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Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                            Living Body
                            Weekend 02 1
“It is more important to    “The treatments themselves

     know what sort of person
                                   do not ‘cure’ the condition,
     has a disease than to know
                                   they simply restore the
        what sort of disease a
                                   body’s self-healing ability.”
                   person has.”

                                                                   Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
     -Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)   -Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O.
                                                                      The dosha pentads          07
                                                                      The Vata pentad            08
                                                                      The Pitta pentad           10
                                                                      The Kaph pentad            12
                                                                      Dosha pentad exercise      14

                                                                      Application of dosha       16
                                                                      Application of elements    17

                                                                      Subtle tissues             18
                                                                      Subtle channels            24
                                                                      Metabolic wastes           30
                                                                      Digestive fire             34
                                                                      Cooking and its effects    44

                                                                      Metabolic toxins           46
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                      Ayurvedic nutrition        52
                                                                      Food practices             54

                                                                      Food energetics            57
                                                                      Home remedies              82
                                                                      Healing teas               85
                                                                      Article                    86
                                                                      Energies of the universe   98
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

your daily moment of zen
                                                                      1.    Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me,
                                                                            for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the
                                                                            hell alone.
                                                                      2.    The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a
                                                                            leaky tyre.
                                                                      3.    It’s always darkest before the dawn. So if you’re going to steal your
                                                                            neighbour’s newspaper, that’s the time to do it.
                                                                      4.    Sex is like air. It’s not important unless you aren’t getting any.
                                                                      5.    Don’t be irreplaceable. If you can’t be replaced, you can’t be
                                                                      6.    Always remember you’re unique. Just like anyone else.
                                                                      7.    Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
                                                                      8.    It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning
                                                                            to others.
                                                                      9.    If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car
                                                                      10.   Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
                                                                            That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have
                                                                            their shoes.
                                                                      11.   If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.
                                                                      12.   Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                            he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
                                                                      13.   If you lend someone $20, and never see that person again, it was
                                                                            probably worth it.
                                                                      14.   Don’t squat with your spurs on.
                                                                      15.   Some days you are the bug, some days you are the windshield.
                                                                      16.   Don’t worry. It only seems kinky the first time.                           02
                                                                      17.   Good judgement comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes           5
                                                                            from bad judgement.
                                                                      18.   The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it
                                                                            back in your pocket.
                                                                      19.   Timing has an awful lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.
                                                                      20.   A closed mouth gathers no food.
                                                                      21.   Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.
Test Your Doshas
     1. Doshas are ……………………………………………
     2. Every cell is operated by all three …………………………
     3. Each dosha has …………………………… main branches
     4. ……… dosha is more important, as it is wisdom and movement
     5. Pitta and ……………… follow ……………… dosha
     6. Every function in our body is the result of …………………

                                                                    Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
     7. Dosha is applied in various ………………………………
     8. Dosha is one of the several …………………… in Ayurveda
     9. Doshas represent …………, ………… and ……………

Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754


                            dosha      7
Praana                                       Udaana
     The leading air.                             Upward moving air.

     ‘Pra’ = primary or major.                    ‘Ud’ = upward
     ‘Ana’ = to move.                             ‘Ana’ = to move.

     The cranium is the seat.                     Chest is the seat.

     Governs the intake of knowledge.             It moves around the nasal, navel
     Determines our inspiration or positive       and throat region. Is responsible for
     spirit in life. Connects us with our inner   memory, will and effort. Gives us the
     self. Constitutes the brain and nervous      power to transcend the outer world.
     system. Governs and co-ordinates the         Gives us various psychic powers.
     mind, heart and consciousness.               Governs coughing, spitting, vomiting
                                                  and belching. Governs self-expression

                                                                                          Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
                                                  and aspirations in life.

The Vata - Pentad

                                                                      Samaana                                 Vyaana                                 Apaana
                                                                      The equalising air.                     Diffusive / pervasive air.             Downward directing Vayu.

                                                                      ‘Sama’ = same, equal or horrizontal.    ‘Vi’ = peculiar, to distribute.        ‘Apa’ = downward, away.
                                                                      ‘Ana’ = to move.                        ‘Ana’ = to move.                       ‘Ana’ = to move.

                                                                      Digestive organs are the seat.          Heart is the seat.                     The large bowel & pelvis are the seats.

                                                                      Force behind digestion. Force behind    Governs adduction and abduction.       The bladder, genitals, thighs & other
                                                                      metabolism. Regulates all juices for    Governs expansion and contraction      pelvic organs. Governs reproductive
                                                                      digestion and metabolism. Recharges     of body parts. Governs locomotion.     system. Governs hormonal functions.
                                                                      cellular energy. Balances the body by   Governs opening and closing. Governs   Governs excretion of urine and faeces.
                                                                      providing suitable nutrients.           the voluntary and involuntary          Governs the large intestine.
                                                                                                              movements.                             Acts as a plug.
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                              Relative Position                          Movements                           Functions
                                                                                  Udaana                                    Ascend                           Creativity
                                                                          Samaana – Praana – Vyaana             Equilize – Control – Circulate       Absorb – Intake – Circulate
                                                                                  Apaana                                   Descend                             Excrete                         02
Paachaka                                         Ranjaka
                                                    The fire of digestion.                           The fire of metabolism.

                                                     ‘Pac’ = to digest,                              ‘Ranj’ = to dye, to excite or glow.
                                                    ‘ka’ = to act.                                   ‘ka’ = to act.

                                                    The seat is small intestine.                     The seat is digestive organs.

                                                    Breaks down food into essence and                Tissue and cellular transformations.
                                                    waste. Strengthens and protects all
                                                    other pittas. Good pAcaka pitta helps            (Digestive organs are: Liver, spleen, pan-
                                                    up know what, when and how much                  creas, stomach, small intestine etc.)
                                                    to eat.

                                                                                                                                                    Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

02   Paachaka is the first consideration in the     Ranjaka: When a dhaatu is transformed into       Pitta & Agni: This topic was dis-
10   treatment of Pitta, as this is responsible     the next one, it gets a new colour, texture,     cussed in detail by the masters as they are
     both for building up our tissues and for de-   form and functions due to ranjaka pitta. The     partially similar and different. A typical
     stroying any pathogens that have entered       function of ranjaka pitta is ‘rasa ranjanam’.    metabolic event in our body is composed
     the body with food. Paachaka is digestive      Here ‘rasa’ stands for all tissues. ‘Ranjanam’   of two stages, namely: breaking down
     awareness and discrimination. People with      means colouring or exciting the transforma-      of the nutrients & transformation of the
     good paachaka pitta know what, when            tion. Change of colour occurs when there is      nutrients. Primarily, pitta is involved with
     and how much to eat. They are in tune with     biochemical / structural change. Hence rasa      the breaking down of nutrients. Thus it fa-
     their digestive system.                        ranjanam is metabolism                           cilitates an environment for the nutrients
                                                                                                     to transform.
The Pitta - Pentad

                                                                      Saadhaka                                         Aalocaka                                        Bhraajaka
                                                                      The fire of passion or ambition.                 The fire of vision.                             The fire of expression.

                                                                      ‘Sadh’ = to accomplish or to realise.            ‘lok’ meaning ‘to look’.                         ‘Bhraj’ = to shine, sparkle.
                                                                      ‘ka’ means ‘to act’.                             ‘ka’ means ‘to act’.                            ‘ka’ means ‘to act’.

                                                                      The seat is brain & heart (‘hrdayam’).           The seat is the retina.                         The seat is the skin.
                                                                                                                                                                       Maintaining complexion of skin.
                                                                      Awareness, intelligence and self-                Vision & perception. Reception and              Expressing life / energy.
                                                                      consciousness. On a lower level, worldly         assimilation of light from the external
                                                                      pleasures, wealth and prestige. On a             world.
                                                                      higher level, the spiritual goals.
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                      The word “pitta” is derived from ‘dong           potency, and both are involved in all               This is why, when scriptures deal with
                                                                      avaghantane’ (breaking down) and ‘deng           stages of digestion and metabolism. There       the imbalances of ‘agni’ it says ‘aggravated   11
                                                                      paripaalane’ (looking after). This means         is no transformation without these factors.     pitta results in teekshna-agni’ (hyper-
                                                                      the function of pitta is to look after life by   So they are partially similar.                  digestion). This statement clearly states
                                                                      breaking down nutrients.                             It is important to remember, the            that agni and pitta are two different
                                                                          “Agni” is used in a trasformatory sense,     doshas should be taken primarily as             concepts.
                                                                      a messenger or digestive faculty. Agni is a      ‘functional units’ or organising principles’,       Also when scriptures describe the
                                                                      factor that brings about transformation,         rather than a physical substance.               ‘healthy’, they say: healthy people have
                                                                          Interestingly, many authors -ancient             Of course, ‘dosha’ can be applied to        their doshas in balance, agni in balance
                                                                      and modern- use the terms agni and               any physical and non-physical ideas             and so forth. Here they have separately
                                                                      pitta as mutually interchangeable. This          and substances. But ‘agni’ is definitely a      mentioned dosha and agni, indicating
                                                                      is because both are hot in quality and           physical substance.                             that they are different.
Avalambaka                                     Kledaka
     Supporting kapha.                              Moistening Kapha.

     ‘Avalamb’ to rest upon, depend on.             ‘Klid’ = to moisten or to soften.

     The seats are heart, lungs.                    The seat is stomach.

     The actions of the other Kaphas in the         Responsible for the liquefaction of food
     body depend on this branch of kapha.           through alkaline secretions from the
     Foundation of all dhaatus, especially the      mucous lining in the stomach.
     first one, ‘rasa’. Protects the heart, lungs   It is a good medium which protects the
     and throat by creating mucus and fluid         gastro intestinal tract.
     lining. Makes us feel stable in our chest
     and heart.
     When kapha is out of balance, we feel

                                                                                               Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
     it in our chest and throat, in the form of
     increased or decreased mucus.
     This is the seat of water and earth from
     which we get stability and flexibility.

The Kapha - Pentad

                                                                      Bodhaka                                         Tarpaka                                      Shleshaka
                                                                      Informing Kapha.                                Satiating water.                             Embracing water.

                                                                      ‘Budh’ = to know, perceive.                     ‘Trp’ = Satiating, satisfying.               ‘Shlish’ = To embrace.

                                                                      The seats are mouth, tongue, salivary           The seat us cranium. Brain and cerebrospi-   The seat is joints.
                                                                      glands.                                         nal fluid
                                                                                                                                                                   Lubricates and stabilises the joints.
                                                                      Gives perception of taste.                      Nourish all organs by lubricating.           Any shock-absorbing mechanism includ-
                                                                      Facilitates the communication in our body,      Protect our brain and nervous system.        ing bursae and synovial fluid.
                                                                      in the mouth or in our cells.                   Yoga refers to this fluid as ‘amrt’ in
                                                                      Until saliva secretes we can’t taste any-       treatises.
                                                                      thing. Being an alkaline secretion, saliva is
                                                                      an example.
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

DOSHA -UNIT      SEAT                      FUNCTION (BRIEF)                                  I NEED TO IMPROVE

     V1. Praana       Cranium                   Reception of nutrients, impressions Organising

     V2. Udaana       Chest                     Expression, effort, enthusiasm     Lifting

     V3. Samaana      Small Intestine           Absorption, emotions               Balancing

     V4. Vyaana       Heart                     Circulation of energy, nutrients   Circulating

     V5. Apaana       Large intestine           Elimination                        Holding

     P1. Paachaka     Stomach, s. Intestine     Digestion                          Digestion

     P2. Ranjaka      Liver, Spleen, Pancreas   Metabolism                         Assimilation

     P3. Saadhaka     Heart, brain              Drive, passion, purpose            Drive

     P4. Aalochaka    Eyes                      Vision                             Vision

                                                                                                                      Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
     P5. Bhraajaka    Skin                      Complexion                         Expression

     K1. Avalambaka   Thorax                    Protects heart, lungs vital        Nourishment

     K2. Kledaka      Stomach                   Moistens food                      Moistening
     K3. Bodhaka      Tongue                    (Taste) perception                 Perception

     K4. Tarpaka      Cranium                   Protects vital organs              Satiation

     K5. Shleshaka    Joints                    Strengthens, lubricates            Embracing
The Dosha Pentad: exercise

                                                                      Below are some easy examples of diseases and sub-doshas. Find out the main branch
                                                                      of each dosha that is involved in the symptoms of the given diseases. Please remember
                                                                      that every disease is linked to all doshas.

                                                                      What are the branches of Vata involved in this diseases?

                                                                      1. Difficulty in breathing
                                                                      2. Cyanosis, especially of lips, nails or extremities
                                                                      3. Accumulation of mucus in the lungs due to accumulation of mucus in the stomach
                                                                      4. Constipation, and relief or lessening of attack by treatment with medicated enema
                                                                      5. Deep seated fear, which leads to attack

                                                                      What are the branches of Pitta involved in this diseases?

                                                                      1. Unusual revulsion for food
                                                                      2. Yellowed skin due to bile pigments
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                      3. Yellowed eyes
                                                                      4. Presence of bile-derived compounds in the blood
                                                                      5. Mental disorientation

                                                                      Rheumatic fever
                                                                      What are the branches of Kapha involved in this diseases?                               15

                                                                      1. A characteristic lesion with swollen, painful, tender, inflamed large joints
                                                                      2. A thickly coated tongue
                                                                      3. Nausea characterised by heaviness and dullness in the upper abdomen
                                                                      4. Reduced sensory perception associated with delirium
                                                                      5. Rheumatic pain with involvement of heart valves
Application of the concept ‘dosha’
     Vata	                Pitta	            Kapha
     Ether-Air	           Fire-Water	       Water-Earth


     ……………………………………	      ……………………………………	   ……………………………………


     ……………………………………	      ……………………………………	   ……………………………………


     ……………………………………	      ……………………………………	   ……………………………………


     ……………………………………	      ……………………………………	   ……………………………………


     ……………………………………	      ……………………………………	   ……………………………………


     ……………………………………	      ……………………………………	   ……………………………………


                                                             Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
     ……………………………………	      ……………………………………	   ……………………………………

     Physical excess

     ……………………………………	      ……………………………………	   ……………………………………
16   Physical depletion

     ……………………………………	      ……………………………………	   ……………………………………

     Mental excess

     ……………………………………	      ……………………………………	   ……………………………………

     Mental depletion

     ……………………………………	      ……………………………………	   ……………………………………
Application of the concept ‘elements’
                                                                      Ether	            Air	         Fire	     Water		       Earth
                                                                      Aakaasha	         Vaayu	       Agni	     Jala	         Prithwi


                                                                      ………………………	        ………………………	   ………………………	 ………………………	   ………………………


                                                                      ………………………	        ………………………	   ………………………	 ………………………	   ………………………


                                                                      ………………………	        ………………………	   ………………………	 ………………………	   ………………………


                                                                      ………………………	        ………………………	   ………………………	 ………………………	   ………………………


                                                                      ………………………	        ………………………	   ………………………	 ………………………	   ………………………


                                                                      ………………………	        ………………………	   ………………………	 ………………………	   ………………………

Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                      ………………………	        ………………………	   ………………………	 ………………………	   ………………………

                                                                      Physical excess

                                                                      ………………………	        ………………………	   ………………………	 ………………………	   ………………………
                                                                      Physical depletion                                                 17
                                                                      ………………………	        ………………………	   ………………………	 ………………………	   ………………………

                                                                      Mental excess

                                                                      ………………………	        ………………………	   ………………………	 ………………………	   ………………………

                                                                      Mental depletion

                                                                      ………………………	        ………………………	   ………………………	 ………………………	   ………………………
Test Your Tissues
     1. The body is composed of seven ……………………
     2. The term dhaatu is translated as ……………………
     3. They are the seven …………… of a cell organelle.
     4. They are formed by the five ………………………….
     5. Each dhaatu has a different elemental …………………….
     6. Dhaatus metabolise into …………… , ………… and
     7. There are …………… and ………… dhaatus.
     8. Fluid dhaatus ………………… solid dhaatus.
     9. Doshas ……………… in dhaatus.

                                                                                  Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
     10. Dhaatus exist in the form of ……………………….

     A gross dhaatu is almost parallel to the modern concept of cells. Shareera
     paramaanu is the term used by Caraka for a cell, meaning the smallest
     particle of the body.
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

Formation of dhaatus

     Three forces of nature (air, sun and moon)
         activate the functions of dhaatus.


               shukra           rasa

       majja            ojas            rakta

                asthi          maamsa

                                                  Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

Dhaatus in a nutshell

                                                                      Dhaatu      Site     Function       By-products             Wastes
                                                                      1. Rasa     Plasma   Nourishing     Breast milk &           Kapha
                                                                                           Pleasing       menstrual secretions    (mucous secretions)
                                                                      2. Rakta    Blood    Invigoration   Tendons & Vessels       Pitta
                                                                                           Enlivening                             (bile etc.)
                                                                      3. Maamsa Muscle     Plastering     Muscle fat & six skin   Deposits
                                                                                           Cohesion       layers.                 in orifices
                                                                      4. Medas    Fat      Lubrication    Ligaments               Sweat
                                                                      5. Asthi    Bone     Support        Teeth                   Nails & body hairs
                                                                      6. Majja    Marrow   Regeneration   Hair                    Lubricants
                                                                                           Refilling                              of skin, eyes & faeces
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                      7. Shukra   Sperm,   Creativity     Nil                     Nil
                                                                                  Ovum     Procreation
                                                                      Dhaatu      Site     Function       By-products             Wastes

Dhaatu      Sigs of overgrowth                              Signs of depletion
     1. Rasa     Accumulation of saliva, mucus & phlegm,         Dehydration, fatigue, intolerance to
                 clogging, loss of appetite and nausea.          sound, tremors, palpitations, exhaus-
                 Congestion, cysts and tumours                   tion, pain and emptiness in the heart.

     2. Rakta    Rashes, abscesses, enlarged liver and           Pallor, low pressure, desire for sour and
                 spleen, hypertension, tumours, weak             cold food, looseness and dryness, loss
                 digestion, delirium, hot flushes, red /         of lustre, collapse of blood vessels and
                 bleeding of eyes and urine.                     rough / cracked skin.
     3. Maamsa   Swelling/tumours in the muscles / glands,       Weight loss, emaciation, fatigue and
                 obesity, enlarged liver, irritability and ag-   looseness of the limbs, lack of co-ordi-
                 gression. Impaired sexual virility. Females:    nation, fear, insecurity, and unhappi-
                 fibroids / miscarriage.                         ness.
     4. Medas    Obesity, fatigue, difficulty in breathing,      Fatigue, crackling of the joints, tired
                 sexual debility, thirst, hypertension, dia-     eyes, enlarged spleen, emaciation of

                                                                                                                Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
                 betes, poor longevity, sagging of thighs,       the limbs and sunken abdomen, brittle
                 belly and breasts. Fear /over attachment.       / sensitive hair, nail, teeth and bones.
     5. Asthi    Extra bones / teeth, bone growths, spurs,       Weariness, pain / looseness in the
                 excessively large frame, pain in the joints,    joints; brittle bones, weak teeth, hair,
                 fear, anxiety and poor stamina. Arthritis.      nails. Poor bone and teeth formation.
     6. Majja    Heaviness of eyes, chronic eye disorders,       Weak / porous bones, pain in joints, diz-
22               deep sores in the limbs, and in the big         ziness, floaters, dark around the eyes,
                 joints, turbidity / infections in the eyes.     sexual debility, feeling empty & fearful.

     7. Shukra   Over sexed > anger/violence, excessive          Lack of vigour / drive, fatigue, sterility /
                 reproductive fluids, calculus & prostatitis,    impotence, dry mouth, lower back pain,
                 ovarian/uterine cysts/polyps.                   difficult ejaculation, blood in semen,
                                                                 fear, anxiety and hatred.
Dhaatu      How to increase                                    Any imbalance affects all three
                                                                                                                                     doshas and dhaatus. For ex-
                                                                      1. Rasa     Fluids, fruits, fruit juices, soups from tubers,
                                                                                  sweet, sour and salty tastes and milk.             ample, when heat increases it
                                                                                                                                     reduces vata and kapha, and
                                                                                                                                     increases pitta. So even a mild
                                                                      2. Rakta    Iron rich food like leafy vegetables molasses,     change in the system affects
                                                                                  black lemon, berries, spinaches, currants,
                                                                                                                                     the doshas. Contaminated do-
                                                                                  grapes, carrots, beets.
                                                                                                                                     shas can reach anywhere, and
                                                                                                                                     attack the organ if it is weak.
                                                                      3. Maamsa   Grains, nuts, legumes / pulses / lentils and
                                                                                  meat.                                              But any imbalance will have a
                                                                                                                                     specific root in a dosha, dhaatu,
                                                                                                                                     srotas, mala or kala. Based on
                                                                      4. Medas    Vegetable fats, dairy products (except but-        this we give it a name like a
                                                                                  termilk) & animal fats. Fats & lipids.             ‘kapha disease’, ‘pitta imbal-
                                                                                                                                     ance’ or a ‘vatic symptom’. A
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                                                                                     dosha may have a certain affin-
                                                                      5. Asthi    Seeds, nuts and earth predominant foods.           ity to a particular tissue or vice
                                                                                  Minerals (calcium, zinc etc.).                     versa. Here we are looking at
                                                                                                                                     the dosha-dhaatu relationship
                                                                                                                                     in diseases.
                                                                      6. Majja    Subtle oils/fats like butter, ghee, nuts and                                            02
                                                                                  seeds. Many blood purifying / tonic herbs are
                                                                                                                                     Dhaatu is Duushya                    23
                                                                                  also good.
                                                                                                                                     A dhaatu are also known as a
                                                                                                                                     duushya. Duushya means the
                                                                      7. Shukra   Sweet foods and drinks, dairy products, seeds
                                                                                  and nuts.                                          substratum in which physiol-
                                                                                                                                     ogy happens. In this context all
                                                                                                                                     the physical components of the
                                                                                                                                     body fall under this category.
Test Your Srotas
     1. The human body is composed of innumerable channels of varying
        …………… and …………….

     2. It is a system of ………………………………………….

     3. ……………………… exist as channels for proper distribution of
        tissues and their nutrients.

     4. Each tissue has its own ……………… and all ………………
        are interconnected.

     5. …………………… help tissues get adequately ……………

                                                                        Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
        and ……………… wastes easily.

     6. It is the body’s ……………………………………… system.

     7. So both channel and its respective tissue have the same ……………
        Eg: The rasa-carrying channel is composed of Rasa dhaatu.
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

     3 channels to bring nourishment
      Praana     To carry praana, the breath & life force. Primarily the respiratory system. Origin: heart, gastrointes-
                 tinal tract & colon. Related to the praanic sheath of the body.
      Anna       To carry food. Also called maha srotas. Mainly the digestive system. Origin: stomach.
      Jala       To carry water. Regulate water metabolism. Fluid absorbing aspect of the digestive system.
                 Origin: Palate & pancreas. Diabetes is a disease of this system.

      7 channels to circulate tissues
      Rasa       To carry rasa, the primary nutrients in the system. Similar to the lymphatic and circulatory system
                 together. Origin: heart and vessels. It forms the primary network of channels in the body. Rasa is
                 the medium in which all other tissues are suspended.
      Rakta      To carry rakta. This relates to the circulatory system, including blood cells. Origin: Liver & spleen,
                 wherein red blood cells are produced and destroyed.
      Maamsa To supply maamsa. Muscular system. Origin: Ligaments to which muscles are connected and skin.
      Medas      To supply the medas (fat or adipose tissue). Origin: Kidneys and omentum (abdominal fat).
      Asthi      To supply the asthi (bones / skeletal system). Origin: Adipose tissue & hips, (the largest bones).
      Majja      To supply the majja (marrow and nerve tissue). Origin: Bones and joints.
      Shukra     To supply shukra, the reproductive tissue. Origin: Testes or ovaries, wherein sperm and ovum are
                 produced. Also connected to the prostrate in men and the uterus in women.

      3 channels to eliminate waste
      Sveda      To carry sweat (sveda) or the sebaceous system. Origin: Adipose tissue and hair follicles to which

                                                                                                                           Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
                 the sebaceous glands are connected.
      Mootra     To carry urine or the urinary system. Origin: Bladder & kidneys, the organs of urination.
      Pureesha To carry feces. Origin: Colon and rectum, the organs of excretion.

02    1 Special Channel
      Manas       To carry thought or the mental system. Origin: Emotions from the previous birth and nervous sys-
26                tem. All channels are the channels of the mind, or the mind connects all channels together. The
                  mind needs channels but consciousness doesn’t.

      2 hormonal channels in females
      Aaartava To carry different secretions of the female reproductive system. Origin: The uterus and ovaries.
      Sthanya To carry breast milk. It is treated as the subsystem of the artava channel. Origin: Uterus
Channel     Causes of aggravation of channels

                                                                      Praana      Wrong posture & breathing, suppression of urges, dehydration, malnutrition, physical exertion
                                                                                  while hungry, smoking, air pollution or excessive, loud talking.
                                                                      Food        Overeating, under-eating, eating at the wrong time, unwholesome food and by the derangement
                                                                                  of the digestive fire. Inappropriate food. Disobedience to the rules of eating.
                                                                      Water       Overexposure to heat, dehydration, improperly digestion, alcohol.

                                                                      Plasma    Heavy, cold or mucusy food, overeating and excess worry. Excessive sweets or dairy products.
                                                                      Blood     Overheating / fermented food, excessive exposure to heat / sun, oily, hot, liquid food.
                                                                      Muscle    Excessive food and drinks which cause exudation (abhiSyandi) in the tissues, too rich or heavy
                                                                                food or day sleep. Mainly those increasing Kapha, particularly heaviness, oiliness and dullness.
                                                                      Adipose Lack of exercise, day sleep, excessive fatty food, alcohol, processed food and sugars.
                                                                      Skeletal Overexertion, jerks, strain to bones and vata increasing activities. Excessive use of depleted diet,
                                                                                over processed food and malabsorption.
                                                                      Marrow Emotional trauma, physical or emotional violence, loud noise, a prolonged unbalanced diet.
                                                                                Crushing, dislocation or breaking of bones, by extreme pain and taking bad food combinations.
                                                                      Reprodu.. Overindulgence or suppression of sexual urges; wrong surgical practices. Exposure to excess heat
                                                                                or therapies including heat, radiation, exposure to intense chemicals etc.

                                                                      Sweat       Excessive exposure to heat, food that is too hot / cold. Anger, fear / grief. Anything that promotes
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                                  excessive sweating. Suppression of the urge to urinate.
                                                                      Urine       Improper intake of food and drinks, excessive sex, suppression of urge, excessive travel.
                                                                      Feces       Suppression; irreguluar eating. Inadequate water and fibre intake.

                                                                      Mind        Excessive exposure to heavy emotional situations, emotional shocks, suppressed emotions; strong        02
                                                                                  sensory stimuli like loud music, too much television, drugs, etc.                                      27

                                                                      Menstrual Improper nourishment, psychological issues.
                                                                      Breastmilk Suppression, artificially arresting lactation, not having progeny, prolonged feeding.
Channels   Excessive flow              Blockage                 Deficiency                   Deviated flow
     Praana     Rapid breathing,            Wheezing, asthma,        Shallow breathe,             Perforation,
                hyperventilation.           dyspnoea, hernia.        short breath.                bleeding lungs.
     Anna       Excess hunger, acidity,     Tumours, intestinal      Deficient appetite,          Vomiting,
                diarrhoea.                  obstruction.             anorexia.                    perforation.
     Jala       Excess hunger,              Diabetes,                Nausea,                      Vomiting,
                hypoglycemia                pancreatic cancer        inability to taste           anorexia
     Rasa       Oedema, mucus,              Lymph obstruction,       Dehydration,                 Bleeding,
                lymph congestion.           constipation.            emaciation.                  coughing blood.
     Rakta      Palpitation, rapid pulse,   Arrhythmia, clots,       Slow pulse, varicose veins   Bleeding disorders,
                hypertension.               tumours, heart attack.   hypotension.                 internal bleeding.
     Maamsa     Hyperactivity,              Muscle tumours,          Spasms,                      Torn muscle tissue.
                tremors.                    chronic inflammation.    low muscle tone.
     Medas      Oedema, obesity.            Tumours.                 Weight loss.                 Torn tissues.
     Asthi      Over growth of              Calcification,           Weak bones,                  Occurs with

                                                                                                                                Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
                skeletal tissues.           spurs.                   osteoporosis.                breaking of bones.
     Majja      Hypersensitivity, tremor,   Convulsions,             Hyposensitivity, numbness,   Damaged/malformed nerve
                overly sharp perception.    coma, M.S.               weak regeneration.           tissue.
     Shukra     Spermatorrhea,              Blocked tubes, stones,   Delayed ejaculation,         Discharge of sperm into
                premature ejaculation.      tumours.                 low count.                   bladder.
02   Sveda      Excess sweating.            Inability to sweat.      Deficient sweating.          Sweat in plasma.
28   Mootra     Polyurea.                   Stones, obstruction.     Scanty urination.            Perforated bladder.
     Pureesha   Diarrhoea.                  Obstruction, tumours.    Constipation.                Perforation of large bowel.
     Manas      Hyperactive,                Blocked emotions,        Dull senses,                 Delirium,
                worry, anger.               inability to express.    depression, grief.           schizophrenia.
     Aartava    Polymenorrhea,              Dysmenorrhea,            Delayed or irregular         Endometriosis,
                menorrhagea.                amenorrhea.              menstruation.                Tubular pregnancy.
     Sthanya    Galactorrhea.               Mastitis, tumours,       Deficient flow               Ruptured artery/vein in
                                            pain, oedema.            of breast milk.              breast.
     Channels   Excessive flow              Blockage                 Deficiency                   Deviated flow
Things I can do to help my channels




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                                                                      ……………………………………………………………………………………………………   29



Test Your Malas
     1. Malas are essential ………… formed during …………………………

     2. The word ‘mala’ comes from ‘dharane’ ………………………… and ‘kitta’


     3. Malas have certain …………………… in our body before being eliminated.

     4. Every ………… has its own mala. Every ………… produces some mala.

                                                                           Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
     5. ……………………turns into malas at various stages.

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Bodily wastes -malas

     Everything inside our body maintains homeostasis. Otherwise they obstruct the natural flow and
     thus work against life. Life is ever changing, always transforming.
           Malas natural waste products, that are held in the body by the forces of vata and agni. When
     vata and agni are balanced, hence, functioning properly, dhaatus are fed plentifully with the essence
     of food. When they are not, the production of mala increases. In other words, nutrients become
     inefficient too early and turn into malas. This excess waste, if not excreted in a regular and complete
     fashion, begins to toxify tissues, thereby causing disease.

     The principal malas

     Malas are innumerable. The principal malas are faeces (pureesha), urine (mootra) and sweat (sveda).
     (Ancient texts haven’t included exhalation as a mere waste since it’s closely associated with praanic
     functions in the body).
            The term pureesha means ‘the residue after the absorption of fluids’. Like doshas and dhaatus,
     malas are also made of the five elements. Secondary malas include the intestines’ fatty excretions,
     earwax, body hair, nails, tears, menstrual discharge, navel lint etc. These are also listed under the
     wastes of dhaatus during their transmutation.
            Two daily evacuations are considered to be vital to health. Urine, the impure fluid of the body,
     is passed around five times a day if good health is to be maintained. An ample intake of pure water
     is vital to replenish the bodily fluids. Sweat is the perspiration formed to expel waste from the skin
            The normal flow of the malas is obstructed whenever the doshas are increased or decreased.


                                                                                                                                                Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
                                            Exhalation            Gas                     Lungs
                                            Sweat                 Liquid (light)          Skin
                                            Urine                 Liquid (heavy)          Kidneys
                                            Faeces                Solid                   Colon

     Doshas & malas
     Vata, the dosha primarily involved with maintaining the dynamic balance, is in charge of retention and elimination bodily wastes. Pitta,
     involved in helping keep the metabolism intact, is in charge of separating wastes and nutrients in our system.
         Kapha, which assists all the above functions by lubricating channels, may result in clogging the channels when aggravated. In these
     situations texts prescribe the five-fold purification therapies called pancha karma in advanced conditions.
Excess & depletion

                                                                      Malas       Normal                                   Signs of increase                        Signs of decrease
                                                                      Faeces      Acts as a filler or stay to the body.    Bloating of abdomen, gurgling noise,     Discomfort in the chest, gurgling
                                                                                                                           feeling of heaviness.                    noise, stomach cramps, constipation.
                                                                      Urine       Carry the moist and slimy wastes         Severe bladder pain, incomplete          Scanty urination, dysuria, discoloured
                                                                                  from the body.                           elimination. Frequent urination.         urine, anuria, hematuria.
                                                                      Sweat       Retention of moisture. Assists hair to   Fluid retention. Dryness of skin.        Less sweat, hair loss, brittle hair.
                                                                                  keep firmly rooted.

                                                                      Aggravation of doshas

                                                                      Malas       Vata                                     Pitta                                    Kapha
                                                                      Faeces      Dry, constipated, painful.               Acidic, blood, burns, smelly.            Sticky, heavy, itchy.
                                                                      Urine       Dark, grey scanty, painful.              Yellow, red, burns, smelly.              Cloudy, thick, sediments.
                                                                      Sweat       Little. Scaly, bruising skin.            Burns, rashes, inflamed.                 Itchy, heavy, cold, retention.


                                                                      Malas       To increase                                                   To decrease
                                                                      Faeces      Fibres, bulk promoting substances. Right amount and           Tannins and astringent food & herbs, fruits such as apples
                                                                                  timing of meals.                                              and plantains.
                                                                      Urine       Use of sufficient fluids, kidney and urinary bladder tonics   Cold hipbaths, astringent kidney herbs, judicial use of
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                                  (Tribulus).                                                   fluids in diet.
                                                                      Sweat       Sweating therapy, massage exercise and deep breathing;        Cooling - therapies, gems, breathing and environment;
                                                                                  heating herbs such as ginger, garlic. Warm and fresh food;    herbs such as vetiver, sandalwood & lavender, food &
                                                                                  food and drinks hot in potency.                               drinks that are cold in potency.

                                                                      The three golden rules of health are to: Keep your bowels moving, Keep your
                                                                      breath moving And keep your body moving. ~ Anonymous
                                                                      Write down the difference between malas and toxins.
Test Your Fire
     1. Agni is defined as ……………………………………
     2. Every …………… has its own agni.
     3. Agni is produced by its own ……………………………
     4. Paachaka Pitta ………………………………food.
     5. Agni ………………………………………food.
     6. Agni and Paachaka Pitta are …………………………

                                                        Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
     7. Excess Pitta suppresses ……………………………
     8. No transformation is possible without …………………

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agni	gaayatri             Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

02   aum	mahaa	jwaalaaya	vidmahe
36      agni	devaaya	dhee	mahi
       tanno	agnih	prachodayaat

                                                                                is	composed	of		
                                                                       ………………,	………………	and	………………,	
                                                                            and	regulate	the	three


                                                                         that	transform	thoughts	and	
                                                                         nutrients	into	seven	groups	of	


                                                                      which	exist	in	the	form	of	16	groups	
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                      of	interconnected	pathways	that	are	

                                                                                   srotas                     37

                                                                         Their	functions	are	known	as	
                                                                      …………………………		and	their	structure	
                                                                          is	known	as	…………………………
A Bhojana Mantra
               Chanted Before Meals
         Aum anna puurne sadaa puurne
            Shankara prana vallabhey
         Jnaana vairaagya siddhyartham
         Bhikshaam dehi cha Paarvatee.
           Maataa cha Paarvatee Devee
             Pitaa Devo Maheshvarah
          Baandhavah Shiva bhaktascha
            Svadeso bhuvana trayam.

     Aum puurnamadah puurnamidam
       Puurnat puurnam udachyate,
        Puurnasya puurnam aadaya
        Puurnam eva avashishyate.
         Aum shaantih shaantih shaantih.
            Aum Shivaarpanam astu.

               Aum, beloved Shakti of Siva,
                fully manifest as this foods.
     O, Mother of the universe, nourish us with this
     gift of food so that we may attain knowledge,
            dispassion and spiritual perfection.

                                                       Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
            Goddess Parvati is my mother. God
                  Maheshvara is my father.
       All devotees of Siva are my family. All three
                    worlds are my home.
02                 Aum, That is complete.
       Creation is complete. From Divine complete
38              flows this world’s complete.
      This complete issues from that complete, yet
                 that complete remains full.
                 Aum, peace, peace, peace.
                 Aum, this I offer unto Siva.
Digestive fire
                                                                          Jathara agni

                                                                      Gastro intestinal fire

                                                                        Metabolic fire
                                                                         Dhaatu agni

                                                                           Rasa fire
                                                                           Rakta fire
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                                                                          Maamsa fire
                                                                          Medas fire
                                                                           Asthi fire
                                                                           Majja fire
                                                                            Shukra             02
                                                                        Elemental fire         39
                                                                          Bhuta agni

                                                                           Ether fire
                                                                            Air fire
                                                                            Fire fire
                                                                           Water fire
                                                                           Earth fire
Signs of healthy agni
     appetitite              …………………………………………………………………


     after eating            …………………………………………………………………


     bowels                  …………………………………………………………………


     urine                   …………………………………………………………………


     eyes                    …………………………………………………………………


     hair                    …………………………………………………………………


                                                         Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
     sleep                   …………………………………………………………………


     mind                    …………………………………………………………………
40                           …………………………………………………………………

     skin                    …………………………………………………………………

Simple Test for Weak Agni
                                                                      Weak Digestion                    Weak Digestion
                                                                      Signs                             Causes
                                                                      Agni vikrti lakshanam             Agni vikrti nidaanam

                                                                      l Coated tongue                   l Eating wrong foods
                                                                      l Frequent fatigue                l Eating at the wrong time
                                                                      l Headaches                       l Eating in the wrong way
                                                                      l Nausea                          l Eating too fast or too slow
                                                                      l Skin: dry, too oily, cold/hot   l Excessive cold drinks or foods
                                                                      l Dull skin and eyes              l Excessive fasting, feasting
                                                                      l Cloudy/smelly urine             l Inducing empty stimulation
                                                                      l Fatty/heavy/undigested stool    l Overused chemical drugs, laxatives
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                      l Smelly breath                   l Restraining natural urges
                                                                      l Foul body odour                 l Mental imbalances
                                                                      l Poor sleep                      l Overexertion, excess sex
                                                                      l Constipation/diarrhoea          l Lack of sleep and exercise
                                                                      l Cramps                          l Not being mindful while eating       02
                                                                      l Mental cloudiness               l General illness                      41
Specific signs of weak agni

   Irregular appetite            Extreme thirst & hunger      Sluggish appetite
   Irregular bowel motions       Bleeding                     Fluid retention
   Weight loss                   Intense body odour           Weight gain
   Gas, bloating                 Sweating, burning            Excess lacrimation
   Anxious, fearful dreams       Violent, aggressive dreams   Emotional dreams
   Aches, pains, stiffness       Heartburn                    Swelling, growth
   Constipation                  Diarrhoea                    Sticky faeces
   Dryness of mouth, nails       Easily irritable             Cold, sluggish skin
   Dry skin and hair             Yellow/red discolouration    Mucus, Hypersalivation
   Insomnia                      Colourful, violent dreams    Sleepy
   Frequent viruses              Frequent bacteria            Frequent fungus, Candida

                                                                                         Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
   My score …………………              My score …………………             My score …………………

   Vata excess                   Pitta excess                 Kapha excess
02 Irregular fire                Intense fire                 Sluggish fire
General balancing
                                                                      Irregular fire             Intense fire               Sluggish fire
                                                                      Routine                    Alkaline                   Fasting
                                                                      Warmth                     Cooling                    Warmth
                                                                      Moisture, light fats       Astringets, bitters        Less moistue, oils
                                                                      Light and easy to digest   Light and easy to digest   Light and easy to digest

                                                                                                     Yoga practices

                                                                      ………………………………               ………………………………               ………………………………

                                                                      ………………………………               ………………………………               ………………………………
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                                                                      ………………………………               ………………………………               ………………………………

                                                                      ………………………………               ………………………………               ………………………………

                                                                      ………………………………               ………………………………               ………………………………
Enhance your cooking experience
     1.   Have a clean, orderly, uncluttered and well-equipped kitchen.
     2.   The kitchen is lit, well-ventilated and with a nice view, with flowers and uplifting music playing.
     3.   Have all the ingredients handy, preferably fresh and organic.
     4.   Wash hands and tie hair back.
     5.   Keep good hygiene (nails clipped etc).
     6.   Meditate for a few minutes beforehand.
     7.   Avoid distractions such as bothersome people, phone calls etc.
     8.   Whilst cooking meditate on those who will receive the meal and how much you love them.
     9.   Maintain a mood of gentleness, calm, awareness, serenity and gratitude.

     Effects of utensils on doshas
     Wood                     Aids digestive fluids Good for K.
     Gold                     Excellent for all doshas. Good for V.
     Copper                   Assists aPAna. Good for K.
     Lotus leaves             Antidote to poisons
     Silver                   Supports liver and V & P.
     Glass/crystal /steel     Good for P, good for liver, cooling.
     Stone / clay             Anti-bacterial
     Zinc                     Improves agni, brain tonic. Good for V.

                                                                                                                Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

Effect of Cooking on doshas
                                                                      Type of process         Suited for           Small amount for
                                                                      Steaming/sautéing       All doshas
                                                                      Baking                  Kapha                Vata
                                                                      Frying                  Vata                 Pitta, Kapha
                                                                      Pressure cooking        All doshas
                                                                      Dry roasting            Pitta, Kapha         Vata
                                                                      Puffing                 Pitta, Kapha         Vata
                                                                      Boiling                 All doshas
                                                                      Fermenting              Vata, Kapha          Pitta
                                                                      Frozen                  Pitta                Vata, Kapha
                                                                      Dehydrating             Pitta, Kapha         Vata

                                                                      Effect of Cooking on agni
                                                                      1.   Milk is heavy, but heating makes it light
                                                                      2.   Grains are heavy, puffing makes them lighter, flours are heavier
                                                                      3.   Rice is heavier when cooked with milk
                                                                      4.   Honey turns into poison when heated or taken with heating foods
                                                                      5.   Beans cooked while skimming froth off top reduces gas
                                                                      6.   Canned foods can increase all doshas
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

Test Your Ama
     1. Cold /moist ama is from ……………… and known as …………
     2. Hot/acidic ama is from ………………and known as …………
     3. Cold/dry ama is from ……………… and known as …………
     4. Ama is due to ………………………………………agni.
     5. Cold/moist ama attracts ……………… or ……………….
     6. Hot/acidic ama attracts ……………………………………

                                                           Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
     7. Cold/dry ama attracts ……………………………………
     8. Most ama condition requires ……………… or ………………

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Life is based on fire. In every
     culture, ancient or modern,
     fire is the symbol and base of
     life. Eating is fire-worshipping.
     Right food, eaten at the right
     time, in the right way, in the
     right quantity nourishes fire
     and creates quality tissues. Fire
     is called agni. Any improper
     activities in lifestyle, emotions
     or diet can affect the proper
     digestion and thus the state
                   of agni.

                                         Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

Formation of Ama
                                                                      Digestive and metabolic toxins

                                                                      A healthy agni, a healthy person and healthy assimilation are interdepen-
                                                                      dent. If agni is deranged digestion is weak. This results in faulty tissues (ama),
                                                                      which in turn weakens agni.

                                                                      Ama literally means anything unripe, improper, immature incomplete, un-
                                                                      suitable or raw. This form of nutrient is unsuitable for being inside our body.
                                                                      If nutrients or tissues have Ama, they can’t function as they are expected to,
                                                                      resulting in lowered immunity and a weak body. Ama is toxin or poison.

                                                                      Improper eating > Weak agni > Ama/weak dhaatus > Blocked channels >

                                                                      Doshas & Ama

                                                                      Dosha         Qualities                          Example                   Possible microbe
                                                                      Vata          Cold, dry, stiff, rigid            Stones, clots, crystals   Virus
                                                                      Pitta         Hot, burning, fluid, intense       Acid                      Bacteria
                                                                      Kapha         Sticky , cold, heavy               Mucus, phlegm             Fungus, Candida

                                                                      Tips to improve agni

                                                                      Particular herbs have strong agni which help to augment our own digestive
                                                                      strength and facilitate Ama neutralisation and elimination.

                                                                      Therapies              Irregular fire              Intense fire            Sluggish fire
Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

                                                                                             Cinnamon, hing, fennel,     Aloe, golden seal,      Ginger, long pepper,
                                                                      Herbs                  cardamom, cumin, warm       triphala and ghee.      cayenne, honey.
                                                                                             Sweating, oil enema, oily   Purgation (bitter       Vomiting with herbs
                                                                      Cleanse                and mild laxatives.         laxatives)              such as liquorice,
                                                                                                                                                 calamus etc.               02
                                                                                             Mindful eating,             Relaxed, slow eating;   Fasting; pungent, bitter
                                                                      Favour                 regulation, sweet, sour     bitter, sweet and       and astringent.
                                                                                             and salty.                  astringent.
                                                                                             Gassy, cold, dry heavy      Eating when upset;      Overeating, late
                                                                      Avoid                  foods; irregular meals.     pungent, sour, salty    dinners; sweet, sour
                                                                                                                         food.                   and salty foods.

Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754

Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754


Ayurvedic nutrition
     Ayurvedic nutrition considered the following categories of food items before prescribing diet.

     Categories          Sesame oil                         Ghee                                Ginger (fresh)
     Taste               Pungent, bitter                    Sweet                               Pungent, sweet
     Qualities           Hot, light, moist, intense         Cold, heavy, oily, mild             Hot, light, dry, intense
     Potency             Hot                                Cold                                Hot
     Absorption          Last phase                         First phase                         First phase
     Specific effects    Nerve tonic                        Liver tonic                         Kapha ama digestive
     Effect on agni      Stabilizing                        Coolant                             Stimulant
     Effect on dosha     Vata/Kapha reducing                Vata/Pitta reducing                 Vata/Kapha reducing
     Effect on tissues   Asthi, majja                       Rasa, majja, shukra                 Rakta, rasa
     Effect on channel   Asthi, majja, pureesha             Rasa, majja, shukra, praana, anna   Rakta, rasa, sveda, pureesha
     Effect on organ     Large intestine                    Liver, stomach                      Stomach, small intestine
     Effect on system    Nervous system                     Adipose system                      Circulatory system
     Effect on disease   Depletion, blockage                Depletion, last phase               Inflammation

     Study of Tastes
     Tastes indicate active elements in each substance. We can understand the effects of it from the
     flavour of the substance. In other words according to the predominance of elements things taste
     differently. Here is the relationship between taste and predominant elements.

     Taste / rasa        Predominant elements                       Increase               Decrease
     Sweet               Earth         Water                        K                      V P
     Sour                Earth         Fire                         K P                    V
     Salt                Water         Fire                         K P                    V

                                                                                                                               Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754
     Bitter              Air           Ether                        V                      K P
     Pungent             Air           Fire                         V P                    K
     Astringent          Earth         Air                          V                      K P

     Write down the three main qualities and potencies of the tastes

02   Tastes              Quality 1              Quality 2           Quality 3              Potency

52   Sweet               ………………                 ………………              ………………                 ………………
     Sour                ………………                 ………………              ………………                 ………………
     Salt                ………………                 ………………              ………………                 ………………
     Bitter              ………………                 ………………              ………………                 ………………
     Pungent             ………………                 ………………              ………………                 ………………
     Astringent          ………………                 ………………              ………………                 ………………
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09 Weekend 02

  • 1. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 Living Body Weekend 02 1 02
  • 2. “It is more important to “The treatments themselves know what sort of person do not ‘cure’ the condition, has a disease than to know they simply restore the what sort of disease a body’s self-healing ability.” person has.” Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 -Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) -Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O. 02 2
  • 3. contents The dosha pentads 07 The Vata pentad 08 The Pitta pentad 10 The Kaph pentad 12 Dosha pentad exercise 14 Application of dosha 16 Application of elements 17 Subtle tissues 18 Subtle channels 24 Metabolic wastes 30 Digestive fire 34 Cooking and its effects 44 Metabolic toxins 46 Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 Ayurvedic nutrition 52 Food practices 54 Exercises 02 Food energetics 57 3 Home remedies 82 Healing teas 85 Article 86 Energies of the universe 98
  • 4. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 02 4
  • 5. your daily moment of zen 1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone. 2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tyre. 3. It’s always darkest before the dawn. So if you’re going to steal your neighbour’s newspaper, that’s the time to do it. 4. Sex is like air. It’s not important unless you aren’t getting any. 5. Don’t be irreplaceable. If you can’t be replaced, you can’t be promoted. 6. Always remember you’re unique. Just like anyone else. 7. Never test the depth of the water with both feet. 8. It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others. 9. If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments. 10. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes. 11. If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you. 12. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day. 13. If you lend someone $20, and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. 14. Don’t squat with your spurs on. 15. Some days you are the bug, some days you are the windshield. 16. Don’t worry. It only seems kinky the first time. 02 17. Good judgement comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes 5 from bad judgement. 18. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket. 19. Timing has an awful lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance. 20. A closed mouth gathers no food. 21. Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.
  • 6. Test Your Doshas 1. Doshas are …………………………………………… 2. Every cell is operated by all three ………………………… 3. Each dosha has …………………………… main branches 4. ……… dosha is more important, as it is wisdom and movement 5. Pitta and ……………… follow ……………… dosha 6. Every function in our body is the result of ………………… Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 7. Dosha is applied in various ……………………………… 8. Dosha is one of the several …………………… in Ayurveda 9. Doshas represent …………, ………… and …………… 02 6
  • 7. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 pentad pentad dosha 7 02
  • 8. Praana Udaana The leading air. Upward moving air. ‘Pra’ = primary or major. ‘Ud’ = upward ‘Ana’ = to move. ‘Ana’ = to move. The cranium is the seat. Chest is the seat. Governs the intake of knowledge. It moves around the nasal, navel Determines our inspiration or positive and throat region. Is responsible for spirit in life. Connects us with our inner memory, will and effort. Gives us the self. Constitutes the brain and nervous power to transcend the outer world. system. Governs and co-ordinates the Gives us various psychic powers. mind, heart and consciousness. Governs coughing, spitting, vomiting and belching. Governs self-expression Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 and aspirations in life. 02 8
  • 9. The Vata - Pentad Samaana Vyaana Apaana The equalising air. Diffusive / pervasive air. Downward directing Vayu. ‘Sama’ = same, equal or horrizontal. ‘Vi’ = peculiar, to distribute. ‘Apa’ = downward, away. ‘Ana’ = to move. ‘Ana’ = to move. ‘Ana’ = to move. Digestive organs are the seat. Heart is the seat. The large bowel & pelvis are the seats. Force behind digestion. Force behind Governs adduction and abduction. The bladder, genitals, thighs & other metabolism. Regulates all juices for Governs expansion and contraction pelvic organs. Governs reproductive digestion and metabolism. Recharges of body parts. Governs locomotion. system. Governs hormonal functions. cellular energy. Balances the body by Governs opening and closing. Governs Governs excretion of urine and faeces. providing suitable nutrients. the voluntary and involuntary Governs the large intestine. movements. Acts as a plug. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 Relative Position Movements Functions Udaana Ascend Creativity Samaana – Praana – Vyaana Equilize – Control – Circulate Absorb – Intake – Circulate Apaana Descend Excrete 02 9
  • 10. Paachaka Ranjaka The fire of digestion. The fire of metabolism. ‘Pac’ = to digest, ‘Ranj’ = to dye, to excite or glow. ‘ka’ = to act. ‘ka’ = to act. The seat is small intestine. The seat is digestive organs. Breaks down food into essence and Tissue and cellular transformations. waste. Strengthens and protects all other pittas. Good pAcaka pitta helps (Digestive organs are: Liver, spleen, pan- up know what, when and how much creas, stomach, small intestine etc.) to eat. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 02 Paachaka is the first consideration in the Ranjaka: When a dhaatu is transformed into Pitta & Agni: This topic was dis- 10 treatment of Pitta, as this is responsible the next one, it gets a new colour, texture, cussed in detail by the masters as they are both for building up our tissues and for de- form and functions due to ranjaka pitta. The partially similar and different. A typical stroying any pathogens that have entered function of ranjaka pitta is ‘rasa ranjanam’. metabolic event in our body is composed the body with food. Paachaka is digestive Here ‘rasa’ stands for all tissues. ‘Ranjanam’ of two stages, namely: breaking down awareness and discrimination. People with means colouring or exciting the transforma- of the nutrients & transformation of the good paachaka pitta know what, when tion. Change of colour occurs when there is nutrients. Primarily, pitta is involved with and how much to eat. They are in tune with biochemical / structural change. Hence rasa the breaking down of nutrients. Thus it fa- their digestive system. ranjanam is metabolism cilitates an environment for the nutrients to transform.
  • 11. The Pitta - Pentad Saadhaka Aalocaka Bhraajaka The fire of passion or ambition. The fire of vision. The fire of expression. ‘Sadh’ = to accomplish or to realise. ‘lok’ meaning ‘to look’. ‘Bhraj’ = to shine, sparkle. ‘ka’ means ‘to act’. ‘ka’ means ‘to act’. ‘ka’ means ‘to act’. The seat is brain & heart (‘hrdayam’). The seat is the retina. The seat is the skin. Maintaining complexion of skin. Awareness, intelligence and self- Vision & perception. Reception and Expressing life / energy. consciousness. On a lower level, worldly assimilation of light from the external pleasures, wealth and prestige. On a world. higher level, the spiritual goals. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 The word “pitta” is derived from ‘dong potency, and both are involved in all This is why, when scriptures deal with 02 avaghantane’ (breaking down) and ‘deng stages of digestion and metabolism. There the imbalances of ‘agni’ it says ‘aggravated 11 paripaalane’ (looking after). This means is no transformation without these factors. pitta results in teekshna-agni’ (hyper- the function of pitta is to look after life by So they are partially similar. digestion). This statement clearly states breaking down nutrients. It is important to remember, the that agni and pitta are two different “Agni” is used in a trasformatory sense, doshas should be taken primarily as concepts. a messenger or digestive faculty. Agni is a ‘functional units’ or organising principles’, Also when scriptures describe the factor that brings about transformation, rather than a physical substance. ‘healthy’, they say: healthy people have Interestingly, many authors -ancient Of course, ‘dosha’ can be applied to their doshas in balance, agni in balance and modern- use the terms agni and any physical and non-physical ideas and so forth. Here they have separately pitta as mutually interchangeable. This and substances. But ‘agni’ is definitely a mentioned dosha and agni, indicating is because both are hot in quality and physical substance. that they are different.
  • 12. Avalambaka Kledaka Supporting kapha. Moistening Kapha. ‘Avalamb’ to rest upon, depend on. ‘Klid’ = to moisten or to soften. The seats are heart, lungs. The seat is stomach. The actions of the other Kaphas in the Responsible for the liquefaction of food body depend on this branch of kapha. through alkaline secretions from the Foundation of all dhaatus, especially the mucous lining in the stomach. first one, ‘rasa’. Protects the heart, lungs It is a good medium which protects the and throat by creating mucus and fluid gastro intestinal tract. lining. Makes us feel stable in our chest and heart. When kapha is out of balance, we feel Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 it in our chest and throat, in the form of increased or decreased mucus. This is the seat of water and earth from which we get stability and flexibility. 02 12
  • 13. The Kapha - Pentad Bodhaka Tarpaka Shleshaka Informing Kapha. Satiating water. Embracing water. ‘Budh’ = to know, perceive. ‘Trp’ = Satiating, satisfying. ‘Shlish’ = To embrace. The seats are mouth, tongue, salivary The seat us cranium. Brain and cerebrospi- The seat is joints. glands. nal fluid Lubricates and stabilises the joints. Gives perception of taste. Nourish all organs by lubricating. Any shock-absorbing mechanism includ- Facilitates the communication in our body, Protect our brain and nervous system. ing bursae and synovial fluid. in the mouth or in our cells. Yoga refers to this fluid as ‘amrt’ in Until saliva secretes we can’t taste any- treatises. thing. Being an alkaline secretion, saliva is an example. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 02 13
  • 14. DOSHA -UNIT SEAT FUNCTION (BRIEF) I NEED TO IMPROVE V1. Praana Cranium Reception of nutrients, impressions Organising V2. Udaana Chest Expression, effort, enthusiasm Lifting V3. Samaana Small Intestine Absorption, emotions Balancing V4. Vyaana Heart Circulation of energy, nutrients Circulating V5. Apaana Large intestine Elimination Holding P1. Paachaka Stomach, s. Intestine Digestion Digestion P2. Ranjaka Liver, Spleen, Pancreas Metabolism Assimilation P3. Saadhaka Heart, brain Drive, passion, purpose Drive P4. Aalochaka Eyes Vision Vision Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 P5. Bhraajaka Skin Complexion Expression K1. Avalambaka Thorax Protects heart, lungs vital Nourishment 02 K2. Kledaka Stomach Moistens food Moistening 14 K3. Bodhaka Tongue (Taste) perception Perception K4. Tarpaka Cranium Protects vital organs Satiation K5. Shleshaka Joints Strengthens, lubricates Embracing
  • 15. The Dosha Pentad: exercise Below are some easy examples of diseases and sub-doshas. Find out the main branch of each dosha that is involved in the symptoms of the given diseases. Please remember that every disease is linked to all doshas. Asthma What are the branches of Vata involved in this diseases? 1. Difficulty in breathing 2. Cyanosis, especially of lips, nails or extremities 3. Accumulation of mucus in the lungs due to accumulation of mucus in the stomach 4. Constipation, and relief or lessening of attack by treatment with medicated enema 5. Deep seated fear, which leads to attack Jaundice What are the branches of Pitta involved in this diseases? 1. Unusual revulsion for food 2. Yellowed skin due to bile pigments Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 3. Yellowed eyes 4. Presence of bile-derived compounds in the blood 5. Mental disorientation Rheumatic fever 02 What are the branches of Kapha involved in this diseases? 15 1. A characteristic lesion with swollen, painful, tender, inflamed large joints 2. A thickly coated tongue 3. Nausea characterised by heaviness and dullness in the upper abdomen 4. Reduced sensory perception associated with delirium 5. Rheumatic pain with involvement of heart valves
  • 16. Application of the concept ‘dosha’ Vata Pitta Kapha Ether-Air Fire-Water Water-Earth Qualities …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… Constitution …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… Physiology …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… Stage/phase …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… Colours …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… Organs …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… Systems Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… Physical excess …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… 02 16 Physical depletion …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… Mental excess …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… Mental depletion …………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………………………
  • 17. Application of the concept ‘elements’ Ether Air Fire Water Earth Aakaasha Vaayu Agni Jala Prithwi Qualities ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… Constitution ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… Physiology ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… Stage/phase ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… Colours ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… Organs ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… Systems Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… Physical excess ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… 02 Physical depletion 17 ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… Mental excess ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… Mental depletion ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
  • 18. Test Your Tissues 1. The body is composed of seven …………………… 2. The term dhaatu is translated as …………………… 3. They are the seven …………… of a cell organelle. 4. They are formed by the five …………………………. 5. Each dhaatu has a different elemental ……………………. 6. Dhaatus metabolise into …………… , ………… and …………. 7. There are …………… and ………… dhaatus. 8. Fluid dhaatus ………………… solid dhaatus. 9. Doshas ……………… in dhaatus. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 10. Dhaatus exist in the form of ………………………. A gross dhaatu is almost parallel to the modern concept of cells. Shareera paramaanu is the term used by Caraka for a cell, meaning the smallest 02 particle of the body. 18
  • 19. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 19 02 d
  • 20. Formation of dhaatus Three forces of nature (air, sun and moon) activate the functions of dhaatus. food shukra rasa majja ojas rakta asthi maamsa Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 medas 02 20
  • 21. Dhaatus in a nutshell Dhaatu Site Function By-products Wastes 1. Rasa Plasma Nourishing Breast milk & Kapha Pleasing menstrual secretions (mucous secretions) 2. Rakta Blood Invigoration Tendons & Vessels Pitta Enlivening (bile etc.) 3. Maamsa Muscle Plastering Muscle fat & six skin Deposits Cohesion layers. in orifices 4. Medas Fat Lubrication Ligaments Sweat Oleation 5. Asthi Bone Support Teeth Nails & body hairs Holding 6. Majja Marrow Regeneration Hair Lubricants Refilling of skin, eyes & faeces Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 7. Shukra Sperm, Creativity Nil Nil Ovum Procreation Dhaatu Site Function By-products Wastes 02 21
  • 22. Dhaatu Sigs of overgrowth Signs of depletion 1. Rasa Accumulation of saliva, mucus & phlegm, Dehydration, fatigue, intolerance to clogging, loss of appetite and nausea. sound, tremors, palpitations, exhaus- Congestion, cysts and tumours tion, pain and emptiness in the heart. 2. Rakta Rashes, abscesses, enlarged liver and Pallor, low pressure, desire for sour and spleen, hypertension, tumours, weak cold food, looseness and dryness, loss digestion, delirium, hot flushes, red / of lustre, collapse of blood vessels and bleeding of eyes and urine. rough / cracked skin. 3. Maamsa Swelling/tumours in the muscles / glands, Weight loss, emaciation, fatigue and obesity, enlarged liver, irritability and ag- looseness of the limbs, lack of co-ordi- gression. Impaired sexual virility. Females: nation, fear, insecurity, and unhappi- fibroids / miscarriage. ness. 4. Medas Obesity, fatigue, difficulty in breathing, Fatigue, crackling of the joints, tired sexual debility, thirst, hypertension, dia- eyes, enlarged spleen, emaciation of Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 betes, poor longevity, sagging of thighs, the limbs and sunken abdomen, brittle belly and breasts. Fear /over attachment. / sensitive hair, nail, teeth and bones. 5. Asthi Extra bones / teeth, bone growths, spurs, Weariness, pain / looseness in the excessively large frame, pain in the joints, joints; brittle bones, weak teeth, hair, fear, anxiety and poor stamina. Arthritis. nails. Poor bone and teeth formation. 02 6. Majja Heaviness of eyes, chronic eye disorders, Weak / porous bones, pain in joints, diz- 22 deep sores in the limbs, and in the big ziness, floaters, dark around the eyes, joints, turbidity / infections in the eyes. sexual debility, feeling empty & fearful. 7. Shukra Over sexed > anger/violence, excessive Lack of vigour / drive, fatigue, sterility / reproductive fluids, calculus & prostatitis, impotence, dry mouth, lower back pain, ovarian/uterine cysts/polyps. difficult ejaculation, blood in semen, fear, anxiety and hatred.
  • 23. Dhaatu How to increase Any imbalance affects all three doshas and dhaatus. For ex- 1. Rasa Fluids, fruits, fruit juices, soups from tubers, sweet, sour and salty tastes and milk. ample, when heat increases it reduces vata and kapha, and increases pitta. So even a mild 2. Rakta Iron rich food like leafy vegetables molasses, change in the system affects black lemon, berries, spinaches, currants, the doshas. Contaminated do- grapes, carrots, beets. shas can reach anywhere, and attack the organ if it is weak. 3. Maamsa Grains, nuts, legumes / pulses / lentils and meat. But any imbalance will have a specific root in a dosha, dhaatu, srotas, mala or kala. Based on 4. Medas Vegetable fats, dairy products (except but- this we give it a name like a termilk) & animal fats. Fats & lipids. ‘kapha disease’, ‘pitta imbal- ance’ or a ‘vatic symptom’. A Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 dosha may have a certain affin- 5. Asthi Seeds, nuts and earth predominant foods. ity to a particular tissue or vice Minerals (calcium, zinc etc.). versa. Here we are looking at the dosha-dhaatu relationship in diseases. 6. Majja Subtle oils/fats like butter, ghee, nuts and 02 seeds. Many blood purifying / tonic herbs are Dhaatu is Duushya 23 also good. A dhaatu are also known as a duushya. Duushya means the 7. Shukra Sweet foods and drinks, dairy products, seeds and nuts. substratum in which physiol- ogy happens. In this context all the physical components of the body fall under this category.
  • 24. Test Your Srotas 1. The human body is composed of innumerable channels of varying …………… and ……………. 2. It is a system of …………………………………………. 3. ……………………… exist as channels for proper distribution of tissues and their nutrients. 4. Each tissue has its own ……………… and all ……………… are interconnected. 5. …………………… help tissues get adequately …………… Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 and ……………… wastes easily. 6. It is the body’s ……………………………………… system. 02 7. So both channel and its respective tissue have the same …………… 24 Eg: The rasa-carrying channel is composed of Rasa dhaatu.
  • 25. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 25 02
  • 26. Srotas 3 channels to bring nourishment Praana To carry praana, the breath & life force. Primarily the respiratory system. Origin: heart, gastrointes- tinal tract & colon. Related to the praanic sheath of the body. Anna To carry food. Also called maha srotas. Mainly the digestive system. Origin: stomach. Jala To carry water. Regulate water metabolism. Fluid absorbing aspect of the digestive system. Origin: Palate & pancreas. Diabetes is a disease of this system. 7 channels to circulate tissues Rasa To carry rasa, the primary nutrients in the system. Similar to the lymphatic and circulatory system together. Origin: heart and vessels. It forms the primary network of channels in the body. Rasa is the medium in which all other tissues are suspended. Rakta To carry rakta. This relates to the circulatory system, including blood cells. Origin: Liver & spleen, wherein red blood cells are produced and destroyed. Maamsa To supply maamsa. Muscular system. Origin: Ligaments to which muscles are connected and skin. Medas To supply the medas (fat or adipose tissue). Origin: Kidneys and omentum (abdominal fat). Asthi To supply the asthi (bones / skeletal system). Origin: Adipose tissue & hips, (the largest bones). Majja To supply the majja (marrow and nerve tissue). Origin: Bones and joints. Shukra To supply shukra, the reproductive tissue. Origin: Testes or ovaries, wherein sperm and ovum are produced. Also connected to the prostrate in men and the uterus in women. 3 channels to eliminate waste Sveda To carry sweat (sveda) or the sebaceous system. Origin: Adipose tissue and hair follicles to which Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 the sebaceous glands are connected. Mootra To carry urine or the urinary system. Origin: Bladder & kidneys, the organs of urination. Pureesha To carry feces. Origin: Colon and rectum, the organs of excretion. 02 1 Special Channel Manas To carry thought or the mental system. Origin: Emotions from the previous birth and nervous sys- 26 tem. All channels are the channels of the mind, or the mind connects all channels together. The mind needs channels but consciousness doesn’t. 2 hormonal channels in females Aaartava To carry different secretions of the female reproductive system. Origin: The uterus and ovaries. Sthanya To carry breast milk. It is treated as the subsystem of the artava channel. Origin: Uterus
  • 27. Channel Causes of aggravation of channels Praana Wrong posture & breathing, suppression of urges, dehydration, malnutrition, physical exertion while hungry, smoking, air pollution or excessive, loud talking. Food Overeating, under-eating, eating at the wrong time, unwholesome food and by the derangement of the digestive fire. Inappropriate food. Disobedience to the rules of eating. Water Overexposure to heat, dehydration, improperly digestion, alcohol. Plasma Heavy, cold or mucusy food, overeating and excess worry. Excessive sweets or dairy products. Blood Overheating / fermented food, excessive exposure to heat / sun, oily, hot, liquid food. Muscle Excessive food and drinks which cause exudation (abhiSyandi) in the tissues, too rich or heavy food or day sleep. Mainly those increasing Kapha, particularly heaviness, oiliness and dullness. Adipose Lack of exercise, day sleep, excessive fatty food, alcohol, processed food and sugars. Skeletal Overexertion, jerks, strain to bones and vata increasing activities. Excessive use of depleted diet, over processed food and malabsorption. Marrow Emotional trauma, physical or emotional violence, loud noise, a prolonged unbalanced diet. Crushing, dislocation or breaking of bones, by extreme pain and taking bad food combinations. Reprodu.. Overindulgence or suppression of sexual urges; wrong surgical practices. Exposure to excess heat or therapies including heat, radiation, exposure to intense chemicals etc. Sweat Excessive exposure to heat, food that is too hot / cold. Anger, fear / grief. Anything that promotes Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 excessive sweating. Suppression of the urge to urinate. Urine Improper intake of food and drinks, excessive sex, suppression of urge, excessive travel. Feces Suppression; irreguluar eating. Inadequate water and fibre intake. Mind Excessive exposure to heavy emotional situations, emotional shocks, suppressed emotions; strong 02 sensory stimuli like loud music, too much television, drugs, etc. 27 Menstrual Improper nourishment, psychological issues. Breastmilk Suppression, artificially arresting lactation, not having progeny, prolonged feeding.
  • 28. Channels Excessive flow Blockage Deficiency Deviated flow Praana Rapid breathing, Wheezing, asthma, Shallow breathe, Perforation, hyperventilation. dyspnoea, hernia. short breath. bleeding lungs. Anna Excess hunger, acidity, Tumours, intestinal Deficient appetite, Vomiting, diarrhoea. obstruction. anorexia. perforation. Jala Excess hunger, Diabetes, Nausea, Vomiting, hypoglycemia pancreatic cancer inability to taste anorexia Rasa Oedema, mucus, Lymph obstruction, Dehydration, Bleeding, lymph congestion. constipation. emaciation. coughing blood. Rakta Palpitation, rapid pulse, Arrhythmia, clots, Slow pulse, varicose veins Bleeding disorders, hypertension. tumours, heart attack. hypotension. internal bleeding. Maamsa Hyperactivity, Muscle tumours, Spasms, Torn muscle tissue. tremors. chronic inflammation. low muscle tone. Medas Oedema, obesity. Tumours. Weight loss. Torn tissues. Asthi Over growth of Calcification, Weak bones, Occurs with Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 skeletal tissues. spurs. osteoporosis. breaking of bones. Majja Hypersensitivity, tremor, Convulsions, Hyposensitivity, numbness, Damaged/malformed nerve overly sharp perception. coma, M.S. weak regeneration. tissue. Shukra Spermatorrhea, Blocked tubes, stones, Delayed ejaculation, Discharge of sperm into premature ejaculation. tumours. low count. bladder. 02 Sveda Excess sweating. Inability to sweat. Deficient sweating. Sweat in plasma. 28 Mootra Polyurea. Stones, obstruction. Scanty urination. Perforated bladder. Pureesha Diarrhoea. Obstruction, tumours. Constipation. Perforation of large bowel. Manas Hyperactive, Blocked emotions, Dull senses, Delirium, worry, anger. inability to express. depression, grief. schizophrenia. Aartava Polymenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Delayed or irregular Endometriosis, menorrhagea. amenorrhea. menstruation. Tubular pregnancy. Sthanya Galactorrhea. Mastitis, tumours, Deficient flow Ruptured artery/vein in pain, oedema. of breast milk. breast. Channels Excessive flow Blockage Deficiency Deviated flow
  • 29. Things I can do to help my channels …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 02 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • 30. Test Your Malas 1. Malas are essential ………… formed during ………………………… 2. The word ‘mala’ comes from ‘dharane’ ………………………… and ‘kitta’ ………………………… 3. Malas have certain …………………… in our body before being eliminated. 4. Every ………… has its own mala. Every ………… produces some mala. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 5. ……………………turns into malas at various stages. 02 30
  • 31. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 mala mala mala 31 02 mala
  • 32. Bodily wastes -malas Everything inside our body maintains homeostasis. Otherwise they obstruct the natural flow and thus work against life. Life is ever changing, always transforming. Malas natural waste products, that are held in the body by the forces of vata and agni. When vata and agni are balanced, hence, functioning properly, dhaatus are fed plentifully with the essence of food. When they are not, the production of mala increases. In other words, nutrients become inefficient too early and turn into malas. This excess waste, if not excreted in a regular and complete fashion, begins to toxify tissues, thereby causing disease. The principal malas Malas are innumerable. The principal malas are faeces (pureesha), urine (mootra) and sweat (sveda). (Ancient texts haven’t included exhalation as a mere waste since it’s closely associated with praanic functions in the body). The term pureesha means ‘the residue after the absorption of fluids’. Like doshas and dhaatus, malas are also made of the five elements. Secondary malas include the intestines’ fatty excretions, earwax, body hair, nails, tears, menstrual discharge, navel lint etc. These are also listed under the wastes of dhaatus during their transmutation. Two daily evacuations are considered to be vital to health. Urine, the impure fluid of the body, is passed around five times a day if good health is to be maintained. An ample intake of pure water is vital to replenish the bodily fluids. Sweat is the perspiration formed to expel waste from the skin pores. The normal flow of the malas is obstructed whenever the doshas are increased or decreased. Elimination Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 Exhalation Gas Lungs Sweat Liquid (light) Skin Urine Liquid (heavy) Kidneys Faeces Solid Colon 02 32 Doshas & malas Vata, the dosha primarily involved with maintaining the dynamic balance, is in charge of retention and elimination bodily wastes. Pitta, involved in helping keep the metabolism intact, is in charge of separating wastes and nutrients in our system. Kapha, which assists all the above functions by lubricating channels, may result in clogging the channels when aggravated. In these situations texts prescribe the five-fold purification therapies called pancha karma in advanced conditions.
  • 33. Excess & depletion Malas Normal Signs of increase Signs of decrease Faeces Acts as a filler or stay to the body. Bloating of abdomen, gurgling noise, Discomfort in the chest, gurgling feeling of heaviness. noise, stomach cramps, constipation. Urine Carry the moist and slimy wastes Severe bladder pain, incomplete Scanty urination, dysuria, discoloured from the body. elimination. Frequent urination. urine, anuria, hematuria. Sweat Retention of moisture. Assists hair to Fluid retention. Dryness of skin. Less sweat, hair loss, brittle hair. keep firmly rooted. Aggravation of doshas Malas Vata Pitta Kapha Faeces Dry, constipated, painful. Acidic, blood, burns, smelly. Sticky, heavy, itchy. Urine Dark, grey scanty, painful. Yellow, red, burns, smelly. Cloudy, thick, sediments. Sweat Little. Scaly, bruising skin. Burns, rashes, inflamed. Itchy, heavy, cold, retention. Balancing Malas To increase To decrease Faeces Fibres, bulk promoting substances. Right amount and Tannins and astringent food & herbs, fruits such as apples timing of meals. and plantains. Urine Use of sufficient fluids, kidney and urinary bladder tonics Cold hipbaths, astringent kidney herbs, judicial use of Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 (Tribulus). fluids in diet. Sweat Sweating therapy, massage exercise and deep breathing; Cooling - therapies, gems, breathing and environment; heating herbs such as ginger, garlic. Warm and fresh food; herbs such as vetiver, sandalwood & lavender, food & food and drinks hot in potency. drinks that are cold in potency. 02 33 The three golden rules of health are to: Keep your bowels moving, Keep your breath moving And keep your body moving. ~ Anonymous Exercise Write down the difference between malas and toxins.
  • 34. Test Your Fire 1. Agni is defined as …………………………………… 2. Every …………… has its own agni. 3. Agni is produced by its own …………………………… 4. Paachaka Pitta ………………………………food. 5. Agni ………………………………………food. 6. Agni and Paachaka Pitta are ………………………… Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 7. Excess Pitta suppresses …………………………… 8. No transformation is possible without ………………… 02 34
  • 35. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 agni fire fire 35 02 agni
  • 36. agni gaayatri Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 02 aum mahaa jwaalaaya vidmahe 36 agni devaaya dhee mahi tanno agnih prachodayaat
  • 37. balam is composed of ………………, ……………… and ………………, and regulate the three agnis that transform thoughts and nutrients into seven groups of dhaatus which exist in the form of 16 groups Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 of interconnected pathways that are called 02 srotas 37 Their functions are known as ………………………… and their structure is known as …………………………
  • 38. A Bhojana Mantra Chanted Before Meals Aum anna puurne sadaa puurne Shankara prana vallabhey Jnaana vairaagya siddhyartham Bhikshaam dehi cha Paarvatee. Maataa cha Paarvatee Devee Pitaa Devo Maheshvarah Baandhavah Shiva bhaktascha Svadeso bhuvana trayam. Aum puurnamadah puurnamidam Puurnat puurnam udachyate, Puurnasya puurnam aadaya Puurnam eva avashishyate. Aum shaantih shaantih shaantih. Aum Shivaarpanam astu. Meaning: Aum, beloved Shakti of Siva, fully manifest as this foods. O, Mother of the universe, nourish us with this gift of food so that we may attain knowledge, dispassion and spiritual perfection. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 Goddess Parvati is my mother. God Maheshvara is my father. All devotees of Siva are my family. All three worlds are my home. 02 Aum, That is complete. Creation is complete. From Divine complete 38 flows this world’s complete. This complete issues from that complete, yet that complete remains full. Aum, peace, peace, peace. Aum, this I offer unto Siva. Ref: SANKARA’S ANNAPURNASHTAKAM ISOPANISHAD INVOCATION TRADITIONAL SHAIVITE CLOSING
  • 39. Digestive fire Jathara agni Gastro intestinal fire Metabolic fire Dhaatu agni Rasa fire Rakta fire Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 Maamsa fire Medas fire Asthi fire Majja fire Shukra 02 Elemental fire 39 Bhuta agni Ether fire Air fire Fire fire Water fire Earth fire
  • 40. Signs of healthy agni appetitite ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… after eating ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… bowels ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… urine ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… eyes ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… hair ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 sleep ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… mind ………………………………………………………………… 02 40 ………………………………………………………………… skin ………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………
  • 41. Simple Test for Weak Agni Weak Digestion Weak Digestion Signs Causes Agni vikrti lakshanam Agni vikrti nidaanam l Coated tongue l Eating wrong foods l Frequent fatigue l Eating at the wrong time l Headaches l Eating in the wrong way l Nausea l Eating too fast or too slow l Skin: dry, too oily, cold/hot l Excessive cold drinks or foods l Dull skin and eyes l Excessive fasting, feasting l Cloudy/smelly urine l Inducing empty stimulation l Fatty/heavy/undigested stool l Overused chemical drugs, laxatives Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 l Smelly breath l Restraining natural urges l Foul body odour l Mental imbalances l Poor sleep l Overexertion, excess sex l Constipation/diarrhoea l Lack of sleep and exercise l Cramps l Not being mindful while eating 02 l Mental cloudiness l General illness 41
  • 42. Specific signs of weak agni Irregular appetite Extreme thirst & hunger Sluggish appetite Irregular bowel motions Bleeding Fluid retention Weight loss Intense body odour Weight gain Gas, bloating Sweating, burning Excess lacrimation Anxious, fearful dreams Violent, aggressive dreams Emotional dreams Aches, pains, stiffness Heartburn Swelling, growth Constipation Diarrhoea Sticky faeces Dryness of mouth, nails Easily irritable Cold, sluggish skin Dry skin and hair Yellow/red discolouration Mucus, Hypersalivation Insomnia Colourful, violent dreams Sleepy Frequent viruses Frequent bacteria Frequent fungus, Candida Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 My score ………………… My score ………………… My score ………………… Vata excess Pitta excess Kapha excess 02 Irregular fire Intense fire Sluggish fire 42
  • 43. General balancing Irregular fire Intense fire Sluggish fire Routine Alkaline Fasting Warmth Cooling Warmth Moisture, light fats Astringets, bitters Less moistue, oils Light and easy to digest Light and easy to digest Light and easy to digest Yoga practices ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… 02 43
  • 44. Enhance your cooking experience 1. Have a clean, orderly, uncluttered and well-equipped kitchen. 2. The kitchen is lit, well-ventilated and with a nice view, with flowers and uplifting music playing. 3. Have all the ingredients handy, preferably fresh and organic. 4. Wash hands and tie hair back. 5. Keep good hygiene (nails clipped etc). 6. Meditate for a few minutes beforehand. 7. Avoid distractions such as bothersome people, phone calls etc. 8. Whilst cooking meditate on those who will receive the meal and how much you love them. 9. Maintain a mood of gentleness, calm, awareness, serenity and gratitude. Effects of utensils on doshas Wood Aids digestive fluids Good for K. Gold Excellent for all doshas. Good for V. Copper Assists aPAna. Good for K. Lotus leaves Antidote to poisons Silver Supports liver and V & P. Glass/crystal /steel Good for P, good for liver, cooling. Stone / clay Anti-bacterial Zinc Improves agni, brain tonic. Good for V. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 02 44
  • 45. Effect of Cooking on doshas Type of process Suited for Small amount for Steaming/sautéing All doshas Baking Kapha Vata Frying Vata Pitta, Kapha Pressure cooking All doshas Dry roasting Pitta, Kapha Vata Puffing Pitta, Kapha Vata Boiling All doshas Fermenting Vata, Kapha Pitta Frozen Pitta Vata, Kapha Dehydrating Pitta, Kapha Vata Effect of Cooking on agni 1. Milk is heavy, but heating makes it light 2. Grains are heavy, puffing makes them lighter, flours are heavier 3. Rice is heavier when cooked with milk 4. Honey turns into poison when heated or taken with heating foods 5. Beans cooked while skimming froth off top reduces gas 6. Canned foods can increase all doshas Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 02 45
  • 46. Test Your Ama 1. Cold /moist ama is from ……………… and known as ………… 2. Hot/acidic ama is from ………………and known as ………… 3. Cold/dry ama is from ……………… and known as ………… 4. Ama is due to ………………………………………agni. 5. Cold/moist ama attracts ……………… or ………………. 6. Hot/acidic ama attracts …………………………………… Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 7. Cold/dry ama attracts …………………………………… 8. Most ama condition requires ……………… or ……………… 02 46
  • 47. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 ama toxins toxins ama47 02
  • 48. Life is based on fire. In every culture, ancient or modern, fire is the symbol and base of life. Eating is fire-worshipping. Right food, eaten at the right time, in the right way, in the right quantity nourishes fire and creates quality tissues. Fire is called agni. Any improper activities in lifestyle, emotions or diet can affect the proper digestion and thus the state of agni. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 02 48
  • 49. Formation of Ama Digestive and metabolic toxins A healthy agni, a healthy person and healthy assimilation are interdepen- dent. If agni is deranged digestion is weak. This results in faulty tissues (ama), which in turn weakens agni. Ama literally means anything unripe, improper, immature incomplete, un- suitable or raw. This form of nutrient is unsuitable for being inside our body. If nutrients or tissues have Ama, they can’t function as they are expected to, resulting in lowered immunity and a weak body. Ama is toxin or poison. Improper eating > Weak agni > Ama/weak dhaatus > Blocked channels > Disease Doshas & Ama Dosha Qualities Example Possible microbe Vata Cold, dry, stiff, rigid Stones, clots, crystals Virus Pitta Hot, burning, fluid, intense Acid Bacteria Kapha Sticky , cold, heavy Mucus, phlegm Fungus, Candida Tips to improve agni Particular herbs have strong agni which help to augment our own digestive strength and facilitate Ama neutralisation and elimination. Therapies Irregular fire Intense fire Sluggish fire Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 Cinnamon, hing, fennel, Aloe, golden seal, Ginger, long pepper, Herbs cardamom, cumin, warm triphala and ghee. cayenne, honey. milk. Sweating, oil enema, oily Purgation (bitter Vomiting with herbs Cleanse and mild laxatives. laxatives) such as liquorice, calamus etc. 02 Mindful eating, Relaxed, slow eating; Fasting; pungent, bitter Favour regulation, sweet, sour bitter, sweet and and astringent. 49 and salty. astringent. Gassy, cold, dry heavy Eating when upset; Overeating, late Avoid foods; irregular meals. pungent, sour, salty dinners; sweet, sour food. and salty foods. Applicable?
  • 50. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 02 50
  • 51. Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 nutrition aahaaram aahaaram 51 02
  • 52. Ayurvedic nutrition Ayurvedic nutrition considered the following categories of food items before prescribing diet. Categories Sesame oil Ghee Ginger (fresh) Taste Pungent, bitter Sweet Pungent, sweet Qualities Hot, light, moist, intense Cold, heavy, oily, mild Hot, light, dry, intense Potency Hot Cold Hot Absorption Last phase First phase First phase Specific effects Nerve tonic Liver tonic Kapha ama digestive Effect on agni Stabilizing Coolant Stimulant Effect on dosha Vata/Kapha reducing Vata/Pitta reducing Vata/Kapha reducing Effect on tissues Asthi, majja Rasa, majja, shukra Rakta, rasa Effect on channel Asthi, majja, pureesha Rasa, majja, shukra, praana, anna Rakta, rasa, sveda, pureesha Effect on organ Large intestine Liver, stomach Stomach, small intestine Effect on system Nervous system Adipose system Circulatory system Effect on disease Depletion, blockage Depletion, last phase Inflammation Study of Tastes Tastes indicate active elements in each substance. We can understand the effects of it from the flavour of the substance. In other words according to the predominance of elements things taste differently. Here is the relationship between taste and predominant elements. Taste / rasa Predominant elements Increase Decrease Sweet Earth Water K V P Sour Earth Fire K P V Salt Water Fire K P V Ayurveda Elements 17 Orchard Rd Chatswood NSW 2067 0061 2 9904 7754 Bitter Air Ether V K P Pungent Air Fire V P K Astringent Earth Air V K P Write down the three main qualities and potencies of the tastes 02 Tastes Quality 1 Quality 2 Quality 3 Potency 52 Sweet ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… Sour ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… Salt ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… Bitter ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… Pungent ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… Astringent ……………… ……………… ……………… ………………