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Rodrigo Antezana Patton

A spec-script based on the world renowned computer game. I wrote it in 1997, finished it in April.

April, 1997
by Rodrigo Antezana Patton

It's dark inside, the room is filled with high officials they are watching something on a Tv. Their
faces are grim, all are worried. Fear can be seen in all, the president looks like thinking solutions.

Soldiers are shown fighting for their lives. Their faces are disfigured by their desperate shouting.

CLOSE ANGLE the worried face of the president

Soldiers are still shouting firing intensely

The growls of creatures are heard, more intense shooting and a final scream.

The face of an IMP appears on the full screen for an instant.

A man rises and turns off the Tv. Lights come up.

That's all we've got Mr. President.

Any news since?

Not from them, and we haven't sent anymore scouts.

I understand(Pause). Call(to an officer) the Russian president tell them it's an emergency. Get me
all the NATO heads quickly. (His orders are strong yet he doesn't seem to have much confidence
on their possibilities)

unclear image of: A man is running. Some kind of laser hits him and dies. The face of an angry
IMP appears for a brief second.

JONATHAN MILLER wakes ups suddenly from a nightmare. Sweating and highly agitated. He
has a simple white t-shirt and a crucifix around his neck. Father FRANK is sitting besides his bed.
MILLER is a tall well build man.

You were screaming again, my son. Miss Colton grew nervous and called me.

I'm all right, Father. It was only a nightmare.

Freshen up, I'll wait for you outside.

Father Frank leaves the room, Jonathan goes to take a shower, a look at the room shows a stern
habitation. Pictures tell us Jonathan used to be a soldier.

Miss COLTON was outside the room waiting.

He was screaming Father, yelling things about demons, and cried out of getting away from
something. He got me scared, it would be best if he leaves.

Miss Colton, please, I sent this man to you, not for the price of the room, but for your patience. Be
easy on him, miss Colton, he carries a heavy burden of pain.

Miller is lifting big sacks of flour from a van to the deposit.

You could make this job easier on yourself Jonathan, move the car a little.

MILLER now wears bluejeans, a simple white T-shirt and the crucifix around his neck.

I can use the,...humph!...exercise father.

F. Frank just raises his shoulders.

It's the third day of this dream, what do you think it means?

Miller continues to work lifting and carrying the flour sacks, throughout the conversation.

I would rather not think about it, father, it probably doesn't mean anything.
Yet you scream in fear from it.

I’m not denying it’s... humph!... scary. It frightens me, but that doesn't give it any meaning, does

It seems to me it’s getting worse.

It is.(Miller nods, very serious)

Want to hear what I think?

(Miller leaves one sack of flour on the deposit. His arms relaxed over the pile of flour sacks) I
don't mind, father.

I believe your dream is your self punishment for your mistakes in the war.

There weren't any demons in the war, father.

Those demons represent the fear you have of being punished for your mistakes. You must stop
feeling guilty about it, as a soldier you knew nothing could be done.

(He gazes into nothing, remembering actions past.) No father, I could've tried.

Three helicopters hover over the horizon. It's 1991 the war of the gulf.

We see MILLER leading a SEAL team into a mission inside Iraq.

The helicopters do not touch the ground, the soldiers begin to jump out of them. They gather a
moment around MILLER.

The targets are 6 miles from here, you know what to do, Let's go!

It is very dark, only shapes are seen from the people. We see a lot of fire mostly from AK-47, and
M-16 machine guns. A lot of shouting in iraqi arabic can be heard. V.O. from radios speak
english. A tank can be heard approaching. We see some people trying to escape, firing back as
much as they can, running real fast in the rocky desert. Everything is shown as in dream, a bit slow
and not all sounds right.

SOLDIER 1(Radio V.O.)
[...] wrong intelligence, much more soldiers[...]

Roger group one, we are under attack too, head for evac, ASAP.

SOLDIER 1(Radio V.O.)
[...]negative, negative, way is blocked, way is blocked. Too[...]

Roger group one. Just, leave any way you can, can't get air support, they would get them too.

[...] roger leader, we will be at emergency LZ, good luck[...]

MILLER tells his mean to spread, and they run. Further ahead he sees one of his men fall, rushes
to carry him. After grabbing him continues to head for the Landing Zone, at about two hundred
meters away from the LZ, MILLER is spotted by a Tank. The soldier he is carriying has either
died or fainted, MILLER can't climb with him, to take cover of the tank, and decides to leave him,
climbs the hill and reaches the LZ...

CLOSE UP of MILLER at the edge of the helicopter, looking towards the fire sounds. The
helicopters lifts up.

MILLER is standing dressed in full uniform.

(Monotonous voice of someone reading.)[...]and it's therefore that the marine corps accept
Jonathan Miller's, mayor of special SEAL forces, resignation[...]
                                                  FADE TO BLACK
                                                       CUT TO:
We see several people working preparing the most varied range of bakings, from cookies to cakes.
Most of the people are religious but some are plain workers. MILLER is preparing a dough trying
to clear his mind from all things.

We see the dough MILLER is preparing....
CLOSE UP, MILLER toys with the dough until it reaches a humanoid silhouette.
It changes suddenly to an IMP.

MILLER retreats from it violently, the CHIEF COOK sees this and approaches MILLER.
MILLER cools and returns to his work, but...

Jonathanan, you don't seem so well, it seems to me you can use some rest and fresh water.

Yeah, but...

Come on, I don't want you sick, go get some rest.(All said in a very gentle, friendly tone.)

Miller nods...


... and leaves.

It's a room with a Tv. for working people, no cushioned sits, some bare tables, and a big freezer
close to one of the walls. However all people inside are near the Tv. some sitting others standing,
about 8 people in all.

[...]this is the image of the Russian nuclear satellite that has fallen on the Wyoming area...

We see the picture of a nuclear powered Russian satellite.

We see hundreds of people evacuating, most on their own cars, but some on military trucks with
few personal belongings. There is a lot of soldiers, and Hummers.

People is being evacuated in a very large radious from the satellite's touch down. According to
recent information it did not destroy on the atmosphere, and therefore no radiation was leaked on
its way down. The russian president stated that Russia would run with all expenses, how is
bankrupt Russia going to do it? Is a question in all minds. (Pause)
The following towns are being currently evacuated[...]
CLOSE UP, MILLER seems to get nervous.
                                                       CUT TO:
We see a blury image of people being escorted out of their town by IMPs and DEMONs. They're
all scared, some are crying, children are among them. A little, young, blond blue eyed girl is
among them, BLONDIE.

MILLER begins to seem weak, all around him turns into a blur. we faint with him.

Jonathan awakes with Father Frank at his side.

Are you sick, Jonathan?

Not that I know.(Still dizzy.)

I know you're healthy and strong, Jonathan. (Pause) What is wrong? Do you want a doctor?

No (Coming back to himself.). For the first time in a long while I know what I need to do.


I have to go somewhere?

You can't leave now, not like this.

I have to, father. It seems so clear, It's only a hunch, but I'll follow it. I'll come back if it turns out
to be nothing.

We see MILLER driving a jeep, there is some people going against his direction, but not that
many. He is still away from the evacuation area.

For my sake I hope it is something.
Where are you going?

Somewhere. I thought I needed peace, so I came here. Maybe peace isn't what I needed.
                                                         CUT TO:
We see a news reporter talking to the camera, on the background there is a caravan of private cars,
and one military truck carrying civilians, however the caravan is constantly checked by
HUMMERs filled with armed to the teeth soldiers.

I have got more bad news for the citizens of Wyoming it seems the russian satellite did break on
the atmosphere and a lot of radioactive was leaked at high altitude, therefore the Military is
extending the ratio of evacuation.

The reporter goes to a frame to one side. The studio Reporter appears, female caucasian.

Sorry to hear that. We'll be back to you Michael.
(Reporter one nods, he dissappears, instead of him the frame changes to a man giving an
statement, it's the Russian predident)
Now we'll hear President Yegorov's latest statement.

We only see an old man talking in Russian to a microphone, he seems more frightened than

(In Russian)

We hear the voice of the translator.

[...] Being a mistake of the… our government, it is us, who must pay the damages caused to the
United States, they must not fear because we will remain true to this compromise. Already... some
of our finest scientists are on their way... to help... the former enemy turned friend. That is the
official position of the Russian government.
(Yegorov nods and leaves the stage, he seems very nervous)

YEGOROV'S CLOSE UP, this guy is in quiet panic.

20. EXT. Wyoming ROAD 2 -DAY
MILLER finds a large caravan of cars going on the opposite direction, some people look at him
with suspicion.
A guarding Hummer comes to him quickly.
Jonathan stops, a soldier jumps out of the Hummer.
Look sir the area you're heading for has been declared unsafe, you can't go on.

Look, I'm here to help.

Sir, the only way you can help is by leaving.
What exactly happened here?

Don't you hear the news? A russian satellite fell on our heads and there is a radiation leak.

Shouldn't you leave also.

Sure, after all the people is safe. Now, please remove your vehicle.

Jonathan nods prepares to join the caravan. A military truck passes by, CLOSE UP of a blonde
blue eyed girl on the truck, she is sobbing, very sad. WE return to face MILLER, he has seen the
girl, looks down and moves ahead to join the caravan, however by the look on his eyes while
driving we know he has made up his mind to see what has happened.
                                                  FADE TO BLACK
                                                      CUT TO:
We see Miller's car arrive, his lights are turned off, he sees a well covered place, parks his car,
walks down and continues to move on, we see he is carrying a gun.

Miller comes over climbs a hill and on the other side sees...

It's an overview of a valley, about two miles from where Miller stands there is a show of lights,
you can hear the explosions of tank shells and helicopter rockets, plus weird lights coming from
things on the ground. We can only see the light show, some lights are clearly alien to our

-------Helicopter incident, cockpit trying to get away from the alien fire is finally caught by one of

Jonathan is able to approach a tent Close Command Post, the attention of the guards is directed
elsewhere. Through a hole he sees what is inside.
CLOSE UP of his face watching inside the tent.
We see two bodies of Imps placed on metallic tables, no one is attending at them.
A MAYOR is talking to someone by radio.

[...]Yes sir, the special NASA team managed to enter the pyramid, but there hasn't been any
commmunication since... no there is no jamming at all... perhaps the structure itself absorves
radiowaves, or they're dead... I'm afraid so sir, a nuclear attack is our only chance, the area is clean
of civilians and all troops can be out of the danger zone in twenty minutes, we'll destroy the alien
survivors afterwards... understood sir, we'll begin to leave now[...]

Jonathan walks away, deciding to leave since everything will be smoke in half an hour. Moves
some steps away, and suddenly an image comes into his mind...

The blonde, blue eyed girl is struggling against her captors and IMP holds her strongly, she wears
childish pants, she is crying other people are being held captive too, they're being placed into some
sort of vertical, slightly bent inwards, transparent coffins, there are rows of them in this room.

He falls to his kneels shocked by the image on his head. He is sad and afraid, but turns towards the

The place has burns of the fighting. However most of the fighting is beyond a hill. A man appers
over the hill and he's inmediately struck by a ray beam, red in color, and falls near Miller, he
approaches the dying man.

The people of the town, where are they?

Who are you, what are you doing here?... leave.

The people?

Captured, taken inside...that thing.
(The soldier faints.)
Miller grabs the body. Carries him until he hears human voices.
Lies the body on the ground.

Some soldiers hear the shouting and leave the tent to help.

Miller is taking all the weapons and munitions the soldier has, then he sees the soldiers are coming
and leaves. The soldiers see the body.

Over here!(To soldier 2) You will be all right man, help is on its way. (Takes a closer look,
CLOSE UP of soldier 2, he is unconcious).

Miller grabs a backpack from one of the dead, and grabs more cartridges, three times, as he moves

A REVENANT throws a plasma ray out of a bionic implant on his arm.
We see the plasma charge head for a tank and scores a near miss. The tank fires back and hits the
REVENANT blowing it to pieces. Others REVENANTS follow the tanks path with beams and
finally destroy the tank. There is a lot of fire from IMP rays, and M-16, M-60 machine guns. The
man are firing from covered positions, except those following the tank, the IMPs move fast and
fire fast taking cover randomly.

The floor looks like dirt squashed flat into slabs. Near the entrance there are only two IMPs, they
seem distracted, Miller sneaks on them and kills both without much trouble.

That wasn't so hard.

Aproaching the IMPs Miller sees that the creatures have an incrusted backpack, a cable comes out
of it up to a bionic implant on their right hand, through which they fire.

The entrance looks very alien, it has two columns before the gate. The gate is opened. Miller takes
cover in one of the columns takes a glimpse inside and moves inside.

The first chamber is like a circle, and has five separate ways, all heading inside the pyramid, the
gate is at the other end making the circle slightly flat on one side. On the floor there is a small
stream of a white, shining, thick liquid. The stream is covered with grated slabs, the stream seems
to be everywhere.
As soon as he enters, Miller hears a sound of footsteps. Takes cover on a blind spot. Two creatures
enter the circle, they are a pair of ARMED GUARDs (HEAVY WEAPON DUDEs), but they're
totally black, unlike those on the game. The sight on their helmets shows a human, yet, soulless
look. The creatures leave the pyramid.
Miller enters one of the paths, the first to his right.

The stream is a thin line of white in all hallways, and corridors. Miller carefully approaches a
crossway. The corridors mix the dantesque and hellish with high technology. On the crossway
there are two IMPs and one ARMED GUARD. One of the IMPs sees him and shouts, the
ARMED GUARD turns to shoot at Miller, killing the IMP on it's way. Miller hits the ground and
fires killing the ARMED GUARD. Taking a look at it, Miller sees it's only an empty casket, with
some strange machinery in it. The noise made by the firefight, brings sounds of excitement from
the left side, Miller heads onward.

Miller moves carefully, trying to hear any threat. Walks up to a door, looks around. Suddenly the
door OPENS, the gate moves upwards really quick. Miller only has time to turn around, move
away a Little, and look at the appearing figure. The new creature is obscured by the camera angle,
it moves after Miller has turned, and gets it into FOCUS.
The creature is a man, wearing a special suit, with a Backpack and a modern looking helmet. The
suit is burned in several places, and seems very fit for battle. We see the NASA signs plus the
american flag on his shoulder and breast pocket. He has a modern looking machine gun. The
helmet's sight allows to see his face.

Several IMPs, ARMED GUARDs and REVENANTs are handling a weapon with excitement,
several miles above the earth an atomic warhead is about to reach destination. The weapon, sort of
dish with a welded gun, beams a ray to the warhead, it then falls harmlessly to earth.


Who the heck are you!

Call me Doom.

Is that a code for something? Are you even supposed to be here?

I doubt you're authorized. Let's move on.

Are you being followed?

Maybe not, but I'm not going to risk it.
How did you get in?

Same as you, through the front door.

Cut the bull man, what are you doing here?

It would take too long to explain, all you need to know is that I'm here to help. (Pause) Where is
the people of the nearby town?

They are on the third level, placed inside some transparent coffins, with cables on their heads. I
was on my way to look for help to try rescue them, on the way out my team and I runned into a
couple of two legged bulls, (shakes his head) I don't know if someone else made it. Without help it
will be impossible to get the people out.

We'll have to try without any help.

Damn, why?!(he stops)

This area was scheduled for a nuclear attack, if I'm not wrong the missile already hit us. It might
not have made an impact on the pyramid but the land outside is probably radioactive. So, we are
all this people have.

Are we suppose to take them out so that they can die from the fallout, instead of whatever they're
doing to them.

We could leave the radioactive area quickly, there will be some effects but at least they will be
alive. Are you in, or are you out?

Doom, that's you, right?

I am now.

(Moves his sight upwards) I'm lieutenant Michael Corman. I have something you might like.
(Corman shows Doom a holographic map of the pyramid, it's an alien gadget. It looks like a
miniature round stereo, one end seems fit for an alien socket.)

You know, this invasion bridgehead also seems to be a depot of some sort, the place is filled with
weapons and gadgets, placed in between the walls. Some are easy to understand like this map, but
I wouldn't risk touch other things. In case you want one (Gives a map to Doom)

Thanks. Won't you show me how to use it?

Sure, (They take cover behind a broad column) It's easy. They're simple function buttons, it seems
those dumb beasts are only pawns. The green button turns it on.

The pyramid is seen, like in an x-ray. Lines red, violet and yellow.

Those buttons (We see a cross of four) move the center, this goes to upper levels ( , the center
image moves up and down, the pyramid has five levels) those... to the sides ( , moves slightly
to left and right). Once you have centered it you push the blue button (We see the button) and it
enlarges the area, up to ten square meters.

View of them together, seeing the holomap.

Ok, now show me where the people is.

Corman moves the center to the third level, south side (Right) a big chamber that has rows of long

(We see his finger pointing out the direction) This is it. There are two ways to get in, east or west,
none is guarded but first we would have to get there.

Have you checked both ways?

No, I've only seen the western path.

Someone has to check the other way... I'll do it, either way will be new for me anyhow.
That makes sense. After we get there, what do we do?

Once there we'll figure what to do.

Great plan.

I don't think we have many options. The people could come up with ideas.

Let's hope they can be set free.

Let's hope.

They stand, shake hands.

See you there.

See you, and good luck. (Doom turns to follow his path, Corman grabs him quickly) Wait, (Pause)
whatever you do, don't shoot the sleepers.


Big creatures, mummy like, they seem asleep inserted into the wall, but don't try anything against
them, they're some sort of alarm devices, and have a cry so powerful it can knock you out.

Thanks for the warning... see you at the prison. (They raise their arms in salute to each other, and
quickly leave)

Doom speedily walking through it, but alert and careful.

Doom comes to a place where there is an ARCH-VILE, with its hands crossed over its chest. Like
sleeping on a rocky place inserted into the wall. The ARCH-VILE is gray in color, unlike that of
the game. It doesn't seem to be aware of what's happening around it. Doom faces it with his gun
pointing at it, with his back to the wall. Doom moves through the hall.
When he's nearly out, says:

Some alarm system...

Doom goes on. Always alert.

Doom is moving, when he sees a red big bright button, pushes it and part of the wall slides to the
side, revealing a deposit of: EXO-ESKELETONS for the Armed Guards, and the modern looking
machine guns they have (It is not a gatling-like machine gun, as those in the game, it looks like a
thick M-16); plus, ANTI-RADIATION suits. Doom wears the ANTI-RADIATION suit, it isn't
difficult to do so. He also grabs three alien machine guns, as many as he can carry.
        At the End of the Hallway there is a door, he's going for it, when it slides open. Not
knowing what to do, he just faces the wall besides the door, concealing the guns between his legs.
Two BARON-KNIGHTs (Like either BARON of HELL or HELL KNIGHT) enter followed by a
fliying CACODEMON. The creatures don't seem to notice him, CLOSE UP of the glance one of
the BARON-KNIGHTs gives Doom, not paying further attention (They think he’s one of the
human underlings they now have). As soon as they pass him Doom waits for them to move further
ahead, and begins to leave the room. Suddenly the BARON-KNIGHT ahead of the group sees the
secret depot opened and in disorder, therefore turns in anger and points at the already escaping
Doom. The BARON-KNIGHTS have bionic implants on their arms too, but they're less
noticeable and more powerful. The CACODEMON shoots through the mouth, a purple spit of
fire. WE see some shots get the door.

Doom jumps inside the room, some small, but colorful explosions happen behind him, at the door.
The room has two rows of columns in the middle of it at even distances, it has four entrances and
it's a very big place. Doom takes cover behind a column.
The CACODEMON is the first to enter. CLOSE UP of the glance the CACODEMON gives the
place. The CACODEMON is suddenly pushed forward with great strength, a green plasma ray
just got him. A nervous BARON-KNIGHT fired, the CACODEMON answers the offense in kind,
a battle starts between the two BARON-KNIGHTS and the CACODEMON. The CACODEMON
dodges some fires.
CLOSE UP of Doom watching the confrontation, both amused and startled.
The CACODEMON dies and one of the BARON-KNIGHTs too, as soon as that happens Doom
emerges from the column firing his weapon, the BARON-KNIGHT only has time to fire at him
once and crumbles. The green plasma misses Doom.
Doom sees the bodies...

I'll be damn... I don't deserve to be so lucky.

Doom leaves the room.

Doom moves up.

The corridor is shaped like a cross, he is moving through the midle line. At the end of the corridor
Doom sees two revenants, tries to avoid them going back into the corner, but the revenants see
him. And doom moves ahead, after firing some rounds.
Middle Angle of the two furious REVENANTs coming after doom. Filled with the terrible noises
they make.

The corridor is shaped like a "T", Doom incoming through the vertical line. At the left end there is
a MANCUBUS walking carelessly and slowly, its BACK TO Doom. CLOSE UP Doom's eyes,
CLOSE UP the MANCUBUS arm cannons. The right end is clear, Doom looks back an sees the
REVENANTS, heads to the left towards the MANCUBUS looking carefully back as to wait for
the REVENANT's entrance. The REVENANTs appear, Doom is close to the MANCUBUS looks
at it, turns and fires at the REVENANTs. All very fast:
The MANCUBUS hears the shooting and begins to turn.
Doom hits the floor.
The REVENANTs fire at Doom.
The MANCUBUS fires its large arm cannons at the REVENANTs, the fire kills them, the
MANCUBUS turns around and continues its calm walk.
Doom lifts his head from the floor, looks at the dead Revenants, turns slightly to see the Mancubus
walking away. Doom shakes his head in disbelief. Smiles broadly.

Michael is hiding as best he can on the west entrance of the prison area, the entrance doesn’t have
any visible physical obstacle on any side, door, bars, glass, nothing.
INSIDE the prison area, two IMPs and a REVENANT are placing a human being into one of these
chambers. The man is so scared he can only groan desesperately. The IMPs hold him tight, the
Revenant grabs a cable from a gadget and sticks it into his neck, the man losses balance. The IMPs
let him fall, the Revenant grabs the body and places it into the chamber, once inside, (EXTREME
C.U.) the Revenant PUSHES a button, the chamber lid closes on him, (EXTREME C.U.) the
Revenant PUSHES another button, cables come from each side of the chamber towards the guy's
head, they don't penetrate him, just scratch the surface of the head.

Doom enters a room looking carefully around, stops and watches the holographic map he has of
the pyramid. He is way off his route, turns it off and moves forward. He suddenly sees a large
window, off his angle when he entered the habitation, WE see him approach the window with fear
and wonder. He sees...

We see a large and very long bridge, made with several thick supports, joined to the alien pyramid
from their dimension to ours. The bridge is anything but technological, it is surrounded by a large
river of red lava, far away, we see the mainland, filled with ziggurat and pyramid-like structures
barely visible. The sky is also red, cloudy with lightning in some areas. The transit on the bridge is
scarce but we see a caravan closing in.
Beyond in the horizon, we see at least two other such structures, the front part, of what should be
alien pyramids in other worlds, can't be seen, there is only a blur.
At the irregular bottom of the bridge, where some land arises from the lava river, we see some
people working, or at least they look like people. They’re just shadows in the distance.

Doom looks at them with regret, like saying 'those cannot be saved'.

These "people" working at the bottom wear a suit like the one Doom wears now. Above them
there are several CACODEMONs.

Doom turns away from the window, a little shocked but not less determined. He moves on, almost

Doom enters the place quickly, a strong metallic sound makes him stop. A lot of light comes out of
a room into the hallway. The wall facing that light-room is made of glass with strange decorations,
that allows Doom to take shelter behind them and observe the room, he sees...

WE see a large Room with a ceiling higher than anywhere else in the pyramid. A
CYBERDEMON watches a wall made only of screens showing the battle beyond the pyramid,
sometimes he shouts orders in a strange tongue, and with a very base voice.

We see a MANCUBUS attacking a tank, it stands the first round of shots but the second destroys
it. Several soldiers fire their antitank weapons at the invaders, some die, the rest charge again.

Doom moves on.

Doom signals at Michael, Michael answers back. Doom checks his place, no one is around. Then
he enters the prison.

The Room has rows and rows of people placed inside some transparent coffins, close to slightly
laid to the wall. Each wall has two rows of coffins, one on each side. The coffins are very tight,
beside each coffin there is a small screen showing where their alter ego is working. The panel
control is at a high altitude, about 5.8 ft above the floor. The small village had a population of
1000 people, about 600 of them are here. Doom walks by looking carefully at the screens.

We see the alter ego's point of view. A hallway...
We see doom watching the small screens.

We see an alter ego's P.O.V. A place near the base of the bridge


The screens!

I saw them too. It seems these people are controlling something on remote. (looking at
Doom)Where did you get that outfit?

(Looking at Corman)One of the depots. (Looking back to the screens) I saw what these people are
controlling.(points to the screen)

We see the sea of lava at the base of the bridge, it seems these people are hardening the stone with
complicated machines.

They seemed like people, with this very same suit. Do you think they have some of them really
working there?

It would be too big a coincidence, these people are more useful to them as slaves controlling
remotes than real workers, those things seem awfully heavy to me (talking about the machines
they seem to be using on the screens), a real human being wouldn't be able to lift it.

True, and I suppose the human shape is used to avoid confusing the brain. But how are they
ordered, how do they know what to do?

They're drugged before placing them inside. Once there, who knows how they do it...

Those inside must be those human-like guards, with the heavy weapon. I saw a lot of
exoeskeletons in one of those depots, I guess they’re replacements, or awaiting controllers. If we
could only set one of them free...

I think I can do that, but whom do we free?
Flashes of images of several alter egos throughout the base, and their sleepin masters, the faces of
the people are all the regular midwestern american, there are children among them, kids of about
six and eight. Show only two or three in ten or more. After several we see one that seems alone, in
an empty corridor

DOOM(Voice off)
It has to be one away from the lava river, they're watched closely. One not near to any alien, it has
to be someone alone, or nearly alone, someone we could experiment with...

... this one.

The chosen one is a white male, aged thirty. His alter ego is alone guarding a hall.

OK. Who is going to take his place?

I will. If something happens, you'll know better how to unplug me.

It's agreed then. Watch this fellow, don't let him fall.
(Corman looks at the control pad, it has several sockets, pushes the buttons and the man is set free,
Doom brings him down carefully.)Ok, Doom. Hop in.

(Slightly nervous enters)What will you do with him?

Leave that to me. Stand still and be prepared, I don't know how much this hurts.

Let's do it. (Doom closes his eyes.)

CORMAN doesn't close the lid on Doom.

We see Doom's alter ego point of view. We heasr a low base voice speaking in the gutural
language of the invaders, but the voice is distorted in code like sounds.

CORMAN(Voice off)
So, how do you feel?

I can barely sense the cables, and there is a strange sound, like gorilla singing.
Must be the intructions from whoever rules them...

We see the Demon on close up, his face reflects arrogance and an incredible selfconfidence.
I guess so...

The point of view shows violent turns and changes of speed. Running, slow walking, steps,
running, turning left and right, turning violently around.

We see an Armed Guard act like crazy, movements must indicate that this is the Armed guard
controlled by Doom.


This thing is easy to control. If I could only know where I am?


Don't do anything too suspicious... I'll take this fellow somewhere safe.
(Corman leaves the prison without the man, Goes to the west end checks if it's safe, and walks

Corman is overseeing the place with great attention, sees something, pushes a wall, and it SLIDES

This depot, unlike that found by Doom previously, is like a room, filled with only small firearms
but a lot of ammunition. It has plenty of space for twenty people. Corman runs out.

We see some aliens, the camera moves back a little.


The camera moves forward, the Armed Guard moves unnoticed.

We see how the Armed guard controlled by Doom passes by without being noticed by two IMPs.
Corman walks in and grabs the man's body.

Corman enters with the man's body, takes him to a covered side, and dumps him. Corman checks
the man. Sensing his pulse, and seeing his eyes. After that he runs out again.

Corman walks in.

Ok, Doom. I'm here.

Let me park this thing, wait... I could try to shoot...

Don't risk that now! Do it later.(Doom nods)

We see the camera approach a corner.

This will be fine here.

We see the armed guard, walk to a corner, turn and stand still.

Doom jumps out, and kneels. Sits on the floor, his back rests on the wall, inches below the open

So, how was it.

Not as hard as I thought. The drug they use to control them must be strong.

It must be, now what do we do?

We have no choice but to wake up as many as we can, try to bring them back to their senses, and
control those things to help us get… at least some of them to getaway.

Not cheery, hu?

Better than nothing, those things can fire a good punch, some would have to stay but... what other
choice do we have.

None, but what about the fallout outside?

There is no such thing. The bomb didn't make it.

How do you know?

I saw the control room.

You did, we could send information to the forces outside.

There was nothing of use, nothing that could help things out. Michael, we are not winning outside.
(Pause) We are all these people have. They can't get in, but I hope we can get out.

There is silence between the two

I think I know what we could give this people, to get them back in shape...

We see a mask over the guy's head, he is breathing something Corman had in his backpack. PULL
BACK to include Doom and Corman watching him.

It's nearly pure oxygen, back at NASA they thought it could be useful... I don't think they
imagined this use.

We see the man, he is getting better

He's coming back, cut the supply, we'll need it.

Corman takes the helmet off him

Do you know where you are?
I... I was a prisoner... the...

You're still inside the pyramid (The man turns frightened) Now, don't panic, or they will come
back. Do you remember the thing you were controlling...

Like you remember a bad dream...

We want you to control it again.

The guy looks at Corman, Corman just nods

We see the Guy inside the chamber, the lid is open. The cables are connected to his head.

Just try to control it...

It's harder than you think...

Don't worry, just try... if there is anything wrong, tell us quickly. (To Corman) If we could know
where those places are exactly. (Doom looks at the control pad, which has three sockets, grabs his
3 dimensional map, and plugs it in)

We see the pyramid, it is transparent and shapes of the background cand be seen through. It is the
same as before, but there is one bright yellow figure in one of the halls, it is a geometric shape.


Can you move forward...


Can you move forward, David.
Yes, I think I can.

The bright figure moves forward

We see Doom in Middle angle.

This is it we've got it! (He pushes, the blue button)

We see appear a lot of bright yellow figures, of a different tone, most of them are moving.


The button functions change (Pushes the blue button again).

We see appear a bunch of bright red figures, most are moving. The new figures are also geometric
figures, but the sizes, height and thickness, vary greatly, and the speed too.


It's them, it's all of them.

Now we have the advantage, it's time to wake them up.

Tense, fast and rithmical music begins

Some are working, elsewhere handling machines, most of them are guards moving or standing
still, in groups or alone, many are escorts to REVENANTs or BARON KNIGHTs, others follow
some IMPs in disorder, those images are combined WITH...

We see close ups of Doom, nodding when the alter ego (AE) is alone or nearly alone, or shaking
his head when the AE is with other creatures. We see the face of Corman, opening the gates, we
also see the faces of the people, all this combined WITH...

We see the people being provided oxygen with the helmet on, Corman smiles the results are
incredible. We see Doom check on a woman HOLDING her head, she smiles at him. We see a big
man stare at the wall not fully recovered yet. We see a little girl that seems better than some grown
ups, recovering faster.

Music ends

Inside are five people, including one little girl (not Blondie tough).

The oxygen has an incredible effect. And there is enough to reanimate most of them.

Lucky coincidence.

Now what's the plan?

We place those guards posted all through our escape route, after that we'll have to gamble, let
them out in groups, well armed groups. It will be easy to find weapons.

David enters the Depot running, he is very anxious

You've got to come quick, something is happening!

We see a general view of the prison room, TRACK left to right, now it has about fifteen people out
of the coffins, most are checking the small screens, there are several 3d-maps pluged in the control
pads besides each coffin. Finally we see that Doom is watching the HOLOGRAPHIC MAP,

All the red figures are moving to a Room north of the pyramid, hundreds of them are entering the
pyramid from outside, many yellow figures are heading to the main entrance, and thickening the
frontal guard.

They've stopped fighting, all the creatures outside are entering the pyramid.


Do you think they discovered us.

No, they all head towards this room... (Doom points to the Room with his finger)
Close up of the room and all the creatures entering it.


Lunch break.

I wonder what those tall skeletons eat?

A diet high in calcium no doubt... This is it, we can't wait for another chance like this. Get me a
chamber quickly!

There is one you can use now, a girl was just set free...

Won't there be any problem with the height...

The cables adapt to whomever is inside, let's go.

Corman, Doom and the lady go to where the chamber is. Middle angle of a woman carrying
BLONDIE, she is not all right yet. Close up of Doom's face as he moves it watching the girl, he is
startled to find her real.

It's here. (She signals one of the chamber-coffins)

(To doom)What are you going to do?

(Entering the coffin like thing) I'm going to get some weapons.

An armed guard is walking in, he moves more livingly than the others previously shown Armed

Are you sure I'm heading east...

You're heading east, you're on the second level...
Yes, I recognize the place, it's just around the corner...

We see the depot Doom discovered, it has plenty of machine guns.

Here it is, now how could I make a load with them.

Using the antiradiation suits, he makes a large package, and places dozens of machine guns in it.
Doom has to pull the lot.


Doom, you better hurry something tall and thin has entered [...]

[...] the pyramid through the east side...

Is it coming this way?


Yes, I'm afraid it's going your way...

Middle angle of the entering Revenant, it enters through the east side, the camera PULLS BACK
until we see the Armed Guard controlled by Doom pulling a large lot of machine guns placed over
a package made of Anti-radiation suits as if they were sheets. The Revenant looks suspiciously at
the Armed Guard but does nothing more than reduce its pace to follow it. Cautiously the Revenant
stays behind Doom's alter ego.

Many people are concerned on what's going on.

It is following me...

Destroy it.

They're not as vulnerable as other creatures, it could destroy me. I need more firepower.

Out of nowhere a blonde little girl appears, it's Blondie

Why doesn't someone sneak behind it and destroys it.

(Looking at her)That's a good idea, Doom did you hear that?

I did, let's do it. I will take this guy with me as far away from their dining room, and the prison, as
possible. Guide me, and warn me when you're ready.

Doom's Armed Guard takes a turn in a hall, the patient Revenant follows him. We see another
Armed Guard get active, and approach the place as fast as it can without running. The second
Armed Guard glances into the Hall, aims its weapon at the Revenant.


Doom we are ready.

Fire when I duck.

The armed guard controlled by Doom, ducks.


The new Armed Guard (Armed Guard "B") fires intensely at the Revenant from the corner. The
Revenant turns very fast and shoots a slow beam. The beam strikes the corner, because the Guard
"B" moved, the Revenant is about to follow it when Doom's A Guard fires its pack. The Revenant
turns and fires at Doom's AGuard, Doom rolls managing to avoid being hit, the AGuard "B"
appears from the Corner and fires again at the Revenant. The Revenant turns again and fires its
beam, this time the Guard "B" can't hide as well and falls to the ground, almost hit by the beam. It
rolls back as the Revenant fires again and barely hits the Guard "B", Doom's A Guard fires in the
meantime killing the Revenant before it's able to fire once more at the Guard "B".
        Both A.Guards rise at the same time, Doom's A.Guard salutes the other. The A.Guard "B"
answers and goes back the way it came from, Doom grabs his package again. Looks at the body of
the Revenant and sees that its body fluids have entered the slowly moving stream of white liquid.

Well people I hope you're getting ready, our time is running short.
We see Corman on Close up.

CORMAN (answering DOOM)
Don't worry we'll be ready.

The camera pulls back. Until we see that Blondie is inside one of the chambers.

CORMAN (Cont.)
Congratulate the child for me, she did a wonderful job.

Middle angle of a mature man with an alien machine gun, one of the three Doom brought at first.

GUY #2
I'll be damn, would you check this out.

Someone near him, a man, comes to see too. We see Doom's Armed Guard approach with all the
machine guns he's carrying. Doom's AG leaves the package in the middle of the prison.

We see the blood of the Revenant finally arrive at the Arch vile place. Close Up of the Arch vile
we see it open its eyes very slightly.

The white liquid begins to blink, three IMPs in the area pay attention to it and move out of the

This is where the real Doom is, with Corman and others.

Tell the people to grab the weapons... and tell me where do you want me to place this thing.

We see a finger draw an imaginary line on the Holo map.

Go west, down the first stairs, entering the first circle on our way out, leave it there...

We see the arrival of the Armed Guard controlled by Doom.

The three IMPs arrive at the scene, they check everything out, growling and moving their eyes
sideways. One of them makes a physical gesture of "who cares" after they are certain it was just
another fight between the troop, there is no sign of alien creatures, well, alien to them.
Doom is out already

It gets to be fun.

You've been in there for quite a while, don't you feel a headache or something?

It gets easier the more you use it, but there is that permanent feeling of something giving you

Who cares, if the orders aren't followed.

How many people have fully recovered?

About seventy, and, awake, more than 120, five more, five less.

And the total number of people?

It seems there are more than 400. (Doom looks very disappointed)
Some of the people are moving the Guards wherever they can be useful. I'm really surprised they
haven't noticed us yet.

They're strange creatures... You haven't touched those working near the lava, have you?

No. What will we do when that (meaning: the BIG demon in the room, I think) comes here?

No one can answer that question, me least of all. But it will be far more useful to those outside and
for those inside, if you focus on what's important, these people. Later we'll find a way out of this,
out of all this.

You're right. In the meantime (to the people near him) let's wake them up!

It is a very large room, filled with long cavities to the sides. The CACODEMONs fly to those
cavities and food falls from above to their wide opened mouths, WE SEE a CACODEMON clean
its face with its tongue. In the center there is a large block that looks like a wall, this "wall" is filled
with transparent chambers that look like round shaped phone booths. Any creature enters it and is
given an aura of energy, WE ONLY SEE a blue light gleaming inside, from all directions. Beyond
this "wall" there is a large pool filled with soft, and hard pieces of "something" the juice filling the
pool is totally red, there is a lot of what looks like red smashed potatoes. The creatures kneel and
grab as much as they can, making a mess of it all. Some are drinking the juice. The camera shows
those two processes of eating, the energy and the organic food. At the beginning of these escene
we hear:

(Softly to himself)...and wish those creatures have a very long dinner.

Music begins, tense and strong music. A mix of Alice Cooper and Richard Bach.

TRACK from right to left. We see people working in a frenzy, many 3D-maps are plugged to the
controlpads, people inside the chambers are placing the Armed Guards where they find it
convenient, therefore most lids are opened to have communications between the controlers and
the guides. Some people are being waked up, and someone else takes his place inmediately.

TRACK from right to left. We see that only two or three lids aren't opened, fewer people are
placing the Armed Guards, a lot of people is being attended to.

(She places the NASA Helmet on someone) Breathe strongly, aspire... (The person does that, she
places the Helmet on someone else)

The TRACK comes close to a conversation between Doom and Corman.

How many are left inside the coffins?

About fifty, only those working at the lava point.

It's time to do it.

TRACK stops.

DOOM (Cont.)
The worst ones will get out first. Group number one will have the easiest ride, later on these
people will only be a burden.

I agree. (As regretful comment) Pity we can't let out all the children first...

Why not? Aren't they part of the weakest?

Didn't you notice? Some of them are the best at handling those things.

Close Up of DOOM. He looks towards one of the coffins, with its lid opened. Middle Angle of
BLONDIE she is handling an Armed Guard, and receiving instructions from two guys.


Music begins.
The Prison is placed on the southern part of the pyramid, in level three, the dining room is on level
two in the north. Therefore the group's way out is east to west, towards the entrance.
We see an Armed Guard enter the hallway very quickly, make a sign to those behind him, and
three more Armed Guards appear they're followed by a group of eighty people plus more than
twenty Armed Guards distributed through the long group.

The first group will the largest, all those recently awaked will be with them, later on, it will be
more difficult to get them out.

The first escene we see is an Armed Guard (AG) entering a Hall, the AG is followed by two other
AGs. Very quickly we see the people appear behind them, it's a very large group, of about seventy,
many are being carried by others, they're joined by more than 20 AGs. They only have to wipe out
three IMPs, once again the fluids fall on the liquid, and arrives at the nearest ARChvile place, the
stream gains speed with every dead, the first to check this out is a BARON KNIGHT, he is killed
also but manages to destroy an AG, that's when we see a boy with one eye totally red. As the
second group passes, one REVENANT and two IMPs come. The third group has to fight against a
REVENANT, several IMPs, a BARON KNIGHT and Demons. The heroism of BLONDIE is
shown here, she’s an awesome Armed Guard controller. That's when they decide to gamble, and
leave at once with those working at the lava point, one of the WORKER EGO falls, and the
CACODEMON shouts: the true battle begins. They are unable to leave and have to retreat, all the
people remaining are about 70, most are handling the Alter egos the situation gets desperate and
DOOM does it.

(Well, it seems I switched to narrative starting at this point. I guess the numbering and ANGLES
and things were getting on my nerves. Yep, that must’ve been it. No, no, now that I’ve read a Little
of it, I can see it more like a summary of what’s going on, script shorthand if you will)

Flashes of the first and second groups, and how as many people as possible are being waked up,
people holding 3Dmaps examine them one by one, since nearly all the creatures are in the dining
room, most of them can be set free now, they aren’t watched.
       All the people working near the Cacodemons, on the bridge, (25) weren't bothered at all,
they couldn't risk being discovered by the Cacodemons. Every person that awoke was given the
oxygen treatment, only a bit was enough to make them react but it took longer to have them totally
conscious, and some, although conscious, were incapable of dominating the alter egos.
        So the process was the following: a person was awakened and another took his place to
park the alter-ego. They knew time was crucial since, now, most of the halls were clear of
creatures. The most rested persons took the job of controlling the alter-egos, scorting the first
group out. Among them was the little blonde blue eyed girl (The one he saw on his dreams not the
one in the truck. "Blondie" for short).
        "Are you sure you can handle this?" asks Doom.
        "She parked three guards already, other people are tired." Adds mike to the girl's nod.
        "Ok then, be strong girl. Imagine you're in a game." The audience is introduced to the view
from the alter-ego once she enters it. For a brief moment of the escapade.
        The first group, of about 35 people, leaves with no problems at all, the second group of 40
has an incident with some Imps. The Imps are wiped out (A group of three).
        All the time they've got at least twenty people on control of the alter egos, changing from
alter-ego to the one most useful at the time. Several Armed guards are destroyed once abandoned.
People begin to run in a continuous fashion.
        A little girl is caught in the firefight, her mother lies dead near her, she only screams in
despair. The alter-ego controlled by Blondie comes to her help. Grabs her an runs, with her,
toward the entrance, other armed-guards come to help. Opposition grows in intensity, good luck
they've over 350 alter-egos. Before the alter-egos are destroyed, when under attack, the people are
disconnected from them, and a small effect of electrical discharge is produced in the cables.
        Monotonous scenes of Imps, Demons and Revenants just shooting or being shot at, are
combined with the faces of Doom and Mike over the 3-D map that explains to the audience what is
happening. The Prison-coffins are in the south area, the pyramid is facing West, the bridge is due
East. And the dining room is in the north area, so their escape route is East-west in the south area1.
        All the people they've to wake up now are the ones working on the bridge, they carefully
place 25 people to quickly replace them. Once in control of the alter-egos, they leave the working
area through the nearest entrance. A Cacodemon observes curious as the working human shapes
begin to leave, then it sees one of them fall and several others "parked", unlike the Armed guards
those fall to the floor. Then it gives the alarm. The Cacodemon begins an unpleasant cry highly
acute, like morse code sung by a sick shrilly singer. The Morse code is received by the sleeping
Arch-vile, it connects itself to the white stream of thick liquid present everywhere, the liquid
vibrates with different tones of bright-white to black. In every single corner of the pyramid the
message is received: the humans are escaping.
        All the big creatures: Cacodemons, Mancubus, Baron Knights, and most Revenants were
"dining", now that room begins to spit out creatures toward the prison (coffins) area. The creatures
no longer think it's only some armed guards gone berserk, now they know it is an attempt to
        Over 25 people are controlling Armed guards and more than seventy are still with them.
As many people possible are told to carry the weakest and make a run for it. Blondie doesn't want

           See graphic at the end.
to leave yet, she wants to stay with the last group. Doom doesn't want to, but mike tells him:
        "Perhaps she believes this is a game, but she is good at it. Let her do it!"
        Doom finally agrees and asks Blondie's mother to stay, too.
        The creatures are coming. Simple scenes with some Baron Knights (Two) with a
Mancubus behind and a single Cacodemon, in rapid succession, combined with an impressive
number of dots in the 3-D map would inspire as much awe, as a more expensive complicated live,
with models, scene.
        Then show the Armed guards firing desesperately and being destroyed so fast people
receive the electric shock and are hurt. The little girl is very good at handling Armed guards, she
isn't hurt once. More complicated scenes aren't necessary here, when the bunch of creatures is
coming, because:
        Doom realizes something else is needed in order to escape, a big distraction.
        "I'm going to do something, play our last card."
        "Where are you going?" asks Mike.
        "To create a distraction."
        "But what..."
        "Listen to me, it's our only chance. The minute you see these creatures moving away
towards the east, leave. Most are coming this way, that leaves the escape route with little
opposition, leave as fast as you can. No arguments. I have to meet my doom."
        Doom heads for the Control room, leaving the prison coffins area by the east entrance. As
he heads towards the C.Room he searches for a better weapon, opening every door he sees. He
finds a rocket launcher, it's used like those rifles of Aliens II. With it Doom opens the gigantic
door of the control room and fires.
        The Cyberdemon turns to face him and covers himself with his arm an it's hit by the rocket,
the skin seems irritated and one vein erupts showing red blood, otherwise the Cyberdemon is
holding firm.
        "Human." says the CyberD with a deep voice, really deep, bass.
        Doom fires another rocket. This time the CyberD strikes it, some debris hits the roof.
        "Human." repeats, and Doom fires again. The CyberD crosses his arms over his chest,
receives the rocket, and moves agressively forward swinging his arm at Doom's rockets. After
three more rockets the cartridge is empty, the CyberD tries to squash him. He moves fast enough
to avoid the creatures's foot.
        "Human, do not mock me. We are the cosmic nightmare. Do not dare pretend you can
destroy me.
        "You are brave, try not to be a fool, surrender now to our might, and I'll reward your
courage by giving you ten times your power. Make despair and pain yours to give, or die."
        Doom just stares at the talking two legged bull.
        "Perhaps, we can work something out...maybe...", he replies. Then instead of talking,
heads towards a room beyond, a rocket explodes behind him. Doom continues to run through a
room filled with pillars hearing and feeling the rocket explosions, altough not one touches him
directly. Reloads the rocket launcher and fires back whenever he can. Finally he is caught against
a column, and fires his last rocket, the CyberD gets it on its shoulder. The CyberD fires at him,
Doom manages to move away, but the blast sends him crashing into a wall, it's an arms depot like
the others but this one has more powerful weapons, Doom sees the BFG 90002 and waits for the
CyberD to get closer in order to use it.
        "Pityful creature, now it's time to meet your doom."
        Doom quickly grabs the gigantic weapon, the CyberD sees it and aims at Doom. Doom
fires and the blast destroys the rocket sent by the CyberD at the last second, and also the CyberD.
        The "death" of the CyberD wakes up the Arch-vile. It shrieks in anger with its arms totally
spread and showing its claws, and it splashes into the white stream of liquid, it swims at great
speed under it. We see the White liquid through narrow slits on the floor, beneath those there are
wide pipes filled with it.
        Mike sees how, after the white liquid shines for a brief second, every single creature begun
to move eastwards.
        "Let's go! Now!"
        Doom moves towards the control room, he sees the Cyberdemon's head and it suddenly
awakes. Its eyes pure red rage.
        "You do not understand our might, our grasp rules in countless suns...our forces conquer
nations in all corners of the universe..."
        Doom just continues to move. Suddenly the white liquid erupts with a shriek, it's the
Arch-vile. An it begins to concentrate a great amount of energy around its arms, a blue mist, with
flashes of energy, begins to appear. Doom fires the BFG but the Arch-vile enters the liquid before
being hit. Doom moves away unable to understand what's going on. Then the Cyberdemon begins
to take shape anew, Doom runs. In front of the control center Doom hears how the Cyberdemon
approaches with a quick and powerful step.
        Behind him there is a chamber, Doom believes it's a teleporter.
        The Cyberdemon appears, behind it, the wet and angry Arch-vile. Doom fires his weapon
at the control panel and runs for the teleport chamber, any place would be better now.
        In frustrated anger the CyberD fires a missile at Doom, but it misses him. Once inside the
chamber Doom presses a big red button, in the blink of an eye he is at the frontal entrance. It's a
place with a nice view of the surrounding area, fit for the CyberD.
        Mike and the rest of the people can be seen beyond still running, taking an occcassional
glance behind hoping to see the friend who saved them from doom.
        The Pyramid is beginning to desintegrate, Doom runs as fast a he can, but he is caught by
the final blast.
        Hummers search through the area. It's covered with ashes two feet thick. They're using
infrared, so it's kinda easy. Soldiers jump out of the Hummer.
        "He is here!" says one of them.
        They put him unto a stretcher and lift him up to the hummer. Doom's eyes open.
        "He's still alive."
        "Good, this guy saved the whole country."

           The game’s major weapon.
"I wonder what got him here in the first place."
        Doom isn't paying attention to the voices, he is looking at his lost partner in irak, a
translucent image of him, he is joyful and giving doom a thumbs up. Doom's face gains a lot of
peace. Mike and the rest of the people are in other military vehicles, the camera approaches
Blondie and her mother. They are both covered with ashes but alive.
        The hummers drift away and the camera enters the small dead village. It goes to a house in
particular, it's filled with military stuff (Hey, I saw this guy die on Irak), and there’s a family
picture, not big; the mother, the military father and Blondie.

                                           THE       END

Copyright © 2012 Rodrigo Antezana Patton
All possible rights reserved. As a ‘fan fic’, you may freely distribute it if the credits and other
information stays intact and is not for profit.

About the script:
This script was written back in 1997, that’s 15 years ago! Therefore, any resemblance to any
movies that came after that is just pure coincidence (the crystal coffins remind me of ‘the matrix’,
Of course I had been a fan of the game for quite a while, but I don’t recall exactly why I wrote the
script, there would’ve been some objective, a plan, far fetched as it may have been. Don’t know,
maybe I thought I could pitch it to someone.
Remember that the ‘DOOM’ movie appeared in 2005, I was, like all, excited about it, and deeply
dissappointed after seeing it, I like to think this script is way better, hopefully you’ll think that as
Its format seems to be a mix of the ‘master scene form’ with ‘write-on-word’ adaptation, while the
ending is just pure prose. Actually, the file is so old that it was ‘wordstar’, luckily Word managed
to read it, and it also managed to get the ‘graphic’, which is just and idea of how it’s placed, it
doesn’t give any idea of the scale.
All I did with the script, this year, is fix a thing or two, correct some ortography, and that’s it.
Other than some small changes, it’s exactly the same script as the one I wrote then. I’d say it is a
good shoot them up, no nonsense adaptation.
I obviously lacked a lot of information when I wrote it, but the basic idea of ‘doom’ is there.

About the author:
Well, most of my work is written in Spanish, I have a published novel (2001, El viaje, ‘the
voyage’), I compiled a book, along with a friend, with Bolivian lovecraftian short stories
(Inmigraciones de Arkham, Arkham Immigrations), sort of a homage to H. P. Lovecraft. I’ve been
writing about movies since, precisely, 1997, in Bolivian newspapers and magazines. I have a blog:
Right now I’m involved in many things, besides work. I want to do some videos for youtube, in
English, I’m going to fix ‘ten movies’ in an equal number of videos; I just uploaded my comic
book to kindle, titled ‘It’s just a river’. If you enjoy dark humor, plus silliness, plus some thought,
my bet is you’ll like it. Also, the first part of my second novel is coming up, straight to kindle, in
And it’s in the process of getting ready for this, that and other things, when my old scripts came
up… and I have two more: ‘Paint my freedom’, and artsy story of personal selfdiscovery; and
‘Gesellschaft’, ‘Societies’, a sci-fi flick that I wrote back in 1999 or 2000. I’ll check them again
and then I’ll upload them to kindle, otherwise, they’ll just be absent; and I like both works, with
flaws and all.

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DOOM spec script (1997)

  • 1. 1997 Rodrigo Antezana Patton [DOOM] A spec-script based on the world renowned computer game. I wrote it in 1997, finished it in April.
  • 2. D O O M April, 1997 by Rodrigo Antezana Patton 1. INT. SITUATION ROOM -WHITE HOUSE -NIGHT It's dark inside, the room is filled with high officials they are watching something on a Tv. Their faces are grim, all are worried. Fear can be seen in all, the president looks like thinking solutions. 1A. INSERT -TV IMAGE Soldiers are shown fighting for their lives. Their faces are disfigured by their desperate shouting. 1. BACK TO SCENE CLOSE ANGLE the worried face of the president 2A. INSERT -TV IMAGE Soldiers are still shouting firing intensely 1. BACK TO SCENE The growls of creatures are heard, more intense shooting and a final scream. 2B. INSERT -TV IMAGE The face of an IMP appears on the full screen for an instant. 1. BACK TO SCENE A man rises and turns off the Tv. Lights come up. GENERAL That's all we've got Mr. President. PRESIDENT Any news since? GENERAL Not from them, and we haven't sent anymore scouts. PRESIDENT I understand(Pause). Call(to an officer) the Russian president tell them it's an emergency. Get me all the NATO heads quickly. (His orders are strong yet he doesn't seem to have much confidence on their possibilities) 2. EXT. NIGHTMARE -FIELD NEAR ALIEN PYRAMID -NIGHT unclear image of: A man is running. Some kind of laser hits him and dies. The face of an angry IMP appears for a brief second. 3. INT. MILLER'S APARTMENT -MISS COLTON'S GUEST HOUSE -MORNING JONATHAN MILLER wakes ups suddenly from a nightmare. Sweating and highly agitated. He
  • 3. has a simple white t-shirt and a crucifix around his neck. Father FRANK is sitting besides his bed. MILLER is a tall well build man. F. FRANK You were screaming again, my son. Miss Colton grew nervous and called me. MILLER I'm all right, Father. It was only a nightmare. F. FRANK Freshen up, I'll wait for you outside. Father Frank leaves the room, Jonathan goes to take a shower, a look at the room shows a stern habitation. Pictures tell us Jonathan used to be a soldier. 4. INT. HALLWAY -MISS COLTON'S GUEST HOUSE -MORNING Miss COLTON was outside the room waiting. M. COLTON He was screaming Father, yelling things about demons, and cried out of getting away from something. He got me scared, it would be best if he leaves. F. FRANK Miss Colton, please, I sent this man to you, not for the price of the room, but for your patience. Be easy on him, miss Colton, he carries a heavy burden of pain. 5. EXT. DEPOSIT'S DOORWAY - MORNING Miller is lifting big sacks of flour from a van to the deposit. F. FRANK You could make this job easier on yourself Jonathan, move the car a little. MILLER now wears bluejeans, a simple white T-shirt and the crucifix around his neck. MILLER I can use the,...humph!...exercise father. F. Frank just raises his shoulders. F. FRANK It's the third day of this dream, what do you think it means? Miller continues to work lifting and carrying the flour sacks, throughout the conversation. MILLER I would rather not think about it, father, it probably doesn't mean anything.
  • 4. F. FRANK Yet you scream in fear from it. MILLER I’m not denying it’s... humph!... scary. It frightens me, but that doesn't give it any meaning, does it? F. FRANK It seems to me it’s getting worse. MILLER It is.(Miller nods, very serious) F. FRANK Want to hear what I think? MILLER (Miller leaves one sack of flour on the deposit. His arms relaxed over the pile of flour sacks) I don't mind, father. F. FRANK I believe your dream is your self punishment for your mistakes in the war. MILLER There weren't any demons in the war, father. F. FRANK Those demons represent the fear you have of being punished for your mistakes. You must stop feeling guilty about it, as a soldier you knew nothing could be done. MILLER (He gazes into nothing, remembering actions past.) No father, I could've tried. 6. EXT. HELICOPTERS -SUNDOWN Three helicopters hover over the horizon. It's 1991 the war of the gulf. 7. INT. AIRBORNE HELICOPTER -SUNDOWN We see MILLER leading a SEAL team into a mission inside Iraq. 8. EXT. LANDING ZONE -SUNDOWN The helicopters do not touch the ground, the soldiers begin to jump out of them. They gather a moment around MILLER. MILLER The targets are 6 miles from here, you know what to do, Let's go! 9. EXT. DESERT AREA -NIGHT
  • 5. It is very dark, only shapes are seen from the people. We see a lot of fire mostly from AK-47, and M-16 machine guns. A lot of shouting in iraqi arabic can be heard. V.O. from radios speak english. A tank can be heard approaching. We see some people trying to escape, firing back as much as they can, running real fast in the rocky desert. Everything is shown as in dream, a bit slow and not all sounds right. SOLDIER 1(Radio V.O.) [...] wrong intelligence, much more soldiers[...] MILLER Roger group one, we are under attack too, head for evac, ASAP. SOLDIER 1(Radio V.O.) [...]negative, negative, way is blocked, way is blocked. Too[...] MILLER Roger group one. Just, leave any way you can, can't get air support, they would get them too. SOLDIER 1 [...] roger leader, we will be at emergency LZ, good luck[...] MILLER tells his mean to spread, and they run. Further ahead he sees one of his men fall, rushes to carry him. After grabbing him continues to head for the Landing Zone, at about two hundred meters away from the LZ, MILLER is spotted by a Tank. The soldier he is carriying has either died or fainted, MILLER can't climb with him, to take cover of the tank, and decides to leave him, climbs the hill and reaches the LZ... 10. EXT. LANDING ZONE -NIGHT CLOSE UP of MILLER at the edge of the helicopter, looking towards the fire sounds. The helicopters lifts up. 11. INT. HEADQUARTERS ROOM -DAY MILLER is standing dressed in full uniform. COMMANDER(V.O.) (Monotonous voice of someone reading.)[...]and it's therefore that the marine corps accept Jonathan Miller's, mayor of special SEAL forces, resignation[...] FADE TO BLACK CUT TO: 12. INT. BAKERY KITCHEN -CHURCH -DAY We see several people working preparing the most varied range of bakings, from cookies to cakes. Most of the people are religious but some are plain workers. MILLER is preparing a dough trying to clear his mind from all things. 12A. INSERT -BAKING TABLE We see the dough MILLER is preparing....
  • 6. CUT TO: 12b. INSERT -BAKING TABLE CLOSE UP, MILLER toys with the dough until it reaches a humanoid silhouette. It changes suddenly to an IMP. 12. BACK TO SCENE MILLER retreats from it violently, the CHIEF COOK sees this and approaches MILLER. MILLER cools and returns to his work, but... CHIEF COOK Jonathanan, you don't seem so well, it seems to me you can use some rest and fresh water. MILLER Yeah, but... CHIEF COOK Come on, I don't want you sick, go get some rest.(All said in a very gentle, friendly tone.) Miller nods... MILLER Thanks. ... and leaves. 13. INT. TV ROOM -CHURCH -DAY It's a room with a Tv. for working people, no cushioned sits, some bare tables, and a big freezer close to one of the walls. However all people inside are near the Tv. some sitting others standing, about 8 people in all. REPORTER 1 (V.O.) [...]this is the image of the Russian nuclear satellite that has fallen on the Wyoming area... 13a. INSERT -TV We see the picture of a nuclear powered Russian satellite. 14. EXT. WYOMING AREA -TV IMAGE -DAY We see hundreds of people evacuating, most on their own cars, but some on military trucks with few personal belongings. There is a lot of soldiers, and Hummers. REPORTER 1(V.O.) People is being evacuated in a very large radious from the satellite's touch down. According to recent information it did not destroy on the atmosphere, and therefore no radiation was leaked on its way down. The russian president stated that Russia would run with all expenses, how is bankrupt Russia going to do it? Is a question in all minds. (Pause) The following towns are being currently evacuated[...]
  • 7. 13. BACK TO SCENE CLOSE UP, MILLER seems to get nervous. CUT TO: 15. EXT. OUTSKIRTS OF TOWN CLOSE TO ALIEN PYRAMID -MILLER'S MENTAL IMAGE -DAY We see a blury image of people being escorted out of their town by IMPs and DEMONs. They're all scared, some are crying, children are among them. A little, young, blond blue eyed girl is among them, BLONDIE. 13. BACK TO SCENE MILLER begins to seem weak, all around him turns into a blur. we faint with him. 16. INT. MILLER'S APARTMENT -MISS COLTON'S GUEST HOUSE -DAY Jonathan awakes with Father Frank at his side. F. FRANK Are you sick, Jonathan? MILLER Not that I know.(Still dizzy.) F. FRANK I know you're healthy and strong, Jonathan. (Pause) What is wrong? Do you want a doctor? MILLER No (Coming back to himself.). For the first time in a long while I know what I need to do. F. FRANK What? MILLER I have to go somewhere? F. FRANK You can't leave now, not like this. MILLER I have to, father. It seems so clear, It's only a hunch, but I'll follow it. I'll come back if it turns out to be nothing. 17. EXT. WYOMING ROAD -DAY We see MILLER driving a jeep, there is some people going against his direction, but not that many. He is still away from the evacuation area. MILLER(V.O.) For my sake I hope it is something.
  • 8. F. FRANK(V.O.) Where are you going? MILLER Somewhere. I thought I needed peace, so I came here. Maybe peace isn't what I needed. CUT TO: 18. INT. TV IMAGE We see a news reporter talking to the camera, on the background there is a caravan of private cars, and one military truck carrying civilians, however the caravan is constantly checked by HUMMERs filled with armed to the teeth soldiers. REPORTER 1 I have got more bad news for the citizens of Wyoming it seems the russian satellite did break on the atmosphere and a lot of radioactive was leaked at high altitude, therefore the Military is extending the ratio of evacuation. The reporter goes to a frame to one side. The studio Reporter appears, female caucasian. REPORTER 2 Sorry to hear that. We'll be back to you Michael. (Reporter one nods, he dissappears, instead of him the frame changes to a man giving an statement, it's the Russian predident) Now we'll hear President Yegorov's latest statement. 19. INT. DUMA -TV IMAGE We only see an old man talking in Russian to a microphone, he seems more frightened than regretful. YEGOROV (In Russian) We hear the voice of the translator. TRANSLATOR [...] Being a mistake of the… our government, it is us, who must pay the damages caused to the United States, they must not fear because we will remain true to this compromise. Already... some of our finest scientists are on their way... to help... the former enemy turned friend. That is the official position of the Russian government. (Yegorov nods and leaves the stage, he seems very nervous) YEGOROV'S CLOSE UP, this guy is in quiet panic. 20. EXT. Wyoming ROAD 2 -DAY MILLER finds a large caravan of cars going on the opposite direction, some people look at him with suspicion. A guarding Hummer comes to him quickly. Jonathan stops, a soldier jumps out of the Hummer.
  • 9. SOLDIER 1 Look sir the area you're heading for has been declared unsafe, you can't go on. MILLER Look, I'm here to help. SOLDIER 1 Sir, the only way you can help is by leaving. MILLER What exactly happened here? SOLDIER 1 Don't you hear the news? A russian satellite fell on our heads and there is a radiation leak. MILLER Shouldn't you leave also. SOLDIER 1 Sure, after all the people is safe. Now, please remove your vehicle. Jonathan nods prepares to join the caravan. A military truck passes by, CLOSE UP of a blonde blue eyed girl on the truck, she is sobbing, very sad. WE return to face MILLER, he has seen the girl, looks down and moves ahead to join the caravan, however by the look on his eyes while driving we know he has made up his mind to see what has happened. FADE TO BLACK CUT TO: 21. EXT. WYOMING COUNTRY -NIGHT We see Miller's car arrive, his lights are turned off, he sees a well covered place, parks his car, walks down and continues to move on, we see he is carrying a gun. 21A. EXT. FURTHER UP Miller comes over climbs a hill and on the other side sees... 22. EXT. AREA NEAR ANOMALY -NIGHT It's an overview of a valley, about two miles from where Miller stands there is a show of lights, you can hear the explosions of tank shells and helicopter rockets, plus weird lights coming from things on the ground. We can only see the light show, some lights are clearly alien to our technology. -------Helicopter incident, cockpit trying to get away from the alien fire is finally caught by one of them. 23. EXT. NEAR TOWN CLOSE TO ANOMALY -NIGHT Jonathan is able to approach a tent Close Command Post, the attention of the guards is directed elsewhere. Through a hole he sees what is inside. CLOSE UP of his face watching inside the tent.
  • 10. 24. INT. CLOSE COMMAND TENT -NIGHT We see two bodies of Imps placed on metallic tables, no one is attending at them. A MAYOR is talking to someone by radio. MAYOR [...]Yes sir, the special NASA team managed to enter the pyramid, but there hasn't been any commmunication since... no there is no jamming at all... perhaps the structure itself absorves radiowaves, or they're dead... I'm afraid so sir, a nuclear attack is our only chance, the area is clean of civilians and all troops can be out of the danger zone in twenty minutes, we'll destroy the alien survivors afterwards... understood sir, we'll begin to leave now[...] 23. BACK TO SCENE Jonathan walks away, deciding to leave since everything will be smoke in half an hour. Moves some steps away, and suddenly an image comes into his mind... 25. INT. PRISON -ALIEN PYRAMID -MILLER'S MENTAL IMAGE -DAY The blonde, blue eyed girl is struggling against her captors and IMP holds her strongly, she wears childish pants, she is crying other people are being held captive too, they're being placed into some sort of vertical, slightly bent inwards, transparent coffins, there are rows of them in this room. 23. BACK TO SCENE He falls to his kneels shocked by the image on his head. He is sad and afraid, but turns towards the pyramid. 26. EXT. AREA NEAR ANOMALY -NIGHT The place has burns of the fighting. However most of the fighting is beyond a hill. A man appers over the hill and he's inmediately struck by a ray beam, red in color, and falls near Miller, he approaches the dying man. MILLER The people of the town, where are they? SOLDIER 2 Who are you, what are you doing here?... leave. MILLER The people? SOLDIER 2 Captured, taken inside...that thing. (The soldier faints.) Miller grabs the body. Carries him until he hears human voices. Lies the body on the ground.
  • 11. MILLER Help!...Help! 27. INT. OUTPOST -AREA NEAR ANOMALY -NIGHT Some soldiers hear the shouting and leave the tent to help. 26. BACK TO SCENE Miller is taking all the weapons and munitions the soldier has, then he sees the soldiers are coming and leaves. The soldiers see the body. SOLDIER 3 Over here!(To soldier 2) You will be all right man, help is on its way. (Takes a closer look, CLOSE UP of soldier 2, he is unconcious). Miller grabs a backpack from one of the dead, and grabs more cartridges, three times, as he moves forward. 28. EXT. BATTLE -AREA NEAR ANOMALY -NIGHT A REVENANT throws a plasma ray out of a bionic implant on his arm. We see the plasma charge head for a tank and scores a near miss. The tank fires back and hits the REVENANT blowing it to pieces. Others REVENANTS follow the tanks path with beams and finally destroy the tank. There is a lot of fire from IMP rays, and M-16, M-60 machine guns. The man are firing from covered positions, except those following the tank, the IMPs move fast and fire fast taking cover randomly. 29. EXT. ENTRANCE PATH -FRONT OF PYRAMID -NIGHT The floor looks like dirt squashed flat into slabs. Near the entrance there are only two IMPs, they seem distracted, Miller sneaks on them and kills both without much trouble. MILLER That wasn't so hard. Aproaching the IMPs Miller sees that the creatures have an incrusted backpack, a cable comes out of it up to a bionic implant on their right hand, through which they fire. 30. EXT. ENTRANCE TO THE PYRAMID -NIGHT The entrance looks very alien, it has two columns before the gate. The gate is opened. Miller takes cover in one of the columns takes a glimpse inside and moves inside. 31. INT. ENTRANCE CIRCLE -ALIEN PYRAMID -NIGHT The first chamber is like a circle, and has five separate ways, all heading inside the pyramid, the gate is at the other end making the circle slightly flat on one side. On the floor there is a small stream of a white, shining, thick liquid. The stream is covered with grated slabs, the stream seems to be everywhere. As soon as he enters, Miller hears a sound of footsteps. Takes cover on a blind spot. Two creatures enter the circle, they are a pair of ARMED GUARDs (HEAVY WEAPON DUDEs), but they're totally black, unlike those on the game. The sight on their helmets shows a human, yet, soulless
  • 12. look. The creatures leave the pyramid. Miller enters one of the paths, the first to his right. 32. INT. CROSSWAY -ALIEN PYRAMID -NIGHT The stream is a thin line of white in all hallways, and corridors. Miller carefully approaches a crossway. The corridors mix the dantesque and hellish with high technology. On the crossway there are two IMPs and one ARMED GUARD. One of the IMPs sees him and shouts, the ARMED GUARD turns to shoot at Miller, killing the IMP on it's way. Miller hits the ground and fires killing the ARMED GUARD. Taking a look at it, Miller sees it's only an empty casket, with some strange machinery in it. The noise made by the firefight, brings sounds of excitement from the left side, Miller heads onward. 33. INT. DOOR SECTION -ALIEN PYRAMID -NEAR DAWN Miller moves carefully, trying to hear any threat. Walks up to a door, looks around. Suddenly the door OPENS, the gate moves upwards really quick. Miller only has time to turn around, move away a Little, and look at the appearing figure. The new creature is obscured by the camera angle, it moves after Miller has turned, and gets it into FOCUS. The creature is a man, wearing a special suit, with a Backpack and a modern looking helmet. The suit is burned in several places, and seems very fit for battle. We see the NASA signs plus the american flag on his shoulder and breast pocket. He has a modern looking machine gun. The helmet's sight allows to see his face. 34. EXT. TOP OF PYRAMID -NEAR DAWN Several IMPs, ARMED GUARDs and REVENANTs are handling a weapon with excitement, several miles above the earth an atomic warhead is about to reach destination. The weapon, sort of dish with a welded gun, beams a ray to the warhead, it then falls harmlessly to earth. 33. BACK TO SCENE NEW GUY Who the heck are you! MILLER Call me Doom. NEW GUY Is that a code for something? Are you even supposed to be here? DOOM I doubt you're authorized. Let's move on. 35. INT. HALLWAY -PYRAMID NEW GUY Are you being followed? DOOM Maybe not, but I'm not going to risk it.
  • 13. NEW GUY How did you get in? DOOM Same as you, through the front door. NEW GUY Cut the bull man, what are you doing here? DOOM It would take too long to explain, all you need to know is that I'm here to help. (Pause) Where is the people of the nearby town? NEW GUY They are on the third level, placed inside some transparent coffins, with cables on their heads. I was on my way to look for help to try rescue them, on the way out my team and I runned into a couple of two legged bulls, (shakes his head) I don't know if someone else made it. Without help it will be impossible to get the people out. DOOM We'll have to try without any help. NEW GUY Damn, why?!(he stops) DOOM This area was scheduled for a nuclear attack, if I'm not wrong the missile already hit us. It might not have made an impact on the pyramid but the land outside is probably radioactive. So, we are all this people have. NEW GUY Are we suppose to take them out so that they can die from the fallout, instead of whatever they're doing to them. DOOM We could leave the radioactive area quickly, there will be some effects but at least they will be alive. Are you in, or are you out? NEW GUY Doom, that's you, right? DOOM I am now. NEW GUY (Moves his sight upwards) I'm lieutenant Michael Corman. I have something you might like.
  • 14. (Corman shows Doom a holographic map of the pyramid, it's an alien gadget. It looks like a miniature round stereo, one end seems fit for an alien socket.) You know, this invasion bridgehead also seems to be a depot of some sort, the place is filled with weapons and gadgets, placed in between the walls. Some are easy to understand like this map, but I wouldn't risk touch other things. In case you want one (Gives a map to Doom) DOOM Thanks. Won't you show me how to use it? CORMAN Sure, (They take cover behind a broad column) It's easy. They're simple function buttons, it seems those dumb beasts are only pawns. The green button turns it on. 35A INSERT -HOLOGRAPHIC MAP The pyramid is seen, like in an x-ray. Lines red, violet and yellow. CORMAN(V.O) Those buttons (We see a cross of four) move the center, this goes to upper levels ( , the center image moves up and down, the pyramid has five levels) those... to the sides ( , moves slightly to left and right). Once you have centered it you push the blue button (We see the button) and it enlarges the area, up to ten square meters. 35B BACK TO SCENE View of them together, seeing the holomap. DOOM Ok, now show me where the people is. 35C INSERT -HOLOGRAPHIC MAP Corman moves the center to the third level, south side (Right) a big chamber that has rows of long boxes. CORMAN(V.O) (We see his finger pointing out the direction) This is it. There are two ways to get in, east or west, none is guarded but first we would have to get there. DOOM Have you checked both ways? CORMAN No, I've only seen the western path. DOOM Someone has to check the other way... I'll do it, either way will be new for me anyhow.
  • 15. CORMAN That makes sense. After we get there, what do we do? DOOM Once there we'll figure what to do. CORMAN Great plan. DOOM I don't think we have many options. The people could come up with ideas. CORMAN Let's hope they can be set free. DOOM Let's hope. They stand, shake hands. DOOM See you there. CORMAN See you, and good luck. (Doom turns to follow his path, Corman grabs him quickly) Wait, (Pause) whatever you do, don't shoot the sleepers. DOOM Sleepers? CORMAN Big creatures, mummy like, they seem asleep inserted into the wall, but don't try anything against them, they're some sort of alarm devices, and have a cry so powerful it can knock you out. DOOM Thanks for the warning... see you at the prison. (They raise their arms in salute to each other, and quickly leave) 36. INT. HALLWAY 2 -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Doom speedily walking through it, but alert and careful. 37. INT. ARCH VILE PLACE -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Doom comes to a place where there is an ARCH-VILE, with its hands crossed over its chest. Like sleeping on a rocky place inserted into the wall. The ARCH-VILE is gray in color, unlike that of the game. It doesn't seem to be aware of what's happening around it. Doom faces it with his gun pointing at it, with his back to the wall. Doom moves through the hall.
  • 16. When he's nearly out, says: DOOM Some alarm system... 38. INT. HALLWAY X -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Doom goes on. Always alert. 39. INT. HALLWAY WITH SECRET -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Doom is moving, when he sees a red big bright button, pushes it and part of the wall slides to the side, revealing a deposit of: EXO-ESKELETONS for the Armed Guards, and the modern looking machine guns they have (It is not a gatling-like machine gun, as those in the game, it looks like a thick M-16); plus, ANTI-RADIATION suits. Doom wears the ANTI-RADIATION suit, it isn't difficult to do so. He also grabs three alien machine guns, as many as he can carry. At the End of the Hallway there is a door, he's going for it, when it slides open. Not knowing what to do, he just faces the wall besides the door, concealing the guns between his legs. Two BARON-KNIGHTs (Like either BARON of HELL or HELL KNIGHT) enter followed by a fliying CACODEMON. The creatures don't seem to notice him, CLOSE UP of the glance one of the BARON-KNIGHTs gives Doom, not paying further attention (They think he’s one of the human underlings they now have). As soon as they pass him Doom waits for them to move further ahead, and begins to leave the room. Suddenly the BARON-KNIGHT ahead of the group sees the secret depot opened and in disorder, therefore turns in anger and points at the already escaping Doom. The BARON-KNIGHTS have bionic implants on their arms too, but they're less noticeable and more powerful. The CACODEMON shoots through the mouth, a purple spit of fire. WE see some shots get the door. 40. INT. COLUMNS ROOM -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Doom jumps inside the room, some small, but colorful explosions happen behind him, at the door. The room has two rows of columns in the middle of it at even distances, it has four entrances and it's a very big place. Doom takes cover behind a column. The CACODEMON is the first to enter. CLOSE UP of the glance the CACODEMON gives the place. The CACODEMON is suddenly pushed forward with great strength, a green plasma ray just got him. A nervous BARON-KNIGHT fired, the CACODEMON answers the offense in kind, a battle starts between the two BARON-KNIGHTS and the CACODEMON. The CACODEMON dodges some fires. CLOSE UP of Doom watching the confrontation, both amused and startled. The CACODEMON dies and one of the BARON-KNIGHTs too, as soon as that happens Doom emerges from the column firing his weapon, the BARON-KNIGHT only has time to fire at him once and crumbles. The green plasma misses Doom. Doom sees the bodies... DOOM I'll be damn... I don't deserve to be so lucky. Doom leaves the room. 41. INT. STAIRS ROOM -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY
  • 17. Doom moves up. 42. INT. HALLWAY X -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY The corridor is shaped like a cross, he is moving through the midle line. At the end of the corridor Doom sees two revenants, tries to avoid them going back into the corner, but the revenants see him. And doom moves ahead, after firing some rounds. Middle Angle of the two furious REVENANTs coming after doom. Filled with the terrible noises they make. 43. INT. LONG HALLWAY -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY The corridor is shaped like a "T", Doom incoming through the vertical line. At the left end there is a MANCUBUS walking carelessly and slowly, its BACK TO Doom. CLOSE UP Doom's eyes, CLOSE UP the MANCUBUS arm cannons. The right end is clear, Doom looks back an sees the REVENANTS, heads to the left towards the MANCUBUS looking carefully back as to wait for the REVENANT's entrance. The REVENANTs appear, Doom is close to the MANCUBUS looks at it, turns and fires at the REVENANTs. All very fast: The MANCUBUS hears the shooting and begins to turn. Doom hits the floor. The REVENANTs fire at Doom. The REVENANTs hit the MANCUBUS. The MANCUBUS fires its large arm cannons at the REVENANTs, the fire kills them, the MANCUBUS turns around and continues its calm walk. Doom lifts his head from the floor, looks at the dead Revenants, turns slightly to see the Mancubus walking away. Doom shakes his head in disbelief. Smiles broadly. 44. INT. PRISON -WEST ENTRANCE -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Michael is hiding as best he can on the west entrance of the prison area, the entrance doesn’t have any visible physical obstacle on any side, door, bars, glass, nothing. INSIDE the prison area, two IMPs and a REVENANT are placing a human being into one of these chambers. The man is so scared he can only groan desesperately. The IMPs hold him tight, the Revenant grabs a cable from a gadget and sticks it into his neck, the man losses balance. The IMPs let him fall, the Revenant grabs the body and places it into the chamber, once inside, (EXTREME C.U.) the Revenant PUSHES a button, the chamber lid closes on him, (EXTREME C.U.) the Revenant PUSHES another button, cables come from each side of the chamber towards the guy's head, they don't penetrate him, just scratch the surface of the head. 45. INT. HALLWAY WITH WINDOW -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Doom enters a room looking carefully around, stops and watches the holographic map he has of the pyramid. He is way off his route, turns it off and moves forward. He suddenly sees a large window, off his angle when he entered the habitation, WE see him approach the window with fear and wonder. He sees... 47. EXT. DEMON WORLD We see a large and very long bridge, made with several thick supports, joined to the alien pyramid from their dimension to ours. The bridge is anything but technological, it is surrounded by a large river of red lava, far away, we see the mainland, filled with ziggurat and pyramid-like structures barely visible. The sky is also red, cloudy with lightning in some areas. The transit on the bridge is
  • 18. scarce but we see a caravan closing in. Beyond in the horizon, we see at least two other such structures, the front part, of what should be alien pyramids in other worlds, can't be seen, there is only a blur. At the irregular bottom of the bridge, where some land arises from the lava river, we see some people working, or at least they look like people. They’re just shadows in the distance. 46. BACK TO SCENE Doom looks at them with regret, like saying 'those cannot be saved'. 47. CUT TO SCENE These "people" working at the bottom wear a suit like the one Doom wears now. Above them there are several CACODEMONs. 46. BACK TO SCENE Doom turns away from the window, a little shocked but not less determined. He moves on, almost running. 48. INT. HALLWAY BACKROOM -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Doom enters the place quickly, a strong metallic sound makes him stop. A lot of light comes out of a room into the hallway. The wall facing that light-room is made of glass with strange decorations, that allows Doom to take shelter behind them and observe the room, he sees... 49. INT. CONTROL ROOM -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY WE see a large Room with a ceiling higher than anywhere else in the pyramid. A CYBERDEMON watches a wall made only of screens showing the battle beyond the pyramid, sometimes he shouts orders in a strange tongue, and with a very base voice. 49A. INSERT -SCREEN IMAGE We see a MANCUBUS attacking a tank, it stands the first round of shots but the second destroys it. Several soldiers fire their antitank weapons at the invaders, some die, the rest charge again. 48. BACK TO SCENE Doom moves on. 50. INT. PRISON -EAST ENTRANCE -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Doom signals at Michael, Michael answers back. Doom checks his place, no one is around. Then he enters the prison. The Room has rows and rows of people placed inside some transparent coffins, close to slightly laid to the wall. Each wall has two rows of coffins, one on each side. The coffins are very tight, beside each coffin there is a small screen showing where their alter ego is working. The panel control is at a high altitude, about 5.8 ft above the floor. The small village had a population of 1000 people, about 600 of them are here. Doom walks by looking carefully at the screens. 50A. INSERT -SMALL SCREEN IMAGE We see the alter ego's point of view. A hallway...
  • 19. 50. BACK TO SCENE We see doom watching the small screens. 50B. INSERT -SMALL SCREEN IMAGE We see an alter ego's P.O.V. A place near the base of the bridge 50. BACK TO SCENE DOOM The screens! CORMAN I saw them too. It seems these people are controlling something on remote. (looking at Doom)Where did you get that outfit? DOOM (Looking at Corman)One of the depots. (Looking back to the screens) I saw what these people are controlling.(points to the screen) 50C. INSERT -SMALL SCREEN IMAGE We see the sea of lava at the base of the bridge, it seems these people are hardening the stone with complicated machines. DOOM(Continues) They seemed like people, with this very same suit. Do you think they have some of them really working there? CORMAN It would be too big a coincidence, these people are more useful to them as slaves controlling remotes than real workers, those things seem awfully heavy to me (talking about the machines they seem to be using on the screens), a real human being wouldn't be able to lift it. DOOM True, and I suppose the human shape is used to avoid confusing the brain. But how are they ordered, how do they know what to do? CORMAN They're drugged before placing them inside. Once there, who knows how they do it... DOOM Those inside must be those human-like guards, with the heavy weapon. I saw a lot of exoeskeletons in one of those depots, I guess they’re replacements, or awaiting controllers. If we could only set one of them free... CORMAN I think I can do that, but whom do we free?
  • 20. Flashes of images of several alter egos throughout the base, and their sleepin masters, the faces of the people are all the regular midwestern american, there are children among them, kids of about six and eight. Show only two or three in ten or more. After several we see one that seems alone, in an empty corridor DOOM(Voice off) It has to be one away from the lava river, they're watched closely. One not near to any alien, it has to be someone alone, or nearly alone, someone we could experiment with... DOOM(Continues) ... this one. The chosen one is a white male, aged thirty. His alter ego is alone guarding a hall. CORMAN OK. Who is going to take his place? DOOM I will. If something happens, you'll know better how to unplug me. CORMAN It's agreed then. Watch this fellow, don't let him fall. (Corman looks at the control pad, it has several sockets, pushes the buttons and the man is set free, Doom brings him down carefully.)Ok, Doom. Hop in. DOOM (Slightly nervous enters)What will you do with him? CORMAN Leave that to me. Stand still and be prepared, I don't know how much this hurts. DOOM Let's do it. (Doom closes his eyes.) CORMAN doesn't close the lid on Doom. 51. INT. NORTHERN HALLWAY -ALIEN PYRAMID -ALTER EGO'S POINT OF VIEW -DAY We see Doom's alter ego point of view. We heasr a low base voice speaking in the gutural language of the invaders, but the voice is distorted in code like sounds. CORMAN(Voice off) So, how do you feel? DOOM(VO) I can barely sense the cables, and there is a strange sound, like gorilla singing.
  • 21. CORMAN(VO) Must be the intructions from whoever rules them... 51A. INSERT -CONTROL ROOM We see the Demon on close up, his face reflects arrogance and an incredible selfconfidence. DOOM(VO) I guess so... 51. BACK TO SCENE The point of view shows violent turns and changes of speed. Running, slow walking, steps, running, turning left and right, turning violently around. 52. INT. NORTHERN HALLWAY -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY We see an Armed Guard act like crazy, movements must indicate that this is the Armed guard controlled by Doom. 51. BACK TO SCENE DOOM(VO) This thing is easy to control. If I could only know where I am? 50. BACK TO SCENE CORMAN Don't do anything too suspicious... I'll take this fellow somewhere safe. (Corman leaves the prison without the man, Goes to the west end checks if it's safe, and walks out.) 53. INT. SOUTHERN HALL 1 -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Corman is overseeing the place with great attention, sees something, pushes a wall, and it SLIDES aside. 54. INT. NICE DEPOT -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY This depot, unlike that found by Doom previously, is like a room, filled with only small firearms but a lot of ammunition. It has plenty of space for twenty people. Corman runs out. 55. INT. HALLWAY NORTH -ALIEN PYRAMID -ALTER EGO'S POINT OF VIEW -DAY We see some aliens, the camera moves back a little. 55A. INSERT -DOOM'S FACE CLOSE UP 55. BACK TO SCENE The camera moves forward, the Armed Guard moves unnoticed. 56. INT. HALLWAY NORTH -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY We see how the Armed guard controlled by Doom passes by without being noticed by two IMPs.
  • 22. 50A1. SAME SITUATION Corman walks in and grabs the man's body. 54. BACK TO SCENE Corman enters with the man's body, takes him to a covered side, and dumps him. Corman checks the man. Sensing his pulse, and seeing his eyes. After that he runs out again. 50A2. SAME SITUATION Corman walks in. CORMAN Ok, Doom. I'm here. DOOM Let me park this thing, wait... I could try to shoot... CORMAN Don't risk that now! Do it later.(Doom nods) 51B. INT. NORTHERN HALLWAY -ALIEN PYRAMID -ALTER EGO'S POINT OF VIEW -DAY We see the camera approach a corner. DOOM This will be fine here. 57. INT. NORTHERN HALLWAY -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY We see the armed guard, walk to a corner, turn and stand still. 50A2. SAME SITUATION Doom jumps out, and kneels. Sits on the floor, his back rests on the wall, inches below the open coffin. CORMAN So, how was it. DOOM Not as hard as I thought. The drug they use to control them must be strong. CORMAN It must be, now what do we do? DOOM We have no choice but to wake up as many as we can, try to bring them back to their senses, and control those things to help us get… at least some of them to getaway. CORMAN
  • 23. Not cheery, hu? DOOM Better than nothing, those things can fire a good punch, some would have to stay but... what other choice do we have. CORMAN None, but what about the fallout outside? DOOM There is no such thing. The bomb didn't make it. CORMAN How do you know? DOOM I saw the control room. CORMAN You did, we could send information to the forces outside. DOOM There was nothing of use, nothing that could help things out. Michael, we are not winning outside. (Pause) We are all these people have. They can't get in, but I hope we can get out. There is silence between the two CORMAN I think I know what we could give this people, to get them back in shape... 58. INT. NICE DEPOT -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY We see a mask over the guy's head, he is breathing something Corman had in his backpack. PULL BACK to include Doom and Corman watching him. CORMAN It's nearly pure oxygen, back at NASA they thought it could be useful... I don't think they imagined this use. We see the man, he is getting better DOOM He's coming back, cut the supply, we'll need it. Corman takes the helmet off him DOOM Do you know where you are?
  • 24. GUY 1 I... I was a prisoner... the... DOOM You're still inside the pyramid (The man turns frightened) Now, don't panic, or they will come back. Do you remember the thing you were controlling... GUY 1 Like you remember a bad dream... DOOM We want you to control it again. GUY 1 What? The guy looks at Corman, Corman just nods 59. INT. PRISON -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY We see the Guy inside the chamber, the lid is open. The cables are connected to his head. CORMAN Just try to control it... GUY 1 It's harder than you think... DOOM Don't worry, just try... if there is anything wrong, tell us quickly. (To Corman) If we could know where those places are exactly. (Doom looks at the control pad, which has three sockets, grabs his 3 dimensional map, and plugs it in) 59A. INSERT -HOLOGRAPHIC MAP We see the pyramid, it is transparent and shapes of the background cand be seen through. It is the same as before, but there is one bright yellow figure in one of the halls, it is a geometric shape. 59. BACK TO SCENE DOOM Can you move forward... CORMAN David. DOOM Can you move forward, David.
  • 25. DAVID Yes, I think I can. 59B. INSERT -HOLOGRAPHIC MAP The bright figure moves forward 59. BACK TO SCENE We see Doom in Middle angle. DOOM This is it we've got it! (He pushes, the blue button) 59C. INSERT -HOLOGRAPHIC MAP We see appear a lot of bright yellow figures, of a different tone, most of them are moving. 59. BACK TO SCENE DOOM The button functions change (Pushes the blue button again). 59D. INSERT -HOLOGRAPHIC MAP We see appear a bunch of bright red figures, most are moving. The new figures are also geometric figures, but the sizes, height and thickness, vary greatly, and the speed too. 59. BACK TO SCENE CORMAN It's them, it's all of them. DOOM Now we have the advantage, it's time to wake them up. Tense, fast and rithmical music begins 60A(SEVERAL). INSERT -SMALL SCREEN IMAGE (SEVERAL OF THEM) Some are working, elsewhere handling machines, most of them are guards moving or standing still, in groups or alone, many are escorts to REVENANTs or BARON KNIGHTs, others follow some IMPs in disorder, those images are combined WITH... 60B(SEVERAL). INT. PRISON ROOM -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY We see close ups of Doom, nodding when the alter ego (AE) is alone or nearly alone, or shaking his head when the AE is with other creatures. We see the face of Corman, opening the gates, we also see the faces of the people, all this combined WITH... 60C(SEVERAL). INT. NICE DEPOT -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY We see the people being provided oxygen with the helmet on, Corman smiles the results are incredible. We see Doom check on a woman HOLDING her head, she smiles at him. We see a big
  • 26. man stare at the wall not fully recovered yet. We see a little girl that seems better than some grown ups, recovering faster. Music ends 61. INT. NICE DEPOT -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Inside are five people, including one little girl (not Blondie tough). CORMAN The oxygen has an incredible effect. And there is enough to reanimate most of them. DOOM Lucky coincidence. CORMAN Now what's the plan? DOOM We place those guards posted all through our escape route, after that we'll have to gamble, let them out in groups, well armed groups. It will be easy to find weapons. David enters the Depot running, he is very anxious DAVID You've got to come quick, something is happening! 62. INT. PRISON -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY We see a general view of the prison room, TRACK left to right, now it has about fifteen people out of the coffins, most are checking the small screens, there are several 3d-maps pluged in the control pads besides each coffin. Finally we see that Doom is watching the HOLOGRAPHIC MAP, 62A. INSERT -HOLOGRAPHIC MAP IMAGE All the red figures are moving to a Room north of the pyramid, hundreds of them are entering the pyramid from outside, many yellow figures are heading to the main entrance, and thickening the frontal guard. DOOM (V.O.) They've stopped fighting, all the creatures outside are entering the pyramid. 62. BACK TO SCENE CORMAN Do you think they discovered us. DOOM No, they all head towards this room... (Doom points to the Room with his finger)
  • 27. 62A. INSERT -3D MAP Close up of the room and all the creatures entering it. 62. BACK TO SCENE DOOM Lunch break. CORMAN I wonder what those tall skeletons eat? DOOM A diet high in calcium no doubt... This is it, we can't wait for another chance like this. Get me a chamber quickly! LADY 1 There is one you can use now, a girl was just set free... DOOM Won't there be any problem with the height... CORMAN The cables adapt to whomever is inside, let's go. Corman, Doom and the lady go to where the chamber is. Middle angle of a woman carrying BLONDIE, she is not all right yet. Close up of Doom's face as he moves it watching the girl, he is startled to find her real. LADY 1 It's here. (She signals one of the chamber-coffins) CORMAN (To doom)What are you going to do? DOOM (Entering the coffin like thing) I'm going to get some weapons. 63. INT. HALLWAY X -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY An armed guard is walking in, he moves more livingly than the others previously shown Armed guards. DOOM (V.O) Are you sure I'm heading east... CORMAN (V.O) You're heading east, you're on the second level...
  • 28. DOOM (V.O) Yes, I recognize the place, it's just around the corner... 64. INT. HALLWAY WITH SECRET -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY We see the depot Doom discovered, it has plenty of machine guns. DOOM (V.O.) Here it is, now how could I make a load with them. Using the antiradiation suits, he makes a large package, and places dozens of machine guns in it. Doom has to pull the lot. 64A. INSERT -CORMAN'S CLOSE UP CORMAN Doom, you better hurry something tall and thin has entered [...] 64B. INSERT -HOLOGRAPHIC MAP CORMAN (V.O) [...] the pyramid through the east side... DOOM (V.O.) Is it coming this way? 64B. INSERT -HOLOGRAPHIC MAP CORMAN (V.O.) Yes, I'm afraid it's going your way... 64. INT. HALLWAY WITH SECRET -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Middle angle of the entering Revenant, it enters through the east side, the camera PULLS BACK until we see the Armed Guard controlled by Doom pulling a large lot of machine guns placed over a package made of Anti-radiation suits as if they were sheets. The Revenant looks suspiciously at the Armed Guard but does nothing more than reduce its pace to follow it. Cautiously the Revenant stays behind Doom's alter ego. 65. INT. PRISON ROOM -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Many people are concerned on what's going on. DOOM It is following me... CORMAN Destroy it. DOOM
  • 29. They're not as vulnerable as other creatures, it could destroy me. I need more firepower. Out of nowhere a blonde little girl appears, it's Blondie BLONDIE Why doesn't someone sneak behind it and destroys it. CORMAN (Looking at her)That's a good idea, Doom did you hear that? DOOM I did, let's do it. I will take this guy with me as far away from their dining room, and the prison, as possible. Guide me, and warn me when you're ready. 66. INT. HALLWAY TRAP -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Doom's Armed Guard takes a turn in a hall, the patient Revenant follows him. We see another Armed Guard get active, and approach the place as fast as it can without running. The second Armed Guard glances into the Hall, aims its weapon at the Revenant. 66A. INSERT -CORMAN'S CLOSE UP CORMAN Doom we are ready. DOOM Fire when I duck. 66. BACK TO SCENE The armed guard controlled by Doom, ducks. CORMAN (V.O.) Fire! The new Armed Guard (Armed Guard "B") fires intensely at the Revenant from the corner. The Revenant turns very fast and shoots a slow beam. The beam strikes the corner, because the Guard "B" moved, the Revenant is about to follow it when Doom's A Guard fires its pack. The Revenant turns and fires at Doom's AGuard, Doom rolls managing to avoid being hit, the AGuard "B" appears from the Corner and fires again at the Revenant. The Revenant turns again and fires its beam, this time the Guard "B" can't hide as well and falls to the ground, almost hit by the beam. It rolls back as the Revenant fires again and barely hits the Guard "B", Doom's A Guard fires in the meantime killing the Revenant before it's able to fire once more at the Guard "B". Both A.Guards rise at the same time, Doom's A.Guard salutes the other. The A.Guard "B" answers and goes back the way it came from, Doom grabs his package again. Looks at the body of the Revenant and sees that its body fluids have entered the slowly moving stream of white liquid. DOOM (V.O.) Well people I hope you're getting ready, our time is running short.
  • 30. 67. INT. PRISON -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY We see Corman on Close up. CORMAN (answering DOOM) Don't worry we'll be ready. The camera pulls back. Until we see that Blondie is inside one of the chambers. CORMAN (Cont.) Congratulate the child for me, she did a wonderful job. 68. INT. PRISON -EAST ENTRANCE -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Middle angle of a mature man with an alien machine gun, one of the three Doom brought at first. GUY #2 I'll be damn, would you check this out. Someone near him, a man, comes to see too. We see Doom's Armed Guard approach with all the machine guns he's carrying. Doom's AG leaves the package in the middle of the prison. 68A. INT. ARCH VILE PLACE -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY We see the blood of the Revenant finally arrive at the Arch vile place. Close Up of the Arch vile we see it open its eyes very slightly. 68A1. INT. CIRCLE 2 -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY The white liquid begins to blink, three IMPs in the area pay attention to it and move out of the place. 68B. INT. PRISON -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY This is where the real Doom is, with Corman and others. DOOM Tell the people to grab the weapons... and tell me where do you want me to place this thing. 68B. INSERT -HOLOGRAPHIC MAP We see a finger draw an imaginary line on the Holo map. CORMAN (V.O.) Go west, down the first stairs, entering the first circle on our way out, leave it there... 69. INT. CIRCLE 1 -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY We see the arrival of the Armed Guard controlled by Doom. 70. INT. HALLWAY TRAP -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY The three IMPs arrive at the scene, they check everything out, growling and moving their eyes sideways. One of them makes a physical gesture of "who cares" after they are certain it was just
  • 31. another fight between the troop, there is no sign of alien creatures, well, alien to them. 71. INT. PRISON -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Doom is out already DOOM It gets to be fun. CORMAN You've been in there for quite a while, don't you feel a headache or something? DOOM It gets easier the more you use it, but there is that permanent feeling of something giving you orders. CORMAN Who cares, if the orders aren't followed. DOOM How many people have fully recovered? CORMAN About seventy, and, awake, more than 120, five more, five less. DOOM And the total number of people? CORMAN It seems there are more than 400. (Doom looks very disappointed) Some of the people are moving the Guards wherever they can be useful. I'm really surprised they haven't noticed us yet. DOOM They're strange creatures... You haven't touched those working near the lava, have you? CORMAN No. What will we do when that (meaning: the BIG demon in the room, I think) comes here? DOOM No one can answer that question, me least of all. But it will be far more useful to those outside and for those inside, if you focus on what's important, these people. Later we'll find a way out of this, out of all this. CORMAN You're right. In the meantime (to the people near him) let's wake them up! 72. INT. DINING ROOM -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY It is a very large room, filled with long cavities to the sides. The CACODEMONs fly to those
  • 32. cavities and food falls from above to their wide opened mouths, WE SEE a CACODEMON clean its face with its tongue. In the center there is a large block that looks like a wall, this "wall" is filled with transparent chambers that look like round shaped phone booths. Any creature enters it and is given an aura of energy, WE ONLY SEE a blue light gleaming inside, from all directions. Beyond this "wall" there is a large pool filled with soft, and hard pieces of "something" the juice filling the pool is totally red, there is a lot of what looks like red smashed potatoes. The creatures kneel and grab as much as they can, making a mess of it all. Some are drinking the juice. The camera shows those two processes of eating, the energy and the organic food. At the beginning of these escene we hear: CORMAN (V.O.) (Softly to himself)...and wish those creatures have a very long dinner. Music begins, tense and strong music. A mix of Alice Cooper and Richard Bach. 73. INT. PRISON -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY TRACK from right to left. We see people working in a frenzy, many 3D-maps are plugged to the controlpads, people inside the chambers are placing the Armed Guards where they find it convenient, therefore most lids are opened to have communications between the controlers and the guides. Some people are being waked up, and someone else takes his place inmediately. 74. INT. PRISON -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY TRACK from right to left. We see that only two or three lids aren't opened, fewer people are placing the Armed Guards, a lot of people is being attended to. LADY HELMET (She places the NASA Helmet on someone) Breathe strongly, aspire... (The person does that, she places the Helmet on someone else) The TRACK comes close to a conversation between Doom and Corman. DOOM How many are left inside the coffins? CORMAN About fifty, only those working at the lava point. DOOM It's time to do it. TRACK stops. DOOM (Cont.) The worst ones will get out first. Group number one will have the easiest ride, later on these people will only be a burden. CORMAN
  • 33. I agree. (As regretful comment) Pity we can't let out all the children first... DOOM Why not? Aren't they part of the weakest? CORMAN Didn't you notice? Some of them are the best at handling those things. Close Up of DOOM. He looks towards one of the coffins, with its lid opened. Middle Angle of BLONDIE she is handling an Armed Guard, and receiving instructions from two guys. 75. INT. HALLWAY 10 -ALIEN PYRAMID -DAY Music begins. The Prison is placed on the southern part of the pyramid, in level three, the dining room is on level two in the north. Therefore the group's way out is east to west, towards the entrance. We see an Armed Guard enter the hallway very quickly, make a sign to those behind him, and three more Armed Guards appear they're followed by a group of eighty people plus more than twenty Armed Guards distributed through the long group. DOOM(V.O) The first group will the largest, all those recently awaked will be with them, later on, it will be more difficult to get them out. The first escene we see is an Armed Guard (AG) entering a Hall, the AG is followed by two other AGs. Very quickly we see the people appear behind them, it's a very large group, of about seventy, many are being carried by others, they're joined by more than 20 AGs. They only have to wipe out three IMPs, once again the fluids fall on the liquid, and arrives at the nearest ARChvile place, the stream gains speed with every dead, the first to check this out is a BARON KNIGHT, he is killed also but manages to destroy an AG, that's when we see a boy with one eye totally red. As the second group passes, one REVENANT and two IMPs come. The third group has to fight against a REVENANT, several IMPs, a BARON KNIGHT and Demons. The heroism of BLONDIE is shown here, she’s an awesome Armed Guard controller. That's when they decide to gamble, and leave at once with those working at the lava point, one of the WORKER EGO falls, and the CACODEMON shouts: the true battle begins. They are unable to leave and have to retreat, all the people remaining are about 70, most are handling the Alter egos the situation gets desperate and DOOM does it. (Well, it seems I switched to narrative starting at this point. I guess the numbering and ANGLES and things were getting on my nerves. Yep, that must’ve been it. No, no, now that I’ve read a Little of it, I can see it more like a summary of what’s going on, script shorthand if you will) Flashes of the first and second groups, and how as many people as possible are being waked up, people holding 3Dmaps examine them one by one, since nearly all the creatures are in the dining room, most of them can be set free now, they aren’t watched. <> All the people working near the Cacodemons, on the bridge, (25) weren't bothered at all,
  • 34. they couldn't risk being discovered by the Cacodemons. Every person that awoke was given the oxygen treatment, only a bit was enough to make them react but it took longer to have them totally conscious, and some, although conscious, were incapable of dominating the alter egos. So the process was the following: a person was awakened and another took his place to park the alter-ego. They knew time was crucial since, now, most of the halls were clear of creatures. The most rested persons took the job of controlling the alter-egos, scorting the first group out. Among them was the little blonde blue eyed girl (The one he saw on his dreams not the one in the truck. "Blondie" for short). "Are you sure you can handle this?" asks Doom. "She parked three guards already, other people are tired." Adds mike to the girl's nod. "Ok then, be strong girl. Imagine you're in a game." The audience is introduced to the view from the alter-ego once she enters it. For a brief moment of the escapade. The first group, of about 35 people, leaves with no problems at all, the second group of 40 has an incident with some Imps. The Imps are wiped out (A group of three). All the time they've got at least twenty people on control of the alter egos, changing from alter-ego to the one most useful at the time. Several Armed guards are destroyed once abandoned. People begin to run in a continuous fashion. A little girl is caught in the firefight, her mother lies dead near her, she only screams in despair. The alter-ego controlled by Blondie comes to her help. Grabs her an runs, with her, toward the entrance, other armed-guards come to help. Opposition grows in intensity, good luck they've over 350 alter-egos. Before the alter-egos are destroyed, when under attack, the people are disconnected from them, and a small effect of electrical discharge is produced in the cables. Monotonous scenes of Imps, Demons and Revenants just shooting or being shot at, are combined with the faces of Doom and Mike over the 3-D map that explains to the audience what is happening. The Prison-coffins are in the south area, the pyramid is facing West, the bridge is due East. And the dining room is in the north area, so their escape route is East-west in the south area1. <> All the people they've to wake up now are the ones working on the bridge, they carefully place 25 people to quickly replace them. Once in control of the alter-egos, they leave the working area through the nearest entrance. A Cacodemon observes curious as the working human shapes begin to leave, then it sees one of them fall and several others "parked", unlike the Armed guards those fall to the floor. Then it gives the alarm. The Cacodemon begins an unpleasant cry highly acute, like morse code sung by a sick shrilly singer. The Morse code is received by the sleeping Arch-vile, it connects itself to the white stream of thick liquid present everywhere, the liquid vibrates with different tones of bright-white to black. In every single corner of the pyramid the message is received: the humans are escaping. All the big creatures: Cacodemons, Mancubus, Baron Knights, and most Revenants were "dining", now that room begins to spit out creatures toward the prison (coffins) area. The creatures no longer think it's only some armed guards gone berserk, now they know it is an attempt to escape. <> Over 25 people are controlling Armed guards and more than seventy are still with them. As many people possible are told to carry the weakest and make a run for it. Blondie doesn't want 1 See graphic at the end.
  • 35. to leave yet, she wants to stay with the last group. Doom doesn't want to, but mike tells him: "Perhaps she believes this is a game, but she is good at it. Let her do it!" Doom finally agrees and asks Blondie's mother to stay, too. <> The creatures are coming. Simple scenes with some Baron Knights (Two) with a Mancubus behind and a single Cacodemon, in rapid succession, combined with an impressive number of dots in the 3-D map would inspire as much awe, as a more expensive complicated live, with models, scene. Then show the Armed guards firing desesperately and being destroyed so fast people receive the electric shock and are hurt. The little girl is very good at handling Armed guards, she isn't hurt once. More complicated scenes aren't necessary here, when the bunch of creatures is coming, because: <> Doom realizes something else is needed in order to escape, a big distraction. "I'm going to do something, play our last card." "Where are you going?" asks Mike. "To create a distraction." "But what..." "Listen to me, it's our only chance. The minute you see these creatures moving away towards the east, leave. Most are coming this way, that leaves the escape route with little opposition, leave as fast as you can. No arguments. I have to meet my doom." <> Doom heads for the Control room, leaving the prison coffins area by the east entrance. As he heads towards the C.Room he searches for a better weapon, opening every door he sees. He finds a rocket launcher, it's used like those rifles of Aliens II. With it Doom opens the gigantic door of the control room and fires. The Cyberdemon turns to face him and covers himself with his arm an it's hit by the rocket, the skin seems irritated and one vein erupts showing red blood, otherwise the Cyberdemon is holding firm. "Human." says the CyberD with a deep voice, really deep, bass. Doom fires another rocket. This time the CyberD strikes it, some debris hits the roof. "Human." repeats, and Doom fires again. The CyberD crosses his arms over his chest, receives the rocket, and moves agressively forward swinging his arm at Doom's rockets. After three more rockets the cartridge is empty, the CyberD tries to squash him. He moves fast enough to avoid the creatures's foot. "Human, do not mock me. We are the cosmic nightmare. Do not dare pretend you can destroy me. "You are brave, try not to be a fool, surrender now to our might, and I'll reward your courage by giving you ten times your power. Make despair and pain yours to give, or die." Doom just stares at the talking two legged bull. "Perhaps, we can work something out...maybe...", he replies. Then instead of talking, heads towards a room beyond, a rocket explodes behind him. Doom continues to run through a room filled with pillars hearing and feeling the rocket explosions, altough not one touches him directly. Reloads the rocket launcher and fires back whenever he can. Finally he is caught against a column, and fires his last rocket, the CyberD gets it on its shoulder. The CyberD fires at him, Doom manages to move away, but the blast sends him crashing into a wall, it's an arms depot like
  • 36. the others but this one has more powerful weapons, Doom sees the BFG 90002 and waits for the CyberD to get closer in order to use it. "Pityful creature, now it's time to meet your doom." Doom quickly grabs the gigantic weapon, the CyberD sees it and aims at Doom. Doom fires and the blast destroys the rocket sent by the CyberD at the last second, and also the CyberD. <> The "death" of the CyberD wakes up the Arch-vile. It shrieks in anger with its arms totally spread and showing its claws, and it splashes into the white stream of liquid, it swims at great speed under it. We see the White liquid through narrow slits on the floor, beneath those there are wide pipes filled with it. <> Mike sees how, after the white liquid shines for a brief second, every single creature begun to move eastwards. "Let's go! Now!" <> Doom moves towards the control room, he sees the Cyberdemon's head and it suddenly awakes. Its eyes pure red rage. "You do not understand our might, our grasp rules in countless suns...our forces conquer nations in all corners of the universe..." Doom just continues to move. Suddenly the white liquid erupts with a shriek, it's the Arch-vile. An it begins to concentrate a great amount of energy around its arms, a blue mist, with flashes of energy, begins to appear. Doom fires the BFG but the Arch-vile enters the liquid before being hit. Doom moves away unable to understand what's going on. Then the Cyberdemon begins to take shape anew, Doom runs. In front of the control center Doom hears how the Cyberdemon approaches with a quick and powerful step. Behind him there is a chamber, Doom believes it's a teleporter. The Cyberdemon appears, behind it, the wet and angry Arch-vile. Doom fires his weapon at the control panel and runs for the teleport chamber, any place would be better now. In frustrated anger the CyberD fires a missile at Doom, but it misses him. Once inside the chamber Doom presses a big red button, in the blink of an eye he is at the frontal entrance. It's a place with a nice view of the surrounding area, fit for the CyberD. <> Mike and the rest of the people can be seen beyond still running, taking an occcassional glance behind hoping to see the friend who saved them from doom. <> The Pyramid is beginning to desintegrate, Doom runs as fast a he can, but he is caught by the final blast. <> Hummers search through the area. It's covered with ashes two feet thick. They're using infrared, so it's kinda easy. Soldiers jump out of the Hummer. "He is here!" says one of them. They put him unto a stretcher and lift him up to the hummer. Doom's eyes open. "He's still alive." "Good, this guy saved the whole country." 2 The game’s major weapon.
  • 37. "I wonder what got him here in the first place." Doom isn't paying attention to the voices, he is looking at his lost partner in irak, a translucent image of him, he is joyful and giving doom a thumbs up. Doom's face gains a lot of peace. Mike and the rest of the people are in other military vehicles, the camera approaches Blondie and her mother. They are both covered with ashes but alive. <> The hummers drift away and the camera enters the small dead village. It goes to a house in particular, it's filled with military stuff (Hey, I saw this guy die on Irak), and there’s a family picture, not big; the mother, the military father and Blondie. THE END Copyright © 2012 Rodrigo Antezana Patton All possible rights reserved. As a ‘fan fic’, you may freely distribute it if the credits and other information stays intact and is not for profit. About the script: This script was written back in 1997, that’s 15 years ago! Therefore, any resemblance to any movies that came after that is just pure coincidence (the crystal coffins remind me of ‘the matrix’, now). Of course I had been a fan of the game for quite a while, but I don’t recall exactly why I wrote the script, there would’ve been some objective, a plan, far fetched as it may have been. Don’t know, maybe I thought I could pitch it to someone. Remember that the ‘DOOM’ movie appeared in 2005, I was, like all, excited about it, and deeply dissappointed after seeing it, I like to think this script is way better, hopefully you’ll think that as well. Its format seems to be a mix of the ‘master scene form’ with ‘write-on-word’ adaptation, while the ending is just pure prose. Actually, the file is so old that it was ‘wordstar’, luckily Word managed to read it, and it also managed to get the ‘graphic’, which is just and idea of how it’s placed, it doesn’t give any idea of the scale. All I did with the script, this year, is fix a thing or two, correct some ortography, and that’s it. Other than some small changes, it’s exactly the same script as the one I wrote then. I’d say it is a good shoot them up, no nonsense adaptation. I obviously lacked a lot of information when I wrote it, but the basic idea of ‘doom’ is there. About the author: Well, most of my work is written in Spanish, I have a published novel (2001, El viaje, ‘the
  • 38. voyage’), I compiled a book, along with a friend, with Bolivian lovecraftian short stories (Inmigraciones de Arkham, Arkham Immigrations), sort of a homage to H. P. Lovecraft. I’ve been writing about movies since, precisely, 1997, in Bolivian newspapers and magazines. I have a blog: Right now I’m involved in many things, besides work. I want to do some videos for youtube, in English, I’m going to fix ‘ten movies’ in an equal number of videos; I just uploaded my comic book to kindle, titled ‘It’s just a river’. If you enjoy dark humor, plus silliness, plus some thought, my bet is you’ll like it. Also, the first part of my second novel is coming up, straight to kindle, in Spanish. And it’s in the process of getting ready for this, that and other things, when my old scripts came up… and I have two more: ‘Paint my freedom’, and artsy story of personal selfdiscovery; and ‘Gesellschaft’, ‘Societies’, a sci-fi flick that I wrote back in 1999 or 2000. I’ll check them again and then I’ll upload them to kindle, otherwise, they’ll just be absent; and I like both works, with flaws and all.