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This double page spread is a feature of an
 NME magazine. It’s an overall attractive
 layout and although there isn’t much             This main image of the artist is portrayed to look uninterested and rather
 balance between the two pages, I still think     dejected; this is because of his facial expressions. The fact this is such a
 that this is appealing and looks quite easy      close up shot means that his facial expressions are the main focus and are
 to follow and read. There is one page            looked at with great detail. This lack of light and the overall gloominess of
 which is for the textual side of this spread     the image exaggerates the suspected glumness of this artists personality.
 and the visual side also. However, the main      The fact that there is no artificial lighting used throughout this entire
 focus is definitely the ‘extreme close up        spread creates the feeling that he is not being photographed, but is just
 shot’ of the artist, Graham Coxon.               stood there looking at the audience, making this image more powerful.

The colour palette used                                                                                    This use of altering
is rather soft and dull;                                                                                   word colouration
which remains                                                                                              creates an ‘arty’
throughout the entire                                                                                      twist on the article
spread with this same                                                                                      and could link in
theme on both pages.                                                                                       with this particular
This is quite relevant to                                                                                  artists’ music style.
this theme of article, as                                                                                  This also could be
the large quote gives us                                                                                   seen as having a link
the sense that this                                                                                        in with the text, as
particular article could                                                                                   it has a subtle vomit
be quite like the ‘drug,                                                                                   inducing shade of
sex, and rock and roll’                                                                                    green. Also, this is
theme of the 60’s-                                                                                         an effective way of
therefore, this glazed,                                                                                    breaking up the text
‘blurred’ effect is quite                                                                                  and contrasts
                             The artist is addressing the audience          This overly large quote
well suited as it almost                                                                                   greatly with the
connotes ‘recklessness’.     directly through eye contact, pulling the      taken from the interview       cleanliness and
Although this could also     readers towards reading the article, and       below it, adds to the          purity of this white
                             the blankness of this man’s expression         overall quirkiness and
been seen in a totally                                                                                     background.
opposing way, and that       almost makes us feel sympathy towards          unique look of this
                             him; before even reading the article.          layout. It has altering
it’s a nice change to the
                             Supported by the use of white space, this      font sizes for each letter
typical ‘punk’ style, loud
                             overall simplicity of this double page         and this draws the
brightly coloured
                             spread creates that individual and             reader into reading this
photographs and busy
                             modern effect.                                 particular text extract.
This double page spread is taken from a magazine called ’Clash’. The      The colour palette used in this double page
Kaiser Chiefs is the main subject of this particular magazine and         spread is black, yellows and white. This use of
therefore this is their double page feature.                              yellows creates a sense of positivity as it is
This is a fantastic example of a good double page magazine spread         particularly ‘happy’ colour, therefore connoting
with a balanced layout. It is far more unique than any other              happiness.
magazines and overall looks very appealing.                               The background/main image that spans
The strong background image is so strong and relevant to the subject      through both pages of this double page spread
that this layout simply couldn’t go wrong!                                Is of the band walking down through a busy
There is almost a perfect balance between text amounts on either          street. This gives a sense that the band
side of the pages, both with an even extract of bold text. This sense     members are not very glamorized and we get
of ‘symmetry’ with both the image, heading and text makes this            the feeling that they are more genuine and
double page spread much easier and simple to read.                        ‘real’, that we can relate to them more easily.

Band members                                                                                        Band members all
appear to be well                                                                                   appear to be smiling
dressed and                                                                                         and happy. This
suave. This could                                                                                   creates the sense that
connote a target                                                                                    they are lighthearted
audience of men                                                                                     and carefree; the type
who take an                                                                                         of people that you
interest as to                                                                                      look up to, and make
what they wear                                                                                      good role models,
and, like this                                                                                      connoting that this is
band in                                                                                             representation of a
particular, have                                                                                    ‘fun’ ethic in the
an individual                                                                                       band.
sense of style.

The masthead is quite transparent, this simple outline of the      The large bold quote shown in the centre of the article
text allows the reader to see the background image, and looks      is a perfect way to break up the text and make it appear
effective. But still it’s noticeable from quite a distance. This   more ‘readable’. This is a quote is probably seen as the
title is also positioned just below the heads of the band,         most humorous and interesting thing that the band
therefore nothing form the main image is lost. This masthead       member said during this interview, which seems to
also sticks with the colour palette of white, black and yellows.   have been taken from the bulk of the article. This is
The font style is also rather vintage and unique, much like the    most likely going to be the first thing that the viewers
music genre and the overall individuality of the band members      will read, therefore it is important that this quote
shown in this feature.                                             intrigues and encourages them to read on.
This contents page is spread over a double
    page. This has worked well because the
    text and the images do not appear too
    crowded and confusing.                            These supporting images are conventional and located next to the
    Everything has been spaced out evenly             text column.
    and it is nicely balanced and easy to look        All of the images relating to the magazine contents and therefore
    at.                                               sticking to the main subject and purpose of the magazine.

   I think that this magazine could be aimed
                                                      There seems to be a main contents page image, this is a self
   at both females and males, because the
                                                      portrait image of a musician. However, only people familiar with
   colours and images used are not biased in
                                                      this particular music genre, shown in this magazine would be
   any way or directly appealing towards just
                                                      familiar with who this man would be. His direct eye contact
   the one gender. I also think that this
                                                      appears to be a ‘soft gaze’ and he appears to be happy and holding
   particular magazine would have the target
                                                      a relaxed pose. This instantly makes the audience want to read this
   audience of both females and males of
                                                      predominant article he is supporting.

There is definitely                                                                                      The text columns are
a sense of balance                                                                                       laid out vertically,
and symmetry                                                                                             next to the coloured
with both of these                                                                                       design on the edges
pages. The two                                                                                           of the page this
graphics, coloured                                                                                       means that the text
patterns on either                                                                                       is a lot easier to read.
side of the pages
are quite unusual
                                                                                                         The main headlines
and different,
                                                                                                         of this contents page
these bright happy
                                                                                                         would be the subject
colours connote
                                                                                                         headings which are
that the magazine
                                                                                                         shown above the
is unique and
                                                                                                         page numbers. This
                                                                                                         makes it a lot easier
                                                                                                         for the audience to
These other supporting images are much smaller and less           The colour palette is quite simple     clearly distinguish
eye catching. Simply because they are at the bottom of the        with a slash of colour from the        what the sorts of
page and all bunched up together, side by side.                   coloured graphics well suited to       aspects of the
Also, I think that the page numbers shown by each image           the music genre.                       magazine there are.
are all different sizes and this highlights there importance.
By looking at this particular double page           The mise en scene of this DPS aiming       This spread has been divided up
spread, taken from the music magazine               to present the artist as a very strong     into a textual page and a visual
'Mojo', i get the impression that the target        and almost vicious character. His          page. This, to me, is not a very
audience would be, males and possibly               facial expressions and stance over         conventional way of
females that are fans of this particular artist,    his guitar are both key gestures that      presentation as there is nothing
Neil Young. The type of people who would            show he is very passionate about his       that breaks up the text in any
enjoy this music genre, generally ages 35+          music. The light is highlighting the       way. However, i do like that this
because Neil Young is a musician from               artists face which also shows that         creates the article to be more
about 40 years ago. Therefore, people from          this ‘musical passion’ he is               ‘straight to the point’ and easy
that era would be most familiar with his            expressing is a focal point of this        to read and follow.
work.                                               double page spread.

This particular colour palette used is made up of white, gold,         On the right page of this spread, the image of the guitar
grey and black. Making it appear quite formal if compared to           is very slightly overlapping onto the left page. This is an
other music magazine articles, which are quite commonly used           indication that this particular article is a double page
with lots of loud and vibrant colours. This is quite well suited       spread and is an important feature of this layout as it
to the particular target audience, as they are all quite classical     gives the impression that the two pages are just one and
colours that show importance and class.                                both relate to the same thing, Neil young’s work.

The main title, “BE                                                                                       The use of a black and
THERE, BE HERE NOW, BE                                                                                    white image is also
IN IT” is quite effective                                                                                 relevant to the target
because it stands out                                                                                     audience as it shows
amongst the rest of the                                                                                   that this photograph
text and the capital                                                                                      could have been
letters also show they are                                                                                taken ‘in the moment’
particularly import and                                                                                   when black and white
words. The bold white                                                                                     images were all the
contrasts greatly with the                                                                                rage. This is a great
black background. The                                                                                     way to help
golden colour also adds a                                                                                 emphasize it’s age
certain level of                                                                                          and also the style of
importance as gold Is a                                                                                   the photograph. This
very powerful colour that                                                                                 also presents the
is known for its value.                                                                                   artist in a powerful
                                                                                                          and energized way.
The use of a single text          Directly underneath the main heading, there is the ‘lead’. Which
column creates a unique           has purposefully been placed just under the masthead to drip
layout because a typical
                                  feed information about this article and describe clearly to the
double page spread
would commonly be 3 or            audience what the contents shall include and try to attract the
more columns.                     readers into reading the rest of the article!
The main image is most definitely the focal point of the page, because the       The direct eye contact could suggest
balance between text and image is nonproportional. The majority of the page      that this artist wants the viewers to
is made up of this one image. However, I think this is an unconventional grid    read on and this makes him also
use, because the layout of this page isn’t balanced. Therefore, the eyes are     appear like his music is meaningful
naturally drawn straight to the image and the text is not acknowledged until     and emotional perhaps.
last. This, taking the viewers off the aim and main purpose of this contents     This single image would purposefully
page and are distracted by this image. Although, this could also be seen as a    draw the viewers in to reading that
good thing because viewers could then question what this image is showing,       predominant article.
therefore they are encouraged to read on.

The text columns are laid out                                                                The main page headline
vertically down the left hand                                                                would be the masthead,
side of the page, providing a                                                                ‘Contents’ and the
simple layout.                                                                               magazine title restated in
                                                                                             the top left corner. This
                                                                                             could be to remind the
The contents section features
                                                                                             viewers of the magazine
the articles in bold text along
                                                                                             name and signify this
with a ‘tagline’ from those
                                                                                             importance; making it
particular articles. This could be
                                                                                             more memorable. Also,
to give the viewers a quick
                                                                                             this title is the largest text
insight into what these articles
                                                                                             on the page and the
will include. And the type of
                                                                                             letters are all in capital
content included with this
                                                                                             letters, connoting the
particular magazine.
                                                                                             importance of this
                                                                                             masthead, so that viewers
Each of the page numbers are                                                                 recognize this as being the
highlighted in red. This use of                                                              contents page.
colour amongst the other black
text and white background could                                                              This contents page is
signify their importance and                                                                 minimalistic and less
encourage the readers to notice                                                              complex which makes this
these first. This suggests that                                                              particular magazine
this page has been well-thought-       The colour palette is of a simple and                 appear more modern and
out and has stuck to its main          minimalistic red white and black. This is quite       ‘to the point’ because it
purpose, which is to guide the         traditional and makes the red text stand out the      does not include too much
readers to the articles that this      most and so the text can be broken up                 text or imagery.
contents page has highlighted.         effectively into levels of importance.
Making the magazine easy to
read and follow.
This particular contents page seems to be directed more           Each of the other supporting images are all quite
    to the male audience. The images show only males and              similar in size. This could suggest that each of these
    the colour palette used all support this. The target              are of equal importance and the purpose of this
    audience seems to be men ages 17+. Simply because the             contents page was not to draw the viewers
    bands shown in the images are not very modern and the             attention towards just one or two main articles, but
    use of a black and white image also suggests that this            for all to be acknowledged evenly. All of these
    magazine would only appeal to a more mature audience.             images are also conventional and relate to the
                                                                      music genre being supported.

    I think that the red text signifies heat,
    anger and violence. This, to me, is quite
    like the heavy sort of rock and roll music.                         The ‘grid’ appears to be dominated mainly by images
    This is again well suited as it all links to                        and the text is not the most important aspect/focus of
    the subject of the magazine.                                        the page because it is the last thing that the eyes are
                                                                        naturally drawn to on the page setup.

                                                                                            All of the four supporting
The main contents                                                                           images each have the same
image includes band                                                                         font and font size. This also
members standing side                                                                       shows that they are all of
by side. The four men                                                                       equal importance and also
are each holding the                                                                        that this page has a ‘set’
stance and expression                                                                       theme. This use of just one
as if they seem to think                                                                    font and an appropriate
highly of themselves                                                                        colour palette also gives the
and this could possibly                                                                     sense or an organized and
reflect their                                                                               well though-out magazine.
personalities and the
music that they                                                                             The main headlines of this
produce. Therefore, this                                                                    contents page would be the
particular image could                                                                      subject headings which are
predominately draw the                                                                      shown above the page
audience towards that                                                                       numbers. This makes it a lot
article in which this                                                                       easier for the audience to
image is supporting.                       The colour palette used is relevant to the       clearly distinguish what the
                                           ‘Rock’ genre as there is a lot of colour         sorts of aspects of the
                                           included and the red, black and white all        magazine there are.
                                           seem quite ‘old school’ and attractive and       There are also taglines for
                                           easy to look at.                                 each image which makes it
                                                                                            easier for the reader to
There is a sense of balance shown in this contents page as I                                distinguish what each article
think that the images have been laid out quite neatly and                                   is going to be about.
the one overlapping image works well and makes the page
appear more ‘laidback’ and as if the images have been quite
carelessly places. But this could connote the personalities of
the target audience.
There is no ‘selling line’ presented on the magazine
   cover. However, there is a short list of well-known
   artists names headlined up the very top of the page;        The main figure of this magazine cover is
   presented neatly and clearly, so that they are not          holding a very strong stance and
   missed or lost amongst other text. This is almost           expression. This could connote that he is a
   acting as a selling line because we recognize these         powerful and important man who seems to
   are music related articles, so we then know what the        be focused and well-off (by his smart 3-
   purpose of the magazine is.                                 piece tuxedo).

The masthead is very bold          They have combined the word ‘terror’ with the rap artist ’50
and powerful. The solid white      Cent’. This has also been shown through the main image. There
is well contrasted with the        is ‘terror’ being shown in the background and the artist is being
background colour and the          shown strong-faced stood in the foreground.
colour of the main figures
skin.                                                                                 This rather abrupt ‘mode of
                                                                                      language’ used- ‘best damn’
His strong, forceful gaze is                                                          is almost pushing the readers
projected directly towards the                                                        into buying and reading this
audience/viewers almost                                                               particular magazine. This
making us feel quite                                                                  ‘slang’ could well of been
intimidated and small.                                                                used for their intended
- Also makes me wonder what                                                           audience.
has angered him. Whether, it
was the action happening                                                              Although the background is
behind him?                                                                           very busy and eye-catching,
                                                                                      the main focal point is still the
There is quite a lot of use of                                                        rap artist. Therefore keeping
symbols throughout this front                                                         in with the magazine’s
cover. These are a great way                                                          purpose and not putting
to capture the attention of the                                                       forward the wrong message
readers and to break up the                                                           and attracting the wrong sort
text as well.                                                                         of audience.

The brief case also seems to be well suited with his                            The red and yellow text also
suit and his ‘business class look’. But also makes me                           brings out the strong colours
wonder what is inside it… Money, important files, a                             of the flames, shown in the
bomb? Creating a sense of mystery.                                              background.
The masthead is also a very
 attractive and recognizable colour-                                             The font of the masthead is
 ‘red’ and ‘white’. These work                                                   powerful, strong and eye
 really well together and stand out          The large whit text of the
                                             lure/hook matches well with the     catching. The outline of the
 amoungst all of the other text.                                                 white and the black shadowed
                                             man’s clothing and almost
                                             ‘brings out’ the smaller white      effect contrast each other and
Red text signifies violence,                 text. This also proves that there   make it appear as though it is
aggression, death and unsettlement,          is a colour palette used,           jumping out from the page
so is very well suited and                   including white and red.            and towards the audience.
thoughtout to the magazine cover.                                                It is also well suited to the
                                                                                 main image and the type of
                                                                                 magazine- powerful and
 The main fugure has no direct                                                   rather abrupt.
 eye contact, this to me isnt
 very captivating and effective
 because it doesn’t grasp the                                                       Text is well balanced out on
 attention of the target                                                            either sides of the image and
 audience.                                                                          page.
 - However, this to me is also a
 really effective way to display
 the mans real emotion and
                                                                                  All of the text is red and
 pain. Almost making us, as
                                                                                  white. Which, as stated
 viewers almost feel his pain
                                                                                  before, symbolizes hurt and
 and affliction.
                                                                                  anger and therefore, this is
                                                                                  keeping to a theme and
         ‘Suicide’- links I well                                                  structure.
         with the strong,
         disturbing main image
         which connotes self                                                      The man has tattoos and is
         harm and ‘suicide’.                                                      shown wearing a wife beater
                                                                                  vest on. These could be seen
                                                                                  as stereotypical ‘bad man’
     This is a very eye-opening main image with a strong gesture that seems       features. Which, to me the
     to have some sort of meaning behind why it’s being used as the cover of      gun just proves this, as he
     a magazine. Creating a sense of curiosity as to what the magazine content    appears to be a violent sort of
     would be about.                                                              person.
The large ‘Q’-the
 Main image has no emotion              masthead is very
 showing. This connotes that he is      recognizable and distinct
 quite a powerful and strong            as it’s clearly placed on a
 character. The men shown also in       solid colour; almost
 the reflection are holding no          separated from the rest of
 expression either. This could          the magazine cover.
 mean that this band in particular
 may want to be taken quite
 seriously.                                        The cover is really well balanced out. For example, the
                                                   large circular ‘Q’ of the masthead and the opposite side of
                                                   it is some smaller text inside a circular outline. This gives
   The main figure is                              a sense of balance and is also an effective way to ‘bring
   quite clean cut. This                           out’ this smaller text by giving it a border.
   makes the cover
   appear more tidy and

                                                                                      All of the text is running
The text is all in red,                                                               horizontally. This is proof
white, black and a                                                                    that it has been designed
gold-brown colour.                                                                    not to become confusing
Showing that a colour                                                                 and appear unattractive
palette has been                                                                      and untidy.
included and there is a
sense of structure and
- The gold-brown text
matches with parts of
the main image. His                                                                     The cover lines are a
clothing and skin tone.                                                                 mixture of quotations,
- The red, being a very                                                                 band/artist names and
strong and powerful                                                                     also article features.
colour also shows                                                                       This is quite a nice way
through with the main                                                                   to show variation, and
figures lip colour.                                                                     that the content of this
                                                                                        particular magazine will
                                                                                        be varied and not all just
                                                                                        the same.
   ‘Liam’s’- it is only his
   first name, which
   could prove that he is
   very well known in the            The main cover line
                                     includes a personal                        There is no background. It
   band and that the                                                            is quite bland and bare, with
   target audience of this           pronoun, ‘Liam’s’
                                     which could connote                        no distractions. This makes
   particular magazine                                                          our eyes automatically focus
   would clearly know                that the main image of
                                     the single figure could                    in on the main image, and
   who he is, simply by                                                         what we make of it.
   reading his first name.           be the most important of
                                     the group. The leader.

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Double Page Spread/ Contents/ Front Cover deconstructions:

  • 1. This double page spread is a feature of an NME magazine. It’s an overall attractive layout and although there isn’t much This main image of the artist is portrayed to look uninterested and rather balance between the two pages, I still think dejected; this is because of his facial expressions. The fact this is such a that this is appealing and looks quite easy close up shot means that his facial expressions are the main focus and are to follow and read. There is one page looked at with great detail. This lack of light and the overall gloominess of which is for the textual side of this spread the image exaggerates the suspected glumness of this artists personality. and the visual side also. However, the main The fact that there is no artificial lighting used throughout this entire focus is definitely the ‘extreme close up spread creates the feeling that he is not being photographed, but is just shot’ of the artist, Graham Coxon. stood there looking at the audience, making this image more powerful. The colour palette used This use of altering is rather soft and dull; word colouration which remains creates an ‘arty’ throughout the entire twist on the article spread with this same and could link in theme on both pages. with this particular This is quite relevant to artists’ music style. this theme of article, as This also could be the large quote gives us seen as having a link the sense that this in with the text, as particular article could it has a subtle vomit be quite like the ‘drug, inducing shade of sex, and rock and roll’ green. Also, this is theme of the 60’s- an effective way of therefore, this glazed, breaking up the text ‘blurred’ effect is quite and contrasts The artist is addressing the audience This overly large quote well suited as it almost greatly with the connotes ‘recklessness’. directly through eye contact, pulling the taken from the interview cleanliness and Although this could also readers towards reading the article, and below it, adds to the purity of this white the blankness of this man’s expression overall quirkiness and been seen in a totally background. opposing way, and that almost makes us feel sympathy towards unique look of this him; before even reading the article. layout. It has altering it’s a nice change to the Supported by the use of white space, this font sizes for each letter typical ‘punk’ style, loud overall simplicity of this double page and this draws the brightly coloured spread creates that individual and reader into reading this photographs and busy modern effect. particular text extract. layouts.
  • 2. This double page spread is taken from a magazine called ’Clash’. The The colour palette used in this double page Kaiser Chiefs is the main subject of this particular magazine and spread is black, yellows and white. This use of therefore this is their double page feature. yellows creates a sense of positivity as it is This is a fantastic example of a good double page magazine spread particularly ‘happy’ colour, therefore connoting with a balanced layout. It is far more unique than any other happiness. magazines and overall looks very appealing. The background/main image that spans The strong background image is so strong and relevant to the subject through both pages of this double page spread that this layout simply couldn’t go wrong! Is of the band walking down through a busy There is almost a perfect balance between text amounts on either street. This gives a sense that the band side of the pages, both with an even extract of bold text. This sense members are not very glamorized and we get of ‘symmetry’ with both the image, heading and text makes this the feeling that they are more genuine and double page spread much easier and simple to read. ‘real’, that we can relate to them more easily. Band members Band members all appear to be well appear to be smiling dressed and and happy. This suave. This could creates the sense that connote a target they are lighthearted audience of men and carefree; the type who take an of people that you interest as to look up to, and make what they wear good role models, and, like this connoting that this is band in representation of a particular, have ‘fun’ ethic in the an individual band. sense of style. The masthead is quite transparent, this simple outline of the The large bold quote shown in the centre of the article text allows the reader to see the background image, and looks is a perfect way to break up the text and make it appear effective. But still it’s noticeable from quite a distance. This more ‘readable’. This is a quote is probably seen as the title is also positioned just below the heads of the band, most humorous and interesting thing that the band therefore nothing form the main image is lost. This masthead member said during this interview, which seems to also sticks with the colour palette of white, black and yellows. have been taken from the bulk of the article. This is The font style is also rather vintage and unique, much like the most likely going to be the first thing that the viewers music genre and the overall individuality of the band members will read, therefore it is important that this quote shown in this feature. intrigues and encourages them to read on.
  • 3. This contents page is spread over a double page. This has worked well because the text and the images do not appear too crowded and confusing. These supporting images are conventional and located next to the Everything has been spaced out evenly text column. and it is nicely balanced and easy to look All of the images relating to the magazine contents and therefore at. sticking to the main subject and purpose of the magazine. I think that this magazine could be aimed There seems to be a main contents page image, this is a self at both females and males, because the portrait image of a musician. However, only people familiar with colours and images used are not biased in this particular music genre, shown in this magazine would be any way or directly appealing towards just familiar with who this man would be. His direct eye contact the one gender. I also think that this appears to be a ‘soft gaze’ and he appears to be happy and holding particular magazine would have the target a relaxed pose. This instantly makes the audience want to read this audience of both females and males of predominant article he is supporting. 15+. There is definitely The text columns are a sense of balance laid out vertically, and symmetry next to the coloured with both of these design on the edges pages. The two of the page this graphics, coloured means that the text patterns on either is a lot easier to read. side of the pages are quite unusual The main headlines and different, of this contents page these bright happy would be the subject colours connote headings which are that the magazine shown above the is unique and page numbers. This bright. makes it a lot easier for the audience to These other supporting images are much smaller and less The colour palette is quite simple clearly distinguish eye catching. Simply because they are at the bottom of the with a slash of colour from the what the sorts of page and all bunched up together, side by side. coloured graphics well suited to aspects of the Also, I think that the page numbers shown by each image the music genre. magazine there are. are all different sizes and this highlights there importance.
  • 4. By looking at this particular double page The mise en scene of this DPS aiming This spread has been divided up spread, taken from the music magazine to present the artist as a very strong into a textual page and a visual 'Mojo', i get the impression that the target and almost vicious character. His page. This, to me, is not a very audience would be, males and possibly facial expressions and stance over conventional way of females that are fans of this particular artist, his guitar are both key gestures that presentation as there is nothing Neil Young. The type of people who would show he is very passionate about his that breaks up the text in any enjoy this music genre, generally ages 35+ music. The light is highlighting the way. However, i do like that this because Neil Young is a musician from artists face which also shows that creates the article to be more about 40 years ago. Therefore, people from this ‘musical passion’ he is ‘straight to the point’ and easy that era would be most familiar with his expressing is a focal point of this to read and follow. work. double page spread. This particular colour palette used is made up of white, gold, On the right page of this spread, the image of the guitar grey and black. Making it appear quite formal if compared to is very slightly overlapping onto the left page. This is an other music magazine articles, which are quite commonly used indication that this particular article is a double page with lots of loud and vibrant colours. This is quite well suited spread and is an important feature of this layout as it to the particular target audience, as they are all quite classical gives the impression that the two pages are just one and colours that show importance and class. both relate to the same thing, Neil young’s work. The main title, “BE The use of a black and THERE, BE HERE NOW, BE white image is also IN IT” is quite effective relevant to the target because it stands out audience as it shows amongst the rest of the that this photograph text and the capital could have been letters also show they are taken ‘in the moment’ particularly import and when black and white words. The bold white images were all the contrasts greatly with the rage. This is a great black background. The way to help golden colour also adds a emphasize it’s age certain level of and also the style of importance as gold Is a the photograph. This very powerful colour that also presents the is known for its value. artist in a powerful and energized way. The use of a single text Directly underneath the main heading, there is the ‘lead’. Which column creates a unique has purposefully been placed just under the masthead to drip layout because a typical feed information about this article and describe clearly to the double page spread would commonly be 3 or audience what the contents shall include and try to attract the more columns. readers into reading the rest of the article!
  • 5. The main image is most definitely the focal point of the page, because the The direct eye contact could suggest balance between text and image is nonproportional. The majority of the page that this artist wants the viewers to is made up of this one image. However, I think this is an unconventional grid read on and this makes him also use, because the layout of this page isn’t balanced. Therefore, the eyes are appear like his music is meaningful naturally drawn straight to the image and the text is not acknowledged until and emotional perhaps. last. This, taking the viewers off the aim and main purpose of this contents This single image would purposefully page and are distracted by this image. Although, this could also be seen as a draw the viewers in to reading that good thing because viewers could then question what this image is showing, predominant article. therefore they are encouraged to read on. The text columns are laid out The main page headline vertically down the left hand would be the masthead, side of the page, providing a ‘Contents’ and the simple layout. magazine title restated in the top left corner. This could be to remind the The contents section features viewers of the magazine the articles in bold text along name and signify this with a ‘tagline’ from those importance; making it particular articles. This could be more memorable. Also, to give the viewers a quick this title is the largest text insight into what these articles on the page and the will include. And the type of letters are all in capital content included with this letters, connoting the particular magazine. importance of this masthead, so that viewers Each of the page numbers are recognize this as being the highlighted in red. This use of contents page. colour amongst the other black text and white background could This contents page is signify their importance and minimalistic and less encourage the readers to notice complex which makes this these first. This suggests that particular magazine this page has been well-thought- The colour palette is of a simple and appear more modern and out and has stuck to its main minimalistic red white and black. This is quite ‘to the point’ because it purpose, which is to guide the traditional and makes the red text stand out the does not include too much readers to the articles that this most and so the text can be broken up text or imagery. contents page has highlighted. effectively into levels of importance. Making the magazine easy to read and follow.
  • 6. This particular contents page seems to be directed more Each of the other supporting images are all quite to the male audience. The images show only males and similar in size. This could suggest that each of these the colour palette used all support this. The target are of equal importance and the purpose of this audience seems to be men ages 17+. Simply because the contents page was not to draw the viewers bands shown in the images are not very modern and the attention towards just one or two main articles, but use of a black and white image also suggests that this for all to be acknowledged evenly. All of these magazine would only appeal to a more mature audience. images are also conventional and relate to the music genre being supported. I think that the red text signifies heat, anger and violence. This, to me, is quite like the heavy sort of rock and roll music. The ‘grid’ appears to be dominated mainly by images This is again well suited as it all links to and the text is not the most important aspect/focus of the subject of the magazine. the page because it is the last thing that the eyes are naturally drawn to on the page setup. All of the four supporting The main contents images each have the same image includes band font and font size. This also members standing side shows that they are all of by side. The four men equal importance and also are each holding the that this page has a ‘set’ stance and expression theme. This use of just one as if they seem to think font and an appropriate highly of themselves colour palette also gives the and this could possibly sense or an organized and reflect their well though-out magazine. personalities and the music that they The main headlines of this produce. Therefore, this contents page would be the particular image could subject headings which are predominately draw the shown above the page audience towards that numbers. This makes it a lot article in which this easier for the audience to image is supporting. The colour palette used is relevant to the clearly distinguish what the ‘Rock’ genre as there is a lot of colour sorts of aspects of the included and the red, black and white all magazine there are. seem quite ‘old school’ and attractive and There are also taglines for easy to look at. each image which makes it easier for the reader to There is a sense of balance shown in this contents page as I distinguish what each article think that the images have been laid out quite neatly and is going to be about. the one overlapping image works well and makes the page appear more ‘laidback’ and as if the images have been quite carelessly places. But this could connote the personalities of the target audience.
  • 7. There is no ‘selling line’ presented on the magazine cover. However, there is a short list of well-known artists names headlined up the very top of the page; The main figure of this magazine cover is presented neatly and clearly, so that they are not holding a very strong stance and missed or lost amongst other text. This is almost expression. This could connote that he is a acting as a selling line because we recognize these powerful and important man who seems to are music related articles, so we then know what the be focused and well-off (by his smart 3- purpose of the magazine is. piece tuxedo). The masthead is very bold They have combined the word ‘terror’ with the rap artist ’50 and powerful. The solid white Cent’. This has also been shown through the main image. There is well contrasted with the is ‘terror’ being shown in the background and the artist is being background colour and the shown strong-faced stood in the foreground. colour of the main figures skin. This rather abrupt ‘mode of language’ used- ‘best damn’ His strong, forceful gaze is is almost pushing the readers projected directly towards the into buying and reading this audience/viewers almost particular magazine. This making us feel quite ‘slang’ could well of been intimidated and small. used for their intended - Also makes me wonder what audience. has angered him. Whether, it was the action happening Although the background is behind him? very busy and eye-catching, the main focal point is still the There is quite a lot of use of rap artist. Therefore keeping symbols throughout this front in with the magazine’s cover. These are a great way purpose and not putting to capture the attention of the forward the wrong message readers and to break up the and attracting the wrong sort text as well. of audience. The brief case also seems to be well suited with his The red and yellow text also suit and his ‘business class look’. But also makes me brings out the strong colours wonder what is inside it… Money, important files, a of the flames, shown in the bomb? Creating a sense of mystery. background.
  • 8. The masthead is also a very attractive and recognizable colour- The font of the masthead is ‘red’ and ‘white’. These work powerful, strong and eye really well together and stand out The large whit text of the lure/hook matches well with the catching. The outline of the amoungst all of the other text. white and the black shadowed man’s clothing and almost ‘brings out’ the smaller white effect contrast each other and Red text signifies violence, text. This also proves that there make it appear as though it is aggression, death and unsettlement, is a colour palette used, jumping out from the page so is very well suited and including white and red. and towards the audience. thoughtout to the magazine cover. It is also well suited to the main image and the type of magazine- powerful and The main fugure has no direct rather abrupt. eye contact, this to me isnt very captivating and effective because it doesn’t grasp the Text is well balanced out on attention of the target either sides of the image and audience. page. - However, this to me is also a really effective way to display the mans real emotion and All of the text is red and pain. Almost making us, as white. Which, as stated viewers almost feel his pain before, symbolizes hurt and and affliction. anger and therefore, this is keeping to a theme and ‘Suicide’- links I well structure. with the strong, disturbing main image which connotes self The man has tattoos and is harm and ‘suicide’. shown wearing a wife beater vest on. These could be seen as stereotypical ‘bad man’ This is a very eye-opening main image with a strong gesture that seems features. Which, to me the to have some sort of meaning behind why it’s being used as the cover of gun just proves this, as he a magazine. Creating a sense of curiosity as to what the magazine content appears to be a violent sort of would be about. person.
  • 9. The large ‘Q’-the Main image has no emotion masthead is very showing. This connotes that he is recognizable and distinct quite a powerful and strong as it’s clearly placed on a character. The men shown also in solid colour; almost the reflection are holding no separated from the rest of expression either. This could the magazine cover. mean that this band in particular may want to be taken quite seriously. The cover is really well balanced out. For example, the large circular ‘Q’ of the masthead and the opposite side of it is some smaller text inside a circular outline. This gives The main figure is a sense of balance and is also an effective way to ‘bring quite clean cut. This out’ this smaller text by giving it a border. makes the cover appear more tidy and smart. All of the text is running The text is all in red, horizontally. This is proof white, black and a that it has been designed gold-brown colour. not to become confusing Showing that a colour and appear unattractive palette has been and untidy. included and there is a sense of structure and balance. - The gold-brown text matches with parts of the main image. His The cover lines are a clothing and skin tone. mixture of quotations, - The red, being a very band/artist names and strong and powerful also article features. colour also shows This is quite a nice way through with the main to show variation, and figures lip colour. that the content of this particular magazine will be varied and not all just the same. ‘Liam’s’- it is only his first name, which could prove that he is very well known in the The main cover line includes a personal There is no background. It band and that the is quite bland and bare, with target audience of this pronoun, ‘Liam’s’ which could connote no distractions. This makes particular magazine our eyes automatically focus would clearly know that the main image of the single figure could in on the main image, and who he is, simply by what we make of it. reading his first name. be the most important of the group. The leader.