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Tarheel              April/May 2013

                                        Are Your
                                      Bags Packed?

  Please join us for the 2013 NCNGA and NCNG
                Combined Event!
See pages 6-7             When?	
   for more               	  25 – 27 April 2013
   (Hurry —               Where?	
 registration             	  Winston-Salem, NC
15 April 2013!)

  There is so
 much to see
   and do in
we hope to see
  you there!
A                                                                              TAG’s
         s I look ahead to the next few months,     a magnificent event,
         I know I can count on the continued        and I encourage our
         commitment and resiliency of our           Soldiers, Airmen and
force. Our organization is determined and           their families to come

focused on providing the most ready, reliable,      out to this social event
relevant and responsive military force to           in record numbers and
our State and Nation. Sequestration, which          enjoy the fellowship
has dominated most of the recent headlines          that comes with serving
presents a challenge, but also offers us an
opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to
serving our fellow citizens.
                                                    in the North Carolina
                                                    National Guard.
                                                    	 As I have said
	 This sequestration uncertainty combines
with the effects of operating under a
Continuing Resolution (due to lack of a current
                                                    many times, we cannot
                                                    forget the contributions
                                                    that our civilian
Defense Budget) and may cause heightened            employers provide.
concerns. With that being said, the operational     We have enjoyed
ability of the NC National Guard to fulfill our     overwhelming support

vital, dual mission requirements in support of      from the employers of
our State and Nation will not be diminished.        our Service members
	 I say these things to remind us all to be         and they continue to be
cognizant of the fiscal challenges that may         a vital part of our team

directly affect our ability to train and maintain   that we will recognize        Maj. Gen. Gregory A. Lusk
our readiness. We, however, may soon find           throughout 2013. I              Adjutant General of NC
ourselves postponing planned events until           highly encourage all of
such a time that the requisite fiscal resources     our Soldiers and Airmen to honor their employers by submitting them
and authorities exist that will enable their        for ESGR awards. It only takes a few minutes, but will go a long way
occurrence. In spite of these challenges,           towards showing our support and thanks for the important role they play
however, the approaching spring season is           in the security of our state and our nation.
abundant with planned activity.                     	 Again, thank you all for what you do in adding value to our
	 As the seasons change, our state is also          communities. I look forward to visiting with as many of you as I can
going through some exciting changes as              this spring. Don’t hesitate to contact me, Air Guard Commander Brig.
well. We have celebrated working with our           Gen. Todd Kelly, State Command Chief Warrant Officer CW5 Rick
new legislative counterparts and government         Comer, State Senior Enlisted Leader CSM John Swart or Air Guard
leaders over the last few months.                   State Command Chief, Chief Master Sgt. Bruce Pickett with any
	 I am very excited to mention, as well as          concerns or attaboys. You can find us on Face Book, if nowhere else.
extend an invitation to all of our Soldiers,        	 Always Ready, Ready Team!
Airmen and their families, to attend our first
ever “National Guard Association and NCNG
Combined Event”, which will be held at the
Twin City Quarter in Winston-Salem, 25-27
April. The NCNG Association has put together

                                              — CONTACT INFO —
  NC Adjutant General – MG Greg Lusk                            NC Command Chief Warrant Officer Rick Comer                                                 Officer/261726843901458
  NC Assistant Adjutant General Air – Brig. Gen. Todd Kelly                                  NC Command Chief Master Sergeant Chief Master Sgt. Bruce                                   Pickett
  NC Senior Enlisted Leader – Command Sgt. Maj. John Swart
                                                                TAG email contact:

Page 2 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
                Official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association
                             APRIL/MAY 2013        Volume 47   Number 2

Legacy Bridge Program	                                  4
Convention Information	                               6,7
Legislative Update	                                     9
2013-14 Executive Council Candidates	                  13
In Memoriam	                                           14
By-Law Amendments	                                     14       Memorial Day is a United States federal
                                                                holiday that is observed on the last Monday
NC National Guard:                                              of May. It was formerly known as Decoration
New License Plate	                                      8       Day. This holiday commemorates US men
NC State Senator Joins NC Guard	                       10       and women who died in military service for
514th Trains with Robots	                              12       their country.

          Officers                      Executive Council
                                                                 Combined Event 2013 —
                                                                 Come Early and Enjoy the Activities!

        President                             30th HBCT          Thursday -
     Ronnie Honeycutt                    Bobby Lumsden           	        NCNGAEF Golf Tournament
                                           Joey Douglass         	        NCNGAEF Reverse Drawing
       Vice President                         130th MEB          Friday -
       John Atkinson                                             	        Explore Winston-Salem
                                          Robert Holland
                                                                 	        NCNGA Business Session
       Past President                    David Lewczyk           	        Corporate Members and Exhibitors
       Fisk Outwater                 60th Troop Command          	        Hospitality Rooms
                                          Dale Baker, Jr.        	        Dance - casual dress
    Secretary-Treasurer                    Tom Holcomb           Saturday -
        Adene Tyler                           449th TAB          	        NCNGA Business Session
                                           Stephen Davis         	        (election of officers)	
      Judge Advocate                                             	        Corporate Members and Exhibitors
                                            Mark Pickett
         Rick Fay                                                	        Combined Event Ball
                                    113 Sustainment BDE

         Chaplain                     Stephen McCormick                Address changes or questions?
      Charles Morrison                    Scot Heineman                        Contact us at
                                                                      1-800-821-6159 or 919-851-3390
              STAFF                        Wes Morrison
        Executive Director                  Jeremy Davis       The Tarheel Guardsman, (ISSN 10618392) is published bi-monthly for the
                                                               Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina, by the North Carolina
            Adene Tyler              139 Regiment (CA)
                                           th                  National Guard Association, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047.
                                                               Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh, NC 27676-9651. POSTMASTER: Send
     Insurance Administrator                Steve Boyles       address changes to: Tarheel Guardsman, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh,
                                                               NC 27607-5047.
            Teri Foster                       John Byrd           The Tarheel Guardsman is the official publication of the North Carolina
                                                               National Guard Association, a non-profit organization. The publication’s
Assistant Insurance Administrator             Air Guard        mission is to promote the general welfare of the NCNGA, assist in increasing
           Rhonda Arndt                     Scott Harrell
                                                               the readiness of the NC Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina and
                                                               serve as a vehicle of expression for members of the National Guard.
        Executive Assistant               Warren Newell
                                                                  Members receive the publication free with their membership. The annual
                                                               subscription rate for non-members of the Association is $15.00. Please include
            Kathy Ford                   Associate Class
                                                               your old address when requesting change of address.
                                                                  Deadline for submitted material to the Tarheel Guardsman is the 5th of the
NCNGA Educational Foundation
                                               Al Rose         month, two months preceding the calendar date of issue. Manuscripts and
                                                               photographs on subjects of general interest are invited. Unless otherwise
          Peggy Robinson
                                              Bob Suber        indicated, material may be reprinted provided credit is given to the Tarheel
                                                               Guardsman and the author where listed. Articles and photos will not be
                                                               returned, unless requested. (USPS 533-640)
                                                                  Advertising is accepted. For details contact the Association headquarters.
                                        Teri Foster, Editor    Advertising, including political ads, published in this publication does not
                                                               represent the endorsement or approval of the North Carolina National
                                                               Guard Association.

                                                         Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 3
Legacy Bridge Program

        ast year, Active Associate             be our main income sources and the Legacy Bridge Program will
        Representative Al Rose introduced      close.
        a program that is designed to          	 Long-term, we hope to reach an investment fund goal of $3
financially carry the Association through      million. At that point, even at a modest 4%, the Association could
our present fiscal transition period. As we    survive indefinitely should our insurance and new revenue sources
move from a system where we depended on        take a hit during lean times.
our investments and insurance premiums to      	 Please consider joining us in the Legacy Bridge Program. And,
pay our Association’s expenses to one that     if you would like to remember or honor someone, please consider
will rely on new revenue sources to cover      making a donation in their name. Take a few minutes to fill out the
our budget, the Legacy Bridge Program will     application and to write a check. Al and his team have started us in
provide the interim funds to meet budget       the right direction. It is up to us now to make it happen.
costs until the transition is complete. Our    	 Questions? Please call us at 919-851-3390.
projection is that this should occur within
2-3 years, and as such it is a closed end                   *Our Newest Members of the
	 The short-term plan is to use the income                    Legacy Bridge Program:
from the Legacy Bridge Program until our                              241.   Carl L. Peoples
new revenue sources come on-line allowing
                                                                      242.   Barrie S. Davis
us to insulate our investments so that they
are allowed to grow over the long-term.                               243.   Diana Stumpf
At the end of 2-3 years, the new revenue                              244.   Ben Willis
sources, along with insurance premiums, will                                           *As of press time

                             NCNGA LEGACY BRIDGE PROGRAM

 Mailing Address:

 City: 								                                                   State: 	        	     Zip:

 Phone: (   )								                                                    NCNGA Life Member: Yes            No	

 Unit:												Rank:

 E-Mail Address:
                    (   ) I would like to make this donation in honor of ( ) in memory of ( )

 $100 Donation (Donations are not tax deductible)                                        Return Application &
                                                                                         Payment To:
 $25 Quarterly Installments _____	      $100 Full Payment _____
 _____ Check _____ Money Order _____ Master Card/Visa (Add $2 credit card fee)           NCNGA
                                                                                         ATTN: Legacy Bridge
 Credit Card Information:
 Acct #__________________________________________ Exp Date: ___________                  7410 Chapel Hill Road
 3-digit Sec Code:__________ Signature: ____________________________________             Raleigh, NC 27607-5047

Page 4 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
Special Forces Train with
      Association                                 Moldovan Military
     By Ronnie Honeycutt,
      NCNGA President

A     s we prepare for the upcoming
      NCNGA and NCNG Combined
Event, I reflect back on the past
year since our last Convention, and
wonder where the time has gone. Your
committees and full-time staff have been
very busy these past 12 months ensuring
our Association is relevant and strong.
With your support, their efforts have
allowed the Association to sustain our
member benefits, in spite of looming
                                                 Albermarle, NC — Soldiers assigned to Bravo Company, 1st Battalion,
budget deficits and cuts and have created        20th Special Forces Group (Airborne), recently trained with five
advancements in our Social Media and             Moldovan Special Operations Battalion Soldiers. The Moldovan
Finance so important in today’s fast             military and North Carolina National Guard have shared a strong
paced and fiscally restrained world.             joint-training relationship since 1999, as part of the State Partnership
	 During the 52nd convention business            Program (SPP). The State Partnership Program links US states with
sessions, I will present a report detailing      partner countries for the purpose of supporting US security coopera-
where we are as an organization, what            tion objectives. The program's goals reflect an evolving international
                                                 affairs mission for the National Guard using the unique civilian-mili-
our Association has accomplished this            tary nature of the Guard to interact with both active and reserve forces
past year and what we must do to remain          of foreign countries. (US Army Photos by Sgt. Lindley Bess, 382nd
one of the strongest state associations in       Public Affairs Detachment)
the nation. 	
	 Our past, our present and our future
all indicate that it is a time for us to reach
                                                 210th Soldiers Learn New Language
out to all members, both civilian and
uniform wearing members of our North
Carolina National Guard, and encourage
them to get involved with their
Association. If anyone tells you that they
cannot afford to be involved, I would
counter that being involved is something
that they must afford.
	 While this is my last composition to
you as your President, I will continue to
be present and vocal for you as we move
forward together. That is simply who I           Six soldiers from North Carolina National Guard’s 210th Military
                                                 Police Company (L-R Spc. Kyle Barnett, Staff Sgt. Robert Randolf,
                                                 Staff Sgt. Antonio Stringham, Mr. Tazagul Hussein, Staff Sgt. Gur-
	 Thank you for the trust you have               vis Brooks, Sgt. John Lambert, Sgt. Christopher Cabana) pose for a
bestowed upon me and for this truly              photograph in the final phase of an intense six week Dari language
wonderful opportunity.                           and Afghan cultural training course at NC National Guard’s 139th
 	 God Bless you all!                            Training Brigade Training Center at Fort Bragg, NC. The 210th, based
                                                 in Franklin, NC, is scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan this spring. (US
                                                 Army Photo by Maj. Matthew DeVivo, North Carolina Public Affairs)

                                                                  Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 5
NC National Guard Association & NCNG Combined Event Registration
                Twin City Quarter, Winston-Salem, NC
                                                       25-27 April 2013

                                                                                                Association    First
                                                                                     Rank        Member     Convention
Registrant’s Name _____________________________________ __________                              Yes No	            Yes No
Spouse/Guest Name ___________________________________ __________                                Yes No             Yes No

Address ________________________________________________________		                                        Unit:
City_______________________________ State________ Zip____________ ______________________
Telephone ____________________________E-mail_____________________________________________

                  COMBINED EVENT REGISTRATION FEES                                           Saturday Dinner Choices
                                                                                             Attendee:	       Spouse/Guest:
  Retirees & Spouse/Guest                     By 31 March   *After 1 April
  (based on rank at retirement)                Per person    Per person          Total      	
                                                                                             Beef		      	
                                                                                            	            Chicken
  E1-E4 & Spouse/Guest                          $20            $30           $
                                                                                             Vegetarian	 	
                                                                                            	            Vegetarian
  E5-E7/WO1-WO2/O1-O2 & Spouse/Guest            $35            $45

  All other ranks & Spouse/Guest                $40            $50                          Seating Preference (if any)
                                                                                         _____Joint Force Headquarters
  Non-Military                                   $35           $45
                                                                                         _____145th Airlift Wing
  Child(ren)     (meal only)                     $20           $30
                                                                                         _____60th Troop Command

  Credit Card Fee                                                $3                      _____130th MEB

                                                                                         _____30th Armored Bde Combat Team
  TOTAL                                                                      $
          *We are unable to accept registration AFTER 15 April 2013                      _____449th Theater Aviation Brigade

                                                                                         _____113th Sustainment Brigade
     Attending Business Session:             Attending Friday Dance:
                                                                                         _____139th Regiment (Combat Arms)
     Member: Friday Yes       No              Member:	        Yes    No
   	        Saturday Yes      No              Spouse/Guest: Yes      No
                                                                                         _____Open Seating

  Method of Payment: ____Check enclosed (payable to NCNGA) ____Charge my: ____MasterCard ____Visa	

  Account #________________________________ Expiration date ____________3 digit security code ______

  Authorized Signature ____________________________________________________________________
  				                      There will be a $23 Fee for Returned Checks.

  Complete & Return To:
  NCNGA, 7410 Chapel Hill Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 (Or Fax to: 919-859-4990 Or Call: 919-851-3390)

                  Links to on-line registration and hotel registration are available on our website at:

Page 6 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
COMBINED EVENT                                       NC National Guard Association
     INFORMATION                                                      &

        he North Carolina National Guard
                                                             NC National Guard
        Association’s Annual Convention, and
        the Enlisted Ball and Officer Ball are
                                                            Combined Event
joining forces in April for a special weekend                          25-27 April 2013
of fun, fellowship and camaraderie. This event
will be held 25-27 April 2013 at the Twin                        Tentative Schedule of Events
City Quarter in Winston-Salem, NC. What
is the Twin City Quarter? It is comprised of
the Marriott Hotel, Embassy Suites Hotel and                        Thursday, 25 April 2013
Benton Convention Center — all connected
with a covered walkway and in beautiful,           9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.	 Educational Foundation Golf 		
downtown Winston-Salem.                            				                   Tournament - Tanglewood Golf 		
	 For one registration price, you can attend       				                   Club, Clemmons, NC
the Business Sessions and learn about YOUR
Association, attend the Friday night hospitality   6:30 p.m. - until	 Educational Foundation Reverse           	
rooms and dance — and then attend the grand        				Drawing - Winston-Salem Armory
finale: The Combined Event Ball.
	 If you are able to come on Thursday, you                           Friday, 26 April 2013
can participate in the NCNGA Educational
Foundation’s golf tournament and later that        11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.	 Registration/Exhibitors/
                                                   				Silent Auction
evening, try your luck at winning $4,000 at the
Foundation’s annual Reverse Drawing (ticket         2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.	 First Business Session
required). Then you will have most of Friday       				52nd Annual Convention
to enjoy a visit to Old Salem, the downtown
arts district, the Winston Cup Museum for           4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.	 Enlisted/Junior Office Forum
race fans, the Children’s Museum of Winston-
Salem, shopping, or golf before joining the         6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.	 Hospitality Rooms Open
Association for their activities on Friday
afternoon/evening.                                   8:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.	 Dance/DJ/Cash Bar		
	 Are you a regular attendee to the                	
NC National Guard Association Annual               	
Convention? If so, don’t worry — this is going                      Saturday, 27 April 2013
to be a unique event and a lot of fun. There
                                                    8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.	 Registration/Exhibitors
will be a lot of attendees for the dinner and
dance on Saturday evening, and the dress will       8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.	 Silent Auction
remind those of you that have been attending
for quite a few years of the “old times” when      8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.	 Second Business Session
we used to dress up for the Saturday evening       				                    Awards & Installation Ceremonies
	 It is going to be fun and different — come       11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.	 NCNGA Auxiliary Business Session
early and don’t miss this event!
	 Already registered, but didn’t indicate          11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.	 Unit Representative Workshop
you would be joining us on Friday for the
Business Session or dance? Give us a call at       12:00 noon		            Enlisted Awards Luncheon
1-800-821-6159 — we hope you will join us
                                                   2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.	 Educational Foundation
for the whole event!                               				Annual Meeting

    Hotel info:                                     4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.	 Social Hour/Cash Bar/Hosp. Rms

    Marriott Hotel - 1-800-320-0934                 5:45 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.	 Dinner/Dance/Cash Bar

                                                          Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 7
 On April 25-27, 2013, the North Carolina              Association office at 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 no
 National Guard Association will conduct its           later than April 15 in order for us to begin serious planning.
 52nd Annual Convention at the Twin City               	 If you are planning to attend the convention and would be willing
 Quarter, Winston, NC.                                 to assist in the setup, operation of and cleanup of the area, please
 	 A retiree group will again sponsor a                include a note along with your donation.
 retiree hospitality room which will be located        	 Our association has provided many benefits for our membership
 in the Marriott Hotel, one of the two event           over the years. We enjoy the benefit of the State Retirement Plan
 facilities. This initiative will provide us an        every month! Please seriously consider sending a donation today, and
 opportunity to maintain connectivity between          come have a great time and make our hospitality room the place to be.
 active guardsmen and those of us who are              	 Please feel free to contact those listed below if you have any
 retired.                                              questions or concerns.
 	 We are again excited about continuing a
 retiree hospitality room for the third straight       	 John Atkinson		               Kerney Peoples
 year, but it takes money and volunteer help           	910-739-3567		                 919-389-7725
 to continue this event. The purpose of this           	 Al Rose 			                   Gene Ray
 article is to request your support. We would          	704-491-4797		                 RAYG7356@GMAIL.COM	
 like you to consider a donation of $10 to $25.
 Checks may be made payable to: Retiree                	 Steve Blackwood
 Hospitality Room—2013 and mail to the                 	919-724-0625


        he Soldiers and Airmen Assistance          	
        Fund, Inc. is proud to announce that       	
        the updated design for our “In God We      	
Trust” license plate is now available in NC.       	
The new design features “In God We Trust”          	
(the official motto of the US), the American       	
Eagle (the national emblem, symbol of              	
freedom, authority and power), the US Flag
(representing our expression of patriotism), the
letters S and A (Soldiers and Airmen), a white
background behind the numbers and North
Carolina in red (representing the energy and
strength of our great state).
	 The “In God We Trust” is the most
patriotic specialty license plate in North          	 Visit our website for ordering
Carolina. Of the extra $30 annual fee for the      information or visit Click Online Services Tab,
specialty tag, $20 goes to Soldiers and Airmen     Order Personalized & Specialized Plates, order Special Plate, click “I”
Assistance Fund to support the citizen soldiers    to locate “In God We Trust” plate and click on the image. You will need
of the North Carolina National Guard.              your vehicle registration card to order.
	 “The theme of this plate is a true               	 Do you have the plate with the yellow ribbon on it and would like
expression of our patriotism. Our goal was         the new one? If so, stop in at your local DMV office and ask them to
to design a plate that every North Carolinian      order you the new “In God We Trust” plate. Make sure you tell let them
would be proud to put on their vehicle. We         know if you want to keep your same number or change it.
now have a plate that is attractive, with the
right colors, that stands out and makes people     NC National Guard Convention 26-27 April in Winston Salem
notice. We hope everyone will help us honor                  The first one hundred to purchase the
our Guardsmen, our veterans and those                  “In God We Trust” license plate while attending the
presently serving our country,” said Dennis         convention, will receive a free Baqubah print. Plus, $20 of
Roach, retired Sergeant Major and Director of
                                                                 your purchase is tax-deductible.
the SAAF.
Page 8 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
2013 NCNGA Legislative Breakfast
By Marshall Collins, Legislative Committee Chairman

         his past February the North Carolina        and thereby provide superior knowledge skillsets to state leadership to
         National Guard Association had the          support the people of North Carolina.
         opportunity to host approximately           	 The members of the state legislature were very appreciative of the
15 State Senators, 37 State Representatives,         opportunity to interact with the members of the North Carolina National
numerous Legislative Staffers, members of the        Guard Association and members of the National Guard, and pledged to
North Carolina National Guard, and Association       do their best to meet the logical needs of members of the North Carolina
members. (Legislators that attended are listed       National Guard. However, they also relayed an honest opinion to the
on back cover of magazine.) The Association          current fiscal environment of the state. As the Chairman of the Legislative
held the annual breakfast in the North Carolina      and Resolutions Committee, the opportunity to address our elected
Legislative Building Cafeteria. Due to the           legislature concerning two issues of such importance indicates that if the
beginning of the State Legislature’s Long            opportunity presents itself, our members of the state legislature will do their
Session, the timing of the breakfast provided the    best to insure that we continue to have the tools, to recruit and retain the
Association with the best opportunity to reach       best and brightest of North Carolina to support the citizens of the state.
the state legislators with our courses of action.    	 To the men and women of the North Carolina National Guard, if given
	 The breakfast was opened by Association            an opportunity to speak with your state legislator, please speak to these
President Ronnie Honeycutt, who welcomed             two issues. These two items will impact not only you, but potentially your
everyone and thanked them for their attendance       neighbors as well.
and attention. We then had the opportunity for
our Adjutant General, Major General Greg Lusk,
to also welcome the legislators, and thank them
for their past and continuous support. Following     Lawmakers Plan to
                                                     Enhance Guard Retirement
Major General Lusk’s comments, I had the
opportunity to speak to the legislators about the
two main issues the North Carolina National          NGAUS Washington Report
Guard Association is pursuing: A return of the
Tuition Assistance Program to pre-Enduring           (Feb. 12, 2013) Members of Congress in both chambers are planning to
Freedom and Iraqi Freedom deployment funding         introduce legislation long supported by NGAUS that will give National
levels, and an increase to the North Carolina        Guardsmen proper credit toward retirement benefits.
National Guard Pension for qualifying North          	 Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., and Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., will join
Carolina National Guardsmen.                         Rep. Tom Latham, R-Iowa, as sponsors of bills that would overturn the
	 For the Tuition Assistance Program, the            current policy regarding early retirement credit for members of the reserve
North Carolina National Guard Association is         component.
requesting a current increase of $978,000, which     	 The current policy from 2008 allows the minimum retirement age
would return it to a pre-911 level of $2,841,000.    for reserve component members to be moved up three months for every
This would provide most members of the North         90 days they spend on overseas deployments. (The 2008 National
Carolina National Guard the opportunity to enroll    Defense Authorization Act directs that age 60 shall be reduced by three
in higher level education, and provide North         months for each aggregate of 90 days of active duty service performed
Carolina National Guard recruiters a tool to         supporting a contingency after Jan. 28, 2008. The total reduced shall
encourage individuals interested in the National     not be below 50 years of age.) 
Guard further reason for their affiliation. Next     	 However, all of those 90 days must fall within one fiscal year. If
is a proposed increase in the North Carolina         circumstances beyond the control of the reserve member cause those 90
National Guard Pension. The Association is           days to cross into two fiscal years, no credit toward retirement is earned.
proposing raising the North Carolina Pension         The legislation not yet introduced would correct this technicality.
benefit approximately $20 for the minimum            	 “This is bad policy and unfair to the men and women who serve in
affiliation upon retirement, or from $95 to          harm’s way,” said Pete Duffy, the NGAUS acting legislative director.
$115 per month, to a maximum benefit of $230         “Consistent with our longstanding resolution, we will push hard for this
per month. An increase to the pension benefit        legislation to become law once it has been introduced.”
would require an increase to the North Carolina      	 Duffy said NGAUS will distribute a Legislative Alert to association
National Guard Pension Fund of $2,187,672. The       members once the bills are introduced.
increase would benefit the state by encouraging      	 See more at:
current members of the North Carolina National       enhance-guard-retirement#sthash.SnPoI0zu.dpuf.
Guard to continue their affiliation with the North
Carolina National Guard beyond the minimum,

                                                                        Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 9
NC State Senator Joins NC National Guard
By SFC Robert Jordan, NCNG Public Affairs
RALEIGH, NC – Dan Soucek is used to the           constitutions of the United States and North Carolina.
halls of power. He interacts with legislative     	 “It is important that the legislature has first-hand knowledge of the
staff as a North Carolina state senator           Guard,” said Soucek.
representing the 45th district and is an expert   	 Soucek, served previously as an Army aviator for eight years on
in international relief with Samaritan’s Purse,   active duty, resigning his commission in 1999. He will drill as a leader
meetings with business and civic leaders and      in the NCNG recruiting and retention battalion.
other constituents and even breakfast with        	 Soucek brings not only vast civilian experience and an officer’s
North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory.              leadership to the Guard but is also a valuable tie between government,
	 Wednesday, February 13, 2013 at                 military and community.
the North Carolina National Guard Joint           	 “It is
Force Headquarters, he had a very different       great to have
experience - meeting his commanding officer.      a legislator
	 “I always respected those in the legislature    in the Guard
who served in the military,” said Soucek.         and serving
	 He met his new commander, Army Maj.             in the Guard
Gen. Greg Lusk, the adjutant general of North     will help me
Carolina at his office. They shook hands and      there,” said
spoke about Soucek’s experience with Young        Soucek.
Life, a nonprofit youth organization, and         	 Truly a
Samaritan’s Purse.                                citizen-soldier,
	 “We (the Guard) want you to stay                Soucek, after
connected with our youth, they are our future     being sworn in
leaders,” said Lusk.                              by Maj. Gen.
	 The conversation soon changed to                Lusk, asked a
international affairs - an area where both men    leader in his
share expertise.                                  new battalion
	 “You will have plenty of opportunities          for permission With a stroke of the pen, North Carolina State Senator
with our state partners in Botswana and           to come to the Dan Soucek joined the North Carolina National Guard
Moldova,” said Lusk. “Commanders will             next drill at      as his new commanding officer Army Maj. Gen. Greg
be looking for economical and experienced         headquarters       Lusk, adjutant general of North Carolina, looks on. Capt.
                                                                     Soucek will drill as a leader in the NCNG Recruiting and
forces. That’s where we come in.”                 right after the
                                                                     Retention Battalion. “At the capitol I’m a legislator, here
	 Before taking on these tasks from his           legislature        a captain,”said Soucek. Soucek served previously as an
commander, Soucek needed to swear into            adjourned for      Army aviator for eight years on active duty; resigning his
the NCNG. He stood at attention, raised his       the day.           commission in 1999. (US Army Photo by SFC Robert Jor-
right hand and recited the oath to uphold the                        dan, North Carolina National Guard Public Affairs)

  NCNG Soldier and other Charlotte                                   CHARLOTTE, NC – The uniform of retired NCNG
                                                                     Captain Jared Rorrer is on display inside of “Boots
  Residents Share Pictures of Iraq War                               on the Ground: Charlotte Perspectives on the War
                                                                     in Iraq” exhibit at the Levine Museum for the New
                                                                     South. Retired NCNG Captain Jared Rorrer took
                                                                     many photos during his deployment which are on
                                                                     display thru July 2013.
                                                                          The photographs and stories of five Charlotte
                                                                     residents, including Rorrer, paint the walls of a room
                                                                     on the second floor inside the Levine Museum of the
                                                                     New South and offers visitors a unique opportunity to
                                                                     see thru the eyes of Soldiers, see what they saw, feel
                                                                     what they felt, and lived with and without on a daily
                                                                     basis. The photographs and stories depict life from
                                                                     the perspective of a Soldier, a newspaper reporter and
                                                                     an Iraqi National in a war-torn nation during Opera-
                                                                     tion Iraqi Freedom II in 2004. (By Tech. Sgt. Brian
                                                                     E. Christiansen, NCNG Office of Public Affairs)

Page 10 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
Our Hero — 1LT Ashley I. White
Friends and family of the 230th Brigade          selflessly served and her actions
Support Battalion, 30th ABCT of North            exemplify the highest commitment
Carolina National Guard invite you to become     to duty, honor and country.
a permanent part of a memorial honoring our      	 Ashley was not only a Soldier,
fallen Soldiers of the North Carolina National   she was a beloved daughter, sister,
Guard who have given the ultimate sacrifice.     and wife. She loved to run, workout,
	 On 22 October 2011, one of our fellow          spend time with her family, play
Officers and Soldiers was killed during combat   with her Siberian Husky, drink
operations in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan.    coffee, and be in the company of
The assault force she was supporting triggered   friends. Her passionate and caring
an improvised explosive device.                  self will be deeply missed.
	 1LT Ashley Irene White was assigned to         	 Please consider purchasing a
the 230th Brigade Suport Battalion, 30th ABCT,   brick to help support this memorial
North Carolina Army National Guard located       in honoring our fallen Hero or a
in Goldsboro, NC. 1LT Ashley White served        fallen Hero of your own. A memorial will be constructed at the Unit’s
as an Evacuation Platoon Leader.                 Armory located in Goldsboro, NC.
	 While serving as a member of the               	 If you are interested in supporting this great cause and to honor our
Cultural Support Team attached to a Joint        fallen service members who have given the ultimate sacrifice, you can
Special Operations Task Force, Ashley White      either purchase a Memorial Brick that will be added to the Memorial by
                                                 going to this website at
     "Proud To Be An                             and chose from one of our 12 designs. Memorial Bricks are $150
                                                 without a logo and $158 with a logo. With the purchase of a brick,
      American Day"                              you will receive a certifiate with the name of your loved one you have
                                                 chosen to honor. You can go to
       Walstonburg                               php to veiw the brick choices.
       Celebration                               	 Not interested in a brick? That’s ok, too! You can send donation
                                                 amounts in the form of a check or money order to the: NCNG AWS
               Date:                             Fund, c/o 230th BSB, ATTN: SFC Steven Flowers, 700 US Highway
            April 20, 2013                       117 BYP South, Goldsboro, NC 27530.
             Location:                           	 Thank you so much for your support in honoring our hero 1LT
     Walstonburg American Legion,                Ashley White, and fellow service members who have dedicated their
        102 South Main Street                    lives to freedom!
           Walstonburg, NC                       	 If you have any question, please contact :

    This is our 5th year. An event to
     honor our Veterans, Military,                      The North Carolina Department
   and fallen Heroes. All branches of                       of the American Legion
     service are invited. Active and
           Retired Personnel.                            Thanks You for Your Service to
    Please come and invite someone.
                                                             Our State and Nation!
    "HELP US PASS THE WORD"                            We invite you to visit any of our 334
         For more information:                          Posts, statewide, visit our website
            Ray Holloman                              ,                          email us at,
                                                              or call 919-832-7506.
            Gary Langston                            “For God and Country -
             252-717-7073                                    Still Serving Proudly.”
                                                                Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 11
514th MP Co Trains with Robots
By Erica Fouche, Combined Joint Task Force Paladin
BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan – On Jan.                 strained from picking up too much weight or replacing camera component.
24 to 26, 90 members of the N.C. National               “All robot repair facilities in theater operate with the same capabilities, but
Guard’s 514th Military Police Company received          Bagram’s shop serves as the main hub,” states Guerra. “We operate 24/7
a standard robot operator’s familiarization course      because the missions are carried out around the clock.” Making themselves
by the Joint Robotic Repair Detachment (JRRD).          available at any time is just one of the many ways the Robotic technicians
	 The MP unit has been stationed at Bagram              are supporting the warfighters. 
for almost six                                                                                           	     In addition to the
months, but recently                                                                                     training, the JRRD engineers
received orders to                                                                                       and technicians will sit down
learn how to operate                                                                                     with the operators after
the PackBot 510                                                                                          missions to gather feedback
FasTac robot for                                                                                         and recommendations that
potential use on                                                                                         ultimately allow the robots
future missions. “We                                                                                     to better support the C-IED
aren’t exactly sure                                                                                      missions. “We can do a
when we’ll have the                                                                                      lot here in the shop, but if
opportunity to use                                                                                       it’s out of our realm, we’re
these robots in the                                                                                      quick to contact the different
field,” admits Spc.                                                                                      manufacturers and let them
Samuel Starling,                                                                                         know what alterations should
“but my experiences                                                                                      be made to their designs,”
have taught me that                                                                                      said Guerra. “We try to
it’s always better                                                                                       gather as much input as
to have the training                                                                                     possible because that’s the
and not use it than to need that knowledge and          only way we’re going to be able to improve our mission.”
never have received it.” The MPs are preparing          	 As the 2014 withdrawal of NATO forces approaches and troop levels
to provide convoy security during retrograde            decrease, robotics use has been steadily rising. “During the first part of
missions, which will entail moving supplies from        our tour the only people who used robots on their missions were EOD
various forward operating bases back to Bagram.         technicians,” recalls Samuels. “The robots themselves can be a part of any
“We can already tell that the PackBots will allow       route clearing mission as much as any team member, dragging or lifting
us to search under and inside vehicles without          up to 100 pounds, but the robots are a lot easier to replace than a service
us physically having to approach it, so that            member so we’re really excited to gain this capability.”
capability will definitely come in handy if it’s
ever needed.”                                            NCNGA Educational Foundation
	 Bagram’s JRRD, or Robot Shop as it’s
commonly known, pulls double-duty as a                   Combined Event Activities:
counter-improvised explosive device (C-IED)
training facility as well as one of five robot repair    Thursday, 25 April 2013 - Golf Tournament - Tanglewood Golf Club,
facilities in Afghanistan. “Our technicians teach        Clemmons, NC - Application on web site -
groups here at the shop at least twice a month,”         event-2/
said Sgt. 1st Class Guerra, Theatre PEO Ground
Combat Systems NCOIC. “But if they can’t                 Thursday - 25 April 2013 - Reverse Drawing - Winston-Salem Armory,
come to us, we’ll send the technicians out to            2000 Silas Creek Pkwy. Tickets are $40 each for a chance at winning
their locations from one of the different shops          $4,000 - dinner for two is included in price of ticket
to ensure our service members are utilizing the
robots to their fullest capabilities.”                   Friday - Saturday - 26-27 April 2013 - Silent Auction - Marriott Hotel
	 During the fighting season, the Robot Shop
can receive anywhere from 60 to 100 robots a             Saturday evening - 27 April 2013 - Drawing for $2,000 raffle ticket
week in need of repair and although that number
drastically decreases to 20 robots a week in             Tickets can be purchased from any NCNGAEF Board member or by
the off season, that is still a lot for their staff      calling Peggy Robinson at 1-800-821-6159 ext 5.
of twelve. The majority of the repairs consist
                                                         (You do not have to be present to win for any of the drawings/raffles.)
of replacing an arm or gripper part after being

Page 12 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
NGAUS Conference —                                                  690th BSB News
 Join Us in Hawaii!

       CONFERENCE                                 On 2 March, the 690th BSB Vipers conducted a Change of
                                                  Responsibility and Change of Command ceremony in Kinston.
      HONOLULU, HI                                Col Jones, 113th SB Commander, and CSM Gill, 113th SB CSM,
  20-23 SEPTEMBER 2013                            were present to witness the historical event. Outgoing Battalion
                                                  Commander, LTC Jones and acting CSM, 1SG Bullins, were
A NGAUS tradition, the annual conference          replaced by LTC Godwin and CSM Webster.(Submitted by
allows members to gather and vote on the          MAJ Eberly, 690th BSB AO/SPO)
top legislative priorities for NGAUS, share
information and celebrate the camaraderie
of being National Guard and NGAUS
                                                Candidates for the 2013-14
	 Join us in Hawaii and network with
more than 4,000 fellow National Guard
                                                NCNGA Executive Council
men and women from all 50 States, Guam,       President: 		                 Bobby Lumsden – 30th ABCT
Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and the    Vice President: 		            Jeremy Davis – JFHQ-NC
District of Columbia. Members and guests      				                          Brent Orr - JFHQ-NC	
of the NCNG will be staying in the Hyatt
                                              JFHQ-NC (one seat):	          Steven Johnson - JFHQ-NC
Regency Waikiki.
                                              				                          Diana Stumpf – JFHQ-NC
•	 We will host a hospitality suite in
                                              30th ABCT (one seat): 	       Brian Alkire – HHC 30th STB
     the Hyatt Regency Waikiki for daily
     meetings and Hospitality Night           130th MEB (two seats): 	      Robert Holland – Det 1 882nd EN CO
•	 We have 30 rooms blocked at the Hyatt      				                          Chris McCurry – Det 1 878th EN CO
     at $159 (+taxes/fees)                    60th TRP CMD (two seats): Dale Baker – Btry B 5-113th FA
•	 Registration is $200 and includes          				                      Velma Evans – 60th Troop Command
     tickets to the Governor’s Reception,
     All States Dinner, Convention Center     449th TAB (one seat):	  Colby Hammonds – HHC 1-130th ARB
     exhibits and events, and daily access    				                    Patrick Szvetitz – 449th TAB	
     to refreshments at the North Carolina    113 SUS BDE (one seat): Miriam Gray - HHC 113th SUS BDE

     National Guard’s hospitality suite.      139th RGMT (CA) (two seats): David S. Eaton – 139th RGMT
	 For more information, contact MAJ           				                           James McKee – 139th RGMT
Brian McIlvaine, 1636 Gold Star Dr,           Air National Guard (one seat): Barbara Doncaster – 145th MSG
Raleigh, NC 27607 or 919-791-6419 or (You can also go to       Junior Council (one seat): Dustin Butcher – HHC 30th ABCT and click on Membership/        				                          Timothy Stanhope – HHC 113th SUS BDE
NGAUS for more links to the NGAUS             Active Associate Class (one seat): Larry Hosch – Charlotte, NC
                                              It’s not too late for you to run for office! Applications will be accepted in
                                              our office until 15 April 2013. Contact Teri Foster at teri.gregory.foster@
                                     or 1-800-821-6159 ext 1.
                                                                                                                  (as of 3/7/13)

                                                                   Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 13
Proposed Amendments — Articles of Incorporation & By-Laws
                 NCNGA — 52nd Annual Convention
AMENDMENT #1                                        or in-state during the inclusive dates of the convention, may assign voting
                                                    proxies in accordance with the following procedures:
Explanation: To amend the By-laws to
eliminate the unit delegate system, but             	     a. Proxy can be issued on unit basis only.
maintain the proxy system.
                                                    	 b. Properly executed proxy certificates must be attached to Delegate
1. Present Wording: Article VIII - Delegates        Certificate from unit assigning proxy not later than thirty (30) days prior to
                                                    convention convening dates.
SECTION 1: Each active National Guard unit
shall elect one official delegate who shall be a    	     c. Proxy votes are applicable to “ballot” votes only.
member of the unit and the Association, to the
annual meeting. Delegates selected from the         SECTION 4: The Associate Class may elect one official delegate who shall
junior membership are encouraged.                   be a member in good standing of the Association.

SECTION 2: All units shall hold a meeting           	     Proposed Wording: Article VIII - Proxies
of the Association members at least sixty (60)
                                                    SECTION 1: Units that cannot have a member at the convention because of
days prior to the annual meeting for the purpose
                                                    official training, mobilization, deployment status out of the state or in-state
of electing an official delegate to represent the
                                                    during the inclusive dates of the convention, may assign voting proxies in
unit at the annual meeting, such delegate to be a
                                                    accordance with the following procedures:
member in good standing of the Association. A
Certificate of Delegate Status shall be forwarded   	     a. Proxy can be issued on unit basis only.
to the Nominating & Credentials Committee
                                                    	 b. Properly executed proxy certificates must be submitted from unit
thirty (30) days prior to the convention or
                                                    assigning proxy to the NC National Guard Association not later than thirty
delivered to the convention site. The certificate
                                                    (30) days prior to convention convening dates.
must be signed by the Commander or their
designated representative.                          	     c. Proxy votes are applicable to “ballot” votes only.

SECTION 3: Units that cannot have a delegate        	 d. Representatives casting proxy votes must be a member in good
at the convention because of official training/     standing of the NCNGA. The representative, in addition to the proxy
mobilization/deployment status out of the state     vote(s) cast, is also entitled to vote as a member.

                                     Listed below are those members (and
 In Memoriam                         non-members), spouses and dependent
                                     children that have recently passed away.
                              Brian H. Collins          Fredrick M. Dudley
 Below are individuals        Fayetteville, NC            Jonesville, NC
 not mentioned in the         10 January 2013            9 February 2013
   FEB/MAR issue,              Foy N. Jones             James D. Honeycutt
   that passed away             Sanford, NC                Charlotte, NC
        prior to              19 January 2013             9 February 2013
   January 9, 2013:
                              James H. Royall        Larry D. Benthall, Jr.
 Jimmy O. Huffman, Sr.         Goldsboro, NC           Son of Larry D.
 Rutherford College, NC       21 January 2013               Benthall
   13 February 2012                                  Det 2 Co A 690th BSB
                              Jerry W. Eckard
                                                           Gates, NC
    Walter F. Pate              Newton, NC
                                                      12 February 2013
   Goldsboro, NC              30 January 2013
  13 December 2012                                      Anthony G. Butler
                            Zachary G. Willetts
                                                         Fayetteville, NC
                           883rd EN CO – SAPPER
                                                        26 February 2013
                             Wilmington, NC
                              2 February 2013
    If we have missed someone, please contact the Editor, Teri Foster
    at or 919-851-3390 ext 1.

Page 14 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
2013 NCNGA Discount
                                  Ticket Order Form                                                      Quantity   Total $

Carowinds/Kings Dominion — Valid at either park - $33.00 for ages 3 & up.
(Carowinds opened March 29: Kings Dominion opened March 29)
(Carowinds price at gate $56.99/$39.99 - Jr/Sr — Kings Dominion price at gate $61.99/$39.99 - Jr/Sr)

Wet ‘n Wild Emerald Pointe Water Park Adult Tickets-$27.00 for anyone over 48” tall.
(Park open May 25 - Sept. 2)

Wet ‘n Wild Emerald Pointe Junior Tickets - $19.00 for anyone under 48” tall.
*Tickets can also be ordered online at Call NCNGA for Corporate Code.**

    Busch Garden Ticket Prices had not been determined as of press time.                                 Subtotal
    Please check our website for their prices -                                  Credit
                                                                                                         Card Fee   +$3.00
Type of Payment: ___ Check	         ___ Money Order        ___ Master Card	 ___ Visa
                                                                                                         Total Due $
Make checks or money order payable to NCNGA. A fee of $23 will be charged for any check returned due to
insufficient funds or a check written on a closed account. If checks remain unpaid, Commanders will be notified.
Credit Card Information:	          Account #_____________________________________________________
Exp. Date _____________________	             3 Digit Security Code:_____________
Name on Card: __________________________________________ Signature _______________________________

   When ordering tickets, please allow one week for delivery

Mail tickets to:	 Name: _______________________________________________________________________
			               Address: _____________________________________________________________________
			              City: ________________________________ State: _________ Zip code: _________________

   To order tickets, send check, money order, MasterCard or Visa information to:
   NCNGA, 7410 Chapel Hill Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 or call 1-800-821-6159, ext. 2 for Kathy Ford
   Tickets — *The NCNGA pays for tickets as they are sold; we are unable to provide refunds if tickets are unused.
   *Tickets are mailed the day the request is received. *Ticket info is also on our website:


  HAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR BENEFICIARY LATELY?                                                            Deadline for
                                                                                                   submitting articles
                                                                                                 for the June/July issue
  We have experienced several claims in the past year where ben-
                                                                                                          of the
  eficiaries had not been updated and ex-spouses received the death
                                                                                                  Tarheel Guardsman:
  benefits of the member’s NC National Guard Association Group
  Life Insurance. Have you had a change in your marital status? If
                                                                                                       1 May 2013
  so, please contact us to ensure your beneficiary is who you think it
  is! Call 919-851-3390 ext 1 (Teri Foster) or ext 2 (Rhonda Arndt)

                                                                      Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 15
Tarheel Guardsman                                        Periodicals
                              NC National Guard Assoc.                                U. S. Postage
                              7410 Chapel Hill Road                                       PAID
                              Raleigh, NC 27607-5047                                   Raleigh, NC

How to reach us:
800-821-6159 (in NC only) - email - website

                2013 Legislative Breakfast
      Senators Attending                             Representatives Attending
          Breakfast                                         Breakfast
 Stan Bingham         Bill Rabon           Dean Arp               George Graham      Joe Sam Queen
 Jim Davis            Shirley Randleman    Marilyn Avila          Kelly Hastings     Nathan Ramsey
 Kathy Harrington     Bob Rucho            C. Robert Brawley      Yvonne L. Holley   Bobbie Richardson
 Brent Jackson        Norman Sanderson     Mark Brody             Craig Horn         Dennis Riddell
 Gene McLaurin        Dan Soucek           Rayne Brown            Pat Hurley         Stephen Ross
 Louis Pate           Jerry Tillman        Rob Bryan              Bert Jones         Jason Saine
 Earline Parmon       Mike Woodard         Dana Bumgardner        James Langdon      Bob Steinburg
 Ronald Rabin                              Justin Burr            Pat McElraft       John Szoka
                                           George Cleveland       Deb McManus        Evelyn Terry
                                           John Faircloth         Chris Millis       Joe Tolson
                                           Carl Ford              Larry Pittman      Rena Turner
                                           Valerie Foushee        Michele Presnell   Ken Waddell
                                                                                     Harry Warren

                                                                                        The NCNGA
                                                                                      thanks all those
                                                                                     that attended and
                                                                                     for your support!

                                                    See page 9
                                                    for article

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Apr may 2013 thg

  • 1. Tarheel April/May 2013 Guardsman Are Your Bags Packed? Please join us for the 2013 NCNGA and NCNG Combined Event! See pages 6-7 When? for more 25 – 27 April 2013 information. (Hurry — Where? registration Winston-Salem, NC ends 15 April 2013!) There is so much to see and do in Winston-Salem; we hope to see you there!
  • 2. A TAG’s s I look ahead to the next few months, a magnificent event, I know I can count on the continued and I encourage our commitment and resiliency of our Soldiers, Airmen and force. Our organization is determined and their families to come C focused on providing the most ready, reliable, out to this social event relevant and responsive military force to in record numbers and our State and Nation. Sequestration, which enjoy the fellowship has dominated most of the recent headlines that comes with serving presents a challenge, but also offers us an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to serving our fellow citizens. in the North Carolina National Guard. As I have said o This sequestration uncertainty combines with the effects of operating under a Continuing Resolution (due to lack of a current many times, we cannot forget the contributions that our civilian r n Defense Budget) and may cause heightened employers provide. concerns. With that being said, the operational We have enjoyed ability of the NC National Guard to fulfill our overwhelming support e vital, dual mission requirements in support of from the employers of our State and Nation will not be diminished. our Service members I say these things to remind us all to be and they continue to be cognizant of the fiscal challenges that may a vital part of our team r directly affect our ability to train and maintain that we will recognize Maj. Gen. Gregory A. Lusk our readiness. We, however, may soon find throughout 2013. I Adjutant General of NC ourselves postponing planned events until highly encourage all of such a time that the requisite fiscal resources our Soldiers and Airmen to honor their employers by submitting them and authorities exist that will enable their for ESGR awards. It only takes a few minutes, but will go a long way occurrence. In spite of these challenges, towards showing our support and thanks for the important role they play however, the approaching spring season is in the security of our state and our nation. abundant with planned activity. Again, thank you all for what you do in adding value to our As the seasons change, our state is also communities. I look forward to visiting with as many of you as I can going through some exciting changes as this spring. Don’t hesitate to contact me, Air Guard Commander Brig. well. We have celebrated working with our Gen. Todd Kelly, State Command Chief Warrant Officer CW5 Rick new legislative counterparts and government Comer, State Senior Enlisted Leader CSM John Swart or Air Guard leaders over the last few months. State Command Chief, Chief Master Sgt. Bruce Pickett with any I am very excited to mention, as well as concerns or attaboys. You can find us on Face Book, if nowhere else. extend an invitation to all of our Soldiers, Always Ready, Ready Team! Airmen and their families, to attend our first ever “National Guard Association and NCNG Combined Event”, which will be held at the Twin City Quarter in Winston-Salem, 25-27 óó April. The NCNG Association has put together — CONTACT INFO — NC Adjutant General – MG Greg Lusk NC Command Chief Warrant Officer Rick Comer Officer/261726843901458 NC Assistant Adjutant General Air – Brig. Gen. Todd Kelly NC Command Chief Master Sergeant Chief Master Sgt. Bruce Pickett NC Senior Enlisted Leader – Command Sgt. Maj. John Swart Master-Sergeant/330777956943662 TAG email contact: Page 2 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
  • 3. TARHEEL GUARDSMAN Official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association APRIL/MAY 2013 Volume 47 Number 2 Contents: NCNGA: Legacy Bridge Program 4 Convention Information 6,7 Legislative Update 9 2013-14 Executive Council Candidates 13 In Memoriam 14 By-Law Amendments 14 Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday that is observed on the last Monday NC National Guard: of May. It was formerly known as Decoration New License Plate 8 Day. This holiday commemorates US men NC State Senator Joins NC Guard 10 and women who died in military service for 514th Trains with Robots 12 their country. Officers Executive Council Combined Event 2013 — Come Early and Enjoy the Activities! President 30th HBCT Thursday - Ronnie Honeycutt Bobby Lumsden NCNGAEF Golf Tournament Joey Douglass NCNGAEF Reverse Drawing Vice President 130th MEB Friday - John Atkinson Explore Winston-Salem Robert Holland NCNGA Business Session Past President David Lewczyk Corporate Members and Exhibitors Fisk Outwater 60th Troop Command Hospitality Rooms Dale Baker, Jr. Dance - casual dress Secretary-Treasurer Tom Holcomb Saturday - Adene Tyler 449th TAB NCNGA Business Session Stephen Davis (election of officers) Judge Advocate Corporate Members and Exhibitors Mark Pickett Rick Fay Combined Event Ball 113 Sustainment BDE th Chaplain Stephen McCormick Address changes or questions? Charles Morrison Scot Heineman Contact us at 1-800-821-6159 or 919-851-3390 JFHQ-NC or STAFF Wes Morrison Executive Director Jeremy Davis The Tarheel Guardsman, (ISSN 10618392) is published bi-monthly for the Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina, by the North Carolina Adene Tyler 139 Regiment (CA) th National Guard Association, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh, NC 27676-9651. POSTMASTER: Send Insurance Administrator Steve Boyles address changes to: Tarheel Guardsman, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. Teri Foster John Byrd The Tarheel Guardsman is the official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association, a non-profit organization. The publication’s Assistant Insurance Administrator Air Guard mission is to promote the general welfare of the NCNGA, assist in increasing Rhonda Arndt Scott Harrell the readiness of the NC Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina and serve as a vehicle of expression for members of the National Guard. Executive Assistant Warren Newell Members receive the publication free with their membership. The annual subscription rate for non-members of the Association is $15.00. Please include Kathy Ford Associate Class your old address when requesting change of address. Deadline for submitted material to the Tarheel Guardsman is the 5th of the NCNGA Educational Foundation Al Rose month, two months preceding the calendar date of issue. Manuscripts and photographs on subjects of general interest are invited. Unless otherwise Administrator Peggy Robinson Bob Suber indicated, material may be reprinted provided credit is given to the Tarheel Guardsman and the author where listed. Articles and photos will not be returned, unless requested. (USPS 533-640) Advertising is accepted. For details contact the Association headquarters. Teri Foster, Editor Advertising, including political ads, published in this publication does not represent the endorsement or approval of the North Carolina National Guard Association. Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 3
  • 4. Legacy Bridge Program L ast year, Active Associate be our main income sources and the Legacy Bridge Program will Representative Al Rose introduced close. a program that is designed to Long-term, we hope to reach an investment fund goal of $3 financially carry the Association through million. At that point, even at a modest 4%, the Association could our present fiscal transition period. As we survive indefinitely should our insurance and new revenue sources move from a system where we depended on take a hit during lean times. our investments and insurance premiums to Please consider joining us in the Legacy Bridge Program. And, pay our Association’s expenses to one that if you would like to remember or honor someone, please consider will rely on new revenue sources to cover making a donation in their name. Take a few minutes to fill out the our budget, the Legacy Bridge Program will application and to write a check. Al and his team have started us in provide the interim funds to meet budget the right direction. It is up to us now to make it happen. costs until the transition is complete. Our Questions? Please call us at 919-851-3390. projection is that this should occur within 2-3 years, and as such it is a closed end *Our Newest Members of the program. The short-term plan is to use the income Legacy Bridge Program: from the Legacy Bridge Program until our 241. Carl L. Peoples new revenue sources come on-line allowing 242. Barrie S. Davis us to insulate our investments so that they are allowed to grow over the long-term. 243. Diana Stumpf At the end of 2-3 years, the new revenue 244. Ben Willis sources, along with insurance premiums, will *As of press time NCNGA LEGACY BRIDGE PROGRAM DONATION Name: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) NCNGA Life Member: Yes No Unit: Rank: E-Mail Address: ( ) I would like to make this donation in honor of ( ) in memory of ( ) $100 Donation (Donations are not tax deductible) Return Application & Payment To: $25 Quarterly Installments _____ $100 Full Payment _____ _____ Check _____ Money Order _____ Master Card/Visa (Add $2 credit card fee) NCNGA ATTN: Legacy Bridge Credit Card Information: Program Acct #__________________________________________ Exp Date: ___________ 7410 Chapel Hill Road 3-digit Sec Code:__________ Signature: ____________________________________ Raleigh, NC 27607-5047 Page 4 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
  • 5. Special Forces Train with Association Moldovan Military Report By Ronnie Honeycutt, NCNGA President A s we prepare for the upcoming NCNGA and NCNG Combined Event, I reflect back on the past year since our last Convention, and wonder where the time has gone. Your committees and full-time staff have been very busy these past 12 months ensuring our Association is relevant and strong. With your support, their efforts have allowed the Association to sustain our member benefits, in spite of looming Albermarle, NC — Soldiers assigned to Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, budget deficits and cuts and have created 20th Special Forces Group (Airborne), recently trained with five advancements in our Social Media and Moldovan Special Operations Battalion Soldiers. The Moldovan Finance so important in today’s fast military and North Carolina National Guard have shared a strong paced and fiscally restrained world. joint-training relationship since 1999, as part of the State Partnership During the 52nd convention business Program (SPP). The State Partnership Program links US states with sessions, I will present a report detailing partner countries for the purpose of supporting US security coopera- where we are as an organization, what tion objectives. The program's goals reflect an evolving international affairs mission for the National Guard using the unique civilian-mili- our Association has accomplished this tary nature of the Guard to interact with both active and reserve forces past year and what we must do to remain of foreign countries. (US Army Photos by Sgt. Lindley Bess, 382nd one of the strongest state associations in Public Affairs Detachment) the nation. Our past, our present and our future all indicate that it is a time for us to reach 210th Soldiers Learn New Language out to all members, both civilian and uniform wearing members of our North Carolina National Guard, and encourage them to get involved with their Association. If anyone tells you that they cannot afford to be involved, I would counter that being involved is something that they must afford. While this is my last composition to you as your President, I will continue to be present and vocal for you as we move forward together. That is simply who I Six soldiers from North Carolina National Guard’s 210th Military Police Company (L-R Spc. Kyle Barnett, Staff Sgt. Robert Randolf, am. Staff Sgt. Antonio Stringham, Mr. Tazagul Hussein, Staff Sgt. Gur- Thank you for the trust you have vis Brooks, Sgt. John Lambert, Sgt. Christopher Cabana) pose for a bestowed upon me and for this truly photograph in the final phase of an intense six week Dari language wonderful opportunity. and Afghan cultural training course at NC National Guard’s 139th God Bless you all! Training Brigade Training Center at Fort Bragg, NC. The 210th, based in Franklin, NC, is scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan this spring. (US Army Photo by Maj. Matthew DeVivo, North Carolina Public Affairs) Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 5
  • 6. NC National Guard Association & NCNG Combined Event Registration Twin City Quarter, Winston-Salem, NC 25-27 April 2013 Association First Rank Member Convention Registrant’s Name _____________________________________ __________ Yes No Yes No Spouse/Guest Name ___________________________________ __________ Yes No Yes No Address ________________________________________________________ Unit: City_______________________________ State________ Zip____________ ______________________ Telephone ____________________________E-mail_____________________________________________ COMBINED EVENT REGISTRATION FEES Saturday Dinner Choices Attendee: Spouse/Guest: Retirees & Spouse/Guest By 31 March *After 1 April (based on rank at retirement) Per person Per person Total  Beef  Beef Chicken  Chicken  E1-E4 & Spouse/Guest $20 $30 $ Vegetarian   Vegetarian E5-E7/WO1-WO2/O1-O2 & Spouse/Guest $35 $45 All other ranks & Spouse/Guest $40 $50 Seating Preference (if any) _____Joint Force Headquarters Non-Military $35 $45 _____145th Airlift Wing Child(ren) (meal only) $20 $30 _____60th Troop Command Credit Card Fee $3 _____130th MEB _____30th Armored Bde Combat Team TOTAL $ *We are unable to accept registration AFTER 15 April 2013 _____449th Theater Aviation Brigade _____113th Sustainment Brigade Attending Business Session: Attending Friday Dance: _____139th Regiment (Combat Arms) Member: Friday Yes No Member: Yes No _____Retirees Saturday Yes No Spouse/Guest: Yes No _____Open Seating Method of Payment: ____Check enclosed (payable to NCNGA) ____Charge my: ____MasterCard ____Visa Account #________________________________ Expiration date ____________3 digit security code ______ Authorized Signature ____________________________________________________________________ There will be a $23 Fee for Returned Checks. Complete & Return To: NCNGA, 7410 Chapel Hill Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 (Or Fax to: 919-859-4990 Or Call: 919-851-3390) Links to on-line registration and hotel registration are available on our website at: Page 6 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
  • 7. COMBINED EVENT NC National Guard Association INFORMATION & T he North Carolina National Guard NC National Guard Association’s Annual Convention, and the Enlisted Ball and Officer Ball are Combined Event joining forces in April for a special weekend 25-27 April 2013 of fun, fellowship and camaraderie. This event will be held 25-27 April 2013 at the Twin Tentative Schedule of Events City Quarter in Winston-Salem, NC. What is the Twin City Quarter? It is comprised of the Marriott Hotel, Embassy Suites Hotel and Thursday, 25 April 2013 Benton Convention Center — all connected with a covered walkway and in beautiful, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Educational Foundation Golf downtown Winston-Salem. Tournament - Tanglewood Golf For one registration price, you can attend Club, Clemmons, NC the Business Sessions and learn about YOUR Association, attend the Friday night hospitality 6:30 p.m. - until Educational Foundation Reverse rooms and dance — and then attend the grand Drawing - Winston-Salem Armory finale: The Combined Event Ball. If you are able to come on Thursday, you Friday, 26 April 2013 can participate in the NCNGA Educational Foundation’s golf tournament and later that 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration/Exhibitors/ Silent Auction evening, try your luck at winning $4,000 at the Foundation’s annual Reverse Drawing (ticket 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. First Business Session required). Then you will have most of Friday 52nd Annual Convention to enjoy a visit to Old Salem, the downtown arts district, the Winston Cup Museum for 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Enlisted/Junior Office Forum race fans, the Children’s Museum of Winston- Salem, shopping, or golf before joining the 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Hospitality Rooms Open Association for their activities on Friday afternoon/evening. 8:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Dance/DJ/Cash Bar Are you a regular attendee to the NC National Guard Association Annual Convention? If so, don’t worry — this is going Saturday, 27 April 2013 to be a unique event and a lot of fun. There 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Registration/Exhibitors will be a lot of attendees for the dinner and dance on Saturday evening, and the dress will 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Silent Auction remind those of you that have been attending for quite a few years of the “old times” when 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Second Business Session we used to dress up for the Saturday evening Awards & Installation Ceremonies event. It is going to be fun and different — come 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. NCNGA Auxiliary Business Session early and don’t miss this event! Already registered, but didn’t indicate 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Unit Representative Workshop you would be joining us on Friday for the Business Session or dance? Give us a call at 12:00 noon Enlisted Awards Luncheon 1-800-821-6159 — we hope you will join us 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Educational Foundation for the whole event! Annual Meeting Hotel info: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Social Hour/Cash Bar/Hosp. Rms Marriott Hotel - 1-800-320-0934 5:45 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Dinner/Dance/Cash Bar Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 7
  • 8. ATTENTION RETIREES! On April 25-27, 2013, the North Carolina Association office at 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 no National Guard Association will conduct its later than April 15 in order for us to begin serious planning. 52nd Annual Convention at the Twin City If you are planning to attend the convention and would be willing Quarter, Winston, NC. to assist in the setup, operation of and cleanup of the area, please A retiree group will again sponsor a include a note along with your donation. retiree hospitality room which will be located Our association has provided many benefits for our membership in the Marriott Hotel, one of the two event over the years. We enjoy the benefit of the State Retirement Plan facilities. This initiative will provide us an every month! Please seriously consider sending a donation today, and opportunity to maintain connectivity between come have a great time and make our hospitality room the place to be. active guardsmen and those of us who are Please feel free to contact those listed below if you have any retired. questions or concerns. We are again excited about continuing a retiree hospitality room for the third straight John Atkinson Kerney Peoples year, but it takes money and volunteer help 910-739-3567 919-389-7725 to continue this event. The purpose of this Al Rose Gene Ray article is to request your support. We would 704-491-4797 RAYG7356@GMAIL.COM like you to consider a donation of $10 to $25. Checks may be made payable to: Retiree Steve Blackwood Hospitality Room—2013 and mail to the 919-724-0625 NEW: “IN GOD WE TRUST” LICENSE PLATE - NC T he Soldiers and Airmen Assistance Fund, Inc. is proud to announce that the updated design for our “In God We Trust” license plate is now available in NC. The new design features “In God We Trust” (the official motto of the US), the American Eagle (the national emblem, symbol of freedom, authority and power), the US Flag (representing our expression of patriotism), the letters S and A (Soldiers and Airmen), a white background behind the numbers and North Carolina in red (representing the energy and strength of our great state). The “In God We Trust” is the most patriotic specialty license plate in North Visit our website for ordering Carolina. Of the extra $30 annual fee for the information or visit Click Online Services Tab, specialty tag, $20 goes to Soldiers and Airmen Order Personalized & Specialized Plates, order Special Plate, click “I” Assistance Fund to support the citizen soldiers to locate “In God We Trust” plate and click on the image. You will need of the North Carolina National Guard. your vehicle registration card to order. “The theme of this plate is a true Do you have the plate with the yellow ribbon on it and would like expression of our patriotism. Our goal was the new one? If so, stop in at your local DMV office and ask them to to design a plate that every North Carolinian order you the new “In God We Trust” plate. Make sure you tell let them would be proud to put on their vehicle. We know if you want to keep your same number or change it. now have a plate that is attractive, with the right colors, that stands out and makes people NC National Guard Convention 26-27 April in Winston Salem notice. We hope everyone will help us honor The first one hundred to purchase the our Guardsmen, our veterans and those “In God We Trust” license plate while attending the presently serving our country,” said Dennis convention, will receive a free Baqubah print. Plus, $20 of Roach, retired Sergeant Major and Director of your purchase is tax-deductible. the SAAF. Page 8 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
  • 9. 2013 NCNGA Legislative Breakfast By Marshall Collins, Legislative Committee Chairman T his past February the North Carolina and thereby provide superior knowledge skillsets to state leadership to National Guard Association had the support the people of North Carolina. opportunity to host approximately The members of the state legislature were very appreciative of the 15 State Senators, 37 State Representatives, opportunity to interact with the members of the North Carolina National numerous Legislative Staffers, members of the Guard Association and members of the National Guard, and pledged to North Carolina National Guard, and Association do their best to meet the logical needs of members of the North Carolina members. (Legislators that attended are listed National Guard. However, they also relayed an honest opinion to the on back cover of magazine.) The Association current fiscal environment of the state. As the Chairman of the Legislative held the annual breakfast in the North Carolina and Resolutions Committee, the opportunity to address our elected Legislative Building Cafeteria. Due to the legislature concerning two issues of such importance indicates that if the beginning of the State Legislature’s Long opportunity presents itself, our members of the state legislature will do their Session, the timing of the breakfast provided the best to insure that we continue to have the tools, to recruit and retain the Association with the best opportunity to reach best and brightest of North Carolina to support the citizens of the state. the state legislators with our courses of action. To the men and women of the North Carolina National Guard, if given The breakfast was opened by Association an opportunity to speak with your state legislator, please speak to these President Ronnie Honeycutt, who welcomed two issues. These two items will impact not only you, but potentially your everyone and thanked them for their attendance neighbors as well. and attention. We then had the opportunity for our Adjutant General, Major General Greg Lusk, to also welcome the legislators, and thank them for their past and continuous support. Following Lawmakers Plan to Enhance Guard Retirement Major General Lusk’s comments, I had the opportunity to speak to the legislators about the two main issues the North Carolina National NGAUS Washington Report Guard Association is pursuing: A return of the Tuition Assistance Program to pre-Enduring (Feb. 12, 2013) Members of Congress in both chambers are planning to Freedom and Iraqi Freedom deployment funding introduce legislation long supported by NGAUS that will give National levels, and an increase to the North Carolina Guardsmen proper credit toward retirement benefits. National Guard Pension for qualifying North Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., and Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., will join Carolina National Guardsmen. Rep. Tom Latham, R-Iowa, as sponsors of bills that would overturn the For the Tuition Assistance Program, the current policy regarding early retirement credit for members of the reserve North Carolina National Guard Association is component. requesting a current increase of $978,000, which The current policy from 2008 allows the minimum retirement age would return it to a pre-911 level of $2,841,000. for reserve component members to be moved up three months for every This would provide most members of the North 90 days they spend on overseas deployments. (The 2008 National Carolina National Guard the opportunity to enroll Defense Authorization Act directs that age 60 shall be reduced by three in higher level education, and provide North months for each aggregate of 90 days of active duty service performed Carolina National Guard recruiters a tool to supporting a contingency after Jan. 28, 2008. The total reduced shall encourage individuals interested in the National not be below 50 years of age.)  Guard further reason for their affiliation. Next However, all of those 90 days must fall within one fiscal year. If is a proposed increase in the North Carolina circumstances beyond the control of the reserve member cause those 90 National Guard Pension. The Association is days to cross into two fiscal years, no credit toward retirement is earned. proposing raising the North Carolina Pension The legislation not yet introduced would correct this technicality. benefit approximately $20 for the minimum “This is bad policy and unfair to the men and women who serve in affiliation upon retirement, or from $95 to harm’s way,” said Pete Duffy, the NGAUS acting legislative director. $115 per month, to a maximum benefit of $230 “Consistent with our longstanding resolution, we will push hard for this per month. An increase to the pension benefit legislation to become law once it has been introduced.” would require an increase to the North Carolina Duffy said NGAUS will distribute a Legislative Alert to association National Guard Pension Fund of $2,187,672. The members once the bills are introduced. increase would benefit the state by encouraging See more at: current members of the North Carolina National enhance-guard-retirement#sthash.SnPoI0zu.dpuf. Guard to continue their affiliation with the North Carolina National Guard beyond the minimum, Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 9
  • 10. NC State Senator Joins NC National Guard By SFC Robert Jordan, NCNG Public Affairs RALEIGH, NC – Dan Soucek is used to the constitutions of the United States and North Carolina. halls of power. He interacts with legislative “It is important that the legislature has first-hand knowledge of the staff as a North Carolina state senator Guard,” said Soucek. representing the 45th district and is an expert Soucek, served previously as an Army aviator for eight years on in international relief with Samaritan’s Purse, active duty, resigning his commission in 1999. He will drill as a leader meetings with business and civic leaders and in the NCNG recruiting and retention battalion. other constituents and even breakfast with Soucek brings not only vast civilian experience and an officer’s North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory. leadership to the Guard but is also a valuable tie between government, Wednesday, February 13, 2013 at military and community. the North Carolina National Guard Joint “It is Force Headquarters, he had a very different great to have experience - meeting his commanding officer. a legislator “I always respected those in the legislature in the Guard who served in the military,” said Soucek. and serving He met his new commander, Army Maj. in the Guard Gen. Greg Lusk, the adjutant general of North will help me Carolina at his office. They shook hands and there,” said spoke about Soucek’s experience with Young Soucek. Life, a nonprofit youth organization, and Truly a Samaritan’s Purse. citizen-soldier, “We (the Guard) want you to stay Soucek, after connected with our youth, they are our future being sworn in leaders,” said Lusk. by Maj. Gen. The conversation soon changed to Lusk, asked a international affairs - an area where both men leader in his share expertise. new battalion “You will have plenty of opportunities for permission With a stroke of the pen, North Carolina State Senator with our state partners in Botswana and to come to the Dan Soucek joined the North Carolina National Guard Moldova,” said Lusk. “Commanders will next drill at as his new commanding officer Army Maj. Gen. Greg be looking for economical and experienced headquarters Lusk, adjutant general of North Carolina, looks on. Capt. Soucek will drill as a leader in the NCNG Recruiting and forces. That’s where we come in.” right after the Retention Battalion. “At the capitol I’m a legislator, here Before taking on these tasks from his legislature a captain,”said Soucek. Soucek served previously as an commander, Soucek needed to swear into adjourned for Army aviator for eight years on active duty; resigning his the NCNG. He stood at attention, raised his the day. commission in 1999. (US Army Photo by SFC Robert Jor- right hand and recited the oath to uphold the dan, North Carolina National Guard Public Affairs) NCNG Soldier and other Charlotte CHARLOTTE, NC – The uniform of retired NCNG Captain Jared Rorrer is on display inside of “Boots Residents Share Pictures of Iraq War on the Ground: Charlotte Perspectives on the War in Iraq” exhibit at the Levine Museum for the New South. Retired NCNG Captain Jared Rorrer took many photos during his deployment which are on display thru July 2013. The photographs and stories of five Charlotte residents, including Rorrer, paint the walls of a room on the second floor inside the Levine Museum of the New South and offers visitors a unique opportunity to see thru the eyes of Soldiers, see what they saw, feel what they felt, and lived with and without on a daily basis. The photographs and stories depict life from the perspective of a Soldier, a newspaper reporter and an Iraqi National in a war-torn nation during Opera- tion Iraqi Freedom II in 2004. (By Tech. Sgt. Brian E. Christiansen, NCNG Office of Public Affairs) Page 10 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
  • 11. Our Hero — 1LT Ashley I. White Friends and family of the 230th Brigade selflessly served and her actions Support Battalion, 30th ABCT of North exemplify the highest commitment Carolina National Guard invite you to become to duty, honor and country. a permanent part of a memorial honoring our Ashley was not only a Soldier, fallen Soldiers of the North Carolina National she was a beloved daughter, sister, Guard who have given the ultimate sacrifice. and wife. She loved to run, workout, On 22 October 2011, one of our fellow spend time with her family, play Officers and Soldiers was killed during combat with her Siberian Husky, drink operations in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. coffee, and be in the company of The assault force she was supporting triggered friends. Her passionate and caring an improvised explosive device. self will be deeply missed. 1LT Ashley Irene White was assigned to Please consider purchasing a the 230th Brigade Suport Battalion, 30th ABCT, brick to help support this memorial North Carolina Army National Guard located in honoring our fallen Hero or a in Goldsboro, NC. 1LT Ashley White served fallen Hero of your own. A memorial will be constructed at the Unit’s as an Evacuation Platoon Leader. Armory located in Goldsboro, NC. While serving as a member of the If you are interested in supporting this great cause and to honor our Cultural Support Team attached to a Joint fallen service members who have given the ultimate sacrifice, you can Special Operations Task Force, Ashley White either purchase a Memorial Brick that will be added to the Memorial by going to this website at "Proud To Be An and chose from one of our 12 designs. Memorial Bricks are $150 without a logo and $158 with a logo. With the purchase of a brick, American Day" you will receive a certifiate with the name of your loved one you have chosen to honor. You can go to Walstonburg php to veiw the brick choices. Celebration Not interested in a brick? That’s ok, too! You can send donation amounts in the form of a check or money order to the: NCNG AWS Date: Fund, c/o 230th BSB, ATTN: SFC Steven Flowers, 700 US Highway April 20, 2013 117 BYP South, Goldsboro, NC 27530. Location: Thank you so much for your support in honoring our hero 1LT Walstonburg American Legion, Ashley White, and fellow service members who have dedicated their 102 South Main Street lives to freedom! Walstonburg, NC If you have any question, please contact : This is our 5th year. An event to honor our Veterans, Military, The North Carolina Department and fallen Heroes. All branches of of the American Legion service are invited. Active and Retired Personnel. Thanks You for Your Service to Please come and invite someone. Our State and Nation! "HELP US PASS THE WORD" We invite you to visit any of our 334 For more information: Posts, statewide, visit our website Ray Holloman, email us at, 252-714-3954 or call 919-832-7506. Gary Langston “For God and Country - 252-717-7073 Still Serving Proudly.” Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 11
  • 12. 514th MP Co Trains with Robots By Erica Fouche, Combined Joint Task Force Paladin BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan – On Jan. strained from picking up too much weight or replacing camera component. 24 to 26, 90 members of the N.C. National “All robot repair facilities in theater operate with the same capabilities, but Guard’s 514th Military Police Company received Bagram’s shop serves as the main hub,” states Guerra. “We operate 24/7 a standard robot operator’s familiarization course because the missions are carried out around the clock.” Making themselves by the Joint Robotic Repair Detachment (JRRD). available at any time is just one of the many ways the Robotic technicians The MP unit has been stationed at Bagram are supporting the warfighters.  for almost six In addition to the months, but recently training, the JRRD engineers received orders to and technicians will sit down learn how to operate with the operators after the PackBot 510 missions to gather feedback FasTac robot for and recommendations that potential use on ultimately allow the robots future missions. “We to better support the C-IED aren’t exactly sure missions. “We can do a when we’ll have the lot here in the shop, but if opportunity to use it’s out of our realm, we’re these robots in the quick to contact the different field,” admits Spc. manufacturers and let them Samuel Starling, know what alterations should “but my experiences be made to their designs,” have taught me that said Guerra. “We try to it’s always better gather as much input as to have the training possible because that’s the and not use it than to need that knowledge and only way we’re going to be able to improve our mission.” never have received it.” The MPs are preparing As the 2014 withdrawal of NATO forces approaches and troop levels to provide convoy security during retrograde decrease, robotics use has been steadily rising. “During the first part of missions, which will entail moving supplies from our tour the only people who used robots on their missions were EOD various forward operating bases back to Bagram. technicians,” recalls Samuels. “The robots themselves can be a part of any “We can already tell that the PackBots will allow route clearing mission as much as any team member, dragging or lifting us to search under and inside vehicles without up to 100 pounds, but the robots are a lot easier to replace than a service us physically having to approach it, so that member so we’re really excited to gain this capability.” capability will definitely come in handy if it’s ever needed.”  NCNGA Educational Foundation Bagram’s JRRD, or Robot Shop as it’s commonly known, pulls double-duty as a Combined Event Activities: counter-improvised explosive device (C-IED) training facility as well as one of five robot repair Thursday, 25 April 2013 - Golf Tournament - Tanglewood Golf Club, facilities in Afghanistan. “Our technicians teach Clemmons, NC - Application on web site - groups here at the shop at least twice a month,” event-2/ said Sgt. 1st Class Guerra, Theatre PEO Ground Combat Systems NCOIC. “But if they can’t Thursday - 25 April 2013 - Reverse Drawing - Winston-Salem Armory, come to us, we’ll send the technicians out to 2000 Silas Creek Pkwy. Tickets are $40 each for a chance at winning their locations from one of the different shops $4,000 - dinner for two is included in price of ticket to ensure our service members are utilizing the robots to their fullest capabilities.”  Friday - Saturday - 26-27 April 2013 - Silent Auction - Marriott Hotel During the fighting season, the Robot Shop can receive anywhere from 60 to 100 robots a Saturday evening - 27 April 2013 - Drawing for $2,000 raffle ticket week in need of repair and although that number drastically decreases to 20 robots a week in Tickets can be purchased from any NCNGAEF Board member or by the off season, that is still a lot for their staff calling Peggy Robinson at 1-800-821-6159 ext 5. of twelve. The majority of the repairs consist (You do not have to be present to win for any of the drawings/raffles.) of replacing an arm or gripper part after being Page 12 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
  • 13. NGAUS Conference — 690th BSB News Join Us in Hawaii! 135TH NGAUS GENERAL CONFERENCE On 2 March, the 690th BSB Vipers conducted a Change of Responsibility and Change of Command ceremony in Kinston. HONOLULU, HI Col Jones, 113th SB Commander, and CSM Gill, 113th SB CSM, 20-23 SEPTEMBER 2013 were present to witness the historical event. Outgoing Battalion Commander, LTC Jones and acting CSM, 1SG Bullins, were A NGAUS tradition, the annual conference replaced by LTC Godwin and CSM Webster.(Submitted by allows members to gather and vote on the MAJ Eberly, 690th BSB AO/SPO) top legislative priorities for NGAUS, share information and celebrate the camaraderie of being National Guard and NGAUS members. Candidates for the 2013-14 Join us in Hawaii and network with more than 4,000 fellow National Guard NCNGA Executive Council men and women from all 50 States, Guam, President: Bobby Lumsden – 30th ABCT Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and the Vice President: Jeremy Davis – JFHQ-NC District of Columbia. Members and guests Brent Orr - JFHQ-NC of the NCNG will be staying in the Hyatt JFHQ-NC (one seat): Steven Johnson - JFHQ-NC Regency Waikiki. Diana Stumpf – JFHQ-NC • We will host a hospitality suite in 30th ABCT (one seat): Brian Alkire – HHC 30th STB the Hyatt Regency Waikiki for daily meetings and Hospitality Night 130th MEB (two seats): Robert Holland – Det 1 882nd EN CO • We have 30 rooms blocked at the Hyatt Chris McCurry – Det 1 878th EN CO at $159 (+taxes/fees) 60th TRP CMD (two seats): Dale Baker – Btry B 5-113th FA • Registration is $200 and includes Velma Evans – 60th Troop Command tickets to the Governor’s Reception, All States Dinner, Convention Center 449th TAB (one seat): Colby Hammonds – HHC 1-130th ARB exhibits and events, and daily access Patrick Szvetitz – 449th TAB to refreshments at the North Carolina 113 SUS BDE (one seat): Miriam Gray - HHC 113th SUS BDE th National Guard’s hospitality suite. 139th RGMT (CA) (two seats): David S. Eaton – 139th RGMT For more information, contact MAJ James McKee – 139th RGMT Brian McIlvaine, 1636 Gold Star Dr, Air National Guard (one seat): Barbara Doncaster – 145th MSG Raleigh, NC 27607 or 919-791-6419 or (You can also go to Junior Council (one seat): Dustin Butcher – HHC 30th ABCT and click on Membership/ Timothy Stanhope – HHC 113th SUS BDE NGAUS for more links to the NGAUS Active Associate Class (one seat): Larry Hosch – Charlotte, NC website.) It’s not too late for you to run for office! Applications will be accepted in our office until 15 April 2013. Contact Teri Foster at teri.gregory.foster@ or 1-800-821-6159 ext 1. (as of 3/7/13) Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 13
  • 14. Proposed Amendments — Articles of Incorporation & By-Laws NCNGA — 52nd Annual Convention AMENDMENT #1 or in-state during the inclusive dates of the convention, may assign voting proxies in accordance with the following procedures: Explanation: To amend the By-laws to eliminate the unit delegate system, but a. Proxy can be issued on unit basis only. maintain the proxy system. b. Properly executed proxy certificates must be attached to Delegate 1. Present Wording: Article VIII - Delegates Certificate from unit assigning proxy not later than thirty (30) days prior to convention convening dates. SECTION 1: Each active National Guard unit shall elect one official delegate who shall be a c. Proxy votes are applicable to “ballot” votes only. member of the unit and the Association, to the annual meeting. Delegates selected from the SECTION 4: The Associate Class may elect one official delegate who shall junior membership are encouraged. be a member in good standing of the Association. SECTION 2: All units shall hold a meeting Proposed Wording: Article VIII - Proxies of the Association members at least sixty (60) SECTION 1: Units that cannot have a member at the convention because of days prior to the annual meeting for the purpose official training, mobilization, deployment status out of the state or in-state of electing an official delegate to represent the during the inclusive dates of the convention, may assign voting proxies in unit at the annual meeting, such delegate to be a accordance with the following procedures: member in good standing of the Association. A Certificate of Delegate Status shall be forwarded a. Proxy can be issued on unit basis only. to the Nominating & Credentials Committee b. Properly executed proxy certificates must be submitted from unit thirty (30) days prior to the convention or assigning proxy to the NC National Guard Association not later than thirty delivered to the convention site. The certificate (30) days prior to convention convening dates. must be signed by the Commander or their designated representative. c. Proxy votes are applicable to “ballot” votes only. SECTION 3: Units that cannot have a delegate d. Representatives casting proxy votes must be a member in good at the convention because of official training/ standing of the NCNGA. The representative, in addition to the proxy mobilization/deployment status out of the state vote(s) cast, is also entitled to vote as a member. Listed below are those members (and In Memoriam non-members), spouses and dependent children that have recently passed away. Brian H. Collins Fredrick M. Dudley Below are individuals Fayetteville, NC Jonesville, NC not mentioned in the 10 January 2013 9 February 2013 FEB/MAR issue, Foy N. Jones James D. Honeycutt that passed away Sanford, NC Charlotte, NC prior to 19 January 2013 9 February 2013 January 9, 2013: James H. Royall Larry D. Benthall, Jr. Jimmy O. Huffman, Sr. Goldsboro, NC Son of Larry D. Rutherford College, NC 21 January 2013 Benthall 13 February 2012 Det 2 Co A 690th BSB Jerry W. Eckard Gates, NC Walter F. Pate Newton, NC 12 February 2013 Goldsboro, NC 30 January 2013 13 December 2012 Anthony G. Butler Zachary G. Willetts Fayetteville, NC 883rd EN CO – SAPPER 26 February 2013 Wilmington, NC 2 February 2013 If we have missed someone, please contact the Editor, Teri Foster at or 919-851-3390 ext 1. Page 14 – Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013
  • 15. 2013 NCNGA Discount Ticket Order Form Quantity Total $ Carowinds/Kings Dominion — Valid at either park - $33.00 for ages 3 & up. (Carowinds opened March 29: Kings Dominion opened March 29) (Carowinds price at gate $56.99/$39.99 - Jr/Sr — Kings Dominion price at gate $61.99/$39.99 - Jr/Sr) Wet ‘n Wild Emerald Pointe Water Park Adult Tickets-$27.00 for anyone over 48” tall. (Park open May 25 - Sept. 2) Wet ‘n Wild Emerald Pointe Junior Tickets - $19.00 for anyone under 48” tall. *Tickets can also be ordered online at Call NCNGA for Corporate Code.** Busch Garden Ticket Prices had not been determined as of press time. Subtotal Please check our website for their prices - Credit Card Fee +$3.00 Type of Payment: ___ Check ___ Money Order ___ Master Card ___ Visa Total Due $ Make checks or money order payable to NCNGA. A fee of $23 will be charged for any check returned due to insufficient funds or a check written on a closed account. If checks remain unpaid, Commanders will be notified. Credit Card Information: Account #_____________________________________________________ Exp. Date _____________________ 3 Digit Security Code:_____________ Name on Card: __________________________________________ Signature _______________________________ When ordering tickets, please allow one week for delivery Mail tickets to: Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: _________ Zip code: _________________ To order tickets, send check, money order, MasterCard or Visa information to: NCNGA, 7410 Chapel Hill Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 or call 1-800-821-6159, ext. 2 for Kathy Ford Tickets — *The NCNGA pays for tickets as they are sold; we are unable to provide refunds if tickets are unused. *Tickets are mailed the day the request is received. *Ticket info is also on our website: ATTN: INSURED MEMBERS OF THE NCNGA — HAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR BENEFICIARY LATELY? Deadline for submitting articles for the June/July issue We have experienced several claims in the past year where ben- of the eficiaries had not been updated and ex-spouses received the death Tarheel Guardsman: benefits of the member’s NC National Guard Association Group Life Insurance. Have you had a change in your marital status? If 1 May 2013 so, please contact us to ensure your beneficiary is who you think it is! Call 919-851-3390 ext 1 (Teri Foster) or ext 2 (Rhonda Arndt) Tarheel Guardsman — April/May 2013 — Page 15
  • 16. Tarheel Guardsman Periodicals NC National Guard Assoc. U. S. Postage 7410 Chapel Hill Road PAID Raleigh, NC 27607-5047 Raleigh, NC How to reach us: 919-851-3390 800-821-6159 (in NC only) - email - website 2013 Legislative Breakfast Attendees Senators Attending Representatives Attending Breakfast Breakfast Stan Bingham Bill Rabon Dean Arp George Graham Joe Sam Queen Jim Davis Shirley Randleman Marilyn Avila Kelly Hastings Nathan Ramsey Kathy Harrington Bob Rucho C. Robert Brawley Yvonne L. Holley Bobbie Richardson Brent Jackson Norman Sanderson Mark Brody Craig Horn Dennis Riddell Gene McLaurin Dan Soucek Rayne Brown Pat Hurley Stephen Ross Louis Pate Jerry Tillman Rob Bryan Bert Jones Jason Saine Earline Parmon Mike Woodard Dana Bumgardner James Langdon Bob Steinburg Ronald Rabin Justin Burr Pat McElraft John Szoka George Cleveland Deb McManus Evelyn Terry John Faircloth Chris Millis Joe Tolson Carl Ford Larry Pittman Rena Turner Valerie Foushee Michele Presnell Ken Waddell Harry Warren The NCNGA thanks all those that attended and for your support! See page 9 for article