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The Annual Journal of the Adelaide University Engineering Society
                              AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07

hys·ter·e·sis n.
   1. The lagging of an effect behind its cause, as when the change in magnetism of a body lags
       behind changes in the magnetic field.
   2. The annual publication of the Adelaide University Engineering Society, documenting the
       most vital parts of the greatest faculty on campus.

                                THE ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY

                                   ENGINEERING SOCIETY

                       Publisher Adelaide University Engineering Society

                       Editors Alexander Jenner-O’Shea and Tom Vincent

                                     Published October 2007

                                                  AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07

                                          EDITORS’ MESSAGES
       The Editorial Committee would like to thank everyone who had input in the making of this magazine. A special
       thanks goes to the sponsors, who without, we simply wouldn’t be able to print and supply this magazine to
       engineering students for free. When/if you have the chance to support them please do.

       If you have any queries about this current edition or suggestions for up and coming magazine please visit and contact the current AUES president.

       Hysteresis 06/07 was written and edited in September/October of 2007.

       Thanks to Hantie for being so awesome and beautiful.

                                        AUES LOVES AND HATES
                       People we love                                                                People we Hate
Tooheys                        FREE BEER                                    Charlie                     For giving people food poisoning at BBQs.
Charlie                        Wearing a dress                              Med Fucks                   Still owe us for the tug-of-war rope
Jen                            For being wonderful                          Charlie                     For stealing AUES alcohol
Chuck Norris                   Does he really need a reason                 Joel                        Not managing to arrive to a BBQ before
Nina                           Cause she jiggles Comment                                                12 when being in possession of the main
                               removed by Womens Officer                                                payment cheque due at 10am.
Charlie                        For being a scapegoat                        James Lovell                Wearing a dress (and loving it a bit too much)
Sandy                          For DJing                                    The Union                   For being allergic to fun
Marky Mark                     For dressing up like a girl                  Law Society                 For being too cool for the AUES
Buck’s room entertainment 07   Levitating candle                            Charlie                     International Womens Day
BBQ Punters                    Especially those who turn up                 Brendan Lim                 Wanky, immature emails
                               to help turn sausages                        Med Fucks                   Wouldn’t give us the skulldug cup when
Skye                           For putting in more effort than                                          we beat them
                               half of the committee each year.             Bodz and Babez              “Models”???
Mason                          For creating our Pubcrawl designs            Joel                        Dropping the Ball
The Hoff                       Doesn’t everyone                             James Lovell                Spilling beer on a laptop
Tom                            Best President Ever                          Charlie                     For thinking he’s part of the AUES
Sunni                          Best President Ever (not counting Tom)       Union Room Hire             Charged us a cleanup fee when we redecorated
Bigger & Better                Helping sell shirts in O’Week                                            their room for free.
The Duck from Quiz night       What a trooper                               Coopers (except Helen)      Wouldn’t give us free beer
Jules and Alvin                05 hysteresis was awesome                    Tom                         Worst President Ever
Youtube                        PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!                    Sunni                       Worst President Ever
Our Vending Machines           They work                                    Joel                        For seriously thinking that he helped the AUES
                                                                            Quiz night guy 06           He knows what he did
                                                                            Human Movement              For being so fit and taking the tug seriously.
                                                                            Leaders Guernseys           Who leave early (piss-weak) – I’m looking at
                                                                                                        you Nick B
                                                                            Our Vending Machine         Only gives back 20c

                                                                                                                In case you don’t realise, or
                                                                                                                you are reading this in the
                                                                                                                year 2020, each student was
                                                                                                                allocated    100mb        per
                                                                                                                semester. The above values
                                                                                                                are huge, very huge – go
                                                                                                                sapac01 you good thing!

                   AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07


    AUES Committee 2006                                       4
    AUES Committee 2007                                       5
    Prez Says                                                 6
    VPs write up                                              7
    Treasurer’s write up                                      8
    Women’s Officer’s write up                                8
    Editorials                                                9
    AUES Events                                              10
    Vox Pop                                                  18
    Faculty of Engineering Staff                             20
    Executive reports                                        22
    Head of School of Australian School of Petroleum         24
    Head of School of Chemical Engineering                   25
    Head of School of Civil Engineering                      26
    Concrete Canoe Challenge                                 27
    Head of School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 28
    Head of School of Mechanical Engineering                 29
    AIAA                                                     30
    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle                                  31
    History-sis                                              32
    Where are they now?                                      36
    Dear Editor                                              39
    AUES in numbers                                          43
    2006 The year in review                                  44
    2007 The year in review                                  46
    The full Adelaide Uni Experience                         48
    Pics of 2006
    Pics of 2007

                                           AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07

                       COMMITTEE 2006

    Thomas Vincent         Craig Browett         Michael Quince        Laura Brooks          Zuhra Sadri       Crystal Forrester

     Nina Hydbom           Matt Newcombe        Ben Duivesteyn        Joel Stanley       Richard Kohler       Michael Fischer

                     Sunil D’Souza         Daniel Ali      Michael Newman       Kevin Chan      Alexander Jenner-O’Shea

Executive Committee                                                           General Committee
President – Thomas Vincent                                                    Richard Kohler
VP (Activities) – Craig Browett                                               Michael Fischer
VP (Education) – Michael Quince                                               Sunil D’Souza
Treasurer – Laura Brooks / Zuhra Sadri                                        Daniel Ali
Secretary - Crystal Forrester                                                 Michael Newman
Women's Officer – Nina Hydbom                                                 Kevin Chan
Publicity Officer – Matt Newcombe                                             Alexander Jenner-O’Shea
IT Support - Ben Duivesteyn / Joel Stanley

                                              AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07

                                 Committee 2007                                           Alexander Jenner O’Shea
  Rachel Eriksen                 Rebecca Tennant                                           VP of f#cking Awesomeness,
Actual Women’s Officer                    Becski                 Jeremy Mellor                   Megaphone Man
 *cough nina cough*                                                Fanta Pants

                                          Kevin Chan                                            Sunil D’Souza
    Kristina Noicos                           K Dawg               Zuhra Sadri                     Worst Pres Ever
          Tits McGee                                                   Cash Nazi

                                                                                                               Ryan Faulkner
                                                                                                              Pinhead and General
Chris Schwarz                                                                                                      Drunkard
 Schwatta, Your
   next Prez                                                                                                     Tom Vincent
                                                                                                                Best Pres ever,
                                                                                                              Colour coordination

                  Absent at group photo

                   Dan Ali       Michael Richard            Crystal        Yasmin      James             Ben
                    Dan tha      Newman Kohler             Forrester       Freschi     Lovell         Duivesteyn
                     Man           Clip Art        Dicko   Not so IT       “bigger”   I’m a dick         Bendy
                                    King                    support

      Executive Committee                                                  General Committee
      President - Sunil D’Souza                                            Richard Kohler
      VP (Activities) - Alexander Jenner O’Shea                            Daniel Ali
      VP (Education) - Chris Schwarz                                       Kevin Chan
      Treasurer - Zuhra Sadri                                              James Lovell
      Secretary - Crystal Forrester / Rebbeca Tennant                      Ryan Faulkner
      Women's Officer - Rachel Eriksen                                     Jeremy Mellor
      Publicity Officer - Michael Newman                                   Yasmin Freschi
      Hysteresis Editor – Alexander Jenner O’Shea                          Kristina Noicos
                            Thomas Vincent
      IT Support - Ben Duivesteyn
      Ex President – Thomas Vincent

                                               AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07

                                         PREZ SAYS

                                Prez 06 – Tom Vincent
                                                                         Prez 07 – Sunil D’Souza

          2006 and 2007 have been two very strong years for the            sugary snacks and caffeine became easily accessible in the CATS
AUES. Total number of members and event attendance has                     making 24hr efforts that little bit easier.
continued to soar, even with the introduction of VSU which has
seen many clubs (and sections of the union) fold. Each year                          In 2007 the biggest area of growth for our club was the
contained record numbers for the pubcrawl, which now sees 2008             size of our BBQs. In early 2007 the AUES put a lot of effort into
ready to break the 1500 mark in t-shirt sales. Go the Engies!              planning events efficiently and catering for larger numbers which,
                                                                           throughout the year, saw us comfortably knock back 6-8 kegs in an
          It’s our strongest belief that the AUES is the best thing        afternoon, even when it’s pouring with rain, like in Term 1. The
about university life at Adelaide. Engies are the biggest faculty on       increasing number of kegs is aided by a new sponsorship
campus and as such we feel it’s the responsibility of the Engineering      arrangement with Toohey’s this year. Their continuing support
society to throw the biggest and the best events.                          helps us run large events on campus, most of which are completely
                                                                           free for members.
           As always the year is best kicked off with the pubcrawl;
continuing our run of sodomizing your favourite childhood images.                    A welcome addition to our club in 2007 was the
2007’s theme is a great example - “Teenage Mutant Binja Turtles”           introduction of an electronic membership list, programmed by Ben,
and was a great success. The t-shirt sales count was up to 1200,           our IT guru. This system makes it easy to sign off members at BBQ
making it the largest, most reputable pubcrawl in Adelaide, and            and eliminates long signup lists, which help to make the line up
unofficially the world (many                                                    move a bit quicker (to the delight of all the punters). The club
people have asked us to make it                                                 now boasts over 800 members, making us one of, if not, the
official, the reality is; we would                                              largest most active social clubs on campus.
need officials from Guinness
recording and monitoring every                                                          The club also received a financial sponsorship from
drink which would simply kill                                                  The Office on Pirie. They offered fantastic drink specials on the
the fun).        Numbers      have                                             pubcrawl, and throughout the year for members. Both Toohey’s
increased so much that we now                                                                                   and The Office look to be
occupy three venues at a time,                                                                                  long term sponsors, which
culminating      at     St   Pauls                                                                              will only help the club to
Nightclub. It was amazing to see                                                                                grow in the coming years.
the Adelaide streets flooded
with well over a thousand engie pubcrawl tshirts.                                                                          The Hens & Bucks
                                                                                                                 event was a new event in 2006
         2006 saw the inclusion of the AUES website                                                              and after a few issues in 2006
( which quickly became very popular and                                                              *cough* modelling company
unfortunately also became very hard to monitor, hence it has                                                     *cough* the event in 2007
grown a history of crashing. After many complaints to hosts and                                                  proved to be one of the best
chasing of gremlins we now seem to have a more sturdy website                                                    on the AUES calendar.
which contains photos from all our events and helpful engie links.         Around 200 guys and girls attended this event, the beer and slushies
                                                                           were flowing, the games were fun, and the entertainment was
          The AUES bought a new vending machine in 2006, which             enjoyed by all. Apologies go to all those in the crowd who saw too
to the delight of the vending manchine stocker (who was previously         much of Xan.
stocking the machine up to 5 times a day) meant that precious

         Due to the incompetency of last year’s Union Board, the                   Both of us would like to thank all of the 2006 and 2007
Party Party took a different turn this year, and decided to nominate 3   AUES Committee for all your efforts during the two years. You’ve
AUES members to the board. We figured that the Union needed              all helped to develop and maintain the AUES as a hugely successful
some engineers to put things straight and Xan was successful at          club on campus, and we’d like to think that both years are amongst
gaining a position on the AUU board. Congrats Xan.                       the most successful years of the club. We’d both also like to thank
                                                                         previous AUES crew, AUES survives on maintaining reputation so
         The student union has withdrawn its funding from clubs,         without previous reputation we couldn’t be holding the biggest kick
however, the AUES is still as strong as ever, able to float itself on    ass events on campus today.
its popular pubcrawl and strong reputation for looking after its                                          Tom Vincent and Sunil D’Souza

                                        VP’s write up
       VP Education –

         Relatively speaking, first years’ statics has to be one of      student’s questions about uni life in general in an unbiased fashion.
toughest subjects in any engineering degree – parallel axis theorems     There were twelve sessions in total with up to class sizes of fifteen.
and centroids by integration? WTF? Fortunately for most first year                 I would like to thank ‘The Mechs’ – Kev and Dan, and
engineers, the AUES provides a tutoring service to help students         ‘The Civils’ – Zuc, Richard and Bec. Thankyou also to Kirby from
undertake this problematic subject. As our constitution dictates the     ECMS for booking rooms, and Dr Craig Willis – the statics lecturer.
Vice President of Education (Michael Q in 06 and me in 07)               Finally, thankyou to all the students who attended our tutes and I
organises these sessions in cooperation with the statics lecturer.       hope you guys passed statics and are cruising through dynamics : )
         This year it seemed advantageous for everyone involved if                 Thanks goes to Michael Quince, VP ed of 06, for doing a
six AUES members take alternating weekly sessions in fortnightly         great effort of the tutoring scheme last year. He proved that it was
teams of three. This way ensured fairness on AUES members giving         an AUES service worth repeating, which it was, and worth doing
up their time but also providing students with two timeslots in          again in 08 to help out the freshers.
which they could attend our sessions. Our tutorials ran very
smoothly and students were able to ask us statics questions which                                                            Chris Schwarz
we completed on the white board. We were also able to answer                                                                 VP (Ed) 2007

       VP Activities –

           In 2006, the activities VP was filled exceptionally well by   effort required to maintain the momentum of the Tug-o-war, which
Craig, who put in a big early effort, putting together the whole 1st     was recently reintroduced in 2005. It has been my privilege to serve
term BBQ and was always helping out. He left some big shoes to           the Engies of Adelaide Uni, who are the most pro-fun people on
fill and I was proud to take over the reins from him. 06 and 07 were     campus, and plan to keep strong in 08.
two big years for activities, starting a brand-new event (Hens and                                                        XAN RULZ!!!!
Bucks) and running some truly kick-arse BBQ’s. There was also the                                                     VP (Activities 2007)

                                               AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07

                             Treasurer’s write up
                                                                      approximately $1000 - $1500. So running four of these a year as
                                                                      well as other dirt cheap events such as Buck’s and Hen’s nights and
                                                                      quiz night ends up costing us approximately $10,000.
                                                                                To make up this loss each year we usually pimp out the
                                                                      president and women’s officer on Hindley street…no hang on that’s
                                                                      not what happens, I’ll try again - to make up this loss we use our
                                                                      pubcrawl as our major money spinner. Tshirts sell for $20 (possibly
                                                                      $25 in the future because they are becoming so damn popular) we
                                                                      scout around and find places that can do us a deal and we usually
                                                                      end up buying shirts on average for $8.50 to $10.00. So if we sell
                                                                      about 1000 shirts – there’s the $10,000 that we can spend on cheap
                                                                      BBQ’s for everyone. Unlike other dodgy clubs *cough* Med’s
                 Laura Brooks and Zuhra Sadri                         *cough* the AUES has never, and will never spend its money on its
                                                                      own committee. We simply want to supply Engie students with
          Many of you are probably wondering “why the hell did        damn good BBQ’s and with that attitude it’s no wonder they are
Britney shave her head?” others are probably wondering “How           damn good.
does the AUES manage to run so many cheap events without                        Other means of raising money include the writing of this
going bankrupt?”. The first question I can’t answer, the second       magazine and rent that we charge the person running the vending
question however……                                                    machine. Rent of the vending machine is usually only about $2000 a
          The AUES has a great reputation for running “All you        year and this magazine doesn’t raise anymore than that either. So as
can eat, All you can drink” BBQ’s, with alcohol provided. With        can be seen the majority of the AUES money comes from creating a
punters paying only a measly $5 to gain access to these glorious      huge successful reputation for the mighty pubcrawl.
BBQ’s you’d be correct in thinking that we couldn’t run these                                                               Tom Vincent
events at a profit. In fact we usually run these BBQ’s at a loss of

                  Women’s Officer’s write up
                                                                      and combat the issue of minority. In previous years, female specific
                                                                      events such as movie nights for female engineers unfortunately
                                                                      lacked interest.
                                                                                In 2006 the introduction of the Bucks and Hens night
                                                                      proved to be a great source of unity for females studying
                                                                      engineering and I think it’s safe to say that the Hen’s room’s
                                                                      success, rivalled the Buck’s room. 2007 continued this success and
                                                                      hopefully this new popular event helps to maintain a female friendly
                                                                      environment for years to come.
                                                                                2007 was the Year of Women in Engineering, to help
                                                                      recognise this the Engineering Faculty hosted the Women in
             Rachel Eriksen and Nina Hydbom                           Technology Challenge where the AUES Women’s Officer helped
                                                                      many young women realise their potential in the world of
          The position of Women’s Officer on the AUES is              engineering without be blown away by the distraction of arrogance
probably one of the most difficult jobs to have. Let’s be honest      and testosterone.
who would want to be a minority in such an immature,
testosterone driven blokey degree. The job of the AUES                                                                   Tom Vincent
Women’s Officer’s is simply to help unite females in engineering

                                                 AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07

           Writing a yearbook for the AUES has proven to be a rather                   Many highlights stand out in this magazine to us, the editing
large task for the editing committee. Not only because Jules set such       committee. One such glorious moment can be found in the Vox Pop
a great standard in 2005, but because Joel set such a low standard in       section. For those who are unfamiliar with Vox Pop it simply involves
2006 (nothing….like absolutely nothing) which meant we had to               the editing committee writing a few questions and then walking around
somehow pick up his piss poor effort and somehow try to produce             the engie buildings asking these questions and hopefully we receive
something half as good as Jules did. So for a couple of blokes who          some funny answers. Well not only did we receive some funny answers,
had ¼ of the time to report on twice the amount of events with no           but we received one particular funny answer in less than half a second,
material to work on at all, I                                                                                 which, although is rather funny at first,
think we did a passable job.                                                                                  it’s also rather disturbing as well. This
           Creating      hysteresis                                                                           answer we talk of, is Costa’s answer to
involves many contacts, many                                                                                  the last question.
hours of writing and many                                                                                                Writing hysteresis involved
editorial fuck ups along the                                                                                  many many hours in the CATS typing,
way. Some of these fuck ups                                                                                   editing, bugging people to submit, etc
are just plain irritating, some of                                                                            and frequent trips to obtain caffeine and
them are rather funny. A couple                                                                               sugar were required…..actually I think
of the rather funny moments                                                                                   I need a break now….might go get
involved our approach to                                                                                      myself         a       coffee        from
advertising. In the months prior                                                                              CATS…………fuck, damn coffee
to the creation of hysteresis we                                                                              machine’s out of order…..AGAIN,
sent out many emails seeking sponsorship from engineering                   does that machine ever work?!?!
companies and recruitment companies etc. At one moment we were                         Oh, by the way I don’t think anyone realises just how damn
searching google for a company contact and somehow stumbled                 hard it is to write up hysteresis when you have the sapac01, c0mputer
across an internal document listing many personal contacts within           log on and unlimited youtube.
many hundreds of advertising companies. After the initial shock and                                                                      The Editors
humour of stumbling across this settled in, we quickly added each of
the personal contacts to our advertising list and sent them our                        To be honest, I haven’t even read what Tom wrote for the
advertising prospectus, which quite easily quadrupled the size of the       editorial, as it tends to be complete waffle. I feel as though I should lay
net we were casting. Evidently none of those companies seemed               it on the line and say what a remarkable contributor to the AUES Tom
willing to advertise with us.                                               Vincent has been. I should say how he has given 4+ exceptional years
           Another humourous advertising moment occurred early on,          service to the AUES, sometimes at the expense of his Masters and how
as we pondered the potential for multiple companies wanting to              he was the hardest worker in 06 and kept it right up in 07, putting so
advertise on the back cover. The possibility of printing multiple runs      many unappreciated hours in, including compiling hysteresis. I should
with differing back covers whilst pocketing the extra money was             say many things about this great man…. I won’t. Despite the fact that
rather funny to us. So funny in fact we got drunk at the 3rd Term BBQ       all of the above is true and Tom deserves more credit than anyone else
and told many people this. One of the first year punters at our BBQ         on the AUES, it would go against what I’ve been saying for the last two
also thought it was rather humourous, went home and told his older          years (Worst President ever). So without further ado, let me introduce
brother (a graduated engie) about it, who also thought it was rather        the real Tom Vincent, the one that he doesn’t want people to see, or
humourous……until we approached him about a week later for                   know about. They say that a picture’s worth a thousand words so here is
sponsorship of said back cover. I still don’t know how we managed           Tom, in a better description than words could possibly provide:
to talk our way out of that one…..but as you can guess, he didn’t                                                                               Xan
request sponsorship of the back cover.

                                                                     Before anyone rants and raves and tries to label us as sexist and wrong, let us just
                                                                     explain that although this pic looks damn terrible, everyone involved had a great night
                                                                     (evident in other pics at the end of mag). Everyone has drunken photos that look worse
                                                                     than they really are. In fact, Helen submitted this pic herself in the pro-fun way that
                                                                     Helen is. Cheers Helen……and I’ll be forever sorry for how bad this photo looks.

                                                                               A special mention must be made from the hysteresis editorial committee that
                                                                   actually did something to the 06 editor (Joel). It wasn’t that he did absolutely stuff all for 2
                                                                   years, it was that he continually promised that hysteresis would be created and everything
                                                                   was on track, even after the whole committee jumped on his back. I’m sure everyone can
                                                                   sympathise, that when doing a group project and be stuck with one of those people that
                                                                   promise oh so much and deliver oh so little. Recently the AUES has grown allergic to
                                                                   these types of people, if you are one of these people please do not have anything to do
                                                                   with the AUES …….subtle… a sledge hammer.

                                             AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07

                           AUES EVENTS                              where we put together perhaps one of the greatest drinking
            EVENTS 2006                                             teams ever assembled. On the night, we demolished the med
                                                                    f*cks, winning 4-0. It was terrific to stick it up those dirty east-
                                                                    side-of-frome-road wankers. Although they didn’t give us the
O’WEEK                                                              cup that we rightfully won, we took everlasting glory from that
                                                                    night and shouts of Engie, Engie, Engie filled the air.
          The first event for the AUES every year is O’Week.
This involves setting up our table and selling as many
memberships/pubcrawl shirts as possible. All clubs are offered                This was also the fateful year that one of the most
a table in the designated ‘clubs’ region. The AUES arrogantly       cherished members of the AUES joined the team. The AUES
turns its back on this offer and chooses instead to snaffle the     megaphone, that source of hours and hours of amusement made
most prime piece of real estate that we can at 7am Monday           its O’Week debut in style, heckling anyone who dared to walk
morning.                                                            past our tent. Lines like “bring those on the pub-crawl” to any
                                                                    large-breasted female got us told off a few times, notably by an
          This was also the first event Tom was responsible for     irate mother who informed us
as president. On the Monday the AUES runs a barbie for all          that this was inappropriate as her
first year students to meet and see who the coolest kids on         daughter was only 16. “Put that
campus are (Us, naturally). Tom, having had no support from         sh*t on lay-by” was the reply, as
his committee (worst committee ever) had to put this barbecue       soon as they were out of earshot.
together by himself at the last moment. The rest of us started      This negative publicity only
cooking sausages while the first years waited and waited for        drew more attention to us, with
Tom to show up with the bread. Finally arriving, 20 minutes         record T-shirt sales and record
late to a hail of boos, mostly from his own committee, it           memberships. All-in-all, a very
wasn’t a great start to the year. Tom, later, more than made up     successful O’Week.
for this with a sterling effort on the pubcrawl.
                                                                    Pub Crawl
         As anyone who was a first year knows, it can be a                   The 2006 pubcrawl
daunting experience to start engineering. The AUES helps this       theme was a shameless piss-take
by publishing a freshers guide, filled with helpful advice, such    of the fringe festival which was
as location of the Unibar, subject guide, how to get around,        on at the time, with the theme
etc. A notable inclusion was an explanation of how the student      ‘re-generation’. Deciding that it’s okay to steal recycled ideas,
pigeonholes work:                                                   the Binge pub-crawl was born.
Each Student has his or her own pigeonhole; its placement
depends upon which department                                                                   With our mascot a red paper crane, it
you are with. You must collect your                                                    was decided to put our engineering skills to
pigeon from the student centre                                                         work constructing a 20x scale model to help
before the end of week 1, otherwise                                                    promote the cause. Two trips to Bunnings and
a $15 fee will be charged per                                                          Spotlight and we had the raw materials with
pigeon, per day. Pigeons can be                                                        which to construct the beast. Using the fine
used to send important documents                                                       engineering skills which Adelaide Uni had
such as assignments to your                                                            equipped us, with we set about joining 6 m of
lecturers, as well as be made into                                                     2-by-4, 12 m of dowel and 15-odd square
pie.                                                                                   metres of red fabric using a variety of nails,
                                                                                       bolts, liquid nails, fresher’s blood, string,
         Needless to say, we were                                                      glue, and perseverance. Our hard efforts were
not popular people with the student                                                    rewarded when we finally unveiled the
centre when dozens of freshers                                                         magnificent creation. Far too big to fit
(rightly concerned about being                                                         through any doors, it did succeed in bringing
fined a pigeon levy) started asking                                                    attention to us, if only for blocking the
about their pigeon.                                                                    walkway.

         One of the highlights of O’Week is of course                         The pub crawl in 06 was a momentous occasion,
Skullduggery. The mighty engies decided that it was about           marking the first time that the Crown and Anchor (Cranker) has
time we proved what everyone already knows: That Engies are         allowed the AUES to return since an “incident” in the late
the biggest drinkers in the Uni. With some help from a couple       nineties (cough, cough, water heater, cough). It was also a record
of random Engie guys, we comfortably sailed into the finals         year for T-shirts with 1050 shirts printed, easily the biggest pub-
                                                                    crawl in Adelaide, and undoubtedly the best.

                                                                      Even at pubs not on the list, many an engineer could be found.
                                                  The      line-up    The crane also made its way from pub to pub, even getting
                                         started at the UniBar        inside the Exchange and up to the front bar. Sadly though, it was
                                         (an engie favourite)         lost shortly after, last seen outside of Church nightclub, a great
                                         with the skull-offs for      loss for the AUES.
                                         the Leaders Guernsey.
                                         The      AUES        was              The trouble with being so fantastically popular (as the
                                         represented in the girls     AUES is) is that at the end of the night, no pub can hold 1000+
                                         skull by a woman of          people. To counter this, we booked St. Pauls function center.
dubious appearance, “Mar(k)tina”, who, despite skulling well,         This was a great success, being at almost full capacity for most
failed the gender test and was subsequently disqualified. The         of the night. Thanks to the Red Bull guys who came along to
mens leaders shirt was where the real                                                                prop up everyone’s sagging
competition was and one true champion                                                                energy with Red Bull vodkas and
emerged. Big Nic, recent graduate of                                                                 Jaeger bombs.
Adelaide Uni Engineering travelled back
from Roxby for the pub crawl and despite                                                                       All in all a great night
promising his mum that he wouldn’t, set                                                               was had by all, expect perhaps
about winning the Leaders Guernsey. He                                                                those eating at mansions, to
demolished the jug skull, and was the                                                                 whom we should apologise, and
only competitor to walk up on stage with                                                              a big thank you to all those who
a pint for a chaser. He managed to hold                                                               organised the pubcrawl, Tom
the shirt for the whole night, right up to                                                            Vincent,     Michael      Quince,
the last pub, a mighty effort. A cost-effective, even if a messy,     Michael Fischer, Sunil D’Souza, Shannon Mason, everyone at
strategy for the night. We salute you Big Nic.                        the door at St. Pauls and everyone else involved.

           We should mention how difficult it is to convince
pubs that the AUES is a responsible organisation and that             HENS AND BUCKS
having 1000+ people through on a pub crawl is a good idea for                  A new event for the AUES was run in 2006, Engie
the pubs. Especially when our reputation precedes us (cough,          Hens and Bucks night. This one was dreamed up by Michael
water heater, cough, EFTPOS machine, cough), some pubs                Quince, who organised most of the night. For the uninitiated, the
take quite a bit of convincing that nothing will go wrong.            idea was to separate the guys and girls into two groups and have
Mansions especially, were concerned that our pub-crawl                their own Hen’s and Buck’s night before meeting up afterwards
would possibly interfere with their serving of meals. We              at the Unibar.
assured them that it wouldn’t and that everyone would be on
their best behaviour. That promise lasted until about 8 p.m.                    For entertainment we decided to book a couple of
when the president, Tom Vincent, stumbled down the stairs             ‘hosts’ and ‘hostesses’ to ensure that guys didn’t have to spend
and thought to himself “Why the FUCK are these people                 all night looking at other guys, and vice-versa. Please don’t ask
eating?”. He then realised, after a small pause, that his brain       us about the entertainment for the boy’s room, we’re definitely
was connected to his mouth and had quickly become the                 not dealing with that model company again and will make sure
                         centre of attention, and had several         the same mistake will never happen again, ever.
                         bouncers heading towards him. He
                         then ducked out to the bar and               The Boys room:
                         proceeded to skull a jug of                             For a warm-up, a
                         ‘cocktail’, take off and then wear a         series of ice-breaker mini-
                         girls bra, molest a female pub-              games were played. From
                         crawler friend (thanks for not               here we had our pool of
                         pressing charges Helen) and                  potential bucks. With
                         generally offend everyone in the             dollar beers, many patrons
                         building. Needless to say, when the          warmed up quite quickly,
                         time came to plan the 2007 pub               and $5 Jaeger bombs
                         crawl, Mansions politely declined.           didn’t hurt. The field was
                         When questioned about his actions            then narrowed by a full-body contact game of musical chairs as
                         later Tom Vincent innocently                 well as the drunkest dance-off seen in years. The joke contest
                         replied, “No I didn’t, I only drank          yielded only poor-taste baby jokes, while the pick-up line
                         four beers and drove home”. Until            contest delivered the classic “Can you be my derivative? So I
the photos of him at Mansions surfaced, I think he believed           can be the area under your curves”, Thanks Ben. The boys also
this lie himself.                                                     showed their skills, or lack thereof removing bras, and putting
                                                                      them on. The next game was to be a jelly eating contest. For this
        The pub crawl virtually took over the entire East-End         we had prepared breast-shaped moulds, each holding roughly 4
of Adelaide with a sea of sky blue as far as the eye could see.       litres of jelly. With their hands behind their back, the contestants

had to eat their way through a pair of jiggling, wobbling
boobs. They all started strongly, but jelly is filling, especially               Proving us women are a
in the quantities that they were eating it in and before long         little inexperienced with strap-ons,
progress had slowed to a crawl. This brought on jeers from the        the Cock in a Bottle game was a little
crowd and several contestants retaliated by throwing lumps of         awkward as the ladies tried all sorts
jelly at them. The bystanders retaliated, like faeces throwing        of positions to achieve a speedy
monkeys at the zoo, scooping handfuls of jelly and throwing it        penetration. Positions one can only
at anyone nearby. By the end, there was no jelly left on the          assume they discovered from many
table. The same could not be said of every other surface in the       hours of studying the Karma Sutra.
room.                                                                 The several promising candidates for
                                                                      the Queen Hen competed in a final
          Finally, the competition had been narrowed down to          game to construct the ultimate penis.
a mere final four, the drunkest four in the room, it should be        Although, many created wedding
mentioned. It was announced that the winner would be the              tackle that look more fun than
person who got naked the fastest. This had been jokingly              anything I’ve got at home, it was somewhat surprising that the
discussed beforehand, and it was decided that no-one would            most modest of the penis’ was heavily applauded, deciding our
be willing to do it. On the night however, four extremely             Queen Hen. Thus, proving that the ladies really do believe that
willing contestants could be found and within seconds of the          it is not the size of the ship, but rather the motion of the ocean.
words being uttered, four naked men emerged. This somewhat
killed the mood as half the audience decided that the boys                      Inspection of the rooms by the stewards afterwards was
room got “a bit too gay” and left. The final winner was then          not a friendly experience. The boys’ room was literally caked
decided through a Super-Troopers classic: Maple-Syrup                 with Jelly on nearly every surface, while the girls room had a
Skulling. The manliest of the                                           couple of discreet piles of vomit in the corners. Under threats
men was crowned king                                                    of “You’ll never book a room in Union house again”, we were
Buck.                                                                   charged a $1000 clean-up fee. A big thank you to everyone
          A special mention                                             who pissed on the floor, vomited in the corner, or threw jelly
is due for the AUES’s                                                   at the projector screen.
Buck’s room favorite: the
one and only Party Borgas.
Why? He got damn loose –                                                BBQ’s
enjoying the bra game, table                                                      The AUES is famous (some would say world-
diving through a beer-amid                                               renowned) for how kick-arse our barbecues are. The standard
and getting pelted by cups                                               deal of all-you-can eat snags and all-you-can-drink Tooheys is
for his effort.                                                          a favourite of many an Engineer.
                                                                         In 2006, we delivered, as-
The Girls room:                                                       promised, four fantastic barbies.
         The girls room started with a little too much decorum        Traditionally, the 1st term barbie is
for an AUES event. However, these polite and reserved ladies          held in O’Week, but with liquor
present at the beginning of the night were nowhere to be found        licensing issues, it was pushed
                       following a couple of hours free               back to week 3. This definitely
                       champagne. The evening really got to           helped us out and we sold a lot
                       a kick start when James Lovell dared           more pub-crawl shirts because of
                       enter the ladies room. After being             it. Our very own Worst Pres ever
                       attacked by a swarm of ladies armed            bailed     on     this    one     with
                       with make-up, hideous dresses and              “conjunctivitis”,      or   as I’m
                       wax, James left embarrassingly attired         convinced, “fakeritis” and left the
                       and with smooth, yet patchy legs.              whole thing up to activities VP,
                       Photo evidence in fact proves that             Craig. Good job Craig, and thanks
                          James                                                               for       your
                          Lovell                                                              work        all
                       loved this                                                             year. It was a
                         scenario                                                             great barbie
                       and may                                                                and set the
indeed fit more into that room                                                                scene for a good year.
than the other.        The free
champagne idea turned for the                                                                        The 2nd term barbie was the
worst, as a few ladies failed to                                                            second time (in recent years) that we held
make it through the night and                                                               the Trans-Torrens Tug. To celebrate the
regurgitated their champagne                                                                glorious 1 year anniversary of crushing the
onto the union carpet.                                                                      Med team, a bouncy castle was booked, as


                                                                        own and then walked
                                                                        around “helping” Friezy
                                                                        try to find them.

                                                                                 The 3rd term
                                                                        BBQ was once again
                                                                        held in election week,
                                                                        and pollies felt the need
                                                                        to try and harass our
                                                                        members. The anti-pollie
                                                                        brigade was in full-force,
                                                                        headed up by Charlie
                                                                        Aust, packing a super
                                                                        soaker Triple-Aggressor.
                                                                        Pollie games were held,
                                                                        with cream pie-off, and
                                                                        shrink-wrap smack-down. Red Bull made an appearance,
                                                                        handing out free cans, but we’re not sure that they
                                                                        appreciated us shrink-wrapping Clarkey to their RedBull-
                                                                        mobile. Clarkey was the star performer of the drinking,
                                                                        setting up by the tap and drank so hard that he was spewing
                                                                        up against the wall of the Maths building. It wasn’t the fact
                                                                        that he spewed, or the fact it was in full view of everyone, it
                                                                        was the fact that it was at 2:20pm that was really
                                                                        impressive. Full marks for drinking like a trooper Clarkey,
                                                                        but no thanks for getting naked in the UniBar afterwards.

                                                                                   The final barbie of 2006 was decided to be a
                                                                        beach-themed celebration. Of course we had no idea
were many kegs. After the previous years hassle of running it       whether the weather would back this plan up or not. In the end it
with med (tight-arses), we decided to compete against a more        didn’t, but that didn’t put a dampener on us, filling up our kiddie
worthy opponent. We invited UniSA Human movement, as                pool and playing beach cricket. Not out biggest, but still a great
well as the Commerce Students Association, for a three-way          time was had by all. After being told that we had had our music
battle. Human movement definitely came to tug (rumours              on for long enough and that this would be our last song, Sandy
were floating around that they actually trained), while the         took full liberty and cranked the PA right up to max and
engies, as per usual, were there to drink. The engies, despite      dedicated it to everyone in the maths building and the lecture in
rapidly becoming tipsy, trounced Commerce on the lawns and          Union Hall.
got to challenge Human Movement across the Torrens. This
was to be a single tug, winner takes all. The Engies started on
the less-preferred southern bank, and never looked like they        QUIZ NIGHT
had a chance. One by one, they dropped off as they                           An AUES staple, our
approached the rivers edge, until only Xan and Friezy               last major event for the year is a
remained. These two gallant souls refused to drop the line and      quiz night. For the uninitiated,
were promptly pulled into the murky depths. Not the Engies          the quiz night has two major
finest hour. Before long the beer was flowing and no one            components: the question half,
cared about our inglorious loss. Friezy certainly didn’t seem to    which the smartest tables
be any worse after his swim, and was up on the bouncy castle,       compete on; and the beer tally
where he somehow managed to lose his pants. Coming off the          half, where each schooner is
bouncy castle, he couldn’t seem to find them, even with the         marked down against the table
help of a quick thinker who had put Friezy’s pants on over his      number. For many engies, the

beer tally is where the real competition is. In 06, the questions    quite classy or well-behaved enough for their establishment and
were prepared by a self-proclaimed “quiz-master” whose               therefore didn’t let us back up our 2006 antics (thanks a lot
sense of humour was dry as a nun’s gusset. This meant that           Tom), although neglected to tell us that they wouldn’t be letting
more and more tables were focussed on winning the beer tally,                                                   us in until after the
and any semblance of a real quiz night was abandoned soon                                                       shirts were printed.
after. As you can imagine engies are fairly intolerant of                                                       This didn’t bother
someone making a mess of their night and questions such as                                                      several pub-crawlers
“Is this country in the Southern or Northern hemisphere” were                                                   from sneaking down
answered with “You’re the worst quiz master ever, eat shit and                                                  on the night and
die, from table number Fuck You”. The scavenger hunt was                                                        having a forbidden
well attempted, with the final item being a phone call to the                                                   pint.
winners mum. The winner then had to say over the PA “I’m
happy that you and Dad had sex to create me”. Amazingly this                                                             The      night
was done without a moment’s hesitation. Despite the quiz                                                        kicked off in usual
night part of the night being a bit of a downer, a good time                                                    fashion, by starting at
was had by everyone who drank a lot.                                 the classic Uni student favourite, the UniBar. The leaders
                                                                     Guernsey was decided on by a jug skull up on stage. This was
                                                                     one of the worst displays of drinking ever seen by an AUES pub
            EVENTS 2007                                              crawl as not one of the competitors came close to setting a
                                                                     reasonable time. The first competitor to finish, Alan, promptly
                                                                     threw up, straight back into his jug. The leaders Guernsey was
O’WEEK                                                               then handed to the next top finisher. Evidently however, one jug
                                                                     was too much for this crawler, and the leaders Guernsey was not
         O’Week preparation began early in 07. To make sure
that everyone knew we were the most pro-fun group on                 seen again. Taking the leaders Guernsey home before the end of
campus, we decided to organise a couple of body-painted              the night is surely one of the weakest moves in AUES pub crawl
models to stand around and look attractive while we did our          history. The Oath was recited and with high spirits, we set off
thing. Again we promoted the club heavily, insisting to first        for the night.
years that joining the AUES was a compulsory part of an
engineering degree.

          With fantastic weather, the AUES water pistols made
an appearance. The offer to sell dry t-shirts immediately after
drenching passers-by was not appreciated by many. The
tempting offer of “buy a free shirt, get a suck of goon” also
fell short as a promotional tool. The one tactic which did seem
to work was the offer of “free t shirt to any attractive girl who
takes her top off” (thanks Bigger and Better, or shall we say
Mrs Y and Mrs H). This brought in a couple of takers, and
definitely didn’t hurt the sale of men’s shirts either.

         In 2007, the AUES continued to butcher childhood
icons, this time Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Of course                    The rest of the pub crawl was a good night all round.
having decided on the theme, a clever twist was added, the         Skulling imperials at the Elephant and PJ’s definitely gave the
changing of Ninja to Binja; no doubt pub-                                    The Pubcrawl Pledge
crawlers and observers alike would be in
                                                       Beer ye, beer ye!
awe of our wit and creativity. With the
                                                       Honourable engies, it is time to commit yourselves wholeheartedly to this
release of the latest incarnation of TMNT     year’s Legless pubcrawl by joining with me in spouting the traditional AUES
happening the night before, we ‘procured’     pubcrawl oath! Please all raise your right hands and repeat after me.
several copies and had these playing at                I, state your name, do solemnly swear to uphold the fine traditions of the
various pubs over the night.                  engie pubcrawl, to drink as much as I might without falling down, and should I be
                                              caught by the long arm of the law, I will proudly pronounce at the top of my lungs
         The next stage in planning was to    “I am an Adelaide Uni Med Student!”
go around to pubs and assure them that
what we had in mind was a quiet drinks
evening for a small group of responsible university students       night a quick boost, while 90 cent beers at Church definitely
and would they mind having us pop in for a couple of               helped many a thirsty crawler (and their wallet). Following the
beverages. Once again, they fell for our tricks and we had a       success of booking St Pauls last year, we did the same in 07 and
reasonable list of pubs. Mansions decided that we weren’t          this worked brilliantly. We’re not sure if there was something in

the drinks at St. Pauls, or the full moon, but there seemed to be    bit more ‘adult’ than last year and Red was tasked with booking
a lot of picking up. Not sure how many                                                             entertainment for the lads. He
relationships blossomed after that night,                                                          performed his duties fantastically,
given this exchange: “So did you get her                                                           and everyone was mightily
number?” “Fuck, I knew I forgot                                                                    impressed with just how talented a
something!” “But you got her name?”                                                                performer this girl was. In true
“Fuck! No, I remember. Her name was                                                                Engie style the guys wrote
definitely a month”. We needed to have a                                                           themselves off, but no one more so
couple of sensible AUES representatives                                                            than Alan. After having a power
standing at the door, checking people in                                                           chuck off the balcony, we
and this responsibility fell to the newest                                                         convinced him that it would be
committee members, including the then                                                              fucking hilarious to streak through
17-year old, Yasmin (Cheers, Yas and                                                               the girls’ room, butt-naked. He
Kevin for doing this for most of the night).                         really didn’t take much convincing, and did a lap of the room,
                                                                     willie proudly on full display. The girls really didn’t seem to
                                                                     notice, and partying resumed. After a number of elimination
                                                                     rounds,      the
                                                                     buck        was
                                                                     decided by a
                                                                     skull.    We’re
                                                                     pretty sure that
                                                                     the guy who
                                                                     won        only
                                                                     snuck into the
                                                                     top four and
                                                                     didn’t earn his
                                                                     place, but well
                                                                     done to him,
                                                                     especially once he was claiming his “prize”.

                                                                     Girls Room:
                                                                               The ladies’ room started in a slightly tamer manner than
                                                                     the blokes, with a friendly game of Musical Chairs in the subtle
                                                                     ambience of blaring pornography. With the addition of a few
HENS AND BUCKS                                                       frozen daiquiris the girls warmed up and started trying to tune
          Building on the success of the inaugural 2006 Hens         the somewhat sleazy male models with their best pick-up lines.
and Bucks night, the event was run again in 2007. Due to             Although one of the models was overly pleased by this attention
turnover of union staff, we were able to book the same two           and a room full of excitable ladies, the other was a few too many
rooms as last year. The AUES decided that it would be in our         spliffs into the night to really know what the hell was going on.
best interests to no have any Jelly or male nudity at this year      Nonetheless, later in the evening our stoner model redeemed
Hens and Bucks night.                                                himself, by getting close to the girls on the dance-floor and
                                                                     showing us a little more than
Boys Room:                                                           we had paid for. Kudos to
          The boys room again started with an icebreaker             both of these gentlemen still,
games, although letting Charlie decide what was a harmless           for trying to simultaneously
bit of fun may have been a bit of a mistake. Shotting Tabasco        promote their side jobs at
sauce, taking off your pants and doing a lap of the room,            Madame Josephine’s whilst
skulling against Trev Zank and getting a nipple cripple were         laying all efforts into
only the warm-ups for                                                      picking-up           any
what was to be an eventful                                                 obliging and possibly
night. The best was saved                                                  intoxicated ladies.
from James Lovell – A
wedgie so bad it needed to                                                No Hen’s night would
be cut out (it did too!).                                                 have been complete
The night started off with                                                without a little toilet
some big screen porn, and                                                 paper, a few lady-
boy was it brutal.                                                        depends diapers and a
                                                                          lot of novelty penis
       It was decided to                                                  paraphernalia.    The
make the entertainment a                                                  evening’s       games

concluded with the most competitive Hens releasing their                    The second term barbie was again our annual Trans-
pent-up frustration on the Penis Pinata and a quick scramble to    Torrens          Tug.
find the honoured and sought after Cock Bracelet, deciding the     Deciding that “people
evenings Queen Hen. Finally, once suitably stripped of their       who aren’t engies are
inhibitions, all the girls headed for the bar to meet with the     shit” we decided we
primed bucks. A slightly more vomit-free evening that the          wouldn’t     go     up
previous year, and therefore, a successful night!                  against        another
                                                                   faculty, but rather
                                                                   have an under-grad
BBQ’s                                                              versus post-grad tug-
         In 2007, the committee was off to a great start in        off. We also had other
                                          O’Week, having           events, such as the
                                          signed     up    a       keg toss, in which
                                          record number of         Langers demolished everyone else’s best efforts without
                                          members.      Not        breaking a sweat. The shrink wrap races were mostly a
                                          surprisingly, this       competition of who didn’t fall over (the post-grads didn’t) and
                                          meant that our           the boat races were comfortably won by an all-star undergrad
                                          first barbie was         team (thanks to Boschy choking half-way through his beer). The
                                          also a record-           main event, though, was the Tug. After a preliminary warm-up
                                          smashing effort.         on the lawns, the under-grads were looking good, but drew the
                                          Despite drizzly          treacherous southern bank. Confirming the fact that it’s the
                                          weather, we had          northern bank on which winners stand, the post-grads cruised to
                                          a record turn-out        a reasonable win. Well-done to all those tuggers, keeping a
and managed to get through 8 kegs in just over 2 hours.            proud AUES tradition alive.
Tooheys showed up and plastered the place in Tooheys
propaganda, gently encouraging everyone to drink and                        The 3rd term barbie was another solid keg drinking
naturally engineers love to drink, so the 8 keg mark was           event, this time the AUES’ reputation was getting a little out of
passed without too much difficulty.                                hand. The barbie was going great until it was abruptly
                                                                   interrupted when a member of the maths department unplugged

our power. The Ex-Pres did not take this lightly and felt he        number of games were distributed, including Sudoku, Adelaide
was justified in arguing that it should be plugged back in.We       Streets, Triangles, Spoilers and a dubious list of Scavenger hunt
didn’t make too many friends that day, as said maths rep rang       items (1. A live animal bigger than a shoe box; 5. A Photo of
Adelaide Uni security saying that we were out of control.           you standing in Victoria Square Fountain). Amazingly people
                              They came down and told us to         had a real dip (literally), and collected damn-near everything on
                              shut     down       the      party    the list. Only one table managed number one, Frenchie, who
                              immediately… This confused us         went down to the Torrens and collected a duck. This has to be
                              somewhat, as it isn’t easy to shut    one of my favourite AUES moments of all-time, seeing him
                              down a party with no music, and       walk in carrying a bewildered duck. “What do we do with it
                              our beer and food had run out.        now” “I dunno, feed it beer”. And from a table that didn’t
                              We told them                                                  manage to score an animal “Give me two
                              that it was pretty                                            minutes, I’ll make it smaller than a shoe-
                              much was shut                                                 box” accompanied by smashing his hand
down, but they then told us that we had to get                                              down on the table. The questions were
everyone to leave. “Well can we turn on the                                                 well answered, except from theAdelaide
PA to tell everyone to leave?” “No you can’t                                                Uni round “How many Sexual
have the PA on after 2”. We tried our hardest,                                              Harassment complaints have been made
but sometimes the whole world is against you.                                               against Gareth Bridges?” which we’re not
All-in-all, it was a very successful year for                                               exactly sure of ourselves, but gave marks
barbies (with the final term barbie after we go                                             to anything over 10. Quiz night punters
to print).                                                                                  also got to demonstrate their co-
                                                                    ordination, with Hungry Hungry Hippos, which proved beyond a
                                                                    shadow of a doubt, that no skill is involved. The beer tally was
QUIZ NIGHT                                                          not as well attempted as last year, perhaps due to between round
After the piss-poor effort of last years quiz-master, the reins     Jaeger-bombs, or perhaps the better quiz-master. The scores
were handed to someone much more capable (and funny and             were tight, and everyone seemed to have a great time.
handsome too), the AUES’ hostess with the mostess, Xan. A


                                    VOX POP        (Yes it’s blatantly stolen from On Dit)

                               1)       Longest time spent in CATS?
                               2)       Fondest moment of Engineering?
                               3)       Worst Lecturer – why?
                               4)       Worst Exam moment
                               5)       Who would you turn gay for?
                               6)       What superpower would you like to have?
   1. Easily in excess of 24 hours. I blame HYSYS
   2. Winning skullduggery boat races with the Engie Team or blasting Charlie Aust for being a bad
   3. Dr Kenneth Davey. There's only so many times you can hear about the French Foreign Legion.
       Plus he set a rude exam for Separation Processes.
   4. Probably riding in an Ambulance following some slightly overly enthusiastic post-exam
       celebrations. With sitting a DEFS exam coming a close second.
   5. My ex-girlfriend, Jess!
   6. Immunity to hangovers.

           1. 12 hours
           2. There’s nothing like a good dose of Megaphone abuse on a fine
              sunny O’week morning full of freshers.
           3. Gareth Bridges – he knows what he did.
           4. Forgetting to bring a pen
           5. The Australian Cricket Team.
           6. Instant raincoat – In case we all get caught in Costa’s superpower.

                         NAME – COSTA CASIOU
                                1. Two nights without sleeping (2 full days – final year prelim report, and I’ll be doing it again
                                   this sem)
                                2. Sleeping with Leon Gagliardi on the Formulae SAE trip in Melbourne last year and knoodling
                                   with Luke Garnaut whilst everyone else slept.
                                3. Lei Chen
                                4. VACA last semester – had diarrhoea, went to the toilet and fell asleep. Woke up an hour later.
                                5. Angelo Catalano – his body makes me erupt like a volcano.
                                6. Unlimited cum.

                                       NAME – STUART WILDY
                                          1. Tend to avoid them.
                                          2. Beer
                                          3. Worst Dressed – Mike Teubner
                                          4. Getting Tonsilitis in the first 10 mins of Statics
                                          5. Sprusey Bruce Davis
                                          6. Orgasmo Powers

                                       NAME – RED
                                          1. 8 hrs spent the night there
                                          2. Xan in the Torrens
                                          3. That hippy guy from E & E, he looked like John Buttler. Why?
                                              He wouldn’t sing “Zebra”.
                                          4. Forgetting Pants (but I remembered a pen)
                                          5. Xan in a heartbeat, I mean, in a car.
                                          6. Make chicks clothes fall off with my mind. They could pick them
                                              back up but it would be too late. I’d see everything.


                  NAME – SANDY BIAR
                  1. I’ve never really been into those kinds of relationships with animals…..
                  2. Getting threatened by Uni Security with being arrested for kranking out the tunes on the
                     maths lawns….helping with the demolishing of the Maths building.
                  3. Shane Maddigan from Uni Property Services. Got a lecture every Engie BBQ.
                  4. When I got cosine mixed up with cuisine and brought a recipe to the exam instead of
                  5. Xan, what a whole lot of lovin’.
                  6. To turn half of the engie men into women so that there’s actually a gender balance and
                     someone to get friendly with….dropping the soap in the Engie toilets just doesn’t cut it.

   1. 7. 6 hrshrs and then the fricken computer crashed, don’t trust
            6 and then the fricken computer crashed, don’t trust
         CATS computers, ever.
            CATS computers, ever.
   2. 8. Being pro fun in in O’week with Yasmin and taking my shirt
            Being pro fun O’week with Yasmin and taking my shirt
         offoff forfree Engie Pubcrawl shirt.
             for a a free Engie Pubcrawl shirt.
   3. 9. Chalky aka Chalk Monster (1st year Maths lecturer)…..bad
            Chalky aka Chalk Monster (1st year Maths lecturer)…..bad
         explanations…and nono Chalky it’s not “obvious”.
            explanations…and Chalky it’s not “obvious”.
   4. 10. Bag pipes playing throughout my yr 12 Chem exam.
         Bag pipes playing throughout my yr 12 Chem exam.
   5. 11. Angelina Jolieshe’s hot.
         Angelina Jolie – – she’s hot.
   6. 12. Invisibility.
          1. 8 hours continuous.
          2. Hens and Bucks I and II
          3. Wahab / Bassam
          4. Seeing Xan put socks on during reading time to keep his feet warm.
          5. The Hoff
          6. Is gaydar a superpower?

                                                         NAME – MATTY B
                                                                  1. 24 hours
                                                                  2. Seeing the Vice Chancellors plumber’s butt
                                                                      at the Honours exhibition
                                                                  3. None
                                                                  4. James B’s stinky farts in a warm
                                                                      November’s day exam.
                                                                  5. Taylor Hanson or Bob Neil.
                                                                  6. The power to turn into David Hasselhoff.

                        1. 18 hours
                        2. Drunk, eating schnitzels in Mecha-1 lecture.
                        3. Gareth Bridges, possibly Old Bruce but he never really did much besides attract
                           paper air-planes with his awesome socks. I want me a pair of them socks.
                        4. Arriving and being told I’m too late, then convincing coordinator to let me sit it, only
                           to fail an exam AND academic supp.
                        5. Myself, and maybe Xan’s rough good looks
                        6. Turn people into beer-serving strippers

                NAME – ANDREW HEATH
         1.     1 hour including tutes
         2.     AUES BBQs
         3.     Ray Chen + Gareth Bridges. Both boring as
                buggery and as useful as an oral sex guide book in
                a monastery.
         4.     Dropped a text book on my nuts.
         5.     Drew Barrymore
         6.     Turn into a monkey.


       Faculty of Engineering Staff
                                     (Current staff at mid 2007)

Australian School of Petroleum                        Chemical Engineering
Name                      Position                    (Continued)
Ainsworth, Bruce          Associate Professor         Name                   Position
Begg, Steve               Professor                   Nordestgaard, Simon    Research Fellow
Daniel, Ric               Research Fellow             O'Neill, Brian         Associate Professor
Edwards, Sally            CO2CRC researcher           Peak, Jason            Research Fellow
Gibson-Poole, Catherine   Research Assoc              Q. Dzuy Nguyen         Associate Professor
Goda, Hussam              Lecturer                    Smith, Neil            Post Docturate
Hillis, Richard           Professor                   Tran, Sanh             Research Fellow
Hossain, Mofazzal         Lecturer                    Whitworth, Terri       Research Fellow
Inkster, David            Research Assoc              Wright, Andrew         Research Fellow
Kaldi, John               Professor
King, Rosalind            Post Docturate
Krapf, Carmen             Post Docturate              Civil Engineering
Melkoumian, Noune         Post Docturate              Name                   Position
Mitchell, Andy            Senior Lecturer             Ali, Mohamed           Research Associate
Payenberg, Tobi           Assoc Professor             Culver, Robert         Research Fellow
Regan, Myles              CO2CRC researcher           Dandy, Graeme          Professor
Sarma, Hemanta            Professor                   Daniell, Trevor        Associate Professor
Schacht, Ulrike           Post Docturate              Fernando, Gayani       Research Associate
Tingate, Peter            Lecturer                    Griffith, Michael      Assoc. Prof, Head
Vakarelov, Boyan          Post Doctorate              Jaksa, Mark            Associate Professor
van Ruth, Peter           Research Fellow             Kaggwa, William        Senior Lecturer
Watson, Max               Research Assoc              Kingston, Greer        Research Associate
Welsh, Matthew            Post Docturate              Lambert, Martin        Deputy Head
Werner, Mario             Research Assoc              Maier, Holger          Associate Professor
West, Ian                 Computing Officer           Moxham, Kenneth        Research Fellow
Yang, Qingjun             Research Fellow             Oehlers, Deric         Professor
                                                      Ozbakkaloglu, Togay    Lecturer
                                                      Plimer, Ian            Professor
Chemical Engineering                                  Seracino, Rudi         Adjunct Assoc. Prof.
Name                      Position                    Simpson, Angus         Professor
Agnew, John B.            Professor                   Walker, David          Associate Professor
Alwahabi, Zeyad           Post Docturate              Warner, Robert         Adjunct Professor
Ashman, Peter J           Post Docturate              Willis, Craig          Postdoctoral Fellow
Barrow, Mary              Research Fellow             Wu, Chengqing          Lecturer (B)
Colby, Chris              Post Docturate              Xu, Chaoshui           Senior Lecturer
Critchley, Jennifer       Research Fellow
Davey, K R (Ken)          Post Docturate
Kay, Peter                Research Fellow             Electrical and Electronic
King, Keith D.            Professor
Lewis, David              Post Docturate
Liew, Jeffery             Research Fellow             Name                   Position
                                                      Abbott, Derek          Professor
Minerds, Elaine           Research Fellow
                                                      Allison, Andrew G.     Lecturer
Mulcahy, Brian            Research Fellow
                                                      Al-Sarawi, Said F.K.   Lecturer
Mullinger, Peter James    Associate Professor
Ngothai, Yung             Post Docturate


           Faculty of Engineering Staff
                                    (Current staff at mid 2007)

Electrical and Electronic                             Mechanical Engineering
Engineering                                           (continued)
(continued)                                           Name                         Position
Name                     Position                     Doolan, Con                  Senior Lecturer
Bates, Bevan             Professor                    Hansen, Colin                Professor, Head
Brydon, John             Adj. Assoc. Professor        Howard, Carl                 Senior Lecturer
Chiera, Belinda A.       Lecturer                     Kelso, Richard               Assoc. Professor
Cole, Peter H.           Professor                    Kestell, Colin               Senior Lecturer
Coleman, Chris           Assoc. Professor             Kotousov, Andrei             Lecturer
Ertugrul, Nesimi         Assoc. Professor             Linton, Valerie              Professor
Fischer, Bernd M.        Post Docturate Fellow        Lu, Tien-fu                  Lecturer
Fuss, Ian                Adjunct Professor            Luxton, R. E. (Sam)          Professor
Gray, Douglas A.         Professor                    Missingham, Dorothy          Assoc. Lecturer
Green, Charles A.        Lecturer                     Munday, Kristin              Lecturer
Hansen, Hedley J.        Adjunct Professor            Nathan, Graham (Gus)         Professor
Liebelt, Michael J.      Assoc. Professor             Schneider, Gerald            Senior Lecturer
Lim, Cheng Chew          Assoc. Professor             Yong, Elizabeth              Lecturer
Mcdonnell, Mark D.       Post Docturate               Zander, Anthony              Assoc. Professor
Maletz, Noela            Lecturer
Mazumdar, Jag            Adjunct Professor
Mcmichael, Daniel        Adjunct Lecturer
Ng, Brian W-H            Lecturer                                        Circles
Parfitt, Andrew. J.      Adjunct Professor
Phillips, Braden J.      Lecturer
Pincombe, Adrian         Adjunct Lecturer
Rainsford, Tamath J.     Lecturer                                       Mohr Circles
Rogers, Dr. Derek        Adjunct Lecturer
Schroeder, Jim E.        Adj. Assoc. Professor
Sinnott, Don             Adjunct Professor
Soong, Wen L.            Senior Lecturer              ECMS Executive Faculty Staff
Sorell, Matthew J.       Lecturer                     Name                     Position
Trinkle, Matthew         Lecturer                     Dowd, Peter              Executive Dean
Weste, Neil H.E.         Adjunct Lecturer             Cheng-Chew Lim           Associate Dean
White, Langford B.       Professor                                             (International)
Yantchev, Jellio (Jay)   Adjunct Professor            David Munro              Associate Dean (IT)
Zivanovic, Rastko        Lecturer                     Mark Jaksa               Associate Dean
                                                                               (Learning & Teaching)
                                                      Valerie Linton           Associate Dean
Mechanical Engineering                                                         (Research)
Name                     Position                     Jackie Phillips          Personal Assistant to
Adams, Karen             Lecturer                                              Executive Dean
Arjomandi, Maziar        Lecturer
Blazewicz, Antoni        Lecturer                     Executive University Staff
Bridges, Gareth          Lecturer                     Name                     Position
Brown, Ian               Lecturer                     McWha, James             Vice-Chancellor and
Cazzolato, Ben           Assoc. Professor                                      President
Chen, Lei                Lecturer                     McDougall, Fred          Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Dally, Bassam            Deputy Head                                           & Vice-President (A)

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2007 Hysteresis

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2007 Hysteresis

  • 1. HYSTERESIS 06/07 The Annual Journal of the Adelaide University Engineering Society
  • 2.
  • 3. 1 AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 hys·ter·e·sis n. 1. The lagging of an effect behind its cause, as when the change in magnetism of a body lags behind changes in the magnetic field. 2. The annual publication of the Adelaide University Engineering Society, documenting the most vital parts of the greatest faculty on campus. THE ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING SOCIETY Publisher Adelaide University Engineering Society Editors Alexander Jenner-O’Shea and Tom Vincent Published October 2007 1
  • 4. 2 AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 EDITORS’ MESSAGES THANKS The Editorial Committee would like to thank everyone who had input in the making of this magazine. A special thanks goes to the sponsors, who without, we simply wouldn’t be able to print and supply this magazine to engineering students for free. When/if you have the chance to support them please do. If you have any queries about this current edition or suggestions for up and coming magazine please visit and contact the current AUES president. Hysteresis 06/07 was written and edited in September/October of 2007. Thanks to Hantie for being so awesome and beautiful. AUES LOVES AND HATES People we love People we Hate Tooheys FREE BEER Charlie For giving people food poisoning at BBQs. Charlie Wearing a dress Med Fucks Still owe us for the tug-of-war rope Jen For being wonderful Charlie For stealing AUES alcohol Chuck Norris Does he really need a reason Joel Not managing to arrive to a BBQ before Nina Cause she jiggles Comment 12 when being in possession of the main removed by Womens Officer payment cheque due at 10am. Charlie For being a scapegoat James Lovell Wearing a dress (and loving it a bit too much) Sandy For DJing The Union For being allergic to fun Marky Mark For dressing up like a girl Law Society For being too cool for the AUES Buck’s room entertainment 07 Levitating candle Charlie International Womens Day BBQ Punters Especially those who turn up Brendan Lim Wanky, immature emails to help turn sausages Med Fucks Wouldn’t give us the skulldug cup when Skye For putting in more effort than we beat them half of the committee each year. Bodz and Babez “Models”??? Mason For creating our Pubcrawl designs Joel Dropping the Ball The Hoff Doesn’t everyone James Lovell Spilling beer on a laptop Tom Best President Ever Charlie For thinking he’s part of the AUES Sunni Best President Ever (not counting Tom) Union Room Hire Charged us a cleanup fee when we redecorated Bigger & Better Helping sell shirts in O’Week their room for free. The Duck from Quiz night What a trooper Coopers (except Helen) Wouldn’t give us free beer Jules and Alvin 05 hysteresis was awesome Tom Worst President Ever Youtube PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! Sunni Worst President Ever Our Vending Machines They work Joel For seriously thinking that he helped the AUES Quiz night guy 06 He knows what he did Human Movement For being so fit and taking the tug seriously. Leaders Guernseys Who leave early (piss-weak) – I’m looking at you Nick B Our Vending Machine Only gives back 20c In case you don’t realise, or you are reading this in the year 2020, each student was allocated 100mb per semester. The above values are huge, very huge – go sapac01 you good thing! 2
  • 5. 3 AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 CONTENTS: Page AUES Committee 2006 4 AUES Committee 2007 5 Prez Says 6 VPs write up 7 Treasurer’s write up 8 Women’s Officer’s write up 8 Editorials 9 AUES Events 10 Vox Pop 18 Faculty of Engineering Staff 20 Executive reports 22 Head of School of Australian School of Petroleum 24 Head of School of Chemical Engineering 25 Head of School of Civil Engineering 26 Concrete Canoe Challenge 27 Head of School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 28 Head of School of Mechanical Engineering 29 AIAA 30 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 31 History-sis 32 Where are they now? 36 Dear Editor 39 AUES in numbers 43 2006 The year in review 44 2007 The year in review 46 The full Adelaide Uni Experience 48 Pics of 2006 Pics of 2007 3
  • 6. 4 AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 COMMITTEE 2006 Thomas Vincent Craig Browett Michael Quince Laura Brooks Zuhra Sadri Crystal Forrester Nina Hydbom Matt Newcombe Ben Duivesteyn Joel Stanley Richard Kohler Michael Fischer Sunil D’Souza Daniel Ali Michael Newman Kevin Chan Alexander Jenner-O’Shea Executive Committee General Committee President – Thomas Vincent Richard Kohler VP (Activities) – Craig Browett Michael Fischer VP (Education) – Michael Quince Sunil D’Souza Treasurer – Laura Brooks / Zuhra Sadri Daniel Ali Secretary - Crystal Forrester Michael Newman Women's Officer – Nina Hydbom Kevin Chan Publicity Officer – Matt Newcombe Alexander Jenner-O’Shea IT Support - Ben Duivesteyn / Joel Stanley 4
  • 7. 5 AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 Committee 2007 Alexander Jenner O’Shea Rachel Eriksen Rebecca Tennant VP of f#cking Awesomeness, Actual Women’s Officer Becski Jeremy Mellor Megaphone Man *cough nina cough* Fanta Pants Kevin Chan Sunil D’Souza Kristina Noicos K Dawg Zuhra Sadri Worst Pres Ever Tits McGee Cash Nazi Ryan Faulkner Pinhead and General Chris Schwarz Drunkard Schwatta, Your next Prez Tom Vincent Best Pres ever, Colour coordination award Absent at group photo Dan Ali Michael Richard Crystal Yasmin James Ben Dan tha Newman Kohler Forrester Freschi Lovell Duivesteyn Man Clip Art Dicko Not so IT “bigger” I’m a dick Bendy King support Executive Committee General Committee President - Sunil D’Souza Richard Kohler VP (Activities) - Alexander Jenner O’Shea Daniel Ali VP (Education) - Chris Schwarz Kevin Chan Treasurer - Zuhra Sadri James Lovell Secretary - Crystal Forrester / Rebbeca Tennant Ryan Faulkner Women's Officer - Rachel Eriksen Jeremy Mellor Publicity Officer - Michael Newman Yasmin Freschi Hysteresis Editor – Alexander Jenner O’Shea Kristina Noicos Thomas Vincent IT Support - Ben Duivesteyn Ex President – Thomas Vincent 5
  • 8. 66 AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 PREZ SAYS Prez 06 – Tom Vincent Prez 07 – Sunil D’Souza 2006 and 2007 have been two very strong years for the sugary snacks and caffeine became easily accessible in the CATS AUES. Total number of members and event attendance has making 24hr efforts that little bit easier. continued to soar, even with the introduction of VSU which has seen many clubs (and sections of the union) fold. Each year In 2007 the biggest area of growth for our club was the contained record numbers for the pubcrawl, which now sees 2008 size of our BBQs. In early 2007 the AUES put a lot of effort into ready to break the 1500 mark in t-shirt sales. Go the Engies! planning events efficiently and catering for larger numbers which, throughout the year, saw us comfortably knock back 6-8 kegs in an It’s our strongest belief that the AUES is the best thing afternoon, even when it’s pouring with rain, like in Term 1. The about university life at Adelaide. Engies are the biggest faculty on increasing number of kegs is aided by a new sponsorship campus and as such we feel it’s the responsibility of the Engineering arrangement with Toohey’s this year. Their continuing support society to throw the biggest and the best events. helps us run large events on campus, most of which are completely free for members. As always the year is best kicked off with the pubcrawl; continuing our run of sodomizing your favourite childhood images. A welcome addition to our club in 2007 was the 2007’s theme is a great example - “Teenage Mutant Binja Turtles” introduction of an electronic membership list, programmed by Ben, and was a great success. The t-shirt sales count was up to 1200, our IT guru. This system makes it easy to sign off members at BBQ making it the largest, most reputable pubcrawl in Adelaide, and and eliminates long signup lists, which help to make the line up unofficially the world (many move a bit quicker (to the delight of all the punters). The club people have asked us to make it now boasts over 800 members, making us one of, if not, the official, the reality is; we would largest most active social clubs on campus. need officials from Guinness recording and monitoring every The club also received a financial sponsorship from drink which would simply kill The Office on Pirie. They offered fantastic drink specials on the the fun). Numbers have pubcrawl, and throughout the year for members. Both Toohey’s increased so much that we now and The Office look to be occupy three venues at a time, long term sponsors, which culminating at St Pauls will only help the club to Nightclub. It was amazing to see grow in the coming years. the Adelaide streets flooded with well over a thousand engie pubcrawl tshirts. The Hens & Bucks event was a new event in 2006 2006 saw the inclusion of the AUES website and after a few issues in 2006 ( which quickly became very popular and *cough* modelling company unfortunately also became very hard to monitor, hence it has *cough* the event in 2007 grown a history of crashing. After many complaints to hosts and proved to be one of the best chasing of gremlins we now seem to have a more sturdy website on the AUES calendar. which contains photos from all our events and helpful engie links. Around 200 guys and girls attended this event, the beer and slushies were flowing, the games were fun, and the entertainment was The AUES bought a new vending machine in 2006, which enjoyed by all. Apologies go to all those in the crowd who saw too to the delight of the vending manchine stocker (who was previously much of Xan. stocking the machine up to 5 times a day) meant that precious 6
  • 9. AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 Due to the incompetency of last year’s Union Board, the Both of us would like to thank all of the 2006 and 2007 Party Party took a different turn this year, and decided to nominate 3 AUES Committee for all your efforts during the two years. You’ve AUES members to the board. We figured that the Union needed all helped to develop and maintain the AUES as a hugely successful some engineers to put things straight and Xan was successful at club on campus, and we’d like to think that both years are amongst gaining a position on the AUU board. Congrats Xan. the most successful years of the club. We’d both also like to thank previous AUES crew, AUES survives on maintaining reputation so The student union has withdrawn its funding from clubs, without previous reputation we couldn’t be holding the biggest kick however, the AUES is still as strong as ever, able to float itself on ass events on campus today. its popular pubcrawl and strong reputation for looking after its Tom Vincent and Sunil D’Souza members. VP’s write up VP Education – Relatively speaking, first years’ statics has to be one of student’s questions about uni life in general in an unbiased fashion. toughest subjects in any engineering degree – parallel axis theorems There were twelve sessions in total with up to class sizes of fifteen. and centroids by integration? WTF? Fortunately for most first year I would like to thank ‘The Mechs’ – Kev and Dan, and engineers, the AUES provides a tutoring service to help students ‘The Civils’ – Zuc, Richard and Bec. Thankyou also to Kirby from undertake this problematic subject. As our constitution dictates the ECMS for booking rooms, and Dr Craig Willis – the statics lecturer. Vice President of Education (Michael Q in 06 and me in 07) Finally, thankyou to all the students who attended our tutes and I organises these sessions in cooperation with the statics lecturer. hope you guys passed statics and are cruising through dynamics : ) This year it seemed advantageous for everyone involved if Thanks goes to Michael Quince, VP ed of 06, for doing a six AUES members take alternating weekly sessions in fortnightly great effort of the tutoring scheme last year. He proved that it was teams of three. This way ensured fairness on AUES members giving an AUES service worth repeating, which it was, and worth doing up their time but also providing students with two timeslots in again in 08 to help out the freshers. which they could attend our sessions. Our tutorials ran very smoothly and students were able to ask us statics questions which Chris Schwarz we completed on the white board. We were also able to answer VP (Ed) 2007 VP Activities – In 2006, the activities VP was filled exceptionally well by effort required to maintain the momentum of the Tug-o-war, which Craig, who put in a big early effort, putting together the whole 1st was recently reintroduced in 2005. It has been my privilege to serve term BBQ and was always helping out. He left some big shoes to the Engies of Adelaide Uni, who are the most pro-fun people on fill and I was proud to take over the reins from him. 06 and 07 were campus, and plan to keep strong in 08. two big years for activities, starting a brand-new event (Hens and XAN RULZ!!!! Bucks) and running some truly kick-arse BBQ’s. There was also the VP (Activities 2007) 7
  • 10. 88 AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 Treasurer’s write up approximately $1000 - $1500. So running four of these a year as well as other dirt cheap events such as Buck’s and Hen’s nights and quiz night ends up costing us approximately $10,000. To make up this loss each year we usually pimp out the president and women’s officer on Hindley street…no hang on that’s not what happens, I’ll try again - to make up this loss we use our pubcrawl as our major money spinner. Tshirts sell for $20 (possibly $25 in the future because they are becoming so damn popular) we scout around and find places that can do us a deal and we usually end up buying shirts on average for $8.50 to $10.00. So if we sell about 1000 shirts – there’s the $10,000 that we can spend on cheap BBQ’s for everyone. Unlike other dodgy clubs *cough* Med’s Laura Brooks and Zuhra Sadri *cough* the AUES has never, and will never spend its money on its own committee. We simply want to supply Engie students with Many of you are probably wondering “why the hell did damn good BBQ’s and with that attitude it’s no wonder they are Britney shave her head?” others are probably wondering “How damn good. does the AUES manage to run so many cheap events without Other means of raising money include the writing of this going bankrupt?”. The first question I can’t answer, the second magazine and rent that we charge the person running the vending question however…… machine. Rent of the vending machine is usually only about $2000 a The AUES has a great reputation for running “All you year and this magazine doesn’t raise anymore than that either. So as can eat, All you can drink” BBQ’s, with alcohol provided. With can be seen the majority of the AUES money comes from creating a punters paying only a measly $5 to gain access to these glorious huge successful reputation for the mighty pubcrawl. BBQ’s you’d be correct in thinking that we couldn’t run these Tom Vincent events at a profit. In fact we usually run these BBQ’s at a loss of Women’s Officer’s write up and combat the issue of minority. In previous years, female specific events such as movie nights for female engineers unfortunately lacked interest. In 2006 the introduction of the Bucks and Hens night proved to be a great source of unity for females studying engineering and I think it’s safe to say that the Hen’s room’s success, rivalled the Buck’s room. 2007 continued this success and hopefully this new popular event helps to maintain a female friendly environment for years to come. 2007 was the Year of Women in Engineering, to help recognise this the Engineering Faculty hosted the Women in Rachel Eriksen and Nina Hydbom Technology Challenge where the AUES Women’s Officer helped many young women realise their potential in the world of The position of Women’s Officer on the AUES is engineering without be blown away by the distraction of arrogance probably one of the most difficult jobs to have. Let’s be honest and testosterone. who would want to be a minority in such an immature, testosterone driven blokey degree. The job of the AUES Tom Vincent Women’s Officer’s is simply to help unite females in engineering 8
  • 11. 99 AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 Editorials Writing a yearbook for the AUES has proven to be a rather Many highlights stand out in this magazine to us, the editing large task for the editing committee. Not only because Jules set such committee. One such glorious moment can be found in the Vox Pop a great standard in 2005, but because Joel set such a low standard in section. For those who are unfamiliar with Vox Pop it simply involves 2006 (nothing….like absolutely nothing) which meant we had to the editing committee writing a few questions and then walking around somehow pick up his piss poor effort and somehow try to produce the engie buildings asking these questions and hopefully we receive something half as good as Jules did. So for a couple of blokes who some funny answers. Well not only did we receive some funny answers, had ¼ of the time to report on twice the amount of events with no but we received one particular funny answer in less than half a second, material to work on at all, I which, although is rather funny at first, think we did a passable job. it’s also rather disturbing as well. This Creating hysteresis answer we talk of, is Costa’s answer to involves many contacts, many the last question. hours of writing and many Writing hysteresis involved editorial fuck ups along the many many hours in the CATS typing, way. Some of these fuck ups editing, bugging people to submit, etc are just plain irritating, some of and frequent trips to obtain caffeine and them are rather funny. A couple sugar were required…..actually I think of the rather funny moments I need a break now….might go get involved our approach to myself a coffee from advertising. In the months prior CATS…………fuck, damn coffee to the creation of hysteresis we machine’s out of order…..AGAIN, sent out many emails seeking sponsorship from engineering does that machine ever work?!?! companies and recruitment companies etc. At one moment we were Oh, by the way I don’t think anyone realises just how damn searching google for a company contact and somehow stumbled hard it is to write up hysteresis when you have the sapac01, c0mputer across an internal document listing many personal contacts within log on and unlimited youtube. many hundreds of advertising companies. After the initial shock and The Editors humour of stumbling across this settled in, we quickly added each of the personal contacts to our advertising list and sent them our To be honest, I haven’t even read what Tom wrote for the advertising prospectus, which quite easily quadrupled the size of the editorial, as it tends to be complete waffle. I feel as though I should lay net we were casting. Evidently none of those companies seemed it on the line and say what a remarkable contributor to the AUES Tom willing to advertise with us. Vincent has been. I should say how he has given 4+ exceptional years Another humourous advertising moment occurred early on, service to the AUES, sometimes at the expense of his Masters and how as we pondered the potential for multiple companies wanting to he was the hardest worker in 06 and kept it right up in 07, putting so advertise on the back cover. The possibility of printing multiple runs many unappreciated hours in, including compiling hysteresis. I should with differing back covers whilst pocketing the extra money was say many things about this great man…. I won’t. Despite the fact that rather funny to us. So funny in fact we got drunk at the 3rd Term BBQ all of the above is true and Tom deserves more credit than anyone else and told many people this. One of the first year punters at our BBQ on the AUES, it would go against what I’ve been saying for the last two also thought it was rather humourous, went home and told his older years (Worst President ever). So without further ado, let me introduce brother (a graduated engie) about it, who also thought it was rather the real Tom Vincent, the one that he doesn’t want people to see, or humourous……until we approached him about a week later for know about. They say that a picture’s worth a thousand words so here is sponsorship of said back cover. I still don’t know how we managed Tom, in a better description than words could possibly provide: to talk our way out of that one…..but as you can guess, he didn’t Xan request sponsorship of the back cover. Before anyone rants and raves and tries to label us as sexist and wrong, let us just explain that although this pic looks damn terrible, everyone involved had a great night (evident in other pics at the end of mag). Everyone has drunken photos that look worse than they really are. In fact, Helen submitted this pic herself in the pro-fun way that Helen is. Cheers Helen……and I’ll be forever sorry for how bad this photo looks. Tom. A special mention must be made from the hysteresis editorial committee that actually did something to the 06 editor (Joel). It wasn’t that he did absolutely stuff all for 2 years, it was that he continually promised that hysteresis would be created and everything was on track, even after the whole committee jumped on his back. I’m sure everyone can sympathise, that when doing a group project and be stuck with one of those people that promise oh so much and deliver oh so little. Recently the AUES has grown allergic to these types of people, if you are one of these people please do not have anything to do with the AUES …….subtle… a sledge hammer. 9
  • 12. 1010 AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 AUES EVENTS where we put together perhaps one of the greatest drinking EVENTS 2006 teams ever assembled. On the night, we demolished the med f*cks, winning 4-0. It was terrific to stick it up those dirty east- side-of-frome-road wankers. Although they didn’t give us the O’WEEK cup that we rightfully won, we took everlasting glory from that night and shouts of Engie, Engie, Engie filled the air. The first event for the AUES every year is O’Week. This involves setting up our table and selling as many memberships/pubcrawl shirts as possible. All clubs are offered This was also the fateful year that one of the most a table in the designated ‘clubs’ region. The AUES arrogantly cherished members of the AUES joined the team. The AUES turns its back on this offer and chooses instead to snaffle the megaphone, that source of hours and hours of amusement made most prime piece of real estate that we can at 7am Monday its O’Week debut in style, heckling anyone who dared to walk morning. past our tent. Lines like “bring those on the pub-crawl” to any large-breasted female got us told off a few times, notably by an This was also the first event Tom was responsible for irate mother who informed us as president. On the Monday the AUES runs a barbie for all that this was inappropriate as her first year students to meet and see who the coolest kids on daughter was only 16. “Put that campus are (Us, naturally). Tom, having had no support from sh*t on lay-by” was the reply, as his committee (worst committee ever) had to put this barbecue soon as they were out of earshot. together by himself at the last moment. The rest of us started This negative publicity only cooking sausages while the first years waited and waited for drew more attention to us, with Tom to show up with the bread. Finally arriving, 20 minutes record T-shirt sales and record late to a hail of boos, mostly from his own committee, it memberships. All-in-all, a very wasn’t a great start to the year. Tom, later, more than made up successful O’Week. for this with a sterling effort on the pubcrawl. Pub Crawl As anyone who was a first year knows, it can be a The 2006 pubcrawl daunting experience to start engineering. The AUES helps this theme was a shameless piss-take by publishing a freshers guide, filled with helpful advice, such of the fringe festival which was as location of the Unibar, subject guide, how to get around, on at the time, with the theme etc. A notable inclusion was an explanation of how the student ‘re-generation’. Deciding that it’s okay to steal recycled ideas, pigeonholes work: the Binge pub-crawl was born. Each Student has his or her own pigeonhole; its placement depends upon which department With our mascot a red paper crane, it you are with. You must collect your was decided to put our engineering skills to pigeon from the student centre work constructing a 20x scale model to help before the end of week 1, otherwise promote the cause. Two trips to Bunnings and a $15 fee will be charged per Spotlight and we had the raw materials with pigeon, per day. Pigeons can be which to construct the beast. Using the fine used to send important documents engineering skills which Adelaide Uni had such as assignments to your equipped us, with we set about joining 6 m of lecturers, as well as be made into 2-by-4, 12 m of dowel and 15-odd square pie. metres of red fabric using a variety of nails, bolts, liquid nails, fresher’s blood, string, Needless to say, we were glue, and perseverance. Our hard efforts were not popular people with the student rewarded when we finally unveiled the centre when dozens of freshers magnificent creation. Far too big to fit (rightly concerned about being through any doors, it did succeed in bringing fined a pigeon levy) started asking attention to us, if only for blocking the about their pigeon. walkway. One of the highlights of O’Week is of course The pub crawl in 06 was a momentous occasion, Skullduggery. The mighty engies decided that it was about marking the first time that the Crown and Anchor (Cranker) has time we proved what everyone already knows: That Engies are allowed the AUES to return since an “incident” in the late the biggest drinkers in the Uni. With some help from a couple nineties (cough, cough, water heater, cough). It was also a record of random Engie guys, we comfortably sailed into the finals year for T-shirts with 1050 shirts printed, easily the biggest pub- crawl in Adelaide, and undoubtedly the best. 10
  • 13. AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 Even at pubs not on the list, many an engineer could be found. The line-up The crane also made its way from pub to pub, even getting started at the UniBar inside the Exchange and up to the front bar. Sadly though, it was (an engie favourite) lost shortly after, last seen outside of Church nightclub, a great with the skull-offs for loss for the AUES. the Leaders Guernsey. The AUES was The trouble with being so fantastically popular (as the represented in the girls AUES is) is that at the end of the night, no pub can hold 1000+ skull by a woman of people. To counter this, we booked St. Pauls function center. dubious appearance, “Mar(k)tina”, who, despite skulling well, This was a great success, being at almost full capacity for most failed the gender test and was subsequently disqualified. The of the night. Thanks to the Red Bull guys who came along to mens leaders shirt was where the real prop up everyone’s sagging competition was and one true champion energy with Red Bull vodkas and emerged. Big Nic, recent graduate of Jaeger bombs. Adelaide Uni Engineering travelled back from Roxby for the pub crawl and despite All in all a great night promising his mum that he wouldn’t, set was had by all, expect perhaps about winning the Leaders Guernsey. He those eating at mansions, to demolished the jug skull, and was the whom we should apologise, and only competitor to walk up on stage with a big thank you to all those who a pint for a chaser. He managed to hold organised the pubcrawl, Tom the shirt for the whole night, right up to Vincent, Michael Quince, the last pub, a mighty effort. A cost-effective, even if a messy, Michael Fischer, Sunil D’Souza, Shannon Mason, everyone at strategy for the night. We salute you Big Nic. the door at St. Pauls and everyone else involved. We should mention how difficult it is to convince pubs that the AUES is a responsible organisation and that HENS AND BUCKS having 1000+ people through on a pub crawl is a good idea for A new event for the AUES was run in 2006, Engie the pubs. Especially when our reputation precedes us (cough, Hens and Bucks night. This one was dreamed up by Michael water heater, cough, EFTPOS machine, cough), some pubs Quince, who organised most of the night. For the uninitiated, the take quite a bit of convincing that nothing will go wrong. idea was to separate the guys and girls into two groups and have Mansions especially, were concerned that our pub-crawl their own Hen’s and Buck’s night before meeting up afterwards would possibly interfere with their serving of meals. We at the Unibar. assured them that it wouldn’t and that everyone would be on their best behaviour. That promise lasted until about 8 p.m. For entertainment we decided to book a couple of when the president, Tom Vincent, stumbled down the stairs ‘hosts’ and ‘hostesses’ to ensure that guys didn’t have to spend and thought to himself “Why the FUCK are these people all night looking at other guys, and vice-versa. Please don’t ask eating?”. He then realised, after a small pause, that his brain us about the entertainment for the boy’s room, we’re definitely was connected to his mouth and had quickly become the not dealing with that model company again and will make sure centre of attention, and had several the same mistake will never happen again, ever. bouncers heading towards him. He then ducked out to the bar and The Boys room: proceeded to skull a jug of For a warm-up, a ‘cocktail’, take off and then wear a series of ice-breaker mini- girls bra, molest a female pub- games were played. From crawler friend (thanks for not here we had our pool of pressing charges Helen) and potential bucks. With generally offend everyone in the dollar beers, many patrons building. Needless to say, when the warmed up quite quickly, time came to plan the 2007 pub and $5 Jaeger bombs crawl, Mansions politely declined. didn’t hurt. The field was When questioned about his actions then narrowed by a full-body contact game of musical chairs as later Tom Vincent innocently well as the drunkest dance-off seen in years. The joke contest replied, “No I didn’t, I only drank yielded only poor-taste baby jokes, while the pick-up line four beers and drove home”. Until contest delivered the classic “Can you be my derivative? So I the photos of him at Mansions surfaced, I think he believed can be the area under your curves”, Thanks Ben. The boys also this lie himself. showed their skills, or lack thereof removing bras, and putting them on. The next game was to be a jelly eating contest. For this The pub crawl virtually took over the entire East-End we had prepared breast-shaped moulds, each holding roughly 4 of Adelaide with a sea of sky blue as far as the eye could see. litres of jelly. With their hands behind their back, the contestants 11
  • 14. AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 had to eat their way through a pair of jiggling, wobbling boobs. They all started strongly, but jelly is filling, especially Proving us women are a in the quantities that they were eating it in and before long little inexperienced with strap-ons, progress had slowed to a crawl. This brought on jeers from the the Cock in a Bottle game was a little crowd and several contestants retaliated by throwing lumps of awkward as the ladies tried all sorts jelly at them. The bystanders retaliated, like faeces throwing of positions to achieve a speedy monkeys at the zoo, scooping handfuls of jelly and throwing it penetration. Positions one can only at anyone nearby. By the end, there was no jelly left on the assume they discovered from many table. The same could not be said of every other surface in the hours of studying the Karma Sutra. room. The several promising candidates for the Queen Hen competed in a final Finally, the competition had been narrowed down to game to construct the ultimate penis. a mere final four, the drunkest four in the room, it should be Although, many created wedding mentioned. It was announced that the winner would be the tackle that look more fun than person who got naked the fastest. This had been jokingly anything I’ve got at home, it was somewhat surprising that the discussed beforehand, and it was decided that no-one would most modest of the penis’ was heavily applauded, deciding our be willing to do it. On the night however, four extremely Queen Hen. Thus, proving that the ladies really do believe that willing contestants could be found and within seconds of the it is not the size of the ship, but rather the motion of the ocean. words being uttered, four naked men emerged. This somewhat killed the mood as half the audience decided that the boys Inspection of the rooms by the stewards afterwards was room got “a bit too gay” and left. The final winner was then not a friendly experience. The boys’ room was literally caked decided through a Super-Troopers classic: Maple-Syrup with Jelly on nearly every surface, while the girls room had a Skulling. The manliest of the couple of discreet piles of vomit in the corners. Under threats men was crowned king of “You’ll never book a room in Union house again”, we were Buck. charged a $1000 clean-up fee. A big thank you to everyone A special mention who pissed on the floor, vomited in the corner, or threw jelly is due for the AUES’s at the projector screen. Buck’s room favorite: the one and only Party Borgas. Why? He got damn loose – BBQ’s enjoying the bra game, table The AUES is famous (some would say world- diving through a beer-amid renowned) for how kick-arse our barbecues are. The standard and getting pelted by cups deal of all-you-can eat snags and all-you-can-drink Tooheys is for his effort. a favourite of many an Engineer. In 2006, we delivered, as- The Girls room: promised, four fantastic barbies. The girls room started with a little too much decorum Traditionally, the 1st term barbie is for an AUES event. However, these polite and reserved ladies held in O’Week, but with liquor present at the beginning of the night were nowhere to be found licensing issues, it was pushed following a couple of hours free back to week 3. This definitely champagne. The evening really got to helped us out and we sold a lot a kick start when James Lovell dared more pub-crawl shirts because of enter the ladies room. After being it. Our very own Worst Pres ever attacked by a swarm of ladies armed bailed on this one with with make-up, hideous dresses and “conjunctivitis”, or as I’m wax, James left embarrassingly attired convinced, “fakeritis” and left the and with smooth, yet patchy legs. whole thing up to activities VP, Photo evidence in fact proves that Craig. Good job Craig, and thanks James for your Lovell work all loved this year. It was a scenario great barbie and may and set the indeed fit more into that room scene for a good year. than the other. The free champagne idea turned for the The 2nd term barbie was the worst, as a few ladies failed to second time (in recent years) that we held make it through the night and the Trans-Torrens Tug. To celebrate the regurgitated their champagne glorious 1 year anniversary of crushing the onto the union carpet. Med team, a bouncy castle was booked, as 12
  • 15. AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 own and then walked around “helping” Friezy try to find them. The 3rd term BBQ was once again held in election week, and pollies felt the need to try and harass our members. The anti-pollie brigade was in full-force, headed up by Charlie Aust, packing a super soaker Triple-Aggressor. Pollie games were held, with cream pie-off, and shrink-wrap smack-down. Red Bull made an appearance, handing out free cans, but we’re not sure that they appreciated us shrink-wrapping Clarkey to their RedBull- mobile. Clarkey was the star performer of the drinking, setting up by the tap and drank so hard that he was spewing up against the wall of the Maths building. It wasn’t the fact that he spewed, or the fact it was in full view of everyone, it was the fact that it was at 2:20pm that was really impressive. Full marks for drinking like a trooper Clarkey, but no thanks for getting naked in the UniBar afterwards. The final barbie of 2006 was decided to be a beach-themed celebration. Of course we had no idea were many kegs. After the previous years hassle of running it whether the weather would back this plan up or not. In the end it with med (tight-arses), we decided to compete against a more didn’t, but that didn’t put a dampener on us, filling up our kiddie worthy opponent. We invited UniSA Human movement, as pool and playing beach cricket. Not out biggest, but still a great well as the Commerce Students Association, for a three-way time was had by all. After being told that we had had our music battle. Human movement definitely came to tug (rumours on for long enough and that this would be our last song, Sandy were floating around that they actually trained), while the took full liberty and cranked the PA right up to max and engies, as per usual, were there to drink. The engies, despite dedicated it to everyone in the maths building and the lecture in rapidly becoming tipsy, trounced Commerce on the lawns and Union Hall. got to challenge Human Movement across the Torrens. This was to be a single tug, winner takes all. The Engies started on the less-preferred southern bank, and never looked like they QUIZ NIGHT had a chance. One by one, they dropped off as they An AUES staple, our approached the rivers edge, until only Xan and Friezy last major event for the year is a remained. These two gallant souls refused to drop the line and quiz night. For the uninitiated, were promptly pulled into the murky depths. Not the Engies the quiz night has two major finest hour. Before long the beer was flowing and no one components: the question half, cared about our inglorious loss. Friezy certainly didn’t seem to which the smartest tables be any worse after his swim, and was up on the bouncy castle, compete on; and the beer tally where he somehow managed to lose his pants. Coming off the half, where each schooner is bouncy castle, he couldn’t seem to find them, even with the marked down against the table help of a quick thinker who had put Friezy’s pants on over his number. For many engies, the 13
  • 16. AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 beer tally is where the real competition is. In 06, the questions quite classy or well-behaved enough for their establishment and were prepared by a self-proclaimed “quiz-master” whose therefore didn’t let us back up our 2006 antics (thanks a lot sense of humour was dry as a nun’s gusset. This meant that Tom), although neglected to tell us that they wouldn’t be letting more and more tables were focussed on winning the beer tally, us in until after the and any semblance of a real quiz night was abandoned soon shirts were printed. after. As you can imagine engies are fairly intolerant of This didn’t bother someone making a mess of their night and questions such as several pub-crawlers “Is this country in the Southern or Northern hemisphere” were from sneaking down answered with “You’re the worst quiz master ever, eat shit and on the night and die, from table number Fuck You”. The scavenger hunt was having a forbidden well attempted, with the final item being a phone call to the pint. winners mum. The winner then had to say over the PA “I’m happy that you and Dad had sex to create me”. Amazingly this The night was done without a moment’s hesitation. Despite the quiz kicked off in usual night part of the night being a bit of a downer, a good time fashion, by starting at was had by everyone who drank a lot. the classic Uni student favourite, the UniBar. The leaders Guernsey was decided on by a jug skull up on stage. This was one of the worst displays of drinking ever seen by an AUES pub EVENTS 2007 crawl as not one of the competitors came close to setting a reasonable time. The first competitor to finish, Alan, promptly threw up, straight back into his jug. The leaders Guernsey was O’WEEK then handed to the next top finisher. Evidently however, one jug was too much for this crawler, and the leaders Guernsey was not O’Week preparation began early in 07. To make sure that everyone knew we were the most pro-fun group on seen again. Taking the leaders Guernsey home before the end of campus, we decided to organise a couple of body-painted the night is surely one of the weakest moves in AUES pub crawl models to stand around and look attractive while we did our history. The Oath was recited and with high spirits, we set off thing. Again we promoted the club heavily, insisting to first for the night. years that joining the AUES was a compulsory part of an engineering degree. With fantastic weather, the AUES water pistols made an appearance. The offer to sell dry t-shirts immediately after drenching passers-by was not appreciated by many. The tempting offer of “buy a free shirt, get a suck of goon” also fell short as a promotional tool. The one tactic which did seem to work was the offer of “free t shirt to any attractive girl who takes her top off” (thanks Bigger and Better, or shall we say Mrs Y and Mrs H). This brought in a couple of takers, and definitely didn’t hurt the sale of men’s shirts either. PUBCRAWL In 2007, the AUES continued to butcher childhood icons, this time Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Of course The rest of the pub crawl was a good night all round. having decided on the theme, a clever twist was added, the Skulling imperials at the Elephant and PJ’s definitely gave the changing of Ninja to Binja; no doubt pub- The Pubcrawl Pledge crawlers and observers alike would be in Beer ye, beer ye! awe of our wit and creativity. With the Honourable engies, it is time to commit yourselves wholeheartedly to this release of the latest incarnation of TMNT year’s Legless pubcrawl by joining with me in spouting the traditional AUES happening the night before, we ‘procured’ pubcrawl oath! Please all raise your right hands and repeat after me. several copies and had these playing at I, state your name, do solemnly swear to uphold the fine traditions of the various pubs over the night. engie pubcrawl, to drink as much as I might without falling down, and should I be caught by the long arm of the law, I will proudly pronounce at the top of my lungs The next stage in planning was to “I am an Adelaide Uni Med Student!” go around to pubs and assure them that what we had in mind was a quiet drinks evening for a small group of responsible university students night a quick boost, while 90 cent beers at Church definitely and would they mind having us pop in for a couple of helped many a thirsty crawler (and their wallet). Following the beverages. Once again, they fell for our tricks and we had a success of booking St Pauls last year, we did the same in 07 and reasonable list of pubs. Mansions decided that we weren’t this worked brilliantly. We’re not sure if there was something in 14
  • 17. AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 the drinks at St. Pauls, or the full moon, but there seemed to be bit more ‘adult’ than last year and Red was tasked with booking a lot of picking up. Not sure how many entertainment for the lads. He relationships blossomed after that night, performed his duties fantastically, given this exchange: “So did you get her and everyone was mightily number?” “Fuck, I knew I forgot impressed with just how talented a something!” “But you got her name?” performer this girl was. In true “Fuck! No, I remember. Her name was Engie style the guys wrote definitely a month”. We needed to have a themselves off, but no one more so couple of sensible AUES representatives than Alan. After having a power standing at the door, checking people in chuck off the balcony, we and this responsibility fell to the newest convinced him that it would be committee members, including the then fucking hilarious to streak through 17-year old, Yasmin (Cheers, Yas and the girls’ room, butt-naked. He Kevin for doing this for most of the night). really didn’t take much convincing, and did a lap of the room, willie proudly on full display. The girls really didn’t seem to notice, and partying resumed. After a number of elimination rounds, the buck was decided by a skull. We’re pretty sure that the guy who won only snuck into the top four and didn’t earn his place, but well done to him, especially once he was claiming his “prize”. Girls Room: The ladies’ room started in a slightly tamer manner than the blokes, with a friendly game of Musical Chairs in the subtle ambience of blaring pornography. With the addition of a few HENS AND BUCKS frozen daiquiris the girls warmed up and started trying to tune Building on the success of the inaugural 2006 Hens the somewhat sleazy male models with their best pick-up lines. and Bucks night, the event was run again in 2007. Due to Although one of the models was overly pleased by this attention turnover of union staff, we were able to book the same two and a room full of excitable ladies, the other was a few too many rooms as last year. The AUES decided that it would be in our spliffs into the night to really know what the hell was going on. best interests to no have any Jelly or male nudity at this year Nonetheless, later in the evening our stoner model redeemed Hens and Bucks night. himself, by getting close to the girls on the dance-floor and showing us a little more than Boys Room: we had paid for. Kudos to The boys room again started with an icebreaker both of these gentlemen still, games, although letting Charlie decide what was a harmless for trying to simultaneously bit of fun may have been a bit of a mistake. Shotting Tabasco promote their side jobs at sauce, taking off your pants and doing a lap of the room, Madame Josephine’s whilst skulling against Trev Zank and getting a nipple cripple were laying all efforts into only the warm-ups for picking-up any what was to be an eventful obliging and possibly night. The best was saved intoxicated ladies. from James Lovell – A wedgie so bad it needed to No Hen’s night would be cut out (it did too!). have been complete The night started off with without a little toilet some big screen porn, and paper, a few lady- boy was it brutal. depends diapers and a lot of novelty penis It was decided to paraphernalia. The make the entertainment a evening’s games 15
  • 18. AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 concluded with the most competitive Hens releasing their The second term barbie was again our annual Trans- pent-up frustration on the Penis Pinata and a quick scramble to Torrens Tug. find the honoured and sought after Cock Bracelet, deciding the Deciding that “people evenings Queen Hen. Finally, once suitably stripped of their who aren’t engies are inhibitions, all the girls headed for the bar to meet with the shit” we decided we primed bucks. A slightly more vomit-free evening that the wouldn’t go up previous year, and therefore, a successful night! against another faculty, but rather have an under-grad BBQ’s versus post-grad tug- In 2007, the committee was off to a great start in off. We also had other O’Week, having events, such as the signed up a keg toss, in which record number of Langers demolished everyone else’s best efforts without members. Not breaking a sweat. The shrink wrap races were mostly a surprisingly, this competition of who didn’t fall over (the post-grads didn’t) and meant that our the boat races were comfortably won by an all-star undergrad first barbie was team (thanks to Boschy choking half-way through his beer). The also a record- main event, though, was the Tug. After a preliminary warm-up smashing effort. on the lawns, the under-grads were looking good, but drew the Despite drizzly treacherous southern bank. Confirming the fact that it’s the weather, we had northern bank on which winners stand, the post-grads cruised to a record turn-out a reasonable win. Well-done to all those tuggers, keeping a and managed to get through 8 kegs in just over 2 hours. proud AUES tradition alive. Tooheys showed up and plastered the place in Tooheys propaganda, gently encouraging everyone to drink and The 3rd term barbie was another solid keg drinking naturally engineers love to drink, so the 8 keg mark was event, this time the AUES’ reputation was getting a little out of passed without too much difficulty. hand. The barbie was going great until it was abruptly interrupted when a member of the maths department unplugged 16
  • 19. AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 our power. The Ex-Pres did not take this lightly and felt he number of games were distributed, including Sudoku, Adelaide was justified in arguing that it should be plugged back in.We Streets, Triangles, Spoilers and a dubious list of Scavenger hunt didn’t make too many friends that day, as said maths rep rang items (1. A live animal bigger than a shoe box; 5. A Photo of Adelaide Uni security saying that we were out of control. you standing in Victoria Square Fountain). Amazingly people They came down and told us to had a real dip (literally), and collected damn-near everything on shut down the party the list. Only one table managed number one, Frenchie, who immediately… This confused us went down to the Torrens and collected a duck. This has to be somewhat, as it isn’t easy to shut one of my favourite AUES moments of all-time, seeing him down a party with no music, and walk in carrying a bewildered duck. “What do we do with it our beer and food had run out. now” “I dunno, feed it beer”. And from a table that didn’t We told them manage to score an animal “Give me two that it was pretty minutes, I’ll make it smaller than a shoe- much was shut box” accompanied by smashing his hand down, but they then told us that we had to get down on the table. The questions were everyone to leave. “Well can we turn on the well answered, except from theAdelaide PA to tell everyone to leave?” “No you can’t Uni round “How many Sexual have the PA on after 2”. We tried our hardest, Harassment complaints have been made but sometimes the whole world is against you. against Gareth Bridges?” which we’re not All-in-all, it was a very successful year for exactly sure of ourselves, but gave marks barbies (with the final term barbie after we go to anything over 10. Quiz night punters to print). also got to demonstrate their co- ordination, with Hungry Hungry Hippos, which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, that no skill is involved. The beer tally was QUIZ NIGHT not as well attempted as last year, perhaps due to between round After the piss-poor effort of last years quiz-master, the reins Jaeger-bombs, or perhaps the better quiz-master. The scores were handed to someone much more capable (and funny and were tight, and everyone seemed to have a great time. handsome too), the AUES’ hostess with the mostess, Xan. A 17
  • 20. AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 VOX POP (Yes it’s blatantly stolen from On Dit) 1) Longest time spent in CATS? 2) Fondest moment of Engineering? 3) Worst Lecturer – why? 4) Worst Exam moment 5) Who would you turn gay for? 6) What superpower would you like to have? NAME – SKYE SCRUTTON 1. Easily in excess of 24 hours. I blame HYSYS 2. Winning skullduggery boat races with the Engie Team or blasting Charlie Aust for being a bad bloke. 3. Dr Kenneth Davey. There's only so many times you can hear about the French Foreign Legion. Plus he set a rude exam for Separation Processes. 4. Probably riding in an Ambulance following some slightly overly enthusiastic post-exam celebrations. With sitting a DEFS exam coming a close second. 5. My ex-girlfriend, Jess! 6. Immunity to hangovers. NAME – ALEXANDER JENNER-O’SHEA 1. 12 hours 2. There’s nothing like a good dose of Megaphone abuse on a fine sunny O’week morning full of freshers. 3. Gareth Bridges – he knows what he did. 4. Forgetting to bring a pen 5. The Australian Cricket Team. 6. Instant raincoat – In case we all get caught in Costa’s superpower. NAME – COSTA CASIOU 1. Two nights without sleeping (2 full days – final year prelim report, and I’ll be doing it again this sem) 2. Sleeping with Leon Gagliardi on the Formulae SAE trip in Melbourne last year and knoodling with Luke Garnaut whilst everyone else slept. 3. Lei Chen 4. VACA last semester – had diarrhoea, went to the toilet and fell asleep. Woke up an hour later. 5. Angelo Catalano – his body makes me erupt like a volcano. 6. Unlimited cum. NAME – STUART WILDY 1. Tend to avoid them. 2. Beer 3. Worst Dressed – Mike Teubner 4. Getting Tonsilitis in the first 10 mins of Statics Exam 5. Sprusey Bruce Davis 6. Orgasmo Powers NAME – RED 1. 8 hrs spent the night there 2. Xan in the Torrens 3. That hippy guy from E & E, he looked like John Buttler. Why? He wouldn’t sing “Zebra”. 4. Forgetting Pants (but I remembered a pen) 5. Xan in a heartbeat, I mean, in a car. 6. Make chicks clothes fall off with my mind. They could pick them back up but it would be too late. I’d see everything. 18
  • 21. AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 NAME – SANDY BIAR 1. I’ve never really been into those kinds of relationships with animals….. 2. Getting threatened by Uni Security with being arrested for kranking out the tunes on the maths lawns….helping with the demolishing of the Maths building. 3. Shane Maddigan from Uni Property Services. Got a lecture every Engie BBQ. 4. When I got cosine mixed up with cuisine and brought a recipe to the exam instead of formulas. 5. Xan, what a whole lot of lovin’. 6. To turn half of the engie men into women so that there’s actually a gender balance and someone to get friendly with….dropping the soap in the Engie toilets just doesn’t cut it. NAME – HANTIE BARRIE NAME – HANTIE BARRIE 1. 7. 6 hrshrs and then the fricken computer crashed, don’t trust 6 and then the fricken computer crashed, don’t trust CATS computers, ever. CATS computers, ever. 2. 8. Being pro fun in in O’week with Yasmin and taking my shirt Being pro fun O’week with Yasmin and taking my shirt offoff forfree Engie Pubcrawl shirt. for a a free Engie Pubcrawl shirt. 3. 9. Chalky aka Chalk Monster (1st year Maths lecturer)…..bad Chalky aka Chalk Monster (1st year Maths lecturer)…..bad explanations…and nono Chalky it’s not “obvious”. explanations…and Chalky it’s not “obvious”. 4. 10. Bag pipes playing throughout my yr 12 Chem exam. Bag pipes playing throughout my yr 12 Chem exam. 5. 11. Angelina Jolieshe’s hot. Angelina Jolie – – she’s hot. 6. 12. Invisibility. Invisibility. NAME – STEVE BELL 1. 8 hours continuous. 2. Hens and Bucks I and II 3. Wahab / Bassam 4. Seeing Xan put socks on during reading time to keep his feet warm. 5. The Hoff 6. Is gaydar a superpower? NAME – MATTY B 1. 24 hours 2. Seeing the Vice Chancellors plumber’s butt at the Honours exhibition 3. None 4. James B’s stinky farts in a warm November’s day exam. 5. Taylor Hanson or Bob Neil. 6. The power to turn into David Hasselhoff. NAME – BLORCH THE ALMIGHTY 1. 18 hours 2. Drunk, eating schnitzels in Mecha-1 lecture. 3. Gareth Bridges, possibly Old Bruce but he never really did much besides attract paper air-planes with his awesome socks. I want me a pair of them socks. 4. Arriving and being told I’m too late, then convincing coordinator to let me sit it, only to fail an exam AND academic supp. 5. Myself, and maybe Xan’s rough good looks 6. Turn people into beer-serving strippers NAME – ANDREW HEATH 1. 1 hour including tutes 2. AUES BBQs 3. Ray Chen + Gareth Bridges. Both boring as buggery and as useful as an oral sex guide book in a monastery. 4. Dropped a text book on my nuts. 5. Drew Barrymore 6. Turn into a monkey. 19
  • 22. AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 Faculty of Engineering Staff (Current staff at mid 2007) Australian School of Petroleum Chemical Engineering Name Position (Continued) Ainsworth, Bruce Associate Professor Name Position Begg, Steve Professor Nordestgaard, Simon Research Fellow Daniel, Ric Research Fellow O'Neill, Brian Associate Professor Edwards, Sally CO2CRC researcher Peak, Jason Research Fellow Gibson-Poole, Catherine Research Assoc Q. Dzuy Nguyen Associate Professor Goda, Hussam Lecturer Smith, Neil Post Docturate Hillis, Richard Professor Tran, Sanh Research Fellow Hossain, Mofazzal Lecturer Whitworth, Terri Research Fellow Inkster, David Research Assoc Wright, Andrew Research Fellow Kaldi, John Professor King, Rosalind Post Docturate Krapf, Carmen Post Docturate Civil Engineering Melkoumian, Noune Post Docturate Name Position Mitchell, Andy Senior Lecturer Ali, Mohamed Research Associate Payenberg, Tobi Assoc Professor Culver, Robert Research Fellow Regan, Myles CO2CRC researcher Dandy, Graeme Professor Sarma, Hemanta Professor Daniell, Trevor Associate Professor Schacht, Ulrike Post Docturate Fernando, Gayani Research Associate Tingate, Peter Lecturer Griffith, Michael Assoc. Prof, Head Vakarelov, Boyan Post Doctorate Jaksa, Mark Associate Professor van Ruth, Peter Research Fellow Kaggwa, William Senior Lecturer Watson, Max Research Assoc Kingston, Greer Research Associate Welsh, Matthew Post Docturate Lambert, Martin Deputy Head Werner, Mario Research Assoc Maier, Holger Associate Professor West, Ian Computing Officer Moxham, Kenneth Research Fellow Yang, Qingjun Research Fellow Oehlers, Deric Professor Ozbakkaloglu, Togay Lecturer Plimer, Ian Professor Chemical Engineering Seracino, Rudi Adjunct Assoc. Prof. Name Position Simpson, Angus Professor Agnew, John B. Professor Walker, David Associate Professor Alwahabi, Zeyad Post Docturate Warner, Robert Adjunct Professor Ashman, Peter J Post Docturate Willis, Craig Postdoctoral Fellow Barrow, Mary Research Fellow Wu, Chengqing Lecturer (B) Colby, Chris Post Docturate Xu, Chaoshui Senior Lecturer Critchley, Jennifer Research Fellow Davey, K R (Ken) Post Docturate Kay, Peter Research Fellow Electrical and Electronic King, Keith D. Professor Lewis, David Post Docturate Engineering Liew, Jeffery Research Fellow Name Position Abbott, Derek Professor Minerds, Elaine Research Fellow Allison, Andrew G. Lecturer Mulcahy, Brian Research Fellow Al-Sarawi, Said F.K. Lecturer Mullinger, Peter James Associate Professor Ngothai, Yung Post Docturate 20
  • 23. AUES HYSTERESIS 06/07 Faculty of Engineering Staff (Current staff at mid 2007) Electrical and Electronic Mechanical Engineering Engineering (continued) (continued) Name Position Name Position Doolan, Con Senior Lecturer Bates, Bevan Professor Hansen, Colin Professor, Head Brydon, John Adj. Assoc. Professor Howard, Carl Senior Lecturer Chiera, Belinda A. Lecturer Kelso, Richard Assoc. Professor Cole, Peter H. Professor Kestell, Colin Senior Lecturer Coleman, Chris Assoc. Professor Kotousov, Andrei Lecturer Ertugrul, Nesimi Assoc. Professor Linton, Valerie Professor Fischer, Bernd M. Post Docturate Fellow Lu, Tien-fu Lecturer Fuss, Ian Adjunct Professor Luxton, R. E. (Sam) Professor Gray, Douglas A. Professor Missingham, Dorothy Assoc. Lecturer Green, Charles A. Lecturer Munday, Kristin Lecturer Hansen, Hedley J. Adjunct Professor Nathan, Graham (Gus) Professor Liebelt, Michael J. Assoc. Professor Schneider, Gerald Senior Lecturer Lim, Cheng Chew Assoc. Professor Yong, Elizabeth Lecturer Mcdonnell, Mark D. Post Docturate Zander, Anthony Assoc. Professor Maletz, Noela Lecturer Mazumdar, Jag Adjunct Professor Mcmichael, Daniel Adjunct Lecturer Ng, Brian W-H Lecturer Circles Parfitt, Andrew. J. Adjunct Professor Phillips, Braden J. Lecturer Pincombe, Adrian Adjunct Lecturer Rainsford, Tamath J. Lecturer Mohr Circles Rogers, Dr. Derek Adjunct Lecturer Schroeder, Jim E. Adj. Assoc. Professor Sinnott, Don Adjunct Professor Soong, Wen L. Senior Lecturer ECMS Executive Faculty Staff Sorell, Matthew J. Lecturer Name Position Trinkle, Matthew Lecturer Dowd, Peter Executive Dean Weste, Neil H.E. Adjunct Lecturer Cheng-Chew Lim Associate Dean White, Langford B. Professor (International) Yantchev, Jellio (Jay) Adjunct Professor David Munro Associate Dean (IT) Zivanovic, Rastko Lecturer Mark Jaksa Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching) Valerie Linton Associate Dean Mechanical Engineering (Research) Name Position Jackie Phillips Personal Assistant to Adams, Karen Lecturer Executive Dean Arjomandi, Maziar Lecturer Blazewicz, Antoni Lecturer Executive University Staff Bridges, Gareth Lecturer Name Position Brown, Ian Lecturer McWha, James Vice-Chancellor and Cazzolato, Ben Assoc. Professor President Chen, Lei Lecturer McDougall, Fred Deputy Vice-Chancellor Dally, Bassam Deputy Head & Vice-President (A) 21