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About Asia | 2012 | 东方生意桥

About Asia Business Consulting is a Dutch – Chinese advisory
firm specialized in connecting your business to China.

We prepare, position and connect companies to the growing markets of China.
We do this together with you by (i) creating a solid China Strategy for your business, (ii) identifying the most valuable contacts & retrieving important sector
information and (iii) connect you to our network which gives you a head start in China. To successfully invest in China, a local approach is crucial.
Networking plus on-the-spot research is our core business and combined with our academic and hands-on practical knowledge, we are ready to facilitate
your move to China.

About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized                       About Asia.
in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at:
                                                                                                                                               Business Consulting -
About Asia | 2012

About Asia Business Consulting is a Dutch – Chinese advisory
firm specialized in connecting your business to China.

What can About Asia do for your business?
Our main service is to establish contacts for you in China and to perform local market research. This is the first step for   We build a local network in China for your
                                                                                                                              company. This opens up new opportunties
any company wanting to do business in China. Our local approach guarantees you that you will have knowledge of the
                                                                                                                              specifically created for your business.
local situation in China which increases your chances of success. We always have one of our consultants on the spot
                                                                                                                              –Sophia Huang– Consultant About Asia
in China, and most of us divide our time between Holland and China to stay in touch with clients and our Chinese
network. We provide you with knowledge of local Chinese customs and can use our network quickly in your favor.

In every sector in China it is all about the people you know.
In whatever sector you will be active in China, it is extremely important to know the right people to create the
cooperation you are looking for. Establishing a network takes time and commitment, we constantly manage and
expand our network in China to serve our clients in the best way we can. The carefully designed business model we
present in this document helps our clients to build up a respectable and solid contact database in China in a structured
way. In addition to building this network for you, we perform crucial local market research that helps you understand
your Chinese business environment, represent your company and if requested we guide you personally in China.

Questions we will answer for you.
What are the service and price levels in China in my sector and do they differ per city or region? Who are my main
competitors in China? With whom should I co operate? How are projects initiated in China and how can I be involved
from the beginning? What cultural obstacles will I encounter in China?

About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized                                     About Asia.
in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at:
                                                                                                                                                           Business Consulting -
Why China?

China is expected to be the largest economy in the world (leaving the United States second) before 2020. In
the last 30 years China has grown from a closed, agricultural based medium sized economy to a
transitional, industrial and rapidly growing economic powerhouse.

                           China’s economy has shown
                           growth rates of 10%
                           on average for 30 years in a row. This                                                             This year (2012) Mr. Xie Jinping will be
                           economic growth is unprecedented and                                                               installed as China’s new president.
                           has transformed the country enormously.                                                            The general view is that this leader is
                                                                                                                              more progressive,
                                                                                                                              which will open the country to more
                                                                                                                              foreign influence.

                                                                                                                                 Foreign direct investment (FDI)
        China is the largest country in the world                                                                                in China rose to a record
        in terms of population. More than
                                                                                                                                 $116.0 billion in 2011,
        1.3 billion people                                                                                                       underscoring confidence of foreign
        (+/- 20% of the world population). About                                                                                 companies that rising incomes will boost
        200 cities in China have over 1 million                                                                                  demand in the world’s fastest-growing
        inhabitants.                                                                                                             major economy.

                                                                                  Strive to be ahead of your competitors.
                                                                                  China is the world’s largest market for
                                                                                  basically anything in 2040.

About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized                                About Asia.
in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at:
                                                                                                                                                       Business Consulting -
Our experience

In the last five years we have created a valuable network and research base that has shaped direct entry
points and a head start for our clients. We advise our clients where and in what way they are most likely to
succeed in China.

3PLUS1 is a consortium of                   F.C. Utrecht is a professional                  Chinese Radio & TV                Production, camera, editing   Extended Music (EM) is a
four medium-large Dutch                     football club active in the top                 connects Chinese and              and post-production are the   management and bookings
architect firms founded to                  football league in the                          Western culture and               activities of 16X9            agency for DJs/producers.
discover the opportunities                  Netherlands. About Asia is                      society by different media        Filmproduction. In October    We executed market
in China. About Asia is the                 the representative of F.C.                      channels. CRTV                    2011, 16X9's documentary      research for EM, and are
representative of 3PLUS1                    Utrecht in China and has                        broadcasts in Mandarin,           "Urbanisation in China" has   building a Chinese network
in China and has                            initiated contact with several                  Cantonese and Dutch.              won the award for 'best       with stakeholders in the
positioned the company in                   Chinese super league clubs                      About Asia covers various         documentary' at the           music industry that
the Chinese market by                       and government officials in                     developents in China for          Istanbul International Film   comprises record labels,
providing market research,                  China. We work with F.C.                        CRTV's shows by being             Festival. Currently About     event organizers and
creating entry contacts and                 Utrecht to utilize the                          on-the-spot at importants         Asia works with 16X9 on       artists. Collaborations
managing relations with                     opportunities that China's                      events in China and the           another documentary about     between Dutch and
Chinese counterparts and                    growing sports market offers.                   Netherlands.                      China.                        Chinese producers have
prospective clients.                                                                                                                                        been initiated.

About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized                                                About Asia.
in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at:
                                                                                                                                                                       Business Consulting -
Our business Model | Prepare > Position > Connect

We structure our services in three separate phases: Prepare > Position > Connect. With these services we
offer our clients a cost efficient way to tap into the largest growing market in the world. Each phase has a
different purpose and contributes to a constructive China Strategy for your business.

                     Prepare >                                                                     Position >                 Connect

About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized             About Asia.
in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at:
                                                                                                                                    Business Consulting -
Annual Business Cycle | 12 months | 3 periods

Our 12 month business cycle pictured below enables you to carefully choose the right strategy and enter
China in the right way, by connecting to the right people. By following the Prepare > Position > Connect
model, you will have a solid base of information and contacts with which you can succeed in China.

 “This phase is important as
                                                      Month 1            Month 2                              Month 3                 Month 4                       Month 5
 you have to know the local
 situation before you can act.                                                                                                                                                          Period 1:
 We execute market research                                                                                                                                                             Prepare
 by doing dozens of interviews                        Strategy           Preparation                          Local market research   Local market research         Reporting &
 in your sector in China and at                       Development        phase                                month 1 (China)         month 2 (China)               evaluation
 the same time establish the                                                                                                                                        period
 base of your new China

 “During this phase we position                      Month 5             Month 6                              Month 7                 Month 8                       Month 9
 your product or service and
 take culture and persuasive                                                                                                                                                            Period 2:
 marketing into account when                                                                                                                                                            Position
                                                      Positioning        Preparation                          Focused positioned      Focused positioned            Reporting &
 doing so. You now know what
                                                      and follow-        phase                                meetings (China)        meetings (follow-up, China)   evaluation
 Chinese potential business
                                                      up strategy                                                                                                   period
 partners would like to see and
 this is what we communicate.”

 “We introduce you to your
 new possible partners and                            Month 9            Month 10                             Month 11                Month 12                      Month 1
 clients on-the-spot in China                                                                                                                                                            Period 3:
 and prepare these meetings
 carefully. The right attitude is                                                                                                                                                        Connect
                                                      Entrance           Preparation                          Follow-up focused       Introducing the client        First annual
 crucial now. We guide you                                               phase                                meetings (China)        physically (China)            evaluation
 through this sometimes tricky
 cultural process.”

About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized                                                           About Asia.
in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at:
                                                                                                                                                                                   Business Consulting -
Prepare | 4 Months
Before a strong position in the Chinese market can be attained, it is extremely important to know what is
going on in your sector in China. The exploring period is of key importance (especially for companies with
little or no experience or contacts in China).

 Month 1                      Month 2                                                Month 3                                   Month 4                                        Month 5

Strategy                     Preparation phase                                      Local market research month 1 (China)       Local market research month 2 (China)        Reporting & evaluation
Development                                                                                                                                                                  period

In this period, About        Preparing the local market research is                The first month of research will be        In this phase we have more information        We work with practical
Asia together with           important in order to attain the                      intensive. All information that could      about the industry and better                 reporting materials, it will
the client decides on        predefined deliverable results. Here                  potentially be relevant is stored in       understand the developments in your           be clear to you what we
an initial focus area        we scan the regions we will visit and                 structured interview formats. We           sector. The appointments become more          did, and why we took
and strategy. We             contact the persons we will meet. In                  actively search for the best sources in    focused but still informative and not too     those actions in China for
plan where we have           addition, this phase contains practical               your sector. Network events in China       business focused yet, as your business        your company. We deliver
to go and who we             preparations (visa, travels etc).                     are attended to increase fact finding      positioning and representation will take      practical, usable results.
have to meet.                                                                      results and the network base.              place in the next phase.

                                                                                                                                         In this phase you will receive:
                                                                                                                                         •   Market scan
                                                                                                                                         •   Contact database
                                                                                                                                         •   Interview reports
                                                                                                                                         •   Advice on positioning
                                                                                                                                             (China Strategy first draft)

About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized                                                           About Asia.
in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at:
                                                                                                                                                                                  Business Consulting -
Position | 4 Months
A strategic position can be attained in China only when realizing that we are dealing with a different culture
and another way of doing business. About Asia will advise on marketing materials, continues relationship
building and will start and the positioning of your company in China.

 Month 5                      Month 6                                                Month 7                                    Month 8                                    Month 9

Positioning Strategy         Preparation phase                                      Focused positioned meetings (China)         Focused positioned meetings (follow-      Reporting & evaluation
Development                                                                                                                     up, China)                                period

In this period, we review        We advise and prepare modern but                    During the second visit we focus on        We establish a solid relationship with   We work with practical
the advised actions of           localized tools to communicate the                  meetings with potential future business    your potential business partners. We     reporting materials, it will
the Prepare phase and            client’s product or service with                    partners and clients. We communicate       focus on business minded contact to      be clear to you what we
work on a good strategy          potential future business partners. We              the predefined message on the right spot   make sure you can talk serious           did, and why we took
of our client in China.          focus on which appointments we want                 at the right time. The goal of these       business once you arrive in China        those actions in China for
We aim to create an              to make (and schedule them) for the                 meetings is to prepare the Chinese side    yourself in the connect phase.           your company. We deliver
optimal response from            second China visit. Next to that, this              for meeting you during the next phase                                               practical, usable results.
our client’s new China           phase contains practical preparations.              (Connect) in which we want to discuss
network.                                                                             serious co operation possibilities.

                                                                                                                                          In this phase you will receive:
                                                                                                                                          •    Local representation of your business
                                                                                                                                          •    Contact database (extended)
                                                                                                                                          •    Interview reports
                                                                                                                                          •    China strategy (extended)

About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized                                                        About Asia.
in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at:
                                                                                                                                                                               Business Consulting -
Connect | 4 Months
Possible Chinese partners and clients are introduced to you in this phase, as we have created good
conditions for the introduction of your company. Constructing your own personal ‘click’ (guanxi) with
Chinese business partners will be an interesting process.

 Month 9                      Month 10                                               Month 11                                 Month 12                                    Month 1

Entrance strategy            Preparation phase                                      Follow up focused meetings (China)        Introducing the client physically (China)   First annual evaluation

In this period, the             During this preparation phase we                     Before introducing you, we make sure     You will be introduced to the               We evaluate the first
strategy must define            strongly focus on specific parties                   the meeting will be focused on the       established contacts and we guide you       year of co operation
the way to enter the            with which we have already                           wanted topic, by means of a              during these meetings. From here            and possibly create new
market. You will                constructed a connection. We make                    preparation visit (relationship          business can develop directly between       targets for year two.
prepare your                    sure you feel prepared for a                         management). We once more point          you and the Chinese side. We can also
personal introduction           convenient on-the-spot                               out the purpose of your visit to China   introduce you to a trustworthy office
and related                     introduction. We arrange a program                   to your potential Chinese                that can advise you in regard to legal
promotion materials.            of meetings for you in China.                        partners/clients.                        issues.

                                                                                                                                      In this phase you will receive:
                                                                                                                                      •    Connecting you to a number of parties on-the-spot
                                                                                                                                           in China
                                                                                                                                      •    Comprehensive contact database
                                                                                                                                      •    Follow-up strategy including practical implications
                                                                                                                                           of all findings

About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized                                                       About Asia.
in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at:
                                                                                                                                                                              Business Consulting -
Contact us

Please contact us at for more information and visit our website to find out more about our services, our team and our references.

                                                                                                                              NETHERLANDS           HONG KONG
                                                                                                                              Ferguutstraat 20-3    Suite 902, 9/F
                                                                                                                              1055SZ Amsterdam      26 Des Voeux Road
                                                                                                                              The Netherlands       Central Hong Kong

                                                                                                                              Mr. Michiel Roosjen   Mr. David Yao
                                                                                                                              +316 28054886         +86 13902910203

                                                                                                                              Mr. Roel Sprangers    Mr. Yok Zhang
                                                                                                                              +316 24903664         +86 13530055722

About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized                                 About Asia.
in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at:
                                                                                                                                                        Business Consulting -

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About Asia Profiler

  • 1. About Asia | 2012 | 东方生意桥 About Asia Business Consulting is a Dutch – Chinese advisory firm specialized in connecting your business to China. We prepare, position and connect companies to the growing markets of China. We do this together with you by (i) creating a solid China Strategy for your business, (ii) identifying the most valuable contacts & retrieving important sector information and (iii) connect you to our network which gives you a head start in China. To successfully invest in China, a local approach is crucial. Networking plus on-the-spot research is our core business and combined with our academic and hands-on practical knowledge, we are ready to facilitate your move to China. About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized About Asia. in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at: Business Consulting -
  • 2. About Asia | 2012 About Asia Business Consulting is a Dutch – Chinese advisory firm specialized in connecting your business to China. What can About Asia do for your business? Our main service is to establish contacts for you in China and to perform local market research. This is the first step for We build a local network in China for your company. This opens up new opportunties any company wanting to do business in China. Our local approach guarantees you that you will have knowledge of the specifically created for your business. local situation in China which increases your chances of success. We always have one of our consultants on the spot –Sophia Huang– Consultant About Asia in China, and most of us divide our time between Holland and China to stay in touch with clients and our Chinese network. We provide you with knowledge of local Chinese customs and can use our network quickly in your favor. In every sector in China it is all about the people you know. In whatever sector you will be active in China, it is extremely important to know the right people to create the cooperation you are looking for. Establishing a network takes time and commitment, we constantly manage and expand our network in China to serve our clients in the best way we can. The carefully designed business model we present in this document helps our clients to build up a respectable and solid contact database in China in a structured way. In addition to building this network for you, we perform crucial local market research that helps you understand your Chinese business environment, represent your company and if requested we guide you personally in China. Questions we will answer for you. What are the service and price levels in China in my sector and do they differ per city or region? Who are my main competitors in China? With whom should I co operate? How are projects initiated in China and how can I be involved from the beginning? What cultural obstacles will I encounter in China? About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized About Asia. in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at: Business Consulting -
  • 3. Why China? China is expected to be the largest economy in the world (leaving the United States second) before 2020. In the last 30 years China has grown from a closed, agricultural based medium sized economy to a transitional, industrial and rapidly growing economic powerhouse. China’s economy has shown growth rates of 10% on average for 30 years in a row. This This year (2012) Mr. Xie Jinping will be economic growth is unprecedented and installed as China’s new president. has transformed the country enormously. The general view is that this leader is more progressive, which will open the country to more foreign influence. Foreign direct investment (FDI) China is the largest country in the world in China rose to a record in terms of population. More than $116.0 billion in 2011, 1.3 billion people underscoring confidence of foreign (+/- 20% of the world population). About companies that rising incomes will boost 200 cities in China have over 1 million demand in the world’s fastest-growing inhabitants. major economy. Strive to be ahead of your competitors. China is the world’s largest market for basically anything in 2040. About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized About Asia. in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at: Business Consulting -
  • 4. Our experience In the last five years we have created a valuable network and research base that has shaped direct entry points and a head start for our clients. We advise our clients where and in what way they are most likely to succeed in China. 3PLUS1 is a consortium of F.C. Utrecht is a professional Chinese Radio & TV Production, camera, editing Extended Music (EM) is a four medium-large Dutch football club active in the top connects Chinese and and post-production are the management and bookings architect firms founded to football league in the Western culture and activities of 16X9 agency for DJs/producers. discover the opportunities Netherlands. About Asia is society by different media Filmproduction. In October We executed market in China. About Asia is the the representative of F.C. channels. CRTV 2011, 16X9's documentary research for EM, and are representative of 3PLUS1 Utrecht in China and has broadcasts in Mandarin, "Urbanisation in China" has building a Chinese network in China and has initiated contact with several Cantonese and Dutch. won the award for 'best with stakeholders in the positioned the company in Chinese super league clubs About Asia covers various documentary' at the music industry that the Chinese market by and government officials in developents in China for Istanbul International Film comprises record labels, providing market research, China. We work with F.C. CRTV's shows by being Festival. Currently About event organizers and creating entry contacts and Utrecht to utilize the on-the-spot at importants Asia works with 16X9 on artists. Collaborations managing relations with opportunities that China's events in China and the another documentary about between Dutch and Chinese counterparts and growing sports market offers. Netherlands. China. Chinese producers have prospective clients. been initiated. About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized About Asia. in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at: Business Consulting -
  • 5. Our business Model | Prepare > Position > Connect We structure our services in three separate phases: Prepare > Position > Connect. With these services we offer our clients a cost efficient way to tap into the largest growing market in the world. Each phase has a different purpose and contributes to a constructive China Strategy for your business. Prepare > Position > Connect About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized About Asia. in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at: Business Consulting -
  • 6. Annual Business Cycle | 12 months | 3 periods Our 12 month business cycle pictured below enables you to carefully choose the right strategy and enter China in the right way, by connecting to the right people. By following the Prepare > Position > Connect model, you will have a solid base of information and contacts with which you can succeed in China. “This phase is important as Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 you have to know the local situation before you can act. Period 1: We execute market research Prepare by doing dozens of interviews Strategy Preparation Local market research Local market research Reporting & in your sector in China and at Development phase month 1 (China) month 2 (China) evaluation the same time establish the period base of your new China network. “During this phase we position Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 your product or service and take culture and persuasive Period 2: marketing into account when Position Positioning Preparation Focused positioned Focused positioned Reporting & doing so. You now know what and follow- phase meetings (China) meetings (follow-up, China) evaluation Chinese potential business up strategy period partners would like to see and this is what we communicate.” “We introduce you to your new possible partners and Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Month 1 clients on-the-spot in China Period 3: and prepare these meetings carefully. The right attitude is Connect Entrance Preparation Follow-up focused Introducing the client First annual crucial now. We guide you phase meetings (China) physically (China) evaluation strategy through this sometimes tricky cultural process.” About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized About Asia. in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at: Business Consulting -
  • 7. Prepare | 4 Months Before a strong position in the Chinese market can be attained, it is extremely important to know what is going on in your sector in China. The exploring period is of key importance (especially for companies with little or no experience or contacts in China). Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Strategy Preparation phase Local market research month 1 (China) Local market research month 2 (China) Reporting & evaluation Development period In this period, About Preparing the local market research is The first month of research will be In this phase we have more information We work with practical Asia together with important in order to attain the intensive. All information that could about the industry and better reporting materials, it will the client decides on predefined deliverable results. Here potentially be relevant is stored in understand the developments in your be clear to you what we an initial focus area we scan the regions we will visit and structured interview formats. We sector. The appointments become more did, and why we took and strategy. We contact the persons we will meet. In actively search for the best sources in focused but still informative and not too those actions in China for plan where we have addition, this phase contains practical your sector. Network events in China business focused yet, as your business your company. We deliver to go and who we preparations (visa, travels etc). are attended to increase fact finding positioning and representation will take practical, usable results. have to meet. results and the network base. place in the next phase. In this phase you will receive: • Market scan • Contact database • Interview reports • Advice on positioning (China Strategy first draft) About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized About Asia. in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at: Business Consulting -
  • 8. Position | 4 Months A strategic position can be attained in China only when realizing that we are dealing with a different culture and another way of doing business. About Asia will advise on marketing materials, continues relationship building and will start and the positioning of your company in China. Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Positioning Strategy Preparation phase Focused positioned meetings (China) Focused positioned meetings (follow- Reporting & evaluation Development up, China) period In this period, we review We advise and prepare modern but During the second visit we focus on We establish a solid relationship with We work with practical the advised actions of localized tools to communicate the meetings with potential future business your potential business partners. We reporting materials, it will the Prepare phase and client’s product or service with partners and clients. We communicate focus on business minded contact to be clear to you what we work on a good strategy potential future business partners. We the predefined message on the right spot make sure you can talk serious did, and why we took of our client in China. focus on which appointments we want at the right time. The goal of these business once you arrive in China those actions in China for We aim to create an to make (and schedule them) for the meetings is to prepare the Chinese side yourself in the connect phase. your company. We deliver optimal response from second China visit. Next to that, this for meeting you during the next phase practical, usable results. our client’s new China phase contains practical preparations. (Connect) in which we want to discuss network. serious co operation possibilities. In this phase you will receive: • Local representation of your business • Contact database (extended) • Interview reports • China strategy (extended) About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized About Asia. in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at: Business Consulting -
  • 9. Connect | 4 Months Possible Chinese partners and clients are introduced to you in this phase, as we have created good conditions for the introduction of your company. Constructing your own personal ‘click’ (guanxi) with Chinese business partners will be an interesting process. Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Month 1 Entrance strategy Preparation phase Follow up focused meetings (China) Introducing the client physically (China) First annual evaluation development In this period, the During this preparation phase we Before introducing you, we make sure You will be introduced to the We evaluate the first strategy must define strongly focus on specific parties the meeting will be focused on the established contacts and we guide you year of co operation the way to enter the with which we have already wanted topic, by means of a during these meetings. From here and possibly create new market. You will constructed a connection. We make preparation visit (relationship business can develop directly between targets for year two. prepare your sure you feel prepared for a management). We once more point you and the Chinese side. We can also personal introduction convenient on-the-spot out the purpose of your visit to China introduce you to a trustworthy office and related introduction. We arrange a program to your potential Chinese that can advise you in regard to legal promotion materials. of meetings for you in China. partners/clients. issues. In this phase you will receive: • Connecting you to a number of parties on-the-spot in China • Comprehensive contact database • Follow-up strategy including practical implications of all findings About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized About Asia. in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at: Business Consulting -
  • 10. Contact us Please contact us at for more information and visit our website to find out more about our services, our team and our references. NETHERLANDS HONG KONG Ferguutstraat 20-3 Suite 902, 9/F 1055SZ Amsterdam 26 Des Voeux Road The Netherlands Central Hong Kong Mr. Michiel Roosjen Mr. David Yao +316 28054886 +86 13902910203 Mr. Roel Sprangers Mr. Yok Zhang +316 24903664 +86 13530055722 About Asia Business Consulting. This profiler is for information purposes only. About Asia is a consulting firm specialized About Asia. in advising its clients on how to generate business in and from Asia. Please contact us for more information at: Business Consulting -