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Dtlt f 13;'16.dw121: : .FS !!!!lEpdvn f orJ2ll!!lQdre!14Os(l1 16lll!lQbhf nlpd28 
Dbtf !3;16.d{121: : .FSlllllEp&n f od2!!!llQtfte!1499C81161!!!!Chhf !3!p{28 
B' MEEi€g 
3.. Plaintiff Andrea Constand is an adult lndivldual 
currently residing at a confid.entiaL addtess in Pickering, 
4, Def€ndant William H. cosby' ,fr. iE an adult individual 
with a residence at 8210 New seQor{d Street, Cheltenham, 
!D ^h!rhr6rr,p,1 .,--l - yr v arrf a. 
5, Plaintiff incorporates by reference the prior 
paragraphs of this Complaint, as though fulJ-y set forth at 
6, on or about December 2001r Plaintiff was empLoyed at 
Temple university as Director of operations' for the Women's 
Bask€tbaI.l- program. 1n her capacity as such, PlalnLiff met 
Defendant Cosby in November 2002. 
'1. Defendant a friendship with Plaintiffr so 
that over tirtre she considered hlm to be both her friend, albeit 
o1der. and a mentor, 
8. For over dne {1) year, Plaintiff socialized 
Defendant Cosby, including, inter alial discussing Temple 
women'F hasketball with him, talking with him by telephone, 
being his guest at dinner parties and other events hosted by 
at his Ch€ltenham home and other locatiols, 
Plaintiff And.rea Constand, by her attorneys, 
Troianl/KiviLzr L.L.P., claims of DefendanL a sum 1n excess 
$150/000.00, and irr support the.reof states the following: 
1, The united stales Distrj.ct Court fbr the Eastern 
DistrlcL of Pennsylvania has jurisdiction orer lhis action 
pursuant to diversity of citizenship and amount 1n 
conLroversyt 2B U.s.C, S 1332, 
2, Venue in the Eastern Dlstrict of PenhBylvania 
pursuant to 28 u.s.c.,s 1391 in that the events giving -rise 
the clain occurred in the Eastern Distriet of Pennsylvania. and 
Dbt f !3;16.dw121 : : .FS!l!UEpdvn f otl2lllllQtftel14O9t81 16!l!llGbM l4lp$28 Dbt f !3:15.d/,r121: : ,FS lllllEprtun f od2!!!!tQrtre-!14O9G116!!l!!Gbhf l5lp$28 
9, fn,fanuary 2OQ4f Defendairt invited Pla-lntiff to hi.s 11, when Plaintiff advised Defendant she did not feeL 
8210 Nev, Second street, Cheltenham, Montgotne.ry Countyr !.lefl/ Defendant Ied Plaintiff to a sofa, becauEe she aou.ld nat 
Pennsylv-ania./ home, telIlnq her that he wanted lo offer her walk on her own, where he laid her down, under lhe giuise of 
assistalrce ih her pursuit of a different car.eer. 'he1ping" her. 
1^ Dr.jhrirF -^reed to meet him, and airi/ed aL 18. Subsequentlyr Def,endant positioned hihself hehlnd 
D€fendant's home at approximately 9:00 p.m, Plaintlff on the sofa, touched her: breasts and va.qlnal area, 
11, Plaintlff and Defendant conversed, and durinq their rubbed his penis agains! he-r hand, and digitally penelIated her. 
conversation' Plaintiff exFressed that she was feellng atressed 19. Plaintiff remained in a semi-oonscieus state 
about making her caxeer dec.isio.n. th.roughout the time of this ordeal.. 
1,2. Defendant then offered Plaintiff three bLue pil1s, 2A. At no time !.naE Plaintiff c.apabLe of corsent after the 
which ho told her were herk,al meitication, Which would help her piIIs affected her, and at no Lime did she consent to 
relax, Defendant'd acts, 
13. PlainLiff queslioned. if she needed to 1:ake all three 2L. plaintiff losl consciousness afle,r the events 
pills/ and Defgndant assured her that aII three pills lvere descrihed above, and did not fully awaken untiL sometime after 
4:00 a.m. 
1,4, Plalntiff ingest.ed the piIIs with bottled wate-r, 22, Ptaintiff awoke feel-ing raw in aid afound her vaginal 
bellevj-ng that the pil1s w€re what Eefendant rep-feselnted then to area, 
be. 23, When Plaintlff awoke, her clottles and undergarments 
15. I{ithin a shorl period of time, Plaintiffrs knees began were in disarray. 
to shake. her limbs felt irnn6hj-Le, she felt diz.zy and weak, and 24, After PLaintlff awoke, Lrefendant qreeled her in hie 
she began to feel only barely consoious. bathrobe.. 
L6. Upon informat.ion and bellef, Defendant prorided 25. Ptaintiff left Defendant's residence lry hexs€]f,. 
Plalnliff with some sort of narcotic or other type of drugr and 26. On,lanuary ]-3i 2005, Plaintiff ieport.ed Ddfendant/s 
not an "hei:bal" remecLy. actiins to the Durham, ontario police.
Dbt f t3;16'dw121: : 'FS UlllEpdv n I otJ2lllllQrfrell4flgBl l6lllllAbhf l6!p$28 
2.'1, .EoIIoting Ptaintiff's 'lanuary :13t 2AA5' police report' 
Defendant and his aulhorized representatives andlor aqents have 
mad.e publicized statgments Lo Lhe media' includinq' Celebrity 
Justicd ("C,1"), which have included: 
sources connecl-ed with BiLl Cosby te11 "cJ" that before his 
accuser went to ot;i;t'";;; mo-tnet-as-k€d the comedian to 
make thinqs rignt"wilh'*otuy"wu''" told she asked cosby to 
help pav for her a"t$itt;t-i'a*-'-:]^t::lo to qenerallv help 
her out fin-"1-ffy' and this-Qonver+tion occurred before 
the acauser t'*t 
investlgate, a Cosbv rep caII lsrcl LIrr 
sha ke down ' 
These particular statements were broadcast rratlonwide' and 
posted on Celebrity Justice's internet website' also available 
nationwlde, on EebruarY '1' 2Aa5' 
28. Celebrity 'lustice' The Toronto Sun' and EoxNews' amonq 
other medla sources/ had previously pfinted and/or aired 
plainliff,s nama anc address and'/or picture in connection with 
name and/or a picturq of Plaintiff as well' therefore making her 
29. on or aboul February lft 2aQ5t Defendaht gave an 
.."*s1usive" interview to The Enqui]|ert a national tabloid wi"th a 
clrculation of about 1'5 millionr conceininq Plainlifffs 
alleqations' In that intervj-ewt in an effort to conLinue Lo 
make the public believe that plaintiff was guilty of exLortionr 
bbt f l3;16.dw121: : ,FslllllEp&n f odzlllltqrfEll4ogcBlt6lllllfrhf !7!pd28 
explait me because of my celebrity status"' 
30. At the time that Defendant and/or hi.r authorized 
representati ves and'/or agents' servan!s' or employees made their 
stat6mentE to Celebrity 'lustice and The Enquirer' ea'h of them 
kneli or should have known that the statements were false' 
hecause followlnE Plaintiff/s reporl of the incident to the 
Durham police, and beginning on ol abcut 'lanuary 16' 2005'1 and 
continuing in the days thereafter' Defendant and/or hls 
representatives and aqents Blaced at Least four t'elephone ca1ls 
to plaintiff and her mother in whlch' among other things' 
Defendant apologized and offered financial compellsation to 
mothe r ' 
31, Plaintiff hereby in-corporates by reference the prior 
paragraphs of this Complaint as thouqh fu11y sel forth at 
32. Defendant's offensive or harmlul coltaat with 
Plaintiff as set fofth herein at Jenqlh constituted a battery 
upon her.
Dbt f !3;16,dw121: : .FS !llllEpdvn f orl2!!ll!9rfel14OQG116l!lllabhf !8!pfl28 
33. The aforegaid conduct by Defendant was committed 
h/i11fully, knoryingly, maticiously, inlextionelly, wantonly, 
recklessly, and/or n.eq1igent1y, 
34, As the direct and proximate result of Defendant's acts 
4s 6isscribed in the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint, 
plaintiff has suffered serious and debllitating injuries, mental 
anguish, humiliation, embarrassmeflt' phys.lcal and emotional 
upset, includinq, but not llmited to, post*traudiatic stress 
disorder, depression, sleeplessnegg, isolatian, flashbacksr 
arixiety, the full extent of which injuries are rlot. yet known' 
and some or al1 of which may b.e permanent in natur'e. 
35, As the direct and preximate resul-t of the Defendant's 
acts as described iri the foregolng paragraphs of thls Camplaint. 
plaintiff suffer:ed and wiIl in the future continue to suffer 
serious pain, menlal anguish, emolional upset, and the loss of 
enj oyment of 1 ifEJ s pleasures . 
36. As the dlrect and proximate result of the Defendant's 
acts as described it the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint, 
plaintiff suEtained a setback and loss of continuity in her 
education, the ful1 extent of whlch is not yet known. 
3'7, As the direct and proximate .result of the Defendantr8 
acts as described ih the foregoinq paragraphs of this Complaint, 
plaintiff has Sustalned a foss of earnings and ezlrning capacity. 
Dbr f !3;16.duv121: : ,Fs!ll!!Ep&n f od2!!l!lgrfEll409t8116ll!!!obhf l9lp$28 
38. As the direct and proximate regulL of Lhe Defendanl's 
acts as desdribed in the foregoing paraqraphs of this Complaint, 
PLaint.iff has in the past and will in the future conlinue to lle 
compel-1ed to expend larqe suris of money for psychological 
treatment and therapY' 
WHEREfoRE, PlainLlff respectfuLLy requests that this 
Honorable Court enter iudgment in her iavor ancL against 
DefendanL William Cosby, in an amount in excess of one Hund-red 
Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150r000.00) plus reasonable attorneys'r 
fees, lnt.erest, costs, punitlve damages, and such othe.r relief 
a6 the Court deems juFl and p.ropel:. 
.Andrea Constand v. Willian Cosbv 
39. Plaint.iff hereby incorporates by reference the prior 
paraqraph€ of this Complaint as though fu1ly set forth at 
40. Defendant's haimful or offensive contact with 
plaintiff as Eet forth herein at length, placed her in ilhminent 
app]rehension of such contaet, and constituted an assault upon 
4L, The aforesald conduct by Defendant ilas committed 
wil1ful1y, knowingly, maliciously' intentionally' wantonlY, 
-reckJesslv, and/or negligentl-y'
Dbtf !3;16.dw121::.FS!!!llEpdvrif otl2ll,llqfte!1409t3116!l!llGbhf !: lp$28 Dbtf 13;16.dw 121: : .FS !!l!!Epdv n f odz[llr.grfp!14q9(3116!l!llGbhf !21!p$28 
42. As the dliect and proximate result af Defendant's acts c'ompelled to expend large sums of money for psychological 
described in the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaitt, treatment and thelapy. 
plaintiff suffered serlous and debllitatinq Injuries, mental WHEREEoRE, PlaintifI respectfully requests that this 
anguish, humiliatiOn, gnlcarrassment, physiaal and emotional Honorable Court enter iudgment in her faYor and against 
upset, including, but not limited to, post-traumatlc stless Defendant william Cosby, in an amount in excess of one Hundred 
dlsorder, d.epressioh, sleepfessness, isolation, flashbacksf Eifty thsa53nd Dollars ($150,000.00) plus attorneys' fees, 
anxiety, the full extent oi which lnjuries are not yet knowE and interest/ costs, punitive damages, and such other add.itional 
s.ome or aII of which may be permanent in nature. relief as this, Co.urt deems just artd proper. 
43. As the direct and proximate .result of Defendant's acts 
desdribed ln the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint, 4a+eq PonsFt-ilil-F$lffeJo=g9qbf 
Intentio,nal +na Negligen! Infllotion of Enotioqal piEtr:F1 
PlainLiff suffered and will- in the future continu,e to suffer 
4'l . Plainliff hereby incorpotates by the prior 
serlous painr mental anguishr emotional- upset. and the loss of 
paragraphs of this Complaint as though fu11y set forth at 
enjoymenL of life/s pleasurg.s, 
44" As Lhe direct and proximate result of Defendant's acts 
48. Defendant's conduct, as set forth ln the foragoinq 
descrii:ed in the foreqoin'g paraqraphs of thls complaint' 
paragraphs of lhis Coinplaint, was so outrageous in character and 
Plaiatiff sustalned a setback and loss of conLinuity in her 
30 extreme in degree as to faII orrtside the bounds of dec.ency, 
educationi the fu1l extent of which is not yet known. 
and is to be reqarded as intolerable in the commurlity. 
45, As the direct and proximate result of Defendant.'s actg 
49, At all tines relevant hereto, Defendant knew with 
described in the fo.regoing paragraphs of this Complaint, 
substantial certainty/ or should Ltave known that severq' 
plaintiff has sustained a loss of earnings and earning capacity. 
emotj-onal distress would be produced by his conduct. 
46. As the dlrect. and proximate result of Defendant/s. acLs 
50, By engaqinq in the acts set forth in tlre foreg.oing 
described in the foreqoinq paiagraphs of this Complalnt, 
paraqraphs of this Complaint, Defendant engaged in extreme and 
Plaintiff has in the pasl and will in the future continue to be 
Dbtf !3;16.dw121: : .FS!!!!lEpdvn f od2!!!!lqrfiel140g(E1f6!llllQbhf l22lpd28 
outrageeus canduet and intentionally inflicLood severe emotional 
distress upon Plaintiff . 
51, By engagihg in the acts set forth in lhe fo.regoing 
paragraphs of this Complaintr Defendant expLoited and abused his 
friendship and his mentor relationship with Plaintiff, violated 
her trust, and caused her great djslress. 
52, AE a dlrect .and proximate result of the acts of 
Defendant as 8et forth ln the foregoing paragraphs of this 
complalnt/ PLaintiff has in the past b,een requiredl and may in 
lhe future rdquired, medicine, medlcal, psycholoqical and olher 
treatment in erder to cure herself of Lhe injuries she has 
sustainedi has in the past been obliged, and may in the future 
be obliged, to expend various sums of money for such medical 
care and treaLnent, 
53, As furLhet difect and proximate result of tho acts of 
the Defe.ndant as seL forth in the foreqoing paragraphs of this 
Complaint, Plaintiff has been caused to suffer ahd continues to 
suffer severe emotj-onal distress, humlliation, gfiftarrassnent aRd 
financial loss, 
WHEREFoRE, Plalnliff respectfulLy requests that this 
Honorabl-e Courl enter iudqment in her favor and against 
Defendant William Codlty, in an amount in excess of one Hundred 
Fifly Thousand Dollar6 ($150,000.00) plus attorneys' feesr 
Dbtf 13;16.dw121: : .FS!llllEpdvnf od2!!!!!Qrfe!14O9O1161!!!lQbhf !23!pd28 
interest, costs, punltive damages. and such other additional 
rellef as this Court deems just and propei. 
54. Plaintiff hereby incorporates hy reference the prior 
paraEfaphs of this Complaint as ttrough fully s€t forth at 
55. At all tir0es relevant hereto, Plaintiff was a 1aw 
abiding citizen of Lhe commonwealth of Pennsylvania andlor 
Plokering, ontario, who enjoyed the respect, confidence and 
esteem of her neigthl)ors, as well as others in the comnunity, and 
has never been adjudqed quilty of any critoel offense or 
violation of the 1aw which would tend to lessen the reEpect7 
confidsnce and dsteem which she enjoyed, and to which she was 
56. At all tiiles mentioned herein, Defendaot acted on his 
own or t.hrough his author:ized aqentE, representalives, sources, 
seryanti! ot ernployees hto. acted for Defendant's henefit, under 
Defend,ant's contro.l or directlon, and within the course and 
scope of their authoiityf aqency, fepresenlatioh or employment. 
5?, On or before February 1' 2aa5, the Defendant, through 
hls representativesr agents, servantsr or €mployees intending to 
injure Lhe Plaintiff and to deprive her of her qood namev credit 
Dbtf l3;16.dw121:: "FS!!l!!Epdvnf or12!!lll€ffp|14O9(B1161!!llchhf t24lp!28 
and reputation, faIsely, maliciously, and wickedly p{ovided 
information for at f,east crne publication which aired on 
Celebrlty ,Iustice, a nationalLy syndicated televisloo show, and 
was posted on the Celebrity Justice lrebsite conderning 
58, on or abouL Feb.ruary 2I, 2005r Defendaht. gave an 
"exclusive" lntetview to The Enquirer, a national tabloid with a 
circulatlon o.f about 1.5 mi11ion, lntenclinq to or knowing it 
would injure Plaintiffr and to deprive her of her good nane7 
credit and reputation, in lrhich Defendant said, 'I am not going 
to give in to people who try to explolt me because of my 
celebrity status. " 
59, The staLenents contained in the above pubLicatlolrs, 
shows and websites intended to and did. convey to the viervers 
and,/or readers thereof. either dixectly ar by iilplication, that 
Plaintiff asked Defendan.t for moneyi she did so before she went 
to the policei and, that her actlons constltuted a "shakedown", 
or an attempt. to exto.rt monev front D.efendant, and to exploit 
50, The statanents and charges in the publications, shows, 
and/or websites identlfied in the foregoing paragraphs of this 
Complaint are fa1se, ahd Defendant knevn o.r shou.ld have known 
that they were false a'L the tirne of the publications. 
Dbt f !3;16.dvu12'l: : ,FSllMEpdvn f odzll!!lQifxell4OoCBl l6llltlohf 125!p{28 
61. Plaintiff has never' at any time, been qritty of the 
crimes alleged by Defendant, nor lias she ever an accessory tol 
nor an aider and abeilor of, such criminal actsr no.r has she 
ever been guilty of any .other viol.ation of law, but she ha8 at 
aII times been a peaceahle and lavr' abiding inhabitant of the 
seve.ral conniunities in ivhich she has resided from the day of her 
birth to the present time, 
6.2, Defendant and,/or his representatives and agehts knew/ 
or should have hnown that the sLaLements and charges contained 
in the pub.licat.ions, shows and vqebsites identified in the 
foreqoinq paragraphs of this CompLaint. were false when made, and 
Defendant uttered aFd published them either intentionally and 
maliciously, or with reckless distegard fo-r their truth or 
63, The slatements and charqes contained in the 
publicatiohs, shows and websiies j,d.entified in the foregoing 
paraqraphs of this Complaint were. printed, published, circulated 
and aired by Celeb-rlty Justice on February 1t 2AA5t and by The 
Enqulrer on or about Mat:oh 4/ 2005f and wele widely heard aid 
read by the Plaintiff's family, n€)ighbors/ a.nd friends and 
div€rse other persoBs, who understood imediately that Plaintiff 
was the adcuser to which Cosby ancl,/or his represenfalives, 
agents, FervanLs or employees referred.
Obt f 13;16.dw121: : . FSllll!Epdvn f orjzll!l!€rfrel14O9(B1 161!!!lCbhf 126!p{28 
54. By reason of the printing, publicatlon. and 
clrculation of the statements and charge€ cohtained in the 
artioles, shows, publlcations, and websites identlfied in the 
for€qoing pa.ragraphs of thi6 Complaint, Plaintiff has been 
brought into scandal and reproach, and has been held up to scorn 
and conternpt amonq her neiqhbors, business acquaintances, and 
othet qood citizens, and ls suspected by them to have been 
gu1lly of the crimes and fraudulent practices which Defendant's 
a.rticles imputed to Plaintiff, as a result of which the 
plaintiff has suffeted ih her business, her reputatlon, feelings 
and peace of mind, to her g-reat financial loss and damage, and 
to her great humiliation, 
IfHEREEQRE, Plai-ntiff respe.ctfully iequests that this 
llonorable Court enter judgment in her favor and against 
Defendant WiIllam Cosby, in an amount in excess of one Hundred 
Fifty fhousand Dollars ($150,000.00) plus attorneys' fees, 
interest, costs, punitive damages, and such other additional 
relief as this Court deems just and proper. 
65, Plalntiff 
paraqraphs of thl.s 
1 ength , 
hereby incorporaLes by reference Lhe prior 
Complainl as though fully set forth at 
Dbtf !3;1e.dw121: : .FS!!!l!Epdvnf od?!l!!lQfie!14O9t8116!l!!!cbtd !27!pd2$ 
66. The sLatements ident.lfied ln the foregoin.g pa.ragraphs 
of this Complaint made by Defeldaht. or through his authorized 
representatives, ag.ents/ s€rvants or employees ,{ere hiEhly 
offensive statements made aqainst Plaintiffr which portrayed her 
In a la se rdht. 
6'7 . The statenents identified 1n the foregolng paragraphs 
of this Complaint made against Plaintiff were publ.icized by 
Defendantf or publicized through his authorized rep.resentatives/ 
agents, servanLs, employ€eg and sources. 
68. Defendanl ald his authorized representativesf agents, 
sel:vants, emp.Ioyees and sou.rces knew or should have known that 
such statements hiere fa1se, or recklessly disregarded the 
falsity of said statem€nts.. 
69, Defendant and/or his authorized .reprdsentatives, 
aqents, servants or employees created a false. imBression by 
knowingly or recklessly puhlicizing selective pieces of 
information; rendering the publication susceptible to inferences 
casting Plainriff in a false 1i ghL. 
70. By reason of Defendant's aforesaid conduct, Plaintiff 
has suffered in her busine€s, her reputptiqn, feelings and peace 
of niindl to her great financlal Loss and damage, and to her 
graat humiliation. 
WHEREEoREf Plaintiff respectfufly requests that this 
Honorable Court ehter judgment in her favor and aqainst 
Case 2:05-cv-01099-ER Document 1 Filed 03/08/2005 Page 17 ol 17 
Def e]1,lant I/ili l1iam Cosby, in al amount irr excess of One Hundrei] 
ElflV Tfiousand Dollars ($150,000.00) plus aLr-orheysr fe-os/ 
inLe:rest, co;ts, punil-ive damages, and sLlcfi oLher addil:ional 
relre:[ as this CourL deems jusL anti proper. 
Plairrtiif hereby clerrands a l-.ria1 by jLrry iI Lhis 
RespecLlully submi L.Led, 
Troi.ani,/Kivit-.2 | L, L. P, 
,/s/ 8,.b.-. H. Kivitz 
Bebe H. Klvrtz/ Esqulre 
1. D. No, 30253 
Do.o-^ ,1 . Troi-n , q. . 
I . D. No , 21283 
38 trlorLh WaLerloc Road 
Devon/ PA 1 9333 
(510) 688-8400 
(610) 6BB-8426 fax 
Allorneys lor Pl ainLiffr 
Andrea Cons Land 
DaLeLl: March B, a-0q5

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Bill Cosby Court Complaint 2005

  • 1. Dtlt f 13;'16.dw121: : .FS !!!!lEpdvn f orJ2ll!!lQdre!14Os(l1 16lll!lQbhf nlpd28 IN tHE UNITED STATE9 DIS.TRICT COUF,T FOR THf EASTERN DISTRICT OI' PENNSYLVANIA Dbtf !3;16.d{121: : .FSlllllEp&n f od2!!!llQtfte!1499C81161!!!!Chhf !3!p{28 B' MEEi€g 3.. Plaintiff Andrea Constand is an adult lndivldual currently residing at a confid.entiaL addtess in Pickering, ontario, 4, Def€ndant William H. cosby' ,fr. iE an adult individual with a residence at 8210 New seQor{d Street, Cheltenham, !D ^h!rhr6rr,p,1 .,--l - yr v arrf a. c.I:E@ 5, Plaintiff incorporates by reference the prior paragraphs of this Complaint, as though fulJ-y set forth at Iength. 6, on or about December 2001r Plaintiff was empLoyed at Temple university as Director of operations' for the Women's Bask€tbaI.l- program. 1n her capacity as such, PlalnLiff met Defendant Cosby in November 2002. '1. Defendant a friendship with Plaintiffr so that over tirtre she considered hlm to be both her friend, albeit o1der. and a mentor, 8. For over dne {1) year, Plaintiff socialized Defendant Cosby, including, inter alial discussing Temple women'F hasketball with him, talking with him by telephone, being his guest at dinner parties and other events hosted by at his Ch€ltenham home and other locatiols, ANDREA CONS,TANDI Plaintlff Y. WIII,TAM H. COSBY, ,]R. Defendant CtrVII. ACTION NO.05-cv- JURY TRIAT, D.Ei:{4NDED{E Plaintiff And.rea Constand, by her attorneys, Troianl/KiviLzr L.L.P., claims of DefendanL a sum 1n excess $150/000.00, and irr support the.reof states the following: A. 1, The united stales Distrj.ct Court fbr the Eastern DistrlcL of Pennsylvania has jurisdiction orer lhis action pursuant to diversity of citizenship and amount 1n conLroversyt 2B U.s.C, S 1332, 2, Venue in the Eastern Dlstrict of PenhBylvania pursuant to 28 u.s.c.,s 1391 in that the events giving -rise the clain occurred in the Eastern Distriet of Pennsylvania. and him
  • 2. Dbt f !3;16.dw121 : : .FS!l!UEpdvn f otl2lllllQtftel14O9t81 16!l!llGbM l4lp$28 Dbt f !3:15.d/,r121: : ,FS lllllEprtun f od2!!!!tQrtre-!14O9G116!!l!!Gbhf l5lp$28 9, fn,fanuary 2OQ4f Defendairt invited Pla-lntiff to hi.s 11, when Plaintiff advised Defendant she did not feeL 8210 Nev, Second street, Cheltenham, Montgotne.ry Countyr !.lefl/ Defendant Ied Plaintiff to a sofa, becauEe she aou.ld nat Pennsylv-ania./ home, telIlnq her that he wanted lo offer her walk on her own, where he laid her down, under lhe giuise of assistalrce ih her pursuit of a different car.eer. 'he1ping" her. 1^ Dr.jhrirF -^reed to meet him, and airi/ed aL 18. Subsequentlyr Def,endant positioned hihself hehlnd D€fendant's home at approximately 9:00 p.m, Plaintlff on the sofa, touched her: breasts and va.qlnal area, 11, Plaintlff and Defendant conversed, and durinq their rubbed his penis agains! he-r hand, and digitally penelIated her. conversation' Plaintiff exFressed that she was feellng atressed 19. Plaintiff remained in a semi-oonscieus state about making her caxeer dec.isio.n. th.roughout the time of this ordeal.. 1,2. Defendant then offered Plaintiff three bLue pil1s, 2A. At no time !.naE Plaintiff c.apabLe of corsent after the which ho told her were herk,al meitication, Which would help her piIIs affected her, and at no Lime did she consent to relax, Defendant'd acts, 13. PlainLiff queslioned. if she needed to 1:ake all three 2L. plaintiff losl consciousness afle,r the events pills/ and Defgndant assured her that aII three pills lvere descrihed above, and did not fully awaken untiL sometime after 4:00 a.m. 1,4, Plalntiff ingest.ed the piIIs with bottled wate-r, 22, Ptaintiff awoke feel-ing raw in aid afound her vaginal bellevj-ng that the pil1s w€re what Eefendant rep-feselnted then to area, be. 23, When Plaintlff awoke, her clottles and undergarments 15. I{ithin a shorl period of time, Plaintiffrs knees began were in disarray. to shake. her limbs felt irnn6hj-Le, she felt diz.zy and weak, and 24, After PLaintlff awoke, Lrefendant qreeled her in hie she began to feel only barely consoious. bathrobe.. L6. Upon informat.ion and bellef, Defendant prorided 25. Ptaintiff left Defendant's residence lry hexs€]f,. Plalnliff with some sort of narcotic or other type of drugr and 26. On,lanuary ]-3i 2005, Plaintiff ieport.ed Ddfendant/s not an "hei:bal" remecLy. actiins to the Durham, ontario police.
  • 3. Dbt f t3;16'dw121: : 'FS UlllEpdv n I otJ2lllllQrfrell4flgBl l6lllllAbhf l6!p$28 2.'1, .EoIIoting Ptaintiff's 'lanuary :13t 2AA5' police report' Defendant and his aulhorized representatives andlor aqents have mad.e publicized statgments Lo Lhe media' includinq' Celebrity Justicd ("C,1"), which have included: sources connecl-ed with BiLl Cosby te11 "cJ" that before his accuser went to ot;i;t'";;; mo-tnet-as-k€d the comedian to make thinqs rignt"wilh'*otuy"wu''" told she asked cosby to help pav for her a"t$itt;t-i'a*-'-:]^t::lo to qenerallv help her out fin-"1-ffy' and this-Qonver+tion occurred before the acauser t'*t "ii'ti"i"J'-pori""'-'r':"Y:':";r:::tinue to investlgate, a Cosbv rep caII lsrcl LIrr sha ke down ' These particular statements were broadcast rratlonwide' and posted on Celebrity Justice's internet website' also available nationwlde, on EebruarY '1' 2Aa5' 28. Celebrity 'lustice' The Toronto Sun' and EoxNews' amonq other medla sources/ had previously pfinted and/or aired plainliff,s nama anc address and'/or picture in connection with thisinvestigation'andothermediaSourceshadpub}ishedher name and/or a picturq of Plaintiff as well' therefore making her identltyasCosby,saccuse.rrecoqflizabletOthepubliC. 29. on or aboul February lft 2aQ5t Defendaht gave an .."*s1usive" interview to The Enqui]|ert a national tabloid wi"th a clrculation of about 1'5 millionr conceininq Plainlifffs alleqations' In that intervj-ewt in an effort to conLinue Lo make the public believe that plaintiff was guilty of exLortionr bbt f l3;16.dw121: : ,FslllllEp&n f odzlllltqrfEll4ogcBlt6lllllfrhf !7!pd28 Defendantsai(].,'.lamnotqoingtoqiveintop]eoplewhotryto explait me because of my celebrity status"' 30. At the time that Defendant and/or hi.r authorized representati ves and'/or agents' servan!s' or employees made their stat6mentE to Celebrity 'lustice and The Enquirer' ea'h of them kneli or should have known that the statements were false' hecause followlnE Plaintiff/s reporl of the incident to the Durham police, and beginning on ol abcut 'lanuary 16' 2005'1 and continuing in the days thereafter' Defendant and/or hls representatives and aqents Blaced at Least four t'elephone ca1ls to plaintiff and her mother in whlch' among other things' Defendant apologized and offered financial compellsation to Plaiutiff,whichofferwasnotacceptedbyPlaintiffand/orher mothe r ' 31, Plaintiff hereby in-corporates by reference the prior paragraphs of this Complaint as thouqh fu11y sel forth at length. 32. Defendant's offensive or harmlul coltaat with Plaintiff as set fofth herein at Jenqlh constituted a battery upon her.
  • 4. Dbt f !3;16,dw121: : .FS !llllEpdvn f orl2!!ll!9rfel14OQG116l!lllabhf !8!pfl28 33. The aforegaid conduct by Defendant was committed h/i11fully, knoryingly, maticiously, inlextionelly, wantonly, recklessly, and/or n.eq1igent1y, 34, As the direct and proximate result of Defendant's acts 4s 6isscribed in the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint, plaintiff has suffered serious and debllitating injuries, mental anguish, humiliation, embarrassmeflt' phys.lcal and emotional upset, includinq, but not llmited to, post*traudiatic stress disorder, depression, sleeplessnegg, isolatian, flashbacksr arixiety, the full extent of which injuries are rlot. yet known' and some or al1 of which may b.e permanent in natur'e. 35, As the direct and preximate resul-t of the Defendant's acts as described iri the foregolng paragraphs of thls Camplaint. plaintiff suffer:ed and wiIl in the future continue to suffer serious pain, menlal anguish, emolional upset, and the loss of enj oyment of 1 ifEJ s pleasures . 36. As the dlrect and proximate result of the Defendant's acts as described it the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint, plaintiff suEtained a setback and loss of continuity in her education, the ful1 extent of whlch is not yet known. 3'7, As the direct and proximate .result of the Defendantr8 acts as described ih the foregoinq paragraphs of this Complaint, plaintiff has Sustalned a foss of earnings and ezlrning capacity. Dbr f !3;16.duv121: : ,Fs!ll!!Ep&n f od2!!l!lgrfEll409t8116ll!!!obhf l9lp$28 38. As the direct and proximate regulL of Lhe Defendanl's acts as desdribed in the foregoing paraqraphs of this Complaint, PLaint.iff has in the past and will in the future conlinue to lle compel-1ed to expend larqe suris of money for psychological treatment and therapY' WHEREfoRE, PlainLlff respectfuLLy requests that this Honorable Court enter iudgment in her iavor ancL against DefendanL William Cosby, in an amount in excess of one Hund-red Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150r000.00) plus reasonable attorneys'r fees, lnt.erest, costs, punitlve damages, and such othe.r relief a6 the Court deems juFl and p.ropel:. COUNT TI .Andrea Constand v. Willian Cosbv Assaul,t 39. Plaint.iff hereby incorporates by reference the prior paraqraph€ of this Complaint as though fu1ly set forth at 40. Defendant's haimful or offensive contact with plaintiff as Eet forth herein at length, placed her in ilhminent app]rehension of such contaet, and constituted an assault upon her. 4L, The aforesald conduct by Defendant ilas committed wil1ful1y, knowingly, maliciously' intentionally' wantonlY, -reckJesslv, and/or negligentl-y'
  • 5. Dbtf !3;16.dw121::.FS!!!llEpdvrif otl2ll,llqfte!1409t3116!l!llGbhf !: lp$28 Dbtf 13;16.dw 121: : .FS !!l!!Epdv n f odz[llr.grfp!14q9(3116!l!llGbhf !21!p$28 42. As the dliect and proximate result af Defendant's acts c'ompelled to expend large sums of money for psychological described in the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaitt, treatment and thelapy. plaintiff suffered serlous and debllitatinq Injuries, mental WHEREEoRE, PlaintifI respectfully requests that this anguish, humiliatiOn, gnlcarrassment, physiaal and emotional Honorable Court enter iudgment in her faYor and against upset, including, but not limited to, post-traumatlc stless Defendant william Cosby, in an amount in excess of one Hundred dlsorder, d.epressioh, sleepfessness, isolation, flashbacksf Eifty thsa53nd Dollars ($150,000.00) plus attorneys' fees, anxiety, the full extent oi which lnjuries are not yet knowE and interest/ costs, punitive damages, and such other add.itional s.ome or aII of which may be permanent in nature. relief as this, Co.urt deems just artd proper. 43. As the direct and proximate .result of Defendant's acts CoUNT III desdribed ln the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint, 4a+eq PonsFt-ilil-F$lffeJo=g9qbf Intentio,nal +na Negligen! Infllotion of Enotioqal piEtr:F1 PlainLiff suffered and will- in the future continu,e to suffer 4'l . Plainliff hereby incorpotates by the prior serlous painr mental anguishr emotional- upset. and the loss of paragraphs of this Complaint as though fu11y set forth at enjoymenL of life/s pleasurg.s, lenglh. 44" As Lhe direct and proximate result of Defendant's acts 48. Defendant's conduct, as set forth ln the foragoinq descrii:ed in the foreqoin'g paraqraphs of thls complaint' paragraphs of lhis Coinplaint, was so outrageous in character and Plaiatiff sustalned a setback and loss of conLinuity in her 30 extreme in degree as to faII orrtside the bounds of dec.ency, educationi the fu1l extent of which is not yet known. and is to be reqarded as intolerable in the commurlity. 45, As the direct and proximate result of Defendant.'s actg 49, At all tines relevant hereto, Defendant knew with described in the fo.regoing paragraphs of this Complaint, substantial certainty/ or should Ltave known that severq' plaintiff has sustained a loss of earnings and earning capacity. emotj-onal distress would be produced by his conduct. 46. As the dlrect. and proximate result of Defendant/s. acLs 50, By engaqinq in the acts set forth in tlre foreg.oing described in the foreqoinq paiagraphs of this Complalnt, paraqraphs of this Complaint, Defendant engaged in extreme and Plaintiff has in the pasl and will in the future continue to be 1.0
  • 6. Dbtf !3;16.dw121: : .FS!!!!lEpdvn f od2!!!!lqrfiel140g(E1f6!llllQbhf l22lpd28 outrageeus canduet and intentionally inflicLood severe emotional distress upon Plaintiff . 51, By engagihg in the acts set forth in lhe fo.regoing paragraphs of this Complaintr Defendant expLoited and abused his friendship and his mentor relationship with Plaintiff, violated her trust, and caused her great djslress. 52, AE a dlrect .and proximate result of the acts of Defendant as 8et forth ln the foregoing paragraphs of this complalnt/ PLaintiff has in the past b,een requiredl and may in lhe future rdquired, medicine, medlcal, psycholoqical and olher treatment in erder to cure herself of Lhe injuries she has sustainedi has in the past been obliged, and may in the future be obliged, to expend various sums of money for such medical care and treaLnent, 53, As furLhet difect and proximate result of tho acts of the Defe.ndant as seL forth in the foreqoing paragraphs of this Complaint, Plaintiff has been caused to suffer ahd continues to suffer severe emotj-onal distress, humlliation, gfiftarrassnent aRd financial loss, WHEREFoRE, Plalnliff respectfulLy requests that this Honorabl-e Courl enter iudqment in her favor and against Defendant William Codlty, in an amount in excess of one Hundred Fifly Thousand Dollar6 ($150,000.00) plus attorneys' feesr Dbtf 13;16.dw121: : .FS!llllEpdvnf od2!!!!!Qrfe!14O9O1161!!!lQbhf !23!pd28 interest, costs, punltive damages. and such other additional rellef as this Court deems just and propei. 54. Plaintiff hereby incorporates hy reference the prior paraEfaphs of this Complaint as ttrough fully s€t forth at 1enqth., 55. At all tir0es relevant hereto, Plaintiff was a 1aw abiding citizen of Lhe commonwealth of Pennsylvania andlor Plokering, ontario, who enjoyed the respect, confidence and esteem of her neigthl)ors, as well as others in the comnunity, and has never been adjudqed quilty of any critoel offense or violation of the 1aw which would tend to lessen the reEpect7 confidsnce and dsteem which she enjoyed, and to which she was entitle.d, 56. At all tiiles mentioned herein, Defendaot acted on his own or t.hrough his author:ized aqentE, representalives, sources, seryanti! ot ernployees hto. acted for Defendant's henefit, under Defend,ant's contro.l or directlon, and within the course and scope of their authoiityf aqency, fepresenlatioh or employment. 5?, On or before February 1' 2aa5, the Defendant, through hls representativesr agents, servantsr or €mployees intending to injure Lhe Plaintiff and to deprive her of her qood namev credit 12
  • 7. Dbtf l3;16.dw121:: "FS!!l!!Epdvnf or12!!lll€ffp|14O9(B1161!!llchhf t24lp!28 and reputation, faIsely, maliciously, and wickedly p{ovided information for at f,east crne publication which aired on Celebrlty ,Iustice, a nationalLy syndicated televisloo show, and was posted on the Celebrity Justice lrebsite conderning Plaintiff. 58, on or abouL Feb.ruary 2I, 2005r Defendaht. gave an "exclusive" lntetview to The Enquirer, a national tabloid with a circulatlon o.f about 1.5 mi11ion, lntenclinq to or knowing it would injure Plaintiffr and to deprive her of her good nane7 credit and reputation, in lrhich Defendant said, 'I am not going to give in to people who try to explolt me because of my celebrity status. " 59, The staLenents contained in the above pubLicatlolrs, shows and websites intended to and did. convey to the viervers and,/or readers thereof. either dixectly ar by iilplication, that Plaintiff asked Defendan.t for moneyi she did so before she went to the policei and, that her actlons constltuted a "shakedown", or an attempt. to exto.rt monev front D.efendant, and to exploit him. 50, The statanents and charges in the publications, shows, and/or websites identlfied in the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint are fa1se, ahd Defendant knevn o.r shou.ld have known that they were false a'L the tirne of the publications. Dbt f !3;16.dvu12'l: : ,FSllMEpdvn f odzll!!lQifxell4OoCBl l6llltlohf 125!p{28 61. Plaintiff has never' at any time, been qritty of the crimes alleged by Defendant, nor lias she ever an accessory tol nor an aider and abeilor of, such criminal actsr no.r has she ever been guilty of any .other viol.ation of law, but she ha8 at aII times been a peaceahle and lavr' abiding inhabitant of the seve.ral conniunities in ivhich she has resided from the day of her birth to the present time, 6.2, Defendant and,/or his representatives and agehts knew/ or should have hnown that the sLaLements and charges contained in the pub.licat.ions, shows and vqebsites identified in the foreqoinq paragraphs of this CompLaint. were false when made, and Defendant uttered aFd published them either intentionally and maliciously, or with reckless distegard fo-r their truth or falsity. 63, The slatements and charqes contained in the publicatiohs, shows and websiies j,d.entified in the foregoing paraqraphs of this Complaint were. printed, published, circulated and aired by Celeb-rlty Justice on February 1t 2AA5t and by The Enqulrer on or about Mat:oh 4/ 2005f and wele widely heard aid read by the Plaintiff's family, n€)ighbors/ a.nd friends and div€rse other persoBs, who understood imediately that Plaintiff was the adcuser to which Cosby ancl,/or his represenfalives, agents, FervanLs or employees referred.
  • 8. Obt f 13;16.dw121: : . FSllll!Epdvn f orjzll!l!€rfrel14O9(B1 161!!!lCbhf 126!p{28 54. By reason of the printing, publicatlon. and clrculation of the statements and charge€ cohtained in the artioles, shows, publlcations, and websites identlfied in the for€qoing pa.ragraphs of thi6 Complaint, Plaintiff has been brought into scandal and reproach, and has been held up to scorn and conternpt amonq her neiqhbors, business acquaintances, and othet qood citizens, and ls suspected by them to have been gu1lly of the crimes and fraudulent practices which Defendant's a.rticles imputed to Plaintiff, as a result of which the plaintiff has suffeted ih her business, her reputatlon, feelings and peace of mind, to her g-reat financial loss and damage, and to her great humiliation, IfHEREEQRE, Plai-ntiff respe.ctfully iequests that this llonorable Court enter judgment in her favor and against Defendant WiIllam Cosby, in an amount in excess of one Hundred Fifty fhousand Dollars ($150,000.00) plus attorneys' fees, interest, costs, punitive damages, and such other additional relief as this Court deems just and proper. 65, Plalntiff paraqraphs of thl.s 1 ength , hereby incorporaLes by reference Lhe prior Complainl as though fully set forth at Dbtf !3;1e.dw121: : .FS!!!l!Epdvnf od?!l!!lQfie!14O9t8116!l!!!cbtd !27!pd2$ 66. The sLatements ident.lfied ln the foregoin.g pa.ragraphs of this Complaint made by Defeldaht. or through his authorized representatives, ag.ents/ s€rvants or employees ,{ere hiEhly offensive statements made aqainst Plaintiffr which portrayed her In a la se rdht. 6'7 . The statenents identified 1n the foregolng paragraphs of this Complaint made against Plaintiff were publ.icized by Defendantf or publicized through his authorized rep.resentatives/ agents, servanLs, employ€eg and sources. 68. Defendanl ald his authorized representativesf agents, sel:vants, emp.Ioyees and sou.rces knew or should have known that such statements hiere fa1se, or recklessly disregarded the falsity of said statem€nts.. 69, Defendant and/or his authorized .reprdsentatives, aqents, servants or employees created a false. imBression by knowingly or recklessly puhlicizing selective pieces of information; rendering the publication susceptible to inferences casting Plainriff in a false 1i ghL. 70. By reason of Defendant's aforesaid conduct, Plaintiff has suffered in her busine€s, her reputptiqn, feelings and peace of niindl to her great financlal Loss and damage, and to her graat humiliation. WHEREEoREf Plaintiff respectfufly requests that this Honorable Court ehter judgment in her favor and aqainst 15
  • 9. Case 2:05-cv-01099-ER Document 1 Filed 03/08/2005 Page 17 ol 17 Def e]1,lant I/ili l1iam Cosby, in al amount irr excess of One Hundrei] ElflV Tfiousand Dollars ($150,000.00) plus aLr-orheysr fe-os/ inLe:rest, co;ts, punil-ive damages, and sLlcfi oLher addil:ional relre:[ as this CourL deems jusL anti proper. JURY DEI{AITD Plairrtiif hereby clerrands a l-.ria1 by jLrry iI Lhis RespecLlully submi L.Led, Troi.ani,/Kivit-.2 | L, L. P, ,/s/ 8,.b.-. H. Kivitz Bebe H. Klvrtz/ Esqulre 1. D. No, 30253 Do.o-^ ,1 . Troi-n , q. . I . D. No , 21283 38 trlorLh WaLerloc Road Devon/ PA 1 9333 (510) 688-8400 (610) 6BB-8426 fax Allorneys lor Pl ainLiffr Andrea Cons Land DaLeLl: March B, a-0q5