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Hinweise wegen Basisversicherung
• Students under the age of 30
• Students under the age of 30 years who are in the Netherlands solely for study purposes (and are not in a part-time job or
paid internship) are exempt from the general requirement to take out Dutch public healthcare insurance. They will have to
make alternative arrangements for healthcare insurance.
• Perhaps you are covered under a public healthcare insurance plan at home. If this is the case make sure this provides
adequate coverage during your stay in the Netherlands.
• If you are from an EU country, your insurance company can provide you with an EU Health Insurance Card.
• Otherwise you will have to make other arrangements, for example by taking out a private insurance policy.
• There are private packages on the market especially for international students. Private healthcare insurance companies
offering insurance products especially designed for international students include AON and Lippmann.
• When are you exempt from the requirement to conclude basic health insurance?
• Students who satisfy the conditions below are not required to conclude basic health insurance.
• Foreign students under the age of 30 who are only in the Netherlands for study purposes and who do not have a (part-
time) job.
• Foreign students over the age of 30 who are only in the Netherlands for study purposes, who do not have a (part-time) job
and who will not stay in the Netherlands for more than 1 year.
• If you satisfy all these conditions, you can keep your ICS Complete insurance.
Achtung beim Jobben
• Änderungen in der Regelung zur niederländischen Studienfinanzierung geben wird. Ab dem
01. Januar 2014 müssen Studierende aus der EU statt der bisherigen 32 Stunden pro Monat
56 Stunden arbeiten, um die niederländische Studienfinanzierung zu erhalten.
• „Außerdem müsst ihr beachten, dass ihr monatlich nicht mehr 450 € verdient, sonst wird das
Kindergeld gestrichen“.
• „Bei 56 Stunden im Monat müsste man ca. 11,5 Stunden pro Woche arbeiten. Das sind 1 ½
Tage pro Woche“
• „Ich würde neuen Studenten raten, nicht vom 1. Semester an zu arbeiten, sondern sich ein
bisschen mehr Zeit zu lassen. Besonders zu Studienbeginn hat man sehr viel um die Ohren:
Das erste Mal alleine wohnen, die neuen Freunde und das Studium halten einen gut auf
Trapp. Sobald man sich dann ein bisschen eingelebt hat und die Sprache besser kann, wird es
auf jeden Fall einfacher. Gerade zu Klausurphasen setzt dies aber natürlich ein gutes
Zeitmanagement voraus. Der Studierende sollte mit dem Arbeitgeber absprechen, ob es
vielleicht möglich ist in der Examensperiode weniger und stattdessen in einer anderen
Woche mehr zu arbeiten.“
Zusatz-KV in NL für Studenten
(incl. Haftpflicht, Unfall, etc.)
Mit EHIC aus Deutschland,
Gültig für die Zeit des Studiums
Ohne EHIC aus Deutschland,
Solange man < 30 Jahre alt
Kindergeld für Studenten in NL
Kindergeld für deutsche Studenten in den Niederlanden
• Das Wichtigste schon mal vorab: Das Kindergeld wird auch bei einem Studium in den Niederlanden
weiterhin gezahlt.
• Höhe des Kindergeldes für deutsche Studenten in Holland
• Grundsätzlich werden für das 1. Kind monatlich je 184,-EUR (Stand 2013).
Altersgrenzen fürs Kindergeld bei Studenten in Niederlanden
• Nach dem deutschen Einkommenssteuergesetz wird das Kindergeld mindestens bis zum 18. Lebensjahr
ausgezahlt. Darüber hinaus ist Ihr Kind bis zur Vollendung des 25. Lebensjahres kindergeldberechtigt,
sofern es sich in der Schul- oder Berufsausbildung oder im Studium befindet.
• Hierbei ist allerdings zu beachten, dass die Übergangsphase zwischen z.B. Schulabschluss und
Studienbeginn höchstens 4 Monate betragen darf, damit Ihr Kind weiterhin Anspruch auf Kindergeld hat.
Eine Ausnahme besteht für Kinder, die in der Übergangsphase ein Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr, Freiwilliges
Ökologisches Jahr oder einen europäischen Freiwilligendienst absolvieren. Da es sich hierbei um soziale
Freiwilligendienste handelt, bleibt Ihr Kind trotz Überschreitung der 4 Monate kindergeldberechtigt.
Regelungen rund um den Wohnsitz
• Ob ihr Kind in Deutschland oder im Ausland wohnt, ist bei der Berechtigung auf Kindergeld nicht der
ausschlaggebende Faktor.
• Entscheidend ist, dass Ihr Kind in Deutschland uneingeschränkt einkommenssteuerpflichtig ist.
Das heißt, dass Ihr Kind seinen Wohnsitz in Deutschland behalten muss, auch wenn sich der gewöhnliche
Aufenthaltsort im Ausland befindet.
Dank Schengen ist die Einreise in die Niederlande nicht einmal mehr eine Formalität.
Dennoch kommen einige Formalitäten auf dich zu, willst du länger als drei Monate
im Land bleiben. Innerhalb von fünf Tagen nach der Ankunft solltest du dich bei
der Ausländerbehörde (vreemdelingendienst) registrieren lassen. Dort bekommst
du deine Aufenthaltserlaubnis (verblijfsvergunning).
Um diese Erlaubnis zu beantragen, musst du einige Dokumente vorlegen:
• deinen gültigen Ausweis
• deinen Zulassungsbescheid der Universität
• zwei aktuelle Passfotos
• Nachweis, dass die Finanzierung gesichert ist. Die niederländischen Behörden
gehen davon aus, dass die Antragsteller pro Monat zwischen 700 und 900 Euro
zum Lebensunterhalt benötigen. In der Regel genügt es, wenn dir Eltern oder
Großeltern bestätigen, dass sie dich finanzieren.
• Krankenversicherungsnachweis (Formular E-111 von deiner Krankenkasse) + ICS !!!
• Mietvertrag des Wohnsitzes in den Niederlanden
• Um sich das Leben vor Ort zu erleichtern, solltest du dich beim
örtlichen Einwohnermeldeamt (bevolkingsregister) registrieren
lassen. Dazu bist du nicht verpflichtet, in manchen Fällen ist es aber
nützlich. Manche Arbeitgeber wollen den Nachweis sehen, und die
meisten Unis raten dazu. Für die Registrierung benötigst du die
folgenden Unterlagen:
• deinen gültigen Ausweis
• Mietvertrag
• Geburtsurkunde
• Nachweis über die Registrierung bei der Ausländerbehörde
• Informationen dazu gibt es auf der entsprechenden Site von Nuffic
auf Englisch und Niederländisch.
Damit entfällt u.U. das Kindergeld
bei Wohnungserstsitz NL!!!
• Eine andere Möglichkeit der Finanzierung ist der Collgegeldkrediet. Mit Hilfe dieses Kredites
kannst du deine gesamten Studiengebühren finanzieren. Du bekommst monatlich 1/12 der
Studiengebühren ausbezahlt und kannst diese dann verwenden, um deine Raten an die
Hochschule zu bezahlen.
Für das Studienjahr 2013-2014 ist das ein mtl. Betrag von ca. 152 Euro.
• Du kannst den Collegegeldkrediet bei der DUO-IB-Groep beantragen. Wenn du für das
Studienjahr 2013-2014 den Collegegeldkrediet erhalten möchtest, ist die Deadline für dich
der 31. Januar 2014. Das Darlehen muss nach Beendigung des Studiums zurückgezahlt
werden. Der Prozentsatz der Tilgung deines Darlehens ist abhängig vom Zeitpunkt der
Beendigung deines Studiums.
• Weitere Fördermöglichkeiten:
• Der Collegegeldkrediet ist geliehenes Geld. Das muss man nach dem Studium in
einkommensabhängigen Raten zurückbezahlen. Zusätzlich zum geliehenen Geld zahlt man
Zinsen, die sich nach bestimmten niederländischen Staatsanleihen richten (in 2013: 0,6 %).
• Die Rückzahlungsmodalitäten kann man hier nachlesen:
Die Besonderheiten niederländischer Konten im Überblick:
• Vergabe häufig nur bei Adressnachweis
• Zahlungsverkehr von oder nach Deutschland funktioniert nur über IBAN und BIC per Sepa-
• Staatliche Stipendien aus den Niederlanden stehen Kontoinhabern unter Umständen offen
• Studiengebühren lassen sich unkompliziert begleichen
Konto in NL eröffnen
Besonderheiten niederländischer Konten im Überblick:
• Vergabe häufig nur bei Adressnachweis
• Zahlungsverkehr von oder nach Deutschland funktioniert nur über IBAN und BIC per Sepa-Überweisung
• Staatliche Stipendien aus den Niederlanden stehen Kontoinhabern unter Umständen offen
• Studiengebühren lassen sich unkompliziert begleichen
to open an account at ABNAMRO
• In the Netherlands, call +31 (0)900 - 00 24 (€ 0.10 per minute) for more information. Choose option ‘ 3’ for an English language menu. From outside the Netherlands,
call +31 (0)10 - 241 17 20
Alternative ING
• Banking in the Netherlands is pretty straightforward. Most banks offer similar quality services and have established online banking to make life easier for customers.
We at the Maastricht University have special arrangements made for our students with the ING Bank. Of course you are free to open a bank account at any other
bank in The Netherlands.
• Upon arrival at the Introduction Day, a special statement from the Maastricht University Student Services Centre will be added to your information package. This
statement, together with an official identification document, are required for opening a bank account at ING Bank.
• The fees for opening an ING bank account are a one-time payment of €20 and every 4 months the account holder is required to pay a fee of €3,75.
• The ING is reachable daily from 09.30hrs - 16.00hrs. You do not need to make an appointment.
• As soon as you have opened your ING account, please find here the guidelines for using your account
Collegegeld kredit 152 € Darlehen des NL Staats
Warmmiete 330 €
Versicherungen 38 €
Einkäufe 180 € 650 €
Stud. Material 35 €
Pers.Bedarf 80 €
Freizeit 100 € 184 € Kindergeld
763 € 834 €
1/7 Sabine
6/7 Oliver
Hilfreiche Links
• Mit Ihren Situations-Code brauchen Sie nicht immer
wieder erneut alle Fragen zu beantworten, um zu Ihrer
Situation zu gelangen. Geben Sie Ihren Situations-Code
auf der Startseite ein und öffnen Sie direkt die
Seite, die Informationen zu Ihrer Situation enthält.
Sie benötigen wahrscheinlich keine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung
• Wahrscheinlich brauchen Sie keine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, um in den Niederlanden
zu studieren.
Ihre Staatsangehörigkeit spielt hierbei eine Rolle.
Sie besitzen die Staatsangehörigkeit eines EU-/EWR-Landes oder der Schweiz
Sie brauchen keine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, um in den Niederlanden zu studieren. Sie
müssen jedoch:
1. bei einer öffentlichen oder privaten Ausbildungsstätte in den Niederlanden
eingeschrieben sein, um dort eine (Berufs )Ausbildung zu absolvieren
2. einen gültigen Ausweis oder Identitätsnachweis besitzen
Melden Sie sich beim IND an
Melden Sie sich beim niederländischen Amt für Einwanderung und Einbürgerung
(Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND)). Sie erhalten dann eine Meldebestätigung. Diese
Bestätigung benötigen Sie, weil andere Instanzen (zum Beispiel das Finanzamt oder eine
Bank) Sie um Vorlage bitten können. Sie können dann zum Beispiel ein Konto in den
Niederlanden eröffnen.
Wo erhalte ich weitere Informationen?
Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf der Website des IND.
• EU (Quelle: )
• Registration for EU citizens
If you are an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen and will be staying in the Netherlands for longer than 3
months, you are asked to register with the IND. When you register, you must submit
documents showing the purpose of your stay. Upon the appointment, the IND will issue a
registration certificate by means of a sticker to be placed in your passport (or other valid
identity document).
• BSN-Nummer (burgerservicenummer = Bürgerservicenummer)
Die BSN-Nummer ersetzt seit November 2007 die alte Sofi-Nummer. Sie gilt für
alle, die in den Niederlanden wohnen. Beantragen kann man sie bei der lokalen
Gemeinde, in der man wohnt (stadskantoor = Rathaus). Diese Nummer
verschlüsselt keine Informationen desjenigen, für den sie erstellt wurde.
Für Studenten ist diese Nummer wichtig, wenn sie die Studienfinanzierung der
Niederlande beantragen bzw. in den Niederlanden arbeiten.
Was ist eine Bürgerservicenummer
• Die Bürgerservicenummer ist eine einmalige Nummer für jede Person, die
etwas mit den niederländischen Behörden zu tun hat. Ein Beispiel: Sie
haben eine Bürgerservicenummer, wenn Sie in den Niederlanden beim
kommunalen Personenstandsregister (Standesamt) Ihrer Gemeinde
gemeldet sind.
• Die Bürgerservicenummer können Sie in Zukunft immer häufiger
verwenden, beispielsweise bei Ihrer Gemeinde, im Krankenhaus, in
Schulen, bei Ihrem Arbeitgeber oder bei Sozialleistungsträgern. Mit der
Bürgerservicenummer wollen die niederländischen Behörden den Service
für die Bürger verbessern, Steuer- und Sozialleistungsbetrug bekämpfen
und einen besseren Datenschutz gewährleisten.
• Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Internet unter
• Wenn Sie in die Niederlande einwandern, müssen Sie sich in der
Gemeinde anmelden, in der Sie Ihren Wohnsitz haben werden. Sie
erhalten Ihre Bürgerservicenummer dann von der Gemeinde.
Sie müssen immer einen gültigen Identitätsnachweis bei sich tragen
– In den Niederlanden müssen alle Personen ab 14 Jahren der Polizei oder anderen Aufsichtsführenden einen
gültigen Identitätsnachweis vorlegen können. Diesen Identitätsnachweis müssen Sie auf Bitte der Polizei
vorlegen können. Daher ist der Identitätsnachweis immer mitzuführen. Wenn Sie keinen Identitätsnachweis
vorlegen können, müssen Sie gegebenenfalls mit zum Polizeipräsidium. Dort wird Ihre Identität festgestellt.
Eventuell müssen Sie ein Bußgeld zahlen.
Wer darf Ihren Identitätsnachweis verlangen?
– Die Polizei und der Grenzschutz dürfen Sie um Vorlage Ihres Identitätsnachweises bitten. Auch
aufsichtsführenden Personen ist dies gestattet. Aufsichtsführende sind etwa Forstaufseher, Finanzbeamte
und beamtete Umweltschützer. Diese Personen dürfen Sie jedoch nur mit Begründung um Vorlage Ihres
Identitätsnachweises bitten.
Mit welchen Identitätsnachweisen können Sie sich ausweisen?
– Sie können sich ausschließlich mit einem gültigen Reisepass, einem Personalausweis, einem
Führerschein, einer gültigen niederländischen oder europäischen Identitätskarte und einem Dokument der
Ausländerbehörde ausweisen. Mit sämtlichen anderen Karten und Unterlagen wie zum Beispiel einer
Fahrkarte für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, Motorradführerschein, Studentenausweis, Geld- oder Kreditkarte
können Sie sich nicht ausweisen.
– Mit welchen Dokumenten Sie sich ausweisen können, richtet sich unter anderem nach Ihrer
Sie besitzen die Staatsangehörigkeit eines EU/EWR-Landes oder der Schweiz
– Sie können sich mit Ihrem Personalausweis oder einem EU/EWR-Dokument der Ausländerbehörde
Sie müssen Ihren Umzug melden
– Sie müssen den Umzug den Behörden Ihres Wohnlandes melden, in
der Regel bei der Gemeinde, bei der Sie gemeldet sind. Sie werden
dann als Einwohner abgemeldet.
– Bringen Sie rechtzeitig in Erfahrung:
wo Sie sich abmelden müssen
– bis zu welchem Datum Sie sich spätestens abmelden müssen
Wo erhalte ich weitere Informationen?
Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie bei den lokalen Behörden Ihres
Internetportal Deutschland
Diese Website bietet einfachen und zuverlässigen Zugriff auf alle
Informationen der Behörden.
Internetportal Deutschland
Sie müssen sich in das niederländische Einwohnermelderegister eintragen lassen
– Sie sind verpflichtet innerhalb von fünf Tagen nach Ihrem Umzug, sich bei der Gemeinde,
in der Sie sich niederlassen, in das niederländische Einwohnermelderegister
(Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie, GBA) eintragen zu lassen.
Die Gemeinde benachrichtigt Sie schriftlich über Ihre (kostenlose) Anmeldung.
– Ihr Aufenthalt in den Niederlanden muss rechtmäßig sein. Das heißt, dass Sie (unter anderem) die
niederländische Staatsangehörigkeit oder die Staatsangehörigkeit eines Mitgliedstaates der
Europäischen Union haben müssen.
– In folgenden Fällen werden Ihre Daten nicht in die GBA aufgenommen:
– Wenn Sie keine gültige Aufenthaltsgenehmigung haben, müssen Sie zuerst bei einer Stelle des
Einwanderungs- und Einbürgerungsdiensts (Immigratie en Naturalisatie Dienst, IND) eine
Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für die Niederlande beantragen.
– Wenn Sie in einem Asylzentrum oder einer Auffangstelle Asyl beantragt haben, erfasst diese Stelle
Ihren Aufenthalt in den Niederlanden in den ersten sechs Monaten. Anschließend oder wenn Sie sich
bereits vorher außerhalb dieses Zentrums aufhalten, müssen Sie sich in die GBA Ihres Wohnorts
eintragen lassen.
– Nehmen Sie zur Anmeldung die Originaldokumente mit, aus denen Ihre Identität, Ihr Familienstand
und Ihr Aufenthaltsort in den Niederlanden hervorgehen. Natürlich müssen Sie auch Ihren
Reisepass, Ihre Reisepässe und eventuell auch einen Nachweis darüber mitbringen, dass Sie sich
rechtmäßig in den Niederlanden aufhalten. Ebenfalls benötigt werden die Geburtsurkunden (von
Ihnen und Ihren Kindern), Heiratsurkunden (auch über frühere Ehen) sowie Miet- oder Kaufverträge
für Ihre Wohnung(en) in den Niederlanden.
• Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst (IND)
Das niederländische Amt für Einwanderung und Einbürgerung (IND) ist für die Ausführung der
Ausländerpolitik in den Niederlanden zuständig. Das IND beurteilt alle Anträge von Ausländern in
den Niederlanden und die Voraussetzungen für den Aufenthalt in den Niederlanden.
Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst (IND)
Internetportal der niederländischen Behörden. Diese Website bietet leichten und zuverlässigen
Zugriff auf alle Informationen der niederländischen Behörden.
Gemeinschafts-Website der niederländischen Behörden. Diese Website bietet Zugriff auf alle
Informationen der Behörden.
• GrensInfoPunt
Reihenfolge Schritte
• (1) Mietvertrag abschließen
• (2) Zulassungsbescheid der Universität holen
• (3) Beim niederl. Einwohnermeldeamt registrieren lassen
[Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie, GBA]
• (4) Konto bei ING oder ABNAMRO eröffnen
• (5)
• Bekomme ich Wartezeit in Deutschland angerechnet während ich in den Niederlanden
• Ja! Studienzeiten beim Studium in Holland gelten in Deutschland als Wartezeit
• Repayment
• You must begin repayments two years after your right to a
student grant comes to an end. DUO will calculate the
relevant monthly installment. These monthly installments
should enable you to repay the loan in full within fifteen
years. The minimum repayment is €45.41 per month.
If you are unable to pay the monthly installment, then ask
DUO to reduce the installment. DUO will then calculate
how much you can repay each month based on your
income. Or you can ask DUO to temporarily stop collecting
your study debt (for a maximum of five years).
• Conditions for tuition fees loan
• You must:
• be under the age of 30 when you apply for loan tuition fees for the first time
• be enrolled as a full-time student for an accredited course at a funded or recognized institute of higher education or university. Take a course in the Netherlands that qualifies for an
allowance or a grant.
• have a citizen service number (in Dutch: burgerservicenummer) in the Netherlands
• have a bank account, other than a savings account.
• Amount of tuition fees loan
• Students from EU/EEA countries and Switzerland who are under 30 pay the legal tuition fees for a full-time study at an institute of higher education or university funded by the Dutch
government. However, the full-time study must be recognised by the Dutch-Flemish accreditation organization (NVAO) on the basis of a set criteria.
• Students from EU/EEA countries and Switzerland who are under the age of 30 and follow full-time studies at an institute of higher education or a university which is not funded by the
Dutch government must pay the so-called ‘institute’s tuition fees’. Usually these are higher than the legal tuition fees.
• If you comply with the conditions for tuition fees loan, you can always borrow the sum of the legal college fees in the form of a tuition fees loan. If you want a higher tuition fees loan, this
is possible if you pay an institute’s tuition fees which are higher than the legal fees. In that case you can apply for tuition fees loan for the amount of tuition fees that you pay, up to a
maximum of five times the sum of legal tuition fees. If you want a lower tuition fees loan, this is also possible. You indicate on the application form how much you want to borrow per
• Pay back
• You always have to pay back the tuition fees loan, also if you do not finish your course or if you leave the Netherlands. Make sure you inform DUO of your new address.
• Interest is calculated on the tuition fees loan. In 2013, the interest rate is 0.6 percent. As long as you are entitled to student finance, the interest rate on your loan or performance grant is
altered every year. After you finish your study (counting from the 1st of January after you are no longer entitled to student finance), the interest rate is determined for a period of five
• Two years after terminating your study, you have to start paying back. You are allowed to pay back over a period of time of 15 years, and the minimum amount is € 45.41 per month.
• If you do not have sufficient income to pay your monthly term, you can apply for a reduction of your monthly term. Or you can ask DUO to temporarily stop collecting your study debt (for
a maximum of five years).
• Application
• In order to apply for a tuition fees loan, you must complete the form Application for tuition fees loan for students from EU/EEA countries and send it to DUO together with the documents
requested. Make your application in time.
• Contribution to tuition fees
• If you received a contribution to your tuition fees in the 2012-2013 academic year, you continue to be entitled to this contribution every year as long as you continue to apply for it and
receive it. As a student in higher education, you receive a sum of a maximum of € 1,147.32 for the 2011-2012 academic year. This sum is equal to twelve times a basic grant (without
travel contribution and supplements) for a student in higher education living at home in accordance with the norm of September 2012 (€ 95.61). In principle you can apply for this
contribution to tuition fees for a maximum of seven years.
• Age
• If you reach the age of 30 during your course, you may still be eligible for a contribution. In that case you must comply with a number of conditions:
you must have started on a course in the Netherlands before the age of 30
• you must have received a contribution to tuition fees or study funding for that course before the age of 30
• you must apply for and receive a contribution every year
• you must not interrupt the course in the Netherlands.
• Applications
• In order to apply for a contribution to tuition fees, you must complete the form Application for a contribution to tuition fees for students from EU/EEA countries and send it to DUO
together with the documents requested. If your address has not changed since the last application, you will be sent the form at home. If you have not received the form, telephone DUO:
+31 (0)50 599 77 55.
Make the application in time. Do you want a contribution to tuition fees as from September 1st 2013? Then apply before January 31th, 2014. If, for example, you do not apply until
February 2014 then you are entitled to a contribution to tuition fees from October 1st, 2013 onwards. No contribution is paid for previous academic years.
• Stopping your studies
• If you stop your studies in the Netherlands, you must inform DUO by sending a letter to:
Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs
Afdeling Klantenservice, EU/EER-vergoedingen
Postbox 51014
9702 JA Groningen – the Netherlands.
If you stop your studies and are removed from the register at an earlier date, your contribution will also be amended. In that case you will have to repay a proportional amount. You will
be notified of this.
Checklist (1)
• Registration for EU citizens
• Citizens of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area
(EEA) or Switzerland fall under the laws and regulations of the EU,
EEA and the treaty between the EU and Switzerland. These
regulations are different from Dutch national law.
• As an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen you do not need a residence permit
to stay in the Netherlands if your stay is based on the EC Treaty.
However, EU/EEA of Swiss citizens (with the exception of citizens of
Bulgaria and Romania), who wish to stay in the Netherlands for
more than 3 months, must register with the IND. To register with
the IND, you must meet certain requirements.
Checklist (2)
• Conditions
The following purposes of stay are regarded as residence based on the EC Treaty:
• Study
• Economically non-active
• A stay as a family member of a citizen of the European Union
To be able to lawfully stay in the Netherlands as an EU/EEA of Swiss citizen, you must
meet the following requirements:
• You must be a citizen from an EU or EEA member state
• You have a valid travel document (for example a passport).
• You must be registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (GBA) of your
local municipality.
• If you are not economically active: You have sufficient long-term means of support
to prevent a situation in which you have to rely on public funds during your stay in
the Netherlands.
• If you are not economically active: health insurance certificate.
• If you are economically active: proof that you carry out real and actual work as an
employee or as a self-employed person.
Checklist (3)
To register with the IND, you will need the following documents:
• A copy of your passport or identity document
• If you are a student:
o The original proof of enrolment at an educational institution
o Your own statement that you have sufficient long-term means of support at your
o Proof of a health insurance policy taken out in your name (for instance an
insurance document or a health insurance policy).
• If you are a child below the age of 21 years
o A document showing the family relationship, such as a birth certificate or proof
of adoption
• o A document showing that the parent, who is a citizen of the EU/EEA or
Switzerland and who gives the child the right to stay in the Netherlands, is
maintaining the child.
• If you are economically non active
o Proof of your medical health insurance
o Documents showing you have sufficient long-term means of support.
Checklist (4)
• The registration for citizens of the EU/EEA or Switzerland is free of charge.
Application procedure
• As an EU/ EEA or Swiss citizen you must register your stay with the IND.
• When you register with the IND, the IND verifies and assesses the information provided. The documents needed
as well as your identification documents, amongst others, will then be checked. Immediately upon the registration
the IND will issue a registration certificate (sticker) in your passport. The sticker will be issued provided there are
no doubts concerning your lawful stay in the Netherlands. This could for instance be when you can not
demonstrate the purpose for which you are staying in the Netherlands. When you do have the correct documents
to demonstrate this purpose, it is then always possible to make a new appointment.
• If you want to visit the IND for the EU registration, you must first make an appointment by calling the IND via
0900-1234561(€ 0.10 p.m. plus any additional costs charged by your operator if you are calling from a mobile
phone) or from countries outside the Netherlands via telephone number +31 20 889 30 45. The purpose of your
stay and the documents required for this will then be discussed. An appointment will be made for you at the IND
desk within your region.
• Before contacting the IND, you have to be registered in the Dutch Municipal Personal Records Database (GBA) of
your local municipality.
• EEA and Switzerland
Citizens of the EEA (EU plus Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein) and Switzerland (but excluding Romania and
Bulgaria) can live and work freely in the Netherlands and are not obliged to report to the Aliens Police upon
arrival, as other nationals are required to do. However you must be able to show:
• Passport or other valid travel document
• Financial means demonstrating that you will not have to rely on public funds during your stay (if your are not
• Health insurance coverage (if you are not working)
• Proof of employment or work (if applicable)
• Although EEA, Swiss citizens and their family members do not need a residence permit to live in the Netherlands,
it can be very useful to have one as banks, utility providers, government organisations and employers often ask for
Once you have lawfully stayed in the Netherlands for 5 years you qualify for a long-term residence document.
Again, although not strictly required, this can be beneficial in some circumstances, such as when applying for a
mortgage, as lenders will often request a long-term residence document.
• Registration with the city
• In the Netherlands, all citizens are registered in a national database. This is required by Dutch law. Once you
register with the city you will automatically receive a BSN (Burger Service Number), which you may need to open a
bank account or apply for a work permit. All students who are staying in the Netherlands for more than 4 months
are required by law to register.
How to applyAvailability *
Monday 11:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 9:00 - 13:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 15:00
Thursday 11:00 - 15:00 (NOTE: on 11 July 9.00 - 13.00)
Friday 09:00 - 13:00 (NOTE: on 28 June and 12 July
11.00 - 15.00)
How to apply and register for a programme at Maastricht University depends on the programme of your choice. Most of you apply via Studielink,
the application portal for higher education in the Netherlands.
For others you go directly through the My UM application portal. For more information, please visit the programme of your choice on our website:
· Bachelor’s
· Master’s
· Exchange
· Graduate programmes for professionals
Need help with your application? Contact us!
We are available to help you through the application process. If you have any questions about student life or housing, or if you would like to talk to
one of our students, don’t hesitate to contact us. For questions about student housing, you can visit
Check out our weekly schedule of times when you can contact us via Skype (details below) or phone (+31 43 38 85368).
The times vary so that you can reach us according to your own time zone and schedule.
You can also send us an email via We will answer your questions as soon as possible.
*All times are for the Central European Timezone (CET)
You can reach us via skype, email or phone.
Skype details
We are online during the available hours above.
Our Skype name is: umhelp-1.
UM e-mail account, UM
card, certificate of registration
• UM e-mail account
• Every new student receives a UM email account from Maastricht University which should be used from then on to carry out all correspondence with
the university. The email account is accessible via webmail.
• The advantage of webmail is that it is accessible from any location and you always have access to your email, address book and agenda.
• What is possible with Webmail?
• Read, write, send and receive emails
• Delete, search and organise your emails
• Create filters that automatically delete emails, organise them into specific folders, or forward them
• Organise your agenda
• Search for email addresses
• Synchronise with your mobile device
• Log into webmail
• Go to:
• Attention
• Now and then you encounter an alternate log in window which requires you to log in using "UNIMAASi-number" and your password. If you omit the
"UNIMAAS" before your i-number, you can not log in.
UM Card
• After completing your registration with Maastricht University (UM) for the first time and issuing the university with all required documents, you will
receive a UM card.
The UM Card is your university ID and copy card, and gives access to certain UM buildings and facilities, including the University Library. See the
brochure (in Dutch, pdf 439 Kb) for more information about the chipknip and UM Card.
Certificate of Registration
• The Certificate of Registration must always be shown during examinations. You may also need to show it when visiting various other organisations,
for example when opening a bank account. You can apply for additional copies of the Certificates of Registration by (free of charge):
e-mail via
• via + 31 43 388 5 388
• or alternatively, you can go to the Information Desk at the Visitor’s Centre (Bonnefantenstraat 2).
How to register at City Hall as an
• Any person registering at Maastricht University is required to register in
the municipal personal records database (the official name of the Dutch
population register; abbreviated to GBA). The Dutch Government cannot
function efficiently without having correct, up-to-date information on its
Suppose there is a fire in your apartment and people have to be
evacuated! No-one will be looking for you if you are not
registered, because the police, the fire brigade and medical staff use the
GBA-data to determine who might be in the building. So, if you care for
yourself, it is wise to take registration in the GBA seriously!
During your application process, Maastricht University will organize group
meetings for the municipal registration of EU-students. You will be
informed on the different dates and times these meetings are held and
then can register for the most convenient meeting.
Registering with the City Council
• If you move to or within the Netherlands, you are legally obliged to register in the Municipal Personal Records
Database (GBA) with your new city council within five days of your arrival. This also applies if you move to or
within the residence area (Belgium, Luxembourg or one of the German federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia,
Lower Saxony and Bremen).
If you are not properly registered with a council in the Netherlands or the residence area, or if you do not submit
proof of your registration on time to Maastricht University (UM), you will be required to pay the higher tuition fee.
This is because UM needs your proof of registration to determine whether you meet the residence requirement.
Via the links below you can find more information about what you need to do to register if you move:
• from outside the Netherlands to Maastricht
• from outside the Netherlands to a different Dutch council area
• from within the Netherlands to Maastricht or a different Dutch council area
• from outside the Netherlands to the residence area
• Please note:
• You must be registered with a council in the residence area in order to meet the residence requirement, which you
need to be eligible for the lower tuition fee. If you do not have a valid registration, or do not submit this to us on
time, you will be required to pay the higher tuition fee.
• The proof of registration that you submit to UM must be dated no earlier than 1 January 2012. Older registration
certificates will not be accepted.
• If you have to pay the higher tuition fee because you are following a second study programme or because you do
not meet the nationality requirement, the residence requirement is not applicable.
Please visit our website for more information about tuition fees.
If you have questions about your GBA registration, please send an email to
Moving from outside the Netherlands
to Maastricht
• If you have questions about your GBA registration, please send an email to
Please note:
• You must be registered with a council in the residence area in order to
meet the residence requirement, which you need to be eligible for the
lower tuition fee. If you do not have a valid registration, or do not submit
this to us on time, you will be required to pay the higher tuition fee.
• The proof of registration that you submit to UM must be dated no earlier
than 1 January 2012. Older registration certificates will not be accepted.
• If you have to pay the higher tuition fee because you are following a
second study programme or because you do not meet the nationality
requirement, the residence requirement is not applicable.
Please visit our website for more information about tuition fees.
Moving from outside the Netherlands
to the residence area
• If you move from abroad to the residence area (Belgium, Luxembourg or one of the German federal states of
North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Bremen), you may be eligible to pay the lower tuition fee.
Please register with your new city council, and ask for proof of registration. Then submit a copy of this to the
Student Services Centre before 15 September 2012 via
The proof of registration certificate has different names in different countries:
• Belgium: Verklaring van woonst/Certificat de résidence/de domicile
• Germany: Wohnsitzbescheinigung/Aufenthaltsbescheinigung
• Luxembourg: Certificat de résidence
• Please note:
• You must be registered with a council in the residence area in order to meet the residence requirement, which you
need to be eligible for the lower tuition fee. If you do not have a valid registration, or do not submit this to us on
time, you will be required to pay the higher tuition fee.
• The proof of registration that you submit to UM must be dated no earlier than 1 January 2012. Older registration
certificates will not be accepted.
• If you have to pay the higher tuition fee because you are following a second study programme or because you do
not meet the nationality requirement, the residence requirement is not applicable.
Please visit our website for more information about tuition fees.
How to change your address
• Residential address
• Your residential address is used to determine which tuition fee you need to pay, so it is important that you keep this address up to date. You can
check your residential address via the My UM portal > Personal Data.
Depending on where you are moving to, there are different procedures for changing this address:
• Is your new address within the residence area (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony or Bremen)?
Please email your proof of residence from the city council (dated no earlier than 1 January 2012) to
• Is your new address outside the residence area?
Please email your new address from your UM email account to
• Are you moving to another address within the Netherlands?
Please register with your new city council. They will send your new address to DUO, and UM will automatically receive the new details via Studielink.
NB: You can find out more about the residence requirement with respect to the amount of your tuition fees on the tuition fees webpages. In addition
to the residence requirement, it is important that you have EU citizenship and that this is your first study programme. To find out more about the
criteria used to determine your tuition fees, please visit the tuition fees webpage.
Other important addresses
• When you enrol at the university, you need to provide us with several other addresses as well. These do not affect the amount of your tuition
fees, but do need to be kept up to date.
You can view and change these addresses via the My UM portal under ‘Personal Data’. These addresses are as follows:
• Correspondence address
Official documents, such as your proof of enrolment, are sent to your residential address.
NB: You also need to change your correspondence address in Studielink and inform DUO of the new address.
• Emergency address
• Billing address
• Parental address
• Standard address
This is the address you first used to register with Studielink. This address cannot be changed.
Bank accounts
Opening a Dutch bank account
• Why a Dutch bank account?
• As a service to its students, Maastricht University makes it possible for all degree-seeking students
to pay their annual tuition fees in eight equal instalments. However, this is only possible if you have
a Dutch bank account. Besides this, a Dutch bank account is also convenient for all other monetary
transactions in the Netherlands.
If you would like to open a Dutch bank account, the ING has accounts that cater specifically to
students. However, you are of course free to open an account at any bank in the Netherlands. Each
bank has its own requirements and features.
How to open a bank account at ING
• First you will need a statement that you intend to enrol as a student at Maastricht University. You
can pick this up from the information desk of the Student Services Centre at Bonnefantenstraat 2.
You can then take this statement, together with your passport, to the ING at Vrijthof 45 or Brusselse
Poort 5 to make an appointment to open a bank account.
You can open a bank account with the ING even if you do not have a Citizen Service Number
(burgerservicenummer, BSN).
To find out more about the costs and procedure for opening a bank account, please visit our web
Contact details Student Services
Centre (SSC)
Postal address Maastricht University
Student Services Centre (SSC)
attn to: Admission and Registration Office
PO Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands
Visiting address Bonnefantenstraat 2, Maastricht
Visiting hours Monday to Friday: 08.30 hrs AM to 18.00
hrs PM
Telephone +31 (0)43 388 5 388
Monday to Friday: 8.30 hrs AM to 17.00 hrs
electronic Service Centre (eSC-SSC) 24/7
Procedure for opening a Dutch bank
• Please make an appointment with one of the branch offices of the ING bank in Maastricht:
Brusselse Poort 5
6216 CE Maastricht
Vrijthof 45
6211 LE Maastricht
You can make an appointment between 9.00 and 18.00. For ING accounts, it is not necessary to
have a Citizen Service Number.
Please remember to take the following documents to your appointment:
• statement of enrolment at Maastricht University
• a valid passport or ID card
• Opening a Dutch bank account is free of charge.
• After you have opened a bank account, ING will charge students without a Dutch study grant
(studiefinanciering) €3.75 per quarter. If you have a Dutch study grant, no costs will be charged.
Hinweis zu Versicherungen
• All residents of the Netherlands are obliged to
have health insurance. Be sure that you are
covered for medical expenses and get a third-
partyliability insurance as well.
• It is also sensible to insure your belongings so
you can be reimbursed if they are damaged or
Health insurance for international
• CVZ letter regarding Dutch health insurance
Recently, you may have received a letter (pdf) from the CVZ (College van
Zorgverzekeringen), stating that you are obliged to get Dutch health
insurance. If you’ve received this letter, please read more on this topic.
How to arrange health insurance
• Every person living in the Netherlands for any period of time, needs to
have health insurance. Please refer to the Nuffic website for the most up
to date information on this subject.
• PLEASE NOTE: On their website Nuffic mentions two insurance companies:
IPS-Lippmann and AON. Maastricht University advises you to choose
AON, as we have had better experiences with this company in the past.
Third-party insurance
• For foreign students, special insurance packages have been developed by Lippmann ( and AON
( The Nuffic has given a positive advice on both packages.
The UM has taken a (company) third-party insurance covering the risk of liability for damages to persons and property, as well as
consequential damage. The insurance covers such cases as liability because of a wrongful act, contractual liability and product liability.
Insured parties include students insofar as they operate within the context of the university (including trainees). This insurance provides
so-called secondary coverage. The insurance does not apply to students, however, if and insofar as damage is covered by a separate
third-party insurance, even if the latter is of a more recent date.
The insurance does not cover the following:
• the own risk of other insurance policies
• liability when traveling between home and university
• liability for damages resulting from theft, embezzlement, loss or displacement of property
• Occupational liability is not insured. In the case of damages because of a medical error, the supervising physician shall be held liable for
damages incurred.
The UM insurance should be regarded as a supplement to the insurance policy that students are expected to arrange for themselves.
• In principle, students who cause damage to persons or property within the framework of their studies, should first approach their
private insurance company with claims for damages or the liability insurance company of the institution where they take their
Only if the student or the institute offering the traineeship has no third-party insurance or coverage of the latter is insufficient, an
appeal can be made to the UM insurance.
• Students who suffer damages as a result of activities within the framework of their studies, may only hold the UM
(management/teaching staff/other staff/student volunteers) liable if the damages can be regarded as the result of a wrongful act on
the part of the UM or other liability (contractual liability of UM, product liability of UM). Such must be established for each individual
case. If the UM is not liable, the student will have to claim from his/her own (health) insurance.
• The conclusion is that all students must make sure that they have an adequate third-party insurance. The UM's insurance does not
provide primary coverage.
• The Landelijke Studenten Vakbond (National Students Union) provides students' insurances; see
Cost of living (excl. tuition fees)
Cost category Avg. monthly
Rent: including gas, water, electricity € 300 € 330
Groceries € 180 € 180 600€ Papa
Books and materials € 40 € 40
Insurance € 98 € 38,10 184 € Mama
Clothing and personal care € 95 € 95
Leisure expenses € 100 € 100
Total € 813 € 783,10 € 784,00
Maastricht is a relatively compact city, so most students spend little money
on transportation since they walk or cycle everywhere.
Housing will be your biggest expense. Your other personal expenses will vary, and please keep
in mind that you may incur extra costs such as membership fees for a student association or
a subscription fee for a mobile phone.
if your programme starts on 1. Sept
• Please note: The amount of the tuition fees can vary considerably per student. Factors such as your nationality, place of residence or whether this is your first or
second study programme all play an important role. To find out how much you will need to pay, please consult our tuition fees guide.
Paying your tuition fees if your programs starts on 1 September 2013
• It is important that Maastricht University receives your tuition on time to ensure that you can start your study program in September 2013.
Term of payment
• You will receive an email from Maastricht University with more information about paying your tuition fees. Please be sure to pay your tuition fees or to return your
direct debit authorization form to Maastricht University within two weeks of receiving this email.
Note: Are you an international student and unable to pay your tuition fees within two weeks due to certain circumstances? Please contact the Student Services
Payment methods
• When you applied in Studielink, you indicated your preferred method of payment. Below you will find more information about the different payment options and the
steps involved.
• Transfer of the full amount to Maastricht University's bank account:
Bank name: ING
IBAN: NL 91 ING B 0654 894949
Address: Schimmelt 34, 5611 ZX Eindhoven
In the payment description please indicate your name and student number (an i followed by seven digits).
• Payment in installments (if you have a Dutch bank account). You can do this by:
1. approving and confirming the digital direct debit authorization with your DigiD in Studielink.
2. printing your direct debit authorization, filling it in and sending it to UM.
Note that a €24 administration fee will be charged with the first installment.
The installments for the academic year 2013/14 will be debited on or around the following dates: 25-10-2013, 25-11-2013, 25-01-2014, 27-02-2014, 26-03-2014, 25-
04-2014, 25-05-2014 and 25-06-2014.
No withdrawal is scheduled for December.
The installments for the academic year 2012/13 will be debited on or around the following dates: 25-10-2012, 25-11-2012, 25-01-2013, 25-02-2013, 25-03-2013, 25-
04-2013, 27-05-2013 and 25-06-2013.
No withdrawal is scheduled for December.
It is only possible to pay in installments if you have a Dutch bank account. For more information about opening a Dutch bank account, please contact Student Services
Questions? If you have questions about paying your tuition fees, please consult our FAQs page or contact the Student Services Centre.

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Presentation Pre-departure 2013
Presentation Pre-departure 2013Presentation Pre-departure 2013
Presentation Pre-departure 2013

üBerblick maastricht

  • 1. Hinweise wegen Basisversicherung • Students under the age of 30 • Students under the age of 30 years who are in the Netherlands solely for study purposes (and are not in a part-time job or paid internship) are exempt from the general requirement to take out Dutch public healthcare insurance. They will have to make alternative arrangements for healthcare insurance. • Perhaps you are covered under a public healthcare insurance plan at home. If this is the case make sure this provides adequate coverage during your stay in the Netherlands. • If you are from an EU country, your insurance company can provide you with an EU Health Insurance Card. • Otherwise you will have to make other arrangements, for example by taking out a private insurance policy. • There are private packages on the market especially for international students. Private healthcare insurance companies offering insurance products especially designed for international students include AON and Lippmann. • When are you exempt from the requirement to conclude basic health insurance? • Students who satisfy the conditions below are not required to conclude basic health insurance. • Foreign students under the age of 30 who are only in the Netherlands for study purposes and who do not have a (part- time) job. • Foreign students over the age of 30 who are only in the Netherlands for study purposes, who do not have a (part-time) job and who will not stay in the Netherlands for more than 1 year. • If you satisfy all these conditions, you can keep your ICS Complete insurance.
  • 2. Achtung beim Jobben • Änderungen in der Regelung zur niederländischen Studienfinanzierung geben wird. Ab dem 01. Januar 2014 müssen Studierende aus der EU statt der bisherigen 32 Stunden pro Monat 56 Stunden arbeiten, um die niederländische Studienfinanzierung zu erhalten. • niederlanden.html • „Außerdem müsst ihr beachten, dass ihr monatlich nicht mehr 450 € verdient, sonst wird das Kindergeld gestrichen“. • „Bei 56 Stunden im Monat müsste man ca. 11,5 Stunden pro Woche arbeiten. Das sind 1 ½ Tage pro Woche“ • „Ich würde neuen Studenten raten, nicht vom 1. Semester an zu arbeiten, sondern sich ein bisschen mehr Zeit zu lassen. Besonders zu Studienbeginn hat man sehr viel um die Ohren: Das erste Mal alleine wohnen, die neuen Freunde und das Studium halten einen gut auf Trapp. Sobald man sich dann ein bisschen eingelebt hat und die Sprache besser kann, wird es auf jeden Fall einfacher. Gerade zu Klausurphasen setzt dies aber natürlich ein gutes Zeitmanagement voraus. Der Studierende sollte mit dem Arbeitgeber absprechen, ob es vielleicht möglich ist in der Examensperiode weniger und stattdessen in einer anderen Woche mehr zu arbeiten.“
  • 3. Zusatz-KV in NL für Studenten (incl. Haftpflicht, Unfall, etc.) Mit EHIC aus Deutschland, Gültig für die Zeit des Studiums Ohne EHIC aus Deutschland, Solange man < 30 Jahre alt
  • 4. Kindergeld für Studenten in NL Kindergeld für deutsche Studenten in den Niederlanden • Das Wichtigste schon mal vorab: Das Kindergeld wird auch bei einem Studium in den Niederlanden weiterhin gezahlt. • Höhe des Kindergeldes für deutsche Studenten in Holland • Grundsätzlich werden für das 1. Kind monatlich je 184,-EUR (Stand 2013). Altersgrenzen fürs Kindergeld bei Studenten in Niederlanden • Nach dem deutschen Einkommenssteuergesetz wird das Kindergeld mindestens bis zum 18. Lebensjahr ausgezahlt. Darüber hinaus ist Ihr Kind bis zur Vollendung des 25. Lebensjahres kindergeldberechtigt, sofern es sich in der Schul- oder Berufsausbildung oder im Studium befindet. • Hierbei ist allerdings zu beachten, dass die Übergangsphase zwischen z.B. Schulabschluss und Studienbeginn höchstens 4 Monate betragen darf, damit Ihr Kind weiterhin Anspruch auf Kindergeld hat. Eine Ausnahme besteht für Kinder, die in der Übergangsphase ein Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr, Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr oder einen europäischen Freiwilligendienst absolvieren. Da es sich hierbei um soziale Freiwilligendienste handelt, bleibt Ihr Kind trotz Überschreitung der 4 Monate kindergeldberechtigt. Regelungen rund um den Wohnsitz • Ob ihr Kind in Deutschland oder im Ausland wohnt, ist bei der Berechtigung auf Kindergeld nicht der ausschlaggebende Faktor. • Entscheidend ist, dass Ihr Kind in Deutschland uneingeschränkt einkommenssteuerpflichtig ist. Das heißt, dass Ihr Kind seinen Wohnsitz in Deutschland behalten muss, auch wenn sich der gewöhnliche Aufenthaltsort im Ausland befindet.
  • 5. Aufenthaltsbestimmung Dank Schengen ist die Einreise in die Niederlande nicht einmal mehr eine Formalität. Dennoch kommen einige Formalitäten auf dich zu, willst du länger als drei Monate im Land bleiben. Innerhalb von fünf Tagen nach der Ankunft solltest du dich bei der Ausländerbehörde (vreemdelingendienst) registrieren lassen. Dort bekommst du deine Aufenthaltserlaubnis (verblijfsvergunning). Um diese Erlaubnis zu beantragen, musst du einige Dokumente vorlegen: • deinen gültigen Ausweis • deinen Zulassungsbescheid der Universität • zwei aktuelle Passfotos • Nachweis, dass die Finanzierung gesichert ist. Die niederländischen Behörden gehen davon aus, dass die Antragsteller pro Monat zwischen 700 und 900 Euro zum Lebensunterhalt benötigen. In der Regel genügt es, wenn dir Eltern oder Großeltern bestätigen, dass sie dich finanzieren. • Krankenversicherungsnachweis (Formular E-111 von deiner Krankenkasse) + ICS !!! • Mietvertrag des Wohnsitzes in den Niederlanden
  • 6. Einwohnermeldeamt • Um sich das Leben vor Ort zu erleichtern, solltest du dich beim örtlichen Einwohnermeldeamt (bevolkingsregister) registrieren lassen. Dazu bist du nicht verpflichtet, in manchen Fällen ist es aber nützlich. Manche Arbeitgeber wollen den Nachweis sehen, und die meisten Unis raten dazu. Für die Registrierung benötigst du die folgenden Unterlagen: • deinen gültigen Ausweis • Mietvertrag • Geburtsurkunde • Nachweis über die Registrierung bei der Ausländerbehörde • Informationen dazu gibt es auf der entsprechenden Site von Nuffic auf Englisch und Niederländisch. Achtung: Damit entfällt u.U. das Kindergeld bei Wohnungserstsitz NL!!!
  • 7. Collegegeldkrediet • Eine andere Möglichkeit der Finanzierung ist der Collgegeldkrediet. Mit Hilfe dieses Kredites kannst du deine gesamten Studiengebühren finanzieren. Du bekommst monatlich 1/12 der Studiengebühren ausbezahlt und kannst diese dann verwenden, um deine Raten an die Hochschule zu bezahlen. Für das Studienjahr 2013-2014 ist das ein mtl. Betrag von ca. 152 Euro. • Du kannst den Collegegeldkrediet bei der DUO-IB-Groep beantragen. Wenn du für das Studienjahr 2013-2014 den Collegegeldkrediet erhalten möchtest, ist die Deadline für dich der 31. Januar 2014. Das Darlehen muss nach Beendigung des Studiums zurückgezahlt werden. Der Prozentsatz der Tilgung deines Darlehens ist abhängig vom Zeitpunkt der Beendigung deines Studiums. • Weitere Fördermöglichkeiten: • Der Collegegeldkrediet ist geliehenes Geld. Das muss man nach dem Studium in einkommensabhängigen Raten zurückbezahlen. Zusätzlich zum geliehenen Geld zahlt man Zinsen, die sich nach bestimmten niederländischen Staatsanleihen richten (in 2013: 0,6 %). • Die Rückzahlungsmodalitäten kann man hier nachlesen:
  • 8. Kontoeröffnung Die Besonderheiten niederländischer Konten im Überblick: • Vergabe häufig nur bei Adressnachweis • Zahlungsverkehr von oder nach Deutschland funktioniert nur über IBAN und BIC per Sepa- Überweisung • Staatliche Stipendien aus den Niederlanden stehen Kontoinhabern unter Umständen offen • Studiengebühren lassen sich unkompliziert begleichen
  • 9. Konto in NL eröffnen Besonderheiten niederländischer Konten im Überblick: • Vergabe häufig nur bei Adressnachweis • Zahlungsverkehr von oder nach Deutschland funktioniert nur über IBAN und BIC per Sepa-Überweisung • Staatliche Stipendien aus den Niederlanden stehen Kontoinhabern unter Umständen offen • Studiengebühren lassen sich unkompliziert begleichen to open an account at ABNAMRO • In the Netherlands, call +31 (0)900 - 00 24 (€ 0.10 per minute) for more information. Choose option ‘ 3’ for an English language menu. From outside the Netherlands, call +31 (0)10 - 241 17 20 • Alternative ING • Banking in the Netherlands is pretty straightforward. Most banks offer similar quality services and have established online banking to make life easier for customers. We at the Maastricht University have special arrangements made for our students with the ING Bank. Of course you are free to open a bank account at any other bank in The Netherlands. • Upon arrival at the Introduction Day, a special statement from the Maastricht University Student Services Centre will be added to your information package. This statement, together with an official identification document, are required for opening a bank account at ING Bank. • The fees for opening an ING bank account are a one-time payment of €20 and every 4 months the account holder is required to pay a fee of €3,75. • The ING is reachable daily from 09.30hrs - 16.00hrs. You do not need to make an appointment. • As soon as you have opened your ING account, please find here the guidelines for using your account
  • 10. Modellrechnung Collegegeld kredit 152 € Darlehen des NL Staats Warmmiete 330 € Versicherungen 38 € Einkäufe 180 € 650 € Stud. Material 35 € Pers.Bedarf 80 € Freizeit 100 € 184 € Kindergeld 763 € 834 € Lebensunterhalt 1/7 Sabine + 6/7 Oliver
  • 11. Hilfreiche Links • • • • • • •
  • 12. • mp_id=main&glb_mainnav_id=10&profile_id=3288&gl b_countryfrom_id=11&glb_country_id=1749 Situations-Code • Mit Ihren Situations-Code brauchen Sie nicht immer wieder erneut alle Fragen zu beantworten, um zu Ihrer Situation zu gelangen. Geben Sie Ihren Situations-Code auf der Startseite ein und öffnen Sie direkt die Seite, die Informationen zu Ihrer Situation enthält. DENL003291
  • 13. Aufenthaltsgenehmigung Sie benötigen wahrscheinlich keine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung • Wahrscheinlich brauchen Sie keine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, um in den Niederlanden zu studieren. Ihre Staatsangehörigkeit spielt hierbei eine Rolle. Sie besitzen die Staatsangehörigkeit eines EU-/EWR-Landes oder der Schweiz Sie brauchen keine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, um in den Niederlanden zu studieren. Sie müssen jedoch: 1. bei einer öffentlichen oder privaten Ausbildungsstätte in den Niederlanden eingeschrieben sein, um dort eine (Berufs )Ausbildung zu absolvieren 2. einen gültigen Ausweis oder Identitätsnachweis besitzen Melden Sie sich beim IND an Melden Sie sich beim niederländischen Amt für Einwanderung und Einbürgerung (Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND)). Sie erhalten dann eine Meldebestätigung. Diese Bestätigung benötigen Sie, weil andere Instanzen (zum Beispiel das Finanzamt oder eine Bank) Sie um Vorlage bitten können. Sie können dann zum Beispiel ein Konto in den Niederlanden eröffnen. Wo erhalte ich weitere Informationen? Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf der Website des IND.
  • 14. • EU (Quelle: ) • Registration for EU citizens If you are an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen and will be staying in the Netherlands for longer than 3 months, you are asked to register with the IND. When you register, you must submit documents showing the purpose of your stay. Upon the appointment, the IND will issue a registration certificate by means of a sticker to be placed in your passport (or other valid identity document). • BSN-Nummer (burgerservicenummer = Bürgerservicenummer) Die BSN-Nummer ersetzt seit November 2007 die alte Sofi-Nummer. Sie gilt für alle, die in den Niederlanden wohnen. Beantragen kann man sie bei der lokalen Gemeinde, in der man wohnt (stadskantoor = Rathaus). Diese Nummer verschlüsselt keine Informationen desjenigen, für den sie erstellt wurde. Für Studenten ist diese Nummer wichtig, wenn sie die Studienfinanzierung der Niederlande beantragen bzw. in den Niederlanden arbeiten.
  • 15. Was ist eine Bürgerservicenummer (BSN)? • Die Bürgerservicenummer ist eine einmalige Nummer für jede Person, die etwas mit den niederländischen Behörden zu tun hat. Ein Beispiel: Sie haben eine Bürgerservicenummer, wenn Sie in den Niederlanden beim kommunalen Personenstandsregister (Standesamt) Ihrer Gemeinde gemeldet sind. • Die Bürgerservicenummer können Sie in Zukunft immer häufiger verwenden, beispielsweise bei Ihrer Gemeinde, im Krankenhaus, in Schulen, bei Ihrem Arbeitgeber oder bei Sozialleistungsträgern. Mit der Bürgerservicenummer wollen die niederländischen Behörden den Service für die Bürger verbessern, Steuer- und Sozialleistungsbetrug bekämpfen und einen besseren Datenschutz gewährleisten. • Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Internet unter • Wenn Sie in die Niederlande einwandern, müssen Sie sich in der Gemeinde anmelden, in der Sie Ihren Wohnsitz haben werden. Sie erhalten Ihre Bürgerservicenummer dann von der Gemeinde.
  • 16. Identitätsnachweis Sie müssen immer einen gültigen Identitätsnachweis bei sich tragen – In den Niederlanden müssen alle Personen ab 14 Jahren der Polizei oder anderen Aufsichtsführenden einen gültigen Identitätsnachweis vorlegen können. Diesen Identitätsnachweis müssen Sie auf Bitte der Polizei vorlegen können. Daher ist der Identitätsnachweis immer mitzuführen. Wenn Sie keinen Identitätsnachweis vorlegen können, müssen Sie gegebenenfalls mit zum Polizeipräsidium. Dort wird Ihre Identität festgestellt. Eventuell müssen Sie ein Bußgeld zahlen. Wer darf Ihren Identitätsnachweis verlangen? – Die Polizei und der Grenzschutz dürfen Sie um Vorlage Ihres Identitätsnachweises bitten. Auch aufsichtsführenden Personen ist dies gestattet. Aufsichtsführende sind etwa Forstaufseher, Finanzbeamte und beamtete Umweltschützer. Diese Personen dürfen Sie jedoch nur mit Begründung um Vorlage Ihres Identitätsnachweises bitten. Mit welchen Identitätsnachweisen können Sie sich ausweisen? – Sie können sich ausschließlich mit einem gültigen Reisepass, einem Personalausweis, einem Führerschein, einer gültigen niederländischen oder europäischen Identitätskarte und einem Dokument der Ausländerbehörde ausweisen. Mit sämtlichen anderen Karten und Unterlagen wie zum Beispiel einer Fahrkarte für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, Motorradführerschein, Studentenausweis, Geld- oder Kreditkarte können Sie sich nicht ausweisen. – Mit welchen Dokumenten Sie sich ausweisen können, richtet sich unter anderem nach Ihrer Staatsangehörigkeit. Sie besitzen die Staatsangehörigkeit eines EU/EWR-Landes oder der Schweiz – Sie können sich mit Ihrem Personalausweis oder einem EU/EWR-Dokument der Ausländerbehörde ausweisen.
  • 17. Wegzugsmeldung Sie müssen Ihren Umzug melden – Sie müssen den Umzug den Behörden Ihres Wohnlandes melden, in der Regel bei der Gemeinde, bei der Sie gemeldet sind. Sie werden dann als Einwohner abgemeldet. – Bringen Sie rechtzeitig in Erfahrung: wo Sie sich abmelden müssen – bis zu welchem Datum Sie sich spätestens abmelden müssen Wo erhalte ich weitere Informationen? Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie bei den lokalen Behörden Ihres Wohnlandes. Internetportal Deutschland Diese Website bietet einfachen und zuverlässigen Zugriff auf alle Informationen der Behörden. Internetportal Deutschland
  • 18. Zuzugsmeldung Sie müssen sich in das niederländische Einwohnermelderegister eintragen lassen – Sie sind verpflichtet innerhalb von fünf Tagen nach Ihrem Umzug, sich bei der Gemeinde, in der Sie sich niederlassen, in das niederländische Einwohnermelderegister (Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie, GBA) eintragen zu lassen. Die Gemeinde benachrichtigt Sie schriftlich über Ihre (kostenlose) Anmeldung. – Ihr Aufenthalt in den Niederlanden muss rechtmäßig sein. Das heißt, dass Sie (unter anderem) die niederländische Staatsangehörigkeit oder die Staatsangehörigkeit eines Mitgliedstaates der Europäischen Union haben müssen. – In folgenden Fällen werden Ihre Daten nicht in die GBA aufgenommen: – Wenn Sie keine gültige Aufenthaltsgenehmigung haben, müssen Sie zuerst bei einer Stelle des Einwanderungs- und Einbürgerungsdiensts (Immigratie en Naturalisatie Dienst, IND) eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für die Niederlande beantragen. – Wenn Sie in einem Asylzentrum oder einer Auffangstelle Asyl beantragt haben, erfasst diese Stelle Ihren Aufenthalt in den Niederlanden in den ersten sechs Monaten. Anschließend oder wenn Sie sich bereits vorher außerhalb dieses Zentrums aufhalten, müssen Sie sich in die GBA Ihres Wohnorts eintragen lassen. – Nehmen Sie zur Anmeldung die Originaldokumente mit, aus denen Ihre Identität, Ihr Familienstand und Ihr Aufenthaltsort in den Niederlanden hervorgehen. Natürlich müssen Sie auch Ihren Reisepass, Ihre Reisepässe und eventuell auch einen Nachweis darüber mitbringen, dass Sie sich rechtmäßig in den Niederlanden aufhalten. Ebenfalls benötigt werden die Geburtsurkunden (von Ihnen und Ihren Kindern), Heiratsurkunden (auch über frühere Ehen) sowie Miet- oder Kaufverträge für Ihre Wohnung(en) in den Niederlanden.
  • 19. Websites • Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst (IND) Das niederländische Amt für Einwanderung und Einbürgerung (IND) ist für die Ausführung der Ausländerpolitik in den Niederlanden zuständig. Das IND beurteilt alle Anträge von Ausländern in den Niederlanden und die Voraussetzungen für den Aufenthalt in den Niederlanden. Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst (IND) Internetportal der niederländischen Behörden. Diese Website bietet leichten und zuverlässigen Zugriff auf alle Informationen der niederländischen Behörden. Gemeinschafts-Website der niederländischen Behörden. Diese Website bietet Zugriff auf alle Informationen der Behörden. • GrensInfoPunt _id=23&profile_id=3291&main_cat=0&subject_id=7943&category_id=0
  • 20. Reihenfolge Schritte • (1) Mietvertrag abschließen • (2) Zulassungsbescheid der Universität holen • (3) Beim niederl. Einwohnermeldeamt registrieren lassen [Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie, GBA] • (4) Konto bei ING oder ABNAMRO eröffnen • (5) • Bekomme ich Wartezeit in Deutschland angerechnet während ich in den Niederlanden studiere? • Ja! Studienzeiten beim Studium in Holland gelten in Deutschland als Wartezeit
  • 21.
  • 22. • Repayment • You must begin repayments two years after your right to a student grant comes to an end. DUO will calculate the relevant monthly installment. These monthly installments should enable you to repay the loan in full within fifteen years. The minimum repayment is €45.41 per month. If you are unable to pay the monthly installment, then ask DUO to reduce the installment. DUO will then calculate how much you can repay each month based on your income. Or you can ask DUO to temporarily stop collecting your study debt (for a maximum of five years).
  • 23. • Conditions for tuition fees loan • You must: • be under the age of 30 when you apply for loan tuition fees for the first time • be enrolled as a full-time student for an accredited course at a funded or recognized institute of higher education or university. Take a course in the Netherlands that qualifies for an allowance or a grant. • have a citizen service number (in Dutch: burgerservicenummer) in the Netherlands • have a bank account, other than a savings account. • Amount of tuition fees loan • Students from EU/EEA countries and Switzerland who are under 30 pay the legal tuition fees for a full-time study at an institute of higher education or university funded by the Dutch government. However, the full-time study must be recognised by the Dutch-Flemish accreditation organization (NVAO) on the basis of a set criteria. • Students from EU/EEA countries and Switzerland who are under the age of 30 and follow full-time studies at an institute of higher education or a university which is not funded by the Dutch government must pay the so-called ‘institute’s tuition fees’. Usually these are higher than the legal tuition fees. • If you comply with the conditions for tuition fees loan, you can always borrow the sum of the legal college fees in the form of a tuition fees loan. If you want a higher tuition fees loan, this is possible if you pay an institute’s tuition fees which are higher than the legal fees. In that case you can apply for tuition fees loan for the amount of tuition fees that you pay, up to a maximum of five times the sum of legal tuition fees. If you want a lower tuition fees loan, this is also possible. You indicate on the application form how much you want to borrow per month. • Pay back • You always have to pay back the tuition fees loan, also if you do not finish your course or if you leave the Netherlands. Make sure you inform DUO of your new address. • Interest is calculated on the tuition fees loan. In 2013, the interest rate is 0.6 percent. As long as you are entitled to student finance, the interest rate on your loan or performance grant is altered every year. After you finish your study (counting from the 1st of January after you are no longer entitled to student finance), the interest rate is determined for a period of five years. • Two years after terminating your study, you have to start paying back. You are allowed to pay back over a period of time of 15 years, and the minimum amount is € 45.41 per month. • If you do not have sufficient income to pay your monthly term, you can apply for a reduction of your monthly term. Or you can ask DUO to temporarily stop collecting your study debt (for a maximum of five years). • Application • In order to apply for a tuition fees loan, you must complete the form Application for tuition fees loan for students from EU/EEA countries and send it to DUO together with the documents requested. Make your application in time. • Contribution to tuition fees • If you received a contribution to your tuition fees in the 2012-2013 academic year, you continue to be entitled to this contribution every year as long as you continue to apply for it and receive it. As a student in higher education, you receive a sum of a maximum of € 1,147.32 for the 2011-2012 academic year. This sum is equal to twelve times a basic grant (without travel contribution and supplements) for a student in higher education living at home in accordance with the norm of September 2012 (€ 95.61). In principle you can apply for this contribution to tuition fees for a maximum of seven years. • Age • If you reach the age of 30 during your course, you may still be eligible for a contribution. In that case you must comply with a number of conditions: you must have started on a course in the Netherlands before the age of 30 • you must have received a contribution to tuition fees or study funding for that course before the age of 30 • you must apply for and receive a contribution every year • you must not interrupt the course in the Netherlands. • Applications • In order to apply for a contribution to tuition fees, you must complete the form Application for a contribution to tuition fees for students from EU/EEA countries and send it to DUO together with the documents requested. If your address has not changed since the last application, you will be sent the form at home. If you have not received the form, telephone DUO: +31 (0)50 599 77 55. Make the application in time. Do you want a contribution to tuition fees as from September 1st 2013? Then apply before January 31th, 2014. If, for example, you do not apply until February 2014 then you are entitled to a contribution to tuition fees from October 1st, 2013 onwards. No contribution is paid for previous academic years. • Stopping your studies • If you stop your studies in the Netherlands, you must inform DUO by sending a letter to: Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs Afdeling Klantenservice, EU/EER-vergoedingen Postbox 51014 9702 JA Groningen – the Netherlands. If you stop your studies and are removed from the register at an earlier date, your contribution will also be amended. In that case you will have to repay a proportional amount. You will be notified of this.
  • 24. Checklist (1) • Registration for EU citizens • Citizens of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland fall under the laws and regulations of the EU, EEA and the treaty between the EU and Switzerland. These regulations are different from Dutch national law. • As an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen you do not need a residence permit to stay in the Netherlands if your stay is based on the EC Treaty. However, EU/EEA of Swiss citizens (with the exception of citizens of Bulgaria and Romania), who wish to stay in the Netherlands for more than 3 months, must register with the IND. To register with the IND, you must meet certain requirements.
  • 25. Checklist (2) • Conditions The following purposes of stay are regarded as residence based on the EC Treaty: • Study • Economically non-active • A stay as a family member of a citizen of the European Union To be able to lawfully stay in the Netherlands as an EU/EEA of Swiss citizen, you must meet the following requirements: • You must be a citizen from an EU or EEA member state • You have a valid travel document (for example a passport). • You must be registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (GBA) of your local municipality. • If you are not economically active: You have sufficient long-term means of support to prevent a situation in which you have to rely on public funds during your stay in the Netherlands. • If you are not economically active: health insurance certificate. • If you are economically active: proof that you carry out real and actual work as an employee or as a self-employed person.
  • 26. Checklist (3) Documents To register with the IND, you will need the following documents: • A copy of your passport or identity document • If you are a student: o The original proof of enrolment at an educational institution o Your own statement that you have sufficient long-term means of support at your disposal. o Proof of a health insurance policy taken out in your name (for instance an insurance document or a health insurance policy). • If you are a child below the age of 21 years o A document showing the family relationship, such as a birth certificate or proof of adoption • o A document showing that the parent, who is a citizen of the EU/EEA or Switzerland and who gives the child the right to stay in the Netherlands, is maintaining the child. • If you are economically non active o Proof of your medical health insurance o Documents showing you have sufficient long-term means of support.
  • 27. Checklist (4) Costs • The registration for citizens of the EU/EEA or Switzerland is free of charge. Application procedure • As an EU/ EEA or Swiss citizen you must register your stay with the IND. • When you register with the IND, the IND verifies and assesses the information provided. The documents needed as well as your identification documents, amongst others, will then be checked. Immediately upon the registration the IND will issue a registration certificate (sticker) in your passport. The sticker will be issued provided there are no doubts concerning your lawful stay in the Netherlands. This could for instance be when you can not demonstrate the purpose for which you are staying in the Netherlands. When you do have the correct documents to demonstrate this purpose, it is then always possible to make a new appointment. • If you want to visit the IND for the EU registration, you must first make an appointment by calling the IND via 0900-1234561(€ 0.10 p.m. plus any additional costs charged by your operator if you are calling from a mobile phone) or from countries outside the Netherlands via telephone number +31 20 889 30 45. The purpose of your stay and the documents required for this will then be discussed. An appointment will be made for you at the IND desk within your region. • Before contacting the IND, you have to be registered in the Dutch Municipal Personal Records Database (GBA) of your local municipality. Quelle:
  • 28. • EEA and Switzerland Citizens of the EEA (EU plus Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein) and Switzerland (but excluding Romania and Bulgaria) can live and work freely in the Netherlands and are not obliged to report to the Aliens Police upon arrival, as other nationals are required to do. However you must be able to show: • Passport or other valid travel document • Financial means demonstrating that you will not have to rely on public funds during your stay (if your are not working) • Health insurance coverage (if you are not working) • Proof of employment or work (if applicable) • Although EEA, Swiss citizens and their family members do not need a residence permit to live in the Netherlands, it can be very useful to have one as banks, utility providers, government organisations and employers often ask for one. Once you have lawfully stayed in the Netherlands for 5 years you qualify for a long-term residence document. Again, although not strictly required, this can be beneficial in some circumstances, such as when applying for a mortgage, as lenders will often request a long-term residence document. • Registration with the city • In the Netherlands, all citizens are registered in a national database. This is required by Dutch law. Once you register with the city you will automatically receive a BSN (Burger Service Number), which you may need to open a bank account or apply for a work permit. All students who are staying in the Netherlands for more than 4 months are required by law to register. •
  • 30. How to applyAvailability * Monday 11:00 - 15:00 Tuesday 9:00 - 13:00 Wednesday 11:00 - 15:00 Thursday 11:00 - 15:00 (NOTE: on 11 July 9.00 - 13.00) Friday 09:00 - 13:00 (NOTE: on 28 June and 12 July 11.00 - 15.00) How to apply and register for a programme at Maastricht University depends on the programme of your choice. Most of you apply via Studielink, the application portal for higher education in the Netherlands. For others you go directly through the My UM application portal. For more information, please visit the programme of your choice on our website: · Bachelor’s · Master’s · Exchange · Graduate programmes for professionals Need help with your application? Contact us! We are available to help you through the application process. If you have any questions about student life or housing, or if you would like to talk to one of our students, don’t hesitate to contact us. For questions about student housing, you can visit Check out our weekly schedule of times when you can contact us via Skype (details below) or phone (+31 43 38 85368). The times vary so that you can reach us according to your own time zone and schedule. You can also send us an email via We will answer your questions as soon as possible. *All times are for the Central European Timezone (CET) You can reach us via skype, email or phone. Skype details We are online during the available hours above. Our Skype name is: umhelp-1.
  • 31. UM e-mail account, UM card, certificate of registration • UM e-mail account • Every new student receives a UM email account from Maastricht University which should be used from then on to carry out all correspondence with the university. The email account is accessible via webmail. • The advantage of webmail is that it is accessible from any location and you always have access to your email, address book and agenda. • • What is possible with Webmail? • Read, write, send and receive emails • Delete, search and organise your emails • Create filters that automatically delete emails, organise them into specific folders, or forward them • Organise your agenda • Search for email addresses • Synchronise with your mobile device • • Log into webmail • Go to: • Attention • Now and then you encounter an alternate log in window which requires you to log in using "UNIMAASi-number" and your password. If you omit the "UNIMAAS" before your i-number, you can not log in. • UM Card • After completing your registration with Maastricht University (UM) for the first time and issuing the university with all required documents, you will receive a UM card. • The UM Card is your university ID and copy card, and gives access to certain UM buildings and facilities, including the University Library. See the brochure (in Dutch, pdf 439 Kb) for more information about the chipknip and UM Card. • Certificate of Registration • The Certificate of Registration must always be shown during examinations. You may also need to show it when visiting various other organisations, for example when opening a bank account. You can apply for additional copies of the Certificates of Registration by (free of charge): • e-mail via • via + 31 43 388 5 388 • or alternatively, you can go to the Information Desk at the Visitor’s Centre (Bonnefantenstraat 2).
  • 32. How to register at City Hall as an EU/EEA-student • Any person registering at Maastricht University is required to register in the municipal personal records database (the official name of the Dutch population register; abbreviated to GBA). The Dutch Government cannot function efficiently without having correct, up-to-date information on its citizens. • Suppose there is a fire in your apartment and people have to be evacuated! No-one will be looking for you if you are not registered, because the police, the fire brigade and medical staff use the GBA-data to determine who might be in the building. So, if you care for yourself, it is wise to take registration in the GBA seriously! • During your application process, Maastricht University will organize group meetings for the municipal registration of EU-students. You will be informed on the different dates and times these meetings are held and then can register for the most convenient meeting.
  • 33. Registering with the City Council • If you move to or within the Netherlands, you are legally obliged to register in the Municipal Personal Records Database (GBA) with your new city council within five days of your arrival. This also applies if you move to or within the residence area (Belgium, Luxembourg or one of the German federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Bremen). • If you are not properly registered with a council in the Netherlands or the residence area, or if you do not submit proof of your registration on time to Maastricht University (UM), you will be required to pay the higher tuition fee. This is because UM needs your proof of registration to determine whether you meet the residence requirement. • Via the links below you can find more information about what you need to do to register if you move: • from outside the Netherlands to Maastricht • from outside the Netherlands to a different Dutch council area • from within the Netherlands to Maastricht or a different Dutch council area • from outside the Netherlands to the residence area • Please note: • You must be registered with a council in the residence area in order to meet the residence requirement, which you need to be eligible for the lower tuition fee. If you do not have a valid registration, or do not submit this to us on time, you will be required to pay the higher tuition fee. • The proof of registration that you submit to UM must be dated no earlier than 1 January 2012. Older registration certificates will not be accepted. • If you have to pay the higher tuition fee because you are following a second study programme or because you do not meet the nationality requirement, the residence requirement is not applicable. Please visit our website for more information about tuition fees. • If you have questions about your GBA registration, please send an email to
  • 34. Moving from outside the Netherlands to Maastricht • If you have questions about your GBA registration, please send an email to • Please note: • You must be registered with a council in the residence area in order to meet the residence requirement, which you need to be eligible for the lower tuition fee. If you do not have a valid registration, or do not submit this to us on time, you will be required to pay the higher tuition fee. • The proof of registration that you submit to UM must be dated no earlier than 1 January 2012. Older registration certificates will not be accepted. • If you have to pay the higher tuition fee because you are following a second study programme or because you do not meet the nationality requirement, the residence requirement is not applicable. Please visit our website for more information about tuition fees.
  • 35. Moving from outside the Netherlands to the residence area • If you move from abroad to the residence area (Belgium, Luxembourg or one of the German federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Bremen), you may be eligible to pay the lower tuition fee. • Please register with your new city council, and ask for proof of registration. Then submit a copy of this to the Student Services Centre before 15 September 2012 via • The proof of registration certificate has different names in different countries: • Belgium: Verklaring van woonst/Certificat de résidence/de domicile • Germany: Wohnsitzbescheinigung/Aufenthaltsbescheinigung • Luxembourg: Certificat de résidence • • Please note: • You must be registered with a council in the residence area in order to meet the residence requirement, which you need to be eligible for the lower tuition fee. If you do not have a valid registration, or do not submit this to us on time, you will be required to pay the higher tuition fee. • The proof of registration that you submit to UM must be dated no earlier than 1 January 2012. Older registration certificates will not be accepted. • If you have to pay the higher tuition fee because you are following a second study programme or because you do not meet the nationality requirement, the residence requirement is not applicable. Please visit our website for more information about tuition fees.
  • 36. How to change your address • Residential address • Your residential address is used to determine which tuition fee you need to pay, so it is important that you keep this address up to date. You can check your residential address via the My UM portal > Personal Data. • Depending on where you are moving to, there are different procedures for changing this address: • Is your new address within the residence area (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony or Bremen)? Please email your proof of residence from the city council (dated no earlier than 1 January 2012) to • Is your new address outside the residence area? Please email your new address from your UM email account to • Are you moving to another address within the Netherlands? Please register with your new city council. They will send your new address to DUO, and UM will automatically receive the new details via Studielink. • NB: You can find out more about the residence requirement with respect to the amount of your tuition fees on the tuition fees webpages. In addition to the residence requirement, it is important that you have EU citizenship and that this is your first study programme. To find out more about the criteria used to determine your tuition fees, please visit the tuition fees webpage. • Other important addresses • When you enrol at the university, you need to provide us with several other addresses as well. These do not affect the amount of your tuition fees, but do need to be kept up to date. • You can view and change these addresses via the My UM portal under ‘Personal Data’. These addresses are as follows: • Correspondence address Official documents, such as your proof of enrolment, are sent to your residential address. NB: You also need to change your correspondence address in Studielink and inform DUO of the new address. • Emergency address • Billing address • Parental address • Standard address This is the address you first used to register with Studielink. This address cannot be changed.
  • 38. Opening a Dutch bank account • Why a Dutch bank account? • As a service to its students, Maastricht University makes it possible for all degree-seeking students to pay their annual tuition fees in eight equal instalments. However, this is only possible if you have a Dutch bank account. Besides this, a Dutch bank account is also convenient for all other monetary transactions in the Netherlands. • If you would like to open a Dutch bank account, the ING has accounts that cater specifically to students. However, you are of course free to open an account at any bank in the Netherlands. Each bank has its own requirements and features. • How to open a bank account at ING • First you will need a statement that you intend to enrol as a student at Maastricht University. You can pick this up from the information desk of the Student Services Centre at Bonnefantenstraat 2. • You can then take this statement, together with your passport, to the ING at Vrijthof 45 or Brusselse Poort 5 to make an appointment to open a bank account. • You can open a bank account with the ING even if you do not have a Citizen Service Number (burgerservicenummer, BSN). • To find out more about the costs and procedure for opening a bank account, please visit our web page.
  • 39. Contact details Student Services Centre (SSC) Postal address Maastricht University Student Services Centre (SSC) attn to: Admission and Registration Office PO Box 616 6200 MD Maastricht The Netherlands Visiting address Bonnefantenstraat 2, Maastricht Visiting hours Monday to Friday: 08.30 hrs AM to 18.00 hrs PM Telephone +31 (0)43 388 5 388 Monday to Friday: 8.30 hrs AM to 17.00 hrs PM e-mail electronic Service Centre (eSC-SSC) 24/7 available
  • 40. Procedure for opening a Dutch bank account • Please make an appointment with one of the branch offices of the ING bank in Maastricht: • ING Brusselse Poort 5 6216 CE Maastricht • ING Vrijthof 45 6211 LE Maastricht • You can make an appointment between 9.00 and 18.00. For ING accounts, it is not necessary to have a Citizen Service Number. • Please remember to take the following documents to your appointment: • statement of enrolment at Maastricht University • a valid passport or ID card • Costs: • Opening a Dutch bank account is free of charge. • After you have opened a bank account, ING will charge students without a Dutch study grant (studiefinanciering) €3.75 per quarter. If you have a Dutch study grant, no costs will be charged.
  • 42. Hinweis zu Versicherungen • All residents of the Netherlands are obliged to have health insurance. Be sure that you are covered for medical expenses and get a third- partyliability insurance as well. • It is also sensible to insure your belongings so you can be reimbursed if they are damaged or stolen.
  • 43. Health insurance for international students • CVZ letter regarding Dutch health insurance Recently, you may have received a letter (pdf) from the CVZ (College van Zorgverzekeringen), stating that you are obliged to get Dutch health insurance. If you’ve received this letter, please read more on this topic. • How to arrange health insurance • Every person living in the Netherlands for any period of time, needs to have health insurance. Please refer to the Nuffic website for the most up to date information on this subject. • • PLEASE NOTE: On their website Nuffic mentions two insurance companies: IPS-Lippmann and AON. Maastricht University advises you to choose AON, as we have had better experiences with this company in the past. •
  • 44. Third-party insurance • For foreign students, special insurance packages have been developed by Lippmann ( and AON ( The Nuffic has given a positive advice on both packages. • The UM has taken a (company) third-party insurance covering the risk of liability for damages to persons and property, as well as consequential damage. The insurance covers such cases as liability because of a wrongful act, contractual liability and product liability. Insured parties include students insofar as they operate within the context of the university (including trainees). This insurance provides so-called secondary coverage. The insurance does not apply to students, however, if and insofar as damage is covered by a separate third-party insurance, even if the latter is of a more recent date. The insurance does not cover the following: • the own risk of other insurance policies • liability when traveling between home and university • liability for damages resulting from theft, embezzlement, loss or displacement of property • Occupational liability is not insured. In the case of damages because of a medical error, the supervising physician shall be held liable for damages incurred. The UM insurance should be regarded as a supplement to the insurance policy that students are expected to arrange for themselves. • In principle, students who cause damage to persons or property within the framework of their studies, should first approach their private insurance company with claims for damages or the liability insurance company of the institution where they take their traineeship. Only if the student or the institute offering the traineeship has no third-party insurance or coverage of the latter is insufficient, an appeal can be made to the UM insurance. • Students who suffer damages as a result of activities within the framework of their studies, may only hold the UM (management/teaching staff/other staff/student volunteers) liable if the damages can be regarded as the result of a wrongful act on the part of the UM or other liability (contractual liability of UM, product liability of UM). Such must be established for each individual case. If the UM is not liable, the student will have to claim from his/her own (health) insurance. • The conclusion is that all students must make sure that they have an adequate third-party insurance. The UM's insurance does not provide primary coverage. • The Landelijke Studenten Vakbond (National Students Union) provides students' insurances; see
  • 45. Cost of living (excl. tuition fees) Cost category Avg. monthly cost Lottis Kalkulation Lottis Finanzierung Rent: including gas, water, electricity € 300 € 330 Groceries € 180 € 180 600€ Papa Books and materials € 40 € 40 Insurance € 98 € 38,10 184 € Mama Clothing and personal care € 95 € 95 Leisure expenses € 100 € 100 Total € 813 € 783,10 € 784,00 Maastricht is a relatively compact city, so most students spend little money on transportation since they walk or cycle everywhere. Housing will be your biggest expense. Your other personal expenses will vary, and please keep in mind that you may incur extra costs such as membership fees for a student association or a subscription fee for a mobile phone.
  • 46. if your programme starts on 1. Sept • Please note: The amount of the tuition fees can vary considerably per student. Factors such as your nationality, place of residence or whether this is your first or second study programme all play an important role. To find out how much you will need to pay, please consult our tuition fees guide. • Paying your tuition fees if your programs starts on 1 September 2013 • It is important that Maastricht University receives your tuition on time to ensure that you can start your study program in September 2013. • Term of payment • You will receive an email from Maastricht University with more information about paying your tuition fees. Please be sure to pay your tuition fees or to return your direct debit authorization form to Maastricht University within two weeks of receiving this email. • Note: Are you an international student and unable to pay your tuition fees within two weeks due to certain circumstances? Please contact the Student Services Centre. • Payment methods • When you applied in Studielink, you indicated your preferred method of payment. Below you will find more information about the different payment options and the steps involved. • Transfer of the full amount to Maastricht University's bank account: Bank name: ING Account: IBAN: NL 91 ING B 0654 894949 BIC: INGBNL2A Address: Schimmelt 34, 5611 ZX Eindhoven In the payment description please indicate your name and student number (an i followed by seven digits). • Payment in installments (if you have a Dutch bank account). You can do this by: 1. approving and confirming the digital direct debit authorization with your DigiD in Studielink. 2. printing your direct debit authorization, filling it in and sending it to UM. Note that a €24 administration fee will be charged with the first installment. The installments for the academic year 2013/14 will be debited on or around the following dates: 25-10-2013, 25-11-2013, 25-01-2014, 27-02-2014, 26-03-2014, 25- 04-2014, 25-05-2014 and 25-06-2014. No withdrawal is scheduled for December. The installments for the academic year 2012/13 will be debited on or around the following dates: 25-10-2012, 25-11-2012, 25-01-2013, 25-02-2013, 25-03-2013, 25- 04-2013, 27-05-2013 and 25-06-2013. No withdrawal is scheduled for December. It is only possible to pay in installments if you have a Dutch bank account. For more information about opening a Dutch bank account, please contact Student Services Centre. • Questions? If you have questions about paying your tuition fees, please consult our FAQs page or contact the Student Services Centre.