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Discussion 4
Chapter 8 Rites of Passage
1. How would you test adolescents’ level of moral
2. What social factors do you see contributing to the
development of eating disorders? Are their emotional factors
that also can contribute?
Chapter 9 Moving into the Adult Social World
1. Are adolescents ready for sexual activity, given their level of
cognitive and social maturity? What would you say to a young
person who does not want to become sexually active but is
being pressured by peers? How would you help a young person
who has become sexually active and is now suffering guilt and
2. How are poverty, family processes, cognitive processes, and
biology related to the development of problems in adolescents,
such as depression, drug use, and juvenile delinquency.
Classmate 1
Chapter 10
Schaie’s distinction between adulthood and adolescence features
remarkable differences in cognitive abilities. Essentially, it
implies adults have a better capacity to understand and
contextualize complex concepts. Therefore, the distinction
influences adult education by increasing the urge to learn and
contextualize issues affecting them and the rest of society. As a
result, Schaie’s distinction promotes awareness, collaboration,
and societal progress due to the successful integration of
education to all units defined by age. Some of my most
significant events include my graduation from college, first job,
and first date with an intimate partner. The events affirmed my
life story by becoming anything I wanted and treating people
better; living an honest life is possible; it only takes self-belief.
I believe understanding the concept of postformal thought and
practicing it are mutually exclusive concepts. Therefore, I think
someone can understand the concept without necessarily need to
be a postformal thinker.
Chapter 11
Reducing intimate partner violence requires understanding and
acknowledging social-ecological changes across individual,
societal, and community levels. Specifically, it includes
adopting healthy and respectful conversations, practicing
personal space respect, encouraging close family connection and
openness. While divorce has adverse psychological effects on
both the couple and children, the latter feels more intense
outcomes. First of all, children’s growth regresses due to stress,
changing sleeping patterns, and losing interest in certain
activities. Couples may sink into depression, have anger
management issues, make poor intimate decisions due to
perceived betrayal. Nonetheless, in both instances, anxiety,
social withdrawal, and anger become constant. Obstacles to a
foster child’s bonding with new parents may include absence,
abuse, alcoholism, individual struggles, financial resources to
offer necessary resources. When parents are primarily absent
due to work commitments, it distances them from the foster
children, creating undesired feelings. Finally, alcoholism
equally alienates parents and further creates a dysfunctional
family through behavioral changes.
Classmate 2
Chapter 10 Becoming an Adult
1. How could Schaie’s distinction between adolescence and
adulthood influence adult education?
According to “The Seattle Longitudinal Study” the
distinction between adolescence and adulthood education was
inconclusive. Inconclusive in the sense that there were no
overall trends. Some people started a decline in their 40’s and
50’s others showed no decline. The study did have 3 overall
take a way to understand. The first is that intellectual
development in adulthood is indicated by steady leveling off
gains between young adulthood and middle age then a period of
stable learning and in the end a decline. The second and third
observation is that these results varied from person to person. I
believe it would have been important to study people from all
over the world and in the different economic and demographic
backgrounds to truly see a trend that would point out more
predominant patterns.
2. Identify several major events in your past. How did these
events affirm or change your life story? (Share only things you
are comfortable sharing with the class)
This one is easy for me. Becoming a mother was the
biggest change in my life and I went from being a selfish young
adult to thinking about the future of my daughter. I instantly
thought about things I had never thought about in the past. I
cared about the environment and global warming, what’s the
world going to be like for my daughter when she’s a young
adult? How will I pay for her college? How can I be the best
example of a woman to her? I walked the stage 6 months
pregnant with her because I decided to go back to school and
finish my degree for her. Then going through a divorce, I
reevaluated my life and went back to school for my bachelor’s
degree. I’ve been blessed with the ability to learn from my
mistakes and turn lemons into lemonade, as hard as it was at
times. These major life events forced me to make changes for
the life I want. Also, my faith and belief in God has grown
tremendously with every battle I get through. It’s like he shows
me over and over that his plans are better than the plan I have
for myself. I stay obedient and he lights the way.
3. If you do not have postformal thought, can you understand
the concept of postformal thought?
This is a tricky question; I feel it can go either way.
When it deals with children, they do not have the sense of
understanding things that are outside of their own believe and
how they view a situation. There are also many grown adults
that lack the ability to see outside the box. For example, the
vaccine, there are many people that believe the vaccine is the
ONLY way to flatten the curve, no other solution. The same for
the unvaccinated people that feel the vaccine will not help them
and will cause damage to their bodies. My point, there are many
stubborn people that see things one way and will not budge
whatsoever. Then there are people with postformal thoughts that
will listen to both sides and understand both ways of doing
things. To answer the question, I guess I’ll lean more towards
no because if you did have the concept of postformal thought
you would take into consideration both sides and multiple
points of view.
Chapter 11 Being with Others: Relationships in Young and
Middle Adulthood
1. What are some suggestions for reducing violence in intimate
As cliché as this might sound but I feel counseling is
the best suggestion. I believe this because many people are
walking around hurt, and emotionally immature and don’t
understand the baggage they carry every day. Childhood trauma
and how a person grew up, has everything to do with how a
person carries themselves in life. If you don’t understand what
childhood “injuries” you walk with, a person will continue to
bleed onto people that didn’t hurt them. Need for control, one of
the causes for violence in a relationship indicates to me, that
you lacked control as a child or had too much control and now
live your life like that. Understanding the emotion behind the
behavior is KEY in changing the behavior.
2. Compare the psychological effects of divorce on the divorced
couple to those experienced by the children of divorce.
Divorce affects the parents financially and
emotionally. The parents often look at themselves as fail ures,
deeply disappointed and rejected. In the case of a child, they
carry the view of marriage differently. It affects the relationship
with one of the parents also has an effect on their view of
intimacy and love.
3. Describe the obstacles that may interfere with foster,
adoptive, or stepchildren forming bonds with their new parents.
Children under the age of 1 will bond well with foster
or stepparents. Children that are older will have already
developed a bond with their biological parents. In these cases
it's harder to have a child open up and bond with the stepparent
or adoptive.
Chapter 10 Becoming an Adult
1. How could Schaie’s distinction between adolescence and
adulthood influence adult education?
2. Identify several major events in your past. How did these
events affirm or change your life story? (Share only things you
are comfortable sharing with the class)
3. If you do not have postformal thought, can you understand
the concept of postformal thought?
Chapter 11 Being with Others: Relationships in Young and
Middle Adulthood
1. What are some suggestions for reducing violence in intimate
2. Compare the psychological effects of divorce on the divorced
couple to those experienced by the children of divorce.
3. Describe the obstacles that may interfere with foster,
adoptive, or stepchildren forming bonds with their new parents.
Discussion 4 Classmate Responses
Classmate 1
Chapter 8 Rites of Passage
1. How would you test adolescents’ level of moral
Adolescents can be tested on their moral development by doing
observation and developmental skills which will show how
much the adolescent matches their behavior with their morals
and values. If an adolescent can apply these to their daily life
and manage to be social and independent living and working by
their own choices and stead of being pressured to do what their
family or friends want them to do or model negatively.
2. What social factors do you see contributing to the
development of eating disorders? Are their emotional factors
that also can contribute?
Most of societies adolescence live their life base off the lives of
social media or what the people of the society will say, and this
can be a lot of pressure for some because they want to have a
perfect body looking like what they see on the internet or being
thin. Female in this generation will do anything to get the body
they dream of and if eating less or finding way to get rid of the
food from their body and even doing surgeries. This can
contribute to emotional factors when they are body slammed by
friends or other people whether on the internet or in person at
school, on the road, at work etc. they feel obligated to take the
pressure and change who they are so they can fit in and look
Chapter 9 Moving into the Adult Social World
1. Are adolescents ready for sexual activity, given their level of
cognitive and social maturity? What would you say to a young
person who does not want to become sexually active but is
being pressured by peers? How would you help a young person
who has become sexually active and is now suffering guilt and
I would say that adolescents are not ready for sexual
intercourse. Yes, they will have urge and the body may have
been showing signs that they are ready. But the circumstances
that comes with choosing to have sex is more than they can
manage. I would say to a young person, that sex is a choice and
with that choice comes consequences whether good or bad, at
this age it is a bad choice because of the things a person will
face that may is more for an adult who is responsible and by law
legal to be making these choices. It is not easy for you to help
someone to get rid of these feeling only if the person is willing
that it already happen there is no going back but they can forget
about the situation and understand that as they get older it will
be much better and romantic with the right person. Also, the
situation could be a lot of worst by dealing with some of the
consequences that comes with being intimate. Which are getting
pregnant, catching a STD, or other problems the body may go
through at having sex at a young age.
2. How are poverty, family processes, cognitive processes, and
biology related to the development of problems in adolescents,
such as depression, drug use, and juvenile delinquency.
Some adolescence faces problems with drugs depression and
juvenile delinquency because of the influence their environment
has on them and they are pressured or influenced by friends or
other family member that they look up to. Some youths that are
not trained by parent to do what is right or the family did not
find the tie to talk to the child about certain issues then they
will try other way in their opinion how to learn about it or feel
neglected and worsen their behavior. Children live what they
learn so if something is taught to them on a daily basis, they
will believe that is it right. Some youths also have an addiction
because the parent may having been going through the same
situation at birth and the child is dealing with these issues
because they have it hereditarily.
Classmate 2
Chapter 8 Rites of Passage
1. How would you test adolescents’ level of moral
Kohlberg’s Theory can be used to cover things like the
interpersonal norm, social system morality, and social contract.
As each person is different, some time should be spent with the
teen to get to know them.
2. What social factors do you see contributing to the
development of eating disorders? Are there emotional factors
that also can contribute?
Media is involved more in our everyday lives. We post the food
we eat, the clothes we wear, and our random thoughts. What
others think of you has gained more value. Children are
depressed because they did not get enough “likes.” It is socially
acceptable for your pets and small children to have social media
accounts. The images of thin and young are beautiful are being
presented twenty-four hours a day and have helped contribute to
eating disorders.
Emotional factors have contributed, especially now with the
separation that COVID-19 has created. It seems that more
people need mental health care. People are left struggling to
deal with trauma by themselves. Food is being used to cope with
overeating or uneating alike.
Chapter 9 Moving into the Adult Social World
1. Are adolescents ready for sexual activity, given their level of
cognitive and social maturity? What would you say to a young
person who does not want to become sexually active but is
being pressured by peers? How would you help a young person
who has become sexually active and is now suffering guilt and
Adolescents are not ready for sexual activity due to their level
of cognitive and social maturity. I have seen adolescents
engaging in casual sexual activity and the devastation that it
leaves behind. I would tell the young person that the decision is
up to them. Also, I would warn of possible dangers, emotional
and physical. A young person may feel remorseful after being
sexually active. The important thing is to give yourself a break;
we all make mistakes. A lesson should be learned if they do not
want to do it again, then purpose not to do so.
I waited to have sex until I was almost twenty and avoided a lot
of headaches. Many of my friends and family members were
trying to deal with situations I did not want to experience.
2. How are poverty, family processes, cognitive processes, and
biology-related to the development of problems in adolescents,
such as depression, drug use, and juvenile delinquency.
People in poverty are not so different than others, yet they lack
financial stability. They are self-medicating for a variety of
reasons. I think some mental health issues may also play a part.
When you grow up in that environment, your worldview may be
limited, and all you know is where you live. This can lead to
depression, drug use, and juvenile delinquency. You are in
survival mode and doing what you know to care for yourself and
your family.

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Discussion 4Chapter 8 Rites of Passage1. How would you test

  • 1. Discussion 4 Chapter 8 Rites of Passage 1. How would you test adolescents’ level of moral development? 2. What social factors do you see contributing to the development of eating disorders? Are their emotional factors that also can contribute? Chapter 9 Moving into the Adult Social World 1. Are adolescents ready for sexual activity, given their level of cognitive and social maturity? What would you say to a young person who does not want to become sexually active but is being pressured by peers? How would you help a young person who has become sexually active and is now suffering guilt and regret? 2. How are poverty, family processes, cognitive processes, and biology related to the development of problems in adolescents, such as depression, drug use, and juvenile delinquency. Classmate 1 Chapter 10 Schaie’s distinction between adulthood and adolescence features remarkable differences in cognitive abilities. Essentially, it implies adults have a better capacity to understand and contextualize complex concepts. Therefore, the distinction influences adult education by increasing the urge to learn and contextualize issues affecting them and the rest of society. As a result, Schaie’s distinction promotes awareness, collaboration,
  • 2. and societal progress due to the successful integration of education to all units defined by age. Some of my most significant events include my graduation from college, first job, and first date with an intimate partner. The events affirmed my life story by becoming anything I wanted and treating people better; living an honest life is possible; it only takes self-belief. I believe understanding the concept of postformal thought and practicing it are mutually exclusive concepts. Therefore, I think someone can understand the concept without necessarily need to be a postformal thinker. Chapter 11 Reducing intimate partner violence requires understanding and acknowledging social-ecological changes across individual, societal, and community levels. Specifically, it includes adopting healthy and respectful conversations, practicing personal space respect, encouraging close family connection and openness. While divorce has adverse psychological effects on both the couple and children, the latter feels more intense outcomes. First of all, children’s growth regresses due to stress, changing sleeping patterns, and losing interest in certain activities. Couples may sink into depression, have anger management issues, make poor intimate decisions due to perceived betrayal. Nonetheless, in both instances, anxiety, social withdrawal, and anger become constant. Obstacles to a foster child’s bonding with new parents may include absence, abuse, alcoholism, individual struggles, financial resources to offer necessary resources. When parents are primarily absent due to work commitments, it distances them from the foster children, creating undesired feelings. Finally, alcoholism equally alienates parents and further creates a dysfunctional family through behavioral changes. Classmate 2 Chapter 10 Becoming an Adult 1. How could Schaie’s distinction between adolescence and adulthood influence adult education?
  • 3. According to “The Seattle Longitudinal Study” the distinction between adolescence and adulthood education was inconclusive. Inconclusive in the sense that there were no overall trends. Some people started a decline in their 40’s and 50’s others showed no decline. The study did have 3 overall take a way to understand. The first is that intellectual development in adulthood is indicated by steady leveling off gains between young adulthood and middle age then a period of stable learning and in the end a decline. The second and third observation is that these results varied from person to person. I believe it would have been important to study people from all over the world and in the different economic and demographic backgrounds to truly see a trend that would point out more predominant patterns. 2. Identify several major events in your past. How did these events affirm or change your life story? (Share only things you are comfortable sharing with the class) This one is easy for me. Becoming a mother was the biggest change in my life and I went from being a selfish young adult to thinking about the future of my daughter. I instantly thought about things I had never thought about in the past. I cared about the environment and global warming, what’s the world going to be like for my daughter when she’s a young adult? How will I pay for her college? How can I be the best example of a woman to her? I walked the stage 6 months pregnant with her because I decided to go back to school and finish my degree for her. Then going through a divorce, I reevaluated my life and went back to school for my bachelor’s degree. I’ve been blessed with the ability to learn from my mistakes and turn lemons into lemonade, as hard as it was at times. These major life events forced me to make changes for the life I want. Also, my faith and belief in God has grown tremendously with every battle I get through. It’s like he shows me over and over that his plans are better than the plan I have for myself. I stay obedient and he lights the way. 3. If you do not have postformal thought, can you understand
  • 4. the concept of postformal thought? This is a tricky question; I feel it can go either way. When it deals with children, they do not have the sense of understanding things that are outside of their own believe and how they view a situation. There are also many grown adults that lack the ability to see outside the box. For example, the vaccine, there are many people that believe the vaccine is the ONLY way to flatten the curve, no other solution. The same for the unvaccinated people that feel the vaccine will not help them and will cause damage to their bodies. My point, there are many stubborn people that see things one way and will not budge whatsoever. Then there are people with postformal thoughts that will listen to both sides and understand both ways of doing things. To answer the question, I guess I’ll lean more towards no because if you did have the concept of postformal thought you would take into consideration both sides and multiple points of view. Chapter 11 Being with Others: Relationships in Young and Middle Adulthood 1. What are some suggestions for reducing violence in intimate relationships? As cliché as this might sound but I feel counseling is the best suggestion. I believe this because many people are walking around hurt, and emotionally immature and don’t understand the baggage they carry every day. Childhood trauma and how a person grew up, has everything to do with how a person carries themselves in life. If you don’t understand what childhood “injuries” you walk with, a person will continue to bleed onto people that didn’t hurt them. Need for control, one of the causes for violence in a relationship indicates to me, that you lacked control as a child or had too much control and now live your life like that. Understanding the emotion behind the behavior is KEY in changing the behavior.
  • 5. 2. Compare the psychological effects of divorce on the divorced couple to those experienced by the children of divorce. Divorce affects the parents financially and emotionally. The parents often look at themselves as fail ures, deeply disappointed and rejected. In the case of a child, they carry the view of marriage differently. It affects the relationship with one of the parents also has an effect on their view of intimacy and love. 3. Describe the obstacles that may interfere with foster, adoptive, or stepchildren forming bonds with their new parents. Children under the age of 1 will bond well with foster or stepparents. Children that are older will have already developed a bond with their biological parents. In these cases it's harder to have a child open up and bond with the stepparent or adoptive. Chapter 10 Becoming an Adult 1. How could Schaie’s distinction between adolescence and adulthood influence adult education? 2. Identify several major events in your past. How did these events affirm or change your life story? (Share only things you are comfortable sharing with the class) 3. If you do not have postformal thought, can you understand the concept of postformal thought? Chapter 11 Being with Others: Relationships in Young and Middle Adulthood 1. What are some suggestions for reducing violence in intimate relationships?
  • 6. 2. Compare the psychological effects of divorce on the divorced couple to those experienced by the children of divorce. 3. Describe the obstacles that may interfere with foster, adoptive, or stepchildren forming bonds with their new parents. Discussion 4 Classmate Responses Classmate 1 Chapter 8 Rites of Passage 1. How would you test adolescents’ level of moral development? Adolescents can be tested on their moral development by doing observation and developmental skills which will show how much the adolescent matches their behavior with their morals and values. If an adolescent can apply these to their daily life and manage to be social and independent living and working by their own choices and stead of being pressured to do what their family or friends want them to do or model negatively. 2. What social factors do you see contributing to the development of eating disorders? Are their emotional factors that also can contribute? Most of societies adolescence live their life base off the lives of social media or what the people of the society will say, and this can be a lot of pressure for some because they want to have a perfect body looking like what they see on the internet or being thin. Female in this generation will do anything to get the body they dream of and if eating less or finding way to get rid of the food from their body and even doing surgeries. This can contribute to emotional factors when they are body slammed by friends or other people whether on the internet or in person at school, on the road, at work etc. they feel obligated to take the pressure and change who they are so they can fit in and look like Chapter 9 Moving into the Adult Social World
  • 7. 1. Are adolescents ready for sexual activity, given their level of cognitive and social maturity? What would you say to a young person who does not want to become sexually active but is being pressured by peers? How would you help a young person who has become sexually active and is now suffering guilt and regret? I would say that adolescents are not ready for sexual intercourse. Yes, they will have urge and the body may have been showing signs that they are ready. But the circumstances that comes with choosing to have sex is more than they can manage. I would say to a young person, that sex is a choice and with that choice comes consequences whether good or bad, at this age it is a bad choice because of the things a person will face that may is more for an adult who is responsible and by law legal to be making these choices. It is not easy for you to help someone to get rid of these feeling only if the person is willing that it already happen there is no going back but they can forget about the situation and understand that as they get older it will be much better and romantic with the right person. Also, the situation could be a lot of worst by dealing with some of the consequences that comes with being intimate. Which are getting pregnant, catching a STD, or other problems the body may go through at having sex at a young age. 2. How are poverty, family processes, cognitive processes, and biology related to the development of problems in adolescents, such as depression, drug use, and juvenile delinquency. Some adolescence faces problems with drugs depression and juvenile delinquency because of the influence their environment has on them and they are pressured or influenced by friends or other family member that they look up to. Some youths that are not trained by parent to do what is right or the family did not find the tie to talk to the child about certain issues then they will try other way in their opinion how to learn about it or feel neglected and worsen their behavior. Children live what they learn so if something is taught to them on a daily basis, they
  • 8. will believe that is it right. Some youths also have an addiction because the parent may having been going through the same situation at birth and the child is dealing with these issues because they have it hereditarily. Classmate 2 Chapter 8 Rites of Passage 1. How would you test adolescents’ level of moral development? Kohlberg’s Theory can be used to cover things like the interpersonal norm, social system morality, and social contract. As each person is different, some time should be spent with the teen to get to know them. 2. What social factors do you see contributing to the development of eating disorders? Are there emotional factors that also can contribute? Media is involved more in our everyday lives. We post the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and our random thoughts. What others think of you has gained more value. Children are depressed because they did not get enough “likes.” It is socially acceptable for your pets and small children to have social media accounts. The images of thin and young are beautiful are being presented twenty-four hours a day and have helped contribute to eating disorders. Emotional factors have contributed, especially now with the separation that COVID-19 has created. It seems that more people need mental health care. People are left struggling to deal with trauma by themselves. Food is being used to cope with overeating or uneating alike. Chapter 9 Moving into the Adult Social World 1. Are adolescents ready for sexual activity, given their level of cognitive and social maturity? What would you say to a young
  • 9. person who does not want to become sexually active but is being pressured by peers? How would you help a young person who has become sexually active and is now suffering guilt and regret? Adolescents are not ready for sexual activity due to their level of cognitive and social maturity. I have seen adolescents engaging in casual sexual activity and the devastation that it leaves behind. I would tell the young person that the decision is up to them. Also, I would warn of possible dangers, emotional and physical. A young person may feel remorseful after being sexually active. The important thing is to give yourself a break; we all make mistakes. A lesson should be learned if they do not want to do it again, then purpose not to do so. I waited to have sex until I was almost twenty and avoided a lot of headaches. Many of my friends and family members were trying to deal with situations I did not want to experience. 2. How are poverty, family processes, cognitive processes, and biology-related to the development of problems in adolescents, such as depression, drug use, and juvenile delinquency. People in poverty are not so different than others, yet they lack financial stability. They are self-medicating for a variety of reasons. I think some mental health issues may also play a part. When you grow up in that environment, your worldview may be limited, and all you know is where you live. This can lead to depression, drug use, and juvenile delinquency. You are in survival mode and doing what you know to care for yourself and your family.