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Harvard Association for
US-China Relations
Second annual symposium: ‘The art of representing China’

Trevor H. Simon
Invitational lecture: ‘Becoming un-Executed’
3rd April 2010

ABSTRACT: Sociological interpretations of selected Chinese & American modern and contemporary art and their
spiritual utility for the self and society

Making use of selected Chinese and American modern and contemporary art imagery, Mr Simon will suggest a number of
comparative interpretations to draw a deeply personal narrative, and will correlate these images with economic, financial
and sociological data to posit spiritual linkages between art, finance and the self. Attention will be given to the real world
relevance of selected imagery as it relates to the healthiness of a society, the conduct of the individual and the implications
for the state of trust and fear within the self. It is hoped that this early stage work will enliven the wider debate as to the
relevance of art imagery, the risks inherent in any copycatting of American norms in a Chinese context, and the leadership
opportunities arising.
Speaker bio
                         Trevor H. Simon

                         Mr Simon is an art investor and fund of hedge funds manager with an investment banking
                         background. Prior to hedge funds, Mr Simon was involved in private investment as arranger,
                         adviser &/or as joint or sole principal in a range of sectors including media, financial services,
                         leisure, alternatives, ports, and art & collectibles. Prior to private investment, to 2001 Mr Simon was
                         Director and Global Head of Strategy for the equities division of Deutsche Bank, and previously
                         was Head of Client Strategy at Société Générale responsible for the equities platform. Prior to
                         strategy roles Mr Simon worked for SG-Crosby in Asian institutional sales and as a researcher at
                         the World Markets Research Centre focusing on the Gulf region.

                         In addition to his commercial activities, since the mid 1990’s, Mr Simon has assembled and
                         advised on a dual collection of Chinese and American modern and contemporary art around a
                         range of principal themes looking primarily at the spiritual relationship between art and finance. The
                         Simon and BTC collections of acquired and reserved works include: (Chinese) Zhang Xiaogang,
                         Cai Quo Jiang, Yue Minjun, Wang Guanyi, Li Chen, Chen Yu, Zhang Lin Hai, Fang Lijun, Tang Zhi
                         Gang, Fang Zheng, Guo Jin, Liu Ye, Feng Zhen Jie and Li Shan; (American) Chuck Close, James
                         Rosenquist, Marylyn Dintenfass, Wolf Kahn, Andy Warhol, Richard Tuttle, Paul Wonner, Marsden
                         Hartley, Stuart Davis, Charles Sheeler, John Marin, Alfred Maurer, Georgia O’Keefe and Arthur
                         Dove. A number of works are indicated for gifting to European and US museums, and a separate
                         sale program has set multiple world records for various artists.

                         Mr Simon has an undergraduate degree in Management and Systems Science from City University
                         and has been invited as a Guest Lecturer to LBS, NYU-Stern, Shanghai, Wharton and Harvard
                         universities on art investment and strategy.

2 | Monday 18 January 2010
Execution and execution
            Paradigm of trauma and recovery
            Societal trauma
            Wrong God? - America
            Wrong God? – China
            Broken people
            Realisation, coping, consequences
            Attempts at recovery
            The future
3 | Monday 18 January 2010
The American experiment with turbo-individualism
          has fractured its’ finances and its’ families.

          Must China do the same.....?

4 | Monday 18 January 2010
Killed by culture

  Yue Min Jun, Execution, 1995

5 | Monday 18 January 2010
Commonality: a platform for collectivism or individualism?
Who am I really? How can I be heard? Does fitting in alienate?

     Sui Jianguo, Mao Jacket, 2008                       Rene Magritte, The Son of Man, 1964
6 | Monday 18 January 2010
Numbing out: Western & Asian (Japanese) approaches
Pills / anime... West and East... both deaden the senses, both subvert shame, both stall maturity

                             MR., untitled, 2008
7 | Monday 18 January 2010
Execution and execution
            Paradigm of trauma and recovery
            Societal trauma
            Wrong God? - America
            Wrong God? – China
            Broken people
            Realisation, coping, consequences
            Attempts at recovery
            The future
8 | Monday 18 January 2010
Stages in developmental maturity

        TRAUMA                                 PAIN BARRIER       ...RECOVERY

 - Neglect                                     - Shame         - Surrender

 - Abandonment                                 - Maladaption   - New identity

 - Enmeshment                                  - Dysfunction   - Spiritual opening

 - Abuse                                       - Immaturity    - Growth in maturity

  Source: Facing Co-dependence, Pia Mellody,1991
9 | Monday 18 January 2010
Trauma (and recovery) can be considered at the
           level of the State, not just the individual…

10 | Monday 18 January 2010
Victim no more: happiness over success – be yourself

                                              •   Trauma
                                Is China      •   Shame
                              codependent     •   Maladaption
                                    ?             • Control
                                                  • Denial
                              Is America in       • Low self esteem
                                  denial      •   Dysfunctional coping
                                    ?             • Betrayal bond
                                                  • Addictive behaviour
                                                  • False G-d’s
                                Are both
                                              •   Reaching bottom
                                              •   Recovery
                              from trauma
                                              •   Search for identity
                                              •   Spiritual opening
11 | Monday 18 January 2010
Execution and execution
           Paradigm of trauma and recovery
           Societal trauma
           Wrong God? - America
           Wrong God? – China
           Broken people
           Realisation, coping, consequences
           Attempts at recovery
           The future
12 | Monday 18 January 2010
Shaky foundations
  Savings collapse                      Addiction treatment leaps              Mental illness ‘grows’
  U.S. personal savings rates, %        U.S. treatment centres, #              DSM codes, #

13Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis
  | Monday 18 January 2010              Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis   Source: US Drug and Alcohol Service Information
Save me!
  Nobody to catch me...                                         ...and will they be able to hold me?
  Psychiatric resources                                         Comparative obesity rate, BMI >30%

14Source: WorldJanuaryOrganisation, Mental Health Atlas, 2005
  | Monday 18 Health 2010                                        Source: World Health Organisation
Live and let live – execution no more
  Suicide – an esteem issue     - comfort-eating shows poor esteem
  Rate per 100,00 population    US v China ratio of daily sugar consumer per person

15Source: WHO January 2010
  | Monday 18                   Source: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation
Pity the children
Income vs child well being for developed countries, 2009


    UNICEF index
    of child


                                                          National income per person ($)
16Source: The Children’s2010
  | Monday 18 January Society ‘Good Childhood’ report, 2009
Keep dreaming
Yes you can! - but its difficult


   How far parents
   income predicts their


                                                                  Child poverty rate
17 | Monday 18 Children’s Society ‘Good Childhood’ report, 2009
   Source: The January 2010
Tempers fray: TV and comity don’t go together
Behaviours per degree of agreement that: “...TV is my primary form of entertainment”

                                                Worked on a
                                                community project

                                                                              Gave the finger
                                                                              to another
    Average nos
    of occurences

18Source: Bowling Alone, Prof Robert Putnam, Simon & Schuster, 2000
  | Monday 18 January 2010
Dreaming difficulties: intense denial
Those aged 12+ needing but not receiving treatment for illicit drug or alcohol use: 2006

    Source: IPRS Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive National Survey 2006
19 | Monday 18 January 2010
Shaky foundations
U.S. private debt

    Source: U.S. Federal Reserve
20 | Monday 18 January 2010
Shaky foundations

    Who runs this place?                        Identity tsunami
    US financial-industry debt as a % of GDP    % of US labour force unemployed for more than 6months

    Source: U.S. Federal Reserve               Source: The Atlantic magazine

21 | Monday 18 January 2010
In God We (don’t) Trust

                                      Failure of trust
                                      Cumulative U.S. Tort costs and GDP growth,1950 - 2009
                  Percentage change

22 | Monday 18 January Source: Towers Perrin, Tort industry study, 2010
Are we having fun yet?

23 | Monday 18 January 2010
Execution and execution
           Paradigm of trauma and recovery
           Societal trauma
           Wrong God? - America
           Wrong God? – China
           Broken people
           Realisation, coping, consequences
           Attempts at recovery
           The future
24 | Monday 18 January 2010
Bigger buildings, smaller selves.....

        External deification seeds internal malaise....

        Thus the buildings (& the selves) inevitably will fall...

25 | Monday 18 January 2010
A bridge to a new God

  Joseph Stella, Study for Brooklyn Bridge, 1922   Chartes Cathedral, France, various images
26 | Monday 18 January 2010
New temples
Height development of the worlds tallest buildings historically

27 | Monday 18 January 2010
Too much choice, not enough leadership

 Andreas Gursky, 99 cent, 1999
28 | Monday 18 January 2010
False God as comfort
The diefication of consumption

                              Barbara Kruger, Untitled (I shop therefore I am),1987

29 | Monday 18 January 2010
Temptation masters man

  Jenny Holzer, Survival Series, 1985

30 | Monday 18 January 2010
Execution and execution
           Paradigm of trauma and recovery
           Societal trauma
           Wrong God? - America
           Wrong God? – China
           Broken people
           Realisation, coping, consequences
           Attempts at recovery
           The future
31 | Monday 18 January 2010
Trust in God, not (a) man...

32 | Monday 18 January 2010
Man portrayed as God…. i.e. Mao is greater
               “Forging ahead courageously while following the greatest leader Chairman Mao”

               Official poster, Chinese Communist Party poster, 1969
33 | Monday 18 January 2010
Mao as God – ubiquitous, in all pursuits

              Mao is everywhere, all walks of life and leisure

      Zhang Hongtu, Ping Pong Mao, 1995

34 | Monday 18 January 2010
Mao as God – he is all seeing, he is behind all doors

 Zhang Hongtu, Front Door, 1985
35 | Monday 18 January 2010
Mao as God… ie Mao can kill and replace Jesus

   Guo Brothers, Execution of Christ, 2009
36 | Monday 18 January 2010
Execution and execution
           Paradigm of trauma and recovery
           Societal trauma
           Wrong God? - America
           Wrong God? – China
           Broken people
           Realisation, coping, consequences
           Attempts at recovery
           The future
37 | Monday 18 January 2010
Embedded rage
Avoided shame maladapts into resentment expressed as rage (or repressed leads to addiction)

     Guangyi, Second set, 1985

38 | Monday 18 January 2010
Evidence of decay

  Zeng Fanzhi, Meat series, 1992   Liu Wei, Who Am I, 2000

39 | Monday 18 January 2010
Implosion of personality – dissolution of self

  Yang Shaobin, Fighting no20, 1999   Francis Bacon, Self Portrait, 1973
40 | Monday 18 January 2010
Infant leaders: traumatised and broken, thus immature

                                                       Nancy Pelosi, Speaker
                                                U.S. House of Representatives

   Tang Zhi Gang, Children In a Meeting, 2002
41 | Monday 18 January 2010
Glascine, flat-line, barely living…

    Zhang Xiaogang, Bloodline: The Big Family no 3, 1999
42 | Monday 18 January 2010
Dissociation complete

                              Zeng Fanzhi, Mask Series no 9, 2001
43 | Monday 18 January 2010
Execution and execution
           Paradigm of trauma and recovery
           Societal trauma
           Wrong God? - America
           Wrong God? – China
           Broken people
           Realisation, coping, consequences
           Attempts at recovery
           The future
44 | Monday 18 January 2010
Coping……… (dysfunctionally)…….

45 | Monday 18 January 2010
Loss of identity: Western sources of differentiation

  Wang Guangyi, Political Pop, 1993   Ai Wei Wei, dynastic vase, 2005

46 | Monday 18 January 2010
Search for new identity: a classic trauma response
Comfortable as un-comfortable… putting on a good show

Weng Fen, Health / Fashion / White Collar, 2000

47 | Monday 18 January 2010
Consumerism: desolation, a spiritual desert

 Elmgreen and Dragset,
 Prada Marfa, 2005

48 | Monday 18 January 2010
Personality fragmentation
Re-integration vital.. mutual trauma in American and Chinese society

   Zeng Fanzhi, We n:2, 2002                             Chuck Close, Self Portrait, 1986
49 | Monday 18 January 2010
Walled in (emotionally), repressed, adult-children
Defence as prison

  Zhang Lin Hai, untitled, 2001
50 | Monday 18 January 2010
Dissidence - a vent for anger and frustration
“I have to speak for people who are afraid!”

                                               Ai Weiwei, White House, 1999

  Ai Weiwei, Tiananmen, 2000

51 | Monday 18 January 2010
False pride and super size (insecurity)

  Marsden Hartley, Finnish-Yankee Wrestler, 1916   Zhang Huan, My New York, 2005
52 | Monday 18 January 2010
Consequences...... dysfunctional ones....

53 | Monday 18 January 2010
Alienation of the individual: controlled, powerless

 Yang Jing, Lucky Fortune, 2004   Coca Cola Inc, Love It Light campaign, 2010

54 | Monday 18 January 2010
Relationship failures, numbing-out on work

 Xu Yong, Solution Scheme D1 and D2, 2007

55 | Monday 18 January 2010
Family breakdown
  Three times more?
  PRC divorce, %*
         Divorce as a % of marriages                increase
         in 2005 in the US was 46%

                                                                    Feng Zheng Jie, Untitled, 2003

   Source: PRC National Bureau of Statistics

   Note: Marriage rate in the period stayed roughly constant with
   a 14.4% peak-trough and 6.4% maximum mean variance
56 | Monday 18 January 2010
Broken homes

57 | Monday 18 January 2010

58 | Monday 18 January 2010
Trauma break, questioning, out of denial

                              Luo Zhongli, Father, 1980
59 | Monday 18 January 2010
Out of denial, denial of false identity


  Luo Zhongli, Father, 1980
60 | Monday 18 January 2010
Reflation post-trauma: coming back to life

  Chen Yu, no 13, 2002        Chen Yu, no 17, 2002   Michelangelo, Creation of Adam, 1511

61 | Monday 18 January 2010
Execution and execution
           Paradigm of trauma and recovery
           Societal trauma
           Wrong God? - America
           Wrong God? – China
           Broken people
           Realisation, coping, consequences
           Attempts at recovery
           The future
62 | Monday 18 January 2010
Coping……… (healthily)…….

63 | Monday 18 January 2010
Dilution of false God’s: Mao as man, brands as specious
Flawed lofty ideals, ignoble realities

                                         ZEVS, Visual Attack, 2008

       Artus, Bitch, 2007
64 | Monday 18 January 2010
Shame accepted, the betrayal bond finally breaks

   Guo Brothers, Mao’s Guilt, 2008
65 | Monday 18 January 2010
Questioning values

  Ai Weiwei, Dropping a Han dynasty vase, 2006
66 | Monday 18 January 2010
Integration of old with new

      Shao Fan, King, chair, 1996   Xu Bing, Art For The People

67 | Monday 18 January 2010
Then and now… back to wholeness
From glascine to glowing

  Codependent no more: what a difference Recovery can make…

68 | Monday 18 January 2010
Execution and execution
           Paradigm of trauma and recovery
           Societal trauma
           Wrong God? - America
           Wrong God? – China
           Broken people
           Realisation, coping, consequences
           Attempts at recovery
           The future
69 | Monday 18 January 2010
Trauma and recovery
Never forget national humiliation, rejuvenate China!

                                                        Gaining glory

        SHAME                              External   Internal

                              Processing humilliation

70 | Monday 18 January 2010
Integration in art and self


                                                     BROKEN    RECKLESS

                                        of risk
                                                     FEARFUL    SERENE

       Marylyn Dintenfass                           LOW               HIGH
       GOOD & FRUITY
                                                          Degree of
       2009                                                 trust

71 | Monday 18 January 2010
World’s collide:
Ah Xian value summary

  East                                                                           West
  Symbolised by Buddha on a lotus                      Symbolised by Jesus on a cross
  Rule by man                                                             Rule by law
  Centralised imperial power                                  Democracy / civil rights
  Intuition / meditation                                           Intellect / analysis
  Self restraint                                                              Venting
  Nothingness                                                        Success / riches
  Conform to nature                                                   Analyse nature
  Acupuncture                                                      Surgical operation
  Passive                                                                       Active

Source: ‘Breakout’, Melissa Chiu, Asia Society, 2006
72 | Monday 18 January 2010
Restoration (never enough…)


  Olympic Opening Ceremony, Beijing, 2008
73 | Monday 18 January 2010
Remedies (1) …leadership of, by, self

    Art screams for leadership of self

    Chinese identity must deliver what America has not

    Responsibility rather than indulgence

    Take proper place on world stage

    Shame is to be digested not avoided

    Harmony of self (not society) cures society
74 | Monday 18 January 2010
Remedies (2) …nurturance, acceptance

    Respect art, dwell on it, let it work on you

    Have a disconnection day

    Let go of shame: past as platform, not prison

    De-programme from mass culture

    Enjoy your century

    Rise in harmony with society and self
75 | Monday 18 January 2010
Remedies (3) …responsibility

    Target emotional poverty, not just financial

    Target message pollution, not just environmental

    Create community credits, not just carbon ones

    Send top 3 fears to Google for emotion mapping

    Stand up, take your place

    “There is more to life than increasing its speed” (Gandhi)
76 | Monday 18 January 2010
Execution and execution
           Paradigm of trauma and recovery
           Societal trauma
           Wrong God? - America
           Wrong God? – China
           Broken people
           Realisation, coping, consequences
           Attempts at recovery
           The future
77 | Monday 18 January 2010
Now what…?

                              Buyout of US artistic heritage
      Trauma                                                   Art
                                    Hegemonic shift                  Finance

                                     Novel structure
78 | Monday 18 January 2010
Nothing to fear



79 | Monday 18 January 2010
The future of Chinese identity
Know thyself

80 | Monday 18 January 2010
Harvard Association for
US-China Relations


                 THANK YOU

Second annual symposium: ‘The art of representing China’
Invitational lecture: ‘Becoming un-Executed’
Trevor H. Simon
3rd April 2010

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Becoming Un-Executed - Harvard - Apri\'10 - v7 - final

  • 1. Harvard Association for US-China Relations Second annual symposium: ‘The art of representing China’ Trevor H. Simon Invitational lecture: ‘Becoming un-Executed’ 3rd April 2010 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: Sociological interpretations of selected Chinese & American modern and contemporary art and their spiritual utility for the self and society Making use of selected Chinese and American modern and contemporary art imagery, Mr Simon will suggest a number of comparative interpretations to draw a deeply personal narrative, and will correlate these images with economic, financial and sociological data to posit spiritual linkages between art, finance and the self. Attention will be given to the real world relevance of selected imagery as it relates to the healthiness of a society, the conduct of the individual and the implications for the state of trust and fear within the self. It is hoped that this early stage work will enliven the wider debate as to the relevance of art imagery, the risks inherent in any copycatting of American norms in a Chinese context, and the leadership opportunities arising. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 2. Speaker bio Trevor H. Simon Mr Simon is an art investor and fund of hedge funds manager with an investment banking background. Prior to hedge funds, Mr Simon was involved in private investment as arranger, adviser &/or as joint or sole principal in a range of sectors including media, financial services, leisure, alternatives, ports, and art & collectibles. Prior to private investment, to 2001 Mr Simon was Director and Global Head of Strategy for the equities division of Deutsche Bank, and previously was Head of Client Strategy at Société Générale responsible for the equities platform. Prior to strategy roles Mr Simon worked for SG-Crosby in Asian institutional sales and as a researcher at the World Markets Research Centre focusing on the Gulf region. In addition to his commercial activities, since the mid 1990’s, Mr Simon has assembled and advised on a dual collection of Chinese and American modern and contemporary art around a range of principal themes looking primarily at the spiritual relationship between art and finance. The Simon and BTC collections of acquired and reserved works include: (Chinese) Zhang Xiaogang, Cai Quo Jiang, Yue Minjun, Wang Guanyi, Li Chen, Chen Yu, Zhang Lin Hai, Fang Lijun, Tang Zhi Gang, Fang Zheng, Guo Jin, Liu Ye, Feng Zhen Jie and Li Shan; (American) Chuck Close, James Rosenquist, Marylyn Dintenfass, Wolf Kahn, Andy Warhol, Richard Tuttle, Paul Wonner, Marsden Hartley, Stuart Davis, Charles Sheeler, John Marin, Alfred Maurer, Georgia O’Keefe and Arthur Dove. A number of works are indicated for gifting to European and US museums, and a separate sale program has set multiple world records for various artists. Mr Simon has an undergraduate degree in Management and Systems Science from City University and has been invited as a Guest Lecturer to LBS, NYU-Stern, Shanghai, Wharton and Harvard universities on art investment and strategy. 2 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 3. Execution and execution Paradigm of trauma and recovery Societal trauma Wrong God? - America Wrong God? – China Broken people Realisation, coping, consequences Attempts at recovery Integration The future 3 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 4. The American experiment with turbo-individualism has fractured its’ finances and its’ families. Must China do the same.....? 4 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 5. Killed by culture Yue Min Jun, Execution, 1995 5 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 6. Commonality: a platform for collectivism or individualism? Who am I really? How can I be heard? Does fitting in alienate? Sui Jianguo, Mao Jacket, 2008 Rene Magritte, The Son of Man, 1964 6 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 7. Numbing out: Western & Asian (Japanese) approaches Pills / anime... West and East... both deaden the senses, both subvert shame, both stall maturity MR., untitled, 2008 7 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 8. Execution and execution Paradigm of trauma and recovery Societal trauma Wrong God? - America Wrong God? – China Broken people Realisation, coping, consequences Attempts at recovery Integration The future 8 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 9. Stages in developmental maturity TRAUMA PAIN BARRIER ...RECOVERY - Neglect - Shame - Surrender - Abandonment - Maladaption - New identity - Enmeshment - Dysfunction - Spiritual opening - Abuse - Immaturity - Growth in maturity Source: Facing Co-dependence, Pia Mellody,1991 9 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 10. Trauma (and recovery) can be considered at the level of the State, not just the individual… 10 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 11. Victim no more: happiness over success – be yourself • Trauma Is China • Shame codependent • Maladaption ? • Control • Denial Is America in • Low self esteem denial • Dysfunctional coping ? • Betrayal bond • Addictive behaviour • False G-d’s Are both • Reaching bottom recovering • Recovery from trauma • Search for identity ? • Spiritual opening 11 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 12. Execution and execution Paradigm of trauma and recovery Societal trauma Wrong God? - America Wrong God? – China Broken people Realisation, coping, consequences Attempts at recovery Integration The future 12 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 13. Shaky foundations Savings collapse Addiction treatment leaps Mental illness ‘grows’ U.S. personal savings rates, % U.S. treatment centres, # DSM codes, # 13Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis | Monday 18 January 2010 Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis Source: US Drug and Alcohol Service Information
  • 14. Save me! Nobody to catch me... ...and will they be able to hold me? Psychiatric resources Comparative obesity rate, BMI >30% 14Source: WorldJanuaryOrganisation, Mental Health Atlas, 2005 | Monday 18 Health 2010 Source: World Health Organisation
  • 15. Live and let live – execution no more Suicide – an esteem issue - comfort-eating shows poor esteem Rate per 100,00 population US v China ratio of daily sugar consumer per person 15Source: WHO January 2010 | Monday 18 Source: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation
  • 16. Pity the children Income vs child well being for developed countries, 2009 Higher UNICEF index of child well-being Lower National income per person ($) 16Source: The Children’s2010 | Monday 18 January Society ‘Good Childhood’ report, 2009
  • 17. Keep dreaming Yes you can! - but its difficult Higher Intergenerational income persistence - How far parents income predicts their children’s Lower Child poverty rate 17 | Monday 18 Children’s Society ‘Good Childhood’ report, 2009 Source: The January 2010
  • 18. Tempers fray: TV and comity don’t go together Behaviours per degree of agreement that: “...TV is my primary form of entertainment” Worked on a community project Gave the finger to another driver Average nos of occurences 18Source: Bowling Alone, Prof Robert Putnam, Simon & Schuster, 2000 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 19. Dreaming difficulties: intense denial Those aged 12+ needing but not receiving treatment for illicit drug or alcohol use: 2006 Source: IPRS Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive National Survey 2006 19 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 20. Shaky foundations U.S. private debt Source: U.S. Federal Reserve 20 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 21. Shaky foundations Who runs this place? Identity tsunami US financial-industry debt as a % of GDP % of US labour force unemployed for more than 6months Source: U.S. Federal Reserve Source: The Atlantic magazine 21 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 22. In God We (don’t) Trust Failure of trust Cumulative U.S. Tort costs and GDP growth,1950 - 2009 Percentage change 22 | Monday 18 January Source: Towers Perrin, Tort industry study, 2010 2010
  • 23. Are we having fun yet? 23 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 24. Execution and execution Paradigm of trauma and recovery Societal trauma Wrong God? - America Wrong God? – China Broken people Realisation, coping, consequences Attempts at recovery Integration The future 24 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 25. Bigger buildings, smaller selves..... External deification seeds internal malaise.... Thus the buildings (& the selves) inevitably will fall... 25 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 26. A bridge to a new God Joseph Stella, Study for Brooklyn Bridge, 1922 Chartes Cathedral, France, various images 26 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 27. New temples Height development of the worlds tallest buildings historically 27 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 28. Too much choice, not enough leadership x Andreas Gursky, 99 cent, 1999 28 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 29. False God as comfort The diefication of consumption Barbara Kruger, Untitled (I shop therefore I am),1987 29 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 30. Temptation masters man Jenny Holzer, Survival Series, 1985 30 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 31. Execution and execution Paradigm of trauma and recovery Societal trauma Wrong God? - America Wrong God? – China Broken people Realisation, coping, consequences Attempts at recovery Integration The future 31 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 32. Trust in God, not (a) man... 32 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 33. Man portrayed as God…. i.e. Mao is greater “Forging ahead courageously while following the greatest leader Chairman Mao” Official poster, Chinese Communist Party poster, 1969 33 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 34. Mao as God – ubiquitous, in all pursuits Mao is everywhere, all walks of life and leisure Zhang Hongtu, Ping Pong Mao, 1995 34 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 35. Mao as God – he is all seeing, he is behind all doors Zhang Hongtu, Front Door, 1985 35 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 36. Mao as God… ie Mao can kill and replace Jesus Guo Brothers, Execution of Christ, 2009 36 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 37. Execution and execution Paradigm of trauma and recovery Societal trauma Wrong God? - America Wrong God? – China Broken people Realisation, coping, consequences Attempts at recovery Integration The future 37 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 38. Embedded rage Avoided shame maladapts into resentment expressed as rage (or repressed leads to addiction) Guangyi, Second set, 1985 38 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 39. Evidence of decay Zeng Fanzhi, Meat series, 1992 Liu Wei, Who Am I, 2000 39 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 40. Implosion of personality – dissolution of self Yang Shaobin, Fighting no20, 1999 Francis Bacon, Self Portrait, 1973 40 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 41. Infant leaders: traumatised and broken, thus immature Nancy Pelosi, Speaker U.S. House of Representatives Tang Zhi Gang, Children In a Meeting, 2002 41 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 42. Glascine, flat-line, barely living… Zhang Xiaogang, Bloodline: The Big Family no 3, 1999 42 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 43. Dissociation complete Zeng Fanzhi, Mask Series no 9, 2001 43 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 44. Execution and execution Paradigm of trauma and recovery Societal trauma Wrong God? - America Wrong God? – China Broken people Realisation, coping, consequences Attempts at recovery Integration The future 44 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 46. Loss of identity: Western sources of differentiation Wang Guangyi, Political Pop, 1993 Ai Wei Wei, dynastic vase, 2005 46 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 47. Search for new identity: a classic trauma response Comfortable as un-comfortable… putting on a good show Weng Fen, Health / Fashion / White Collar, 2000 47 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 48. Consumerism: desolation, a spiritual desert Elmgreen and Dragset, Prada Marfa, 2005 48 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 49. Personality fragmentation Re-integration vital.. mutual trauma in American and Chinese society Zeng Fanzhi, We n:2, 2002 Chuck Close, Self Portrait, 1986 49 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 50. Walled in (emotionally), repressed, adult-children Defence as prison Zhang Lin Hai, untitled, 2001 50 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 51. Dissidence - a vent for anger and frustration “I have to speak for people who are afraid!” Ai Weiwei, White House, 1999 Ai Weiwei, Tiananmen, 2000 51 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 52. False pride and super size (insecurity) Marsden Hartley, Finnish-Yankee Wrestler, 1916 Zhang Huan, My New York, 2005 52 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 54. Alienation of the individual: controlled, powerless Yang Jing, Lucky Fortune, 2004 Coca Cola Inc, Love It Light campaign, 2010 54 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 55. Relationship failures, numbing-out on work Xu Yong, Solution Scheme D1 and D2, 2007 55 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 56. Family breakdown Three times more? PRC divorce, %* 280% Divorce as a % of marriages increase in 2005 in the US was 46% Feng Zheng Jie, Untitled, 2003 Source: PRC National Bureau of Statistics Note: Marriage rate in the period stayed roughly constant with a 14.4% peak-trough and 6.4% maximum mean variance 56 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 57. Broken homes 57 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 59. Trauma break, questioning, out of denial Luo Zhongli, Father, 1980 59 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 60. Out of denial, denial of false identity (detail) Luo Zhongli, Father, 1980 60 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 61. Reflation post-trauma: coming back to life Chen Yu, no 13, 2002 Chen Yu, no 17, 2002 Michelangelo, Creation of Adam, 1511 61 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 62. Execution and execution Paradigm of trauma and recovery Societal trauma Wrong God? - America Wrong God? – China Broken people Realisation, coping, consequences Attempts at recovery Integration The future 62 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 63. Coping……… (healthily)……. 63 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 64. Dilution of false God’s: Mao as man, brands as specious Flawed lofty ideals, ignoble realities ZEVS, Visual Attack, 2008 Artus, Bitch, 2007 64 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 65. Shame accepted, the betrayal bond finally breaks Guo Brothers, Mao’s Guilt, 2008 65 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 66. Questioning values Ai Weiwei, Dropping a Han dynasty vase, 2006 66 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 67. Integration of old with new Shao Fan, King, chair, 1996 Xu Bing, Art For The People 1999 67 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 68. Then and now… back to wholeness From glascine to glowing Codependent no more: what a difference Recovery can make… 68 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 69. Execution and execution Paradigm of trauma and recovery Societal trauma Wrong God? - America Wrong God? – China Broken people Realisation, coping, consequences Attempts at recovery Integration The future 69 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 70. Trauma and recovery Never forget national humiliation, rejuvenate China! Gaining glory Civilisation Barbarism HONOUR SHAME External Internal Processing humilliation 70 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 71. Integration in art and self HIGH BROKEN RECKLESS Amount of risk taking FEARFUL SERENE LOW Marylyn Dintenfass LOW HIGH GOOD & FRUITY Degree of 2009 trust Risk Trust 71 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 72. World’s collide: Ah Xian value summary East West Symbolised by Buddha on a lotus Symbolised by Jesus on a cross Rule by man Rule by law Centralised imperial power Democracy / civil rights Intuition / meditation Intellect / analysis Self restraint Venting Nothingness Success / riches Conform to nature Analyse nature Acupuncture Surgical operation Passive Active Source: ‘Breakout’, Melissa Chiu, Asia Society, 2006 72 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 73. Restoration (never enough…) Identity Security Olympic Opening Ceremony, Beijing, 2008 73 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 74. Remedies (1) …leadership of, by, self Art screams for leadership of self Chinese identity must deliver what America has not Responsibility rather than indulgence Take proper place on world stage Shame is to be digested not avoided Harmony of self (not society) cures society 74 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 75. Remedies (2) …nurturance, acceptance Respect art, dwell on it, let it work on you Have a disconnection day Let go of shame: past as platform, not prison De-programme from mass culture Enjoy your century Rise in harmony with society and self 75 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 76. Remedies (3) …responsibility Target emotional poverty, not just financial Target message pollution, not just environmental Create community credits, not just carbon ones Send top 3 fears to Google for emotion mapping Stand up, take your place “There is more to life than increasing its speed” (Gandhi) 76 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 77. Execution and execution Paradigm of trauma and recovery Societal trauma Wrong God? - America Wrong God? – China Broken people Realisation, coping, consequences Attempts at recovery Integration The future 77 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 78. Now what…? Buyout of US artistic heritage Trauma Art Recovery Hegemonic shift Finance Novel structure 78 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 79. Nothing to fear China America Empowered 79 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 80. The future of Chinese identity Know thyself You 80 | Monday 18 January 2010
  • 81. Harvard Association for US-China Relations ______________________________________________ THANK YOU ______________________________________________ Second annual symposium: ‘The art of representing China’ Invitational lecture: ‘Becoming un-Executed’ Trevor H. Simon 3rd April 2010