptures? Do they give you volumes of academic explanations just so you can “understand” simple, straightforward teaching in Scripture in order to for you to be “one of them”? James 4:17 says “to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” So, not only might it be sinful in what the organized religion is doing, it would be sinful to you if you know to do better, and yet won’t do it. So, really, ask yourself ... are you following Christ or a religion and/or church? Secondly, sometimes governments attempt to discourage and/or prevent one’s acknowledgement, worship and practices of Christ. We in the U.S. are so fortunate to live in a country where the First Amendment of the Constitution ensures us that Congress can make no law that prohibits the free exercise of religion or abridges the freedom of speech. For now, we are able to assemble freely and teach and practice Christian virtues. But don’t be naïve. Not everyone in our country appreciates the Christian virtues and they would seek officials or offices in an attempt to put stumbling blocks in the way of that right. There are those who want to mute the Christian voices. Whether or not they succeed is not the question here. The question is: are we prepared to remain a Christian who continues to lovingly practice and effectively teach those Christian values should the First Amendment be banished? Or would “fear of the Jews” cause us to be less than what we should be? Even today, while it is still a freedom, are you living “as you should” despite what voices might attempt to suppress your right or even persecute you in some way for being a Christian? Christians should not be violent, belligerent, or stupid in their behavior, manners and speech. We are to be meek, peaceful, informed, respectful and loving in our lives and in our defense of our rights and the Gospel, despite how others are treating us. I think this something many Christians have forgotten today. In fact, the period of largest growth among Christians occurred when it was “against the law” to be a Christian (i.e., the first few centuries) and they did by speaking peacefully and living respectfully and truthfully. There were no great organizational missionary societies, internet and social media sites, or political activist committees with millions of dollars, people and “likes” bringing people to Christ. No, it was Christians living like Christians. Thirdly, sometimes our social groups we belong to may prevent you from being “all you can be” in Christ’s army. Perhaps you put too much emphasis on what the “group might think” if you did
  • 4. something instead of what the “Lord might think”? Maybe your social groups, friends and organizations that on the outside promote so-called Christian values aren’t exactly what the Bible instructs us to be or do? I think our various “clubs” and “committees” and “special interest groups” may cause us to “hold back” doing what we know we should do because we are afraid of the social backlash or shunning we might get should they find out what we are doing or saying? Oh yes, I’m even including those things we are part of that carry the name of God or Christ on and within them. Not all clubs are created equal. Is it “What Would Jesus Do” (WWJD) or “What Would They Think?) (WWTT)? Hopefully, we pick the side of Jesus and are not worried what “others” think, so long as what we “do” is actually what Jesus Himself would do! Don’t let your social influences be your “fear of the Jews” that hold you back. In conclusion, we need to shed whatever holds us back from doing what we know are the right things to do based on the simple teachings of the Bible. This certainly may include your organized religion or even be your churches (Matthew 7:21), or it could be your social groups, jobs, friends, etc. We need to be “strong and of good courage!” (Joshua 1:9) Let’s not be Christians “by night” or “secretly” and let’s not be unwilling to “speak of Him openly”. Be not ashamed to do or say what is right. Our Lord will help us, but we must be willing to make the first move toward Him. Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Matthew 7:7 says “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” James 4:8 says “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.” Increase your faith by listening to what God has to say through His word: “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) Then go and do what it says do (James 1:22) without “fear of the Jews.” “According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.” – Philippians 1:20 ~ Manuel Stricklin, March 13, 2013