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16th Jan. 2012
Rotary Club of Singapore                                                    Vol. 48 / 26

                 “Can Type II Diabetes Melitus be cured?”
                 SPEAKER: Dr. Peter Goh, Advance Surgical Group Pte. Ltd.
                 Lunch meeting of the 11th January 2012

                 Find your bulletin on the facebook page of “Rotary Club of

                  Joke of the week
                 “Politician : One who shakes your hand before the election, and your
                 confidence after.”
                 From the book of Humour compiled by Rewa Mirpuri
Introductory remarks                               Banner Exchange
                                                   President Tapan called upon visiting Rotarians to
President Tapan Rao warmly welcomed members
                                                   present and exchange the clubs’ banners.
to the meeting and added that since January was
celebrated as “Rotary Awareness Month” by
Rotarians worldwide, a selection of short videos
on “Rotary Ads” were presented to members for
their viewing.

Welcome of visiting                   Speaker of the week                   PHF recognition
Rotarians and guests
Rtn. Laveen Daryani welcomed
                                      President Tapan called upon Rtn.
our guests and visiting rotarians                                           President Tapan called upon Vice
                                      Gerald      Abeyawardena         to   President                    Brigitte
                                      introduce the Speaker, Dr. Peter
- Guests :                                                                  Holtschneider, Chair of The
                                      Goh who is a President Scholar
Speaker, Dr. Peter Goh, Ms.                                                 Rotary Foundation (TRF) who
                                      and the top medical student
Natalia Tan & Ms. Cherylyn Yip                                              presented PHF recognitions to
                                      from the University of Singapore
(Club’s guests)                                                             Rtn. Willi Hess, who received a
                                      in 1980. He currently runs a
Dr. Norman Hing                                                             four-stone sapphire PHF pin, and
                                      private practice at Paragon
Mr. Matei Iurascu                                                           Rtn. Bharat Mandloi received his
                                      Medical Centre and Gleneagles
Mr. Antero Makinen                                                          PHF certificate and pin.
                                      Hospital.                             VP Brigitte was also pleased to
                                      Dr. Goh spoke of the prevalence
Visiting Rotarians :                                                        hand over to President Tapan
                                      of diabetes in the world and the
Anthony Cowell & Mark Harris –                                              who became a TRF Major
                                      expected increase of sufferers
Cayman Islands                                                              Donor, with a crystal plaque and a
                                      from this disease. He described
Alfred Gremli – Kusnacht-Zurich                                             diamond pin as an expression of
                                      the two types of diabetes
George Hartung – University                                                 appreciation         from        the
                                      mellitus and their causes and
District Seattle                                                            Foundation. VP Brigitte advised
                                      complications. He highlighted
Alik Hertel – Hannover                                                      that the crystal recognition was
                                      certain aspects of diabetes and
                                                                            engraved with doves – the
                                      obesity and gave further              symbols of peace.
Toast                                 information on Asian BMI              President       Tapan       thanked
                                      criteria as well as various drug
Toastmaster, Rtn. Louis Lim                                                 members for their continued
                                      treatments        and      surgical
informed members that the                                                   support of the Foundation and
                                      procedures. (A copy of Dr. Goh’s
Rotary Club of Hannover has 130                                             reminded       them      that    the
                                      presentation is available from
members, 14 of whom were                                                    contributions to TRF enabled it to
                                      the Secretariat.)
female members. He added that                                               carry out an array of programs
                                      Rtn. Dr. Kevin Chua warmly
there were six Rotary Clubs in                                              around the world such as:
                                      thanked Dr. Goh for his
Hannover, with the Rotary Club of                                           Improve living conditions for
                                      informative talk, which he
Hannover being one of the oldest                                            needy families locally and
                                      added,        would       motivate
clubs in Germany. Rtn. Louis                                                globally;
                                      members to lose some weight,
invited Rtn. Alik Hertel to address                                         -Increase food production and
                                      particularly in view of the festive   clean water programs;
the Club. Rtn. Alik advised that      season!
he knew Rtn. Louis from their                                               -Provide       classrooms        and
previous Rotaract activities and                                            educational materials for schools
that he was in Singapore on a                                               -Allay the suffering of the sick and
family visit as his wife is a                                               disabled         by        providing
Singaporean.                                                                immunization, medical treatment
                                                                            and rehabilitation, and;
                                                                            -Provide new channels for
                                                                            international understanding, and
                                                                            brighter hopes for peace.

They are the ones who keep the Rotary wheel turning. The
ARTICLE OF THE MONTH                                     answer to the question I posed right at the beginning
                                                         becomes more apparent, easier to pin-point. I was once
                                                         (1962-1970) a member of another voluntary organisation
                                                         similar to Rotary-called The International YsMen’s
By: PP Raymon Huang
                                                         Association. Its members, called “YsMen” or Men of the
                                                         YMCA”, implemented programs and projects similar to
  What kind of Question is that, you may ask?
                                                         those of Rotary. I was the President of one of its Singapore
Especially when you are talking Rotary! Maybe so.
                                                         Clubs – the “Beta Chapter”, and became its Director for the
But it is nevertheless a question that is often asked,
                                                         South-east Asia region, a post similar to Rotary’s District
together with “sister” questions like “What is more
                                                         Governor, with a much bigger region to oversee. So when I
important?” and “Which is more important?” True? It
                                                         joined Rotary, the transition was pretty smooth. The
is. While it is not a “must” question, it is often a
                                                         reason I mention this is: the Motto of the “YsMen”
“need” question. Yes, even in Rotary. Like in our
                                                         movement “To Acknowledge The Duty That Accompanies
everyday, ordinary life, we are prone to saying, for
                                                         Every Right.” In meaning, in implication, in thrust, it is as
example “Oh, leave it to the government to get it
                                                         good as Rotary’s “Service Above Self”.
done; or the Town Council, or the Committee
                                                         In my Rotary life, I have always tried to combine the two
Members. We elected them – it is their job”. In the
                                                         mottos. Our right to be Rotarians entails an
same vein, many of us “ordinary” Rotarians are also
                                                         acknowledgement of the duty that accompanies that right.
prone to saying, “Leave it to the President and his
                                                         An acknowledgement of anything is always a good starting
Board to get it whatever this may be – done.”
                                                         point from which, often, many good things can proceed and
There are many exceptions, of course.            Some
                                                         produce results. It is a process, a good process.
outstanding exceptions, in fact. Just as there are
                                                         In any group of people, there are always the leaders and
many so civic-minded citizens out there, we also have
                                                         the followers. Of course, there are the “in-betweens” too.
a handful of really great and committed Rotarians
                                                         Among its members, there are those who walk the talk;
who not only practice “Service Above Self” chapter
                                                         there are those who just walk; and there are those who just
and verse, but who would go way beyond that extra
                                                         talk too.
mile, often beyond the call of duty. Why then do we
                                                         As ordinary Rotarians we have to ask ourselves which
need to ask, “Who matters most?” Correctly, it is
                                                         “those” do we belong to. Do we walk the Rotary talk, and
natural to accord the Club President, the Board
                                                         chip in and be actively involved in the many good and
Members, the District Governors, and others similarly
                                                         beneficial programs? In this high-pressure world we live in
elected to these high offices in the movement, the
                                                         today, do we make and take time to really acknowledge the
‘VIP’ status they deserve. Correctly too, we should
                                                         duty that accompanies the right to be Rotarians? That is, in
feel they are our leaders and therefore expect them
                                                         a large measure, the crux, the nub, and the essence of this
to lead by example to get things done for us, for the
Club, and for Rotary. But, incorrectly, we sometimes
                                                         It was Benjamin Disraeli who said, “Action may not always
feel that they are the principal ones who should get
                                                         bring happiness but without action there is no happiness.”
whatever is to be done, done, and therefore tend to
                                                         And we know, of course, that most of Rotary’s actions bring
leave things to them.
                                                         about happiness. Which is why Rotarians must always act;
But, lest we forget – for example, the Club President
                                                         must never be “in-betweens”. And one of our Rotary
without the active support and shoulders of his or her
                                                         International Presidents said a while ago, that “… to be a
Club members would be “nothing”. Similarly, the
                                                         Rotarian is a privilege and that we should exercise that
District Governor, without the active participation of
                                                         privilege as Rotarians should…”. In other
his Clubs in the District to implement his programs
                                                         words, acknowledging the accompanying duties and
and projects, would be “nothing”. Indeed, it is the
                                                         obligations irrespective of position, status or standing. In
“ordinary” Rotarians on the shopfloor who ultimately
                                                         that respect, all Rotarians are equal. So, “Who Matters
matter most.       They are the lifeblood of the
                                                         Most?” In our context, it is a “no–question”.
organization. They are the hands and feet of Rotary –
its engine.

The Guide to Daily Living
MARK YOUR DIARY                   Before doing the things we        COMING ROTARY EVENTS
There are no Birthday             want to do, consider first, the
celebrants this week!             precept of the guide. Ask         January
                                  ourselves these 4 questions       Rotary Awareness Month
Anniversary Celebrants            and act upon them:
                                  First: Have I spent some time     January 19th
RC sends best wishes to
                                  in self-examination?
Wedding Anniversary                                                 Club Assembly
                                  Second: Have I spent quality
celebrants:                       time with my family?              January 25th
January 18 – Ghani & Mona         Third: Have I given my best to    Meeting cancelled in view of
Mahtani                           my work?                          the Chinese New Year
January 20 – Florian & Severine   Fourth: Have I given some         festivities
Edelmann                          time to someone near and
This week                                                           February
                                  The Guide, in
January 18th 2012                 fact, encompasses the 4 parts     World Understanding Month
                                  of the Object of Rotary.
                                                                    February 23rd
Reception Desk duty: Haider                                         World Understanding and
Nawaz, Dinesh Sharma         Next week                              Peace Day
Sunshine Box duty: T K Chew, January 25th 2012
Jean-Philippe Lionnet                                               March
                             Meeting cancelled in view of
Speaker: Our very own        the Chinese New Year                   March 22nd – 25th
member, Rtn. Rewa Mirpuri    festivities.                           District Assembly and PETS
Topic: “Humour is Happiness”                                        at Grand Paragon Hotel,
                                                                    Johor Bahru
                                                                     The Four-Way Test
                 Committee Meetings                                  Of the Things we think, say
                                                                     or do:
                                                                     * Is it the truth?
  There are no Committee Meetings in view of the
                                                                     * Is it fair to all concerned?
        Club Assembly which will be held on                          * Will it build goodwill and
  Thursday, January 19th 2012 at 6.00pm at Holiday                   better friendship?
                                                                     * Will it be beneficial to all
         Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

                                                                     Queries, comments and
                                                                     articles request can be
                                                                     sent to
                                                                     Jean-Philippe Lionnet


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Bulletin 48 26

  • 1. 16th Jan. 2012 CROSSROADS Rotary Club of Singapore Vol. 48 / 26 “Can Type II Diabetes Melitus be cured?” SPEAKER: Dr. Peter Goh, Advance Surgical Group Pte. Ltd. Lunch meeting of the 11th January 2012 Find your bulletin on the facebook page of “Rotary Club of Singapore” Joke of the week “Politician : One who shakes your hand before the election, and your confidence after.” From the book of Humour compiled by Rewa Mirpuri HAVE MANY LAUGHS AND HELP THE NEEDY 1
  • 2. Introductory remarks Banner Exchange President Tapan called upon visiting Rotarians to President Tapan Rao warmly welcomed members present and exchange the clubs’ banners. to the meeting and added that since January was celebrated as “Rotary Awareness Month” by Rotarians worldwide, a selection of short videos on “Rotary Ads” were presented to members for their viewing. 2
  • 3. Welcome of visiting Speaker of the week PHF recognition Rotarians and guests Rtn. Laveen Daryani welcomed President Tapan called upon Rtn. our guests and visiting rotarians President Tapan called upon Vice Gerald Abeyawardena to President Brigitte introduce the Speaker, Dr. Peter - Guests : Holtschneider, Chair of The Goh who is a President Scholar Speaker, Dr. Peter Goh, Ms. Rotary Foundation (TRF) who and the top medical student Natalia Tan & Ms. Cherylyn Yip presented PHF recognitions to from the University of Singapore (Club’s guests) Rtn. Willi Hess, who received a in 1980. He currently runs a Dr. Norman Hing four-stone sapphire PHF pin, and private practice at Paragon Mr. Matei Iurascu Rtn. Bharat Mandloi received his Medical Centre and Gleneagles Mr. Antero Makinen PHF certificate and pin. Hospital. VP Brigitte was also pleased to Dr. Goh spoke of the prevalence Visiting Rotarians : hand over to President Tapan of diabetes in the world and the Anthony Cowell & Mark Harris – who became a TRF Major expected increase of sufferers Cayman Islands Donor, with a crystal plaque and a from this disease. He described Alfred Gremli – Kusnacht-Zurich diamond pin as an expression of the two types of diabetes George Hartung – University appreciation from the mellitus and their causes and District Seattle Foundation. VP Brigitte advised complications. He highlighted Alik Hertel – Hannover that the crystal recognition was certain aspects of diabetes and engraved with doves – the obesity and gave further symbols of peace. Toast information on Asian BMI President Tapan thanked criteria as well as various drug Toastmaster, Rtn. Louis Lim members for their continued treatments and surgical informed members that the support of the Foundation and procedures. (A copy of Dr. Goh’s Rotary Club of Hannover has 130 reminded them that the presentation is available from members, 14 of whom were contributions to TRF enabled it to the Secretariat.) female members. He added that carry out an array of programs Rtn. Dr. Kevin Chua warmly there were six Rotary Clubs in around the world such as: thanked Dr. Goh for his Hannover, with the Rotary Club of Improve living conditions for informative talk, which he Hannover being one of the oldest needy families locally and added, would motivate clubs in Germany. Rtn. Louis globally; members to lose some weight, invited Rtn. Alik Hertel to address -Increase food production and particularly in view of the festive clean water programs; the Club. Rtn. Alik advised that season! he knew Rtn. Louis from their -Provide classrooms and previous Rotaract activities and educational materials for schools that he was in Singapore on a -Allay the suffering of the sick and family visit as his wife is a disabled by providing Singaporean. immunization, medical treatment and rehabilitation, and; -Provide new channels for international understanding, and brighter hopes for peace. 3
  • 4. They are the ones who keep the Rotary wheel turning. The ARTICLE OF THE MONTH answer to the question I posed right at the beginning becomes more apparent, easier to pin-point. I was once (1962-1970) a member of another voluntary organisation WHO MATTERS MOST? similar to Rotary-called The International YsMen’s By: PP Raymon Huang Association. Its members, called “YsMen” or Men of the YMCA”, implemented programs and projects similar to What kind of Question is that, you may ask? those of Rotary. I was the President of one of its Singapore Especially when you are talking Rotary! Maybe so. Clubs – the “Beta Chapter”, and became its Director for the But it is nevertheless a question that is often asked, South-east Asia region, a post similar to Rotary’s District together with “sister” questions like “What is more Governor, with a much bigger region to oversee. So when I important?” and “Which is more important?” True? It joined Rotary, the transition was pretty smooth. The is. While it is not a “must” question, it is often a reason I mention this is: the Motto of the “YsMen” “need” question. Yes, even in Rotary. Like in our movement “To Acknowledge The Duty That Accompanies everyday, ordinary life, we are prone to saying, for Every Right.” In meaning, in implication, in thrust, it is as example “Oh, leave it to the government to get it good as Rotary’s “Service Above Self”. done; or the Town Council, or the Committee In my Rotary life, I have always tried to combine the two Members. We elected them – it is their job”. In the mottos. Our right to be Rotarians entails an same vein, many of us “ordinary” Rotarians are also acknowledgement of the duty that accompanies that right. prone to saying, “Leave it to the President and his An acknowledgement of anything is always a good starting Board to get it whatever this may be – done.” point from which, often, many good things can proceed and There are many exceptions, of course. Some produce results. It is a process, a good process. outstanding exceptions, in fact. Just as there are In any group of people, there are always the leaders and many so civic-minded citizens out there, we also have the followers. Of course, there are the “in-betweens” too. a handful of really great and committed Rotarians Among its members, there are those who walk the talk; who not only practice “Service Above Self” chapter there are those who just walk; and there are those who just and verse, but who would go way beyond that extra talk too. mile, often beyond the call of duty. Why then do we As ordinary Rotarians we have to ask ourselves which need to ask, “Who matters most?” Correctly, it is “those” do we belong to. Do we walk the Rotary talk, and natural to accord the Club President, the Board chip in and be actively involved in the many good and Members, the District Governors, and others similarly beneficial programs? In this high-pressure world we live in elected to these high offices in the movement, the today, do we make and take time to really acknowledge the ‘VIP’ status they deserve. Correctly too, we should duty that accompanies the right to be Rotarians? That is, in feel they are our leaders and therefore expect them a large measure, the crux, the nub, and the essence of this to lead by example to get things done for us, for the issue. Club, and for Rotary. But, incorrectly, we sometimes It was Benjamin Disraeli who said, “Action may not always feel that they are the principal ones who should get bring happiness but without action there is no happiness.” whatever is to be done, done, and therefore tend to And we know, of course, that most of Rotary’s actions bring leave things to them. about happiness. Which is why Rotarians must always act; But, lest we forget – for example, the Club President must never be “in-betweens”. And one of our Rotary without the active support and shoulders of his or her International Presidents said a while ago, that “… to be a Club members would be “nothing”. Similarly, the Rotarian is a privilege and that we should exercise that District Governor, without the active participation of privilege as Rotarians should…”. In other his Clubs in the District to implement his programs words, acknowledging the accompanying duties and and projects, would be “nothing”. Indeed, it is the obligations irrespective of position, status or standing. In “ordinary” Rotarians on the shopfloor who ultimately that respect, all Rotarians are equal. So, “Who Matters matter most. They are the lifeblood of the Most?” In our context, it is a “no–question”. organization. They are the hands and feet of Rotary – its engine. 4
  • 5. The Guide to Daily Living MARK YOUR DIARY Before doing the things we COMING ROTARY EVENTS There are no Birthday want to do, consider first, the celebrants this week! precept of the guide. Ask January ourselves these 4 questions Rotary Awareness Month Anniversary Celebrants and act upon them: First: Have I spent some time January 19th RC sends best wishes to in self-examination? Wedding Anniversary Club Assembly Second: Have I spent quality celebrants: time with my family? January 25th January 18 – Ghani & Mona Third: Have I given my best to Meeting cancelled in view of Mahtani my work? the Chinese New Year January 20 – Florian & Severine Fourth: Have I given some festivities Edelmann time to someone near and far? This week February The Guide, in January 18th 2012 fact, encompasses the 4 parts World Understanding Month of the Object of Rotary. February 23rd Reception Desk duty: Haider World Understanding and Nawaz, Dinesh Sharma Next week Peace Day Sunshine Box duty: T K Chew, January 25th 2012 Jean-Philippe Lionnet March Meeting cancelled in view of Speaker: Our very own the Chinese New Year March 22nd – 25th member, Rtn. Rewa Mirpuri festivities. District Assembly and PETS Topic: “Humour is Happiness” at Grand Paragon Hotel, Johor Bahru The Four-Way Test Committee Meetings Of the Things we think, say or do: * Is it the truth? There are no Committee Meetings in view of the * Is it fair to all concerned? Club Assembly which will be held on * Will it build goodwill and Thursday, January 19th 2012 at 6.00pm at Holiday better friendship? * Will it be beneficial to all Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre concerned? Queries, comments and articles request can be sent to Jean-Philippe Lionnet 5