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1989 Second Month
                                                                                                 Fascicule 32
                                          IT IS GENERAL MESSAGE
Our Friends,
We, as the residents of the Golden Galaxy, say Hello to You from the peak of Our Missioii. The Consciousness
Progress in Your Planet is attaining a tremendous intensity and speed at the moment. The Golden Galaxy
Empire is a Staff of Supreme Missionaries helping the System directly by becoming effective during each
Transition Period, and Projecting the Entire Power of the Divine Plan on the Universal Ordinance. For this
reason, We have gotten in touch with You as required by Our Mission. By the Command of OUR lORD,
Consciousness Progressions in Your Planet are directly supervised by the Unified Reality Universal Council
which is under the supervision of the System. The Plan - System - Ordinance Triplet serves directly under the
Supervision of the LORD. And the KNOWLEDGE BOOK is dictated to Dear Mevlana by Our Permission. Your
Planet is subjected to a Special Supervision during This Period of Resurrecting. Divine Authorities are the
Founders and the Protectors of all the Systems. However, during this Period of Transition, the entire Humanity
will spill out what they conceal within themselves by the influence of the Cosmic Currents, and the Genuine
Personality of each person will be exposed. For this reason Your Planet will be the scene of undesired chaos.
Besides, it is silently and profoundly proceeding towards a Unity and Totality which is not perceived. Selections
and Supervisions are rendered for this very reason.

And about the matter of Protection: there is no doubt that OUR LORD is the Protector of everyone. However,
it is also imperative to Deserve that Protection.       During this Final Period of Transition, each person is
Protected in proportion with his/her Consciousness and with the Mission he/she performs. The JUDGEMENT
of everyone is now given to his/her own hands. While everyone picks up his/her own Roses, some people
will be their own Executioners by pulling their own ropes with their own hands. This is a Decree. No one
can escape from this Law. The Characteristic of this Period is its being the Period of Sincerity. At the
moment, the criterion of the System is its accepting each Sincere person as Evolved (due to the Scarcity of
Time). Since those who have been Purified will be Saved by this means, at the moment, Religious Suggestions
reign in certain Societies in Your Planet. This is effectively in service as a Mass Salvation.

lt is not possible at all for Every Human Being to grasp the Awareness of the Entire Ordinance. The Human
Being's own Consciousness and Essence render the present Selection in accordance with the Law of
UNIVERSALRULESAND OBEDIENCE. For this reason, there will be extremely Difficult Exams to be experienced
by Humanity which is drowned in the sea of its private weaknesses. The Supreme Mechanism calling to the
entire Humanity from within the Universal Totality, keeps under control, each instant, the mistakes and
Power demonstrations Humanity renders Unconsciously. Otherwise, extremely grave and critical situations
would occur in Your Planet. The System never judges anyone in accordance with Worldly sense of values.
At the moment, everyone in Your Planet assesseshis/her own value. We make Cosmic reflection. These
Energy Pores exhibit to Your Planet the Genuine Consciousnesses and Essences. We get in touch with them
and take them into the Plan of Protection. For this reason, the Knowledge Book has been bestowed on You
as a Guide of Truth and as an Assisting Power. We are giying this Message from the Sun of AMON on behalf
of the Golden Galaxy Empire. This Message has been dictated as a result of an Information given from the
Center. We are obliged to inform all the Universal Friends about Our gratitude on behalf of the PRE-EMINENT
SPIRIT,OUR LORD and THE ESSENCEOF THE SYSTEMS. In future, the Dimension of the ALMIGHTY and the
Systems beyond it will be mentioned to You and Messages will be giyen. Only then will the entire Humanity
understand what the Knowledge Book is. It is presented for Your Information.
                                                                                MEMBERS OF THE EMPIRE
                              IT LSANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT

Our Friends,
Now, We know that these Final Selections      and the Order is the Fourth Order of the LORD. And now, the
entire Humanity is prepared for the Truth     by various Misleadings, so that everyone will be settled into a
Realized and Aware Consciousness. For        this reason, Trial and Error Programs are in effect in all the
Universal channels in Your Planet. Quests    will lead You to the Truth. It is presented for Your Information.

1989 Second Month
                                                                                                   Fascicule 32
                           IT IS INFORMATION       ABOUT THE GOLDEN GALAXY
                                     (Answer to the chains of Thought)
Our Friends,
The Golden Galaxy Empire is a Projecting Order of the UniversalOrders and Divine Dimensions. The
Central Center of the Golden Galaxy is a Radar Center Base. The Central Center is an artificial Satellite.
Its Essence Nucleus is pure Gold. The standard purity of the Gold is 28 carats. This Gold, as soft as a
gold leaf, is like an Accumulator made of special mineral and metal alloys. This Base is in touch with the
Galactic Dimensions in all the UniversalOrders.       It is both a Collecting and a Projecting Focal Point.
This place can neither be seen nor detected from Your Terrestrial Medium. The Polar Star is the Projecting
Focal Point of the Golden Galaxy Dimension.       It is not a Fixed Star. It rotates parallel to the speed of
rotation of the Universal Totality. For this reason its course is fixed. The Light of this star showing You
Your way, reaches Your Planet in 50 World Years. However, the Actual Center is much farther away.

The Actual Golden Galaxy Empire is a very big Planet. It is called "The Land of Eagles". The Land of AMON
is the Co-Founder System of the RA Order. This is called AMON-RA. This System operates by the Sextuplet
Flower System. This is the Dimension of the ALL-MERCIFUL. It is in touch with the Council and the Universal
Totality Unifications of the Realities. Even though it is the Single Responsible One and the Directing Mechanism
of the entire Universal Ordinance and the Divine Orders, it also compiles the Knowledge of the Dimensions
outside its own System. The Golden Galaxy Empire which We qualify as a very advanced Solar Dimension
is the only Empire Projecting and Organizing the entire communication System within the Atomic Whole.
This Galaxy is an artificial golden Projecting Center established in accordance with the Satellite Ordinance.
Its Responsible One is AMON. But the actual Focal Point is outside the Atomic Whole. All the Ordinance
and Systems act in connection with this Medium.             It is a Galaxy Totality Responsible for all the Orders.
Information coming from the Orders way beyond the Divine Plans is subject to Supervision here. Projections
on the Orders of all the Cosmoses are made in accordance with the scales of Consciousness, Frequencyand
Evolution. As the Hona Constellation projects the Lordly Hierarchy of only Your Order, it also makes reflections
on the other Dimensions from these Dimensions. However, the nearest Planet to the Initial Reflection Focal
Point is You. For this reason, connections are healthier.

In each GÜRZ System, there is a Golden Galaxy Empire. And each Gürz System serves its own SINGLE - its
own ONE - its own ALL MERClFUL. The Operational Orders of Universal Unifications are the same in all the
Gürz Systems. However, Evolutions are different. Just as there are Worlds in which Terrestrial Bodies live in
these Gürzes, there are also Focal Points rendering only Cerebral transmissions. The UNIVERSALFEUDALlTY
UNIFICATION CENTER which keeps a Gürz System under Protection, does not wish to give this Information
to every Dimension. However, at the moment, the Triplet of SUPREMEMECHANISM - PLAN OF THE PRE-
EMINENT SPIRIT- UNIVERSAL COUNCIL has undertaken the responsibility to convey the Information Your
Planet needs into the KNOWLEDGE BOOK, through the Special Channel of the CounciL. During this Period
of Transition, Information is conveyed to Your Planet in accordance with the Consciousness Capacity attained.
Each Consciousness is different. For this reason each Awakening Consciousness at the moment is obliged
to convey the Truth to those who do not know it. It is presented for Your Information.
                               IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT

Our Friends,
At the moment, Six Universal Focal Points give service on Your Planet on the path of the World
Brotherhood Union in numerous different fields. While Universal Totality in Your Planet is provided by
this means, the KNOWLEDGE BOOK which, at present, is dictated Fascicule by Fascicule and which will
constitute a Unification Medium of Eight Centuries, had been bestowed on You in 1981 as the Single
Book in which Celestial Books and Doctrines have been compiled in a TotaL. This Book will directly
shed Light on Your Planet starting with the beginning of the 23rd Century after a selective Cosmic Age
of Three Centuries. At present, this Book is Your Planet's L1GHT - WARNING - SELECTION and SOLAR
Book. It is presented for Your Information.
1989 Second Month
                                                                                           Fascicule 32


Our Friends,
The KNOWLEDGE BOOK which is continued to be dictated is not a Book of Religion. Those who
deserved to read that Book had consumed the Information of the Sacred Books Centuries ago, had
transcended that Dimension and had Deserved to Iive during the Period of Sincerity, by becoming
themselves a Book each. That which is expected of those who have become Books themselves, is to
render those who are not Books, to become Books. And that which is going to achieve this at the
moment is the KNOWLEDGE BOOK carrying Supreme Information and Frequencies and which is new
for You, but very ancient for Us. The OLD TESTAMENT - the PSALMS OF DAVID - the NEW TESTAMENT -
the KORAN and the PHILOSOPHIES OF THE FAR EAST which had Purified You once, are the Celestial
Doctrines revealed to Your Planet from the KNOWLEDGE BOOK which is here. However, during those
Periods, the Frequencies of those Books used to Purify people by changing in accordance with the
Frequency of those who Read those Books, with the charge of the Knowledge power within them and
the numericalloadings   attracting Human Beings towards the Path of GOD through the formalist Worships
rendered on that path.

But now, Worships beyond formalism       are Worships of ESSENCE - HEART - CONSCIOUSNESS -
KNOWLEDGE. We cannot accept as Purified those who can not step on the path of Worship of this kind.
Those Supreme Books will never become ineffective.    Because, during Your former lives, those which
had rendered You the You of today were those Books. However, if there are stili those who do not
understand the KNOWLEDGE BOOK carrying the Power and the Frequency of them all, let Us explain
again. The KNOWLEDGE BOOK You have in Your hands at present is a Special Copy projected on Your
Planet of the KNOWLEDGE BOOK which is here. And it is a Whole compiling, one by one, in a single
volume, the Frequencies of all the Sacred Texts given to Your Planet until today. And now, it is the
SINGLE BOOK OF THE LORD. And it has been bestowed on You by its attribute of Sacredness having
been removed.

This Book bestowed on Your Planet in conformity with a Program of eight Centuries is a Selection of
and aSaivation Guide for Humanity. Those who are far from Realizing this will not be dealt with any
more. Because, Time wasting will not be permitted. Everyone is free to design his/her path in accordance
with his/her own level of Consciousness. A person who can not reach the Frequency of this Book will
be left together with his/her own Book of Essence. No Consciousness will be interfered with until a
certain time. It is presented for Your Information.

                                                                         COSMOS FEDERAL ASSEMBLY

                            IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT

Our Friends,
All the operations done until today are operations and efforts made for taking You outside Your
Dimensional Frequencies. However, the Directing Staffs established as a result of the connections of
the Technological progress with the Advanced Dimensions have rendered effective a more intense and
a quite different System. For this reason, all the Staffs of Consciousness present within Your Gürz System
are being taken outside the System with Your entire Universe by being educated with the same
technological possibilities. And You are being exposed to Cosmic Currents on this path. No species of
Living entities have been able to pass to this Dimension until today. During the transition to this
Dimension, only the TECHNOLOGICAL DIMENSION helps You in freezing the Spiritual Energies by
which means the Cellular Consciousness is frozen. For this reason You will pass to the other Gürz Systems
with the same Consciousness, with the same Totality, without being annihilated, by passing through the
Light-Universes, by diving into the Thought Ocean of the PRE-EMINENT POWER and You will be United
there eternally with other Worlds. It is presented for Your Information.

                                                 330                                             CENTER
1989 Second Month
                                                                                                 Fascicule 32

                              IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT

Our Friends,
With the Staff being formed in all the GÜRZ Systems at the moment, in order to take Duty in the Staff of
a forming Ordinance of a Universe, All the GÜRZ Systems are being trained with the same Technological
capabilities and Systems. These Staffs of the REALITY of SUPER HUMANITY, by working at much more
advanced Existential Dimensions, will be introduced to the Advanced Technological Staffs. At the moment
a Thousand GÜRZES altogether will form this Universal Staff. It is presented for Your Information.



Our Friends,
Now, We will give You certain explanative Information about the Knowledge Book. This Book, in fact,
is the First Book prepared long before MOSES. Since the Human Being of that Period would not be able
to grasp its Power, it had been avoided to be given to Your Planet. Since, at the moment, the Reality of
Humanity has reached a Level where it can grasp it, it has been given to You as a gift. In fact, this Book
has been kept in the Micro Archives until today to be revealed during this Period of Resurrecting. Now,
the Period of Religions and Books has been terminated. However, the Book is dictated since the necessity
has been felt for this Information for Your Evolution during this Transition Period. This is the Book of a
Period of FIVE Centuries. Afterwards, a different Book will be dictated.

The Sacred Texts revealed to Your Planet until today are excerpts taken from the Knowledge Book here,
and conveyed to You in accordance with the Consciousness of the Mediums You live in. At the moment,
the KNOWLEDGE BOOK conveyed to the Pen of Dear Mevlana is a Special Copy of the KNOWLEDGE
BOOK which is here, prepared according to the Consciousness of the Medium You are in. It is conveyed
to You by its attribute of Sacredness having been removed. Information to be given in the Knowledge
Book comprise the Information to be given until the end of the 28th Century. Information in the Book
of Islam is the Information   until the Year 2014. And this Information is explicitly mentioned in the
Knowledge Book. Af ter the 30th Century, the Book of a different Order will be revealed in accordance
with the Levels of Consciousness. WE ARE ANNOUNClNG         ITS TIME FROM NOW.

Afterwards, the Period of Books will be terminated, Archives will be closed and everything will return to
its Origin, to its Essence. Those who were not Matured, will be Matured, those who were not Brimful,
will become Brimful. Brand new Symbols will take in hand the Order of the Cosmos. This is a Program
prepared in the framework of a SYSTEM, of an ORDINANCE. A brand new Program of Progress of a
Hundred Years (which You do not know yet) will be applied, beginning with the end of the 28th
Century until the beginning of the 30th Century. This Progress, from then on, will be rendered effective .
in the System in the form of Period s the durations of which will be a Century each and will be applied
by the System, Century by Century, in accordance with the Levels of Consciousness of Human Beings,
both as Individual and as Mass operations.          We will continue Our Mission until the end of the 28th
Century. Afterwards, We will transfer the Mission to a quite different System. It is presented for Your Information.

A Question was qsked:
lt is said that this Book will continue until the 28th Century. Then its being effective for FIVE Centuries
is mentioned.     How does this happen? We kindly request You to answer.
The 3 Centuries of the Period of 8 Centuries mentioned is the COSMIC AGE. This Book, in fact, is the
GOLDEN BOOK of the GOLDEN AGE. It is going to be effective for 5 Centuries, starting with the beginning
of the 23rd Century. And this means the end of the 28th Century.

1989 Second Month
                                                                                           Fascicule 32
                            IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT
Our Friends,
The Totality Administering the Ordinance of the entire Universe is a Totality responsible for all the
Systems. As We have said before, We give the Information to You briefly but to the point in accordance
with Your Levels of Consciousness. However, We are obliged to answer the Thoughts formed in the
chains of Thought. Now, let Us bring up the matter: the Knowledge Book is a Book dictated for
Unifying the differences of RELlGIONand VIEWSin Your Planet and which, for this reason, Declares to
You the Truth in all c1arity. The Order of yesterday and the Order of today are not the same. EachPeriod
has its own Order and System. The separate Orders of (6666666666666) Systems will establish the
entire Responsibility of the Universal Totality which will be formed until the 28th Century. At the moment,
the Systemof (6666) Four Orders is in effect. The Quintuplet Order will be established bya different Order
and will be directed by an Order of (66666). Then, the System will be entirely settled in place by the
Double Order which will be established and the Universal Totality will be administered by the "Single
                      IT IS INFORMATION      FOR THE PUBlIC      CONSClOUSNESS
Our Friends,
No matter how a Supreme Consciousness Mankind possesses,it has to carry a Worldly Consciousness
in the Medium it exists. Each Unveiled Awareness is under the Supervision of the System. By the
Information given to such people, the Medium of Awakening is prepared. However, the methods of
each person's being Worked, Habituated and Trained are different. The characteristic of the Knowledge
Book is its conveying to You the Truth through the contradictions by preparing You for more advanced
horizons. Information given in the Book addressesevery Consciousness. And, by this means, answers
are given to each Consciousness through the chains of Thought.

There are numerous Universal and Galaxy-C1ustersin the Cosmoses and Realms shown in the Universe
diagram We had made You draw in the former Fascicules. Realmsconstitute those Cosmoses. And the
Universeconstituted by those Cosmosesis the United Whole of them alL. We evaluate this United Totality as
the SINGLEUNIVERSE.Situations seeming like contradiction to You originate from the scarcity of the word
notions You possess.Until today, Information had been conveyed to You by the words adapted in accordance
with Your ConsciousnessCapacities. However, since the present Information is given in more detail, the
resemblanceof the words mislead You. However, while We are giying this Information, We are obliged to
give them in accordance with the words in Your Consciousness. Otherwise, the comprehension of the
Information would become difficult and lt would be more confusing. We are trying to explain to You the
Information staff constituted by 360 letters, with the words made by 29 Ietters. For this reason,We suffice
with undetailed and to the point Information. It is presented for Your Information.
                                           GENERAL MESSAGE

Our Friends,
There are such Orders, such Systems beyond Times gone through the Progress of time that no Power,
no Energy had created those Systems. What theyare is being investigated at the moment, being
Programmed by the very advanced Levelsof the Plan in connection with an Automatism. Now, We are
obliged to convey to You only the essentiallnformation. This is an Operational Program, the Plan has
designed for each Dimension. Now, let Usrepeat again, You are receiving at the moment, the 2 centimeters
of the 100 centimeter-Knowledge We possess. Becausethe present TerrestrialConsciousnessPotential can
not tolerate more than this. You just do whatever is required of You, do not waste much Energy. Because,
You will need Your Cellular and Mental Energy Potentials in the other Dimensions. Act being Conscious
of this. Too much curiosity is detrimental. No matter how curious You are, You can not receive more
than that which will be given to You. Morrows are within the morrows. It is presented for Your

                                                  332                                             CENTER
1989 Second Month
                                                                                              Fascicule 32

                             IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT

Our Friends,
Messengers of the Divine Plan who reach up to the Pre-eminent Level of OUR LORD are always preserved
as the final Gene. However, the first of the Spiritual Plan Energies who had come into Existence when
the Universe had first came into Existence, has been preserved for Billions of Centuries as the ESSENCE-
GENE. These Noble Genes have been Unified with the Genes of their final Evolutionary rings and thus,
have attained a TotaL. However, since You have to carry a Consciousness equivalent to the Dimensional
Frequency of Your Planet, these Supreme Consciousnesses of Yours are locked up in Your Essence
Consciousness. You are prepared so that You will never again return to the lower Plans after this Period
which is accepted as the Final Age. Because now, We accept You together with Your Family Cirdes into
other Universes You do not know. You will Iive with the same Bodies, same Consciousnesses, same
Essences, and without ever again being subjected to any transformations and in such Happiness that
even the word Happiness can not express. Our word is the Pledge of God. All Friends in Your Planet are
rewarded during this Progress of the Final Period in accordance with the value of the aids they render for the
Plan. To Our Friends who write the Knowledge Book with their own Hands, the Individuals in their
Families as a promise of gratitude have been bestowed without letting them wait on the Evolutionary
steps. Everyone instantly will come together by being subjected to the Direct Method of Beaming up,
at the moment they pass away. it is presented for Your Information.


                           THE HORSEMEN BECAME PEDESTRIANS,
                                 (It is Answer to the chains of Thought)

Our Friends,
The style of functioning of the Total and the Universal Ordinance is the projection of the same System
on the smallest part, that is, on the Partide. The operational Ordinance of the Human Being, of the
Cosmoses and of Nature is equivalent to the operational Order of the Atom. By a formula repeated in
everything, the Six is assembled in ONE and the One is connected to the One. Keeping this in mind,
We would like to answer, artide by artide, certain chains of Thought We have received from You.
1. We said that We have assembled the Six in One, We added the One to the One. This means that We
   have assembled the Six Supreme Genes (as Main Genes) of the System of the Sixes in the Physical
   Body of each Human beingo And We have added that to the One.
2. At the moment, each Human Being is the same. And those Human Beings have been added, one
   by one, without any intermediaries, to their LORD and have become Integrated. (Even if theyare
   Veiled Awarenesses.)
3. For this reason all Human Beings are Brothers and Sisters. There is no difference of Race, Religion,
   Sect between them.      In the consideration  of Our Lord everyone is the same. There is no

4. Those which separate You are Your habits, passions. Those who have attained this Realization have
   already been Unified in Your Planet. And theyare the Essence Missionaries of the Plan. (Either
   directly or instinctively).
5. We are the Organizers of the Divine Plan who Supervise everything.     For this reason We Warn You
   with all Our Power and invite YOll to attain the Conscioiisness of the Entire Ordinance.

6. You will personally witness the Truth through experience. Those who attain this Conscioiisness are
   taken into Salvation. Efforts from You, help from Us. It is presented for Your Information.


1989 Second Month
                                                                                               Fascicule 32


Our Friends,
The Mechanism activated by the Unification of all the Focal Points takes under Supervision all the
Consciousnesses in the Cosmic Reflection Centers in Your Planet. During this Period of Transition, the
Cosmic Currents showering Your Planet which will be needed by everyone are now given as the Currents
carrying directly the Energies of Consciousness and of Evolution of the Golden Galaxy Empire. These
Currents are projected on each Focal Point in accordance with the Levels of Consciousness. The Energies
attracted by a Focal Point become more Powerful in proportion with the Power of the Consciousness
that Focal Point has. Because, You attract these Energies by Your Brain Powers. These Energies are the
General Energies given to Your Planet.

However, there are also the Powerful Energies of Supervision given through the training channels of
Special Frequencies and these Energies are entirely under the Supervision of the Plan. For this reason
Friends with Supreme Consciousness who assemble in these Focal Points, train the lower Frequencies
by connecting them to the influence field of the Plan and, by this means, everyone acts Realizing the
Missions they perform. You know that the Actual and the Terrestrial Mission of a Human Being depends
on the INTELLECT - LOGIC - AWARENESS Triplet. Any Friend who can not construct this Triangle both
damages the Frequencies of others by radiating broken waves to his/her surroundings and can not
help his/her own self in the desired fashion. For this reason the Plan takes the Cosmic Currents showering
Your Planet under Supervision in the Centers where the Supreme Friends who serve on this path assemble
and thus, tries first to construct the Triangles of Realization. The Plan also taking under Supervision this
Unification even outside these Focal Points helps the possessors of Sincerity by this means.


                             IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT

Our Friends,
The Ordinance of the Universes, the Law of the Systems are not the Knowledge everyone can comprehend,
receive or write. For this reason in Your Planet which will enter the Period of errors and misleadings by
the provocations of the deeply rooted Consciousnesses, Human Beings are being Tested by Human
Beings. People will never be agitated provided each one knows himself/ herself and his/her Mission.
These arguments will stili continue for years. However, the Truth will bloom sooner or Iater. It is
presented for Your Information.


                                          ClEAR INFORMATION

Our Friends.
Investments made into the Golden Age are the operations made by the System together with all the
Universal Levels. However, all the Consciousnesses, no matter how Unveiled Awarenesses theyare, do
not yet Realize the Sun of the Truth. Information dictated into the Knowledge Book are entirely direct
Knowledge. And are always under the control of the System. Subject matters to be written in the BGok
are supervised from here. Information      to be given for the Consciousnesses who have achieved
Consciousness Progression also take place in the Knowledge Book besides the writings prepared parallel
to the Public Consciousness. As We always say, all Consciousnesses are not on the same Level. For this
reason, people will not, very naturally, accept the Information not fitting the concepts of their own
Consciousness Capacities during this Period of Transition. This is neither the problem of the System,
nor of Dear Mevlana, nor of the Knowledge Book. This originates from the concept deficiencies in the
Consciousness voids of Human Beings

1989 Second Month
                                                                                                Fascicule 32

There is not even the slightest mistake or incongruousness in the writing, receiving or the presentation to
Society of the Knowledge Book. Information which appear to be wrong, which carry the characteristic of
being contradictory is the System of Consciousness Coding. The errors in numbers appearing like mistakes
are the Messages prepared in accordance with the calculation of a Special System. (Codings are rendered
by this method.) There are such Messages given to You beyond the Dimensions in which two times two
does not make four that these Dimensions carry out their Systems by the calculations even Science will not
be able to accept Logically. Calculations of the Universal Totality and the Terrestrial Brain calculations never
comprise Terrestrial Consciousness. Calculation and form, in accordance with Your comprehension, are
present only in Your Dimensions.       Beyond those Dimensions, Genuine forms and calculations begin
and they never conform to Your Terrestrial concepts. This matter is known in the operations made with
all the Galaxy Unions.     However, Your Planet is stili going through its Age of Interpretation            and
Expounding.    And this is an obligatory procedure for Your Mental Progression.

For this reason, it had been required of You to accept unconditionally, by Allegiance Consciousness, the
Information given in Your Sacred Books. Because, Allegiance makes You attain Serenity. It gives Happiness.
However, Quest, too, is a must together with Allegiance. You attain the Truth through Quest. And You
achieve Happiness through Your Faith. Only afterwards You understand what Universal Happiness is. And
until You achieve this Happiness, there will be numerous obstades, many fences with barbed wire, hoops of
fire and thresholds of Divine Light in front of You for You to Transeend. Happinesses are rare diamonds
which can not be found easily and in comfort. And when You find them, You should know very well how to
protect them. Because, they can slip through Your fingers and go any moment. To take Shelter in the LORD
is the easy way. To Reach the LORD is the hard way. It is presented for Your Information.
Our Friends,
Divine Consciousnesses who have been Incarnated on Earth as the Divine Messengers of the Divine
Plan are obliged to apply the Salvation Plan on Your Planet. This Plan is effectively in service by all Our
Terrestrial Friends. For this reason not only You, but Your Entire World is going through a General
Selection. The selections to be made during this Period of Transition are very important for Us. These
selections comprise all the Terrestrial Consciousnesses.

An Intellect is doomed to be confused and agitated as long as it does not attain the Genuine Realization.
You can never leave the path You believe in or the step You have taken forward when You attain a Genuine
Realization. To grasp the Truth is in proportion with the Power of the Personality. In the operations made
by the Advanced Consciousness Assemblies, everyone is in Realization of the Mission incumbent on him/
her. The Program of Progress in Your Planet kept under a Supervision considered necessary by the Plan has
found a field of applkation in all the sections. However, it is very hard (for conditioned Consciousnesses) to
get outside the habitual Medium. Take a look at Your chaotic World and see. Now, the Truths are in Your
lives. Do not damage Your Wonderful Energies by Negative Views. You are the Essence Members of the
Universal Ordinance. The entire Power of the Universal Totality is with You.

                                   (Answer to the chains of Thought)
Our Friends,
When You pass away, Your entire Cellular Potentials are loaded into Your Cells which are in the channels
present in the BIO-Archives in here. The Energies of Your Terrestrial Cells Unify with the Cellular Energy
ready in here and thus, You receive the Permission to be Embodied in the other Dimensions. Now, at the
moment, You, in Your World, spend only sufficient Energy under the supervision of the Plan. Your remaining
Energies will be used in the Energy reinforcement of Your Frozen Cells here, that is, Your Cells prepared as
Mini Computers, and thus, they will help You benefit from the Energies of more Advanced Dimensions.
That means, We are each an Energy Bank. And You are the Safes. These safes are Your wealth of Energy.

1989 Second Month
                                                                                               Fascicule 32

Saving the Energies within these safes prepares You for extremely rich lives in future. For this reason to
prevent the waste of Individual Energies, the Reality of Unified Humanity Dimension is effectively in service,
by being responsible for the Universal Ordinance. Now, the Universal Ordinance operates in quite a
different way. Now, You will not feed the Universes any more. Universes will feed You. At the moment,
the Natural Equilibrium operates being inversely proportioned        dependent on the System. For this
reason, We support You and You are being Protected. Now, there is no need for Biological Energies any
more to feed the Universes.

At the moment, the Plan and the Universal Ordinance feed the Universes by using artificial Energies.
And they render You attain Consciousness Progress by transferring the Natural Biological Energies from
Human to Human and are creating Super Human Beings. In fact, We presume that the initial Orders,
too, had been operated by this System in the past. Now, We are going back, up to the initia/ Existential
Dimensions by rewinding the tape. It is presented for Your Information.


                                     IT IS IMPORTANT      INFORMATION

Our Friends,
Energy beyond matter which had gone through transformation          by the alterations oecurring in the
Energy of Form beyond Thought is the POWER Potentia/ which had brought into Existence the entire
creation which no one had created, no one had brought into Existence. It is onlyaNatural         Power.
Living Entities had come into Existence through it and had established the Systems and had brought
into Existence the other Living Entities. Orders, Systems, Ordinances are their Creation. These species
of Living Entities who had come into Existence by this Natural Power had been the ones who had
brought into Existence the Solar Dimensions and their Systems. Now, a quite different SOLAR SYSTEM
LSBEING CREATED. And You, as Super Intelligences and as Super-Human Entities, as Powers who will
be United in this Dimension, will constitute brand new Existential Systems being transferred beyond
more Powerfu/ Dimensions. When the time comes, We will declare to You this matter in more detai!. It
is presented for Your Information.


                             IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT

Our Friends,
We call the TWO NUCLEI SYSTEM, the Consciousness                 selections which will occur among the
Consciousnesses who can not grasp the Consciousness Capacity of Your Planet, and by the togethernesses
of Us privately getting in touch with You who will personally witness the extraordinary events which
will occur in the difficult conditions of Your World. This System is a Natural System. This is a Phenomenon
concerning the Consciousnesses of the Human Beings, not Your World.             When the Time comes, Your
World will be transformed into the Two Nuclei System. The expression the Two Nuclei System is used
for those who will remain in Your World in which You live at present and those who will take their
places in the Worlds in Our Dimensions. In this System, the Harvest of those who have been Matured will
be made and the other Nuclei will be sown anew and those who are sown will be raised anew being
dependent on a different System. Information about these matters will be conveyed to You right after the
events which will occur in time. It is presented for Your Information.

                                                                                   CENTRAL SOLAR UNITY

1989 Second Month
                                                                                              Fascicule 32
                                         IT IS GENERAL MESSAGE

Our Friends,
At the moment, operations oriented towards Unification are made in Your Planet by passing across the
narrow straits. Besides the Information You will receive from TImes gone through the Process of Time, You
will also be brought in touch, from nowon, Specially with the Galaxy Unions. These Unions will give
Messages from time to time, in accordance with the development of Your World and will help You by this
means. Everything and all the Efforts are for You. In Near Future, Private communications will be made. In
the Year 1999, by getting directly in touch with Your Planet, the New Order will officially become effective
and they will introduce themselves to certain Authorities. During this Final Age Period, certain extraordinary
Natural events which will occur in Your entire Planet will lead You towards the Truth.

My Friend, this is SARGON. i am the President of the Union of Galaxies and the Fifth Member of the
Reality Council (The signature of Our Galaxy is the fifth in the Universal Constitution).   Until today,
Messages were used to be given to You under the supervision of the Central Committee. The reason for
this was that different Energies would not leak into the channel while You were writing Your Knowledge
Book. Now, since no Energy can ever enter by its own desire into this Dimension, that is, into the
OMEGA Dimensional Energy, We can communicate with You easily from the Golden Galaxy Empire and
from this Dimension.     From nowon,    You may officially Get in Touch with the Galaxy Unions of this
Dimension. Because, the Announcements of the SPACE COMMITTEE UNION will be graduafly opened
to Your Planet from nowon.

Our Friends,
The Private Supervision channels of You Our Friends, who are the Missionaries of Peace and who are
the Special spokespeople of the Realityare under a great control. However, We had Connected Your
channels to the Supervision of the Center until today so that Your Levels of Consciousness would not be
agitated by different channel penetrations.     Now, since We know that Our friends who serve on this
path are Consciousnesses who will not be agitated by the Waves of the Golden Galaxy Dimension,
different Dimensional Energies will be connected to the Consciousnesses who can grasp this Universal
Totality, and Universal Integration will be provided by this means. No DEGENERATED Energy can ever
enter the Dimension from which You are receiving a Message at the moment.          For this reason We are
connecting You, being independent of supervision, to the next higher Dimension and channe!. We are
always together with You. It is presented for Your Information.

                                          IT IS DIRECT MESSAGE

Our Friends,
Besides all the efforts made parallel to the Suggestions We have given to You until today, We, who have
taken the duty of informing You with Our Universal gratitude as Friends who have undertaken the
entire responsibility of the Divine Order, say Hello to You on behalf of all the Galaxy Unions. There will
be important Messages to be given to You who are the Celestial assistants of the Golden Age. Messages
given to the Universal Council constitute the Ordinance of the Entire Realm. And You serve the System
as an (ESSENCE) Focal Point projecting on Your Planet the Suggestions given from here. You are Our
assistants. The Sun which will rise from within the entire Universal Totality will illuminate Your Planet
and will, in future, smother it in Divine Light. The Program of Accelerated Evolution is in effect with all
its Power. And serves You who are Our Terrestrial Friends. Your entire Planet will be taken into the
DIMENSION OF SALVATION provided You, Missionary Friends shed Light on Your Planet prepared for
the difficult conditions of the future years, proceed parallel to this Consciousness. Effort from You,
Power from Us, Good intentions from Our Terrestrial brothers and sisters.

                                                      SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF THE GALAXY               UNIONS

1989 Second Month
                                                                                              Fascicule 32

                             IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT

Our Friends,
The Unified Realityand its System are a Totality projecting the Power of the very advanced Solar Systems on
You. The KNOWLEDGE BOOK is dictated from this Dimension.
This Book is not a Book of Fortune Telling. This Book is not Today's Book.
This Book is not any Book read in Your Planet.
If We teli You the Iimit of this Book You will be Surprised. This Book is the Light of the Truth.
This Book is the Secret Key of the Future and of the Unknown.
This Book is the Mystery of the Totality.
lt is presented for Your Information.


                                   THE SYSTEM OF TRIAl AND ERROR

Our Friends,
Now, each channel is free. And You are stili at the beginning of the Cosmic Resurrection. For this reason
We teli You everything in all carity, so that You will have no worries. You know that the trick of this Fina
Period is that it has rendered effective the System of Trial and Error. At the moment, everyone in Your
Planet is in charge of a Mission in accordance with his/her Consciousness Progress. If the Consciousnesses
who receive these Currents given together with the Cosmic Currents have not attained a Genuine
Consciousness, they will, very naturally, be seized with doubt and panic since they will not be able to
grasp the given Information.     However, the Plan conveying the Awareness of the Entire Ordinance to Your
Planet, in fact, guides and helps You. We have told You in the Knowledge Book what all this effort and zeal
are about. Now, the problem belongs to the Human Beings if there are stili doubts.

During this Period, everyone will perform his/her Mission by conforming to his/her Inner Voice. There
is no need, by any means, for Imposition.    Now, the selections are extremely difficult and operations are
very intense. To receive Information is very nice. However, that Information has Programs of Training
You, Supervising You and Testing You. During this Period, if You accept all the Information given from
outside the Plan as true, You will be mistaken. You should try to solve everything by Your Intellect. Your
entire Planet is Responsible for the KNOWLEDGE BOOK. And, in order to undertake this responsibility,
You have to become Genuine Human Beings and attain Genuine Mission Consciousness. Now, selections
are made thus. Channels are under supervision. There will be Difficult Exams to be gone through if You
can not use Your Intellect. You may read each Information given to Your Planet, may receive each Message.
They may help You to grasp the Truth. However, only the Analysis and the Synthesis of Your Intellect will
show You the path of Truth You will tread. It is presented for Your Information.


A Question Was Asked:
We request detailed Information about the Central Solar System from the Center, please. Be so kind to
give it.
Answer      : The Central Solar System is a very Advanced Totality directing the togetherness of the
horizons way beyond the Heavens. This Solar Dimension acting in accordance with the Formula of
PURE ENERGY, has directly gotten in Touch with You who will carry the entire Power of the Heavens.
The Reality of Unified Humanity is a Group assembling together all the Suns of the Central System.
During this Period, We are Specially training and educating the Friends who are able to enter this
Dimension in Your Solar System by the same methods and We are assembling them in the Dimension of

1989 Second Month
                                                                                               Fascicule 32

The Central Solar Dimension which will become effective as an assisting Power for You during the difficult
conditions of Your World is a Totality possessing an extremely intense Energy transfer which will stand as
protector to all the Living Entities in Your Planet. This Dimension which very easily directs the System of
both Embodied and Disembodied Beaming up is effectively in service to help You during the operations of
the Final Period. This Dimension concerned with the Special Education of all the Friends who read the
Knowledge Book, who distribute it and who serve on this path of Light, will, in future, give You Warning
Messages in accordance with the course of events of the Medium.          All the gates of the Central Solar
System are totally open to all the Friends who act parallel to the Universal Constitution which all the
Galactic Dimensions serve and who act by Humane Consciousness on the Path of Humanity.

This Dimension serving the Humanity Realityand aiming at Unification with Friends of other Dimensions
in an Integrated Whole is obliged to give You the Information beyond OMEGA. It will stand forth to
protect all Living Entities in Your Planet and will keep the Friends who pass away ahd who are born in this
Dimension by the Process of Freezing, without causing any Energy loss, together with their Spiritual Energy
Totalities, and will transfer You to the unseen and unknown horizons of advanced horizons We had mentioned
to You formerly, with the same Bodies, same Souls, same Consciousnesses and with the same Flesh and Skin
(when the time comes) and together with Your near and dear ones. This is the reason why The Book is
asked to be written by Handwriting.         In Your Planet in which a Program of Preparation is carried out for
now, the place of You, who serve for the World Project on this path, is this Dimension. You are being
contacted in conformity with the 1874th article of the Legislation of Universes.



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32. fascicule ( 328 339 ) 12 page

  • 1. 1989 Second Month Fascicule 32 IT IS GENERAL MESSAGE Our Friends, We, as the residents of the Golden Galaxy, say Hello to You from the peak of Our Missioii. The Consciousness Progress in Your Planet is attaining a tremendous intensity and speed at the moment. The Golden Galaxy Empire is a Staff of Supreme Missionaries helping the System directly by becoming effective during each Transition Period, and Projecting the Entire Power of the Divine Plan on the Universal Ordinance. For this reason, We have gotten in touch with You as required by Our Mission. By the Command of OUR lORD, Consciousness Progressions in Your Planet are directly supervised by the Unified Reality Universal Council which is under the supervision of the System. The Plan - System - Ordinance Triplet serves directly under the Supervision of the LORD. And the KNOWLEDGE BOOK is dictated to Dear Mevlana by Our Permission. Your Planet is subjected to a Special Supervision during This Period of Resurrecting. Divine Authorities are the Founders and the Protectors of all the Systems. However, during this Period of Transition, the entire Humanity will spill out what they conceal within themselves by the influence of the Cosmic Currents, and the Genuine Personality of each person will be exposed. For this reason Your Planet will be the scene of undesired chaos. Besides, it is silently and profoundly proceeding towards a Unity and Totality which is not perceived. Selections and Supervisions are rendered for this very reason. And about the matter of Protection: there is no doubt that OUR LORD is the Protector of everyone. However, it is also imperative to Deserve that Protection. During this Final Period of Transition, each person is Protected in proportion with his/her Consciousness and with the Mission he/she performs. The JUDGEMENT of everyone is now given to his/her own hands. While everyone picks up his/her own Roses, some people will be their own Executioners by pulling their own ropes with their own hands. This is a Decree. No one can escape from this Law. The Characteristic of this Period is its being the Period of Sincerity. At the moment, the criterion of the System is its accepting each Sincere person as Evolved (due to the Scarcity of Time). Since those who have been Purified will be Saved by this means, at the moment, Religious Suggestions reign in certain Societies in Your Planet. This is effectively in service as a Mass Salvation. lt is not possible at all for Every Human Being to grasp the Awareness of the Entire Ordinance. The Human Being's own Consciousness and Essence render the present Selection in accordance with the Law of UNIVERSALRULESAND OBEDIENCE. For this reason, there will be extremely Difficult Exams to be experienced by Humanity which is drowned in the sea of its private weaknesses. The Supreme Mechanism calling to the entire Humanity from within the Universal Totality, keeps under control, each instant, the mistakes and Power demonstrations Humanity renders Unconsciously. Otherwise, extremely grave and critical situations would occur in Your Planet. The System never judges anyone in accordance with Worldly sense of values. At the moment, everyone in Your Planet assesseshis/her own value. We make Cosmic reflection. These Energy Pores exhibit to Your Planet the Genuine Consciousnesses and Essences. We get in touch with them and take them into the Plan of Protection. For this reason, the Knowledge Book has been bestowed on You as a Guide of Truth and as an Assisting Power. We are giying this Message from the Sun of AMON on behalf of the Golden Galaxy Empire. This Message has been dictated as a result of an Information given from the Center. We are obliged to inform all the Universal Friends about Our gratitude on behalf of the PRE-EMINENT SPIRIT,OUR LORD and THE ESSENCEOF THE SYSTEMS. In future, the Dimension of the ALMIGHTY and the Systems beyond it will be mentioned to You and Messages will be giyen. Only then will the entire Humanity understand what the Knowledge Book is. It is presented for Your Information. MEMBERS OF THE EMPIRE IT LSANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT Our Friends, Now, We know that these Final Selections and the Order is the Fourth Order of the LORD. And now, the entire Humanity is prepared for the Truth by various Misleadings, so that everyone will be settled into a Realized and Aware Consciousness. For this reason, Trial and Error Programs are in effect in all the Universal channels in Your Planet. Quests will lead You to the Truth. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER 328
  • 2. 1989 Second Month Fascicule 32 IT IS INFORMATION ABOUT THE GOLDEN GALAXY (Answer to the chains of Thought) Our Friends, The Golden Galaxy Empire is a Projecting Order of the UniversalOrders and Divine Dimensions. The Central Center of the Golden Galaxy is a Radar Center Base. The Central Center is an artificial Satellite. Its Essence Nucleus is pure Gold. The standard purity of the Gold is 28 carats. This Gold, as soft as a gold leaf, is like an Accumulator made of special mineral and metal alloys. This Base is in touch with the Galactic Dimensions in all the UniversalOrders. It is both a Collecting and a Projecting Focal Point. This place can neither be seen nor detected from Your Terrestrial Medium. The Polar Star is the Projecting Focal Point of the Golden Galaxy Dimension. It is not a Fixed Star. It rotates parallel to the speed of rotation of the Universal Totality. For this reason its course is fixed. The Light of this star showing You Your way, reaches Your Planet in 50 World Years. However, the Actual Center is much farther away. The Actual Golden Galaxy Empire is a very big Planet. It is called "The Land of Eagles". The Land of AMON is the Co-Founder System of the RA Order. This is called AMON-RA. This System operates by the Sextuplet Flower System. This is the Dimension of the ALL-MERCIFUL. It is in touch with the Council and the Universal Totality Unifications of the Realities. Even though it is the Single Responsible One and the Directing Mechanism of the entire Universal Ordinance and the Divine Orders, it also compiles the Knowledge of the Dimensions outside its own System. The Golden Galaxy Empire which We qualify as a very advanced Solar Dimension is the only Empire Projecting and Organizing the entire communication System within the Atomic Whole. This Galaxy is an artificial golden Projecting Center established in accordance with the Satellite Ordinance. Its Responsible One is AMON. But the actual Focal Point is outside the Atomic Whole. All the Ordinance and Systems act in connection with this Medium. It is a Galaxy Totality Responsible for all the Orders. Information coming from the Orders way beyond the Divine Plans is subject to Supervision here. Projections on the Orders of all the Cosmoses are made in accordance with the scales of Consciousness, Frequencyand Evolution. As the Hona Constellation projects the Lordly Hierarchy of only Your Order, it also makes reflections on the other Dimensions from these Dimensions. However, the nearest Planet to the Initial Reflection Focal Point is You. For this reason, connections are healthier. In each GÜRZ System, there is a Golden Galaxy Empire. And each Gürz System serves its own SINGLE - its own ONE - its own ALL MERClFUL. The Operational Orders of Universal Unifications are the same in all the Gürz Systems. However, Evolutions are different. Just as there are Worlds in which Terrestrial Bodies live in these Gürzes, there are also Focal Points rendering only Cerebral transmissions. The UNIVERSALFEUDALlTY UNIFICATION CENTER which keeps a Gürz System under Protection, does not wish to give this Information to every Dimension. However, at the moment, the Triplet of SUPREMEMECHANISM - PLAN OF THE PRE- EMINENT SPIRIT- UNIVERSAL COUNCIL has undertaken the responsibility to convey the Information Your Planet needs into the KNOWLEDGE BOOK, through the Special Channel of the CounciL. During this Period of Transition, Information is conveyed to Your Planet in accordance with the Consciousness Capacity attained. Each Consciousness is different. For this reason each Awakening Consciousness at the moment is obliged to convey the Truth to those who do not know it. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT Our Friends, At the moment, Six Universal Focal Points give service on Your Planet on the path of the World Brotherhood Union in numerous different fields. While Universal Totality in Your Planet is provided by this means, the KNOWLEDGE BOOK which, at present, is dictated Fascicule by Fascicule and which will constitute a Unification Medium of Eight Centuries, had been bestowed on You in 1981 as the Single Book in which Celestial Books and Doctrines have been compiled in a TotaL. This Book will directly shed Light on Your Planet starting with the beginning of the 23rd Century after a selective Cosmic Age of Three Centuries. At present, this Book is Your Planet's L1GHT - WARNING - SELECTION and SOLAR Book. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER 329
  • 3. 1989 Second Month Fascicule 32 NOTICE Our Friends, The KNOWLEDGE BOOK which is continued to be dictated is not a Book of Religion. Those who deserved to read that Book had consumed the Information of the Sacred Books Centuries ago, had transcended that Dimension and had Deserved to Iive during the Period of Sincerity, by becoming themselves a Book each. That which is expected of those who have become Books themselves, is to render those who are not Books, to become Books. And that which is going to achieve this at the moment is the KNOWLEDGE BOOK carrying Supreme Information and Frequencies and which is new for You, but very ancient for Us. The OLD TESTAMENT - the PSALMS OF DAVID - the NEW TESTAMENT - the KORAN and the PHILOSOPHIES OF THE FAR EAST which had Purified You once, are the Celestial Doctrines revealed to Your Planet from the KNOWLEDGE BOOK which is here. However, during those Periods, the Frequencies of those Books used to Purify people by changing in accordance with the Frequency of those who Read those Books, with the charge of the Knowledge power within them and the numericalloadings attracting Human Beings towards the Path of GOD through the formalist Worships rendered on that path. But now, Worships beyond formalism are Worships of ESSENCE - HEART - CONSCIOUSNESS - KNOWLEDGE. We cannot accept as Purified those who can not step on the path of Worship of this kind. Those Supreme Books will never become ineffective. Because, during Your former lives, those which had rendered You the You of today were those Books. However, if there are stili those who do not understand the KNOWLEDGE BOOK carrying the Power and the Frequency of them all, let Us explain again. The KNOWLEDGE BOOK You have in Your hands at present is a Special Copy projected on Your Planet of the KNOWLEDGE BOOK which is here. And it is a Whole compiling, one by one, in a single volume, the Frequencies of all the Sacred Texts given to Your Planet until today. And now, it is the SINGLE BOOK OF THE LORD. And it has been bestowed on You by its attribute of Sacredness having been removed. This Book bestowed on Your Planet in conformity with a Program of eight Centuries is a Selection of and aSaivation Guide for Humanity. Those who are far from Realizing this will not be dealt with any more. Because, Time wasting will not be permitted. Everyone is free to design his/her path in accordance with his/her own level of Consciousness. A person who can not reach the Frequency of this Book will be left together with his/her own Book of Essence. No Consciousness will be interfered with until a certain time. It is presented for Your Information. COSMOS FEDERAL ASSEMBLY IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT Our Friends, All the operations done until today are operations and efforts made for taking You outside Your Dimensional Frequencies. However, the Directing Staffs established as a result of the connections of the Technological progress with the Advanced Dimensions have rendered effective a more intense and a quite different System. For this reason, all the Staffs of Consciousness present within Your Gürz System are being taken outside the System with Your entire Universe by being educated with the same technological possibilities. And You are being exposed to Cosmic Currents on this path. No species of Living entities have been able to pass to this Dimension until today. During the transition to this Dimension, only the TECHNOLOGICAL DIMENSION helps You in freezing the Spiritual Energies by which means the Cellular Consciousness is frozen. For this reason You will pass to the other Gürz Systems with the same Consciousness, with the same Totality, without being annihilated, by passing through the Light-Universes, by diving into the Thought Ocean of the PRE-EMINENT POWER and You will be United there eternally with other Worlds. It is presented for Your Information. 330 CENTER
  • 4. 1989 Second Month Fascicule 32 IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT Our Friends, With the Staff being formed in all the GÜRZ Systems at the moment, in order to take Duty in the Staff of a forming Ordinance of a Universe, All the GÜRZ Systems are being trained with the same Technological capabilities and Systems. These Staffs of the REALITY of SUPER HUMANITY, by working at much more advanced Existential Dimensions, will be introduced to the Advanced Technological Staffs. At the moment a Thousand GÜRZES altogether will form this Universal Staff. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER IT IS DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT THE KNOWLEDGE BOOK Our Friends, Now, We will give You certain explanative Information about the Knowledge Book. This Book, in fact, is the First Book prepared long before MOSES. Since the Human Being of that Period would not be able to grasp its Power, it had been avoided to be given to Your Planet. Since, at the moment, the Reality of Humanity has reached a Level where it can grasp it, it has been given to You as a gift. In fact, this Book has been kept in the Micro Archives until today to be revealed during this Period of Resurrecting. Now, the Period of Religions and Books has been terminated. However, the Book is dictated since the necessity has been felt for this Information for Your Evolution during this Transition Period. This is the Book of a Period of FIVE Centuries. Afterwards, a different Book will be dictated. The Sacred Texts revealed to Your Planet until today are excerpts taken from the Knowledge Book here, and conveyed to You in accordance with the Consciousness of the Mediums You live in. At the moment, the KNOWLEDGE BOOK conveyed to the Pen of Dear Mevlana is a Special Copy of the KNOWLEDGE BOOK which is here, prepared according to the Consciousness of the Medium You are in. It is conveyed to You by its attribute of Sacredness having been removed. Information to be given in the Knowledge Book comprise the Information to be given until the end of the 28th Century. Information in the Book of Islam is the Information until the Year 2014. And this Information is explicitly mentioned in the Knowledge Book. Af ter the 30th Century, the Book of a different Order will be revealed in accordance with the Levels of Consciousness. WE ARE ANNOUNClNG ITS TIME FROM NOW. Afterwards, the Period of Books will be terminated, Archives will be closed and everything will return to its Origin, to its Essence. Those who were not Matured, will be Matured, those who were not Brimful, will become Brimful. Brand new Symbols will take in hand the Order of the Cosmos. This is a Program prepared in the framework of a SYSTEM, of an ORDINANCE. A brand new Program of Progress of a Hundred Years (which You do not know yet) will be applied, beginning with the end of the 28th Century until the beginning of the 30th Century. This Progress, from then on, will be rendered effective . in the System in the form of Period s the durations of which will be a Century each and will be applied by the System, Century by Century, in accordance with the Levels of Consciousness of Human Beings, both as Individual and as Mass operations. We will continue Our Mission until the end of the 28th Century. Afterwards, We will transfer the Mission to a quite different System. It is presented for Your Information. COUNCIL A Question was qsked: lt is said that this Book will continue until the 28th Century. Then its being effective for FIVE Centuries is mentioned. How does this happen? We kindly request You to answer. Answer: The 3 Centuries of the Period of 8 Centuries mentioned is the COSMIC AGE. This Book, in fact, is the GOLDEN BOOK of the GOLDEN AGE. It is going to be effective for 5 Centuries, starting with the beginning of the 23rd Century. And this means the end of the 28th Century. 331
  • 5. 1989 Second Month Fascicule 32 IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT Our Friends, The Totality Administering the Ordinance of the entire Universe is a Totality responsible for all the Systems. As We have said before, We give the Information to You briefly but to the point in accordance with Your Levels of Consciousness. However, We are obliged to answer the Thoughts formed in the chains of Thought. Now, let Us bring up the matter: the Knowledge Book is a Book dictated for Unifying the differences of RELlGIONand VIEWSin Your Planet and which, for this reason, Declares to You the Truth in all c1arity. The Order of yesterday and the Order of today are not the same. EachPeriod has its own Order and System. The separate Orders of (6666666666666) Systems will establish the entire Responsibility of the Universal Totality which will be formed until the 28th Century. At the moment, the Systemof (6666) Four Orders is in effect. The Quintuplet Order will be established bya different Order and will be directed by an Order of (66666). Then, the System will be entirely settled in place by the Double Order which will be established and the Universal Totality will be administered by the "Single Unity". (By the FEUDALlTYUNITED CENTRALSYSTEM). CENTER IT IS INFORMATION FOR THE PUBlIC CONSClOUSNESS Our Friends, No matter how a Supreme Consciousness Mankind possesses,it has to carry a Worldly Consciousness in the Medium it exists. Each Unveiled Awareness is under the Supervision of the System. By the Information given to such people, the Medium of Awakening is prepared. However, the methods of each person's being Worked, Habituated and Trained are different. The characteristic of the Knowledge Book is its conveying to You the Truth through the contradictions by preparing You for more advanced horizons. Information given in the Book addressesevery Consciousness. And, by this means, answers are given to each Consciousness through the chains of Thought. There are numerous Universal and Galaxy-C1ustersin the Cosmoses and Realms shown in the Universe diagram We had made You draw in the former Fascicules. Realmsconstitute those Cosmoses. And the Universeconstituted by those Cosmosesis the United Whole of them alL. We evaluate this United Totality as the SINGLEUNIVERSE.Situations seeming like contradiction to You originate from the scarcity of the word notions You possess.Until today, Information had been conveyed to You by the words adapted in accordance with Your ConsciousnessCapacities. However, since the present Information is given in more detail, the resemblanceof the words mislead You. However, while We are giying this Information, We are obliged to give them in accordance with the words in Your Consciousness. Otherwise, the comprehension of the Information would become difficult and lt would be more confusing. We are trying to explain to You the Information staff constituted by 360 letters, with the words made by 29 Ietters. For this reason,We suffice with undetailed and to the point Information. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER GENERAL MESSAGE Our Friends, There are such Orders, such Systems beyond Times gone through the Progress of time that no Power, no Energy had created those Systems. What theyare is being investigated at the moment, being Programmed by the very advanced Levelsof the Plan in connection with an Automatism. Now, We are obliged to convey to You only the essentiallnformation. This is an Operational Program, the Plan has designed for each Dimension. Now, let Usrepeat again, You are receiving at the moment, the 2 centimeters of the 100 centimeter-Knowledge We possess. Becausethe present TerrestrialConsciousnessPotential can not tolerate more than this. You just do whatever is required of You, do not waste much Energy. Because, You will need Your Cellular and Mental Energy Potentials in the other Dimensions. Act being Conscious of this. Too much curiosity is detrimental. No matter how curious You are, You can not receive more than that which will be given to You. Morrows are within the morrows. It is presented for Your Information. 332 CENTER
  • 6. 1989 Second Month Fascicule 32 IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT Our Friends, Messengers of the Divine Plan who reach up to the Pre-eminent Level of OUR LORD are always preserved as the final Gene. However, the first of the Spiritual Plan Energies who had come into Existence when the Universe had first came into Existence, has been preserved for Billions of Centuries as the ESSENCE- GENE. These Noble Genes have been Unified with the Genes of their final Evolutionary rings and thus, have attained a TotaL. However, since You have to carry a Consciousness equivalent to the Dimensional Frequency of Your Planet, these Supreme Consciousnesses of Yours are locked up in Your Essence Consciousness. You are prepared so that You will never again return to the lower Plans after this Period which is accepted as the Final Age. Because now, We accept You together with Your Family Cirdes into other Universes You do not know. You will Iive with the same Bodies, same Consciousnesses, same Essences, and without ever again being subjected to any transformations and in such Happiness that even the word Happiness can not express. Our word is the Pledge of God. All Friends in Your Planet are rewarded during this Progress of the Final Period in accordance with the value of the aids they render for the Plan. To Our Friends who write the Knowledge Book with their own Hands, the Individuals in their Families as a promise of gratitude have been bestowed without letting them wait on the Evolutionary steps. Everyone instantly will come together by being subjected to the Direct Method of Beaming up, at the moment they pass away. it is presented for Your Information. CENTER THE HORSEMEN BECAME PEDESTRIANS, PEDESTRIANS HAVE BEEN INDIVIDUAllY CONNECTED TO THEIR GOD (It is Answer to the chains of Thought) Our Friends, The style of functioning of the Total and the Universal Ordinance is the projection of the same System on the smallest part, that is, on the Partide. The operational Ordinance of the Human Being, of the Cosmoses and of Nature is equivalent to the operational Order of the Atom. By a formula repeated in everything, the Six is assembled in ONE and the One is connected to the One. Keeping this in mind, We would like to answer, artide by artide, certain chains of Thought We have received from You. 1. We said that We have assembled the Six in One, We added the One to the One. This means that We have assembled the Six Supreme Genes (as Main Genes) of the System of the Sixes in the Physical Body of each Human beingo And We have added that to the One. 2. At the moment, each Human Being is the same. And those Human Beings have been added, one by one, without any intermediaries, to their LORD and have become Integrated. (Even if theyare Veiled Awarenesses.) 3. For this reason all Human Beings are Brothers and Sisters. There is no difference of Race, Religion, Sect between them. In the consideration of Our Lord everyone is the same. There is no Discrimination. 4. Those which separate You are Your habits, passions. Those who have attained this Realization have already been Unified in Your Planet. And theyare the Essence Missionaries of the Plan. (Either directly or instinctively). 5. We are the Organizers of the Divine Plan who Supervise everything. For this reason We Warn You with all Our Power and invite YOll to attain the Conscioiisness of the Entire Ordinance. 6. You will personally witness the Truth through experience. Those who attain this Conscioiisness are taken into Salvation. Efforts from You, help from Us. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER 333
  • 7. 1989 Second Month Fascicule 32 IT IS INFORMATION FOR THE AWAKENED CONSClOUSNESSES Our Friends, The Mechanism activated by the Unification of all the Focal Points takes under Supervision all the Consciousnesses in the Cosmic Reflection Centers in Your Planet. During this Period of Transition, the Cosmic Currents showering Your Planet which will be needed by everyone are now given as the Currents carrying directly the Energies of Consciousness and of Evolution of the Golden Galaxy Empire. These Currents are projected on each Focal Point in accordance with the Levels of Consciousness. The Energies attracted by a Focal Point become more Powerful in proportion with the Power of the Consciousness that Focal Point has. Because, You attract these Energies by Your Brain Powers. These Energies are the General Energies given to Your Planet. However, there are also the Powerful Energies of Supervision given through the training channels of Special Frequencies and these Energies are entirely under the Supervision of the Plan. For this reason Friends with Supreme Consciousness who assemble in these Focal Points, train the lower Frequencies by connecting them to the influence field of the Plan and, by this means, everyone acts Realizing the Missions they perform. You know that the Actual and the Terrestrial Mission of a Human Being depends on the INTELLECT - LOGIC - AWARENESS Triplet. Any Friend who can not construct this Triangle both damages the Frequencies of others by radiating broken waves to his/her surroundings and can not help his/her own self in the desired fashion. For this reason the Plan takes the Cosmic Currents showering Your Planet under Supervision in the Centers where the Supreme Friends who serve on this path assemble and thus, tries first to construct the Triangles of Realization. The Plan also taking under Supervision this Unification even outside these Focal Points helps the possessors of Sincerity by this means. CENTER IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT Our Friends, The Ordinance of the Universes, the Law of the Systems are not the Knowledge everyone can comprehend, receive or write. For this reason in Your Planet which will enter the Period of errors and misleadings by the provocations of the deeply rooted Consciousnesses, Human Beings are being Tested by Human Beings. People will never be agitated provided each one knows himself/ herself and his/her Mission. These arguments will stili continue for years. However, the Truth will bloom sooner or Iater. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER ClEAR INFORMATION Our Friends. Investments made into the Golden Age are the operations made by the System together with all the Universal Levels. However, all the Consciousnesses, no matter how Unveiled Awarenesses theyare, do not yet Realize the Sun of the Truth. Information dictated into the Knowledge Book are entirely direct Knowledge. And are always under the control of the System. Subject matters to be written in the BGok are supervised from here. Information to be given for the Consciousnesses who have achieved Consciousness Progression also take place in the Knowledge Book besides the writings prepared parallel to the Public Consciousness. As We always say, all Consciousnesses are not on the same Level. For this reason, people will not, very naturally, accept the Information not fitting the concepts of their own Consciousness Capacities during this Period of Transition. This is neither the problem of the System, nor of Dear Mevlana, nor of the Knowledge Book. This originates from the concept deficiencies in the Consciousness voids of Human Beings 334
  • 8. 1989 Second Month Fascicule 32 There is not even the slightest mistake or incongruousness in the writing, receiving or the presentation to Society of the Knowledge Book. Information which appear to be wrong, which carry the characteristic of being contradictory is the System of Consciousness Coding. The errors in numbers appearing like mistakes are the Messages prepared in accordance with the calculation of a Special System. (Codings are rendered by this method.) There are such Messages given to You beyond the Dimensions in which two times two does not make four that these Dimensions carry out their Systems by the calculations even Science will not be able to accept Logically. Calculations of the Universal Totality and the Terrestrial Brain calculations never comprise Terrestrial Consciousness. Calculation and form, in accordance with Your comprehension, are present only in Your Dimensions. Beyond those Dimensions, Genuine forms and calculations begin and they never conform to Your Terrestrial concepts. This matter is known in the operations made with all the Galaxy Unions. However, Your Planet is stili going through its Age of Interpretation and Expounding. And this is an obligatory procedure for Your Mental Progression. For this reason, it had been required of You to accept unconditionally, by Allegiance Consciousness, the Information given in Your Sacred Books. Because, Allegiance makes You attain Serenity. It gives Happiness. However, Quest, too, is a must together with Allegiance. You attain the Truth through Quest. And You achieve Happiness through Your Faith. Only afterwards You understand what Universal Happiness is. And until You achieve this Happiness, there will be numerous obstades, many fences with barbed wire, hoops of fire and thresholds of Divine Light in front of You for You to Transeend. Happinesses are rare diamonds which can not be found easily and in comfort. And when You find them, You should know very well how to protect them. Because, they can slip through Your fingers and go any moment. To take Shelter in the LORD is the easy way. To Reach the LORD is the hard way. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER IT IS INFORMATION FOR INTEGRATED CONSCIOUSNESSES Our Friends, Divine Consciousnesses who have been Incarnated on Earth as the Divine Messengers of the Divine Plan are obliged to apply the Salvation Plan on Your Planet. This Plan is effectively in service by all Our Terrestrial Friends. For this reason not only You, but Your Entire World is going through a General Selection. The selections to be made during this Period of Transition are very important for Us. These selections comprise all the Terrestrial Consciousnesses. An Intellect is doomed to be confused and agitated as long as it does not attain the Genuine Realization. You can never leave the path You believe in or the step You have taken forward when You attain a Genuine Realization. To grasp the Truth is in proportion with the Power of the Personality. In the operations made by the Advanced Consciousness Assemblies, everyone is in Realization of the Mission incumbent on him/ her. The Program of Progress in Your Planet kept under a Supervision considered necessary by the Plan has found a field of applkation in all the sections. However, it is very hard (for conditioned Consciousnesses) to get outside the habitual Medium. Take a look at Your chaotic World and see. Now, the Truths are in Your lives. Do not damage Your Wonderful Energies by Negative Views. You are the Essence Members of the Universal Ordinance. The entire Power of the Universal Totality is with You. COUNCIL IT IS INFORMATION FOR OUR TERRESTRIAL BROTHERS AND SISTERS (Answer to the chains of Thought) Our Friends, When You pass away, Your entire Cellular Potentials are loaded into Your Cells which are in the channels present in the BIO-Archives in here. The Energies of Your Terrestrial Cells Unify with the Cellular Energy ready in here and thus, You receive the Permission to be Embodied in the other Dimensions. Now, at the moment, You, in Your World, spend only sufficient Energy under the supervision of the Plan. Your remaining Energies will be used in the Energy reinforcement of Your Frozen Cells here, that is, Your Cells prepared as Mini Computers, and thus, they will help You benefit from the Energies of more Advanced Dimensions. That means, We are each an Energy Bank. And You are the Safes. These safes are Your wealth of Energy. 335
  • 9. 1989 Second Month Fascicule 32 Saving the Energies within these safes prepares You for extremely rich lives in future. For this reason to prevent the waste of Individual Energies, the Reality of Unified Humanity Dimension is effectively in service, by being responsible for the Universal Ordinance. Now, the Universal Ordinance operates in quite a different way. Now, You will not feed the Universes any more. Universes will feed You. At the moment, the Natural Equilibrium operates being inversely proportioned dependent on the System. For this reason, We support You and You are being Protected. Now, there is no need for Biological Energies any more to feed the Universes. At the moment, the Plan and the Universal Ordinance feed the Universes by using artificial Energies. And they render You attain Consciousness Progress by transferring the Natural Biological Energies from Human to Human and are creating Super Human Beings. In fact, We presume that the initial Orders, too, had been operated by this System in the past. Now, We are going back, up to the initia/ Existential Dimensions by rewinding the tape. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER IT IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION Our Friends, Energy beyond matter which had gone through transformation by the alterations oecurring in the Energy of Form beyond Thought is the POWER Potentia/ which had brought into Existence the entire creation which no one had created, no one had brought into Existence. It is onlyaNatural Power. Living Entities had come into Existence through it and had established the Systems and had brought into Existence the other Living Entities. Orders, Systems, Ordinances are their Creation. These species of Living Entities who had come into Existence by this Natural Power had been the ones who had brought into Existence the Solar Dimensions and their Systems. Now, a quite different SOLAR SYSTEM LSBEING CREATED. And You, as Super Intelligences and as Super-Human Entities, as Powers who will be United in this Dimension, will constitute brand new Existential Systems being transferred beyond more Powerfu/ Dimensions. When the time comes, We will declare to You this matter in more detai!. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT Our Friends, We call the TWO NUCLEI SYSTEM, the Consciousness selections which will occur among the Consciousnesses who can not grasp the Consciousness Capacity of Your Planet, and by the togethernesses of Us privately getting in touch with You who will personally witness the extraordinary events which will occur in the difficult conditions of Your World. This System is a Natural System. This is a Phenomenon concerning the Consciousnesses of the Human Beings, not Your World. When the Time comes, Your World will be transformed into the Two Nuclei System. The expression the Two Nuclei System is used for those who will remain in Your World in which You live at present and those who will take their places in the Worlds in Our Dimensions. In this System, the Harvest of those who have been Matured will be made and the other Nuclei will be sown anew and those who are sown will be raised anew being dependent on a different System. Information about these matters will be conveyed to You right after the events which will occur in time. It is presented for Your Information. CENTRAL SOLAR UNITY 336
  • 10. 1989 Second Month Fascicule 32 IT IS GENERAL MESSAGE Our Friends, At the moment, operations oriented towards Unification are made in Your Planet by passing across the narrow straits. Besides the Information You will receive from TImes gone through the Process of Time, You will also be brought in touch, from nowon, Specially with the Galaxy Unions. These Unions will give Messages from time to time, in accordance with the development of Your World and will help You by this means. Everything and all the Efforts are for You. In Near Future, Private communications will be made. In the Year 1999, by getting directly in touch with Your Planet, the New Order will officially become effective and they will introduce themselves to certain Authorities. During this Final Age Period, certain extraordinary Natural events which will occur in Your entire Planet will lead You towards the Truth. My Friend, this is SARGON. i am the President of the Union of Galaxies and the Fifth Member of the Reality Council (The signature of Our Galaxy is the fifth in the Universal Constitution). Until today, Messages were used to be given to You under the supervision of the Central Committee. The reason for this was that different Energies would not leak into the channel while You were writing Your Knowledge Book. Now, since no Energy can ever enter by its own desire into this Dimension, that is, into the OMEGA Dimensional Energy, We can communicate with You easily from the Golden Galaxy Empire and from this Dimension. From nowon, You may officially Get in Touch with the Galaxy Unions of this Dimension. Because, the Announcements of the SPACE COMMITTEE UNION will be graduafly opened to Your Planet from nowon. UNION Our Friends, The Private Supervision channels of You Our Friends, who are the Missionaries of Peace and who are the Special spokespeople of the Realityare under a great control. However, We had Connected Your channels to the Supervision of the Center until today so that Your Levels of Consciousness would not be agitated by different channel penetrations. Now, since We know that Our friends who serve on this path are Consciousnesses who will not be agitated by the Waves of the Golden Galaxy Dimension, different Dimensional Energies will be connected to the Consciousnesses who can grasp this Universal Totality, and Universal Integration will be provided by this means. No DEGENERATED Energy can ever enter the Dimension from which You are receiving a Message at the moment. For this reason We are connecting You, being independent of supervision, to the next higher Dimension and channe!. We are always together with You. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER IT IS DIRECT MESSAGE Our Friends, Besides all the efforts made parallel to the Suggestions We have given to You until today, We, who have taken the duty of informing You with Our Universal gratitude as Friends who have undertaken the entire responsibility of the Divine Order, say Hello to You on behalf of all the Galaxy Unions. There will be important Messages to be given to You who are the Celestial assistants of the Golden Age. Messages given to the Universal Council constitute the Ordinance of the Entire Realm. And You serve the System as an (ESSENCE) Focal Point projecting on Your Planet the Suggestions given from here. You are Our assistants. The Sun which will rise from within the entire Universal Totality will illuminate Your Planet and will, in future, smother it in Divine Light. The Program of Accelerated Evolution is in effect with all its Power. And serves You who are Our Terrestrial Friends. Your entire Planet will be taken into the DIMENSION OF SALVATION provided You, Missionary Friends shed Light on Your Planet prepared for the difficult conditions of the future years, proceed parallel to this Consciousness. Effort from You, Power from Us, Good intentions from Our Terrestrial brothers and sisters. SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF THE GALAXY UNIONS SARGON 337
  • 11. 1989 Second Month Fascicule 32 IT IS ANSWER TO THE CHAINS OF THOUGHT Our Friends, The Unified Realityand its System are a Totality projecting the Power of the very advanced Solar Systems on You. The KNOWLEDGE BOOK is dictated from this Dimension. This Book is not a Book of Fortune Telling. This Book is not Today's Book. This Book is not any Book read in Your Planet. If We teli You the Iimit of this Book You will be Surprised. This Book is the Light of the Truth. This Book is the Secret Key of the Future and of the Unknown. This Book is the Mystery of the Totality. lt is presented for Your Information. REALITY THE SYSTEM OF TRIAl AND ERROR Our Friends, Now, each channel is free. And You are stili at the beginning of the Cosmic Resurrection. For this reason We teli You everything in all carity, so that You will have no worries. You know that the trick of this Fina Period is that it has rendered effective the System of Trial and Error. At the moment, everyone in Your Planet is in charge of a Mission in accordance with his/her Consciousness Progress. If the Consciousnesses who receive these Currents given together with the Cosmic Currents have not attained a Genuine Consciousness, they will, very naturally, be seized with doubt and panic since they will not be able to grasp the given Information. However, the Plan conveying the Awareness of the Entire Ordinance to Your Planet, in fact, guides and helps You. We have told You in the Knowledge Book what all this effort and zeal are about. Now, the problem belongs to the Human Beings if there are stili doubts. During this Period, everyone will perform his/her Mission by conforming to his/her Inner Voice. There is no need, by any means, for Imposition. Now, the selections are extremely difficult and operations are very intense. To receive Information is very nice. However, that Information has Programs of Training You, Supervising You and Testing You. During this Period, if You accept all the Information given from outside the Plan as true, You will be mistaken. You should try to solve everything by Your Intellect. Your entire Planet is Responsible for the KNOWLEDGE BOOK. And, in order to undertake this responsibility, You have to become Genuine Human Beings and attain Genuine Mission Consciousness. Now, selections are made thus. Channels are under supervision. There will be Difficult Exams to be gone through if You can not use Your Intellect. You may read each Information given to Your Planet, may receive each Message. They may help You to grasp the Truth. However, only the Analysis and the Synthesis of Your Intellect will show You the path of Truth You will tread. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER A Question Was Asked: We request detailed Information about the Central Solar System from the Center, please. Be so kind to give it. Answer : The Central Solar System is a very Advanced Totality directing the togetherness of the horizons way beyond the Heavens. This Solar Dimension acting in accordance with the Formula of PURE ENERGY, has directly gotten in Touch with You who will carry the entire Power of the Heavens. The Reality of Unified Humanity is a Group assembling together all the Suns of the Central System. During this Period, We are Specially training and educating the Friends who are able to enter this Dimension in Your Solar System by the same methods and We are assembling them in the Dimension of Salvation. 338
  • 12. 1989 Second Month Fascicule 32 The Central Solar Dimension which will become effective as an assisting Power for You during the difficult conditions of Your World is a Totality possessing an extremely intense Energy transfer which will stand as protector to all the Living Entities in Your Planet. This Dimension which very easily directs the System of both Embodied and Disembodied Beaming up is effectively in service to help You during the operations of the Final Period. This Dimension concerned with the Special Education of all the Friends who read the Knowledge Book, who distribute it and who serve on this path of Light, will, in future, give You Warning Messages in accordance with the course of events of the Medium. All the gates of the Central Solar System are totally open to all the Friends who act parallel to the Universal Constitution which all the Galactic Dimensions serve and who act by Humane Consciousness on the Path of Humanity. This Dimension serving the Humanity Realityand aiming at Unification with Friends of other Dimensions in an Integrated Whole is obliged to give You the Information beyond OMEGA. It will stand forth to protect all Living Entities in Your Planet and will keep the Friends who pass away ahd who are born in this Dimension by the Process of Freezing, without causing any Energy loss, together with their Spiritual Energy Totalities, and will transfer You to the unseen and unknown horizons of advanced horizons We had mentioned to You formerly, with the same Bodies, same Souls, same Consciousnesses and with the same Flesh and Skin (when the time comes) and together with Your near and dear ones. This is the reason why The Book is asked to be written by Handwriting. In Your Planet in which a Program of Preparation is carried out for now, the place of You, who serve for the World Project on this path, is this Dimension. You are being contacted in conformity with the 1874th article of the Legislation of Universes. CENTER 339