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Drug policy on the move: 2013 in

Keeping you informed on the global trends and
   major events in drug policy reform in 2013
   A review in reverse chronological order.
               More details on
Uruguay to launch a broad debate
    about its mj legalization project
With opposition to MJ legalization still at around
  64%, President Mujica decided to slow down
  the project last December.
In order to achieve greater consensus, the
  secretary general of the National Drug Board,
  July Calzada, announced On January 28 the
  launch in February of a broad debate on the
  issue in coordination with lawmakers.
January 30: Colombia to debate
     legalization of synthetic drugs
Colombia's Justice Minister, Ruth Stella Correa,
  has said a new drugs bill would legalise the
  personal use of synthetic drugs, such as
The new drug bill is expected to be put forward
  to the Colombian Congress in the next few
January 26-27: Drug policy reform
    debated at 1st summit CELAC-EU
The Community of Latin American and
  Caribbean States (CELAC) is essentially an OAS
  (Organization of the American States) minus
  the US and Canada, and with the prominent
  presence of Cuba. CELAC is a clear regional
  statement of independence from the
  Northerly Big Brother, and its close ally, little
  brother Canada as the region is experiencing
  unprecedented economic growth and starting
  to flex its political power.
Perez Molina reiterated his assessment of the
  war on drugs and called for an urgent revision
  of the 1961 convention on narcotic drugs.
He received the explicit support of presidents
  Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia), Laura
  Chinchilla (Costa Rica), Enrique Peña Nieto
  (México) and Dilma Rousseff (Brasil).
Also at the CELAC-EU meeting, Colombian
  President Juan Manuel Santos ask for Europe
  support of drug policy debate
January 23: Tikal Summit on drug
  policy reform announced at Davos
President Otto Pérez Molina and the Soros
  foundation will convene a summit in Tikal,
  Guatemala in the second semester of 2013 to
  analyze drug policy reform and legalization.
  The summit will be attended by political and
  business leaders as well as scientists and
  activists. Besides the Soros Fund
  Management, participants include the Carter
  Foundation and the Beckley Foundation
January 22: WA governor encouraged
    by marijuana talk w/ AG Holder
After meeting with Attorney General Eric holder,
  WA governor Inslee felt encouraged to move
  forward implementing MJ legalization, and called
  the conversation “very satisfying” and a
  “confidence-builder.” “[We will] continue with
  rule-making and nothing I heard should dissuade
  us,” Inslee said.
As pressure for global drug policy reform keeps
  building up, It seems quite likely that the US
  federal government will allow the Colorado and
  Washington experiments to move forward.
January 19: Guatemalan president asks
  the West to end the War on Drugs
In a landmark interview to the UK-based Observer, Otto
   Pérez Molina says regulated narcotics market must be
   introduced to forestall threat to democracy from drug
   cartels. Pérez Molina will bring up the issue at Davos
   forum in Switzerland. Guatemala and its neighbors
   Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua and even Costa Rica
   have been devastated, caught in the crossfire between
   the Mexican drug cartels.
Otto Pérez Molina
January 18: Marijuana Legalization Bill
        Introduced in Hawaii
House Speaker Joseph Souki and majority leader
 Scott Saiki introduced House Bill 150, the
 Personal Use of Marijuana Act, that would
 allow adults 21 years of age and older to
 possess up to an ounce of marijuana and to
 cultivate a limited number of marijuana plants
 in a secure and locked location. It also would
 allow for licensed and regulated marijuana
 retail stores, as well as licensed facilities to
 cultivate, manufacture and test marijuana.
The beginning of a nationwide trend?
Marijuana legalization bills are expected to be introduced
 this year by lawmakers in Maine, Massachusetts, New
 Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. 2013 could end
 with marijuana legalized in up to 8 states.
Medical marijuana bills have already been introduced in
 six states: Alabama, Illinois, Kentucky, New Hampshire,
 New York, Kansas and Idaho. Another six states may
 follow: Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, West
 Virginia and Wisconsin.
Medical marijuana states are poised to pass 20 later on
 this year and may reach the 25 count.
January 16: British Medical Association
, The British Medical Association, a professional
   association and registered trade union for
   doctors, published a comprehensive report on
   drug policy in the UK making clear the role
   they feel medical practitioners should play,
   not only in improving care of problem drug
   users, but also in becoming involved in the
   political debate over drug policy.
January 14: UK all-parliamentary
       Group For Drug Policy Reform
In the UK, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Drug
   Policy Reform issued a report: recommends sweeping
   changes to current drug policies and decriminalization
   of all drugs with legalization of the least dangerous
   ones. The report was promptly rejected by Prime
   Minister David Cameron, claiming that the current
   approach to drugs in the UK is “the right one and is
   working”, making one wonder what he has been
   smoking lately. Meanwhile, his Deputy Prime Minister
   and partner in the ruling coalition, Nick Clegg, declared
   that the “drugs war is lost” and “current drugs policy
   have not been delivering for a while”.
January 11: UN victory on coca leaf for
Bolivian president Evo Morales set an important
  international precedent when his country
  rejoined the United Nations’ 1961 Single
  Convention on Narcotic Drugs with
  reservations, as the U.N. recognized the
  traditional use of the coca leaf and Bolivians’
  right to chew the coca leaf in their territory.
Marijuana moving to the mainstream
             in the US?
In the aftermath of the decisive victories for
  marijuana legalization in Colorado and
  Washington, recent polls conducted since
  then reveal a rapidly widening support for
  medical marijuana as well as full legalization,
  and this support is now reaching into the
  Southern states that have traditionally been
  strongly opposed even to medical marijuana.
The fight is just starting
While there is a definitive change in public
 attitude, the fight is far from over. In many
 ways, it just started. The victories of 2012 will
 mobilize opposition to reform and while
 prohibitionism may just eventually crumble
 under the weight of its own contradictions, we
 need to ready ourselves for a long fight. After
 the heady victories of 2012, we must get
 ready to go down to the trenches.
Stay informed
The surest path to change starts with educating yourself
  and people around you, dispelling the lies, the myths
  and propaganda, getting a clear vision of the issues and
  the challenges.
"World War D – The Case against prohibitionism,
  roadmap to controlled re-legalization" is the most
  comprehensive book on the issue; the reference book
  on the War on Drugs and prohibitionism; a guide to
  psychoactive substances and substance abuse; a
  pragmatic blueprint for global drug policy reform and
  controlled legalization -
What you can do
The groundbreaking victories of 2012 didn’t fall
  from the sky. They were the result of the hard
  work and dedication of activists fighting in the
  trenches, working with legislators, educating the
  public, implementing harm reduction programs in
  the field. More than ever, they need your
  support. Underneath is a link to the major
  advocacy groups out there.
2013: What to expect
Uruguay should finalize its controlled legalization of
  Marijuana. Other countries may follow
The number of medical marijuana states is likely to
  reach 20, with Illinois, New York and New
  Hampshire likely candidates.
States such as Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont,
  Massachusetts, California, Oregon and Montana
  may try the state legislature route to marijuana
The Organization of American States is reviewing
  the impact of current drug policy on the
  region, with report expected in June. Will
  more Latin American countries break away
  from the War on Drugs orthodoxy?
Already legal in Spain, cannabis social clubs are
  spreading all over Europe, a trend likely to
  accelerate in 2013. In France, between 150 to
  200 cannabis social clubs plan on coming out
  of the closet next February.
a tipping point for
global drug policy?
 A momentous year in review
Global trends at the end of 2012
Harm reduction practices, such as needle exchange,
  maintenance and substitution programs are being
  implemented in a growing number of countries.
Drug use is decriminalized across most of Latin
Medical marijuana is legal in Canada, the
  Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Finland, Italy,
  Spain, Israel and Portugal and soon Czech
December 14: Obama has "bigger fish
              to fry"
Under pressure to react, President Barack
 Obama declared that federal law enforcement
 agencies have "bigger fish to fry" than
 prosecuting marijuana users in Colorado and
 Washington. “we're going to need to have is a
 conversation about, How do you reconcile a
 federal law that still says marijuana is a federal
 offense and state laws that say that it's legal?"
December 13: Senate Judiciary
hearing on MJ federal policy in 2013?
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Chairman of the
  Senate Judiciary Committee, is planning a hearing
  next year to discuss federal policy towards
  Colorado and Washington post-marijuana
  legalization. He offered a compromise solution to
  drug czar Gil Kerlikowske: “One option would be
  to amend the Federal Controlled Substances Act
  to allow possession of up to one ounce of
  marijuana, at least in jurisdictions where it is legal
  under state law.”
December 6: Czech Parliament
      Approves Medical Marijuana

The Czech Republic's lower house of Parliament
  has approved legislation to legalize cannabis
  for medical purposes. The bill still needs to be
  approved by the upper house to become law.
Cannabis is already decriminalized and widely
  tolerated in the Czech Republic.
December 5: Breaking the taboo
Launch of “Breaking the Taboo”, a global grass-roots
  campaign against the War on Drugs, by the
  Beckley Foundation, The Global Commission on
  Drug Policy, Virgin Unite, Avaaz and Sundog
  Pictures. The Mission Statement of the campaign,
  the Beckley Foundation Public Letter, calls for a
  new approach to the War on Drugs. It is signed by
  nine ex-Presidents, twelve Nobel prize winners,
  and many other world figures.
Breaking the Taboo reached over 1,300,000 views and was
released in Spanish (narrated by Gael Garcia Bernal).
The petition has been signed by 670,000 people worldwide
November 27: UN to hold an
     emergency drug policy summit
The UN General Assembly adopted a proposal to
  hold an emergency drug policy summit,
  scheduled for early 2016 after an intensive
  preparatory process that will begin next year.
• The proposal was introduced to the UN general
  Assembly by Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala
  on September 26 and backed by the majority of
  Latin American governments, as well as those of
  Spain and Portugal at the Ibero-American Summit
  in Cadiz, on November 17.
November 17: Ibero-American Summit
     call for drug policy debate

Spain, Portugal and the majority of Latin
  American governments call for drug policy
  reform at the Ibero-American Summit in
  Cadiz, Spain.
November 6: Marijuana legalization in
    Colorado and Washington
Voters in Washington and Colorado approved
  marijuana legalization initiatives by wide
Massachusetts became the 18th state to legalize
  medical marijuana in a landslide victory.
The historic vote sent shockwaves throughout
  the world and provoked strong reaction in
  Latin America.
October: Portugal debating legalization
       of cannabis social clubs

The Portuguese parliamentary group Bloco de
  Esquerda (BE) is debating a project of law of
  regulation of marijuana along a Spanish-style
  cannabis club model. The project is still in its
  draft phase.
September 26: request for global drug
      policy debate at the UN

 Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala request an
  open global debate on drug policy reform at
           the UN General Assembly.
August 12 –September 12:
    Javier Sicilia & Caravan for peace

To protest the violence ravaging his country and
  alert public opinion in the US, Mexican poet
  and activist Javier Sicilia led a month-long
  caravan for peace with justice and dignity
  throughout the US from San Diego to
  Washington DC.
June 19: Uruguay unveils plans to
legalize marijuana under state control
Proposal: marijuana to be legally available under
    government control through a user registry
  and subject to quality control and traceability.
Objective: to combat insecurity and violence by
   separating the markets of mj and hard drugs
  The proposal was drafted by President José
      Mujica and his government and requires
  parliamentary debate before final approval. If
     adopted, Uruguay would become the first
   country in the world to establish a controlled
            marketplace for marijuana.
April 14-15: Drug legalization debated
    at the summit of the Americas
                      At the request of Guatemala and
                      with the support of Colombia, the
                      34 countries of the Organization of
                      American States debated drug
                      legalization at the Summit of the
                      America in Cartagena, Colombia.

For the first time ever, drug legalization is debated at a major
international summit, with 34 heads of states from the Americas
and Caribbean, including USA, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil,
Argentine, Chile
February 11: Guatemala calls for a
     tightly regulated marketplace
• On February 11th, Guatemalan president Perez
  Molina announced that he will propose drug
  legalization and control in Central America at
  the next meeting of regional leaders, the
  Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana
  (SICA). Members: Belice, Costa Rica, El
  Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y
January 14th, 2012:
               Otto Perez Molina
4 days after taking office
   on January 14th, 2012,    Guatemalan president
   Perez Molina started        Otto Perez Molina
   talking about drug
   policy reform.
“I believe that drug
   legalization would have
   to be a strategy agreed
   by the whole region”

Three key events paved the way for the
   momentous developments of 2012
December 6, 2011
    “Tuxtla System for Dialogue”
   First region-wide official expression of
       discontent with the War on Drugs
 Attended by the presidents of Guatemala,
    Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,
Dominican Republic, and Chile, as well as First
Vice-President of Costa Rica, and the Ministers
 of Foreign Affairs of Belize, Colombia, and El
“What would be desirable, would be a
    significant reduction in the demand for
   illegal drugs. Nevertheless, if that is not
possible, as recent experience demonstrates,
  the authorities of the consuming countries
       ought then to explore the possible
    alternatives to eliminate the exorbitant
 profits of the criminals, including regulatory
 or market oriented options to this end. Thus,
    the transit of substances that continue
provoking high levels of crime and violence in
Latin American and Caribbean nations will be
June 2011:
Global Commission on Drug Policy
 "The global war on drugs has failed, with
devastating consequences for individuals and
        societies around the world."
“End the criminalization, marginalization and
   stigmatization of people who use drugs but
  who do no harm to others. Challenge rather
 than reinforce common misconceptions about
 drug markets, drug use and drug dependence.
 Encourage experimentation by governments
   with models of legal regulation of drugs to
  undermine the power of organized crime and
    safeguard the health and security of their
Commissioners include:
Aleksander Kwasniewski, Former President of Poland;
  César Gaviria, Former President of Colombia; Ernesto
  Zedillo, Former President of Mexico; Fernando
  Henrique Cardoso, Former President of Brazil; George
  Papandreou, Former Prime Minister of Greece; Jorge
  Sampaio, Former President of Portugal; Ricardo Lagos,
  Former president of Chile; Ruth Dreifuss, Former
  President of Switzerland; Paul Volcker, Former
  Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, US; George
  Shultz, Former Secretary of State, US; Richard Branson,
  founder of the Virgin Group, United Kingdom
March 2009: Report of the Latin
American Commission on Drugs and
“Breaking the taboo, acknowledging the failure
  of current policies and their consequences is
 the inescapable prerequisite for the discussion
    of a new paradigm leading to safer, more
       efficient and humane drug policies.”
“Prohibitionist policies based on the
  eradication of production and on the
disruption of drug flows as well as on the
criminalization of consumption have not
   yielded the expected results. We are
 farther than ever from the announced
        goal of eradicating drugs.”
Commissioners include:
• César Gaviria Trujillo, president of Colombia
  (1990-94) and secretary general of the
  Organization of American States (1994-2004)
• Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León, president of
  Mexico (1994-2000)
• Fernando Henrique Cardoso, president of
  Brazil (1995-2002)
Support our action for global drug
            policy reform
Order "World War D – The Case against
  prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-
• The reference book on the War on Drugs and
• A guide to psychoactive substances and
  substance abuse
• A pragmatic blueprint for global drug policy
  reform and controlled legalization
Order on Amazon:

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Drug Policy Reform: 2013 in progress 2013-01-29

  • 1. Drug policy on the move: 2013 in progress Keeping you informed on the global trends and major events in drug policy reform in 2013 A review in reverse chronological order. More details on
  • 2. Uruguay to launch a broad debate about its mj legalization project With opposition to MJ legalization still at around 64%, President Mujica decided to slow down the project last December. In order to achieve greater consensus, the secretary general of the National Drug Board, July Calzada, announced On January 28 the launch in February of a broad debate on the issue in coordination with lawmakers.
  • 3. January 30: Colombia to debate legalization of synthetic drugs Colombia's Justice Minister, Ruth Stella Correa, has said a new drugs bill would legalise the personal use of synthetic drugs, such as ecstasy. The new drug bill is expected to be put forward to the Colombian Congress in the next few months. america-21254907
  • 4. January 26-27: Drug policy reform debated at 1st summit CELAC-EU The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) is essentially an OAS (Organization of the American States) minus the US and Canada, and with the prominent presence of Cuba. CELAC is a clear regional statement of independence from the Northerly Big Brother, and its close ally, little brother Canada as the region is experiencing unprecedented economic growth and starting to flex its political power.
  • 5. Perez Molina reiterated his assessment of the war on drugs and called for an urgent revision of the 1961 convention on narcotic drugs. He received the explicit support of presidents Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia), Laura Chinchilla (Costa Rica), Enrique Peña Nieto (México) and Dilma Rousseff (Brasil). Also at the CELAC-EU meeting, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos ask for Europe support of drug policy debate
  • 6. January 23: Tikal Summit on drug policy reform announced at Davos President Otto Pérez Molina and the Soros foundation will convene a summit in Tikal, Guatemala in the second semester of 2013 to analyze drug policy reform and legalization. The summit will be attended by political and business leaders as well as scientists and activists. Besides the Soros Fund Management, participants include the Carter Foundation and the Beckley Foundation
  • 7. January 22: WA governor encouraged by marijuana talk w/ AG Holder After meeting with Attorney General Eric holder, WA governor Inslee felt encouraged to move forward implementing MJ legalization, and called the conversation “very satisfying” and a “confidence-builder.” “[We will] continue with rule-making and nothing I heard should dissuade us,” Inslee said. As pressure for global drug policy reform keeps building up, It seems quite likely that the US federal government will allow the Colorado and Washington experiments to move forward.
  • 8. January 19: Guatemalan president asks the West to end the War on Drugs In a landmark interview to the UK-based Observer, Otto Pérez Molina says regulated narcotics market must be introduced to forestall threat to democracy from drug cartels. Pérez Molina will bring up the issue at Davos forum in Switzerland. Guatemala and its neighbors Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua and even Costa Rica have been devastated, caught in the crossfire between the Mexican drug cartels. drugs-has-failed america-battle-drug-cartels
  • 10. January 18: Marijuana Legalization Bill Introduced in Hawaii House Speaker Joseph Souki and majority leader Scott Saiki introduced House Bill 150, the Personal Use of Marijuana Act, that would allow adults 21 years of age and older to possess up to an ounce of marijuana and to cultivate a limited number of marijuana plants in a secure and locked location. It also would allow for licensed and regulated marijuana retail stores, as well as licensed facilities to cultivate, manufacture and test marijuana.
  • 11. The beginning of a nationwide trend? Marijuana legalization bills are expected to be introduced this year by lawmakers in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. 2013 could end with marijuana legalized in up to 8 states. Medical marijuana bills have already been introduced in six states: Alabama, Illinois, Kentucky, New Hampshire, New York, Kansas and Idaho. Another six states may follow: Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Medical marijuana states are poised to pass 20 later on this year and may reach the 25 count.
  • 12. January 16: British Medical Association Report , The British Medical Association, a professional association and registered trade union for doctors, published a comprehensive report on drug policy in the UK making clear the role they feel medical practitioners should play, not only in improving care of problem drug users, but also in becoming involved in the political debate over drug policy.
  • 13. January 14: UK all-parliamentary Group For Drug Policy Reform In the UK, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Drug Policy Reform issued a report: recommends sweeping changes to current drug policies and decriminalization of all drugs with legalization of the least dangerous ones. The report was promptly rejected by Prime Minister David Cameron, claiming that the current approach to drugs in the UK is “the right one and is working”, making one wonder what he has been smoking lately. Meanwhile, his Deputy Prime Minister and partner in the ruling coalition, Nick Clegg, declared that the “drugs war is lost” and “current drugs policy have not been delivering for a while”.
  • 14. January 11: UN victory on coca leaf for Bolivia Bolivian president Evo Morales set an important international precedent when his country rejoined the United Nations’ 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs with reservations, as the U.N. recognized the traditional use of the coca leaf and Bolivians’ right to chew the coca leaf in their territory.
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  • 16. Marijuana moving to the mainstream in the US? In the aftermath of the decisive victories for marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington, recent polls conducted since then reveal a rapidly widening support for medical marijuana as well as full legalization, and this support is now reaching into the Southern states that have traditionally been strongly opposed even to medical marijuana.
  • 17. The fight is just starting While there is a definitive change in public attitude, the fight is far from over. In many ways, it just started. The victories of 2012 will mobilize opposition to reform and while prohibitionism may just eventually crumble under the weight of its own contradictions, we need to ready ourselves for a long fight. After the heady victories of 2012, we must get ready to go down to the trenches.
  • 18. Stay informed The surest path to change starts with educating yourself and people around you, dispelling the lies, the myths and propaganda, getting a clear vision of the issues and the challenges. "World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization" is the most comprehensive book on the issue; the reference book on the War on Drugs and prohibitionism; a guide to psychoactive substances and substance abuse; a pragmatic blueprint for global drug policy reform and controlled legalization -
  • 19. What you can do The groundbreaking victories of 2012 didn’t fall from the sky. They were the result of the hard work and dedication of activists fighting in the trenches, working with legislators, educating the public, implementing harm reduction programs in the field. More than ever, they need your support. Underneath is a link to the major advocacy groups out there. advocacy-groups/
  • 20. 2013: What to expect Uruguay should finalize its controlled legalization of Marijuana. Other countries may follow The number of medical marijuana states is likely to reach 20, with Illinois, New York and New Hampshire likely candidates. States such as Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, California, Oregon and Montana may try the state legislature route to marijuana legalization.
  • 21. The Organization of American States is reviewing the impact of current drug policy on the region, with report expected in June. Will more Latin American countries break away from the War on Drugs orthodoxy? Already legal in Spain, cannabis social clubs are spreading all over Europe, a trend likely to accelerate in 2013. In France, between 150 to 200 cannabis social clubs plan on coming out of the closet next February.
  • 22. 2012, a tipping point for global drug policy? A momentous year in review
  • 23. Global trends at the end of 2012 Harm reduction practices, such as needle exchange, maintenance and substitution programs are being implemented in a growing number of countries. Drug use is decriminalized across most of Latin America Medical marijuana is legal in Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Finland, Italy, Spain, Israel and Portugal and soon Czech Republic.
  • 24. December 14: Obama has "bigger fish to fry" Under pressure to react, President Barack Obama declared that federal law enforcement agencies have "bigger fish to fry" than prosecuting marijuana users in Colorado and Washington. “we're going to need to have is a conversation about, How do you reconcile a federal law that still says marijuana is a federal offense and state laws that say that it's legal?"
  • 25. December 13: Senate Judiciary hearing on MJ federal policy in 2013? Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is planning a hearing next year to discuss federal policy towards Colorado and Washington post-marijuana legalization. He offered a compromise solution to drug czar Gil Kerlikowske: “One option would be to amend the Federal Controlled Substances Act to allow possession of up to one ounce of marijuana, at least in jurisdictions where it is legal under state law.”
  • 26. December 6: Czech Parliament Approves Medical Marijuana The Czech Republic's lower house of Parliament has approved legislation to legalize cannabis for medical purposes. The bill still needs to be approved by the upper house to become law. Cannabis is already decriminalized and widely tolerated in the Czech Republic.
  • 27. December 5: Breaking the taboo Launch of “Breaking the Taboo”, a global grass-roots campaign against the War on Drugs, by the Beckley Foundation, The Global Commission on Drug Policy, Virgin Unite, Avaaz and Sundog Pictures. The Mission Statement of the campaign, the Beckley Foundation Public Letter, calls for a new approach to the War on Drugs. It is signed by nine ex-Presidents, twelve Nobel prize winners, and many other world figures.
  • 28. Breaking the Taboo reached over 1,300,000 views and was released in Spanish (narrated by Gael Garcia Bernal). The petition has been signed by 670,000 people worldwide
  • 29. November 27: UN to hold an emergency drug policy summit The UN General Assembly adopted a proposal to hold an emergency drug policy summit, scheduled for early 2016 after an intensive preparatory process that will begin next year. • The proposal was introduced to the UN general Assembly by Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala on September 26 and backed by the majority of Latin American governments, as well as those of Spain and Portugal at the Ibero-American Summit in Cadiz, on November 17.
  • 30. November 17: Ibero-American Summit call for drug policy debate Spain, Portugal and the majority of Latin American governments call for drug policy reform at the Ibero-American Summit in Cadiz, Spain.
  • 31. November 6: Marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington Voters in Washington and Colorado approved marijuana legalization initiatives by wide margins. Massachusetts became the 18th state to legalize medical marijuana in a landslide victory. The historic vote sent shockwaves throughout the world and provoked strong reaction in Latin America.
  • 32.
  • 33. October: Portugal debating legalization of cannabis social clubs The Portuguese parliamentary group Bloco de Esquerda (BE) is debating a project of law of regulation of marijuana along a Spanish-style cannabis club model. The project is still in its draft phase.
  • 34. September 26: request for global drug policy debate at the UN Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala request an open global debate on drug policy reform at the UN General Assembly.
  • 35. August 12 –September 12: Javier Sicilia & Caravan for peace To protest the violence ravaging his country and alert public opinion in the US, Mexican poet and activist Javier Sicilia led a month-long caravan for peace with justice and dignity throughout the US from San Diego to Washington DC.
  • 36. June 19: Uruguay unveils plans to legalize marijuana under state control
  • 37. Proposal: marijuana to be legally available under government control through a user registry and subject to quality control and traceability. Objective: to combat insecurity and violence by separating the markets of mj and hard drugs The proposal was drafted by President José Mujica and his government and requires parliamentary debate before final approval. If adopted, Uruguay would become the first country in the world to establish a controlled marketplace for marijuana.
  • 38. April 14-15: Drug legalization debated at the summit of the Americas At the request of Guatemala and with the support of Colombia, the 34 countries of the Organization of American States debated drug legalization at the Summit of the America in Cartagena, Colombia. For the first time ever, drug legalization is debated at a major international summit, with 34 heads of states from the Americas and Caribbean, including USA, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentine, Chile
  • 39. February 11: Guatemala calls for a tightly regulated marketplace • On February 11th, Guatemalan president Perez Molina announced that he will propose drug legalization and control in Central America at the next meeting of regional leaders, the Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA). Members: Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y Panamá
  • 40. January 14th, 2012: Otto Perez Molina 4 days after taking office on January 14th, 2012, Guatemalan president Perez Molina started Otto Perez Molina talking about drug policy reform. “I believe that drug legalization would have to be a strategy agreed by the whole region”
  • 41. Prelude Three key events paved the way for the momentous developments of 2012
  • 42. December 6, 2011 “Tuxtla System for Dialogue” First region-wide official expression of discontent with the War on Drugs Attended by the presidents of Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic, and Chile, as well as First Vice-President of Costa Rica, and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Belize, Colombia, and El Salvador.
  • 43. “What would be desirable, would be a significant reduction in the demand for illegal drugs. Nevertheless, if that is not possible, as recent experience demonstrates, the authorities of the consuming countries ought then to explore the possible alternatives to eliminate the exorbitant profits of the criminals, including regulatory or market oriented options to this end. Thus, the transit of substances that continue provoking high levels of crime and violence in Latin American and Caribbean nations will be avoided.”
  • 44. June 2011: Global Commission on Drug Policy Report "The global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world."
  • 45. “End the criminalization, marginalization and stigmatization of people who use drugs but who do no harm to others. Challenge rather than reinforce common misconceptions about drug markets, drug use and drug dependence. Encourage experimentation by governments with models of legal regulation of drugs to undermine the power of organized crime and safeguard the health and security of their citizens.”
  • 46. Commissioners include: Aleksander Kwasniewski, Former President of Poland; César Gaviria, Former President of Colombia; Ernesto Zedillo, Former President of Mexico; Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Former President of Brazil; George Papandreou, Former Prime Minister of Greece; Jorge Sampaio, Former President of Portugal; Ricardo Lagos, Former president of Chile; Ruth Dreifuss, Former President of Switzerland; Paul Volcker, Former Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, US; George Shultz, Former Secretary of State, US; Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, United Kingdom
  • 47. March 2009: Report of the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy. “Breaking the taboo, acknowledging the failure of current policies and their consequences is the inescapable prerequisite for the discussion of a new paradigm leading to safer, more efficient and humane drug policies.”
  • 48. “Prohibitionist policies based on the eradication of production and on the disruption of drug flows as well as on the criminalization of consumption have not yielded the expected results. We are farther than ever from the announced goal of eradicating drugs.”
  • 49. Commissioners include: • César Gaviria Trujillo, president of Colombia (1990-94) and secretary general of the Organization of American States (1994-2004) • Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León, president of Mexico (1994-2000) • Fernando Henrique Cardoso, president of Brazil (1995-2002)
  • 50. Support our action for global drug policy reform Order "World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re- legalization" • The reference book on the War on Drugs and prohibitionism • A guide to psychoactive substances and substance abuse • A pragmatic blueprint for global drug policy reform and controlled legalization Order on Amazon: