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“Mum, Dad–
	 I’m bored”
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When your child next confronts you with this 							
	 challenging call, you’ll be prepared.
For your child:
Encourage and stimulate your child to explore their
imagination and creativity.
For you and your family:
Enjoy the holiday period as an exceptional time to spend
together, really getting to know one another while you all
enjoy a range of activities that don’t have to break the budget.
In this guide:
You’ll find more than 100 free or inexpensive holiday
activity ideas to keep your children
entertained and amused
without resorting to
the television or
computer games.
The Australian Scholarships Group (ASG), Australia’s largest
member-based organisation specialising in education benefit
programs, brings parents this guide to reduce their children’s
holiday boredom.
This guide incorporates ideas for entertaining children
during the holidays no matter what the circumstances or
financial restrictions.
Outdoors or indoors, no-cost or low-cost, excursions, trips,
in the car, make-believe, craft or creative. This guide’s got
it covered.
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At home or indoors ..................................................................................................... 4
In the park or backyard ........................................................................................... 13
Around your neighbourhood and beyond ............................................... 17
In the car .......................................................................................................................... 21
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At home or indoors
Press flowers
Gather or pick flowers and leaves, then place them
between sheets of greaseproof paper and press them
between the pages of a good
thick book. Once flattened
and dried out, the flowers
and leaves are great to use
as elements of a natural art
piece or for creating your
own cards to send
to friends.
At home or indoors
Hide and seek
A game for indoors or outdoors. Nominate hiders
and a seeker. The seeker counts down before
searching for the hiders. Remember, no peeking!
Finally, put all those fantastic 80s
fashions you’ve been keeping to
good use. For extra fun try going on
an excursion while dressed up. Stroll
up to the local video shop in your full
pirate regalia and then rent a good
old swashbuckling DVD to watch
that night. Or walk to the local
milk bar in your jungle explorer
fatigues and buy the kids Barney
Banana ice creams.
Memory games
Play with a deck of
cards, or just a group of
everyday household items.
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At home or indoors
It’s amazing what a piece of paper can make. If you’re not
quite so dexterous with your folding, perhaps a paper plane
competition is in order. Most libraries will have books on
origami or paper planes, otherwise check
on the websites: or
Pass it on games
Great fun for rainy days indoors. Kids whisper
a phrase to each other and by the time it has
passed from the originator down to the end of
the line, it has invariably been lost in translation
often with hilarious results.
Try doing a communal drawing where one child
draws the head of a creature then folds over the
paper. Consecutive children add the torso, legs
etc without being able to see what has preceded
them until the paper is finally unfolded.
Map of the
world holidays
Get out a map or globe of the world
and take imaginary journeys by sticking
a drawing pin into the map and then
learning something about that selected
country. Also use some plasticine rolled
into a ball and press onto the globe.
Nothing pleases kids
more than defeating
their parents at chess!
An ever-popular favourite, charades can
be played in heaps of different ways.
Try playing in teams where two people
act out the clues together for a bit of
extra bonding.
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Write, read or perform a song, poem or short story.
Go back in time
Rediscover one of your favourite old books and
read it to your kids.
Safety first
Run a fire safety drill for your home.
Perhaps it’s not the most exciting
holiday idea, but it could save lives
at some future time. Wormald’s
website at:
offers free fire safety tips for
your family and home.
At home or indoors
Visit your house
You can get a birds’eye view of your
home at:
Just type in your full address and then click
on the‘Satellite’icon. Zoom in by raising the
gauge and zoom out by lowering it. You can
also click on‘street view’to see your house
up close.
Call on your inner artist
Sketch an interesting house in your street.
There could be a potential career in real
estate brochures awaiting your children!
Homemade ice cream can taste better than
the store bought varieties because you made
it yourself. Check in your cookbooks for a
recipe or go to and search
for‘ice cream’.
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Food to go
Cook gingerbread people or make
fun biscuit shapes with cookie cutters.
Go to and
search for‘gingerbread biscuits’.
Select a recipe with a video that
demonstraes each step for you.
Now you see it,
now you don’t
Learn some magic tricks
and put on a show. Most
libraries will have books
on how to perform magic
tricks or check online at
Note: It’s best to avoid the
‘sawing mum in half’trick
until the kids are a little
more experienced!
Let me entertain you
Host a talent quest for family members or neighbourhood friends.
Perhaps one of your children is the next Neighbourhood Idol!
Sharpen up your engineering skills
Construct a mobile to hang in your children’s bedroom.
At home or indoors
Fun with food
Roast some marshmallows, have
a barbecue, host an afternoon
tea, or cook some damper.
Decorate anything and
Make an original shirt or tablecloth
using tie dye or batik. Your local
library will have instruction books or
check on the internet at: www.familycrafts.about.
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Patisserie at home
Bake and decorate a special
cake or a tray of cup
cakes. Now, who gets
to lick the spoon?
Breakfast chef
Cook up a special pancake
breakfast. The only difficulty is
to decide what you want with
your pancakes: maple syrup,
mixed berries, lemon and
sugar or ice cream. Yum!
Role plays
Play shopkeepers with younger kids. First they
have to stock the shop with a good range of
items and then it’s time to start haggling over
the prices!
At home or indoors
Thirsty work
Make your own lemonade and try a
lemonade stand on your footpath or near a
local playground. All you need is: one cup of
water, one cup of sugar, one cup lemon juice
(about 4 – 6 lemons), four cups of chilled soda
water, and some extra lemon and mint for
garnish. Combine water and sugar in a small
saucepan. Bring to the boil, stirring frequently,
until sugar dissolves completely. Leave to cool
and stir in the lemon juice. To serve, top with
chilled soda water and garnish.
Stamp pictures
Cut out potato stamps and
create your own pictures.
Cut the potato in half and
carve a shape into the face of the
potato. Cut away excess potato from around
the shape and ink the stamp in paint.
Cartoon kids
Get your kids to design and draw their own
cartoon character. Then get this character made
into a rubber stamp at your local shop. Then the
kids are free to create their own personalised
comic books, reusing the stamp as often as
they want.
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Family learning
Research and document your family
tree. You can get a lot of great
information during the 14-day
free trial at
Nature at work
Construct a volcano from plaster. Let the
plaster volcano dry overnight then paint it
the next day. Use a spoon, or a funnel, to put
the baking soda into the hole in the top of
the volcano. Put a little white vinegar into a
container and pour in a small amount of red
food colouring. Carefully pour this mixture
into the top of the volcano. Now stand back
and wait for the eruption!
At home or indoors
Share the family’s secret recipes
Make some scones like grandma did! Note: If grandma
won’t give away her secret recipe try the official Country
Women’s Association Cookbook.
Encourage a
budding engineer
Play with Lego
, Meccano
or build a model from a kit.
Pets in the swim
Get some goldfish to have at home. Often
visiting the store is as much fun as going to
an expensive aquarium. Then you can find
clean rocks and objects to put in the bowl
to make it interesting for the fish. Daily
feeding time is also fun but remember
so much and no more, never more than
a spot, or something may happen, you
never know what!
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Chef for the night
Make a special pizza letting
the kids select the toppings.
After all, who do you
think first thought of
pineapple as a pizza
topping – surely not
an adult?
Sea Monkeys are a cheap and entertaining project for the
children. They are actually dehydrated brine shrimp that
miraculously reanimate when put in water. If you don’t want
to buy the name brand at a toyshop you can get the same
product from an aquarium supplies store as they are used as
food for tropical fish.
At home or indoors
Budding artist
Paint-by-numbers kits are
inexpensive and can provide hours
of peaceful entertainment.
Mystic path
Set up a fortune-telling stand,
or try some palm reading.
Rekindled crafts
The lost arts of macramé and embroidery
are still greatly loved by children. Most libraries
will have instruction books on these crafts
that are great for all ages, or check out
Holiday writing
Write a holiday diary.‘I know what I did
last summer’.
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Make a mosaic
All you need to make a mosaic is some
plaster and glass beads. Your local library
will have instruction books or check out
Share times past
Photo albums are a great way
to pass a rainy afternoon. We all
have photo albums lying around
but how often do we actually
look at them, let alone share
them with the kids? The children
will love looking at photos of
themselves as they grew up, and
it can bring back a lot of happy
memories. The kids will also find
it fascinating to look at their
parents’photo albums;“Check
out dad with a moustache”,“What
is that you’re wearing mum?”
At home or indoors
Party fun
Host a slumber party.
Make puppets or finger puppets
and put on a show.
Teatime to share
Host an elegant tea party.
Get dressed up and use
the fine china (from the
op shop!).
Family history
Interview and write about an older
relative. You might be surprised how
much the kids learn,
“Did you know ball
point pens weren’t
even invented when
grandma was born,
much less computers”?
3-D art
Create a sculpture using
whatever medium and
materials you want.
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Craft animal friends
Make papier-mâché piggies. All you
need is newspaper, a balloon,
and some flour and water for the
paste. But don’t forget some paint
and a little twirly something for the
tail. You can even turn your piggy
into a useful piggybank.
Eat up
Have a midnight feast. The holidays are the perfect
time to give the kids a treat by staying up late one
night and having a good sleep-in the next day.
Rent a special DVD and have a midnight (or late
night if the kids are younger) feast. The kids can
help prepare the feast making popcorn, chocolate
crackles or honey-joys. Go to bed by torchlight.
Play fun at low cost
Make playdough. You don’t have to buy expensive
brand name playdough, it’s much more fun to
make it at home with the kids. Combine one
cup of plain white flour, half a cup of salt, one
cup of water and two tablespoons of cream
of tartar. Mix the combination in a saucepan
then add one tablespoon of oil and some
vegetable dye. Cook in the saucepan
until thick then put in the fridge to cool.
If stored in the fridge and kept moist,
your homemade playdough will last
for weeks.
At home or indoors
Indoor sport
Try carpet bowls if it’s raining.
Budding playwright
Write and perform a play. Why not try writing and presenting
your own play? The script can be written together, then various
children can be assigned different roles. For example, they
coulb be actors, director or in stage design before swapping
roles with each other.
into stories
Make a scrapbook on
any topic you desire.
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In the park or backyard
Who needs a brush
Finger painting never really loses
its appeal and you have all the
ingredients you need right there
in your kitchen. Just mix corn
flour and water in a saucepan.
Bring it to the boil and when it
has thickened add some vegetable
dye. Once it’s cooled all you need
are some large sheets of butchers’
paper and you are ready to roll up
your sleeves and start finger painting.
Find lost riches
Create a treasure hunt. With a little
preparation writing the clues (and, of
course, hiding a suitable treasure) you can
keep the kids busy for as long as you want.
You can write clues, make a map, or leave
style guides
for your
to follow.
In the park or backyard
Grow something
Plant a flowerbed. Sunflowers are
spectacular favourites with young
kids and relatively easy to grow.
Feed your
feathered friends
Feed the birds. Make your own bird
feeder or birdbath and give the
birds in your garden a holiday treat.
Go to a park and feed the ducks or
the seagulls at the beach. Contact
your local Gould Society to find out
about good bird watching locations in
your area.
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Study insects
Insects! They surround us. By
some accounts, insects make up
more than 80 per cent of earth’s
animals, outnumbering the
combined total of all other
living creatures found on earth.
Get a first-hand look at the many
different species of insects. Study
the butterflies and other insects in
your garden. Start an ant farm or
worm farm.
Make a scarecrow
to go in the
vegetable patch
or backyard.
It’s not tennis
Badminton is a fun, easy and
safe non-contact sport for all
ages that can be played in any
backyard or park.
In the park or backyard
Air race
Host a paper plane building
and flying contest.
Where does food
come from?
Many children think food
comes from the supermarket.
Plant a vegetable patch or
fruit tree and tend your food
to fruition. It’s great fun and
eventually delicious!
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Tiny garden worlds
Make a moss garden
out of moss, twigs,
and grass from
your garden. Create
miniature worlds such as
fairy grottos and dragons’
Playtime on the footpath
Hopscotch provides hours of fun for kids, all for the
price of a piece of chalk.
Pool fun
Play Marco Polo in a swimming pool. Whoever is‘it’closes
their eyes and repeatedly calls out“Marco”. All the other
players try to avoid being tagged, but must call out“Polo”
whenever they hear the cry of“Marco”.
In the park or backyard
Walk the dog
Children’s best friend
should get extra
attention on the
holidays as well.
Picnic time
Host a Teddy Bears’Picnic in
the backyard or nearby park.
Get the kids a disposable
camera each and have a
photographic competition.
For poolside fun get an
underwater disposable camera.
Look up at the stars at night and
try to find the constellations.
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Bubble blowing tiggy
It makes tiggy a lot more
fun if you have to‘tag’
someone with a recently
blown bubble. All you
need are a few bottles of
bubble mixture, or even
dishwashing liquid and
water will do the trick.
Explore Aboriginal art
Try painting‘indigenous style’on bark or dried leaves you
have collected.
Camp out
Pitch a tent in the backyard and go camping.
Great for a sleepover but don’t forget the torch!
Sporting fun
Try backyard cricket, or for something different try
backyard croquet or bocce.
In the park or backyard
Building a place of your own
Build an outdoor cubbyhouse or tree house.
Up in the air
Fly a kite. Try one of the new two-stringed controllable
kites for more interesting kite play, or gaze up at the
sky and swaying treetops.
Out on a limb
Climb a tree. What can you see from up there?
Remember to always supervise any climbing activities
and warn the kids not to climb higher than a height at
which they feel safe.
Street art
Paint portraits on the footpath with water-based paints,
or draw fabulous chalk sketches on the footpath.
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Around your neighbourhood and beyond
Local libraries are everywhere,
and if you haven’t visited one
recently then you may be
pleasantly surprised. Many
libraries now have cool book
reading areas for children.
Your local library may also
run a school holiday
program for kids including
book readings, magic
shows and craft days.
Horse back
Go for a horse ride
along a beach
or country track.
Younger children
could take a short
pony ride.
Around your neighbourhood and beyond
By the water
Riverside or lakeside—take your pick, but there can hardly be two more
entertaining locations for young kids. The possibilities are endless: splash
about in the stream, go fishing, explore the riverbanks, or indulge in
tadpole hunting or yabbying.
Sandcastle building is always a favourite. Try
making a fairy castle on the waters
edge by dripping the wet sand
through your fingers to construct
lovely towers and minarets.
Explore the rock pools. See
everything from hermit crabs
and sea stars to a set of lost
false teeth.
Life saving
If you live near a beach
or are holidaying at one, visit
the local lifesaving club to learn
about water safety. This can be an
interesting and invaluable visit.
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Chalk trail
Leave a trail of chalk arrows around your
neighbourhood. Your kids get exercise as
they follow them, as well as learning about the local area
with you acting as tour guide. Finish up the trail at
a milk bar for a nice ice creamy reward!
Local councils
Phone your local shire or council office. Many run school
holiday programs, which feature art competitions, free
concerts in local parks and sports days.
Around your neighbourhood and beyond
All aboard
A steam train trip, or even a ride on an
everyday contemporary train can be a
great adventure for young children.
On the water
Take a ferry ride, punt down a
stream or go canoeing. Kayak in
a river or on the ocean.
Art galleries
You don’t need to visit a large gallery
that charges admission. Many smaller
local galleries offer free admission,
as well as constantly changing
exhibitions. What a great way to
inspire the kids!
Council pools
Splashing around in the pool can be great fun and a good
way to meet other children from your area. Many local
pools have special events such as Dive-in movies on hot
nights. Ask to see your local pool’s calendar of events.
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Explore the past
Find your local historical society.
Most historical societies
or clubs have a small free
museum covering local history,
photography or aeronautics.
Bike riding
Once you learn it, you’ll never forget
what good fun (and great exercise)
it is. Explore a local bike path. Check
on the internet for bike paths in your
area. Try for
one close to you.
Look out
Observation decks in tall
city buildings can be a good
afternoon excursion.
Around your neighbourhood and beyond
Movies with a difference
Visit outdoor cinemas such as rooftop
cinemas or go to screenings in
the Botanic Gardens.
In the gardens
Botanic gardens are always a fantastic
place to take the kids. They can run
around, feed the ducks or learn the Latin
names for everyday plants. Regional or
country botanical gardens are often a
great place to visit as a day trip in the car.
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Lawn bowls
Most local clubs will welcome the kids to a twilight bowling
night where the older bowlers can pass on their expertise to the
youngsters. Many clubs also offer barefoot bowling for the kids.
Architecture walk
Again you are the tour guide, but it’s great showing children
the intricacies of local buildings they may have walked past
many times, but never really appreciated.
Let the children help marinate the food
before you go. Then let them help with
the cooking. Most councils provide
free or inexpensive barbecues.
Explore times past
Go on a fossil hunt in a nearby
park, on a riverbank or walking path.
Contact the
The CSIRO often
runs free school
holiday programs
for budding young
scientists. Find
out more at:
•	 a National Trust property to explore Australia’s past. For more information visit:
•	 	the planetarium. Family tickets are usually fairly reasonably priced. Go to and search under‘Education’for an observatory or
planetarium near you.
•	 	a ship in port or check out any local docks for nautical history museums.
•	 	a lighthouse nearest you – visit
•	 	a nearby neighbourhood on public transport then explore the different shops,
buildings, parks and cafes.
•	 	a cemetery. They are usually fascinating and you can make it a hands-on
experience by doing some charcoal or crayon rubbings of old tombstones.
Always check or ask staff first.
•	 	a boardwalk in your local area. Boardwalks are great exercise and give you and the
kids the chance to explore some wetlands or other interesting natural areas.
Around your neighbourhood and beyond
Beach stuff
Is there anything more
Australian, or more fun,
than a day on the beach?
Choose from beach cricket,
frisbee, grip ball, skiffle board,
kayaking or bodysurfing.
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In the car
Animal, vegetable
or mineral
Also known as 20 questions, this is a
great game where one player imagines
an object then the others have 20 yes
or no questions to try and work out
the object.
A car trip can be a great opportunity to chat with your kids
while they aren’t being distracted by television or
computer games. Let’s face it, they know they
can’t get away so they may as well chat
with you about how
school is going.
In this game each player gets
a set time period and has to
count the number of wheels
that pass by your car in a
given period. For example,
you score two points for a
motorbike, four points for a car
and six or more for larger trucks. Each player has
the same time period and the winner is the one
with the highest score.
In the car
One person thinks of a category then each player has to name
something in that category. Whenever a player is unable to add
a new item to the list they drop out. Categories might include
animals, colours or cartoon shows.
How many songs
Listen to the radio and each person must
guess how many songs they will play
before you reach your destination.
This game is great because if the kids
have guessed too few songs they
will actually be wishing that the
journey took a little longer instead of
screaming“Are we there yet?”
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Number plates
Make up creatures using the letters on car number plates around you.
For example BDD 768 could be Big Dastardly Dragon or Bone Digging Dog.
Car scavenger hunt
Make a list of commonly seen items appropriate for the area
you will be driving through. For example – horses, wooden
fences, cows, haystacks if you are driving through the
countryside. You might see petrol stations, fast food outlets
and police cars if you are driving through a city. Try and have
about 20 items on the list. The children then call out when
they see the item and whoever sees it first gets to cross it off
their list. The winner is the first to cross off all 20 items. Older
children can help youngsters if they can’t read their list.
the lyrics
While listening to a
favourite CD, the
parent presses pause
on the car CD player.
The kids have to
complete the lyrics
for the next line of
the song.
In the car
Word association
A great game for lateral thinking. One player starts by saying any word, the next
replies immediately with the first associated word that comes into their mind.
You have to drop out of the game if you can’t think of a word immediately, or if you
repeat a word already used. For example: bird-wing-sky-plane-luggage-suitcase etc.
Name game
Choose a topic and each player must name
an item in that topic as you work through the
alphabet. For example, if the category is animals,
the answers might run – antelope, beaver, cow,
dugong. A player drops out if they cannot think of
an item for the letter of their turn.
Empty petrol tank
Each player has a certain colour car to count. Every time they see one of their colour
cars they get a point. However, if they pass a petrol station on their side of the car
they lose all their points, but only if one of their opponents sees the station and calls
out“Empty petrol tank”. The game gets more interesting when distraction tactics
are used to make your opponents miss seeing either their colour cars or the petrol
station. You can have an agreed winning score at which the winner must call out
“My tank is full”.
Magnetic travel games
Handy for long trips in the car,
magnetic games are usually
inexpensive and include chess,
checkers, Snakes and Ladders,
solitaire, Scrabble
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Silence is golden
A wonderful game especially when people’s nerves are starting
to fray. Who can stay silent the longest? It’s a good idea to give
some sort of reward to the winner.
The reward doesn’t have to be a
chocolate or sweet, it could
simply be that the child
gets to choose the
music or radio station
you listen to for
the next part of
your journey.
Grandpa’s underpants
Whoever is‘it’must answer all the other’s questions with a suitably silly
phrase while keeping a straight face. For example; “What do you like in your
soup?” The answer “Grandpa’s underpants” is suitably silly. Whoever gets the
respondent to laugh first then becomes‘it’. New phrases can be thought up
at any time.
In the car
Construct an oral story
Each child (and adult if you wish) takes it in turns to add a sentence to a shared
story you are all constructing out loud. This works particularly well when kids
are trying to work in different genres. For example, your young daughter is
trying to make a princess style romance, but every few lines your older son
changes direction towards a swashbuckling knights and dragons mode.
Make plans
The car trip on the way to your holiday destination is a great time to find out
what the children would really like to do when they get there. For example,
you might be assuming that they want to go on
the roller coasters at the expensive theme park
when a conversation with them could reveal
they are scared of the roller coasters and would
much rather splash around in the rock pools.
Plan a few special things to do while you are away.
In the child’s imagination you will already have
arrived at your destination. Alternatively, if you
are returning home, review the high points of
the holiday and create some goals to achieve in
the term ahead.
I spy
An old favourite. One player says“I spy with my
little eye something beginning with the letter
A”, B, C or D. The other players then
have to guess what object they
are looking at. If one of the
children is too young to know
the alphabet then you can
choose objects
by colours
rather than
by letters.
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About the Australian Scholarships Group
About the Australian Scholarships Group
“Mum, Dad – I’m bored” is provided to parents
as an education support initiative of the
Australian Scholarships Group (ASG).
*At 1 July 2013
“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”– Published 2013
Please consider the Product Disclosure Statement available at ASG’s registered office or any Information Centre.
ASG helps families prepare for their children’s education.
We deliver a range of products and resources to families to
support their children’s early learning phase right through
to post-secondary studies.
Because we are a not-for-profit and member-based
organisation, benefits are returned to our Members and their
children, rather than shareholders.
Members make regular contributions to an education benefit
fund that helps offset education fees and other expenses.
ASG has been helping families and their children for more than
40 years. More than 515,000 children have been enrolled with
ASG in that time, and we have returned more than $2 billion in
education benefits to Members and their children.*
For more information about ASG and its range of education
and parenting support initiatives visit or
call 1800 648 945.

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100 free-and-inexpensive-holiday-activities-for-toddlers-and-young-children

  • 2. page | 2“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| When your child next confronts you with this challenging call, you’ll be prepared. For your child: Encourage and stimulate your child to explore their imagination and creativity. For you and your family: Enjoy the holiday period as an exceptional time to spend together, really getting to know one another while you all enjoy a range of activities that don’t have to break the budget. In this guide: You’ll find more than 100 free or inexpensive holiday activity ideas to keep your children entertained and amused without resorting to the television or computer games. Introduction The Australian Scholarships Group (ASG), Australia’s largest member-based organisation specialising in education benefit programs, brings parents this guide to reduce their children’s holiday boredom. This guide incorporates ideas for entertaining children during the holidays no matter what the circumstances or financial restrictions. Outdoors or indoors, no-cost or low-cost, excursions, trips, in the car, make-believe, craft or creative. This guide’s got it covered.
  • 3. page | 3“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Contents At home or indoors ..................................................................................................... 4 In the park or backyard ........................................................................................... 13 Around your neighbourhood and beyond ............................................... 17 In the car .......................................................................................................................... 21
  • 4. page | 4“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| At home or indoors Press flowers Gather or pick flowers and leaves, then place them between sheets of greaseproof paper and press them between the pages of a good thick book. Once flattened and dried out, the flowers and leaves are great to use as elements of a natural art piece or for creating your own cards to send to friends. At home or indoors Hide and seek A game for indoors or outdoors. Nominate hiders and a seeker. The seeker counts down before searching for the hiders. Remember, no peeking! Dress-ups Finally, put all those fantastic 80s fashions you’ve been keeping to good use. For extra fun try going on an excursion while dressed up. Stroll up to the local video shop in your full pirate regalia and then rent a good old swashbuckling DVD to watch that night. Or walk to the local milk bar in your jungle explorer fatigues and buy the kids Barney Banana ice creams. Memory games Play with a deck of cards, or just a group of everyday household items.
  • 5. page | 5“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| At home or indoors Origami It’s amazing what a piece of paper can make. If you’re not quite so dexterous with your folding, perhaps a paper plane competition is in order. Most libraries will have books on origami or paper planes, otherwise check on the websites: or Pass it on games Great fun for rainy days indoors. Kids whisper a phrase to each other and by the time it has passed from the originator down to the end of the line, it has invariably been lost in translation often with hilarious results. Try doing a communal drawing where one child draws the head of a creature then folds over the paper. Consecutive children add the torso, legs etc without being able to see what has preceded them until the paper is finally unfolded. Map of the world holidays Get out a map or globe of the world and take imaginary journeys by sticking a drawing pin into the map and then learning something about that selected country. Also use some plasticine rolled into a ball and press onto the globe. Chess Nothing pleases kids more than defeating their parents at chess! Charades An ever-popular favourite, charades can be played in heaps of different ways. Try playing in teams where two people act out the clues together for a bit of extra bonding.
  • 6. page | 6“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Perform Write, read or perform a song, poem or short story. Go back in time Rediscover one of your favourite old books and read it to your kids. Safety first Run a fire safety drill for your home. Perhaps it’s not the most exciting holiday idea, but it could save lives at some future time. Wormald’s website at: offers free fire safety tips for your family and home. At home or indoors Visit your house You can get a birds’eye view of your home at: Just type in your full address and then click on the‘Satellite’icon. Zoom in by raising the gauge and zoom out by lowering it. You can also click on‘street view’to see your house up close. Call on your inner artist Sketch an interesting house in your street. There could be a potential career in real estate brochures awaiting your children! Yum Homemade ice cream can taste better than the store bought varieties because you made it yourself. Check in your cookbooks for a recipe or go to and search for‘ice cream’.
  • 7. page | 7“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Food to go Cook gingerbread people or make fun biscuit shapes with cookie cutters. Go to and search for‘gingerbread biscuits’. Select a recipe with a video that demonstraes each step for you. Now you see it, now you don’t Learn some magic tricks and put on a show. Most libraries will have books on how to perform magic tricks or check online at Note: It’s best to avoid the ‘sawing mum in half’trick until the kids are a little more experienced! Let me entertain you Host a talent quest for family members or neighbourhood friends. Perhaps one of your children is the next Neighbourhood Idol! Sharpen up your engineering skills Construct a mobile to hang in your children’s bedroom. At home or indoors Fun with food Roast some marshmallows, have a barbecue, host an afternoon tea, or cook some damper. Decorate anything and everything Make an original shirt or tablecloth using tie dye or batik. Your local library will have instruction books or check on the internet at: www.familycrafts.about. com/cs/tiedye/a/041601a.htm
  • 8. page | 8“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Patisserie at home Bake and decorate a special cake or a tray of cup cakes. Now, who gets to lick the spoon? Breakfast chef Cook up a special pancake breakfast. The only difficulty is to decide what you want with your pancakes: maple syrup, mixed berries, lemon and sugar or ice cream. Yum! Role plays Play shopkeepers with younger kids. First they have to stock the shop with a good range of items and then it’s time to start haggling over the prices! At home or indoors Thirsty work Make your own lemonade and try a lemonade stand on your footpath or near a local playground. All you need is: one cup of water, one cup of sugar, one cup lemon juice (about 4 – 6 lemons), four cups of chilled soda water, and some extra lemon and mint for garnish. Combine water and sugar in a small saucepan. Bring to the boil, stirring frequently, until sugar dissolves completely. Leave to cool and stir in the lemon juice. To serve, top with chilled soda water and garnish. Stamp pictures Cut out potato stamps and create your own pictures. Cut the potato in half and carve a shape into the face of the potato. Cut away excess potato from around the shape and ink the stamp in paint. Cartoon kids Get your kids to design and draw their own cartoon character. Then get this character made into a rubber stamp at your local shop. Then the kids are free to create their own personalised comic books, reusing the stamp as often as they want.
  • 9. page | 9“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Family learning Research and document your family tree. You can get a lot of great information during the 14-day free trial at Nature at work Construct a volcano from plaster. Let the plaster volcano dry overnight then paint it the next day. Use a spoon, or a funnel, to put the baking soda into the hole in the top of the volcano. Put a little white vinegar into a container and pour in a small amount of red food colouring. Carefully pour this mixture into the top of the volcano. Now stand back and wait for the eruption! At home or indoors Share the family’s secret recipes Make some scones like grandma did! Note: If grandma won’t give away her secret recipe try the official Country Women’s Association Cookbook. Encourage a budding engineer Play with Lego , Meccano , or build a model from a kit. Pets in the swim Get some goldfish to have at home. Often visiting the store is as much fun as going to an expensive aquarium. Then you can find clean rocks and objects to put in the bowl to make it interesting for the fish. Daily feeding time is also fun but remember so much and no more, never more than a spot, or something may happen, you never know what!
  • 10. page | 10“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Chef for the night Make a special pizza letting the kids select the toppings. After all, who do you think first thought of pineapple as a pizza topping – surely not an adult? Seascape Sea Monkeys are a cheap and entertaining project for the children. They are actually dehydrated brine shrimp that miraculously reanimate when put in water. If you don’t want to buy the name brand at a toyshop you can get the same product from an aquarium supplies store as they are used as food for tropical fish. At home or indoors Budding artist Paint-by-numbers kits are inexpensive and can provide hours of peaceful entertainment. Mystic path Set up a fortune-telling stand, or try some palm reading. Rekindled crafts The lost arts of macramé and embroidery are still greatly loved by children. Most libraries will have instruction books on these crafts that are great for all ages, or check out Holiday writing Write a holiday diary.‘I know what I did last summer’.
  • 11. page | 11“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Make a mosaic All you need to make a mosaic is some plaster and glass beads. Your local library will have instruction books or check out Share times past Photo albums are a great way to pass a rainy afternoon. We all have photo albums lying around but how often do we actually look at them, let alone share them with the kids? The children will love looking at photos of themselves as they grew up, and it can bring back a lot of happy memories. The kids will also find it fascinating to look at their parents’photo albums;“Check out dad with a moustache”,“What is that you’re wearing mum?” At home or indoors Party fun Host a slumber party. Puppeteering Make puppets or finger puppets and put on a show. Teatime to share Host an elegant tea party. Get dressed up and use the fine china (from the op shop!). Family history Interview and write about an older relative. You might be surprised how much the kids learn, “Did you know ball point pens weren’t even invented when grandma was born, much less computers”? 3-D art Create a sculpture using whatever medium and materials you want.
  • 12. page | 12“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Craft animal friends Make papier-mâché piggies. All you need is newspaper, a balloon, and some flour and water for the paste. But don’t forget some paint and a little twirly something for the tail. You can even turn your piggy into a useful piggybank. Eat up Have a midnight feast. The holidays are the perfect time to give the kids a treat by staying up late one night and having a good sleep-in the next day. Rent a special DVD and have a midnight (or late night if the kids are younger) feast. The kids can help prepare the feast making popcorn, chocolate crackles or honey-joys. Go to bed by torchlight. Play fun at low cost Make playdough. You don’t have to buy expensive brand name playdough, it’s much more fun to make it at home with the kids. Combine one cup of plain white flour, half a cup of salt, one cup of water and two tablespoons of cream of tartar. Mix the combination in a saucepan then add one tablespoon of oil and some vegetable dye. Cook in the saucepan until thick then put in the fridge to cool. If stored in the fridge and kept moist, your homemade playdough will last for weeks. At home or indoors Indoor sport Try carpet bowls if it’s raining. Budding playwright Write and perform a play. Why not try writing and presenting your own play? The script can be written together, then various children can be assigned different roles. For example, they coulb be actors, director or in stage design before swapping roles with each other. Pictures into stories Make a scrapbook on any topic you desire.
  • 13. page | 13“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| In the park or backyard Who needs a brush Finger painting never really loses its appeal and you have all the ingredients you need right there in your kitchen. Just mix corn flour and water in a saucepan. Bring it to the boil and when it has thickened add some vegetable dye. Once it’s cooled all you need are some large sheets of butchers’ paper and you are ready to roll up your sleeves and start finger painting. Find lost riches Create a treasure hunt. With a little preparation writing the clues (and, of course, hiding a suitable treasure) you can keep the kids busy for as long as you want. You can write clues, make a map, or leave orienteering style guides for your children to follow. In the park or backyard Grow something Plant a flowerbed. Sunflowers are spectacular favourites with young kids and relatively easy to grow. Feed your feathered friends Feed the birds. Make your own bird feeder or birdbath and give the birds in your garden a holiday treat. Go to a park and feed the ducks or the seagulls at the beach. Contact your local Gould Society to find out about good bird watching locations in your area.
  • 14. page | 14“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Study insects Insects! They surround us. By some accounts, insects make up more than 80 per cent of earth’s animals, outnumbering the combined total of all other living creatures found on earth. Get a first-hand look at the many different species of insects. Study the butterflies and other insects in your garden. Start an ant farm or worm farm. Shoo Make a scarecrow to go in the vegetable patch or backyard. It’s not tennis Badminton is a fun, easy and safe non-contact sport for all ages that can be played in any backyard or park. In the park or backyard Air race Host a paper plane building and flying contest. Where does food come from? Many children think food comes from the supermarket. Plant a vegetable patch or fruit tree and tend your food to fruition. It’s great fun and eventually delicious!
  • 15. page | 15“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Tiny garden worlds Make a moss garden out of moss, twigs, and grass from your garden. Create miniature worlds such as fairy grottos and dragons’ lairs. Playtime on the footpath Hopscotch provides hours of fun for kids, all for the price of a piece of chalk. Pool fun Play Marco Polo in a swimming pool. Whoever is‘it’closes their eyes and repeatedly calls out“Marco”. All the other players try to avoid being tagged, but must call out“Polo” whenever they hear the cry of“Marco”. In the park or backyard Walk the dog Children’s best friend should get extra attention on the holidays as well. Picnic time Host a Teddy Bears’Picnic in the backyard or nearby park. Snapshot Get the kids a disposable camera each and have a photographic competition. For poolside fun get an underwater disposable camera. Astronomy Look up at the stars at night and try to find the constellations.
  • 16. page | 16“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Bubble blowing tiggy It makes tiggy a lot more fun if you have to‘tag’ someone with a recently blown bubble. All you need are a few bottles of bubble mixture, or even dishwashing liquid and water will do the trick. Explore Aboriginal art Try painting‘indigenous style’on bark or dried leaves you have collected. Camp out Pitch a tent in the backyard and go camping. Great for a sleepover but don’t forget the torch! Sporting fun Try backyard cricket, or for something different try backyard croquet or bocce. In the park or backyard Building a place of your own Build an outdoor cubbyhouse or tree house. Up in the air Fly a kite. Try one of the new two-stringed controllable kites for more interesting kite play, or gaze up at the sky and swaying treetops. Out on a limb Climb a tree. What can you see from up there? Remember to always supervise any climbing activities and warn the kids not to climb higher than a height at which they feel safe. Street art Paint portraits on the footpath with water-based paints, or draw fabulous chalk sketches on the footpath.
  • 17. page | 17“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Around your neighbourhood and beyond Libraries Local libraries are everywhere, and if you haven’t visited one recently then you may be pleasantly surprised. Many libraries now have cool book reading areas for children. Your local library may also run a school holiday program for kids including book readings, magic shows and craft days. Horse back Go for a horse ride along a beach or country track. Younger children could take a short pony ride. Around your neighbourhood and beyond By the water Riverside or lakeside—take your pick, but there can hardly be two more entertaining locations for young kids. The possibilities are endless: splash about in the stream, go fishing, explore the riverbanks, or indulge in tadpole hunting or yabbying. Sandcastle building is always a favourite. Try making a fairy castle on the waters edge by dripping the wet sand through your fingers to construct lovely towers and minarets. Explore the rock pools. See everything from hermit crabs and sea stars to a set of lost false teeth. Life saving If you live near a beach or are holidaying at one, visit the local lifesaving club to learn about water safety. This can be an interesting and invaluable visit.
  • 18. page | 18“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Chalk trail Leave a trail of chalk arrows around your neighbourhood. Your kids get exercise as they follow them, as well as learning about the local area with you acting as tour guide. Finish up the trail at a milk bar for a nice ice creamy reward! Local councils Phone your local shire or council office. Many run school holiday programs, which feature art competitions, free concerts in local parks and sports days. Around your neighbourhood and beyond All aboard A steam train trip, or even a ride on an everyday contemporary train can be a great adventure for young children. On the water Take a ferry ride, punt down a stream or go canoeing. Kayak in a river or on the ocean. Art galleries You don’t need to visit a large gallery that charges admission. Many smaller local galleries offer free admission, as well as constantly changing exhibitions. What a great way to inspire the kids! Council pools Splashing around in the pool can be great fun and a good way to meet other children from your area. Many local pools have special events such as Dive-in movies on hot nights. Ask to see your local pool’s calendar of events.
  • 19. page | 19“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Explore the past Find your local historical society. Most historical societies or clubs have a small free museum covering local history, photography or aeronautics. Bike riding Once you learn it, you’ll never forget what good fun (and great exercise) it is. Explore a local bike path. Check on the internet for bike paths in your area. Try for one close to you. Look out Observation decks in tall city buildings can be a good afternoon excursion. Around your neighbourhood and beyond Movies with a difference Visit outdoor cinemas such as rooftop cinemas or go to screenings in the Botanic Gardens. In the gardens Botanic gardens are always a fantastic place to take the kids. They can run around, feed the ducks or learn the Latin names for everyday plants. Regional or country botanical gardens are often a great place to visit as a day trip in the car.
  • 20. page | 20“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Lawn bowls Most local clubs will welcome the kids to a twilight bowling night where the older bowlers can pass on their expertise to the youngsters. Many clubs also offer barefoot bowling for the kids. Architecture walk Again you are the tour guide, but it’s great showing children the intricacies of local buildings they may have walked past many times, but never really appreciated. Barbecue Let the children help marinate the food before you go. Then let them help with the cooking. Most councils provide free or inexpensive barbecues. Explore times past Go on a fossil hunt in a nearby park, on a riverbank or walking path. Contact the CSIRO The CSIRO often runs free school holiday programs for budding young scientists. Find out more at: Visit • a National Trust property to explore Australia’s past. For more information visit: • the planetarium. Family tickets are usually fairly reasonably priced. Go to and search under‘Education’for an observatory or planetarium near you. • a ship in port or check out any local docks for nautical history museums. • a lighthouse nearest you – visit • a nearby neighbourhood on public transport then explore the different shops, buildings, parks and cafes. • a cemetery. They are usually fascinating and you can make it a hands-on experience by doing some charcoal or crayon rubbings of old tombstones. Always check or ask staff first. • a boardwalk in your local area. Boardwalks are great exercise and give you and the kids the chance to explore some wetlands or other interesting natural areas. Around your neighbourhood and beyond Beach stuff Is there anything more Australian, or more fun, than a day on the beach? Choose from beach cricket, frisbee, grip ball, skiffle board, kayaking or bodysurfing.
  • 21. page | 21“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| In the car Animal, vegetable or mineral Also known as 20 questions, this is a great game where one player imagines an object then the others have 20 yes or no questions to try and work out the object. Talk A car trip can be a great opportunity to chat with your kids while they aren’t being distracted by television or computer games. Let’s face it, they know they can’t get away so they may as well chat with you about how school is going. Wheelies In this game each player gets a set time period and has to count the number of wheels that pass by your car in a given period. For example, you score two points for a motorbike, four points for a car and six or more for larger trucks. Each player has the same time period and the winner is the one with the highest score. In the car Categories One person thinks of a category then each player has to name something in that category. Whenever a player is unable to add a new item to the list they drop out. Categories might include animals, colours or cartoon shows. How many songs Listen to the radio and each person must guess how many songs they will play before you reach your destination. This game is great because if the kids have guessed too few songs they will actually be wishing that the journey took a little longer instead of screaming“Are we there yet?”
  • 22. page | 22“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Number plates Make up creatures using the letters on car number plates around you. For example BDD 768 could be Big Dastardly Dragon or Bone Digging Dog. Car scavenger hunt Make a list of commonly seen items appropriate for the area you will be driving through. For example – horses, wooden fences, cows, haystacks if you are driving through the countryside. You might see petrol stations, fast food outlets and police cars if you are driving through a city. Try and have about 20 items on the list. The children then call out when they see the item and whoever sees it first gets to cross it off their list. The winner is the first to cross off all 20 items. Older children can help youngsters if they can’t read their list. Complete the lyrics While listening to a favourite CD, the parent presses pause on the car CD player. The kids have to complete the lyrics for the next line of the song. In the car Word association A great game for lateral thinking. One player starts by saying any word, the next replies immediately with the first associated word that comes into their mind. You have to drop out of the game if you can’t think of a word immediately, or if you repeat a word already used. For example: bird-wing-sky-plane-luggage-suitcase etc. Name game Choose a topic and each player must name an item in that topic as you work through the alphabet. For example, if the category is animals, the answers might run – antelope, beaver, cow, dugong. A player drops out if they cannot think of an item for the letter of their turn. Empty petrol tank Each player has a certain colour car to count. Every time they see one of their colour cars they get a point. However, if they pass a petrol station on their side of the car they lose all their points, but only if one of their opponents sees the station and calls out“Empty petrol tank”. The game gets more interesting when distraction tactics are used to make your opponents miss seeing either their colour cars or the petrol station. You can have an agreed winning score at which the winner must call out “My tank is full”. Magnetic travel games Handy for long trips in the car, magnetic games are usually inexpensive and include chess, checkers, Snakes and Ladders, solitaire, Scrabble etc.
  • 23. page | 23“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| Silence is golden A wonderful game especially when people’s nerves are starting to fray. Who can stay silent the longest? It’s a good idea to give some sort of reward to the winner. The reward doesn’t have to be a chocolate or sweet, it could simply be that the child gets to choose the music or radio station you listen to for the next part of your journey. Grandpa’s underpants Whoever is‘it’must answer all the other’s questions with a suitably silly phrase while keeping a straight face. For example; “What do you like in your soup?” The answer “Grandpa’s underpants” is suitably silly. Whoever gets the respondent to laugh first then becomes‘it’. New phrases can be thought up at any time. In the car Construct an oral story Each child (and adult if you wish) takes it in turns to add a sentence to a shared story you are all constructing out loud. This works particularly well when kids are trying to work in different genres. For example, your young daughter is trying to make a princess style romance, but every few lines your older son changes direction towards a swashbuckling knights and dragons mode. Make plans The car trip on the way to your holiday destination is a great time to find out what the children would really like to do when they get there. For example, you might be assuming that they want to go on the roller coasters at the expensive theme park when a conversation with them could reveal they are scared of the roller coasters and would much rather splash around in the rock pools. Plan a few special things to do while you are away. In the child’s imagination you will already have arrived at your destination. Alternatively, if you are returning home, review the high points of the holiday and create some goals to achieve in the term ahead. I spy An old favourite. One player says“I spy with my little eye something beginning with the letter A”, B, C or D. The other players then have to guess what object they are looking at. If one of the children is too young to know the alphabet then you can choose objects by colours rather than by letters.
  • 24. page | 24“Mum, Dad – I’m bored”| About the Australian Scholarships Group About the Australian Scholarships Group “Mum, Dad – I’m bored” is provided to parents as an education support initiative of the Australian Scholarships Group (ASG). *At 1 July 2013 “Mum, Dad – I’m bored”– Published 2013 Please consider the Product Disclosure Statement available at ASG’s registered office or any Information Centre. ASG helps families prepare for their children’s education. We deliver a range of products and resources to families to support their children’s early learning phase right through to post-secondary studies. Because we are a not-for-profit and member-based organisation, benefits are returned to our Members and their children, rather than shareholders. Members make regular contributions to an education benefit fund that helps offset education fees and other expenses. ASG has been helping families and their children for more than 40 years. More than 515,000 children have been enrolled with ASG in that time, and we have returned more than $2 billion in education benefits to Members and their children.* For more information about ASG and its range of education and parenting support initiatives visit or call 1800 648 945.