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Divine Principle
The New Age
v. 1.2
We can denote the fact that many spiritual signs
regarding the Lord coming again in Korea are
appearing like mushrooms after a rain.
God's word of promise that He will pour down His
Spirit upon all flesh (Acts 2:17)
is being realized among the Korean people today.
Therefore, countless men of religion are
receiving very clear revelations concerning
the Lord's Second Coming in Korea in many different ways,
but contacting many spirit men of various levels;
from the realm of miscellaneous spirits to the realm
of the paradise level spirits.
/Divine Principle 2nd Coming of Christ
Spiritual World
Effect - Result
Physical World
If Adam and Eve had attained perfection and united
as husband and wife, it would have meant the joining
into oneness of the two centers of the dual characteristics
of all beings.
Had Adam and Eve moved together in harmony and attained
oneness, the whole cosmos with its dual characteristics would
have danced in harmony. /Principle
We can see the New Age spiritually reflected
in both Art; Older & Newer Poetry and Music
As well as modern social media –
FB, Twitter and Politics;
Ex. 1667 Milton – Paradise Lost – sexual Fall
1913 Tagore – Korea Golden age
1920 Irish poet Yeats - ”The Second Coming”
1945 Alice Bailey The Reapearence of Christ
1992 End of World-Communism
2017 #metoo campaign against
sexual harasment goes viral
”High noon reaction”
Adam and Eve have
a famous love-making scene in Book 4.
After the Fall, they have a slightly
steamier sex scene that is
more lustful and less lovey-dovey
than its counterpart in Book 4.
We also learn about Satan's son Death,
who is born after Satan has sex with
his daughter sin.
Quote from the Great Indian Poet Tagore about Korea:
"In the golden age of Asia
Korea was one of its lamp-bearess
and that lamp is waiting to be
lighted once again for the
illumination of the East."
Ref: Tagore and Korea by Kim Yang-shik (Poetess)
Was it God and Heaven, already 1929 inspiring Rabindranath Tagore,
Winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature,
about the coming
New 3rd Israel = Korea, 2nd Coming of Christ and True Parents!
1913 Nobel Prize
in Literature
Poet: Rabindranath Tagore
William Butler Yeats 1865-1939
Irish poet and drama author.
He received the Nobel prize for Poetry in 1923.
"The Second Coming" (1920)
All later works by him was based on an remarkable sequence of revelations,
which started on an October afternoon in the year 1917.
To their surprise Mrs. Yeats had an unusual strong spiritual gift.
During the following years an enormous time schedule was revealed,
which covered the whole structure of history and it's meaning,
in a 2000 year cycle structure.
Three years later he had over 50 notebooks full of written revelations.
He organized this and published it all in a 300-page volume,
called "A Vision".
Compare with the 2000 year parallells of history in SMM:s Divine Principle
After the peace treaty was signed in Versailles
on the 28th of June 1919, between the Allies and Germany,
W.B. Yeats published a poem with the title
"The Second Coming". (1920)
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction; the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand; The Second Coming!
Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?
Bailey; Her vision of a unified society
includes a global "spirit of religion"
different from traditional religious forms and including
the concept of the Age of Aquarius.
p. 66 The works and teachings of Christ will be difficult to
accept for the christian world,
But in spite of this still be accepted in the Orient.
He will be a World teacher and not just a christian teacher.
p. 69 "the time of decission", as it is called in hierarchikal
circles, was in the time of fullmoon in June 1936 and full
moon in june 1945. The time of decision covered only 9
years ( a relatily short timeperiod); and resulted in the
decision that Christ should return or become visible on
Earth as soon as possible, and much earlier that planned.
p. 81 Christ came to end the Jewish dispensation which should have been the
climax and disappeared as a religion with the sun out of Aries, and into Pisces.
He (Jesus) therefore presented Himself to them as their Messiah,
manifesting through the Jewish race. By rejecting Christ as the
Messiah, then the Jewish race symbolically and practically remained
in the sign Aries, scapegoat, they must again pass through -
symbolically - in the sign Pisces, and recognize their Messiah when
He comes again in Aquaria, the sign Aquarius.
Old Test.
New Test.
Completed Test.
The Great Invocation
The Great Invocation is a mantra given in 1937 by Bailey.
The mantra begins with
"From the point of Light within the Mind of God, let light stream forth into
the minds of men ..." with the rest of the passage expressing the ideas of
love, the return of The Christ (Maitreya) and of men acting in accordance with
the plan of God.
Comments: Compare the history and times of Sun Myung Moons life:
• How He was asked to take the mission as the Second Coming, by Jesus
himself 1935. – 1937 Bailey was given The Great Invocation mantra
• For 9 years he fought with satan to discover the Divine Principle!
• He started his mission, witnessing to Christians in Korea
5th of August in 1945, as the mission of the Second Coming of Christ !
• Bailey text quote: “Christ came to end the Jewish dispensation which should
have been the climax and disappeared as a religion with the sun out of Aries.”.
From the east comes mysticism - a willingness to be
absorbed in God - God is not something apart - he is
something within.
From the south comes all the beauty, the ritual - these
things which adorn and make beautiful the message.
From the north came rational thought clear thinking -
reformation - and change.
From the west came the critical, scientific analysis.
And now in the New Age, it is an age of orchestration - of a
symphony - of unity.
And the New Teacher will be neither Christian, Buddhist,
Moslem, or anything else.
The Holy Spirit speaks in universal terms - and God will no
longer be fragmented. God will be the one God - who sent
forth his Son not once but many times.
And he has the rare quality of projecting himself, which
isn't a miracle really.
Mr. Moon in deep meditation can project himself and
be seen just as Jesus has been able to project himself
and be seen by the saints.
This is one of the marks - of the messiahs always.
#me too
The "Me Too" movement
spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag
used on social media to help demonstrate
the widespread prevalence of sexual assault
and harassment, especially in the workplace.
It followed soon after the public revelations of sexual
misconduct allegations against american film producer.
#me too
The phrase "Me too" was tweeted by female actor Milano
around noon on October 15, 2017 and had been
used more than 200,000 times by the end of the day,
and tweeted more than 500,000 times by October 16
On Facebook, the hashtag was used by
more than 4.7 million people in 12 million posts
during the first 24 hours.
• Many times non-religious lyrics also disclose
a spiritual deeper truth
• the desire for True Love and eternal happiness
• Eternal relationship with God
• Complete Salvation through Christ
• A lot of music has been composed to complement
religion, and many composers have derived inspiration
from their own religion. Many forms of traditional music
have been adapted to fit religions' purposes or
have descended from religious music. /Wikipedia
David playing his harp
Old Test. Age
• Acts 2:17 - And it shall come to pass in
the last days, saith God, I will pour out
of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your
sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams:
• Amos 3:7 - Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he
revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
• Joel 2:28 - And it shall come to pass afterward, [that] I will
pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream
dreams, your young men shall see visions:
• 1960
• Earths largest
Eartquake in Valdivia
Chile. 9.5 on the Richter
• The April Revolution...
Pres. Syngman Rhee of
Korea overpowered
• “Love Age” over the World,
Music: The Beatles
Internal Peace External turmoil
• April 1960
• True Parents
• Blessing of
36 couples
In May 1960, Dylan dropped out of college at the end of his
first year.
In January 1961, he traveled to New York City, to perform
there and visit his musical idol Woody Guthrie,
who was seriously ill with Huntington's disease
in Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital.
Guthrie had been a revelation to Dylan and influenced his
early performances. Describing Guthrie's impact, he wrote:
"The songs themselves had the infinite sweep of humanity
in them... [He] was the true voice of the American spirit.
I said to myself I was going to be Guthrie's greatest disciple.“
World wide Love explosion!
Many Spiritual inspired Songs:
All together now
All you need is Love
And I Love her
Im in Love
The Inner Light
The Saints
She loves you
Words of Love
American documentary photographer
William Egglestone,
took this picure of the desk
at Elvis Presleys home Graceland.
The book at the bottom is
Divine Principle 1973 version.
Curiosa: There was a try and desire from True Father in the 70s
to contact Elvis Presley and bring him to Korea.
Elvis had a clear spiritual and religious inclination
And became fameous for his Gospel singing in the end of his life.
A wondeful blessed singer, with still one of the largest vocal register ever.
Google for Elvis Gospel! 
Paranoid - Black Sabbath 1970
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me
with my (fallen)mind
People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time
All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy
Fallen Mankind – cut off from God.
Think I'll lose my mind if I don't find something to pacify
Can you help me, occupy my brain?
Oh yeah
I need someone to show me the things in life that I can't find
I can't see the things that make true happiness,
True Love – the Blessing
I must be blind
Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel and (Fallen) love to me is so unreal
And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late.
The Stones in fact played
"Sympathy for the Devil" earlier in the concert;
it was interrupted by a fight and restarted,
Jagger commenting,
"We're always having--something very funny
happens when we start
that number."
Comment: Evil Spiritual World interacting!
Several other songs were performed before
Hunter was killed at a concert.
This video, for me
another spiritual "bulls-eye"-
unconceous TRUTH-
reflection what the Biblical Fall of Man was all about.
Fallen sexuality - todays visable unconseous FRUIT
of the Biblical Fall, the ROOT.
Look first and last minute of the background-video,
the end where the remains of fallen human is being spit out...
like by satan - sexually EATen and finished. Gen. 3:20
ABBA – One Man One Woman 1977
One man, one woman
One man, one woman
Two friends and two true lovers – True Parents
Somehow we'll help each other through
the hard times
One man, one woman
One life to live together
One chance to take that never comes back again
- time of 2nd Advent
You and me, to the end
Outside I can see the sun through the open window
Inside everything feels so cold - Fall of Man
What's wrong, what is happening, where did all our love go
Sometimes when I just can't cope
I cling to a desperate hope - Restoration - 2nd Coming of Christ - Resurrection
And I cry and I feel like dying
ERIC CLAPTON – Lay Down Sally 1977
Lay down, Sally, and rest you in my arms.
Don't you think you want someone to talk to? – Gods Holy Word
Lay down, Sally, no need to leave so soon.
I've been trying all night long just to talk to you. – 6000 Biblical years
The sun ain't nearly on the rise
And we still got the moon and stars above.
Underneath the velvet skies,
Love is all that matters. Won't you stay with me? – True Love
And don't you ever leave.
Dear Bengt - just to add to the songs about love,
this song from England Dan and John Ford Coley
from 1979 – Love is the Answer
QUEEN - One Vision 1985
No wrong no right,
I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white, - One Love Race
No blood no stain, - Absolute Purity
All we need is one world wide vision - Divine Principle
One flesh one bone,
One true religion, - Unification of All Religions
QUEEN - One Vision 1985
One man one goal one mission, - Jesus True Father
One heart one soul just one solution, - Blessing
One flash of light yeah one god one vision - New Revelation
One flesh one bone,
One true religion,
One voice one hope,
One real decision,
Wowowowo gimme one vision
QUEEN - One Vision
I had a dream,
When I was young,
A dream of sweet illusion,
A glimpse of hope and unity,
And visions of one sweet union, - Unification Movement
But a cold wind blows, - FallofMan
And a dark rain falls, - FallofMan
And in my heart it shows, - FallofMan
Look what they've done to my dream - FallofMan
Bob Dylan:
“The Songs just came through me.
I did not have to write them myself“
/From the Biography of Steve Jobs “Founder of Apple”
One night I was lying in bed and
listening to the radio.
I remember listening to
The Staple Singers' "Uncloudy Day".
And it was the most mysterious thing
I'd ever heard.
It was like the fog rolling in. I heard it again,
maybe the next night, and its mystery had even deepened.
What was that? How do you make that?
It just went through me like my body was invisible.
And that singer is pulling things out of my soul
that I never knew were there.
After hearing it for the second time,
I don't think I could even sleep that night.
I knew these Staple Singers were different than
any other gospel group. /Dylan
Same dress without knowing!
Amazing coinsidense!
Or a greeting from True Father in Spirit World
Listen to this amazing story!
I Want To Know What Love Is - 1984
Now this mountain I must climb, - Finding DP - Saving the World
feels like the world upon my shoulders - The Second Coming
Through the clouds I see love shine, - Gods Love
it keeps me warm as life grows colder - Rejection
In my life there's been heartache and pain – True Love missing
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far, to change this lonely life
I Want To Know What Love Is - 1984
Comment: I first heard about this very emotional Song
suggested by In Jin Moon; in her youtube Channel 2015;
What is Love? – YouTube
Thank you In Jin 
Subcounceous Heavenly Spiritual Inspiration!
1984 The year Heung Jin Nim dies!
And is recieved as a King in the Spiritual World (link)
The King's right has been coming to True Parents' side
by Heung Jin Nim's ascension
One of many HJN:s Messages from Spir. World
Pornography – A diease
The real problem with pornography is
that it is a spiritual disease.
Because the original fall involved lust,
every fallen person has that base deep in themselves.
When you watch pornography you do two things.
First, you stimulate that root of sin in yourself.
You have no idea how strong and dangerous it can be.
It's lying there in everyone waiting to become an addiction.
When you start watching pornography
that root of sin is stimulated and it gets really hungry.
It wants more and more.
You find it so hard to stop watching.
It's not like anything else that you might be looking at.
Part of you gets really fascinated.
More than anything else in the world,
this is the one thing that is hard to stop watching.
And the memories stick in your mind and
they keep flashing back into your memory
stimulating you again. (link)
Whitney Houston - Greatest Love Of All - 1985
I believe the children are our future – Pure Sinless Blessed Children
Show them all the beauty they possess inside – DP-CSG-CBG
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be – before the Fall
Everybody's searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to – The Messiah
I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs
A lonely place to be – Fallen state
And so I learned to depend on me
Let's talk about love, I want to know what love is
The love that you feel inside, I want you to show me
And I'm feeling so much love, I want to feel what love is
No, you just can't hide, I know you can show me
I want to know what love is (let's talk about love),
I know you can show me. - TRUE LOVE!
One man one goal one mission, - Messiah – Christ –LSA
One heart one soul just one solution,
One flash of light yeah one god one vision.
One flesh one bone,
One true religion,
One voice one hope,
Wowowowo gimme one vision.
One Vision – 1985
spiritually very inspired
No wrong no right,
I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white, - Love Race
No Blood no stain,
All we need is one world wide vision. - DP - True Parents
One flesh one bone,
one true religion, - Divine Principle
One voice one hope,
Wowowowo gimme one vision.
I had a dream,
When I was young,
A dream of sweet illusion,
A glimpse of hope and unity,
And visions of one sweet union,
But a cold wind blows, (FallofMan)
And a dark rain falls, (Fallen Spirits down to Earth)
And in my heart it shows,
Look what they've done to my dream.
So give me your hands,
Give me your hearts,
I'm ready,
There's only one direction,
One world one nation, - (KoH, 3rd Israel united Korea)
Yeah one vision. - (DP–Christ-True Parents = Divine Mankind)
No hate no fight,
Just excitation,
All through the night
It's a celebration wowowowo yeah.
One flesh one bone,
one true religion, - True Love
One voice one hope, - Messiah – Christ –LSA
One real decision.
Gimme one night,
Gimme ione hope,
One man one man,
One bar one night,
One day hey hey,
Just gimme gimme gimme
One vision. - DP – Christ - True Parents
A Kind Of Magic – 1986
spiritually inspired
It's a kind of magic,
It's a kind of magic,
A kind of magic,
One dream, one soul, one prize, - Messiah – Christ –LSA
One goal, one golden glance of what should be,
It's a kind of magic,
One shaft of light that shows the way,
No mortal man can win this day,
It's a mind of magic,
The bell that rings inside your mind,
It's challenging the doors of time,
It's a kind of magic,
The waiting seems eternity, yeah,
The day will dawn of sanity,
Is this a kind of magic,
There can be only one, - Messiah – Christ – LSA
This reign that lasts a thousand years (Biblical)
Will soon be gone,
This flame that burns inside of me
I'm hearing secret harmonies
It's a kind of magic,
The bell that rings inside your mind,
Is challenging the doors of time,
It's a kind of magic,
It's a kind of magic,
This reign that lasts a thousand years,
Will soon be will soon be,
Will soon be gone,
This is a kind of magic,
There can be only be one,
This reign that lasts a thousand years,
Will soon be gone,
Magic - it's a kind of magic,
It's a kind of magic,
Magic, magic, magic, magic,
It's magic,
It's a kind of magic.
It's a kind of magic.
[ From: ]
QUEEN - The Miracle 1989
All God's creations great and small
The Golden Gate and the Taj Mahal
That's a miracle
We're having a miracle on earth
Mother nature does it all for us
The wonders of this world go on
The hanging Gardens of Babylon
Captain Cook and Cain and Abel
Jimi Hendrix to the Tower of Babel
It's a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle
It's a miracle
The one thing we're all waiting for is peace on earth - an end
to war
It's a miracle we need - the miracle
The miracle we're all waiting for today - LSA Second Coming of Christ
ERIC CLAPTON – Bad Love 1989
I've had enough bad love - Fall of Man – Fallen Love
I need something I can be proud of
I've had enough bad love
No more bad love
And now I see that my life has been so blue
With all the heartaches I had till I met you
But I'm glad to say now that's all behind me
With you here by my side
And there's no more memories to remind me
Your love will keep me alive – True Gods Love
ERIC CLAPTON - My Fathers Eyes 1998
Sailing down behind the sun,
Waiting for my prince to come. - Messiah
Praying for the healing rain - TP Blessing
To restore my soul again. - 1st Blessing
Just a toe rag on the run.
How did I get here?
What have I done?
When will all my hopes arise? - 2nd Coming of Christ
How will I know him?
When I look in my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
When I look in my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
Then the light begins to shine - Gods Lighting Guidance
And I hear those ancient lullabies. - before FallofMan
ERIC CLAPTON - My Fathers Eyes
And as I watch this seedling grow, - Parents Love God-Man
Feel my heart start to overflow. - True Love
As my soul slides down to die. - FallofMan
How could I lose him?
What did I try?
Bit by bit, I've realized
That he was here with me; - Gods ever presence with us
I looked into my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
I looked into my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
I looked into my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
WHITNEY HOUSTON - My Love is Your Love 1998
If tomorrow is judgment day (Sing Mommy)
And I'm standing on the front line
And the Lord asks me what I did with my life
I will say I spent it with you
If I wake up in World War III – Prophecied in Divine Principle
physical or hopefully spiritual
I see destruction and poverty
And I feel like I want to go home
It's okay if you're coming with me
As the years they pass us by
We stay young through each other's eyes – True Love
And no matter how old we get
It's okay as long as I got you baby – True Love
WHITNEY HOUSTON – My Love is Your Love
If I should die this very day
Don't cry, 'cause on Earth we weren't meant to stay – Principle of Creation
And no matter what the people say
I'll be waiting for you after the judgment day
'Cause your love is my love
And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
Please search for more… ;-)
Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there
to inspire the most Holy original inside us all!
Have a great Blessed week. Prepared for 2nd,3rd... Gen inspiration by Bengt de Paulis.

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DP & The New Age

  • 1. Divine Principle & The New Age Introduction v. 1.2
  • 2. We can denote the fact that many spiritual signs regarding the Lord coming again in Korea are appearing like mushrooms after a rain. God's word of promise that He will pour down His Spirit upon all flesh (Acts 2:17) is being realized among the Korean people today.
  • 3. Therefore, countless men of religion are receiving very clear revelations concerning the Lord's Second Coming in Korea in many different ways, but contacting many spirit men of various levels; from the realm of miscellaneous spirits to the realm of the paradise level spirits. /Divine Principle 2nd Coming of Christ
  • 4. Cause Spiritual World Effect - Result Physical World If Adam and Eve had attained perfection and united as husband and wife, it would have meant the joining into oneness of the two centers of the dual characteristics of all beings. Had Adam and Eve moved together in harmony and attained oneness, the whole cosmos with its dual characteristics would have danced in harmony. /Principle
  • 5. We can see the New Age spiritually reflected in both Art; Older & Newer Poetry and Music As well as modern social media – FB, Twitter and Politics; Ex. 1667 Milton – Paradise Lost – sexual Fall 1913 Tagore – Korea Golden age 1920 Irish poet Yeats - ”The Second Coming” 1945 Alice Bailey The Reapearence of Christ 1992 End of World-Communism 2017 #metoo campaign against sexual harasment goes viral ”High noon reaction”
  • 6. Adam and Eve have a famous love-making scene in Book 4. After the Fall, they have a slightly steamier sex scene that is more lustful and less lovey-dovey than its counterpart in Book 4. We also learn about Satan's son Death, who is born after Satan has sex with his daughter sin.
  • 7. Quote from the Great Indian Poet Tagore about Korea: "In the golden age of Asia Korea was one of its lamp-bearess and that lamp is waiting to be lighted once again for the illumination of the East." Ref: Tagore and Korea by Kim Yang-shik (Poetess) Was it God and Heaven, already 1929 inspiring Rabindranath Tagore, Winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature, about the coming New 3rd Israel = Korea, 2nd Coming of Christ and True Parents! 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature Poet: Rabindranath Tagore India
  • 8. William Butler Yeats 1865-1939 Irish poet and drama author. He received the Nobel prize for Poetry in 1923. "The Second Coming" (1920)
  • 9. All later works by him was based on an remarkable sequence of revelations, which started on an October afternoon in the year 1917. To their surprise Mrs. Yeats had an unusual strong spiritual gift. During the following years an enormous time schedule was revealed, which covered the whole structure of history and it's meaning, in a 2000 year cycle structure. Three years later he had over 50 notebooks full of written revelations. He organized this and published it all in a 300-page volume, called "A Vision".
  • 10. Compare with the 2000 year parallells of history in SMM:s Divine Principle
  • 11. After the peace treaty was signed in Versailles on the 28th of June 1919, between the Allies and Germany, W.B. Yeats published a poem with the title "The Second Coming". (1920) Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction; the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand;
  • 12. Surely the Second Coming is at hand; The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?
  • 13. Bailey; Her vision of a unified society includes a global "spirit of religion" different from traditional religious forms and including the concept of the Age of Aquarius. p. 66 The works and teachings of Christ will be difficult to accept for the christian world, But in spite of this still be accepted in the Orient. He will be a World teacher and not just a christian teacher. Bailey
  • 14. p. 69 "the time of decission", as it is called in hierarchikal circles, was in the time of fullmoon in June 1936 and full moon in june 1945. The time of decision covered only 9 years ( a relatily short timeperiod); and resulted in the decision that Christ should return or become visible on Earth as soon as possible, and much earlier that planned. Bailey
  • 15. THEOSOPHY THE REAPPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST p. 81 Christ came to end the Jewish dispensation which should have been the climax and disappeared as a religion with the sun out of Aries, and into Pisces. He (Jesus) therefore presented Himself to them as their Messiah, manifesting through the Jewish race. By rejecting Christ as the Messiah, then the Jewish race symbolically and practically remained in the sign Aries, scapegoat, they must again pass through - symbolically - in the sign Pisces, and recognize their Messiah when He comes again in Aquaria, the sign Aquarius. Old Test. Aries New Test. Pisces Completed Test. Aquarian
  • 16. The Great Invocation The Great Invocation is a mantra given in 1937 by Bailey. The mantra begins with "From the point of Light within the Mind of God, let light stream forth into the minds of men ..." with the rest of the passage expressing the ideas of love, the return of The Christ (Maitreya) and of men acting in accordance with the plan of God.
  • 17. Comments: Compare the history and times of Sun Myung Moons life: • How He was asked to take the mission as the Second Coming, by Jesus himself 1935. – 1937 Bailey was given The Great Invocation mantra • For 9 years he fought with satan to discover the Divine Principle! • He started his mission, witnessing to Christians in Korea 5th of August in 1945, as the mission of the Second Coming of Christ ! • Bailey text quote: “Christ came to end the Jewish dispensation which should have been the climax and disappeared as a religion with the sun out of Aries.”. Comment: THIS CLEARLY CONFIRMS the DIVINE PRINCIPLE EXPLANATIONTHAT JESUS CAME TO FORM A FAMILY AND MADE JEWISH RELIGION FULFILLED WITH A NEW SINLESS MANKIND BLOSSOMING!
  • 18. From the east comes mysticism - a willingness to be absorbed in God - God is not something apart - he is something within. From the south comes all the beauty, the ritual - these things which adorn and make beautiful the message. From the north came rational thought clear thinking - reformation - and change. From the west came the critical, scientific analysis. 1964-65
  • 19. And now in the New Age, it is an age of orchestration - of a symphony - of unity. And the New Teacher will be neither Christian, Buddhist, Moslem, or anything else. The Holy Spirit speaks in universal terms - and God will no longer be fragmented. God will be the one God - who sent forth his Son not once but many times. 1964-65
  • 20. And he has the rare quality of projecting himself, which isn't a miracle really. Mr. Moon in deep meditation can project himself and be seen just as Jesus has been able to project himself and be seen by the saints. This is one of the marks - of the messiahs always. 1964-65
  • 21. #me too 2017… The "Me Too" movement spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag used on social media to help demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace. It followed soon after the public revelations of sexual misconduct allegations against american film producer.
  • 22. #me too 2017… The phrase "Me too" was tweeted by female actor Milano around noon on October 15, 2017 and had been used more than 200,000 times by the end of the day, and tweeted more than 500,000 times by October 16 On Facebook, the hashtag was used by more than 4.7 million people in 12 million posts during the first 24 hours.
  • 23. • Many times non-religious lyrics also disclose a spiritual deeper truth • the desire for True Love and eternal happiness • Eternal relationship with God • Complete Salvation through Christ • A lot of music has been composed to complement religion, and many composers have derived inspiration from their own religion. Many forms of traditional music have been adapted to fit religions' purposes or have descended from religious music. /Wikipedia Lyrics
  • 24. David playing his harp Old Test. Age
  • 25. • Acts 2:17 - And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: • Amos 3:7 - Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. • Joel 2:28 - And it shall come to pass afterward, [that] I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
  • 26. • 1960 • Earths largest Eartquake in Valdivia Chile. 9.5 on the Richter scale • The April Revolution... Pres. Syngman Rhee of Korea overpowered • “Love Age” over the World, Music: The Beatles Dylan Simon&Garfunkel Internal Peace External turmoil • April 1960 • True Parents Wedding • Blessing of 36 couples
  • 27. In May 1960, Dylan dropped out of college at the end of his first year. In January 1961, he traveled to New York City, to perform there and visit his musical idol Woody Guthrie, who was seriously ill with Huntington's disease in Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital. Guthrie had been a revelation to Dylan and influenced his early performances. Describing Guthrie's impact, he wrote: "The songs themselves had the infinite sweep of humanity in them... [He] was the true voice of the American spirit. I said to myself I was going to be Guthrie's greatest disciple.“ 1960 Music
  • 28. World wide Love explosion! Many Spiritual inspired Songs: All together now All you need is Love And I Love her Im in Love The Inner Light The Saints She loves you Words of Love ….
  • 29. ELVIS PRESLEY – DIVINE PRINCIPLE American documentary photographer William Egglestone, took this picure of the desk at Elvis Presleys home Graceland. The book at the bottom is Divine Principle 1973 version. 1935-1977
  • 30. ELVIS PRESLEY – DIVINE PRINCIPLE Curiosa: There was a try and desire from True Father in the 70s to contact Elvis Presley and bring him to Korea. Elvis had a clear spiritual and religious inclination And became fameous for his Gospel singing in the end of his life. A wondeful blessed singer, with still one of the largest vocal register ever. Google for Elvis Gospel!  1935-1977
  • 31. Paranoid - Black Sabbath 1970 Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my (fallen)mind People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy Fallen Mankind – cut off from God. Think I'll lose my mind if I don't find something to pacify Can you help me, occupy my brain?
  • 32. Oh yeah I need someone to show me the things in life that I can't find I can't see the things that make true happiness, True Love – the Blessing I must be blind Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry Happiness I cannot feel and (Fallen) love to me is so unreal And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late.
  • 33. ROLLING STONES The Stones in fact played "Sympathy for the Devil" earlier in the concert; it was interrupted by a fight and restarted, Jagger commenting, "We're always having--something very funny happens when we start that number." Comment: Evil Spiritual World interacting! Several other songs were performed before Hunter was killed at a concert.
  • 34. ROLLING STONES HONKY TONK WOMEN This video, for me another spiritual "bulls-eye"- unconceous TRUTH- reflection what the Biblical Fall of Man was all about. Fallen sexuality - todays visable unconseous FRUIT of the Biblical Fall, the ROOT. Look first and last minute of the background-video, the end where the remains of fallen human is being spit out... like by satan - sexually EATen and finished. Gen. 3:20
  • 35. ABBA – One Man One Woman 1977 One man, one woman One man, one woman Two friends and two true lovers – True Parents Somehow we'll help each other through the hard times One man, one woman One life to live together One chance to take that never comes back again - time of 2nd Advent You and me, to the end Outside I can see the sun through the open window Inside everything feels so cold - Fall of Man What's wrong, what is happening, where did all our love go Sometimes when I just can't cope I cling to a desperate hope - Restoration - 2nd Coming of Christ - Resurrection And I cry and I feel like dying
  • 36. ERIC CLAPTON – Lay Down Sally 1977 ... Lay down, Sally, and rest you in my arms. Don't you think you want someone to talk to? – Gods Holy Word Lay down, Sally, no need to leave so soon. I've been trying all night long just to talk to you. – 6000 Biblical years The sun ain't nearly on the rise And we still got the moon and stars above. Underneath the velvet skies, Love is all that matters. Won't you stay with me? – True Love And don't you ever leave.
  • 37. Liz Dear Bengt - just to add to the songs about love, this song from England Dan and John Ford Coley from 1979 – Love is the Answer
  • 38. QUEEN - One Vision 1985 No wrong no right, I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white, - One Love Race No blood no stain, - Absolute Purity All we need is one world wide vision - Divine Principle One flesh one bone, One true religion, - Unification of All Religions
  • 39. QUEEN - One Vision 1985 One man one goal one mission, - Jesus True Father One heart one soul just one solution, - Blessing One flash of light yeah one god one vision - New Revelation One flesh one bone, One true religion, One voice one hope, One real decision, Wowowowo gimme one vision
  • 40. QUEEN - One Vision I had a dream, When I was young, A dream of sweet illusion, A glimpse of hope and unity, And visions of one sweet union, - Unification Movement But a cold wind blows, - FallofMan And a dark rain falls, - FallofMan And in my heart it shows, - FallofMan Look what they've done to my dream - FallofMan
  • 41. BOB DYLAN SPIRIT WORLD COOPERATION! Bob Dylan: “The Songs just came through me. I did not have to write them myself“ /From the Biography of Steve Jobs “Founder of Apple”
  • 42. One night I was lying in bed and listening to the radio. I remember listening to The Staple Singers' "Uncloudy Day". And it was the most mysterious thing I'd ever heard. It was like the fog rolling in. I heard it again, maybe the next night, and its mystery had even deepened. What was that? How do you make that? It just went through me like my body was invisible. And that singer is pulling things out of my soul that I never knew were there. After hearing it for the second time, I don't think I could even sleep that night. I knew these Staple Singers were different than any other gospel group. /Dylan
  • 43. Same dress without knowing! Amazing coinsidense! Or a greeting from True Father in Spirit World Listen to this amazing story! 2015 Spiritual
  • 44. I Want To Know What Love Is - 1984 Now this mountain I must climb, - Finding DP - Saving the World feels like the world upon my shoulders - The Second Coming Through the clouds I see love shine, - Gods Love it keeps me warm as life grows colder - Rejection In my life there's been heartache and pain – True Love missing I don't know if I can face it again Can't stop now, I've traveled so far, to change this lonely life Foreigner
  • 45. I Want To Know What Love Is - 1984 Comment: I first heard about this very emotional Song suggested by In Jin Moon; in her youtube Channel 2015; What is Love? – YouTube Thank you In Jin  Foreigner
  • 46. Subcounceous Heavenly Spiritual Inspiration! 1984 The year Heung Jin Nim dies! And is recieved as a King in the Spiritual World (link) The King's right has been coming to True Parents' side by Heung Jin Nim's ascension
  • 47. One of many HJN:s Messages from Spir. World Pornography – A diease The real problem with pornography is that it is a spiritual disease. Because the original fall involved lust, every fallen person has that base deep in themselves. When you watch pornography you do two things. First, you stimulate that root of sin in yourself. You have no idea how strong and dangerous it can be. It's lying there in everyone waiting to become an addiction.
  • 48. When you start watching pornography that root of sin is stimulated and it gets really hungry. It wants more and more. You find it so hard to stop watching. It's not like anything else that you might be looking at. Part of you gets really fascinated. More than anything else in the world, this is the one thing that is hard to stop watching. And the memories stick in your mind and they keep flashing back into your memory stimulating you again. (link)
  • 49. Whitney Houston - Greatest Love Of All - 1985 I believe the children are our future – Pure Sinless Blessed Children Show them all the beauty they possess inside – DP-CSG-CBG Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be – before the Fall Everybody's searching for a hero People need someone to look up to – The Messiah I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs A lonely place to be – Fallen state And so I learned to depend on me
  • 50. Let's talk about love, I want to know what love is The love that you feel inside, I want you to show me And I'm feeling so much love, I want to feel what love is No, you just can't hide, I know you can show me I want to know what love is (let's talk about love), I know you can show me. - TRUE LOVE!
  • 51. One man one goal one mission, - Messiah – Christ –LSA One heart one soul just one solution, One flash of light yeah one god one vision. One flesh one bone, One true religion, One voice one hope, Wowowowo gimme one vision. One Vision – 1985 spiritually very inspired Queen
  • 52. No wrong no right, I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white, - Love Race No Blood no stain, All we need is one world wide vision. - DP - True Parents One flesh one bone, one true religion, - Divine Principle One voice one hope, Wowowowo gimme one vision.
  • 53. I had a dream, When I was young, A dream of sweet illusion, A glimpse of hope and unity, And visions of one sweet union, But a cold wind blows, (FallofMan) And a dark rain falls, (Fallen Spirits down to Earth) And in my heart it shows, Look what they've done to my dream.
  • 54. So give me your hands, Give me your hearts, I'm ready, There's only one direction, One world one nation, - (KoH, 3rd Israel united Korea) Yeah one vision. - (DP–Christ-True Parents = Divine Mankind)
  • 55. No hate no fight, Just excitation, All through the night It's a celebration wowowowo yeah. One flesh one bone, one true religion, - True Love One voice one hope, - Messiah – Christ –LSA One real decision.
  • 56. Gimme one night, Gimme ione hope, One man one man, One bar one night, One day hey hey, Just gimme gimme gimme One vision. - DP – Christ - True Parents
  • 57. A Kind Of Magic – 1986 spiritually inspired It's a kind of magic, It's a kind of magic, A kind of magic, One dream, one soul, one prize, - Messiah – Christ –LSA One goal, one golden glance of what should be, It's a kind of magic, One shaft of light that shows the way, No mortal man can win this day,
  • 58. It's a mind of magic, The bell that rings inside your mind, It's challenging the doors of time, It's a kind of magic, The waiting seems eternity, yeah, The day will dawn of sanity, Is this a kind of magic, There can be only one, - Messiah – Christ – LSA This reign that lasts a thousand years (Biblical) Will soon be gone, This flame that burns inside of me
  • 59. I'm hearing secret harmonies It's a kind of magic, The bell that rings inside your mind, Is challenging the doors of time, It's a kind of magic, It's a kind of magic, This reign that lasts a thousand years, Will soon be will soon be, Will soon be gone,
  • 60. This is a kind of magic, There can be only be one, This reign that lasts a thousand years, Will soon be gone, Magic - it's a kind of magic, It's a kind of magic, Magic, magic, magic, magic, It's magic, It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. [ From: ]
  • 61. QUEEN - The Miracle 1989 All God's creations great and small The Golden Gate and the Taj Mahal That's a miracle We're having a miracle on earth Mother nature does it all for us The wonders of this world go on The hanging Gardens of Babylon Captain Cook and Cain and Abel Jimi Hendrix to the Tower of Babel It's a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle It's a miracle The one thing we're all waiting for is peace on earth - an end to war It's a miracle we need - the miracle The miracle we're all waiting for today - LSA Second Coming of Christ
  • 62. ERIC CLAPTON – Bad Love 1989 ... I've had enough bad love - Fall of Man – Fallen Love I need something I can be proud of I've had enough bad love No more bad love And now I see that my life has been so blue With all the heartaches I had till I met you But I'm glad to say now that's all behind me With you here by my side And there's no more memories to remind me Your love will keep me alive – True Gods Love
  • 63. ERIC CLAPTON - My Fathers Eyes 1998 Sailing down behind the sun, Waiting for my prince to come. - Messiah Praying for the healing rain - TP Blessing To restore my soul again. - 1st Blessing Just a toe rag on the run. How did I get here? What have I done? When will all my hopes arise? - 2nd Coming of Christ How will I know him? When I look in my father's eyes. My father's eyes. When I look in my father's eyes. My father's eyes. Then the light begins to shine - Gods Lighting Guidance And I hear those ancient lullabies. - before FallofMan
  • 64. ERIC CLAPTON - My Fathers Eyes And as I watch this seedling grow, - Parents Love God-Man Feel my heart start to overflow. - True Love … As my soul slides down to die. - FallofMan How could I lose him? What did I try? Bit by bit, I've realized That he was here with me; - Gods ever presence with us I looked into my father's eyes. My father's eyes. I looked into my father's eyes. My father's eyes. My father's eyes. My father's eyes. I looked into my father's eyes. My father's eyes.
  • 65. WHITNEY HOUSTON - My Love is Your Love 1998 If tomorrow is judgment day (Sing Mommy) And I'm standing on the front line And the Lord asks me what I did with my life I will say I spent it with you If I wake up in World War III – Prophecied in Divine Principle physical or hopefully spiritual I see destruction and poverty And I feel like I want to go home It's okay if you're coming with me … As the years they pass us by We stay young through each other's eyes – True Love And no matter how old we get It's okay as long as I got you baby – True Love
  • 66. WHITNEY HOUSTON – My Love is Your Love If I should die this very day Don't cry, 'cause on Earth we weren't meant to stay – Principle of Creation And no matter what the people say I'll be waiting for you after the judgment day 'Cause your love is my love And my love is your love It would take an eternity to break us
  • 67. End Please search for more… ;-)
  • 68. Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire the most Holy original inside us all! Have a great Blessed week. Prepared for 2nd,3rd... Gen inspiration by Bengt de Paulis.