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Customer satisfaction depends on a product’s perceived performance in delivering
value relative to a buyer’s expectations. If the product’s performance falls short of the
customer’s expectations, the buyer is dissatisfied. If performance matches
expectations, the buyer is satisfied. If performance exceeds expectations, the buyer is
delighted. Outstanding marketing companies go out of their way to keep their
customers satisfied. Satisfied customers make repeat purchases, and they tell others
about their good experiences with the product. The key is to match customer
expectations with company performance. Smart companies aim to delight customers
by promising only what they can deliver, then delivering more than they promise.
Customer expectations are based on past buying experiences, the
opinions of friends, and marketer and competitor information and promises.
Marketers must be careful to set the right level of expectations. If they set
expectations too low, they may satisfy those who buy but fail to attract enough
buyers. If they raise expectations too high, buyers will be disappointed. Today’s most
successful companies are raising expectations- and delivering performance to match.
These companies embrace total customer satisfaction. Thus, the marketer must
continue to generate more customer value and satisfaction but not “give away the
CHAPTER-1Introduction 04
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Need
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Scope
1.5 Limitations
CHAPTER-2Literature Review 08
CHAPTER- 3 Industry and Company profile 16
3.1 company profile
3.2 branding strategy
3.3 achievements
3.4 vision and mission
3.5 company structure
CHAPTER-4 Industry Analysis 25
4.1 porter model
4.2 competitive analysis
4.3 SWOT analysis
4.4 Advertising
CHAPTER-5Findings and Conclusion 39
5.1 Findings
5.2 Suggestions
5.3 Conclusion
Whether the buyer is satisfied after purchase depends on the offer
performance in relation to the buyer’s expectations.
Satisfaction is a person feeling of pleasure or disappointments resulting
from comparing a product perceive performance or outcome in relation to
his/her expectation.
As this definition makes clear, satisfaction is function perceive
performance and expectations. If the performance falls short of expectations
the customer is dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectation the
customer is satisfied. If the performance exceeds expectation the customer is
highly dissatisfied.
Many companies are aiming for high satisfaction because customers who
are just satisfied still find easy to switch when a better offer comes along.
Those who are highly satisfied are much less ready to switch. High satisfaction
or delight creates an emotional bond with the bond, not just a rational
preference. The result is high customer loyalty.
Senior management believes that a very satisfied that a very satisfied or
delighted customer is worth ten times as much to the company as a satisfied
customer. A very satisfied customer is likely to stay in company for many
more years and by more than a satisfied customer will.
Buyers form their expectations from past buying experience, friends and
associates, advice marketers & competitor information and promises. If
marketer raises expectations too high, the buyer is likely to be disappointed.
Some of today’s most successful companies are raising expectations and
delivering performance to match. These companies are aiming for TCS (Total
Customer Satisfaction). Some companies guarantee total customer
satisfaction and will replace at its expense any dissatisfied customer’s
equipment within period of many years after purchase.
For customers centered companies, customer satisfaction is both a goal
and a marketing too. Companies that achieve high customer satisfaction
rating make sure that the target market knows it.
Study shows that although customers are dissatisfied with one out
of every four purchases, less than 5% of dissatisfied customers will complain.
Most customers will by less or switch suppliers. Complaints levels are thus not
a good measure of customer’s satisfaction. Responsiveness companies
measure customer satisfaction directly by conducting periodic surveys. They
sent questionnaire or make telephone calls to random sample of recent
customers. They also solicit buyer’s view on their competitor’s performance.
While collecting customers satisfaction data kit is also useful it ask additional
questions to measure repurchase intention, this will normally by high if the
customers satisfaction is high, it is also useful to measure the likelihood or
willingness to recommend the company and the brand to others. High positive
word-of-mouth score indicates that the company is
Producing high customer’s satisfaction. When customers rate their
satisfaction with the element of company’s performance like delivery. The
company needs to recognize that customer vary in how they define good
delivery. It could mean early delivery on time delivery, order completeness
and so on. Yet if the company had to spell out every element in detail
customers would face huge questionnaire the company must also realize that
customers can report being satisfied for different reasons. One may be easily
satisfied most of the time and other might be hard to please, but was pleased
on this occasion.
Company should also note that managers and sales people could manipulate
customer’s satisfactions rating. They can especially nice to customers just
before the survey. They can also try to exclude Un-happy customers from the
survey. Another danger is that if the customer knew that the company would
go out it way to lease customers.
Some express high dissatisfaction (even if satisfied). In order to
receive more concessions. Some companies navigate all these pit falls to reach
their customers value and satisfaction goals. We call these companies high-
performance business.
Customers satisfaction depends on the products perceive performance
in delivery value relative to buyer’s expectations. If the product performance
falls short of customer expectations, the buyer is satisfied. Outstanding
marketing companies go out of their way tokeep their customer satisfied.
Satisfied customer may report purchase and they tell us about their good
experience with the product. The key being to match customer’s expectations
with company performance. Smart companies aim to delight customers by
promising only what they can deliver then delivering more than they promise.
Customer’s satisfaction is closely linked to quality in recent years.
Many companies have adopted Total Quality Management (TQM) programs,
designs to constantly improve quality of their products, service & marketing
processes. Quality has an impact on product performance and hence on
customer satisfaction.
Need of study:
With the recent influx of different brands in today’s Mobile network segment
each striving to satisfy customers with the end results of maintaining loyalty,
at present service as such have become necessity but not a nicety.
Keeping in mind curriculum requirement & organizational
requirement the study has been conducted to find out customer satisfaction
towards Airtel. However, due to time constraints an in-depth study could not
be undertaken.
Objectivesof study:
1.The board objective of the study is to know the consumer behavior in the
Light of various factors governing preferences decision regarding
various aspects before purchasing a Mobile Networks.
2. To find customer satisfaction level during sales process.
3. Toknow about the posts sales satisfaction using different factors.
Like To Find out the overall experience of the customers with reference to
4. To know which factors are considered by the consumers before They
Purchase any Mobile Connection.
5. Toknow the promptness of the service deliveries made to customers.
6. To find out the most preferred media of communication and then to
analyze the advertisement campaign in terms of media effectives.
Scope of study:
The geographical scope of study is confined to the city of
Hyderabad. The various customers were met to find out their perception
towards the various elements that satisfies the customer.
Limitation of study:
1. The study could not be conducted on a large sample size and area
because of time constraint.
2. The number of sample size is respondents and the study is confined
Only to the Hyderabad confined limits.
3. The study is time bound & would be applicable to the current
Findings of the study.
This chapter attempts to review different literatures on customer satisfaction
with reference to Automobile industry and presents various studies made regarding
the issues related with hotel industry and customer satisfaction.
Customer – Definitions
Paul S. Goldner (2006)1
defines, “…a customer is any organization or
individual with which you have done business over the past twelve months”.
Grigoroudis, E and Siskos, Y (2009)2
provide definition for ‘customer’ upon
two approaches: With reference to loyalty, “A customer is the person that assesses the
quality of the offered products and services” and on process oriented approach, “the
customer is the person or group that receives the work output” (p.9).
“Customer means the party to which the goods are to be supplied or service
rendered by the supplier”.3
Customer Satisfaction – Definitions
Satisfaction has been broadly defined by Vavra, T.G. (1997) as a satisfactory
post-purchase experience with a product or service given an existing purchase
Howard and Sheth (1969)5
define satisfaction as, “The buyer’s cognitive state
of being adequately or inadequately rewarded for the sacrifices he has undergone”
According to Westbrook and Reilly (1983)6
, customer satisfaction is “an
emotional response to the experiences provided by, associated with particular
products or services purchased, retail outlets, or even molar patterns of behaviour
such as shopping and buyer behaviour, as well as the overall market place” (p.256).
Oliver (1981)7
put forward a definition as, “the summary psychological state
resulting when the emotion surrounding disconfirmed expectations is coupled with
the consumers’ prior feelings about the consumption experience” (p.27).
The definition offered by Hunt (1977)8
is “an evaluation rendered that the
(consumption) experience was at least as good as it was supposed to be” (p.459).
Customer/consumer satisfaction is “an evaluation that the chosen alternative is
consistent with prior beliefs with respect to that alternative” – Definition by Engel and
Blackwell (1982)9
Tse and Wilton (1988)10
define as, “the consumer’s response to the evaluation
of the perceived discrepancy between prior expectations (or some other norm of
performance) and the actual performance of the product/service as perceived after its
consumption” (p.204).
Berry and Parasuraman (1991)11
argue that since customers’ satisfaction is
influenced by the availability of customer services, the provision of quality customer
service has become a major concern of all businesses. Customer satisfaction is
typically defined as a post consumption evaluative judgement concerning a specific
product or service.12
It is the result of an evaluative process that contrasts pre-
purchase expectations with perceptions of performance during and after the
consumption experience.13
Oliver (1981)14
defines customer satisfaction as a
customer’s emotional response to the use of a product or service. Anton (1996)15
offers more elaboration: “customer satisfaction as a state of mind in which the
customer’s needs, wants and expectations throughout the product or service life have
been met or exceeded, resulting in subsequent repurchase and loyalty”
Merchant Account Glossary points out that, “Customer satisfaction is an
ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of
satisfaction will very from person to person and produce/service to
Schiffman and Kanuk (2004)17
defines customer satisfaction as “The
individual’s perception of the performance of the product or service in relation to his
or her expectations”.
Woodruff and Gardian (1996)18
define “Satisfaction, then, is the evaluation or
feeling that results from the disconfirmation process. It is not the comparison itself
(i.e., the disconfirmation process), but it is the customer’s response to the comparison.
Satisfaction has an emotional component.”
According to Hung (1977), “…. satisfaction is a kind of stepping away from
an experience and evaluating it … One could have a pleasurable experience that
caused dissatisfaction because even though it was pleasurable, it wasn’t as pleasurable
as it was supposed to be. So satisfaction / dissatisfaction isn’t an emotion, it’s the
evaluation of the emotion”.19
Oliver (1977)20
defines “Satisfaction is the consumer’s fulfilment response. It
is a judgment that a product or service feature, or the product of service itself,
provided (or is providing) a pleasurable level of consumption- related fulfilment,
including levels of under- or over-fulfilment”.
Some of the definitions available from web are compiled below: “Customer
satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a
company meet or surpass customer expectation”.21 “Customer satisfaction is an
ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction
will vary from person to person and product/service to product/service”.22
“Comparison of expectations versus perception of experience”.23
“A customer’s
perception of the degree to which their requirements have been fulfilled.”24
According to Business Dictionary, customer satisfaction is, “Degree of satisfaction
provided by the goods or services of a firm as measured by the number of repeat
These definitions suggest that an evaluative process is an important element
underlying customer satisfaction.26
Hotel Industry – Definitions
Peter Jones and Andrew Lockwood (2002)27
provide a simple definition for
hotel as, “an operation that provides accommodation and ancillary services to
people away from home.”
According to Dictionary of American History28
“The primary purpose of
hotels is to provide travellers with shelter, food, refreshment, and similar services and
goods, offering on a commercial basis things that are customarily furnished within
households but unavailable to people on a journey away from home”.
Hotel industry is a large and highly diverse industry that includes a wide range
of property styles, uses and qualities.29
Peter Jones and Andrew Lockwood (2002) defines a hotel as “a, usually large,
house run for the purpose of giving travellers food, lodging etc.” Further add, “an
operation that provides accommodation and ancillary services to people away from
home.” 30
O’Fallon and Rutherford (2010)31
, in “Hotel Management and Operations” define
“hospitality is the cordial and generous reception and entertainment of guests or
strangers, Eithersocially or commercially” (p.178).
The building Code of the City of New York defines, “A hotel shall be taken to mean
and include every building, or part there of intended, designed or used for supplying
food and shelter to residents or guests, and having a general public dining-room or a
cafe, or both and containing also more than sleeping rooms.32
Peyton, R.M at (2003)33 in their working paper submitted at the Allied Academies
International Conference presented a comprehensive review of the literature on
various Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction (CS/D) theories proposed.
The literatures are specifically prior to the 1990s. This review focuses on the major
components of the decision-making process, also addresses the measurement-related
issues relevant to this body of literature. The paper analyses four theories under the
umbrella of consistency theory viz. assimilation theory, contrast theory, assimilation-
contrast theory, and negative theory. In addition to presenting a review of theoretical
bases of the research in the area of consumer satisfaction, the paper also addresses the
major elements of the most widely accepted models of Consumer Satisfaction and
Dissatisfaction. The authors argue that even though the satisfaction construct has been
defined in a number of ways, satisfaction has been defined in terms of need
fulfilment, pleasure/displeasure, cognitive state, attribute or benefit evaluation, and
subjective evaluation of experience by many researchers. The review concludes,
“however, while researchers have used a number of different definitions for
satisfaction, they generally agree that satisfaction involved a set of inter-related
variables rather than a single variable” (p.44).
Vavra, T.G. (1997)34 in his book suggests specific programmes to improve the
measurement of customer satisfaction in an organization. The author describes five
Critical skills required for this task viz. sampling/customer-participant selection,
questionnaire design, interviewing/survey administration, data analysis, and quality
function deployment-building action plans. The author argue that to extend the
understanding of the exact relationships preceding and following the formation of
satisfaction, a model of satisfaction would be very helpful. The model proposed has
three stages: antecedents, the satisfaction formation process, and consequences. Prior
experience is claimed to be the most important antecedent of satisfaction, since it
serves as a memory bank of all previous experiences. The satisfaction process is
claimed to encapsulate a comparison of expectations with perceived performance.
Expectations are defined as the sum of beliefs about the levels of attributes possessed
or offered by the product or service. In the model presented, the concept of desires is
adopted as an influencing factor on the formation of expectations. The behavioural
consequence of customer retention is claimed to be at best an intermediate sign that
has not immediately alienated a customer. The author further classifies the
‘performance’ of a product or service as ‘objective’ and ‘perceived’. To expound the
behaviour of satisfaction as a phenomenon graphical representation is used. Five
theories of satisfaction from social psychology have been discussed viz. Assimilation-
Contrast Theory, Contrast Theory, Dissonance Theory, Generalized Negativity, and
Hypothesis Testing. The author has summarized the consequences for satisfaction for
all these five theories and presented in a tabulation form for easy comparison.
The working paper by Silvia Figini and Paolo Giudici (2002)35
study the
possible methods to obtain data to measure customer satisfaction, the possibilities of
methods to analyze the collected data, explain methodological proposal based on
discrete graphical models and a novel theoretical proposal to mixture different types
of customer data information, statistical analysis of sample dataset, and in the final
chapter present the conclusions. Present two possible novel approach to analyze
customer satisfaction data. The authors suggest that web could be the first contact for
collection of customer satisfaction data and this method facilitates continuous
monitoring the opinion of the visitors to the site. The second contact method
identified is telephone and/or mail/email but this method is found to have low
response rates. Finally face-to-face interview option is explained as the intimacy can
be used to communicate care and concern to customers, but argue that this method
may have the disadvantage that customers may be more reluctant to criticise or speak
negatively about the program in a face-to-face interview than in an Internet, mail, or
telephone survey.
While explaining measuring the level of satisfaction, the authors opine since it
can be difficult to obtain an exact agreement between the customers’ opinion and the
numerical value stated, using a limited scale it would be feasible to allow for a small
approximation error. Further classify concepts that are not directly measurable as
‘latent variables’ and variables that can be directly measured are called ‘manifest
variables’. The paper proposes five levels of opinions for the customers viz. ‘very
unsatisfied, moderately unsatisfied, neutral, moderately satisfied, and very satisfied.
Willard Hom (2000)36
presents two broadly classified customer satisfaction
models viz. Macro-models, which place the customer satisfaction among a set of
related constructs in marketing research and Micro-models, which theorize the
elements of customer satisfaction. The paper also gives various models of customer
satisfaction from the perspective of the marketing research discipline. The concepts
viz. value, quality, complaining behavior , and loyalty are labelled as ‘macro-models’
The Marketing research literature presented in this study extensively covers
the elements that make up the concept of customer satisfaction viz.
disconfirmation of expectations, equity, attribution, affect, and regret. These
attributes are grouped under ‘micro-model’.
According to the author the macro-model underlies perceived
performance, comparison standards, perceived disconfirmation, satisfaction
feeling, and outcomes of satisfaction feelings. Further substantiates that this
model highlights the concept of value as a driving force in produce choice and
satisfaction relationship to it as a brief psychological reaction to a component
of a value chain. Under the Micro-model the author lists seven models viz.
Expectations disconfirmation model, (2) PerceivedPerformance model,
Norms models, (4) Multiple process models, (5) Attribution model,
(6)Affective models, and (7) Equity models. This paper has covered a vast pool
of marketing research in customer satisfaction and simplified the presentation
by grouping under macro-level and micro-levels.
The study by Alex M. Susskind (2002)37examines how the nature of service
failure together with the restaurant’s service-recovery effort influences
customers’ intentions to return to the restaurant and their subsequent word-
of-mouth communication regarding the incident and the restaurant.
The study shows how word-of-mouth communication materializes from
service experiences. The author argues that the consumers evaluate the
components of service viz. food, service, and ambience rather than as a total
picture, and the customers form an opinion for each item individually. Word-
of-mouth communication, it is argued, which relates both positive and
negative evaluations of service encounters, has been shown to influenced.
other people’s purchase behavior . In that sense, word-of-mouth communications,
which are positive, may emerge from customers, who are satisfied with the services –
where as negative word-of-mouth communication emerges from customers who have
experienced dissatisfying experiences or encounters. It is also pointed out that
dissatisfied customers spread their dissatisfaction through word-of-mouth
communication about their bad experience and dissatisfaction to others than the
satisfied customers. The study also examines the level of complaints regarding service
failure and remedies: Minor service failures may solicit smaller remedies – where as
remedies like offering free food, discounts or coupons, or the manager’s intervention
are seen as corrections involving a high degree. Further argues that the degree of
correction is not the only element, which influences consumers’ perceptions of the
recovery process. Also it is found that negative aspects have a great influence than the
positive attributes on the customers’ overall assessment. When consumers complain
about service, they eventually form a judgment, consequently uncorrected service
failures create increased dissatisfaction i.e. degree of level of correction is direction
proportional to the customers level of satisfaction.
Airtel India Profile
Type : Public
Industry : Telecommunications
Founded : New Delhi, NTC, India
Founder(s) : Sunil Bharti Mittal
Headquarters : New Delhi, NTC, India
Area served : South Asia, Africa and the Channel Islands
Key people : Sunil Bharti Mittal
Products : Fixed line and mobile telephony, Broadband
Fixed line internet services, digital television
and IPTV
Employees : 21,300(Nov12)
Subsidiaries : Airtel Africa
Airtel Digital TV
Airtel Sri Lanka
Airtel Bangladesh
BhartiAirtel Limited, commonly known as Airtel, is an Indian multinational
telecommunications Services Company headquartered at New Delhi, India. It operates in 20
countries across South Asia, Africa and the Channel Islands. Airtel has GSM network in all
countries in which it operates, providing 2G, 3G and 4G services depending upon the country of
operation. Airtel is the world’s third largest mobile telecommunications company with over 271
million subscribers across 150 countries as of March 31, 2013. It is the largest cellular service
provider in India, with 183.61 million subscribers as of Nov-2012. Airtel is the third largest in-
country mobile operator by subscriber base, behind China Mobile and China Unicom.
Airtel is the largest provider of mobile telephony and second largest provider of fixed
telephony in India, and is also a provider of broadband and subscription television services. It
offers Indian telecom services under the airtel brand, and is headed by Sunil Bharti Mittal.
BhartiAirtel is the first Indian telecom service provider to achieve Cisco gold certification. It also
acts as a carrier for national and international long distance communication services. The
company has a submarine cable landing station at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable
connecting Chennai and Singapore.
Airtel is credited with pioneering the business strategy of outsourcing all of its business
operations except marketing, sales and finance and building the ‘minutes factory’ model of low
cost and high volumes. The strategy has since been copied by several operators. Its network-base
stations, microwave links, etc. is maintained by Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Network whereas
business support is provided by IBM, and transmission towers are maintained by another
company (BhartiInfratel Ltd. in India). Ericsson agreed for the first time to be paid by the minute
for installation and maintenance of their equipment rather than being paid front, which allowed
Airtel to provide low call rates of Rs.1/min. During the financial year (2009-10), Bharti
negotiated for its strategic partner Alcatel-Lucent to manage the network infrastructure for the
tele-media business. On 31 may 2012, BhartiAirtel awarded the three-year contract to Alcatel-
Lucent for setting up an internet protocol access network across the country. This would help
consumer’s access internet at faster speed and high quality internet browsing on mobile handsets.
Airtel Branding Strategy
Airtel has been the first player in India to offer some niche services like Blackberry,
Caller Tunes, and personalized ringtones and has even attached itself with the biggest names like
Sachin Tendulkar, AR Rahman and Shahrukh Khan to promote the brand.
Airtel has always backed on human relations and emotions in their brand communication
through its advertisements focusing on the emotional content. The brand promotions have come
a long way with its signature tune composed by AR Rahman in the year 2002, to the latest
campaigns inspired by the theme of friendship.
In the 2010, Airtel launched a new signature tune and it even rebranded its logo and
launched the “Dil Jo ChahePaasLaaye” campaign. This initiative was taken to target the
corporate and post-paid subscribers with its new communication.
In 2011, the brand launched the “HarEk Friend ZarooriHotaHai” campaign with a
same signature tune modified to focus on the youth and targeting itself as “The friendship
brand”. The campaign was a huge success with its lively tune. Since then, Airtel’s campaigns
have been inspired by the theme of friendship.
In the year 2012, it launched the latest Ad campaign which complemented the earlier ad,
focusing on friendship – “Jo MeraHai Who TeraHai”, which is again a hit amongst the
viewers and its customers.
Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors of the Company has an optimum mix of Executive and Non-
Executive Directors, which consists of three Executive and fifteen Non-Executive Directors.
The Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal, is an Executive Director
and the number of Independent Directors on the Board is 50% of the total Board strength. The
independence of a Director is determined on the basis that such director does not have any
material pecuniary relationship with the Company, its promoters or its management, which may
affect the independence of the judgment of a Director.The Board members possess requisite
skills, experience and expertise required to take decisions, which are in the best interest of the
Company.The composition of the Board is as under:
 Sunil Bharti Mittal
 Akhil Gupta
 Chua Sock Koong
 N. Kumar
 Ajay Lal
 Craig Ehrlich
 Pulak Prasad
 RakeshBharti Mittal
 Tan Yong Choo
 Evan Mervyn Davies
 RajanBharti Mittal
 HuiWeng Cheong
 NikeshArora
 Salim Ahmed Salim
 Tsun-yanHusieh
 First to launch Cellular service on November 1995.
 First operator to revolutionaries the concept of retailing with the inauguration of Airtel
Connect (exclusive showrooms) in 1995.
 First to introduce push button phone in India.
 First to expand its network with the installation for second mobile switching center in
April, 1997 and the first to introduce the Intelligent Network Platform First to provide
Roaming to its subscribers by forming an association called World 1 Network.
 First to provide roaming facility in USA. Enjoy the mobile roaming across 38 partner
networks & above 700 cities Moreover roam across international destinations in 119
countries including USA, Canada, and UKetc. with 284 partner networks.
 BHARTI announces aggrement with VODAFONE marking the entry of the
World's Largest Telecom Operator into India
 Bharti Enterprises and AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Limited announce Partnership
for a life insurance joint venture in India
 Airtel Launches future factory - Centre’s of Innovation to Incubate Pioneering
Mobile Applications
 16 states, 600 million people. Only India's leading mobile service offers you the truly
'freedom-packed' Prepaid!
 It is also the first company to export its products to the USA.
Bharti Tele-Ventures:
The businesses at Bharti Tele-Ventures have been structured into three individual strategic
units (SBU’s) –
1) mobile services
2) broadband and telephone services (B&T)
3) enterprise services
The Mobile services group provides GSM mobile services across India in 23 telecom circles,
while B&T business group provides broadband & telephone services in 94 cities. The Enterprise
Services group has two sub-units – carriers (long distance services) and services top corporate.
All these services are provided under the Airtel brand.
Bharti Enterprises has been at the forefront of technology and has revolutionized
telecommunications with its world class products and services. Established in 1976, Bharti has
been a pioneering force in the telecom sector with many firsts and innovations to its credit.
Bharti provides a range of telecom services, which include Cellular, Basic, Internetand
recently introduced National Long Distance.Bharti also manufactures and exports telephone
terminals and cordless phones. Apart from being the largest manufacturer of telephone
instruments in India, it is also the first company to export its products to the USA.
Bharti is the leading cellular service provider, with a footprint in 16 states covering all four
metros. It has over 12 million satisfied customers
- Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman, Bharti Tele-Ventures
The company has a strategic alliance with SingTel. And vodafone is also a 4%
shareholder of Bhartiairtelthe investment made by SingTel is one of the largest investments
made in the world outside Singapore, in the company. The company’s mobile network
equipment partners include Ericsson and Nokia. In the case of the broadband and telephone
services and enterprise services (carriers), equipment suppliers include Siemens, Nortel, Corning,
among others. The Company also has an information technology alliance with IBM for its group-
wide information technology requirements and with Nortel for call center technology
requirements. The call center operations for the mobile services have been outsourced to IBM
Daksh, Hinduja TMT, and Teletech&Mphasis.
Vision and Mission:
 By 2015 Airtel will be the most admired brand in India:
 Loved by more customers
 Targeted by top talent
 Benchmarked by more businesses
 To build India's finest business conglomerate by 2020
 Supporting education of underprivileged children through Bharti Foundation
 Strategic Intent:
 To create a conglomerate of the future by bringing about “Big Transformations through
Brave Actions.”
• “We at Airtel always think in fresh and innovative ways about the needs of our
customers and how we want them to feel. We deliver what we promise and go out of our
way to delight the customer with a little bit more”
• We will meet global standards for telecom services that delight customers through:
 Customer Service Focus
 Empowered Employees
 Cost Efficiency
 Unified Messaging Solutions
 Innovative products and services
 Error- free service delivery
group has been structured to create functional and operational specialization with a linear vision
of business lines and functional areas.
The Company is headed by Chairman and Group Managing Director- Sunil Bharti Mittal
who is assisted by two Joint Managing Directors- GopalVittal (India) and ManojKohli
(International). An apex team of Corporate Directors has been constituted. The corporate
directors have supervisory and strategic responsibilities for functional areas across business lines.
The directors oversee functional areas including Business Development, Human Resources,
Marketing, Corporate Communication, IT & Technology, Finance, Legal, Corporate Affairs,
Corporate Strategy & Planning and Supervisory Director cum Chief Mentor - mobility.
The organization structure is designed to ensure that identical businesses are run along
similar lines and best resources in any functional field, be tapped to serve the best interests of the
entire group.The structure also defines the role of the Head of the units who are totally
empowered to manage their respective companies and are fullyresponsible for business
operations to build world-class organizations with a high degree of customer focus.
Product Line and Value Chain
Product Line
 Airtel Broadband
 Airtel Landline
 Airtel 3G
 Airtel Mobile
 Airtel Leased Line
 Airtel Blackberry
 Airtel IPhone
 Airtel Money
 Airtel DTH
Value Chain
Support Activities
Firm Infrastructure:Tower setup, IT infrastructure, Telecom equipment’s, networking stations
and equipment’s, ERP and various software to assist in operations
HR Management:Hiring of IT skilled workforce and telecom operators. Hiring of customer
support personnel and their training program.Expertise in recruiting the retail staff and quality of
their training.Recruiting best in business leaders to take the company forward.
Technology Development:Development of various VAS services. Introduction of mCheck to
enable consumers do mobile commerce. Investing in R & D. Creating and setting up of 3G
network with new licenses coming in.
Procurement:High initial investment required to setup up physical distribution towers and
network stations. Long term contract with third parties are required. Strong Supply Chain
Network is required to enable continuous supply of handsets and SIM cards.
•Finance for
and setup
•Setting up
re in
n with third
and support
required to
of like
music etc.
• Develop and
• Customize
software to
• Develop the
sim cards
• Develop the
• Use the
center to
divert traffic
to mobile or
• Integrate
network to
economies of
& Sales
•Strong SIM
•First mover
of new
services to
match the
•Sales force
on tied to
profit and
about latest
area of
each airtel
for broad
channel for
new outlets
in new
Porters 5 force model
The industry structure has become relatively unfavorable compared to earlier
monopolistic times the earlier pattern used to be that the national telecom company used to own
every segment of the value chain till the international gateway. With liberalization there was
competition in virtually every segment. There are companies that provide local connectivity,
those that function as long distance carriers, and those that provide only gateway links. Some
integrated players operate in all segments. The intensity of competitive pressures across the chain
is reflected in the downward spiral being witnessed in tariffs and prices to customer. The value
chain for cellular mobile service and Internet Service Providers (other than cable based net
connections) is similar in as much as the calls reach the destination through similar local loop,
long distance and international gateway.
Threat from Competition: HIGH
Companies like BSNL, MTNL, Vodafone, TATA, IDEA and Reliance continuously
engage themselves in aggressive marketing and expansion and thus trying to eat into Bharti’s
market share.
Threat from Customers: HIGH
All the major telecom operators provide similar services. Customers can switch easily to
another firm. With number portability a reality further gives them power to dictate. Lower prices
are enjoyed by customers due to severe competition.
Threat from Suppliers: LOW
Threat from
Threat of
Threat of
Long term contracts ensure future supply of handsets and SIM cards. High initial
investments by suppliers mean they are dependent on few telecom operators for revenue, hence
low bargaining power for them. These networks till now cannot be put to other profitable uses.
Many companies are present to provide customer support at lowest prices. Many high end
software making companies compete for telecom software develops thereby pushing the prices
of these software low.
Threat from New Entrants: LOW
Huge initial investments and high gestation period. Highly regulated industry and it is
very dynamic in nature. Low spectrum availability and introduction of new strategies by the
existing firms.
Threat from Substitutes: HIGH
Fixed Line services are on decline. However the internet telephony is catching up giving
telecom operators run for money. Video conferencing, Social Networking websites and Skype is
reducing the need for mobile services. But the use of Broadband, DTH, services provided by the
companies is high and the competition is high among these.
Competitive Analysis:
Vodafone Essar
 Vodafone has given birth to Zoozoo a special character created specifically to convey a
value added service (VAS) offering in each of the newly released commercials.
 Vodafone has come with creative advertising campaign for its various plans.
 This strategy has captured the imagination of millions.
 The strategy is a buzz that lives up to the brand image of great creative and clever
 In the first 10 days of IPL it has reached a cumulative of 89 million people. This is a
wonderful strategy adopted by Vodafone.
 This has helped the company to raise not only its profits through sales but has also
tremendously increased its brand value.
 Vodafone is the main competitor for Airtel with 153 million subscribers.
 Global giant Vodafone holds a strong position in the Indian telecom market. With various
sponsorships and pan-India network, Vodafone is a big telecom player. Also, the
“zoozoo” ad campaigns have revitalized the brand and made these adorable characters as
one of the most prominent marketing campaigns ever.
 Idea Cellular is a wireless telephony company operating in various states in India. The
company has its retail outlets under the "Idea n' U" banner. The company has also been
the first to offer flexible tariff plans for prepaid customers. It also offers GPRS services in
urban areas.
 Presently, operations exist in 11 Service Areas covering Delhi, Maharashtra, Goa,
Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttaranchal, Haryana, UP-
West, Himachal Pradesh, UP-East, Rajasthan and Kerala.
 With a customer base of over 23 million, IDEA Cellular footprint currently covers
approximately 60% of India's telecom population.
 A frontrunner in introducing revolutionary tariff plans; IDEA Cellular has the distinction
of offering the most customer friendly and competitive Pre Paid offerings, for the first
time in India in an increasingly segmented market.
 Customer Service and Innovation are the drivers of this Cellular Brand. A brand known
for their many firsts, Idea is only operator to launch GPRS and EDGE in the country.
Idea has received international recognition for its path-breaking innovations when it won
the GSM Association Award for "Best Billing and Customer Care Solution" for 2
consecutive years.
 Idea cellular has a market share of 122 million subscribers and one of the most prominent
brands of Indian telecom industry are Idea, with a strong backup of the Birla group.
 Idea cellular has become a market leader in various circles and has also been in the lime-
light through Idea Rocks India concert, KaunBanegaCrorpati and IPL team Delhi
Reliance Communications
 The business of Reliance Communications is organized into three strategic customer
facing business units: Wireless, Global, and Broadband. In addition, one of the wholly
owned subsidiaries of Reliance Communications is engaged in the marketing and
distribution of wireless handsets.
 Reliance Communications is one of the leading service provider in Indian telecom market
with 123 million subscribers.
 Reliance Communications have a network spread over 25000 towns and 0.6 mn villages,
and over 190,000 km of optic fiber cable systems. Apart from telecom, the company also
boasts of Reliance Digital Big TV.
Tata Teleservices
 Tata Teleservices Limited (TTSL) is part of the Tata Group of Companies, an Indian
Conglomerate. It runs the brand nameTata Indicom in India in various telecom circles of
 TTSL was the first company to offer CDMA Mobile services in India, specifically in the
state of Andhra Pradesh. Tata is the direct competitor with other operators in India.
 The company provides unified telecommunication solutions including mobile, fixed
wireless, fixed line and broadband. Other competitors like Vodafone, Airtel, Aircel, Idea,
MTNL, and BSNL providing GSM based mobile telephony.
 The company was first in India to provide free intra network calling within city limits.
They launched a unique scheme providing lifetime rental free connectivity on its mobile
and fixed wireless for a one-time charge.
 The telecom services of the Group are offered under the brand name Tata Indicom, and
cover all segments, from retail and enterprise to wholesale and international.
 Tata Indicom offers you a range of products and services like Wireless Internet, Wireless
USB Modem and Mobile Phones so you are always connected.
 Landline Phones Net Telephony Internet & Broadband It has partnered with Motorola,
Ericsson, Lucent and ECI Telecom for the deployment of a reliable, technologically
advanced network. The company, which heralded convergence technologies in the Indian
telecom sector, is today the market leader in the fixed wireless telephony market with a
total customer base of over 3.8 million.
 Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited provides telecommunications services in India. Its
services include wire line and cellular services, as well as other value added services,
such as voice mail service, short message service (SMS), group messaging, national and
international roaming, call forwarding, corporate virtual private network, call
conferencing, friend and family talk, call waiting, and call holding services.
 The company also provides 3G; wireless in local loop (WLL) mobile telephone; Internet;
Web-hosting; Web co-location; SMS and bulk SMS; and broadband services. In addition,
it offers managed network services; multi-protocol label switching based virtual private
network (VPN) services; integrated services digital network (ISDN) services; data
communication services; intelligent network services consisting of toll free phone
service, universal access number, voice VPN, televoting, and virtual calling cards; and
video, audio, and Web conferencing services.
 Further, the company provides fleet management solution comprising eTracK, an on-line
tracking system to manage fleet, such as trucks, car carriers, trailers, tankers, containers,
or vehicles carrying hazardous and specialty explosive chemicals; Inet services for use in
various applications, including electronic mail services, corporate communications,
information retrieval, database services, remote job applications, credit card verifications,
travel reservations, and Internet connectivity; telex/telegraph services; PABX/EPABX
services; and DSPT services, as well as offers VSAT, voice over Internet protocol, and
IN services.
Marketing Strategy
Positioning of the Company vs a Competitors
Purpose of comparison
 The sub main purpose of this report is to compare the marketing strategies adopted by
BhartiAirtel and its rival Vodafone.
 The comparison shows how both of the companies have been challenging each other to
gain market share.
Why comparison with Vodafone
 Airtel is the leader in telecommunication sector.
 Airtel holds the lion share of market of communication sector.
 However, Vodafone has been giving tough competition to Airtel.
 Vodafone is the second largest player and shareholder in telecom sector.
 Since its launch Vodafone has been adopting aggressive marketing strategies.
Brand positioning by Airtel
Market segmentation
 geographical segment (metropolitans & cities India)
 demographical segment – middle income groups
 People age group of 20 – 28 years.
Target marketing
 People who living in cities and towns.
 Poor or middle income group people.
 Youngsters in big cities.
 Businessmen
 Creating brands (Sharukh khan &SachinTendulkar)
 Ads and promotions
 Promotion for study of poor children’s
Marketing mix
 Price: low price strategy
 Place: maximum outlets and service centers
 Product: verities available for various groups
 Promotion: various schemes for pre-paid and post-paid.
Vodafone target the rural India The main targeted customers of Vodafone are from rural
India. By offering cheap and light mobile sets Vodafone attracts most of the customers of small
villages and towns. Offering cheap handsets Vodafone offers cheap and free connections to all
customers. The cost for these sets was Rs-799-849-1099 per set and onward. In every district and
big towns Vodafone opens its service centers to provide better support and services
Strong logistics and supply chain Vodafone has a strong logistic and supply all over
India. In every small town the potential customers can easily purchase the Vodafone SIM & Sets.
Targeting youngsters in metropolitans Vodafone attracts youngsters by offering colorful handset
at very low prices.
Brand Positioning By Vodafone
Market segmentation
 Geographical segment (rural India)
 Demographic segment - middle income groups
Target marketing
 People living in small towns and villages.
 Poor and middle income groups.
 Youngsters in big cities.
 Businessmen
 Creating brands
 Ads and promotions
Marketing mix
 Price : low price strategy
 Place : maximum outlets and service centers
 Product : verities available for various groups
 Promotion: various schemes for pre-paid and post-paid
SWOT Analysis:
 BhartiAirtel has more than 183.61 million subscribers as of Mar13. It is the largest
cellular provider in India, and also supplies broadband and telephone services - as well as
many other telecommunications services to both domestic and corporate customers.
 Other stakeholders in BhartiAirtel include Sony-Ericsson, Nokia - and Sing Tel, with
whom they hold a strategic alliance. This means that the business has access to
knowledge and technology from other parts of the telecommunications world.
 The company has covered the entire Indian nation with its network. This has underpinned
its large and rising customer base.
 Airtel offers the most expansive roaming network. Letting you roam anywhere in India
with its Pan-India presence, and trot across the globe with International Roaming spread
in over 240 networks. The mobile services group provides GSM mobile services across
India in 23 telecom circles, while the B&T business group provides broadband &
telephone services in 92 cities.
 Airtel, the monopoly breaker shattered the Telecom monopoly in the International Long
Distance space with the launch of International Submarine cable Network i2i jointly with
Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. in the year 2002. This has brought a huge value to
the IPLC customers, delivering them an option besides the incumbent carrier, to connect
to the outside world.
 An often cited original weakness is that when the business was started by Sunil Bharti
Mittal over 15 years ago, the business has little knowledge and experience of how a
cellular telephone system actually worked. So the start-up business had to outsource to
industry experts in the field.
 Until recently Airtel did not own its own towers, which was a particular strength of some
of its competitors such as Hutchison Essar. Towers are important if your company wishes
to provide wide coverage nationally.
 The fact that the Airtel has not pulled off a deal with South Africa's MTN could signal
the lack of any real emerging market investment opportunity for the business once the
Indian market has become mature.
 Airtel has tough competition from the operators like BSNL and MTNL as these two
operators are offering services at a low rate.
 Although Airtel have strong Presence throughout the country but still they are far away
from the Indian rural part and generally this part is covered by BSNL so indirectly Airtel
is losing revenue from the rural sector.
 The company possesses a customized version of the Google search engine which will
enhance broadband services to customers. The tie-up with Google can only enhance the
Airtel brand, and also provides advertising opportunities in Indian for Google.
 Global telecommunications and new technology brands see Airtel as a key strategic
player in the Indian market. The new iPhone will be launched in India via an Airtel
distributorship. Another strategic partnership is held with BlackBerry Wireless Solutions.
 Despite being forced to outsource much of its technical operations in the early days, this
allowed Airtel to work from its own blank sheet of paper, and to question industry
approaches and practices - for example replacing the Revenue-Per-Customer model with
a Revenue-Per-Minute model which is better suited to India, as the company moved into
small and remote villages and towns.
 The company is investing in its operation in 120,000 to 160,000 small villages every
year. It sees that less well-off consumers may only be able to afford a few tens of Rupees
per call, and also so that the business benefits are scalable - using its 'Matchbox' strategy.
 BhartiAirtel is embarking on another joint venture with Vodafone Essar and Idea Cellular
to create a new independent tower company called Indus Towers. This new business will
control more than 60% of India's network towers. IPTV is another potential new service
that could underpin the company's long-term strategy.
 Airtel and Vodafone seem to be having an on/off relationship. Vodafone which owned a
5.6% stake in the Airtel business sold it back to Airtel, and instead invested in its rival
Hutchison Essar. Knowledge and technology previously available to Airtel now moves
into the hands of one of its competitors.
 The quickly changing pace of the global telecommunications industry could tempt Airtel
to go along the acquisition trail which may make it vulnerable if the world goes into
recession. Perhaps this was an impact upon the decision not to proceed with talks about
the potential purchase of South Africa's MTN in May 2008. This opened the door for
talks between Reliance Communication's Anil Ambani and MTN, allowing a competing
Indian industrialist to invest in the new emerging African telecommunications market.
 BhartiAirtel could also be the target for the takeover vision of other global
telecommunications players that wish to move into the Indian market.
About Project:
The purpose of this project is to know about the advertising strategies followed by Airtel
Company in order to aware the customers and the consumers about the availability of the
different products of the company in the market and also to increase the sale of the products
likewise the reputation of the company.
Airtel is the most leading and admired brand in Andhra Pradesh with 32.7% market share
of active subscribers, and also with a market share of 28.4% total subscribers. Airtel is providing
the best telecom services with better promotional schemes and with heavy advertisement. The
total subscribers of Airtel in Andhra Pradesh are 18,251,864 (by Mar-13) and the total active
subscribers are 17,713,434(by Mar-13).
As a business begins, one of the major goals of advertising must be to generate awareness
of the business and its products. Once the business' reputation is established and its products are
positioned within the market, the amount of resources used for advertising will decrease as the
consumer develops a kind of loyalty to the product. Ideally, this established and ever-growing
consumer base will eventually aid the company in its efforts to carry their advertising message
out into the market, both through its purchasing actions and its testimonials on behalf of the
product or service.
Essential to this rather abstract process is the development of a "positioning statement,"
as defined by Gerald E. Hills in "Marketing Option and Marketing" in The Portable MBA in
Entrepreneurship: "A 'positioning statement' explains how a company's product (or service) is
differentiated from those of key competitors." With this statement, the business owner turns
intellectual objectives into concrete plans. In addition, this statement acts as the foundation for
the development of a selling proposal, which is composed of the elements that will make up the
advertising message's "copy platform." This platform delineates the images, copy, and art work
that the business owner believes will sell the product.
With these concrete objectives, the following elements of the advertising strategy need to
be considered: target audience, product concept, communication media, and advertising message.
These elements are at the core of an advertising strategy, and are often referred to as the "creative
mix." Again, what most advertisers stress from the beginning is clear planning and flexibility.
And key to these aims is creativity, and the ability to adapt to new market trends. A rigid
advertising strategy often leads to a loss of market share. Therefore, the core elements of the
advertising strategy need to mix in a way that allows the message to envelope the target
consumer, providing ample opportunity for this consumer to become acquainted with the
advertising message.
The target consumer is a complex combination of persons. It includes the person who
ultimately buys the product, as well as those who decide what product will be bought (but don't
physically buy it), and those who influence product purchases, such as children, spouse, and
The purpose of advertising is motivating but to sell something a product, a service or an
AIRTEL. The real objective of advertising is effective communication between producers and
consumers. In other words the ultimate purpose all advertising is “Increased awareness” list of
the following specific objectives of advertising.
 To make on immediate AIRTEL
 To build primary demand
 To introduce a price deal
 To inform about a products availability
 To increase market share
 To help salesman by building on awareness of a product among retailers
 To increase the frequency use of a product
 To build overall company image
 To build brand recognition
Airtel has been the first player in India to offer some niche services like Blackberry,
Caller Tunes, and personalized ringtones and has even attached itself with the biggest
names like Sachin Tendulkar, AR Rahman and Shahrukh Khan to promote the brand.
Airtel has always backed on human relations and emotions in their brand communication
through its advertisements focusing on the emotional content. The brand promotions have come
a long way with its signature tune composed by AR Rahman in the year 2002, to the latest
campaigns inspired by the theme of friendship.
In the 2010, Airtel launched a new signature tune and it even rebranded its logo and
launched the “Dil Jo ChahePaasLaaye” campaign. This initiative was taken to target the
corporate and post-paid subscribers with its new communication.
In 2011, the brand launched the “HarEk Friend ZarooriHotaHai” campaign with a
same signature tune modified to focus on the youth and targeting itself as “The friendship
brand”. The campaign was a huge success with its lively tune. Since then, Airtel’s campaigns
have been inspired by the theme of friendship.
In the year 2012, it launched the latest Ad campaign which complemented the earlier ad,
focusing on friendship – “Jo MeraHai Who TeraHai”, which is again a hit amongst the
viewers and its customers.
In the year 2013
1. Airtel – AdAnalysis Team Lukas Arpit Raj (IM-039) Nakul Patel (IM-092) Vishnu
Sudhakaran (IM-191)
2. • This ad is based on the STP model which explicitly segments the target group i.e. the
youngsters (age group of 18-30yrs). • Ad connects to the youth almost instantaneously• Thus, it
has targeted the age group that uses the maximum voice and data-services.• Airtel is positioning
itself among its audience as a way to connect to and express the human emotions and
relationships. • Even the past ads of Airtel have been emphasizing on same lines as – “Express
Yourself” and “Dil Jo Chahe, Pas Laye ”Airtel – Ad Analysis
3. • This ad focuses on the Airtel as a brand rather than any particular telecom service or product.
• This ad does not target any particular telecom facility but projects itself as a strong medium to
connect to your friends. • This ad simply tells the TG that Airtel as service provider is the best
option they have • This advertise stand out in all telecom ads as it does not directly attack the
competition and focuses on building brand Airtel solely • This ad attempts to strongly position
itself in telecom market as a strong brand-preferenceAirtel – Ad Analysis
4. • “Har Ek Friend Zaroori Hota Hai” talks about how every friend serves a special purpose,
Easy recharge & online bill payment • Proxy
Update FB status• In short, Airtel suits the need of everyone with its plethora of services!Airtel –
Ad Analysis
5. • Although, Airtel Ad is simple and has a potential to stick with people, but… • The message
is hazy – Not everyone can understand the implication of each friend as a service in one view •
The specific services can be seen only after visiting the Airtel website • It doesn’t even highlight
fast-growing services like 3G • While the youth can connect with this ad almost instantaneously,
same is not true for all the age groups; it even misses the business class people which is a
valuable TGAirtel – What we think…
6. • Major competitors for Airtel are – Vodafone, Idea, Reliance and Docomo • Airtel v/s
Vodafone • Unlike Airtel, Vodafone has been segmenting it’s target groups based on services
rather than age group • Super Zoo-zoo for 3G, Game ad for entertainment services and so on. •
Vodafone also focuses on human relations like Airtel to lure in the customers but targets people
from all age group. • Ex. Vodafone’s “Happy to Help” ad • While Airtel’s take on friendship is
“peppy & trendy”, Vodafone is more conventional making a viewer reminisce about his or her
childhood daysAirtel v/s Rest
7. • Moreover Vodafone ad’s have a shortcoming – they are difficult to comprehend for semi-
urban and rural customers • Airtel v/s Idea • Recently Idea ads have largely been focusing on the
3G service which has made it’s ads monotonous • Airtel v/s Reliance • Reliance ads have a touch
of simplicity where they explicitly focus on services provided and is more of 4P oriented
modelAirtel v/s Rest
8. • Airtel v/s Docomo • Docomo ads have been service and customer oriented with a pinch of
humor to them • It’s earlier ads “Keep it simple, silly” have been specifically been targeting on
services and the current “Idli” ad shows it’s dedication towards the customersAirtel v/s Rest.
1. Bharti Airtel: 121.7million (30.86%)
2. Vodafone Essar: 94.1 million (23.87%)
3. IDEA: 59.8million (15.19%)4
4. BSNL: 59.million (15.08%)
5. Aircel: 33.0 million (838%)
6. Reliance Telecom: 15.7million (4.0%)
7. MTNL: 4.6million (1.17%)
8. Loop Mobile: 2.7million (0.9%)
9. Uninor: 2.5million (0.64%
10. STel: 0.5million (0.13%)
Total Users:395.3million
 The customer care were polite and courteous with the customers, and answered all the
 Information regarding price list etc is readily available at the showroom.
 Majority of customers says that the sales consultants are knowledgeable and they able to
answers the queries.
 The majority of the customers experience regarding network r was good & excellent.
 Majority of the customers would like to recommend this network definitely to their
friends & associates.
 Almost every customer felt that they gain some advantage in using airtel network
 Majority of the customers are highly satisfy with overall performance of airtel & still
minor changes can be brought in the car.Most of the customers are satisfied with 2G/3G
the prices charged by airtel .
 Customer’s satisfaction towards organization is to build long term relation & strong value
in them. The organization has been successful in satisfying individual needs of
 The company should work towards building customers lifetime value enhances customer
 Placing knowledgeable and technical sales people who are able to provide complete
information to the customers as their enquiry would be of greater advantage to the
 The firm should work towards proper value of recharge where customers get value for
his product.
 Attention should be paid on addressing all the small and minute problems and queries in
the customer care division.
 Communicate. Whether it is anemail newsletter, monthly flier, a reminder card for a tune up, or
a holidaygreetingcard,reachoutto your steadycustomers.
 Customer Service. Go the extra distance and meet customer needs. Train the staff to do the
same. aboutthose products Customersrememberbeingtreatedwell.
 Employee Loyalty. Loyalty works from the top down. If you are loyal to your employees, they
will feel positivelyabouttheirjobsandpassthat loyaltyalongtoyour customers.
 Employee Training. Train employees in the manner that you want them to interact with
customers.Empoweremployeestomake decisionsthatbenefitthe customer.
 Product Awareness. Know what your steady patrons purchase and keep these items in stock.
Add other products and/or services that accompany or compliment the products that your
regular customers buy regularly. And make sure that your staff understands everything they can
aboutyour products.
 Reliability. If you say a purchase will arrive on Wednesday, deliver it on Wednesday. Be reliable.
If something goes wrong, let customers know immediately and compensate them for their
 Be Flexible. Try to solve customer problems or complaints to the best of your ability. Excuses —
such as "That's our policy" — will lose more customersthensettingthe store onfire..
 People over Technology. The harder it is for a customer to speak to a human being when he or
she has a problem,the lesslikelyitisthatyouwill see thatcustomeragain.
 The firm should work towards bridging the gap between the customer’s expectations
before purchase and customers satisfaction after the usage of the product.
Based on study conducted on customer Satisfaction it has been concluded that in order to
improve the satisfaction level, a company has to come up with different plans and creative
technique. Hence, it has been further concluded that to satisfy customer plays a vital role in
providing accurate services by reaching their expectations and by maintaining good relations
with the customer which satisfies their needs and wants.
In addition to suggestions and findings, this study also provides several scopes for further
research, which will be addressed in the following paragraphs:
(1) While the customer loyalty model validated in this study possesses good power for
explaining repurchase intentions and referral behavior, only partial explanation of the construct
of additional purchase intentions is achieved. As stated before, factors not contained in the model
such as strategic outsourcing considerations can be assumed to affect the intention of customers
to outsource additional logistics activities to the currently most important LSP. For this reason,
future studies should explore additional determinants of this loyalty dimension.
(2) Measurement model assessment revealed that the operationalization of fairness in this
study does not achieve sufficient discriminance from other constructs, especially from trust and
relational satisfaction. As there is a strong theoretical indication that fairness is important in
customer loyalty considerations, further studies should modify fairness’ measurement model, e.g.
by more strongly recurring to the concept of inequity.
(3) Within this study, four relational characteristics were examined. In addition, analyses
were conducted for a multitude of other contingency factors that are not included in the present
study. Overall, however, no conclusive moderations were identified. Nevertheless, it may be
assumed that customer diversity still has moderating effects on the formation of customer
loyalty. The determinants contained in this study, however, capture rather general evaluations of
relationships between Airtel and their customers, which may be too broad to be subject to
moderating effects. For this reason it would be sensible to examine antecedents of the employed
determinants, as moderating effects could surface when this level of detail is added to the
o Times of India
o The Hindu
S.NO Title ofbook Author Edition Publishers
1 Marketing Management Dr.S.L.Varshney
Third Sulthan Chand
and sons
2 Marketing Management Philip Kotler and
Thirteenth Pearson

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Customer satisfaction on airtel

  • 1. 1 ABSTRACT Customer satisfaction depends on a product’s perceived performance in delivering value relative to a buyer’s expectations. If the product’s performance falls short of the customer’s expectations, the buyer is dissatisfied. If performance matches expectations, the buyer is satisfied. If performance exceeds expectations, the buyer is delighted. Outstanding marketing companies go out of their way to keep their customers satisfied. Satisfied customers make repeat purchases, and they tell others about their good experiences with the product. The key is to match customer expectations with company performance. Smart companies aim to delight customers by promising only what they can deliver, then delivering more than they promise. Customer expectations are based on past buying experiences, the opinions of friends, and marketer and competitor information and promises. Marketers must be careful to set the right level of expectations. If they set expectations too low, they may satisfy those who buy but fail to attract enough buyers. If they raise expectations too high, buyers will be disappointed. Today’s most successful companies are raising expectations- and delivering performance to match. These companies embrace total customer satisfaction. Thus, the marketer must continue to generate more customer value and satisfaction but not “give away the house”.
  • 2. 2 CONTENTS PAGE NO. CHAPTER-1Introduction 04 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Need 1.3 Objectives 1.4 Scope 1.5 Limitations CHAPTER-2Literature Review 08 CHAPTER- 3 Industry and Company profile 16 3.1 company profile 3.2 branding strategy 3.3 achievements 3.4 vision and mission 3.5 company structure CHAPTER-4 Industry Analysis 25 4.1 porter model 4.2 competitive analysis 4.3 SWOT analysis 4.4 Advertising CHAPTER-5Findings and Conclusion 39 5.1 Findings 5.2 Suggestions 5.3 Conclusion Bibliography
  • 4. 4 Introduction: Whether the buyer is satisfied after purchase depends on the offer performance in relation to the buyer’s expectations. Satisfaction is a person feeling of pleasure or disappointments resulting from comparing a product perceive performance or outcome in relation to his/her expectation. As this definition makes clear, satisfaction is function perceive performance and expectations. If the performance falls short of expectations the customer is dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectation the customer is satisfied. If the performance exceeds expectation the customer is highly dissatisfied. Many companies are aiming for high satisfaction because customers who are just satisfied still find easy to switch when a better offer comes along. Those who are highly satisfied are much less ready to switch. High satisfaction or delight creates an emotional bond with the bond, not just a rational preference. The result is high customer loyalty. Senior management believes that a very satisfied that a very satisfied or delighted customer is worth ten times as much to the company as a satisfied customer. A very satisfied customer is likely to stay in company for many more years and by more than a satisfied customer will. Buyers form their expectations from past buying experience, friends and associates, advice marketers & competitor information and promises. If marketer raises expectations too high, the buyer is likely to be disappointed. Some of today’s most successful companies are raising expectations and delivering performance to match. These companies are aiming for TCS (Total Customer Satisfaction). Some companies guarantee total customer satisfaction and will replace at its expense any dissatisfied customer’s equipment within period of many years after purchase. For customers centered companies, customer satisfaction is both a goal and a marketing too. Companies that achieve high customer satisfaction rating make sure that the target market knows it. Study shows that although customers are dissatisfied with one out of every four purchases, less than 5% of dissatisfied customers will complain. Most customers will by less or switch suppliers. Complaints levels are thus not a good measure of customer’s satisfaction. Responsiveness companies measure customer satisfaction directly by conducting periodic surveys. They sent questionnaire or make telephone calls to random sample of recent customers. They also solicit buyer’s view on their competitor’s performance.
  • 5. 5 While collecting customers satisfaction data kit is also useful it ask additional questions to measure repurchase intention, this will normally by high if the customers satisfaction is high, it is also useful to measure the likelihood or willingness to recommend the company and the brand to others. High positive word-of-mouth score indicates that the company is Producing high customer’s satisfaction. When customers rate their satisfaction with the element of company’s performance like delivery. The company needs to recognize that customer vary in how they define good delivery. It could mean early delivery on time delivery, order completeness and so on. Yet if the company had to spell out every element in detail customers would face huge questionnaire the company must also realize that customers can report being satisfied for different reasons. One may be easily satisfied most of the time and other might be hard to please, but was pleased on this occasion. Company should also note that managers and sales people could manipulate customer’s satisfactions rating. They can especially nice to customers just before the survey. They can also try to exclude Un-happy customers from the survey. Another danger is that if the customer knew that the company would go out it way to lease customers. Some express high dissatisfaction (even if satisfied). In order to receive more concessions. Some companies navigate all these pit falls to reach their customers value and satisfaction goals. We call these companies high- performance business. Customers satisfaction depends on the products perceive performance in delivery value relative to buyer’s expectations. If the product performance falls short of customer expectations, the buyer is satisfied. Outstanding marketing companies go out of their way tokeep their customer satisfied. Satisfied customer may report purchase and they tell us about their good experience with the product. The key being to match customer’s expectations with company performance. Smart companies aim to delight customers by promising only what they can deliver then delivering more than they promise. Customer’s satisfaction is closely linked to quality in recent years. Many companies have adopted Total Quality Management (TQM) programs, designs to constantly improve quality of their products, service & marketing processes. Quality has an impact on product performance and hence on customer satisfaction.
  • 6. 6 Need of study: With the recent influx of different brands in today’s Mobile network segment each striving to satisfy customers with the end results of maintaining loyalty, at present service as such have become necessity but not a nicety. Keeping in mind curriculum requirement & organizational requirement the study has been conducted to find out customer satisfaction towards Airtel. However, due to time constraints an in-depth study could not be undertaken. Objectivesof study: 1.The board objective of the study is to know the consumer behavior in the Light of various factors governing preferences decision regarding various aspects before purchasing a Mobile Networks. 2. To find customer satisfaction level during sales process. 3. Toknow about the posts sales satisfaction using different factors. Like To Find out the overall experience of the customers with reference to Airtel 4. To know which factors are considered by the consumers before They Purchase any Mobile Connection. 5. Toknow the promptness of the service deliveries made to customers. 6. To find out the most preferred media of communication and then to analyze the advertisement campaign in terms of media effectives. Scope of study: The geographical scope of study is confined to the city of Hyderabad. The various customers were met to find out their perception towards the various elements that satisfies the customer. Limitation of study: 1. The study could not be conducted on a large sample size and area because of time constraint. 2. The number of sample size is respondents and the study is confined Only to the Hyderabad confined limits. 3. The study is time bound & would be applicable to the current Findings of the study.
  • 8. 8 This chapter attempts to review different literatures on customer satisfaction with reference to Automobile industry and presents various studies made regarding the issues related with hotel industry and customer satisfaction. Customer – Definitions Paul S. Goldner (2006)1 defines, “…a customer is any organization or individual with which you have done business over the past twelve months”. Grigoroudis, E and Siskos, Y (2009)2 provide definition for ‘customer’ upon two approaches: With reference to loyalty, “A customer is the person that assesses the quality of the offered products and services” and on process oriented approach, “the customer is the person or group that receives the work output” (p.9). “Customer means the party to which the goods are to be supplied or service rendered by the supplier”.3 Customer Satisfaction – Definitions Satisfaction has been broadly defined by Vavra, T.G. (1997) as a satisfactory post-purchase experience with a product or service given an existing purchase expectation.4 Howard and Sheth (1969)5 define satisfaction as, “The buyer’s cognitive state of being adequately or inadequately rewarded for the sacrifices he has undergone” (p.145). According to Westbrook and Reilly (1983)6 , customer satisfaction is “an emotional response to the experiences provided by, associated with particular products or services purchased, retail outlets, or even molar patterns of behaviour such as shopping and buyer behaviour, as well as the overall market place” (p.256). Oliver (1981)7 put forward a definition as, “the summary psychological state resulting when the emotion surrounding disconfirmed expectations is coupled with the consumers’ prior feelings about the consumption experience” (p.27). The definition offered by Hunt (1977)8 is “an evaluation rendered that the (consumption) experience was at least as good as it was supposed to be” (p.459). Customer/consumer satisfaction is “an evaluation that the chosen alternative is consistent with prior beliefs with respect to that alternative” – Definition by Engel and
  • 9. 9 Blackwell (1982)9 (p.501). Tse and Wilton (1988)10 define as, “the consumer’s response to the evaluation of the perceived discrepancy between prior expectations (or some other norm of performance) and the actual performance of the product/service as perceived after its consumption” (p.204). Berry and Parasuraman (1991)11 argue that since customers’ satisfaction is influenced by the availability of customer services, the provision of quality customer service has become a major concern of all businesses. Customer satisfaction is typically defined as a post consumption evaluative judgement concerning a specific product or service.12 It is the result of an evaluative process that contrasts pre- purchase expectations with perceptions of performance during and after the consumption experience.13 Oliver (1981)14 defines customer satisfaction as a customer’s emotional response to the use of a product or service. Anton (1996)15 offers more elaboration: “customer satisfaction as a state of mind in which the customer’s needs, wants and expectations throughout the product or service life have been met or exceeded, resulting in subsequent repurchase and loyalty” Merchant Account Glossary points out that, “Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction will very from person to person and produce/service to produce/service.....”16 Schiffman and Kanuk (2004)17 defines customer satisfaction as “The individual’s perception of the performance of the product or service in relation to his or her expectations”. Woodruff and Gardian (1996)18 define “Satisfaction, then, is the evaluation or feeling that results from the disconfirmation process. It is not the comparison itself (i.e., the disconfirmation process), but it is the customer’s response to the comparison. Satisfaction has an emotional component.” According to Hung (1977), “…. satisfaction is a kind of stepping away from an experience and evaluating it … One could have a pleasurable experience that caused dissatisfaction because even though it was pleasurable, it wasn’t as pleasurable as it was supposed to be. So satisfaction / dissatisfaction isn’t an emotion, it’s the evaluation of the emotion”.19 Oliver (1977)20 defines “Satisfaction is the consumer’s fulfilment response. It is a judgment that a product or service feature, or the product of service itself, provided (or is providing) a pleasurable level of consumption- related fulfilment, including levels of under- or over-fulfilment”. Some of the definitions available from web are compiled below: “Customer
  • 10. 10 satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation”.21 “Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and product/service to product/service”.22 “Comparison of expectations versus perception of experience”.23 “A customer’s perception of the degree to which their requirements have been fulfilled.”24 According to Business Dictionary, customer satisfaction is, “Degree of satisfaction provided by the goods or services of a firm as measured by the number of repeat customers.”25 These definitions suggest that an evaluative process is an important element underlying customer satisfaction.26 Hotel Industry – Definitions Peter Jones and Andrew Lockwood (2002)27 provide a simple definition for hotel as, “an operation that provides accommodation and ancillary services to people away from home.” According to Dictionary of American History28 “The primary purpose of hotels is to provide travellers with shelter, food, refreshment, and similar services and goods, offering on a commercial basis things that are customarily furnished within households but unavailable to people on a journey away from home”. Hotel industry is a large and highly diverse industry that includes a wide range of property styles, uses and qualities.29 Peter Jones and Andrew Lockwood (2002) defines a hotel as “a, usually large, house run for the purpose of giving travellers food, lodging etc.” Further add, “an operation that provides accommodation and ancillary services to people away from home.” 30 O’Fallon and Rutherford (2010)31 , in “Hotel Management and Operations” define “hospitality is the cordial and generous reception and entertainment of guests or strangers, Eithersocially or commercially” (p.178). The building Code of the City of New York defines, “A hotel shall be taken to mean and include every building, or part there of intended, designed or used for supplying food and shelter to residents or guests, and having a general public dining-room or a cafe, or both and containing also more than sleeping rooms.32 Peyton, R.M at (2003)33 in their working paper submitted at the Allied Academies International Conference presented a comprehensive review of the literature on various Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction (CS/D) theories proposed.
  • 11. 11 The literatures are specifically prior to the 1990s. This review focuses on the major components of the decision-making process, also addresses the measurement-related issues relevant to this body of literature. The paper analyses four theories under the umbrella of consistency theory viz. assimilation theory, contrast theory, assimilation- contrast theory, and negative theory. In addition to presenting a review of theoretical bases of the research in the area of consumer satisfaction, the paper also addresses the major elements of the most widely accepted models of Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction. The authors argue that even though the satisfaction construct has been defined in a number of ways, satisfaction has been defined in terms of need fulfilment, pleasure/displeasure, cognitive state, attribute or benefit evaluation, and subjective evaluation of experience by many researchers. The review concludes, “however, while researchers have used a number of different definitions for satisfaction, they generally agree that satisfaction involved a set of inter-related variables rather than a single variable” (p.44). Vavra, T.G. (1997)34 in his book suggests specific programmes to improve the measurement of customer satisfaction in an organization. The author describes five Critical skills required for this task viz. sampling/customer-participant selection, questionnaire design, interviewing/survey administration, data analysis, and quality function deployment-building action plans. The author argue that to extend the understanding of the exact relationships preceding and following the formation of satisfaction, a model of satisfaction would be very helpful. The model proposed has three stages: antecedents, the satisfaction formation process, and consequences. Prior experience is claimed to be the most important antecedent of satisfaction, since it serves as a memory bank of all previous experiences. The satisfaction process is claimed to encapsulate a comparison of expectations with perceived performance. Expectations are defined as the sum of beliefs about the levels of attributes possessed or offered by the product or service. In the model presented, the concept of desires is adopted as an influencing factor on the formation of expectations. The behavioural consequence of customer retention is claimed to be at best an intermediate sign that has not immediately alienated a customer. The author further classifies the ‘performance’ of a product or service as ‘objective’ and ‘perceived’. To expound the behaviour of satisfaction as a phenomenon graphical representation is used. Five theories of satisfaction from social psychology have been discussed viz. Assimilation- Contrast Theory, Contrast Theory, Dissonance Theory, Generalized Negativity, and Hypothesis Testing. The author has summarized the consequences for satisfaction for all these five theories and presented in a tabulation form for easy comparison. The working paper by Silvia Figini and Paolo Giudici (2002)35 study the possible methods to obtain data to measure customer satisfaction, the possibilities of methods to analyze the collected data, explain methodological proposal based on discrete graphical models and a novel theoretical proposal to mixture different types of customer data information, statistical analysis of sample dataset, and in the final chapter present the conclusions. Present two possible novel approach to analyze customer satisfaction data. The authors suggest that web could be the first contact for
  • 12. 12 collection of customer satisfaction data and this method facilitates continuous monitoring the opinion of the visitors to the site. The second contact method identified is telephone and/or mail/email but this method is found to have low response rates. Finally face-to-face interview option is explained as the intimacy can be used to communicate care and concern to customers, but argue that this method may have the disadvantage that customers may be more reluctant to criticise or speak negatively about the program in a face-to-face interview than in an Internet, mail, or telephone survey. While explaining measuring the level of satisfaction, the authors opine since it can be difficult to obtain an exact agreement between the customers’ opinion and the numerical value stated, using a limited scale it would be feasible to allow for a small approximation error. Further classify concepts that are not directly measurable as ‘latent variables’ and variables that can be directly measured are called ‘manifest variables’. The paper proposes five levels of opinions for the customers viz. ‘very unsatisfied, moderately unsatisfied, neutral, moderately satisfied, and very satisfied. Willard Hom (2000)36 presents two broadly classified customer satisfaction models viz. Macro-models, which place the customer satisfaction among a set of related constructs in marketing research and Micro-models, which theorize the elements of customer satisfaction. The paper also gives various models of customer satisfaction from the perspective of the marketing research discipline. The concepts viz. value, quality, complaining behavior , and loyalty are labelled as ‘macro-models’ The Marketing research literature presented in this study extensively covers the elements that make up the concept of customer satisfaction viz. disconfirmation of expectations, equity, attribution, affect, and regret. These attributes are grouped under ‘micro-model’. According to the author the macro-model underlies perceived performance, comparison standards, perceived disconfirmation, satisfaction feeling, and outcomes of satisfaction feelings. Further substantiates that this model highlights the concept of value as a driving force in produce choice and satisfaction relationship to it as a brief psychological reaction to a component of a value chain. Under the Micro-model the author lists seven models viz. Expectations disconfirmation model, (2) PerceivedPerformance model, Norms models, (4) Multiple process models, (5) Attribution model, (6)Affective models, and (7) Equity models. This paper has covered a vast pool of marketing research in customer satisfaction and simplified the presentation by grouping under macro-level and micro-levels. The study by Alex M. Susskind (2002)37examines how the nature of service failure together with the restaurant’s service-recovery effort influences customers’ intentions to return to the restaurant and their subsequent word- of-mouth communication regarding the incident and the restaurant. The study shows how word-of-mouth communication materializes from service experiences. The author argues that the consumers evaluate the components of service viz. food, service, and ambience rather than as a total
  • 13. 13 picture, and the customers form an opinion for each item individually. Word- of-mouth communication, it is argued, which relates both positive and negative evaluations of service encounters, has been shown to influenced. other people’s purchase behavior . In that sense, word-of-mouth communications, which are positive, may emerge from customers, who are satisfied with the services – where as negative word-of-mouth communication emerges from customers who have experienced dissatisfying experiences or encounters. It is also pointed out that dissatisfied customers spread their dissatisfaction through word-of-mouth communication about their bad experience and dissatisfaction to others than the satisfied customers. The study also examines the level of complaints regarding service failure and remedies: Minor service failures may solicit smaller remedies – where as remedies like offering free food, discounts or coupons, or the manager’s intervention are seen as corrections involving a high degree. Further argues that the degree of correction is not the only element, which influences consumers’ perceptions of the recovery process. Also it is found that negative aspects have a great influence than the positive attributes on the customers’ overall assessment. When consumers complain about service, they eventually form a judgment, consequently uncorrected service failures create increased dissatisfaction i.e. degree of level of correction is direction proportional to the customers level of satisfaction.
  • 15. 15 COMPANY PROFILE Airtel India Profile Type : Public Industry : Telecommunications Founded : New Delhi, NTC, India Founder(s) : Sunil Bharti Mittal Headquarters : New Delhi, NTC, India Area served : South Asia, Africa and the Channel Islands Key people : Sunil Bharti Mittal Products : Fixed line and mobile telephony, Broadband and Fixed line internet services, digital television and IPTV Employees : 21,300(Nov12) Subsidiaries : Airtel Africa Airtel Digital TV Airtel Sri Lanka Airtel Bangladesh
  • 16. 16 BhartiAirtel Limited, commonly known as Airtel, is an Indian multinational telecommunications Services Company headquartered at New Delhi, India. It operates in 20 countries across South Asia, Africa and the Channel Islands. Airtel has GSM network in all countries in which it operates, providing 2G, 3G and 4G services depending upon the country of operation. Airtel is the world’s third largest mobile telecommunications company with over 271 million subscribers across 150 countries as of March 31, 2013. It is the largest cellular service provider in India, with 183.61 million subscribers as of Nov-2012. Airtel is the third largest in- country mobile operator by subscriber base, behind China Mobile and China Unicom. Airtel is the largest provider of mobile telephony and second largest provider of fixed telephony in India, and is also a provider of broadband and subscription television services. It offers Indian telecom services under the airtel brand, and is headed by Sunil Bharti Mittal. BhartiAirtel is the first Indian telecom service provider to achieve Cisco gold certification. It also acts as a carrier for national and international long distance communication services. The company has a submarine cable landing station at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable connecting Chennai and Singapore. Airtel is credited with pioneering the business strategy of outsourcing all of its business operations except marketing, sales and finance and building the ‘minutes factory’ model of low cost and high volumes. The strategy has since been copied by several operators. Its network-base stations, microwave links, etc. is maintained by Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Network whereas business support is provided by IBM, and transmission towers are maintained by another company (BhartiInfratel Ltd. in India). Ericsson agreed for the first time to be paid by the minute for installation and maintenance of their equipment rather than being paid front, which allowed Airtel to provide low call rates of Rs.1/min. During the financial year (2009-10), Bharti negotiated for its strategic partner Alcatel-Lucent to manage the network infrastructure for the tele-media business. On 31 may 2012, BhartiAirtel awarded the three-year contract to Alcatel- Lucent for setting up an internet protocol access network across the country. This would help consumer’s access internet at faster speed and high quality internet browsing on mobile handsets. Airtel Branding Strategy Airtel has been the first player in India to offer some niche services like Blackberry, Caller Tunes, and personalized ringtones and has even attached itself with the biggest names like Sachin Tendulkar, AR Rahman and Shahrukh Khan to promote the brand. Airtel has always backed on human relations and emotions in their brand communication through its advertisements focusing on the emotional content. The brand promotions have come a long way with its signature tune composed by AR Rahman in the year 2002, to the latest campaigns inspired by the theme of friendship.
  • 17. 17 In the 2010, Airtel launched a new signature tune and it even rebranded its logo and launched the “Dil Jo ChahePaasLaaye” campaign. This initiative was taken to target the corporate and post-paid subscribers with its new communication. In 2011, the brand launched the “HarEk Friend ZarooriHotaHai” campaign with a same signature tune modified to focus on the youth and targeting itself as “The friendship brand”. The campaign was a huge success with its lively tune. Since then, Airtel’s campaigns have been inspired by the theme of friendship. In the year 2012, it launched the latest Ad campaign which complemented the earlier ad, focusing on friendship – “Jo MeraHai Who TeraHai”, which is again a hit amongst the viewers and its customers. Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Company has an optimum mix of Executive and Non- Executive Directors, which consists of three Executive and fifteen Non-Executive Directors. The Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal, is an Executive Director and the number of Independent Directors on the Board is 50% of the total Board strength. The independence of a Director is determined on the basis that such director does not have any material pecuniary relationship with the Company, its promoters or its management, which may affect the independence of the judgment of a Director.The Board members possess requisite skills, experience and expertise required to take decisions, which are in the best interest of the Company.The composition of the Board is as under:  Sunil Bharti Mittal  Akhil Gupta  Chua Sock Koong  N. Kumar  Ajay Lal  Craig Ehrlich  Pulak Prasad  RakeshBharti Mittal  Tan Yong Choo  Evan Mervyn Davies  RajanBharti Mittal  HuiWeng Cheong  NikeshArora  Salim Ahmed Salim  Tsun-yanHusieh
  • 18. 18 ACHIEVEMENTS:  First to launch Cellular service on November 1995.  First operator to revolutionaries the concept of retailing with the inauguration of Airtel Connect (exclusive showrooms) in 1995.  First to introduce push button phone in India.  First to expand its network with the installation for second mobile switching center in April, 1997 and the first to introduce the Intelligent Network Platform First to provide Roaming to its subscribers by forming an association called World 1 Network.  First to provide roaming facility in USA. Enjoy the mobile roaming across 38 partner networks & above 700 cities Moreover roam across international destinations in 119 countries including USA, Canada, and UKetc. with 284 partner networks.  BHARTI announces aggrement with VODAFONE marking the entry of the World's Largest Telecom Operator into India  Bharti Enterprises and AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Limited announce Partnership for a life insurance joint venture in India  Airtel Launches future factory - Centre’s of Innovation to Incubate Pioneering Mobile Applications  16 states, 600 million people. Only India's leading mobile service offers you the truly 'freedom-packed' Prepaid!  It is also the first company to export its products to the USA. Bharti Tele-Ventures: The businesses at Bharti Tele-Ventures have been structured into three individual strategic units (SBU’s) – 1) mobile services 2) broadband and telephone services (B&T) 3) enterprise services The Mobile services group provides GSM mobile services across India in 23 telecom circles, while B&T business group provides broadband & telephone services in 94 cities. The Enterprise Services group has two sub-units – carriers (long distance services) and services top corporate. All these services are provided under the Airtel brand.
  • 19. 19 Bharti Enterprises has been at the forefront of technology and has revolutionized telecommunications with its world class products and services. Established in 1976, Bharti has been a pioneering force in the telecom sector with many firsts and innovations to its credit. Bharti provides a range of telecom services, which include Cellular, Basic, Internetand recently introduced National Long Distance.Bharti also manufactures and exports telephone terminals and cordless phones. Apart from being the largest manufacturer of telephone instruments in India, it is also the first company to export its products to the USA. Bharti is the leading cellular service provider, with a footprint in 16 states covering all four metros. It has over 12 million satisfied customers - Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman, Bharti Tele-Ventures Promoters The company has a strategic alliance with SingTel. And vodafone is also a 4% shareholder of Bhartiairtelthe investment made by SingTel is one of the largest investments made in the world outside Singapore, in the company. The company’s mobile network equipment partners include Ericsson and Nokia. In the case of the broadband and telephone services and enterprise services (carriers), equipment suppliers include Siemens, Nortel, Corning, among others. The Company also has an information technology alliance with IBM for its group- wide information technology requirements and with Nortel for call center technology requirements. The call center operations for the mobile services have been outsourced to IBM Daksh, Hinduja TMT, and Teletech&Mphasis. Vision and Mission: Vision  By 2015 Airtel will be the most admired brand in India:  Loved by more customers  Targeted by top talent  Benchmarked by more businesses  To build India's finest business conglomerate by 2020  Supporting education of underprivileged children through Bharti Foundation  Strategic Intent:
  • 20. 20  To create a conglomerate of the future by bringing about “Big Transformations through Brave Actions.” Mission • “We at Airtel always think in fresh and innovative ways about the needs of our customers and how we want them to feel. We deliver what we promise and go out of our way to delight the customer with a little bit more” • We will meet global standards for telecom services that delight customers through:  Customer Service Focus  Empowered Employees  Cost Efficiency  Unified Messaging Solutions  Innovative products and services  Error- free service delivery Organizationstructure The group has been structured to create functional and operational specialization with a linear vision of business lines and functional areas. The Company is headed by Chairman and Group Managing Director- Sunil Bharti Mittal who is assisted by two Joint Managing Directors- GopalVittal (India) and ManojKohli (International). An apex team of Corporate Directors has been constituted. The corporate directors have supervisory and strategic responsibilities for functional areas across business lines.
  • 21. 21 The directors oversee functional areas including Business Development, Human Resources, Marketing, Corporate Communication, IT & Technology, Finance, Legal, Corporate Affairs, Corporate Strategy & Planning and Supervisory Director cum Chief Mentor - mobility. The organization structure is designed to ensure that identical businesses are run along similar lines and best resources in any functional field, be tapped to serve the best interests of the entire group.The structure also defines the role of the Head of the units who are totally empowered to manage their respective companies and are fullyresponsible for business operations to build world-class organizations with a high degree of customer focus. Product Line and Value Chain Product Line  Airtel Broadband  Airtel Landline  Airtel 3G  Airtel Mobile  Airtel Leased Line  Airtel Blackberry  Airtel IPhone  Airtel Money  Airtel DTH
  • 22. 22 Value Chain Support Activities Firm Infrastructure:Tower setup, IT infrastructure, Telecom equipment’s, networking stations and equipment’s, ERP and various software to assist in operations HR Management:Hiring of IT skilled workforce and telecom operators. Hiring of customer support personnel and their training program.Expertise in recruiting the retail staff and quality of their training.Recruiting best in business leaders to take the company forward. Technology Development:Development of various VAS services. Introduction of mCheck to enable consumers do mobile commerce. Investing in R & D. Creating and setting up of 3G network with new licenses coming in. Procurement:High initial investment required to setup up physical distribution towers and network stations. Long term contract with third parties are required. Strong Supply Chain Network is required to enable continuous supply of handsets and SIM cards. Input •Operation Licenses •Finance for operations and setup of infrastructu re •Setting up Network infrastructu re in collaboratio n with third party •Software and support required to operatethe Mobile telephony •Value added content providers of like games, music etc. Operation s • Develop and expandthe infrastructure • Customize software to requirement • Develop the sim cards • Develop the network substations • Use the Mobile serives switching center to divert traffic to mobile or fixedsystems • Integrate various network to achieve economies of scale Output •Broad Band Services •Fixed Line Services •GSM Services •VAS •DTH Marketing & Sales •Strong SIM distribution channel •First mover in developing better products •Introducion of new services to match the customer preferences •Innovative advertising campagins •Sales force compensati on tied to profit and not revenues •Customer awareness about latest technology Services •Coverage area of each airtel outlet •Customer Support •Technical assistance for broad band services •Duplicate Sim availability •Strong supplier channel for repairable parts •Opening new outlets in new circles
  • 24. 24 Porters 5 force model The industry structure has become relatively unfavorable compared to earlier monopolistic times the earlier pattern used to be that the national telecom company used to own every segment of the value chain till the international gateway. With liberalization there was competition in virtually every segment. There are companies that provide local connectivity, those that function as long distance carriers, and those that provide only gateway links. Some integrated players operate in all segments. The intensity of competitive pressures across the chain is reflected in the downward spiral being witnessed in tariffs and prices to customer. The value chain for cellular mobile service and Internet Service Providers (other than cable based net connections) is similar in as much as the calls reach the destination through similar local loop, long distance and international gateway. Threat from Competition: HIGH Companies like BSNL, MTNL, Vodafone, TATA, IDEA and Reliance continuously engage themselves in aggressive marketing and expansion and thus trying to eat into Bharti’s market share. Threat from Customers: HIGH All the major telecom operators provide similar services. Customers can switch easily to another firm. With number portability a reality further gives them power to dictate. Lower prices are enjoyed by customers due to severe competition. Threat from Suppliers: LOW Threat from Competition Customer Bargaining Power Threat of Substitutes Supplier Bargaining Power Threat of New Entrants
  • 25. 25 Long term contracts ensure future supply of handsets and SIM cards. High initial investments by suppliers mean they are dependent on few telecom operators for revenue, hence low bargaining power for them. These networks till now cannot be put to other profitable uses. Many companies are present to provide customer support at lowest prices. Many high end software making companies compete for telecom software develops thereby pushing the prices of these software low. Threat from New Entrants: LOW Huge initial investments and high gestation period. Highly regulated industry and it is very dynamic in nature. Low spectrum availability and introduction of new strategies by the existing firms. Threat from Substitutes: HIGH Fixed Line services are on decline. However the internet telephony is catching up giving telecom operators run for money. Video conferencing, Social Networking websites and Skype is reducing the need for mobile services. But the use of Broadband, DTH, services provided by the companies is high and the competition is high among these. Competitive Analysis: Vodafone Essar  Vodafone has given birth to Zoozoo a special character created specifically to convey a value added service (VAS) offering in each of the newly released commercials.  Vodafone has come with creative advertising campaign for its various plans.  This strategy has captured the imagination of millions.  The strategy is a buzz that lives up to the brand image of great creative and clever marketing.  In the first 10 days of IPL it has reached a cumulative of 89 million people. This is a wonderful strategy adopted by Vodafone.
  • 26. 26  This has helped the company to raise not only its profits through sales but has also tremendously increased its brand value.  Vodafone is the main competitor for Airtel with 153 million subscribers.  Global giant Vodafone holds a strong position in the Indian telecom market. With various sponsorships and pan-India network, Vodafone is a big telecom player. Also, the “zoozoo” ad campaigns have revitalized the brand and made these adorable characters as one of the most prominent marketing campaigns ever. IDEA CELLULAR  Idea Cellular is a wireless telephony company operating in various states in India. The company has its retail outlets under the "Idea n' U" banner. The company has also been the first to offer flexible tariff plans for prepaid customers. It also offers GPRS services in urban areas.  Presently, operations exist in 11 Service Areas covering Delhi, Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttaranchal, Haryana, UP- West, Himachal Pradesh, UP-East, Rajasthan and Kerala.  With a customer base of over 23 million, IDEA Cellular footprint currently covers approximately 60% of India's telecom population.  A frontrunner in introducing revolutionary tariff plans; IDEA Cellular has the distinction of offering the most customer friendly and competitive Pre Paid offerings, for the first time in India in an increasingly segmented market.  Customer Service and Innovation are the drivers of this Cellular Brand. A brand known for their many firsts, Idea is only operator to launch GPRS and EDGE in the country. Idea has received international recognition for its path-breaking innovations when it won the GSM Association Award for "Best Billing and Customer Care Solution" for 2 consecutive years.  Idea cellular has a market share of 122 million subscribers and one of the most prominent brands of Indian telecom industry are Idea, with a strong backup of the Birla group.
  • 27. 27  Idea cellular has become a market leader in various circles and has also been in the lime- light through Idea Rocks India concert, KaunBanegaCrorpati and IPL team Delhi Daredevils. Reliance Communications  The business of Reliance Communications is organized into three strategic customer facing business units: Wireless, Global, and Broadband. In addition, one of the wholly owned subsidiaries of Reliance Communications is engaged in the marketing and distribution of wireless handsets.  Reliance Communications is one of the leading service provider in Indian telecom market with 123 million subscribers.  Reliance Communications have a network spread over 25000 towns and 0.6 mn villages, and over 190,000 km of optic fiber cable systems. Apart from telecom, the company also boasts of Reliance Digital Big TV. Tata Teleservices
  • 28. 28  Tata Teleservices Limited (TTSL) is part of the Tata Group of Companies, an Indian Conglomerate. It runs the brand nameTata Indicom in India in various telecom circles of India.  TTSL was the first company to offer CDMA Mobile services in India, specifically in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Tata is the direct competitor with other operators in India.  The company provides unified telecommunication solutions including mobile, fixed wireless, fixed line and broadband. Other competitors like Vodafone, Airtel, Aircel, Idea, MTNL, and BSNL providing GSM based mobile telephony.  The company was first in India to provide free intra network calling within city limits. They launched a unique scheme providing lifetime rental free connectivity on its mobile and fixed wireless for a one-time charge.  The telecom services of the Group are offered under the brand name Tata Indicom, and cover all segments, from retail and enterprise to wholesale and international.  Tata Indicom offers you a range of products and services like Wireless Internet, Wireless USB Modem and Mobile Phones so you are always connected.  Landline Phones Net Telephony Internet & Broadband It has partnered with Motorola, Ericsson, Lucent and ECI Telecom for the deployment of a reliable, technologically advanced network. The company, which heralded convergence technologies in the Indian telecom sector, is today the market leader in the fixed wireless telephony market with a total customer base of over 3.8 million. BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LTD  Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited provides telecommunications services in India. Its services include wire line and cellular services, as well as other value added services, such as voice mail service, short message service (SMS), group messaging, national and international roaming, call forwarding, corporate virtual private network, call conferencing, friend and family talk, call waiting, and call holding services.  The company also provides 3G; wireless in local loop (WLL) mobile telephone; Internet; Web-hosting; Web co-location; SMS and bulk SMS; and broadband services. In addition, it offers managed network services; multi-protocol label switching based virtual private network (VPN) services; integrated services digital network (ISDN) services; data
  • 29. 29 communication services; intelligent network services consisting of toll free phone service, universal access number, voice VPN, televoting, and virtual calling cards; and video, audio, and Web conferencing services.  Further, the company provides fleet management solution comprising eTracK, an on-line tracking system to manage fleet, such as trucks, car carriers, trailers, tankers, containers, or vehicles carrying hazardous and specialty explosive chemicals; Inet services for use in various applications, including electronic mail services, corporate communications, information retrieval, database services, remote job applications, credit card verifications, travel reservations, and Internet connectivity; telex/telegraph services; PABX/EPABX services; and DSPT services, as well as offers VSAT, voice over Internet protocol, and IN services. Marketing Strategy Positioning of the Company vs a Competitors Purpose of comparison  The sub main purpose of this report is to compare the marketing strategies adopted by BhartiAirtel and its rival Vodafone.  The comparison shows how both of the companies have been challenging each other to gain market share. Why comparison with Vodafone  Airtel is the leader in telecommunication sector.  Airtel holds the lion share of market of communication sector.  However, Vodafone has been giving tough competition to Airtel.  Vodafone is the second largest player and shareholder in telecom sector.  Since its launch Vodafone has been adopting aggressive marketing strategies. Brand positioning by Airtel Market segmentation  geographical segment (metropolitans & cities India)  demographical segment – middle income groups  People age group of 20 – 28 years. Target marketing  People who living in cities and towns.  Poor or middle income group people.
  • 30. 30  Youngsters in big cities.  Businessmen Positioning  Creating brands (Sharukh khan &SachinTendulkar)  Ads and promotions  Promotion for study of poor children’s Marketing mix  Price: low price strategy  Place: maximum outlets and service centers  Product: verities available for various groups  Promotion: various schemes for pre-paid and post-paid. Vodafone: Vodafone target the rural India The main targeted customers of Vodafone are from rural India. By offering cheap and light mobile sets Vodafone attracts most of the customers of small villages and towns. Offering cheap handsets Vodafone offers cheap and free connections to all customers. The cost for these sets was Rs-799-849-1099 per set and onward. In every district and big towns Vodafone opens its service centers to provide better support and services Strong logistics and supply chain Vodafone has a strong logistic and supply all over India. In every small town the potential customers can easily purchase the Vodafone SIM & Sets. Targeting youngsters in metropolitans Vodafone attracts youngsters by offering colorful handset at very low prices. Brand Positioning By Vodafone Market segmentation  Geographical segment (rural India)  Demographic segment - middle income groups Target marketing  People living in small towns and villages.  Poor and middle income groups.  Youngsters in big cities.  Businessmen Positioning  Creating brands  Ads and promotions Marketing mix  Price : low price strategy
  • 31. 31  Place : maximum outlets and service centers  Product : verities available for various groups  Promotion: various schemes for pre-paid and post-paid SWOT Analysis: Strengths  BhartiAirtel has more than 183.61 million subscribers as of Mar13. It is the largest cellular provider in India, and also supplies broadband and telephone services - as well as many other telecommunications services to both domestic and corporate customers.  Other stakeholders in BhartiAirtel include Sony-Ericsson, Nokia - and Sing Tel, with whom they hold a strategic alliance. This means that the business has access to knowledge and technology from other parts of the telecommunications world.  The company has covered the entire Indian nation with its network. This has underpinned its large and rising customer base.  Airtel offers the most expansive roaming network. Letting you roam anywhere in India with its Pan-India presence, and trot across the globe with International Roaming spread in over 240 networks. The mobile services group provides GSM mobile services across India in 23 telecom circles, while the B&T business group provides broadband & telephone services in 92 cities.  Airtel, the monopoly breaker shattered the Telecom monopoly in the International Long Distance space with the launch of International Submarine cable Network i2i jointly with Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. in the year 2002. This has brought a huge value to the IPLC customers, delivering them an option besides the incumbent carrier, to connect to the outside world. Weaknesses  An often cited original weakness is that when the business was started by Sunil Bharti Mittal over 15 years ago, the business has little knowledge and experience of how a cellular telephone system actually worked. So the start-up business had to outsource to industry experts in the field.  Until recently Airtel did not own its own towers, which was a particular strength of some of its competitors such as Hutchison Essar. Towers are important if your company wishes to provide wide coverage nationally.
  • 32. 32  The fact that the Airtel has not pulled off a deal with South Africa's MTN could signal the lack of any real emerging market investment opportunity for the business once the Indian market has become mature.  Airtel has tough competition from the operators like BSNL and MTNL as these two operators are offering services at a low rate.  Although Airtel have strong Presence throughout the country but still they are far away from the Indian rural part and generally this part is covered by BSNL so indirectly Airtel is losing revenue from the rural sector. Opportunities  The company possesses a customized version of the Google search engine which will enhance broadband services to customers. The tie-up with Google can only enhance the Airtel brand, and also provides advertising opportunities in Indian for Google.  Global telecommunications and new technology brands see Airtel as a key strategic player in the Indian market. The new iPhone will be launched in India via an Airtel distributorship. Another strategic partnership is held with BlackBerry Wireless Solutions.  Despite being forced to outsource much of its technical operations in the early days, this allowed Airtel to work from its own blank sheet of paper, and to question industry approaches and practices - for example replacing the Revenue-Per-Customer model with a Revenue-Per-Minute model which is better suited to India, as the company moved into small and remote villages and towns.  The company is investing in its operation in 120,000 to 160,000 small villages every year. It sees that less well-off consumers may only be able to afford a few tens of Rupees per call, and also so that the business benefits are scalable - using its 'Matchbox' strategy.  BhartiAirtel is embarking on another joint venture with Vodafone Essar and Idea Cellular to create a new independent tower company called Indus Towers. This new business will control more than 60% of India's network towers. IPTV is another potential new service that could underpin the company's long-term strategy. Threats  Airtel and Vodafone seem to be having an on/off relationship. Vodafone which owned a 5.6% stake in the Airtel business sold it back to Airtel, and instead invested in its rival Hutchison Essar. Knowledge and technology previously available to Airtel now moves into the hands of one of its competitors.  The quickly changing pace of the global telecommunications industry could tempt Airtel to go along the acquisition trail which may make it vulnerable if the world goes into recession. Perhaps this was an impact upon the decision not to proceed with talks about the potential purchase of South Africa's MTN in May 2008. This opened the door for
  • 33. 33 talks between Reliance Communication's Anil Ambani and MTN, allowing a competing Indian industrialist to invest in the new emerging African telecommunications market.  BhartiAirtel could also be the target for the takeover vision of other global telecommunications players that wish to move into the Indian market. About Project: The purpose of this project is to know about the advertising strategies followed by Airtel Company in order to aware the customers and the consumers about the availability of the different products of the company in the market and also to increase the sale of the products likewise the reputation of the company. Airtel is the most leading and admired brand in Andhra Pradesh with 32.7% market share of active subscribers, and also with a market share of 28.4% total subscribers. Airtel is providing the best telecom services with better promotional schemes and with heavy advertisement. The total subscribers of Airtel in Andhra Pradesh are 18,251,864 (by Mar-13) and the total active subscribers are 17,713,434(by Mar-13). ADVERTISING: As a business begins, one of the major goals of advertising must be to generate awareness of the business and its products. Once the business' reputation is established and its products are positioned within the market, the amount of resources used for advertising will decrease as the consumer develops a kind of loyalty to the product. Ideally, this established and ever-growing consumer base will eventually aid the company in its efforts to carry their advertising message out into the market, both through its purchasing actions and its testimonials on behalf of the product or service. Essential to this rather abstract process is the development of a "positioning statement," as defined by Gerald E. Hills in "Marketing Option and Marketing" in The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship: "A 'positioning statement' explains how a company's product (or service) is differentiated from those of key competitors." With this statement, the business owner turns intellectual objectives into concrete plans. In addition, this statement acts as the foundation for the development of a selling proposal, which is composed of the elements that will make up the advertising message's "copy platform." This platform delineates the images, copy, and art work that the business owner believes will sell the product. With these concrete objectives, the following elements of the advertising strategy need to be considered: target audience, product concept, communication media, and advertising message. These elements are at the core of an advertising strategy, and are often referred to as the "creative
  • 34. 34 mix." Again, what most advertisers stress from the beginning is clear planning and flexibility. And key to these aims is creativity, and the ability to adapt to new market trends. A rigid advertising strategy often leads to a loss of market share. Therefore, the core elements of the advertising strategy need to mix in a way that allows the message to envelope the target consumer, providing ample opportunity for this consumer to become acquainted with the advertising message. The target consumer is a complex combination of persons. It includes the person who ultimately buys the product, as well as those who decide what product will be bought (but don't physically buy it), and those who influence product purchases, such as children, spouse, and friends. IMPORTANCE OF ADVERTISING: The purpose of advertising is motivating but to sell something a product, a service or an AIRTEL. The real objective of advertising is effective communication between producers and consumers. In other words the ultimate purpose all advertising is “Increased awareness” list of the following specific objectives of advertising.  To make on immediate AIRTEL  To build primary demand  To introduce a price deal  To inform about a products availability  To increase market share  To help salesman by building on awareness of a product among retailers  To increase the frequency use of a product  To build overall company image  To build brand recognition Airtel has been the first player in India to offer some niche services like Blackberry, Caller Tunes, and personalized ringtones and has even attached itself with the biggest names like Sachin Tendulkar, AR Rahman and Shahrukh Khan to promote the brand. Airtel has always backed on human relations and emotions in their brand communication through its advertisements focusing on the emotional content. The brand promotions have come a long way with its signature tune composed by AR Rahman in the year 2002, to the latest campaigns inspired by the theme of friendship. In the 2010, Airtel launched a new signature tune and it even rebranded its logo and launched the “Dil Jo ChahePaasLaaye” campaign. This initiative was taken to target the corporate and post-paid subscribers with its new communication.
  • 35. 35 In 2011, the brand launched the “HarEk Friend ZarooriHotaHai” campaign with a same signature tune modified to focus on the youth and targeting itself as “The friendship brand”. The campaign was a huge success with its lively tune. Since then, Airtel’s campaigns have been inspired by the theme of friendship. In the year 2012, it launched the latest Ad campaign which complemented the earlier ad, focusing on friendship – “Jo MeraHai Who TeraHai”, which is again a hit amongst the viewers and its customers. In the year 2013 1. Airtel – AdAnalysis Team Lukas Arpit Raj (IM-039) Nakul Patel (IM-092) Vishnu Sudhakaran (IM-191) 2. • This ad is based on the STP model which explicitly segments the target group i.e. the youngsters (age group of 18-30yrs). • Ad connects to the youth almost instantaneously• Thus, it has targeted the age group that uses the maximum voice and data-services.• Airtel is positioning itself among its audience as a way to connect to and express the human emotions and relationships. • Even the past ads of Airtel have been emphasizing on same lines as – “Express Yourself” and “Dil Jo Chahe, Pas Laye ”Airtel – Ad Analysis 3. • This ad focuses on the Airtel as a brand rather than any particular telecom service or product. • This ad does not target any particular telecom facility but projects itself as a strong medium to connect to your friends. • This ad simply tells the TG that Airtel as service provider is the best option they have • This advertise stand out in all telecom ads as it does not directly attack the competition and focuses on building brand Airtel solely • This ad attempts to strongly position itself in telecom market as a strong brand-preferenceAirtel – Ad Analysis 4. • “Har Ek Friend Zaroori Hota Hai” talks about how every friend serves a special purpose, Easy recharge & online bill payment • Proxy Update FB status• In short, Airtel suits the need of everyone with its plethora of services!Airtel – Ad Analysis
  • 36. 36 5. • Although, Airtel Ad is simple and has a potential to stick with people, but… • The message is hazy – Not everyone can understand the implication of each friend as a service in one view • The specific services can be seen only after visiting the Airtel website • It doesn’t even highlight fast-growing services like 3G • While the youth can connect with this ad almost instantaneously, same is not true for all the age groups; it even misses the business class people which is a valuable TGAirtel – What we think… 6. • Major competitors for Airtel are – Vodafone, Idea, Reliance and Docomo • Airtel v/s Vodafone • Unlike Airtel, Vodafone has been segmenting it’s target groups based on services rather than age group • Super Zoo-zoo for 3G, Game ad for entertainment services and so on. • Vodafone also focuses on human relations like Airtel to lure in the customers but targets people from all age group. • Ex. Vodafone’s “Happy to Help” ad • While Airtel’s take on friendship is “peppy & trendy”, Vodafone is more conventional making a viewer reminisce about his or her childhood daysAirtel v/s Rest 7. • Moreover Vodafone ad’s have a shortcoming – they are difficult to comprehend for semi- urban and rural customers • Airtel v/s Idea • Recently Idea ads have largely been focusing on the 3G service which has made it’s ads monotonous • Airtel v/s Reliance • Reliance ads have a touch of simplicity where they explicitly focus on services provided and is more of 4P oriented modelAirtel v/s Rest 8. • Airtel v/s Docomo • Docomo ads have been service and customer oriented with a pinch of humor to them • It’s earlier ads “Keep it simple, silly” have been specifically been targeting on services and the current “Idli” ad shows it’s dedication towards the customersAirtel v/s Rest. GSMMOBILEMARKETSHAREIN INDIA- 1. Bharti Airtel: 121.7million (30.86%) 2. Vodafone Essar: 94.1 million (23.87%) 3. IDEA: 59.8million (15.19%)4 4. BSNL: 59.million (15.08%)
  • 37. 37 5. Aircel: 33.0 million (838%) 6. Reliance Telecom: 15.7million (4.0%) 7. MTNL: 4.6million (1.17%) 8. Loop Mobile: 2.7million (0.9%) 9. Uninor: 2.5million (0.64% 10. STel: 0.5million (0.13%) Total Users:395.3million
  • 39. 39 Findings:  The customer care were polite and courteous with the customers, and answered all the queries.  Information regarding price list etc is readily available at the showroom.  Majority of customers says that the sales consultants are knowledgeable and they able to answers the queries.  The majority of the customers experience regarding network r was good & excellent.  Majority of the customers would like to recommend this network definitely to their friends & associates.  Almost every customer felt that they gain some advantage in using airtel network  Majority of the customers are highly satisfy with overall performance of airtel & still minor changes can be brought in the car.Most of the customers are satisfied with 2G/3G the prices charged by airtel .  Customer’s satisfaction towards organization is to build long term relation & strong value in them. The organization has been successful in satisfying individual needs of customers. Suggestions:  The company should work towards building customers lifetime value enhances customer relationship.  Placing knowledgeable and technical sales people who are able to provide complete information to the customers as their enquiry would be of greater advantage to the company.  The firm should work towards proper value of recharge where customers get value for his product.  Attention should be paid on addressing all the small and minute problems and queries in the customer care division.  Communicate. Whether it is anemail newsletter, monthly flier, a reminder card for a tune up, or a holidaygreetingcard,reachoutto your steadycustomers.  Customer Service. Go the extra distance and meet customer needs. Train the staff to do the same. aboutthose products Customersrememberbeingtreatedwell.
  • 40. 40  Employee Loyalty. Loyalty works from the top down. If you are loyal to your employees, they will feel positivelyabouttheirjobsandpassthat loyaltyalongtoyour customers.  Employee Training. Train employees in the manner that you want them to interact with customers.Empoweremployeestomake decisionsthatbenefitthe customer.  Product Awareness. Know what your steady patrons purchase and keep these items in stock. Add other products and/or services that accompany or compliment the products that your regular customers buy regularly. And make sure that your staff understands everything they can aboutyour products.  Reliability. If you say a purchase will arrive on Wednesday, deliver it on Wednesday. Be reliable. If something goes wrong, let customers know immediately and compensate them for their inconvenience.  Be Flexible. Try to solve customer problems or complaints to the best of your ability. Excuses — such as "That's our policy" — will lose more customersthensettingthe store onfire..  People over Technology. The harder it is for a customer to speak to a human being when he or she has a problem,the lesslikelyitisthatyouwill see thatcustomeragain.  The firm should work towards bridging the gap between the customer’s expectations before purchase and customers satisfaction after the usage of the product. Conclusion: Based on study conducted on customer Satisfaction it has been concluded that in order to improve the satisfaction level, a company has to come up with different plans and creative technique. Hence, it has been further concluded that to satisfy customer plays a vital role in providing accurate services by reaching their expectations and by maintaining good relations with the customer which satisfies their needs and wants. In addition to suggestions and findings, this study also provides several scopes for further research, which will be addressed in the following paragraphs: (1) While the customer loyalty model validated in this study possesses good power for explaining repurchase intentions and referral behavior, only partial explanation of the construct of additional purchase intentions is achieved. As stated before, factors not contained in the model
  • 41. 41 such as strategic outsourcing considerations can be assumed to affect the intention of customers to outsource additional logistics activities to the currently most important LSP. For this reason, future studies should explore additional determinants of this loyalty dimension. (2) Measurement model assessment revealed that the operationalization of fairness in this study does not achieve sufficient discriminance from other constructs, especially from trust and relational satisfaction. As there is a strong theoretical indication that fairness is important in customer loyalty considerations, further studies should modify fairness’ measurement model, e.g. by more strongly recurring to the concept of inequity. (3) Within this study, four relational characteristics were examined. In addition, analyses were conducted for a multitude of other contingency factors that are not included in the present study. Overall, however, no conclusive moderations were identified. Nevertheless, it may be assumed that customer diversity still has moderating effects on the formation of customer loyalty. The determinants contained in this study, however, capture rather general evaluations of relationships between Airtel and their customers, which may be too broad to be subject to moderating effects. For this reason it would be sensible to examine antecedents of the employed determinants, as moderating effects could surface when this level of detail is added to the analyses.
  • 42. 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY WEBSITES: o o NEWSPAPERS: o Times of India o The Hindu BOOKS: S.NO Title ofbook Author Edition Publishers 1 Marketing Management Dr.S.L.Varshney Dr.R.L.Guptha Third Sulthan Chand and sons 2 Marketing Management Philip Kotler and Keller Thirteenth Pearson