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Can	Roo	Rooting	Give	Rise	to	Sustainable		
Succession	Rights	Under	Australian	Tax	Laws?1
December	19,	2015	
Background	Facts:	The	following	background	facts	are	stipulated	for	the	purpose	of	this	analysis.	
• Clyde	and	Ethel	Jones	are	a	married	couple	with	two	adult	children,	Dick	and	Jane	who	live	on	a	semi-
rural	property	where	they	have	some	domestic	livestock.	They	have	retired	early	on	the	success	of	Clyde’s	
invention	of	an	add-on	for	Xero	software.	His	net	worth	is	literally	EUR	200	million.	
• Gretchen	Fitzpatrick	and	Gertrude	Fitzmichael	[the	“Neighbors”]	are	a	pair	of	lesbians	whom	have	been	
cohabitating	for	twenty	years	and	have	adopted	twin	girls,	Fook	Yu	and	Fook	Me	who	are	still	in	high	
• The	 Neighbors	 have	 a	 twenty-acre	 property	 where	 they	 operate	 a	 Kangaroo	 rescue.	 They	 have	
approximately	twenty	kangaroos	and	three	wallabies	on	their	property	including	Katy,	a	twenty-five-
year-old	blind	kangaroo.		
• Unbeknownst	to	Ethel,	or	the	Neighbors,	Clyde	was	a	diehard	Roo	Rooter	who	had	been	carrying	on	a	
twisted,	depraved,	and	nefarious	sexual	relationship	with	Katy,	literally	an	egregious	serial	Roo	Rooting	
[we	don’t	have	any	need	to	describe	the	details	of	the	relationship,	suffice	it	that	you	can	watch	their	
videos	here.	
• Clyde	was	discovered	dead	in	Katy’s	cage	one	afternoon	with	his	trousers	around	his	ankles	and	Katy	was	
muzzled.	After	a	careful	investigation,	the	authorities	determined	that	Clyde	suffered	a	fatal	heart	attack	
after	Katy	kicked	him	in	the	chest	during	an	exuberant	roo	rooting	session.		
	[Note:	The	topic	is	obviously	satire	at	one	level,	however,	based	upon	a	review	of	the	applicable	statute,	regulatory	and	
judicial	authority,	the	question	may	not	be	so	absurd.	This	is	actual	excerpt	from	a	paper	I	am	writing	as	part	of	a	CTA3	
course…now	 you	 see	 the	 absurdity	 of	 US	 tax	 practice	 can	 do	 to	 a	 practitioner.	 Further,	 portions	 of	 the	 analysis	 may	 be	
attributed	to	“	Defining	De	Facto”	Peiros	and	Smyth	[Taxation	in	Australia,	December	2015	at	344-346]
• The	neighbors	have	sued	Ethel	Jones	asserting	that	they,	as	the	owners	of	Katy,	on	her	behalf	are	entitled	
to	an	inheritance	share	from	Clyde	due	to	the	existence	of	a	proper	“de	facto”	domestic	relationship	
between	Clyde	and	Katy	under	the	Succession	and	Wills	Acts.	
• Initially,	Ethel	Jones	thought	the	Neighbors	had	gone	completely	“bat	shit”	until	they	read	the	Neighbors	
complaint	in	the	lawsuit,	and	candidly	are	in	a	state	of	shock	and	panic.		
• Ethel	Jones	has	come	to	your	firm,	Cheetem,	Steal	and	Hyde	and	asked	to	represented	in	defending	the	
lawsuit.	 The	 Managing	 Partner	 of	 your	 firm	 could	 hardly	 contain	 himself	 from	 laughing	 and	 has	
“volunteered”	you	to	spend	the	best	holiday	weekend	of	the	year	in	the	office	reviewing	the	matter	and	
providing	him	with	the	basis	for	a	response	to	the	court	the	following	Monday	[the	fine	gentleman	must	
truly	have	it	in	for	you.	Please	provide	your	analysis	and	recommendations	to	him.	
As	absurd	as	it	sounds,	I	recommended	that	our	firm	seek	to	mediate	the	issue	and	reach	an	acceptable	settlement	
with	the	neighbors	on	the	grounds	as	the	Neighbor’s	claim	has	merit,	and	might	be	sustained	by	the	Court.	
Background	and	Analysis:	
While	 most	 of	 the	 civilized	 world	 have	 reached	 accommodation	 of	 “civil	 unions”,	 registered	 domestic	
partnerships,	same	sex	marriage	[recently	expanded	to	include	third,	so	called	“neutral	genders”	the	law	with	
respect	to	de	facto	domestic	relationships	is	far	from	clear	under	Australian	state	a	federal	statutes	where	in	
excess	of	thirty	definitions	can	be	found	to	exist
The	common	elements	in	the	analysis	seem	to	be		
• the	nature	and	extent	of	cohabitation;	
• the	duration	of	the	relationship;	
2		S	5AA	of	the	Succession	Act	1981	(Qld);	s	32DA	of	the	Acts	Interpretation	Act	1954	(Qld);	ss	4AA	and	60EA	of	the	Family	Law	
Act	1975	(Cth);	ss	20,	2E	and	2F	of	the	Acts	Interpretation	Act	1901	(Cth);	s	1	of	the	Superannuation	Industry	(Supervision)	Act	
1993	(Cth);	s	3	of	the	Commonwealth	Powers	(De	Facto	Relationships)	Act	2003	(Qld);	s	11A	of	the	Veterans'	Entitlements	Act	
1986	(Cth);	s	21C	of	the	Interpretation	Act		1987	(NSW);	s	32G	of	the	Probate	and	Administration	Act		1898;	s	21C	of	the	
Interpretation	Act	1987	(NSW);	s	4	of	the	Property	(Relationships)	Act	1984	(NSW);	s	3	of	the	Trustee	and	Guardian	Act	2009	
(NSW);	s	169	of	the	Legislation	Act	2001	(ACT);	s	44	of	the	Administration	and	Probate	Act	1929	(ACT);	s	7	of	the	Family	Provisions	
Act	1969	(ACT);	s	7A	of	the	Wills	Act	1936	(SA);	s	4	of	the	Inheritance	(Family	Provision)	Act	1972	(SA);	ss	11,	11A	and	118	of	the	
Family	 Relationships	 Act	 1975	 (SA);	 s	 4A	 of	 the	 Superannuation	 Act	 1988	 (SA);	 s	 4	 of	 the	 Wills	 Act	 2008	 (Tas):	 s	 4	 of	 the	
Relationships	Act	2003	(Tas);	s	2	of	the	Testator's	Family	Maintenance	Act	1912	(Tas);	s	3	of	the	Administration	and	Probate,	Act	
1958	(Vic);	s	3	of	the	Wills	Act	1997	(Vic);	s	3	of	the	Superannuation	(Portability)	Act		1989	(Vic);	s	3	of	the	Guardianship	and	
Administration	Act	1986	(Vic);
• the	existence	of	a	sexual	relationship;	
• the	degree	of	financial	ties	between	the	two	persons,	including	ownership,	use	and	
• of	property;	
• the	degree	of	mutual	commitment	to	a	shared	life,	including	the	care	and	support	of	
each	other;	
• the	care	and	support	of	children;	
• the	performance	of	household	tasks;	and	
• the	reputation	and	public	aspects	of	their	relationship;	
• the	two	people	are	not	married	to	each	other	or	related	by	family;	and	
• the	persons	can	be	legally	married	to	others	at	the	same	time.	
Due	to	the	predilection	of	the	courts	not	to	invade	the	private	lives	and	bedrooms	of	consenting	
adults	[query	does	this	extend	to	livestock?]	the	analysis	can	be	rather	difficult.	To	that	end,	
much	 of	 the	 case	 law	 examines	 what	 is	 meant	 by	 "genuine	 domestic	 basis",	 and	 how	 to	
distinguish	it	from	a	sham	or	a	casual	relationship,	or	simply	a	business	relationship	or	other	
relationship	of	convenience.	
The	 courts	 have	 found	 that	 de	 facto	 relationships	 take	 many	 different	 forms	 and,	 when	
attempting	to	define	the	relationship	in	question,	one	side	frames	their	assertions	with	a	focus	
on	 individual	 factors	 in	 isolation	 and	 attributing	 to	 each	 factor	 a	 degree	 of	 importance	 the	
assertion	of	the	absurd	becomes	logical.	[A	key	element	to	the	defense	of	this	claim	is	going	to	
involve	a	holistic	analysis	of	the	relationship	rather	than	taking	the	factor	by	factor	approach.	The	
risk	lies	in	situations	where	the	court	makes	a	value	judgment	in	each	case,	having	regard	to	a	
variety	of	factors	relating	to	the	particular	relationship.	
The	decisions	show	that	none	of	these	factors	are	critical	or	essential	and	"a	genuine	domestic	
relationship"	can	be	constructed	from	any	permutation	of	the	elements.	It	does	not	appear	to
be	much	of	a	leap	to	extend	the	definition	beyond	“people”	to	include	domestic	livestock	
[thought	such	analysis	is	an	entirely	distinct	legal	question.]	
In	Summers	v	Garland3
,	the	court	found	that	a	16-year	de	facto	relationship	existed	even	though	
the	couple	did	not	share	any	finances,	did	not	operate	a	joint	bank	account,	did	not	own	any	
property	together,	did	not	declare	each	other	as	spouses	for	ATO	or	Centrelink	purposes,	and	did	
not	 share	 a	 bedroom.	 The	 court	 held	 that	 the	 couple	 satisfied	 the	 key	 personal	 factors	 of	
presenting	as	a	couple	to	the	world	at	large;	and	providing	support	to	each	other	over	a	long	
time,	 "but	 in	 some	 respects	 the	 relationship	 was	 less	 than	 a	 complete	 merging	 of	 lives	 and	
In	Bar-Mordecai	v.	Hillston4
	the	man	was	36	and	the	woman	was	72,	and	the	relationship	lasted	
for	 11	 years.	 They	 kept	 the	 relationship	 a	 secret	 from	 some	 people,	 made	 statements	 to	
government	officials	inconsistent	with	being	in	a	relationship,	there	was	no	written	record	of	
their	relationship	anywhere	(letters,	wills,	tax	returns	etc.),	but	they	were	openly	affectionate	in	
front	of	others.	They	lived	together	and	were	said	to	share	expenses	over	that	time.		It	was	
alleged	that	she	was	financially	exploited	by	him	and	he	was	her	relationship,	she	paid	money	to	
him	either	as	rent	or	contribution	to	expenses,	and	overall	they	were	happy.	The	neighbors	
thought	they	were	"a	couple".		
The	Court	of	Appeal	held	that.	"they	intended	to	have	a	lifetime	of	mutual	cohabitation"	and	a	
de	facto	relationship	was	established.	Given	the	Information	on	the	hospital	forms	as	early	as	
March	2011,	which	was	17	months	before	[Sharon's]	death,	and	the	fact	that	the	evidence	of	a	
number	of	witnesses	was	not	dealt	with	at	all	or	was	dealt	with	by	the	primary	judge	in	a	minimal	
way,	I	consider	that	the	judge	did	not	in	fact	assess	a	significant	body	of	evidence.		
	[2006]	QSC	085	
	[2004]	NWSCA	65
The	NSW	Court	of	Appeal	said	that:	
“over	11	years,	the	two	people	so	melded	their	social,	sexual	and	financial	
affairs	as	to	constitute	themselves	as	a	de	facto	couple.	The	relationship	
went	on	for	so	long	and	Its	mutually	satisfying	aspects	were	too	significant	
to	view	It	as	a	naked	plan	of	exploitation	...	relationship	Is	not	necessarily	t	
because	of	bouts	of	selfishness	or	infidelity"	
In	particular,	he	did	not	take	that	evidence	into	account	appropriately	when	determining	the	
degree	of	mutual	commitment,	issues	of	cohabitation	and	the	reputation	and	public	aspects	of	
the	 relationship	 before	 he	 concluded	 that	 the	 life	 the	 couple	 shared	 together	 was	 more	
committed	in	the	early	years	and	'perhaps	in	the	last	two	or	three	months	of	Sharon's	life'."		
Lyons	J	found	the	primary	judge	placed	significant	weight	on	the	financial	and	the	doctor	(for	
which	he	was	eventually	struck	off	the	medical	roll).	The	day	after	she	died,	another	woman	
moved	in	with	him.	
Contrast	this	with	Jonah	&	White5
,	where	the	man	and	woman	had	an	affair	for	over	17	years.	
Throughout	the	relationship,	he	lived	with	his	wife,	who	was	unaware	of	the	other	woman.		He	
spent	two	or	three	days’	spouse.	That	grant	was	successfully	challenged	by	Sharon's	mother,	
Daphne,	and	two	years	after	the	death,	the	grant	to	Kent	was	revoked,	and	Daphne	was	granted	
letters	of	administration	on	the	basis	that	she	was	next	of	kin	and	entitled	to	Sharon's	estate,	not	
Kent	appealed	the	revocation	on	grounds,	on	the	basis	that	the	primary	judge	erred	in	finding	
that	Kent	was	not	a	de	facto	spouse	within	the	meaning	of	s	SAA	of	the	Succession	Act	1981	(Old)	
by	placing	disproportionate		weight	on	evidence	related	to	financial	and	property	matters	and	
insufficient	 weight	 on	 evidence	 of	 the	 other	 factors,	 particularly	 he	 did	 not	 address	 why	 he	
discounted	the	mutual	care	and	support	and	reputational	aspects	of	the	relationship,	especially	
	[2012]	FamCAFC	200
where	it	has	been	determined	that	"how	the	couple	presents	to	the	public,	will	be		the	most	
decisive	consideration".		Lyons	J	found	Kent's	support	of	Sharon	through	her	terminal	illness	
spoke	"volumes	in	terms	of	his	actual	level	of	commitment	to	her".	
The	Judge	further	found	that	not	all	of	the	legislative	criteria	are	"required	to	be	present	before	
a	finding	can	be	made	that	a	couple	are	living	together	on	a	genuine	domestic	basis	[which	might	
be	extended	to	domestic	livestock??],	there	was	no	necessity	for	there	to	be	any	intermingling	
of	finances	and	property".	every	couple	of	weeks	with	the	woman	and	mutual	care	and	support	
and	reputational.	
When	determining	error	by	the	primary	they	went	on	holidays	together	regularly.	He	provided	
her	with	regular	financial	support	and	gave	her	$24,000	towards	the	purchase	of	her	house.	It	
was	decided	that	there	was	no	"merger	of	two	lives	into	one"	and	the	absence	of	the	public	
aspect	was	fatal	to	the	initial	finding	(and	on	appeal)	of	the	de	facto	relationship.	
When	undertaking	a	detailed	analysis	of	the	evidence,	Lyons	J	found	that	there	were	a	significant	
number	 of	 documents	 corroborating	 Kent's	 position	 which	 had	 not	 been	 referred	 to	 in	 the	
judgment.	In	particular,	there	were	medical	records	signed	by	Sharon	in	March	2011	in	which	she	
referred	"the	Issue	before	this	Court	Is	not	simply	an	issue	as	to	a	different	view	of	the	evidence	
which	 was	 before	 the	 ...	 judge	 [who	 revoked	 Kent's	 judge	 in	 the	 application	 of	 the	 criteria,	
especially	as	to	the	emphasis	placed	on	the	financial	and	property	matters	Lyons	J	found:	
"	 it	 is	 not	 necessary	 for	 all	 the	 criteria	 to	 be	 present	 in	 order	 for	 a	
declaration	to	be	made.	It	Is	clear	that	the	question	as	to	whether	two	
people	are	living	together	as	a	couple	on	a	genuine	domestic	basis	Is	to	be	
determined	by	circumstances	which	include	but	are	not	limited	to	those	
listed	in	[the	legislative	provisions]."	to	Kent	as	her	de	facto.	Her	Honor	
found	the	statements	by	Sharon	were	a	"significant	admission	by	[Sharon]	
and	that	the	primary	judge	needed	to	assess	that	evidence	or	deal	with	it	
in	some	respect".
In	 Dow	 v	 Hoskins6
	 and	 Re	 Estate	 of	 Sigg	 (dec'd)7
,	 it	 was	 held	 that	 "living	 together"	 may	 be	
something	other	than	as	full	time,	sharing	fully	domestic,	financial	and	other	responsibilities.	But	
if	the	couple	is	not	cohabiting	all	of	the	time,	"...	the	extent	of	their	cohabitation	and	emotional	
dependence	and	commitment	must	be	such	as	to	show	the	world	that	they	[are]	a	couple".	
In	Paterson	v	Bunter8,
	the	woman	moved	in	with	the	man,	they	had		sexual	aspects	relationship,	
she	paid	money	to	him	either	as	rent	or	contribution	to	expenses,	and	overall	they	were	happy.	
The	neighbors	thought	they	were	"a	couple".	The	WA	Court	of	Appeal	held	that.	"they	intended	
to	have	a	lifetime	of	mutual	cohabitation"	and	a	de	facto	relationship	was	established.	
Thus,	it	is	clear	that	the	Courts	have	been	“all	over	the	map”	and	the	combination	of	crafty	
counsel	and	a	liberal	judge	could	could	certainly	cause	the	roo	rooting	t	be	determined	to	be	a	
de	facto	domestic	relationship.		
	[2003]	VSC	20	
	[2009]	VSC	47	
	[2000]	WASC	83

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