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10 Kid-Friendly Spots to Visit in Israel
Family-Friendly Destinations in Israel
Embarking on an international journey with little ones can be thrilling. The challenge, however, lies in
identifying entertaining and educational spots for children.
Rich in history and culture, Israel presents a versatile vacation experience suitable for family members
of all ages. Considering its compact size, it is feasible to explore the most iconic sites in a single trip.
Here's a list of destinations in Israel tailored for families with young children.
Nimrod’s Fortress
A medieval marvel, this castle boasts tunnels, hidden corridors, and winding staircases - a treat for
adventurous kids. Moreover, the breathtaking panoramas of the Golan Heights cater to those who
appreciate scenic beauty. The Israel Nature and Parks Authority manages it as a journey through time.
Nimrod's Fortress, or Qal'at Namrud in Arabic, is one of the most impressive and well-preserved
medieval fortresses in Israel, perched atop a ridge in the northern Golan Heights. Here are some key
details about it:
➢ Historical Context: It was constructed in the 13th century during the Crusades. Its primary
purpose was to defend against the Crusader invasions and monitor the region, given its strategic
location on the route to Damascus.
➢ Architectural Features: The fortress is expansive and contains several notable architectural
elements. These include towers, massive stone walls, archer slits, a secret passageway, and a
beautiful, vaulted central hall. There are also inscriptions in Arabic from the time of its
➢ Views: From the fortress, one can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding Golan Heights,
Mount Hermon, and even parts of Lebanon on a clear day.
Should your family enjoy tales from PJ Library, like Chicken Man or Stork’s Landing, consider adding a
kibbutz visit to your itinerary. Kibbutzim, the plural of kibbutz, are communal farming communities.
Many of them welcome visitors, even offering overnight stays. Tourist Israel can guide you to visitor-
friendly kibbutzim.
A kibbutz is a unique socio-economic experiment rooted in early 20th-century Jewish immigration to
then-Palestine. Here's a deeper dive into the concept of the kibbutz:
➢ Origins and Ideology: The kibbutz movement began in the early 1900s, spearheaded by Eastern
European Jewish immigrants who aimed to combine socialism with Zionism. The idea was to
create self-reliant, communal agricultural settlements where everything was shared, and
individualism was secondary to the collective good.
➢ Cultural Impact: The kibbutz movement had a significant cultural and political impact on Israeli
society. Many Israeli leaders, including former presidents and prime ministers, spent their
formative years in kibbutzim.
The Dead Sea
Imagine floating effortlessly and playing with therapeutic mud! This is the charm of the Dead Sea for
both children and adults. As one of the saltiest bodies of water, it provides a unique, buoyant
experience. Kids especially find the idea of slathering mud amusing.
The Dead Sea is one of the world's most intriguing natural wonders. Here's a deeper look into its
characteristics, history, and significance:
Unique Properties:
➢ Salinity: With a salinity of over 30%, it is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water. This high
salinity prevents most aquatic organisms from living in its waters, hence the name.
➢ Buoyancy: Because of the high salt content, people can easily float on the surface of the Dead
➢ Elevation: It's located at the lowest point on the Earth's surface, approximately 430 meters (1,411
feet) below sea level.
Historical and Cultural Significance:
➢ The Dead Sea Scrolls, a collection of Jewish texts found in the 1940s and 50s in the nearby
Qumran Caves, are among the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 20th century.
The Dead Sea remains an iconic landmark, drawing interest for its unique natural features and
historical, cultural, and economic significance. However, its challenges highlight the urgent need for
sustainable solutions to preserve this natural wonder for future generations.
Aqua Kef in Lower Galilee
Aqua Kef is like an enormous inflatable wonderland positioned along the Sea of Galilee. Comprising
floating trampolines, slides, and climbing zones, it's an ideal spot to refresh during summer.
Aqua Kef is a popular water park near the Sea of Galilee (also known as Lake Kinneret) in the Lower
Galilee region of Israel. Here's what you might want to know about Aqua Kef:
Nature of the Park: Aqua Kef differs from a typical water park with permanent slides and pools.
Instead, it boasts a vast collection of inflatable attractions that float on the water.
➢ Inflatable Obstacles: The park contains various inflatable obstacles, including trampolines, slides,
climbing walls, and platforms.
➢ Activities: It offers a range of water-based activities suitable for children and adults. The
attractions challenge visitors to jump, slide, climb, and balance, providing fun and physical
➢ Safety: Safety measures are in place, with life jackets mandatory for visitors. Additionally,
lifeguards are present to monitor and ensure the safety of all participants.
Location: On the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Aqua Kef offers visitors the bonus of a picturesque
setting. The Sea of Galilee is Israel's largest freshwater lake and holds significant religious and
historical importance.
Seasonal Operation: Aqua Kef is typically a seasonal attraction, operating mainly during the warmer
months. It's advisable to check their operating hours and dates before planning a visit, as these can
vary based on the season and weather conditions.
Visiting Experience:
➢ Perfect for Hot Days: Given Israel's warm summer climate, Aqua Kef is an ideal spot for families
and groups to cool off.
➢ Duration: Visitors usually spend a few hours at the park, enjoying the various inflatable
challenges and relaxing by the water.
Nearby Attractions: The Lower Galilee region is rich in history, nature, and culture. After visiting Aqua
Kef, tourists often explore other nearby attractions, such as the ancient city of Tiberias, natural hot
springs, and hiking trails.
Facilities: The park may offer basic facilities like changing rooms, lockers, and a refreshments area.
However, it's advisable to check in advance if any upgrades or additional amenities have been added
since 2021.
Aqua Kef in Lower Galilee is a unique water attraction that combines the fun of a water park with the
natural beauty of the Sea of Galilee. It's an excellent place for families and groups looking for an active
and refreshing day in the region. Always check the latest reviews or the park's official website for the
most up-to-date information before planning a visit.
Western Wall Tunnels
While the Western Wall is iconic, its underground tunnels offer a different dimension. Here, visitors
can walk through the original streets of ancient Jerusalem, uncovering stone archways and old water
The Western Wall Tunnels are an intricate labyrinth situated alongside the hidden continuation of the
Western Wall. They offer an intimate connection to the rich history of Jerusalem and provide deeper
insight into the archaeological and historical significance of the Western Wall itself. Here are some
key points about the Western Wall Tunnels:
Historical Background:
➢ The Western Wall, often called the Wailing Wall or Kotel in Hebrew, is among the most sacred
Jewish sites. It's a remnant of the ancient wall that once surrounded the Second Temple's
courtyard in Jerusalem.
➢ Due to various constructions and natural sedimentation, most of the Western Wall became
obscured over time. The visible section of the Western Wall is just a tiny fraction of its entire
Discovery and Exploration:
➢ The tunnels were developed as archaeologists and researchers wanted to expose the entire
length of the Western Wall.
➢ The excavation projects, which began after the Six-Day War in 1967 and continued for several
decades, have revealed a significant portion of the wall that had been hidden for centuries.
Features of the Tunnels:
➢ Length: The tunnels allow visitors to explore an additional 488 meters of the wall, which remains
concealed beneath the Old City.
➢ Archaeological Finds: The tunnels house numerous archaeological discoveries, including
remnants of ancient streets, archways, and water pits. Among the significant finds is the large
stone in the Western Wall, weighing over 500 tons, which baffles researchers regarding its
placement during ancient times.
➢ Warren's Gate: This is one of the ancient gates leading to the Temple Mount, now an
underground prayer area.
➢ Struthion Pool: An ancient reservoir once watering the Temple Mount area.
➢ Interactive Models and Displays: These offer insights into ancient history, architecture, and daily
Tourist Experience:
➢ Guided Tours: To understand the historical and archaeological significance of the sites within the
tunnels, guided tours are highly recommended. These tours provide context and share fascinating
stories about the tunnels' discoveries.
➢ Cooler Climate: Given that the underground tunnels can be cooler than street level, providing a
respite from Jerusalem's hot summer days.
The Western Wall Tunnels offer a unique journey through time, allowing visitors to walk alongside
history and gain a deeper appreciation for Jerusalem's profound cultural, and historical significance.
They are a testament to the city's layered past and the complex coexistence of narratives and
memories it houses.
Neot Kedumim Park
A stone's throw from Ben Gurion Airport, this reserve transforms Biblical stories into tangible
experiences. Encompassing extensive gardens filled with plants from historic Jewish scriptures,
activities include sheep herding, tree planting, and ancient culinary demonstrations.
Neot Kedumim, also known as Neot Kedumim Biblical Landscape Reserve, is a unique destination in
Israel that brings biblical narratives to life through its natural surroundings. Here's what you might
want to know:
➢ Neot Kedumim is not just a garden or park. It's a landscape reserve that brings to life the physical
setting of the Bible. It aims to reconstruct and restore the landscapes, plants, trees, and water
sources that played pivotal roles in the biblical stories.
➢ The name "Neot Kedumim" translates to "pleasant pastures" or "primeval oases," which reflects
its intention to revive the landscapes described in ancient texts.
➢ Themed Sections: The park is divided into sections, each corresponding to biblical passages or
themes. For example, areas are dedicated to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the Song of Songs, and
➢ Educational Programs: Neot Kedumim offers interactive tours and workshops that delve into
biblical, agricultural, and historical themes. Activities include ancient practices like olive oil
pressing, sheep herding, and baking bread.
Cultural and Educational Significance:
➢ The reserve helps visitors connect with the Bible on a tangible level, bridging the gap between
textual study and the physical world.
➢ It has become a resource for educators, students, and researchers interested in biblical botany,
history, and archaeology.
Neot Kedumim Park offers a blend of nature, history, and culture. It provides an immersive experience
of the biblical landscapes, allowing visitors to see, touch, and even smell the world of ancient Israel.
It's an enriching destination for those interested in biblical studies, nature, or seeking a tranquil escape
in Israel.
Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
Otherwise known as the “Tisch Family Zoological Gardens,” it uniquely exhibits animals mentioned in
the Bible. It's a perfect blend of religious teachings and lessons on animal compassion due to its
emphasis on wildlife conservation.
The Tisch Family Zoological Gardens, commonly known as the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, is a unique zoo
in Jerusalem. It's renowned for its focus on species mentioned in the Bible and its conservation efforts.
Here are some key points about the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo:
➢ Location: The zoo is in the Malha neighborhood of Jerusalem, covering over 62 acres of land.
➢ Establishment: Originally founded in 1940, the zoo moved to its current location in Malha in
Concept and Collection:
➢ Biblical Animals: The primary theme of the zoo is to display wildlife mentioned in the Hebrew
Bible. This includes Nubian ibex, Syrian brown bear, Persian fallow deer, and more.
➢ Conservation: Beyond its biblical theme, the zoo emphasizes wildlife conservation, particularly
for endangered species. It has been involved in breeding programs for various animals.
➢ Modern Collection: While it began focusing on biblical animals, the zoo has expanded its
collection to include species worldwide, making it comparable to other zoological gardens.
Educational and Cultural Significance:
➢ Biblical References: Plaques accompany the animals, providing relevant biblical verses and
explanations, thus offering an educational experience for visitors.
➢ Interactive Exhibits: The zoo features various interactive exhibits and educational programs for
different age groups.
➢ Train Rides: A small train offers rides around the zoo, allowing visitors to cover distances
➢ Play Areas: There are play areas for children, making it a family-friendly destination.
➢ Cafes and Restaurants: The zoo has dining areas for visitors.
➢ Aquarium: The zoo also boasts an impressive aquarium focusing on marine life from the
Mediterranean and Red seas.
Visitor Experience:
➢ With its beautiful landscaping and diverse habitats replicating the animals' natural environments,
the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo offers a serene and immersive experience. The grounds include various
water features, including ponds and waterfalls, contributing to the tranquil ambiance.
The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo is more than just a recreational space. It intertwines history, religion,
education, and conservation, making it a significant cultural and ecological landmark in Jerusalem.
Visitors can expect both an enriching and entertaining experience, diving deep into the Bible's natural
world while also exploring global wildlife's wonders.
Bloomfield Science Museum
Situated in Jerusalem, this museum is designed to keep children's curiosity in mind. Diverse exhibits,
ranging from water mechanics and nuclear studies to Mars expeditions, ensure an engaging visit.
The Bloomfield Science Museum is an interactive institution in Jerusalem that aims to educate visitors
about the various facets of science and technology. Here's a detailed overview:
➢ Location: The museum is near the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Givat Ram campus, making
it easily accessible.
➢ Foundation: The Bloomfield Science Museum was established in 1992 to promote scientific
literacy and interest in the field.
Mission and Concept:
➢ Hands-on Learning: One of the museum's foundational philosophies is promoting experiential
learning. Most exhibits are interactive, allowing visitors to learn through doing rather than just
➢ Audience: The museum caters to visitors of all ages, focusing on children, families, and school
groups. The exhibits and activities are designed to be engaging for a wide age range.
➢ Diverse Themes: The museum covers various scientific disciplines, including physics, biology,
mathematics, chemistry, and technology.
➢ Permanent and Temporary Exhibits: While the museum boasts an impressive array of
permanent installations, it regularly hosts temporary exhibitions on contemporary scientific
issues and innovations. This ensures that return visitors always have something new to explore.
➢ Interactive Installations: Examples include a bicycle ride on a wire high above the ground
(demonstrating physics principles) and hands-on workshops where visitors can build and
Educational Programs:
➢ Workshops: The museum hosts workshops that dive deeper into specific topics, allowing
participants a hands-on experience.
➢ Events: Special events, such as science festivals, robotics competitions, and themed days (like
"Space Day"), offer unique learning opportunities.
Facilities and Amenities:
➢ Auditorium: The museum has an auditorium with lectures, films, and presentations.
➢ Museum Shop: Visitors can purchase scientific toys, kits, and books to continue their exploration
at home.
➢ Cafeteria: Visitors can take a break and grab a bite to eat.
➢ Institutions like the Bloomfield Science Museum play a crucial role in fostering a scientifically
curious and literate public in a world increasingly dominated by technology and scientific
advancements. By making science accessible and fun, the museum inspires future generations of
scientists, engineers, and informed citizens.
The Bloomfield Science Museum in Jerusalem is more than just a museum; it's an experience. It offers
an engaging, hands-on approach to science education, making it a must-visit for families, students,
and anyone curious about the wonders of science.
Atzmaut Square
On your journey north from Tel Aviv, pause at Atzmaut Square in Netanya. Alongside appealing shops
and eateries for adults, children can revel in the enchanting fountain that illuminates after sunset.
Atzmaut Square (Independence Square) is primarily associated with Netanya in Israel. It's a popular
location for locals and tourists, acting as the city's main square and a central point for various activities.
Here's an overview:
➢ Location: Atzmaut Square is in the heart of Netanya, close to the Mediterranean Sea. It is a focal
point for visitors and is easily accessible from various parts of the city.
➢ Name Origin: "Atzmaut" translates to "Independence" in Hebrew, reflecting Israel's declaration
of independence in 1948.
➢ Fountain: One of the most noticeable features is the interactive water fountain, which is
especially popular among children. At night, it's often illuminated, creating a delightful spectacle.
➢ Seating Areas: There are numerous benches and sitting areas where visitors can relax, chat, or
enjoy the surroundings.
➢ Art Installations: The square has featured various sculptures and artwork, adding a touch of
culture to the space.
➢ Shopping: Surrounding Atzmaut Square, visitors can find numerous shops and boutiques catering
to various tastes and preferences.
➢ Dining: Numerous restaurants, cafes, and eateries surround the square, offering a variety of
culinary delights, from traditional Israeli food to international cuisine.
➢ Entertainment: The square often hosts events, performances, and festivities, especially during
national holidays and celebrations.
Nearby Attractions:
➢ Beach Proximity: The square is a short walk from some of Netanya's beautiful beaches, making
it a popular spot for those coming from or going to the Mediterranean coastline.
➢ Promenade: The Netanya promenade, which offers stunning views of the sea and the cliffs, is
also easily accessible from Atzmaut Square.
➢ Historical Role: Over the years, Atzmaut Square has witnessed numerous public gatherings,
events, and celebrations, making it a significant spot in Netanya's urban and cultural fabric.
➢ Urban Renewal: The square has seen renovations and updates over the years, reflecting the city's
commitment to providing residents and tourists with a modern, welcoming space.
Visitor Experience:
➢ Whether you're looking for a place to relax after a day at the beach, indulge in some shopping
and dining, or immerse yourself in local events and celebrations, Atzmaut Square offers
something for everyone.
Atzmaut Square in Netanya is a testament to the city's vibrant atmosphere and its commitment to
preserving public spaces for the enjoyment of residents and visitors. If you're in Netanya, it's a spot
worth checking out.
Jaffa Slope Park
Jaffa Slope Park in Tel Aviv is a serene choice for those looking for a tranquil seaside stroll or a kite-
flying session. Pack a meal, pick a picnic spot among the many available, and relish the Mediterranean
Also known as "Gan HaPisga" or "Peak Park," it is situated between the neighborhoods of Jaffa and
Ajami. This park provides a green respite amidst the urban landscape and offers magnificent views of
the Mediterranean Sea. Here's a deeper look into the park:
➢ Size and Location: Jaffa Slope Park spans about 30 acres, making it one of the significant green
spaces in Tel Aviv.
➢ Vantage Point: Located on a slope leading to the old city of Jaffa, the park offers a panoramic
view of the coastline, especially during sunset.
➢ Landscape: The park's landscaping boasts a variety of local plants and trees. The gradual slope
creates different levels within the park, offering diverse views and experiences.
➢ Walking Paths: Crisscrossing the park are numerous walking and cycling paths perfect for strolls
or more energetic activities.
➢ Recreational Spaces: Jaffa Slope Park has playgrounds and open areas suitable for picnics and
➢ Relaxation: Many visitors come to the park to relax and soak in the views, especially during the
cooler hours of the day.
➢ Sports: The open spaces within the park provide opportunities for various recreational activities,
including ball games.
➢ Kite Flying: Due to its elevated position and open space, the park is popular for kite flying,
especially on weekends.
➢ Cultural Events: Occasionally, the park serves as a venue for cultural events, performances, and
Visitor Information:
➢ Accessibility: The park is easily accessible via public transportation and has nearby parking
facilities for those coming by car.
➢ Facilities: Jaffa Slope Park is equipped with benches, restrooms, and shaded areas for the
convenience of visitors.
Jaffa Slope Park in Tel Aviv provides relaxation, recreation, and stunning views. Its strategic location
near Jaffa makes it an ideal spot to enjoy modern urban greenery and ancient history in one visit.
Whether you're a local or a tourist, visiting this park offers a refreshing break from the city's hustle
and bustle.
Plan Your Next Trip with ITAS Tours
After exploring these family-friendly destinations, planning your journey becomes the next crucial
ITAS Tours (Israel Travel Advisory Service) stands as a beacon for those desiring an unforgettable
experience in Israel.
Specializing in Israel vacation tours, we offer packages ranging from Israel family tours to individual
Israel day tours.
If you're seeking a tailored experience, our custom Israel tours are crafted to meet your unique
preferences, ensuring every moment resonates meaningfully.
With the expertise of Israel travel Advisory Service, your venture into Israel tours is bound to be
seamless and memorable. Trust in ITAS Tours to make your Israeli adventure one for the books!

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10 Kid-Friendly Spots to Visit in Israel | ITAS Tour

  • 1. 10 Kid-Friendly Spots to Visit in Israel Family-Friendly Destinations in Israel Embarking on an international journey with little ones can be thrilling. The challenge, however, lies in identifying entertaining and educational spots for children. Rich in history and culture, Israel presents a versatile vacation experience suitable for family members of all ages. Considering its compact size, it is feasible to explore the most iconic sites in a single trip. Here's a list of destinations in Israel tailored for families with young children. Nimrod’s Fortress A medieval marvel, this castle boasts tunnels, hidden corridors, and winding staircases - a treat for adventurous kids. Moreover, the breathtaking panoramas of the Golan Heights cater to those who appreciate scenic beauty. The Israel Nature and Parks Authority manages it as a journey through time. Nimrod's Fortress, or Qal'at Namrud in Arabic, is one of the most impressive and well-preserved medieval fortresses in Israel, perched atop a ridge in the northern Golan Heights. Here are some key details about it: ➢ Historical Context: It was constructed in the 13th century during the Crusades. Its primary purpose was to defend against the Crusader invasions and monitor the region, given its strategic location on the route to Damascus.
  • 2. ➢ Architectural Features: The fortress is expansive and contains several notable architectural elements. These include towers, massive stone walls, archer slits, a secret passageway, and a beautiful, vaulted central hall. There are also inscriptions in Arabic from the time of its construction. ➢ Views: From the fortress, one can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding Golan Heights, Mount Hermon, and even parts of Lebanon on a clear day. Kibbutz Should your family enjoy tales from PJ Library, like Chicken Man or Stork’s Landing, consider adding a kibbutz visit to your itinerary. Kibbutzim, the plural of kibbutz, are communal farming communities. Many of them welcome visitors, even offering overnight stays. Tourist Israel can guide you to visitor- friendly kibbutzim. A kibbutz is a unique socio-economic experiment rooted in early 20th-century Jewish immigration to then-Palestine. Here's a deeper dive into the concept of the kibbutz: ➢ Origins and Ideology: The kibbutz movement began in the early 1900s, spearheaded by Eastern European Jewish immigrants who aimed to combine socialism with Zionism. The idea was to create self-reliant, communal agricultural settlements where everything was shared, and individualism was secondary to the collective good. ➢ Cultural Impact: The kibbutz movement had a significant cultural and political impact on Israeli society. Many Israeli leaders, including former presidents and prime ministers, spent their formative years in kibbutzim. The Dead Sea Imagine floating effortlessly and playing with therapeutic mud! This is the charm of the Dead Sea for both children and adults. As one of the saltiest bodies of water, it provides a unique, buoyant experience. Kids especially find the idea of slathering mud amusing. The Dead Sea is one of the world's most intriguing natural wonders. Here's a deeper look into its characteristics, history, and significance: Unique Properties: ➢ Salinity: With a salinity of over 30%, it is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water. This high salinity prevents most aquatic organisms from living in its waters, hence the name. ➢ Buoyancy: Because of the high salt content, people can easily float on the surface of the Dead Sea. ➢ Elevation: It's located at the lowest point on the Earth's surface, approximately 430 meters (1,411 feet) below sea level. Historical and Cultural Significance:
  • 3. ➢ The Dead Sea Scrolls, a collection of Jewish texts found in the 1940s and 50s in the nearby Qumran Caves, are among the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. The Dead Sea remains an iconic landmark, drawing interest for its unique natural features and historical, cultural, and economic significance. However, its challenges highlight the urgent need for sustainable solutions to preserve this natural wonder for future generations. Aqua Kef in Lower Galilee Aqua Kef is like an enormous inflatable wonderland positioned along the Sea of Galilee. Comprising floating trampolines, slides, and climbing zones, it's an ideal spot to refresh during summer. Aqua Kef is a popular water park near the Sea of Galilee (also known as Lake Kinneret) in the Lower Galilee region of Israel. Here's what you might want to know about Aqua Kef: Nature of the Park: Aqua Kef differs from a typical water park with permanent slides and pools. Instead, it boasts a vast collection of inflatable attractions that float on the water. Features: ➢ Inflatable Obstacles: The park contains various inflatable obstacles, including trampolines, slides, climbing walls, and platforms. ➢ Activities: It offers a range of water-based activities suitable for children and adults. The attractions challenge visitors to jump, slide, climb, and balance, providing fun and physical exercise. ➢ Safety: Safety measures are in place, with life jackets mandatory for visitors. Additionally, lifeguards are present to monitor and ensure the safety of all participants. Location: On the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Aqua Kef offers visitors the bonus of a picturesque setting. The Sea of Galilee is Israel's largest freshwater lake and holds significant religious and historical importance. Seasonal Operation: Aqua Kef is typically a seasonal attraction, operating mainly during the warmer months. It's advisable to check their operating hours and dates before planning a visit, as these can vary based on the season and weather conditions. Visiting Experience: ➢ Perfect for Hot Days: Given Israel's warm summer climate, Aqua Kef is an ideal spot for families and groups to cool off. ➢ Duration: Visitors usually spend a few hours at the park, enjoying the various inflatable challenges and relaxing by the water.
  • 4. Nearby Attractions: The Lower Galilee region is rich in history, nature, and culture. After visiting Aqua Kef, tourists often explore other nearby attractions, such as the ancient city of Tiberias, natural hot springs, and hiking trails. Facilities: The park may offer basic facilities like changing rooms, lockers, and a refreshments area. However, it's advisable to check in advance if any upgrades or additional amenities have been added since 2021. Aqua Kef in Lower Galilee is a unique water attraction that combines the fun of a water park with the natural beauty of the Sea of Galilee. It's an excellent place for families and groups looking for an active and refreshing day in the region. Always check the latest reviews or the park's official website for the most up-to-date information before planning a visit. Western Wall Tunnels While the Western Wall is iconic, its underground tunnels offer a different dimension. Here, visitors can walk through the original streets of ancient Jerusalem, uncovering stone archways and old water channels. The Western Wall Tunnels are an intricate labyrinth situated alongside the hidden continuation of the Western Wall. They offer an intimate connection to the rich history of Jerusalem and provide deeper insight into the archaeological and historical significance of the Western Wall itself. Here are some key points about the Western Wall Tunnels: Historical Background: ➢ The Western Wall, often called the Wailing Wall or Kotel in Hebrew, is among the most sacred Jewish sites. It's a remnant of the ancient wall that once surrounded the Second Temple's courtyard in Jerusalem. ➢ Due to various constructions and natural sedimentation, most of the Western Wall became obscured over time. The visible section of the Western Wall is just a tiny fraction of its entire length. Discovery and Exploration: ➢ The tunnels were developed as archaeologists and researchers wanted to expose the entire length of the Western Wall. ➢ The excavation projects, which began after the Six-Day War in 1967 and continued for several decades, have revealed a significant portion of the wall that had been hidden for centuries. Features of the Tunnels: ➢ Length: The tunnels allow visitors to explore an additional 488 meters of the wall, which remains concealed beneath the Old City.
  • 5. ➢ Archaeological Finds: The tunnels house numerous archaeological discoveries, including remnants of ancient streets, archways, and water pits. Among the significant finds is the large stone in the Western Wall, weighing over 500 tons, which baffles researchers regarding its placement during ancient times. ➢ Warren's Gate: This is one of the ancient gates leading to the Temple Mount, now an underground prayer area. ➢ Struthion Pool: An ancient reservoir once watering the Temple Mount area. ➢ Interactive Models and Displays: These offer insights into ancient history, architecture, and daily life. Tourist Experience: ➢ Guided Tours: To understand the historical and archaeological significance of the sites within the tunnels, guided tours are highly recommended. These tours provide context and share fascinating stories about the tunnels' discoveries. ➢ Cooler Climate: Given that the underground tunnels can be cooler than street level, providing a respite from Jerusalem's hot summer days. The Western Wall Tunnels offer a unique journey through time, allowing visitors to walk alongside history and gain a deeper appreciation for Jerusalem's profound cultural, and historical significance. They are a testament to the city's layered past and the complex coexistence of narratives and memories it houses. Neot Kedumim Park A stone's throw from Ben Gurion Airport, this reserve transforms Biblical stories into tangible experiences. Encompassing extensive gardens filled with plants from historic Jewish scriptures, activities include sheep herding, tree planting, and ancient culinary demonstrations. Neot Kedumim, also known as Neot Kedumim Biblical Landscape Reserve, is a unique destination in Israel that brings biblical narratives to life through its natural surroundings. Here's what you might want to know: Concept: ➢ Neot Kedumim is not just a garden or park. It's a landscape reserve that brings to life the physical setting of the Bible. It aims to reconstruct and restore the landscapes, plants, trees, and water sources that played pivotal roles in the biblical stories. ➢ The name "Neot Kedumim" translates to "pleasant pastures" or "primeval oases," which reflects its intention to revive the landscapes described in ancient texts. Features:
  • 6. ➢ Themed Sections: The park is divided into sections, each corresponding to biblical passages or themes. For example, areas are dedicated to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the Song of Songs, and more. ➢ Educational Programs: Neot Kedumim offers interactive tours and workshops that delve into biblical, agricultural, and historical themes. Activities include ancient practices like olive oil pressing, sheep herding, and baking bread. Cultural and Educational Significance: ➢ The reserve helps visitors connect with the Bible on a tangible level, bridging the gap between textual study and the physical world. ➢ It has become a resource for educators, students, and researchers interested in biblical botany, history, and archaeology. Neot Kedumim Park offers a blend of nature, history, and culture. It provides an immersive experience of the biblical landscapes, allowing visitors to see, touch, and even smell the world of ancient Israel. It's an enriching destination for those interested in biblical studies, nature, or seeking a tranquil escape in Israel. Jerusalem Biblical Zoo Otherwise known as the “Tisch Family Zoological Gardens,” it uniquely exhibits animals mentioned in the Bible. It's a perfect blend of religious teachings and lessons on animal compassion due to its emphasis on wildlife conservation. The Tisch Family Zoological Gardens, commonly known as the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, is a unique zoo in Jerusalem. It's renowned for its focus on species mentioned in the Bible and its conservation efforts. Here are some key points about the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo: Overview: ➢ Location: The zoo is in the Malha neighborhood of Jerusalem, covering over 62 acres of land. ➢ Establishment: Originally founded in 1940, the zoo moved to its current location in Malha in 1993. Concept and Collection: ➢ Biblical Animals: The primary theme of the zoo is to display wildlife mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. This includes Nubian ibex, Syrian brown bear, Persian fallow deer, and more. ➢ Conservation: Beyond its biblical theme, the zoo emphasizes wildlife conservation, particularly for endangered species. It has been involved in breeding programs for various animals.
  • 7. ➢ Modern Collection: While it began focusing on biblical animals, the zoo has expanded its collection to include species worldwide, making it comparable to other zoological gardens. Educational and Cultural Significance: ➢ Biblical References: Plaques accompany the animals, providing relevant biblical verses and explanations, thus offering an educational experience for visitors. ➢ Interactive Exhibits: The zoo features various interactive exhibits and educational programs for different age groups. Facilities: ➢ Train Rides: A small train offers rides around the zoo, allowing visitors to cover distances comfortably. ➢ Play Areas: There are play areas for children, making it a family-friendly destination. ➢ Cafes and Restaurants: The zoo has dining areas for visitors. ➢ Aquarium: The zoo also boasts an impressive aquarium focusing on marine life from the Mediterranean and Red seas. Visitor Experience: ➢ With its beautiful landscaping and diverse habitats replicating the animals' natural environments, the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo offers a serene and immersive experience. The grounds include various water features, including ponds and waterfalls, contributing to the tranquil ambiance. The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo is more than just a recreational space. It intertwines history, religion, education, and conservation, making it a significant cultural and ecological landmark in Jerusalem. Visitors can expect both an enriching and entertaining experience, diving deep into the Bible's natural world while also exploring global wildlife's wonders. Bloomfield Science Museum Situated in Jerusalem, this museum is designed to keep children's curiosity in mind. Diverse exhibits, ranging from water mechanics and nuclear studies to Mars expeditions, ensure an engaging visit. The Bloomfield Science Museum is an interactive institution in Jerusalem that aims to educate visitors about the various facets of science and technology. Here's a detailed overview: Overview: ➢ Location: The museum is near the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Givat Ram campus, making it easily accessible.
  • 8. ➢ Foundation: The Bloomfield Science Museum was established in 1992 to promote scientific literacy and interest in the field. Mission and Concept: ➢ Hands-on Learning: One of the museum's foundational philosophies is promoting experiential learning. Most exhibits are interactive, allowing visitors to learn through doing rather than just observing. ➢ Audience: The museum caters to visitors of all ages, focusing on children, families, and school groups. The exhibits and activities are designed to be engaging for a wide age range. Exhibits: ➢ Diverse Themes: The museum covers various scientific disciplines, including physics, biology, mathematics, chemistry, and technology. ➢ Permanent and Temporary Exhibits: While the museum boasts an impressive array of permanent installations, it regularly hosts temporary exhibitions on contemporary scientific issues and innovations. This ensures that return visitors always have something new to explore. ➢ Interactive Installations: Examples include a bicycle ride on a wire high above the ground (demonstrating physics principles) and hands-on workshops where visitors can build and experiment. Educational Programs: ➢ Workshops: The museum hosts workshops that dive deeper into specific topics, allowing participants a hands-on experience. ➢ Events: Special events, such as science festivals, robotics competitions, and themed days (like "Space Day"), offer unique learning opportunities. Facilities and Amenities: ➢ Auditorium: The museum has an auditorium with lectures, films, and presentations. ➢ Museum Shop: Visitors can purchase scientific toys, kits, and books to continue their exploration at home. ➢ Cafeteria: Visitors can take a break and grab a bite to eat. Significance: ➢ Institutions like the Bloomfield Science Museum play a crucial role in fostering a scientifically curious and literate public in a world increasingly dominated by technology and scientific
  • 9. advancements. By making science accessible and fun, the museum inspires future generations of scientists, engineers, and informed citizens. The Bloomfield Science Museum in Jerusalem is more than just a museum; it's an experience. It offers an engaging, hands-on approach to science education, making it a must-visit for families, students, and anyone curious about the wonders of science. Atzmaut Square On your journey north from Tel Aviv, pause at Atzmaut Square in Netanya. Alongside appealing shops and eateries for adults, children can revel in the enchanting fountain that illuminates after sunset. Atzmaut Square (Independence Square) is primarily associated with Netanya in Israel. It's a popular location for locals and tourists, acting as the city's main square and a central point for various activities. Here's an overview: Overview: ➢ Location: Atzmaut Square is in the heart of Netanya, close to the Mediterranean Sea. It is a focal point for visitors and is easily accessible from various parts of the city. ➢ Name Origin: "Atzmaut" translates to "Independence" in Hebrew, reflecting Israel's declaration of independence in 1948. Features: ➢ Fountain: One of the most noticeable features is the interactive water fountain, which is especially popular among children. At night, it's often illuminated, creating a delightful spectacle. ➢ Seating Areas: There are numerous benches and sitting areas where visitors can relax, chat, or enjoy the surroundings. ➢ Art Installations: The square has featured various sculptures and artwork, adding a touch of culture to the space. Activities: ➢ Shopping: Surrounding Atzmaut Square, visitors can find numerous shops and boutiques catering to various tastes and preferences. ➢ Dining: Numerous restaurants, cafes, and eateries surround the square, offering a variety of culinary delights, from traditional Israeli food to international cuisine. ➢ Entertainment: The square often hosts events, performances, and festivities, especially during national holidays and celebrations. Nearby Attractions:
  • 10. ➢ Beach Proximity: The square is a short walk from some of Netanya's beautiful beaches, making it a popular spot for those coming from or going to the Mediterranean coastline. ➢ Promenade: The Netanya promenade, which offers stunning views of the sea and the cliffs, is also easily accessible from Atzmaut Square. Significance: ➢ Historical Role: Over the years, Atzmaut Square has witnessed numerous public gatherings, events, and celebrations, making it a significant spot in Netanya's urban and cultural fabric. ➢ Urban Renewal: The square has seen renovations and updates over the years, reflecting the city's commitment to providing residents and tourists with a modern, welcoming space. Visitor Experience: ➢ Whether you're looking for a place to relax after a day at the beach, indulge in some shopping and dining, or immerse yourself in local events and celebrations, Atzmaut Square offers something for everyone. Atzmaut Square in Netanya is a testament to the city's vibrant atmosphere and its commitment to preserving public spaces for the enjoyment of residents and visitors. If you're in Netanya, it's a spot worth checking out. Jaffa Slope Park Jaffa Slope Park in Tel Aviv is a serene choice for those looking for a tranquil seaside stroll or a kite- flying session. Pack a meal, pick a picnic spot among the many available, and relish the Mediterranean vibes. Also known as "Gan HaPisga" or "Peak Park," it is situated between the neighborhoods of Jaffa and Ajami. This park provides a green respite amidst the urban landscape and offers magnificent views of the Mediterranean Sea. Here's a deeper look into the park: Overview: ➢ Size and Location: Jaffa Slope Park spans about 30 acres, making it one of the significant green spaces in Tel Aviv. ➢ Vantage Point: Located on a slope leading to the old city of Jaffa, the park offers a panoramic view of the coastline, especially during sunset. Features: ➢ Landscape: The park's landscaping boasts a variety of local plants and trees. The gradual slope creates different levels within the park, offering diverse views and experiences.
  • 11. ➢ Walking Paths: Crisscrossing the park are numerous walking and cycling paths perfect for strolls or more energetic activities. ➢ Recreational Spaces: Jaffa Slope Park has playgrounds and open areas suitable for picnics and gatherings. Activities: ➢ Relaxation: Many visitors come to the park to relax and soak in the views, especially during the cooler hours of the day. ➢ Sports: The open spaces within the park provide opportunities for various recreational activities, including ball games. ➢ Kite Flying: Due to its elevated position and open space, the park is popular for kite flying, especially on weekends. ➢ Cultural Events: Occasionally, the park serves as a venue for cultural events, performances, and festivals. Visitor Information: ➢ Accessibility: The park is easily accessible via public transportation and has nearby parking facilities for those coming by car. ➢ Facilities: Jaffa Slope Park is equipped with benches, restrooms, and shaded areas for the convenience of visitors. Jaffa Slope Park in Tel Aviv provides relaxation, recreation, and stunning views. Its strategic location near Jaffa makes it an ideal spot to enjoy modern urban greenery and ancient history in one visit. Whether you're a local or a tourist, visiting this park offers a refreshing break from the city's hustle and bustle. Plan Your Next Trip with ITAS Tours After exploring these family-friendly destinations, planning your journey becomes the next crucial step. ITAS Tours (Israel Travel Advisory Service) stands as a beacon for those desiring an unforgettable experience in Israel. Specializing in Israel vacation tours, we offer packages ranging from Israel family tours to individual Israel day tours. If you're seeking a tailored experience, our custom Israel tours are crafted to meet your unique preferences, ensuring every moment resonates meaningfully.
  • 12. With the expertise of Israel travel Advisory Service, your venture into Israel tours is bound to be seamless and memorable. Trust in ITAS Tours to make your Israeli adventure one for the books!