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Núm. 236 Viernes 2 de octubre de 2015 Sec. I. Pág. 89607
Official BULLETIN OF THE ESTADONúm. 236 Friday 2 October 2015 Sec. I. P. 89607I. Provisions GENERALESMINISTERIO OF EDUCATION,
MinistryofEducation, CultureandSport
Resolution 10582 of 14 September 2015, the Directorate General of University Policy,
which publishes the agreement of the Council of Ministers of 4 September
2015, which determines the level of Correspondence to the level of the Spanish
Qualifications Framework for Higher Education of the Official University Degree
in Law.
At its meeting of 4 September 2015, the Council of Ministers adopted the agreement
that determines the level of correspondence at the level of the Spanish Qualifications
Framework for Higher Education of the official university degree Degree in Law.
In accordance with the provisions of article 24.4 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21
November, laying down the conditions and the procedure for the approval and statement
of equivalence to university degrees and academic level official university and for the
recognition of foreign studies in higher education, and the procedure for determining the
correspondence to the levels of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher
Education of the official titles of architect, engineer, graduated, technical architect, engineer
and graduate, the Directorate General of University Policy resolves to publish as an annex
to this resolution, in the " Official State Gazette", the agreement of the Council of Ministers
dated 4 September 2015. against the Council of Ministers may appeal optional of refitting
before the same body that handed, within a deadline of one month counting from the day
following that of its publication in the " Official State Gazette" or directly, administrative
remedy before the Administrative Division of the Supreme Court , in a period of two
months from the day following the publication of this decision of the Council of Ministers
in the " Official State Gazette".
Madrid, 14 September 2015.-The Director General of University Policy, Jorge Sainz
Decision of the Council of Ministers which determines the level of correspondence at
the level of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education of the official
university degree in Law
the Preamble of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, indicated that the
qualifications prior to the reform that creates the new European Higher Education Area is
regulated by Royal Decree 1497/1987, of 27 November, laying down general guidelines
common to the curricula of the university degrees of an official nature and valid throughout
the national territory. The first additional provision of such Royal Decree came to create the
catalog of official university qualifications. By Royal Decree 1954/1994, of 30 September,
on approval of titles to the catalog of official university qualifications, was created
effectively this instrument.
The Royal Decree 1027/2011, of 15 July, which sets out the Spanish Qualifications
Framework for Higher Education, establishes four levels of qualifications on the basis of the
results of learning that provide the official studies: Level
Núm. 236 Viernes 2 de octubre de 2015 Sec. I. Pág. 89608
As a Senior Technician is included in the level 1, the degree at level 2, the Master in level
3, and Doctor in the level 4.
At the same time the Council of Ministers by Royal Decree 22/2015, of 23 January,
laying down the requirements for the issuance of the European Supplement to the titles
regulated in Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, by which sets the management of
the official university teaching and amending Royal Decree 1027/2011, of 15 July, which
sets out the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, introduced in the
Spanish legal system part of the European Qualifications Framework. The level 1 (
Senior Technician) of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education
corresponds to the level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework. The level 2 (degree)
of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education corresponds to the level 6 of
the European Qualifications Framework. The level 3 (Master) of the Spanish Qualifications
Framework for Higher Education corresponds to the level 7 of the European Qualifications
Framework. The level 4 (Doctor) of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher
Education corresponds to the level 8 of the European Qualifications Framework.
Finally , with the Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, establishes the procedure
for the determination of the correspondence level months of the titles in the catalog of
official university qualifications, and given that have been incorporated into the national
The equivalence of Spanish legal levels months with the European Qualifications
Framework, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport may issue certificates of
correspondence indicating the level months and the level of the European Qualifications
1. By resolution dated 2 February 2015, the Directorate General of University policy agreed,
ex officio, the start of the administrative procedure for the determination of the
correspondence to the level of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education
of the university degree Degree in Law.
2. On 30 April 2015, the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation
evacuated the report for the determination of the correspondence of the Bachelor of
Science degree in Law. In this report indicates that the University degree of Bachelor of
Law corresponds to level 3 of the Months (level of master).
3. On 18 June 2015, the University Council evaluated the correspondence of the Bachelor of
Science degree in Law. The Council of Universities reported favorably the correspondence
to level 3 of the months, the Bachelor of Science degree in Law.
4. On 19 June 2015, the General Directorate of University policy agreed to open the process
of public information of this administrative procedure.
5. On 29 June 2015, was published in the " Official State Gazette" the opening of the
proceedings of public information. The dossier was submitted to the processing of public
information between 30 June and 22 July 2015.
Foundations of Law
1. Are of application in the processing of this procedure the following regulatory
1. Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, laying down the
conditions and the procedure for the approval and statement of
equivalence to university degrees and academic level official
university and for the recognition of foreign studies in higher
education, and the procedure for determining the correspondence to
the levels of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher
Education of the official titles of architect, engineer, graduated,
technical architect, engineer and graduate.
Núm. 236 Viernes 2 de octubre de 2015 Sec. I. Pág. 89609
1. Article 19 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, which notes that it is the
responsibility of the Directorate General of University policy -initiate the procedure for the
determination of the correspondence.
2. Article 20 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, indicating that
acts of instruction of this procedure are the responsibility of the
Directorate General of university policy.
3. Article 21 of the same rule, which notes that the report of ANECA is
prescriptive and decisive for the processing of this procedure. It also
indicates that the report of the Council of Universities, is mandatory,
but is not binding for The resolution of the procedure.
4. Article 22 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, which points
out that the report of ANECA has taken into account the training
acquired to obtain the title whose correspondence to level months
intended, as well as its duration or teaching load.
5. Article 23 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, which stated
that before the end of the instruction stage of the procedure, the
Directorate General of University policy agreed a period of public
information which may not be less than 20 working days.
6. Article 23 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, which
indicates that within the public information the General Councils or, in
your case, professional associations may evacuate report, although it
is noted that the report Is not binding . Of this step is to inform the
General Directorate of university policy. In its virtue, on the proposal of
the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, the Council of
Ministers at its meeting of 4 September 2015,
First. Determining the level months of the university degree of Bachelor of Law.
In accordance with what is established in article 24 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21
November, it is determined that the official title of university degree in law corresponds to
level 3 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
It also indicates that the level 3 MONTHS corresponds with the level 7 of the European
Qualifications Framework, as indicated in article 4 of Royal Decree 1027/2011 , of 15 July,
which sets out the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, in its wording
given by the Royal Decree 22/2015, of 23 January, laying down the requirements for the
issuance of the European Supplement to the titles regulated in Royal Decree 1393/2007,
of 29 October, by which sets the management of the official university teaching and
amending Royal Decree 1027/2011, of 15 July, which sets out the Spanish Qualifications
Framework for Higher Education.
Second. Publication of the agreement of the Council of Ministers in the " Official State
Gazette" and in the electronic office of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.
in accordance with the provisions of article 24.4 and 26 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of
21 November, the General Directorate of University policy shall circulate the publication in
the Official State Gazette and in the Electronic Office of the Ministry of Education, Culture
and Sport of this agreement of the Council of Ministers.
Third. The Registration of Universities, and titles.
In accordance with the provisions of article 24.5 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21
November, once it has been published in the " Official State Gazette" this agreement, the
Subdirectorate General of academic coordination and legal regime, The Address
Núm. 236 Viernes 2 de octubre de 2015 Sec. I. Pág. 89610
General of University Policy entered the resolution of appreciation of correspondence in
the Register of Universities, and titles.
Fourth. Enabling for the adoption of measures for the implementation of the agreement.
By the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports in the scope of their competences, the necessary
measures shall be taken for the implementation of this Agreement.
The implementation of this Agreement will not have any budgetary impact. BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO D. L.: M-1/1958 - ISSN: 0212-033X
Translation authorized for the purposes needed, Santiago, 06 December 2016.
Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7
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Monday, December 19, 2016
. You are here: Home Citizen Services 202058 Services catalog education record
Correspondence between Official University Degrees (
'pre-Bologna') and MECES levels.
Access the online service Deadline: OPEN PERMANENTLY
Resolutions in the section, you can consult the catalog of titles (pre-Bologna), with a link to the official
resolution published in BOE correspondence of each title MECES level (Degree or Masters).
General information
Application Information
Catalog of university degrees "pre-Bologna" by areas
Other information
General information
Through this service, you can request a certificate of correspondence of a title of Architect, Engineer, Licenciado,
Technical Architect, Technical Engineer or Diploma levels Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
The procedure of Public Information for each degree is prior to the publication of correspondence in BOE and
enrollment in the RUCT of it. Only when a correspondence degree is published in BOE, it may request and obtain
the certificate of timely correspondence.
The certificate shall be registered in a special section of the National Registry of Official University graduates.
This service also allows the subsequent query the status of processing the case, you should not have obtained the
certificate of correspondence directly.
• Frequent questions
Architects, Engineers, Lawyers, Technical Architects, Engineers and qualified technicians.
Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7
http: // ... 19/12/2016
• Being in possession of a Spanish official university title of Architect, Engineer, Licenciado, Technical Architect,
Technical Engineer and Diploma whose correspondence with MECES level has been approved by Agreement of
the Council of Ministers, published in Official Gazette and entered in the Register of Universities, Centres and
Titles (RUCT).
• Log in Electronic Office by a recognized by the @firma platform Digital Certificate.
• Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November
Date of publication in the BOE: 22/11/2014
Application Information
Back Open permanently
Submission of application
Applications and documents may be submitted in any of the agencies referred to in Article 16.4 of Law
39/2015, of October 1, the Common Administrative Procedure Public Administration. Consultation
registration offices
Catalog of university degrees "pre-Bologna" by areas
titles grouped in the following areas are presented:
• I. Humanities
• II. Experimental Science and Health
• III. Social and Legal Sciences
• IV. technical education
Within each of these four areas, the titles are grouped into three sections:
• Teachings of 1st and 2nd cycle.
• 1st cycle teachings.
• 2nd cycle only teachings.
I. Humanities
• Teachings of 1st and 2nd cycle
o Bachelor of Fine Arts (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in German Studies (Level 3: Master)
Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7
http: // ... 19/12/2016
o Degree in Arabic Philology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Catalan Studies (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Classical Philology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Slavic Philology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in French Studies (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Galician Philology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Hebrew Philology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Philology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in English Philology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Italian Philology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Portuguese Philology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Romance Philology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Basque Philology (Level 3: Master)
o Bachelor of Philosophy (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Geography (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in History (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Art History (Level 3: Master)
o Master of Arts (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Translation and Interpretation (Level 3: Master)
• 2nd cycle only teachings
o Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in East Asian Studies (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in History and Science of Music (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Linguistics (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (Level 3: Master)
Back to the top of the Catalogue of university degrees "pre-Bologna" by areas
II. Experimental Science and Health
• Teachings of 1st and 2nd cycle
o Degree in Biology (Level 3: Master)
o Bachelor of Biotechnology (Level 3: Master)
o Bachelor of Environmental Science (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Marine Science (Level 3: Master)
o Bachelor of Pharmacy (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Physics (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Geology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Mathematics (Level 3: Master)
Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7
http: // ... 19/12/2016
o Degree in Medicine (Level 3: Master)
o Bachelor of Dentistry (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Chemistry (Level 3: Master)
o Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Level 3: Master)
• 1st cycle Lessons
o Diploma in Nursing (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Statistics (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Physiotherapy (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Speech Therapy (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Optics and Optometry (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Podiatry (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Occupational Therapy (Level 2: Grade)
• 2nd cycle only teachings
o Degree in Biochemistry (Level 3: Master)
o Bachelor of Science and Food Technology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Statistical Sciences and Techniques (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in oenology (Level 3: Master)
Back to the top of the Catalogue of university degrees "pre-Bologna" by areas
III. Social and Legal Sciences
• Teachings of 1st and 2nd cycle
o Bachelor of Business Administration (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science (Level 3: Master)
o BA in Political Science and Administration (Level 3: Master)
o Bachelor of Communication Studies (Level 3: Master)
o Law Degree (Level 3: Master)
o Bachelor of Economics (Level 3: Master)
o Bachelor of Education (Level 3: Master)
o BA in Journalism (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Psychology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Advertising and Public Relations (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Sociology (Level 3: Master)
• 1st cycle Lessons
o Diploma in Librarianship and Documentation (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Business Studies (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Social Education (Level 2: Grade)
Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7
http: // ... 19/12/2016
o Diploma in Management and Public Administration (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Labour Relations (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Social Work (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Tourism (Level 2: Grade)
o Teacher: Specialty of Hearing and Language (Level 2: Grade)
o Teacher: Specialty of Special Education (Level 2: Grade)
o Teacher: Specialty of Physical Education (Level 2: Grade)
o Teacher: Early Childhood Education (Level 2: Grade)
o Maestro: Music Education Specialty (Level 2: Grade)
o Teacher: Specialty of Primary Education (Level 2: Grade)
o Teacher: Specialty of Foreign Language (Level 2: Grade)
• 2nd cycle only teachings
o Degree in Actuarial Science and Finance (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Work Sciences (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Criminology (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Documentation (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Market Research and Techniques (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Psychology (Level 3: Master)
Back to the top of the Catalogue of university degrees "pre-Bologna" by areas
IV. Technical Education
• 1st cycle Lessons
o Technical Architect (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Naval Engineering (Level 2: Grade)
o Diploma in Maritime Navigation (Level 2: Grade)
o Naval Radio Electronics Diploma (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Aeronautical Engineering, specializing in Aircraft Engines (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Aeronautical Engineering, specializing in Air Navigation (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Aeronautical Engineering, specializing in Aircraft (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Aeronautical Engineering, specializing in Airports (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Aeronautical Engineering, specializing in Aerospace Equipment and Materials (Level 2: Grade)
o Agricultural Technical engineer, specialty in Farming (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Agricultural Engineer in Horticulture and Gardening (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Agricultural Engineer in Agricultural and Food Industries (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Agricultural Engineer in Mechanisation and Rural Constructions (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Engineering in Industrial Design (Level 2: Grade)
o Forest Technical engineer, specialty in Forest (Level 2: Grade)
o Forest Technical engineer, specialty in Forest Industries (Level 2: Grade)
Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7
http: // ... 19/12/2016
o Industrial Technical Engineer in Electricity (Level 2: Grade)
o Industrial Engineering, specializing in Industrial Electronics (Level 2: Grade)
o Industrial Engineering, specializing in Mechanics (Level 2: Grade)
o Industrial Technical Engineering, specializing in Industrial Chemistry (Level 2: Grade)
o Industrial Engineer, specialty Textile (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Engineering in Computer Management (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Engineering in Computer Systems (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Mining Engineering, specializing in Exploitation of Mines (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Mining Engineering, specializing in Electromechanical Mining Installations (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Mining Engineering, specializing in Mineralurgy and Metallurgy (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Mining Engineering, specializing in Energy Resources, Fuels and Explosives (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical engineer of Mines, specialty in Polls and Surveys Mining (Level 2: Grade)
o Naval Technical Engineer, specializing in Marine Structures (Level 2: Grade)
o Naval Technical Engineer, specializing in Ship Propulsion and Services (Level 2: Grade)
o Engineer of Public Works, specialty in Civil Constructions (Level 2: Grade)
o Engineer of Public Works, specialty in Hydrology (Level 2: Grade)
o Engineer of Public Works, specialty in Transports and Urban Services (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Telecommunications Engineering, specializing in Electronic Systems (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Telecommunications Engineering, specializing in Telecommunications Systems (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Telecommunications Engineer in Sound and Image (Level 2: Grade)
o Technical Telecommunications Engineering, specializing in Telematics (Level 2: Grade)
o Surveying Engineer (Level 2: Grade)
• Teachings of 1st and 2nd cycle
o Architect (Level 3: Master)
o Aeronautical Engineer (Level 3: Master)
o Agronomist (Level 3: Master)
o Civil Engineer, Channels and Ports (Level 3: Master)
o Mining Engineer (Level 3: Master)
o Forest Engineer (Level 3: Master)
o Telecommunications Engineer (Level 3: Master)
o Computer Engineer (Level 3: Master)
o Geological Engineer (Level 3: Master)
o Industrial Engineer (Level 3: Master)
o Naval and Ocean Engineer (Level 3: Master)
o Chemical Engineer (Level 3: Master)
• 2nd cycle only teachings
o Materials Engineer (Level 3: Master)
o Defense Systems Engineer (Level 3: Master)
Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7
http: // ... 19/12/2016
o Industrial Automatics and Industrial Electronics (Level 3: Master)
o Electronics Engineer (Level 3: Master)
o Engineer in Geodesy and Cartography (Level 3: Master)
o Industrial Organization Engineer (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Naval Engineering (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Nautical Studies and Maritime Transport (Level 3: Master)
o Degree in Naval Radio Electronics (Level 3: Master)
Back to the top of the Catalogue of university degrees "pre-Bologna" by areas
Consultations on the procedure can be performed by any means that are on the page Management Information
Other information
SIA code
Translation authorized for the purposes needed, stamp from University of Salamanca original
document. Santiago, 19 December 2016.

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Insight Brussels February 2014

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  • 1. BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO BOE-A-2015-10582 erificablein Núm. 236 Viernes 2 de octubre de 2015 Sec. I. Pág. 89607 Official BULLETIN OF THE ESTADONúm. 236 Friday 2 October 2015 Sec. I. P. 89607I. Provisions GENERALESMINISTERIO OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT10582 I. GENERAL PROVISIONS MinistryofEducation, CultureandSport Resolution 10582 of 14 September 2015, the Directorate General of University Policy, which publishes the agreement of the Council of Ministers of 4 September 2015, which determines the level of Correspondence to the level of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education of the Official University Degree in Law. At its meeting of 4 September 2015, the Council of Ministers adopted the agreement that determines the level of correspondence at the level of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education of the official university degree Degree in Law. In accordance with the provisions of article 24.4 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, laying down the conditions and the procedure for the approval and statement of equivalence to university degrees and academic level official university and for the recognition of foreign studies in higher education, and the procedure for determining the correspondence to the levels of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education of the official titles of architect, engineer, graduated, technical architect, engineer and graduate, the Directorate General of University Policy resolves to publish as an annex to this resolution, in the " Official State Gazette", the agreement of the Council of Ministers dated 4 September 2015. against the Council of Ministers may appeal optional of refitting before the same body that handed, within a deadline of one month counting from the day following that of its publication in the " Official State Gazette" or directly, administrative remedy before the Administrative Division of the Supreme Court , in a period of two months from the day following the publication of this decision of the Council of Ministers in the " Official State Gazette". Madrid, 14 September 2015.-The Director General of University Policy, Jorge Sainz González. Annex Decision of the Council of Ministers which determines the level of correspondence at the level of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education of the official university degree in Law Exposure the Preamble of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, indicated that the qualifications prior to the reform that creates the new European Higher Education Area is regulated by Royal Decree 1497/1987, of 27 November, laying down general guidelines common to the curricula of the university degrees of an official nature and valid throughout the national territory. The first additional provision of such Royal Decree came to create the catalog of official university qualifications. By Royal Decree 1954/1994, of 30 September, on approval of titles to the catalog of official university qualifications, was created effectively this instrument. The Royal Decree 1027/2011, of 15 July, which sets out the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, establishes four levels of qualifications on the basis of the results of learning that provide the official studies: Level cve:BOE-A-2015-10582 Verificableen
  • 2. BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO BOE-A-2015-10582 erificablein Núm. 236 Viernes 2 de octubre de 2015 Sec. I. Pág. 89608 As a Senior Technician is included in the level 1, the degree at level 2, the Master in level 3, and Doctor in the level 4. At the same time the Council of Ministers by Royal Decree 22/2015, of 23 January, laying down the requirements for the issuance of the European Supplement to the titles regulated in Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, by which sets the management of the official university teaching and amending Royal Decree 1027/2011, of 15 July, which sets out the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, introduced in the Spanish legal system part of the European Qualifications Framework. The level 1 ( Senior Technician) of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education corresponds to the level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework. The level 2 (degree) of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education corresponds to the level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework. The level 3 (Master) of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education corresponds to the level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework. The level 4 (Doctor) of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education corresponds to the level 8 of the European Qualifications Framework. Finally , with the Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, establishes the procedure for the determination of the correspondence level months of the titles in the catalog of official university qualifications, and given that have been incorporated into the national The equivalence of Spanish legal levels months with the European Qualifications Framework, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport may issue certificates of correspondence indicating the level months and the level of the European Qualifications Framework. Facts 1. By resolution dated 2 February 2015, the Directorate General of University policy agreed, ex officio, the start of the administrative procedure for the determination of the correspondence to the level of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education of the university degree Degree in Law. 2. On 30 April 2015, the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation evacuated the report for the determination of the correspondence of the Bachelor of Science degree in Law. In this report indicates that the University degree of Bachelor of Law corresponds to level 3 of the Months (level of master). 3. On 18 June 2015, the University Council evaluated the correspondence of the Bachelor of Science degree in Law. The Council of Universities reported favorably the correspondence to level 3 of the months, the Bachelor of Science degree in Law. 4. On 19 June 2015, the General Directorate of University policy agreed to open the process of public information of this administrative procedure. 5. On 29 June 2015, was published in the " Official State Gazette" the opening of the proceedings of public information. The dossier was submitted to the processing of public information between 30 June and 22 July 2015. Foundations of Law 1. Are of application in the processing of this procedure the following regulatory precepts: 1. Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, laying down the conditions and the procedure for the approval and statement of equivalence to university degrees and academic level official university and for the recognition of foreign studies in higher education, and the procedure for determining the correspondence to the levels of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education of the official titles of architect, engineer, graduated, technical architect, engineer and graduate. cve:BOE-A-2015-10582 Verificableen
  • 3. BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO BOE-A-2015-10582 erificablein Núm. 236 Viernes 2 de octubre de 2015 Sec. I. Pág. 89609 1. Article 19 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, which notes that it is the responsibility of the Directorate General of University policy -initiate the procedure for the determination of the correspondence. 2. Article 20 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, indicating that acts of instruction of this procedure are the responsibility of the Directorate General of university policy. 3. Article 21 of the same rule, which notes that the report of ANECA is prescriptive and decisive for the processing of this procedure. It also indicates that the report of the Council of Universities, is mandatory, but is not binding for The resolution of the procedure. 4. Article 22 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, which points out that the report of ANECA has taken into account the training acquired to obtain the title whose correspondence to level months intended, as well as its duration or teaching load. 5. Article 23 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, which stated that before the end of the instruction stage of the procedure, the Directorate General of University policy agreed a period of public information which may not be less than 20 working days. 6. Article 23 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, which indicates that within the public information the General Councils or, in your case, professional associations may evacuate report, although it is noted that the report Is not binding . Of this step is to inform the General Directorate of university policy. In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, the Council of Ministers at its meeting of 4 September 2015, Agrees: First. Determining the level months of the university degree of Bachelor of Law. In accordance with what is established in article 24 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, it is determined that the official title of university degree in law corresponds to level 3 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. It also indicates that the level 3 MONTHS corresponds with the level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework, as indicated in article 4 of Royal Decree 1027/2011 , of 15 July, which sets out the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, in its wording given by the Royal Decree 22/2015, of 23 January, laying down the requirements for the issuance of the European Supplement to the titles regulated in Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, by which sets the management of the official university teaching and amending Royal Decree 1027/2011, of 15 July, which sets out the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. Second. Publication of the agreement of the Council of Ministers in the " Official State Gazette" and in the electronic office of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. in accordance with the provisions of article 24.4 and 26 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, the General Directorate of University policy shall circulate the publication in the Official State Gazette and in the Electronic Office of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of this agreement of the Council of Ministers. Third. The Registration of Universities, and titles. In accordance with the provisions of article 24.5 of Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, once it has been published in the " Official State Gazette" this agreement, the Subdirectorate General of academic coordination and legal regime, The Address cve:BOE-A-2015-10582 Verificableen
  • 4. BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO Núm. 236 Viernes 2 de octubre de 2015 Sec. I. Pág. 89610 General of University Policy entered the resolution of appreciation of correspondence in the Register of Universities, and titles. Fourth. Enabling for the adoption of measures for the implementation of the agreement. By the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports in the scope of their competences, the necessary measures shall be taken for the implementation of this Agreement. The implementation of this Agreement will not have any budgetary impact. BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO D. L.: M-1/1958 - ISSN: 0212-033X cve:BOE-A-2015-10582 Verificableen Translation authorized for the purposes needed, Santiago, 06 December 2016.
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  • 12. Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7 http: // ... 19/12/2016 Monday, December 19, 2016 . You are here: Home Citizen Services 202058 Services catalog education record Correspondence between Official University Degrees ( 'pre-Bologna') and MECES levels. Access the online service Deadline: OPEN PERMANENTLY Resolutions in the section, you can consult the catalog of titles (pre-Bologna), with a link to the official resolution published in BOE correspondence of each title MECES level (Degree or Masters). Index General information Announcement Application Information Catalog of university degrees "pre-Bologna" by areas Contact Other information General information Description return Through this service, you can request a certificate of correspondence of a title of Architect, Engineer, Licenciado, Technical Architect, Technical Engineer or Diploma levels Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. The procedure of Public Information for each degree is prior to the publication of correspondence in BOE and enrollment in the RUCT of it. Only when a correspondence degree is published in BOE, it may request and obtain the certificate of timely correspondence. The certificate shall be registered in a special section of the National Registry of Official University graduates. This service also allows the subsequent query the status of processing the case, you should not have obtained the certificate of correspondence directly. • Frequent questions recipients return Architects, Engineers, Lawyers, Technical Architects, Engineers and qualified technicians. requirements return
  • 13. Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7 http: // ... 19/12/2016 • Being in possession of a Spanish official university title of Architect, Engineer, Licenciado, Technical Architect, Technical Engineer and Diploma whose correspondence with MECES level has been approved by Agreement of the Council of Ministers, published in Official Gazette and entered in the Register of Universities, Centres and Titles (RUCT). • Log in Electronic Office by a recognized by the @firma platform Digital Certificate. Announcement • Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November Date of publication in the BOE: 22/11/2014 Application Information Deadline Back Open permanently Submission of application return Applications and documents may be submitted in any of the agencies referred to in Article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, the Common Administrative Procedure Public Administration. Consultation registration offices Catalog of university degrees "pre-Bologna" by areas titles grouped in the following areas are presented: • I. Humanities • II. Experimental Science and Health • III. Social and Legal Sciences • IV. technical education Within each of these four areas, the titles are grouped into three sections: • Teachings of 1st and 2nd cycle. • 1st cycle teachings. • 2nd cycle only teachings. I. Humanities • Teachings of 1st and 2nd cycle o Bachelor of Fine Arts (Level 3: Master) o Degree in German Studies (Level 3: Master)
  • 14. Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7 http: // ... 19/12/2016 o Degree in Arabic Philology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Catalan Studies (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Classical Philology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Slavic Philology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in French Studies (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Galician Philology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Hebrew Philology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Philology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in English Philology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Italian Philology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Portuguese Philology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Romance Philology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Basque Philology (Level 3: Master) o Bachelor of Philosophy (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Geography (Level 3: Master) o Degree in History (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Art History (Level 3: Master) o Master of Arts (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Translation and Interpretation (Level 3: Master) • 2nd cycle only teachings o Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in East Asian Studies (Level 3: Master) o Degree in History and Science of Music (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Linguistics (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (Level 3: Master) Back to the top of the Catalogue of university degrees "pre-Bologna" by areas II. Experimental Science and Health • Teachings of 1st and 2nd cycle o Degree in Biology (Level 3: Master) o Bachelor of Biotechnology (Level 3: Master) o Bachelor of Environmental Science (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Marine Science (Level 3: Master) o Bachelor of Pharmacy (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Physics (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Geology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Mathematics (Level 3: Master)
  • 15. Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7 http: // ... 19/12/2016 o Degree in Medicine (Level 3: Master) o Bachelor of Dentistry (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Chemistry (Level 3: Master) o Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Level 3: Master) • 1st cycle Lessons o Diploma in Nursing (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Statistics (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Physiotherapy (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Speech Therapy (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Optics and Optometry (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Podiatry (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Occupational Therapy (Level 2: Grade) • 2nd cycle only teachings o Degree in Biochemistry (Level 3: Master) o Bachelor of Science and Food Technology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Statistical Sciences and Techniques (Level 3: Master) o Degree in oenology (Level 3: Master) Back to the top of the Catalogue of university degrees "pre-Bologna" by areas III. Social and Legal Sciences • Teachings of 1st and 2nd cycle o Bachelor of Business Administration (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science (Level 3: Master) o BA in Political Science and Administration (Level 3: Master) o Bachelor of Communication Studies (Level 3: Master) o Law Degree (Level 3: Master) o Bachelor of Economics (Level 3: Master) o Bachelor of Education (Level 3: Master) o BA in Journalism (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Psychology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Advertising and Public Relations (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Sociology (Level 3: Master) • 1st cycle Lessons o Diploma in Librarianship and Documentation (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Business Studies (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Social Education (Level 2: Grade)
  • 16. Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7 http: // ... 19/12/2016 o Diploma in Management and Public Administration (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Labour Relations (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Social Work (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Tourism (Level 2: Grade) o Teacher: Specialty of Hearing and Language (Level 2: Grade) o Teacher: Specialty of Special Education (Level 2: Grade) o Teacher: Specialty of Physical Education (Level 2: Grade) o Teacher: Early Childhood Education (Level 2: Grade) o Maestro: Music Education Specialty (Level 2: Grade) o Teacher: Specialty of Primary Education (Level 2: Grade) o Teacher: Specialty of Foreign Language (Level 2: Grade) • 2nd cycle only teachings o Degree in Actuarial Science and Finance (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Work Sciences (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Criminology (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Documentation (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Market Research and Techniques (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Psychology (Level 3: Master) Back to the top of the Catalogue of university degrees "pre-Bologna" by areas IV. Technical Education • 1st cycle Lessons o Technical Architect (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Naval Engineering (Level 2: Grade) o Diploma in Maritime Navigation (Level 2: Grade) o Naval Radio Electronics Diploma (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Aeronautical Engineering, specializing in Aircraft Engines (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Aeronautical Engineering, specializing in Air Navigation (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Aeronautical Engineering, specializing in Aircraft (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Aeronautical Engineering, specializing in Airports (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Aeronautical Engineering, specializing in Aerospace Equipment and Materials (Level 2: Grade) o Agricultural Technical engineer, specialty in Farming (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Agricultural Engineer in Horticulture and Gardening (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Agricultural Engineer in Agricultural and Food Industries (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Agricultural Engineer in Mechanisation and Rural Constructions (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Engineering in Industrial Design (Level 2: Grade) o Forest Technical engineer, specialty in Forest (Level 2: Grade) o Forest Technical engineer, specialty in Forest Industries (Level 2: Grade)
  • 17. Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7 http: // ... 19/12/2016 o Industrial Technical Engineer in Electricity (Level 2: Grade) o Industrial Engineering, specializing in Industrial Electronics (Level 2: Grade) o Industrial Engineering, specializing in Mechanics (Level 2: Grade) o Industrial Technical Engineering, specializing in Industrial Chemistry (Level 2: Grade) o Industrial Engineer, specialty Textile (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Engineering in Computer Management (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Engineering in Computer Systems (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Mining Engineering, specializing in Exploitation of Mines (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Mining Engineering, specializing in Electromechanical Mining Installations (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Mining Engineering, specializing in Mineralurgy and Metallurgy (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Mining Engineering, specializing in Energy Resources, Fuels and Explosives (Level 2: Grade) o Technical engineer of Mines, specialty in Polls and Surveys Mining (Level 2: Grade) o Naval Technical Engineer, specializing in Marine Structures (Level 2: Grade) o Naval Technical Engineer, specializing in Ship Propulsion and Services (Level 2: Grade) o Engineer of Public Works, specialty in Civil Constructions (Level 2: Grade) o Engineer of Public Works, specialty in Hydrology (Level 2: Grade) o Engineer of Public Works, specialty in Transports and Urban Services (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Telecommunications Engineering, specializing in Electronic Systems (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Telecommunications Engineering, specializing in Telecommunications Systems (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Telecommunications Engineer in Sound and Image (Level 2: Grade) o Technical Telecommunications Engineering, specializing in Telematics (Level 2: Grade) o Surveying Engineer (Level 2: Grade) • Teachings of 1st and 2nd cycle o Architect (Level 3: Master) o Aeronautical Engineer (Level 3: Master) o Agronomist (Level 3: Master) o Civil Engineer, Channels and Ports (Level 3: Master) o Mining Engineer (Level 3: Master) o Forest Engineer (Level 3: Master) o Telecommunications Engineer (Level 3: Master) o Computer Engineer (Level 3: Master) o Geological Engineer (Level 3: Master) o Industrial Engineer (Level 3: Master) o Naval and Ocean Engineer (Level 3: Master) o Chemical Engineer (Level 3: Master) • 2nd cycle only teachings o Materials Engineer (Level 3: Master) o Defense Systems Engineer (Level 3: Master)
  • 18. Correspondence between Official University Titles ('pre-Bologna') and ME levels ... Page of 7 http: // ... 19/12/2016 o Industrial Automatics and Industrial Electronics (Level 3: Master) o Electronics Engineer (Level 3: Master) o Engineer in Geodesy and Cartography (Level 3: Master) o Industrial Organization Engineer (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Naval Engineering (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Nautical Studies and Maritime Transport (Level 3: Master) o Degree in Naval Radio Electronics (Level 3: Master) Back to the top of the Catalogue of university degrees "pre-Bologna" by areas Contact Consultations on the procedure can be performed by any means that are on the page Management Information Other information SIA code return 202058 Translation authorized for the purposes needed, stamp from University of Salamanca original document. Santiago, 19 December 2016.