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DO WE REALLY HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT? ......................................................... 3
08 WAS TRULY NOT THAT GREAT................................................................... 5
WHO CAN WE TRUST?..............................................................................7
EASING RIGHT INTO DESPAIR ........................................................................ 9
OOPS… THEY DID IT AGAIN! ..............................................................................11
THE UNDERCOVER CRISIS’S...............................................................................13
VENEZUELA? OR VENEZHELLA?...........................................................................15
THE RED FLAGS IN THE SEA OF GREEN .................................................................17
WHOSE REALLY THE PROFESSIONALS? ........................................................ 20
BUBBLE MANIA .............................................................................................21
THE NUMBERS DON’T LIE ...........................................................................22
IT'S BOTH GOOD AND BAD ...................................................................... 24
Copyright Recession Profit Secrets (2020-)
All rights reserved
No parts of this e-book may be forwarded or reproduced in any format, including
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Think back to a point in life where you were dealing with financial hardship. The
agony, stress, anxiety, and sometimes, helpless feeling. For some or most of us, that
wasn't too long ago. Although a family member or friend "may" have been there to
help us, what if (like most of us) no one was there for us to turn to? What if that "one"
person you always knew to be financially stable, was indeed not for the first time in
their life? What if everyone in your neighborhood, state, and the country was in
financial hardship... AGAIN?
We tend to quickly forget about those bad times once we get past them. (who would
want to remember them anyway?) But, they are not that far behind us. And
unfortunately, it may not be too far ahead of us either. Like two years overdue... So,
what are we saying? Nothing that the "bigger-ups" don't already know, in fact, are
trying to hide from us until it is too late. And what does "too late" mean? You know,
the exact same thing that happened in 2008... Tens of thousands of foreclosures,
repossessions, "well-established" families who are left in turmoil, new suicide cases
every hour from even the richest and wealthiest of people.
The saddest part about this? As soon as we said 2008, you instantly knew what we
were referring to. The financial crises have become a term that everyday people like
us have grown to accept over the years. The "professionals" say that a financial crisis
occurs once every ten years. The last major one having occurred in 2008. So again,
meaning we are 2 years "overdue."
However, the world wasn't always like
this. Before the 17th century, there
happened to be only 3 financial crises.
These occurred in the 1st, 3rd, and 14th
centuries. Now, to us, this may seem
like a lot, until you hear this... Ever since
the 17th century, there have been
MULTIPLE financial crises EVERY single
century. There were 26 in the 19th
century alone! Well, thankfully, the
worse is over. (you know what comes
NOPE! We are only 20 years into the 21st century, and we are ALREADY at 26 financial
crises that have occurred worldwide. Does it sound like we are getting better? The
painful truth is that over the decades, instead of progressing, we have been
financially digressing from a global economic standpoint. We, the people, regardless
of our global location, have always been the ones punished for our financial leader's
irresponsibility. Large corporations and private banks are the ones who are usually at
the forefront leading this negative dismissive economic behavior. The institutions that
are supposed to have our best interest in mind are the exact ones who are financially
suppressing us.
Not only are we being financially surprised and taken advantage of, but they are
always profiting from us regardless of the state of the economy, but even more so
when we are in a recession. The banks and corporations have been the main ones
profiting from us in these times. However, Entrepreneurs and Intelligent investors have
been wise enough to learn to make money in times like these by providing solutions
the problems. We personally believe that a crisis is near soon, if not already started,
but we are also ready and waiting to act and cease the upcoming opportunity.
Everyone was globally affected by 2008's financial crises, there's no misconception
about that. Starting with the deregulation of the financial industry, which permitted
banks to engage in hedge fund trading. This also caused the banks to demand more
mortgages. It was discovered that banks across the world were approving mortgage
loans to meet their monthly sales goals and quotas. And that's what they are
supposed to do, right? Yes, but the correct way. Not in an unethical and morally
unjust way. Bankers were approving individuals who did not meet even the minimum
loan requirements. The bankers knew that these individuals would eventually default
on their home mortgages because most of the ones who were approved could barely
afford the monthly payments.
Even individuals with "below minimum," negative, or no credit at all are, were
approved for loans. The bankers had planned to re-purchase the homes once the
borrowers defaulted on their loans, and then continue to repeat this process, preying
on innocent people who had dreams of being a homeowner.
Another way the bankers would "double dip," would be done by tying in these loans
and properties into derivatives or a real estate index trading fund that would then
be purchased by unaware investors. This was a way to "shield" the subpar loans and
properties that were being processed to the public.
This, combined with President Clinton passing the Commodity Futures Modernization
Act, begin the 08 crises nearly a decade before taking place. The Commodity Futures
Modernization Act "effectively shielded OTC derivatives from virtually all regulation or
oversight," which was all the bankers needed to be able to run rampant.
What these bankers did not plan for, was for all these activities to surface at the
same time. Like "bank runs" that took place in the early 20th century, the fraudulent
activities and schemes these financial institutions were partaking in, caused a
domino effect that gained so much momentum so quickly that it sparked the
Even more disturbing? The fact that some say was "swept under the rug" is the
number of bankers who were caught committing and supporting these crimes.
Initially, the numbers were well up into and over the hundreds. Now, over a decade
later, the figure for those who were convicted and sent to prison for these charges is
under 50, and some argue even lower. Now, remember all those institutions that
asked for bailouts by the government? The same institutions that were internally
promoting this illegal behavior. Nearly every single one was indeed bailed out by our
governments. And that's nice that our government would help... Except for the fact
that it was done with our hard-earned tax paying dollars.
What a vicious cycle right? "Professionals" who illegally, but intentionally, advise, and
steer us down the wrong path just to take advantage of us in the future and then
keep repeating this process. Once their antics are made public, they are given a
verbal slap on the hand, and then turn right around to ask for help to get out of the
mess that they created. Since we are nice, kind, loving people, of course, we say yes,
we will help! "Here, take more of our money, and we will gladly continue to suffer
through this recession you have just created for us while you are able to recover." You
would think now that our government is aware of what these financial institutions are
doing, that things will change going
In truth, these cycles have been
taking place for decades, even
centuries dating back to the
Napoleonic wars. The bankers have
gradually taken control of our
governments by indebting us
through their fraudulent financial
antics and lack of regulation.
Although the bankers had a large
part to play in "one" of the latest
crises, another culprit could have
possibly prevented the collapse
singlehandedly. The American
Federal Reserve, better known as the
"Fed," who is responsible for
influencing the supply of money and
credit; regulating and supervising
financial institutions; serving as a
banking and fiscal agent for the
United States government; and
much more, is said to have started all
of this back in the early 2000's.
With the closing of the 20th century, and the entry into the 21st century, came the bust. Stock prices and company evaluations came crashing down from
parabolic record highs. Overnight, hundreds of millions, and eventually billions were
wiped out from digital ledgers. The fed decided that the best "strategic" move for the
economy at that time would be to cut interest rates and begin printing new money.
This would rapidly expand the nation's money supply (and debt), which in return
would fuel speculation and inflated asset prices.
To most of us who knew little to nothing about the underlying effects that this
“strategic” move would have on us, we felt safe that things would get better in time.
And for the first years of the new century, they were, or at least seemed to be, until
everything was brought to light. Even presidential candidates for the 08 election
vowed to make the health and well-being of the financial crises their primary focus if
elected. Instead, one of the biggest advocates of this mission did the direct opposite
when he became president.
Where it really hurts us is when our political leaders do not address the issue a hand
with programs like the fed, knowing that they pose and try to coverup the fact that
they are indeed corrupt and whose only intent is to keep people like us in the dark,
suppressed, and in financial bondage. The fed launched the Quantitative Easing or
"QE" program in November of 2008 - within the midst of the economic downfall. The
fed would use the Quantitative Easing program to purchase billions of direct
obligations of housing-related government-sponsored enterprises - and other
mortgage-back securities. The main benefit, or at least how it was pitched to us,
was that by using the QE program, the fed would be able to pump money back into
the economy. The part that would dig us into a deeper financial hole?
Well, the money the fed was using to buy our government bonds, mortgage back
securities etc. was all money that was created digitally, "out of thin air" by the fed
with a few clicks of a mouse. The fed, made up of private banks, kept their careless
behavior up by loaning out the money they received from the taxpayers to bail out
banks and institutions across the world.
Barrack Obama appointed previous bankers and corrupt fed reserve officials to take
a seat in the white house alongside him. This was the final piece of the puzzle, the
one that would eventually ensure the economic collapse. You would think that a
president whose main "agenda" to lead his nation out of financial turmoil, would do
everything he could to do just that and to protect his people. By now, if you have an
uneasy, unsettling feeling about who's really got your best interest in mind, and who
you can trust... Well, we're right there with you.
Going from a Republican president to a Democratic president who put the blame on
the former Republican president, but then doing the same thing and fueling and
supporting it even more... It's confusing, it's manipulative, and it's sickening. For years
countries across the world and its economies suffered. In 2010 a "light at the end of
the tunnel" opportunity presented itself. The Dodd-Frank bill was signed into Law
President Obama. We were told that with the passing of this bill, the system would
no longer be structured to favor the big banks.
We were deceived once again. The Dodd-Frank bill did anything but remove the
power from the big banks. It was in their favor. The Fed themselves admitted to being
responsible for issuing several rules that fell under the new act. Instead of taking their
power away, we empowered them. They were now making and approving their own
laws. With unlimited and unregulated control, they began squeezing the industry and
causing the collapse of commercial and some "legit" banks. Between the years of
2007 and 2020, there were 393 major commercial banks and over 1,400 smaller banks
that failed. that's nearly 1,800 banks that have failed in just 13 years. Five years prior
to their internal reign within the white house, there had only been 10 total bank
failures.. 2 a year compared to almost 150 a year since they took over.
Behind the scene's these private and
megabanks were rapidly expanding their
profits and shares within the market they
possessed. Between 2008 and 2013, just
6 of the largest megabanks accounted
for roughly $9.6 trillion of the $14.4 trillion
assets tied to America's financial system.
Back in control and once again above
water with the bailout money and stake
in the market, the greedy institutions
began to drastically cease the amount of
lending they allowed. With money not as
easily accessible to the economy, even
though "we" technically gave it to the
banks for this sole purpose, the wheels to
our economy began coming to an abrupt
With no small business loans granted, personal loans, home loans, auto loans and
more, all of a sudden - what seemed like instantly, all sectors begin seeing the
negative side effects. No new job opportunities were being presented since there
were no new startups. Consumer spending in the form of shopping, traveling,
investing etc. seized. Car dealerships, retail stores, and other common businesses
were shutting down not only nationwide but worldwide as well, resulting in thousands
of lost jobs almost simultaneously. This recession is said to have cost us nearly $22
Although some may say that it was America who initiated the crises, traces of
instability and future disasters could be found among almost all countries globally. In
fact, carless money printing that caused hyperinflation, thus resulting in economic
disasters, have taken place all along the centuries in Hungary, Yugoslavia, Zimbabwe,
and the Weimar Republic, just to name a few. The Euro itself can be looked at as
even more unstable than the US Dollar. Around the same time, America was facing
its financial issues, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Spain were facing their very own.
These countries witnessed their government debt and budget deficits completely
blow-by what was acceptable EU levels.
Greece was one of the very first European countries to experience their own crises
and was struck hard. While many have been led to believe over the years that Greece
received billions in aid and bailout money, Greece's government did not receive any
financial aid. The money that was meant for the Greek government and its citizens
was used to bailout the megabanks of Germany and France, who held Greek debt.
And with the money going directly back to the megabanks, we don't have to think
too hard about
what would happen from there. As you can see, it's us vs. them. The megabanks,
private banks, the fed, and other like institutions do not discriminate when it comes
to financial oppression. They don't care about what language you speak, your race,
your age, color, clearly the only thing they care about is taking your money and
leaving you to fear, struggle, and suffer. They get richer while we get sick(er). They
know exactly how to play the game because they created it. One positive, for those
who are willing to enlighten and educate themselves, is the fact that there are some
of us who have learned to play the game and win as well.
And for those of us who have taken the time to study, analyze and learn how to
financially capitalize on times like these, well, we know that another "one" is close by..
Very close by - if not already here. Ever since the bailout and crash of 08, the housing
market, stock market, and economy seem to be thriving. But a closer look would
reveal that this is all truly just the after-effects of the bailout, hyperinflation, and a
"sugar" spike in the economy from fake dollars. According to the Fed, total
construction spending exceeded $1.3 trillion in December 2019, surpassing the $1.2
trillion spent at the height of the boom in 2006.
With our entry into the new decade, and with no talk whatsoever of the construction
of new homes and commercial real estate slowing down, who knows how much
deeper into spending and financially over-extending ourselves we will get. The
average price of the single-family home rose at a faster pace in 2019 than it did in
the buildup to the financial crises of 08. This is how it was all going, or "seemed" to be
going in 08. Greenmarkets, any, and everyone is approved for home loans, consumer
spending at a high, and of course, the highest home values that we have seen in
When we made the comment that we believe the next crises may be closer than we
think, and possibly even already shown signs that it has begun, a recent "event" that
has taken place in the country Venezuela comes to mind. The current financial and
economic state of Venezuela is said to be more disastrous then Cuba's in the 1990s,
Or worse than the fall of the Soviet Union, and Zimbabwe's collapse under Robert
Mugabe. This is a direct quote from economists, "Venezuela's fall is the single largest
economic collapse outside of war in at least 45 years."
Venezuela's current conditions of economic devastation can be best represented by
comparing them to countries that have been crippled by war, like the most recent
Libya, or Lebanon in the 70s. This is tragic and depressing news to hear about
anyone's economy. However, one of the main reasons why it has made such a major
impact on the rest of the world is because Venezuela was known to be the wealthiest
country in Latin America. A once thriving country now in a state of turmoil and warlike
conditions. This may be somewhat "understandable" or easier to comprehend if it
became like this due to war... but it wasn't.. It was due to the elegance of poor
With their misguided policies, corruption, and lack of governance, failed presidents
can be the ones to thank for the suffering of millions of lives. Could you imagine just
how bad the condition of your country had to be, how disgusted, sick, and tired the
citizens had to be in order to try and appoint a new president themselves? Or what
if you were just so disgusted with how your country was being ran that you not just
nominated yourself, but you declared yourself the new president? On January 23rd
2019, that’s exactly what one man did..
While the Trump administration claims the sanctions placed against Venezuela are
to punish and squeeze Maduro, unfortunately, it is affecting the citizens. A once
thriving economy now in a state of turmoil where gangs have taken over whole cities.
Regular electric blackouts have become so common that it has even shaped how
the Venezuelan "Fresh" markets operate. Not having a consistent power source
means no refrigeration. Thus, meats, produce, and other goods going to waste faster.
This has also led to nearly all butchers in the market refraining from selling meat cuts
and relying on only the sales of leftovers like fat shavings, hooves etc. which are all
their customers can afford. An amount that could once be represented by a single
dollar now has citizens running to pay with wheel barrels full of money. Ask yourself, if
these types of activities were currently taking place in your country, how far away
from a crisis would you think you are?
With one country, again formerly the wealthiest in its continent, already in the middle
of its own economic collapse, the US housing market showing signs and numbers
comparable to those of the 2008 collapse, what's another warning sign that we may
be able to use? The stock markets. In America, the Dow-Jones hit a pre-recession
peak price of 14,164.43 in October 2007. Less than 17months later, the Dow-Jones hit
a low of $6,594.44. The Dow was literally cut in half, and then some. It's current price
now? around $28,000+. What a "bull run" right? The Dow has jumped up over 10,000
points since President Trump's election. And that’s awesome right? But.. If you believe
in Isaac Newton’s of that what goes up must come down.. Well then you understand
that there will eventually be a decline in performance. But that’s a good thing
because it presents opportunities for us to be able to invest in opportunities at lower
prices.. and we’re not talking about getting back into the stock market this time by
the way..
So, did President Trump single-handily cause this influx and volume pump of the
market and economy? Were the people of America just waiting for him to become
President before they decided to "pump" the economy up? While we would love to
say yes, unfortunately, the fed has been up to their same no good antics. The fed's
QE programs are responsible this time for the current rise in the U.S Market. Trump's
current tax cut program has reduced corporate tax from 35% to 21%, allowing
corporations to buy back their stock at record lows, which is also boosting the
market. This, again, may seem like a positive. However, a recent study shows that U.S
Stocks have not been more overvalued since the 1980s.
But of course, "green" or un-experienced traders have been rushing into the market
for years blindly throwing money into any random stock without having the slightest
clue of what they are doing. With so much green in the market and record-high
volume levels, it is easy to understand how one may misunderstand the current
market conditions for one that is of a thriving economy. Sadly, underneath all the
hype lies the truth. There are 10 main stocks that account for roughly 25% of the 10-
year bull market's green performance. Companies like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and
Now on the other spectrum of this equation are those companies whose earnings
and annual performance numbers tell one story, but their market cap and trading
prices in the stock market tell another. For example, Tesla's became the most
valuable car company in American history when it's market cap exceeded $81 billion
in January 2020. Telsa did generate $24.2 billion in revenue; however, it also recorded
a -$800 million lost in net income. Their own CEO Elon Musk even admitted to the fact
that their current market cap was higher than they deserved and that they were "a
money-losing company.
But Tesla isn’t the only one in debt, America is as well, by a LARGE amount. America’s
national debt is roughly $24 Trillion, which is up nearly 50% in just a decade from being
around $13 Trillion in 2010.
So what, or who is causing all of this, and why can’t anyone seem to fix it? Well, there's
multiple factors that come into play. The main problem is that America’s GDP or Gross
Domestic Product, which is simply the amount of revenue that America generates on
an annual basis, cannot keep up with America’s debt levels that are rapidly growing.
The CEO of a company that is among the top performers of the current market is
openly and confidently, telling us that his company should not be trading anywhere
close to where it is now. So, how many other companies do you think are experiencing
similar conditions? Do you think Telsa is the only one? Since you are currently reading
this, you are already ahead of 99% of the population. But how do you think that the
rest of the world will find out about these companies? These overvalued and inflated
stock prices? Unfortunately, most of them are invested in some of the overvalued
stocks we are speaking of. Some of them may not understand this until it is too late.
Many who are literally, in this "position(s)" may be invested through their 401(k) or by
the guidance of their financial advisor.
And while some financial advisors may be on-top of the market and pro-active, even
those professionals can be emotionally blinded by the simple facts and logic that lay
right there in front of them. Some of it may be denial, some of it may be a false sense
of an ever-lasting bear market. Although as
professionals, there's really no excuse for that
type of mindset... However, to be fair, we will
give them the benefit of the doubt. We
foresee the discovery of this news to take
place like the last crises... When the nation is
watching it happen live on the news. And
you're smart enough to understand that if you
watching it happen live on the news, then you
are already too late. Trading the market and
staying ahead of the trends means just that...
To be as pro-active as possible. Pro-action
makes for a successful investor, not Re-action.
But how can anyone be pro-active when they don’t know the truth?
It's sickening to think that anybody, nonetheless your own government, could sit there
comfortably as they watch their own country unfold in turmoil, despair, and chaos
knowing very well that they had a hand to play in it. We are all more than likely familiar
with the term "money makes the world go around." And surprisingly, it is no different
for our government. They make money if we make money, and they make even more
money when we are losing money. But the stock market and housing market are just
two of the more popular avenues for deception.
The student loan crisis, now referred to as its own bubble, has reached astronomical
levels gaining furious momentum over the years. America's student loan debt has
more than doubled in the last decade and tripled since 2006. Shocking how this is
one of the only stats number-wise that did not decline during the 08 recession? The
national student loan default rate is 11%, which makes it the second-highest default
rate after mortgages. 69% of all students in the class of 2018 took out loans and had
an average debt of around $29,000 upon graduation day. Around 85% of these loans
are being borrowed from the federal government, which also ends up being the
taxpayer as well. Remember that vicious circle we mentioned earlier?
The effects that this is having? Well, some Americans have reverted to fleeing the
country just to get away from their student loan debt. A similar situation is occurring
within the auto loan industry of America. There is over $1.2 Trillion in outstanding U.S
auto loans. 85% of annual new car purchases and 53% of used car purchases were
done via financing. And if all of this wasn’t enough, America is now facing it’s largest
bubble yet.. The “Everything Bubble.” Seriously, it’s so out of hand that they had to
name it The Everything Bubble.
Now, although it is likely that everything will be effected, there are three main markets
that the Everything Bubble consist of which is the Stock market, the Real Estate
Market, And the Bond market. In 2008 we experienced the Housing bubble, and
before that in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, we experienced the Dot-Com Bubbles.
On the chart below, look at the first two bubbles and compare those with the
“Everything Bubble” that’s on the very right of the chart. As sir Isaac Newton say’s
best “What goes up must come down. What stage does it look like we’re currently
These are again all factors that have been contributing to a national debt that has
been fiercely growing out of control over the past decade, ever since the last big
Once again, America is not alone when it comes to having a national debt level that
is on the verge of causing an economic collapse. Japan's stock market has slowly
but steadily been supported over the years by its central bank, the Bank of Japan
(BOJ). If things continue going the way they currently are, then the Bank Of Japan will
become the top shareholder of Tokyo-Stock-Exchange-listed companies of 2020.
Now, The BOJ is the top shareholder in 23% of those companies.
If you've ever seen an action movie, especially those made pre 2010, you're probably
familiar with the reference of the offshore Swizz bank account. Well like America's
central bank, the Swiss National Bank, or SNB, also can, and currently does continue
to print new money, then turns around and purchases global assets with it. Ever since
the Swiss franc decoupled from the euro in 2015, it's demand has risen, making the
purchase of global assets on printed money easier. The SNB owns over $94 Billion in
US Stock as of October 2019.
The Norwegian Wealth Fund is the world's largest sovereign wealth fund whose
holdings stood at over $1.1 trillion in early 2020. Comprised mostly from the profits of
their oil and natural gas since they are among the top producers globally.
Scandinavian Norway, instead of having to print fake money like most countries, uses
this fund to purchase global assets. One rare example of a country that does it
correctly. However, the red flag with this one is that instead of purchasing $100 billion
more US holdings like they said they had planned to do, they instead withdrew $400
million from the fund later that year with the reasoning of a near-future slump in oil
And China is not out of the clear, not even close. China's central bank, the People's
Bank of China (PBoC) is guilty of printing upwards of multiple trillions in fiat over the
decades. China's debt-GDP ratio accounts for over 15% of the global debt-GDP rate.
Since the financial crises in 2008, China's debt-GDP ratio has more than doubled.
The people of China were worried about their country's financial and economic
wellbeing, thus causing a record capital flight in 2015/16 that saw the government
lose a $1 trillion in reserves.
It's clear that we cannot trust banks and that cash is a scary “asset” to be in. The
term “Cash is Trash” has been one that’s rung out. We must stay one step ahead of
them by using the information that we now have.
Every example we have provided should serve as more than ample proof to support
our concern and foreshadowing of a near massive global economic crisis. Just the
very thought and sound of a “Global Economic Crisis" is enough to instill an
"uncomfortable" feeling within. While it does not bring us joy to know that one is
coming, nor of course do we enjoy being lied to, used, and financially taken
advantage of, we do personally understand that we must act before everything
We know we cannot prevent one, but we can prepare for one. The better we
understand the situation and our options, the better the quality of life will be, not only
for us but for our loved ones as well. Everything we've shared with you can be
confirmed with your own research. Now you know the truth, what you choose to, or
not to do, guaranteed will be a determining factor for the state of your financial
wellbeing within the next 5 years to come. History doesn't always repeat itself, but at
the rate we have been going at for the past few centuries, we are afraid that this
next global crisis may not repeat but break previous lows.
While some will undoubtedly suffer if they do not prepare themselves, you are lucky
enough to know now that there are solutions and that all you must do is to make the
choice to take action. Remember, the largest amounts of wealth are always
cultivated in the times of economic depression.

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The Numbers Behind Financial Crises

  • 1.
  • 2. CONTENTS DO WE REALLY HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT? ......................................................... 3 08 WAS TRULY NOT THAT GREAT................................................................... 5 WHO CAN WE TRUST?..............................................................................7 EASING RIGHT INTO DESPAIR ........................................................................ 9 OOPS… THEY DID IT AGAIN! ..............................................................................11 THE UNDERCOVER CRISIS’S...............................................................................13 VENEZUELA? OR VENEZHELLA?...........................................................................15 THE RED FLAGS IN THE SEA OF GREEN .................................................................17 WHOSE REALLY THE PROFESSIONALS? ........................................................ 20 BUBBLE MANIA .............................................................................................21 THE NUMBERS DON’T LIE ...........................................................................22 IT'S BOTH GOOD AND BAD ...................................................................... 24 Copyright Recession Profit Secrets (2020-) All rights reserved No parts of this e-book may be forwarded or reproduced in any format, including printouts, electronics, photocopies, scans, mechanic, or via recording without written consent from the publisher. Disclaimer RECESSION REMEDY 2
  • 3. DO WE REALLY HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT? Think back to a point in life where you were dealing with financial hardship. The agony, stress, anxiety, and sometimes, helpless feeling. For some or most of us, that wasn't too long ago. Although a family member or friend "may" have been there to help us, what if (like most of us) no one was there for us to turn to? What if that "one" person you always knew to be financially stable, was indeed not for the first time in their life? What if everyone in your neighborhood, state, and the country was in financial hardship... AGAIN? We tend to quickly forget about those bad times once we get past them. (who would want to remember them anyway?) But, they are not that far behind us. And unfortunately, it may not be too far ahead of us either. Like two years overdue... So, what are we saying? Nothing that the "bigger-ups" don't already know, in fact, are trying to hide from us until it is too late. And what does "too late" mean? You know, the exact same thing that happened in 2008... Tens of thousands of foreclosures, repossessions, "well-established" families who are left in turmoil, new suicide cases every hour from even the richest and wealthiest of people. The saddest part about this? As soon as we said 2008, you instantly knew what we were referring to. The financial crises have become a term that everyday people like us have grown to accept over the years. The "professionals" say that a financial crisis occurs once every ten years. The last major one having occurred in 2008. So again, meaning we are 2 years "overdue." However, the world wasn't always like this. Before the 17th century, there happened to be only 3 financial crises. These occurred in the 1st, 3rd, and 14th centuries. Now, to us, this may seem like a lot, until you hear this... Ever since the 17th century, there have been MULTIPLE financial crises EVERY single century. There were 26 in the 19th century alone! Well, thankfully, the worse is over. (you know what comes next.) RECESSION REMEDY 3
  • 4. NOPE! We are only 20 years into the 21st century, and we are ALREADY at 26 financial crises that have occurred worldwide. Does it sound like we are getting better? The painful truth is that over the decades, instead of progressing, we have been financially digressing from a global economic standpoint. We, the people, regardless of our global location, have always been the ones punished for our financial leader's irresponsibility. Large corporations and private banks are the ones who are usually at the forefront leading this negative dismissive economic behavior. The institutions that are supposed to have our best interest in mind are the exact ones who are financially suppressing us. Not only are we being financially surprised and taken advantage of, but they are always profiting from us regardless of the state of the economy, but even more so when we are in a recession. The banks and corporations have been the main ones profiting from us in these times. However, Entrepreneurs and Intelligent investors have been wise enough to learn to make money in times like these by providing solutions the problems. We personally believe that a crisis is near soon, if not already started, but we are also ready and waiting to act and cease the upcoming opportunity. RECESSION REMEDY 4
  • 5. 08 WAS TRULY NOT THAT GREAT… Everyone was globally affected by 2008's financial crises, there's no misconception about that. Starting with the deregulation of the financial industry, which permitted banks to engage in hedge fund trading. This also caused the banks to demand more mortgages. It was discovered that banks across the world were approving mortgage loans to meet their monthly sales goals and quotas. And that's what they are supposed to do, right? Yes, but the correct way. Not in an unethical and morally unjust way. Bankers were approving individuals who did not meet even the minimum loan requirements. The bankers knew that these individuals would eventually default on their home mortgages because most of the ones who were approved could barely afford the monthly payments. Even individuals with "below minimum," negative, or no credit at all are, were approved for loans. The bankers had planned to re-purchase the homes once the borrowers defaulted on their loans, and then continue to repeat this process, preying on innocent people who had dreams of being a homeowner. Another way the bankers would "double dip," would be done by tying in these loans and properties into derivatives or a real estate index trading fund that would then be purchased by unaware investors. This was a way to "shield" the subpar loans and properties that were being processed to the public. RECESSION REMEDY 5
  • 6. This, combined with President Clinton passing the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, begin the 08 crises nearly a decade before taking place. The Commodity Futures Modernization Act "effectively shielded OTC derivatives from virtually all regulation or oversight," which was all the bankers needed to be able to run rampant. What these bankers did not plan for, was for all these activities to surface at the same time. Like "bank runs" that took place in the early 20th century, the fraudulent activities and schemes these financial institutions were partaking in, caused a domino effect that gained so much momentum so quickly that it sparked the collapse. Even more disturbing? The fact that some say was "swept under the rug" is the number of bankers who were caught committing and supporting these crimes. Initially, the numbers were well up into and over the hundreds. Now, over a decade later, the figure for those who were convicted and sent to prison for these charges is under 50, and some argue even lower. Now, remember all those institutions that asked for bailouts by the government? The same institutions that were internally promoting this illegal behavior. Nearly every single one was indeed bailed out by our governments. And that's nice that our government would help... Except for the fact that it was done with our hard-earned tax paying dollars. RECESSION REMEDY 6
  • 7. WHO CAN WE TRUST? What a vicious cycle right? "Professionals" who illegally, but intentionally, advise, and steer us down the wrong path just to take advantage of us in the future and then keep repeating this process. Once their antics are made public, they are given a verbal slap on the hand, and then turn right around to ask for help to get out of the mess that they created. Since we are nice, kind, loving people, of course, we say yes, we will help! "Here, take more of our money, and we will gladly continue to suffer through this recession you have just created for us while you are able to recover." You would think now that our government is aware of what these financial institutions are doing, that things will change going forward. In truth, these cycles have been taking place for decades, even centuries dating back to the Napoleonic wars. The bankers have gradually taken control of our governments by indebting us through their fraudulent financial antics and lack of regulation. Although the bankers had a large part to play in "one" of the latest crises, another culprit could have possibly prevented the collapse singlehandedly. The American Federal Reserve, better known as the "Fed," who is responsible for influencing the supply of money and credit; regulating and supervising financial institutions; serving as a banking and fiscal agent for the United States government; and much more, is said to have started all of this back in the early 2000's. RECESSION REMEDY 7
  • 8. With the closing of the 20th century, and the entry into the 21st century, came the bust. Stock prices and company evaluations came crashing down from parabolic record highs. Overnight, hundreds of millions, and eventually billions were wiped out from digital ledgers. The fed decided that the best "strategic" move for the economy at that time would be to cut interest rates and begin printing new money. This would rapidly expand the nation's money supply (and debt), which in return would fuel speculation and inflated asset prices. To most of us who knew little to nothing about the underlying effects that this “strategic” move would have on us, we felt safe that things would get better in time. And for the first years of the new century, they were, or at least seemed to be, until everything was brought to light. Even presidential candidates for the 08 election vowed to make the health and well-being of the financial crises their primary focus if elected. Instead, one of the biggest advocates of this mission did the direct opposite when he became president. RECESSION REMEDY 8
  • 9. EASING RIGHT INTO DESPAIR Where it really hurts us is when our political leaders do not address the issue a hand with programs like the fed, knowing that they pose and try to coverup the fact that they are indeed corrupt and whose only intent is to keep people like us in the dark, suppressed, and in financial bondage. The fed launched the Quantitative Easing or "QE" program in November of 2008 - within the midst of the economic downfall. The fed would use the Quantitative Easing program to purchase billions of direct obligations of housing-related government-sponsored enterprises - and other mortgage-back securities. The main benefit, or at least how it was pitched to us, was that by using the QE program, the fed would be able to pump money back into the economy. The part that would dig us into a deeper financial hole? Well, the money the fed was using to buy our government bonds, mortgage back securities etc. was all money that was created digitally, "out of thin air" by the fed with a few clicks of a mouse. The fed, made up of private banks, kept their careless behavior up by loaning out the money they received from the taxpayers to bail out banks and institutions across the world. RECESSION REMEDY 9
  • 10. Barrack Obama appointed previous bankers and corrupt fed reserve officials to take a seat in the white house alongside him. This was the final piece of the puzzle, the one that would eventually ensure the economic collapse. You would think that a president whose main "agenda" to lead his nation out of financial turmoil, would do everything he could to do just that and to protect his people. By now, if you have an uneasy, unsettling feeling about who's really got your best interest in mind, and who you can trust... Well, we're right there with you. Going from a Republican president to a Democratic president who put the blame on the former Republican president, but then doing the same thing and fueling and supporting it even more... It's confusing, it's manipulative, and it's sickening. For years countries across the world and its economies suffered. In 2010 a "light at the end of the tunnel" opportunity presented itself. The Dodd-Frank bill was signed into Law President Obama. We were told that with the passing of this bill, the system would no longer be structured to favor the big banks. RECESSION REMEDY 10
  • 11. OOPS… THEY DID IT AGAIN! We were deceived once again. The Dodd-Frank bill did anything but remove the power from the big banks. It was in their favor. The Fed themselves admitted to being responsible for issuing several rules that fell under the new act. Instead of taking their power away, we empowered them. They were now making and approving their own laws. With unlimited and unregulated control, they began squeezing the industry and causing the collapse of commercial and some "legit" banks. Between the years of 2007 and 2020, there were 393 major commercial banks and over 1,400 smaller banks that failed. that's nearly 1,800 banks that have failed in just 13 years. Five years prior to their internal reign within the white house, there had only been 10 total bank failures.. 2 a year compared to almost 150 a year since they took over. Behind the scene's these private and megabanks were rapidly expanding their profits and shares within the market they possessed. Between 2008 and 2013, just 6 of the largest megabanks accounted for roughly $9.6 trillion of the $14.4 trillion assets tied to America's financial system. Back in control and once again above water with the bailout money and stake in the market, the greedy institutions began to drastically cease the amount of lending they allowed. With money not as easily accessible to the economy, even though "we" technically gave it to the banks for this sole purpose, the wheels to our economy began coming to an abrupt halt. With no small business loans granted, personal loans, home loans, auto loans and more, all of a sudden - what seemed like instantly, all sectors begin seeing the negative side effects. No new job opportunities were being presented since there were no new startups. Consumer spending in the form of shopping, traveling, investing etc. seized. Car dealerships, retail stores, and other common businesses were shutting down not only nationwide but worldwide as well, resulting in thousands of lost jobs almost simultaneously. This recession is said to have cost us nearly $22 trillion. RECESSION REMEDY 11
  • 12. Although some may say that it was America who initiated the crises, traces of instability and future disasters could be found among almost all countries globally. In fact, carless money printing that caused hyperinflation, thus resulting in economic disasters, have taken place all along the centuries in Hungary, Yugoslavia, Zimbabwe, and the Weimar Republic, just to name a few. The Euro itself can be looked at as even more unstable than the US Dollar. Around the same time, America was facing its financial issues, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Spain were facing their very own. These countries witnessed their government debt and budget deficits completely blow-by what was acceptable EU levels. RECESSION REMEDY 12
  • 13. THE UNDERCOVER CRISIS’S Greece was one of the very first European countries to experience their own crises and was struck hard. While many have been led to believe over the years that Greece received billions in aid and bailout money, Greece's government did not receive any financial aid. The money that was meant for the Greek government and its citizens was used to bailout the megabanks of Germany and France, who held Greek debt. And with the money going directly back to the megabanks, we don't have to think too hard about what would happen from there. As you can see, it's us vs. them. The megabanks, private banks, the fed, and other like institutions do not discriminate when it comes to financial oppression. They don't care about what language you speak, your race, your age, color, clearly the only thing they care about is taking your money and leaving you to fear, struggle, and suffer. They get richer while we get sick(er). They know exactly how to play the game because they created it. One positive, for those who are willing to enlighten and educate themselves, is the fact that there are some of us who have learned to play the game and win as well. And for those of us who have taken the time to study, analyze and learn how to financially capitalize on times like these, well, we know that another "one" is close by.. Very close by - if not already here. Ever since the bailout and crash of 08, the housing market, stock market, and economy seem to be thriving. But a closer look would reveal that this is all truly just the after-effects of the bailout, hyperinflation, and a "sugar" spike in the economy from fake dollars. According to the Fed, total construction spending exceeded $1.3 trillion in December 2019, surpassing the $1.2 trillion spent at the height of the boom in 2006. RECESSION REMEDY 13
  • 14. With our entry into the new decade, and with no talk whatsoever of the construction of new homes and commercial real estate slowing down, who knows how much deeper into spending and financially over-extending ourselves we will get. The average price of the single-family home rose at a faster pace in 2019 than it did in the buildup to the financial crises of 08. This is how it was all going, or "seemed" to be going in 08. Greenmarkets, any, and everyone is approved for home loans, consumer spending at a high, and of course, the highest home values that we have seen in years.. When we made the comment that we believe the next crises may be closer than we think, and possibly even already shown signs that it has begun, a recent "event" that has taken place in the country Venezuela comes to mind. The current financial and economic state of Venezuela is said to be more disastrous then Cuba's in the 1990s, Or worse than the fall of the Soviet Union, and Zimbabwe's collapse under Robert Mugabe. This is a direct quote from economists, "Venezuela's fall is the single largest economic collapse outside of war in at least 45 years." RECESSION REMEDY 14
  • 15. VENEZUELA? OR VENEZHELLA? Venezuela's current conditions of economic devastation can be best represented by comparing them to countries that have been crippled by war, like the most recent Libya, or Lebanon in the 70s. This is tragic and depressing news to hear about anyone's economy. However, one of the main reasons why it has made such a major impact on the rest of the world is because Venezuela was known to be the wealthiest country in Latin America. A once thriving country now in a state of turmoil and warlike conditions. This may be somewhat "understandable" or easier to comprehend if it became like this due to war... but it wasn't.. It was due to the elegance of poor “leaders.” With their misguided policies, corruption, and lack of governance, failed presidents can be the ones to thank for the suffering of millions of lives. Could you imagine just how bad the condition of your country had to be, how disgusted, sick, and tired the citizens had to be in order to try and appoint a new president themselves? Or what if you were just so disgusted with how your country was being ran that you not just nominated yourself, but you declared yourself the new president? On January 23rd of 2019, that’s exactly what one man did.. RECESSION REMEDY 15
  • 16. While the Trump administration claims the sanctions placed against Venezuela are to punish and squeeze Maduro, unfortunately, it is affecting the citizens. A once thriving economy now in a state of turmoil where gangs have taken over whole cities. Regular electric blackouts have become so common that it has even shaped how the Venezuelan "Fresh" markets operate. Not having a consistent power source means no refrigeration. Thus, meats, produce, and other goods going to waste faster. This has also led to nearly all butchers in the market refraining from selling meat cuts and relying on only the sales of leftovers like fat shavings, hooves etc. which are all their customers can afford. An amount that could once be represented by a single dollar now has citizens running to pay with wheel barrels full of money. Ask yourself, if these types of activities were currently taking place in your country, how far away from a crisis would you think you are? With one country, again formerly the wealthiest in its continent, already in the middle of its own economic collapse, the US housing market showing signs and numbers comparable to those of the 2008 collapse, what's another warning sign that we may be able to use? The stock markets. In America, the Dow-Jones hit a pre-recession peak price of 14,164.43 in October 2007. Less than 17months later, the Dow-Jones hit a low of $6,594.44. The Dow was literally cut in half, and then some. It's current price now? around $28,000+. What a "bull run" right? The Dow has jumped up over 10,000 points since President Trump's election. And that’s awesome right? But.. If you believe in Isaac Newton’s of that what goes up must come down.. Well then you understand that there will eventually be a decline in performance. But that’s a good thing because it presents opportunities for us to be able to invest in opportunities at lower prices.. and we’re not talking about getting back into the stock market this time by the way.. RECESSION REMEDY 16
  • 17. THE RED FLAGS IN THE SEA OF GREEN So, did President Trump single-handily cause this influx and volume pump of the market and economy? Were the people of America just waiting for him to become President before they decided to "pump" the economy up? While we would love to say yes, unfortunately, the fed has been up to their same no good antics. The fed's QE programs are responsible this time for the current rise in the U.S Market. Trump's current tax cut program has reduced corporate tax from 35% to 21%, allowing corporations to buy back their stock at record lows, which is also boosting the market. This, again, may seem like a positive. However, a recent study shows that U.S Stocks have not been more overvalued since the 1980s. But of course, "green" or un-experienced traders have been rushing into the market for years blindly throwing money into any random stock without having the slightest clue of what they are doing. With so much green in the market and record-high volume levels, it is easy to understand how one may misunderstand the current market conditions for one that is of a thriving economy. Sadly, underneath all the hype lies the truth. There are 10 main stocks that account for roughly 25% of the 10- year bull market's green performance. Companies like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and more. RECESSION REMEDY 17
  • 18. Now on the other spectrum of this equation are those companies whose earnings and annual performance numbers tell one story, but their market cap and trading prices in the stock market tell another. For example, Tesla's became the most valuable car company in American history when it's market cap exceeded $81 billion in January 2020. Telsa did generate $24.2 billion in revenue; however, it also recorded a -$800 million lost in net income. Their own CEO Elon Musk even admitted to the fact that their current market cap was higher than they deserved and that they were "a money-losing company. But Tesla isn’t the only one in debt, America is as well, by a LARGE amount. America’s national debt is roughly $24 Trillion, which is up nearly 50% in just a decade from being around $13 Trillion in 2010. RECESSION REMEDY 18
  • 19. So what, or who is causing all of this, and why can’t anyone seem to fix it? Well, there's multiple factors that come into play. The main problem is that America’s GDP or Gross Domestic Product, which is simply the amount of revenue that America generates on an annual basis, cannot keep up with America’s debt levels that are rapidly growing. RECESSION REMEDY 19
  • 20. WHOSE REALLY THE PROFESSIONALS? The CEO of a company that is among the top performers of the current market is openly and confidently, telling us that his company should not be trading anywhere close to where it is now. So, how many other companies do you think are experiencing similar conditions? Do you think Telsa is the only one? Since you are currently reading this, you are already ahead of 99% of the population. But how do you think that the rest of the world will find out about these companies? These overvalued and inflated stock prices? Unfortunately, most of them are invested in some of the overvalued stocks we are speaking of. Some of them may not understand this until it is too late. Many who are literally, in this "position(s)" may be invested through their 401(k) or by the guidance of their financial advisor. And while some financial advisors may be on-top of the market and pro-active, even those professionals can be emotionally blinded by the simple facts and logic that lay right there in front of them. Some of it may be denial, some of it may be a false sense of an ever-lasting bear market. Although as professionals, there's really no excuse for that type of mindset... However, to be fair, we will give them the benefit of the doubt. We foresee the discovery of this news to take place like the last crises... When the nation is watching it happen live on the news. And you're smart enough to understand that if you are watching it happen live on the news, then you are already too late. Trading the market and staying ahead of the trends means just that... To be as pro-active as possible. Pro-action makes for a successful investor, not Re-action. But how can anyone be pro-active when they don’t know the truth? It's sickening to think that anybody, nonetheless your own government, could sit there comfortably as they watch their own country unfold in turmoil, despair, and chaos knowing very well that they had a hand to play in it. We are all more than likely familiar with the term "money makes the world go around." And surprisingly, it is no different for our government. They make money if we make money, and they make even more money when we are losing money. But the stock market and housing market are just two of the more popular avenues for deception. RECESSION REMEDY 20
  • 21. BUBBLE MANIA The student loan crisis, now referred to as its own bubble, has reached astronomical levels gaining furious momentum over the years. America's student loan debt has more than doubled in the last decade and tripled since 2006. Shocking how this is one of the only stats number-wise that did not decline during the 08 recession? The national student loan default rate is 11%, which makes it the second-highest default rate after mortgages. 69% of all students in the class of 2018 took out loans and had an average debt of around $29,000 upon graduation day. Around 85% of these loans are being borrowed from the federal government, which also ends up being the taxpayer as well. Remember that vicious circle we mentioned earlier? The effects that this is having? Well, some Americans have reverted to fleeing the country just to get away from their student loan debt. A similar situation is occurring within the auto loan industry of America. There is over $1.2 Trillion in outstanding U.S auto loans. 85% of annual new car purchases and 53% of used car purchases were done via financing. And if all of this wasn’t enough, America is now facing it’s largest bubble yet.. The “Everything Bubble.” Seriously, it’s so out of hand that they had to name it The Everything Bubble. Now, although it is likely that everything will be effected, there are three main markets that the Everything Bubble consist of which is the Stock market, the Real Estate Market, And the Bond market. In 2008 we experienced the Housing bubble, and before that in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, we experienced the Dot-Com Bubbles. On the chart below, look at the first two bubbles and compare those with the “Everything Bubble” that’s on the very right of the chart. As sir Isaac Newton say’s best “What goes up must come down. What stage does it look like we’re currently at? These are again all factors that have been contributing to a national debt that has been fiercely growing out of control over the past decade, ever since the last big crises. RECESSION REMEDY 21
  • 22. THE NUMBERS DON’T LIE Once again, America is not alone when it comes to having a national debt level that is on the verge of causing an economic collapse. Japan's stock market has slowly but steadily been supported over the years by its central bank, the Bank of Japan (BOJ). If things continue going the way they currently are, then the Bank Of Japan will become the top shareholder of Tokyo-Stock-Exchange-listed companies of 2020. Now, The BOJ is the top shareholder in 23% of those companies. If you've ever seen an action movie, especially those made pre 2010, you're probably familiar with the reference of the offshore Swizz bank account. Well like America's central bank, the Swiss National Bank, or SNB, also can, and currently does continue to print new money, then turns around and purchases global assets with it. Ever since the Swiss franc decoupled from the euro in 2015, it's demand has risen, making the purchase of global assets on printed money easier. The SNB owns over $94 Billion in US Stock as of October 2019. RECESSION REMEDY 22
  • 23. The Norwegian Wealth Fund is the world's largest sovereign wealth fund whose holdings stood at over $1.1 trillion in early 2020. Comprised mostly from the profits of their oil and natural gas since they are among the top producers globally. Scandinavian Norway, instead of having to print fake money like most countries, uses this fund to purchase global assets. One rare example of a country that does it correctly. However, the red flag with this one is that instead of purchasing $100 billion more US holdings like they said they had planned to do, they instead withdrew $400 million from the fund later that year with the reasoning of a near-future slump in oil prices. And China is not out of the clear, not even close. China's central bank, the People's Bank of China (PBoC) is guilty of printing upwards of multiple trillions in fiat over the decades. China's debt-GDP ratio accounts for over 15% of the global debt-GDP rate. Since the financial crises in 2008, China's debt-GDP ratio has more than doubled. The people of China were worried about their country's financial and economic wellbeing, thus causing a record capital flight in 2015/16 that saw the government lose a $1 trillion in reserves. It's clear that we cannot trust banks and that cash is a scary “asset” to be in. The term “Cash is Trash” has been one that’s rung out. We must stay one step ahead of them by using the information that we now have. RECESSION REMEDY 23
  • 24. IT'S BOTH GOOD AND BAD Every example we have provided should serve as more than ample proof to support our concern and foreshadowing of a near massive global economic crisis. Just the very thought and sound of a “Global Economic Crisis" is enough to instill an "uncomfortable" feeling within. While it does not bring us joy to know that one is coming, nor of course do we enjoy being lied to, used, and financially taken advantage of, we do personally understand that we must act before everything unfolds. We know we cannot prevent one, but we can prepare for one. The better we understand the situation and our options, the better the quality of life will be, not only for us but for our loved ones as well. Everything we've shared with you can be confirmed with your own research. Now you know the truth, what you choose to, or not to do, guaranteed will be a determining factor for the state of your financial wellbeing within the next 5 years to come. History doesn't always repeat itself, but at the rate we have been going at for the past few centuries, we are afraid that this next global crisis may not repeat but break previous lows. While some will undoubtedly suffer if they do not prepare themselves, you are lucky enough to know now that there are solutions and that all you must do is to make the choice to take action. Remember, the largest amounts of wealth are always cultivated in the times of economic depression. RECESSION REMEDY 24