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Econ. Rafael Correa Delgado
President of the Republic of Ecuador
               Registro Oficial™
       Quito, wednesday, december 29th, 2010
                                     # 351
     Supplement # 351.
Code of Production
     Code of Production                                                                                                                                                                                              Code of Production
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Code of Production

                          SUMMARY:                                       NATIONAL ASSEMBLY                           That Article 283 of The Constitution of the Republic       That Article 320 of our Constitution establishes
                                                                                                                     of Ecuador establishes that the economic system is         that production in any of its forms will be subject
    NATIONAL ASSEMBLY                                       CERTIFICATION.                                           social and supportive; recognises a human being            to principles and quality standards, sustainability,
                                                            In my condition of Secretary General of the National     as the individual and the aim; tends towards a             systemic production, to giving value to work and
                           CODE:                            Assembly, I certify that the the Project of Law-         dynamic and balanced relationship between society,         economic and social efficiency;
                                                            ORGANIC CODE OF PRODUCTION, COMMERCE                     State and market, in harmony with Nature; and
      - Organic Code of Production, Commerce and            AND INVESTMENT, was discussed and approved               has as objective guaranteeing the production and           That in Article 334 of the Constitution of the Republic
        Investment.                                         in the following dates:                                  reproduction of the pertinent conditions that make         of Ecuador dictates that the State should promote
                                                                                                                     possible the well-living;                                  equitable access to the components of production,
                   NATIONAL ASSEMBLY                        FIRST DEBATE:                    04-Nov-2010                                                                        evading concentration or stockpiling of elements
                                                            SECOND DEBATE:                   16-Nov-2010             That Article 284, of The Constitution of the Republic of   and resources for and of production, redistribution
    Of. No. SAN-010-2038                                    PARTIAL OBJECTION:               16-Dic-2010             Ecuador establishes the objectives of the economic         and suppression of privileges or inequalities of
    December 22nd, 2010                                                                                              policy, amongst which are included the stimulation         access to them;
                                                            Quito, December 21st, 2010                               of national production, systemic productivity and
    Engineer                                                Dr. Francisco Vergara O., Secretary General.             competitiveness, the accumulation of scientific and        That Article 335 of the Constitution of the Republic
    Hugo Del Pozo                                                                                                    technological knowledge, the strategic insertion           determines that the State shall regulate, control
    DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRY                                                                                in the world’s economy and the complementary               and intervene whenever needed, in interchanges
    In your office.                                               COMPLETE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY                         productive activities in regional integration;             and economic transactions; and will sanction
                                                                                                                                                                                exploitation,    usury,     stockpiling,  speculative
    Mr. President:                                                             THE PLENARY                           That numerals 1, 2 and 3 of Article 285 of The             simulation, intervention of goods and services,
                                                                                                                     Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador prescribe          as well as any form of detriment to the economic
    The NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, in accordance to the             Bearing in mind:                                         as objects of fiscal policy: 1) the financing of           rights and to the public and communal goods. Also
    attributions that the Constitution of the Republic of                                                            services, investments and public properties; 2) the        determines that the State shall define a price policy
    Ecuador and the Organic Law of the Legislature,         That numerals 2, 15, 16, 17, 26 and 27 of Article        redistribution of income through transferences,            directed to the protection of national production;
    discussed and approved the Project of the               66 of The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador,       duties and adequate subsidies; 3) the generation           shall establish the mechanisms for punishment to
    ORGANIC CODE OF PRODUCTION, COMMERCE                    establish Constitutional guarantees for persons,         of incentives for investment in different sectors of       prevent the practice of private monopoly or oligopoly,
    AND INVESTMENT.                                         said guarantees require a normative that regulates       the economy, and for the production of sociably            or of abuse of market dominance and other disloyal
                                                            its practice;                                            desirable and environmentally responsible goods            competition practices;
    In the session of 16th of December 2010, the                                                                     and services;
    Plenum of the National Assembly was aware of and        That, in accordance with numeral 2 of Article 133                                                                   That Article 336 of the Constitution of the Republic
    pronounced itself on the partial objection presented    of The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, the      That Article 304 of The Constitution of the Republic       of Ecuador imposes on the State the duty of
    by the Constitutional President of the Republic of      organic laws have to regulate the exercise of the        of Ecuador establishes the objectives of the               encouraging and keeping vigilance for fair trade as
    Ecuador.                                                Constitutional rights and guarantees as the ones         commercial policy; amongst which are included              a means of accessing to quality goods and services,
                                                            determined on the above item;                            developing, strengthening and making dynamic               promoting the reduction of intermediation distortions
    By what has been stated, and as determined                                                                       the internal markets of the strategic objective            and promoting its sustainability, thus assuring
    Article 138 of the Organic Law of the Legislature,      That numeral 2 of Article 276 of The Constitution        established in the National Development Plan;              market transparency and efficiency, through the
    we submit the original and certified copy of the        of the Republic of Ecuador establishes that the                                                                     encouragement of competition in equality of
    text of the approved Project of Law, as well as the     economic system has among its objectives the             That article 306 of The Constitution of the Republic       circumstances and opportunities;
    certification of the dates of its discussion for its    building of a fair, democratic, productive, supportive   of Ecuador mandates the State’s obligation for
    publication on the Official Registry.                   and sustainable economic system, based on the            promoting environmentally responsible exports,             That article 304, numeral 6, of the Constitution
                                                            equitable distribution of the benefits of progress,      preferring those that generate more employment             of the Republic of Ecuador establishes that the
    Respectfully, signed) Dr. Francisco Vergara O.,         of the means for production and the creation of          and added value, and in particular those exports           economic policy shall have as its goal the avoidance
    Secretary General.                                      dignified and stable work;                               from small and intermediate producers and from             of monopoly and oligopoly practices, especially in
                                                                                                                     the artisan sector;                                        the private sector, and any others that might affect
                                                            That numeral 5 of Article 281 of The Constitution                                                                   the functioning of the markets;
                                                            of the Republic of Ecuador, establishes the              That Article 319 of the Magna Carta recognises
                                                            responsibilities of the State in order to attain         diverse production organisation forms in the economy,      That in virtue of the faculties conferred under
                                                            alimentary sovereignty, responsibilities among           amongst others the community, cooperative, public          Executive Decree 103, published in the Official
                                                            which it is included the establishment of preferential   or private enterprise, associative, family, domestic,      Registry Supplement No. 26 from February
                                                            financing mechanisms for the small and mid-size          autonomous and mixed, so that it will encourage            22nd, 2007, and the Secretary for National
                                                            producers, aiding them in the acquisition of means       the production that will satisfy internal demand and       Planning has made and set in motion the
                                                            for production;                                          guarantee an active participation of Ecuador in the        National Plan for Well-Living which considers that,
                                                                                                                     international context;

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    in face of the indicators of migration unemployment          In the same manner, it shall be ruled by principles        employment that contribute to value all forms        o. The encouragement and diversification of
    and poverty, an economic revolution that leads               that allow an international strategic linkup, through      of work and that abide with the labour rights of        exports;
    to a reactivation of production, generation of               commercial policy, including its instruments for           workers.
    employment becomes necessary, thus making us a               application and those that facilitate external                                                                  p. The expediting of foreign trade operations;
    society of owners and producers which overcomes              commerce through a modern, transparent and              e. The generation of an integral system for
    the present system of social exclusion; in face of           efficient customs system.                                  innovation and enterprise, so that science and       q. The advancement of activities of popular,
    that, a proposal is made to democratise the means                                                                       technology generate a change of the productive          supportive and communitarian economy, as
    for production as “a necessary condition to promote          Art. 2. - Productive Activity. - The Productive            matrix, and in helping build a society of owners,       well as the worldwide strategic insertion and
    equality and cohesion from the perspective of                Activity shall be considered as the process through        producers and entrepreneurs;                            promotion of its productive offer, in accordance
    integral territorial development, which promotes an          which human activity transforms supplies into                                                                      with the Constitution and the Law;
    economically social and supportive system”;                  licit goods and services, socially necessary and        f. The guaranteeing of the exercise of rights of the
                                                                 environmentally sustainable, including commercial           people to have access, use, and enjoyment of        r. The incorporation in all production policies, as a
    That Objective number 11 of the National Plan for            and any other activities that generate added value.         the goods and services in equality, optimum             transversal element, of the view of gender and
    Well-Living, published in the Supplement of the                                                                          quality and in harmony with Nature;                     of the view of inclusion of economical activities
    Official Registry Nº 144 of March 5th, 2010, is “            Art.3. - Purpose. - The present code has as its                                                                     of all people and nationalities;
    to establish an economic social system that has              objective regulating the productive process on its      g. The enticement and regulation of all forms
    solidarity and sustainability”; and, in conformity with      stages of manufacture, distribution, interchange,          of private investment in productive activities       s. The boosting of mechanisms that shall allow fair
    the attributions and competence of the National              trade, consuming, handling of externalities and            and sociably desirable and environmentally               trade and a transparent market; and,
    Assembly, and of exercising its Constitutional               productive investments leaning towards the                 acceptable services;
    faculties issues the following:                              execution of the Plan for Well-Living.                                                                          t. The encouragement and support for industrial
                                                                 This normative also seeks to generate and               h. The regulation of productive investment in               and scientific research, as well as for innovation
    De conformidad a las atribuciones y competencias             consolidate the regulations that boost, move               strategic sectors of the economy, in keeping             and technological transfer.
    de la Asamblea Nacional, y en ejercicio de sus               forward and incentivise production with more               with the National Plan for Development;
    facultades constitucionales expide el siguiente:             value added; seeks to establish the conditions
                                                                 for increasing productivity and for promoting the       i. The promotion of technical and professional
             ORGANIC CODE OF PRODUCTION,                         transformation of the productive matrix; seeks              labour and civil competences, which shall allow
               COMMERCE AND INVESTMENT                           to aid in the implementation of instruments for             that everyone will obtain results of the change;
                                                                 productive, fair, ecologically efficient development
                      PRELIMINARY TITLE                          and sustainable in the care of Nature.                  j. The strengthening of state control to assure that
                                                                                                                             productive activities will not be affected by the
    Of the Objective and Scope of its Application                Art. 4. - Ends. - This legislation has as its main          abuse of market share, like monopolistic and
                                                                 ends the following:                                         oligopolistic practices, and in general all those
    Art. 1. - Scope. - All natural persons, legal entities                                                                   that will affect the functioning of the market;
    and other forms of association that perform a                a. The Transformation of the Productive Matrix,
    productive activity, in any part of the National                so that it shall have more added value, shall        k. The stimulation of the country’s productive
    Territory, shall be guided by the present normative.            boost services, shall be based on knowledge             development through a view of systemic
                                                                    and innovation, as well as on sustainable and           competitiveness, with an integral vision,
                                                                    ecologically efficient environs.                        which shall include territorial development and
    The scope of said normative shall include in its                                                                        shall articulate in a coordinating fashion the
    application the productive process as a whole,               b. The Democratization of access of the means              macroeconomic targets, the basic principles
    starting with making good use of the elements                   for production, with special emphasis on micro,         and patterns of society’s growth, the actions of
    for production, the productive transformation,                  small, and intermediate businesses, as well as          the producers and enterprises, and the judicial-
    the distribution and commercial exchange, the                   the democratization of the actors of the popular        institutional environs;
    consuming, the taking advantage of positive                     and supportive economy.
    externalities and policies that discourage negative                                                                  l. The impulse of productive growth in zones of
    externalities. As well it shall encourage at the             c. The Fostering of national production, trade and          lesser economic expansion;
    national level all productive activities in all its levels      sustainable spending of goods and services,
    of development; shall encourage the actors of                   with social and environmental responsibility, as     m. The establishment of the fundamental principles
    the popular and supportive economy, as well as                  well as fostering its commercialisation and the         and instruments for articulation of Ecuador’s
    encourage the production of goods and services                  use of new environmentally clean technologies           international commercial policy;
    done by the various forms of association for                    and alternative energy.
    production in the economy, recognised by the                                                                         n. The promotion of the strategic substitution of
    National Constitution.                                       d. The   Generation    of   quality   and   dignified      imports;

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     BOOK I                                                   e. The implementing of a political policy at the          Chapter II                                                TITLE II
                                                                 service of the development of all productive           Institutionalise Productive Development
     PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT,                                     parties of the country in particular; of the parties                                                             The Productive Sector.
     MECHANISMS AND PUBLIC BODY OF                               of popular and supportive economies, and of            Art. 6.- Sector Councils.- It belongs to the
     COMPETENCE                                                  the micro, small and mid size enterprises, and         Executive the definition of the policies pertaining       The Promotion of Dignified Productive Work
                                                                 guaranteeing food and energetic sovereignty            to productive development and the promoting
     TITLE I
                                                                 as well as economies of scale, fair trade and its      of investments through the Sector Council of              Art. 8. - Honourable Salary. - The monthly
     Productive Development and its Institutionalise             strategic establishing in the world;                   Production, which shall be constituted and shall          Honourable Salary shall be that which will cover
                                                                                                                        function according to what is established in the          the basic needs of a worker as well as of his/her
                                                              f. The deepening of access to financing al all            Regulations of this Code, framing its directives          family, and shall be according to the Basic Family
     Chapter I                                                   productive actors, through adequate incentives         within the National System of Planning.                   Basket cost, divided by the number of recipients at
     The role of the State in the Production                     and the regulation of the private, public and the                                                                home. The cost of the Basic Family Basket and the
     Development                                                 popular and supportive financial system, as well       This body shall have a Technical Secretary’s Office       number of recipients at home, shall be determined
                                                                 as the encouragement and development of                that shall be under the Ministry that presides over       by the official ruling agency of Statistical and
     Art. 5.- Role of the State.- The State shall                public banking destined to the developmental           the Sector Council of Production and which duties         National Census of the country, on an annual base,
     encourage productive development and change                 service of the country;                                shall be the ones established in this Code and in         which shall help as the basis for determining of
     of the production matrix, through determining                                                                      the rules. This Secretary’s Office shall have the         the established Honourable Salary, decided by the
     of policies and defining and implementing                g. The betterment of the productivity of all parties      necessary technical areas for designing public            Ministry of Labour Relations.
     instruments and incentives that shall leave behind          of the common and supportive economy and               policies and a policies program for productive
     the specialised pattern of dependency of primary            of the micro, small and mid size enterprises,          fostering and investment, amongst others linked to        Art. 9.- Components of the Honourable Salary.-
     products of low added value.                                so as to participate in the internal market,           the productive sector.                                    The following components shall be added, only
                                                                 and eventually reach economies of scale and                                                                      and exclusively for the purpose of calculation, to
     For the transformation of the production matrix,            levels of quality production that will allow the       Art. 7.- Inter-Sector Participation.- The Inter-          determine if a worker gets the monthly Honourable
     the State shall encourage productive development            internationalization of their productive offer;        Sector Participation in the development of said           Salary:
     through fostering:                                                                                                 policies, shall be guaranteed by the Conductive
                                                              h. The development of logistics and of infrastructure     Council of Productive Development and Foreign             a. The monthly salary;
     a. The economy’s systemic competitiveness,                  that boosts the productive transformation, for         Trade; body strictly for the purposes of consultation
        by providing public goods such as education,             which end the State shall generate the conditions      and obligatory institutional summons by who               b. The Thirteenth Salary divided by twelve, which
        health, infrastructure and by assuring the               to promote the efficiency of maritime, air and         presides the Production Sector Participation                 period of calculation and payment shall be
        provision of the necessary basic services,               land transportation under an all encompassing          Council, in the way dictated by the rules.                   coherent with that determined in Art. 111 of the
        such as to boost the productive vocation of              focus and a multimodal operation;                                                                                   Code of Work;
        the territories and the human talent of the                                                                     This Consultive Council shall be made up of,
        Ecuadoreans.                                          i. The sustainable production through the                 amongst others, representatives of the private,           c. The Fourteenth Salary divided by twelve, which
                                                                 implementation of technologies and practices           mixed, popular and supportive productive                     period of calculation and payment shall be
     b. The establishing and use of a regulatory frame           for clean production; and                              sectors, workers and autonomous decentralised                coherent with that determined in Art. 113 of the
        that shall guarantee that no economic party                                                                     governments. The Consultive Council shall have               Code of Work;
        will abuse its market share, and this shall be        j. The expansion through the national territory,          ample and plural representation that reflects the
        established in the law for this matter;                  of public productive policies so as to eliminate       different sectors, territories and sizes of production.   d. The variable commissions that follow legitimate
                                                                 the territorial disequilibrium in the process of       The Consultive Council shall not have public                 and usual market practices and which the
     c. The productive development of sectors with               development.                                           resources for its functioning, but the Technical             employer pays the employee;
        strong, positive externalities, so as to add to the                                                             Secretary’s Office of the Sector Council for
        general level of productivity and the development                                                               Production, shall provide logistical support for its      e. The worker’s amount of share in profits of the
        of the this Code faculties for innovation of all                                                                functioning and for the participation of its members.        company, according to the law, divided by
        economies, through the strengthening of the                                                                                                                                  twelve;
        establishment that this Code determines;                                                                        The Consultive Council could propose or suggest
                                                                                                                        technical positions for the creation of policies that     f. The additional benefits received by the worker,
     d. The generation of an innovative, entrepreneurial                                                                shall be adopted by the entities responsible for              acquired in money, due to collective contract,
        and associative ecosystem through the drafting                                                                  policies of production development, investment and            that do not constitute legal obligations, and
        and coordination of public, private, popular                                                                    foreign trade. This Consultive Council’s integration          the periodical voluntary contributions by the
        and supportive initiatives for innovation and                                                                   and functioning shall be normed in the rules of this          employer to his/her workers, made in currency;
        transferring of productive technology, and tying                                                                code, and in whatever not provisioned for in said             and;
        of investigation to the productive activity;                                                                    Rules, through a ruling of the Sector Council for
                                                                                                                        Production.                                               g. The Reserve Funds;

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     In case a worker had done labour for a period less        worker’s income tax, and shall strictly be temporary
     than one year, the calculation shall be proportional to   in nature until the Honourable Salary is achieved.
     the time of employment.

     The above mentioned calculation, in no way means          TITLE III
     the proportional monthly payment of the thirteenth
     and fourteenth salaries, and the workers’ share of        Generating an Integral System for Innovation,
     profit, which amounts shall be paid in full and in the    Technical Training, and Entrepreneurship
     dates assigned in accordance with the law.
                                                               Art. 11.- System for Innovation, Technical
     Art. 10.- Economic Compensation for the                   Training and Entrepreneurship.- The Productive
     Honourable Salary.- From the start of fiscal year         Sector Council shall annually design a plan for te-
     2011, the employers mentioned below who have              chnical training, which shall become a link in plan-
     not paid all of their workers an amount equal to or       ning the system for innovation, technical training,
     above the monthly Honourable Salary shall calculate       and entrepreneurship, as per the Productive Trans-
     an additional obligatory economic compensation            formation Agenda and the National Development
     that will be paid to achieve the Honourable Salary        Plan.
     to those workers who have made less than outlined
     in Art. 9.                                                This system shall link the work of various public
                                                               and private institutions, in their different stages of
     The economic compensation mentioned in the                growth and with their different tools, in a One-Stop-
     above subsection, shall be compulsory for those           Customer-Service virtual window, decentralized so
     employers who:                                            it aids in disseminating information on: training for
                                                               entrepreneurial initiative, financial instruments, risk
     a. Are persons or legal entities that are required to
        keep accounting;
                                                               capital, development banking geared to the finan-
                                                               ce of enterprises, the National Guarantees Fund,
                                                               technical assistance and linking of decentralised,
                                                                                                                                                                     BOOK II
                                                                                                                         THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCTIVE INVESTMENT AND ITS INSTRUMENTS.
     b. At the end the fiscal year had any profits; and,       autonomous governments, not-for –profit organi-
                                                               zations, and universities, amongst others.
     c. In the fiscal year had paid anticipated income
        taxes.                                                 Art. 12.- Risk Capital.- The State may give
                                                               funds for risk capital through legal and financial
     This calculation for the amount of the economic           mechanisms. The temporary nature of investments
     compensation shall be based through the thirty first      made by the State shall have been previously agreed
     of December of that fiscal year and it may be paid        upon both for time and form; giving priority to the
     up until March, once a year, amongst those workers        disinvestment of the State in companies where it
     that did not receive the Honourable Salary during         is partial or total owner, in favour of the employees
     the previous fiscal year. If needed, for this economic    and workers of said companies, as well as in favour
     compensation the employer shall destine an amount         of the community where those companies work,
     equivalent of up to a hundred per cent of the profits     within the conditions and times established for each
     of the fiscal year.                                       project.

     In case the amount described before does not cover
     all of the Honourable Salary of all workers with rights
     to the Economic Compensation, the latter shall be
     proportionately divided amongst said workers, this
     compensation coming from the difference between
     the components of a Honourable Salary and the
     Honourable Salary as stated in Art. 8 of this Code.

     This Economic Compensation is additional, shall not
     be an integral part of the salary, does not constitute
     taxable income for Social Security nor for the

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                                                             e. Persons or legal Ecuadorean entities owners           Chapter II                                                Constitution prohibits all manners of confiscation.
     BOOK II                                                    that exercise control of an investment made                                                                     Therefore, confiscation of national or foreign
                                                                in Ecuadorean territory. Also included under          General Principles                                        investments shall not be decreed or executed.
                                                                this concept are national citizens or       legal
     THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCTIVE                              Ecuadorean entities, or from the cooperative,         Art. 17.- Non-Discriminatory Conduct.- National           The State can declare, exceptionally and in
     INVESTMENT AND ITS INSTRUMENTS                             associative and community Ecuadorean sectors          and foreign investors; societies, companies               accordance with the Constitution, the expropriation
                                                                made in Ecuadorean territory. The national            or entities from the cooperative, popular, and            of real state with the sole purpose of executing
     TITLE I                                                    Ecuadorean citizens that have dual citizenship,       supportive economy, in which these partake as             social    development      plans,     environmental
                                                                or expatriates residents of this country for the      well as well as their legally established investments     sustainable management, and collective well being,
     Promotion, Encouragement, and Regulation of                purpose of this code, will be considered national     in Ecuador, with the limitations provided by in the       following the legally established procedures in a
     Productive Investments                                     investors.                                            Constitution of the Republic, shall have equality of      non-discriminatory way, with previous assessment
                                                                                                                      conditions with respect to administration operation,      of value, and the payment of fair and adequate
     Chapter I                                               It shall not be considered a national investment         expansion, and transfer of their investments, and         indemnification in compliance with the law.
                                                             that made by a national or foreign company whose         shall not be the subject of discriminatory or arbitrary
     Productive Investment                                   shares, participation property or control, both total    measures. Foreign investors and investments shall
                                                             or majority, belongs to a national citizens or legal     have full protection and equal protection of the law,     Chapter III
     Art. 13.- Definitions.- The following definitions are   Ecuadorean entity.                                       in such way that they shall have the same protection
     for the purposes of the present regulation:                                                                      that Ecuadorean nationals receive within the national     The Rights of the Investors
                                                             Art. 14.- Application.- The new investments shall        territory.
     a. Productive Investment. - Productive Investment       not require authorizations of any nature, with the                                                                 Art. 19.- Rights of the Investors.- The following
        shall be understood, irrespective of the type of     exception of those that the Law expressly determines     The State in all its governmental levels, exercising      rights shall be recognised to the investors:
        property, as the cash flow destined to produce       and that are derived from the corresponding              their public authority, could give differentiated
        goods and services, to enlarge productive            territorial arrangement, having to comply with the       treatment, as a way of incentives, in favour of new       a. Freedom of production and commercialisation of
        capacity, and to generate employment sources         requisites that this regulation demands to benefit       and productive investments, which will be given in            licit goods and services, socially desirable and
        in the national economy.                             from the incentives stated here.                         function of sectors, geographical location, or other          environmentally sustainable, as well as freedom
                                                                                                                      parameters which they will have to comply with,               of pricing, with the exception of those goods and
     b. New Investment. - For the incentives to apply        The benefits of this code shall not apply to those       according to the terms provisioned in this Code and           services which production and commercialisation
        to new investments, with the understanding           investments by citizens or legal entities domiciled in   its Regulations.                                              are regulated by the law.
        that new investments are cash flow destined to       tax havens. The Code shall regulate the parameters
        increment economic capital, it has to be through     of incentive application for all and any sector that     Foreign investments shall have a direct                   b. Access to administrative and control actions that
        effective investment in productive assets, which     request it.                                              complementary role in the strategic sectors of the           the State establishes to avoid any speculative
        will enlarge future production capacity, generate                                                             economy that require investment and financing to             practice of private monopoly or oligopoly, or
        a larger production of goods and services, or        The benefits and guarantees recognised by this           reach the objectives of the National Development             abuse of market dominance and other disloyal
        generate new employment sources, in the              Code shall be applied with no detriment to the           plan, and subject to applicable legislation. In the          competition practices;
        terms provisioned for in the regulations. The        Constitution of the Republic and of other laws, as       rest of the economy’s sectors, foreign investors can
        mere change of proprietorship of productive          well to other international agreements duly ratified     directly participate without the need of previous         c. Freedom of import and export of goods and
        assets that are already in production, as well as    by Ecuador.                                              or additional authorisation provided for national            services, with the exceptions of those limits
        the credit obtained to acquire said assets, under                                                             investors.                                                   established in the norm and in accordance with
        this Code does not constitute new investment.        Art. 15.- Competent Law Body.- The Productive                                                                         the international agreements in which Ecuador
                                                             Sector Council will be the State’s supreme governing     Governmental entities shall promote in a priority            partakes;
     c. Foreign Investment. -Investment that is property     organ in investment matters.                             way the attraction of      direct foreign investment
        of foreign national citizens or that is run by                                                                according to the needs of, and priorities defined in,     d. Free transfer abroad, in currency, of the periodical
        foreign legal entities domiciled abroad, or that     Art. 16.- Manners for Investments.- The ways for         the National Plan for Development, the Productive             earnings or profits that come from registered
        implies money not generated in Ecuador.              investments and its exceptions shall be established      Transformation Agenda, as well as in the different            private investment, once the duties concerning
                                                             in the regulations of this norm.                         developmental plans of the decentralised                      the workers’ share, tax obligations, and others
     d. National Investment. -      Investment that is                                                                autonomous governments. Additionally, the                     established in this code are complied with.
        property of Ecuadorean national citizens or                                                                   investments made in other sectors of the economy
        that is run by legal Ecuadorean entities, or by                                                               will have the same benefits from State policies of        e. Freedom to send resources that are obtained
        expatriates residents of Ecuador, unless they                                                                 productive stimulus, in terms of the present norm.           through total or partial liquidation of the
        demonstrate that it is capital not generated in                                                                                                                            companies in which the registered foreign
        Ecuador; and,                                                                                                 Art. 18.- Ownership Rights.- The property of                 investment was made, or through the sale
                                                                                                                      investors shall be protected in the terms established        of shares, participations, or acquired rights
                                                                                                                      in the Constitution and other pertinent laws. The            because of investments made, once the

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          tributary obligations as well as other pertaining    a) Draw up plans and projects for the development          TITLE III
          responsibilities, as established in legal norms;        and national advancement of national, regional,                                                                  2. Sector and for fair regional development: For
                                                                  provincial and local production, in the frame           Incentives for Productive Development                    sectors that contribute to the change of the energy
     f. Freedom to acquire, transfer or transfer ownership        of the Intercultural and Plurinational State,                                                                    matrix, strategic substitution of imports, fostering
         of shares participations or rights of ownership to       guaranteeing the rights of persons, community           Chapter I                                                of exports, as well as for rural development in
         third parties, in the country or abroad, abiding by      and nature;                                                                                                      all of the country and urban zones, as specified
         the formalities provided in the law;                                                                             General Rules about Incentives and Stimulus              in the second corrective disposition (2.2), total
                                                               b) Support and consolidate the Community                   for Economic Development                                 exoneration, for five years, of Corporate Income
     g. Freedom of access to the national financial               Productive Partner, for which it shall make                                                                      Tax to new investment that might develop in these
        system and to the stock market, to obtain long,           programmes and projects with public                     Art. 23.- Incentives.- The incentives of the             sectors.
        mid- or, long term financial resources.                   financing to recuperation, support and                  tributary nature that this norm recognises shall be
                                                                  technological transfer, investigation, training         incorporated as reforms to the pertinent tributary       3. For Economically Depressed Zones: besides
     h. Freedom of access to the mechanisms                       and commercialization and public purchases              norms as stated in the Corrective Dispositions at the    from these investments benefiting from the general
        for   promotional,    technical,  cooperation,            mechanisms, amongst others;                             end of this Code.                                        and sector incentives afore mentioned, new
        technological assistance and other equivalents;                                                                                                                            investment in these zones shall be given priority,
        and,                                                   c) Promote equality of opportunities through the           Art. 24.- Classification of the Incentives.- The         giving, for five years, an additional tax benefit by
                                                                  giving of benefits, incentives and production           tax incentives that this code establishes are of three   deducting 100% of the cost of contracting new
     i.   Access to the rest of general benefits       and        means;                                                  sorts:                                                   employees.
          incentives provided for in this Code, other laws
          and applicable normative.                            d) Promote Nourishment Insurance through                   1. General: Those that apply to investments that are
                                                                  preferential financing mechanisms for the               carried out in any part of national territory.           Art. 25.- The Contents of Investment
                                                                  micro, small, mid-, and big ventures of the             They consist of the following:                           Contracts.- Upon the investor’s initiative,
     Art. 20.- Tributary Regime.- In tax matters,                 communities, peoples, indigenous, Afro-                                                                          investment contracts may be signed, which shall
     national and foreign investments shall be subject            Ecuadorean and montubios nationalities;                 a. The progressive reduction of three percentage         be held through a Public, in which shall appear the
     to the same Tributary Regime, with the exceptions                                                                       points of Corporate Income Tax;                       treatment given to investment, under the scope of
     provided for in this Code.                                e) Finance productive projects of the communities,                                                                  this Code and its Regulation.
                                                                  peoples,        indigenous,      Afro-Ecuadorean        b.    Those established for special growth zones,
     Art. 21.- Obligatory Standards.- National                    and montubios nationalities that propel the                  providing they comply with the criteria for their   Investment contracts may give stability over tax
     and foreign investors and their investments, inn             agricultural, livestock, artisan, fishing, mining,           conformation;                                       incentives, during the time the contract is valid,
     general shall be subject to observance and faithful          industrial, tourist production and others of this                                                                as per the prerogatives of this Code. In the same
     compliance of the laws of this country, and especially       segment.                                                c. The additional deductions for calculating             manner these investments contracts shall detail
     the ones relating to the labour, environmental,                                                                         Corporate Income Tax, as mechanisms to                the supervision and regulation mechanisms for the
     tributary and social security aspects in use.             The Branches of the Ministries or national Secretary          encourage the improvement of productivity,            compliance of the investment parameters expected
                                                               Offices that have competence to foster the popular,           innovation, and eco-efficient production;             in each contract. The Council for Sector Production
     TITLE II                                                  supportive and community economy, shall present                                                                     shall establish the parameters that investments that
                                                               at the end of the annual economic activity, to the         d. The benefits for companies opening the social         ask to be subjected to this regime, must comply
     Productive Development of the                Popular,     Ministry that presides over the Council for Sector            capital in benefit of its workers;                    with.
     Supportive and Community Economy                          Production, reports on the money invested in
                                                               programmes for the generation of aptitudes,                e. The facilities of payment in foreign commerce
     Art. 22.- Specific Measures.- The Council                 innovation,      entrepreneurship,           technology,      taxes;                                                Art. 26.- Validity.- Investment contracts shall have
     of Sector Production shall establish policies for         betterment of productivity, associativity, fostering and                                                            validity up to fifteen (15) years from the date of its
     boosting the popular, supportive and community            promotion of exportable supply, commercialization,         f. The deduction for calculating Corporate Income        inception, and its validity shall not limit the authority
     economy, as well as democratic access the elements        amongst others, with the objective of fostering this          Tax from the additional compensation on               of the State to exercise control and regulation,
     of production, without detriment to the competence        segment of the economy.                                       payment of the Honourable Salary;                     through its appropriate organisms.
     of decentralised, autonomous governments and
     the specific institutionalising created for the entire                                                               g. Exoneration of the Currency Transfer Tax for          Upon request by the investor, and as long as the
     development of this segment, in accordance to                                                                           operations with external financing;                   Council for Sector Production considers pertinent,
     what the law regulates on this matter.                                                                                                                                        according to the type of investment that is evolving,
                                                                                                                          h. Exoneration, for five years, of Anticipated           investment contracts may be extended for one
     Additionally, to foster and strengthen the popular,                                                                     Income Tax Payment for all new investment;            time, up to the same originally awarded time period.
     supportive and community economy, the Productive
     Sector Council, shall execute the following actions:                                                                 i. Reforms on calculation of the Anticipated
                                                                                                                             income Tax Payment.

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     Art. 27.- Solution of Conflicts.- In the investment        The Technical Secretary Office, in conjunction with         c. Non-compliance on the investor’s side to                 payment of taxes plus the corresponding interest,
     contract with foreign investors, arbitration clauses       the Internal Revenue Service, may make controls                execute the minimum conditions for the                   that would have had to be paid, had there not
     may be agreed upon to solve controversies that             to verify compliance of the criteria that caused               authorised investment within the provided time           been access to the tax incentives acknowledged
     might happen between the State and the investors.          the incentive, related to the investment made,                 period for the respective investment project;            by this rulings, for the time period in which the
                                                                be applied. The regulations shall establish the                                                                         non-compliance took place; excepting fortuitous
     The controversies between a foreign investor and           parameters for execution of this monitoring.                d. Transfer of the investment, without abiding by           circumstances or force majeure, properly
     the Ecuadorean State, which had been pursued                                                                              the requisites and conditions provided for in the        documented and accepted by the Council for
     and exhausted through administrative routes, shall         If the beneficiary does not comply with what is                regulations.                                             Sector Production /Productive Sector Council. All of
     try to be resolved in an amicable manner, with direct      required, the Technical Secretary Office shall put                                                                      the above are without prejudice to the assessment
     dialogue within a period of sixty (60) days. If a direct   into knowledge of the Council for Sector Production         e. Deceitful non-compliance of labour regulations,          rights of the Tax Administration, in compliance with
     solution between the parties is not arrived at, there      /Productive Sector Council, a detailed report with             Social Security taxes, or environmental laws of          the law.
     shall be a compulsory mediation instance within the        respect to the seriousness of the identified non-              the country, verified by the competent authority;
     three (3) following months from the inception of the       compliances, which were not fixed, as well as                                                                           TÍTTLE IV
     formal beginning of direct negotiations.                   recommending the implementation of the pertinent            f. Judicially proved deceit in the documents or
                                                                punishment, depending on the gravity of said non-              information provided, which served to obtain             Special Economic Development Zones (ZEDE)
     If after this mediation instance the controversy still     compliances.                                                   the incentives for investment;
     exists, the conflict may be subjected to national                                                                                                                                  Chapter I
     or international arbitration, in accordance to the         Art. 30.- Special Ineligibilities.- The President of        g. Obstructing or hindering the verification by the
     valid treaties, of which Ecuador is a party. The           the Republic, the Vice president of the Republic the           State’s entities competent in this matter, or            The Making up of and the Purpose of Special
     decisions of this Arbitration Tribunal shall be of law,    Ministers and secretaries of the nation, and the public        resorting to any means to induce these entities          Economic Development Zones
     the applicable legislature shall be the Ecuadorean         servants of the governing entity of the production             or their public official to err, with the intent of
     one, and the binding judgment in arbitration, shall        policy, neither directly nor through a third party, even       benefiting from the benefits that the State              Art. 34.- The National Government may authorise
     be definitive and binding to all parties.                  on partnership companies that have direct or indirect          acknowledges;                                            the establishing of Special Economic Development
                                                                participation of its capital assets, as well as those who                                                               Zones (ZEDE), as a customs destination, in
     If after six (6) months the administrative route has       had had direct or indirect connection in any stage of       h. Bribery or intention of bribery of public officials in   especially determined spaces within the national
     been exhausted, the parties have not arrived to            the process of access to the incentives, or that may           charge of control and supervision of the benefits        territory, for setting up new investment, with the
     an amicable agreement, neither have subjected              have a degree of responsibility in the procedure, and          acknowledged by this rulings, upon conviction            incentives that are detailed in the present norm,
     to arbitrational jurisdiction for the solution of their    for whose activities or functions, it may be reasonably        by the competent judicial authority, without             which shall be conditioned to the compliance of the
     conflicts, the controversy shall be shall be brought       presumed that they have privileged information                 detriment to the penal actions that might ensue;         specific objective of this Code, in compliance with
     to the attention of the Ordinary National Justice. Tax     of these processes, as well as the spouses of                  and,                                                     the parameters set by the regulations and those
     issues shall not be subject of arbitration.                the dignitaries, public official and employees                                                                          provisioned for in the Plan of Territorial Order.
                                                                aforementioned, and anyone not up to date with their        i. Benefit from the incentives of those who have
     Art. 28.- The application of incentives.- The              tax , labour, environmental and Social Security duties.        been forbidden by law.                                   Art.     35.-    Location.-     Special    Economic
     Technical Secretary Office of the Council for Sector                                                                                                                               Development Zones (ZEDE) shall be located in
     Production /Productive Sector Council, shall               Chapter II                                                                                                              especially determined spaces within the national
     coordinate with the pertinent control bodies, the                                                                      Art. 32.- Revocation.- - Without detriment to the           territory, taking into account conditions such as
     appropriate execution of the benefits recognised           Infringements of and sanctions for the                      civil or penal actions that might ensue performing          environmental preservation, territoriality, potential
     for each investment project, not being able to             investors                                                   any of the causals provided for in the previous             of each site, road infrastructure, basic services,
     demand from the investors other requisites asides                                                                      Article, shall generate the revocation of the               connectivity to other parts of the country, amongst
     from the ones established in this legislation.             Art. 31.- Infringements.- The following shall               granted benefits. The revocation provided for in            others, previously determined by the ruling
                                                                constitute causal of infringements by investors who         this chapter, shall be decided through a resolution         body in productive development matters, and in
     Art. 29.- Monitoring.- The monitoring of the               benefit from the incentives provisioned by this ruling:     motioned by the Technical Secretary Office of the           coordination with the body in charge of National
     duties taken on by the investors, be them legal or                                                                     Council for Sector Production /Productive Sector            Planning, and shall be the subject of special
     contractual, shall be in charge of Secretary Office        a. Non-compliance on the side of the investors, of          Council. The investor, upon whom sanctions were             treatment in regards to foreign trade, tax and
     of the Council for Sector Production /Productive              making timely contributions or acquisitions to           imposed, can present an administrative appeal               financial reporting.
     Sector Council.                                               which they have committed themselves, within             before this Council, following the procedures
                                                                   the planned period of time for the respective            established in the Statute of the Executive’s Judicial      Art. 36.- Types.- Special Economic Development
     The Internal Revenue Service shall send to the                investment project;                                      and Administrative System.                                  Zones (ZEDE) may be the following types:
     Technical Secretary Office, a quarterly list of the new
     companies that have applied for the incentives, so         b. Total or partial withdrawal of the investment, as        Art. 33.- If the grounds for revoking are any of            a. For carrying on activities for transfer and
     that the latter entity shall make an electronic registry      long as this implies non-compliance of legal or          the established in literals e, f, g, h, I, of Art. 31,         disaggregation of technology and innovation.
     with this information.                                        contractual obligations;                                 it shall be additionally determined what are the               In these zones all types of ventures and
                                                                                                                            reimbursements of the given incentives, and the                projects for technological development,

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          electronic innovation, biodiversity, sustainable      sector that is taking place in the authorised zone,     d. Resolve the queries that might arise with respect    the interested party may ask, under the initiative
          environmental or energy improvements;                 and that the ZEDE has, within its constituent              to the application of this code in regards to the    of public sector institutions or of decentralised,
                                                                instrument, the authorisation to operate under the         Special Economic Development Zones;                  autonomous governments.
     b.      For executing operations of industrial             typology that corresponds to the activity that may                                                              Investment used for the growth in these zones can
          diversification, that may be of all types of          be installed.                                           e. Impose sanctions set in this regulation to those     be public, private, or mixed. Also, the managing
          innovative industrial enterprises, especially                                                                     administrators and operators that do not            company as well as the operators that set up in
          directed towards the export of goods with the         Art. 37.- Customs Controls.- The people and                 comply with the convened upon dispositions for      said zones can be private individuals or legal
          use of quality employment. In these zones, it is      transportation means that go in or out of a ZEDE,           its functioning;                                    entities, private, public, mixed, national, or foreign.
          allowed to carry on all types of active perfecting    its boundaries, and the entry and exit points of                                                                In order to evaluate the convenience of authorising
          activities like: transformation of, manufacturing     the ZEDE, shall be under vigilance of Customs           f. Provide the general and specific requirements,       the set up of a Special Economic Development
          of (including assembly, and adaptation to             Administration. Custom control may be carried out          including those of national origin and value         Zones (ZEDE), a general description shall
          other merchandise) and repair of merchandise,         before entering, during the stay of the merchandise        added, so that transformed manufactured              be required, which will include the requisites
          (including its restoration or conversion)             in the zone, or after its exit.                            goods (including assembly, joining and               established in the rules of this norm.
          especially of all types of goods for export and                                                                  adaptations to other merchandise) or repaired        A ZEDE shall not be created in spaces that are
          the strategic substitution of imports; and;           The procedures for control that shall be established       (including its restoration or conditioning)          part of the National System for Protected Areas,
                                                                Customs Administration, shall not constitute an            within Special Economic Development Zones            or of National Forestry Heritage, or that have been
     c. For developing logistical services, such                obstacle for the flow of productive processes              (ZEDE) may be nationalised, with or without          declared Protected Woods or Protected Vegetation
        as: storing of cargo with consolidation and             taking place in the ZEDE, and shall be simplified for      total payment or partial payment of duties. To       or that are fragile ecosystems.
        deconsolidation,        classification,  labelling,     the entering and exiting of the merchandises from          the effect of establishing this procedure, the       In the license to operate the ZEDE, there may be
        packaging, repackaging, refrigeration, inventory        these territories.                                         customs value of the merchandise that may be         an itemization of the incentives that apply to each
        management, dry ports management or inside                                                                         nationalised shall be taken into account, having     particular case, both for managers as well as for
        cargo terminals, coordination of national and           Art. 38.- Administrative Statute for Settlement.-          to subtract the national added value and/or the      operators.
        international distribution of merchandise, as well      The Special Economic Development Zones (ZEDE),             value of national or nationalised goods that have
        as maintenance or repair of vessels, airplanes          shall be created through authorization from the            been incorporated to the production process of       Chapter II
        and land transportation vehicles for the                Council for Sector Production /Productive Sector           the good to be nationalised, the compliance to
        transport of merchandise. Preferably these type         Council, taking into account the potential economic        the regulations on origin of national products for   Managers and Operators of the Special
        of zones shall be set up inside of or adjacent          growth of the territories where the especial zones         export, amongst other, should it be appropriate.     Economic Development Zones (ZEDE)
        to seaports and airports, or near border zones.         are set up, the objectives, plans and strategies of        These procedures will be exclusively for the
        Exclusive storage of cargo or stocking shall not        the National Development Plan, the Productive              calculation of tariff rights. To the effect of       Art. 41.- Managers of ZEDE.- The legal entities
        be authorised within this type of zones. The            Transformation Agenda, and any other regional plans,       payment and collection of Value Added Tax            private, public, or of mixed economy, national
        logistical services shall be directed to promote        based on the requirements and formalities that shall       (VAT), the IRS’s established procedures shall be     or foreign, that may make a request for it, may
        the physical facilities of seaports, airports and       be determined in the regulations of this code.             followed;                                            constitute themselves in managers of Special
        border crossings, that shall serve to further                                                                                                                           Economic Development Zones (ZEDE), as long as
        the positive net value of foreign trade and             Authorization shall be granted for a period of twenty   g. Verify, in coordination with the environmental       they obtain permission to do one of the activities
        local supplying under allowed parameters, in            (20) years, which can be extended, subject to the          entity in charge, that the management in the         described in Art. 36 of the present Code. Its function
        compliance with the requirements established            evaluation established in the Regulations, and may         Special Economic Development Zones (ZEDE)            shall be the growth, management and operational
        on the Regulations of this Code.                        only be revoked before the time period convened            are not creating environmental impacts that          control of the ZEDE, in congruence with the duties
                                                                upon by having verified any infringements that as a        gravely affect the region;                           of the by-laws of this Code and the ones that shall
     The goods that shall be part of these processes,           result revoke the authorization.                                                                                be determined by the Productive Sector Council.
     shall serve to diversify the supply of exports;                                                                    h. The rest that the Regulation of this Code
     however, its nationalization shall be authorised           Art. 39.- Public Jurisdiction.- The following shall        establishes.                                         The responsibilities and control processes with
     for consumption within the country in those                be the attributions of Council for Sector Production                                                            which the managers shall comply, shall be
     percentages of production that the ruling of the           /Productive Sector Council, for the establishment of    To carry on supervision and operative controls of       established by the Productive Sector Council
     present Code determines. These limits shall not            ZEDE:                                                   the running and compliance with the objectives of
     apply to the goods obtained from the processes of                                                                  the Special Economic Development Zones (ZEDE),          Art. 42.- Operators of ZEDE.- Operators of
     transfer and innovation of technology.                     a. Dictate the general policies for functioning and     the Ministry responsible for industrial fostering,      ZEDE are individuals or legal entities, public,
                                                                   supervision of the ZEDE;                             shall provide an executive authority of the policies    private or mixed, national or foreign proposed by
     Private individuals or legal entities that establish                                                               that may be established by the Council for Sector       the ZEDE’s managing company and authorised by
     themselves in the special zones, may operate               b. Authorise the set up of Special Economic             Production /Productive Sector Council, in relation      the Productive Sector Council, which may perform
     exclusively in one of the aforementioned ways,                Development Zones (ZEDE) that comply with            to the ZEDE.                                            authorised activities in these zones of national
     or may diversify their operations within the same             the provided legal requirements;                                                                             territory, for which boundaries have been set.
     territory, as long as the variations of activities befit   c. Qualify and authorise administrators and             Art. 40.- Request for ZEDE.- To set up a
     the expedition of productive linking of the economic          operators of ZEDE;                                   Special Economic Development Zone (ZEDE),

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     Operators of ZEDE may exclusively perform the               imposed for infractions made, according to this          the deed or omission done, without prejudice of       e. Not compliance of established procedures for
     activities for which they were authorised in their          Code and its Applicable Regulations.                     civil and penal actions that take place.                 entry and exit of merchandise of the Special
     corresponding qualification, under the terms of                                                                                                                               Economic Development Zones (ZEDE);
     this Code, its by-laws, in the befitting customs            Art. 46.- Customs and Foreign Trade                      Art. 50.- Minor Infringements.- The following
     legislation and the norm passed by the Productive           Treatment. Because it is an exceptional judicial         are considered minor infringements punished with      f. For non-compliance of the chronograms
     Sector Council.                                             structure,     Special   Economic      Development       written reprimand or fine.                               regarding work, equipment and investment,
                                                                 Zones (ZEDE) both for managers as well as for                                                                     which shall be carried out in the times
     In the same manner, they shall ascertain that               operators, shall receive the Customs treatment           a. The non-compliance of duties of the manager,          determined in the documents that were the base
     their activities comply with the parameters that            that the legal Customs Regime grants them,                  which shall be in the authorisation and that do       for qualifying a Special Economic Development
     the labour and environmental norm, national and             exempting duty payments on foreign merchandise              not constitute serious infringements;                 Zones’ (ZEDE’s) Operator, or for the granting of
     international, through licensed environmental               that enter said zones for the performance of the                                                                  authorisation as Manager;
     processes if needed, technology transfers and local         authorised processes. The procedures for entry           b. When the Operator does not inform the Manager
     personnel training.                                         and exit of ZEDE’s merchandise, as well as the              of entry, use, and exit of goods and products      g. The non-compliance of any other regulation not
                                                                 usage of waste, shrinkage and surplus, their                to be manufactured, transformed, processed,           provided for as a serious infringement.
     Art. 43.- Prohibited Links.- The managers shall             possible nationalisation, re-export or destruction of       commercialised, or used, as well as the use of
     not have simultaneously the license of operator,            deteriorated merchandise, shall be regulated by the         labour and sale of currency that are made in the   Art. 51.- Serious Infringements.- Serious
     neither shall they have any economic or company             rules of this Code.                                         country, within the time period provided for in    infringements shall be those behaviors that imply a
     links with the rest of ZEDE’s operators, under                                                                          the Regulations.                                   performance inexcusably lacking in thoroughness
     penalty of revocation.                                      To the effect of operations, this Code shall establish                                                         and carefulness, or those in which there is a
                                                                 the parameters in which the entry of merchandise         c. For not presenting the Internal Regulations        relapsing of a minor infringement.
     Art. 44.- Support Services.- Any individuals                to Special Economic Development Zones (ZEDE),               for the operation of each Special Economic
     or legal entities, public or private, that want to          shall be considered an export, and also for when            Development Zones (ZEDE) within the stipulated     The following are serious infringements punished
     set up a Special Economic Development Zones                 goods coming from Special Economic Development              time period;                                       with interruption, cancellation of qualification as
     (ZEDE), to provide support services, or support             Zones (ZEDE) enter the national customs territory,                                                             operator, or the revocation of authorisation:
     to the operators set up in the authorised zone,             shall be considered an import                            d. When the Administrators do not keep the
     shall present the request to the respective                                                                             following information through organized,           a. Non-compliance of any of the objectives
     management company, which will approve or deny              Art. 47.- Entry to another regime.- Capital assets          computerised systems, on line with the                indicated in the authorization for Special
     the request upon a previous favourable ruling from          entering the country through a temporary or free            Internal Revenue System, the Ecuadorean               Economic Development Zones (ZEDE), within
     the Technical-Operational Unit, responsible for             zone of foreign trade may finish its regime with            Customs Service, and the Special Economic             the stipulated time period;
     exercising supervision and control of the ZEDE.             the re-export of the assets to a Special Economic           Development Zones (ZEDE):
                                                                 Development Zones (ZEDE), as long as the operator                                                              b. The non-compliance with the prohibition of non
     The companies that want to set up support services          has requested its respective entry for use in               1. Entry and exit of merchandise of Special           linkage provided for Managers and Operators;
     for the operators of Special Economic Development           authorised activities.                                         Economic Development Zones (ZEDE) with
     Zones (ZEDE) shall comply with all security and                                                                            origin and destination identification;          c. When the Managers do not verify and control
     control regulations that are a by-product of this           Art. 48.- Valuation of Capital Assets.- The assets                                                                the activities of their Operators, using the
     Code, its regulations, as well as the directives that       of foreign origin used in an authorised zone, for           2. The charts of contents of raw materials            established legal mechanisms in this Code,
     Sector Productive Council shall issue. In the case of       nationalization effects, shall be valued considering           that shall be converted into intermediate          its Regulation and the other norms applicable,
     private financial institutions, national or foreign, they   the state in which they are at the moment of                   or final products in the Special Economic          informing of infringements to the pertinent
     shall obtain authorisation from the Superintendent          registering documents for the Statement of Use.                Development Zones (ZEDE),                          bodies, such as to adopt pertinent administrative
     of Banks, which shall set the requirements with                                                                                                                               and legal measures;
     which these companies must abide.                           Chapter III                                                 3. The partial processing operations to which
                                                                                                                                the Norm refers;                                d. Refusal to, admit entry to, verification of, or
                                                                 Infringements and Sanctions for Special                                                                           audits of Special Economic Development
     Art. 45.- Responsibilities- The operators and               Economic Development Zones (ZEDE)                           4. The authorised change of regime;                   Zones (ZEDE) by its appropriate administrative
     managers of Special Economic Development                                                                                                                                      bodies, or by the agreements for each case, or
     Zones (ZEDE), with regards to income, possession,           Art. 49.- Infringements.- Infringements for non-            5. The inventories of its Operators;                  obstruction of these practises;
     maintenance and final destination of all merchandise        compliance of provisions for Special Economic
     introduced or processed within the authorised               Development Zones (ZEDE) shall be classified                6. The tax-free transactions made; and             e. The entry into Special Economic Development
     zones, shall have solidarity responsibility and shall       as minor or serious. The punishments provided                                                                     Zones (ZEDE) of merchandises such as: arms,
     legally be held accountable for the adequate and            for shall be applied by the controlling Technical           7. Sales made within de territory of Special          explosives and ammunition, illegal drugs of any
     legal use and destination of said merchandise. The          Operative Unit of special zones or by the Productive           Economic Development Zones (ZEDE), with            nature, or products that are against health,
     established solidarity responsibility applies to unmet      Sector Council in accordance to their competence               the buyers’ identification.                        environment, and public safety, or morals,
     Customs Tax duties, and the monetary punishments            and considering the gravity and consequences of                                                                   that do not have express authorisation from

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  • 1. Econ. Rafael Correa Delgado President of the Republic of Ecuador Registro Oficial™ Quito, wednesday, december 29th, 2010 # 351
  • 2. SUPPLEMENT Supplement # 351.
  • 3. Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production SUMMARY: NATIONAL ASSEMBLY That Article 283 of The Constitution of the Republic That Article 320 of our Constitution establishes of Ecuador establishes that the economic system is that production in any of its forms will be subject NATIONAL ASSEMBLY CERTIFICATION. social and supportive; recognises a human being to principles and quality standards, sustainability, In my condition of Secretary General of the National as the individual and the aim; tends towards a systemic production, to giving value to work and CODE: Assembly, I certify that the the Project of Law- dynamic and balanced relationship between society, economic and social efficiency; ORGANIC CODE OF PRODUCTION, COMMERCE State and market, in harmony with Nature; and - Organic Code of Production, Commerce and AND INVESTMENT, was discussed and approved has as objective guaranteeing the production and That in Article 334 of the Constitution of the Republic Investment. in the following dates: reproduction of the pertinent conditions that make of Ecuador dictates that the State should promote possible the well-living; equitable access to the components of production, NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FIRST DEBATE: 04-Nov-2010 evading concentration or stockpiling of elements SECOND DEBATE: 16-Nov-2010 That Article 284, of The Constitution of the Republic of and resources for and of production, redistribution Of. No. SAN-010-2038 PARTIAL OBJECTION: 16-Dic-2010 Ecuador establishes the objectives of the economic and suppression of privileges or inequalities of December 22nd, 2010 policy, amongst which are included the stimulation access to them; Quito, December 21st, 2010 of national production, systemic productivity and Engineer Dr. Francisco Vergara O., Secretary General. competitiveness, the accumulation of scientific and That Article 335 of the Constitution of the Republic Hugo Del Pozo technological knowledge, the strategic insertion determines that the State shall regulate, control DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRY in the world’s economy and the complementary and intervene whenever needed, in interchanges In your office. COMPLETE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY productive activities in regional integration; and economic transactions; and will sanction exploitation, usury, stockpiling, speculative Mr. President: THE PLENARY That numerals 1, 2 and 3 of Article 285 of The simulation, intervention of goods and services, Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador prescribe as well as any form of detriment to the economic The NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, in accordance to the Bearing in mind: as objects of fiscal policy: 1) the financing of rights and to the public and communal goods. Also attributions that the Constitution of the Republic of services, investments and public properties; 2) the determines that the State shall define a price policy Ecuador and the Organic Law of the Legislature, That numerals 2, 15, 16, 17, 26 and 27 of Article redistribution of income through transferences, directed to the protection of national production; discussed and approved the Project of the 66 of The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, duties and adequate subsidies; 3) the generation shall establish the mechanisms for punishment to ORGANIC CODE OF PRODUCTION, COMMERCE establish Constitutional guarantees for persons, of incentives for investment in different sectors of prevent the practice of private monopoly or oligopoly, AND INVESTMENT. said guarantees require a normative that regulates the economy, and for the production of sociably or of abuse of market dominance and other disloyal its practice; desirable and environmentally responsible goods competition practices; In the session of 16th of December 2010, the and services; Plenum of the National Assembly was aware of and That, in accordance with numeral 2 of Article 133 That Article 336 of the Constitution of the Republic pronounced itself on the partial objection presented of The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, the That Article 304 of The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador imposes on the State the duty of by the Constitutional President of the Republic of organic laws have to regulate the exercise of the of Ecuador establishes the objectives of the encouraging and keeping vigilance for fair trade as Ecuador. Constitutional rights and guarantees as the ones commercial policy; amongst which are included a means of accessing to quality goods and services, determined on the above item; developing, strengthening and making dynamic promoting the reduction of intermediation distortions By what has been stated, and as determined the internal markets of the strategic objective and promoting its sustainability, thus assuring Article 138 of the Organic Law of the Legislature, That numeral 2 of Article 276 of The Constitution established in the National Development Plan; market transparency and efficiency, through the we submit the original and certified copy of the of the Republic of Ecuador establishes that the encouragement of competition in equality of text of the approved Project of Law, as well as the economic system has among its objectives the That article 306 of The Constitution of the Republic circumstances and opportunities; certification of the dates of its discussion for its building of a fair, democratic, productive, supportive of Ecuador mandates the State’s obligation for publication on the Official Registry. and sustainable economic system, based on the promoting environmentally responsible exports, That article 304, numeral 6, of the Constitution equitable distribution of the benefits of progress, preferring those that generate more employment of the Republic of Ecuador establishes that the Respectfully, signed) Dr. Francisco Vergara O., of the means for production and the creation of and added value, and in particular those exports economic policy shall have as its goal the avoidance Secretary General. dignified and stable work; from small and intermediate producers and from of monopoly and oligopoly practices, especially in the artisan sector; the private sector, and any others that might affect That numeral 5 of Article 281 of The Constitution the functioning of the markets; of the Republic of Ecuador, establishes the That Article 319 of the Magna Carta recognises responsibilities of the State in order to attain diverse production organisation forms in the economy, That in virtue of the faculties conferred under alimentary sovereignty, responsibilities among amongst others the community, cooperative, public Executive Decree 103, published in the Official which it is included the establishment of preferential or private enterprise, associative, family, domestic, Registry Supplement No. 26 from February financing mechanisms for the small and mid-size autonomous and mixed, so that it will encourage 22nd, 2007, and the Secretary for National producers, aiding them in the acquisition of means the production that will satisfy internal demand and Planning has made and set in motion the for production; guarantee an active participation of Ecuador in the National Plan for Well-Living which considers that, international context; 4 5
  • 4. Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production in face of the indicators of migration unemployment In the same manner, it shall be ruled by principles employment that contribute to value all forms o. The encouragement and diversification of and poverty, an economic revolution that leads that allow an international strategic linkup, through of work and that abide with the labour rights of exports; to a reactivation of production, generation of commercial policy, including its instruments for workers. employment becomes necessary, thus making us a application and those that facilitate external p. The expediting of foreign trade operations; society of owners and producers which overcomes commerce through a modern, transparent and e. The generation of an integral system for the present system of social exclusion; in face of efficient customs system. innovation and enterprise, so that science and q. The advancement of activities of popular, that, a proposal is made to democratise the means technology generate a change of the productive supportive and communitarian economy, as for production as “a necessary condition to promote Art. 2. - Productive Activity. - The Productive matrix, and in helping build a society of owners, well as the worldwide strategic insertion and equality and cohesion from the perspective of Activity shall be considered as the process through producers and entrepreneurs; promotion of its productive offer, in accordance integral territorial development, which promotes an which human activity transforms supplies into with the Constitution and the Law; economically social and supportive system”; licit goods and services, socially necessary and f. The guaranteeing of the exercise of rights of the environmentally sustainable, including commercial people to have access, use, and enjoyment of r. The incorporation in all production policies, as a That Objective number 11 of the National Plan for and any other activities that generate added value. the goods and services in equality, optimum transversal element, of the view of gender and Well-Living, published in the Supplement of the quality and in harmony with Nature; of the view of inclusion of economical activities Official Registry Nº 144 of March 5th, 2010, is “ Art.3. - Purpose. - The present code has as its of all people and nationalities; to establish an economic social system that has objective regulating the productive process on its g. The enticement and regulation of all forms solidarity and sustainability”; and, in conformity with stages of manufacture, distribution, interchange, of private investment in productive activities s. The boosting of mechanisms that shall allow fair the attributions and competence of the National trade, consuming, handling of externalities and and sociably desirable and environmentally trade and a transparent market; and, Assembly, and of exercising its Constitutional productive investments leaning towards the acceptable services; faculties issues the following: execution of the Plan for Well-Living. t. The encouragement and support for industrial This normative also seeks to generate and h. The regulation of productive investment in and scientific research, as well as for innovation De conformidad a las atribuciones y competencias consolidate the regulations that boost, move strategic sectors of the economy, in keeping and technological transfer. de la Asamblea Nacional, y en ejercicio de sus forward and incentivise production with more with the National Plan for Development; facultades constitucionales expide el siguiente: value added; seeks to establish the conditions for increasing productivity and for promoting the i. The promotion of technical and professional ORGANIC CODE OF PRODUCTION, transformation of the productive matrix; seeks labour and civil competences, which shall allow COMMERCE AND INVESTMENT to aid in the implementation of instruments for that everyone will obtain results of the change; productive, fair, ecologically efficient development PRELIMINARY TITLE and sustainable in the care of Nature. j. The strengthening of state control to assure that productive activities will not be affected by the Of the Objective and Scope of its Application Art. 4. - Ends. - This legislation has as its main abuse of market share, like monopolistic and ends the following: oligopolistic practices, and in general all those Art. 1. - Scope. - All natural persons, legal entities that will affect the functioning of the market; and other forms of association that perform a a. The Transformation of the Productive Matrix, productive activity, in any part of the National so that it shall have more added value, shall k. The stimulation of the country’s productive Territory, shall be guided by the present normative. boost services, shall be based on knowledge development through a view of systemic and innovation, as well as on sustainable and competitiveness, with an integral vision, ecologically efficient environs. which shall include territorial development and The scope of said normative shall include in its shall articulate in a coordinating fashion the application the productive process as a whole, b. The Democratization of access of the means macroeconomic targets, the basic principles starting with making good use of the elements for production, with special emphasis on micro, and patterns of society’s growth, the actions of for production, the productive transformation, small, and intermediate businesses, as well as the producers and enterprises, and the judicial- the distribution and commercial exchange, the the democratization of the actors of the popular institutional environs; consuming, the taking advantage of positive and supportive economy. externalities and policies that discourage negative l. The impulse of productive growth in zones of externalities. As well it shall encourage at the c. The Fostering of national production, trade and lesser economic expansion; national level all productive activities in all its levels sustainable spending of goods and services, of development; shall encourage the actors of with social and environmental responsibility, as m. The establishment of the fundamental principles the popular and supportive economy, as well as well as fostering its commercialisation and the and instruments for articulation of Ecuador’s encourage the production of goods and services use of new environmentally clean technologies international commercial policy; done by the various forms of association for and alternative energy. production in the economy, recognised by the n. The promotion of the strategic substitution of National Constitution. d. The Generation of quality and dignified imports; 6 7
  • 6. Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production BOOK I e. The implementing of a political policy at the Chapter II TITLE II service of the development of all productive Institutionalise Productive Development PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT, parties of the country in particular; of the parties The Productive Sector. MECHANISMS AND PUBLIC BODY OF of popular and supportive economies, and of Art. 6.- Sector Councils.- It belongs to the COMPETENCE the micro, small and mid size enterprises, and Executive the definition of the policies pertaining The Promotion of Dignified Productive Work guaranteeing food and energetic sovereignty to productive development and the promoting TITLE I as well as economies of scale, fair trade and its of investments through the Sector Council of Art. 8. - Honourable Salary. - The monthly Productive Development and its Institutionalise strategic establishing in the world; Production, which shall be constituted and shall Honourable Salary shall be that which will cover function according to what is established in the the basic needs of a worker as well as of his/her f. The deepening of access to financing al all Regulations of this Code, framing its directives family, and shall be according to the Basic Family Chapter I productive actors, through adequate incentives within the National System of Planning. Basket cost, divided by the number of recipients at The role of the State in the Production and the regulation of the private, public and the home. The cost of the Basic Family Basket and the Development popular and supportive financial system, as well This body shall have a Technical Secretary’s Office number of recipients at home, shall be determined as the encouragement and development of that shall be under the Ministry that presides over by the official ruling agency of Statistical and Art. 5.- Role of the State.- The State shall public banking destined to the developmental the Sector Council of Production and which duties National Census of the country, on an annual base, encourage productive development and change service of the country; shall be the ones established in this Code and in which shall help as the basis for determining of of the production matrix, through determining the rules. This Secretary’s Office shall have the the established Honourable Salary, decided by the of policies and defining and implementing g. The betterment of the productivity of all parties necessary technical areas for designing public Ministry of Labour Relations. instruments and incentives that shall leave behind of the common and supportive economy and policies and a policies program for productive the specialised pattern of dependency of primary of the micro, small and mid size enterprises, fostering and investment, amongst others linked to Art. 9.- Components of the Honourable Salary.- products of low added value. so as to participate in the internal market, the productive sector. The following components shall be added, only and eventually reach economies of scale and and exclusively for the purpose of calculation, to For the transformation of the production matrix, levels of quality production that will allow the Art. 7.- Inter-Sector Participation.- The Inter- determine if a worker gets the monthly Honourable the State shall encourage productive development internationalization of their productive offer; Sector Participation in the development of said Salary: through fostering: policies, shall be guaranteed by the Conductive h. The development of logistics and of infrastructure Council of Productive Development and Foreign a. The monthly salary; a. The economy’s systemic competitiveness, that boosts the productive transformation, for Trade; body strictly for the purposes of consultation by providing public goods such as education, which end the State shall generate the conditions and obligatory institutional summons by who b. The Thirteenth Salary divided by twelve, which health, infrastructure and by assuring the to promote the efficiency of maritime, air and presides the Production Sector Participation period of calculation and payment shall be provision of the necessary basic services, land transportation under an all encompassing Council, in the way dictated by the rules. coherent with that determined in Art. 111 of the such as to boost the productive vocation of focus and a multimodal operation; Code of Work; the territories and the human talent of the This Consultive Council shall be made up of, Ecuadoreans. i. The sustainable production through the amongst others, representatives of the private, c. The Fourteenth Salary divided by twelve, which implementation of technologies and practices mixed, popular and supportive productive period of calculation and payment shall be b. The establishing and use of a regulatory frame for clean production; and sectors, workers and autonomous decentralised coherent with that determined in Art. 113 of the that shall guarantee that no economic party governments. The Consultive Council shall have Code of Work; will abuse its market share, and this shall be j. The expansion through the national territory, ample and plural representation that reflects the established in the law for this matter; of public productive policies so as to eliminate different sectors, territories and sizes of production. d. The variable commissions that follow legitimate the territorial disequilibrium in the process of The Consultive Council shall not have public and usual market practices and which the c. The productive development of sectors with development. resources for its functioning, but the Technical employer pays the employee; strong, positive externalities, so as to add to the Secretary’s Office of the Sector Council for general level of productivity and the development Production, shall provide logistical support for its e. The worker’s amount of share in profits of the of the this Code faculties for innovation of all functioning and for the participation of its members. company, according to the law, divided by economies, through the strengthening of the twelve; establishment that this Code determines; The Consultive Council could propose or suggest technical positions for the creation of policies that f. The additional benefits received by the worker, d. The generation of an innovative, entrepreneurial shall be adopted by the entities responsible for acquired in money, due to collective contract, and associative ecosystem through the drafting policies of production development, investment and that do not constitute legal obligations, and and coordination of public, private, popular foreign trade. This Consultive Council’s integration the periodical voluntary contributions by the and supportive initiatives for innovation and and functioning shall be normed in the rules of this employer to his/her workers, made in currency; transferring of productive technology, and tying code, and in whatever not provisioned for in said and; of investigation to the productive activity; Rules, through a ruling of the Sector Council for Production. g. The Reserve Funds; 10 11
  • 7. Code of Production Code of Production In case a worker had done labour for a period less worker’s income tax, and shall strictly be temporary than one year, the calculation shall be proportional to in nature until the Honourable Salary is achieved. the time of employment. The above mentioned calculation, in no way means TITLE III the proportional monthly payment of the thirteenth and fourteenth salaries, and the workers’ share of Generating an Integral System for Innovation, profit, which amounts shall be paid in full and in the Technical Training, and Entrepreneurship dates assigned in accordance with the law. Art. 11.- System for Innovation, Technical Art. 10.- Economic Compensation for the Training and Entrepreneurship.- The Productive Honourable Salary.- From the start of fiscal year Sector Council shall annually design a plan for te- 2011, the employers mentioned below who have chnical training, which shall become a link in plan- not paid all of their workers an amount equal to or ning the system for innovation, technical training, above the monthly Honourable Salary shall calculate and entrepreneurship, as per the Productive Trans- an additional obligatory economic compensation formation Agenda and the National Development that will be paid to achieve the Honourable Salary Plan. to those workers who have made less than outlined in Art. 9. This system shall link the work of various public and private institutions, in their different stages of The economic compensation mentioned in the growth and with their different tools, in a One-Stop- above subsection, shall be compulsory for those Customer-Service virtual window, decentralized so employers who: it aids in disseminating information on: training for entrepreneurial initiative, financial instruments, risk a. Are persons or legal entities that are required to keep accounting; capital, development banking geared to the finan- ce of enterprises, the National Guarantees Fund, technical assistance and linking of decentralised, BOOK II THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCTIVE INVESTMENT AND ITS INSTRUMENTS. b. At the end the fiscal year had any profits; and, autonomous governments, not-for –profit organi- zations, and universities, amongst others. c. In the fiscal year had paid anticipated income taxes. Art. 12.- Risk Capital.- The State may give funds for risk capital through legal and financial This calculation for the amount of the economic mechanisms. The temporary nature of investments compensation shall be based through the thirty first made by the State shall have been previously agreed of December of that fiscal year and it may be paid upon both for time and form; giving priority to the up until March, once a year, amongst those workers disinvestment of the State in companies where it that did not receive the Honourable Salary during is partial or total owner, in favour of the employees the previous fiscal year. If needed, for this economic and workers of said companies, as well as in favour compensation the employer shall destine an amount of the community where those companies work, equivalent of up to a hundred per cent of the profits within the conditions and times established for each of the fiscal year. project. In case the amount described before does not cover all of the Honourable Salary of all workers with rights to the Economic Compensation, the latter shall be proportionately divided amongst said workers, this compensation coming from the difference between the components of a Honourable Salary and the Honourable Salary as stated in Art. 8 of this Code. This Economic Compensation is additional, shall not be an integral part of the salary, does not constitute taxable income for Social Security nor for the 12
  • 8. Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production e. Persons or legal Ecuadorean entities owners Chapter II Constitution prohibits all manners of confiscation. BOOK II that exercise control of an investment made Therefore, confiscation of national or foreign in Ecuadorean territory. Also included under General Principles investments shall not be decreed or executed. this concept are national citizens or legal THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCTIVE Ecuadorean entities, or from the cooperative, Art. 17.- Non-Discriminatory Conduct.- National The State can declare, exceptionally and in INVESTMENT AND ITS INSTRUMENTS associative and community Ecuadorean sectors and foreign investors; societies, companies accordance with the Constitution, the expropriation made in Ecuadorean territory. The national or entities from the cooperative, popular, and of real state with the sole purpose of executing TITLE I Ecuadorean citizens that have dual citizenship, supportive economy, in which these partake as social development plans, environmental or expatriates residents of this country for the well as well as their legally established investments sustainable management, and collective well being, Promotion, Encouragement, and Regulation of purpose of this code, will be considered national in Ecuador, with the limitations provided by in the following the legally established procedures in a Productive Investments investors. Constitution of the Republic, shall have equality of non-discriminatory way, with previous assessment conditions with respect to administration operation, of value, and the payment of fair and adequate Chapter I It shall not be considered a national investment expansion, and transfer of their investments, and indemnification in compliance with the law. that made by a national or foreign company whose shall not be the subject of discriminatory or arbitrary Productive Investment shares, participation property or control, both total measures. Foreign investors and investments shall or majority, belongs to a national citizens or legal have full protection and equal protection of the law, Chapter III Art. 13.- Definitions.- The following definitions are Ecuadorean entity. in such way that they shall have the same protection for the purposes of the present regulation: that Ecuadorean nationals receive within the national The Rights of the Investors Art. 14.- Application.- The new investments shall territory. a. Productive Investment. - Productive Investment not require authorizations of any nature, with the Art. 19.- Rights of the Investors.- The following shall be understood, irrespective of the type of exception of those that the Law expressly determines The State in all its governmental levels, exercising rights shall be recognised to the investors: property, as the cash flow destined to produce and that are derived from the corresponding their public authority, could give differentiated goods and services, to enlarge productive territorial arrangement, having to comply with the treatment, as a way of incentives, in favour of new a. Freedom of production and commercialisation of capacity, and to generate employment sources requisites that this regulation demands to benefit and productive investments, which will be given in licit goods and services, socially desirable and in the national economy. from the incentives stated here. function of sectors, geographical location, or other environmentally sustainable, as well as freedom parameters which they will have to comply with, of pricing, with the exception of those goods and b. New Investment. - For the incentives to apply The benefits of this code shall not apply to those according to the terms provisioned in this Code and services which production and commercialisation to new investments, with the understanding investments by citizens or legal entities domiciled in its Regulations. are regulated by the law. that new investments are cash flow destined to tax havens. The Code shall regulate the parameters increment economic capital, it has to be through of incentive application for all and any sector that Foreign investments shall have a direct b. Access to administrative and control actions that effective investment in productive assets, which request it. complementary role in the strategic sectors of the the State establishes to avoid any speculative will enlarge future production capacity, generate economy that require investment and financing to practice of private monopoly or oligopoly, or a larger production of goods and services, or The benefits and guarantees recognised by this reach the objectives of the National Development abuse of market dominance and other disloyal generate new employment sources, in the Code shall be applied with no detriment to the plan, and subject to applicable legislation. In the competition practices; terms provisioned for in the regulations. The Constitution of the Republic and of other laws, as rest of the economy’s sectors, foreign investors can mere change of proprietorship of productive well to other international agreements duly ratified directly participate without the need of previous c. Freedom of import and export of goods and assets that are already in production, as well as by Ecuador. or additional authorisation provided for national services, with the exceptions of those limits the credit obtained to acquire said assets, under investors. established in the norm and in accordance with this Code does not constitute new investment. Art. 15.- Competent Law Body.- The Productive the international agreements in which Ecuador Sector Council will be the State’s supreme governing Governmental entities shall promote in a priority partakes; c. Foreign Investment. -Investment that is property organ in investment matters. way the attraction of direct foreign investment of foreign national citizens or that is run by according to the needs of, and priorities defined in, d. Free transfer abroad, in currency, of the periodical foreign legal entities domiciled abroad, or that Art. 16.- Manners for Investments.- The ways for the National Plan for Development, the Productive earnings or profits that come from registered implies money not generated in Ecuador. investments and its exceptions shall be established Transformation Agenda, as well as in the different private investment, once the duties concerning in the regulations of this norm. developmental plans of the decentralised the workers’ share, tax obligations, and others d. National Investment. - Investment that is autonomous governments. Additionally, the established in this code are complied with. property of Ecuadorean national citizens or investments made in other sectors of the economy that is run by legal Ecuadorean entities, or by will have the same benefits from State policies of e. Freedom to send resources that are obtained expatriates residents of Ecuador, unless they productive stimulus, in terms of the present norm. through total or partial liquidation of the demonstrate that it is capital not generated in companies in which the registered foreign Ecuador; and, Art. 18.- Ownership Rights.- The property of investment was made, or through the sale investors shall be protected in the terms established of shares, participations, or acquired rights in the Constitution and other pertinent laws. The because of investments made, once the 14 15
  • 9. Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production tributary obligations as well as other pertaining a) Draw up plans and projects for the development TITLE III responsibilities, as established in legal norms; and national advancement of national, regional, 2. Sector and for fair regional development: For provincial and local production, in the frame Incentives for Productive Development sectors that contribute to the change of the energy f. Freedom to acquire, transfer or transfer ownership of the Intercultural and Plurinational State, matrix, strategic substitution of imports, fostering of shares participations or rights of ownership to guaranteeing the rights of persons, community Chapter I of exports, as well as for rural development in third parties, in the country or abroad, abiding by and nature; all of the country and urban zones, as specified the formalities provided in the law; General Rules about Incentives and Stimulus in the second corrective disposition (2.2), total b) Support and consolidate the Community for Economic Development exoneration, for five years, of Corporate Income g. Freedom of access to the national financial Productive Partner, for which it shall make Tax to new investment that might develop in these system and to the stock market, to obtain long, programmes and projects with public Art. 23.- Incentives.- The incentives of the sectors. mid- or, long term financial resources. financing to recuperation, support and tributary nature that this norm recognises shall be technological transfer, investigation, training incorporated as reforms to the pertinent tributary 3. For Economically Depressed Zones: besides h. Freedom of access to the mechanisms and commercialization and public purchases norms as stated in the Corrective Dispositions at the from these investments benefiting from the general for promotional, technical, cooperation, mechanisms, amongst others; end of this Code. and sector incentives afore mentioned, new technological assistance and other equivalents; investment in these zones shall be given priority, and, c) Promote equality of opportunities through the Art. 24.- Classification of the Incentives.- The giving, for five years, an additional tax benefit by giving of benefits, incentives and production tax incentives that this code establishes are of three deducting 100% of the cost of contracting new i. Access to the rest of general benefits and means; sorts: employees. incentives provided for in this Code, other laws and applicable normative. d) Promote Nourishment Insurance through 1. General: Those that apply to investments that are preferential financing mechanisms for the carried out in any part of national territory. Art. 25.- The Contents of Investment micro, small, mid-, and big ventures of the They consist of the following: Contracts.- Upon the investor’s initiative, Art. 20.- Tributary Regime.- In tax matters, communities, peoples, indigenous, Afro- investment contracts may be signed, which shall national and foreign investments shall be subject Ecuadorean and montubios nationalities; a. The progressive reduction of three percentage be held through a Public, in which shall appear the to the same Tributary Regime, with the exceptions points of Corporate Income Tax; treatment given to investment, under the scope of provided for in this Code. e) Finance productive projects of the communities, this Code and its Regulation. peoples, indigenous, Afro-Ecuadorean b. Those established for special growth zones, Art. 21.- Obligatory Standards.- National and montubios nationalities that propel the providing they comply with the criteria for their Investment contracts may give stability over tax and foreign investors and their investments, inn agricultural, livestock, artisan, fishing, mining, conformation; incentives, during the time the contract is valid, general shall be subject to observance and faithful industrial, tourist production and others of this as per the prerogatives of this Code. In the same compliance of the laws of this country, and especially segment. c. The additional deductions for calculating manner these investments contracts shall detail the ones relating to the labour, environmental, Corporate Income Tax, as mechanisms to the supervision and regulation mechanisms for the tributary and social security aspects in use. The Branches of the Ministries or national Secretary encourage the improvement of productivity, compliance of the investment parameters expected Offices that have competence to foster the popular, innovation, and eco-efficient production; in each contract. The Council for Sector Production TITLE II supportive and community economy, shall present shall establish the parameters that investments that at the end of the annual economic activity, to the d. The benefits for companies opening the social ask to be subjected to this regime, must comply Productive Development of the Popular, Ministry that presides over the Council for Sector capital in benefit of its workers; with. Supportive and Community Economy Production, reports on the money invested in programmes for the generation of aptitudes, e. The facilities of payment in foreign commerce Art. 22.- Specific Measures.- The Council innovation, entrepreneurship, technology, taxes; Art. 26.- Validity.- Investment contracts shall have of Sector Production shall establish policies for betterment of productivity, associativity, fostering and validity up to fifteen (15) years from the date of its boosting the popular, supportive and community promotion of exportable supply, commercialization, f. The deduction for calculating Corporate Income inception, and its validity shall not limit the authority economy, as well as democratic access the elements amongst others, with the objective of fostering this Tax from the additional compensation on of the State to exercise control and regulation, of production, without detriment to the competence segment of the economy. payment of the Honourable Salary; through its appropriate organisms. of decentralised, autonomous governments and the specific institutionalising created for the entire g. Exoneration of the Currency Transfer Tax for Upon request by the investor, and as long as the development of this segment, in accordance to operations with external financing; Council for Sector Production considers pertinent, what the law regulates on this matter. according to the type of investment that is evolving, h. Exoneration, for five years, of Anticipated investment contracts may be extended for one Additionally, to foster and strengthen the popular, Income Tax Payment for all new investment; time, up to the same originally awarded time period. supportive and community economy, the Productive Sector Council, shall execute the following actions: i. Reforms on calculation of the Anticipated income Tax Payment. 16 17
  • 10. Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production Art. 27.- Solution of Conflicts.- In the investment The Technical Secretary Office, in conjunction with c. Non-compliance on the investor’s side to payment of taxes plus the corresponding interest, contract with foreign investors, arbitration clauses the Internal Revenue Service, may make controls execute the minimum conditions for the that would have had to be paid, had there not may be agreed upon to solve controversies that to verify compliance of the criteria that caused authorised investment within the provided time been access to the tax incentives acknowledged might happen between the State and the investors. the incentive, related to the investment made, period for the respective investment project; by this rulings, for the time period in which the be applied. The regulations shall establish the non-compliance took place; excepting fortuitous The controversies between a foreign investor and parameters for execution of this monitoring. d. Transfer of the investment, without abiding by circumstances or force majeure, properly the Ecuadorean State, which had been pursued the requisites and conditions provided for in the documented and accepted by the Council for and exhausted through administrative routes, shall If the beneficiary does not comply with what is regulations. Sector Production /Productive Sector Council. All of try to be resolved in an amicable manner, with direct required, the Technical Secretary Office shall put the above are without prejudice to the assessment dialogue within a period of sixty (60) days. If a direct into knowledge of the Council for Sector Production e. Deceitful non-compliance of labour regulations, rights of the Tax Administration, in compliance with solution between the parties is not arrived at, there /Productive Sector Council, a detailed report with Social Security taxes, or environmental laws of the law. shall be a compulsory mediation instance within the respect to the seriousness of the identified non- the country, verified by the competent authority; three (3) following months from the inception of the compliances, which were not fixed, as well as TÍTTLE IV formal beginning of direct negotiations. recommending the implementation of the pertinent f. Judicially proved deceit in the documents or punishment, depending on the gravity of said non- information provided, which served to obtain Special Economic Development Zones (ZEDE) If after this mediation instance the controversy still compliances. the incentives for investment; exists, the conflict may be subjected to national Chapter I or international arbitration, in accordance to the Art. 30.- Special Ineligibilities.- The President of g. Obstructing or hindering the verification by the valid treaties, of which Ecuador is a party. The the Republic, the Vice president of the Republic the State’s entities competent in this matter, or The Making up of and the Purpose of Special decisions of this Arbitration Tribunal shall be of law, Ministers and secretaries of the nation, and the public resorting to any means to induce these entities Economic Development Zones the applicable legislature shall be the Ecuadorean servants of the governing entity of the production or their public official to err, with the intent of one, and the binding judgment in arbitration, shall policy, neither directly nor through a third party, even benefiting from the benefits that the State Art. 34.- The National Government may authorise be definitive and binding to all parties. on partnership companies that have direct or indirect acknowledges; the establishing of Special Economic Development participation of its capital assets, as well as those who Zones (ZEDE), as a customs destination, in If after six (6) months the administrative route has had had direct or indirect connection in any stage of h. Bribery or intention of bribery of public officials in especially determined spaces within the national been exhausted, the parties have not arrived to the process of access to the incentives, or that may charge of control and supervision of the benefits territory, for setting up new investment, with the an amicable agreement, neither have subjected have a degree of responsibility in the procedure, and acknowledged by this rulings, upon conviction incentives that are detailed in the present norm, to arbitrational jurisdiction for the solution of their for whose activities or functions, it may be reasonably by the competent judicial authority, without which shall be conditioned to the compliance of the conflicts, the controversy shall be shall be brought presumed that they have privileged information detriment to the penal actions that might ensue; specific objective of this Code, in compliance with to the attention of the Ordinary National Justice. Tax of these processes, as well as the spouses of and, the parameters set by the regulations and those issues shall not be subject of arbitration. the dignitaries, public official and employees provisioned for in the Plan of Territorial Order. aforementioned, and anyone not up to date with their i. Benefit from the incentives of those who have Art. 28.- The application of incentives.- The tax , labour, environmental and Social Security duties. been forbidden by law. Art. 35.- Location.- Special Economic Technical Secretary Office of the Council for Sector Development Zones (ZEDE) shall be located in Production /Productive Sector Council, shall Chapter II especially determined spaces within the national coordinate with the pertinent control bodies, the Art. 32.- Revocation.- - Without detriment to the territory, taking into account conditions such as appropriate execution of the benefits recognised Infringements of and sanctions for the civil or penal actions that might ensue performing environmental preservation, territoriality, potential for each investment project, not being able to investors any of the causals provided for in the previous of each site, road infrastructure, basic services, demand from the investors other requisites asides Article, shall generate the revocation of the connectivity to other parts of the country, amongst from the ones established in this legislation. Art. 31.- Infringements.- The following shall granted benefits. The revocation provided for in others, previously determined by the ruling constitute causal of infringements by investors who this chapter, shall be decided through a resolution body in productive development matters, and in Art. 29.- Monitoring.- The monitoring of the benefit from the incentives provisioned by this ruling: motioned by the Technical Secretary Office of the coordination with the body in charge of National duties taken on by the investors, be them legal or Council for Sector Production /Productive Sector Planning, and shall be the subject of special contractual, shall be in charge of Secretary Office a. Non-compliance on the side of the investors, of Council. The investor, upon whom sanctions were treatment in regards to foreign trade, tax and of the Council for Sector Production /Productive making timely contributions or acquisitions to imposed, can present an administrative appeal financial reporting. Sector Council. which they have committed themselves, within before this Council, following the procedures the planned period of time for the respective established in the Statute of the Executive’s Judicial Art. 36.- Types.- Special Economic Development The Internal Revenue Service shall send to the investment project; and Administrative System. Zones (ZEDE) may be the following types: Technical Secretary Office, a quarterly list of the new companies that have applied for the incentives, so b. Total or partial withdrawal of the investment, as Art. 33.- If the grounds for revoking are any of a. For carrying on activities for transfer and that the latter entity shall make an electronic registry long as this implies non-compliance of legal or the established in literals e, f, g, h, I, of Art. 31, disaggregation of technology and innovation. with this information. contractual obligations; it shall be additionally determined what are the In these zones all types of ventures and reimbursements of the given incentives, and the projects for technological development, 18 19
  • 11. Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production electronic innovation, biodiversity, sustainable sector that is taking place in the authorised zone, d. Resolve the queries that might arise with respect the interested party may ask, under the initiative environmental or energy improvements; and that the ZEDE has, within its constituent to the application of this code in regards to the of public sector institutions or of decentralised, instrument, the authorisation to operate under the Special Economic Development Zones; autonomous governments. b. For executing operations of industrial typology that corresponds to the activity that may Investment used for the growth in these zones can diversification, that may be of all types of be installed. e. Impose sanctions set in this regulation to those be public, private, or mixed. Also, the managing innovative industrial enterprises, especially administrators and operators that do not company as well as the operators that set up in directed towards the export of goods with the Art. 37.- Customs Controls.- The people and comply with the convened upon dispositions for said zones can be private individuals or legal use of quality employment. In these zones, it is transportation means that go in or out of a ZEDE, its functioning; entities, private, public, mixed, national, or foreign. allowed to carry on all types of active perfecting its boundaries, and the entry and exit points of In order to evaluate the convenience of authorising activities like: transformation of, manufacturing the ZEDE, shall be under vigilance of Customs f. Provide the general and specific requirements, the set up of a Special Economic Development of (including assembly, and adaptation to Administration. Custom control may be carried out including those of national origin and value Zones (ZEDE), a general description shall other merchandise) and repair of merchandise, before entering, during the stay of the merchandise added, so that transformed manufactured be required, which will include the requisites (including its restoration or conversion) in the zone, or after its exit. goods (including assembly, joining and established in the rules of this norm. especially of all types of goods for export and adaptations to other merchandise) or repaired A ZEDE shall not be created in spaces that are the strategic substitution of imports; and; The procedures for control that shall be established (including its restoration or conditioning) part of the National System for Protected Areas, Customs Administration, shall not constitute an within Special Economic Development Zones or of National Forestry Heritage, or that have been c. For developing logistical services, such obstacle for the flow of productive processes (ZEDE) may be nationalised, with or without declared Protected Woods or Protected Vegetation as: storing of cargo with consolidation and taking place in the ZEDE, and shall be simplified for total payment or partial payment of duties. To or that are fragile ecosystems. deconsolidation, classification, labelling, the entering and exiting of the merchandises from the effect of establishing this procedure, the In the license to operate the ZEDE, there may be packaging, repackaging, refrigeration, inventory these territories. customs value of the merchandise that may be an itemization of the incentives that apply to each management, dry ports management or inside nationalised shall be taken into account, having particular case, both for managers as well as for cargo terminals, coordination of national and Art. 38.- Administrative Statute for Settlement.- to subtract the national added value and/or the operators. international distribution of merchandise, as well The Special Economic Development Zones (ZEDE), value of national or nationalised goods that have as maintenance or repair of vessels, airplanes shall be created through authorization from the been incorporated to the production process of Chapter II and land transportation vehicles for the Council for Sector Production /Productive Sector the good to be nationalised, the compliance to transport of merchandise. Preferably these type Council, taking into account the potential economic the regulations on origin of national products for Managers and Operators of the Special of zones shall be set up inside of or adjacent growth of the territories where the especial zones export, amongst other, should it be appropriate. Economic Development Zones (ZEDE) to seaports and airports, or near border zones. are set up, the objectives, plans and strategies of These procedures will be exclusively for the Exclusive storage of cargo or stocking shall not the National Development Plan, the Productive calculation of tariff rights. To the effect of Art. 41.- Managers of ZEDE.- The legal entities be authorised within this type of zones. The Transformation Agenda, and any other regional plans, payment and collection of Value Added Tax private, public, or of mixed economy, national logistical services shall be directed to promote based on the requirements and formalities that shall (VAT), the IRS’s established procedures shall be or foreign, that may make a request for it, may the physical facilities of seaports, airports and be determined in the regulations of this code. followed; constitute themselves in managers of Special border crossings, that shall serve to further Economic Development Zones (ZEDE), as long as the positive net value of foreign trade and Authorization shall be granted for a period of twenty g. Verify, in coordination with the environmental they obtain permission to do one of the activities local supplying under allowed parameters, in (20) years, which can be extended, subject to the entity in charge, that the management in the described in Art. 36 of the present Code. Its function compliance with the requirements established evaluation established in the Regulations, and may Special Economic Development Zones (ZEDE) shall be the growth, management and operational on the Regulations of this Code. only be revoked before the time period convened are not creating environmental impacts that control of the ZEDE, in congruence with the duties upon by having verified any infringements that as a gravely affect the region; of the by-laws of this Code and the ones that shall The goods that shall be part of these processes, result revoke the authorization. be determined by the Productive Sector Council. shall serve to diversify the supply of exports; h. The rest that the Regulation of this Code however, its nationalization shall be authorised Art. 39.- Public Jurisdiction.- The following shall establishes. The responsibilities and control processes with for consumption within the country in those be the attributions of Council for Sector Production which the managers shall comply, shall be percentages of production that the ruling of the /Productive Sector Council, for the establishment of To carry on supervision and operative controls of established by the Productive Sector Council present Code determines. These limits shall not ZEDE: the running and compliance with the objectives of apply to the goods obtained from the processes of the Special Economic Development Zones (ZEDE), Art. 42.- Operators of ZEDE.- Operators of transfer and innovation of technology. a. Dictate the general policies for functioning and the Ministry responsible for industrial fostering, ZEDE are individuals or legal entities, public, supervision of the ZEDE; shall provide an executive authority of the policies private or mixed, national or foreign proposed by Private individuals or legal entities that establish that may be established by the Council for Sector the ZEDE’s managing company and authorised by themselves in the special zones, may operate b. Authorise the set up of Special Economic Production /Productive Sector Council, in relation the Productive Sector Council, which may perform exclusively in one of the aforementioned ways, Development Zones (ZEDE) that comply with to the ZEDE. authorised activities in these zones of national or may diversify their operations within the same the provided legal requirements; territory, for which boundaries have been set. territory, as long as the variations of activities befit c. Qualify and authorise administrators and Art. 40.- Request for ZEDE.- To set up a the expedition of productive linking of the economic operators of ZEDE; Special Economic Development Zone (ZEDE), 20 21
  • 12. Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production Code of Production Operators of ZEDE may exclusively perform the imposed for infractions made, according to this the deed or omission done, without prejudice of e. Not compliance of established procedures for activities for which they were authorised in their Code and its Applicable Regulations. civil and penal actions that take place. entry and exit of merchandise of the Special corresponding qualification, under the terms of Economic Development Zones (ZEDE); this Code, its by-laws, in the befitting customs Art. 46.- Customs and Foreign Trade Art. 50.- Minor Infringements.- The following legislation and the norm passed by the Productive Treatment. Because it is an exceptional judicial are considered minor infringements punished with f. For non-compliance of the chronograms Sector Council. structure, Special Economic Development written reprimand or fine. regarding work, equipment and investment, Zones (ZEDE) both for managers as well as for which shall be carried out in the times In the same manner, they shall ascertain that operators, shall receive the Customs treatment a. The non-compliance of duties of the manager, determined in the documents that were the base their activities comply with the parameters that that the legal Customs Regime grants them, which shall be in the authorisation and that do for qualifying a Special Economic Development the labour and environmental norm, national and exempting duty payments on foreign merchandise not constitute serious infringements; Zones’ (ZEDE’s) Operator, or for the granting of international, through licensed environmental that enter said zones for the performance of the authorisation as Manager; processes if needed, technology transfers and local authorised processes. The procedures for entry b. When the Operator does not inform the Manager personnel training. and exit of ZEDE’s merchandise, as well as the of entry, use, and exit of goods and products g. The non-compliance of any other regulation not usage of waste, shrinkage and surplus, their to be manufactured, transformed, processed, provided for as a serious infringement. Art. 43.- Prohibited Links.- The managers shall possible nationalisation, re-export or destruction of commercialised, or used, as well as the use of not have simultaneously the license of operator, deteriorated merchandise, shall be regulated by the labour and sale of currency that are made in the Art. 51.- Serious Infringements.- Serious neither shall they have any economic or company rules of this Code. country, within the time period provided for in infringements shall be those behaviors that imply a links with the rest of ZEDE’s operators, under the Regulations. performance inexcusably lacking in thoroughness penalty of revocation. To the effect of operations, this Code shall establish and carefulness, or those in which there is a the parameters in which the entry of merchandise c. For not presenting the Internal Regulations relapsing of a minor infringement. Art. 44.- Support Services.- Any individuals to Special Economic Development Zones (ZEDE), for the operation of each Special Economic or legal entities, public or private, that want to shall be considered an export, and also for when Development Zones (ZEDE) within the stipulated The following are serious infringements punished set up a Special Economic Development Zones goods coming from Special Economic Development time period; with interruption, cancellation of qualification as (ZEDE), to provide support services, or support Zones (ZEDE) enter the national customs territory, operator, or the revocation of authorisation: to the operators set up in the authorised zone, shall be considered an import d. When the Administrators do not keep the shall present the request to the respective following information through organized, a. Non-compliance of any of the objectives management company, which will approve or deny Art. 47.- Entry to another regime.- Capital assets computerised systems, on line with the indicated in the authorization for Special the request upon a previous favourable ruling from entering the country through a temporary or free Internal Revenue System, the Ecuadorean Economic Development Zones (ZEDE), within the Technical-Operational Unit, responsible for zone of foreign trade may finish its regime with Customs Service, and the Special Economic the stipulated time period; exercising supervision and control of the ZEDE. the re-export of the assets to a Special Economic Development Zones (ZEDE): Development Zones (ZEDE), as long as the operator b. The non-compliance with the prohibition of non The companies that want to set up support services has requested its respective entry for use in 1. Entry and exit of merchandise of Special linkage provided for Managers and Operators; for the operators of Special Economic Development authorised activities. Economic Development Zones (ZEDE) with Zones (ZEDE) shall comply with all security and origin and destination identification; c. When the Managers do not verify and control control regulations that are a by-product of this Art. 48.- Valuation of Capital Assets.- The assets the activities of their Operators, using the Code, its regulations, as well as the directives that of foreign origin used in an authorised zone, for 2. The charts of contents of raw materials established legal mechanisms in this Code, Sector Productive Council shall issue. In the case of nationalization effects, shall be valued considering that shall be converted into intermediate its Regulation and the other norms applicable, private financial institutions, national or foreign, they the state in which they are at the moment of or final products in the Special Economic informing of infringements to the pertinent shall obtain authorisation from the Superintendent registering documents for the Statement of Use. Development Zones (ZEDE), bodies, such as to adopt pertinent administrative of Banks, which shall set the requirements with and legal measures; which these companies must abide. Chapter III 3. The partial processing operations to which the Norm refers; d. Refusal to, admit entry to, verification of, or Infringements and Sanctions for Special audits of Special Economic Development Art. 45.- Responsibilities- The operators and Economic Development Zones (ZEDE) 4. The authorised change of regime; Zones (ZEDE) by its appropriate administrative managers of Special Economic Development bodies, or by the agreements for each case, or Zones (ZEDE), with regards to income, possession, Art. 49.- Infringements.- Infringements for non- 5. The inventories of its Operators; obstruction of these practises; maintenance and final destination of all merchandise compliance of provisions for Special Economic introduced or processed within the authorised Development Zones (ZEDE) shall be classified 6. The tax-free transactions made; and e. The entry into Special Economic Development zones, shall have solidarity responsibility and shall as minor or serious. The punishments provided Zones (ZEDE) of merchandises such as: arms, legally be held accountable for the adequate and for shall be applied by the controlling Technical 7. Sales made within de territory of Special explosives and ammunition, illegal drugs of any legal use and destination of said merchandise. The Operative Unit of special zones or by the Productive Economic Development Zones (ZEDE), with nature, or products that are against health, established solidarity responsibility applies to unmet Sector Council in accordance to their competence the buyers’ identification. environment, and public safety, or morals, Customs Tax duties, and the monetary punishments and considering the gravity and consequences of that do not have express authorisation from 22 23