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You’re Getting All The
                                        Right Ingredients For


The Expert Bundle gives you so much…
• Piranha Beneficial Fungi increases your root mass as well
 as create a thick mat of lateral and vertical roots, enabling your plants
 to support your larger yields and allow your plants to take in nutrients
 faster during the critical phases of the flowering cycle where gains
 are won or lost.
• Bud Candy is like cotton candy for your flowers, gooey, sticky and
 radiating with colorful glints of light catching your eyes, and sparkles
 flying off in every direction. Bud Candy is the world’s only 100%
 organic aroma, taste and bigger yields enhancer that also cures your
 plants’ mid-bloom stall so they have the energy to make larger, tastier
 more aromatic flowers for you.
• Final Phase flushes your crops getting rid of any left over residual
 fertilizer that sometimes can affect the taste of your harvest. This
 Bigger Yields Bundle gives you a free container of Final Phase, the
 super-efficient flushing formula and that won’t slow down bud growth
 or decrease flower size!

                                                                   Turn page for more information è
Congratula-                           You Use The Bigger Yields Bundles
tions, you’re                       And The System To Easily Grow Larger,
                                           More Valuable Harvests
taking the next
                                 Now you can have your cake and eat it too. Get the Hobbyist
step to a simple                and Expert Grower Bundles and join the many prosperous
but highly                      growers using our simple, flowering System guaranteed to
                                give you reliably large harvests.
effective Expert                 Your Hobbyist and Expert Grower Bigger Yields Bundles are
                                the first two steps on your exciting journey to a place where
Grower Level
that takes your plants fur-
ther faster so you get bigger
yields like clockwork with
every harvest.

  When you take home
this money-saving Expert
Grower Bundle™ and get the
benefits of the Bigger Yields
Flowering System™, you
step up and enter the door to
getting proven advantages
from the only hydroponics
nutrients system guaranteed
to give your plants
everything they need to
produce bigger yields.
                                Heavier harvests mean heavier profits.
  Not only that, using the
System means you can stop       huge harvests you’ve always dreamed of are guaranteed to
                                become reality for you.
worrying about pH and PPM
                                 The bold truth is at every level of the System – Hobbyist,
metering and adjusting. Yes,    Expert Grower, Professional Grower and Grand Master Grower
                                – you get fantastic yields. But when you step up to the next
you heard correctly! Just
use any of the Bigger Yields
Flowering System™ base           The Bigger Yields Bundles are
nutrients in water that has a   the only specifically engineered
pH range from 4.5 - 8.5, and    hydroponics Flowering System with
your plants will perfectly      all formulas guaranteed to work
absorb all the nutrients        together so your plants give you
they need. You’ll agree that    the largest flowers ever grown.
makes growing a whole lot
easier for you, doesn’t it?                                                               è
Expert Grower
level, you get even larger yields, even more protection for your                                                    BUNDLE™
crops. You’re climbing the stairway to heavier harvests!

           Combining The Hobbyist And                               dle™, a Flowering System base nutrient
            Expert Bundles Gives You:                               and our Hobbyist Bundle™ combine to
                                                                    deliver stacked nutrition to every part of
  • All the supplements you need for bigger flowers at the          your flowering plant. The Expert Grower
Expert Grower Level from your plants’ roots to the top of your      Bundle™ gives you so much…
flowers and everything in between.                                    • Piranha Beneficial Fungi increases your
 • pH-Perfect™ formulas that work with all the Flowering            root mass as well as create a thick mat of
System base nutrients so you can forget about pH and PPM            lateral and vertical roots, enabling your
                              metering and adjusting in all         plants to support your larger yields and
                              types of water. Your plants           allow your plants to take in nutrients faster
                              get all the nutrition they            during the critical phases of the flowering
                              need, and you never have to           cycle where gains are won or lost.
                              use those meters ever again.
                                   • The Bigger Yields Bundles
                                 are the only specifically engi-       Combining the
                                 neered hydroponics flower-
                                 ing System with all formulas        Hobbyist and Expert
                                 guaranteed to work together
                                 so your plants give you the
                                                                     Grower Bundles
                                 largest flowers ever grown.         gives you all the
                                  • Standardized mixing and
                                 measuring just 4 ml per liter
                                                                     supplements you need
                                 for the System base nutrients
                                 and 2 ml per liter for all sup-
                                                                     for bigger flowers at
                                 plements.                           the Expert Grower
                                   • Exclusive bloom-feeding
                                 ingredients for big fat flowers.
                                                                     Level from your plants’
                                Get one of our new and im-           roots to the top of
                               proved base nutrients along
                               with a Hobbyist Bundle™ and           your flowers and
                               this Expert Grower Bundle™,
and go to the checkout counter so you get started on bigger
                                                                     everything in between.
yields right now.
  Oh, one more cool thing we almost forgot to tell you about.         • Bud Candy is like cotton candy for your
There’s a free formula in the Hobbyist Bundle™ and another          flowers, gooey, sticky and radiating with
free formula in the Expert Grower Bundle™. Better yet, our          colorful glints of light catching your eyes,
base nutrients are five in one products that combine four           and sparkles flying off in every direction.
powerful formulas F-1, H-2, Wet Betty and a special blend of        Bud Candy is the world’s only 100% organic
amino acids that you can’t buy as a stand alone product, you        aroma, taste and bigger yields enhancer
can only get it in the “System” base nutrients. So when you         that also cures your plants’ mid-bloom stall
get your base nutrients and your two bundle boxes, you’ll be        so they have the energy to make larger,
getting 12 products for the price of 6!                             tastier more aromatic flowers for you.
 Go ahead and start “stacking” your bundles, and take the             • Final Phase flushes your crops getting
Expert Grower Bundle™ home and try it, then you’ll see the          rid of any left over residual fertilizer that
power and elegance of this System. It’s backed by our No-Risk       sometimes can affect the taste of your
100% Money Back Guarantee so you won’t even be risking              harvest. This Bigger Yields Bundle gives
one penny and then you can see for yourself the bigger yields       you a free container of Final Phase, the
you’ll be getting.                                                  super-efficient flushing formula that won’t
 Even better, your plants are taken care of from roots to           slow down bud growth or decrease flower
shoots and everything in between, this Expert Grower Bun-           size!
Discover How Increasing Your Root Mass by 700% Gives You

        bigger yields
       oots are what feed your                  l   Beneficial fungi increase
       plants nearly everything,                    root absorption of oxygen,
       and now you can increase                     nutrients and water
your plants’ root mass as much                  l   Beneficial fungi increase
as 700% so your plants get more                     root size & mass for greater
nutrition to make larger, more
                                                    efficiency so you get bigger
potent flowers. You do this by us-
                                                    and better flowers
ing beneficial fungi that accom-
plishes the following for you:                  l   Expand root mass surface
                                                    area by as much as 700%
l   Beneficial fungi protect roots
    against root rot, pythium, and              l   Beneficial fungi increase
    leaf/flower diseases such as                    production of floral essential
    gray mold                                       oils
Getting The Right Types                                         Not All Beneficial Fungi
            Of Beneficial Fungi Is

                                                                                                                                 GROWER LEVEL
    All-Important For Your Maximum Yield                              As an added benefit, Piranha’s glomus and
                                                                    trichoderma strains protect your leaves and

 As you can see, beneficial fungi are a valuable tool you use       flowers against harmful fungi, mold and other
to make your garden produce more. But please remember               problems. That’s important because there are
that it does matter what type of fungi you use. You need to         two different processes manufacturers use
add the right types of the two major categories of beneficial       when they want to offer microbial products ...
fungi:                                                                Most hydroponics companies save money
l   Category One beneficial fungi are called endomycorrhiza.        on costs by hiring a third-party company to
    Believe it or not, these fungi actually have a form of “foot”   bulk produce/bulk combine microbes without
    that enters into root cells to produce sacs or branched         testing them for specific plant appropriateness
    structures increasing root mass and root function.              or microbial compatibility.      Not only that,
l   Category Two beneficial fungi are called ectomycorrhiza.        but their process includes an overly generic
    These fungi create a hyphal sheath that covers root tips        view of fungi. For example, you’ll hear their
    and a hyphae net (“foot” net) that cloaks the entire root       product advertising talk about “endo and
    system.                                                         ectomycorrhizal fungi.” Turns out this is so
                                                                    vague that it borders on actually being an
 Scientists used to say endomycorrhiza were the only type           inaccurate way of describing root zone fungi!
of fungi that inserted themselves into root cells, and that
the ecto variety stayed outside roots. But new research               It’s exactly like saying “General Motors” to
reveals super-strains of ecto and endo beneficial fungi both        describe a car, leaving you wondering are they
penetrate roots, so we’ve designated these strains as a mega-       talking about a Pontiac or a Chevy. And even
category called “ectendomycorrhiza.”                                if it’s a Chevy, it could be a Malibu or Corvette.
                                                                    Ok, if you’re lucky, you got the Corvette — but
 The good news is no matter what you call them; beneficial          you’re still left guessing, because one model
fungi form a web of root protection and enhancement called          of Corvette has the 300 hp motor, but the ZR1
a “fungal mycelium.”                                                Corvette has a 620 horsepower motor!
  One thing you see in hydroponics gardens without Piranha
is lots of harmful microbes in the root zone that aggressively
attack root zones, accounting for slow growth, poor yield,
lower survivability rates for clones and seedlings, and
sometimes complete crop failure.

                 Beneficial Fungi
               Protect And Defend
            Your Roots, Leaves, Flowers

 The glomus and trichoderma beneficial microbes in Piranha
were selectively bred to provide crop protection. These
beneficial microbes are guaranteed to:
l   Eat harmful microbes
l   Deprive harmful microbes of their food supply
l   Deprive harmful microbes of the space, oxygen and
    water they need to survive
l   Induce or create increased plant immune response to
    fight off diseases and infections                               Using Piranha to enhance your hydroponics
l   Create a protective physical barrier that shuts out harmful     roots gives you larger and more valuable
    microbial invaders                                              hydroponics flowers.
                                                                                                             turn page   ¾
Here’s How We Do It...
    GROWER LEVEL     The good news is that we make sure                                          PROTECTS
                   our Piranha beneficial fungi are the fully-                                   PLANTS
                   loaded ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower

                   powerplant, not the Chevy Malibu!
                                                                                BIGGER           DISEASES
                   l   Advanced Nutrients hires world-class
                       microbiologists who practically live in                    MORE
                       the laboratory — that’s how competi-                     POTENT
                       tive and dedicated they are about de-                   FLOWERS
                       veloping what they call “superstrains”
                       of fungi that biologically bond with
                       the roots of your plants. One of our
                       scientists is especially impressive: she                              700%
                       has three Ph. D. degrees!                                            ROOT MASS
                       Our perfectionist scientists demand
                       we supply them all the most expen-
                       sive, precision equipment and sup-
                       plies so they can identify each mi-
                       crobial strain’s special characteristics
                       that make them superstrains. That’s
                       why our fungi are extremely fast-rep-           Piranha increases root mass so you get stronger
                       licating so they quickly colonize root            plants that produce more valuable harvests.
                       zones for rapid results (yes, one of our
                       most important tests is comparing

                   You exploit the hidden world of your plants’ roots using Piranha beneficial fungi to increase the security,
                   productivity and value of your harvests.
fast versus slow replicating fungi).
l   Piranha is never outsourced. We’re the only hydroponics          Frequently Asked Questions

                                                                                                                                         GROWER LEVEL
    nutrient company in the world manufacturing all our mi-
    crobial products ourselves with a full-time Ph.D. microbi-      QUESTION: Is Piranha going to get
    ologist personally supervising all aspects of production       me bigger buds in soil and in an organic
    at all times. (The same is true for our VooDoo Juice and

                                                                   program, not just in hydroponics?
    Tarantula products).                                            ANSWER: Piranha enhances growth
l   Each of our microbial strains is individually bred in a pur-   and yield and protects plants in any type
    pose-built 10,000 liter breeding reactor (we’re the only       of gardening situation, including soil and
    company that uses this technically advanced process, not       organics. It is a 100% organic formula.
    vats or tubs). Our microbes are later taken to an evapo-
                                                                    QUESTION: My friend told me that
    ration tower and gently dried. Then the Piranha super-
                                                                   Piranha can be used with some other of
    strains are carefully recombined.
                                                                   your formulas to get even more impact.
l   To ensure Piranha’s reputation for very long shelf life and
    viability, fungi are put into hibernation with an “antago-      ANSWER: It’s true that using Piranha
    nist” compound that keeps the microbes dormant until           with our two other beneficial microbes
    you mix Piranha into a nutrient reservoir or foliar spray,     products (VooDoo Juice and Tarantula) will
    and the antagonist is diluted.                                 create the most fertile, naturally-enhanced
                                                                   root zone for stronger plants and bigger
l   As soon as the antagonist is diluted, Piranha fungi imme-      harvests.
    diately exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and burst into
    action for you by wrapping themselves around and pen-            QUESTION: Does Piranha help protect
    etrating roots, creating flower-boosting hormones, and         flowers, and does it leave a bad residue?
    increasing root size and function.                               ANSWER: Piranha foliar spray protects
 The bottom line is Piranha increases your root size as much       flowers and leaves from molds, mildew
as 700% so your plants’ roots are strong enough to give you        and fungi, but it leaves no toxic residue. We
an upgrade the weight, value and potency of your harvest.          always recommend that you lightly mist your
What’s more, when you get Piranha today, you’ll see why it’s       flowers about a week before harvest and
money-back guaranteed to pay for itself in increased yield         then don’t apply any more foliars to them
and overall plant health.                                          after that.

                                                                          Company Founders’ NO-RISK,
                 FAST FACTS                                                   100% Money Back
PRODUCT TYPE:                                                       Piranha was specifically built for growers just like you,
Root Zone Enhancer/Plant Protector                                  who have specific demands and expectations from your
                                                                    hydroponic needs. When you use Piranha it must perform
GARDEN TYPES:                                                       flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly
Piranha has been specially designed for use with all                into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.
hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing
                                                                    What’s more..., Piranha will work every time for you using
mediums. Piranha has been developed for use with any and            any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil
all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain,     growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip
drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems.           irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous
                                                                    liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it!
Cloning, early seedlings, transplanting, early vegetative           And when you use Piranha you’ll never have to risk even
                                                                    one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for
phase, early bloom phase                                            any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund
MIXING DIRECTIONS:                                                  all your money back it’s that simple.
Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 and 2 of your flowering           As always, dedicated to your
phase                                                               gardening success.

Expert, Professional and Grand Master Growers
Feed Your Plants
Carbohydrates, L-Aminos
And Vitamins, And You

Get Tastier,
More Aromatic,
More Potent Buds!

 Seeing your room full of huge flowers that smell like candy (maybe like the cotton candy at an
amusement park), and then after harvest, savouring the fine taste, aroma and potency of huge
amounts of potent, sweet-tasting flowers with your friends is what REALLY makes you happy
  The smiles on their faces, and them patting you on the back, that’s what the good life is all about
... So, what can you do right now to grow the biggest harvests of the most potent, best-tasting
Start by Providing                             “What I got was that
               Flower-Boosting Energy

                                                                                                                     GROWER LEVEL
                                                              the buds are tighter and
               When Your Plants Most Need It                  somewhat larger while also
                                                              smelling more sweet. Bud

 Getting sweeter, bigger harvests is easy when you give
your plants carbohydrates that jolt them with an energy       Candy worked well for me
boost.                                                        and people are asking me
  Remember that during peak bloom cycle your plants’          how I got it to taste and
need for sugars exceeds their ability to manufacture          smell so good.”
them. The more you push them, the more C02 and                         Mark, from Gainesville, Florida
nutrients you give them, the more they need carbs, and
the more they fall behind. The resulting carb deficit is
the same thing that happens when athletes collapse
near the end of grueling competition. And it’s why carb-      For example, you see hydroponics
loading is a cherished tactic athletes use to keep going    formulas containing “molasses.” But
strong for victory, when others fall and fail.              like almost every individual ingredient in
                                                            hydroponics formulas, there are many
                                                            grades and types of molasses, and
                                                            the differences between them decide
               Not Just Any Carbohydrates,                  whether they will deliver your bigger,
               But The Right Ones For Your Plants           better yields.
                                                              Fact is, most types of molasses are
 Carb-loading your plants requires a specialty formula.     loaded with sulphur or made from
In actuality, your plants best absorb simple or complex     materials or processes that lower
carbohydrates when they are present as arabinose,           their sugar content and quality. When
dextrose, glucose, maltose and xylose from raw cane         sulphured, low-grade molasses are in
extract, malt extract, cranberry extract and other          a hydroponics formula, the extraneous
premium carbohydrate sources.
 Not only does this end mid-bloom slump but these
materials fuel beneficial bacteria and fungi in your root
zone. When you’ve installed beneficial bacteria and
fungi in your root zone, they thrive best when they have
externally-provided carbos to feed on (these beneficial
bacteria and fungi increase root mass, increase nutrient
absorption, protect roots, and produce hormones that
stimulate floral size, potency and value).
  So you know carb-loading provides energy and root
enhancement, but what can you do to create gourmet
flowers with enhanced taste, size, potency, and aroma?
The good news is providing the list of carb sources we
just discussed also enhances the taste and aroma of
your plants!

              The Benefits Of Using
              Amino Acids And Other Compounds
              In the Correct Form For Your Plants
  Please remember: the advantages you get by feeding
your crops depends on the quality of specific ingredients   How sweet it is when you send flavor enhancers
in the products.                                            into your crops so your buds taste like candy!

                                                                                                 turn page   ¾
minerals throw off your nutrient ratios
                   while providing smaller percentages of
                                                                                    Sweeter Flowers
    GROWER LEVEL                                                                    Are Worth More
                    Now let’s see how this relates to the
                   types and forms of amino acids in

                   hydroponics formulas ...                         Sweeter flowers are yours when you boost your crop’s
                    Amino acids are crucial building              taste, potency and aroma by furnishing anthocyanins,
                   blocks for proteins that fuel metabolic        isoflavonoids, polyphenols, isoterpenes and tannins
                   processes and physical structure in            found in cranberry and grape extracts. Growers using
                   your flowering plants. Few hydroponics         these compounds report that a sudden bouquet of
                   formulas     contain    amino    acids,        pleasant scent arises from their flowers within moments
                   but almost all the ones that have              of the compounds being fed to plants in water ... and ...
                   aminos provide them in a form called           after harvest, you and your friends will enjoy the extra-
                   “D-Aminos.”                                    sweet aroma and taste that your flowers provide (Plus,
                     Although these aminos are cheaper            there’ll be more flowers to enjoy too!)
                   to source and manufacture, they are             Another technique for upgrading the aroma, taste and
                   not very helpful to your plants. On the        value of your crop is to feed vitamins to your plants.
                   other hand, the L-form of amino acids          For example, Vitamin C stimulates photosynthesis and
                   is totally biologically available for rapid    cell replication while also protecting your plants from
                   uptake and formation of proteins that          negative effects of intense light and heat. To go along
                   rapidly increase your crop health and          with Vitamin C, studies show that feeding your plants
                   yield.                                         B vitamins provides many flower-boosting benefits while
                     As with molasses and other ingredients       also protecting crops from stress.
                   in hydroponics formulas, it matters             So how can you get this extensive menu of crop-
                   a lot what forms and manufacturing             boosting compounds you’ve just found out about?
                   processes are used.                            Fortunately, Advanced Nutrients scientists have

                   Bud Candy feeds carbohydrate energy to your plants when they need it most so your plants avoid mid-bloom slump
                   and keep going strong for maximum flower production all the way to harvest.
successfully managed the complex task of sourcing,
processing, and combining all these aminos, carbs,
and vitamins into Bud Candy so you get bigger, sweeter
                                                                                                                                                                    Fast Facts

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GROWER LEVEL
buds right away.
 Best of all, you’re getting two products in one because

Bud Candy gives you everything in Sweet Leaf and                                                                                             PRODUCT TYPE:
CarboLoad, but it also gives you a lot more in an easy to                                                                                    Bloom Booster, Taste/Aroma Enhancer,
use formula. Whether your plants are in bloom phase                                                                                          Plant Protector
right now, or you’re preparing for bloom phase, this is
the time to procure 100% organic Bud Candy and get                                                                                           GARDEN TYPES:
cotton candy taste, fatter buds, and stronger plants.                                                                                        Bud Candy has been specially designed
                                                                                                                                             for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum,
                                                                                                                                             coco coir and soil growing mediums.
                                                                                                                                             Bud Candy has been developed for use
“I love the way Bud Candy smells, and I                                                                                                      with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic,
noticed that my crops started smelling                                                                                                       drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip
and tasting the same way. I can see why                                                                                                      emitters and continuous liquid feed
you call it Bud Candy!”                                                                                                                      growing systems.

                                                             Robert, from San Francisco, California                                          WHEN TO USE:
                                                                                                                                             Bloom phase.

                                                                                                                                             MIXING DIRECTIONS:
                                                                                                                                             Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1
                                                                                                                          100%               through 6 of your flowering phase

                                                                                                                                             GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL:
                                                                                                                                             Expert, Professional and Grand Master

                                                                                                                                                    Company Founders’ NO-RISK,
                                                                                                                                                        100% Money Back
                                          67% BETTER TASTE

                                                                                                                                              Bud Candy was specifically built for growers just like you,
                                                               59% BETTER AROMA

                                                                                                                                              who have specific demands and expectations from your
                                                                                                                          50%                 hydroponic needs. When you use Bud Candy it must
                                                                                                                                              perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and
                                                                                                                                              quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re
                                                                                  43% FASTER GROWTH

                                                                                                                                              looking for.
                                                                                                                           37% MORE POTENT

                                                                                                                                              What’s more..., Bud Candy will work every time for you
                                                                                                                                              using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and
                                                                                                                                              soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics,
                                                                                                      29% LARGER YEILDS

                                                                                                                                              drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and
                                                                                                                                              continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it!
                                                                                                                                              And when you use Bud Candy you’ll never have to risk
                                                                                                                                              even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always
                                                                                                                                              if for any reason you’re not absolutely
                                                                                                                                              delighted we’ll refund all your
                                                                                                                                              money back it’s that simple.
  Blind taste tests conducted byCROP TEST FOUND growers and
     PROFESSIONAL GROWERS IN A BLIND experienced BUD CANDY                                                                                    As always, dedicated to your
    IMPROVES FLAVOR, AROMA, GROWTH, PC, AND YEILD OF YOUR CROPS                                                                               gardening success.
  connoisseurs showed that Bud Candy buds have better
  flavor, aroma, potency & market value.

 VALUE                              WHEN YOU FLUSH THEM BEFORE HARVEST

                                    Final Phase
                                     clearing flush solution

         lushing is a simple
yet powerful process that
cleanses your crops just
before harvest so you get:
•	 Cleaner,	Safer	Crops
•	 Tastier,	Sweeter-Smelling	
•	 Higher	Quality	Crops	
   That	Command	Premium	
   Market	Prices
 Let’s take a look at this proven
method       for     immediately
improving the quality and
market price of your harvests…
Your Plants Are
                                                                                 Not All Flushes

                                                                                                                            GROWER LEVEL
              Absorbing Things You
              Don’t Want To Consume                                              Are Created Equal

 As you’re aware, your plants grow by absorbing                     Many growers try “flushing” their crops
compounds from nutrients, water, and the atmosphere.              or they use all-organic nutrients to deal
These compounds become part of your plant tissues. But,           with accumulated salts that affect finished
as your plants age, they accumulate excess nutrient salts         crop quality. Unfortunately, most forms of
and other substances that decrease the quality and value          flushing, or the use of all-organic fertilizers,
of your end product. Can you recall a time when you almost
                                                                  does not purge crops of harsh residues.
coughed your lungs out? It was polluted crops that did it.
                                                                    For one thing, the most common way that
  At times, this accumulation is visible as over-fertilization
                                                                  growers flush their crops is by giving their
or other crop failures. More often, it is an unseen burden
infiltrating your crops from the inside out. This burden          crops water that has no nutrients in it. But
causes crops that have offensive taste and odor; crops            this doesn’t fully cleanse your crops. It only
that burn with black ash or are hard to keep lit; and crops       starves your plants so they lose vigorous
that irritate and damage your respiratory system, causing         floral growth and resin percentages just
coughing and other health issues.                                 before harvest.

Your crops store excess nutrient salts that can make them taste bad, smell strange, and cure poorly. Final Phase
safely flushes your crops, and it’s easy to use too.

                                                                                                        turn page   ¾
Other growers use flushing formulas
    GROWER LEVEL   that generally consist of a few chemicals
                   that sometimes have the ability to pull

                                                                     TOTAL DETECTABLE EXCESS MATERIALS
                                                                     TOTAL DETECTABLE EXCESS MATERIALS
                   a limited amount of residues out of your
                   plants. These primitive flush formulas                                                     NO FINAL PHASE

                   remove plant nutrition, resulting in smaller
                   harvests and decreased harvest potency.
                   Not only that, but they don’t provide the
                   full-spectrum, value-enhancing cleanse
                   you’re looking for.
                    Truth be told, the stuff that stores in your                                              COMPETING FLUSH PRODUCT
                   plants comes from fertilizers, water, and the                                         50
                   atmosphere, and organic fertilizer has no
                   crop-cleansing properties in and of itself.
                   Fortunately, there’s a better way to ensure
                   that your harvests are crystal-pure.

                                 Here’s Your
                                 Step-By-Step Guide
                                 To Crop Cleansing                                                       0    WITH   FINAL PHASE
                                                                                                          FINAL PHASE REMOVES EXCESS MATERIALS
                     The process of totally cleansing your                         Final Phase removes excess OTHER FLUSH PRODUCT
                                                                                            BETTER THAN ANY materials better than any
                   flowers begins 4 to 10 days before you                          other flush product or using only pure water. Crops
                                                                                                     USING ONLY PURE WATER
                   intend to cut them for harvest. At that                         taste, look and smell better.
                   time, you drain your reservoir, fill it with
                   fresh water, and add just one formula: Final

                   Final Phase is scientifically engineered to cleanse crops without causing the problems that other flushing
                   formulas cause. Those other formulas rob your crops of their final days of flower growth and essential oil
                   production. Final Phase cleanses, but allows plants to continue to increase floral value right up until you cut.
Phase, the only flushing formula ever specifically designed
and tested to provide complete, value-enhancing cleansing                            Now Sit Back, Relax

                                                                                                                                GROWER LEVEL
of the specific type of plants you grow.
                                                                                     And Enjoy The
  By the way, it’s important for you to realize that Final Phase
                                                                                     Fruits Of Your Labor
is the only formula made for your plants. That’s important

because different species of plants respond in different                Now that you’ve flushed your plants, what
ways to pre-harvest flushing, and because the testing                  can you expect from your harvest?
and design of hydroponics flushing products has a direct                To start with, your Final Phase crops cure
bearing on whether those products work for you or not.                 better and faster, with less susceptibility
  After you have added Final Phase to your plants’ water               to storage diseases such as molds and
supply, you continuously irrigate your plants’ roots for               fungi. You’ll notice that your curing crops
six hours to completely wash your roots and root zone                  smell better and maintain a more pleasing
with Final Phase. Then, you drain your reservoir and fill it           appearance. Better yet, essential oils and
with clean water. You do not add any nutrients or other                other resins will be preserved so your flower
supplements to your water supply. You just feed your plants            clusters are more potent.
pure water right up to harvest time.                                    But the real test comes when you first taste
  As proven by thousands of tissue samples taken from                  your Final Phase - flushed crops. Imagine your
the exact type of plants you grow, this procedure results              delight when you get a smoother, sugary
in crops that are almost totally purged of excess salts and            taste that’s accompanied by enchanting
other burdens.                                                         scent and other highly potent effects.
                                                                         That’s the Final Phase difference. The key
                                                                       thing here is for you to get Final Phase today
               What’s A Chelate                                        and update your garden calendar to remind
               And How Does It Make                                    you to use this uniquely effective formula a
               Your Harvests More Valuable?                            few days before harvest. Your friends, family
                                                                       and other growers will notice the positive
 How does this amazing process work to free your plants                difference you create using Final Phase.
and make them more valuable? If you could see down to the
molecular level, here’s what you’d witness:
•	   Final	Phase	contains	a	broad	range	of	ingredients	known	
     as “chelates.”
•	   Chelates	 are	 like	 chemical	“claws”	 that	 can	 grasp	 other	
     materials, such as individual nutrients, and bind to them.
•	   During	the	course	of	the	six-hour	Final	Phase	cleansing,	
     the formula’s proprietary, exceptionally broad range of
     chelates removes excess nutrient salts, heavy metals and
     pollutants from your plants’ roots and their root zone.
•	   Some	 of	 the	 chelates	 enter	 your	 plants	 and	 create	 a	
     downward mobility of excess salts that exit your plants
     and are washed into the Final Phase/water solution.
•	   After	the	Final	Phase/water	mixture	has	done	its	job,	you	
     remove all that water from your reservoir and refill your
     reservoir with fresh water.
•	   Inside	your	plants,	from	the	time	of	flushing	until	harvest	
     time, your plants are consuming on-board nutrients and
     otherwise purging themselves of unwanted residues.
                                                                       Increase the value, taste, aroma and safety
•	   By	the	time	you	harvest,	your	plants	will	be	free	of	at	least	 of your crops using Final Phase- the only crop
     85% of the stored materials they held before flushing.         cleanser that produces bigger harvests.

                                                                                                            turn page   ¾
                                 Frequently Asked
                                 Questions                                               Fast Facts

                    QUESTION: Will flushing starve my plants          PRODUCT TYPE: Crop Cleanser, Flusher, Purifier
                   and make smaller harvests?                         GARDEN TYPES: Final Phase has been specially designed
                     ANSWER: It’s true that some flushing             for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir, and soil
                   products have an unfortunate tendency to           growing mediums. Final Phase has been developed for
                   rob plants of vital nutrients and thus create      use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation,
                   smaller, less potent harvests. Final Phase is      NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continious liquid feed
                   the only flush formula engineered differently.     growing systems.
                   In fact, tests show that it results in either no   WHEN TO USE: Four to ten days before harvest.
                   net loss of harvest size and potency, or a
                                                                      MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during the last
                   slight increase.
                                                                      week of your flowering phase.
                    QUESTION: One of my friends uses Final            GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Expert, Professional and
                   Phase if he has crop problems, not just before     Grand Master Growers
                   harvest.	Do	you	recommend	this?
                                                                      COMPANY FOUNDERS’ NO-RISK, 100% MONEY BACK
                     ANSWER: In situations when root zones            GUARANTEE: If for any reason you’re not absolutely
                   have become toxic with excess fertilizer           delighted, we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple.
                   salts, Final Phase can be useful as a mini-
                   flush to get back to a neutral root zone for
                   re-balancing pH and making sure your plants         “I tried a lot of things to get my crops
                   are not overfertilized.                             to taste and burn better. I even tried
                                                                       pouring some honey and sugar water
                    QUESTION: Can you explain the differences          into them to get a better flavor. It just
                   between Final Phase and other flush                 clogged my drippers. The Final Phase
                   formulas?                                           worked like you said. This is the bomb.”
                     ANSWER: There are several differences that                                                   Jeff, from Ithaca, New York
                   give you more cleansing power. Final Phase
                   is the only formula that’s actually made
                   for the plants you grow. Final Phase is also                          Company Founders’ NO-RISK,
                   different in that it has a very broad range of                            100% Money Back
                   free-flowing chelates. Nobody else has these.                               GUARANTEE
                   There are many individual metals that need           Final Phase was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific
                   to be pulled out of crops. Chelates come in          demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Final
                   different shapes and sizes and are attracted         Phase it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly
                   only to certain metals. The other flushing           into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.
                   formulas don’t have a broad enough range of          What’s more..., Final Phase will work every time for you using any and all
                   chelates to remove all the substances present        hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics,
                   in your crops. It’s like the difference between      aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid
                   washing the entire car, or only one door.            feed growing systems. We guarantee it!
                                                                        And when you use Final Phase you’ll never have to risk even
                    QUESTION: Can I use Final Phase to get
                                                                        one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if
                   better crops in soil?                                for any reason you’re not absolutely
                                                                        delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that
                    ANSWER: Absolutely. Just shorten the
                   cleansing wash time from 6 hours to 2 hours
                   and run a lot of water through to ensure full        As always, dedicated to your gardening success.
                   cleansing. Then let your soil dry out so you
                   don’t waterlog your roots.

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Expert growers level

  • 1. You’re Getting All The Right Ingredients For YIELDS The Expert Bundle gives you so much… • Piranha Beneficial Fungi increases your root mass as well as create a thick mat of lateral and vertical roots, enabling your plants to support your larger yields and allow your plants to take in nutrients faster during the critical phases of the flowering cycle where gains are won or lost. • Bud Candy is like cotton candy for your flowers, gooey, sticky and radiating with colorful glints of light catching your eyes, and sparkles flying off in every direction. Bud Candy is the world’s only 100% organic aroma, taste and bigger yields enhancer that also cures your plants’ mid-bloom stall so they have the energy to make larger, tastier more aromatic flowers for you. • Final Phase flushes your crops getting rid of any left over residual fertilizer that sometimes can affect the taste of your harvest. This Bigger Yields Bundle gives you a free container of Final Phase, the super-efficient flushing formula and that won’t slow down bud growth or decrease flower size! Turn page for more information è
  • 2. Congratula- You Use The Bigger Yields Bundles tions, you’re And The System To Easily Grow Larger, More Valuable Harvests taking the next Now you can have your cake and eat it too. Get the Hobbyist step to a simple and Expert Grower Bundles and join the many prosperous but highly growers using our simple, flowering System guaranteed to give you reliably large harvests. effective Expert Your Hobbyist and Expert Grower Bigger Yields Bundles are the first two steps on your exciting journey to a place where Grower Level that takes your plants fur- ther faster so you get bigger yields like clockwork with every harvest. When you take home this money-saving Expert Grower Bundle™ and get the benefits of the Bigger Yields Flowering System™, you step up and enter the door to getting proven advantages from the only hydroponics nutrients system guaranteed to give your plants everything they need to produce bigger yields. Heavier harvests mean heavier profits. Not only that, using the System means you can stop huge harvests you’ve always dreamed of are guaranteed to become reality for you. worrying about pH and PPM The bold truth is at every level of the System – Hobbyist, metering and adjusting. Yes, Expert Grower, Professional Grower and Grand Master Grower – you get fantastic yields. But when you step up to the next you heard correctly! Just use any of the Bigger Yields Flowering System™ base The Bigger Yields Bundles are nutrients in water that has a the only specifically engineered pH range from 4.5 - 8.5, and hydroponics Flowering System with your plants will perfectly all formulas guaranteed to work absorb all the nutrients together so your plants give you they need. You’ll agree that the largest flowers ever grown. makes growing a whole lot easier for you, doesn’t it? è
  • 3. Expert Grower level, you get even larger yields, even more protection for your BUNDLE™ crops. You’re climbing the stairway to heavier harvests! Combining The Hobbyist And dle™, a Flowering System base nutrient Expert Bundles Gives You: and our Hobbyist Bundle™ combine to deliver stacked nutrition to every part of • All the supplements you need for bigger flowers at the your flowering plant. The Expert Grower Expert Grower Level from your plants’ roots to the top of your Bundle™ gives you so much… flowers and everything in between. • Piranha Beneficial Fungi increases your • pH-Perfect™ formulas that work with all the Flowering root mass as well as create a thick mat of System base nutrients so you can forget about pH and PPM lateral and vertical roots, enabling your metering and adjusting in all plants to support your larger yields and types of water. Your plants allow your plants to take in nutrients faster get all the nutrition they during the critical phases of the flowering need, and you never have to cycle where gains are won or lost. use those meters ever again. • The Bigger Yields Bundles are the only specifically engi- Combining the neered hydroponics flower- ing System with all formulas Hobbyist and Expert guaranteed to work together so your plants give you the Grower Bundles largest flowers ever grown. gives you all the • Standardized mixing and measuring just 4 ml per liter supplements you need for the System base nutrients and 2 ml per liter for all sup- for bigger flowers at plements. the Expert Grower • Exclusive bloom-feeding ingredients for big fat flowers. Level from your plants’ Get one of our new and im- roots to the top of proved base nutrients along with a Hobbyist Bundle™ and your flowers and this Expert Grower Bundle™, and go to the checkout counter so you get started on bigger everything in between. yields right now. Oh, one more cool thing we almost forgot to tell you about. • Bud Candy is like cotton candy for your There’s a free formula in the Hobbyist Bundle™ and another flowers, gooey, sticky and radiating with free formula in the Expert Grower Bundle™. Better yet, our colorful glints of light catching your eyes, base nutrients are five in one products that combine four and sparkles flying off in every direction. powerful formulas F-1, H-2, Wet Betty and a special blend of Bud Candy is the world’s only 100% organic amino acids that you can’t buy as a stand alone product, you aroma, taste and bigger yields enhancer can only get it in the “System” base nutrients. So when you that also cures your plants’ mid-bloom stall get your base nutrients and your two bundle boxes, you’ll be so they have the energy to make larger, getting 12 products for the price of 6! tastier more aromatic flowers for you. Go ahead and start “stacking” your bundles, and take the • Final Phase flushes your crops getting Expert Grower Bundle™ home and try it, then you’ll see the rid of any left over residual fertilizer that power and elegance of this System. It’s backed by our No-Risk sometimes can affect the taste of your 100% Money Back Guarantee so you won’t even be risking harvest. This Bigger Yields Bundle gives one penny and then you can see for yourself the bigger yields you a free container of Final Phase, the you’ll be getting. super-efficient flushing formula that won’t Even better, your plants are taken care of from roots to slow down bud growth or decrease flower shoots and everything in between, this Expert Grower Bun- size! n
  • 4. Discover How Increasing Your Root Mass by 700% Gives You bigger yields R oots are what feed your l Beneficial fungi increase plants nearly everything, root absorption of oxygen, and now you can increase nutrients and water your plants’ root mass as much l Beneficial fungi increase as 700% so your plants get more root size & mass for greater nutrition to make larger, more efficiency so you get bigger potent flowers. You do this by us- and better flowers ing beneficial fungi that accom- plishes the following for you: l Expand root mass surface area by as much as 700% l Beneficial fungi protect roots against root rot, pythium, and l Beneficial fungi increase leaf/flower diseases such as production of floral essential gray mold oils
  • 5. Getting The Right Types Not All Beneficial Fungi Of Beneficial Fungi Is GROWER LEVEL All-Important For Your Maximum Yield As an added benefit, Piranha’s glomus and trichoderma strains protect your leaves and EXPERT As you can see, beneficial fungi are a valuable tool you use flowers against harmful fungi, mold and other to make your garden produce more. But please remember problems. That’s important because there are that it does matter what type of fungi you use. You need to two different processes manufacturers use add the right types of the two major categories of beneficial when they want to offer microbial products ... fungi: Most hydroponics companies save money l Category One beneficial fungi are called endomycorrhiza. on costs by hiring a third-party company to Believe it or not, these fungi actually have a form of “foot” bulk produce/bulk combine microbes without that enters into root cells to produce sacs or branched testing them for specific plant appropriateness structures increasing root mass and root function. or microbial compatibility. Not only that, l Category Two beneficial fungi are called ectomycorrhiza. but their process includes an overly generic These fungi create a hyphal sheath that covers root tips view of fungi. For example, you’ll hear their and a hyphae net (“foot” net) that cloaks the entire root product advertising talk about “endo and system. ectomycorrhizal fungi.” Turns out this is so vague that it borders on actually being an Scientists used to say endomycorrhiza were the only type inaccurate way of describing root zone fungi! of fungi that inserted themselves into root cells, and that the ecto variety stayed outside roots. But new research It’s exactly like saying “General Motors” to reveals super-strains of ecto and endo beneficial fungi both describe a car, leaving you wondering are they penetrate roots, so we’ve designated these strains as a mega- talking about a Pontiac or a Chevy. And even category called “ectendomycorrhiza.” if it’s a Chevy, it could be a Malibu or Corvette. Ok, if you’re lucky, you got the Corvette — but The good news is no matter what you call them; beneficial you’re still left guessing, because one model fungi form a web of root protection and enhancement called of Corvette has the 300 hp motor, but the ZR1 a “fungal mycelium.” Corvette has a 620 horsepower motor! One thing you see in hydroponics gardens without Piranha is lots of harmful microbes in the root zone that aggressively attack root zones, accounting for slow growth, poor yield, lower survivability rates for clones and seedlings, and sometimes complete crop failure. Beneficial Fungi Protect And Defend Your Roots, Leaves, Flowers The glomus and trichoderma beneficial microbes in Piranha were selectively bred to provide crop protection. These beneficial microbes are guaranteed to: l Eat harmful microbes l Deprive harmful microbes of their food supply l Deprive harmful microbes of the space, oxygen and water they need to survive l Induce or create increased plant immune response to fight off diseases and infections Using Piranha to enhance your hydroponics l Create a protective physical barrier that shuts out harmful roots gives you larger and more valuable microbial invaders hydroponics flowers. turn page ¾
  • 6. Here’s How We Do It... GROWER LEVEL The good news is that we make sure PROTECTS our Piranha beneficial fungi are the fully- PLANTS FROM loaded ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower EXPERT ROT powerplant, not the Chevy Malibu! BIGGER DISEASES STRESS l Advanced Nutrients hires world-class microbiologists who practically live in MORE the laboratory — that’s how competi- POTENT tive and dedicated they are about de- FLOWERS veloping what they call “superstrains” of fungi that biologically bond with the roots of your plants. One of our scientists is especially impressive: she 700% has three Ph. D. degrees! ROOT MASS Our perfectionist scientists demand l we supply them all the most expen- INCREASE sive, precision equipment and sup- plies so they can identify each mi- crobial strain’s special characteristics that make them superstrains. That’s why our fungi are extremely fast-rep- Piranha increases root mass so you get stronger licating so they quickly colonize root plants that produce more valuable harvests. zones for rapid results (yes, one of our most important tests is comparing You exploit the hidden world of your plants’ roots using Piranha beneficial fungi to increase the security, productivity and value of your harvests.
  • 7. fast versus slow replicating fungi). l Piranha is never outsourced. We’re the only hydroponics Frequently Asked Questions GROWER LEVEL nutrient company in the world manufacturing all our mi- crobial products ourselves with a full-time Ph.D. microbi- QUESTION: Is Piranha going to get ologist personally supervising all aspects of production me bigger buds in soil and in an organic at all times. (The same is true for our VooDoo Juice and EXPERT program, not just in hydroponics? Tarantula products). ANSWER: Piranha enhances growth l Each of our microbial strains is individually bred in a pur- and yield and protects plants in any type pose-built 10,000 liter breeding reactor (we’re the only of gardening situation, including soil and company that uses this technically advanced process, not organics. It is a 100% organic formula. vats or tubs). Our microbes are later taken to an evapo- QUESTION: My friend told me that ration tower and gently dried. Then the Piranha super- Piranha can be used with some other of strains are carefully recombined. your formulas to get even more impact. l To ensure Piranha’s reputation for very long shelf life and viability, fungi are put into hibernation with an “antago- ANSWER: It’s true that using Piranha nist” compound that keeps the microbes dormant until with our two other beneficial microbes you mix Piranha into a nutrient reservoir or foliar spray, products (VooDoo Juice and Tarantula) will and the antagonist is diluted. create the most fertile, naturally-enhanced root zone for stronger plants and bigger l As soon as the antagonist is diluted, Piranha fungi imme- harvests. diately exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and burst into action for you by wrapping themselves around and pen- QUESTION: Does Piranha help protect etrating roots, creating flower-boosting hormones, and flowers, and does it leave a bad residue? increasing root size and function. ANSWER: Piranha foliar spray protects The bottom line is Piranha increases your root size as much flowers and leaves from molds, mildew as 700% so your plants’ roots are strong enough to give you and fungi, but it leaves no toxic residue. We an upgrade the weight, value and potency of your harvest. always recommend that you lightly mist your What’s more, when you get Piranha today, you’ll see why it’s flowers about a week before harvest and money-back guaranteed to pay for itself in increased yield then don’t apply any more foliars to them and overall plant health. after that. Company Founders’ NO-RISK, FAST FACTS 100% Money Back GUARANTEE PRODUCT TYPE: Piranha was specifically built for growers just like you, Root Zone Enhancer/Plant Protector who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Piranha it must perform GARDEN TYPES: flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly Piranha has been specially designed for use with all into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing What’s more..., Piranha will work every time for you using mediums. Piranha has been developed for use with any and any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! WHEN TO USE: Cloning, early seedlings, transplanting, early vegetative And when you use Piranha you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for phase, early bloom phase any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund MIXING DIRECTIONS: all your money back it’s that simple. Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 and 2 of your flowering As always, dedicated to your phase gardening success. GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Expert, Professional and Grand Master Growers
  • 8. Feed Your Plants Carbohydrates, L-Aminos And Vitamins, And You Get Tastier, More Aromatic, More Potent Buds! Seeing your room full of huge flowers that smell like candy (maybe like the cotton candy at an amusement park), and then after harvest, savouring the fine taste, aroma and potency of huge amounts of potent, sweet-tasting flowers with your friends is what REALLY makes you happy right? The smiles on their faces, and them patting you on the back, that’s what the good life is all about ... So, what can you do right now to grow the biggest harvests of the most potent, best-tasting flowers?
  • 9. Start by Providing “What I got was that Flower-Boosting Energy GROWER LEVEL the buds are tighter and When Your Plants Most Need It somewhat larger while also smelling more sweet. Bud EXPERT Getting sweeter, bigger harvests is easy when you give your plants carbohydrates that jolt them with an energy Candy worked well for me boost. and people are asking me Remember that during peak bloom cycle your plants’ how I got it to taste and need for sugars exceeds their ability to manufacture smell so good.” them. The more you push them, the more C02 and Mark, from Gainesville, Florida nutrients you give them, the more they need carbs, and the more they fall behind. The resulting carb deficit is the same thing that happens when athletes collapse near the end of grueling competition. And it’s why carb- For example, you see hydroponics loading is a cherished tactic athletes use to keep going formulas containing “molasses.” But strong for victory, when others fall and fail. like almost every individual ingredient in hydroponics formulas, there are many grades and types of molasses, and the differences between them decide Not Just Any Carbohydrates, whether they will deliver your bigger, But The Right Ones For Your Plants better yields. Fact is, most types of molasses are Carb-loading your plants requires a specialty formula. loaded with sulphur or made from In actuality, your plants best absorb simple or complex materials or processes that lower carbohydrates when they are present as arabinose, their sugar content and quality. When dextrose, glucose, maltose and xylose from raw cane sulphured, low-grade molasses are in extract, malt extract, cranberry extract and other a hydroponics formula, the extraneous premium carbohydrate sources. Not only does this end mid-bloom slump but these materials fuel beneficial bacteria and fungi in your root zone. When you’ve installed beneficial bacteria and fungi in your root zone, they thrive best when they have externally-provided carbos to feed on (these beneficial bacteria and fungi increase root mass, increase nutrient absorption, protect roots, and produce hormones that stimulate floral size, potency and value). So you know carb-loading provides energy and root enhancement, but what can you do to create gourmet flowers with enhanced taste, size, potency, and aroma? The good news is providing the list of carb sources we just discussed also enhances the taste and aroma of your plants! The Benefits Of Using Amino Acids And Other Compounds In the Correct Form For Your Plants Please remember: the advantages you get by feeding your crops depends on the quality of specific ingredients How sweet it is when you send flavor enhancers in the products. into your crops so your buds taste like candy! turn page ¾
  • 10. minerals throw off your nutrient ratios while providing smaller percentages of sugars. Sweeter Flowers GROWER LEVEL Are Worth More Now let’s see how this relates to the types and forms of amino acids in EXPERT hydroponics formulas ... Sweeter flowers are yours when you boost your crop’s Amino acids are crucial building taste, potency and aroma by furnishing anthocyanins, blocks for proteins that fuel metabolic isoflavonoids, polyphenols, isoterpenes and tannins processes and physical structure in found in cranberry and grape extracts. Growers using your flowering plants. Few hydroponics these compounds report that a sudden bouquet of formulas contain amino acids, pleasant scent arises from their flowers within moments but almost all the ones that have of the compounds being fed to plants in water ... and ... aminos provide them in a form called after harvest, you and your friends will enjoy the extra- “D-Aminos.” sweet aroma and taste that your flowers provide (Plus, Although these aminos are cheaper there’ll be more flowers to enjoy too!) to source and manufacture, they are Another technique for upgrading the aroma, taste and not very helpful to your plants. On the value of your crop is to feed vitamins to your plants. other hand, the L-form of amino acids For example, Vitamin C stimulates photosynthesis and is totally biologically available for rapid cell replication while also protecting your plants from uptake and formation of proteins that negative effects of intense light and heat. To go along rapidly increase your crop health and with Vitamin C, studies show that feeding your plants yield. B vitamins provides many flower-boosting benefits while As with molasses and other ingredients also protecting crops from stress. in hydroponics formulas, it matters So how can you get this extensive menu of crop- a lot what forms and manufacturing boosting compounds you’ve just found out about? processes are used. Fortunately, Advanced Nutrients scientists have Bud Candy feeds carbohydrate energy to your plants when they need it most so your plants avoid mid-bloom slump and keep going strong for maximum flower production all the way to harvest.
  • 11. successfully managed the complex task of sourcing, processing, and combining all these aminos, carbs, and vitamins into Bud Candy so you get bigger, sweeter Fast Facts GROWER LEVEL buds right away. Best of all, you’re getting two products in one because EXPERT Bud Candy gives you everything in Sweet Leaf and PRODUCT TYPE: CarboLoad, but it also gives you a lot more in an easy to Bloom Booster, Taste/Aroma Enhancer, use formula. Whether your plants are in bloom phase Plant Protector right now, or you’re preparing for bloom phase, this is the time to procure 100% organic Bud Candy and get GARDEN TYPES: cotton candy taste, fatter buds, and stronger plants. Bud Candy has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Bud Candy has been developed for use “I love the way Bud Candy smells, and I with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, noticed that my crops started smelling drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip and tasting the same way. I can see why emitters and continuous liquid feed you call it Bud Candy!” growing systems. Robert, from San Francisco, California WHEN TO USE: Bloom phase. MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 100% through 6 of your flowering phase POSITIVE RESPONSES FROM CROP TESTERS GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Expert, Professional and Grand Master Growers Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back 67% BETTER TASTE GUARANTEE Bud Candy was specifically built for growers just like you, 59% BETTER AROMA who have specific demands and expectations from your 50% hydroponic needs. When you use Bud Candy it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re 43% FASTER GROWTH looking for. 37% MORE POTENT What’s more..., Bud Candy will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, 29% LARGER YEILDS drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Bud Candy you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. Blind taste tests conducted byCROP TEST FOUND growers and PROFESSIONAL GROWERS IN A BLIND experienced BUD CANDY As always, dedicated to your IMPROVES FLAVOR, AROMA, GROWTH, PC, AND YEILD OF YOUR CROPS gardening success. connoisseurs showed that Bud Candy buds have better flavor, aroma, potency & market value.
  • 12. HIGHER YOUR CROPS TASTE SWEETER AND HAVE VALUE WHEN YOU FLUSH THEM BEFORE HARVEST F Final Phase clearing flush solution lushing is a simple yet powerful process that cleanses your crops just before harvest so you get: • Cleaner, Safer Crops • Tastier, Sweeter-Smelling Crops • Higher Quality Crops That Command Premium Market Prices Let’s take a look at this proven method for immediately improving the quality and market price of your harvests…
  • 13. Your Plants Are Not All Flushes GROWER LEVEL Absorbing Things You Don’t Want To Consume Are Created Equal EXPERT As you’re aware, your plants grow by absorbing Many growers try “flushing” their crops compounds from nutrients, water, and the atmosphere. or they use all-organic nutrients to deal These compounds become part of your plant tissues. But, with accumulated salts that affect finished as your plants age, they accumulate excess nutrient salts crop quality. Unfortunately, most forms of and other substances that decrease the quality and value flushing, or the use of all-organic fertilizers, of your end product. Can you recall a time when you almost does not purge crops of harsh residues. coughed your lungs out? It was polluted crops that did it. For one thing, the most common way that At times, this accumulation is visible as over-fertilization growers flush their crops is by giving their or other crop failures. More often, it is an unseen burden infiltrating your crops from the inside out. This burden crops water that has no nutrients in it. But causes crops that have offensive taste and odor; crops this doesn’t fully cleanse your crops. It only that burn with black ash or are hard to keep lit; and crops starves your plants so they lose vigorous that irritate and damage your respiratory system, causing floral growth and resin percentages just coughing and other health issues. before harvest. Your crops store excess nutrient salts that can make them taste bad, smell strange, and cure poorly. Final Phase safely flushes your crops, and it’s easy to use too. turn page ¾
  • 14. Other growers use flushing formulas GROWER LEVEL that generally consist of a few chemicals that sometimes have the ability to pull 100 TOTAL DETECTABLE EXCESS MATERIALS TOTAL DETECTABLE EXCESS MATERIALS a limited amount of residues out of your plants. These primitive flush formulas NO FINAL PHASE EXPERT remove plant nutrition, resulting in smaller harvests and decreased harvest potency. Not only that, but they don’t provide the full-spectrum, value-enhancing cleanse you’re looking for. Truth be told, the stuff that stores in your COMPETING FLUSH PRODUCT plants comes from fertilizers, water, and the 50 atmosphere, and organic fertilizer has no crop-cleansing properties in and of itself. Fortunately, there’s a better way to ensure that your harvests are crystal-pure. Here’s Your Step-By-Step Guide To Crop Cleansing 0 WITH FINAL PHASE FINAL PHASE REMOVES EXCESS MATERIALS The process of totally cleansing your Final Phase removes excess OTHER FLUSH PRODUCT BETTER THAN ANY materials better than any flowers begins 4 to 10 days before you other flush product or using only pure water. Crops USING ONLY PURE WATER intend to cut them for harvest. At that taste, look and smell better. time, you drain your reservoir, fill it with fresh water, and add just one formula: Final Final Phase is scientifically engineered to cleanse crops without causing the problems that other flushing formulas cause. Those other formulas rob your crops of their final days of flower growth and essential oil production. Final Phase cleanses, but allows plants to continue to increase floral value right up until you cut.
  • 15. Phase, the only flushing formula ever specifically designed and tested to provide complete, value-enhancing cleansing Now Sit Back, Relax GROWER LEVEL of the specific type of plants you grow. And Enjoy The By the way, it’s important for you to realize that Final Phase Fruits Of Your Labor is the only formula made for your plants. That’s important EXPERT because different species of plants respond in different Now that you’ve flushed your plants, what ways to pre-harvest flushing, and because the testing can you expect from your harvest? and design of hydroponics flushing products has a direct To start with, your Final Phase crops cure bearing on whether those products work for you or not. better and faster, with less susceptibility After you have added Final Phase to your plants’ water to storage diseases such as molds and supply, you continuously irrigate your plants’ roots for fungi. You’ll notice that your curing crops six hours to completely wash your roots and root zone smell better and maintain a more pleasing with Final Phase. Then, you drain your reservoir and fill it appearance. Better yet, essential oils and with clean water. You do not add any nutrients or other other resins will be preserved so your flower supplements to your water supply. You just feed your plants clusters are more potent. pure water right up to harvest time. But the real test comes when you first taste As proven by thousands of tissue samples taken from your Final Phase - flushed crops. Imagine your the exact type of plants you grow, this procedure results delight when you get a smoother, sugary in crops that are almost totally purged of excess salts and taste that’s accompanied by enchanting other burdens. scent and other highly potent effects. That’s the Final Phase difference. The key thing here is for you to get Final Phase today What’s A Chelate and update your garden calendar to remind And How Does It Make you to use this uniquely effective formula a Your Harvests More Valuable? few days before harvest. Your friends, family and other growers will notice the positive How does this amazing process work to free your plants difference you create using Final Phase. and make them more valuable? If you could see down to the molecular level, here’s what you’d witness: • Final Phase contains a broad range of ingredients known as “chelates.” • Chelates are like chemical “claws” that can grasp other materials, such as individual nutrients, and bind to them. • During the course of the six-hour Final Phase cleansing, the formula’s proprietary, exceptionally broad range of chelates removes excess nutrient salts, heavy metals and pollutants from your plants’ roots and their root zone. • Some of the chelates enter your plants and create a downward mobility of excess salts that exit your plants and are washed into the Final Phase/water solution. • After the Final Phase/water mixture has done its job, you remove all that water from your reservoir and refill your reservoir with fresh water. • Inside your plants, from the time of flushing until harvest time, your plants are consuming on-board nutrients and otherwise purging themselves of unwanted residues. Increase the value, taste, aroma and safety • By the time you harvest, your plants will be free of at least of your crops using Final Phase- the only crop 85% of the stored materials they held before flushing. cleanser that produces bigger harvests. turn page ¾
  • 16. GROWER LEVEL Frequently Asked Questions Fast Facts EXPERT QUESTION: Will flushing starve my plants PRODUCT TYPE: Crop Cleanser, Flusher, Purifier and make smaller harvests? GARDEN TYPES: Final Phase has been specially designed ANSWER: It’s true that some flushing for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir, and soil products have an unfortunate tendency to growing mediums. Final Phase has been developed for rob plants of vital nutrients and thus create use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, smaller, less potent harvests. Final Phase is NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continious liquid feed the only flush formula engineered differently. growing systems. In fact, tests show that it results in either no WHEN TO USE: Four to ten days before harvest. net loss of harvest size and potency, or a MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during the last slight increase. week of your flowering phase. QUESTION: One of my friends uses Final GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Expert, Professional and Phase if he has crop problems, not just before Grand Master Growers harvest. Do you recommend this? COMPANY FOUNDERS’ NO-RISK, 100% MONEY BACK ANSWER: In situations when root zones GUARANTEE: If for any reason you’re not absolutely have become toxic with excess fertilizer delighted, we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. salts, Final Phase can be useful as a mini- flush to get back to a neutral root zone for re-balancing pH and making sure your plants “I tried a lot of things to get my crops are not overfertilized. to taste and burn better. I even tried pouring some honey and sugar water QUESTION: Can you explain the differences into them to get a better flavor. It just between Final Phase and other flush clogged my drippers. The Final Phase formulas? worked like you said. This is the bomb.” ANSWER: There are several differences that Jeff, from Ithaca, New York give you more cleansing power. Final Phase is the only formula that’s actually made for the plants you grow. Final Phase is also Company Founders’ NO-RISK, different in that it has a very broad range of 100% Money Back free-flowing chelates. Nobody else has these. GUARANTEE There are many individual metals that need Final Phase was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific to be pulled out of crops. Chelates come in demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Final different shapes and sizes and are attracted Phase it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly only to certain metals. The other flushing into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. formulas don’t have a broad enough range of What’s more..., Final Phase will work every time for you using any and all chelates to remove all the substances present hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, in your crops. It’s like the difference between aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid washing the entire car, or only one door. feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Final Phase you’ll never have to risk even QUESTION: Can I use Final Phase to get one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if better crops in soil? for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that ANSWER: Absolutely. Just shorten the simple. cleansing wash time from 6 hours to 2 hours and run a lot of water through to ensure full As always, dedicated to your gardening success. cleansing. Then let your soil dry out so you don’t waterlog your roots.