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Copyright @2015 by Dori Friend
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any other
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except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the
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Page One Engine 3451 Dry Creek Ln, Ione, CA 95640
First Edition
To Meredith Marlin, my rockin’ partner
who inspires me each day to live larger than the day before.
To Anik Singal, my rockin’ coach
for his brilliance and for holding me accountable.
To Mom & Dad, my rockin’ parents,
for telling me from an early age that I could do anything.
YOU’RE ABOUT TO MASTER YOUR LIFE ........................................................................................ 6
ABOUT THE AUTHOR—DORI FRIEND............................................................................................ 8
RAVE REVIEWS.....................................................................................................................................10
SECTION 1: CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE..........................................................17
CHAPTER 1: HOP AND PULL................................................................................................................................. 18
CHAPTER 2: THE POWER OF PERSPECTIVE ....................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER 3: CHOICE IS EVERYTHING .................................................................................................................. 31
CHAPTER 4: CHOOSE AND PLAN YOUR LIFE................................................................................................. 42
CHAPTER 5: HERE IS THE PLAN, IF YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT .................................................................. 44
SECTION 2: THE WILD WEST – DIGITAL GOLD..........................................................................46
CHAPTER 6: THERE IS GOLD IN THOSE HILLS ................................................................................................... 47
CHAPTER 7: WHAT DO YOU NEED TO START ................................................................................................... 51
CHAPTER 8: WHAT IS SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION................................................................................... 54
SECTION 3: BIG DOG BUSINESS MODELS.....................................................................................61
CHAPTER 9: FAST MONEY WITH LAUNCH JACKING .......................................................................................... 62
CHAPTER 10: FAST MONEY WITH REPUTATION MANAGEMENT.................................................................... 69
CHAPTER 11: FAST MONEY BY RANKING ON YOUTUBE ................................................................................. 74
CHAPTER 12: FAST MONEY AS AN SEO/MARKETING AGENCY ..................................................................... 84
CHAPTER 13: FAST MONEY WITH SOCIAL MEDIA............................................................................................ 86
CHAPTER 14: FAST MONEY SELLING AND/OR RENTING WEBSITES............................................................ 90
CHAPTER 15: FAST MONEY WITH AFFILIATE MARKETING DK FYNN .......................................................... 93
CHAPTER 16: FAST MONEY FROM BUILDING AN EMAIL LIST......................................................................... 96
CHAPTER 18: ADVANCED STRATEGIES TO ROCKET LAUNCH YOUR EARNINGS .........................................101
SECTION 4: BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER................................................................................ 104
CHAPTER 19: THE CHECK LIST .........................................................................................................................105
CHAPTER 20: IN CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................107
CHAPTER 21: PAGE ONE ENGINE......................................................................................................................110
You are reading this for a reason. I don’t believe in coincidences in life and whatever
brought you to this book tells me that you are ready to change your life for the better.
Deep in your gut, you know that you want more. You know that if “they” can do it, YOU can
do it!
Today, right now, you have the opportunity to empower yourself to accept something you
have heard 1,000 times before but never allowed your mind to truly believe: that you can
do anything, be anything, and create anything!
You have it in you. All you need is to believe in yourself and CHOOSE it.
Where the Big Dogs Roam is an overwhelmingly pure example of how to overcome any type
of barrier holding you back in any area of your life.
This book will take you on a magical journey into the wild wild west of the Internet and
introduce you to the extraordinary experts (The Big Dogs) who have created step-by-step
systems detailing every inch of their journeys to financial freedom.
All YOU have to do is follow our steps on the trail we have blazed before you. Others have
done it and now it’s YOUR turn!
We will show you how to build an Internet empire right from your laptop—and yes, even in
your pajamas! You are about to learn how to change your life, change your mindset and
attain your financial dreams.
You don’t have to be a techie; you don’t need any specialized experience. All you need is an
open mind and a desire for change. Oh, and one more thing—you have to be willing to take
If you have ever dreamed of having more in life, Where The Big Dogs Roam is just the book
to get you there. You can begin to generate your own sources of income by simply following
the Big Dogs down the path they have laid out for you.
Dori Friend’s personal mission is “to empower people to accept themselves and each
other.” No one is perfect, we all make mistakes but we must learn to accept ourselves,
believe in ourselves and never give up striving to reach beyond our own perceived
After riding her bicycle across the United States in 2000, Dori read Robert Kiyosaki’s book,
Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Upon finishing it, she knew she couldn’t go back to her “day job.”
She admits that a steady paycheck was like a drug, but once she realized there were other
ways to make money—lots of money—she was able to kick the habit.
Even though she was an expensive hired gun for Apple Computer, working on products for
the MAC operating system and as a part of the team that created the first digital interface
for cameras, (parts of which can still be seen on all cell phone cameras today) she knew she
couldn’t scale her finances as there were only so many working hours in the day. And, well,
Steve Jobs had just come back to Apple and dismantled most of the departments she had
worked for.
Taking the changes at Apple as a sign, Friend hit the Internet hard and within a few years
had reverse-engineered enough of Google’s systems to master the technique of ranking
websites on page one and making millions of dollars for her effort.
The journey wasn’t always easy; no one was in front of her leading the way—and of course
not everyone was happy with her success. Google hired a myriad of PhDs to counteract
Friends’ and her SEO comrades’ techniques and strategies for ranking on page one. Yes,
Google went after Dori personally. Later on you will find out the reason Google did this,
how it wiped out 1 Million dollars worth of Dori’s websites and how it became a benefit in
disguise to Dori. More importantly you will find out how this all plays out to benefit you!
But, like most entrepreneurs, Friend never gave up and bounced ahead and now is
considered a leading industry expert in the underground world of SEO and Internet
At her core, Dori is a master of reverse engineering the Internet search engines to find
solutions to get free traffic faster and more efficiently. She takes the solutions and
processes she uncovers and automates it all by creating simple online software. Dori’s
software solutions allow customers and members of her community to save a lot of time
and get a lot more free traffic. Her latest patent-pending software took over a year to build
and allows users to have total control of their rankings in the search engines and generate
even higher amounts of free traffic.
Dori built the Page One Engine platform to teach others the same systems and share the
same software solutions responsible for her own success online. Her goal is for Page One
Engine to continue to grow as a community and empower others to create the positive
changes they want in their lives. She will continue to serve as the leader in the community
and keep working on her next innovative software platform.
“Dori knows her stuff and is THE secret SEO weapon for many Internet insiders. It’s about
time she’s putting something out there in the marketplace that really works. She stands
behind everything she does and really takes care of her ‘tribe’.”
– Yanik Silver, founder Maverick1000
“Bottom line is, I have made MULTIPLE MILLIONS of dollars using Dori’s systems and
promoting her educational material and software to my customers. Dori pulls in the best of
the best for her workshops.”
– Brad Callen, Bryxen Software, Inc.
"Dori Friend is one of the top SEO experts on the planet. I've made so much money over the
years with her information and systems. When it's SEO, I go straight to Dori. I can't wait to
promote this new product, it's going to absolutely ROCK!"
– Jim Sweeney Founder,
“Dori and I have been good friends since 2003. We started a cash-cow business together back
in 2005, and she’s one of the only people I have ever trusted enough to teach SEO to my
students… Dori Friend is an SEO Queen.”
– Jeff Johnson,
“We took a new business from $0 to close to $1m/year in recurring revenue in just a few
months. She holds great events, really cares about her customers, surrounds herself with
smart people, and knows her stuff.”
– Ben Roy, Cloak Hosting
“I've been in the online/Internet Marketing world since 1997, and have been blessed to be
friends with Dori for over half of that time. She's seen it all in the SEO world and knows what
it takes to get RESULTS. Any time I have a 'what's working now' SEO question, Dori is the
person to ask.”
– Chris Zavadowski, Centreville, VA
Congratulate yourself right this minute for being on the road to your dreams. By reading
this book you've possibly taken the most important step in your life. But remember, this is
going to take work—that may be a four-letter word to you but without it nothing will
Sometimes we think we’re taking action; we are busy—sometimes crazy busy—so we feel
like we’re getting things done. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that being busy is the
same as taking action. You can set goals and read all the success books in the world, but if
you don’t apply what you’ve learned, you’ll end up frustrated—and worse than that—
frustrated and broke!
You are on this page for a reason and your life IS about to change because of it. If you are
HERE, then I guarantee your life will never be the same and you are in for the ride of your
What would you say if I told you that you could have everything you want?
Did you believe me? Did I hear you say, “How?” Or did you shake your head and say, “No
way; it’s just another empty promise”?
If your first thought was “How?”, I want you to remember that. That is your inner giant that
sets you apart from 99% of the population.
Most will reject the idea that they can have everything. We have all grown up with self-
limiting beliefs and it takes concentrated effort to break them. But I am here to say that
YOU CAN do this! You can have EVERYTHING you have always wanted. All it takes is the
desire, a plan, and action. I will give you the plan, so all you need is “the desire” and then
you must TAKE ACTION!
Where the Big Dogs Roam is the start of your new life. I am going to teach you how to
become a “Big Dog” on the Internet: how to look at things and CHOOSE your perspective
and CREATE what you want.
I chose the metaphor “Big Dog” after my crazy, semi-little dog that has a HUGE sense of
adventure. He always has a smile on his face and is always ready to go.
This dog has been skunked more times than I can count, been bitten by three rattlesnakes
on two different occasions, and STILL runs into the wind with no regard for what may lie
ahead of him. He attacks life with his head held high and makes the dogs that stay on the
porch look like pussycats.
Just like him I have been skunked more than once, and I’ve had to crawl under a number of
fences to get what I wanted. But also like him, I was not content to accept being skunked or
to keep having to crawl under fences to get what I wanted. I wanted more, needed more,
and was capable of more—and I know the same is true for you.
Lucky for you, there is a road map that wasn’t available when I started marketing online 15
years ago. That roadmap is what I am going to introduce to you in this book. You have
everything you need and you are enough.
I am going to show you exactly how to master an online business. Then, I am going to
introduce you to a handful of Big Dogs that will teach you what is working RIGHT NOW to
make easy money.
If you follow our system and pay attention to the experts that we introduce you to—the
sky’s the limit!
You may be asking yourself, “Can I really do this? Do I have to be a tech-savvy person? I
don't really know that much about the Internet or technical stuff. If that's you, stop
worrying right this minute!
There are only three things involved:
Getting the idea. Creating a goal AND making a PLAN, and committing it to paper.
Knowing that anything is possible. If someone else has done it, then so can you. You
absolutely need to believe!
Putting your plan into ACTION.
Here is verifiable proof that this system has worked for me.
Goal: House on the Water
FACT: I now own a stunningly beautiful ranch in California which sits on a hillside
overlooking a 2 acre pond, a pool and plenty of room for all of our animals.
Goal: Loving, Committed Relationship
FACT: OMG I am in the BEST relationship with the love of my life!
Goal: Make a Million Dollars in One Year
FACT: Have done that multiple years in a row; my new goal is to make a million in one
Goal: Become a Maverick 1000 Member
FACT: Done!
Goal: Travel the World
FACT: In the last two years alone I have been to the Ice Hotel in Sweden, Machu Picchu
in Peru, Hawaii, Philippines, all over the United States and the Caribbean more times
than I can even recall at the moment.
Goal: Speak in Front of a 1,000-person Audience
FACT: I spoke in front of 4,000 at an industry event with another 2,000 watching online
for a total of 6,000.
Today, I am still using the same skills I am going to teach you to reach my new goals. Earl
Nightingale defines success as the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal. That is
the beautiful thing about life, there are always more goals to go after and as long as we are
pursuing them we will stay on the successful path.
Now, you may be thinking, “I’ve tried these online deals before, and they haven’t worked
for me” or, “I just don’t believe that thoughts-can-create-my-future stuff.”
I can tell you that that type of mindset will ALWAYS hold you back and you need to STOP! It
is that type of attitude that has you stuck in so many ways and you will never be able to get
out from under that rain cloud that you have set above yourself! If you think you’ll never
make as much money as you want to or think you’ll never have the relationship you want
or think you’ll never achieve your career goals … well, then you’re right, you won’t. So stop
shooting yourself in the foot start thinking you CAN and jump on board. You do not have to
know HOW you will make the things you want happen you just have to the desire and know
they WILL happen.
I know—there ARE online scams! I myself have been scammed more than once! Multiple
times in fact, but I always kept believing! Until finally, I received the email that changed my
In 2001 Yanik Silver was promoting a conference where he was speaking. The price was
$2,495, plus I had to get there and pay for the hotel and my meals. At the time it was a lot of
money to me, but I just couldn’t give up on going. I found the money and decided to trust
again and go.
I sat in the FRONT row so I could look into the whites of these guys’ eyes! I wanted to
know—to see—if they were telling the truth.
I am happy to report that these are the same guys I hang out with to this day. They were the
real deal. They are VERY real people making real money on the Internet. Also, they cared
about other people, the planet, and giving back—all things that are important to me too.
These were MY PEOPLE, and I bet they are YOURS too!
FROM $0 TO $100,000 A MONTH
It was a different world back then though. If someone made $10,000 a month THAT was a
big deal. I remember when I told someone my goal of $100,000 a month and they looked at
me like I had two heads.
But, I saw others do it and I knew if they could do it, then so could I! That’s a powerful
statement—if you can do it, I can do it. It doesn’t always feel true, but in reality, it is.
Everyone knows Walt Disney. This quote from him may have an impact on you in this
moment in time: “All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.”
Walt Disney grew up as one of five children on a farm in Missouri; he was abused as a child
by a very severe, strict father. He started drawing cartoons and sharing with friends when
he was a young boy. Whatever he could imagine, he could bring to life—and today
Disneyland stands as one of the biggest dreams ever and one that brings joy to people from
all over the world every single day.
I had the courage to set my goal at $100,000—and I did it! If I’d listened to the people
telling me I couldn’t do it, I wouldn’t have gotten there.
Now I see others make $1,000,000 a month and I think, if they can do it, then so can I!
Making money is a lot about getting your mind ready for it. My mind wasn’t going to let me
go from making my first dollar online to $100,000 in a month. I had to work up to that, just
like I am working up to a million a month. That is my next layer of the onion. But, I hang out
with people that DO make that, so I know I am right behind them, like you are right behind
What would you think if I told you that to have everything you wanted in life, all you had to
do is change your mind?
I bet you are thinking, "What the heck? Just change my mind? I know I want to be
financially free; I know I don't want to have to ask someone else for a vacation to be able to
spend extra time with my family.” “I know I want to be able to take a vacation anywhere I
want to go in the world; I don’t want to have my current income limit my options on a
destination or a job to limit the amount of time I can stay on vacation.” Or if you are your
own boss, you know that you want to earn more or have more free time to create, or just
get enough quality customers so that your life is less stressful.
Have you seen or read, The Secret? If so, you’ve learned about the “Law of Attraction.” You
think about the things you want all the time. Perhaps you have even created a dream board
and put all the things you want on it.
“Once we have an idea of what we want we build that image in our Mind and then we LIVE as
if we are already there. Mentally, you already ARE. You’re planting that idea in your
subconscious Mind. And then the idea MUST move forward into Form. It’s an absolute law.
Because that’s just the way things work.”
– Bob Proctor
In your head, you know these things are supposed to work. You know what all of the
experts say and you probably even liked the Bob Proctor quote but they’re kind of ethereal.
You are still not really believing any of it works. There are reasons why it is not working
and you haven’t attained these things you want. First, you must write down your goals. If
you haven’t written them down, they are simply dreams in the clouds. Do you have your
goals clearly defined and written down? If you do not, its OK, in chapter 4 we will dive
deeper into why writing down goals actually means you will be more successful than 97%
of the population.
This is where mindset comes in. You must set up an action plan to get you where you want
to go; you need to learn about mindset.
A couple of months ago I did something I thought was impossible (for me). What happened
relates to so many different aspects of my life, and I want to share it with you. It was a
simple and slight change of perspective in my thought process that let me attain a goal I
had held onto for 12 years.
You see, I moved from the city (San Francisco) to the country 12 years ago and immediately
got a horse. (I actually got three of them and now I have 10!) I was a novice rider at best
(still am) and have always been a hefty girl so getting ON the horse has continued to be an
embarrassment for me.
At first I used a bucket to step up on and then onto the horse. Then I would just find a rock
to give me a leg up. Then finally I purchased this:
Believe me, these stairs make it incredibly easy for me to get my butt over the horse and
into the saddle. The horse I ride now, Diesel, who is a tank, learned our entire routine.
Forty-five minutes into our ride, he instinctively headed for the blue steps to let me off!
I woke up in a less-then-stellar mood. I didn't want to get up and it was just one of those
days where one thing after the other kept going wrong and making me MORE frustrated.
(I’m sure you have had those)
I sat at my desk and took a moment to just breathe—slow, steady, deep breaths.
Then I remembered reading that Brad Pitt uses music to turn his emotions into whatever
feeling he needs to draw on for his scenes. So I thought, okay, let's try that.
ACDC – “I'm TNT, I'm Dynamite!”
I listened to the music and then sang it during my entire walk to the round pen.
Remarkably, it worked and it put me in a better mood. (So chalk one up for Brad Pitt!)
I continued my routine with Diesel, saddled him up, warmed him up, and then it was time
to climb up the blue steps like I’d done 1,000 times before.
But this time, I didn’t climb the steps. I stood looking down at the stirrup and I
contemplated the idea of getting on without a crutch. The negative, you-can’t-do-it, you will
fall, don’t even try, feelings came flooding back.
I said to Tino, our ranch cowboy, "You know, I will probably never be able to get up on this
horse without these steps because I can barely even get my foot UP to the stirrup let alone
get my foot IN it to get on the horse!” I had truly had given up in that moment of EVER
achieving this goal.
But then he said, "No, no Patrona, just hop a little and then PULL yourself up."
What? Hop and pull? Hmmm.
Within five seconds I was on top of my Diesel! I had done it! I had gotten on my tank of a
horse without those stairs, without a bucket, without standing on a rock! I had gotten on
that horse, any horse for that matter, ON MY OWN for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE!
It had been such a long-time goal of mine that when it happened, it was kind of anti-
climactic. I mean, it happened just like that. No build-up, no mantras, not too much
whining—just a change of perspective literally lifted me up onto that horse sitting tall and
proud in the saddle.
I never thought to hop and pull, and for some reason that TINY change in mindset made all
the difference. (And of course, Tino telling me I could do it!) As I walked back to my office, I
thought WOW that was totally easy. I just changed my mind.
This event may not seem significant to you, but it was substantial for me. It reminded me
how much I live in the "I want" instead of the "I do" kind of life. And let me tell you right
here and now, I AM NOT PERFECT; nobody is and I still struggle with different things in my
life as each layer of the onion peels away.
Hmmm, what else do I need to "just change my mind” about? What else in my life can use
just a “hop and pull”? Do you have areas in your life where you have just flat out given up
on a goal? Areas in your life where no matter how hard you think you are trying you just
can’t seem to overcome the negatives? Think about them and make this mental note to
your self: “if I really want something then a tiny change in my mind or a tiny shift in the
way I am thinking is what I need.”
We all have our own layers and each of us is on our own path, but what I do have going for
me is that I learned this information early on in my life, so when I "choose" to, I can draw
on it and use it.
The key word here is "choose."
Many times I will lament on something knowing I have the power to change it, but I
procrastinate until the pain of NOT choosing it is worse than the pain of going for it. Jim
Rohn, one of the best success coaches in the world, used to ask the question: “Which is
worse, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret?”
Take writing this book for example. I have wanted do to it for a long time; I have been
making notes on things I wanted to include, but you know, lying in bed or watching movies
(I don't watch TV) is always "easier," so until my deadline came upon me—and the pain of
not getting it done was greater than actually sitting down at my computer and putting
down the words, I just didn’t do it.
For some, writing comes easy, but I am a visual person (Art Major)—so I "see" things in my
head and I had my mind made up that getting the words out was difficult for me, so I
viewed it as a difficult, even daunting, task.
Then, I finally "changed my mind." I used one of the techniques I am going to talk about and
BAM the words to this book were flowing out, because I "changed my mind" about it.
So, I want to remind you about this when we start talking about the eight business models
that have enabled hundreds of thousands to quit their day jobs, or catapulted a mom & pop
business into stardom. You may say to yourself, I can't do this, I don't know anything about
the Internet, or this is just too technical for me. But in reality, that is just you CHOOSING for
it to be impossible.
When you tell yourself you can’t do this, and you will, I want you to remember what I told
you. Come back to this chapter and read it again. EVERYTHING is a CHOICE, and you have
the power to choose anything you want.
Once you actually CHOOSE—I mean REALLY CHOOSE—you will naturally create a plan to
attain whatever it is that is eluding you.
Choice is a HUGE factor in life. You make thousands of choices each and every day. Your
brain is constantly making choices: turn your head, blink your eye, lift your leg. These
choices are easy; they are automatic, even mindless. In reality those “easy” choices are no
different than the choices we think are “hard.” It is all how you look at things, it is all from
the perspective you choose to look at choices from.
One of the choices that will change your life is the choice of perspective.
We always have the power to change our perspective…
“If you don’t like the view from where you are sitting, then change your seat!”
Your point of view—your perspective—dictates and even creates your entire experience
and your material world. It is from this innocent point of attitude that your entire life is
played out.
Let me give you an example.
You may have seen the Oscar nominated movie The 100 Foot Journey, which was released
in 2014. It’s about a family’s journey from their home in India to France and, to give you the
short version, the son becomes an internationally-known chef, both he and his dad “get the
girl,” and they live happily ever after.
But in the beginning when they were driving through Europe looking for a place to live,
they were suddenly thrust into a life-threatening situation when their brakes failed. The
family tossed and turned in the car as the father worked feverishly to keep them on the
road and under control; when turning to miss an oncoming tractor, they headed uphill onto
another road and gravity eventually slowed then stopped the car.
The scene then switches to an overview shot of the family getting out of the car. Each
person gets out in a different manner.
Son #1 comes out yelling at his father for making them travel around in that horrible
poor excuse of a car; his perspective is clearly anger toward his father. The younger
children are shocked and crying as children do when they are rapidly thrown from their
comfort zone, their perspectives being ones of fear.
Son #2 (our star and chef) gets out of the car and stands in a state of daze, confused at
what just happened, but reflective. The audience can sense that he’s in a state of
The father, on the other hand, gets out of the car with dignity, looks across the valley
and sees the beautiful village below them and simply says, “Brakes break for a reason.”
Son #1 continues to be angry but son #2 and the rest of the children feel the power of
the father’s words. (The village he was looking down on while he said this is where they
end up deciding to stay and establish a new life)
Ultimately, it was THIS perspective from the father that led the entire family down a
different trajectory in life, and it was upon THAT scene that the entire movie and the rest of
their lives are based.
You can imagine how different the movie and the lives of the family would have been if the
father’s perspective were one of fear, anger, or confusion.
Can you see how your life may be different if your perspective about any current situations
shifted to another seat, another view, another outlook?
Here, I will share a real world example in which I saw a shift in perspective change a
friend’s entire life.
I will first preference this with a news story I saw a while back. They were interviewing a
90-year-old physician who was still practicing medicine and leading what we would
consider a rather uncommon life for a 90-year-old.
The interviewer asked him, “What is your secret, how do you maintain your vitality and
stamina at 90 years of age?” He smiled at the interviewer as he put on his sneakers from
inside the locker room and said, “I hang out with 60-year-olds.”
So to him, he is 60, not 90. He lives his life doing what the other 60-year-olds do, thus
changing his perspective and mindset about how a 90-year-old should live.
This is very similar to what is happening in a friend of mine’s life. She is 54 and engaged to
someone who is 32! I have witnessed how she has changed, not just mentally, but
physically too!
She is now living as someone in their 30s would, with her entire life ahead of her—
adventure and amazement at the world, creating a totally different life trajectory than what
she was creating prior to the relationship.
Instead of looking at retirement, my friend is now looking at life in a totally new way, living
like a 30-year-old: eyes open, full of excitement and wonder on how to best serve the world
in the next 50 years.
These two examples illustrate what happens with a positive shift in perspective. Just as
easily, and probably too easily, we can let ourselves shift in the opposite direction and take
a more negative stance. After all, this is what society teaches us; it is everywhere and is
almost impossible to escape.
Most of the world lives from the perspective of fear, and it can—and does—rub off if you’re
not careful. I heard something recently on a sports talk station of all places who said: When
fear knocks, let faith answer the door. Pretty awesome. Faith is just a “perspective”: a
positive one.
Another friend of mine moved from the city to the country. In the city, if you owned
multiple properties, you were respected and admired for your financial success. Those who
were in his circle of influence in the city supported that view and therefore many of that
group excelled and owned multiple properties.
When he purchased the ranch next to his his NEW group of friends in the country had a
different point of view. “What is he going to do with all that land?” “Why does he need
that?” “What a waste.”
All of this was coming from really “good” people, but they’d been getting by on minimum
wage and viewed this lifestyle as “extravagant.” They just didn’t have the perspective to
understand the investment.
I only know this because I asked him why he sold the ranch next door to his, and he said,
“Well, it just felt a little ostentatious for me to own both.”
At that moment, I realized my friend was pulled into another way of thinking and his
perspective shifted from one of abundance to one of shame and smallness. Have you ever
heard the phrase, “You become who you hang around?” This is exactly what I’m talking
about here.
I want to say don’t let this happen to you. In fact, when you start changing your perspective
to a healthier, happier one, you will often NOT be supported by the people around you. I
would even recommend keeping your new perspective and what you are about to learn in
this book about mastering the search engines to yourself until you are strong enough to
defend it.
Stand by it and hold on for dear life (it is your life, you know) and keep it safe and close to
you—no matter whom or what challenges you.
If you tell someone who’s making minimum wage that you are working on making a million
dollars in the next 12 months, I can almost assure you that they will scoff; they will do
everything to discourage you. Why? Because you are taking a stand; you are going for your
dreams and it frightens them. Remember what I said about most people living in FEAR?
So if—or I should probably say when this happens—don’t be alarmed; it is to be expected.
It is human nature and sometimes you have to change your playground and playmates in
order to attain your dreams.
That may sound harsh but it is reality that those you spend the most time with will
influence you and your actions, your motivations, and your future. We all have a fear gauge.
I wanted to get my finances out of the way so I could start serving others and giving back.
It is often said that if you want to be a millionaire, hang out with millionaires! I am here to
remind you that THAT is true, and it is exactly what I did.
I didn’t do it all in one day, but I remember consciously thinking that my current group of
friends were wannabes (as was I) and often purchased lottery tickets and put $1 bills in
envelopes as the chain letters instructed them to in HOPES that they would become
The car doesn’t run on HOPE, it runs on gas. I realized that I needed to create a plan to get
the gas instead of HOPING it would appear. It was then that I started to look for people who
were already doing what I wanted to do, and that was—making large amounts of money.
To me, making money is the easy part and I am going to show you exactly what I think is
the quickest and easiest method, and that is mastering the search engines. What you do
with your money after you make it is up to you. But first, you HAVE to have a mindset that
will ACCEPT the money. So for now, keep it a secret and work quietly on your perspective.
It is from your perspective that everything else is attained. The law of attraction that you
have been hearing about cannot work without the correct perspective and a plan.
Perspective along with a plan (not hope) gives the universe the fuel to create your dreams
just like gas gives the car fuel to run.
The beautiful thing about perspective is that YOU have the power to CHOOSE your
perspective at any time, NO MATTER the circumstances.
Let it REALLY sink in:
• YOU (yes YOU) have the power to CHOOSE.
• CHOOSE your perspective at any time,
• NO MATTER the circumstances.
You can see from the last chapter how powerful your perspective is when it comes to your
attitude, and how it creates your outlook and even outcome. But did you know that you can
“choose” your perspective?
I gave you some examples in the last chapter of how each of the participants may not have
known better (because you don’t know what you don’t know) but they each were fully
capable of “choosing” their perspective.
Each member of the family that came out of the car that had no brakes had the ability to
choose their perspective of the event. Something happened (their brakes went out), and
each of them put a different meaning on it. You can CHOOSE what meaning you place on
anything that happens.
And THAT is so VERY IMPORTANT that I am going to say it again!
Something happened (their brakes went out), and each of them put a different meaning on
it. You can CHOOSE what meaning you place on anything that happens.
For the sake of simplicity I am going to narrow all the various emotions into three points of
1. SAD: You could be feeling victimized or depressed at what just happened. You are
sure they are out to get you or that you just never get a lucky break. The world is
against you and you can’t do anything right. (You won’t get far here.)
2. ANGRY: They did it to you and you are mad as hell. You can be mad at yourself or
someone else or just mad in general; it doesn’t matter. Mad is mad and you are mad!
(You can get somewhere, but it isn’t fun!)
3. HAPPY: Wahooo, look at how lucky I am. WOW, this is such a cool adventure. You
are okay, curious, attentive, and even ecstatic at what is going down. (This is where
you can create what you want!)
Actually all three are just a “story.” We make up stories about everything that happens. We
all have them; I have them. My friends who know me and know this stuff I am talking about
tease me and tell me I have a “Google story.”
They are right, Google did something to my company, to me personally, and I continue to
have a “story” about it. I wonder, “How could they?” I actually play a pretty good victim in
my story!
But, I understand that it is just a story. Google did something, and I placed meaning on it
and took it personally. (Well, they did destroy about a million dollars of my websites and
because of that I lost 60% of my customer base in 30 days! But who is whining?) It’s
probably one of the reasons that drives me to teach others how to manipulate their search
results and keep getting massive amounts of traffic. So lucky for you, I let myself stay in
“anger” around this one and let my story run me a little.
(For those of you that like comeback stories, after Google did this to me I bounced back and
made even more money than I had before it all happened. I chose to believe the story
would open opportunities for me.)
But really, the stories we make up about stuff that happens normally keep us “stuck” in life.
And the beauty is that we can choose to listen to the story in our head or ignore it and
choose a different perspective. So, what’s your story?
For example:
If your brakes go out, you have the choice to be sad, angry, or amazed that they lasted that
long, or empowered that you now get to enjoy a long walk to town. It is all about your point
of view, and the best thing is YOU have the power to “choose” your point of view!
Your mind is the most important factor in the equation of making money, creating
relationships, and being happy. Period. That is why I am spending time working on your
mindset. Without a positive mind, you will be one of the people that kick the car and do not
see the beautiful town just around the bend.
Which would you prefer? To spend the rest of your day angry at the company that rented
you the car, or amazed and empowered to walk down to the village, sit in a little café, eat a
pastry, sip an espresso, or have a glass of wine and some brie?
Take some time right now and right here to think about then write down a “story” that you
think might be holding you back.
Three Feet from Gold
Have you ever heard the story “Three Feet from Gold?”
It's a great story about a gold miner who was in his tunnel digging for gold, swinging his
pick day after day, nothing seeming to change. Finally he gave up; he just couldn't continue
because nothing seemed different; every day looked just like the last. From his perspective
it was a waste of time.
Someone else came in after he left and found that he was three feet from one of the biggest
veins of gold ever discovered! Moral of the story, if you find yourself in a hole, KEEP
DIGGING! Do NOT give up!
It is about whistling while you work. Keep at it with a smile on your face, with the attitude
and perspective of gratitude until you strike your vein of gold!
All unhappiness lies in wanting something you don’t have. Wanting to be somewhere other
than where you are in the present moment, wanting to be someone other than who you are
in the present moment, wanting to have something other than what you have in the present
Take something that is making you unhappy now. Are you in a job you don’t like? Is an
employee giving your trouble? Are you sick?
To be happy, one must simply choose what is in front of them.
Here is one of my favorite quotes that I have taped in spots around the house so I am sure
to see it on a daily basis. I haven’t attained this 100% of them time, but I am working on it.
“The way to live a happy beautiful life is to accept whatever comes and do not care about
what does not come.”
– Papaji
So basically, choose what “is” in the present moment.
I would like you to do this exercise.
Wherever you are hearing or reading this—whether you’re listening in your car, reading at
your desk, or in the waiting room at your dentist’s office, I want you to focus and CHOOSE
to be in the moment, right where you are, be THERE.
I mean really CHOOSE IT with everything you’ve got. There is no other place that you
would rather be than where you are right now!
Can you feel the energy shift?
If you don’t feel it, then you are still in your head and wanting to be elsewhere—because if
you CHOOSE to be exactly where you are in the moment then you will feel a wave of peace
come over you. And by being “in your head” I mean you are still stuck in the reality that
most of the rest of the world is in where they really do not stop, and slow down and truly
If you are one of the small percentage of people that actually did stop and focus and choose
to be in the moment then skip to the exercise below.
If you are part of the larger percentage of people that are in a hurry and just skimmed what
I said to do then I would like for you to do yourself a favor and give yourself another
Take 15 seconds and just stop. Stop and focus and CHOOSE to be in the moment right
where you are. Take a deep breath in. Let it out.
Say to yourself: There is no other place I would rather be than right where I am right now.
Write down a couple of words that describe what you felt, what type of shift. If you didn’t
experience a shift of energy, what did you feel? Where is your mind? What is bothering
I have a friend who is magnificent at helping people get “out of their head.” His name is
Ross Todd and I used to pay him on a weekly basis to counsel me and “pop” me out of my
By being in your head I mean you are stuck in your story and you can only see it from your
own sad or angry point of view. It is keeping you emotionally worked up and you can’t
seem to get over it.
Getting out of your head automatically gives you a different perspective. When you aren’t in
your head, you can actually see the story, you can actually see the meaning you placed on
the story.
Here are some of the things I do to quickly get out of my head and choose a different, more
harmonious outlook (perspective). Remember, your being-ness is what creates. The law of
attraction is at work continuously so it is critical that you manage your mind to create the
direction you want. A mind out of control creates disease and chaos.
My most favorite thing to do when I know I am in my head, or something just happened
that bothers me, is to stand up and recognize it is a story, then physically turn my body
around 360 degrees. Like magic, I turn that frown upside down. See we all have “stories”,
Stories are just our own personal versions of situations. Remember, there are always three
different sides to a story: yours, mine and the truth. When we create stories in our mind
and only focus on our side of the story it is often hard to even imagine that there could be
any other version of that story. We allow our minds to get so worked up about what we
think is going on that we forget there are always different versions. But if we will just take a
minute, get ourselves together and just first admit “Ok, I have created a story here” then
that alone can help us make a shift. If you can take it one step further and then take the
story and change it to a more positive point of view then you can really start to create
magic! The next time something happens that gets you worked up the first step is just
admitting you have created a story. The next step is to view the story from an outsiders
perspective; I guarantee when you are able to do that you will immediately start to handle
the situation with less stress.
I use mantras often. My all-time favorite is rhyming with numbers—like,
One, two, three, four, so and so loves me more and more.
One, Two, Three, I am pulling the writer out of me!
Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Wow, this audience thinks I’m great!
You simply take something that is bothering you and turn it around and think about the
positive to the situation and then rhyme the positive outcome you would rather experience
with numbers. Once you create one try repeating these for even 60 seconds and you will be
amazed at the results. Try it. I want to know if it works for you. I’ll bet it will!
Write down what first comes to you.
How about another great way to change a pattern? This is called a Swish Pattern.
1. First, identify the behavior you wish to change and then see the undesirable
behavior in your mind’s eye. Let’s say you want to change biting your nails.
2. Next, create a picture of yourself performing the new behavior. (Not biting your
nails and letting them grow).
3. “Swish” the two pictures so that the undesirable behavior automatically triggers the
positive one. To do this, make a clear, big bright picture of the undesirable behavior,
then in the bottom right-hand corner of THAT picture, make a small dark picture of
the new way you want to be. Now, take that small picture and in less than a second,
expand it in size and brightness and burst it through the first picture of the behavior
you no longer desire. As you do this, say the word whoosh! with all the passion and
enthusiasm you can.
Speed and repetition are the keys to this process. Do this five or six times as quickly as you
can—and have fun doing it. The message to your brain is, “See this? Whoosh! Do this. See
this? Whoosh! Do this.” until the old picture automatically triggers the new picture; the new
states and thus the new behavior becomes a natural part of your life.
Now, learning this was exciting. It doesn’t take years of therapy to fix some of these things.
It does take attention and conscious effort.
These tools and skills are designed to produce results quickly and I hope you’ll take the
time to get involved with this program.
When I get REALLY stuck on something and just can’t seem to move past it I use a version
of Vern Black’s four magic questions.
This process was designed for two people in a relationship to clear “withholds” in
communication, but I use it to ask myself all four questions about a situation. Question #3
and #4 bring me to a level of humility and let me view the situation in a totally new light.
Try it and see if it works for you.
The four magic questions:
1. What did I expect from this situation that I didn’t get?
2. What did I get from this situation that I didn’t want?
3. With regard to this situation, did I do anything that I thought was unfair?
4. With regard to this situation, did I fail to do anything?
Choose something that has a hold of you and do the above exercise for 15-30 minutes, and
then write down what you feel afterwards.
Without a doubt, music or tones is one of my favorite ways to change my mood or get
I listen to Dick Sutphen’s Eternal Om and concentrate on the center of my being. Meaning,
focus on the light inside of you, your head or your heart or both.
After about 15 minutes, I feel grounded, have great ideas coming into my brain, and I bet it
will make me live longer too!
Everything I just talked about is a form of meditation, but I want you to do this one for me.
Sit in a chair with your feet firmly placed on the ground.
Relax and give all of your attention and energy to this visual meditation:
(and for those of you out there that skim and read fast I like to repeat myself to make sure
you are really following directions, so slow down and read these words below with
intention, I promise you will thank me after)
Imagine a beam of white light coming down from the heavens and entering the top part of
your head, and with that beam comes an immense amount of incredible energy. This beam
of energy will flow through your head, down your back and loop around the bottom of your
spine and then come back up your back and out of your head and into the heavens. When
you breathe, you breathe IN the beam of white light and then when you exhale it leaves
your body with any and all negative energy.
After a couple of deep breaths, imagine that the beam is entering and exiting at the same
time so your energy is “running.” You are breathing in the white beam through the top of
your head, its circling all down your spine and when it gets to the base of your spine start
to breath out and let the breath release and blow away any negative thoughts or feelings.
The next thing I want you to do is make sure your feet are both flat on the ground, think
about the bottom of your feet and imagine a different beam of white light energy coming
from the center of the earth up through your feet and circling up around your spine, and
the energy going into your head, and then back down through your spine. This will take any
and all negative energy left in you back down into the earth.
After a couple of deep breaths, breathing in the white light energy and breathing out any
and all negative energy, let both of these streams of white light enter and exit
After 15 minutes, tell me how you feel:
____ Happy
____ Mad
____ Sad
If you checked Mad or Sad, then try again. This isn’t a magic pill, but meditation will help
you relax, calm the stress, and help you CREATE!
And remember, you can “choose” which emotion you feel.
Always remember that you can CHOOSE your attitude, your perspective, and your point of
view. This is one of life’s greatest secrets and freedoms. Someone may take away your
physical freedom, but no one can take away your power to choose the way you look at life
or any circumstance in it.
We place meaning on everything, from the cloudy sky, to the mail being late. It ALL means
“something.” Collectively as a society, we place meaning on events, people, and lifestyle.
It all boils down to this… something happens and you place meaning on it. You can change
that meaning any time you want. You have the CHOICE to choose the meaning you place on
So, are we in agreement that you need these basics before you can begin your new life?
First, you have to want it—and I mean you have to want it bad.
Choose it!
And then, make a plan.
“Anybody can wish for riches, and most people do, but only a few know that a definite plan,
plus a burning desire for wealth, is the only dependable means of accumulating wealth.”
– Napoleon Hill
People say they have goals, but if you don't write them down they are just dreams. This is
the beginning of a plan. Jim Rohn was a master of goal setting:
He said divide your goals into two parts—long-range and short-term. Long-range goals are
your dreams. Jim said, “What do you want to see? Who do you want to be? Where do you
want to go? What do you want to do? These are good guidelines to follow. They can
jumpstart you into letting yourself dream again.”
Write down below your long-range goals:
When you talk about the importance of goal setting there is a fascinating study that was
conducted at Harvard with the MBA program. In 1979, MBA graduates were interviewed
and the study found that:
• 84% had no specific goals at all
• 13% had goals but they were not committed to paper
• 3% had clear, written goals and PLANS to accomplish them
In 1989, the graduates were interviewed again and the results are amazingly confirming.
• The 13% of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the
84% who had no goals at all.
• Even more staggering—the three percent who had clear, WRITTEN goals with a
plan were earning, on average, TEN TIMES more than the other 97% put together!
(Source: from the book What They Don’t Teach You in the Harvard Business School, by Mark McCormack)
Do you want to be part of the 3%? Of course you do!
We all claim to say we want so many things in life yet 97% of us are not even willing to take
5 minutes and write down goals. Decide right now that you WILL be part of the 3% and go
write down your goals. If you want you can even send me an email with your goals:
There is power in writing down your goals but there is even MORE power in sharing your
I look forward to seeing all of you Action takers out there and your goals!
The next chapter is essential to everything you do from here on out. Even reading this
Like I said, making money is easy, and I can show you how. What I can’t guide you on is
what to do with the money after you make it, so I will leave that to someone else! Let’s get
down to the nitty gritty of what I know.
• You have your mind set well. (check)
• You have an Internet connection. (check)
• You have signed up for my trainings. (check)
There are SO many ways to make money in this world, and SO many ways to make money
on the Internet. And I say that because I have been there and done that. I have been an
entrepreneur for a long time and tried many things. It was not until I really honed my skills
in on this one area that I was truly able to see business grow. See, I kept dabbling in
different areas and I was doing “OK” in all of them but not great in any of them. I finally
found a place where the profits were the largest and the opportunities were the greatest
and I went in that one direction with everything I had and I have never looked back. I am
going to scale it down for you and show you exactly what has captured my attention all
these years.
And just remember to hang on for the ride, trust me as I take you through this and
remember there are no coincidences; you are being introduced to this for a reason.
Back in the late nineties, the internet was hard to maneuver and search engines really
weren’t helpful, so finding information or products was a bit of a chore, until … Google.
Then the wild west of the Internet was born and gold was discovered again—digital gold—
and for once, the little guys and small companies could generate revenues and more
importantly pure profits beyond their wildest dreams!
In the early 2000s, it didn’t matter how many employees you had or how much money you
spent on advertisements, on the Internet in the FREE search area (also known as organic or
natural search [not ads]) we were ALL equal.
Actually the little guy had a leg up on the large corporations because we could out
maneuver them at lightning speed. And, we still can.
Let me show you how...
In this section I will formally introduce to you my system called Page One Engine: a system
you can copy, paste, rinse, and repeat to turn your time into millions of dollars just like I
have and my customers and students have.
Page One Engine is really simple; it is all about getting onto Page One of Google, Amazon, or
Each step is easy when you know how to do it. If I had this information when I was starting
out, I would have achieved my results 1,000 times faster.
Not far from where I live in California, gold was discovered in a creek bed at Sutter’s Mill
near Sacramento in 1848, and THAT changed EVERYTHING.
At first, people could just walk around and pick the gold rocks up off the ground or in the
water. The native Indians thought the white men were crazy. After all, they were just rocks!
(Talk about perspective!)
They were just rocks, but our society placed value on those rocks and they became heavily
sought after. The person who had the most had more money. And with money, well, you
know, you can “buy” things. With the accumulation of wealth, comes power and respect.
This was a time when the average man could come out west and create his fortune. These
“times” don’t happen very often in history, so we are incredibly lucky to be in one of those
times RIGHT NOW!
Today is the age of information, and the Internet has created opportunities for the average
person to create their own fortune, just like in 1849.
Many people make the mistake of thinking that the opportunities have come and gone on
the Internet. HUGE MISTAKE.
Just look at Amazon, Yes, it is a large corporation, but in 2012 Jeff Bezo announced that
Amazon’s sales for digital books had surpassed that of physical books. What does that tell
you? It tells me that people are still coming online and we are at the tip of the iceberg.
Once upon a time there was only Google. The search engine that helped the Internet grow
at an alarming speed. Google made it easier for us to find information, to find our way
around, and yes, they encouraged us, the little guy, to get online, get found, and make
Get Online, Get Found, and Make Money
In the last 10 years, the number of people using the Internet has grown 600%. It is
estimated that there are more then three billion people now with Internet access. WOW!
All these people are searching. There is a reason Google is one of the largest new
corporations in the history of mankind. They were there at the right time with the right
solution. They made it easy for us to find things, and once they had a huge user base, they
let small and large businesses advertise on their platform.
There is an estimated 11.944 billion searches on Google per month, and that number is
growing and that isn’t counting the other engines!
With all those searches going on, and businesses paying all that money to Google to be
placed on the first page, do you think that being on that first page is worth something?
You guessed right, it is worth a lots and lots of mooolah!
That is how Google makes 97% of its money, from its paid advertising program. People
paying to be on Page One!
Look at what people are “paying” to be on Page One of Google for search terms. Anywhere
between .05 - $50+ per click! That’s right, some keywords go beyond fifty dollars per click.
That right there tells you that real estate on Page One is worth “something.” That
something depends on the keyword.
It will cost you a lot more money to be listed through Google’s Pay Per Click (PPC) ad
program for the term “Auto Insurance” then it will for “Aunt Bessy’s BBQ Recipe,” but
believe me, there are people paying to be on page one for BBQ recipes too, just not as much.
The good news for us is there is a section on Google that doesn’t cost a cent to be on. That is
called “natural” or “organic search.” Getting on Page One is like playing the best computer
game in the world, because at the end of the day, when I “win,” I get more than a badge, I
get MONEY!!!
It isn’t rocket science. There is a formula just like any computer game. Google and the other
search engines are machines and all machines can be reversed engineered. And, that is
exactly what we have done.
There is gold in those hills and there is gold on the Internet, you just need a map to get
started and I have one for you!
You don’t really need much to get started in this online venture. We are going after FREE
traffic so you don’t need an ad budget, and you don’t even need a website to get started!
All you need is a computer, an Internet connection, and the desire to learn.
There was a time in everyone’s life that they did not know how to do what they are doing
now. There was a time in my life that I didn’t know how to register for an email account.
Now, I have friends who are now making millions and I taught them how to use email!
It might sound funny to some of you but in 2008 I still did not even have a cell phone. I was
probably the last person out of everyone I knew to get a cell phone so you were most likely
even texting way before me!
So if this is the case for you, don’t worry, we have ALL been there. (especially ME)
Just remember to always bring that great mindset and the DESIRE to learn and you will be
Let me tell you a story about Joe Moore. I met Joe in 1995, which was WAY before the
Internet boom, and believe me, the last thing on either of our minds was making money
We BOTH had the desire to take responsibility for our lives and change our attitudes and
perspectives—and just be better people on the planet. We met in a “I wanna change the
world” type of workshop called “The Experience.” (I highly recommend this workshop, by
the way. Tell them Dori sent you.)
Joe and I became fast friends, both of us manifesting in different areas of our life. Joe had
manifested a life in Kauai, Hawaii with a partner who adored him and I was traveling all
around the country showing a documentary. I came upon what I “thought” was a scarcity of
finances and Joe said to me as calm as day, like did you forget, “Dori, it is JUST numbers!”
Hmm, just numbers huh? Well, those numbers were going to move me right out of my flat
in San Francisco! Because those numbers showed me I still needed $1,000 to pay my rent
and I was walking down the “No job, no money” pig trail with NOTHING in sight!
So when Joe said that to me, I first fell into my victimhood and thought, No Joe, you just
don’t understand. I am BROKE I have to move out!
But then, remembering my training, I sat down, breathed, looked out the window, and then
imagined numbers. When it comes down to it, a number is just a number, and “money” is
this strange meaning we place on those number in our bank accounts.
Something adjusted inside me and I thought, well, if I do this and I do that, I just might be
able to pull it off. And that is exactly what I did. I changed my mind about how I was looking
at it all and things just seemed to shift and fall in place where I needed them.
About 150 years ago when people were traveling across the country to get to the gold, they
probably had three goals each day.
1. To find shelter
2. To find water
3. To find food
So I ask myself whenever I “think” I don’t have enough, “Well Dori, do you have a roof over
your head?” “Yes.” “And Dori, do you have food and water in your belly?” “Yes.” So I then
have to say to myself, “Well then Dori, what is the problem again?”
And I always answer: “There is no problem.”
So if you are like me and those three things are taken care of, then I would like to formally
invite you to change your numbers and change your life.
… and why I like it SO much better then Paid Advertising.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art and science of ranking web properties (web
sites, web pages, PDFs, images, etc.) in the search engines. What makes this time really
exciting is that there are now other types of search engines emerging—not just information
search engines.
We will talk a lot about Google since they have the monopoly of information search, but we
will also talk about YouTube (content) and Amazon (product) search engines. Each has a
different formula for ranking and each pursues a different audience and serves a different
purpose, but each can also generate multiples of millions if you are on page one for certain
key phrases.
Today, there are two different types of search engine traffic.
• Pay Per Click (paid advertising)
• SEO or natural listings (FREE)
In Google you can find the PPC ads on the top and right side of every search and the organic
free listings in the main section of the search results. I am sure this image will look familiar
to you:
Keep in mind, we will concentrate on the FREE part of the search results in this book and in
my trainings because that is where I’ve excelled but it is still valuable knowledge for you to
know the difference between the two. Soon you will understand WHY I focus in on the
FREE search areas.
Pay Per Click works just like it sounds. The advertising company runs an ad and pays the
search engine a predefined amount of money for EACH CLICK their ad receives. So if you
run a PPC campaign, you pay Google every time someone clicks on your ad. (anywhere
from .05 to $50+ per click!)
• PPC Usually require nearly as much labor to set up as SEO requires
• PPC Requires ongoing management, whereas SEO, when done right, is done once
and performs superbly for the long haul.
• PPC Prices are constantly increasing, often beyond positive ROI for your most
important phrases, while SEO listings are free.
That is why I really love SEO because it takes about the same amount of energy to set up,
but I don’t have to pay for my clicks because they are FREE!
And now, this is what puts SEO on overdrive! 70% of the time when someone clicks on
something after searching they are clicking on the areas of the page that are the Natural
SEO listings. (source: That means …
70% of the searchers click the natural FREE SEO search engine results versus the PPC ads,
so you will get MORE traffic with an SEO listing.
Why does that happen?:
Look at this heat map below and notice where the color is dark deep red. This is where the
user’s eye lands when they come to a webpage. The eyes land first and it is also where
people click first.
Even Google reports the orange area below is where most people do their clicking.
On top of natural listings getting more clicks than PPC ads, it is also reported that SEO
listings convert 25% better than PPC listings. In part because people who click on the PPC
ads area normally click on more than one ad to find what they are looking for. In fact, they
click 30% more times on different PPC ads vs someone that is clicking on natural search
area ads. If someone is clicking around 30% more that means they are leaving a lot of ads
to go click in other places. 30% more clicking means a lot of ads are being left and they are
not buying anything from those locations.
You have a product that is selling for $100 and each click for PPC costs $1. With that, you
can see in the chart below what your earnings will be if you run a PPC ad campaign where
your product has a 2% conversion rate for sales.
For example, if the ad gets 100 clicks, you will pay $100 for the ads. ($1 per click for the
ads) The 100 clicks result in two sales (2% conversion), which is $200 in revenue. Subtract
what you spent on ads ($100) and you have earned $100.
On the other hand, an SEO campaign gets more traffic (more visitors because 70% of the
people searching are clicking in the SEO natural search area and only 30% of searchers
click on the PPC ads) and 25% higher conversion (It takes a 2.0% conversion rate to a 2.5%
conversion in this example). When you do the math, you earn more than FIVE TIMES (5X)
AS MUCH with the SEO campaign.
That means a lot more money in your pocket for pretty much the same amount of work.
Can you see how this can ad up and why so many of us LOVE SEO?!
Let’s recap:
• Natural listings (SEO) get 70% of the clicks
• Natural listings (SEO) convert 25% more
• Both SEO and PPC take time to set up
If set up right, SEO natural listings will bring you more long-term earnings compared to the
rising costs of PPC.
Which one do YOU want to concentrate on?
Of course you want to concentrate on the free traffic areas!
I am in a great position in this industry as I sell software tools to SEO Professionals, so not
only do I rank my own stuff, I get the low down on how others are making money online by
ranking on page one. While I still do my own reverse engineering to uncover secrets I’m
also fortunate enough for people to trust me with the secrets they find. Combining secrets
and strategies gets us to the free traffic rankings faster.
In this section I am going to introduce you to some of the experts I know that are absolutely
killing it online. Each with a slightly different model, but each one is as powerful as the
When I created Page One Engine I knew I wanted to make sure we had different business
models to allow people to CHOOSE which model they wanted to follow to make money. We
all have different personalities and what might be enjoyable for you might not thrill the
next person. The bottom line is there are a LOT of options and plenty of opportunities for
What follows is the 8 BEST ways to make money by using your new SEO skills and the first
two you don’t even need your own website!
First off, if you have not signed up for the Free LIVE event then you are going to want to
make sure to do that now so you can watch me show this method LIVE!
The first Page One Workshop will be all about Launch Jacking and how you can see for
yourself why NOW is the time more than ever to get in on the digital gold rush.
I chose to make my first training about Launch Jacking for one reason: Proof
What you will read below will completely blow you away so to make sure I can back it up
we are going to open the doors and show it to you during a LIVE event.
If you have already signed up then make sure to mark your calendar for the live event:
June 30th, 2015 2pm Eastern
Remember, if you have already missed the LIVE event date and time, it’s no problem. For now,
Dori is making the replay available to watch. However, it may come down at any time so take
advantage of this right away by registering for your FREE training!
First, it does not require you to have your own product nor do you need to own a website
for the product or service you are selling! Launch Jacking is like riding a wave and just like
the waves from the ocean never stop the opportunities to launch jack never stop. It is
successfully harnessing the momentum of large amounts of search traffic from the buzz
and release of new products and product launches.
New products come out all of the time so there are never a shortage of products to make
money from. Jeff happens to specialize in an area I happen to follow and I kept seeing his
name on the leaderboards for online product launches. He came out of nowhere and people
kept asking me if I knew him because he was using SEO to make it on the leaderboards.
See, most people on those leaderboards have spent a lot of time and money building up
email lists to then recommend different products to their list. Most likely you were
introduced to this book from an email list. When the individuals with the email lists send
out blasts to their customers their customers become curious about the product and rush
to the search engines to find out more information.
You can guess who is one of the people already ranking in the search engines and just
waiting to ride that wave of free traffic and collect the sales from those people with the
email lists that sent the traffic. Jeff knows how to rank high in the search engines but also to
have a great review and bonuses for anyone that is interested in the product. If someone
clicks on Jeff’s review and from there clicks the button to go buy the product then Jeff gets a
50% commission. Some products even pay a 75% commission!
If I told you what he made off a product launch just last week you might not believe me so
that is why I am going to show you LIVE proof on the first Page One Workshop online
Keep in mind, these types of product launches are only ONE industry to go after. There are
tons of industries that release new products.
Call it “Jeff Marketing” if you want.
Bottom line, this guy can take someone else’s product and MAKE MONEY with it. Here’s a
little about how Jeff got started and what he does to be successful at launch jacking.
Back when Jeff Lenney was working for various mortgage companies in Southern
California, making $45k a year, he didn’t even have a clue what a product launch was! He
was determined to make money online no matter what! He started with eBay. That brought
him an extra $1k a month, selling information, but it was taking three to five hours a day
and it was just downright too much work. He knew he could drastically increase his income
and do it in much less time. Starting around 2007, he began learning about ClickBank and
What happened then was pretty funny. He saw a product online that just seemed too good
to be true—ever had that happen to you? Well, Jeff grabbed the reins and took this horse
for a ride. He purchased the product and created a video about how bad it really was (yes, I
sad bad)! He ranked his first video in both YouTube and Google and generated sales by
referring potential buyers to another (better) product. That’s when he first realized the
power of a good review and ranking.
Over the past few years, Jeff has become a lethal weapon with SEO and Launch Jacking.
Starting with Launch Jacking via YouTube videos, he moved on to written reviews. Jeff says
this has been his biggest and best year to date. His latest product launch generated more
than double what he used to make in the mortgage industry—“not bad for a junior college
dropout” (Jeff’s words). Now 38, Lenney says, “I never went to college, but my mom is still
proud of me!” Expecting his first child this year, and honing his already awesome skills with
launch jacking, 2015 is definitely shaping up to be his best year ever!
The bottom line is trust. When someone trusts you, they’ll buy from you. When someone
trusts you, they’ll listen to what you have to say. Having an expert like Jeff is a complement
to what I do in my desire to help others succeed. It’s nice to know the feeling is mutual. “If I
can get someone like Dori Friend to trust me and have me as one of her experts, then I
know I’m doing something right,” says Jeff.
I’ll start with this simple—and important—fact: Jeff Lenney knows how to make money
with a product launch! So, listen up and pay attention!
Here is how Jeff makes it work:
Jeff knows about ranking for a few, really important, keywords.
By using just two or three special keywords—which, according to Lenney, is really the
same for every launch—you are able to position your offer, position your bonus, and rank
nicely for those keywords. If you can do that, he says, it’s really easy to make a lot of
Find out about a hot up-and-coming product launch and make a bunch of sales by ranking
on Page One in Google for that product. With our consumer driven society there are
seriously endless amounts of new products and product launches that continually hit the
Affiliate Marketing is finding a product or service that allows you to become a virtual
salesperson. An affiliate product wants to have others promote their products so they will
pay a commission if you help them bring in sales. A JV partner is very similar, but with one
exception—you are part of the launch process with a select group of individuals from the
first release. You can find the JV partners out there on sites like and its free
to sign up to be an affiliate or JV partner. Using these two approaches allows you to hone
your strategy based on which product sales to go after.
Remember earlier when we talked about the wave of traffic coming from the people with
large email lists? Well what if I told you you could not only make sales off that traffic but
you can also start to build your own email list for FREE!? Not all customers are going to buy
from you but we will show you how to get them to give you their email address so you can
follow up with them.
This enables you to maintain continual contact by getting them back to your review where
you can continue to promote the product. Even better, if they do not purchase the current
product they are on your email list so you can mail to them about the next product.
This is how you build relationships with online customers—step-by-step. You develop that
trust factor so they keep coming back. Did I mention TRUST? Without it, the people who
would otherwise become your loyal customers won’t be there for you long term.
Now, here comes the exciting part!
Jeff is going to share some of his secrets!
You wouldn’t think that Jeff (or any expert for that matter) would want to give away his
secrets and teach people EXACTLY how he makes BIG money, but that’s just what he’s
going to do. Do you know WHY he’s agreed to do this? Do you know why he’s not worried?
The answer is simple. Most don’t TAKE ACTION! Remember we talked about that earlier—
how people say what they want, they even set goals, but most people—the majority in
fact—simply do not take action.
SO, here’s your chance to NOT be like the majority, but to step out and CHANGE YOUR LIFE
Add to the fact there are an endless amount of products continuing to launch on a daily basis
in all types of markets and industries and you have a recipe for a constant stream of income
Jeff is willing to even let you in on some secret places to find product launches most people do
not even know about.
Whether you call it Launch Jacking or Affiliate Marketing of Jeff Marketing, Jeff knows his
stuff. He says he likes to GIVE PEOPLE VALUE and I am so grateful there are people like Jeff
Lenney on this planet.
Jeff has broken it down into 7 simple steps to follow. These 7 steps are proven to work and
he will be leading the way to teach this method in Page One Engine.
Now I have a feeling you might be thinking “how in the heck and I going to get a review on
page one of the search engines?” Glad you asked! I am here to let you know:
This is 2015 and the power of technology continues to amaze even me. We will show you
how to use online click and paste templates to get your reviews on the internet. We will
show you the templates that are getting the highest conversions. More importantly, you
will then be able to use Dori’s new patent-pending software to boost the backend of your
review to get on page one and capture the flow of traffic and make those commissions.
I decided to give you just a hint of the types of commissions to be made with launch jacking.
This is directly from Jeff Lenney himself:
“I was 5th place in the “Build my List” launch contest which ended on May 18th and earned
over $12,500 in 8 days. Now granted, that’s not hundreds of thousands, but I did earn over
$125,000 in the month of March- with ONE promotion – I just wanted to use “Build my List” as
it’s a more recent product from May of 2015. I did this with SEO, being ranked on top of
Google for “Build my List Review” and other related phrases. Keep in mind, this was NOT for a
$3,000 Mega course by Frank Kern or Anik Singal- this was a $49.00 product. Basically I
wrote a good review, offered an amazing bonus and ranked my review on page one of Google-
it’s that easy.”
– Jeff Lenney
“Image is Everything”
“First Impressions Matter”
“Perception is Reality”
It takes 0.1 seconds to form a lasting impression of a new person
Reputations can make or break individuals and companies. Online reputations are just as
important or maybe even MORE important now than offline reputations.
And individuals and companies are willing pay BIG money to keep their online reputations
positive. They not only pay to have a positive online reputation, but they will pay out
monthly to make sure they always keep a positive reputation online.
I’ve seen clients pay $500 for a simple one time fix but most clients are paying $1,000 to
$5,000 a month (and more) to maintain the positive presence. With SEO businesses having
HIGH profit margins you can see how this can really add up fast for monthly income!
Think about it: if you are looking for a new doctor, you probably go straight to Google and
search or ask your friends for suggestions. Next thing you do is go search for the
recommended doctors names to do your homework before you think about making an
You can see why helping a doctor maintain their image is important. Sometimes bad press,
true or not, can really cost them. Actively managing an online reputation can help off-set
any such bad press. People make decisions based on what they see, read, hear.
Easy—help others achieve a great online presence.
The reason I REALLY like this method is it’s NEW and it is SUPER easy. You do not need
your own websites and ranking for individual or company names basically means NO
This is such an important topic that I sought out an expert that I really respect and admire
who is a Pro with online reputation management. She will teach you how to take care of
your clients and more importantly WHERE to find new clients.
I had Lisa speak at my last SEO Rockstars event and she rocked the house! In fact, Lisa
Parziale was officially named "Best Online Marketing Consultant" in Dallas, Texas.
Lisa is a seasoned entrepreneur with over 20 years experience in strategic business
planning and implementation. She is one of the co-founders of Portside Marketing, LLC.
Lisa’s business is online marketing, social media management, and business development.
They focus on social, mobile, and online marketing for start-ups or small businesses in the
United States.
She has experience in managing online reputations for just about any type of individual or
business you can imagine: dentists, lawyers, doctors, plastic surgeons, roofers, plumbers,
and massage therapists. She knows what they all need and will let you in on some of her
industry secrets.
We start with defining it, examining one’s “rep” online, and then creating a strategy to
manage the reputation. Lisa uses a system she refers to as “rep juice.”
Rep Juice is her secret formula, broken down into a step by step system to follow to get her
clients the exact image they want online. Lisa is going to reveal all of the exact steps in her
formula to all Page One Engine members but here are the basics: making simple tweaks to
the clients websites and social profiles, gaining links (which the Page One software gives
you), knowing where to search for the right places for reviews, and making them all work
with social signals to achieve the desired results.
To give yourself a fast boost of confidence you can start with your own name. Who
wouldn’t want to be able to Google themselves and feel like a star with an awesome page
one presence? It’s so easy you will then want to do your spouse, kids, friends or parents.
You won’t be able to deny the proof that you ARE capable of page one rankings!
As we continue to increase how much of our life is spent online we are finding more and
more individuals and companies are starting to look for someone to take care of their
online reputations. It is more than just the doctors and companies who are seeking to take
care of their online reputation now. We are now seeing Moms and Dads reaching out to
make sure the internet is working FOR them.
51% of employers surveyed say they are searching online for more information about
potential candidates. This is up from 43% percent from the previous year and 34% from
the year before that!
Do you think more and more job seekers will want to make sure they have the best shot
they can when someone searches for them online? You bet they will and we KNOW they are
willing to pay to make sure they look great too!
People that are not posting online or are being careful about what they post think they are
“OK” but they are missing the point. They are not letting the internet work FOR them. It’s
becoming common to not just think about how we appear when we show up for in person
events but to make sure we put our best foot forward online as well.
We all understand social profiles. Most everyone has a Facebook profile. Lisa explains how
to utilize social profiles to develop a premium online reputation. Remember back in our
school days how important it was to be popular, to be in the “in” crowd? Lisa helps explain
how to create this effect so that you are popular in the right ways to grow your social
Lisa will share exactly how she does this and then you can decide if this is something you
want to do for yourself or for others … maybe both.
Using the Rep Juice Formula for Systematizing how it is done is so valuable! After learning
all the ins and the outs you will learn how to create a win—for yourself and future clients—
and Lisa will even share her methods for getting new clients.
I know other experts who do reputation management and one of them told me about an
experience they had with a reputation management client I just have to share.
The expert took a one time payment for $180,000 for a “legitimate businessman” from
Central America. He was an “exotic gem dealer” but his “lying competitors” were making up
“lies” online about him being a major drug lord. Needless to say, this “legitimate
businessman” wanted to clean up the first 3-4 pages of Google and “remove” (move down)
anything bad about his name. Most people do not even have more than 1 or 2 negative
things about them on page one much less 3 or 4 entire pages but they were up for the
He flew in to the Orange County airport and arrived in a limo with two body guards to meet
with their team. He was dressed in workout clothes complete with multiple gold chains just
like a stereotypical Italian mobster. The expert said it was really something else to
experience, it was NOT something you could even make up!
BTW, it took them about 3 weeks to clean up those pages and he was quite happy with their
results. This was a case where the service was so valuable to the client he did not care
WHAT it cost to get it done as long as it was completed.
• YouTube has over 1 Billion Users
• YouTube is now the 2nd Largest Search Engine
• Over 4 Billion YouTube Videos are Viewed Each Day
• Average YouTube Videos Viewed Each Day on Mobile Phones: 1 Billion
• 85% of Adults Globally (excluding China) consider themselves regular YouTube
Ranking on YouTube is so important that we have two Big Dogs on this topic: Jason Potash
who created his own software and is very successful in ranking videos AND Holly Starks
Cooper who is a bit of a renegade who consistently dominates YouTube.
Jason has been in the Internet Marketing business as long as I have. He has built huge,
successful online communities and his recent success has come from mastering YouTube!
Jason is a tall man—I mean well over 6ft and has a hard time flying, but… in my opinion—
he teaches others to fly and is definitely a giant in the YouTube arena.
YouTube recently became the second largest search engine AND the number one social
network. Yet strangely … YouTube is the most underutilized free traffic source on the
planet. This presents a tremendous opportunity for us all.
Jason has created a powerful software and blueprint from testing and experimenting with
As Jason says: “The stats are out. You already know that YouTube (not Facebook) is now
the largest social network … and the only search engine larger than YouTube is Big G (a.k.a.
Google). YouTube is a GARGANTUAN source of free, targeted traffic IF you know how to
harness it. And everyone knows that video traffic converts lookers into buyers like nothing
else! The good news is that most online entrepreneurs have either ignored YouTube,
abandoned it, or haven’t figured it out yet.”
Jason’s approach is to find the most popular search keywords on YouTube for your niche,
analyze all the YouTube data around those keywords, and determine the best niche
keywords with little competition where you can easily rank your videos.
Jason covers how to map out your video content strategy by giving you worksheets,
checklists, and step-by-step tutorials—and how to optimize your channels and videos. If
you listen to Jason, you will know how to get high rankings for your videos and a high
number of free visitors using SEO, and without spamming YouTube to death with fake
views, likes, and comments.
You will learn how to maximize social signals that play an important role to rank videos on
both Google and YouTube and increase video engagement and YouTube Likes. Jason’s
approach for Page One Engine is simplified to five steps, BUT it is the details that count and
Jason gets down and dirty with details on each step!
YouTube is a search engine in and of itself. To rank on YouTube you have to follow these
simple principals:
• Know your niche!
• Create your videos with SEO in mind from the start.
• Always put your links in and around your video.
• Build traffic to your videos.
• Find your competition.
• Dominate your competition.
Learning from Jason will guide you to the right thinking about YouTube. I hope you are
eager to learn from him, his tactics will teach you how to rank videos from an SEO
perspective for your business, niche, and keywords.
There are many strategic choices that you can make—that you should make—and I am
here to tell you that Jason can walk you through these choices.
Most people look at YouTube videos more than they actually look at desktops anymore.
People do so many searches from their mobile device within different social applications
that videos are taking over. You see everything on YouTube—from people getting
discovered and launched to super stardom—like Justin Bieber—to the mom and pop
business with a very small niche able to now get additional sources of free traffic.
There are several places you can rank using YouTube videos.
You can rank within the Videos section at the top of the Google search page. Currently
Google changes their menu all the time, but when you’re sitting at your desk, whether that’s
your desktop or laptop or on your phone, and you enter something and hit SEARCH, it’s
brings up what we call natural organic listings. At the top of the page is the menu section
with the “More” sign. When you click on “More” you’re going to see “Videos” as an option. If
you choose the Video option then only videos will show in the search results. If you’re
logged into Google, meaning you have a GMail account (I live logged into Google, unless I’m
going incognito tracking things), you can actually click on “Videos” because it’s right next to
“Web” in the menu.

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  • 1.
  • 3. COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM Copyright @2015 by Dori Friend All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, at the address below. Page One Engine 3451 Dry Creek Ln, Ione, CA 95640 First Edition
  • 4. DEDICATION To Meredith Marlin, my rockin’ partner who inspires me each day to live larger than the day before. To Anik Singal, my rockin’ coach for his brilliance and for holding me accountable. To Mom & Dad, my rockin’ parents, for telling me from an early age that I could do anything.
  • 5. CONTENTS YOU’RE ABOUT TO MASTER YOUR LIFE ........................................................................................ 6 ABOUT THE AUTHOR—DORI FRIEND............................................................................................ 8 RAVE REVIEWS.....................................................................................................................................10 PREFACE.................................................................................................................................................11 SECTION 1: CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE..........................................................17 CHAPTER 1: HOP AND PULL................................................................................................................................. 18 CHAPTER 2: THE POWER OF PERSPECTIVE ....................................................................................................... 25 CHAPTER 3: CHOICE IS EVERYTHING .................................................................................................................. 31 CHAPTER 4: CHOOSE AND PLAN YOUR LIFE................................................................................................. 42 CHAPTER 5: HERE IS THE PLAN, IF YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT .................................................................. 44 SECTION 2: THE WILD WEST – DIGITAL GOLD..........................................................................46 CHAPTER 6: THERE IS GOLD IN THOSE HILLS ................................................................................................... 47 CHAPTER 7: WHAT DO YOU NEED TO START ................................................................................................... 51 CHAPTER 8: WHAT IS SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION................................................................................... 54 SECTION 3: BIG DOG BUSINESS MODELS.....................................................................................61 CHAPTER 9: FAST MONEY WITH LAUNCH JACKING .......................................................................................... 62 CHAPTER 10: FAST MONEY WITH REPUTATION MANAGEMENT.................................................................... 69 CHAPTER 11: FAST MONEY BY RANKING ON YOUTUBE ................................................................................. 74 CHAPTER 12: FAST MONEY AS AN SEO/MARKETING AGENCY ..................................................................... 84 CHAPTER 13: FAST MONEY WITH SOCIAL MEDIA............................................................................................ 86 CHAPTER 14: FAST MONEY SELLING AND/OR RENTING WEBSITES............................................................ 90
  • 6. CHAPTER 15: FAST MONEY WITH AFFILIATE MARKETING DK FYNN .......................................................... 93 CHAPTER 16: FAST MONEY FROM BUILDING AN EMAIL LIST......................................................................... 96 CHAPTER 17: ADVANCED STRATEGIES: LINK-BUILDING TO SHOOT YOUR SITES TO THE TOP!............... 99 CHAPTER 18: ADVANCED STRATEGIES TO ROCKET LAUNCH YOUR EARNINGS .........................................101 SECTION 4: BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER................................................................................ 104 CHAPTER 19: THE CHECK LIST .........................................................................................................................105 CHAPTER 20: IN CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................107 CHAPTER 21: PAGE ONE ENGINE......................................................................................................................110
  • 7. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM YOU’RE ABOUT TO MASTER YOUR LIFE You are reading this for a reason. I don’t believe in coincidences in life and whatever brought you to this book tells me that you are ready to change your life for the better. Deep in your gut, you know that you want more. You know that if “they” can do it, YOU can do it! ALL IT TAKES IS A DECISION Today, right now, you have the opportunity to empower yourself to accept something you have heard 1,000 times before but never allowed your mind to truly believe: that you can do anything, be anything, and create anything! You have it in you. All you need is to believe in yourself and CHOOSE it. Where the Big Dogs Roam is an overwhelmingly pure example of how to overcome any type of barrier holding you back in any area of your life. FOLLOW OUR TRAILS This book will take you on a magical journey into the wild wild west of the Internet and introduce you to the extraordinary experts (The Big Dogs) who have created step-by-step systems detailing every inch of their journeys to financial freedom. All YOU have to do is follow our steps on the trail we have blazed before you. Others have done it and now it’s YOUR turn! MINDSET & MONEY We will show you how to build an Internet empire right from your laptop—and yes, even in your pajamas! You are about to learn how to change your life, change your mindset and attain your financial dreams. You don’t have to be a techie; you don’t need any specialized experience. All you need is an 6
  • 8. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM open mind and a desire for change. Oh, and one more thing—you have to be willing to take ACTION! If you have ever dreamed of having more in life, Where The Big Dogs Roam is just the book to get you there. You can begin to generate your own sources of income by simply following the Big Dogs down the path they have laid out for you. 7
  • 9. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM ABOUT THE AUTHOR—DORI FRIEND MISSION STATEMENT Dori Friend’s personal mission is “to empower people to accept themselves and each other.” No one is perfect, we all make mistakes but we must learn to accept ourselves, believe in ourselves and never give up striving to reach beyond our own perceived limitations. LEAPS OF FAITH After riding her bicycle across the United States in 2000, Dori read Robert Kiyosaki’s book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Upon finishing it, she knew she couldn’t go back to her “day job.” She admits that a steady paycheck was like a drug, but once she realized there were other ways to make money—lots of money—she was able to kick the habit. WORKING AT APPLE COMPUTER Even though she was an expensive hired gun for Apple Computer, working on products for the MAC operating system and as a part of the team that created the first digital interface for cameras, (parts of which can still be seen on all cell phone cameras today) she knew she couldn’t scale her finances as there were only so many working hours in the day. And, well, Steve Jobs had just come back to Apple and dismantled most of the departments she had worked for. ENTREPRENEURIAL ADVENTURES Taking the changes at Apple as a sign, Friend hit the Internet hard and within a few years had reverse-engineered enough of Google’s systems to master the technique of ranking websites on page one and making millions of dollars for her effort. FINANCIAL AND EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTERS The journey wasn’t always easy; no one was in front of her leading the way—and of course not everyone was happy with her success. Google hired a myriad of PhDs to counteract Friends’ and her SEO comrades’ techniques and strategies for ranking on page one. Yes, 8
  • 10. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM Google went after Dori personally. Later on you will find out the reason Google did this, how it wiped out 1 Million dollars worth of Dori’s websites and how it became a benefit in disguise to Dori. More importantly you will find out how this all plays out to benefit you! But, like most entrepreneurs, Friend never gave up and bounced ahead and now is considered a leading industry expert in the underground world of SEO and Internet Marketing. MASTERING HER CRAFT WITH A PURPOSE At her core, Dori is a master of reverse engineering the Internet search engines to find solutions to get free traffic faster and more efficiently. She takes the solutions and processes she uncovers and automates it all by creating simple online software. Dori’s software solutions allow customers and members of her community to save a lot of time and get a lot more free traffic. Her latest patent-pending software took over a year to build and allows users to have total control of their rankings in the search engines and generate even higher amounts of free traffic. FUTURE AND VISION Dori built the Page One Engine platform to teach others the same systems and share the same software solutions responsible for her own success online. Her goal is for Page One Engine to continue to grow as a community and empower others to create the positive changes they want in their lives. She will continue to serve as the leader in the community and keep working on her next innovative software platform. 9
  • 11. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM RAVE REVIEWS “Dori knows her stuff and is THE secret SEO weapon for many Internet insiders. It’s about time she’s putting something out there in the marketplace that really works. She stands behind everything she does and really takes care of her ‘tribe’.” – Yanik Silver, founder Maverick1000 “Bottom line is, I have made MULTIPLE MILLIONS of dollars using Dori’s systems and promoting her educational material and software to my customers. Dori pulls in the best of the best for her workshops.” – Brad Callen, Bryxen Software, Inc. "Dori Friend is one of the top SEO experts on the planet. I've made so much money over the years with her information and systems. When it's SEO, I go straight to Dori. I can't wait to promote this new product, it's going to absolutely ROCK!" – Jim Sweeney Founder, “Dori and I have been good friends since 2003. We started a cash-cow business together back in 2005, and she’s one of the only people I have ever trusted enough to teach SEO to my students… Dori Friend is an SEO Queen.” – Jeff Johnson, “We took a new business from $0 to close to $1m/year in recurring revenue in just a few months. She holds great events, really cares about her customers, surrounds herself with smart people, and knows her stuff.” – Ben Roy, Cloak Hosting “I've been in the online/Internet Marketing world since 1997, and have been blessed to be friends with Dori for over half of that time. She's seen it all in the SEO world and knows what it takes to get RESULTS. Any time I have a 'what's working now' SEO question, Dori is the person to ask.” – Chris Zavadowski, Centreville, VA 10
  • 12. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM PREFACE CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST STEP TOWARDS SUCCESS Congratulate yourself right this minute for being on the road to your dreams. By reading this book you've possibly taken the most important step in your life. But remember, this is going to take work—that may be a four-letter word to you but without it nothing will happen. Sometimes we think we’re taking action; we are busy—sometimes crazy busy—so we feel like we’re getting things done. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that being busy is the same as taking action. You can set goals and read all the success books in the world, but if you don’t apply what you’ve learned, you’ll end up frustrated—and worse than that— frustrated and broke! YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON You are on this page for a reason and your life IS about to change because of it. If you are HERE, then I guarantee your life will never be the same and you are in for the ride of your life. EVERYTHING YOU WANT What would you say if I told you that you could have everything you want? Did you believe me? Did I hear you say, “How?” Or did you shake your head and say, “No way; it’s just another empty promise”? If your first thought was “How?”, I want you to remember that. That is your inner giant that 11
  • 13. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM sets you apart from 99% of the population. Most will reject the idea that they can have everything. We have all grown up with self- limiting beliefs and it takes concentrated effort to break them. But I am here to say that YOU CAN do this! You can have EVERYTHING you have always wanted. All it takes is the desire, a plan, and action. I will give you the plan, so all you need is “the desire” and then you must TAKE ACTION! START YOUR NEW LIFE Where the Big Dogs Roam is the start of your new life. I am going to teach you how to become a “Big Dog” on the Internet: how to look at things and CHOOSE your perspective and CREATE what you want. WHY BIG DOGS? I chose the metaphor “Big Dog” after my crazy, semi-little dog that has a HUGE sense of adventure. He always has a smile on his face and is always ready to go. This dog has been skunked more times than I can count, been bitten by three rattlesnakes on two different occasions, and STILL runs into the wind with no regard for what may lie ahead of him. He attacks life with his head held high and makes the dogs that stay on the porch look like pussycats. Just like him I have been skunked more than once, and I’ve had to crawl under a number of fences to get what I wanted. But also like him, I was not content to accept being skunked or to keep having to crawl under fences to get what I wanted. I wanted more, needed more, and was capable of more—and I know the same is true for you. Lucky for you, there is a road map that wasn’t available when I started marketing online 15 years ago. That roadmap is what I am going to introduce to you in this book. You have everything you need and you are enough. 12
  • 14. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM I am going to show you exactly how to master an online business. Then, I am going to introduce you to a handful of Big Dogs that will teach you what is working RIGHT NOW to make easy money. If you follow our system and pay attention to the experts that we introduce you to—the sky’s the limit! You may be asking yourself, “Can I really do this? Do I have to be a tech-savvy person? I don't really know that much about the Internet or technical stuff. If that's you, stop worrying right this minute! There are only three things involved: Conceiving: Getting the idea. Creating a goal AND making a PLAN, and committing it to paper. Believing: Knowing that anything is possible. If someone else has done it, then so can you. You absolutely need to believe! Achieving: Putting your plan into ACTION. PROOF Here is verifiable proof that this system has worked for me. Goal: House on the Water FACT: I now own a stunningly beautiful ranch in California which sits on a hillside overlooking a 2 acre pond, a pool and plenty of room for all of our animals. Goal: Loving, Committed Relationship FACT: OMG I am in the BEST relationship with the love of my life! Goal: Make a Million Dollars in One Year FACT: Have done that multiple years in a row; my new goal is to make a million in one month. 13
  • 15. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM Goal: Become a Maverick 1000 Member FACT: Done! Goal: Travel the World FACT: In the last two years alone I have been to the Ice Hotel in Sweden, Machu Picchu in Peru, Hawaii, Philippines, all over the United States and the Caribbean more times than I can even recall at the moment. Goal: Speak in Front of a 1,000-person Audience FACT: I spoke in front of 4,000 at an industry event with another 2,000 watching online for a total of 6,000. Today, I am still using the same skills I am going to teach you to reach my new goals. Earl Nightingale defines success as the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal. That is the beautiful thing about life, there are always more goals to go after and as long as we are pursuing them we will stay on the successful path. Now, you may be thinking, “I’ve tried these online deals before, and they haven’t worked for me” or, “I just don’t believe that thoughts-can-create-my-future stuff.” I can tell you that that type of mindset will ALWAYS hold you back and you need to STOP! It is that type of attitude that has you stuck in so many ways and you will never be able to get out from under that rain cloud that you have set above yourself! If you think you’ll never make as much money as you want to or think you’ll never have the relationship you want or think you’ll never achieve your career goals … well, then you’re right, you won’t. So stop shooting yourself in the foot start thinking you CAN and jump on board. You do not have to know HOW you will make the things you want happen you just have to the desire and know they WILL happen. I know—there ARE online scams! I myself have been scammed more than once! Multiple times in fact, but I always kept believing! Until finally, I received the email that changed my life. 14
  • 16. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM THE EMAIL THAT CHANGED MY LIFE In 2001 Yanik Silver was promoting a conference where he was speaking. The price was $2,495, plus I had to get there and pay for the hotel and my meals. At the time it was a lot of money to me, but I just couldn’t give up on going. I found the money and decided to trust again and go. I sat in the FRONT row so I could look into the whites of these guys’ eyes! I wanted to know—to see—if they were telling the truth. I am happy to report that these are the same guys I hang out with to this day. They were the real deal. They are VERY real people making real money on the Internet. Also, they cared about other people, the planet, and giving back—all things that are important to me too. These were MY PEOPLE, and I bet they are YOURS too! FROM $0 TO $100,000 A MONTH It was a different world back then though. If someone made $10,000 a month THAT was a big deal. I remember when I told someone my goal of $100,000 a month and they looked at me like I had two heads. But, I saw others do it and I knew if they could do it, then so could I! That’s a powerful statement—if you can do it, I can do it. It doesn’t always feel true, but in reality, it is. Everyone knows Walt Disney. This quote from him may have an impact on you in this moment in time: “All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney grew up as one of five children on a farm in Missouri; he was abused as a child by a very severe, strict father. He started drawing cartoons and sharing with friends when he was a young boy. Whatever he could imagine, he could bring to life—and today Disneyland stands as one of the biggest dreams ever and one that brings joy to people from all over the world every single day. 15
  • 17. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM I had the courage to set my goal at $100,000—and I did it! If I’d listened to the people telling me I couldn’t do it, I wouldn’t have gotten there. Now I see others make $1,000,000 a month and I think, if they can do it, then so can I! Making money is a lot about getting your mind ready for it. My mind wasn’t going to let me go from making my first dollar online to $100,000 in a month. I had to work up to that, just like I am working up to a million a month. That is my next layer of the onion. But, I hang out with people that DO make that, so I know I am right behind them, like you are right behind me. 16
  • 19. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM CHAPTER 1: HOP AND PULL What would you think if I told you that to have everything you wanted in life, all you had to do is change your mind? I bet you are thinking, "What the heck? Just change my mind? I know I want to be financially free; I know I don't want to have to ask someone else for a vacation to be able to spend extra time with my family.” “I know I want to be able to take a vacation anywhere I want to go in the world; I don’t want to have my current income limit my options on a destination or a job to limit the amount of time I can stay on vacation.” Or if you are your own boss, you know that you want to earn more or have more free time to create, or just get enough quality customers so that your life is less stressful. Have you seen or read, The Secret? If so, you’ve learned about the “Law of Attraction.” You think about the things you want all the time. Perhaps you have even created a dream board and put all the things you want on it. “Once we have an idea of what we want we build that image in our Mind and then we LIVE as if we are already there. Mentally, you already ARE. You’re planting that idea in your subconscious Mind. And then the idea MUST move forward into Form. It’s an absolute law. Because that’s just the way things work.” – Bob Proctor In your head, you know these things are supposed to work. You know what all of the experts say and you probably even liked the Bob Proctor quote but they’re kind of ethereal. 18
  • 20. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM You are still not really believing any of it works. There are reasons why it is not working and you haven’t attained these things you want. First, you must write down your goals. If you haven’t written them down, they are simply dreams in the clouds. Do you have your goals clearly defined and written down? If you do not, its OK, in chapter 4 we will dive deeper into why writing down goals actually means you will be more successful than 97% of the population. THE POWER OF YOUR MIND This is where mindset comes in. You must set up an action plan to get you where you want to go; you need to learn about mindset. LET ME GIVE YOU AN EXAMPLE: I THOUGHT THIS WAS IMPOSSIBLE A couple of months ago I did something I thought was impossible (for me). What happened relates to so many different aspects of my life, and I want to share it with you. It was a simple and slight change of perspective in my thought process that let me attain a goal I had held onto for 12 years. You see, I moved from the city (San Francisco) to the country 12 years ago and immediately got a horse. (I actually got three of them and now I have 10!) I was a novice rider at best (still am) and have always been a hefty girl so getting ON the horse has continued to be an embarrassment for me. At first I used a bucket to step up on and then onto the horse. Then I would just find a rock to give me a leg up. Then finally I purchased this: 19
  • 21. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM Believe me, these stairs make it incredibly easy for me to get my butt over the horse and into the saddle. The horse I ride now, Diesel, who is a tank, learned our entire routine. Forty-five minutes into our ride, he instinctively headed for the blue steps to let me off! BUT TODAY WAS DIFFERENT! I woke up in a less-then-stellar mood. I didn't want to get up and it was just one of those days where one thing after the other kept going wrong and making me MORE frustrated. (I’m sure you have had those) 20
  • 22. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM I sat at my desk and took a moment to just breathe—slow, steady, deep breaths. Then I remembered reading that Brad Pitt uses music to turn his emotions into whatever feeling he needs to draw on for his scenes. So I thought, okay, let's try that. ACDC – “I'm TNT, I'm Dynamite!” I listened to the music and then sang it during my entire walk to the round pen. Remarkably, it worked and it put me in a better mood. (So chalk one up for Brad Pitt!) I continued my routine with Diesel, saddled him up, warmed him up, and then it was time to climb up the blue steps like I’d done 1,000 times before. But this time, I didn’t climb the steps. I stood looking down at the stirrup and I contemplated the idea of getting on without a crutch. The negative, you-can’t-do-it, you will fall, don’t even try, feelings came flooding back. I said to Tino, our ranch cowboy, "You know, I will probably never be able to get up on this horse without these steps because I can barely even get my foot UP to the stirrup let alone get my foot IN it to get on the horse!” I had truly had given up in that moment of EVER achieving this goal. But then he said, "No, no Patrona, just hop a little and then PULL yourself up." What? Hop and pull? Hmmm. Within five seconds I was on top of my Diesel! I had done it! I had gotten on my tank of a horse without those stairs, without a bucket, without standing on a rock! I had gotten on that horse, any horse for that matter, ON MY OWN for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE! I DID IT! It had been such a long-time goal of mine that when it happened, it was kind of anti- 21
  • 23. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM climactic. I mean, it happened just like that. No build-up, no mantras, not too much whining—just a change of perspective literally lifted me up onto that horse sitting tall and proud in the saddle. I never thought to hop and pull, and for some reason that TINY change in mindset made all the difference. (And of course, Tino telling me I could do it!) As I walked back to my office, I thought WOW that was totally easy. I just changed my mind. This event may not seem significant to you, but it was substantial for me. It reminded me how much I live in the "I want" instead of the "I do" kind of life. And let me tell you right here and now, I AM NOT PERFECT; nobody is and I still struggle with different things in my life as each layer of the onion peels away. IT MADE ME THINK: Hmmm, what else do I need to "just change my mind” about? What else in my life can use just a “hop and pull”? Do you have areas in your life where you have just flat out given up on a goal? Areas in your life where no matter how hard you think you are trying you just can’t seem to overcome the negatives? Think about them and make this mental note to your self: “if I really want something then a tiny change in my mind or a tiny shift in the way I am thinking is what I need.” We all have our own layers and each of us is on our own path, but what I do have going for me is that I learned this information early on in my life, so when I "choose" to, I can draw on it and use it. The key word here is "choose." Many times I will lament on something knowing I have the power to change it, but I procrastinate until the pain of NOT choosing it is worse than the pain of going for it. Jim Rohn, one of the best success coaches in the world, used to ask the question: “Which is worse, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret?” 22
  • 24. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM Take writing this book for example. I have wanted do to it for a long time; I have been making notes on things I wanted to include, but you know, lying in bed or watching movies (I don't watch TV) is always "easier," so until my deadline came upon me—and the pain of not getting it done was greater than actually sitting down at my computer and putting down the words, I just didn’t do it. For some, writing comes easy, but I am a visual person (Art Major)—so I "see" things in my head and I had my mind made up that getting the words out was difficult for me, so I viewed it as a difficult, even daunting, task. CHANGING MY MIND Then, I finally "changed my mind." I used one of the techniques I am going to talk about and BAM the words to this book were flowing out, because I "changed my mind" about it. So, I want to remind you about this when we start talking about the eight business models that have enabled hundreds of thousands to quit their day jobs, or catapulted a mom & pop business into stardom. You may say to yourself, I can't do this, I don't know anything about the Internet, or this is just too technical for me. But in reality, that is just you CHOOSING for it to be impossible. EVERYTHING IS A CHOICE When you tell yourself you can’t do this, and you will, I want you to remember what I told you. Come back to this chapter and read it again. EVERYTHING is a CHOICE, and you have the power to choose anything you want. Once you actually CHOOSE—I mean REALLY CHOOSE—you will naturally create a plan to attain whatever it is that is eluding you. Choice is a HUGE factor in life. You make thousands of choices each and every day. Your brain is constantly making choices: turn your head, blink your eye, lift your leg. These choices are easy; they are automatic, even mindless. In reality those “easy” choices are no 23
  • 25. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM different than the choices we think are “hard.” It is all how you look at things, it is all from the perspective you choose to look at choices from. CHOOSE YOUR PERSPECTIVE One of the choices that will change your life is the choice of perspective. We always have the power to change our perspective… 24
  • 26. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM CHAPTER 2: THE POWER OF PERSPECTIVE “If you don’t like the view from where you are sitting, then change your seat!” PERSPECTIVE CREATES YOUR LIFE Your point of view—your perspective—dictates and even creates your entire experience and your material world. It is from this innocent point of attitude that your entire life is played out. Let me give you an example. DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES = DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES You may have seen the Oscar nominated movie The 100 Foot Journey, which was released in 2014. It’s about a family’s journey from their home in India to France and, to give you the short version, the son becomes an internationally-known chef, both he and his dad “get the girl,” and they live happily ever after. But in the beginning when they were driving through Europe looking for a place to live, they were suddenly thrust into a life-threatening situation when their brakes failed. The family tossed and turned in the car as the father worked feverishly to keep them on the road and under control; when turning to miss an oncoming tractor, they headed uphill onto another road and gravity eventually slowed then stopped the car. The scene then switches to an overview shot of the family getting out of the car. Each person gets out in a different manner. 25
  • 27. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM Son #1 comes out yelling at his father for making them travel around in that horrible poor excuse of a car; his perspective is clearly anger toward his father. The younger children are shocked and crying as children do when they are rapidly thrown from their comfort zone, their perspectives being ones of fear. Son #2 (our star and chef) gets out of the car and stands in a state of daze, confused at what just happened, but reflective. The audience can sense that he’s in a state of wonderment. The father, on the other hand, gets out of the car with dignity, looks across the valley and sees the beautiful village below them and simply says, “Brakes break for a reason.” Son #1 continues to be angry but son #2 and the rest of the children feel the power of the father’s words. (The village he was looking down on while he said this is where they end up deciding to stay and establish a new life) Ultimately, it was THIS perspective from the father that led the entire family down a different trajectory in life, and it was upon THAT scene that the entire movie and the rest of their lives are based. POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES You can imagine how different the movie and the lives of the family would have been if the father’s perspective were one of fear, anger, or confusion. Can you see how your life may be different if your perspective about any current situations shifted to another seat, another view, another outlook? Here, I will share a real world example in which I saw a shift in perspective change a friend’s entire life. I will first preference this with a news story I saw a while back. They were interviewing a 90-year-old physician who was still practicing medicine and leading what we would 26
  • 28. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM consider a rather uncommon life for a 90-year-old. The interviewer asked him, “What is your secret, how do you maintain your vitality and stamina at 90 years of age?” He smiled at the interviewer as he put on his sneakers from inside the locker room and said, “I hang out with 60-year-olds.” So to him, he is 60, not 90. He lives his life doing what the other 60-year-olds do, thus changing his perspective and mindset about how a 90-year-old should live. This is very similar to what is happening in a friend of mine’s life. She is 54 and engaged to someone who is 32! I have witnessed how she has changed, not just mentally, but physically too! She is now living as someone in their 30s would, with her entire life ahead of her— adventure and amazement at the world, creating a totally different life trajectory than what she was creating prior to the relationship. Instead of looking at retirement, my friend is now looking at life in a totally new way, living like a 30-year-old: eyes open, full of excitement and wonder on how to best serve the world in the next 50 years. These two examples illustrate what happens with a positive shift in perspective. Just as easily, and probably too easily, we can let ourselves shift in the opposite direction and take a more negative stance. After all, this is what society teaches us; it is everywhere and is almost impossible to escape. Most of the world lives from the perspective of fear, and it can—and does—rub off if you’re not careful. I heard something recently on a sports talk station of all places who said: When fear knocks, let faith answer the door. Pretty awesome. Faith is just a “perspective”: a positive one. 27
  • 29. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM NEGATIVE PERSPECTIVES: WHEN FEAR DOMINATES Another friend of mine moved from the city to the country. In the city, if you owned multiple properties, you were respected and admired for your financial success. Those who were in his circle of influence in the city supported that view and therefore many of that group excelled and owned multiple properties. When he purchased the ranch next to his his NEW group of friends in the country had a different point of view. “What is he going to do with all that land?” “Why does he need that?” “What a waste.” All of this was coming from really “good” people, but they’d been getting by on minimum wage and viewed this lifestyle as “extravagant.” They just didn’t have the perspective to understand the investment. I only know this because I asked him why he sold the ranch next door to his, and he said, “Well, it just felt a little ostentatious for me to own both.” YOU BECOME WHO YOU HANG WITH At that moment, I realized my friend was pulled into another way of thinking and his perspective shifted from one of abundance to one of shame and smallness. Have you ever heard the phrase, “You become who you hang around?” This is exactly what I’m talking about here. I want to say don’t let this happen to you. In fact, when you start changing your perspective to a healthier, happier one, you will often NOT be supported by the people around you. I would even recommend keeping your new perspective and what you are about to learn in this book about mastering the search engines to yourself until you are strong enough to defend it. Stand by it and hold on for dear life (it is your life, you know) and keep it safe and close to you—no matter whom or what challenges you. 28
  • 30. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM TAKE A STAND If you tell someone who’s making minimum wage that you are working on making a million dollars in the next 12 months, I can almost assure you that they will scoff; they will do everything to discourage you. Why? Because you are taking a stand; you are going for your dreams and it frightens them. Remember what I said about most people living in FEAR? So if—or I should probably say when this happens—don’t be alarmed; it is to be expected. It is human nature and sometimes you have to change your playground and playmates in order to attain your dreams. That may sound harsh but it is reality that those you spend the most time with will influence you and your actions, your motivations, and your future. We all have a fear gauge. I wanted to get my finances out of the way so I could start serving others and giving back. BE A MILLIONAIRE It is often said that if you want to be a millionaire, hang out with millionaires! I am here to remind you that THAT is true, and it is exactly what I did. I didn’t do it all in one day, but I remember consciously thinking that my current group of friends were wannabes (as was I) and often purchased lottery tickets and put $1 bills in envelopes as the chain letters instructed them to in HOPES that they would become millionaires. The car doesn’t run on HOPE, it runs on gas. I realized that I needed to create a plan to get the gas instead of HOPING it would appear. It was then that I started to look for people who were already doing what I wanted to do, and that was—making large amounts of money. MAKING MONEY IS EASY To me, making money is the easy part and I am going to show you exactly what I think is the quickest and easiest method, and that is mastering the search engines. What you do with your money after you make it is up to you. But first, you HAVE to have a mindset that will ACCEPT the money. So for now, keep it a secret and work quietly on your perspective. 29
  • 31. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM It is from your perspective that everything else is attained. The law of attraction that you have been hearing about cannot work without the correct perspective and a plan. Perspective along with a plan (not hope) gives the universe the fuel to create your dreams just like gas gives the car fuel to run. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHOOSE The beautiful thing about perspective is that YOU have the power to CHOOSE your perspective at any time, NO MATTER the circumstances. Let it REALLY sink in: • YOU (yes YOU) have the power to CHOOSE. • CHOOSE your perspective at any time, • NO MATTER the circumstances. 30
  • 32. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM CHAPTER 3: CHOICE IS EVERYTHING You can see from the last chapter how powerful your perspective is when it comes to your attitude, and how it creates your outlook and even outcome. But did you know that you can “choose” your perspective? I gave you some examples in the last chapter of how each of the participants may not have known better (because you don’t know what you don’t know) but they each were fully capable of “choosing” their perspective. Each member of the family that came out of the car that had no brakes had the ability to choose their perspective of the event. Something happened (their brakes went out), and each of them put a different meaning on it. You can CHOOSE what meaning you place on anything that happens. And THAT is so VERY IMPORTANT that I am going to say it again! Something happened (their brakes went out), and each of them put a different meaning on it. You can CHOOSE what meaning you place on anything that happens. ARE YOU READY TO MAKE YOUR CHOICE??? THREE BASIC POINTS OF VIEW YOU CAN CHOOSE For the sake of simplicity I am going to narrow all the various emotions into three points of view. 31
  • 33. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM 1. SAD: You could be feeling victimized or depressed at what just happened. You are sure they are out to get you or that you just never get a lucky break. The world is against you and you can’t do anything right. (You won’t get far here.) 2. ANGRY: They did it to you and you are mad as hell. You can be mad at yourself or someone else or just mad in general; it doesn’t matter. Mad is mad and you are mad! (You can get somewhere, but it isn’t fun!) 3. HAPPY: Wahooo, look at how lucky I am. WOW, this is such a cool adventure. You are okay, curious, attentive, and even ecstatic at what is going down. (This is where you can create what you want!) Actually all three are just a “story.” We make up stories about everything that happens. We all have them; I have them. My friends who know me and know this stuff I am talking about tease me and tell me I have a “Google story.” They are right, Google did something to my company, to me personally, and I continue to have a “story” about it. I wonder, “How could they?” I actually play a pretty good victim in my story! But, I understand that it is just a story. Google did something, and I placed meaning on it and took it personally. (Well, they did destroy about a million dollars of my websites and because of that I lost 60% of my customer base in 30 days! But who is whining?) It’s probably one of the reasons that drives me to teach others how to manipulate their search results and keep getting massive amounts of traffic. So lucky for you, I let myself stay in “anger” around this one and let my story run me a little. (For those of you that like comeback stories, after Google did this to me I bounced back and made even more money than I had before it all happened. I chose to believe the story would open opportunities for me.) But really, the stories we make up about stuff that happens normally keep us “stuck” in life. And the beauty is that we can choose to listen to the story in our head or ignore it and 32
  • 34. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM choose a different perspective. So, what’s your story? For example: If your brakes go out, you have the choice to be sad, angry, or amazed that they lasted that long, or empowered that you now get to enjoy a long walk to town. It is all about your point of view, and the best thing is YOU have the power to “choose” your point of view! Your mind is the most important factor in the equation of making money, creating relationships, and being happy. Period. That is why I am spending time working on your mindset. Without a positive mind, you will be one of the people that kick the car and do not see the beautiful town just around the bend. Which would you prefer? To spend the rest of your day angry at the company that rented you the car, or amazed and empowered to walk down to the village, sit in a little café, eat a pastry, sip an espresso, or have a glass of wine and some brie? Take some time right now and right here to think about then write down a “story” that you think might be holding you back. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Three Feet from Gold Have you ever heard the story “Three Feet from Gold?” It's a great story about a gold miner who was in his tunnel digging for gold, swinging his pick day after day, nothing seeming to change. Finally he gave up; he just couldn't continue because nothing seemed different; every day looked just like the last. From his perspective it was a waste of time. 33
  • 35. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM Someone else came in after he left and found that he was three feet from one of the biggest veins of gold ever discovered! Moral of the story, if you find yourself in a hole, KEEP DIGGING! Do NOT give up! It is about whistling while you work. Keep at it with a smile on your face, with the attitude and perspective of gratitude until you strike your vein of gold! All unhappiness lies in wanting something you don’t have. Wanting to be somewhere other than where you are in the present moment, wanting to be someone other than who you are in the present moment, wanting to have something other than what you have in the present moment. Take something that is making you unhappy now. Are you in a job you don’t like? Is an employee giving your trouble? Are you sick? To be happy, one must simply choose what is in front of them. Here is one of my favorite quotes that I have taped in spots around the house so I am sure to see it on a daily basis. I haven’t attained this 100% of them time, but I am working on it. “The way to live a happy beautiful life is to accept whatever comes and do not care about what does not come.” – Papaji So basically, choose what “is” in the present moment. I would like you to do this exercise. Wherever you are hearing or reading this—whether you’re listening in your car, reading at your desk, or in the waiting room at your dentist’s office, I want you to focus and CHOOSE to be in the moment, right where you are, be THERE. 34
  • 36. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM I mean really CHOOSE IT with everything you’ve got. There is no other place that you would rather be than where you are right now! Can you feel the energy shift? If you don’t feel it, then you are still in your head and wanting to be elsewhere—because if you CHOOSE to be exactly where you are in the moment then you will feel a wave of peace come over you. And by being “in your head” I mean you are still stuck in the reality that most of the rest of the world is in where they really do not stop, and slow down and truly focus. If you are one of the small percentage of people that actually did stop and focus and choose to be in the moment then skip to the exercise below. If you are part of the larger percentage of people that are in a hurry and just skimmed what I said to do then I would like for you to do yourself a favor and give yourself another chance: Take 15 seconds and just stop. Stop and focus and CHOOSE to be in the moment right where you are. Take a deep breath in. Let it out. Say to yourself: There is no other place I would rather be than right where I am right now. Exercise: Write down a couple of words that describe what you felt, what type of shift. If you didn’t experience a shift of energy, what did you feel? Where is your mind? What is bothering you? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 35
  • 37. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM CLEARING YOUR HEAD I have a friend who is magnificent at helping people get “out of their head.” His name is Ross Todd and I used to pay him on a weekly basis to counsel me and “pop” me out of my head. By being in your head I mean you are stuck in your story and you can only see it from your own sad or angry point of view. It is keeping you emotionally worked up and you can’t seem to get over it. Getting out of your head automatically gives you a different perspective. When you aren’t in your head, you can actually see the story, you can actually see the meaning you placed on the story. Here are some of the things I do to quickly get out of my head and choose a different, more harmonious outlook (perspective). Remember, your being-ness is what creates. The law of attraction is at work continuously so it is critical that you manage your mind to create the direction you want. A mind out of control creates disease and chaos. CLEARING YOUR HEAD METHOD #1: 360 IN TWO SECONDS My most favorite thing to do when I know I am in my head, or something just happened that bothers me, is to stand up and recognize it is a story, then physically turn my body around 360 degrees. Like magic, I turn that frown upside down. See we all have “stories”, Stories are just our own personal versions of situations. Remember, there are always three different sides to a story: yours, mine and the truth. When we create stories in our mind and only focus on our side of the story it is often hard to even imagine that there could be any other version of that story. We allow our minds to get so worked up about what we think is going on that we forget there are always different versions. But if we will just take a minute, get ourselves together and just first admit “Ok, I have created a story here” then that alone can help us make a shift. If you can take it one step further and then take the story and change it to a more positive point of view then you can really start to create magic! The next time something happens that gets you worked up the first step is just 36
  • 38. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM admitting you have created a story. The next step is to view the story from an outsiders perspective; I guarantee when you are able to do that you will immediately start to handle the situation with less stress. CLEARING YOUR HEAD METHOD #2: MANTRAS A GO GO I use mantras often. My all-time favorite is rhyming with numbers—like, One, two, three, four, so and so loves me more and more. One, Two, Three, I am pulling the writer out of me! Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Wow, this audience thinks I’m great! You simply take something that is bothering you and turn it around and think about the positive to the situation and then rhyme the positive outcome you would rather experience with numbers. Once you create one try repeating these for even 60 seconds and you will be amazed at the results. Try it. I want to know if it works for you. I’ll bet it will! Write down what first comes to you. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLEARING YOUR HEAD METHOD #3: SWISHING How about another great way to change a pattern? This is called a Swish Pattern. 1. First, identify the behavior you wish to change and then see the undesirable behavior in your mind’s eye. Let’s say you want to change biting your nails. 2. Next, create a picture of yourself performing the new behavior. (Not biting your nails and letting them grow). 3. “Swish” the two pictures so that the undesirable behavior automatically triggers the positive one. To do this, make a clear, big bright picture of the undesirable behavior, then in the bottom right-hand corner of THAT picture, make a small dark picture of the new way you want to be. Now, take that small picture and in less than a second, 37
  • 39. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM expand it in size and brightness and burst it through the first picture of the behavior you no longer desire. As you do this, say the word whoosh! with all the passion and enthusiasm you can. Speed and repetition are the keys to this process. Do this five or six times as quickly as you can—and have fun doing it. The message to your brain is, “See this? Whoosh! Do this. See this? Whoosh! Do this.” until the old picture automatically triggers the new picture; the new states and thus the new behavior becomes a natural part of your life. Now, learning this was exciting. It doesn’t take years of therapy to fix some of these things. It does take attention and conscious effort. These tools and skills are designed to produce results quickly and I hope you’ll take the time to get involved with this program. CLEARING YOUR HEAD METHOD #4: THE 4 MAGIC QUESTIONS When I get REALLY stuck on something and just can’t seem to move past it I use a version of Vern Black’s four magic questions. This process was designed for two people in a relationship to clear “withholds” in communication, but I use it to ask myself all four questions about a situation. Question #3 and #4 bring me to a level of humility and let me view the situation in a totally new light. Try it and see if it works for you. The four magic questions: 1. What did I expect from this situation that I didn’t get? 2. What did I get from this situation that I didn’t want? 3. With regard to this situation, did I do anything that I thought was unfair? 4. With regard to this situation, did I fail to do anything? Choose something that has a hold of you and do the above exercise for 15-30 minutes, and 38
  • 40. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM then write down what you feel afterwards. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLEARING YOUR HEAD METHOD #5: MUSIC Without a doubt, music or tones is one of my favorite ways to change my mood or get grounded. I listen to Dick Sutphen’s Eternal Om and concentrate on the center of my being. Meaning, focus on the light inside of you, your head or your heart or both. After about 15 minutes, I feel grounded, have great ideas coming into my brain, and I bet it will make me live longer too! CLEARING YOUR HEAD METHOD #6: MEDITATION Everything I just talked about is a form of meditation, but I want you to do this one for me. Sit in a chair with your feet firmly placed on the ground. Relax and give all of your attention and energy to this visual meditation: (and for those of you out there that skim and read fast I like to repeat myself to make sure you are really following directions, so slow down and read these words below with intention, I promise you will thank me after) Imagine a beam of white light coming down from the heavens and entering the top part of your head, and with that beam comes an immense amount of incredible energy. This beam of energy will flow through your head, down your back and loop around the bottom of your spine and then come back up your back and out of your head and into the heavens. When you breathe, you breathe IN the beam of white light and then when you exhale it leaves 39
  • 41. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM your body with any and all negative energy. After a couple of deep breaths, imagine that the beam is entering and exiting at the same time so your energy is “running.” You are breathing in the white beam through the top of your head, its circling all down your spine and when it gets to the base of your spine start to breath out and let the breath release and blow away any negative thoughts or feelings. The next thing I want you to do is make sure your feet are both flat on the ground, think about the bottom of your feet and imagine a different beam of white light energy coming from the center of the earth up through your feet and circling up around your spine, and the energy going into your head, and then back down through your spine. This will take any and all negative energy left in you back down into the earth. After a couple of deep breaths, breathing in the white light energy and breathing out any and all negative energy, let both of these streams of white light enter and exit simultaneously. After 15 minutes, tell me how you feel: ____ Happy ____ Mad ____ Sad If you checked Mad or Sad, then try again. This isn’t a magic pill, but meditation will help you relax, calm the stress, and help you CREATE! And remember, you can “choose” which emotion you feel. CHOICE GIVES YOU THE POWER TO CREATE! Always remember that you can CHOOSE your attitude, your perspective, and your point of view. This is one of life’s greatest secrets and freedoms. Someone may take away your physical freedom, but no one can take away your power to choose the way you look at life 40
  • 42. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM or any circumstance in it. We place meaning on everything, from the cloudy sky, to the mail being late. It ALL means “something.” Collectively as a society, we place meaning on events, people, and lifestyle. It all boils down to this… something happens and you place meaning on it. You can change that meaning any time you want. You have the CHOICE to choose the meaning you place on anything. So, are we in agreement that you need these basics before you can begin your new life? First, you have to want it—and I mean you have to want it bad. Choose it! And then, make a plan. 41
  • 43. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM CHAPTER 4: CHOOSE AND PLAN YOUR LIFE “Anybody can wish for riches, and most people do, but only a few know that a definite plan, plus a burning desire for wealth, is the only dependable means of accumulating wealth.” – Napoleon Hill People say they have goals, but if you don't write them down they are just dreams. This is the beginning of a plan. Jim Rohn was a master of goal setting: He said divide your goals into two parts—long-range and short-term. Long-range goals are your dreams. Jim said, “What do you want to see? Who do you want to be? Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? These are good guidelines to follow. They can jumpstart you into letting yourself dream again.” Write down below your long-range goals: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HARVARD STUDY ON THE EXTREME BENEFIT OF A PLAN! When you talk about the importance of goal setting there is a fascinating study that was conducted at Harvard with the MBA program. In 1979, MBA graduates were interviewed and the study found that: 42
  • 44. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM • 84% had no specific goals at all • 13% had goals but they were not committed to paper • 3% had clear, written goals and PLANS to accomplish them In 1989, the graduates were interviewed again and the results are amazingly confirming. • The 13% of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84% who had no goals at all. • Even more staggering—the three percent who had clear, WRITTEN goals with a plan were earning, on average, TEN TIMES more than the other 97% put together! (Source: from the book What They Don’t Teach You in the Harvard Business School, by Mark McCormack) Do you want to be part of the 3%? Of course you do! We all claim to say we want so many things in life yet 97% of us are not even willing to take 5 minutes and write down goals. Decide right now that you WILL be part of the 3% and go write down your goals. If you want you can even send me an email with your goals: There is power in writing down your goals but there is even MORE power in sharing your goals! I look forward to seeing all of you Action takers out there and your goals! The next chapter is essential to everything you do from here on out. Even reading this book: TAKING ACTION. 43
  • 45. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM CHAPTER 5: HERE IS THE PLAN, IF YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT ANYONE CAN DO THIS FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Like I said, making money is easy, and I can show you how. What I can’t guide you on is what to do with the money after you make it, so I will leave that to someone else! Let’s get down to the nitty gritty of what I know. • You have your mind set well. (check) • You have an Internet connection. (check) • You have signed up for my trainings. (check) There are SO many ways to make money in this world, and SO many ways to make money on the Internet. And I say that because I have been there and done that. I have been an entrepreneur for a long time and tried many things. It was not until I really honed my skills in on this one area that I was truly able to see business grow. See, I kept dabbling in different areas and I was doing “OK” in all of them but not great in any of them. I finally found a place where the profits were the largest and the opportunities were the greatest and I went in that one direction with everything I had and I have never looked back. I am going to scale it down for you and show you exactly what has captured my attention all these years. And just remember to hang on for the ride, trust me as I take you through this and remember there are no coincidences; you are being introduced to this for a reason. EASIER THAN EVER RIGHT NOW Back in the late nineties, the internet was hard to maneuver and search engines really 44
  • 46. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM weren’t helpful, so finding information or products was a bit of a chore, until … Google. Then the wild west of the Internet was born and gold was discovered again—digital gold— and for once, the little guys and small companies could generate revenues and more importantly pure profits beyond their wildest dreams! In the early 2000s, it didn’t matter how many employees you had or how much money you spent on advertisements, on the Internet in the FREE search area (also known as organic or natural search [not ads]) we were ALL equal. Actually the little guy had a leg up on the large corporations because we could out maneuver them at lightning speed. And, we still can. Let me show you how... 45
  • 47. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM SECTION 2: THE WILD WEST – DIGITAL GOLD In this section I will formally introduce to you my system called Page One Engine: a system you can copy, paste, rinse, and repeat to turn your time into millions of dollars just like I have and my customers and students have. Page One Engine is really simple; it is all about getting onto Page One of Google, Amazon, or YouTube. Each step is easy when you know how to do it. If I had this information when I was starting out, I would have achieved my results 1,000 times faster. 46
  • 48. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM CHAPTER 6: THERE IS GOLD IN THOSE HILLS Not far from where I live in California, gold was discovered in a creek bed at Sutter’s Mill near Sacramento in 1848, and THAT changed EVERYTHING. At first, people could just walk around and pick the gold rocks up off the ground or in the water. The native Indians thought the white men were crazy. After all, they were just rocks! (Talk about perspective!) They were just rocks, but our society placed value on those rocks and they became heavily sought after. The person who had the most had more money. And with money, well, you know, you can “buy” things. With the accumulation of wealth, comes power and respect. This was a time when the average man could come out west and create his fortune. These “times” don’t happen very often in history, so we are incredibly lucky to be in one of those times RIGHT NOW! THE INFORMATION AGE Today is the age of information, and the Internet has created opportunities for the average person to create their own fortune, just like in 1849. HUGE MISTAKE Many people make the mistake of thinking that the opportunities have come and gone on the Internet. HUGE MISTAKE. 47
  • 49. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM Just look at Amazon, Yes, it is a large corporation, but in 2012 Jeff Bezo announced that Amazon’s sales for digital books had surpassed that of physical books. What does that tell you? It tells me that people are still coming online and we are at the tip of the iceberg. Once upon a time there was only Google. The search engine that helped the Internet grow at an alarming speed. Google made it easier for us to find information, to find our way around, and yes, they encouraged us, the little guy, to get online, get found, and make money. Get Online, Get Found, and Make Money In the last 10 years, the number of people using the Internet has grown 600%. It is estimated that there are more then three billion people now with Internet access. WOW! All these people are searching. There is a reason Google is one of the largest new corporations in the history of mankind. They were there at the right time with the right solution. They made it easy for us to find things, and once they had a huge user base, they 48
  • 50. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM let small and large businesses advertise on their platform. There is an estimated 11.944 billion searches on Google per month, and that number is growing and that isn’t counting the other engines! (Source: Desktop-Search-Engine-Rankings) With all those searches going on, and businesses paying all that money to Google to be placed on the first page, do you think that being on that first page is worth something? You guessed right, it is worth a lots and lots of mooolah! That is how Google makes 97% of its money, from its paid advertising program. People paying to be on Page One! 49
  • 51. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM Look at what people are “paying” to be on Page One of Google for search terms. Anywhere between .05 - $50+ per click! That’s right, some keywords go beyond fifty dollars per click. That right there tells you that real estate on Page One is worth “something.” That something depends on the keyword. It will cost you a lot more money to be listed through Google’s Pay Per Click (PPC) ad program for the term “Auto Insurance” then it will for “Aunt Bessy’s BBQ Recipe,” but believe me, there are people paying to be on page one for BBQ recipes too, just not as much. GOOD NEWS: FREE TRAFFIC FROM PAGE ONE The good news for us is there is a section on Google that doesn’t cost a cent to be on. That is called “natural” or “organic search.” Getting on Page One is like playing the best computer game in the world, because at the end of the day, when I “win,” I get more than a badge, I get MONEY!!! FOLLOW THE FORMULA It isn’t rocket science. There is a formula just like any computer game. Google and the other search engines are machines and all machines can be reversed engineered. And, that is exactly what we have done. There is gold in those hills and there is gold on the Internet, you just need a map to get started and I have one for you! 50
  • 52. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM CHAPTER 7: WHAT DO YOU NEED TO START You don’t really need much to get started in this online venture. We are going after FREE traffic so you don’t need an ad budget, and you don’t even need a website to get started! NO WEBSITE NEEDED All you need is a computer, an Internet connection, and the desire to learn. There was a time in everyone’s life that they did not know how to do what they are doing now. There was a time in my life that I didn’t know how to register for an email account. Now, I have friends who are now making millions and I taught them how to use email! It might sound funny to some of you but in 2008 I still did not even have a cell phone. I was probably the last person out of everyone I knew to get a cell phone so you were most likely even texting way before me! So if this is the case for you, don’t worry, we have ALL been there. (especially ME) Just remember to always bring that great mindset and the DESIRE to learn and you will be fine! MOST IMPORTANT: MINDSET Let me tell you a story about Joe Moore. I met Joe in 1995, which was WAY before the Internet boom, and believe me, the last thing on either of our minds was making money online. 51
  • 53. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM We BOTH had the desire to take responsibility for our lives and change our attitudes and perspectives—and just be better people on the planet. We met in a “I wanna change the world” type of workshop called “The Experience.” (I highly recommend this workshop, by the way. Tell them Dori sent you.) Joe and I became fast friends, both of us manifesting in different areas of our life. Joe had manifested a life in Kauai, Hawaii with a partner who adored him and I was traveling all around the country showing a documentary. I came upon what I “thought” was a scarcity of finances and Joe said to me as calm as day, like did you forget, “Dori, it is JUST numbers!” IT’S JUST NUMBERS Hmm, just numbers huh? Well, those numbers were going to move me right out of my flat in San Francisco! Because those numbers showed me I still needed $1,000 to pay my rent and I was walking down the “No job, no money” pig trail with NOTHING in sight! So when Joe said that to me, I first fell into my victimhood and thought, No Joe, you just don’t understand. I am BROKE I have to move out! But then, remembering my training, I sat down, breathed, looked out the window, and then imagined numbers. When it comes down to it, a number is just a number, and “money” is this strange meaning we place on those number in our bank accounts. Something adjusted inside me and I thought, well, if I do this and I do that, I just might be able to pull it off. And that is exactly what I did. I changed my mind about how I was looking at it all and things just seemed to shift and fall in place where I needed them. About 150 years ago when people were traveling across the country to get to the gold, they probably had three goals each day. 1. To find shelter 2. To find water 3. To find food 52
  • 54. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM So I ask myself whenever I “think” I don’t have enough, “Well Dori, do you have a roof over your head?” “Yes.” “And Dori, do you have food and water in your belly?” “Yes.” So I then have to say to myself, “Well then Dori, what is the problem again?” And I always answer: “There is no problem.” So if you are like me and those three things are taken care of, then I would like to formally invite you to change your numbers and change your life. 53
  • 55. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM CHAPTER 8: WHAT IS SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION … and why I like it SO much better then Paid Advertising. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art and science of ranking web properties (web sites, web pages, PDFs, images, etc.) in the search engines. What makes this time really exciting is that there are now other types of search engines emerging—not just information search engines. We will talk a lot about Google since they have the monopoly of information search, but we will also talk about YouTube (content) and Amazon (product) search engines. Each has a different formula for ranking and each pursues a different audience and serves a different purpose, but each can also generate multiples of millions if you are on page one for certain key phrases. Today, there are two different types of search engine traffic. • Pay Per Click (paid advertising) • SEO or natural listings (FREE) WHAT IS PPC? In Google you can find the PPC ads on the top and right side of every search and the organic free listings in the main section of the search results. I am sure this image will look familiar to you: 54
  • 56. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM Keep in mind, we will concentrate on the FREE part of the search results in this book and in my trainings because that is where I’ve excelled but it is still valuable knowledge for you to know the difference between the two. Soon you will understand WHY I focus in on the FREE search areas. Pay Per Click works just like it sounds. The advertising company runs an ad and pays the search engine a predefined amount of money for EACH CLICK their ad receives. So if you run a PPC campaign, you pay Google every time someone clicks on your ad. (anywhere from .05 to $50+ per click!) • PPC Usually require nearly as much labor to set up as SEO requires • PPC Requires ongoing management, whereas SEO, when done right, is done once 55
  • 57. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM and performs superbly for the long haul. • PPC Prices are constantly increasing, often beyond positive ROI for your most important phrases, while SEO listings are free. WHY I LOVE SEO VS. PPC That is why I really love SEO because it takes about the same amount of energy to set up, but I don’t have to pay for my clicks because they are FREE! And now, this is what puts SEO on overdrive! 70% of the time when someone clicks on something after searching they are clicking on the areas of the page that are the Natural SEO listings. (source: That means … 70% of the searchers click the natural FREE SEO search engine results versus the PPC ads, so you will get MORE traffic with an SEO listing. Why does that happen?: Look at this heat map below and notice where the color is dark deep red. This is where the user’s eye lands when they come to a webpage. The eyes land first and it is also where people click first. 56
  • 58. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM Even Google reports the orange area below is where most people do their clicking. FREE TRAFFIC GETS MORE CLICKS On top of natural listings getting more clicks than PPC ads, it is also reported that SEO listings convert 25% better than PPC listings. In part because people who click on the PPC ads area normally click on more than one ad to find what they are looking for. In fact, they click 30% more times on different PPC ads vs someone that is clicking on natural search area ads. If someone is clicking around 30% more that means they are leaving a lot of ads to go click in other places. 30% more clicking means a lot of ads are being left and they are not buying anything from those locations. LET’S DO THE MATH TO SHOW WHAT A 25% BETTER CONVERSION RATE FOR NATURAL SEARCH MEANS: You have a product that is selling for $100 and each click for PPC costs $1. With that, you can see in the chart below what your earnings will be if you run a PPC ad campaign where your product has a 2% conversion rate for sales. For example, if the ad gets 100 clicks, you will pay $100 for the ads. ($1 per click for the 57
  • 59. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM ads) The 100 clicks result in two sales (2% conversion), which is $200 in revenue. Subtract what you spent on ads ($100) and you have earned $100. On the other hand, an SEO campaign gets more traffic (more visitors because 70% of the people searching are clicking in the SEO natural search area and only 30% of searchers click on the PPC ads) and 25% higher conversion (It takes a 2.0% conversion rate to a 2.5% conversion in this example). When you do the math, you earn more than FIVE TIMES (5X) AS MUCH with the SEO campaign. 58
  • 61. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM That means a lot more money in your pocket for pretty much the same amount of work. Can you see how this can ad up and why so many of us LOVE SEO?! Let’s recap: • Natural listings (SEO) get 70% of the clicks • Natural listings (SEO) convert 25% more • Both SEO and PPC take time to set up SEO OUTPERFORMS PPC If set up right, SEO natural listings will bring you more long-term earnings compared to the rising costs of PPC. Which one do YOU want to concentrate on? Of course you want to concentrate on the free traffic areas! 60
  • 62. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM SECTION 3: BIG DOG BUSINESS MODELS I am in a great position in this industry as I sell software tools to SEO Professionals, so not only do I rank my own stuff, I get the low down on how others are making money online by ranking on page one. While I still do my own reverse engineering to uncover secrets I’m also fortunate enough for people to trust me with the secrets they find. Combining secrets and strategies gets us to the free traffic rankings faster. 8 WAYS TO MAKE SEO PUT $$ INTO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT In this section I am going to introduce you to some of the experts I know that are absolutely killing it online. Each with a slightly different model, but each one is as powerful as the other. When I created Page One Engine I knew I wanted to make sure we had different business models to allow people to CHOOSE which model they wanted to follow to make money. We all have different personalities and what might be enjoyable for you might not thrill the next person. The bottom line is there are a LOT of options and plenty of opportunities for everyone! What follows is the 8 BEST ways to make money by using your new SEO skills and the first two you don’t even need your own website! 61
  • 63. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM CHAPTER 9: FAST MONEY WITH LAUNCH JACKING WOW! First off, if you have not signed up for the Free LIVE event then you are going to want to make sure to do that now so you can watch me show this method LIVE! The first Page One Workshop will be all about Launch Jacking and how you can see for yourself why NOW is the time more than ever to get in on the digital gold rush. I chose to make my first training about Launch Jacking for one reason: Proof What you will read below will completely blow you away so to make sure I can back it up we are going to open the doors and show it to you during a LIVE event. If you have already signed up then make sure to mark your calendar for the live event: June 30th, 2015 2pm Eastern 62
  • 64. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM Remember, if you have already missed the LIVE event date and time, it’s no problem. For now, Dori is making the replay available to watch. However, it may come down at any time so take advantage of this right away by registering for your FREE training! WHAT IS LAUNCH JACKING? First, it does not require you to have your own product nor do you need to own a website for the product or service you are selling! Launch Jacking is like riding a wave and just like the waves from the ocean never stop the opportunities to launch jack never stop. It is successfully harnessing the momentum of large amounts of search traffic from the buzz and release of new products and product launches. MEET JEFF LENNEY New products come out all of the time so there are never a shortage of products to make money from. Jeff happens to specialize in an area I happen to follow and I kept seeing his name on the leaderboards for online product launches. He came out of nowhere and people kept asking me if I knew him because he was using SEO to make it on the leaderboards. HARNESSING FREE TRAFFIC WAVES See, most people on those leaderboards have spent a lot of time and money building up email lists to then recommend different products to their list. Most likely you were introduced to this book from an email list. When the individuals with the email lists send out blasts to their customers their customers become curious about the product and rush to the search engines to find out more information. You can guess who is one of the people already ranking in the search engines and just waiting to ride that wave of free traffic and collect the sales from those people with the email lists that sent the traffic. Jeff knows how to rank high in the search engines but also to have a great review and bonuses for anyone that is interested in the product. If someone clicks on Jeff’s review and from there clicks the button to go buy the product then Jeff gets a 50% commission. Some products even pay a 75% commission! 63
  • 65. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM If I told you what he made off a product launch just last week you might not believe me so that is why I am going to show you LIVE proof on the first Page One Workshop online event. Keep in mind, these types of product launches are only ONE industry to go after. There are tons of industries that release new products. Call it “Jeff Marketing” if you want. Bottom line, this guy can take someone else’s product and MAKE MONEY with it. Here’s a little about how Jeff got started and what he does to be successful at launch jacking. Back when Jeff Lenney was working for various mortgage companies in Southern California, making $45k a year, he didn’t even have a clue what a product launch was! He was determined to make money online no matter what! He started with eBay. That brought him an extra $1k a month, selling information, but it was taking three to five hours a day and it was just downright too much work. He knew he could drastically increase his income and do it in much less time. Starting around 2007, he began learning about ClickBank and SEO. What happened then was pretty funny. He saw a product online that just seemed too good to be true—ever had that happen to you? Well, Jeff grabbed the reins and took this horse for a ride. He purchased the product and created a video about how bad it really was (yes, I sad bad)! He ranked his first video in both YouTube and Google and generated sales by referring potential buyers to another (better) product. That’s when he first realized the power of a good review and ranking. Over the past few years, Jeff has become a lethal weapon with SEO and Launch Jacking. Starting with Launch Jacking via YouTube videos, he moved on to written reviews. Jeff says this has been his biggest and best year to date. His latest product launch generated more than double what he used to make in the mortgage industry—“not bad for a junior college 64
  • 66. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM dropout” (Jeff’s words). Now 38, Lenney says, “I never went to college, but my mom is still proud of me!” Expecting his first child this year, and honing his already awesome skills with launch jacking, 2015 is definitely shaping up to be his best year ever! The bottom line is trust. When someone trusts you, they’ll buy from you. When someone trusts you, they’ll listen to what you have to say. Having an expert like Jeff is a complement to what I do in my desire to help others succeed. It’s nice to know the feeling is mutual. “If I can get someone like Dori Friend to trust me and have me as one of her experts, then I know I’m doing something right,” says Jeff. HOW DO YOU LAUNCH JACK? I’ll start with this simple—and important—fact: Jeff Lenney knows how to make money with a product launch! So, listen up and pay attention! Here is how Jeff makes it work: Jeff knows about ranking for a few, really important, keywords. By using just two or three special keywords—which, according to Lenney, is really the same for every launch—you are able to position your offer, position your bonus, and rank nicely for those keywords. If you can do that, he says, it’s really easy to make a lot of money! JEFF’S THREE STEP RECIPE FOR SUCCESS 1. LAUNCH JACKING: Find out about a hot up-and-coming product launch and make a bunch of sales by ranking on Page One in Google for that product. With our consumer driven society there are seriously endless amounts of new products and product launches that continually hit the market. 2. COMBINING AFFILIATE MARKETING WITH JV MARKETING: Affiliate Marketing is finding a product or service that allows you to become a virtual 65
  • 67. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM salesperson. An affiliate product wants to have others promote their products so they will pay a commission if you help them bring in sales. A JV partner is very similar, but with one exception—you are part of the launch process with a select group of individuals from the first release. You can find the JV partners out there on sites like and its free to sign up to be an affiliate or JV partner. Using these two approaches allows you to hone your strategy based on which product sales to go after. 3. DOUBLE DIPPING AND BUILDING AN EMAIL LIST: Remember earlier when we talked about the wave of traffic coming from the people with large email lists? Well what if I told you you could not only make sales off that traffic but you can also start to build your own email list for FREE!? Not all customers are going to buy from you but we will show you how to get them to give you their email address so you can follow up with them. This enables you to maintain continual contact by getting them back to your review where you can continue to promote the product. Even better, if they do not purchase the current product they are on your email list so you can mail to them about the next product. This is how you build relationships with online customers—step-by-step. You develop that trust factor so they keep coming back. Did I mention TRUST? Without it, the people who would otherwise become your loyal customers won’t be there for you long term. Now, here comes the exciting part! Jeff is going to share some of his secrets! You wouldn’t think that Jeff (or any expert for that matter) would want to give away his secrets and teach people EXACTLY how he makes BIG money, but that’s just what he’s going to do. Do you know WHY he’s agreed to do this? Do you know why he’s not worried? The answer is simple. Most don’t TAKE ACTION! Remember we talked about that earlier— how people say what they want, they even set goals, but most people—the majority in 66
  • 68. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM fact—simply do not take action. SO, here’s your chance to NOT be like the majority, but to step out and CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND YOUR FINANCIAL SITUATION by taking action! Add to the fact there are an endless amount of products continuing to launch on a daily basis in all types of markets and industries and you have a recipe for a constant stream of income opportunities. Jeff is willing to even let you in on some secret places to find product launches most people do not even know about. Whether you call it Launch Jacking or Affiliate Marketing of Jeff Marketing, Jeff knows his stuff. He says he likes to GIVE PEOPLE VALUE and I am so grateful there are people like Jeff Lenney on this planet. Jeff has broken it down into 7 simple steps to follow. These 7 steps are proven to work and he will be leading the way to teach this method in Page One Engine. Now I have a feeling you might be thinking “how in the heck and I going to get a review on page one of the search engines?” Glad you asked! I am here to let you know: This is 2015 and the power of technology continues to amaze even me. We will show you how to use online click and paste templates to get your reviews on the internet. We will show you the templates that are getting the highest conversions. More importantly, you will then be able to use Dori’s new patent-pending software to boost the backend of your review to get on page one and capture the flow of traffic and make those commissions. CHANGE YOUR LIFE I decided to give you just a hint of the types of commissions to be made with launch jacking. This is directly from Jeff Lenney himself: 67
  • 69. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM “I was 5th place in the “Build my List” launch contest which ended on May 18th and earned over $12,500 in 8 days. Now granted, that’s not hundreds of thousands, but I did earn over $125,000 in the month of March- with ONE promotion – I just wanted to use “Build my List” as it’s a more recent product from May of 2015. I did this with SEO, being ranked on top of Google for “Build my List Review” and other related phrases. Keep in mind, this was NOT for a $3,000 Mega course by Frank Kern or Anik Singal- this was a $49.00 product. Basically I wrote a good review, offered an amazing bonus and ranked my review on page one of Google- it’s that easy.” – Jeff Lenney 68
  • 70. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM CHAPTER 10: FAST MONEY WITH REPUTATION MANAGEMENT “Image is Everything” “First Impressions Matter” “Perception is Reality” It takes 0.1 seconds to form a lasting impression of a new person Reputations can make or break individuals and companies. Online reputations are just as important or maybe even MORE important now than offline reputations. And individuals and companies are willing pay BIG money to keep their online reputations positive. They not only pay to have a positive online reputation, but they will pay out monthly to make sure they always keep a positive reputation online. I’ve seen clients pay $500 for a simple one time fix but most clients are paying $1,000 to $5,000 a month (and more) to maintain the positive presence. With SEO businesses having HIGH profit margins you can see how this can really add up fast for monthly income! ONLINE REPUTATIONS ARE PRICELESS: Think about it: if you are looking for a new doctor, you probably go straight to Google and search or ask your friends for suggestions. Next thing you do is go search for the recommended doctors names to do your homework before you think about making an appointment. 69
  • 71. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM You can see why helping a doctor maintain their image is important. Sometimes bad press, true or not, can really cost them. Actively managing an online reputation can help off-set any such bad press. People make decisions based on what they see, read, hear. HOW CAN YOU MAKE MONEY WITH REPUTATION MANAGEMENT? Easy—help others achieve a great online presence. The reason I REALLY like this method is it’s NEW and it is SUPER easy. You do not need your own websites and ranking for individual or company names basically means NO competition. This is such an important topic that I sought out an expert that I really respect and admire who is a Pro with online reputation management. She will teach you how to take care of your clients and more importantly WHERE to find new clients. MEET LISA PARZIALE I had Lisa speak at my last SEO Rockstars event and she rocked the house! In fact, Lisa Parziale was officially named "Best Online Marketing Consultant" in Dallas, Texas. Lisa is a seasoned entrepreneur with over 20 years experience in strategic business planning and implementation. She is one of the co-founders of Portside Marketing, LLC. Lisa’s business is online marketing, social media management, and business development. They focus on social, mobile, and online marketing for start-ups or small businesses in the United States. She has experience in managing online reputations for just about any type of individual or business you can imagine: dentists, lawyers, doctors, plastic surgeons, roofers, plumbers, and massage therapists. She knows what they all need and will let you in on some of her industry secrets. 70
  • 72. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM SO HOW DO WE UTILIZE SEO FOR REPUTATION MANAGEMENT? We start with defining it, examining one’s “rep” online, and then creating a strategy to manage the reputation. Lisa uses a system she refers to as “rep juice.” Rep Juice is her secret formula, broken down into a step by step system to follow to get her clients the exact image they want online. Lisa is going to reveal all of the exact steps in her formula to all Page One Engine members but here are the basics: making simple tweaks to the clients websites and social profiles, gaining links (which the Page One software gives you), knowing where to search for the right places for reviews, and making them all work with social signals to achieve the desired results. GETTING STARTED To give yourself a fast boost of confidence you can start with your own name. Who wouldn’t want to be able to Google themselves and feel like a star with an awesome page one presence? It’s so easy you will then want to do your spouse, kids, friends or parents. You won’t be able to deny the proof that you ARE capable of page one rankings! As we continue to increase how much of our life is spent online we are finding more and more individuals and companies are starting to look for someone to take care of their online reputations. It is more than just the doctors and companies who are seeking to take care of their online reputation now. We are now seeing Moms and Dads reaching out to make sure the internet is working FOR them. 51% of employers surveyed say they are searching online for more information about potential candidates. This is up from 43% percent from the previous year and 34% from the year before that! Do you think more and more job seekers will want to make sure they have the best shot they can when someone searches for them online? You bet they will and we KNOW they are willing to pay to make sure they look great too! 71
  • 73. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM People that are not posting online or are being careful about what they post think they are “OK” but they are missing the point. They are not letting the internet work FOR them. It’s becoming common to not just think about how we appear when we show up for in person events but to make sure we put our best foot forward online as well. We all understand social profiles. Most everyone has a Facebook profile. Lisa explains how to utilize social profiles to develop a premium online reputation. Remember back in our school days how important it was to be popular, to be in the “in” crowd? Lisa helps explain how to create this effect so that you are popular in the right ways to grow your social signals. STEP BY STEP FORMULA Lisa will share exactly how she does this and then you can decide if this is something you want to do for yourself or for others … maybe both. Using the Rep Juice Formula for Systematizing how it is done is so valuable! After learning all the ins and the outs you will learn how to create a win—for yourself and future clients— and Lisa will even share her methods for getting new clients. FUN TRUE STORY I know other experts who do reputation management and one of them told me about an experience they had with a reputation management client I just have to share. The expert took a one time payment for $180,000 for a “legitimate businessman” from Central America. He was an “exotic gem dealer” but his “lying competitors” were making up “lies” online about him being a major drug lord. Needless to say, this “legitimate businessman” wanted to clean up the first 3-4 pages of Google and “remove” (move down) anything bad about his name. Most people do not even have more than 1 or 2 negative things about them on page one much less 3 or 4 entire pages but they were up for the challenge. 72
  • 74. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM He flew in to the Orange County airport and arrived in a limo with two body guards to meet with their team. He was dressed in workout clothes complete with multiple gold chains just like a stereotypical Italian mobster. The expert said it was really something else to experience, it was NOT something you could even make up! BTW, it took them about 3 weeks to clean up those pages and he was quite happy with their results. This was a case where the service was so valuable to the client he did not care WHAT it cost to get it done as long as it was completed. 73
  • 75. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM CHAPTER 11: FAST MONEY BY RANKING ON YOUTUBE FAST FACTS • YouTube has over 1 Billion Users • YouTube is now the 2nd Largest Search Engine • Over 4 Billion YouTube Videos are Viewed Each Day • Average YouTube Videos Viewed Each Day on Mobile Phones: 1 Billion • 85% of Adults Globally (excluding China) consider themselves regular YouTube visitors Ranking on YouTube is so important that we have two Big Dogs on this topic: Jason Potash who created his own software and is very successful in ranking videos AND Holly Starks Cooper who is a bit of a renegade who consistently dominates YouTube. MEET JASON POTASH Jason has been in the Internet Marketing business as long as I have. He has built huge, successful online communities and his recent success has come from mastering YouTube! Jason is a tall man—I mean well over 6ft and has a hard time flying, but… in my opinion— he teaches others to fly and is definitely a giant in the YouTube arena. YouTube recently became the second largest search engine AND the number one social network. Yet strangely … YouTube is the most underutilized free traffic source on the planet. This presents a tremendous opportunity for us all. Jason has created a powerful software and blueprint from testing and experimenting with 74
  • 76. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM YouTube. As Jason says: “The stats are out. You already know that YouTube (not Facebook) is now the largest social network … and the only search engine larger than YouTube is Big G (a.k.a. Google). YouTube is a GARGANTUAN source of free, targeted traffic IF you know how to harness it. And everyone knows that video traffic converts lookers into buyers like nothing else! The good news is that most online entrepreneurs have either ignored YouTube, abandoned it, or haven’t figured it out yet.” Jason’s approach is to find the most popular search keywords on YouTube for your niche, analyze all the YouTube data around those keywords, and determine the best niche keywords with little competition where you can easily rank your videos. Jason covers how to map out your video content strategy by giving you worksheets, checklists, and step-by-step tutorials—and how to optimize your channels and videos. If you listen to Jason, you will know how to get high rankings for your videos and a high number of free visitors using SEO, and without spamming YouTube to death with fake views, likes, and comments. You will learn how to maximize social signals that play an important role to rank videos on both Google and YouTube and increase video engagement and YouTube Likes. Jason’s approach for Page One Engine is simplified to five steps, BUT it is the details that count and Jason gets down and dirty with details on each step! YouTube is a search engine in and of itself. To rank on YouTube you have to follow these simple principals: • Know your niche! • Create your videos with SEO in mind from the start. • Always put your links in and around your video. • Build traffic to your videos. 75
  • 77. WHERE THE BIG DOGS ROAM • Find your competition. • Dominate your competition. Learning from Jason will guide you to the right thinking about YouTube. I hope you are eager to learn from him, his tactics will teach you how to rank videos from an SEO perspective for your business, niche, and keywords. There are many strategic choices that you can make—that you should make—and I am here to tell you that Jason can walk you through these choices. MEET HOLLY STARKS COOPER Most people look at YouTube videos more than they actually look at desktops anymore. People do so many searches from their mobile device within different social applications that videos are taking over. You see everything on YouTube—from people getting discovered and launched to super stardom—like Justin Bieber—to the mom and pop business with a very small niche able to now get additional sources of free traffic. There are several places you can rank using YouTube videos. You can rank within the Videos section at the top of the Google search page. Currently Google changes their menu all the time, but when you’re sitting at your desk, whether that’s your desktop or laptop or on your phone, and you enter something and hit SEARCH, it’s brings up what we call natural organic listings. At the top of the page is the menu section with the “More” sign. When you click on “More” you’re going to see “Videos” as an option. If you choose the Video option then only videos will show in the search results. If you’re logged into Google, meaning you have a GMail account (I live logged into Google, unless I’m going incognito tracking things), you can actually click on “Videos” because it’s right next to “Web” in the menu. 76