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On a barren planet far from Pleasantview Technician Elotot punched buttons on the machine before him. With a spark it surged to life,
its giant panels swinging up toward the sky forming the dish that would focus the ray. Electricity swirled around the generator crystals
as the machine built up its charge.

“Ignition,” Technician Elotot murmured pushing the final button. He stepped back to watch the machine do its work.

“Let us hope for better results this time,” Commander Tusom called turning his gaze to the sky.

Grix the Servo watched quietly.
As the machine discharged its glowing beam of energy into the sky Elotot was focused on the readings displayed on the instrument
panel. He was vaguely aware of the arrival of Technician Sepal and Dr. Actroz.

Patiently he watched and waited, tuning out the sounds of his companions conversation as the gages on the machine fluctuated.
As the energy beam slowly tapered off Elotot’s shoulders slumped. It had failed again. All he had done was bought them more time. He
was out of options.

Slowly, defeated, he turned and made his way back inside the modular building that was their base of operations.

                                                                * * *
“Perhaps if we could return to the command ship and send in some droids to gather further information we might be able to formulate a
new plan of attack,” Elotot explained as he and his companions sat around the conference table in the observation tower, “I simply can
not see a way to make this work without knowing more of what we are dealing with.”

“Defeat is not an option,” Dr. Actroz stated from his left, “We are here until we succeed. You know this.”
“How can it be so difficult to generate a few clouds?” Technician Sepal asked the room in general.

“If it were as simple as generating a few clouds we would have completed this mission already,” Elotot snapped, his lack of patience and
feelings of inadequacy were beginning to get the better of him.

“I guess I just don’t understand,” Sepal shrugged, “It seems like such a simple concept.”
“We don’t need just a few clouds,” Commander Tusom explained, ever patient with the youngest member of his team, “We need to
recreate everything that comes before those clouds form. Rather like a child’s game of blocks to build a giant tower. If it is not done
exactly correct, the tower will fall. We are attempting to put in all the billions of pieces that would naturally coalesce and eventually lead
to spontaneous cloud generation. All of the pieces have to be assembled in the correct order and fashion. If these elements are not in
place first, the clouds we do generate will simply dissipate and be released into space.”
“We have done that though,” Sepal countered, “On the solar deck onboard the command ship. Clouds form spontaneously there all the

“On a significantly smaller scale, in an artificial enclosure” Elotot interjected.

“That is by nothing more than happy accident,” Actroz added, “We do not have that luxury on this grand a scale.”
“The thought occurs, Commander,” Actroz turned her attention to Commander Tusom, “that we are at a significant disadvantage in this
venture given that our civilization hasn’t stepped foot on a real planet in living memory. It is often the case where the mind learns what
it experiences and is better suited to solve problems that arise if it has an understanding based on that experience rather than simply
reading data.”

“I believe you may have a point with that,” Elotot agreed.
“Perhaps it would then be in our best interest to find those who have the correct base of understanding,” Tusom suggested, “Bring them
here and see what they make of the situation.”

“A wise course of action,” Actroz nodded.

“At this point we have nothing to loose,” Elotot added, “We have exhausted our current resources, more input is required.”

“That is our plan off action then,” Tusom declared, “Sepal, see to it.”

“Of course Commander.”

                                                                  * * *
Several weeks later Actroz was on a mission. So far they had ‘relocated’ several potential candidates to assist with the situation.
Unfortunately most of their subjects appeared to be of average quality with little to offer. It was Actroz’s opinion that even the average
could prove useful if sufficiently motivated. The subjects did have one very important factor in their favour; all had first hand experience
with planetary living and a species history of ingenuity. All they needed now was someone to lead them.

It was her professional opinion that the Sim mind was capable of unlocking previously hidden potential with a little guidance from a
suitable leader. She intended to find them that leader.
She searched meticulously through all information on file regarding Sim behaviour, society, and most importantly reports of those
particularly gifted in fields that would be of assistance to their cause. After several hours, it seemed like her search may be in vain when
suddenly a reference jumped out at her from amongst the millions on record. Quickly she scanned for the name mentioned in the record.

Pushing down a rise of hopeful excitement she pulled up all the data available on this person. Could this one be the leader she was
looking for?
“Oh yes,” she spoke out loud to the empty dinning module, “Yes, this one will do nicely.”
“I believe I have located a likely candidate,” Actroz reported moments later to Commander Tusom in the Observation Tower, “A male,
particularly gifted in the sciences.”

“Excellent.” Tusom gave a slight smile of his own, “Have Sepal get on it immediately and of course Elotot will need to prepare the
formula as well. You may do the honours this time if you wish, you have earned it.”

“Thank you Commander,” Actroz acknowledged, “I will have Grix stand ready to welcome our new guest once he arrives.”


                                                                * * *
“Oh good, you are here. They will be most pleased.” Grix the Servo clasped his hands together with a metallic thunk, “I do apologize for
what I am about to do sir, Orders and all though. You understand I am sure.”

                                                                * * *
Trey lay on the bunk in his cell staring at the ceiling. It wasn’t so much that he had been abducted, incarcerated, unceremoniously
dumped on an Alien planet and then incarcerated again that was bothering him, it was that he didn’t have the faintest clue why.

As bizarre situations went, this had to be the most bizarre he had ever experienced by far. Except maybe for the time in Biology lab
when he had accidentally spilled the Elixir of Life into some ReNuYu and then knocked the whole mess into the box of dissection frogs.
The resulting plague of zombified amphibians had been rather bizarre.
“Mr. Mullin, “Actroz began interrupting Trey’s musing, “So very glad you could join us.”
“It is Dr. Mullin actually,” Trey said rising to his feet, “What do you want with me?”

“Of course it is,” Actroz acknowledged his title, “You have some theories that are of interest to us. We require your assistance.”
“Your theories regarding atmospheric phenomenon as they pertain to the sustenance of life on a planet are of great importance,” Actroz
continued, pacing slowly before the cell door, “You will explain these theories in detail to us and of course assist us in the

“You want my help?” Trey almost couldn’t believe he had heard that correctly, “Interesting way of asking.”
“I don’t believe I asked at all,” Actroz spun to face him, her next words dripping with venom, “You will assist us or you will regret it.”

“Threats now on top of everything else,” Trey’s own anger was rising, “gee you really know how to win a guy over.”
“You are not given a choice in this matter Dr. Mullin,” Actroz informed him folding her arms across her chest, “We will have that
information and your co-operation.”

“Lady, you are delusional,” Trey countered, “You abduct me off my balcony, throw me in a cell on some stinking space ship crawling
with Aliens, drop me from the sky then have a robot toss me in prison and you expect me to co-operate? Are you insane?”
“Hardly,” Actroz replied, her anger now under control “I am a psychologist. I will personally see to it that we have your willing co-
operation. That is a promise Dr. Mullin.”
Trey didn’t respond.

They stood regarding each other for several long moments, engaged in a silent battle of wills. Finally Actroz spoke.

“The circumstances of your arrival here are unfortunate,” she told him with what may have been a hint of regret in her tone, “I assure
you it is a matter of life and death that had us resort to such extreme measures. We will provide what we can for you and all the others in
exchange for your co-operation.”
“Let me out of here and I will consider it,” Trey said quietly as she turned to go.

“All in good time Dr. Mullin,” Actroz called over her shoulder, “All in good time.”

Then she was gone and he was alone once more.
Trey pulled at the bars of his cell in frustration. So this was where all those people had been abducted to. He should have guessed

This changed everything. If what she said was true then it was possible he held the lives of others in his hands. His actions would dictate
if all those other people lived or died.

With a sigh he leaned his forehead against the bars of his cell. He didn’t want to think about it anymore. Right now, he just wanted to go

                                                                 * * *
“I have always wanted to do that,” Sepal said watching Elotot mix together several liquids and then place them in a machine, “Do you
think next time I could give it a try?”

“I do not believe there will be a next time,” Elotot told her not looking up from his work.

“Oh,” Sepal sighed, “That’s disappointing.”
“So you just mix it all up and then add the contribution D.N.A. before delivery?” Sepal asked a moment later.

“Hmm, what was that?” it took Elotot a moment to register what she had said as he concentrated on his work, “Oh. Yes, that is
essentially it. There are of course other details but that is the basic process.”
“I still wish I could try it,” Sepal mused again, “Are you sure there won’t be a next time?”

“You would know better than I, Abduction Technician Sepal,” Elotot replied lifting the lid on the centrifuge, “Have you gotten the order
for any further subjects?”

“Just the one from last night, and that one was female” she responded.

“Then I seriously doubt there will be a next time. Our resources are already taxed to the limit with what we have.”
“Can you imagine it?” Sepal clasped her hands excitedly as Elotot turned to face her and placed his hands on his hips, “So simple to do,
yet so effective and powerful. It must be a great feeling knowing you hold the very power of life in your hands and that you created it

“I am sure I can imagine how that feels, yes,” Elotot couldn’t help the sarcasm, “I have only done that very thing more times than I can
count. Now, would you please go tell the Commander that the formula is ready and awaiting his order?”

“Of course! Oh! This is so exciting!” Sepal was almost beside herself with excitement as she made her way to find the commander.

                                                                 * * *
“He’s cute,” Sepal commented a short while later as she stepped off the teleporter pad to join her companions, “Are you sure we can’t
keep him.”

“This one belongs to Dr. Actroz,” Tusom replied, “He is hers to do with as she will.”

“Please can we keep him?” Sepal pleaded with her colleague.

“Dr. Mullin and I have an understanding,” Actroz stated, “He will be set free.”
“I get to go home?” Trey asked trying not to let the hope show through in his voice.

“I am afraid not,” Tusom’s voice showed none of the regret he claimed, “But you will be released from your cell.”

“As per our understanding,” Actroz explained, “You help us, we help you.”

“I haven’t agreed to help you yet,” Trey countered.
“You will Dr. Mullin,” Tusom grinned as he pulled out a ray gun and stepped into the cell, “In time you will, and time is the only thing
we have to spare at the moment.”

Trey didn’t respond, he couldn’t respond. This whole situation, already messed up beyond reason or understanding, had just taken a turn
for the surreal as he caught sight of the ray gun that could have come straight from a sci-fi film.
“There is just one thing we need to do before you go,” Tusom explained calmly as he pulled the trigger on the ray gun and a stream of
blue energy shot out from the barrel, “It is better for you if you are not conscious for it. Don’t worry though, it won’t hurt a bit.”
Trey doubled over as pain radiated through him. He would have screamed if he could have found his voice. The pain spread from his
chest where the ray had hit him and slowly made its way throughout his body and along his limbs.

Close on the heels of the pain was a wave of intense cold. He could feel his muscles freezing up as the cold overcame him. It occurred to
him that of all times now would be the perfect time to panic. Unfortunately, no sooner had he thought it than his mind was swallowed up
by the icy chill and darkness overcame him.
“Oh dear,” Tusom stifled a giggle, “I seem to have lied. It would appear that hurt after all.”

                                                                  * * *
“Gently Elotot,” Actroz asserted, “We need him in an agreeable mood to gain his co-operation; injuries will not be conducive to seeing
our side of things.”

“I am always gentle,” Elotot assured her, “He will be out for a while longer and when he wakes he will feel nothing but a few minor
aches from the freeze ray.”

“Very good,” Actroz nodded, “I am certain he will agree soon enough, this is just added incentive.”
“Now,” Elotot began, looking down at his ‘patient’ and rubbing his hands excitedly, “Let’s get this started. I have it on very good
authority that this is a most exciting procedure.”

                                                                 * * *
Trey was not a happy man. His entire body ached, his head was throbbing and he felt like he was thinking in a fog. None of this was
helped any by waking up face first in the cold white dust with nothing around except a mailbox, a trash can and …
… this.

He could only assume this was to pass for a dwelling here on this empty wasteland of a planet. He wasn’t sure what he had been
expecting when Actroz had said he would be provided for but certainly it had been more than this.
There was no point bickering over creature comforts at this point though. Seeing what must be considered a beach behind his ‘shack’
Trey headed down to investigate and get a better idea of what he was working with.

Kneeling down, he inspected the sand. He made a mental note to collect some samples to see what the sand was composed of. Having an
idea of the compositional properties of the planet’s soil would be a great help to figure out what he was dealing with. Perhaps he could
get more information from the Aliens as well. They must have collected data if they were mounting an operation here …
Pausing in his mini excavation of the beach, Trey grappled with his thoughts. He would only need this information if he was going to
help them. He hadn’t decided that issue yet. He still wasn’t sure what he planned to do.

On one hand he couldn’t very well abandon all the other abductees. Yet on the other hand, he hadn’t actually seen any other abductees
yet. For all he knew Actroz had lied to him to gain his co-operation. Still, all those people had gone missing. It was likely that they were
here, on this very planet. If that was the case he probably would end up helping the Aliens, if only to secure the release of his fellow

His thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt by a sudden wave of nausea.
He barely made it back to his hut in time where he spent a very long time trying to keep his stomach from turning itself inside out with
the force of his heaving.
“I don’t know what they did to me,” he murmured to the empty room when he at last regained his composure, “But I know that she’s
behind it. I swear next time I see her I am going to enjoy strangling her with my bare hands.”

                                                              * * *
Over the next few days Trey found that Actroz had been telling him the truth. Every single person that had been abducted from
Pleasantview and not returned was present on this planet.

He learned they were free to roam the planet at will and were staying in a communal style compound not far from his shack. They had
little information as to what was going on or why they were here.
“It isn’t so bad when you think about it” Jihoon Hsu explained one day over the liquid meals the Aliens had stocked Trey’s fridge with.
Trey hadn’t yet figured out why they had left small cocktail umbrellas in the cabinet but he decided since technically this impromptu
visit counted as entertaining here he would pull them out and at least make a presentation of the pale green drink.

“It isn’t?” Trey asked for clarification, “I kind of want to go home myself.”

“Well yeah,” Jihoon agreed, “but so many of us were abducted that all my best friends are here. It is almost like we are home!”
Rather than respond to that twisted bit of logic, Trey excused himself from the table.

“I think they are watching us,” Marie Rauscher stated taking a glass from the table.

“I know they are,” Danielle Lillard agreed as she made her way past them down to the beach.
“It scares me,” Marie added, “We don’t know why we are here, they haven’t explained anything. Just dropped us here and left.”

Trey watched Jihoon sip his lunch. The blonde man didn’t seem to be afraid. Trey wasn’t even sure it had occurred to him that he should
be. He could answer some of Marie’s questions of course, but would it solve anything or just serve to panic those like Jihoon?

“I know they are watching us,” Trey finally settled on part of the truth, “I don’t think it is anything to be afraid of though. If it were they
would have given us a reason to be afraid before now.”
                                                                  * * *
His shack seemed to become the unofficial gathering place and people stopped by all the time to ask him his thoughts on what the
Aliens were up to.

“Do you think we are part of some galactic zoo? Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad, little green Alien children watching us and feeding us
treats? I would be okay being in a zoo.”
“Then after the poking they zapped me with some sort of x-ray gun! Why did they do that? The green one asked me questions about
science-type stuff and I was all like ‘Dude! I’m a florist how do I know? I deal with flowers all day not math and stuff.’ And he was all
like ‘Interesting Miss Tse’ and poked me with needles then he zapped me with his x-ray gun. What’s up with that?”

The barrage of babble left him feeling dazed. Even if he had an answer to the questions, he didn’t think he could have formed it into a
sentence. He wasn’t sure he was capable of thinking anymore, at least not coherently.
“Couldn’t we hijack a plane to get out of here or something?”

“Marie, how would we travel in space with just a plane? Besides all the little green children will be sad if we aren’t here to watch
anymore. Where will all the big green parents take them on weekends?”

“We don’t need to leave I tell you. We are all here! It is Pleasant view in space! Only with no work to get to. What could possibly be
wrong with that?”

Trey had to agree with Jihoon, this was like Pleasantview in space, only he wasn’t at all sure that was really a good thing.
“Calm down everyone,” Trey had finally had enough of being bombarded with questions and schemes and theories, “We will figure out
what to do. It is just going to take a little time to adjust and weigh our assets.”

“What about school for any future children?” Marie asked, “If we are stuck here won’t the children need schooling?”

“Oh we could teach the little green children at a school as well!” Lindsay Louie definitely had a hang up for little green children.

“I miss real food,” Michelle Tse murmured, “can we figure out how to get real food if we are stuck here?”
“Look Trey,” Danielle said wringing her hands as the other’s talked amongst themselves, “I know we are a little overwhelming right
now, but we are scared. Even Jihoon is scared; he just doesn’t want anyone to know. We don’t mean to be dumping our fears on you but
we need someone who can think a way out of this and you are the most qualified.”

“You do realize that all of my best thinking takes place in a lab right?” Trey asked her, “Outside the lab I tend to forget thinking and that
usually ends up involving naked women some how.”

“Yeah I know, but it is you or Goopy.”

“I’ll get to thinking.”
Trey turned his attention to the bookcase the Aliens had provided him with hoping there would be some clues to what he was dealing
with there. Several hours later the books had proved to be of little use, they were mostly standard bookcase fare, a few cookbooks, a
book on house keeping, another on household repair and the usual literary suspects but nothing at all that gave him any hints as to where
this planet was and who the Aliens were.

He gave up his search and decided to get some sleep.

Just as he was getting into bed a strange fluttering started in his abdomen and then …
“I am going to kill her,” He growled looking down at his now swollen stomach, “I am going to kill her slowly, painfully, and I am going
to enjoy every second of it.”

                                                                * * *
“That is an interesting look for you Dr. Mullin,” Actroz teased the next day when she arrived, “I don’t know if Sepal would find you
cute in it but I, at least, appreciate the sentiment.”

“You!” Trey spun around to confront her, hands on hips, “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Now Dr. Mullin,” Actroz mock pouted, “I thought you would be happy to see me. We are going to be working together, it would
behove us to learn to get along.”
“Do I look happy to see you lady?” Trey’s anger was running away with him, “Does this look like a happy face to you?”

“The face on your shirt certainly seems happy.” Actroz couldn’t help bating him.

“I am not talking about the face on my shirt!”

“Really Dr. Mullin, I don’t believe all this shouting is good for the child …”

“Let’s talk about the child shall we?” Trey snapped, interrupting her, “We’ll start with how, and go immediately on to why!”
“Incentive,” came her terse reply.

“Pardon?” Trey was momentarily taken aback by her willingness to answer.

“Incentive, Dr. Mullin. Surely I don’t have to define the word for you? No? Good. This planet is dying. It can not maintain a breathable
atmosphere. We need your help and while I am guessing you wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice your own life and perhaps even the lives of
the others we brought here in some sort of noble martyrdom for the injustice you perceive us to have committed, I will have grossly
underestimated your character if you will sacrifice the life of a child. Especially your own child.”

Trey was silent as he digested this information.
“Psychology,” Trey responded at last. He couldn’t help grinning at her clever gambit.


“Well played. You are very good.”

“Thank you,” Actroz nodded and accepted his compliment, “Now, will you help us?”
“How many lives are we talking about here?” Trey inquired.

“Approximately Six-hundred thousand,” Actroz supplied simply, “All that remains of four ancient races.”

Trey heaved a sigh. That was a lot of lives to place in his hands. Out of the entire universe he couldn’t possibly be the best man for the

“How much help can I be with generating a few clouds?” he asked puzzled. Surely any society with such advanced technology as these
Aliens obviously possessed didn’t need help from a scientist hailing from a back water planet like him.
“Do not take that ‘a few clouds’ stance with me!” Actroz snarled, poking him in the chest, “There is much more involved than ‘just a
few clouds’ Dr. Mullin. Of anyone from your planet you should know this!”

“Of course I know,” Trey began attempting to placate the red-headed Alien, “It was merely an expression, an attempt to lighten the

“Do not underplay the seriousness of this situation with wretched attempts at humour,” Actroz warned, “Help us terra-form this world.
You are our last hope. Help us succeed where we have previously failed, if not for us, then for the child you carry.”
“Terra forming is simple, time consuming, but …”

“Is it?” she countered, “Have you ever done it?”

“Well … no … but …”

“There is no but!” Actroz was losing her patience with him again, “We have tried, time and again we have tried and failed. Failure after
failure. We have no other option.”
Trey thought for a moment.

“We could share our planet!” he cried excitedly as the thought occurred to him, “Your people could come to my planet.”

“Been there, tried that, denied on grounds of ‘Planetary Stability’.”
“They actually told you that?”

“Those exact words, then ushered us off like errant children for daring to ask.”

Trey felt suddenly ashamed of his world leaders. The lives of entire races were at stake and they turned them away. How could they do
something like that? How could they be so cold hearted? How could they do … exactly what he was doing.

As soon as he realized that he had been acting just as selfish as the people he now thought so little of, his decision was made.
“If I help you, you have to help us,” He insisted, “None of us are here by choice. You took us against our will.”

“Naturally,” Actroz agreed immediately, “Our supply chain is limited so you will have to work within that system, but whatever we can
offer to make your stay more comfortable you will get.”
“Alright, I will help,” he told her, “But one of these days you have to explain to me how four whole races of people became dependant
on a scientist from Pleasantview.”

“Dr. Mullin, It will be my pleasure,” Actroz agreed, “Now if you will come with me I will give you a tour of our facilities before you are
too pregnant to safely make the walk.”

“Speaking of,” Trey began as they set off, “how exactly am I pregnant? I have always wondered how you people achieve that.”

“All in good time Dr. Mullin,” Actroz quipped for the second time in their relationship, “All in good time.”
                                                                * * *
Trey tried desperately to recall the easy camaraderie he and Actroz has settled into that fateful afternoon later when the labour pains
began ripping through him a few weeks later. He was not having much success.

Of course it hadn’t lasted either, they could not seem to have a single conversation without it degenerating into a shouting match.
Another shouting match would be taking place right now if she was within ear shot. Instead he settled for shouting at the walls.

“This hurts! How do women do this? Oh ow! Not fair! Not fair! Not fair!”
“Ow! I should have killed her when I had the chance!” Trey’s monologue progressed along with his labour, “It was a good plan. Oh ow!
Oh ow! Ow! Oooowwww! Her death would have made me feel so much better. Ouch! But nooooo, I let her live. Ohhhhhh! Pain! Not
this time. No, this time she is a dead woman. Ow! Ooooooh ow! Just as soon as I am not in pain anymore.”
Moments later, as he looked into the eyes of his son, his pain was almost forgotten … almost.

“Hello little one. I had wondered if she had been directly involved or just arranged things, but looking at you I know she was definitely
involved. I don’t know how it happened, but a lot of really strange things took place for you to be here today. I just want you to know
that I love you and I don’t regret any of it for even a second. You need to know this, it is important, because Daddy loves you, but I am
going to kill your Mommy.”

“How did the Aliens get into this predicament? Will a solution be found saving thousands of lives? Will Trey kill Actroz? What is the
baby’s name? Answers to these questions, maybe, in the next chapter of Abducted!

A special thanks to everyone at Boolprop FightTheAddiction false ( for all the help they provided to get this
challenge going. It would not have gotten started without them.”
“As promised my modified rules to this challenge have been posted at my LJ Go check them out. I had
almost as much fun coming up with them as I am having writing this story, didn’t I SimJaz?”

Release the cat immediately or you will regret it.

“That is all from me for now. Comments are always appreciated. Happy Simming everyone!”
WE are not amused.


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Abducted! Part 1 - Chapter 2

  • 2. On a barren planet far from Pleasantview Technician Elotot punched buttons on the machine before him. With a spark it surged to life, its giant panels swinging up toward the sky forming the dish that would focus the ray. Electricity swirled around the generator crystals as the machine built up its charge. “Ignition,” Technician Elotot murmured pushing the final button. He stepped back to watch the machine do its work. “Let us hope for better results this time,” Commander Tusom called turning his gaze to the sky. Grix the Servo watched quietly.
  • 3. As the machine discharged its glowing beam of energy into the sky Elotot was focused on the readings displayed on the instrument panel. He was vaguely aware of the arrival of Technician Sepal and Dr. Actroz. Patiently he watched and waited, tuning out the sounds of his companions conversation as the gages on the machine fluctuated.
  • 4. As the energy beam slowly tapered off Elotot’s shoulders slumped. It had failed again. All he had done was bought them more time. He was out of options. Slowly, defeated, he turned and made his way back inside the modular building that was their base of operations. * * *
  • 5. “Perhaps if we could return to the command ship and send in some droids to gather further information we might be able to formulate a new plan of attack,” Elotot explained as he and his companions sat around the conference table in the observation tower, “I simply can not see a way to make this work without knowing more of what we are dealing with.” “Defeat is not an option,” Dr. Actroz stated from his left, “We are here until we succeed. You know this.”
  • 6. “How can it be so difficult to generate a few clouds?” Technician Sepal asked the room in general. “If it were as simple as generating a few clouds we would have completed this mission already,” Elotot snapped, his lack of patience and feelings of inadequacy were beginning to get the better of him. “I guess I just don’t understand,” Sepal shrugged, “It seems like such a simple concept.”
  • 7. “We don’t need just a few clouds,” Commander Tusom explained, ever patient with the youngest member of his team, “We need to recreate everything that comes before those clouds form. Rather like a child’s game of blocks to build a giant tower. If it is not done exactly correct, the tower will fall. We are attempting to put in all the billions of pieces that would naturally coalesce and eventually lead to spontaneous cloud generation. All of the pieces have to be assembled in the correct order and fashion. If these elements are not in place first, the clouds we do generate will simply dissipate and be released into space.”
  • 8. “We have done that though,” Sepal countered, “On the solar deck onboard the command ship. Clouds form spontaneously there all the time.” “On a significantly smaller scale, in an artificial enclosure” Elotot interjected. “That is by nothing more than happy accident,” Actroz added, “We do not have that luxury on this grand a scale.”
  • 9. “The thought occurs, Commander,” Actroz turned her attention to Commander Tusom, “that we are at a significant disadvantage in this venture given that our civilization hasn’t stepped foot on a real planet in living memory. It is often the case where the mind learns what it experiences and is better suited to solve problems that arise if it has an understanding based on that experience rather than simply reading data.” “I believe you may have a point with that,” Elotot agreed.
  • 10. “Perhaps it would then be in our best interest to find those who have the correct base of understanding,” Tusom suggested, “Bring them here and see what they make of the situation.” “A wise course of action,” Actroz nodded. “At this point we have nothing to loose,” Elotot added, “We have exhausted our current resources, more input is required.” “That is our plan off action then,” Tusom declared, “Sepal, see to it.” “Of course Commander.” * * *
  • 11. Several weeks later Actroz was on a mission. So far they had ‘relocated’ several potential candidates to assist with the situation. Unfortunately most of their subjects appeared to be of average quality with little to offer. It was Actroz’s opinion that even the average could prove useful if sufficiently motivated. The subjects did have one very important factor in their favour; all had first hand experience with planetary living and a species history of ingenuity. All they needed now was someone to lead them. It was her professional opinion that the Sim mind was capable of unlocking previously hidden potential with a little guidance from a suitable leader. She intended to find them that leader.
  • 12. She searched meticulously through all information on file regarding Sim behaviour, society, and most importantly reports of those particularly gifted in fields that would be of assistance to their cause. After several hours, it seemed like her search may be in vain when suddenly a reference jumped out at her from amongst the millions on record. Quickly she scanned for the name mentioned in the record. Pushing down a rise of hopeful excitement she pulled up all the data available on this person. Could this one be the leader she was looking for?
  • 13. “Oh yes,” she spoke out loud to the empty dinning module, “Yes, this one will do nicely.”
  • 14. “I believe I have located a likely candidate,” Actroz reported moments later to Commander Tusom in the Observation Tower, “A male, particularly gifted in the sciences.” “Excellent.” Tusom gave a slight smile of his own, “Have Sepal get on it immediately and of course Elotot will need to prepare the formula as well. You may do the honours this time if you wish, you have earned it.” “Thank you Commander,” Actroz acknowledged, “I will have Grix stand ready to welcome our new guest once he arrives.” “Indeed.” * * *
  • 15. “Oh good, you are here. They will be most pleased.” Grix the Servo clasped his hands together with a metallic thunk, “I do apologize for what I am about to do sir, Orders and all though. You understand I am sure.” * * *
  • 16. Trey lay on the bunk in his cell staring at the ceiling. It wasn’t so much that he had been abducted, incarcerated, unceremoniously dumped on an Alien planet and then incarcerated again that was bothering him, it was that he didn’t have the faintest clue why. As bizarre situations went, this had to be the most bizarre he had ever experienced by far. Except maybe for the time in Biology lab when he had accidentally spilled the Elixir of Life into some ReNuYu and then knocked the whole mess into the box of dissection frogs. The resulting plague of zombified amphibians had been rather bizarre.
  • 17. “Mr. Mullin, “Actroz began interrupting Trey’s musing, “So very glad you could join us.”
  • 18. “It is Dr. Mullin actually,” Trey said rising to his feet, “What do you want with me?” “Of course it is,” Actroz acknowledged his title, “You have some theories that are of interest to us. We require your assistance.”
  • 19. “Your theories regarding atmospheric phenomenon as they pertain to the sustenance of life on a planet are of great importance,” Actroz continued, pacing slowly before the cell door, “You will explain these theories in detail to us and of course assist us in the implementation.” “You want my help?” Trey almost couldn’t believe he had heard that correctly, “Interesting way of asking.”
  • 20. “I don’t believe I asked at all,” Actroz spun to face him, her next words dripping with venom, “You will assist us or you will regret it.” “Threats now on top of everything else,” Trey’s own anger was rising, “gee you really know how to win a guy over.”
  • 21. “You are not given a choice in this matter Dr. Mullin,” Actroz informed him folding her arms across her chest, “We will have that information and your co-operation.” “Lady, you are delusional,” Trey countered, “You abduct me off my balcony, throw me in a cell on some stinking space ship crawling with Aliens, drop me from the sky then have a robot toss me in prison and you expect me to co-operate? Are you insane?”
  • 22. “Hardly,” Actroz replied, her anger now under control “I am a psychologist. I will personally see to it that we have your willing co- operation. That is a promise Dr. Mullin.”
  • 23. Trey didn’t respond. They stood regarding each other for several long moments, engaged in a silent battle of wills. Finally Actroz spoke. “The circumstances of your arrival here are unfortunate,” she told him with what may have been a hint of regret in her tone, “I assure you it is a matter of life and death that had us resort to such extreme measures. We will provide what we can for you and all the others in exchange for your co-operation.”
  • 24. “Let me out of here and I will consider it,” Trey said quietly as she turned to go. “All in good time Dr. Mullin,” Actroz called over her shoulder, “All in good time.” Then she was gone and he was alone once more.
  • 25. Trey pulled at the bars of his cell in frustration. So this was where all those people had been abducted to. He should have guessed sooner. This changed everything. If what she said was true then it was possible he held the lives of others in his hands. His actions would dictate if all those other people lived or died. With a sigh he leaned his forehead against the bars of his cell. He didn’t want to think about it anymore. Right now, he just wanted to go home. * * *
  • 26. “I have always wanted to do that,” Sepal said watching Elotot mix together several liquids and then place them in a machine, “Do you think next time I could give it a try?” “I do not believe there will be a next time,” Elotot told her not looking up from his work. “Oh,” Sepal sighed, “That’s disappointing.”
  • 27. “So you just mix it all up and then add the contribution D.N.A. before delivery?” Sepal asked a moment later. “Hmm, what was that?” it took Elotot a moment to register what she had said as he concentrated on his work, “Oh. Yes, that is essentially it. There are of course other details but that is the basic process.”
  • 28. “I still wish I could try it,” Sepal mused again, “Are you sure there won’t be a next time?” “You would know better than I, Abduction Technician Sepal,” Elotot replied lifting the lid on the centrifuge, “Have you gotten the order for any further subjects?” “Just the one from last night, and that one was female” she responded. “Then I seriously doubt there will be a next time. Our resources are already taxed to the limit with what we have.”
  • 29. “Can you imagine it?” Sepal clasped her hands excitedly as Elotot turned to face her and placed his hands on his hips, “So simple to do, yet so effective and powerful. It must be a great feeling knowing you hold the very power of life in your hands and that you created it yourself.” “I am sure I can imagine how that feels, yes,” Elotot couldn’t help the sarcasm, “I have only done that very thing more times than I can count. Now, would you please go tell the Commander that the formula is ready and awaiting his order?” “Of course! Oh! This is so exciting!” Sepal was almost beside herself with excitement as she made her way to find the commander. * * *
  • 30. “He’s cute,” Sepal commented a short while later as she stepped off the teleporter pad to join her companions, “Are you sure we can’t keep him.” “This one belongs to Dr. Actroz,” Tusom replied, “He is hers to do with as she will.” “Please can we keep him?” Sepal pleaded with her colleague. “Dr. Mullin and I have an understanding,” Actroz stated, “He will be set free.”
  • 31. “I get to go home?” Trey asked trying not to let the hope show through in his voice. “I am afraid not,” Tusom’s voice showed none of the regret he claimed, “But you will be released from your cell.” “As per our understanding,” Actroz explained, “You help us, we help you.” “I haven’t agreed to help you yet,” Trey countered.
  • 32. “You will Dr. Mullin,” Tusom grinned as he pulled out a ray gun and stepped into the cell, “In time you will, and time is the only thing we have to spare at the moment.” Trey didn’t respond, he couldn’t respond. This whole situation, already messed up beyond reason or understanding, had just taken a turn for the surreal as he caught sight of the ray gun that could have come straight from a sci-fi film.
  • 33. “There is just one thing we need to do before you go,” Tusom explained calmly as he pulled the trigger on the ray gun and a stream of blue energy shot out from the barrel, “It is better for you if you are not conscious for it. Don’t worry though, it won’t hurt a bit.”
  • 34. Trey doubled over as pain radiated through him. He would have screamed if he could have found his voice. The pain spread from his chest where the ray had hit him and slowly made its way throughout his body and along his limbs. Close on the heels of the pain was a wave of intense cold. He could feel his muscles freezing up as the cold overcame him. It occurred to him that of all times now would be the perfect time to panic. Unfortunately, no sooner had he thought it than his mind was swallowed up by the icy chill and darkness overcame him.
  • 35. “Oh dear,” Tusom stifled a giggle, “I seem to have lied. It would appear that hurt after all.” * * *
  • 36. “Gently Elotot,” Actroz asserted, “We need him in an agreeable mood to gain his co-operation; injuries will not be conducive to seeing our side of things.” “I am always gentle,” Elotot assured her, “He will be out for a while longer and when he wakes he will feel nothing but a few minor aches from the freeze ray.” “Very good,” Actroz nodded, “I am certain he will agree soon enough, this is just added incentive.”
  • 37. “Now,” Elotot began, looking down at his ‘patient’ and rubbing his hands excitedly, “Let’s get this started. I have it on very good authority that this is a most exciting procedure.” * * *
  • 38. Trey was not a happy man. His entire body ached, his head was throbbing and he felt like he was thinking in a fog. None of this was helped any by waking up face first in the cold white dust with nothing around except a mailbox, a trash can and …
  • 39. … this. He could only assume this was to pass for a dwelling here on this empty wasteland of a planet. He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting when Actroz had said he would be provided for but certainly it had been more than this.
  • 40. There was no point bickering over creature comforts at this point though. Seeing what must be considered a beach behind his ‘shack’ Trey headed down to investigate and get a better idea of what he was working with. Kneeling down, he inspected the sand. He made a mental note to collect some samples to see what the sand was composed of. Having an idea of the compositional properties of the planet’s soil would be a great help to figure out what he was dealing with. Perhaps he could get more information from the Aliens as well. They must have collected data if they were mounting an operation here …
  • 41. Pausing in his mini excavation of the beach, Trey grappled with his thoughts. He would only need this information if he was going to help them. He hadn’t decided that issue yet. He still wasn’t sure what he planned to do. On one hand he couldn’t very well abandon all the other abductees. Yet on the other hand, he hadn’t actually seen any other abductees yet. For all he knew Actroz had lied to him to gain his co-operation. Still, all those people had gone missing. It was likely that they were here, on this very planet. If that was the case he probably would end up helping the Aliens, if only to secure the release of his fellow Sims. His thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt by a sudden wave of nausea.
  • 42. He barely made it back to his hut in time where he spent a very long time trying to keep his stomach from turning itself inside out with the force of his heaving.
  • 43. “I don’t know what they did to me,” he murmured to the empty room when he at last regained his composure, “But I know that she’s behind it. I swear next time I see her I am going to enjoy strangling her with my bare hands.” * * *
  • 44. Over the next few days Trey found that Actroz had been telling him the truth. Every single person that had been abducted from Pleasantview and not returned was present on this planet. He learned they were free to roam the planet at will and were staying in a communal style compound not far from his shack. They had little information as to what was going on or why they were here.
  • 45. “It isn’t so bad when you think about it” Jihoon Hsu explained one day over the liquid meals the Aliens had stocked Trey’s fridge with. Trey hadn’t yet figured out why they had left small cocktail umbrellas in the cabinet but he decided since technically this impromptu visit counted as entertaining here he would pull them out and at least make a presentation of the pale green drink. “It isn’t?” Trey asked for clarification, “I kind of want to go home myself.” “Well yeah,” Jihoon agreed, “but so many of us were abducted that all my best friends are here. It is almost like we are home!”
  • 46. Rather than respond to that twisted bit of logic, Trey excused himself from the table. “I think they are watching us,” Marie Rauscher stated taking a glass from the table. “I know they are,” Danielle Lillard agreed as she made her way past them down to the beach.
  • 47. “It scares me,” Marie added, “We don’t know why we are here, they haven’t explained anything. Just dropped us here and left.” Trey watched Jihoon sip his lunch. The blonde man didn’t seem to be afraid. Trey wasn’t even sure it had occurred to him that he should be. He could answer some of Marie’s questions of course, but would it solve anything or just serve to panic those like Jihoon? “I know they are watching us,” Trey finally settled on part of the truth, “I don’t think it is anything to be afraid of though. If it were they would have given us a reason to be afraid before now.” * * *
  • 48. His shack seemed to become the unofficial gathering place and people stopped by all the time to ask him his thoughts on what the Aliens were up to. “Do you think we are part of some galactic zoo? Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad, little green Alien children watching us and feeding us treats? I would be okay being in a zoo.”
  • 49. “Then after the poking they zapped me with some sort of x-ray gun! Why did they do that? The green one asked me questions about science-type stuff and I was all like ‘Dude! I’m a florist how do I know? I deal with flowers all day not math and stuff.’ And he was all like ‘Interesting Miss Tse’ and poked me with needles then he zapped me with his x-ray gun. What’s up with that?” The barrage of babble left him feeling dazed. Even if he had an answer to the questions, he didn’t think he could have formed it into a sentence. He wasn’t sure he was capable of thinking anymore, at least not coherently.
  • 50. “Couldn’t we hijack a plane to get out of here or something?” “Marie, how would we travel in space with just a plane? Besides all the little green children will be sad if we aren’t here to watch anymore. Where will all the big green parents take them on weekends?” “We don’t need to leave I tell you. We are all here! It is Pleasant view in space! Only with no work to get to. What could possibly be wrong with that?” Trey had to agree with Jihoon, this was like Pleasantview in space, only he wasn’t at all sure that was really a good thing.
  • 51. “Calm down everyone,” Trey had finally had enough of being bombarded with questions and schemes and theories, “We will figure out what to do. It is just going to take a little time to adjust and weigh our assets.” “What about school for any future children?” Marie asked, “If we are stuck here won’t the children need schooling?” “Oh we could teach the little green children at a school as well!” Lindsay Louie definitely had a hang up for little green children. “I miss real food,” Michelle Tse murmured, “can we figure out how to get real food if we are stuck here?”
  • 52. “Look Trey,” Danielle said wringing her hands as the other’s talked amongst themselves, “I know we are a little overwhelming right now, but we are scared. Even Jihoon is scared; he just doesn’t want anyone to know. We don’t mean to be dumping our fears on you but we need someone who can think a way out of this and you are the most qualified.” “You do realize that all of my best thinking takes place in a lab right?” Trey asked her, “Outside the lab I tend to forget thinking and that usually ends up involving naked women some how.” “Yeah I know, but it is you or Goopy.” “I’ll get to thinking.”
  • 53. Trey turned his attention to the bookcase the Aliens had provided him with hoping there would be some clues to what he was dealing with there. Several hours later the books had proved to be of little use, they were mostly standard bookcase fare, a few cookbooks, a book on house keeping, another on household repair and the usual literary suspects but nothing at all that gave him any hints as to where this planet was and who the Aliens were. He gave up his search and decided to get some sleep. Just as he was getting into bed a strange fluttering started in his abdomen and then …
  • 54. “I am going to kill her,” He growled looking down at his now swollen stomach, “I am going to kill her slowly, painfully, and I am going to enjoy every second of it.” * * *
  • 55. “That is an interesting look for you Dr. Mullin,” Actroz teased the next day when she arrived, “I don’t know if Sepal would find you cute in it but I, at least, appreciate the sentiment.” “You!” Trey spun around to confront her, hands on hips, “What the hell are you doing here?” “Now Dr. Mullin,” Actroz mock pouted, “I thought you would be happy to see me. We are going to be working together, it would behove us to learn to get along.”
  • 56. “Do I look happy to see you lady?” Trey’s anger was running away with him, “Does this look like a happy face to you?” “The face on your shirt certainly seems happy.” Actroz couldn’t help bating him. “I am not talking about the face on my shirt!” “Really Dr. Mullin, I don’t believe all this shouting is good for the child …” “Let’s talk about the child shall we?” Trey snapped, interrupting her, “We’ll start with how, and go immediately on to why!”
  • 57. “Incentive,” came her terse reply. “Pardon?” Trey was momentarily taken aback by her willingness to answer. “Incentive, Dr. Mullin. Surely I don’t have to define the word for you? No? Good. This planet is dying. It can not maintain a breathable atmosphere. We need your help and while I am guessing you wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice your own life and perhaps even the lives of the others we brought here in some sort of noble martyrdom for the injustice you perceive us to have committed, I will have grossly underestimated your character if you will sacrifice the life of a child. Especially your own child.” Trey was silent as he digested this information.
  • 58. “Psychology,” Trey responded at last. He couldn’t help grinning at her clever gambit. “Precisely.” “Well played. You are very good.” “Thank you,” Actroz nodded and accepted his compliment, “Now, will you help us?”
  • 59. “How many lives are we talking about here?” Trey inquired. “Approximately Six-hundred thousand,” Actroz supplied simply, “All that remains of four ancient races.” Trey heaved a sigh. That was a lot of lives to place in his hands. Out of the entire universe he couldn’t possibly be the best man for the job. “How much help can I be with generating a few clouds?” he asked puzzled. Surely any society with such advanced technology as these Aliens obviously possessed didn’t need help from a scientist hailing from a back water planet like him.
  • 60. “Do not take that ‘a few clouds’ stance with me!” Actroz snarled, poking him in the chest, “There is much more involved than ‘just a few clouds’ Dr. Mullin. Of anyone from your planet you should know this!” “Of course I know,” Trey began attempting to placate the red-headed Alien, “It was merely an expression, an attempt to lighten the mood.” “Do not underplay the seriousness of this situation with wretched attempts at humour,” Actroz warned, “Help us terra-form this world. You are our last hope. Help us succeed where we have previously failed, if not for us, then for the child you carry.”
  • 61. “Terra forming is simple, time consuming, but …” “Is it?” she countered, “Have you ever done it?” “Well … no … but …” “There is no but!” Actroz was losing her patience with him again, “We have tried, time and again we have tried and failed. Failure after failure. We have no other option.”
  • 62. Trey thought for a moment. “We could share our planet!” he cried excitedly as the thought occurred to him, “Your people could come to my planet.” “Been there, tried that, denied on grounds of ‘Planetary Stability’.”
  • 63. “They actually told you that?” “Those exact words, then ushered us off like errant children for daring to ask.” Trey felt suddenly ashamed of his world leaders. The lives of entire races were at stake and they turned them away. How could they do something like that? How could they be so cold hearted? How could they do … exactly what he was doing. As soon as he realized that he had been acting just as selfish as the people he now thought so little of, his decision was made.
  • 64. “If I help you, you have to help us,” He insisted, “None of us are here by choice. You took us against our will.” “Naturally,” Actroz agreed immediately, “Our supply chain is limited so you will have to work within that system, but whatever we can offer to make your stay more comfortable you will get.”
  • 65. “Alright, I will help,” he told her, “But one of these days you have to explain to me how four whole races of people became dependant on a scientist from Pleasantview.” “Dr. Mullin, It will be my pleasure,” Actroz agreed, “Now if you will come with me I will give you a tour of our facilities before you are too pregnant to safely make the walk.” “Speaking of,” Trey began as they set off, “how exactly am I pregnant? I have always wondered how you people achieve that.” “All in good time Dr. Mullin,” Actroz quipped for the second time in their relationship, “All in good time.” * * *
  • 66. Trey tried desperately to recall the easy camaraderie he and Actroz has settled into that fateful afternoon later when the labour pains began ripping through him a few weeks later. He was not having much success. Of course it hadn’t lasted either, they could not seem to have a single conversation without it degenerating into a shouting match. Another shouting match would be taking place right now if she was within ear shot. Instead he settled for shouting at the walls. “This hurts! How do women do this? Oh ow! Not fair! Not fair! Not fair!”
  • 67. “Ow! I should have killed her when I had the chance!” Trey’s monologue progressed along with his labour, “It was a good plan. Oh ow! Oh ow! Ow! Oooowwww! Her death would have made me feel so much better. Ouch! But nooooo, I let her live. Ohhhhhh! Pain! Not this time. No, this time she is a dead woman. Ow! Ooooooh ow! Just as soon as I am not in pain anymore.”
  • 68. Moments later, as he looked into the eyes of his son, his pain was almost forgotten … almost. “Hello little one. I had wondered if she had been directly involved or just arranged things, but looking at you I know she was definitely involved. I don’t know how it happened, but a lot of really strange things took place for you to be here today. I just want you to know that I love you and I don’t regret any of it for even a second. You need to know this, it is important, because Daddy loves you, but I am going to kill your Mommy.” ***************************
  • 69. “How did the Aliens get into this predicament? Will a solution be found saving thousands of lives? Will Trey kill Actroz? What is the baby’s name? Answers to these questions, maybe, in the next chapter of Abducted! A special thanks to everyone at Boolprop FightTheAddiction false ( for all the help they provided to get this challenge going. It would not have gotten started without them.”
  • 70. “As promised my modified rules to this challenge have been posted at my LJ Go check them out. I had almost as much fun coming up with them as I am having writing this story, didn’t I SimJaz?” Release the cat immediately or you will regret it. “That is all from me for now. Comments are always appreciated. Happy Simming everyone!”
  • 71. WE are not amused. 2008