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Don’t Remain Static! 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth You Must Know
We grow in life when we become what we desire to be, leading to a fulfilled
and happy life. So, growth comes with a manifest change in our potentialities,
habits, skills and know-how. Growth should be intentional and aligned with
your passion and purpose. If not, you run the risk of being busy without
meaning. Be honest with yourself and take consistent action based on insights
from self-reflection.
Growth does not happen by accident. There are laws that underpin personal
growth as enunciated by John Maxwell. These 15 laws are as follows:
1. Law of Intentionality
Ask yourself where you want to go in your life. Personal growth does not
happen automatically. You need to intentionally seek growth and learn to
move forward regardless of the perfect timing or motivation. So, if you want
to grow. You have to be intentional, so said Curt Kampmeire
“The power of intention is the power to manifest, to create, to live a life of
unlimited abundance, and to attract into your life the right people at the
right moments.” Wayne Dyer
“When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to
help that person to realize his dream.” Paulo Coelho
Growth is not easy. Everything worthwhile has a price. You are ready to pay
the price, but always remember that faith overcomes fear. You need to be
convinced that you are going to evolve and base the change process on solid
To read more on this, download my e-book titled “15 Invaluable of growth
According to John Maxwell” FOR FREE by clicking on this
According to Robert Chen, there are three kinds of people:
1. People who don’t know what they would like to do — dabble and drift
2. People who know what they would like to do but don’t do it — frustrated
3. People who know what they would like to do and do it — work in areas
that move them closer to their purpose
2. Law of Consciousness
Do you know yourself? Do you know what your strengths and weaknesses
are? It is practically impossible to experience personal growth if we do not
know who we are and who we want to become.
“You have to know who you are to grow to your potential. But you have
to grow in order to know who you are.” — John Maxwell
Growth results from doing something you are passionate about. Doing
something that gives you happiness and love underpins the law of
consciousness. People that do what they love most tend to attain rapid growth
in life, as they are always self-motivated to go the extra mile to achieve
success. Examine yourself painstakingly and discover your passions and
potentialities and leverage them.
“No one can produce great things who is not thoroughly sincere in dealing
with himself.”— James Russell
The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of
consciousness into our awareness. Lao Tzu
3. Law of the Mirror
In order to improve yourself, you need to have a deep conviction that you are
valuable. Most people with low self-esteem do not seek to grow. If you are a
person with low self-esteem, you need to work on that immediately before
trying to grow in other areas. You must value yourself in order to feel
motivated to do anything in life.
“No factor is more important in people’s psychological development and
motivation than the value judgments they make about themselves.” —
Nathaniel Branden
Understand that each human being has a special value and achieve that unique
value that is for you. Never compare yourself to the people around you.
Applaud yourself when something goes right for you.
“Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time, and
energy needed to develop yourself.” — Denis Waitley
4. Law of Reflection
In order to grow, you need to learn to pause. Take time to reflect on what you
are learning from your experiences. Giving yourself time for deep thought
ensures that you are on the right track.
“Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will
come even more effective action” — Peter f. Drucker
It is quite advisable on your part to find a place to think and to discipline
yourself to pause and use it because it has the potential to change your life. It
can help you figure out what’s really important and what isn’t.
“When you are able to create a lonely place in the middle of your actions
and concerns, your successes and failure slowly can lose some of their
power over
you.” — Henri J. M. Nouwen
“The wise man questions himself, the fool others.” — Henri Arnold
To read more on this, download my e-book titled “15 Invaluable of growth
According to John Maxwell” FOR FREE by clicking on this
5. Law of Consistency
If you’re not disciplined, all the motivation in the world won’t help you grow.
Taking the necessary steps to grow each day requires discipline. George
Lorimer said: “You need to wake up each morning with determination and go
to sleep with satisfaction.”
Give yourself the opportunity to make internal changes. Start with small
challenges and move forward…consistently.
“The hallmark of excellence, the test of greatness, is consistency.” — JIM
6. Law of the Environment
“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of
the environment you first find yourself in.” — Mark Caine
You can be motivated, disciplined and ready to change. But your environment
may be sinking you. You need to create an environment that supports you, not
limits you. Thus, John Maxell observes that we become the combined average
of the five people we hang around the most.
Your environment includes the people in your life. You can’t move forward if
the people around you want to drag you down. Harvard psychologist David
McClelland teaches that the people you associate with on a daily basis are
95% responsible for your success or failure. Choose them carefully.
In addition, changing your environment alone will not guarantee quick
success unless it is accompanied by changing yourself as John Maxwell
opines as follows:
“Change yourself but not your environment — growth will be slow and
Change your environment but not yourself — growth will be slower and
less difficult;
Change your environment and yourself — growth will be faster and more
7. The Law of Design
In order to maximize growth, you must design strategies. Focusing on
personal growth as a mission requires the seriousness of purpose. Become a
proactive person in areas where you want to grow and change.
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into
someone else’s plan. And guess what they may have planned for you? Not
much.” — Jim Rohn
Every Christmas, John Maxwell retires to his study after being with his family
and analyzes his schedule for the previous year. He thoroughly reviews his
meetings and commitments and plans where he will spend his time next year.
Plan your life carefully. Develop different disciplines that lead you to achieve
your goals. Be consistent in the structure of your days.
To read more on this, download my e-book titled “15 Invaluable of growth
According to John Maxwell” FOR FREE by clicking on this
8. The Law of Pain
The difficult moments in your life are just that… difficult and hard. But we
can learn a lot from them. The last thing you should do if hard times hit you is
to feel sorry for yourself. Everyone faces difficult situations at some point.
Good management of bad experiences leads to personal growth
“Every problem introduces a person to himself.” — John Mcdonnell
Turn bad situations into opportunities to grow. Sometimes bad situations are
what will give you a fresh start. Successful people gain a lot by learning from
their bad experiences, as John Maxell remarks as follows:
’I’ve never known anyone who said, “I love problems,” but I’ve known
many who have admitted that their greatest gains came in the middle of
their pain.”
“Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a
poor hand
well.” — Warren G. Lester
9. The Law of the Ladder
Anyone who climbs a ladder not supported by solid ground is asking for
trouble. The higher you climb, the more unstable the ladder feels. Trying to
grow without paying attention to your character will result in tears. Anything
great depends on the foundation of your character. How high you can climb
depends on who you are. Thus, character does determine your personal
“Achievement to most people is something you do… to the high achiever, it
is something you are.” — Doug Firebaugh
Having the right character should be more important than being successful.
That should be your focus.
“Ninety-nine percent of leadership failures are failures of character.” —
Norman Schwarzkopf
10. The Law of the Rubber Band (or league)
“Only a mediocre person is always at his best.” — W. SOMERSET
It means being ready to step out of your comfort zone and stretch like a rubber
band. Many people find this so difficult that they cannot develop in a
significant way. They are always less than they could be. If only they were
willing to stretch.
Stretching or expanding means change, which is potentially painful. It also
includes risk, which develops courage. Successful people hate staying in their
comfort zones. It is like death in life.
To read more on this, download my e-book titled “15 Invaluable of growth
According to John Maxwell” FOR FREE by clicking on this
11. The Law of Exchange or Trade-Offs
You need to give something you value in order to grow. Personal growth
involves exchanges. To reach your full potential you need to sacrifice some
valuable areas of your life.
“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” —
Henry David Thoreau
We all make tradeoffs in life: failures make bad tradeoffs; averages make few
tradeoffs and successes make good tradeoffs. We don’t always get what we
want but we always get what we choose.
“People will cling to an unsatisfactory way of life rather than change in
order to get something better for fear of getting something worse.” — Eric
To read more on this, download my e-book titled “15 Invaluable of growth
According to John Maxwell” FOR FREE by clicking on this
12. The Law of Curiosity
“Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that
never were and ask why not.” — George Bernard Shaw
You can’t grow if you don’t learn. The more curious you are, the more you
can learn and grow. To grow your curiosity, develop a beginner’s state of
mind. Do not be afraid to show yourself as uneducated in something.
Manager and consultant Peter Druker said: “My great strength as a consultant
has always been showing my ignorance and asking lots of questions.”
Set a goal to learn something new every day. Accept that problems can have
multiple solutions.
“The single greatest difference between curious, growing people and
those who aren’t is the belief that they can learn, grow, and change.” —
John Maxwell
13 . The Law of the Mentor
Personal growth becomes easier when someone with more experience guides
you on the path of growth.
13. Law of Modeling
Read and summarize action points of books that interest you — take action on
what you learn as fast as possible.
“Most people who decide to grow personally find their first mentors in
the pages of books.” John Maxwell
Need to find models of people who are ahead of you to follow — learn from
books and connect with people. Be selective when choosing a mentor.
“As I grow older I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what
they do.” — Andrew Carnegie
“To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.” — Chinese proverb
“All leaders are influenced by those they admire. Reading about them
and studying their traits inevitably allows an inspiring leader to develop
his own leadership traits.”
To read more on this, download my e-book titled “15 Invaluable of growth
According to John Maxwell” FOR FREE by clicking on this
14. The Law of Expansion
Whatever you have achieved, you can achieve more. Experts say that people
normally reach only 10% of their potential. People can achieve much more
than what they have achieved in the past.
“The potential that exists within us is limitless and largely untapped…
when you think of limits, you create them.” — Robert J. Kriegel and Louis
To achieve more, change the question “Can I?” By how can I Simply adding
the word “how” to the question moves you from limitation to possibility.
15. The Tax Law
Your life should not focus on your personal growth only. You need to care
about the needs of those around you. Consider how you can contribute to the
development of others. This is the best way to achieve inner satisfaction and
“The measure of success is not the number of people who serve you, but
the number of people you serve.” John Maxwell
The great Benjamin Franklin was always looking for answers to important
questions. One of the truths he discovered was that the best thing he could do
was help others. Each day he began by asking himself, what good can I do
today? And he always went to bed wondering what good did I do today.
“I would rather have it said ‘he lived usefully’ than ‘he died rich.’ ” —
Benjamin Franklin
# grow # motivation # laws # success
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Serial entrepreneur. EGM™ Co-Founder. Chairman of the Board of Directors and former CEO of MicroSalt
Inc. Former Procter & Gamble. Certificate in the CORE Business program at Harvard University. Author of
the bestseller "Awaken your Inner Hero.
1. Law of Intentionality
Ask yourself where do you want to go in your life? Personal growth does not happen
automatically. You need to intentionally seek growth and learn to move forward
regardless of the perfect timing or motivation.
Growth is not easy. Everything worthwhile has a price. You are ready to pay the price,
but always remember that faith overcomes fear. You need to be convinced that you are
going to evolve and base the change process on solid intentions.
2. Law of Consciousness
Do you know yourself? Do you know what your strengths are and what your weaknesses
are? It is practically impossible to experience personal growth if we do not know who we
are and who we want to become.
You need to examine yourself. This requires reflection and also the sincere search for
feedback. Many times other people can reveal your blind spots. This process of self-
examination is key to determining today... which will allow us to project tomorrow.
3. Law of the Mirror
To work on improving you need to have a deep conviction that you are valuable. Most
people with low self-esteem do not seek to grow. If you are a person with low self-
esteem, you need to work on that immediately before trying to grow in other areas.
Understand that each human being has a special value and achieve that unique value that
is for you.
Never compare yourself to the people around you. Applaud yourself when something
goes right for you.
4. Law of Reflection
In order to grow, you need to learn to pause. Take time to reflect on what you are
learning from your experiences. Giving yourself time for deep thought ensures that you
are on the right track.
5. Law of Consistency
If you're not disciplined, all the motivation in the world won't help you grow. Taking the
necessary steps to grow each day requires discipline. George Lorimer said: "You need to
wake up each morning with determination and go to sleep with satisfaction."
Give yourself the opportunity to make internal changes. Start with small challenges and
move forward…consistently.
6. Law of the Environment
You can be motivated, disciplined and ready to change. But your environment may be
sinking you. You need to create an environment that supports you, not limits you.
Your environment includes people in your life. You can't move forward if the people
around you want to drag you down. Harvard psychologist David McClelland teaches that
the people you associate with on a daily basis are 95% responsible for your success or
failure. Choose them carefully.
7. The Law of Design
Focusing on personal growth as a mission requires seriousness of purpose. Become a
proactive person in the areas where you want to grow and change.
Every Christmas, John Maxwell retires to his study after being with his family and
analyzes his schedule for the previous year. He thoroughly reviews his meetings and
commitments and plans where he will spend his time next year.
Plan your life carefully. Develop different disciplines that lead you to achieve your
goals. Be consistent in the structure of your days.
8. The Law of Pain
The difficult moments in your life are just that… difficult and hard. But we can learn a lot
from them. The last thing you should do if hard times hit you is feel sorry for
yourself. Everyone faces difficult situations at some point.
Turn bad situations into opportunities to grow. Sometimes bad situations are what will
give you a fresh start.
9. The Law of the Ladder
Anyone who climbs a ladder that is not supported by solid ground is asking for
trouble. The higher you climb, the more unstable the ladder feels. Trying to grow without
paying attention to your character will result in tears. Anything great depends on the
foundation of your character. How high you can climb depends on who you are.
Having the right character should be more important than being successful. That should
be your focus.
10. The Law of the Rubber Band (or league)
It's ready to step out of your comfort zone and stretch like a rubber band. Many people
find this so difficult that they cannot develop in a significant way. They are always less
than they could be. If only they were willing to stretch.
Stretching or expanding means change, which is potentially painful. It also includes risk,
which develops courage. Successful people hate staying in their comfort zones. It is like
death in life.
11. The Law of Exchange
Personal growth involves exchanges. To reach your full potential you need to sacrifice
some valuable areas of your life.
12 . The Law of Curiosity
You can't grow if you don't learn. Do "Why?" your favorite question The more curious
you are, the more you can learn and grow. To grow your curiosity, develop a beginner's
state of mind. Do not be afraid to show yourself as uneducated in something.
Manager and consultant Peter Druker said: "My great strength as a consultant has always
been showing my ignorance and asking lots of questions."
Set a goal to learn something new every day. Accept that problems can have multiple
13 . The Law of the Mentor
Personal growth becomes easier when someone with more experience guides you on the
path of growth.
14. The Law of Expansion
Whatever you have achieved, you can achieve more. Experts say that people normally
only reach 10% of their potential. People can achieve much more than what they have
achieved in the past.
To achieve more, change the question Can I? by how can i Simply adding the word
"how" to the question moves you from limitation to possibility.
15. The Tax Law
Your life should not focus on your personal growth only. You need to care about the
needs of those around you. Consider how you can contribute to the development of
others. This is the best way to achieve inner satisfaction and joy.
The great Benjamin Franklin was always looking for answers to important questions. One
of the truths he discovered was that the best thing he could do was help others. Each day
he began by asking himself, what good can I do today? And he always went to bed
wondering what good did I do today?
I hope these 15 laws help you in your growth process as a leader. The greatest of
successes in your journey!
15 laws of growth.docx

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15 laws of growth.docx

  • 1. Don’t Remain Static! 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth You Must Know We grow in life when we become what we desire to be, leading to a fulfilled and happy life. So, growth comes with a manifest change in our potentialities, habits, skills and know-how. Growth should be intentional and aligned with your passion and purpose. If not, you run the risk of being busy without meaning. Be honest with yourself and take consistent action based on insights from self-reflection. Growth does not happen by accident. There are laws that underpin personal growth as enunciated by John Maxwell. These 15 laws are as follows:
  • 2. 1. Law of Intentionality Ask yourself where you want to go in your life. Personal growth does not happen automatically. You need to intentionally seek growth and learn to move forward regardless of the perfect timing or motivation. So, if you want to grow. You have to be intentional, so said Curt Kampmeire “The power of intention is the power to manifest, to create, to live a life of unlimited abundance, and to attract into your life the right people at the right moments.” Wayne Dyer “When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.” Paulo Coelho Growth is not easy. Everything worthwhile has a price. You are ready to pay the price, but always remember that faith overcomes fear. You need to be convinced that you are going to evolve and base the change process on solid intentions. To read more on this, download my e-book titled “15 Invaluable of growth According to John Maxwell” FOR FREE by clicking on this link:
  • 3. According to Robert Chen, there are three kinds of people: 1. People who don’t know what they would like to do — dabble and drift 2. People who know what they would like to do but don’t do it — frustrated 3. People who know what they would like to do and do it — work in areas that move them closer to their purpose 2. Law of Consciousness Do you know yourself? Do you know what your strengths and weaknesses are? It is practically impossible to experience personal growth if we do not know who we are and who we want to become. “You have to know who you are to grow to your potential. But you have to grow in order to know who you are.” — John Maxwell
  • 4. Growth results from doing something you are passionate about. Doing something that gives you happiness and love underpins the law of consciousness. People that do what they love most tend to attain rapid growth in life, as they are always self-motivated to go the extra mile to achieve success. Examine yourself painstakingly and discover your passions and potentialities and leverage them. “No one can produce great things who is not thoroughly sincere in dealing with himself.”— James Russell The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness. Lao Tzu 3. Law of the Mirror In order to improve yourself, you need to have a deep conviction that you are valuable. Most people with low self-esteem do not seek to grow. If you are a person with low self-esteem, you need to work on that immediately before trying to grow in other areas. You must value yourself in order to feel motivated to do anything in life. “No factor is more important in people’s psychological development and motivation than the value judgments they make about themselves.” — Nathaniel Branden
  • 5. Understand that each human being has a special value and achieve that unique value that is for you. Never compare yourself to the people around you. Applaud yourself when something goes right for you. “Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time, and energy needed to develop yourself.” — Denis Waitley 4. Law of Reflection In order to grow, you need to learn to pause. Take time to reflect on what you are learning from your experiences. Giving yourself time for deep thought ensures that you are on the right track. “Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action” — Peter f. Drucker It is quite advisable on your part to find a place to think and to discipline yourself to pause and use it because it has the potential to change your life. It can help you figure out what’s really important and what isn’t. “When you are able to create a lonely place in the middle of your actions and concerns, your successes and failure slowly can lose some of their power over you.” — Henri J. M. Nouwen “The wise man questions himself, the fool others.” — Henri Arnold
  • 6. To read more on this, download my e-book titled “15 Invaluable of growth According to John Maxwell” FOR FREE by clicking on this link: 5. Law of Consistency If you’re not disciplined, all the motivation in the world won’t help you grow. Taking the necessary steps to grow each day requires discipline. George Lorimer said: “You need to wake up each morning with determination and go to sleep with satisfaction.” Give yourself the opportunity to make internal changes. Start with small challenges and move forward…consistently. “The hallmark of excellence, the test of greatness, is consistency.” — JIM TRESSEL 6. Law of the Environment “The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment you first find yourself in.” — Mark Caine You can be motivated, disciplined and ready to change. But your environment may be sinking you. You need to create an environment that supports you, not limits you. Thus, John Maxell observes that we become the combined average of the five people we hang around the most.
  • 7. Your environment includes the people in your life. You can’t move forward if the people around you want to drag you down. Harvard psychologist David McClelland teaches that the people you associate with on a daily basis are 95% responsible for your success or failure. Choose them carefully. In addition, changing your environment alone will not guarantee quick success unless it is accompanied by changing yourself as John Maxwell opines as follows: “Change yourself but not your environment — growth will be slow and difficult; Change your environment but not yourself — growth will be slower and less difficult; Change your environment and yourself — growth will be faster and more successful.” 7. The Law of Design In order to maximize growth, you must design strategies. Focusing on personal growth as a mission requires the seriousness of purpose. Become a proactive person in areas where you want to grow and change. “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they may have planned for you? Not much.” — Jim Rohn
  • 8. Every Christmas, John Maxwell retires to his study after being with his family and analyzes his schedule for the previous year. He thoroughly reviews his meetings and commitments and plans where he will spend his time next year. Plan your life carefully. Develop different disciplines that lead you to achieve your goals. Be consistent in the structure of your days. To read more on this, download my e-book titled “15 Invaluable of growth According to John Maxwell” FOR FREE by clicking on this link: 8. The Law of Pain The difficult moments in your life are just that… difficult and hard. But we can learn a lot from them. The last thing you should do if hard times hit you is to feel sorry for yourself. Everyone faces difficult situations at some point. Good management of bad experiences leads to personal growth “Every problem introduces a person to himself.” — John Mcdonnell Turn bad situations into opportunities to grow. Sometimes bad situations are what will give you a fresh start. Successful people gain a lot by learning from their bad experiences, as John Maxell remarks as follows: ’I’ve never known anyone who said, “I love problems,” but I’ve known many who have admitted that their greatest gains came in the middle of their pain.”
  • 9. “Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well.” — Warren G. Lester 9. The Law of the Ladder Anyone who climbs a ladder not supported by solid ground is asking for trouble. The higher you climb, the more unstable the ladder feels. Trying to grow without paying attention to your character will result in tears. Anything great depends on the foundation of your character. How high you can climb depends on who you are. Thus, character does determine your personal growth. “Achievement to most people is something you do… to the high achiever, it is something you are.” — Doug Firebaugh Having the right character should be more important than being successful. That should be your focus. “Ninety-nine percent of leadership failures are failures of character.” — Norman Schwarzkopf 10. The Law of the Rubber Band (or league) “Only a mediocre person is always at his best.” — W. SOMERSET MAUGHAM
  • 10. It means being ready to step out of your comfort zone and stretch like a rubber band. Many people find this so difficult that they cannot develop in a significant way. They are always less than they could be. If only they were willing to stretch. Stretching or expanding means change, which is potentially painful. It also includes risk, which develops courage. Successful people hate staying in their comfort zones. It is like death in life. To read more on this, download my e-book titled “15 Invaluable of growth According to John Maxwell” FOR FREE by clicking on this link: 11. The Law of Exchange or Trade-Offs You need to give something you value in order to grow. Personal growth involves exchanges. To reach your full potential you need to sacrifice some valuable areas of your life. “The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” — Henry David Thoreau We all make tradeoffs in life: failures make bad tradeoffs; averages make few tradeoffs and successes make good tradeoffs. We don’t always get what we want but we always get what we choose.
  • 11. “People will cling to an unsatisfactory way of life rather than change in order to get something better for fear of getting something worse.” — Eric Hoffer To read more on this, download my e-book titled “15 Invaluable of growth According to John Maxwell” FOR FREE by clicking on this link: 12. The Law of Curiosity “Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not.” — George Bernard Shaw You can’t grow if you don’t learn. The more curious you are, the more you can learn and grow. To grow your curiosity, develop a beginner’s state of mind. Do not be afraid to show yourself as uneducated in something. Manager and consultant Peter Druker said: “My great strength as a consultant has always been showing my ignorance and asking lots of questions.” Set a goal to learn something new every day. Accept that problems can have multiple solutions. “The single greatest difference between curious, growing people and those who aren’t is the belief that they can learn, grow, and change.” — John Maxwell
  • 12. 13 . The Law of the Mentor Personal growth becomes easier when someone with more experience guides you on the path of growth. 13. Law of Modeling Read and summarize action points of books that interest you — take action on what you learn as fast as possible. “Most people who decide to grow personally find their first mentors in the pages of books.” John Maxwell Need to find models of people who are ahead of you to follow — learn from books and connect with people. Be selective when choosing a mentor. “As I grow older I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.” — Andrew Carnegie “To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.” — Chinese proverb “All leaders are influenced by those they admire. Reading about them and studying their traits inevitably allows an inspiring leader to develop his own leadership traits.”
  • 13. To read more on this, download my e-book titled “15 Invaluable of growth According to John Maxwell” FOR FREE by clicking on this link: 14. The Law of Expansion Whatever you have achieved, you can achieve more. Experts say that people normally reach only 10% of their potential. People can achieve much more than what they have achieved in the past. “The potential that exists within us is limitless and largely untapped… when you think of limits, you create them.” — Robert J. Kriegel and Louis Patler To achieve more, change the question “Can I?” By how can I Simply adding the word “how” to the question moves you from limitation to possibility. 15. The Tax Law Your life should not focus on your personal growth only. You need to care about the needs of those around you. Consider how you can contribute to the development of others. This is the best way to achieve inner satisfaction and joy. “The measure of success is not the number of people who serve you, but the number of people you serve.” John Maxwell
  • 14. The great Benjamin Franklin was always looking for answers to important questions. One of the truths he discovered was that the best thing he could do was help others. Each day he began by asking himself, what good can I do today? And he always went to bed wondering what good did I do today. “I would rather have it said ‘he lived usefully’ than ‘he died rich.’ ” — Benjamin Franklin # grow # motivation # laws # success More from Isahonimisi
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  • 16. VICTOR HUGO MANZANILLA Serial entrepreneur. EGM™ Co-Founder. Chairman of the Board of Directors and former CEO of MicroSalt Inc. Former Procter & Gamble. Certificate in the CORE Business program at Harvard University. Author of the bestseller "Awaken your Inner Hero. 1. Law of Intentionality Ask yourself where do you want to go in your life? Personal growth does not happen automatically. You need to intentionally seek growth and learn to move forward regardless of the perfect timing or motivation. Growth is not easy. Everything worthwhile has a price. You are ready to pay the price, but always remember that faith overcomes fear. You need to be convinced that you are going to evolve and base the change process on solid intentions. 2. Law of Consciousness Do you know yourself? Do you know what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are? It is practically impossible to experience personal growth if we do not know who we are and who we want to become. You need to examine yourself. This requires reflection and also the sincere search for feedback. Many times other people can reveal your blind spots. This process of self- examination is key to determining today... which will allow us to project tomorrow. 3. Law of the Mirror To work on improving you need to have a deep conviction that you are valuable. Most people with low self-esteem do not seek to grow. If you are a person with low self- esteem, you need to work on that immediately before trying to grow in other areas. Understand that each human being has a special value and achieve that unique value that is for you. Never compare yourself to the people around you. Applaud yourself when something goes right for you. 4. Law of Reflection
  • 17. In order to grow, you need to learn to pause. Take time to reflect on what you are learning from your experiences. Giving yourself time for deep thought ensures that you are on the right track. 5. Law of Consistency If you're not disciplined, all the motivation in the world won't help you grow. Taking the necessary steps to grow each day requires discipline. George Lorimer said: "You need to wake up each morning with determination and go to sleep with satisfaction." Give yourself the opportunity to make internal changes. Start with small challenges and move forward…consistently. 6. Law of the Environment You can be motivated, disciplined and ready to change. But your environment may be sinking you. You need to create an environment that supports you, not limits you. Your environment includes people in your life. You can't move forward if the people around you want to drag you down. Harvard psychologist David McClelland teaches that the people you associate with on a daily basis are 95% responsible for your success or failure. Choose them carefully. 7. The Law of Design Focusing on personal growth as a mission requires seriousness of purpose. Become a proactive person in the areas where you want to grow and change. Every Christmas, John Maxwell retires to his study after being with his family and analyzes his schedule for the previous year. He thoroughly reviews his meetings and commitments and plans where he will spend his time next year. Plan your life carefully. Develop different disciplines that lead you to achieve your goals. Be consistent in the structure of your days. 8. The Law of Pain The difficult moments in your life are just that… difficult and hard. But we can learn a lot from them. The last thing you should do if hard times hit you is feel sorry for yourself. Everyone faces difficult situations at some point. Turn bad situations into opportunities to grow. Sometimes bad situations are what will give you a fresh start.
  • 18. 9. The Law of the Ladder Anyone who climbs a ladder that is not supported by solid ground is asking for trouble. The higher you climb, the more unstable the ladder feels. Trying to grow without paying attention to your character will result in tears. Anything great depends on the foundation of your character. How high you can climb depends on who you are. Having the right character should be more important than being successful. That should be your focus. 10. The Law of the Rubber Band (or league) It's ready to step out of your comfort zone and stretch like a rubber band. Many people find this so difficult that they cannot develop in a significant way. They are always less than they could be. If only they were willing to stretch. Stretching or expanding means change, which is potentially painful. It also includes risk, which develops courage. Successful people hate staying in their comfort zones. It is like death in life. 11. The Law of Exchange Personal growth involves exchanges. To reach your full potential you need to sacrifice some valuable areas of your life. 12 . The Law of Curiosity You can't grow if you don't learn. Do "Why?" your favorite question The more curious you are, the more you can learn and grow. To grow your curiosity, develop a beginner's state of mind. Do not be afraid to show yourself as uneducated in something. Manager and consultant Peter Druker said: "My great strength as a consultant has always been showing my ignorance and asking lots of questions." Set a goal to learn something new every day. Accept that problems can have multiple solutions. 13 . The Law of the Mentor Personal growth becomes easier when someone with more experience guides you on the path of growth.
  • 19. 14. The Law of Expansion Whatever you have achieved, you can achieve more. Experts say that people normally only reach 10% of their potential. People can achieve much more than what they have achieved in the past. To achieve more, change the question Can I? by how can i Simply adding the word "how" to the question moves you from limitation to possibility. 15. The Tax Law Your life should not focus on your personal growth only. You need to care about the needs of those around you. Consider how you can contribute to the development of others. This is the best way to achieve inner satisfaction and joy. The great Benjamin Franklin was always looking for answers to important questions. One of the truths he discovered was that the best thing he could do was help others. Each day he began by asking himself, what good can I do today? And he always went to bed wondering what good did I do today? I hope these 15 laws help you in your growth process as a leader. The greatest of successes in your journey!