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Track 1 of 32
Top Priorities
for 2015
Top Priorities for 2015 — Part 1
While there’s a lot you could be doing, sometimes it’s hard to know which tracks to
start, stop, or pause. To help you find the right mix to meet your marketing goals,
we consolidated responses from the 2015 Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets,
and Trends research report section — “Which content marketing initiatives are
you working on now, and in the next 12 months?” We broke out the results
as follows:
• By priority
• By business type (B2B, B2C and nonprofit)
• By geography (North America, Australia, United Kingdom)
Part I covers two “playlists”: Internal Processes and Content Marketing Strategy Tactics. From channels to platforms
to audience segmentation, learn how you can best establish your content marketing strategy and structure
your team internally for more efficient processes.
Part II: Playlist 3 (coming soon) is where you can mix things up a bit with different Execution Tactics. See how to create
and deliver the best content to meet your business objectives.
While some geographies and business types have similar priorities, others are finding their own unique beats — and the
differences may surprise you. We hope you find the following findings insightful and inspirational as you make your plans for
the year ahead.
Joe Pulizzi
From internal alignment to efficient processes,
learn how you can best structure and manage
your content marketing teams:
Better internal communication/
collaboration/ team operations ................................. 4
Understanding/ using content
marketing technology ................................................... 6
Getting buy-in from executive management........... 8
From channels to platforms to audience
segmentation, learn how you can best
establish your content marketing strategy:
Increasing understanding of your audience..........10
Developing an email strategy....................................12
Tying content to business goals................................14
Measuring content marketing ROI............................16
Creating a documented content ..............................18
marketing strategy
Building a strong mobile strategy.............................20
Progressive profiling.....................................................22
Creating a channel plan for social media...............24
Creating a subscription model..................................26
Top Priorities for 2015 — Part 1
Track 1 of 3
Almost half of B2B and B2C marketers are focusing on building better internal teams now,
with even more (55%) nonprofit marketers making this a current initiative. With fewer
people choosing to put this off until next year, we can see that better internal processes
and operations among content marketing teams is a top priority for most marketers in the
immediate future.
North America B2B	 48%	 24%
North America B2C	 49%	 27%
North America Nonprofit	 55%	 27%
Australia for-profit	 49%	 28%
UK for-profit	 48%	 26%
The need for a solid,
organized and strategic
content marketing team isn’t
new. However, as content
marketing evolves and
becomes more of a standard
practice in many organizations,
many are finding that their
growing teams need better
collaboration processes and
communication to become
more efficient. What this
looks like, however, can vary
greatly depending on your
organization’s size, content
marketing maturity, budget,
and more.
Track 1 of 3
From How Enterprises Structure, Scale, and Spend on Content: How can you best organize your content
marketing teams? In most cases, while content marketing officially “sits” within the marketing department,
many different parts of the organization (and even some outside contributors) must be involved in order to
make it successful. This “hybrid organizational structure” can create a number of different models, including:
For more information, check out CMI’s reports: The State of Content Marketing Operations for the Enterprise and
6 Keys to Shifting an Enterprise to a Content Marketing Mindset.
A model with a
central content
marketing strategist
whose responsiblity
is to coordinate all
the different moving
parts from across
the organization
How to Organize Your Internal Content Marketing Team:1
An “ad hoc”
model where
get involved,
as needed
A model that
includes a mix of
internal and
external content
A model in which
channel managers
are assigned when
there is a primary
owned media
platform, such
as blogs
Track 2 of 3
While almost half of marketers in most categories are focusing on finding the right
marketing technologies and understanding what’s available, we do see numbers
skewing slightly lower for nonprofit organizations. With traditionally leaner budgets and
resources, this may merely reflect some restrictions in those areas rather than a lack of
desire to progress their marketing technologies.
North America B2B	 41%	 29%
North America B2C	 43%	 35%
North America Nonprofit	 34%	 30%
Australia for-profit	 40%	 38%
UK for-profit	 41%	 30%
The number of tools and
technologies that can help
with content marketing has
exploded. You simply can’t
afford to buy into every new,
shiny solution that’s presented
to you, nor do you have time
and mental bandwidth to try
and implement every possible
solution. So, it’s your job to
not only understand all the
different options you have
— from full-service suites to
specialized vendors — but also
how those options can deliver
a measurable impact on your
From 12 Questions to Ask When Making a Content Marketing Technology Decision: When considering certain
marketing technology solutions for your organization, ask yourself the following questions:
Track 2 of 3
For more marketing technology tips, read CMI’s eGuide: How to Choose Technology that Drives Better
Content Marketing Results.
How to Better Understand Marketing Technology: Quick Tips2
While there are many other questions to consider
when choosing the right marketing technology,
these should give you a solid starting point — and a
sense of whether the solution you’re considering is
right for your organization.
Can the
technology really
measure results
(i.e., is data at
the heart of the
Is there room
for offline
What other
companies are
using it?
Is it easy
to use?
What is the
How will this
technology help
me support my
business goals?
Does it
integrate easily
with other
Nearly half of all marketers we surveyed agree that getting buy-in from executive
management is a top priority for them right now. Without that buy-in, most of the other
objectives and priorities they’ve laid out for content marketing programs won’t come to
fruition. So, marketers are putting in the time and effort to lay a foundation with senior
leadership to gain support for upcoming content marketing initiatives. This holds true
across all organization types we surveyed: B2B, B2C, and nonprofit.
North America B2B	 41%	 13%
North America B2C	 41%	 17%
North America Nonprofit	 41%	 19%
Australia for-profit	 41%	 21%
UK for-profit	 40%	 12%
There may be lots of
enthusiasm inside your
organization to build a robust
content marketing program,
but the harsh reality is that
without your senior-most
executives’ buy-in, your
program won’t have the
support it needs to truly be
successful. This means you
need to get your CMO, CFO,
or even your CEO sold on the
idea that content marketing
can have an impact on your
company’s objectives.
Track 3 of 3
Track 3 of 3
From Jon Griffin’s Getting Buy-in for your Content Marketing: A 3-Point Process: In order to gain executive
buy-in, you need to embrace your inner salesperson:
For more tips on getting executive buy-in, read CMI’s eGuide,
Building the Case for Content Marketing.
STEP 1: Know your facts, and have a series of key points you want to
bring up when presenting, like how important it is to nurture your brand’s
reputation, the visibility and share of voice your company will receive with a
strong content strategy, and how it will enhance your customer interactions.
STEP 2: Then, be prepared to walk through the data that supports your key
points, and have a firm and well-thought-out action plan to present on how
you’re going to execute.
How to Get Buy-In From Executive Management: Quick Tips3
Track 1 of 9
Over half of marketers surveyed, across B2B, B2C, and nonprofit, agree that gaining a better
understanding of your audience is a top priority right now. In our 2015 research, this was the
highest-rated strategy tactic among the list of initiatives marketers stated they were currently
focused on; and with the ways consumers get exposed to your content changing so rapidly,
we can understand why.
This means that many are likely:
• Firming up those audience personas
• Mapping out the different content needs their audiences may have throughout the sales cycle
• Working to understand all the different content channels and how they’ll impact different
content elements
North America B2B	 63%	 21%
North America B2C	 58%	 27%
North America Nonprofit	 59%	 22%
Australia for-profit	 67%	 22%
UK for-profit	 63%	 25%
Though you may have done a
lot of work around audience
profiling and content mapping
to those profiles, if you’re
like most marketers, you’re
only beginning to scratch the
surface. Not only are your
audience’s needs evolving,
so are the media through
which they’re experiencing
your content. Having a truly
deep understanding of your
audience so you can create
the right content to meet their
needs at any specific time is an
ongoing and uphill battle for
most marketers, to say
the least.
Track 1 of 9
From Analyzing Human Data: Take a Dive to Find Out What Your Customers
Really Feel: While listening tools are great at helping you understand your
share of voice and what people are saying about you online, there’s a big gap
in understanding how your consumers truly feel.
One thing to consider: sentiment analysis. It’s what helps marketers
understand the intent behind what consumers are saying, and can provide
invaluable insight into your audience’s needs at levels you’ve never
experienced before.
However, if you’re enlisting a tool or software to help you mine your online chatter
for sentiment, be sure it’s sophisticated enough to measure context: Take the time to customize
your solution so it truly fits your needs, and so you can understand more than just what a
customer’s saying, but how they’re feeling when doing so, as well.
Get more tips about building your audience.
How to Better Understand Your Audience: Quick Tips4
Track 2 of 9
Most marketers we surveyed agreed that developing an email strategy is a top priority for them right now. This is an interesting
insight, as you would assume that most companies already have an email strategy; it certainly isn’t a new technology or content
marketing practice. However, with new features from popular email programs and increased sophistication in the field, it seems
that most marketers are taking the time to see how this new world of email marketing fits into their content marketing strategy.
North America B2B	 55%	 22%
North America B2C	 56%	 26%
North America Nonprofit	 53%	 26%
Australia for-profit	 54%	 27%
UK for-profit	 55%	 23%
As we’ve seen these past
few years, email isn’t going
anywhere. Though it may be
getting more sophisticated,
harder to penetrate, and
more complex in its audience
segmentation offerings, it
remains at the top as a content
marketing priority.
Track 2 of 9
From Andrew Davis’ 4 Branded Content Lessons From a Content Cancellation:
A successful email strategy should contain the following elements:
RELIABILITY: Your consumers should come to expect it on a certain day
or at a certain time, and in a consistent format.
UNIQUENESS: What value are you bringing to your readers with your
email? Think of something unique — something that is different from what
anyone else around you is creating.
PERSONALIZATION: Give your readers the ability to choose which
communications they want from you — from topics to delivery timing.
How to Develop an Email Strategy: Quick Tips5
Track 3 of 9
This year’s research shows that tying content to business goals is a large focus for
marketers right now. With almost half of B2C and nonprofit marketers focusing on
this now, we did see a bit of an increase for B2B NA participants; 56% stated this is
an initiative they are working on right now.
North America B2B	 52%	 27%
North America B2C	 46%	 34%
North America Nonprofit	 41%	 29%
Australia for-profit	 54%	 30%
UK for-profit	 61%	 22%
A critical part of any content
marketing strategy is the ability
to tie your efforts to your business
goals. While this typically happens
at the onset of many content
marketing programs, it’s also
something many marketers look to
revise and refine as their business
priorities evolve. Additionally,
your business goals may differ
across multiple business units,
leaving marketers to tailor their
content marketing programs for
each specific initiative. Either way,
it’s a complex endeavor, and one
we see many marketers focusing
on in the immediate future.
Track 3 of 9
From 2 Essential Elements for Getting Started with Content Marketing: Your content should be created with a
specific marketing or business goal in mind. As you develop your content marketing plans, ask yourself the
following questions:
Do I
need to raise
awareness for
my brand?
Do I need to
build my
email list?
Do I need
to nurture
prospects along
their buyer’s
Do I need to
retain customers
and/or increase their
purchases (up-sell/
Do I need to
convert customers
to evangelists?
Do I need to
convert my
to paying
This should be a
constant dialog among
members of your
content marketing team
as your content evolves
and plans shift. Keeping
an eye on your critical
business goals will help
ensure you’re focused
on the right things, at
the right time.
How to Tie Your Content to Business Goals: Quick Tips6
Track 4 of 9
Perhaps one of the biggest themes we heard again and again from survey respondents this
year was the need to better understand how to measure the ROI of their content marketing
programs. Nearly half of B2B and B2C marketers listed this as a top initiative they are
working on right now, with a slightly lower percentage focusing on this in the next 12 months.
For nonprofit marketers, however, the numbers are slightly lower: Only 30% of nonprofit
respondents are focusing on ROI right now, with an increase to 39% working to include that
in the next 12 months.
North America B2B	 46%	 36%
North America B2C	 42%	 37%
North America Nonprofit	 30%	 39%
Australia for-profit	 46%	 41%
UK for-profit	 48%	 35%
You many feel that your
content marketing program is
meeting your business goals,
but how can you know for
sure? Establishing a solid way
to measure the ROI of your
content marketing is perhaps
one of the most critical, and
challenging, parts of your job.
It involves taking a critical
look at each and every aspect
of your plan, and requires a
deep understanding of the data
needed to justify many of your
program elements.
How to Measure Your Content Marketing ROI: Quick Tips7
Web programs like Google
Analytics will help you
measure how well your
content is performing, and
can oftentimes be a direct
link back to the value of
your investment. Site visits,
downloads, cost-per-visitor
and other valuable KPIs
can all be measured here.
Be sure your site is set
up to track and measure
not only how many leads
you’re getting through
traditional methods
(download forms, etc.),
but also to track how
people are getting there.
Determining the dollar
value associated behind
a lead is also critical here.
Social media might be
trickier to measure, but it’s
still important. Determine
how you’re using social
media to support your
content marketing, and
measure accordingly (i.e.,
as a link referral source
to your website, to help
increase web conversions,
or to simply help share
your content more
Perhaps the most critical of your
KPIs, you’ll need to ensure your
infrastructure is set up to track
how a sale can be measured
and tied back to your content.
For example, if you can track
how a visitor came to your site,
which content they saw, which
downloads they chose and,
ultimately, which products they
purchased, you can more easily
determine which content pieces
are helping drive sales the most.
Track 4 of 9
There are a million ways to slice and dice your data to help measure the ROI of your content marketing programs.
There are essentially four buckets of content marketing metrics that matter. To effectively measure the ROI
of your program, determine which of these KPIs will be most meaningful to your senior management and
help you tie your content marketing efforts to your business goals:
How to Measure Your Content Marketing ROI: Quick Tips7
Track 5 of 9
This year, almost half of B2B and B2C marketers listed “creating a documented content
marketing strategy” as a top priority, with one-third stating it will be a priority for them
in the next 12 months. A slightly lower percentage of nonprofit marketers listed this as a
top priority now. Over the next year, however, the theme was consistent across all three
groups: creating a documented strategy is top-of-mind for marketers who may already
have a verbal one, but are looking to drive more efficiencies.
North America B2B	 44%	 32%
North America B2C	 45%	 32%
North America Nonprofit	 34%	 37%
Australia for-profit	 53%	 29%
UK for-profit	 52%	 28%
Perhaps one of the most
resounding themes from our
content marketing research
this year was the need to not
only have a content marketing
strategy but to document it,
as well. Marketers who take
the time to document their
strategies feel more efficient,
organized, and better set
up to succeed in the future.
In addition, they are able
to more clearly justify their
content marketing budgets as
they’ve established clear goals,
processes, and metrics.
How to Create a Documented Content Marketing Strategy: Quick Tips8
Track 5 of 9
From Developing Your Content Marketing Strategy: What You Need to Know: The first thing to remember when
creating a documented strategy is that there’s no “right answer” or template you need to follow.
However, there are a few common elements that each strategy document includes, such as:
For more, download CMI’s The Essentials of a Documented Content Marketing Strategy: 36 Questions to Answer
INNOVATION: This will ensure
everyone’s expectations are
aligned and that you’re
covered in case certain
initiatives might fail.
Keep in mind that this does
not guarantee an ROI on your
program, but will establish how
you plan to measure once the
plan gets underway.
This will identify and document
who your buyers are as people
as well as what their needs are
throughout each stage of the
buying cycle.
establishes your content pillars
and framework for helping you
determine the best ways to tell
your story.
where will your content live
once developed, and which
will be most beneficial to you?
Track 6 of 9
Even with the mounds of data to argue why marketers need a better mobile strategy,
only one-third of marketers (or fewer) are working on this right now. A larger portion of
survey respondents indicated that a better mobile strategy was a focus for the next
12 months, more so in the B2C segment than in the other groups of respondents.
North America B2B	 24%	 33%
North America B2C	 36%	 38%
North America Nonprofit	 34%	 33%
Australia for-profit	 36%	 34%
UK for-profit	 23%	 39%
The need to optimize your
content for mobile is clear:
Content is being consumed
through mobile devices. Yet
marketers are still struggling
to determine the best ways
to use the mobile channel
and enhance how consumers
can engage and interact with
content on various devices.
Track 6 of 9
From How to Create a Mobile-First Content Marketing Strategy: There are a few things every marketer should
consider when looking to enhance consumers’ experience with their content on a mobile device:
For more information on creating a better mobile strategy, see How Your
Content Plan Should Change to Improve Mobile Engagement.
How to Build a Better Mobile Strategy: Quick Tips9
• When targeting your content online,
consider creating localized content.
Use Google Trends to determine
what topics are trending in different
geographic regions, and where you
could tailor your content to meet their
• Also using Google Analytics, drill
down into your audiences to see what
terms people are using to visit your
site or view your content. These
keywords can help inform future
content you create.
• Video consumption is very popular
on mobile devices; according to
some studies it’s the most used
content format on this channel. Plus,
thanks to Vine and Instagram, creating
mobile video is now easier than ever,
making it a no-brainer for marketers to
add to their content marketing mix.
• Reduce abandon rates by making
it easy for consumers to interact
with your content from a design
perspective; remember that touch-
enabled functionality can be
challenging on smaller mobile
• Make it easy for conversions to
happen on mobile devices, such
as through a sign-up form or
download request.
You can do this
by shortening the
form fields you require,
or enabling contextual
keyboards depending
on which information
your form is requesting.
Track 7 of 9
Progressive profiling may not be top-of-mind for marketers right now; however, it is
something they expect to turn more attention to in the next 12 months. Interestingly,
B2C marketers planned the biggest increase in focus on this initiative over the next
12 months versus what they do now, with a slightly lower, but still notable increase,
by their B2B peers.
North America B2B	 20%	 29%
North America B2C	 18%	 33%
North America Nonprofit	 14%	 22%
Australia for-profit	 23%	 33%
UK for-profit	 25%	 28%
A smart lead-capture tactic,
progressive profiling allows
you to pre-populate your forms
using information you already
know about your prospects,
and lets you build out that
information over time as they
interact with your content
(rather than bombarding
them with multiple fields to
complete at once). Marketers
have come to use this as an
effective content marketing
tactic to increase conversion
rates and give prospects a
better experience with your
Track 7 of 9
From The Content Match Game: Tips for Better Content Alignment Throughout
the Buying Cycle: As you’re gathering information progressively about your
leads, also consider what content your leads may want and/or need at different
stages of the sales cycle, and be prepared to give them only what they’ve
indicated is most useful.
Elle Woulfe, Senior Marketing Programs Manager at Eloqua, advises marketers to
focus on product-related information once a prospect has been classified as a true “lead”
(i.e., someone who has demonstrated interest in your company). To help the lead become
sales-ready, focus on delivering the right content pieces, such as white papers, case studies,
demo videos and product comparisons.
How to Utilize Progressive Profiling: Quick Tips10
Track 8 of 9
North America B2B	 37%	 29%
North America B2C	 45%	 30%
North America Nonprofit	 41%	 28%
Australia for-profit	 44%	 38%
UK for-profit	 41%	 33%
Good content needs strong
delivery channels, but with so
many social media platforms
available, it’s hard to know
which ones to invest in.
Developing a channel plan for
social media can help, and
with marketers creating more
content than ever, and utilizing
more social media platforms
than ever, a solid plan is the
only way to ensure your team
is working as efficiently as
With social media playing such a pivotal role in content marketing — particularly when it
comes to distribution — it’s not surprising that developing a channel plan is high on the
list of marketer priorities across the board. Interestingly, B2B marketers were on the lower
end of the statistical spectrum, both in terms of prioritizing the creation of a social media
channel plan now and doing so in the future.
Track 8 of 9
How to Create a Channel Plan for Social Media: Quick Tips11
From How to Build Social Media Into Your Content Marketing Processes: It’s important for marketers to have a
dedicated plan for every channel on which they intend to distribute social media content on. To create this
plan, ask the following questions for each channel you’re on now or are considering using soon:
What’s the
ultimate goal
of the channel?
What’s the
desired action?
What is the
specific type of
content the audience
wants to get in this
What is the
ideal velocity?
What’s the
right tone for
the channel?
Identifying answers to
these questions will help
you focus in on the right
activities, versus trying to
be everywhere at once.
Track 9 of 9
North America B2B	 17%	 20%
North America B2C	 20%	 20%
North America Nonprofit	 14%	 15%
Australia for-profit	 24%	 18%
UK for-profit	 24%	 21%
Gathering email addresses is
important, but what’s more
important for marketers is to
gather a tribe of subscribers —
people interested in continuing
to consume your content over
time. Understanding the value
of these subscribers, and how
best to engage with them, can
be an extremely powerful tool
for your content marketing
Retaining audience loyalty and engagement is an essential component of achieving
sustainable success with content marketing. So it comes as a surprise that driving
subscriptions is such a low priority among the marketers surveyed — particularly nonprofit
marketers. With only 14% of respondents working on this tactic now, and only 15%
planning to do so in the next 12 months, it is the lowest-rated of all the strategy tactics in
our nonprofit research.
Track 9 of 9
From Your Epic Content Marketing Plan: 3 Steps for Driving Subscriptions: How can you grow your subscription
channels to help meet your content marketing goals?
How to Create a Subscription Model: Quick Tips12
MAKE CONTENT-FOR-CONTENT OFFERS: (i.e., offer them something in
exchange for signing up for your email list).
LEVERAGE POP-UPS: When used well, these can be a great way to drive
subscribers while they are engaging with content on your site.
MAKE CONTENT-FOR-CONTENT OFFERS: Decide which specific offers
you want to provide readers, and stick with a clear call to action when trying
to attract subscribers.
About Content Marketing Institute
Content Marketing Institute (CMI) is the leading global content marketing education and
training organization. CMI teaches enterprise brands how to attract and retain customers
through compelling, multi-channel storytelling. CMI’s Content Marketing World event, the
largest content marketing-focused event, is held every September, and Content Marketing
World Sydney, every March. CMI also produces the quarterly magazine Chief Content
Officer, and provides strategic consulting and content marketing research for some of the
best-known brands in the world. CMI is a 2012, 2013, and 2014 Inc. 500 company.
To see all of CMI’s original content marketing research, visit our Research Page. Learn how
to create a documented content marketing strategy, a key component for improving overall
content marketing effectiveness.
About Brightcove
Brightcove Inc. (NASDAQ:BCOV) is a leading global provider of powerful cloud solutions for
delivering and monetizing video across connected devices. The company offers a full suite
of products and services that reduce the cost and complexity associated with publishing,
distributing, measuring and monetizing video across devices. Brightcove has more
than 5,500 customers in over 70 countries that rely on the company’s cloud solutions to
successfully publish high-quality video experiences to audiences everywhere.
To learn more, visit
Part 2 of Building
the Perfect Content
Marketing Playlist:
Top Priorities for 2015.
Coming Soon
And if you would like to learn
more about how to tackle the top
content marketing priorities, sign
up for CMI’s weekly newsletter, or
join us for our weekly #CMWorld
Twitter chats.

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Building the Perfect Content Marketing Mix - Top Priorities for 2015 - Part 1

  • 2. BUILDING THE PERFECT CONTENT MARKETING MIX Top Priorities for 2015 — Part 1 INTRODUCTION FEEL LIKE IT’S TIME TO MIX UP YOUR MARKETING PLAYLIST? While there’s a lot you could be doing, sometimes it’s hard to know which tracks to start, stop, or pause. To help you find the right mix to meet your marketing goals, we consolidated responses from the 2015 Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends research report section — “Which content marketing initiatives are you working on now, and in the next 12 months?” We broke out the results as follows: • By priority • By business type (B2B, B2C and nonprofit) • By geography (North America, Australia, United Kingdom) Part I covers two “playlists”: Internal Processes and Content Marketing Strategy Tactics. From channels to platforms to audience segmentation, learn how you can best establish your content marketing strategy and structure your team internally for more efficient processes. Part II: Playlist 3 (coming soon) is where you can mix things up a bit with different Execution Tactics. See how to create and deliver the best content to meet your business objectives. While some geographies and business types have similar priorities, others are finding their own unique beats — and the differences may surprise you. We hope you find the following findings insightful and inspirational as you make your plans for the year ahead. Enjoy! Joe Pulizzi
  • 3. PLAYLISTS From internal alignment to efficient processes, learn how you can best structure and manage your content marketing teams: Better internal communication/ collaboration/ team operations ................................. 4 Understanding/ using content marketing technology ................................................... 6 Getting buy-in from executive management........... 8 PLAYLIST 1: INTERNAL PROCESSES From channels to platforms to audience segmentation, learn how you can best establish your content marketing strategy: Increasing understanding of your audience..........10 Developing an email strategy....................................12 Tying content to business goals................................14 Measuring content marketing ROI............................16 Creating a documented content ..............................18 marketing strategy Building a strong mobile strategy.............................20 Progressive profiling.....................................................22 Creating a channel plan for social media...............24 Creating a subscription model..................................26 PLAYLIST 2: CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS BUILDING THE PERFECT CONTENT MARKETING MIX Top Priorities for 2015 — Part 1
  • 4. INTERNAL PROCESSES Track 1 of 3 BETTER INTERNAL COMMUNICATION/ COLLABORATION/TEAM OPERATIONS WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY... Almost half of B2B and B2C marketers are focusing on building better internal teams now, with even more (55%) nonprofit marketers making this a current initiative. With fewer people choosing to put this off until next year, we can see that better internal processes and operations among content marketing teams is a top priority for most marketers in the immediate future. WORKING ON THIS NOW WORKING ON THIS IN NEXT 12 MONTHS North America B2B 48% 24% North America B2C 49% 27% North America Nonprofit 55% 27% Australia for-profit 49% 28% UK for-profit 48% 26% The need for a solid, organized and strategic content marketing team isn’t new. However, as content marketing evolves and becomes more of a standard practice in many organizations, many are finding that their growing teams need better collaboration processes and communication to become more efficient. What this looks like, however, can vary greatly depending on your organization’s size, content marketing maturity, budget, and more. TACTIC 1
  • 5. INTERNAL PROCESSES Track 1 of 3 From How Enterprises Structure, Scale, and Spend on Content: How can you best organize your content marketing teams? In most cases, while content marketing officially “sits” within the marketing department, many different parts of the organization (and even some outside contributors) must be involved in order to make it successful. This “hybrid organizational structure” can create a number of different models, including: For more information, check out CMI’s reports: The State of Content Marketing Operations for the Enterprise and 6 Keys to Shifting an Enterprise to a Content Marketing Mindset. A model with a central content marketing strategist whose responsiblity is to coordinate all the different moving parts from across the organization How to Organize Your Internal Content Marketing Team:1 TACTIC An “ad hoc” model where internal contributors get involved, as needed A model that includes a mix of internal and external content marketing experts A model in which channel managers are assigned when there is a primary owned media platform, such as blogs
  • 6. TACTIC 2 INTERNAL PROCESSES Track 2 of 3 WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY... While almost half of marketers in most categories are focusing on finding the right marketing technologies and understanding what’s available, we do see numbers skewing slightly lower for nonprofit organizations. With traditionally leaner budgets and resources, this may merely reflect some restrictions in those areas rather than a lack of desire to progress their marketing technologies. WORKING ON THIS NOW WORKING ON THIS IN NEXT 12 MONTHS North America B2B 41% 29% North America B2C 43% 35% North America Nonprofit 34% 30% Australia for-profit 40% 38% UK for-profit 41% 30% The number of tools and technologies that can help with content marketing has exploded. You simply can’t afford to buy into every new, shiny solution that’s presented to you, nor do you have time and mental bandwidth to try and implement every possible solution. So, it’s your job to not only understand all the different options you have — from full-service suites to specialized vendors — but also how those options can deliver a measurable impact on your programs. UNDERSTANDING/USING CONTENT MARKETING TECHNOLOGY
  • 7. From 12 Questions to Ask When Making a Content Marketing Technology Decision: When considering certain marketing technology solutions for your organization, ask yourself the following questions: INTERNAL PROCESSES Track 2 of 3 For more marketing technology tips, read CMI’s eGuide: How to Choose Technology that Drives Better Content Marketing Results. How to Better Understand Marketing Technology: Quick Tips2 TACTIC While there are many other questions to consider when choosing the right marketing technology, these should give you a solid starting point — and a sense of whether the solution you’re considering is right for your organization. Can the technology really measure results (i.e., is data at the heart of the software)? Is there room for offline marketing? What other companies are using it? Is it easy to use? What is the company’s/ technology’s reputation? How will this technology help me support my business goals? Does it integrate easily with other software?
  • 8. TACTIC 3 WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY... Nearly half of all marketers we surveyed agree that getting buy-in from executive management is a top priority for them right now. Without that buy-in, most of the other objectives and priorities they’ve laid out for content marketing programs won’t come to fruition. So, marketers are putting in the time and effort to lay a foundation with senior leadership to gain support for upcoming content marketing initiatives. This holds true across all organization types we surveyed: B2B, B2C, and nonprofit. WORKING ON THIS NOW WORKING ON THIS IN NEXT 12 MONTHS North America B2B 41% 13% North America B2C 41% 17% North America Nonprofit 41% 19% Australia for-profit 41% 21% UK for-profit 40% 12% There may be lots of enthusiasm inside your organization to build a robust content marketing program, but the harsh reality is that without your senior-most executives’ buy-in, your program won’t have the support it needs to truly be successful. This means you need to get your CMO, CFO, or even your CEO sold on the idea that content marketing can have an impact on your company’s objectives. GETTING BUY-IN FROM EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT INTERNAL PROCESSES Track 3 of 3
  • 9. INTERNAL PROCESSES Track 3 of 3 From Jon Griffin’s Getting Buy-in for your Content Marketing: A 3-Point Process: In order to gain executive buy-in, you need to embrace your inner salesperson: For more tips on getting executive buy-in, read CMI’s eGuide, Building the Case for Content Marketing. STEP 1: Know your facts, and have a series of key points you want to bring up when presenting, like how important it is to nurture your brand’s reputation, the visibility and share of voice your company will receive with a strong content strategy, and how it will enhance your customer interactions. STEP 2: Then, be prepared to walk through the data that supports your key points, and have a firm and well-thought-out action plan to present on how you’re going to execute. How to Get Buy-In From Executive Management: Quick Tips3 TACTIC
  • 10. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 1 of 9 INCREASING UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR AUDIENCE WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY... Over half of marketers surveyed, across B2B, B2C, and nonprofit, agree that gaining a better understanding of your audience is a top priority right now. In our 2015 research, this was the highest-rated strategy tactic among the list of initiatives marketers stated they were currently focused on; and with the ways consumers get exposed to your content changing so rapidly, we can understand why. This means that many are likely: • Firming up those audience personas • Mapping out the different content needs their audiences may have throughout the sales cycle • Working to understand all the different content channels and how they’ll impact different content elements WORKING ON THIS NOW WORKING ON THIS IN NEXT 12 MONTHS North America B2B 63% 21% North America B2C 58% 27% North America Nonprofit 59% 22% Australia for-profit 67% 22% UK for-profit 63% 25% Though you may have done a lot of work around audience profiling and content mapping to those profiles, if you’re like most marketers, you’re only beginning to scratch the surface. Not only are your audience’s needs evolving, so are the media through which they’re experiencing your content. Having a truly deep understanding of your audience so you can create the right content to meet their needs at any specific time is an ongoing and uphill battle for most marketers, to say the least. TACTIC 4
  • 11. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 1 of 9 From Analyzing Human Data: Take a Dive to Find Out What Your Customers Really Feel: While listening tools are great at helping you understand your share of voice and what people are saying about you online, there’s a big gap in understanding how your consumers truly feel. One thing to consider: sentiment analysis. It’s what helps marketers understand the intent behind what consumers are saying, and can provide invaluable insight into your audience’s needs at levels you’ve never experienced before. However, if you’re enlisting a tool or software to help you mine your online chatter for sentiment, be sure it’s sophisticated enough to measure context: Take the time to customize your solution so it truly fits your needs, and so you can understand more than just what a customer’s saying, but how they’re feeling when doing so, as well. Get more tips about building your audience. How to Better Understand Your Audience: Quick Tips4 TACTIC
  • 12. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 2 of 9 DEVELOPING AN EMAIL STRATEGY WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY... Most marketers we surveyed agreed that developing an email strategy is a top priority for them right now. This is an interesting insight, as you would assume that most companies already have an email strategy; it certainly isn’t a new technology or content marketing practice. However, with new features from popular email programs and increased sophistication in the field, it seems that most marketers are taking the time to see how this new world of email marketing fits into their content marketing strategy. WORKING ON THIS NOW WORKING ON THIS IN NEXT 12 MONTHS North America B2B 55% 22% North America B2C 56% 26% North America Nonprofit 53% 26% Australia for-profit 54% 27% UK for-profit 55% 23% As we’ve seen these past few years, email isn’t going anywhere. Though it may be getting more sophisticated, harder to penetrate, and more complex in its audience segmentation offerings, it remains at the top as a content marketing priority. TACTIC 5
  • 13. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 2 of 9 From Andrew Davis’ 4 Branded Content Lessons From a Content Cancellation: A successful email strategy should contain the following elements: RELIABILITY: Your consumers should come to expect it on a certain day or at a certain time, and in a consistent format. UNIQUENESS: What value are you bringing to your readers with your email? Think of something unique — something that is different from what anyone else around you is creating. PERSONALIZATION: Give your readers the ability to choose which communications they want from you — from topics to delivery timing. How to Develop an Email Strategy: Quick Tips5 TACTIC
  • 14. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 3 of 9 TYING CONTENT TO BUSINESS GOALS WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY... This year’s research shows that tying content to business goals is a large focus for marketers right now. With almost half of B2C and nonprofit marketers focusing on this now, we did see a bit of an increase for B2B NA participants; 56% stated this is an initiative they are working on right now. WORKING ON THIS NOW WORKING ON THIS IN NEXT 12 MONTHS North America B2B 52% 27% North America B2C 46% 34% North America Nonprofit 41% 29% Australia for-profit 54% 30% UK for-profit 61% 22% A critical part of any content marketing strategy is the ability to tie your efforts to your business goals. While this typically happens at the onset of many content marketing programs, it’s also something many marketers look to revise and refine as their business priorities evolve. Additionally, your business goals may differ across multiple business units, leaving marketers to tailor their content marketing programs for each specific initiative. Either way, it’s a complex endeavor, and one we see many marketers focusing on in the immediate future. TACTIC 6
  • 15. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 3 of 9 From 2 Essential Elements for Getting Started with Content Marketing: Your content should be created with a specific marketing or business goal in mind. As you develop your content marketing plans, ask yourself the following questions: Do I need to raise awareness for my brand? Do I need to build my email list? Do I need to nurture prospects along their buyer’s journey? Do I need to retain customers and/or increase their purchases (up-sell/ cross-sell)? Do I need to convert customers to evangelists? Do I need to convert my audience to paying customers? This should be a constant dialog among members of your content marketing team as your content evolves and plans shift. Keeping an eye on your critical business goals will help ensure you’re focused on the right things, at the right time. How to Tie Your Content to Business Goals: Quick Tips6 TACTIC
  • 16. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 4 of 9 MEASURING CONTENT MARKETING ROI WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY... Perhaps one of the biggest themes we heard again and again from survey respondents this year was the need to better understand how to measure the ROI of their content marketing programs. Nearly half of B2B and B2C marketers listed this as a top initiative they are working on right now, with a slightly lower percentage focusing on this in the next 12 months. For nonprofit marketers, however, the numbers are slightly lower: Only 30% of nonprofit respondents are focusing on ROI right now, with an increase to 39% working to include that in the next 12 months. WORKING ON THIS NOW WORKING ON THIS IN NEXT 12 MONTHS North America B2B 46% 36% North America B2C 42% 37% North America Nonprofit 30% 39% Australia for-profit 46% 41% UK for-profit 48% 35% You many feel that your content marketing program is meeting your business goals, but how can you know for sure? Establishing a solid way to measure the ROI of your content marketing is perhaps one of the most critical, and challenging, parts of your job. It involves taking a critical look at each and every aspect of your plan, and requires a deep understanding of the data needed to justify many of your program elements. TACTIC 7
  • 17. How to Measure Your Content Marketing ROI: Quick Tips7 TACTIC CONSUMPTION METRICS: Web programs like Google Analytics will help you measure how well your content is performing, and can oftentimes be a direct link back to the value of your investment. Site visits, downloads, cost-per-visitor and other valuable KPIs can all be measured here. LEAD GENERATION METRICS: Be sure your site is set up to track and measure not only how many leads you’re getting through traditional methods (download forms, etc.), but also to track how people are getting there. Determining the dollar value associated behind a lead is also critical here. SHARING METRICS: Social media might be trickier to measure, but it’s still important. Determine how you’re using social media to support your content marketing, and measure accordingly (i.e., as a link referral source to your website, to help increase web conversions, or to simply help share your content more broadly). SALES METRICS: Perhaps the most critical of your KPIs, you’ll need to ensure your infrastructure is set up to track how a sale can be measured and tied back to your content. For example, if you can track how a visitor came to your site, which content they saw, which downloads they chose and, ultimately, which products they purchased, you can more easily determine which content pieces are helping drive sales the most. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 4 of 9 There are a million ways to slice and dice your data to help measure the ROI of your content marketing programs. There are essentially four buckets of content marketing metrics that matter. To effectively measure the ROI of your program, determine which of these KPIs will be most meaningful to your senior management and help you tie your content marketing efforts to your business goals: How to Measure Your Content Marketing ROI: Quick Tips7 TACTIC
  • 18. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 5 of 9 CREATING A DOCUMENTED CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY... This year, almost half of B2B and B2C marketers listed “creating a documented content marketing strategy” as a top priority, with one-third stating it will be a priority for them in the next 12 months. A slightly lower percentage of nonprofit marketers listed this as a top priority now. Over the next year, however, the theme was consistent across all three groups: creating a documented strategy is top-of-mind for marketers who may already have a verbal one, but are looking to drive more efficiencies. WORKING ON THIS NOW WORKING ON THIS IN NEXT 12 MONTHS North America B2B 44% 32% North America B2C 45% 32% North America Nonprofit 34% 37% Australia for-profit 53% 29% UK for-profit 52% 28% Perhaps one of the most resounding themes from our content marketing research this year was the need to not only have a content marketing strategy but to document it, as well. Marketers who take the time to document their strategies feel more efficient, organized, and better set up to succeed in the future. In addition, they are able to more clearly justify their content marketing budgets as they’ve established clear goals, processes, and metrics. TACTIC 8
  • 19. How to Create a Documented Content Marketing Strategy: Quick Tips8 TACTIC CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 5 of 9 From Developing Your Content Marketing Strategy: What You Need to Know: The first thing to remember when creating a documented strategy is that there’s no “right answer” or template you need to follow. However, there are a few common elements that each strategy document includes, such as: For more, download CMI’s The Essentials of a Documented Content Marketing Strategy: 36 Questions to Answer A BUSINESS PLAN FOR INNOVATION: This will ensure everyone’s expectations are aligned and that you’re covered in case certain initiatives might fail. A BUSINESS PLAN FOR CONTENT MARKETING: Keep in mind that this does not guarantee an ROI on your program, but will establish how you plan to measure once the plan gets underway. PERSONA DEVELOPMENT AND CONTENT MAPPING: This will identify and document who your buyers are as people as well as what their needs are throughout each stage of the buying cycle. YOUR BRAND STORY: This establishes your content pillars and framework for helping you determine the best ways to tell your story. A CHANNEL PLAN: i.e., where will your content live once developed, and which will be most beneficial to you?
  • 20. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 6 of 9 BUILDING A STRONG MOBILE STRATEGY WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY... Even with the mounds of data to argue why marketers need a better mobile strategy, only one-third of marketers (or fewer) are working on this right now. A larger portion of survey respondents indicated that a better mobile strategy was a focus for the next 12 months, more so in the B2C segment than in the other groups of respondents. WORKING ON THIS NOW WORKING ON THIS IN NEXT 12 MONTHS North America B2B 24% 33% North America B2C 36% 38% North America Nonprofit 34% 33% Australia for-profit 36% 34% UK for-profit 23% 39% The need to optimize your content for mobile is clear: Content is being consumed through mobile devices. Yet marketers are still struggling to determine the best ways to use the mobile channel and enhance how consumers can engage and interact with content on various devices. TACTIC 9
  • 21. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 6 of 9 From How to Create a Mobile-First Content Marketing Strategy: There are a few things every marketer should consider when looking to enhance consumers’ experience with their content on a mobile device: For more information on creating a better mobile strategy, see How Your Content Plan Should Change to Improve Mobile Engagement. How to Build a Better Mobile Strategy: Quick Tips9 TACTIC • When targeting your content online, consider creating localized content. Use Google Trends to determine what topics are trending in different geographic regions, and where you could tailor your content to meet their needs. • Also using Google Analytics, drill down into your audiences to see what terms people are using to visit your site or view your content. These keywords can help inform future content you create. • Video consumption is very popular on mobile devices; according to some studies it’s the most used content format on this channel. Plus, thanks to Vine and Instagram, creating mobile video is now easier than ever, making it a no-brainer for marketers to add to their content marketing mix. • Reduce abandon rates by making it easy for consumers to interact with your content from a design perspective; remember that touch- enabled functionality can be challenging on smaller mobile devices. • Make it easy for conversions to happen on mobile devices, such as through a sign-up form or download request. You can do this by shortening the form fields you require, or enabling contextual keyboards depending on which information your form is requesting.
  • 22. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 7 of 9 PROGRESSIVE PROFILING WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY... Progressive profiling may not be top-of-mind for marketers right now; however, it is something they expect to turn more attention to in the next 12 months. Interestingly, B2C marketers planned the biggest increase in focus on this initiative over the next 12 months versus what they do now, with a slightly lower, but still notable increase, by their B2B peers. WORKING ON THIS NOW WORKING ON THIS IN NEXT 12 MONTHS North America B2B 20% 29% North America B2C 18% 33% North America Nonprofit 14% 22% Australia for-profit 23% 33% UK for-profit 25% 28% A smart lead-capture tactic, progressive profiling allows you to pre-populate your forms using information you already know about your prospects, and lets you build out that information over time as they interact with your content (rather than bombarding them with multiple fields to complete at once). Marketers have come to use this as an effective content marketing tactic to increase conversion rates and give prospects a better experience with your content. TACTIC 10
  • 23. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 7 of 9 From The Content Match Game: Tips for Better Content Alignment Throughout the Buying Cycle: As you’re gathering information progressively about your leads, also consider what content your leads may want and/or need at different stages of the sales cycle, and be prepared to give them only what they’ve indicated is most useful. Elle Woulfe, Senior Marketing Programs Manager at Eloqua, advises marketers to focus on product-related information once a prospect has been classified as a true “lead” (i.e., someone who has demonstrated interest in your company). To help the lead become sales-ready, focus on delivering the right content pieces, such as white papers, case studies, demo videos and product comparisons. How to Utilize Progressive Profiling: Quick Tips10 TACTIC
  • 24. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 8 of 9 CREATING A CHANNEL PLAN FOR SOCIAL MEDIA WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY... WORKING ON THIS NOW WORKING ON THIS IN NEXT 12 MONTHS North America B2B 37% 29% North America B2C 45% 30% North America Nonprofit 41% 28% Australia for-profit 44% 38% UK for-profit 41% 33% Good content needs strong delivery channels, but with so many social media platforms available, it’s hard to know which ones to invest in. Developing a channel plan for social media can help, and with marketers creating more content than ever, and utilizing more social media platforms than ever, a solid plan is the only way to ensure your team is working as efficiently as possible. TACTIC 11 With social media playing such a pivotal role in content marketing — particularly when it comes to distribution — it’s not surprising that developing a channel plan is high on the list of marketer priorities across the board. Interestingly, B2B marketers were on the lower end of the statistical spectrum, both in terms of prioritizing the creation of a social media channel plan now and doing so in the future.
  • 25. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 8 of 9 How to Create a Channel Plan for Social Media: Quick Tips11 TACTIC From How to Build Social Media Into Your Content Marketing Processes: It’s important for marketers to have a dedicated plan for every channel on which they intend to distribute social media content on. To create this plan, ask the following questions for each channel you’re on now or are considering using soon: What’s the ultimate goal of the channel? What’s the desired action? What is the specific type of content the audience wants to get in this channel? What is the ideal velocity? What’s the right tone for the channel? Identifying answers to these questions will help you focus in on the right activities, versus trying to be everywhere at once.
  • 26. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 9 of 9 CREATING A SUBSCRIPTION MODEL WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY... WORKING ON THIS NOW WORKING ON THIS IN NEXT 12 MONTHS North America B2B 17% 20% North America B2C 20% 20% North America Nonprofit 14% 15% Australia for-profit 24% 18% UK for-profit 24% 21% Gathering email addresses is important, but what’s more important for marketers is to gather a tribe of subscribers — people interested in continuing to consume your content over time. Understanding the value of these subscribers, and how best to engage with them, can be an extremely powerful tool for your content marketing program. TACTIC 12 Retaining audience loyalty and engagement is an essential component of achieving sustainable success with content marketing. So it comes as a surprise that driving subscriptions is such a low priority among the marketers surveyed — particularly nonprofit marketers. With only 14% of respondents working on this tactic now, and only 15% planning to do so in the next 12 months, it is the lowest-rated of all the strategy tactics in our nonprofit research.
  • 27. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY TACTICS Track 9 of 9 From Your Epic Content Marketing Plan: 3 Steps for Driving Subscriptions: How can you grow your subscription channels to help meet your content marketing goals? How to Create a Subscription Model: Quick Tips12 TACTIC MAKE CONTENT-FOR-CONTENT OFFERS: (i.e., offer them something in exchange for signing up for your email list). LEVERAGE POP-UPS: When used well, these can be a great way to drive subscribers while they are engaging with content on your site. MAKE CONTENT-FOR-CONTENT OFFERS: Decide which specific offers you want to provide readers, and stick with a clear call to action when trying to attract subscribers.
  • 28. About Content Marketing Institute Content Marketing Institute (CMI) is the leading global content marketing education and training organization. CMI teaches enterprise brands how to attract and retain customers through compelling, multi-channel storytelling. CMI’s Content Marketing World event, the largest content marketing-focused event, is held every September, and Content Marketing World Sydney, every March. CMI also produces the quarterly magazine Chief Content Officer, and provides strategic consulting and content marketing research for some of the best-known brands in the world. CMI is a 2012, 2013, and 2014 Inc. 500 company. To see all of CMI’s original content marketing research, visit our Research Page. Learn how to create a documented content marketing strategy, a key component for improving overall content marketing effectiveness. About Brightcove Brightcove Inc. (NASDAQ:BCOV) is a leading global provider of powerful cloud solutions for delivering and monetizing video across connected devices. The company offers a full suite of products and services that reduce the cost and complexity associated with publishing, distributing, measuring and monetizing video across devices. Brightcove has more than 5,500 customers in over 70 countries that rely on the company’s cloud solutions to successfully publish high-quality video experiences to audiences everywhere. To learn more, visit DON’T MISS Part 2 of Building the Perfect Content Marketing Playlist: Top Priorities for 2015. Coming Soon And if you would like to learn more about how to tackle the top content marketing priorities, sign up for CMI’s weekly newsletter, or join us for our weekly #CMWorld Twitter chats.