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The Faith of Jesus,
   Three Angels
and Seven Trumpets

    Jerry Finneman
Three Angels and Seven Trumpets
Christian Platform
 C       F         L       A
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Foundation:       Dan 9:24-27
SDA Platform
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      Daniel 8:14
SDA Platform
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                        Daniel 8:14
                  Fal          Platform
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Foundation:                                Dan 9:24-27
 of the Three Angels
of Revelation 14:6-12
The Second Advent Gospel
   Message is based on
      a time prophecy
 in the Book of Revelation

       just as . . .
The First Advent Gospel
   Message was based
  on a time prophecy in
Daniel nine and a decree
found in the Book of Ezra
(chapters six and seven).
concerning           “The time
the Messiah         is fulfilled”

          483 years

457                      A D 27          34

      Jesus placed the First Advent
      Movement in the context of a
      time prophecy.
An                    1st     2nd        3rd
Angel                 Angel    Angel     Angel
          541 years

1299 AD               1840      1844      1844

  The Second Advent Message is
 also placed in a context of time--
           the end time.
Third Angel: 1844 (Autumn)

Second Angel: 1844 (Spring)

First Angel: 1840 (August)
Revelation 14
         Three Angels

• “a third angel”   (Rev. 14:9)
• “another angel”         (vs 8)
• “another angel”         (vs 6)
• Search backwards until we find
  “an” angel
Rev 8:13
And I looked, and I heard an
angel flying through the midst
of heaven, saying with a loud
voice, "WOE, WOE, WOE to the
inhabitants of the earth, because
of the remaining blasts of the
trumpet of the three angels
who are about to sound!"
Rev 8:13

   Beginning here, there is a series
of angels connected by the word
“another” straight through to the
3rd angel of Rev 14 (with his gospel
message of the righteousness of
Christ in the setting of the end-
Revelation 8 - 14

• “an angel” (8:13)          1299
• “another angel”           1840
• “another angel”     spring, 1844
• “a third angel”   autumn, 1844
The Seven Trumpets

Revelation 8 - 9; 10:7; 11:15
The Last Three of
     the Seven Trumpets

1850 Chart
The 7 Trumpets are Judgments

• Depicting the ruin of the Roman
  – Western Rome
  – Eastern Rome
  – Papal Rome
• Depicting the capitulation of the
  Ottoman Empire
• Depicting the downfall of the world
AD                             622        - Mohammed established
395                          476 1299 1449        a theocratic state
                              at             Medina, after fleeing
  First Second Third     Fourth     Fifth
                                               there from Mecca
Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet
                                                       in 622, and
                               began              to convert Arabia
 Alaric Genseric Attila Odoacer 1stto          Islam.

Invasion Naval             Last
from     attacks Western Emperor
 the       on     Empire   de-     Con-
north     Italy  invaded throned  quests
  by the by the by the by the     of the
 Goths Vandals Huns      Heruli  Saracen

      Downfall of Western Rome         of
AD                                                             The
395                              476 1299 1449       1840 1844 End
  First Second Third     Fourth   Fifth            Sixth Seventh
Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet          Trumpet Trumpet

Alaric Genseric Attila Odoacer        1st         2nd       3rd
                                       Woe         Woe       Woe

                                     Othman                Nations
Invasion Naval             Last                            angry
from     attacks Western Emperor
 the       on     Empire   de-     Con-            Con-
north     Italy  invaded throned  quests          quests   Mystery
  by the by the by the by the     of the          of the    of God
 Goths Vandals Huns      Heruli  Saracen         Turks     finished

                                     Downfall    Downfall Downfall
      Downfall of Western Rome         of        Ottoman of the
                                      Eastern    Empire   World
Trumpets 1-4

 • Judgments against the
   Western Roman Empire
   –Rome was divided into
     10 nations (Dan 7)
                         tr og
                     O s
Trumpet 5 (1st woe): 1299-1449

• The destroyer of the Eastern
  Roman Empire is introduced.
Trumpet 6 (2nd woe): 1499-1840

• Judgments on the Papacy.
• Introduces the message of the
  everlasting gospel in the time
  of the end.
• Introduces the judgment hour
Trumpet 7 (3rd woe): 1844-End of time

• The judgment hour message of
  the cleansing of the sanctuary
   –began October 22, 1844.
   –this judgment hour will finish
    with the end of the world as
    we know it today.
The Time Elements in the
Woe Trumpets
          (Rev 9:10, 15)

• “Their power was to hurt men
  five months”

• “The four angels were loosed,
  which were prepared for an hour,
  and a day, and a month, and a
  year, for to slay the third part of
The Time Elements in the
           Woe Trumpets

• 5 months   =   150 years
• 1 year     =   360 years
•1   month   =    30 years
•1   day     =     1 year
•1   hour    =               15 days
                 541 years, 15 days
• Josiah Litch was the first to join
   sequentially, the time periods
  of Rev 9—the 150 and the 391
• (For over 1,000 years Bible
  students generally agreed on the
  interpretation of the trumpets
  apart from the time elements,
  which were not considered until
  Litch did so.)
The Time Elements in the
         Woe Trumpets
                           July 27,
• 5 months   =
                 150 years  1299
• 1 year         360 years

• 1 month         30 years

• 1 day            1 year

• 1 hour                     15 days

                 541 years, 15 days
The Time Elements in the
     Woe Trumpets
       (Rev 9:10, 15)

  July 27, 1299
            541 years , 15 days
  July 27, 1840
       15 days
August 11, 1840
Revelation 8 and 9

          Comments by

         Edward Gibbon
         Alexander Keith
           Josiah Litch
July 27, 1299
"It was on the twenty-seventh
of July, in the year twelve
hundred and ninety-nine of
the Christian era, that Othman
first invaded the territory of
Nicomaedia [an ancient city of
northwest Asia Minor near the
July 27, 1299

                  Bosporus in present-day
           QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
   are needed to see this picture.

                  Turkey]; and the singular
                  accuracy of the date
                  seems to disclose some
       foresight of the rapid and des-
       tructive growth of the monster."

       Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of
       The Roman Empire, Vol. VI, Chapter 64,
       p. 26.
Saracens   Turks
1850 Chart
1843 Chart
1850 Chart
A.D. 622
Mohammed the Saracen
In the Koran, Allah com-
mands Muslims, “Take not
the Jews and Christians as
friends. . . . Slay the idolaters
[non-Muslims] wherever you
find them. . . .
Mohammed the Saracen
Fight against such . . . as
believe not in Allah . . .”
(Surah 5:51; 9:5,29,41,
Mohammed the Saracen
Upon Mohammed's death,
most Arabians abandoned
Islam, imagining that they
were free at last.
Mohammed the Saracen
Swiftly, tens of thousands of
Arabs were slaughtered in the
Wars of Apostasy, which forced
Arabia back under Allah. From
that base Islam spread every-
where with the sword.
Mohammed the Saracen
Freedom of speech, religion,
the press, and of vote and
conscience which we hold as
dear in America are suppress-
ed in every Muslim country.
A.D. 732
• Tours
             • Constantinople


                   A.D. 622
A.D. 732
• Tours
             • Constantinople


                   A.D. 622
• Constantinople
     fell to the Turks
       May 16, 1453

       A.D. 1299
Woes are Scourges

"The Roman empire declined,
as it arose, by conquest; but
the Saracens and the Turks
were the instruments by
which a false religion became
the scourge of an apostate
church; and hence, instead
Woes are Scourges

of the fifth and sixth trumpets,
like the former, being marked
by that name alone, they are
called woes . . .”
Alexander Keith, Signs of the Times, Vol I,
p. 289.
“In 1838 Dr. Josiah Litch, of Phila-
delphia, Pa, having embraced the
truth set forth by William Miller,
united in the work of giving great-
er publicity to the message. He
prepared articles for the public
print on the subject of the seven
trumpets of Revelation.
“He took the unqualified position
that the 6th trumpet would cease
to sound and the Ottoman power
fall on the 11th day of August
1840, and that would demonstrate
to the world that a day in symbolic
prophecy represents a year of
literal time.”
 J.N. Loughborough, The Great
 Second Advent Movement, p. 129.
Infidel’s Discuss

“Infidel’s discussed the ques-
tion in their meetings and
said, ‘Here is a man that
ventures something, and if
this matter comes out as he
says, it will establish his claim
without a doubt that a day in
Infidel’s Discuss

prophecy symbolizes a year,
and that 2300 days are so
many years, and that they
will terminate in 1844.’”
J.N. Loughborough, The Great
Second Advent Movement, p. 130.
"And We Will Be Adventists"

The publication of Dr. Litch's
lecture made a general stir, and
many thousands were thus called
to watch for the termination of the
difficulties that had sprung up
between Mehemet Ali, the Pasha
of Egypt, and the Turkish sultan.
Hundreds said, . . .
“If this affair terminates as the
doctor has asserted, it will establish
the 'year-day' principle of interpret-
ing symbolic time, and we will be

 J.N. Loughborough, The Great Second
 Advent Movement, p. 130.
Some of The Brethren

Some of the brethren, even
those who believed with Litch
on this point, trembled with
fear for the result “if it should
not come to pass” as he said.
This did not daunt him. He
went forward to do all in his
power to give publicity to his
views on the Turkish question.
Public journals spread abroad
the claim he made on the

 See J.N. Loughborough, The Great
 Second Advent Movement, p. 129.
Litch On August 1, 1840
“Allowing the first period, 150
years, to have been exactly
fulfilled before Deacozes
ascended the throne by per-
mission of the Turks, and that
the 391 years, fifteen days,
commenced at the close of the
Litch On August 1, 1840
first period, it will end on the
11th of August, 1840, when
the Ottoman power in Con-
stantinople may be expected to
be broken. And this, I believe,
will be found to be the case.”
 Josiah Litch, Signs of The Times,
 and Expositor, August 1, 1840.
The Time Elements of the
      first two Woe Trumpets
            (Rev 9:10, 15)

     July 27, 1299
  (1st Woe)    150 years
 (2nd Woe)     391 years, 15 days
 August 11, 1840
The Fulfillment

“. . . England, Russia, Austria,
and Prussia interposed, and
determined on a settlement of
the difficulty . . .” (between the
Pasha of Egypt, and the Turkish
 J.N. Loughborough, The Great
 Second Advent Movement, p. 130.
Prediction Fulfilled

“At the very time specified,
Turkey, through her ambassa-
dors, accepted the protection
of the allied powers of Europe,
and thus placed herself under
the control of Christian nations.
The event exactly fulfilled the
                        GC 335
Infidels Converted

“This striking fulfillment of the
prophecy had a tremendous
effect upon the public mind. It
intensified the interest of the
people to hear upon the sub-
ject of fulfilled and fulfilling
prophecy. . . .
Infidels Converted
“Dr. Litch said that within a few
months after August 11, 1840,
he had received letters from
more than 1,000 prominent
infidels, some of them leaders
Infidels Converted
of infidel clubs, in which they
stated that they had given up
the battle against the Bible,
and had accepted it as God's
Revelation to man.”

J.N. Loughborough, The Great Second
Advent Movement, p. 132.
The Interpretation is Fulfilled

• The exact fulfillment of the
  prediction seals the interpreta-
  tion of this prophecy.
• “The event exactly fulfilled
  the prediction.”
                       GC 335
Summary and Conclusion

• The three angels’ message
  of Rev 14:6-12 is linked
  especially to the time
  elements of the Woe
  trumpets of Rev 8 and 9:
Revelation 8 - 14

• “an angel” (8:13)          1299
• “another angel”           1840
• “another angel”     spring, 1844
• “a third angel”   autumn, 1844
Justification: The Spiritual DNA is the Same
                 1260 Years
            “Holy” Roman Empire                    d
538                                                v
                                  1798 1844
                   The Spiritual DNA is the Same
                  1st Woe    2nd Woe      3rd Woe n
                5th Trumpet 6th Trumpet   7th Trumpet
      622    1299         1449         1840
                Judgment Judgment
                  against      against
                 Eastern     Western
                 Church        Church
Rev 9-14
           The Tree Woes and the Finishing
                     of the Mystery of God

    Saracen     Ottoman End-Time Second
    Muslims     Muslins Muslims Advent

       1st      2nd     3rd
       Woe      Woe     Woe
Rev 9-14
           The Tree Woes and the Finishing
                     of the Mystery of God

                                                                        QuickTime™ and a
                                 QuickTime™ and a            TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
                         TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor       are needed to see this picture.
                           are needed to see this picture.

  The Spiritual DNA is the Same

      1st      2nd       3rd
      Woe      Woe       Woe
Summary and Conclusion

• Time elements of the first and
  second Advent Movements
• Third Angel of Rev 14 and the
  Seven Trumpets of Rev 8 and 9 and
  the time connection.
• Historical Sources: Gibbon, Litch,
  Keith and Loughborough
• Mohammed and the spread of Islam

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  • 1. The Faith of Jesus, Three Angels and Seven Trumpets Jerry Finneman
  • 2. Three Angels and Seven Trumpets
  • 3. Christian Platform C F L A r a a t e l w o a l n t of of e i m o m G e n a o n n d t Foundation: Dan 9:24-27
  • 4. SDA Platform 2 S S S 3 n r d a a t d n a A b t b c A d e a t n v e t u of g a d e n h e t r l a y d Daniel 8:14
  • 5. SDA Platform S S 2 S a t 3 n n a r c t d d a b t u e A b A a a of n d r v t d g h y e e n e l a t d Daniel 8:14 Christian Fal Platform l C L A r a t e w o a M n t a of e i of n m o e G n o n t d Foundation: Dan 9:24-27
  • 6. The Time of the Three Angels of Revelation 14:6-12
  • 7. The Second Advent Gospel Message is based on a time prophecy in the Book of Revelation just as . . .
  • 8. The First Advent Gospel Message was based on a time prophecy in Daniel nine and a decree found in the Book of Ezra (chapters six and seven).
  • 9. Decree concerning “The time the Messiah is fulfilled” 483 years 31 457 A D 27 34 BC Jesus placed the First Advent Movement in the context of a time prophecy.
  • 10. An 1st 2nd 3rd Angel Angel Angel Angel 541 years 1299 AD 1840 1844 1844 (Fall) (Spring) The Second Advent Message is also placed in a context of time-- the end time.
  • 11. Third Angel: 1844 (Autumn) Second Angel: 1844 (Spring) First Angel: 1840 (August)
  • 12. Revelation 14 Three Angels • “a third angel” (Rev. 14:9) • “another angel” (vs 8) • “another angel” (vs 6) • Search backwards until we find “an” angel
  • 13. Rev 8:13 And I looked, and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, "WOE, WOE, WOE to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!"
  • 14. Rev 8:13 Beginning here, there is a series of angels connected by the word “another” straight through to the 3rd angel of Rev 14 (with his gospel message of the righteousness of Christ in the setting of the end- time).
  • 15. Revelation 8 - 14 Angels • “an angel” (8:13) 1299 • “another angel” 1840 • “another angel” spring, 1844 • “a third angel” autumn, 1844
  • 16. The Seven Trumpets Revelation 8 - 9; 10:7; 11:15
  • 17. The Last Three of the Seven Trumpets 1850 Chart
  • 18. The 7 Trumpets are Judgments • Depicting the ruin of the Roman Empire – Western Rome – Eastern Rome – Papal Rome • Depicting the capitulation of the Ottoman Empire • Depicting the downfall of the world
  • 19. AD 622 - Mohammed established 395 476 1299 1449 a theocratic state at Medina, after fleeing First Second Third Fourth Fifth there from Mecca Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet in 622, and began to convert Arabia Alaric Genseric Attila Odoacer 1stto Islam. Woe Othman Invasion Naval Last from attacks Western Emperor the on Empire de- Con- north Italy invaded throned quests by the by the by the by the of the Goths Vandals Huns Heruli Saracen Downfall Downfall of Western Rome of Eastern Rome
  • 20. AD The 395 476 1299 1449 1840 1844 End First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Alaric Genseric Attila Odoacer 1st 2nd 3rd Woe Woe Woe Othman Nations Invasion Naval Last angry from attacks Western Emperor the on Empire de- Con- Con- north Italy invaded throned quests quests Mystery by the by the by the by the of the of the of God Goths Vandals Huns Heruli Saracen Turks finished Downfall Downfall Downfall Downfall of Western Rome of Ottoman of the Eastern Empire World Rome
  • 21. Trumpets 1-4 • Judgments against the Western Roman Empire –Rome was divided into 10 nations (Dan 7)
  • 22. He ru li oths tr og O s Va nd als
  • 23. Trumpet 5 (1st woe): 1299-1449 • The destroyer of the Eastern Roman Empire is introduced.
  • 24.
  • 25. Trumpet 6 (2nd woe): 1499-1840 • Judgments on the Papacy. • Introduces the message of the everlasting gospel in the time of the end. • Introduces the judgment hour message.
  • 26.
  • 27. Trumpet 7 (3rd woe): 1844-End of time • The judgment hour message of the cleansing of the sanctuary –began October 22, 1844. –this judgment hour will finish with the end of the world as we know it today.
  • 28. The Time Elements in the Woe Trumpets (Rev 9:10, 15) • “Their power was to hurt men five months” • “The four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.”
  • 29. The Time Elements in the Woe Trumpets • 5 months = 150 years • 1 year = 360 years •1 month = 30 years •1 day = 1 year •1 hour = 15 days 541 years, 15 days
  • 30. • Josiah Litch was the first to join sequentially, the time periods of Rev 9—the 150 and the 391 years. • (For over 1,000 years Bible students generally agreed on the interpretation of the trumpets apart from the time elements, which were not considered until Litch did so.)
  • 31. The Time Elements in the Woe Trumpets July 27, • 5 months = 150 years 1299 • 1 year 360 years = • 1 month 30 years = • 1 day 1 year = • 1 hour 15 days = 541 years, 15 days
  • 32. The Time Elements in the Woe Trumpets (Rev 9:10, 15) July 27, 1299 541 years , 15 days July 27, 1840 15 days August 11, 1840
  • 33. Revelation 8 and 9 Comments by Edward Gibbon Alexander Keith Josiah Litch
  • 34. July 27, 1299 "It was on the twenty-seventh of July, in the year twelve hundred and ninety-nine of the Christian era, that Othman first invaded the territory of Nicomaedia [an ancient city of northwest Asia Minor near the
  • 35. July 27, 1299 Bosporus in present-day QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Turkey]; and the singular accuracy of the date seems to disclose some foresight of the rapid and des- tructive growth of the monster." Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire, Vol. VI, Chapter 64, p. 26.
  • 36. Saracens Turks
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 46. Mohammed the Saracen In the Koran, Allah com- mands Muslims, “Take not the Jews and Christians as friends. . . . Slay the idolaters [non-Muslims] wherever you find them. . . .
  • 47. Mohammed the Saracen Fight against such . . . as believe not in Allah . . .” (Surah 5:51; 9:5,29,41, etc.).
  • 48. Mohammed the Saracen Upon Mohammed's death, most Arabians abandoned Islam, imagining that they were free at last.
  • 49. Mohammed the Saracen Swiftly, tens of thousands of Arabs were slaughtered in the Wars of Apostasy, which forced Arabia back under Allah. From that base Islam spread every- where with the sword.
  • 50. Mohammed the Saracen Freedom of speech, religion, the press, and of vote and conscience which we hold as dear in America are suppress- ed in every Muslim country.
  • 51. A.D. 732 • Tours • Constantinople Saracens Arabia A.D. 622
  • 52. A.D. 732 • Tours • Constantinople Saracens Arabia A.D. 622
  • 53. • Constantinople fell to the Turks May 16, 1453 Arabia A.D. 1299
  • 54. Woes are Scourges "The Roman empire declined, as it arose, by conquest; but the Saracens and the Turks were the instruments by which a false religion became the scourge of an apostate church; and hence, instead
  • 55. Woes are Scourges of the fifth and sixth trumpets, like the former, being marked by that name alone, they are called woes . . .” Alexander Keith, Signs of the Times, Vol I, p. 289.
  • 56. “In 1838 Dr. Josiah Litch, of Phila- delphia, Pa, having embraced the truth set forth by William Miller, united in the work of giving great- er publicity to the message. He prepared articles for the public print on the subject of the seven trumpets of Revelation.
  • 57. “He took the unqualified position that the 6th trumpet would cease to sound and the Ottoman power fall on the 11th day of August 1840, and that would demonstrate to the world that a day in symbolic prophecy represents a year of literal time.” J.N. Loughborough, The Great Second Advent Movement, p. 129.
  • 58. Infidel’s Discuss “Infidel’s discussed the ques- tion in their meetings and said, ‘Here is a man that ventures something, and if this matter comes out as he says, it will establish his claim without a doubt that a day in
  • 59. Infidel’s Discuss prophecy symbolizes a year, and that 2300 days are so many years, and that they will terminate in 1844.’” J.N. Loughborough, The Great Second Advent Movement, p. 130.
  • 60. "And We Will Be Adventists" The publication of Dr. Litch's lecture made a general stir, and many thousands were thus called to watch for the termination of the difficulties that had sprung up between Mehemet Ali, the Pasha of Egypt, and the Turkish sultan. Hundreds said, . . .
  • 61. “If this affair terminates as the doctor has asserted, it will establish the 'year-day' principle of interpret- ing symbolic time, and we will be Adventists.” J.N. Loughborough, The Great Second Advent Movement, p. 130.
  • 62. Some of The Brethren Some of the brethren, even those who believed with Litch on this point, trembled with fear for the result “if it should not come to pass” as he said. This did not daunt him. He went forward to do all in his
  • 63. power to give publicity to his views on the Turkish question. Public journals spread abroad the claim he made on the subject. See J.N. Loughborough, The Great Second Advent Movement, p. 129.
  • 64. Litch On August 1, 1840 “Allowing the first period, 150 years, to have been exactly fulfilled before Deacozes ascended the throne by per- mission of the Turks, and that the 391 years, fifteen days, commenced at the close of the
  • 65. Litch On August 1, 1840 first period, it will end on the 11th of August, 1840, when the Ottoman power in Con- stantinople may be expected to be broken. And this, I believe, will be found to be the case.” Josiah Litch, Signs of The Times, and Expositor, August 1, 1840.
  • 66. The Time Elements of the first two Woe Trumpets (Rev 9:10, 15) July 27, 1299 (1st Woe) 150 years 1449 (2nd Woe) 391 years, 15 days August 11, 1840
  • 67. The Fulfillment “. . . England, Russia, Austria, and Prussia interposed, and determined on a settlement of the difficulty . . .” (between the Pasha of Egypt, and the Turkish Sultan). J.N. Loughborough, The Great Second Advent Movement, p. 130.
  • 68. Prediction Fulfilled “At the very time specified, Turkey, through her ambassa- dors, accepted the protection of the allied powers of Europe, and thus placed herself under the control of Christian nations. The event exactly fulfilled the prediction.” GC 335
  • 69. Infidels Converted “This striking fulfillment of the prophecy had a tremendous effect upon the public mind. It intensified the interest of the people to hear upon the sub- ject of fulfilled and fulfilling prophecy. . . .
  • 70. Infidels Converted “Dr. Litch said that within a few months after August 11, 1840, he had received letters from more than 1,000 prominent infidels, some of them leaders
  • 71. Infidels Converted of infidel clubs, in which they stated that they had given up the battle against the Bible, and had accepted it as God's Revelation to man.” J.N. Loughborough, The Great Second Advent Movement, p. 132.
  • 72. The Interpretation is Fulfilled • The exact fulfillment of the prediction seals the interpreta- tion of this prophecy. • “The event exactly fulfilled the prediction.” GC 335
  • 73. Summary and Conclusion • The three angels’ message of Rev 14:6-12 is linked especially to the time elements of the Woe trumpets of Rev 8 and 9:
  • 74. Revelation 8 - 14 • “an angel” (8:13) 1299 • “another angel” 1840 • “another angel” spring, 1844 • “a third angel” autumn, 1844
  • 75. Justification: The Spiritual DNA is the Same 2nd A 1260 Years “Holy” Roman Empire d 538 v 1798 1844 e The Spiritual DNA is the Same 1st Woe 2nd Woe 3rd Woe n t 5th Trumpet 6th Trumpet 7th Trumpet 622 1299 1449 1840 Judgment Judgment against against Eastern Western Church Church
  • 76. Rev 9-14 The Tree Woes and the Finishing of the Mystery of God The Saracen Ottoman End-Time Second Muslims Muslins Muslims Advent 1st 2nd 3rd Woe Woe Woe
  • 77. Rev 9-14 The Tree Woes and the Finishing of the Mystery of God QuickTime™ and a QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. are needed to see this picture. The Spiritual DNA is the Same 1st 2nd 3rd Woe Woe Woe
  • 78. Summary and Conclusion • Time elements of the first and second Advent Movements • Third Angel of Rev 14 and the Seven Trumpets of Rev 8 and 9 and the time connection. • Historical Sources: Gibbon, Litch, Keith and Loughborough • Mohammed and the spread of Islam