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9:00-9:30 选手签到
9:29-9:30 MC (VO)
Honorable guests, the 2014 Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition Finals is about to
begin. Guests and contestants, please be seated.
(MC VO)尊敬的女士们先生们, 2014 百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛中国区决赛即将开始。请各
9:30-9:32 MC
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! Here we are, at the Great Wall of China!
Today, the renowned Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition China finals will be held
here. I, Wang Feng, shall be your host for the day! First and foremost, we are
pleased to welcome you all to the symbol of Chinese civilization: the Great Wall of
Speaking of the Great Wall, with its grand appearance and its stalwart frame, it has
endured five thousand years of history, symbolizing the impregnable spirit of the
Chinese nation. And it is this unyielding spirit that drew the attention of Bacardi –
the “king of rums”with its 151 years of history – and led it to select this spot to
host its Legacy Global Cocktail Competition, China Finals. As the only human-built
structure visible from space, the Great Wall does not only belong to China, but also
to the world, whereas the competition that will be held today paves the path of the
cocktail culture from the globe to China, a symbol of the intergration of Chinese
culture with world culture.
Bacardi’s legacy dates back to the year 1862. The Founder, Mr. Bacardi, dedicated
his life’s work to single-handedly form Bacardi’s original parallel distillation
method, creating a light and delicate flavor without sacrificing Bacardi rum’s
unique characteristics. For over half a century, it has won over three hundred
international awards along with the reputation as “the King of Rums and the Rum
of Kings’”. From generation to generation, the Bicardi family has continued this
enduring legacy.
Today, Bicadi shall broaden its path to encompass the world, not merely to place its
brand down onto paper, but to continue its legacy, thus was born the Bacardi
Legacy Global Cocktail Competition. Its ultimate goal? To gather the world’s best
contemporary bartenders and create an original Bacardi cocktail that will stand the
test of time, just as the timeless masterpieces of Bicardi classic cocktails: Bacardi
Daiquiri, Bacardi Mojito, Bacardi Cuba Libre, and the like.
This year marks the second year of the Bacardi Legacy Global Competition. More
than 100 Chinese contestants have joined us this year, from the onset of the
auditions, through layers of assessments, through the fierce competitions in
Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, only 12 of the best bartenders remain to
join the China Finals. In the past 3 months, they have actively promoted their
original Bacardi cocktail, and through that, successfully promoted the Bacardi
They stand here today, as symbols of Bacardi’s unyielding spirit, at the landmark
that symbolizes the impregnable spirit of the Chinese nation, to struggle for the
only title rewarded in the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition. In actuality,
today, it matters not what the final scores shall be marked down, for as this
competition’s leading contestants, your remarkable performances have already
illustrated Bacardi’s classic, irrepressible spirit.
Here, I must note that the China Finals champion this year shall join with the
champions from all over the globe to attend a three-day “Bacardi Global
Bartender Training Session” set to take place in Moscow in May of this year.
Bacardi’s professional bartender crew as well as experts of the global bartending
industry will join with the exceptional trainees to both communicate, share and
interact! Ultimately, the national champions will gather in Moscow for a final battle
in the Bacardi Legacy Cocktails Global Finals! Who shall emerge victorious in the
light of this golden opportunity? Let us wait and see.
也正是因为这种不屈的精神,吸引了百加得——拥有着 151 年历史的王者朗姆品牌,将传世鸡
百加得传奇始于 1862 年,创始人百加得先生耗尽毕生心血,独创百加得平行蒸馏法,酿
今年,是百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛的第二届。本年度中国参赛选手共有 100 余位,从海
选开始,层层筛选,经过 2013 年 8 月在北京、上海、广州、成都四大区域激烈角逐,最终只
有 12 名最优秀的调酒师成功晋级中国区总决赛。在过去的 3 个月里,他们在渠道中积极推广他
这里要特别介绍一下,本次决赛产生的中国区冠军,将于今年 5 月与来自世界各国的冠军
9:32-9:33 MC
We have with us here today many prominent figures of the bartending industry,
and today, they will be serving as the judges of today’s competition. It is my
pleasure to introduce the judges for the first round of the competition:
Mr. Marin Panayotov Delchev, Advocacy Manager of Bacardi China! Welcome!
Yao Lu, Bar Owner & Chief Mixologist of The Union Trading Company ! Welcome!
Mr. ZANN OUYANG, Beverage Innovation Director of Monin! Welcome!
Adam, Devermann, Food & Beverage Consultant!Welcome!
Now that we have introduced our distinguished judges, please let us give a warm
welcome to our other host for the day – the Bacardi brand ambassador, Alex Zhou
– who will give an introduction on the basic components of this competition.
介绍完重量级的评委,下面让我们有请今天另外一位主持人——百加得品牌大使 Alex Zhou 上
9:33-9:36 ALEX
Fellow guest and contestants. Good morning/afternoon/evening!
I am Alex. As Bacardi’s brand ambassador, I am honored to be standing on this
stage today, at the foot of one of the Seven Wonders of the World: the Great Wall.
And it is also my pleasure to introduce each esteemed contestant and guests along
with the basic components that will make up this competition.
Final Competition Structure:
The final competition is comprised of two rounds, creating the same Bacardi
original cocktail with different judging panels for each round.
First Round (6 out of 12 will proceed)
The judges of the first round of Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition
will use a standard criteria to score the 12 contestants, products, and promotions.
Six of them will be selected to proceed to the second round of the Bacardi Legacy
Cocktail Global Competition.
Second Round (3 out of 6 will proceed)
The judges of the first round of Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition
will score the 6 contestants, products, and promotions, and ultimately select the
first, second, and third place winners.
The two rounds are of equal duration. Within each round, the contestants’
course will be divided into two portions.
1st Portion: 5 minutes of Bacardi cocktail promotion and 2 minutes of judges’
Q&A, for a total of 7 minutes.
2nd Portion: 1 minute of preparation, 7 minutes for creating two servings of
original cocktails and preventing the inspiration behind them, along with 1 minute
for cleaning, for a total of 9 minutes.
The final assessment will produce this winners of this competition.
我是 ALEX,今天站在这个舞台上,在世界七大文明奇迹之一的万里长城脚下,作为百加得品牌
第一轮(12 进 6):
百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛第一轮评委团将以统一的评判标准,对 12 位调酒师、作品以及
推广陈述进行评分,并从中选出 6 名晋级百加得传世鸡尾酒大赛中国区总决赛第二轮!
第二轮(6 进 3):
百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛第二轮评委团对晋级的 6 位调酒师、作品以及推广陈述进行评
第一部分:5 分钟百加得最具潜力鸡尾酒推广陈述,2 分钟评委关于推广提问,总时长 7 分钟。
第二部分:1 分钟准备时间,7 分钟制作两杯原创鸡尾酒并进行灵感陈述, 1 分钟清理吧台 (有
且只有一名调酒师准手可以帮助进行清理过程),总时长为 9 分钟,不可超时。
9:36-9:38 ALEX
Before we begin the competition, let’s take a look at this video. To go back in
time, and see how our contestants have promoted their cocktails.
品。(播放 Promotion Video)
9:38-11:16 ALEX
1-6 号选手比赛
We have seen each contestant demonstrate remarkable artistry in their
promotions. However, only one will take the championship. Who will represent
China in the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition Finals? Allow us to
witness the beginning of their paths to championship!
I hereby announce the start of the first round of the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global
Contestant 1, please come to the bar table to prepare for the first round of the
First up, we will begin the five minutes of cocktail promotion. The countdown
begins, now!
请 1 号选手到我们的吧台准备第一轮的比赛。
首先是 5 分钟的最具潜力鸡尾酒推广阶段。计时开始!
1-6 号选手比赛(16 分钟/人)
11:16-11:50 ALEX
We are now halfway through the first round of the competition, and I believe we
must have all been impressed by the contestants’ exquisite potential and
For now, let’s take a short break. Fellow guests, please take your lunch tickets to
the restaurant on the first floor where our brand will have prepared everyone’s
lunch. After 30 minutes, we will come back to continue the first round for the
remaining 6 contestants, with Contestant 7’s round beginning at 11:50.
Everyone, please be seated quickly. Our competition is about to begin. Contestant
7, please begin preparations.
让我们暂时休息一下,各位嘉宾凭午餐券到一楼西餐厅享用品牌给大家准备的午餐,30 分钟后
我们马上回来进行第一轮剩余 6 位选手的比赛,7 号选手的比赛时间从 11:50 分开始
请各位尽快入座,我们的比赛马上就要开始了,请 7 号选手准备
11:50-13:10 ALEX
7-12 号选手比赛
Contestant 7, please come to the bar table for preparations. First up is the 5
minutes stage of cocktail promotion. The countdown begins, now!
请 7 号选手到我们的吧台准备比赛,首先是 5 分钟的最具潜力鸡尾酒推广阶段。计时开始!
7-12 选手比赛(16 分钟/人)
13:10-13:50 ALEX
MC 串场
Up to this point, the first round of the competition has come to an end. Our judges will
soon decide accordingly the 6 contestants that will proceed to the next round. Let us
see after a 30 minutes break.
赛的 6 位选手名单。让我们休息 30 分钟,拭目以待。
13:50-14:00 ALEX
After the judges’ careful evaluations, the list of our 6 promising contestants has
been revealed. First and foremost, let’s welcome our 12 contestants back onto
the stage.
Who shall be the 6 chosen contestants? Our audiences have watched this
morning’s events, and I believe everyone already has speculations in mind. Thus,
let us welcome Mr. Marin Panayotov Delchev, the advocacy manager of Macardi
China Limited to reveal the 6 contestants who will proceed to our next round.
Marin announces the names of the 6 contestants.
经过评委们的慎重评分,我们的 6 强选手名单已经出来了,首先请出我们的 12 名选手
6 强选手会是谁呢?各位现场的观众观看了上午的比赛,相信心里也在默默揣测。好,下面邀
请 Mr. Marin Panayotov Delchev, Advocacy Manager of Bacardi China Limited 来位大家
揭晓晋级的 6 强选手名单。
(Marin 上台)
Marin 宣读 6 强获奖名单
14:00-14:30 ALEX
(Coffee Break,工作人员更换第二轮评委资料,Media 签到)
First of all, congratulations to the 6 contestants that will advance to the next
round. Please return to your seats, take a rest, and take a moment to prepare, for
you all have another battle ahead.
Likewise, let us thank the contestants that, unfortunately, will not be proceeding to
the next round, and remember that every contestant on this stage today has been
首先恭喜晋级的 6 位选手,请回座休息,重新调整一下状态,备战我们第二轮的比赛
VO: 请各位来宾尽快入座,我们第二轮的比赛 5 分钟后准时开始
14:50-14:55 MC 开场
Fellow guests and friends from the media. Good afternoon!
First of all, I would like to thank everyone again for being here today. Here we are
at the Great Wall of China, and we are currently standing at the foot of the
magnificent wall. The Great Wall of China, a valuable symbol of the Chinese
civilization, has carried with it an enduring history and a valuable culture. The
diligence, courage, and brilliance of the Chinese nation is embedded within its
walls, embodying the nation’s impregnable spirit and unrelenting will. The Great
Wall is the pride of the Chinese nation, and tonight, Bacardi, “The King of Rum
and the Rum of Kings”, is proud to have come to this magnificent piece of land, to
unite the king and this grand structure.
The history of Bacardi dates back to 1862, and as the world’s leading
manufacturer in Rum, its irrepressible spirit has passed from generation to
generation, upholding the brand’s legacy. And it is because of this common spirit
that Bacardi chose the Great Wall to host the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global
Competition. The Great Wall of China, of an enduring history as the spirit of the
Chinese nation. And Bacardi, of 151 years of legendary history, with its
irrepressible spirit that has endured through generations. What is to be seen as the
two collide and merge? Perhaps like Bacardi’s legendary cocktails, a glamour of
unique and lasting force will thus be born.
In actuality, this is precisely Bacardi’s ultimate goal through hosting the global
cocktail competition: To gather the world’s best contemporary bartenders and
create an original Bacardi cocktail that will stand the test of time. To broaden its
path to encompass the world, not merely to place its brand down onto paper, but
to continue its legacy.
This year is the second year of the Bacardi Legacy Global Competition. More than
100 Chinese contestants have joined us this year, from the onset of the auditions,
through layers of assessments, through the fierce competitions in Beijing,
Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, only 12 of the best bartenders remain to join the
China Finals. Today’s competition will produce this year’s first, second, and third
place winners, and the champion shall travel to Moscow with the champions from
all over the globe to attend the “Bacardi Global Bartender Training Session” set
to take place in May of this year. They will join with professional bartenders from
every corner of the world to share and interact, and ultimately compete for the
ultimate championship with each nation’s champions in the Global Finals. It is
particularly worth mentioning that this is the only spot China holds in the Bacardi
Cocktail Global Competition Finals. As expected, the battle is especially fierce. But
worry not, for our Bacardi contestants are tenacious Bacardi warriors.
This morning, we have already witnessed the first round of a fierce and exciting
battle and have chosen 6 outstanding bartenders. Let us once again congratulate
these 6 contestants. And for those that cannot proceed today, do not despair, for
by standing here today, you have already proven yourselves to be exceptional
bartenders with exquisite potential and virtuosity.
百加得品牌始于 1862 年,作为全球朗姆酒著名制造商,它的不屈精神在百加得家族世代
拥有 151 年传奇历史,以不被驯服的不屈精神世代相传的王者朗姆酒品牌,二者会产生怎样的
今年,是百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛的第二届。本年度中国参赛选手共有 100 余位,从海
选开始,层层筛选,经过 2013 年 8 月在北京、上海、广州、成都四大区域激烈角逐,最终只
有 12 名最优秀的调酒师成功晋级中国区总决赛。今天的决赛将评选出冠亚季军,冠军将于今年
5 月远赴莫斯科参加“百加得全球调酒师集训”,与全球调酒业界专家调酒师分享交流,最终在
上午我们已经经过了第一轮紧张激烈的比赛,并且评选出了 6 位优秀的调酒师。再次恭喜
这 6 位晋级选手。没有晋级的选手也不要灰心,今天你们能够站在这里,已经证明你们是最具
14:55-14:58 MC
Before we begin the second round, we must first present an unique and priceless
gift. As you all know, Bacardi is a family brand with 151 years of history. This
year’s Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition, China Fianls not only received
recognition from senior representatives from Bacardi China and Asia-Pacific
nations, but also the recognition and attention from the distant global
headquarters in America. Although cocktail culture’s time in China has not been
long, through an open mind, it has merged and integrated with many emerging
cultures, with the Chinese consumers embracing this new living style every single
day. To China as of today, this is the best moment opportunity for the promotion
of Bicardi cocktail culture. When Bacardi Limited Chairman, Bacardi Founder Don
Facundo Bacardi Masso, the great-grandson of Facundo L. Bacardi learned that this
Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition is hosting its China Finals in the grand Great
Wall of China, he expressed delight and especially prepared a speech to be
delivered through video for this competition.
Let us look at the big screen.
第二轮比赛之前,首先要送出一份特别和珍贵的礼物。大家知道,百加得是家族品牌,拥有 151
对于现在的中国,这是最好的倡导百加得鸡尾酒文化的时机。 BACARDI 百加得有限公司主席,
BACARDÍ 百加得创始人 Don Facundo Bacardi Massó 玄孙的 Facundo L. Bacardi 知道这次
(播放 Video),时间 TBD
14:58-15:00 MC
Siddix 介绍
After watching this video, I believe each and every contestant here is deserving of
support and encouragement. Everyone should feel proud because this path is
paved with everyone’s arduous struggles, and each contestant’s artistry and
inspirations for cocktails. Each step strives to advance the Chinese cocktail culture.
Today, it matters not which contestant will emerge as champion, but that every
contestant should feel honored because you will represent our country, represent
China’s cocktail culture and standards, and participate in international
communications, to let the world take a glance into China’s cocktail culture. Just
like today, how we are at one of the Seven Wonders of the World, hosting a
cocktail competition, standing on this international platform to display China’s
cocktail culture, from here into the world.
Speaking of the significance of this event to Bacardi, please allow me to introduce
to everyone a very prominent guest that is here with us today. He had specially
flown this morning from Hong Kong to Beijing to witness this competition. The
Regional President of Bacardi Asia Pacific, Mr. Siddik Tetik, Welcome!
(Siddik rises and bows)
Thank you, Siddik!
Next, I would like to introduce the esteemed judges for the second round of this
Dean Mchugh,Managing Director of BACARDI China Limited,Welcome!
David Cordoba,Global Brand Ambassador of BACARDI Rum,Welcome!
Theo Watt,Co-Founder of Drink Magzine,Welcome!
Shingo Gokan , The Champion of 2012 BACARDI GLOBAL LEGACYCOCKTAIL
(The judges take their seats) Let us once again welcome our brand master Alex
onto the stage.
看完这段 Video,相信在场的每一位选手都是备受鼓舞。大家应该感到非常的自豪,因为这一
他就是今天早上特地从香港飞到北京观看比赛的 Regional President of Bacardi Asia Pacific,
Mr.Siddik Tetik ,Welcome !
(Siddik 起身示意)
非常感谢 Siddik !
Dean Mchugh,Managing Director of BACARDI China Limited,Welcome!
David Cordoba,Global Brand Ambassador of BACARDI Rum,Welcome!
Theo Watt,Co-Founder of Drink Magzine,Welcome!
Shingo Gokan,The Champion of 2012 BACARDI GLOBAL LEGACYCOCKTAIL
(评委们依次入座)再次欢迎我们的品牌大使 ALEX 上场
15:00-16:36 ALEX
6 强选手比赛
Well, with a heart of vivacious excitement, we will now begin preparations for the
second round of the competition. And this round will also become the revealing
moment for the winners of this China Finals!
I hereby declare the start of the second round of the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail
Global Competition!
Contestant X, please come to our bar table to begin preparations.
First up, we will begin the five minutes of cocktail promotion. The countdown
begins, now!
请 X 号选手到我们的吧台准备。
首先是 5 分钟的最具潜力鸡尾酒推广阶段。计时开始!
6 强选手依次比赛(16 分钟/人)
16:36-17:30 ALEX
After an intense competition, the second round has now ended. Next, the judges
will assess each contestant’s performance accordingly to reveal the results of this
competition. Who shall set foot upon the stage as winners? Let us witness this
moment of truth tonight on the Great Wall!
Our competition portion has come to an end. Next, our guests can relax while the
brand arranges for dinner, which will open at 17:00 P.M.. With their meal tickets,
our guests may dine at the hotel’s restaurant. As a reminder, we would like to ask
all our fellow guests to gather in the hotel lobby at 18:40 P.M., and the bus will
depart at exactly 19:10 P.M. In addition, the evening wind on the Great Wall is
relatively gusty, and the steps may be steep, the pavement may be uneven. We
would like to advise everyone to prepare thicker coats along with suitable
sneakers. (Ladies can consider carrying high heels)
Once again, thank you everyone, and we shall see you all very soon!
我们比赛的全过程到此为止,接下来,来宾可以休息一下,同时品牌安排了晚餐,17:00 开始
对外开放,来宾可以凭餐券至酒店西餐厅用餐,需要提醒各位来宾的是,请各位 18:40 分于酒
店大堂集合,大巴会在 19:10 分准时出发,另外,居庸关长城晚上风比较大,并且台阶较陡,
19:10 大巴发车
2 辆大巴发车,出发至居庸关
After Party(居庸关长城)
19:45-20:10 来宾抵达
来宾陆续抵达居庸关长城,Catering+Welcome Drink Serve
20:10-20:13 MC 开场
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! Welcome to the award ceremony for the
2014 Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition, China Finals.
Here we are, at the famous aged pass of the Great Wall – Juyong Pass! At this
moment, we are standing on the heart of Taihang Mountain, the Great Wall that
has withstood through centuries of grand history. From the beginning of the Qin
Dynasty, Juyong Pass has endured through the different dynasties, through the
numerous battles, of no fear in the face of arduous years to stand strong to this
day. As one hundred and fifty years of the King of Rum intertwined with the
timeless symbol of the East. Of one chaos, of one legacy, standing above the
beacon of Juyong Pass, overlooking the majestic mountains that tower in the
wondrous night, experiencing the evening breeze that travel to and fro from the
direction of the Great Wall. I believe everyone has felt it, this true, untameable
passion that pours from its strong walls, from between its grand and imposing
mountain ranges.
Tonight is a very important moment indeed. Tonight, Bacardi, the King of Rum,
with its 151 years of history, shall carry with it its legendary irrepressible spirit,
gather all untameable spirits, and turn the great wall into the world’s grand bar.
Tonight, on this ancient battlefield of the East, we shall bear witness to the birth of
cocktails! Who holds the strongest spirit of creation? Who shall have the honor of
representing Chinese cocktail culture? Who, with boundless resilience and
imagination, can emblazon the ethereal legend of Bacardi and allow us to confront
the zenith of the King of Rum?
First, let’s welcome our legendary kings –Bacardi’s senior representatives –
come to the stage and deliver their speeches!
各位来宾晚上好。欢迎来到 2014 百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛中国区总决赛的颁奖现场。
年来的冲击屹立至今。当 151 年历史的王者朗姆,融入这绵延千年的东方古老灵魂,同样的不
今晚,是一个非常重要的时刻。今晚,拥有着 151 年历史的王者朗姆——百加得,带着传
首先邀请我们王者传奇——百加得品牌的高层代表上台致辞 !
20:13-20:15 老板致辞
有请 Siddik Tetik: Regional President of Bacardi Asia Pacific
有请 Dean Mchugh, Managing Director of Bacardi China
20:15-20:17 柔术表演
VO: In a land far East, there stands a mysterious guardian. Thousands of years pass
by, but he never conceded, never surrendered. With his unyielding passion, he has
guarded the oriental country for centuries to come. A bat from Cuba traveled over
mountains and seas, finally reached the Great Wall…
Look, the legendary path is now ablaze. The Great Wall, at this moment, is
transforming into the world’s grandest bar!
20:17-20:20 击鼓表演+Logo 亮
[ 舞蹈灯光收,定点光给到击鼓表演者,击鼓表演者鼓点节奏进入,30″后,老板加入鼓点节奏(推
个 Logo 亮起,接下来 Logo 随着鼓声依次亮起,最后 5 个 Logo 全部亮起,12 个吧台之路照
亮,12 名选手全部亮相(Shake 动作),烽火台气烟喷出,整个长城景观灯亮起]
Bacardi’s legendary path has been emblazon, from the year 1890 across the
1890s, 1900, 1931, 2013, inherited to this day… With its irrepressible spirit, Bacardi
has written down its legacy, this legendary path ablaze from our vigor and
courage! Like the Great Wall that withstood the test of time! Limitless and eternal!
MC: 百加得传世之路已被点亮,从 1890 跨越 1890 年代,1900,1931,2013,传承至现在……百
20:20-20:23 MC 串场
151 years of history, 151 years of irrepressible spirit, the future of Bacardi will
continue down this emblazoned path, pass on its unyielding passion. Let us
welcome our 12 warriors before the stage. Welcome: Contestant names…
151 年的历史,151 年不屈的精神,未来 BACARDI 会继续用这种不屈的热情延续辉煌,让我
们邀请这 12 位勇士来到我们舞台前。有请:选手名……
(根据顺序依次请上 12 名选手,选手从传世之路走到舞台前,依次站好)
20:23-20:35 MC
Who will emerge as the victor of the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition,
China Finals? Who will represent China to face the challenge against the
bartenders of the world? Who will rise as champion of this Great Wall summit? It is
finally time for the moment of truth.
First, let’s welcome the 2012 Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global champion, Shingo
Gokan, who will announce this competition’s third place winner.
Please welcome David Cordoba, Global Brand Ambassador of Bacardi Rum, to
announce this competition’s second place winner.
Last but not least, please welcome Siddik Tekik, Regional President of Bacardi Asia
Pacific and Dean Mchugh, Managing Director of Bacardi China to announce the
champion of this Great Wall summit.
首先有请 2012 百加得传世鸡尾酒全球冠军得主 Shingo Gokan, The Champion of 2012
有请 David Cordoba,Global Brand Ambassador of BACARDI Rum 为我们揭晓此次比赛的
最后有请 Siddik Tetik: Regional President of Bacardi Asia Pacific、 Dean Mchugh,
Managing Director of Bacardi China 共同为我们揭晓这次长城之巅的冠军(拍照、合影)
20:35-20:40 MC 结束语
First and foremost, congratulations to our three contestants, for this is only the
beginning. Let us hope that tonight’s champions will stand on the Global Finals
and display even greater performances, and ultimately acquire the global award!
At the same time, we also hope that each contestant have strengthened their
bartending artistry through this competition, inherited and promoted Bacardi’s
irrepressible spirit! For we are all untameable warriors and we are all a part of this
grand legend! Finally! Let us look ahead, toward the glorious birth of the next
Bacardi’s legendary cocktail.
Lastly, please welcome all of our contestants and judges to join together on this
legendary path with a group photo as a memento of tonight’s events.
(Media interviews)
Ladies and gentlemen, through the two days of training and competition, I believe
many of us are very eager for the chance to taste the original works of our
outstanding contestants. Later on, our 12 contestants will be displaying their
works, which will be available at the bar area for everyone to enjoy.
选手的原创之作,稍后我们的 12 位选手会为在场的来宾展示自己的作品,大家可以到吧台区观
20:40-22:00 MC
After Party
I believe that all of our guests here today must feel both proud and fortunate, for
Juyong Pass’s beacon, at an altitude of XXX meters above sea level, can now be
claimed as the world’s grandest and tallest outdoor bar table. What is even more
to be proud of is that, at the tallest outdoor bar table, you have all tasted the
legendary cocktails mixed from the King of Rum, along with the original cocktails
mixed by our 12 outstanding bartenders.
Please, enjoy this legendary night of cocktails brought to you all by Bacardi!
今天在场的各位嘉宾应该会感到非常幸运和骄傲,居庸关 1 号烽火台海拔 XXX 米,可谓是地势
尝到的是,由王者朗姆酒调制出的传世鸡尾酒,以及我们 12 位优秀调酒师调制出的原创鸡尾酒。
(12 名选手依次做酒,每人做 20 杯)
22:00-22:30 大巴集合
For those who wish to return to the city, please take bus XXXX
For those who wish to return to the hotel at the foot of the Great Wall, please take
bus XXXX
Thank you all again for coming.
请回市区的朋友乘坐 XXXX 大巴
回长城脚下的公社酒店的朋友乘坐 XXXX 大巴

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Bicardi Legacy Global Cocktail Competition (1)

  • 1. BACARDI LEGACY COCKTAIL COMPETITON CHINA FINA-Competition 9:00-9:30 选手签到 9:29-9:30 MC (VO) Honorable guests, the 2014 Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition Finals is about to begin. Guests and contestants, please be seated. (MC VO)尊敬的女士们先生们, 2014 百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛中国区决赛即将开始。请各 位来宾,选手入座。 9:30-9:32 MC 介绍大赛背景 Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! Here we are, at the Great Wall of China! Today, the renowned Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition China finals will be held here. I, Wang Feng, shall be your host for the day! First and foremost, we are pleased to welcome you all to the symbol of Chinese civilization: the Great Wall of China. Speaking of the Great Wall, with its grand appearance and its stalwart frame, it has endured five thousand years of history, symbolizing the impregnable spirit of the Chinese nation. And it is this unyielding spirit that drew the attention of Bacardi – the “king of rums”with its 151 years of history – and led it to select this spot to host its Legacy Global Cocktail Competition, China Finals. As the only human-built structure visible from space, the Great Wall does not only belong to China, but also to the world, whereas the competition that will be held today paves the path of the cocktail culture from the globe to China, a symbol of the intergration of Chinese culture with world culture. Bacardi’s legacy dates back to the year 1862. The Founder, Mr. Bacardi, dedicated his life’s work to single-handedly form Bacardi’s original parallel distillation method, creating a light and delicate flavor without sacrificing Bacardi rum’s unique characteristics. For over half a century, it has won over three hundred international awards along with the reputation as “the King of Rums and the Rum of Kings’”. From generation to generation, the Bicardi family has continued this enduring legacy. Today, Bicadi shall broaden its path to encompass the world, not merely to place its brand down onto paper, but to continue its legacy, thus was born the Bacardi Legacy Global Cocktail Competition. Its ultimate goal? To gather the world’s best contemporary bartenders and create an original Bacardi cocktail that will stand the test of time, just as the timeless masterpieces of Bicardi classic cocktails: Bacardi Daiquiri, Bacardi Mojito, Bacardi Cuba Libre, and the like.
  • 2. This year marks the second year of the Bacardi Legacy Global Competition. More than 100 Chinese contestants have joined us this year, from the onset of the auditions, through layers of assessments, through the fierce competitions in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, only 12 of the best bartenders remain to join the China Finals. In the past 3 months, they have actively promoted their original Bacardi cocktail, and through that, successfully promoted the Bacardi brand. They stand here today, as symbols of Bacardi’s unyielding spirit, at the landmark that symbolizes the impregnable spirit of the Chinese nation, to struggle for the only title rewarded in the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition. In actuality, today, it matters not what the final scores shall be marked down, for as this competition’s leading contestants, your remarkable performances have already illustrated Bacardi’s classic, irrepressible spirit. Here, I must note that the China Finals champion this year shall join with the champions from all over the globe to attend a three-day “Bacardi Global Bartender Training Session” set to take place in Moscow in May of this year. Bacardi’s professional bartender crew as well as experts of the global bartending industry will join with the exceptional trainees to both communicate, share and interact! Ultimately, the national champions will gather in Moscow for a final battle in the Bacardi Legacy Cocktails Global Finals! Who shall emerge victorious in the light of this golden opportunity? Let us wait and see. 各位女士们先生们,早上好!这里是北京长城! 今天,业界瞩目的百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛中国区总决赛即将在这里举行。我是今天的主持 人王峰!首先非常欢迎各位来到象征中华文明的万里长城。 说到长城,它以巍巍雄姿、坚强的体魄屹立了五千年,象征着中华民族坚强不屈的精神。 也正是因为这种不屈的精神,吸引了百加得——拥有着 151 年历史的王者朗姆品牌,将传世鸡 尾酒全球大赛中国区决赛选在了这里。作为从太空望地球唯一可见的建筑物,长城不但属于中 国,更属于世界。而今天的这场比赛,更是鸡尾酒文化由世界走向中国,中国与世界文化的融 合的象征。 百加得传奇始于 1862 年,创始人百加得先生耗尽毕生心血,独创百加得平行蒸馏法,酿 造出口味轻盈细腻又不失个性的百加得朗姆酒。一个半世纪以来,已荣获超过三百个国际大奖, 赢得了“王者的朗姆,朗姆中的王者”的美誉。百加得家族世代相传,续写着这个经典传奇。 今天,百加得把传世之路扩大至全世界,不仅书写品牌的传奇,更要延续鸡尾酒的传奇, 于是创办了百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛。它的终极目标是要让全世界最顶尖的调酒师们汇聚一
  • 3. 堂,调制出一款口感绝佳,广受欢迎且经久不衰的百加得原创鸡尾酒,就如同卓越至极的百加 得传世鸡尾酒:百加得大吉利、百加得莫吉多和百加得自由古巴一般。 今年,是百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛的第二届。本年度中国参赛选手共有 100 余位,从海 选开始,层层筛选,经过 2013 年 8 月在北京、上海、广州、成都四大区域激烈角逐,最终只 有 12 名最优秀的调酒师成功晋级中国区总决赛。在过去的 3 个月里,他们在渠道中积极推广他 们原创的百加得鸡尾酒,并成功的推广了百加得品牌。 今天他们站在这里,他们是百加得不屈精神的象征,他们站在这个代表中华民族不屈精神 的地标上,争夺中国区唯一一个百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛全球总决赛的名额。其实今天无论 各位最终的成绩如何,作为这次比赛的佼佼者,你们的优秀表现,已经最好的诠释了百加得不 屈的传世精神。 这里要特别介绍一下,本次决赛产生的中国区冠军,将于今年 5 月与来自世界各国的冠军 调酒师,一同参加在莫斯科举行为期三天的“百加得全球调酒师集训”。届时来自百加得的专业 调酒师团队以及全球调酒业界专家将会共赴现场与所有参加培训的优秀调酒师们分享交流!最 终各国冠军选手将齐聚莫斯科,参加百加得传世鸡尾酒全球总决赛!究竟谁会获得如此千载难 逢的机会,让我们拭目以待! 9:32-9:33 MC 评委介绍 We have with us here today many prominent figures of the bartending industry, and today, they will be serving as the judges of today’s competition. It is my pleasure to introduce the judges for the first round of the competition: 今天在我们比赛现场有许多在调酒界重量级的人物,同时他们也是今天比赛的评委,先让我们 来认识一下第一轮比赛的评委,他们分别是: Mr. Marin Panayotov Delchev, Advocacy Manager of Bacardi China! Welcome! Yao Lu, Bar Owner & Chief Mixologist of The Union Trading Company ! Welcome! Mr. ZANN OUYANG, Beverage Innovation Director of Monin! Welcome! Adam, Devermann, Food & Beverage Consultant!Welcome! (请评委入座) Now that we have introduced our distinguished judges, please let us give a warm welcome to our other host for the day – the Bacardi brand ambassador, Alex Zhou – who will give an introduction on the basic components of this competition. 介绍完重量级的评委,下面让我们有请今天另外一位主持人——百加得品牌大使 Alex Zhou 上 台,来为大家介绍整个比赛机制。 9:33-9:36 ALEX 赛制介绍 Fellow guest and contestants. Good morning/afternoon/evening! I am Alex. As Bacardi’s brand ambassador, I am honored to be standing on this stage today, at the foot of one of the Seven Wonders of the World: the Great Wall. And it is also my pleasure to introduce each esteemed contestant and guests along with the basic components that will make up this competition.
  • 4. Final Competition Structure: The final competition is comprised of two rounds, creating the same Bacardi original cocktail with different judging panels for each round. First Round (6 out of 12 will proceed) The judges of the first round of Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition will use a standard criteria to score the 12 contestants, products, and promotions. Six of them will be selected to proceed to the second round of the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition. Second Round (3 out of 6 will proceed) The judges of the first round of Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition will score the 6 contestants, products, and promotions, and ultimately select the first, second, and third place winners. The two rounds are of equal duration. Within each round, the contestants’ course will be divided into two portions. 1st Portion: 5 minutes of Bacardi cocktail promotion and 2 minutes of judges’ Q&A, for a total of 7 minutes. 2nd Portion: 1 minute of preparation, 7 minutes for creating two servings of original cocktails and preventing the inspiration behind them, along with 1 minute for cleaning, for a total of 9 minutes. The final assessment will produce this winners of this competition. 各位来宾,选手,大家好! 我是 ALEX,今天站在这个舞台上,在世界七大文明奇迹之一的万里长城脚下,作为百加得品牌 大使,我感到非常骄傲和荣幸!同样感到荣幸的是,今天将由我来为各位优秀的选手及嘉宾介 绍决赛机制。 (大屏幕赛制视频配合) 决赛赛制: 决赛分为两轮,两轮制作同款百加得原创鸡尾酒,由两轮不同评委团进行评判: 第一轮(12 进 6): 百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛第一轮评委团将以统一的评判标准,对 12 位调酒师、作品以及 推广陈述进行评分,并从中选出 6 名晋级百加得传世鸡尾酒大赛中国区总决赛第二轮! 第二轮(6 进 3): 百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛第二轮评委团对晋级的 6 位调酒师、作品以及推广陈述进行评 分,从中决出最终的冠军、亚军、季军。 两轮比赛的时长相同。每轮每位选手比赛过程会分为两部分: 第一部分:5 分钟百加得最具潜力鸡尾酒推广陈述,2 分钟评委关于推广提问,总时长 7 分钟。 第二部分:1 分钟准备时间,7 分钟制作两杯原创鸡尾酒并进行灵感陈述, 1 分钟清理吧台 (有 且只有一名调酒师准手可以帮助进行清理过程),总时长为 9 分钟,不可超时。
  • 5. 最终评选出此次比赛的冠亚季军 9:36-9:38 ALEX 推广视频 Before we begin the competition, let’s take a look at this video. To go back in time, and see how our contestants have promoted their cocktails. 正式比赛之前,让我们先看一段视频,看过去的时间,我们的选手是如何推广自己的鸡尾酒作 品。(播放 Promotion Video) 9:38-11:16 ALEX 第一轮比赛 1-6 号选手比赛 We have seen each contestant demonstrate remarkable artistry in their promotions. However, only one will take the championship. Who will represent China in the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition Finals? Allow us to witness the beginning of their paths to championship! I hereby announce the start of the first round of the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition. Contestant 1, please come to the bar table to prepare for the first round of the competition. First up, we will begin the five minutes of cocktail promotion. The countdown begins, now! 看得出来,各位选手在推广过程中的成绩都非常不错。现在各位是不是对谁将成为我们的冠军 拭目以待呢?而谁将拥有机会代表我们中国区参加百加得传世鸡尾酒全球总决赛呢?下面就让 我们亲眼见证冠军的诞生! 我宣布百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛中国区总决赛第一轮正式开始 请 1 号选手到我们的吧台准备第一轮的比赛。 首先是 5 分钟的最具潜力鸡尾酒推广阶段。计时开始! 1-6 号选手比赛(16 分钟/人) 11:16-11:50 ALEX 午餐时间 (西餐厅凭餐券用 餐) We are now halfway through the first round of the competition, and I believe we must have all been impressed by the contestants’ exquisite potential and virtuosity. For now, let’s take a short break. Fellow guests, please take your lunch tickets to the restaurant on the first floor where our brand will have prepared everyone’s lunch. After 30 minutes, we will come back to continue the first round for the remaining 6 contestants, with Contestant 7’s round beginning at 11:50. Everyone, please be seated quickly. Our competition is about to begin. Contestant 7, please begin preparations. 第一轮的比赛已经过半,相信大家一定被选手们的精湛技艺以及创作奇思所折服。 让我们暂时休息一下,各位嘉宾凭午餐券到一楼西餐厅享用品牌给大家准备的午餐,30 分钟后 我们马上回来进行第一轮剩余 6 位选手的比赛,7 号选手的比赛时间从 11:50 分开始 午餐时间(西餐厅) 请各位尽快入座,我们的比赛马上就要开始了,请 7 号选手准备
  • 6. 11:50-13:10 ALEX 第一轮比赛 7-12 号选手比赛 Contestant 7, please come to the bar table for preparations. First up is the 5 minutes stage of cocktail promotion. The countdown begins, now! 请 7 号选手到我们的吧台准备比赛,首先是 5 分钟的最具潜力鸡尾酒推广阶段。计时开始! 7-12 选手比赛(16 分钟/人) 13:10-13:50 ALEX MC 串场 Up to this point, the first round of the competition has come to an end. Our judges will soon decide accordingly the 6 contestants that will proceed to the next round. Let us see after a 30 minutes break. 到目前为止,第一轮比赛已经结束了,我们的评委将会根据选手的表现很快给出晋级下一轮比 赛的 6 位选手名单。让我们休息 30 分钟,拭目以待。 (评委离场,进评分室) 13:50-14:00 ALEX 宣布第一轮比赛结果 After the judges’ careful evaluations, the list of our 6 promising contestants has been revealed. First and foremost, let’s welcome our 12 contestants back onto the stage. Who shall be the 6 chosen contestants? Our audiences have watched this morning’s events, and I believe everyone already has speculations in mind. Thus, let us welcome Mr. Marin Panayotov Delchev, the advocacy manager of Macardi China Limited to reveal the 6 contestants who will proceed to our next round. Marin announces the names of the 6 contestants. 经过评委们的慎重评分,我们的 6 强选手名单已经出来了,首先请出我们的 12 名选手 (宣读选手名字,选手依次上台) 6 强选手会是谁呢?各位现场的观众观看了上午的比赛,相信心里也在默默揣测。好,下面邀 请 Mr. Marin Panayotov Delchev, Advocacy Manager of Bacardi China Limited 来位大家 揭晓晋级的 6 强选手名单。 (Marin 上台) Marin 宣读 6 强获奖名单 14:00-14:30 ALEX 休息 (Coffee Break,工作人员更换第二轮评委资料,Media 签到) First of all, congratulations to the 6 contestants that will advance to the next round. Please return to your seats, take a rest, and take a moment to prepare, for you all have another battle ahead. Likewise, let us thank the contestants that, unfortunately, will not be proceeding to the next round, and remember that every contestant on this stage today has been outstanding. 首先恭喜晋级的 6 位选手,请回座休息,重新调整一下状态,备战我们第二轮的比赛 也感谢没有晋级的选手,在今天这个舞台上的每一位选手,你们都是很优秀的。 休息半小时,第二轮评委到场 VO: 请各位来宾尽快入座,我们第二轮的比赛 5 分钟后准时开始 14:50-14:55 MC 开场 Fellow guests and friends from the media. Good afternoon!
  • 7. First of all, I would like to thank everyone again for being here today. Here we are at the Great Wall of China, and we are currently standing at the foot of the magnificent wall. The Great Wall of China, a valuable symbol of the Chinese civilization, has carried with it an enduring history and a valuable culture. The diligence, courage, and brilliance of the Chinese nation is embedded within its walls, embodying the nation’s impregnable spirit and unrelenting will. The Great Wall is the pride of the Chinese nation, and tonight, Bacardi, “The King of Rum and the Rum of Kings”, is proud to have come to this magnificent piece of land, to unite the king and this grand structure. The history of Bacardi dates back to 1862, and as the world’s leading manufacturer in Rum, its irrepressible spirit has passed from generation to generation, upholding the brand’s legacy. And it is because of this common spirit that Bacardi chose the Great Wall to host the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition. The Great Wall of China, of an enduring history as the spirit of the Chinese nation. And Bacardi, of 151 years of legendary history, with its irrepressible spirit that has endured through generations. What is to be seen as the two collide and merge? Perhaps like Bacardi’s legendary cocktails, a glamour of unique and lasting force will thus be born. In actuality, this is precisely Bacardi’s ultimate goal through hosting the global cocktail competition: To gather the world’s best contemporary bartenders and create an original Bacardi cocktail that will stand the test of time. To broaden its path to encompass the world, not merely to place its brand down onto paper, but to continue its legacy. This year is the second year of the Bacardi Legacy Global Competition. More than 100 Chinese contestants have joined us this year, from the onset of the auditions, through layers of assessments, through the fierce competitions in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, only 12 of the best bartenders remain to join the China Finals. Today’s competition will produce this year’s first, second, and third place winners, and the champion shall travel to Moscow with the champions from all over the globe to attend the “Bacardi Global Bartender Training Session” set to take place in May of this year. They will join with professional bartenders from every corner of the world to share and interact, and ultimately compete for the ultimate championship with each nation’s champions in the Global Finals. It is particularly worth mentioning that this is the only spot China holds in the Bacardi Cocktail Global Competition Finals. As expected, the battle is especially fierce. But worry not, for our Bacardi contestants are tenacious Bacardi warriors. This morning, we have already witnessed the first round of a fierce and exciting battle and have chosen 6 outstanding bartenders. Let us once again congratulate
  • 8. these 6 contestants. And for those that cannot proceed today, do not despair, for by standing here today, you have already proven yourselves to be exceptional bartenders with exquisite potential and virtuosity. 各位来宾,媒体朋友,大家下午好! 首先我要再次感谢大家来到现场。这里是北京长城,而此刻的我们就在万里长城脚下。万 里长城是中华文明的重要象征,它承载着悠久的历史、灿烂的文化,它凝聚着中华民族的勤劳、 勇敢和智慧,是中华民族不屈不挠、前仆后继的最好历史见证。万里长城是中华民族的骄傲, 今晚“王者的朗姆,朗姆中的王者”百加得来到这片雄奇的土地,是王者与雄奇的碰撞融合, 也是百加得品牌的骄傲。 百加得品牌始于 1862 年,作为全球朗姆酒著名制造商,它的不屈精神在百加得家族世代 相传,续写着品牌经典传奇。也正是因为这样共同的精神特质,百加得选择了万里长城来举行 百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛中国赛区决赛。一个是绵延千年不屈的中华民族精神象征,一个是 拥有 151 年传奇历史,以不被驯服的不屈精神世代相传的王者朗姆酒品牌,二者会产生怎样的 碰撞和融合,或许就像百加得的传世鸡尾酒一样,独具魅力卓越经典。 其实这也正是百加得举办全球鸡尾酒大赛的终极目标:让全世界最顶尖的调酒师们汇聚一 堂,调制出一款口感绝佳,广受欢迎且经久不衰的百加得原创鸡尾酒。把传世之路扩大至全世 界,不仅书写品牌的传奇,更要延续鸡尾酒的传奇。 今年,是百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛的第二届。本年度中国参赛选手共有 100 余位,从海 选开始,层层筛选,经过 2013 年 8 月在北京、上海、广州、成都四大区域激烈角逐,最终只 有 12 名最优秀的调酒师成功晋级中国区总决赛。今天的决赛将评选出冠亚季军,冠军将于今年 5 月远赴莫斯科参加“百加得全球调酒师集训”,与全球调酒业界专家调酒师分享交流,最终在 莫斯科与各国冠军角逐全球总决赛冠军。特别值得一提的是,这是中国区唯一一个百加得传世 鸡尾酒全球大赛全球总决赛的名额。可想而知,竞争是异常激烈,可是没有关系,我们的百加 得选手都是不可驯服的百加得勇士。 上午我们已经经过了第一轮紧张激烈的比赛,并且评选出了 6 位优秀的调酒师。再次恭喜 这 6 位晋级选手。没有晋级的选手也不要灰心,今天你们能够站在这里,已经证明你们是最具 有不屈精神和原创精神的优秀调酒师。 14:55-14:58 MC 开场视频 Before we begin the second round, we must first present an unique and priceless gift. As you all know, Bacardi is a family brand with 151 years of history. This year’s Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition, China Fianls not only received recognition from senior representatives from Bacardi China and Asia-Pacific nations, but also the recognition and attention from the distant global headquarters in America. Although cocktail culture’s time in China has not been long, through an open mind, it has merged and integrated with many emerging cultures, with the Chinese consumers embracing this new living style every single day. To China as of today, this is the best moment opportunity for the promotion
  • 9. of Bicardi cocktail culture. When Bacardi Limited Chairman, Bacardi Founder Don Facundo Bacardi Masso, the great-grandson of Facundo L. Bacardi learned that this Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition is hosting its China Finals in the grand Great Wall of China, he expressed delight and especially prepared a speech to be delivered through video for this competition. Let us look at the big screen. 第二轮比赛之前,首先要送出一份特别和珍贵的礼物。大家知道,百加得是家族品牌,拥有 151 年的历史。本次百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛中国区决赛不仅得到百加得中国高层,亚太区域高 层的重视,甚至连远在美国的全球总部也非常重视。鸡尾酒文化在中国时间并不长,但随着中 国以更加开放的心态接受和融合了各种新兴的文化,中国消费者每天都在拥抱全新的生活方式。 对于现在的中国,这是最好的倡导百加得鸡尾酒文化的时机。 BACARDI 百加得有限公司主席, BACARDÍ 百加得创始人 Don Facundo Bacardi Massó 玄孙的 Facundo L. Bacardi 知道这次 百加得传世鸡尾酒大赛在宏伟的北京长城进行中国区总决赛,表示非常高兴,他特地通过视频 为大赛致辞。 让我们一起来看大屏幕。 (播放 Video),时间 TBD 14:58-15:00 MC Siddix 介绍 评委介绍 After watching this video, I believe each and every contestant here is deserving of support and encouragement. Everyone should feel proud because this path is paved with everyone’s arduous struggles, and each contestant’s artistry and inspirations for cocktails. Each step strives to advance the Chinese cocktail culture. Today, it matters not which contestant will emerge as champion, but that every contestant should feel honored because you will represent our country, represent China’s cocktail culture and standards, and participate in international communications, to let the world take a glance into China’s cocktail culture. Just like today, how we are at one of the Seven Wonders of the World, hosting a cocktail competition, standing on this international platform to display China’s cocktail culture, from here into the world. Speaking of the significance of this event to Bacardi, please allow me to introduce to everyone a very prominent guest that is here with us today. He had specially flown this morning from Hong Kong to Beijing to witness this competition. The Regional President of Bacardi Asia Pacific, Mr. Siddik Tetik, Welcome! (Siddik rises and bows) Thank you, Siddik! Next, I would like to introduce the esteemed judges for the second round of this competition. Dean Mchugh,Managing Director of BACARDI China Limited,Welcome! David Cordoba,Global Brand Ambassador of BACARDI Rum,Welcome!
  • 10. Theo Watt,Co-Founder of Drink Magzine,Welcome! Shingo Gokan , The Champion of 2012 BACARDI GLOBAL LEGACYCOCKTAIL COMPETITON,Welcome! (The judges take their seats) Let us once again welcome our brand master Alex onto the stage. 看完这段 Video,相信在场的每一位选手都是备受鼓舞。大家应该感到非常的自豪,因为这一 路来大家的拼搏努力,每一位选手的技艺,对于鸡尾酒的创意灵感,每一步其实都是在不断的 驱动着中国鸡尾酒文化的前进。今天不管哪一位选手最终胜出,都应该感到骄傲和自豪,因为 你将代表我们的国家,代表中国的鸡尾酒文化和水准,参与国际交流。让全世界了解中国的鸡 尾酒文化。就像今天,我们在世界七大奇迹之一——长城,举行鸡尾酒大赛,中国的鸡尾酒文 化在这个世界平台传播扩散,从这里走向世界。 说到百加得品牌对于这次活动的重视,请允许我首先为大家介绍今天特别重量级的一位嘉宾。 他就是今天早上特地从香港飞到北京观看比赛的 Regional President of Bacardi Asia Pacific, Mr.Siddik Tetik ,Welcome ! (Siddik 起身示意) 非常感谢 Siddik ! 接下来,我要为大家隆重介绍本次大赛第二轮比赛的重量级评委 Dean Mchugh,Managing Director of BACARDI China Limited,Welcome! David Cordoba,Global Brand Ambassador of BACARDI Rum,Welcome! Theo Watt,Co-Founder of Drink Magzine,Welcome! Shingo Gokan,The Champion of 2012 BACARDI GLOBAL LEGACYCOCKTAIL COMPETITON,Welcome! (评委们依次入座)再次欢迎我们的品牌大使 ALEX 上场 15:00-16:36 ALEX 第二轮比赛 6 强选手比赛 Well, with a heart of vivacious excitement, we will now begin preparations for the second round of the competition. And this round will also become the revealing moment for the winners of this China Finals! I hereby declare the start of the second round of the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition! Contestant X, please come to our bar table to begin preparations. First up, we will begin the five minutes of cocktail promotion. The countdown begins, now! 好,怀揣着一颗激动不已的自豪之心,我们要开始准备第二轮比赛了。而这一轮比赛,即是中 国区总决赛冠亚季军见分晓的时刻! 我宣布百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛中国区总决赛第二轮比赛正式开始! 请 X 号选手到我们的吧台准备。
  • 11. 首先是 5 分钟的最具潜力鸡尾酒推广阶段。计时开始! 6 强选手依次比赛(16 分钟/人) 16:36-17:30 ALEX Ending After an intense competition, the second round has now ended. Next, the judges will assess each contestant’s performance accordingly to reveal the results of this competition. Who shall set foot upon the stage as winners? Let us witness this moment of truth tonight on the Great Wall! Our competition portion has come to an end. Next, our guests can relax while the brand arranges for dinner, which will open at 17:00 P.M.. With their meal tickets, our guests may dine at the hotel’s restaurant. As a reminder, we would like to ask all our fellow guests to gather in the hotel lobby at 18:40 P.M., and the bus will depart at exactly 19:10 P.M. In addition, the evening wind on the Great Wall is relatively gusty, and the steps may be steep, the pavement may be uneven. We would like to advise everyone to prepare thicker coats along with suitable sneakers. (Ladies can consider carrying high heels) Once again, thank you everyone, and we shall see you all very soon! 经过紧张的角逐,第二轮比赛也已经结束了,接下来评委将会根据选手的表现给出最后比赛结 果,最终谁将站上冠军的舞台,让我们今晚长城上见证! 我们比赛的全过程到此为止,接下来,来宾可以休息一下,同时品牌安排了晚餐,17:00 开始 对外开放,来宾可以凭餐券至酒店西餐厅用餐,需要提醒各位来宾的是,请各位 18:40 分于酒 店大堂集合,大巴会在 19:10 分准时出发,另外,居庸关长城晚上风比较大,并且台阶较陡, 路面不平,建议大家可以准备厚一些的外套,同时也请准备方便的运动鞋子(女士们可考虑携 带高跟鞋) 好,再次感谢大家,一会儿见! 19:10 大巴发车 2 辆大巴发车,出发至居庸关 After Party(居庸关长城) 19:45-20:10 来宾抵达 来宾陆续抵达居庸关长城,Catering+Welcome Drink Serve 20:10-20:13 MC 开场 Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! Welcome to the award ceremony for the 2014 Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition, China Finals. Here we are, at the famous aged pass of the Great Wall – Juyong Pass! At this moment, we are standing on the heart of Taihang Mountain, the Great Wall that has withstood through centuries of grand history. From the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, Juyong Pass has endured through the different dynasties, through the
  • 12. numerous battles, of no fear in the face of arduous years to stand strong to this day. As one hundred and fifty years of the King of Rum intertwined with the timeless symbol of the East. Of one chaos, of one legacy, standing above the beacon of Juyong Pass, overlooking the majestic mountains that tower in the wondrous night, experiencing the evening breeze that travel to and fro from the direction of the Great Wall. I believe everyone has felt it, this true, untameable passion that pours from its strong walls, from between its grand and imposing mountain ranges. Tonight is a very important moment indeed. Tonight, Bacardi, the King of Rum, with its 151 years of history, shall carry with it its legendary irrepressible spirit, gather all untameable spirits, and turn the great wall into the world’s grand bar. Tonight, on this ancient battlefield of the East, we shall bear witness to the birth of cocktails! Who holds the strongest spirit of creation? Who shall have the honor of representing Chinese cocktail culture? Who, with boundless resilience and imagination, can emblazon the ethereal legend of Bacardi and allow us to confront the zenith of the King of Rum? First, let’s welcome our legendary kings –Bacardi’s senior representatives – come to the stage and deliver their speeches! 各位来宾晚上好。欢迎来到 2014 百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛中国区总决赛的颁奖现场。 这里是中国万里长城天下第一雄关——居庸关!此刻我们脚下踩着的,是绵延千里的太行 山脉,是屹立千年的万里长城。自秦开始,居庸关经历朝代更迭,经历战事连绵,它无惧千百 年来的冲击屹立至今。当 151 年历史的王者朗姆,融入这绵延千年的东方古老灵魂,同样的不 驯,同样的传承,站在居庸关的烽火台上,远眺夜色中崇山峻岭绵延起伏的雄伟轮廓,感受着 从长城那头吹过来的西北晚风,我想大家已经亲身感受到了,一股桀骜不驯,真正不屈的热情, 从坚硬的城墙,从雄奇与霸气的山岭之间要喷薄而出! 今晚,是一个非常重要的时刻。今晚,拥有着 151 年历史的王者朗姆——百加得,带着传 世的不屈精神,集结所有桀骜不驯的灵魂,将万里长城化为地球上最宏伟的吧台,今晚,在这 个东方最古老的战场上,我们将见证传世鸡尾酒的诞生!究竟谁最具有创世精神,谁可以获得 代表中国鸡尾酒文化走向世界的殊荣,谁可以凭借无边勇气和灵感,勾勒最耀目的百加得传奇, 让我们拭目以待见证王者朗姆之巅! 首先邀请我们王者传奇——百加得品牌的高层代表上台致辞 ! 20:13-20:15 老板致辞 (上场音乐) 有请 Siddik Tetik: Regional President of Bacardi Asia Pacific 有请 Dean Mchugh, Managing Director of Bacardi China 20:15-20:17 柔术表演 (定点光,音乐起,舞蹈开始) VO: In a land far East, there stands a mysterious guardian. Thousands of years pass
  • 13. by, but he never conceded, never surrendered. With his unyielding passion, he has guarded the oriental country for centuries to come. A bat from Cuba traveled over mountains and seas, finally reached the Great Wall… Look, the legendary path is now ablaze. The Great Wall, at this moment, is transforming into the world’s grandest bar! VO:在遥远的东方,有一个神秘的传世守护者,千百年来,他从不退缩,从不屈服,他用真正不 屈的热情,守护东方国度屹立千年。一只来自圣古巴的蝙蝠飞越山川海洋,来到了长城…… 看,传世之路正在点亮,长城,此刻就要幻化为地球上最宏伟的吧台! 20:17-20:20 击鼓表演+Logo 亮 起 [ 舞蹈灯光收,定点光给到击鼓表演者,击鼓表演者鼓点节奏进入,30″后,老板加入鼓点节奏(推 长城景观灯开关),随着鼓点节奏越来越快,老板击鼓声音加强,第一个亮灯鼓点后,远处第一 个 Logo 亮起,接下来 Logo 随着鼓声依次亮起,最后 5 个 Logo 全部亮起,12 个吧台之路照 亮,12 名选手全部亮相(Shake 动作),烽火台气烟喷出,整个长城景观灯亮起] Bacardi’s legendary path has been emblazon, from the year 1890 across the 1890s, 1900, 1931, 2013, inherited to this day… With its irrepressible spirit, Bacardi has written down its legacy, this legendary path ablaze from our vigor and courage! Like the Great Wall that withstood the test of time! Limitless and eternal! MC: 百加得传世之路已被点亮,从 1890 跨越 1890 年代,1900,1931,2013,传承至现在……百 加得凭借不屈的精神书写品牌传奇,这条传世之路因为我们的坚持和勇气更加辉煌!如同这万 里长城屹立千年!绵延不绝! 20:20-20:23 MC 串场 选手出场 151 years of history, 151 years of irrepressible spirit, the future of Bacardi will continue down this emblazoned path, pass on its unyielding passion. Let us welcome our 12 warriors before the stage. Welcome: Contestant names… 151 年的历史,151 年不屈的精神,未来 BACARDI 会继续用这种不屈的热情延续辉煌,让我 们邀请这 12 位勇士来到我们舞台前。有请:选手名…… (根据顺序依次请上 12 名选手,选手从传世之路走到舞台前,依次站好) 20:23-20:35 MC 宣布冠亚季军 颁奖 Who will emerge as the victor of the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global Competition, China Finals? Who will represent China to face the challenge against the bartenders of the world? Who will rise as champion of this Great Wall summit? It is finally time for the moment of truth. First, let’s welcome the 2012 Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Global champion, Shingo Gokan, who will announce this competition’s third place winner. Please welcome David Cordoba, Global Brand Ambassador of Bacardi Rum, to announce this competition’s second place winner. Last but not least, please welcome Siddik Tekik, Regional President of Bacardi Asia
  • 14. Pacific and Dean Mchugh, Managing Director of Bacardi China to announce the champion of this Great Wall summit. 究竟谁会成为我们百加得传世鸡尾酒全球大赛中国区总决赛的冠军呢?而谁又将代表中国迎接 全世界调酒师们的挑战呢?谁将是这长城之巅的冠军呢?到了最激动人心的时刻了 首先有请 2012 百加得传世鸡尾酒全球冠军得主 Shingo Gokan, The Champion of 2012 BACARDI GLOBAL LEGACY COCKTAIL COMPETITON 为我们揭晓此次比赛的季军得主(拍 照、合影) 有请 David Cordoba,Global Brand Ambassador of BACARDI Rum 为我们揭晓此次比赛的 亚军得主(拍照、合影) 最后有请 Siddik Tetik: Regional President of Bacardi Asia Pacific、 Dean Mchugh, Managing Director of Bacardi China 共同为我们揭晓这次长城之巅的冠军(拍照、合影) 20:35-20:40 MC 结束语 First and foremost, congratulations to our three contestants, for this is only the beginning. Let us hope that tonight’s champions will stand on the Global Finals and display even greater performances, and ultimately acquire the global award! At the same time, we also hope that each contestant have strengthened their bartending artistry through this competition, inherited and promoted Bacardi’s irrepressible spirit! For we are all untameable warriors and we are all a part of this grand legend! Finally! Let us look ahead, toward the glorious birth of the next Bacardi’s legendary cocktail. Lastly, please welcome all of our contestants and judges to join together on this legendary path with a group photo as a memento of tonight’s events. (Media interviews) Ladies and gentlemen, through the two days of training and competition, I believe many of us are very eager for the chance to taste the original works of our outstanding contestants. Later on, our 12 contestants will be displaying their works, which will be available at the bar area for everyone to enjoy. 首先恭喜我们的三位选手,这一切仅仅是开始,希望今晚的冠军***能在不久以后的全球总决赛 上,拼出更完美的水平,摘夺全球大奖的殊荣!同时我们也希望参赛的每一位选手能够通过这 次比赛获得调酒技艺的提升,将百加得不屈的精神继承和发扬!因为我们是不被驯服的勇士, 我们是绝美的传奇!最后!让我们一起期待,下一杯百加得传世鸡尾酒的横空出世! 最后,请我们所有的选手以及评委在这传世之路上共同合影留念 (媒体群专访) 各位现场的来宾,经过两天的训练和比赛,相信很多人都非常渴望能有机会品尝来自我们优秀 选手的原创之作,稍后我们的 12 位选手会为在场的来宾展示自己的作品,大家可以到吧台区观 赏。 20:40-22:00 MC After Party I believe that all of our guests here today must feel both proud and fortunate, for Juyong Pass’s beacon, at an altitude of XXX meters above sea level, can now be claimed as the world’s grandest and tallest outdoor bar table. What is even more
  • 15. to be proud of is that, at the tallest outdoor bar table, you have all tasted the legendary cocktails mixed from the King of Rum, along with the original cocktails mixed by our 12 outstanding bartenders. Please, enjoy this legendary night of cocktails brought to you all by Bacardi! 今天在场的各位嘉宾应该会感到非常幸运和骄傲,居庸关 1 号烽火台海拔 XXX 米,可谓是地势 最雄奇海拔最高的露天调酒吧台。更加值得骄傲的是,在这最高海拔的露天吧台,各位可以品 尝到的是,由王者朗姆酒调制出的传世鸡尾酒,以及我们 12 位优秀调酒师调制出的原创鸡尾酒。 尽情享受百加得为各位带来的传世鸡尾酒之夜吧! (12 名选手依次做酒,每人做 20 杯) 22:00-22:30 大巴集合 For those who wish to return to the city, please take bus XXXX For those who wish to return to the hotel at the foot of the Great Wall, please take bus XXXX Thank you all again for coming. 请回市区的朋友乘坐 XXXX 大巴 回长城脚下的公社酒店的朋友乘坐 XXXX 大巴 再次感谢各位朋友