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June 21, 2013
Paula Deen c/o c: George W. Bush
Harrah's Tunica American Nazi Party
13615 Old Highway 61 North Miami Herald
Robinsonville, MS 38664 Huffington Post
Black Panther Party c/o Media
O.J. Simpson c/o Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan
Miami Criminal Defense Firm Jeb Bush
The Law Offices of Yale Galanter, P.A. Governor Rick Scott
201 S. Biscayne Blvd. Suite 2800 Local Police Force
Miami, Florida 33131 President Machen, University of Florida
Tel: (305) 576-0244 Keira Lombardo, Smithfield Foods, Inc.
Fax (305) 402-4624
First Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, Savannah
Re: A) Request for Ethical Media Coverage of O.J. Simpson’s Request for a New Trial
B) Request Yale Galanter Post Interrogatories, Requests for Productions, Request for Admissions
and All Discovery on Website so that Media and Public Can See Evidence Directly, Leaving
Little Room for Spin and Inaccuracies
C) Introduction to a Machen Law – A Registration System Service Police Provide Any Family or
Individual or Employers and Employees, Friends, Lovers and Anybody You Come in Contact
with, For Safety Purposes. The Service Would
Dear Mrs. Deen and O.J. Simpson:
First, let me address Mrs. Deen. I apologize, Mrs. Deen, for not having written you earlier. I have been
extremely busy. I started this letter on June 21, 2013 after seeing you in the news for a week or so and have just
now started completing its final draft.
By writing this letter, Mrs. Deen, I am placing my life and my family’s life in danger and I pray that anyone
reading this letter that wishes to kill me would find me at in Lakeland, Florida. If a
black person, groups of white people who use black people against the Latin communities and other minorities
as weapons or those who frown on a white person’s liaison with Latin women, wish to kill me, I describe
myself as 5’3” woman with very white skin and shoulder length brown hair and light brown eyes. Just ask
anybody there and they’ll direct you to me. You can ask me a question or you can shoot but I prefer to be
written to at this e-mail address. It is a known fact that some white people use black people as weapons of
violence towards minorities, because they would prefer to have black alliances over Latin women and other
nationalities in their midst.
Black women usually are not romantic threats to white women or latin men and white women usually don’t
suffer from envy when they are around black women because although some white men choose to be with black
women, most white men are only attracted to white women and latin women. This creates a certain complex
context for latin women in the U.S. If you present a beautiful European woman that is non-German in the
equation, or a beautiful Russian woman in the equation, the white women and the black women unite and both
feel threatened, the white woman by the economic implications of enriching a latin person and the black woman
by the threat she feels of an endangerment of the financial liaisons she has with the white community.
In fact, just two days ago, I sat in a restaurant at this hotel, and I was served by a
white woman. We got into a conversation about race and culture. Like most white women and men, they usually
don’t like having black friends or lovers and the waitress, blonde hair and blue eyed, probably from an upper
middle class protestant or Episcopalian family said “Probably we are genetically superior because white people
have performed so many wonderful and amazing technological feats. It’s very hard for me not to question the
superiority of our gene pool.”
I said, “I question that too sometimes when I see the kind of technological and literary marvels the white people
have performed, nevertheless, I know a man by the name of Ed Cox, a very black man from Barbados, who is
an aerospace engineer and I know of another man by the name of Roosevelt Bradley, another black man, who
fixes some of the complex brake systems on buses, but you are right, white people do have a very uncanny
resume documenting amazing feats and brilliance and I question that myself, as I probably have some measure
of what people would call “mixed blood.” Then I mentioned that a Mexican man was the one that patented and
invented the transmission of images wirelessly, whose patent was used by NASA to receive the first wireless
image from Space and on the first ever television sets, an Argentine invented the pen, a Frenchman invented the
first photograph, the Chinese and Japanese are brilliant as well and as a Puerto-Rican, I noted, there are Puerto-
Rican astronauts.
The waitress said that most white people don’t like associating with black people in general for security reasons
and because they are just inherently different people, although she said, she’s not racist, it’s just natural to want
to associate with your genetic pool.
Then I said (quickly to catch her off guard, because I have asked this question 500 times before in my cultural
studies) “How would you feel if the most beautiful Spanish-Puerto-Rican-Cuban woman walked in with
flowing locks of black hair and emerald green eyes and pale white skin with a voluptuous figure and the finest
clothes and you had to serve her, how do you think black people would feel about that and how would you feel
about being close friends with a very beautiful Latin woman?”
And the white waitress with blonde hair and blue eyes looked at me when I described a beautiful Latin woman
and she didn’t like the idea of the existence of a beautiful Spanish woman and the waitress said “in that case, I
would keep key black people very close to me to use as a weapon against her.”
And then I said “So you are aware that white people ally themselves with blacks as weapons against another
group?” And the waitress said “of course, key black people so that we don’t appear racist against other
cultures.” That is, we spoke, of the sending out of black people as a “token” to other cultures as a Trojan horse
to give the impression that they are not racist against Chinese, latins, Spanish, French, Italians, Japanese – on
and on and then to intelligence gather and they also serve as threats of violence.
With this, we ended our conversation.
I have engaged in the conscious study of culture for approximately 20 years and not all black people are this
way and not all white people are this way and not all latin people are this way – what I have found is that envy,
strife, the struggle and competition for money and conscious and strategic and immoral infiltration of people’s
work, ideas and respect for intellectual property, marriages, intentional acts taunting people to commit adultery
and the holiness of ethical communication are themes that run through all veins of human interaction. There are
plenty of black people that hurt other black people AND IN FACT 95% OF ALL BLACK CRIME IS BLACK ON
White people rarely to never hurt black people. This does not mean that there is not racism and acts where
blacks are unfairly targeted, this simply means that within the black community there is violence one from the
other. This relates to my transportation project because as we all are going to walk in our cities, there are
elements of cultural and personal security that need to be addressed.
About 1.5 years ago while in Miami, Florida, I drove through a McDonalds in Coconut Grove and I pretended
to be from Georgia. And I said “Ya’all down here in Miami with all these Latin people? What you all doing
down here in Miami?” And the black person, through the drive-thru window, serving me said “We gather
intelligence here, but once we’re done here we sent it back up to the north.” I have gone go dozens of black
people and asked them the same question in a Georgia accent and 100% of them have the reply. In fact, if you
were to search on you tube groups of professors and black scholars talking about the black condition they say
“if we are going to win this war, we have to stay in the big cities and gather as much information as possible.”
I recall I was working in an office and I handled a project that garnered the praise of the President of the
Corporation, who managed 40,000 people. I was working for a white manager and a black manager and a wide
variety of other employees. I was the administrative assistant to the chief of human resources that managed an
organization of 40,000 employees. A Jewish woman, who was dating a Chinese man, came up to me with a
problem and said she didn’t know how to fix it. She explained the problem to me and I said “I’ll see what I can
do.” It took me about 2 days, but I fixed the problem and discovered egregious management issues and
contacted personnel in other organizations, created a presentation and submitted it to the Jewish woman who
had asked for help. The Jewish women then submitted it to a black supervisor, who in turn submitted it to the
President, who in turn offered the Jewish woman 5 weeks of pay bonus for the solution to the work. The white
human resources manager asked me if I had completed the work and the black human resources manager knew
I had completed the work because I had the original document on my hard drive, but they all seemed to have a
problem letting a Puerto-Rican woman receive praise from the President of the corporation for her work. I
stayed silent on the matter.
Equally, a Jewish man that I worked for wanted to give me a promotion as I had far more education and far
more years of experience than another black employee and the black employee not only threatened to “move to
Orlando where the Puerto-Ricans are” if I was given attention and then became violent with me.
I also worked for another wonderful Jewish man who wanted to train me about certain legal intricacies, but
some of the Cuban and American and Black staff were watching my every move, spread rumors that I wasa
Jewish woman related to the Jewish CEO and that’s why he was providing me with the opportunity for on-one-
one training and I was later harassed by their office manager and left for my safety.
I worked for a newspaper when I was 23 years old and a black woman from the North allied herself with the
black Vice President and a Jewish CEO. I was an above average writer and soon was excelling even the Vice
President in the number of clients and business interests I was developing. One day, I walk into her office and
the black woman Kristine, is seated there and I say high to both of them, jovially. The Cuban woman sits me
down and says “I look at your face and I think you are so pathetic.”
And I excused myself from the office as I started to cry and said I would be back in a moment after I collected
myself. At the time I used to have a terrible case of cystic acne. I went to the bathroom stall and the black
woman and Cuban woman came into the bathroom, pushed me against the wall and the Cuban started battering
me (slapping me across the face) while the black woman blocked the entrance to the bathroom and wouldn’t let
me leave the bathroom as they pinned me to the wall.
Kristine had been a close co-worker and I had told her about how I had dated a black Dominican man who
became angry and envious of me, insisted that he could follow me around at any time, that I was his property –
and how he had pushed me out of a moving car. Kristine, a black woman, who was dating a white man, called
the black man at his office and warned him to stay away from me. Those two loved me a lot, but I believe that
Kristine Cartwright, although she had been my close co-worker, had become envious of me for my success in
the workplace and this caused her to become concerned that I would report the newspaper to authorities as a
front, who sends out reporters to commission meetings who were actually scouting for investors for real estate
projects, that they would then funnel to private contractors. Mr. Cartwright then moved out of Miami and I
never heard from her again.
I was raised in a multi-ethnic home and I was taught never to associate race with character traits of cultural
composites. But as I have grown older, I have now started to think critically about pools of culture, intellectual
property, the rightful property of family dynasties, the dissemination of cultural property that is the collective
property of a group of people, national security and interpersonal security. Because the word discrimination has
such a negative connotation, we should rather, use glean, judge, contradistinguish, and the employment of the
use of critical analysis skills in the context of upbringing, a person’s interests, choices, character and
allegiance to God and goodness and gracefulness above all things.
Apparently, as the newspaper I worked for was the most prestigious business newspaper in Miami, they were
serving as a business brokerage front and securing contracts for side businesses and they feared that I would
report them to authorities. I had on my desk a photograph of a very handsome man I was dating at the time and
I believe that sparked an outrage among them.
I recall riding my bicycle in Gainesville when I started profusely bleeding. My menstruation was far more
strong than normal and it had arrived earlier than expected. Blood was literally gushing down my leg and I was
in pain. I was on 13th
street in Gainesville at the Office Depot. I begged several people to give me a ride back
to my apartment so that I could wash up and nobody gave me a ride – black, white, green, yellow and purple –
but a very nice Argentine man studying at the University of Florida and working in Gainesville gathered
cardboard boxes from the trash and sat me in his passenger seat while I was bleeding and drove me all the way
Two weeks ago I was seated at this University, and a white woman sparked a
conversation with me and asked me what I was working on. I shared with her my work and showed her a
photograph of David de Rothschild and a copy of the letter that I had sent him and explained how we
communicate and that it was a hoot – David had asked me to marry him. The white woman folded her hands
across her chest, got very serious and said “David is very handsome and he’s very rich.” And I said “Yes, he is,
but that has nothing to do with it, I approached him for professional reasons 6 years ago and to avoid the
tainting of sex in the allure of my work, I told him I weighed 300 pounds and had AIDs and he still professed
love to me in front of the police.” The woman got very serious and walked away. I quietly got up and said
“Ma’m… may I ask you… are you envious?” And she said “Yes.” And she doesn’t talk to me when I come to
the campus anymore.
When I approached Roosevelt Bradley, a black transit director for Miami-Dade County 12 years ago with my
business plan and intellectual property, Roosevelt Bradley and his black assistant Clinton Forbes, although not
100% honest, referred to me as a “transit genius” and that he definitely wanted to work with me, nevertheless,
Mr. Bradley did not show up to two subsequent meetings that he scheduled with me, his black assistant Mr.
Forbes also cancelled the meetings and asked me out on a personal date for coffee and a White Marketing
Director referred to my work as “my having a sexual fetish for transit” whilst dismissing my work and then
colluding with management to work on my intellectual property without my inclusion. After Roosevelt Bradley
was fired, a black female attorney, Abigail Price-Williams has been incredibly professional and good to me and
protective of my work, thank God. Jeb Bush also personally drafted a letter requesting that my intellectual
property be returned to me after I spent eight months drafting letters and making phone calls to have my
business plan returned (that I believe they forwarded to private investors they chose collusively).
Mayor Alvarez and Andres Gazitua, a Cuban man, put their
lives on the line for me and my transportation work and dreams and to this day I keep everybody in formed of
my transportation work, from Clinton Forbes (who is now working in Jacksonville, Florida), Roosevelt Bradley,
who has now opened his own business and is the leading provider of complex brake systems in the entire
United States and I write him to keep him abreast of my transportation work because my intention is to involve
What am I trying to say? I’m trying to say that dishonesty runs through the vein of every culture and nationality
and the subject of intercultural interaction in the United States will be a topic for thousands of years to come
because we are a nation of various racial, national and social backgrounds and some bear allegiance to one of
those three rather than the pure pursuit of truth and the objective analysis of what belongs rightly to who, the
preservation of peace and self-correction.
My church, Plymouth Congregational Church, had one of its very close families experience a horror. Like most
old churches in wealthy white neighborhoods across the United States, they are situated next to what would
have been the quarters for their assistants, who, in general, were black. In this case, Plymouth Congregational
Church’s first assistants / (who blacks call slave) were Bahamians and Mexicans. In fact, Plymouth
Congregational Church was built by Mexican people.
A beautiful white woman, who was pregnant and who was married and lived in a beautiful home decided to
employ the uses of the black community to run her catering business from her home. The woman, known to the
Plymouth Congregational Church community, employed several black people to deliver food that she had
cooked in her home to various catering events. One day, a black man entered her home with a knife and for
reasons unbeknownst to the community, sliced the white woman’s pregnant belly open with a knife. She died.
Right down the block from where I am staying at the train station, this crime occurred – a black man choked a
woman to death and then stuffed cloth down her throat.
I was in a hospital about 2 years ago and a large black woman, who was a psychiatrist, seemed to have been
flirting with another white Latin psychiatrist. I was thin and more beautiful then and as I had a striking beauty
about me then, when I got out of the room, the black psychiatrist looked at me as if though my presence in the
room while she was flirting with a white Latin man would threaten her and she froze and I instinctively shut the
door of the hospital room and feared for myself. Since then I have been drugged and forced fed medicine,
gained 100 pounds and my face is deformed, I suffer from edema and serious heart problems.
I was overdosed by that hospital and suffered an episode with my heart and was denied medical care. In the
middle of the night in the hospital, after I complained of chest pain, two black women in wigs came to my
hospital room and, without turning on the light in a very dark room, tried to inject me and then asked if they
“could withdraw blood from the palm of my hand” and then proceeded to pin me down. If I had moved or
resisted or called them a name or said “get off of me,” I probably would have been placed in isolation. I simply
said in a child’s voice “Please, ma’m, please don’t do that to me.”
Equally, while at the same hospital, I saw a quiet black man who was a patient, calm as you can be, approached
by a gang of black people and forced into isolation, tied down in straps and placed in isolation for hours.
While in Gainesville, Florida I came across a black psychiatric nurse who worked at Shands hospital, who
confessed that he was a member of the black panthers and I had told him that I had remembered that he was also
a professor at a College I attended when I was 19 years old in Gainesville, Florida and I remembered his speech,
preaching to the children that Jesus was actually a black man. At 19, I took what the professor said at face
value and I lived most of my life believing that Jesus was black and it really didn’t matter to me. Then as I
started learning more about Jesus, I questioned whether it was appropriate to discuss race at all in that manner
and that though it may have been a possibility that Jesus was black, preaching about race in general and
attaching a racial preference to Jesus and using his race in that context opened up questions that were best
addressed within a context that divorces the claiming of Jesus to any particular race. The New Testament says
that “Jesus was beaten to a point where he was unrecognizable so that no race could claim him.” Perhaps Jesus,
like me, was of mixed blood, a little black, a little white, a little Indian, and a little Jewish. The black man, the
psychiatric nurse (who I reported to authorities) said that he would orchestrate my murder if I spoke out about
the health care bill that forced treatment on people and revoked our right to refuse treatment.
I have been stalked by black people since Roosevelt Bradley was fired in 2004 and was battered in El Paso,
Texas in 2011 by a black woman who pounced on me for absolutely no reason.
At the Talbot’s house where I stay in Lakeland, Florida the FBI will find in the records two black men by the
name of Jimmy and James. There you will see that that James was just released for having murdered 5 people
for money. He had served 15 years in prison. He confessed that he was a hit man and killed people for money.
And I asked him “Have you found Jesus?” And he turned his head away. And I said “if someone paid you 1
million dollars to kill me would you kill me?” And he said “you wouldn’t be standing there right now.” I
reported him to the authorities.
Lastly, I was dining at this nice restaurant and was served by a very dashing, young, polite, dark black man and
I asked him “You are so polite and nice. What do you think
about black violence?” And he said “Ma’m, you can blame my parents for raising me to be a good boy, but you
are right, there is a lot of black violence everywhere you go. Black people are getting very violent but I try to
stay away from that.” Equally, at that same restaurant, in the back of the restaurant, is another very dark black
man that is cross-eyed and belongs to the Black Panthers. I know this because I was seated in the garden in
front of the restaurant and he approached me and asked me if I wanted to have sex with him and I said no, but I
asked him questions about his life, as I do to everyone. Harry’s employed both black men and the more
presentable one they put in the front and the less presentable one they put in the back.
2 years ago, before I was forced fed psychiatric drugs I weighed 120 pounds and my body was relatively
dashing and my face was not deformed as it is now. Now that I am 200 pounds and my face has suffered from
forced psychiatric drug feedings, I am not the kind of person that you want serving people at a restaurant, not
someone that is up for an interview and not someone to be on public display. Paula Deen is alleged to have
made the choice of putting half-black men serving customers in her dining area whilst having dark black men in
the kitchen. Before we make conclusions, I would ask Paula Deen’s attorney to do the following:
1) Organize information from all your restaurants and employee names, race, education, work experience,
culinary school attendance, work performance, work attendance, skill-sets developed and copies of their
driver’s license, including names of people that interviewed your clients, what position the person
applied for. Chances are that most very dark-skinned black people are less eloquent than light-skinned
black people and that HAS NOTHING to do with genetics but only that the person serving (who is half-
white) has, by virtue of the kind of experience he has with white people in his family, more knowledge
and know-how on how to deal with both the black community and the white community and as such, is
a more qualified liaison and sales person on the restaurant floor. In the same way that you would want a
bilingual staffer if your customer base was primarily Spanish-speaking people. In the same way that
most Japanese or Asian restaurants employ Asian waitresses and waiters.
2) It is absolutely no secret in any restaurant that you want the most “classically” beautiful people on your
restaurant floor, whether they are white, yellow, green or purple. I have had severe cystic acne for most
of my life and while I have been hired for my qualifications, it is understood by both my employers that
I am not presentable to clients and am offered work writing and drafting and access to company
meetings, but not face-to-face contact with clients because my skin condition can scare them away. I
loved me dearly despite my skin condition, have always kept me away from meetings, parties, groups
and social situations and NOT because they were ashamed of me, but because it would affect their
standing in society, the practical realities of the business world and it would open me up to bullying and
envy as (for some reason or other) the men in my life have always been extremely handsome and
educated and the other women will want to beat me up out of envy.
The realities of choosing the people to work your floor in the restaurant business is not based on color,
but rather a collection of artistically motivated decisions. Nevertheless, I would request of Paula Deens’
attorneys to make a thorough list of her employees, the shade of their skin color, whether she witnessed
them using the “nigger” word in the kitchen to each other, their family histories, their criminal histories,
their education history, their manner of dress (piercings, round large plastic rings expanding the piercing
of their ears) or if they appeared like “gangsters.”
Envy is something that runs through all races and nations and to raise your child up to respect not just physical
property, but intellectual property and cultural paradigms and family dynasties is something that not everybody
is able to do. Most children are not raised with a complex understanding of law, elegance and that sometimes
your lot in your life, your racial and national allegiances and the network that you belong to bars you from
entering into the apexes of cultural and intellectual property forums. The balance of power between the
government, families with dynasties, heritages of intellectual property and gene pools that are (whether we want
to admit it or not) superior in perhaps both genetic composition and access to information and mothers and
fathers and uncles and families with education that coddle them is always playing itself out on the world’s
stage. The nature v. nurture debate is at the crux of this debate, but also tangentially related to this debate is the
strategic infiltration of style, information, educational history, ideas, coddling, affection, economic allegiances,
cultural allegiances, family allegiances, skill-sets and that some people actually do go out and observe cultures
and try to destroy them and make it benefit to their own gain. Rather than accepting your lot in life and serving
others and God and accepting that your father was a meth addict and your mother was a maid and you are a first
generation college graduate competing with people who have thousands of years of family legacies that are both
honorable and extremely gifted with well-preserved stories and information about science, some people choose
to resort to theft and violence, envy and strife. This is not to say that the Lord and society cannot provide a poor
person with exceptional insight, it is, however, to say that within any context on either side of the fence,
privileged or under privileged, the duty is first to God, truth, respect for intellectual property, security and
goodness of all people, not expecting that you have the right to infiltrate a marriage and cause a coveted
husband to leave his wife or seduce a woman or man because you want to know her secrets and/or destroy her
because you are envious of her and want something she has, or spy on another culture to infiltrate their culture
on behalf of a white majority that is not bent on serving others, but instead, manipulating them for your own
So, let’s get back to Paula Deen.
Paula Deen is accused of referring to a black man as a “nigger” because the black man held a gun to her head
and threatened to shoot her. And yet black people use the word to refer to violent black people as “niggers” all
the time. – 200% Nigger Music by Black Musician – Pussy – Money – Weed by Black Musician
Ms. Deen, you remind me of a very nice white woman in North Florida I knew for many years. She was kind as
pie to me, sweet, and she helped me whenever I needed employment. Her name is Lou and she was a staffing
specialist. I have fond memories of going out on work assignments and I have fond memories of working with
white people from what people would call the South and a very black woman who was very dear to me, but it
was always clear to me that my Spanish heritage was a problem to all of them and the equation was Black-
White force against Latin-Catholic-Indian-Spanish. The dynamics that are born from the English white
Supremacism and virulent anti-Spanish and anti-Catholic sentiments are paradigms that are used in that
equation as a cultural war front against the latino.
At the Veterans Administration in Gainesville, Florida there is a wide variety of people working there and we
mostly get along, all of us. In fact, I was quite surprised at how absolutely warm Lou was with me and how
absolutely warm my black associate was with me. In the South in some areas in Gainesville, the black people
are like family. In the South, there is an emotional element to the side of intercultural relations that is superior
in many ways in the north. In the South, things can sometimes and more often than not, involve very personal
emotions in the side of business as Paula discusses here.
Nevertheless, if Paula Deen and any black woman had one of these Latin beauties walk into their restaurant,
there would be strife. If Ms. Deen promoted one of these to manage her culinary network instead of a white or
black staffer, they would probably both ally themselves against these women and call them whores, loose
women and capitalize on the protestant-Catholic-Indian-White-Black paradigm struggle. These women would
be attractive to both Paula Deen’s husbands and the Black men and for these reasons, the black women and the
white women find common ground against the latin. In fact, while these photographs will inspire in black and
white readers some measure of envy and defensiveness, the truth is that there are white women and black
women who pretty on married men and who seduce anything in their sight and watching these videos and
seeing these pictures will inspire in Paula Deen a little defensives – and frankly – cause her to feel more relaxed
with a very dark black woman that needs a job and whose hair and facial features are not the sexual program for
her husband. When I was younger I was a very conservative and relatively beautiful latin woman and I have
never seduced a taken men or a married woman, but prior to these psychiatric drugs having been forced on me,
all I had to do was walk into a room with white women and black women and I knew that I wasn’t welcome
because I used to be a very elegant, educated Spanish woman.
This is the way the equation works:
I should introduce myself as a Puerto-Rican woman. Puerto-Ricans have a wide variety of genetic types. I
bring this up because the tensions regarding the tapestry of subjects that comprise black and white communities,
tangentially concern the presence of the Indian and the Spaniard in the United States, that pre-dated both the
American White Community and the African Community’s presence in the United States by thousands of years
and hundreds of years, respectively. I submit photographs of some Puerto-Rican and Latin women and men for
your review in providing you an opportunity to assess and feel the reaction you have when you see these
photographs. How do you feel when you see these beauties, Mrs. Deen, and how does any black woman or
black man reading this correspondence? Do you feel envy at our bilingualism, our tri-lingualism, and that
sometimes we can be exceptionally handsome and beautiful and brilliant? Other times, we can be extremely
“ugly” within the standard of the classical Aryan sets of features and Europeans, carrying large, wide noses, an
opaque dark brown skin and be very, very petite. Why do I bring this up in the midst of providing a platform
for a public relations campaign that will help provide honest coverage of O.J. Simpson’s efforts to leave jail and
articulate Paula Deen’s context?
First, let me establish that the cultural and racial tensions in America are probably always going to be present to
a certain degree, with a rough exterior, because we are a nation that is not compromised of a homogenous
component of one particular racial group. In countries with nearly homogenous racial groups tensions between
wealthy people and poor people exist, issues regarding the role of government and the free-market, preservation
of intellectual property and the management of varying types of intelligence and talents and body types is
present. But America is also riddled constantly with a third component - racial and national allegiances. This
makes the study of culture, sociology, psychology, music and the liberal arts and history even more important,
undergirded with a strong foundation in the study and reverence and presence of the analysis of God in our
dialogue and the role of a rightful and regard for one’s own race, family, economic structures.
In the Jewish tradition there is the story of Rachel and Leah. Jacob falls in love with Rachel and Rachel and
Jacob wish to marry, but the father forces Jacob to marry Rachel’s older sister, Leah. Leah does not object to
this and instead tries to steal and penetrate Rachel’s secrets so that she will be able to seduce and maintain and
penetrate and manage Jacob and trick him into believing that it is Rachel in his marriage tent instead of Leah.
Leah is an accomplice in this scheme because she denies Rachel fertility herbs and is cruel with Rachel and
envious that Jacob was willing to wait 14 years to be with Rachel.
I find myself wishing to end this letter by stating that there are so many ways to sin that it would be impossible
to list all of the combinations a person can sin in this letter.
I hope, however, that I have delineated the most basic composites of the black-white – protestant latino-indian-
Spanish network and Paula Deen’s context.
In the end, I have publicly declared that I will not accept money from David de Rothschild as it will inspire
people to murder me. As it is, I have already assisted with some legal documents a Hollywood actress, who
upon hearing of David’s love for me, started to incite my murder by proxy and used the same scheme against
me, with a black-white drug network.
I can write more later but for now I will just say that if Paula Deen conspicuously goes on vacation to Miami, I
could be killed and black people will all of a sudden start rallying around her.
There is envy and strife within any racial group. There are plenty of white people who do bad things to white
people and latin people who do bad things to latin people.
However, within this context, I find that my analysis is correct.
As for O.J. Simpson, I would advise his attorneys to draft a motion with thorough legal research that documents
he has the right to bear arms and that the arms were not used when he went to get back the memorabilia that
was stolen from him. Mr. Simpson still had the right to bear arms and he was not the one carrying a gun.
The case against O.J. Simpson was a lot of media hype and an implied double-jeopardy. It is true that black
men have a higher incidence of domestic violence than white men and that the U.S. at large is afraid of the
implications of an O.J. Simpson walking around; however, I see this is as a great opportunity for O.J. Simpson’s
attorneys to file a motion and then his taking up the task of assembling anti-domestic violence groups.
I am campaigning for something called a “Machen Law.” The law would provide women the option of
registering their relationship and any meeting they have scheduled with absolutely anyone with the police. I do
this for my safety because people wish to murder me so that I am not involved in the management of the
intellectual property I began working on 12 years ago.
The law would provide an immediate background check. It would document your interaction with that person.
It would document the existence of a relationship. Both persons would give the police an account of any people
in their family that deal drugs, former lovers or spouses that may feel envious, children of a previous marriage
who may kill your spouse, friend or new wife or husband and any intellectual property you are working on.
What this would do is protect people from domestic violence, drug violence and associating with people who
are doing drugs, are associated with networks who do drugs and/or advise them properly so that they know what
they are getting into. This law would protect women from sexual predators. This law would also protect
women on dates who are abducted and raped or taken on a date to a party where there are drugs. This would
also protect employers from hiring black panthers or people who have family that are black panthers or part of a
criminal network that want to infiltrate your business, family and enterprise. This would also protect black
people from being used by white women or men who sometimes go out with black people (especially in the
media) for political and social points and protect all races from being infiltrated by people with less than the
noblest intentions. If a person does not wish to divulge all personal information, then a minimal standard of the
law’s service can be provided to provide minimal background searches for criminal activity and the
documentation of the relationship and whether it is sexual or not. Many women are impregnated by men they
have been in relationships with for months and the man then even denies even knowing her, screaming at the
woman and trying to convince her to have an abortion or denying paternity, forcing the woman to go to court
and hire an attorney to force the man to have a paternity test. In Gainesville, Florida alone there are 2,000
paternity tests a month issued by women on men who denied ever even knowing them. Many men are also
married and never tell the woman they seduce.
While I do not advocate that people tell everything to other people that you have just met, the highest form of
godliness and honesty merit complete disclosure. Nevertheless, there are instances where full disclosure can
result in violence and envy and sparking in the envy in another person that you do not know fully. This is why I
advocate for this service so very much.
Again, if Paula Deen were to conspicuously visit Miami, it would outrage the black community to such a degree
that I could be murdered because, in general, the black community does not like for white American aristocracy
to mingle with latin aristocracy or latin people in general. This is a social equation.
To this end, I propose that the Paula Deen controversy be dealt with in a more textured and realistic manner.
There are people who have decided not to play these social games and instead rely on truth and in the service of
God, in general, “giving to God what is God’s and to Cesar what is Cesar’s” and to family what belongs to
family and to society what belongs to society.
May the Lord inspire this nation to be precise and enlightened in our approach to race without resorting to
seduction of other races in the media, violent intimidations, envy against beautiful latin women and find in our
midst the strength and wisdom to hold each other in the highest forms of respect.
Cristina Molina

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130621 URGENT Articulating Paula Deen's Context , Addressing a Defense for O.J. Simpson and the Introduction to a Machen Law

  • 1. June 21, 2013 Paula Deen c/o c: George W. Bush Harrah's Tunica American Nazi Party 13615 Old Highway 61 North Miami Herald Robinsonville, MS 38664 Huffington Post Black Panther Party c/o Media O.J. Simpson c/o Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan Miami Criminal Defense Firm Jeb Bush The Law Offices of Yale Galanter, P.A. Governor Rick Scott 201 S. Biscayne Blvd. Suite 2800 Local Police Force Miami, Florida 33131 President Machen, University of Florida Tel: (305) 576-0244 Keira Lombardo, Smithfield Foods, Inc. Fax (305) 402-4624 First Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, Savannah Re: A) Request for Ethical Media Coverage of O.J. Simpson’s Request for a New Trial B) Request Yale Galanter Post Interrogatories, Requests for Productions, Request for Admissions and All Discovery on Website so that Media and Public Can See Evidence Directly, Leaving Little Room for Spin and Inaccuracies C) Introduction to a Machen Law – A Registration System Service Police Provide Any Family or Individual or Employers and Employees, Friends, Lovers and Anybody You Come in Contact with, For Safety Purposes. The Service Would Dear Mrs. Deen and O.J. Simpson: First, let me address Mrs. Deen. I apologize, Mrs. Deen, for not having written you earlier. I have been extremely busy. I started this letter on June 21, 2013 after seeing you in the news for a week or so and have just now started completing its final draft. By writing this letter, Mrs. Deen, I am placing my life and my family’s life in danger and I pray that anyone reading this letter that wishes to kill me would find me at in Lakeland, Florida. If a black person, groups of white people who use black people against the Latin communities and other minorities as weapons or those who frown on a white person’s liaison with Latin women, wish to kill me, I describe myself as 5’3” woman with very white skin and shoulder length brown hair and light brown eyes. Just ask anybody there and they’ll direct you to me. You can ask me a question or you can shoot but I prefer to be written to at this e-mail address. It is a known fact that some white people use black people as weapons of violence towards minorities, because they would prefer to have black alliances over Latin women and other nationalities in their midst. Black women usually are not romantic threats to white women or latin men and white women usually don’t suffer from envy when they are around black women because although some white men choose to be with black women, most white men are only attracted to white women and latin women. This creates a certain complex context for latin women in the U.S. If you present a beautiful European woman that is non-German in the equation, or a beautiful Russian woman in the equation, the white women and the black women unite and both feel threatened, the white woman by the economic implications of enriching a latin person and the black woman by the threat she feels of an endangerment of the financial liaisons she has with the white community. In fact, just two days ago, I sat in a restaurant at this hotel, and I was served by a white woman. We got into a conversation about race and culture. Like most white women and men, they usually don’t like having black friends or lovers and the waitress, blonde hair and blue eyed, probably from an upper middle class protestant or Episcopalian family said “Probably we are genetically superior because white people
  • 2. have performed so many wonderful and amazing technological feats. It’s very hard for me not to question the superiority of our gene pool.” I said, “I question that too sometimes when I see the kind of technological and literary marvels the white people have performed, nevertheless, I know a man by the name of Ed Cox, a very black man from Barbados, who is an aerospace engineer and I know of another man by the name of Roosevelt Bradley, another black man, who fixes some of the complex brake systems on buses, but you are right, white people do have a very uncanny resume documenting amazing feats and brilliance and I question that myself, as I probably have some measure of what people would call “mixed blood.” Then I mentioned that a Mexican man was the one that patented and invented the transmission of images wirelessly, whose patent was used by NASA to receive the first wireless image from Space and on the first ever television sets, an Argentine invented the pen, a Frenchman invented the first photograph, the Chinese and Japanese are brilliant as well and as a Puerto-Rican, I noted, there are Puerto- Rican astronauts. The waitress said that most white people don’t like associating with black people in general for security reasons and because they are just inherently different people, although she said, she’s not racist, it’s just natural to want to associate with your genetic pool. Then I said (quickly to catch her off guard, because I have asked this question 500 times before in my cultural studies) “How would you feel if the most beautiful Spanish-Puerto-Rican-Cuban woman walked in with flowing locks of black hair and emerald green eyes and pale white skin with a voluptuous figure and the finest clothes and you had to serve her, how do you think black people would feel about that and how would you feel about being close friends with a very beautiful Latin woman?” And the white waitress with blonde hair and blue eyes looked at me when I described a beautiful Latin woman and she didn’t like the idea of the existence of a beautiful Spanish woman and the waitress said “in that case, I would keep key black people very close to me to use as a weapon against her.” And then I said “So you are aware that white people ally themselves with blacks as weapons against another group?” And the waitress said “of course, key black people so that we don’t appear racist against other cultures.” That is, we spoke, of the sending out of black people as a “token” to other cultures as a Trojan horse to give the impression that they are not racist against Chinese, latins, Spanish, French, Italians, Japanese – on and on and then to intelligence gather and they also serve as threats of violence. With this, we ended our conversation. I have engaged in the conscious study of culture for approximately 20 years and not all black people are this way and not all white people are this way and not all latin people are this way – what I have found is that envy, strife, the struggle and competition for money and conscious and strategic and immoral infiltration of people’s work, ideas and respect for intellectual property, marriages, intentional acts taunting people to commit adultery and the holiness of ethical communication are themes that run through all veins of human interaction. There are plenty of black people that hurt other black people AND IN FACT 95% OF ALL BLACK CRIME IS BLACK ON BLACK. 95% OF ALL BLOCKS WHO ARE MURDERED ARE KILLED BY AANOTHER BLACK PERSON. White people rarely to never hurt black people. This does not mean that there is not racism and acts where blacks are unfairly targeted, this simply means that within the black community there is violence one from the other. This relates to my transportation project because as we all are going to walk in our cities, there are elements of cultural and personal security that need to be addressed. About 1.5 years ago while in Miami, Florida, I drove through a McDonalds in Coconut Grove and I pretended to be from Georgia. And I said “Ya’all down here in Miami with all these Latin people? What you all doing down here in Miami?” And the black person, through the drive-thru window, serving me said “We gather intelligence here, but once we’re done here we sent it back up to the north.” I have gone go dozens of black
  • 3. people and asked them the same question in a Georgia accent and 100% of them have the reply. In fact, if you were to search on you tube groups of professors and black scholars talking about the black condition they say “if we are going to win this war, we have to stay in the big cities and gather as much information as possible.” I recall I was working in an office and I handled a project that garnered the praise of the President of the Corporation, who managed 40,000 people. I was working for a white manager and a black manager and a wide variety of other employees. I was the administrative assistant to the chief of human resources that managed an organization of 40,000 employees. A Jewish woman, who was dating a Chinese man, came up to me with a problem and said she didn’t know how to fix it. She explained the problem to me and I said “I’ll see what I can do.” It took me about 2 days, but I fixed the problem and discovered egregious management issues and contacted personnel in other organizations, created a presentation and submitted it to the Jewish woman who had asked for help. The Jewish women then submitted it to a black supervisor, who in turn submitted it to the President, who in turn offered the Jewish woman 5 weeks of pay bonus for the solution to the work. The white human resources manager asked me if I had completed the work and the black human resources manager knew I had completed the work because I had the original document on my hard drive, but they all seemed to have a problem letting a Puerto-Rican woman receive praise from the President of the corporation for her work. I stayed silent on the matter. Equally, a Jewish man that I worked for wanted to give me a promotion as I had far more education and far more years of experience than another black employee and the black employee not only threatened to “move to Orlando where the Puerto-Ricans are” if I was given attention and then became violent with me. I also worked for another wonderful Jewish man who wanted to train me about certain legal intricacies, but some of the Cuban and American and Black staff were watching my every move, spread rumors that I wasa Jewish woman related to the Jewish CEO and that’s why he was providing me with the opportunity for on-one- one training and I was later harassed by their office manager and left for my safety. I worked for a newspaper when I was 23 years old and a black woman from the North allied herself with the black Vice President and a Jewish CEO. I was an above average writer and soon was excelling even the Vice President in the number of clients and business interests I was developing. One day, I walk into her office and the black woman Kristine, is seated there and I say high to both of them, jovially. The Cuban woman sits me down and says “I look at your face and I think you are so pathetic.” And I excused myself from the office as I started to cry and said I would be back in a moment after I collected myself. At the time I used to have a terrible case of cystic acne. I went to the bathroom stall and the black woman and Cuban woman came into the bathroom, pushed me against the wall and the Cuban started battering me (slapping me across the face) while the black woman blocked the entrance to the bathroom and wouldn’t let me leave the bathroom as they pinned me to the wall. Kristine had been a close co-worker and I had told her about how I had dated a black Dominican man who became angry and envious of me, insisted that he could follow me around at any time, that I was his property – and how he had pushed me out of a moving car. Kristine, a black woman, who was dating a white man, called the black man at his office and warned him to stay away from me. Those two loved me a lot, but I believe that Kristine Cartwright, although she had been my close co-worker, had become envious of me for my success in the workplace and this caused her to become concerned that I would report the newspaper to authorities as a front, who sends out reporters to commission meetings who were actually scouting for investors for real estate projects, that they would then funnel to private contractors. Mr. Cartwright then moved out of Miami and I never heard from her again. I was raised in a multi-ethnic home and I was taught never to associate race with character traits of cultural composites. But as I have grown older, I have now started to think critically about pools of culture, intellectual property, the rightful property of family dynasties, the dissemination of cultural property that is the collective
  • 4. property of a group of people, national security and interpersonal security. Because the word discrimination has such a negative connotation, we should rather, use glean, judge, contradistinguish, and the employment of the use of critical analysis skills in the context of upbringing, a person’s interests, choices, character and allegiance to God and goodness and gracefulness above all things. Apparently, as the newspaper I worked for was the most prestigious business newspaper in Miami, they were serving as a business brokerage front and securing contracts for side businesses and they feared that I would report them to authorities. I had on my desk a photograph of a very handsome man I was dating at the time and I believe that sparked an outrage among them. I recall riding my bicycle in Gainesville when I started profusely bleeding. My menstruation was far more strong than normal and it had arrived earlier than expected. Blood was literally gushing down my leg and I was in pain. I was on 13th street in Gainesville at the Office Depot. I begged several people to give me a ride back to my apartment so that I could wash up and nobody gave me a ride – black, white, green, yellow and purple – but a very nice Argentine man studying at the University of Florida and working in Gainesville gathered cardboard boxes from the trash and sat me in his passenger seat while I was bleeding and drove me all the way home. Two weeks ago I was seated at this University, and a white woman sparked a conversation with me and asked me what I was working on. I shared with her my work and showed her a photograph of David de Rothschild and a copy of the letter that I had sent him and explained how we communicate and that it was a hoot – David had asked me to marry him. The white woman folded her hands across her chest, got very serious and said “David is very handsome and he’s very rich.” And I said “Yes, he is, but that has nothing to do with it, I approached him for professional reasons 6 years ago and to avoid the tainting of sex in the allure of my work, I told him I weighed 300 pounds and had AIDs and he still professed love to me in front of the police.” The woman got very serious and walked away. I quietly got up and said “Ma’m… may I ask you… are you envious?” And she said “Yes.” And she doesn’t talk to me when I come to the campus anymore. When I approached Roosevelt Bradley, a black transit director for Miami-Dade County 12 years ago with my business plan and intellectual property, Roosevelt Bradley and his black assistant Clinton Forbes, although not 100% honest, referred to me as a “transit genius” and that he definitely wanted to work with me, nevertheless, Mr. Bradley did not show up to two subsequent meetings that he scheduled with me, his black assistant Mr. Forbes also cancelled the meetings and asked me out on a personal date for coffee and a White Marketing Director referred to my work as “my having a sexual fetish for transit” whilst dismissing my work and then colluding with management to work on my intellectual property without my inclusion. After Roosevelt Bradley was fired, a black female attorney, Abigail Price-Williams has been incredibly professional and good to me and protective of my work, thank God. Jeb Bush also personally drafted a letter requesting that my intellectual property be returned to me after I spent eight months drafting letters and making phone calls to have my business plan returned (that I believe they forwarded to private investors they chose collusively). Mayor Alvarez and Andres Gazitua, a Cuban man, put their lives on the line for me and my transportation work and dreams and to this day I keep everybody in formed of my transportation work, from Clinton Forbes (who is now working in Jacksonville, Florida), Roosevelt Bradley, who has now opened his own business and is the leading provider of complex brake systems in the entire United States and I write him to keep him abreast of my transportation work because my intention is to involve everyone. What am I trying to say? I’m trying to say that dishonesty runs through the vein of every culture and nationality and the subject of intercultural interaction in the United States will be a topic for thousands of years to come
  • 5. because we are a nation of various racial, national and social backgrounds and some bear allegiance to one of those three rather than the pure pursuit of truth and the objective analysis of what belongs rightly to who, the preservation of peace and self-correction. My church, Plymouth Congregational Church, had one of its very close families experience a horror. Like most old churches in wealthy white neighborhoods across the United States, they are situated next to what would have been the quarters for their assistants, who, in general, were black. In this case, Plymouth Congregational Church’s first assistants / (who blacks call slave) were Bahamians and Mexicans. In fact, Plymouth Congregational Church was built by Mexican people. A beautiful white woman, who was pregnant and who was married and lived in a beautiful home decided to employ the uses of the black community to run her catering business from her home. The woman, known to the Plymouth Congregational Church community, employed several black people to deliver food that she had cooked in her home to various catering events. One day, a black man entered her home with a knife and for reasons unbeknownst to the community, sliced the white woman’s pregnant belly open with a knife. She died. Right down the block from where I am staying at the train station, this crime occurred – a black man choked a woman to death and then stuffed cloth down her throat. in-death-of-woman-20130625/ I was in a hospital about 2 years ago and a large black woman, who was a psychiatrist, seemed to have been flirting with another white Latin psychiatrist. I was thin and more beautiful then and as I had a striking beauty about me then, when I got out of the room, the black psychiatrist looked at me as if though my presence in the room while she was flirting with a white Latin man would threaten her and she froze and I instinctively shut the door of the hospital room and feared for myself. Since then I have been drugged and forced fed medicine, gained 100 pounds and my face is deformed, I suffer from edema and serious heart problems. I was overdosed by that hospital and suffered an episode with my heart and was denied medical care. In the middle of the night in the hospital, after I complained of chest pain, two black women in wigs came to my hospital room and, without turning on the light in a very dark room, tried to inject me and then asked if they “could withdraw blood from the palm of my hand” and then proceeded to pin me down. If I had moved or resisted or called them a name or said “get off of me,” I probably would have been placed in isolation. I simply said in a child’s voice “Please, ma’m, please don’t do that to me.” Equally, while at the same hospital, I saw a quiet black man who was a patient, calm as you can be, approached by a gang of black people and forced into isolation, tied down in straps and placed in isolation for hours. While in Gainesville, Florida I came across a black psychiatric nurse who worked at Shands hospital, who confessed that he was a member of the black panthers and I had told him that I had remembered that he was also a professor at a College I attended when I was 19 years old in Gainesville, Florida and I remembered his speech, preaching to the children that Jesus was actually a black man. At 19, I took what the professor said at face value and I lived most of my life believing that Jesus was black and it really didn’t matter to me. Then as I started learning more about Jesus, I questioned whether it was appropriate to discuss race at all in that manner and that though it may have been a possibility that Jesus was black, preaching about race in general and attaching a racial preference to Jesus and using his race in that context opened up questions that were best addressed within a context that divorces the claiming of Jesus to any particular race. The New Testament says that “Jesus was beaten to a point where he was unrecognizable so that no race could claim him.” Perhaps Jesus, like me, was of mixed blood, a little black, a little white, a little Indian, and a little Jewish. The black man, the psychiatric nurse (who I reported to authorities) said that he would orchestrate my murder if I spoke out about the health care bill that forced treatment on people and revoked our right to refuse treatment.
  • 6. I have been stalked by black people since Roosevelt Bradley was fired in 2004 and was battered in El Paso, Texas in 2011 by a black woman who pounced on me for absolutely no reason. At the Talbot’s house where I stay in Lakeland, Florida the FBI will find in the records two black men by the name of Jimmy and James. There you will see that that James was just released for having murdered 5 people for money. He had served 15 years in prison. He confessed that he was a hit man and killed people for money. And I asked him “Have you found Jesus?” And he turned his head away. And I said “if someone paid you 1 million dollars to kill me would you kill me?” And he said “you wouldn’t be standing there right now.” I reported him to the authorities. Lastly, I was dining at this nice restaurant and was served by a very dashing, young, polite, dark black man and I asked him “You are so polite and nice. What do you think about black violence?” And he said “Ma’m, you can blame my parents for raising me to be a good boy, but you are right, there is a lot of black violence everywhere you go. Black people are getting very violent but I try to stay away from that.” Equally, at that same restaurant, in the back of the restaurant, is another very dark black man that is cross-eyed and belongs to the Black Panthers. I know this because I was seated in the garden in front of the restaurant and he approached me and asked me if I wanted to have sex with him and I said no, but I asked him questions about his life, as I do to everyone. Harry’s employed both black men and the more presentable one they put in the front and the less presentable one they put in the back. 2 years ago, before I was forced fed psychiatric drugs I weighed 120 pounds and my body was relatively dashing and my face was not deformed as it is now. Now that I am 200 pounds and my face has suffered from forced psychiatric drug feedings, I am not the kind of person that you want serving people at a restaurant, not someone that is up for an interview and not someone to be on public display. Paula Deen is alleged to have made the choice of putting half-black men serving customers in her dining area whilst having dark black men in the kitchen. Before we make conclusions, I would ask Paula Deen’s attorney to do the following: 1) Organize information from all your restaurants and employee names, race, education, work experience, culinary school attendance, work performance, work attendance, skill-sets developed and copies of their driver’s license, including names of people that interviewed your clients, what position the person applied for. Chances are that most very dark-skinned black people are less eloquent than light-skinned black people and that HAS NOTHING to do with genetics but only that the person serving (who is half- white) has, by virtue of the kind of experience he has with white people in his family, more knowledge and know-how on how to deal with both the black community and the white community and as such, is a more qualified liaison and sales person on the restaurant floor. In the same way that you would want a bilingual staffer if your customer base was primarily Spanish-speaking people. In the same way that most Japanese or Asian restaurants employ Asian waitresses and waiters. 2) It is absolutely no secret in any restaurant that you want the most “classically” beautiful people on your restaurant floor, whether they are white, yellow, green or purple. I have had severe cystic acne for most of my life and while I have been hired for my qualifications, it is understood by both my employers that I am not presentable to clients and am offered work writing and drafting and access to company meetings, but not face-to-face contact with clients because my skin condition can scare them away. I AM NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM SAYING THAT BEING VERY DARK BLACK IS A SKIN CONDITION. I MEAN TO SAY, RATHER, THAT THERE ARE CERTAIN PROTCOLS OF HOSPITALITY THAT MAKE CUSTOMERS FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE, ESPECIALLY IF THE HALF-BLACK WAIT STAFF HAVE BI-CULTURAL SKILLS. Even my boyfriends, who have loved me dearly despite my skin condition, have always kept me away from meetings, parties, groups and social situations and NOT because they were ashamed of me, but because it would affect their standing in society, the practical realities of the business world and it would open me up to bullying and envy as (for some reason or other) the men in my life have always been extremely handsome and educated and the other women will want to beat me up out of envy.
  • 7. The realities of choosing the people to work your floor in the restaurant business is not based on color, but rather a collection of artistically motivated decisions. Nevertheless, I would request of Paula Deens’ attorneys to make a thorough list of her employees, the shade of their skin color, whether she witnessed them using the “nigger” word in the kitchen to each other, their family histories, their criminal histories, their education history, their manner of dress (piercings, round large plastic rings expanding the piercing of their ears) or if they appeared like “gangsters.” Envy is something that runs through all races and nations and to raise your child up to respect not just physical property, but intellectual property and cultural paradigms and family dynasties is something that not everybody is able to do. Most children are not raised with a complex understanding of law, elegance and that sometimes your lot in your life, your racial and national allegiances and the network that you belong to bars you from entering into the apexes of cultural and intellectual property forums. The balance of power between the government, families with dynasties, heritages of intellectual property and gene pools that are (whether we want to admit it or not) superior in perhaps both genetic composition and access to information and mothers and fathers and uncles and families with education that coddle them is always playing itself out on the world’s stage. The nature v. nurture debate is at the crux of this debate, but also tangentially related to this debate is the strategic infiltration of style, information, educational history, ideas, coddling, affection, economic allegiances, cultural allegiances, family allegiances, skill-sets and that some people actually do go out and observe cultures and try to destroy them and make it benefit to their own gain. Rather than accepting your lot in life and serving others and God and accepting that your father was a meth addict and your mother was a maid and you are a first generation college graduate competing with people who have thousands of years of family legacies that are both honorable and extremely gifted with well-preserved stories and information about science, some people choose to resort to theft and violence, envy and strife. This is not to say that the Lord and society cannot provide a poor person with exceptional insight, it is, however, to say that within any context on either side of the fence, privileged or under privileged, the duty is first to God, truth, respect for intellectual property, security and goodness of all people, not expecting that you have the right to infiltrate a marriage and cause a coveted husband to leave his wife or seduce a woman or man because you want to know her secrets and/or destroy her because you are envious of her and want something she has, or spy on another culture to infiltrate their culture on behalf of a white majority that is not bent on serving others, but instead, manipulating them for your own gain. So, let’s get back to Paula Deen. Paula Deen is accused of referring to a black man as a “nigger” because the black man held a gun to her head and threatened to shoot her. And yet black people use the word to refer to violent black people as “niggers” all the time. – 200% Nigger Music by Black Musician – Pussy – Money – Weed by Black Musician Ms. Deen, you remind me of a very nice white woman in North Florida I knew for many years. She was kind as pie to me, sweet, and she helped me whenever I needed employment. Her name is Lou and she was a staffing specialist. I have fond memories of going out on work assignments and I have fond memories of working with white people from what people would call the South and a very black woman who was very dear to me, but it was always clear to me that my Spanish heritage was a problem to all of them and the equation was Black- White force against Latin-Catholic-Indian-Spanish. The dynamics that are born from the English white
  • 8. Supremacism and virulent anti-Spanish and anti-Catholic sentiments are paradigms that are used in that equation as a cultural war front against the latino. At the Veterans Administration in Gainesville, Florida there is a wide variety of people working there and we mostly get along, all of us. In fact, I was quite surprised at how absolutely warm Lou was with me and how absolutely warm my black associate was with me. In the South in some areas in Gainesville, the black people are like family. In the South, there is an emotional element to the side of intercultural relations that is superior in many ways in the north. In the South, things can sometimes and more often than not, involve very personal emotions in the side of business as Paula discusses here. Nevertheless, if Paula Deen and any black woman had one of these Latin beauties walk into their restaurant, there would be strife. If Ms. Deen promoted one of these to manage her culinary network instead of a white or black staffer, they would probably both ally themselves against these women and call them whores, loose women and capitalize on the protestant-Catholic-Indian-White-Black paradigm struggle. These women would be attractive to both Paula Deen’s husbands and the Black men and for these reasons, the black women and the white women find common ground against the latin. In fact, while these photographs will inspire in black and white readers some measure of envy and defensiveness, the truth is that there are white women and black women who pretty on married men and who seduce anything in their sight and watching these videos and seeing these pictures will inspire in Paula Deen a little defensives – and frankly – cause her to feel more relaxed with a very dark black woman that needs a job and whose hair and facial features are not the sexual program for her husband. When I was younger I was a very conservative and relatively beautiful latin woman and I have never seduced a taken men or a married woman, but prior to these psychiatric drugs having been forced on me, all I had to do was walk into a room with white women and black women and I knew that I wasn’t welcome because I used to be a very elegant, educated Spanish woman. This is the way the equation works: I should introduce myself as a Puerto-Rican woman. Puerto-Ricans have a wide variety of genetic types. I bring this up because the tensions regarding the tapestry of subjects that comprise black and white communities, tangentially concern the presence of the Indian and the Spaniard in the United States, that pre-dated both the American White Community and the African Community’s presence in the United States by thousands of years and hundreds of years, respectively. I submit photographs of some Puerto-Rican and Latin women and men for your review in providing you an opportunity to assess and feel the reaction you have when you see these photographs. How do you feel when you see these beauties, Mrs. Deen, and how does any black woman or black man reading this correspondence? Do you feel envy at our bilingualism, our tri-lingualism, and that sometimes we can be exceptionally handsome and beautiful and brilliant? Other times, we can be extremely “ugly” within the standard of the classical Aryan sets of features and Europeans, carrying large, wide noses, an opaque dark brown skin and be very, very petite. Why do I bring this up in the midst of providing a platform for a public relations campaign that will help provide honest coverage of O.J. Simpson’s efforts to leave jail and articulate Paula Deen’s context?
  • 9. First, let me establish that the cultural and racial tensions in America are probably always going to be present to a certain degree, with a rough exterior, because we are a nation that is not compromised of a homogenous component of one particular racial group. In countries with nearly homogenous racial groups tensions between wealthy people and poor people exist, issues regarding the role of government and the free-market, preservation of intellectual property and the management of varying types of intelligence and talents and body types is present. But America is also riddled constantly with a third component - racial and national allegiances. This makes the study of culture, sociology, psychology, music and the liberal arts and history even more important, undergirded with a strong foundation in the study and reverence and presence of the analysis of God in our dialogue and the role of a rightful and regard for one’s own race, family, economic structures. In the Jewish tradition there is the story of Rachel and Leah. Jacob falls in love with Rachel and Rachel and Jacob wish to marry, but the father forces Jacob to marry Rachel’s older sister, Leah. Leah does not object to this and instead tries to steal and penetrate Rachel’s secrets so that she will be able to seduce and maintain and penetrate and manage Jacob and trick him into believing that it is Rachel in his marriage tent instead of Leah. Leah is an accomplice in this scheme because she denies Rachel fertility herbs and is cruel with Rachel and envious that Jacob was willing to wait 14 years to be with Rachel. I find myself wishing to end this letter by stating that there are so many ways to sin that it would be impossible to list all of the combinations a person can sin in this letter. I hope, however, that I have delineated the most basic composites of the black-white – protestant latino-indian- Spanish network and Paula Deen’s context. In the end, I have publicly declared that I will not accept money from David de Rothschild as it will inspire people to murder me. As it is, I have already assisted with some legal documents a Hollywood actress, who upon hearing of David’s love for me, started to incite my murder by proxy and used the same scheme against me, with a black-white drug network. I can write more later but for now I will just say that if Paula Deen conspicuously goes on vacation to Miami, I could be killed and black people will all of a sudden start rallying around her. There is envy and strife within any racial group. There are plenty of white people who do bad things to white people and latin people who do bad things to latin people. However, within this context, I find that my analysis is correct. As for O.J. Simpson, I would advise his attorneys to draft a motion with thorough legal research that documents he has the right to bear arms and that the arms were not used when he went to get back the memorabilia that was stolen from him. Mr. Simpson still had the right to bear arms and he was not the one carrying a gun. The case against O.J. Simpson was a lot of media hype and an implied double-jeopardy. It is true that black men have a higher incidence of domestic violence than white men and that the U.S. at large is afraid of the implications of an O.J. Simpson walking around; however, I see this is as a great opportunity for O.J. Simpson’s attorneys to file a motion and then his taking up the task of assembling anti-domestic violence groups. I am campaigning for something called a “Machen Law.” The law would provide women the option of registering their relationship and any meeting they have scheduled with absolutely anyone with the police. I do this for my safety because people wish to murder me so that I am not involved in the management of the intellectual property I began working on 12 years ago.
  • 10. The law would provide an immediate background check. It would document your interaction with that person. It would document the existence of a relationship. Both persons would give the police an account of any people in their family that deal drugs, former lovers or spouses that may feel envious, children of a previous marriage who may kill your spouse, friend or new wife or husband and any intellectual property you are working on. What this would do is protect people from domestic violence, drug violence and associating with people who are doing drugs, are associated with networks who do drugs and/or advise them properly so that they know what they are getting into. This law would protect women from sexual predators. This law would also protect women on dates who are abducted and raped or taken on a date to a party where there are drugs. This would also protect employers from hiring black panthers or people who have family that are black panthers or part of a criminal network that want to infiltrate your business, family and enterprise. This would also protect black people from being used by white women or men who sometimes go out with black people (especially in the media) for political and social points and protect all races from being infiltrated by people with less than the noblest intentions. If a person does not wish to divulge all personal information, then a minimal standard of the law’s service can be provided to provide minimal background searches for criminal activity and the documentation of the relationship and whether it is sexual or not. Many women are impregnated by men they have been in relationships with for months and the man then even denies even knowing her, screaming at the woman and trying to convince her to have an abortion or denying paternity, forcing the woman to go to court and hire an attorney to force the man to have a paternity test. In Gainesville, Florida alone there are 2,000 paternity tests a month issued by women on men who denied ever even knowing them. Many men are also married and never tell the woman they seduce. While I do not advocate that people tell everything to other people that you have just met, the highest form of godliness and honesty merit complete disclosure. Nevertheless, there are instances where full disclosure can result in violence and envy and sparking in the envy in another person that you do not know fully. This is why I advocate for this service so very much. Again, if Paula Deen were to conspicuously visit Miami, it would outrage the black community to such a degree that I could be murdered because, in general, the black community does not like for white American aristocracy to mingle with latin aristocracy or latin people in general. This is a social equation. To this end, I propose that the Paula Deen controversy be dealt with in a more textured and realistic manner. There are people who have decided not to play these social games and instead rely on truth and in the service of God, in general, “giving to God what is God’s and to Cesar what is Cesar’s” and to family what belongs to family and to society what belongs to society. May the Lord inspire this nation to be precise and enlightened in our approach to race without resorting to seduction of other races in the media, violent intimidations, envy against beautiful latin women and find in our midst the strength and wisdom to hold each other in the highest forms of respect. Sincerely, Cristina Molina