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                                                                                                             INTERNATIONAL EDITION                                                                      

                                                          ‘Excited                                                                                                                                                         Beyond
                                                          about the                                                                                                                                                        Hogwarts
                                                          future’                                                                                                                                                          mNow adults, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Harry Potter “kids”
                                                          mTiger has lost a                                                                                                                                                forge ahead with
                                                          lot over the year,                                                                                                                                               college, theater
                                                          but not his passion                                                                                                                                              and film, 8B
                      By Robyn Beck, AFP/Getty Images
                                                          for golf and his                                                                                                                              AFP/Getty Images

Woods: At Chevron World Challenge.
                                                          thirst to win. 7B                                                                                             Grown: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson.
                                                                                                                   NO. 1 IN THE USA

 NFL No game? Get a refund
                                                                                                                                                                   mLeague will offer ticket refunds for some
                                                                                                                                                                   games canceled by a work stoppage, 1, 2B

                                                                                                                                                                                              USA TODAY INTERVIEW

Thursday, December 2, 2010                                                                            THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN
                                                                                                                                                                                              TSA Administrator John Pistole

          Newsline                                                             Cover story
               n News n Money n Sports n Life

                                    Report: Gays                               Obama                                                                                                          Public
                                    won’t hurt
                                    military                                   risks                                                                                                          outcry
                                    mMost troops
                                    say there is no
                                    negative impact,
                                    Defense chief
                                                                               going                                                                                                          weighed
                                                                               it alone                                                                                                       vs. risk
                                    Gates says, 5A
 By Win McNamee, Getty Images

Amtrak will allow guns
mPassengers can check unloaded                                                  As the conflict                                                                                                TSA chief rejected PR
firearms on trains starting Dec. 15, 3A                                          continues to
                                                                                drag on, the                                                                                                  advice fearing threat
                                     Browsers                                   president faces
                                     running a                                  a backlash from
                                                                                                                                                                                              By Alan Levin
                                                                                                                                                                                              USA TODAY
                                     tighter race                               both parties                                                                                                     The nation’s transportation security chief says he
                                     mMobile devices,                                                                                                                                         decided to launch controversial new airport pat-
                                                                                                                                                                                              down searches without first warning travelers,
                                     new services help                                                                                                                                        against the advice of his public relations aides.
                                     Firefox, Safari                                                                                                                                             Transportation Security Administration head
                                     shrink Internet                                                                                                                                          John Pistole said in a wide-ranging interview Tues-
                                     Explorer’s lead, 6A                                                                                                                                      day that he rejected the advice for fear of highlight-
                      USA TODAY                                                                                                                                                               ing screening weaknesses terrorists could exploit.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 TSA’s more intensive pat-downs of private body
                                                                                                                                                                    By Charles Dharapak, AP
                                                                                                                                                                                              parts under clothing set off
Two holiday gift guides                                                      “We’re here because it’s where the terrorists planned 9/11”: President Obama’s goal on what’s                    what he called a “media
                                                                             increasingly seen as his war: a stable Afghanistan that can’t be used as a base for terrorism against U.S.       frenzy” leading up to the
                                mNow in 3-D: TVs,                                                                                                                                             Thanksgiving holiday travel
                                cameras, games.                          By Susan Page                                                     er, and with newly empowered Re-                   week.
                                m Gear, accessories                      USA TODAY                                       No deal yet       publican critics in Congress, who op-                 “What it came down to
                                                                                                                                           pose deadlines and timetables                      was I wanted to make sure
                                fit for the A-list.                         WASHINGTON — Afghanistan has
                                                                                                                         on tax cuts       altogether. It guarantees the war will             people are not subjected to
                                At                          become a lonely place for President          uBut Obama,          be ongoing when Obama presumably                   additional risk of planes be-
                                                                         Obama.                                       GOP pleased          runs for re-election in 2012.                      ing blown out of the sky,”
                                                                           One year ago today, the president          with talk, 5A           And if the military and political sit-          Pistole told USA TODAY’s
mMoney: Cell phones could rival plastic                                  delivered a seminal speech at West                                uations fail to improve in Afghanistan,            editorial board. “I was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            USA TODAY
                                                                         Point, N.Y., announcing the deploy-                               the president could face a revolt in his           gravely concerned that we
  Wireless carriers are working on plans to allow                        ment of 30,000 additional U.S. troops                             own party and unrelenting fire from                 needed to do something Pistole: Searches set
customers to pay for goods with smartphones. 6A.                         to Afghanistan and setting a timetable to begin the GOP as he defends his leadership on what is                      with a sense of urgency and off “media frenzy.”
mSports: Tulowitzki lands $134M deal                                     withdrawing them in July 2011 — a combination already America’s longest war.                                         professionalism that did
                                                                         calibrated to reassure those who saw the conflict        Just one in five Americans in a new USA TODAY/                not signal to terrorists that
   Seven-year extension for Colorado Rockies short-                      as critical to U.S. security and those uneasy with Gallup Poll agree with the 2014 timetable, one of                 we had a vulnerability.”          Q&A: Pistole
stop marks biggest new offseason contract. 1B.                           an open-ended military conflict.                      Obama’s lowest levels of support on any policy                     Pistole says he wishes
                                                                           Now, the administration is playing down the position.                                                              there was an “easier an-          mTalks about
mLife: White rice for babies frowned on                                  date combat troops will begin to come home and          “Look, we know there are passions on every                   swer” to the balance be-          threats, how
  Experts shift long-held view, saying brown rice                        focusing instead on 2014 as the target for the pull- side of this,” White House press secretary Robert               tween keeping the public          far searches
cereals, mash and purees are more nutritious. 10B.                       out to be completed, conditions permitting.          Gibbs says. “This is not an easy tightrope to walk.”            informed and ensuring             will go, 10A
                                                                           The new end date leaves Obama at odds with                                                                         flights are safe.
                                                                         his Democratic base, which wants troops out fast-                   Please see COVER STORY page 2A u                    The need for more thor-
USA TODAY Snapshots®
 S    DA                                                                                                                                                                                      ough pat-downs stemmed from the attempt last
                                                                                                                                                                                              Christmas to bomb a Northwest Airlines jet by a
  What age would
                                                                        Riches await Saturday winners
                                                                                                                                                                                              man accused of hiding a bomb in his underwear,
                                                                                                                                                                                              and from government studies that showed physical
  you like to live to?                                                                                                                                                                        searches were inadequate, he said. Pistole said he
                                                        100 or
                                                         00 or
  Average age chosen: 92
  A            h                                        older
                                                          d                                                                                                                                   thought most people assumed that the govern-
                                                        37%             Oregon’s Kelly, others can                                         guaranteed $7 million, was replaced in
                                                                                                                                           September with a six-year agreement
                                                                                                                                                                                              ment had already stepped up searches.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 While the government continues trying to im-
                             80 to 8 90 to 9
                              0 89 0 99
                              year    years
                                                                        reap fortune off one game                                          that guarantees $20.5 million.                     prove technology to detect weapons and bombs,
                                 %          25%
                                              %                                                                                               As seen at other schools with elite             TSA has no plans to subject airline passengers to
                18 to 79
                 8 7                                                    By Steve Berkowitz                                                 athletics programs, Kelly’s pay increase           any additional body searches beyond what was put
                 year                                                   USA TODAY                                                          came while the university was having               in place at all airports Nov. 1, Pistole said: “I think
                    12%                                                                                                                    budget problems. Unionized employees               we are at the most thorough that we will probably
  Note: Doesn’t                                                           When the No. 1-ranked Oregon foot-                               at Oregon are in the second of two years           be in terms of our physical screening.”
  equal 100%
  because of
                                                                        ball team plays its regular-season finale                           of negotiated furloughs, according to                 Pistole said the agency is contemplating minor
  rounding                                                              Saturday at Oregon State, Oregon coach                             school spokesman Phil Weiler. Oregon               changes to be more sensitive to some groups, such
  Source: Harris
                s                                                                                                            Getty Images
  Interactive for
               o                                                        Chip Kelly will have a lot more at stake                           President Richard Lariviere voluntarily            as victims of sex abuse and those with external
                                                                        than a chance to play for the Bowl Kelly: Bonuses and took a 4.6% cut in his state salary from                        medical devices. A Michigan man complained last
                                                                        Championship Series national title.        future guarantees.      July 1, 2009, through Oct. 31, 2010,               week that a bag that captured his urine was de-
                          By Anne R. Carey and Karl Gelles, USA TODAY     With a victory, he would secure                                  Weiler says.                                       tached during an airport search.
                                                                        nearly $4.3 million in bonuses and future contract        Kelly’s new contract includes a provision giving               The combination this year of full-body screening
                                                                        guarantees, according to a USA TODAY review of his him a one-year extension if the Ducks — now 11-0                   machines, which see through clothing, and the pat-
 International special edition                                          contract. He also would keep alive his chance to add — win at least 12 games in the 2010 season or par-               downs created a furor on some websites and calls
 This is a special edition of USA TODAY designed                        $250,000 for winning the national title.               ticipate in this season’s BCS title game. His guaran-          to protest on the day before Thanksgiving. Howev-
 and edited for readers around the world.                                 Kelly’s possible payday is illustrative of the teed compensation in that extra year would be                        er, widespread protests never materialized.
 Additional content and late-breaking news and                          lengths schools go to reward and retain coaches, $4 million, the same amount he is scheduled to re-                      The TSA also announced Tuesday that it had im-
 sports scores can always be found at                                   even amid difficult budgetary times.                    ceive in 2015-16.                                              plemented a long-time recommendation from the                                                            Other head coaches in games that will determine         His guaranteed salary for this season is $2.4 mil-          9/11 Commission that studied the 2001 terrorist

                           ¡¿H¢ApB-740245¿ (e)i
                                                                        the BCS lineup have big-money incentives this lion, and he already has secured $175,000 in bo-                        attacks. After years in which the airlines checked
                                                                        weekend and in bowl games. No. 2-ranked Au- nuses. Those earnings likely will grow by $285,000                        passenger names against terrorist watch lists, the
                                                                        burn’s Gene Chizik can earn $200,000 for winning if Oregon wins Saturday, as he will hit incentives                   TSA now performs the matches.
                                                                        the Southeastern Conference championship game that include 12 wins “in regular season” and mak-                          The agency requires passengers to provide full
                                                                        and an additional $500,000 for the national title.     ing the BCS title game.                                        names, birth dates and their gender, which leads to
                                                                          Kelly is under his second contract in as many sea-                                                                  fewer false matches, Pistole said. The agency also
                          ©COPYRIGHT 2010 USA TODAY                     sons as Oregon’s head coach. After the Ducks went uFor a data base of major college football coaching                 uses up-to-the-minute information so it can react
                           a division of Gannett Co., Inc.              10-3 last season, his initial five-year deal, which salaries go to                        more quickly to ongoing security concerns.


Obama’s allies are dwindling as the war drags on
Continued from 1A                                                                                                                                                                                                                        “If it continues to be defined as   2011 he will leave the Cabinet
                                                                                        Americans view Afghanistan war with skepticism, anxiety                                                                                      it is now, which is a nation-build-    post he has held since the George
   Obama’s goal: a stable Afghan-                                                                                                                                                                                                    ing mission — and that’s what          W. Bush administration. With
istan that can’t be used as a base                                                     Percentage saying it was a mistake to send military                                U.S. military deaths in and                                we’re doing — then I think there       that, Obama will lose an advocate
                                                                                       forces to Afghanistan                                                              near Afghanistan
for terrorism against the USA.                                                                                                                                                                                                       is some segment of the conserva-       with strong ties to the GOP and
   “The president has said this                                                         40%                                                                              400
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  455                tive caucus that isn’t going to like   credibility on the war.
publicly, in Afghan meetings and                                                                                                                                                                                                     that very much,” says Christo-
to commanders in the Situation                                                                                                                                 39%                                                                   pher Preble, director of foreign       Support in unexpected places
                                                                                        30%                                                                              300
               Room: We’re here                                                                                                                                                                                                      policy studies at the libertarian
Cover          because it’s where
               the     terrorists
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cato Institute. “Over time, as it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     looks more and more like Barack
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Obama does have some un-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            expected supporters on the war,
                                                                                        20%                                                                              200
story          planned 9/11,”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Obama’s war, they’ll ask, ‘What        among them Howard Dean, the
               Gibbs said in an in-                                                                                                                                                                                                  are we trying to accomplish in Af-     former Vermont governor who
                                                                                        10%                                                                              100         6
terview. “People understand why                                                                                                                                                                                                      ghanistan?’ ”                          nearly claimed the 2004 Demo-
we’re there. But at the same                                                                                                                                                                                                             McGovern’s letter to Obama         cratic presidential nomination in
time, there’s a weariness among                                                            0                                                                                    0                                                    was signed not only by seven           a campaign fueled by opposition
the American people for how                                                              11/8/01                1/1/04     1/1/06       1/1/08             11/19/10                 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’101         Democrats but also by three Re-        to the war in Iraq.
long we’ve been there.”                                                                 Sources: USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of 1,037 adults by land line and cellphone Nov. 19-21.                                1 – through Nov. 29     publicans with libertarian bents.         “Afghanistan is a much more
                                                                                        Margin of error: ±4 percentage points. Defense Department; USA TODAY research.
   The public is divided:                                                                                                                                                                                                            They included Texas Rep. Ron           complicated situation,” Dean said
   uAbout four in 10 Americans,                                                                                                                                                                         By Julie Snider, USA TODAY   Paul, a 2008 GOP presidential          in an interview. “There are true
including half of Democrats, say                                                                                                                                                                                                     hopeful and hero to some in the        threats to American security in
troops should be withdrawn                                                         Committee, said in an interview.                    public says they don’t support it                   of the House’s 435 seats; in the          Tea Party movement.                    Afghanistan, and the president is
sooner than he proposes.                                                           “I have a great deal of faith in                    and it’s not going to work? He’s                    new Congress, that number is                  Paul’s son, Rand Paul, the sena-   doing the best he can to bring
   uAnother four in 10, including                                                  President Obama and in (Secre-                      isolated, but he’s crafted a policy                 likely to fall to 193.                    tor-elect from Kentucky, says he       about stability. . . . While the
61% of Republicans, say the U.S.                                                   tary of State) Hillary Clinton and I                that gives him the maximum                             Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass.,            would have voted in favor of the       odds of success are long, we have
should be prepared to keep com-                                                    want to believe that their strate-                  room between the extremes that                      and nine other House members              war in Afghanistan, but that by        to give the president whatever
bat forces there as long as it takes.                                              gy is the right one for the coun-                   would like to press him.”                           sent an open letter to Obama as           now Congress should have               support he needs.”
   The survey of 1,037 adults, tak-                                                try. But I’m not sure 10 years                         For an electorate concerned                      he left to meet with NATO lead-           passed a declaration of war for           When he addresses skeptical
en by land line and cellphone                                                      from now and with all that mon-                     first about the economy and un-                      ers in Lisbon last month express-         such an extended mission. “Do          audiences, Dean said, he argues
Nov. 19-21, has a margin of error                                                  ey invested, things are going to be                 employment, the war in Afghani-                     ing “grave concerns that the cur-         we need to be there? I want to         the war is a human rights issue
of +/–4 percentage points.                                                         measurably better.”                                 stan barely registered as an issue                  rent course in Afghanistan is             ask these questions,” he said on       tied to the treatment of women
   The invasion of Afghanistan                                                        He argues war funding would                      in congressional elections this                     compromising our national secu-           ABC’s This Week a few days after       and girls in Afghanistan — a cause
was launched to wide approval                                                      be better used to build schools,                    year. In a Pew Research Center                      rity interests and is unsustainable       his election win. “After 10 years, I   worthy of progressives’ support.
after the 9/11 attacks, targeting                                                  roads and bridges at home.                          poll just before Election Day, 5%                   even in the short term.”                  think the Afghans need to have            The fact that the war wasn’t an
al-Qaeda leaders and the Taliban                                                      On the other hand, Rep. Buck                     of voters cited Afghanistan as the                     “Amongst the Democratic                stepped up to do more.”                issue in this year’s elections gave
regime that had sheltered them.                                                    McKeon, a California Republican                     most important issue in deter-                      base, the war is a big issue, and             uEstablishment Republi-            Obama something of a political
At the time, nine of 10 Americans                                                  set to become chairman of the                       mining their vote, compared                         the opposition to this war is going       can leaders want Obama to do           reprieve as Petraeus pursued a
supported the combat mission.                                                      House Armed Services Commit-                        with 39% who named jobs, 25%                        to intensify,” McGovern said in an        more, not less.                        more aggressive military strategy
   Most in the USA still do, al-                                                   tee next month, says he wants to                    health care and 17% the deficit.                     interview. “Every time we hear a              Arizona Sen. John McCain, the      and the president extended the
though opposition has risen:                                                       hear from Gen. David Petraeus,                         In some ways, Republican                         speech — not just this president          ranking Republican on the Senate       timetable to withdraw.
Four in 10 now say the military                                                    the commander of allied forces,                     gains in Congress should make it                    but his predecessor — we’re told          Armed Services Committee,                 But there are guarantees the
operation was a mistake.                                                           before any pull-out begins. “I                      easier for the White House to win                   ‘another year,’ ‘another two              called the president’s promise a       same will be true in the next
   As of last Saturday, U.S. forces                                                hope the focus from our leaders                     funding for the war.                                years,’ and then a year goes by           year ago to begin withdrawing          campaign, when Obama himself
have been fighting in Afghanistan                                                   this time is on winning, not on                        “The president will get what-                    and we hear ‘maybe another four           U.S. troops next year “a very di-      is likely to be on the ballot.
longer than the Soviets did in the                                                 timetables,” McKeon said at a fo-                   ever he asks for with regard to Af-                 years.’ I don’t think we should be        sastrous statement” that has              “I’m still assuming the econo-
debilitating conflict that ended                                                    rum this month.                                     ghanistan,” predicts Scott                          there another four years.”                been partly remedied by his new        my will be the big issue in 2012,
with their withdrawal from that                                                       Over the past year, the public’s                 Wheeler, executive director of                         Karen Bass, a former California        timetable. “It’s a significant shift    but Afghanistan is going to be a
nation in 1989. As of Monday,                                                      assessment of the war’s course                      the National Republican Trust, a                    House speaker who was elected             in recognition of reality and con-     topic of discussion,” predicts An-
1,320 American servicemembers                                                      has improved. In November                           conservative political action                       to Congress last month from a             ditions on the ground,” McCain,        drew Wilder, an Afghanistan ex-
had died in the conflict, which                                                     2009, 32% of those surveyed said                    committee. Whatever their view                      liberal Los Angeles district, sup-        Obama’s 2008 opponent, said in         pert at the U.S. Institute of Peace.
this year is costing taxpayers                                                     things were going well for the                      of Obama, congressional Repub-                      ports Obama but heard constitu-           an interview. “It’s also a recog-      “The fact is that President Obama
more than $320 million a day.                                                      USA in Afghanistan.                                 licans “understand one thing: We                    ents express concerns about war           nition that the July 2011 date was     has made this his war.”
                                                                                      Despite a spike in casualties                    have troops in the field and they                    costs at a time they see big needs        an invitation to failure. I hope it
Is the war worth it?                                                               since, 45% now feel that way.                       have to be supported.”                              at home. “I do want to see us get         will serve to convince our allies as   Contributing: Jim Michaels
                                                                                      Even so, a 54% majority con-                        But the new landscape also                       out of Afghanistan as soon as we          well as our enemies that we are
   Doubts about the ability of Af-                                                 tinue to say things are going bad-                  poses unpredictable challenges:                     possibly can,” she says.                  in it to succeed.”
ghan forces to assume security                                                     ly for U.S. forces. And by 2-to-1,                     uMore congressional Dem-                            uSome of the newly elected                 McKeon agrees.
operations, corruption accusa-                                                     Americans worry that the war’s                      ocrats are in revolt.                               Tea Party Republicans are                     “I like 2014 better than 2011,
tions against President Hamid                                                      costs will make it more difficult                       Last year, when the House con-                   skeptical.                                but I’m not sure exactly where
Karzai’s regime and the latest                                                     for the government to address                       sidered war funding, 32 Demo-                          Many new lawmakers weren’t             that’s coming from right now,” he
embarrassment over peace talks                                                     domestic problems — an issue                        crats voted no. This year, that                     asked to take positions on the            says, arguing that any timetable
— a purported Taliban leader                                                       that could intensify as policy-                     number more than tripled, to                        war in campaigns dominated by             emboldens the enemy. “Al-Qae-
turned out to be an impostor —                                                     makers struggle to curtail the na-                  102, and Democratic leaders had                     opposition to the health care law         da gets that. The Taliban get that.
have contributed to skepticism                                                     tion’s $1.4 trillion budget deficit.                 to twist arms on the House floor.                    and warnings about the national           Everybody gets it, and it just
about whether the war can be                                                          “He’s got a problem on his                          With the defeat of many cen-                     debt, but some in the Tea Party           seems to me human nature. It’s
won and is worth the cost.                                                         hands,” Richard Kohn, a profes-                     trist “Blue Dogs” in this month’s                   movement have expressed op-               not good to let your enemies
   “I question the value of us be-                                                 sor of history, peace, war and de-                  elections, the House Democratic                     position to foreign entangle-             know what your plans are.”
ing there at all,” Pennsylvania                                                    fense at the University of North                    caucus will be more uniformly                       ments generally. About 40 of the              One more complication for
Gov. Ed Rendell, a former chair-                                                   Carolina, says of Obama. “How do                    liberal and more consistently an-                   84 new House Republicans have             Obama: Defense Secretary Rob-
man of the Democratic National                                                     you prosecute a war when the                        ti-war. Democrats now hold 255                      ties to the Tea Party movement.           ert Gates has announced that in

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                                                                      Drugs found in 33% of killed drivers
Hostage-taking teen Study looks                                                                                                                                                              bers are “alarmingly high”             always pinpoint when the
                                                                                                          Drug test results                                                                  and called for more states to          person took the drug: It could
dies after shooting self at increase in                                                                   Despite a decline in driver fatalities nationwide from 2005 to
                                                                                                          2009, an increasing percentage of the fatally injured drivers
                                                                                                                                                                                             pass laws making it a crime to
                                                                                                                                                                                             have illegal drugs in the body
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    have been days or weeks ago.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The lack of research pre-
   A 15-year-old student who held 23 students and
a teacher hostage for several hours in a Marinette,                   positive tests                      tested were under the influence of drugs:
                                                                                                               Percent of those testing
                                                                                                                                                                                             while driving.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Seventeen states have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    sents a problem for lawmak-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ers, adds Scott Burns, exec-
Wis., high school classroom died Tuesday from a                                                                positive for drugs                                     Percent tested         some form of such laws, ac-            utive director of the National
self-inflicted gunshot wound, police said.                             By Naomi Snyder                                                                                                        cording to the NHTSA: Arizo-           District Attorneys Association
                                                                                                           2005          13%                                              56%
   Sophomore Samuel Hengel shot himself after po-                     and Brandon Gee                                                                                                        na, Delaware, Georgia, Illi-           “With respect to illegal sub-
lice stormed a classroom at Marinette High School                     USA TODAY                                                                                                              nois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan,         stances, the answer seems
                                                                                                           2006            15%                                               59%
on Monday night, Police Chief Jeff Skorik said. Hen-                                                                                                                                         Minnesota, Nevada, North               fairly easy, ‘You can’t drive
gel, of Porterfield, had been holding most of the                         Bruce Holloway was turn-                                                                                            Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio,          with cocaine on board,’ ” he
                                                                                                           2007             16%                                                 63%
students and their social studies teacher hostage.                    ing into his driveway in                                                                                               Rhode Island, South Dakota,            says. “The tougher question
No one else was wounded.                                              Mount Juliet, Tenn., in April                                                                                          Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin.          becomes, ‘What do you do
                                                                                                           2008              18%                                                  65%
   “As far as what caused this, it seems to be a mys-                 2009, when he was hit and                                                                                                 Although much research              with prescription drugs?’ ”
tery,” Skorik said.                                                   killed by Brian Duffey, who,                                                                                           has been done on alcohol’s ef-            Don Egdorf of the Houston
                                                                                                           2009               18%                                               63%
   Skorik said the suspect fired three shots before                    according to police and court                                                                                          fects on driving, little has           Police Department’s DWI
police entered the room, but he had also fired at                      records, was driving 80 mph         Source: National Highway Transportation Safety Administration                      been done on the impact of             task force says many people
least two or three shots before that. The shooter                     with alcohol and painkillers                                                             By Julie Snider, USA TODAY
                                                                                                                                                                                             drugs on driving, researchers          abuse prescription drugs. “If
was carrying a 9mm semi-automatic and a .22-                          in his system.                                                                                                         say. The NHTSA analysis                you have tooth pain, they
caliber semi-automatic, and he had additional am-                        “He was already home,”         Highway Transportation Safe-              traffic crashes, showed a 5-                doesn’t address whether the            give you Vicodin. You might
munition in his pocket and a duffel bag, Skorik said.                 said Mary Loving, Holloway’s      ty Administration (NHTSA)                 percentage-point increase in               drugs were at levels that              develop a tolerance,” he said.
   Hengel never made any demands or pointed his                       fiancée. “It’s so unfair.”         report released Tuesday, one-             the number of tested drivers               would impair driving. Plus,            “You might end up taking two
weapons at anyone, said student Austin Biehl, 15.                        Duffey pleaded guilty to ag-   third of all drug tests on driv-          found to have drugs in their               the data are reported by the           instead of one.”
He said the students discussed movies and actors                      gravated vehicular homicide       ers killed in motor vehicle ac-           systems since 2005. The in-                states, which vary widely in              David Strickland of the
Hengel liked, plus deer hunting and fishing. “We                       and was sentenced to 22           cidents came back positive                crease coincided with more                 how often they test for drugs,         NHTSA recommends better
were just trying to make him calm. Just trying to                     years. He was one of a grow-      for drugs ranging from hallu-             drivers being tested for drugs,            the report notes.                      state records of crashes in-
make him remember all the fun stuff,” Biehl said.                     ing number of heavily med-        cinogens to prescription pain-            the report shows.                             Jim Lavine, the president of        volving prescription drugs.
                                                                      icated Americans who get be-      killers last year.                           Gil Kerlikowske, director of            the National Association of
                                                                      hind the wheel every day.            The report, the agency’s               the Office of National Drug                 Criminal Defense Lawyers,              Snyder and Gee report for
                                                                         According to a National        first analysis of drug use in              Control Policy, said the num-              said drug tests results don’t          The Tennessean in Nashville

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to allow
              By Phil Skinner, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, via AP

Storm tears into Ga. town                                                                                                                                                                                                         guns
Possible twister: Mike Croker’s home lies in ruins
after a severe storm struck Buford, Ga., Tuesday.                                                                                                                                                                                 New rules in
Authorities have been checking on residents in
Gwinnett County after reports that a tornado may
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  effect Dec. 15
have touched down in the neighborhood.                                                                                                                                                                                            By Donna Leinwand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  USA TODAY
Televangelist admits past affair
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Amtrak will allow passengers
   Televangelist Marcus Lamb appeared before a                                                                                                                                                                                    to transport unloaded guns on
worldwide TV audience Tuesday to admit he had an                                                                                                                                                                                  trains, reversing a decade-old
affair with a woman years ago — and to allege that                                                                                                                                                                                ban in place since the Sept. 11,
three people had tried to extort millions of dollars                                                                                                                                                                              2001, terrorist attacks. The ban
from him to stay quiet about his infidelity.                                                                                                                                                                                       lifts on Dec. 15.
   Lamb, who created Daystar Television Network                                                                                                                                                                                       Travelers can check firearms,
with his wife, Joni, said he and his wife had healed                                                                                                                                                                              — including handguns, starter
their marriage and had hoped to keep his adultery                                                                                                                                                                                 pistols, rifles and shotguns —
private but went public because they would not                                                                                                                            Photos by Nathan Papes, Springfield (Mo.) News-Leader
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and up to 11 pounds of ammu-
pay extortionists. The three people demanded                            School board meeting: A public forum is held in Stockton, Mo., on book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.                                   nition at any train station that of-
$7.5 million, he said.                                                                                                                                                                                                            fers checked baggage service

                                                                        Those challenging books
   “They’re trying to take our pain and turn it to                                                                                                                                                                                and if the travelers’ itinerary in-
their gain,” Lamb said during a one-hour broadcast.                                                                                                                                                                               cludes a train with a baggage car.
   Daystar, based in Dallas, airs some of the highest-                                                                                                                                                                            Most big city train stations — in-
profile evangelists in the world, including Joel Os-                                                                                                                                                                               cluding New York, Boston, Chi-
teen, T.D. Jakes, Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland.                                                                                                                                                                                cago and Washington — have
Dad charged in disappearance of 3 boys
   The father of three young brothers missing since
Thanksgiving was charged with their kidnapping,
                                                                        find strength in numbers                                                                                                                                   checked-baggage service.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The gun prohibition “was an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  overreaction” after 9/11, said
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., who
hours after police said it’s unlikely the boys will be
found alive.                                                            Schools and public libraries                                        Judith John, an English professor at Missouri State Uni-
                                                                                                                                         versity, suggests book bans might have become more no-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  proposed lifting the ban as part
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of a 2010 appropriations bill.
   John Skelton, 39, was arrested by FBI agents after
his release from a medical facility in Lucas County,
                                                                        report ‘an uptick of organized                                   ticeable these days because of an uncertain economy and
                                                                                                                                         concerns about terrorism. “When people are afraid, they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      “The rule was not based on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  any facts or any reality and was
Ohio, where he was treated since attempting to
hang himself Friday.
                                                                        efforts’ to remove books                                         become more conservative and reject changes,” she says.
                                                                                                                                            Candi Cushman, education analyst for Focus on the Fam-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  frankly punitive toward sports-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  men, hunters and gun owners,”
   Skelton was charged in Lenawee County, Mich.,                        By Didi Tang and Mary Beth Marklein                              ily, a Christian ministry in Colorado, says it’s “healthy and                            Wicker said. “Amtrak was un-
across the state border, with three counts of paren-                    USA TODAY                                                        normal for parents to want to weigh in on what their kids                                able to accommodate hunters
tal kidnapping, Morenci, Mich., Police Chief Larry                                                                                       are exposed to at taxpayer-funded schools, especially                                    and sportsmen. They were
Weeks said.                                                                Shortly after the fall semester began this year, Wesley when we talk about materials that are sexually explicit.”                                      forced to choose only air travel.”
   The brothers — Andrew, 9, Alexander, 7, and Tan-                     Scroggins, a parent of three in Republic, Mo., publicly criti-      Sex is not always the primary concern. A Seattle high                                     The new rules bring train
ner, 5 — have not been seen since Thursday, when                        cized the local school district for carrying books that he de- school recently dropped Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World                                    travel in line with air travel,
they were with their father in Morenci. Skelton told                    scribed as soft pornography.                                                                  from its 10th-grade required                                where passengers are allowed
authorities he left the boys in the care of a female                       “We’ve got to have educated                                                                reading list after a parent ob-                             to check firearms in an air-
acquaintance, but police say he lied.                                   kids, and we’ve got to be a mor-                                                              jected to the book’s depiction                              plane’s baggage compartment,
   “Statements he made to investigators indicate it’s                   al people,” Scroggins said then.                                                              of American Indians as savages.                             Wicker said.
not going to be a positive outcome,” Weeks said.                        “I’ve been concerned for some                                                                    Cushman’s group encour-                                      The National Rifle Association
                                                                        time what students in the                                                                     ages concerned parents to start                             supports the new guidelines,
                                                                        schools are being taught.”                                                                    with school officials. “We trust                             spokesman Andrew Arulanan-
                                                                           Parents have long raised con-                                                              the democratic process to                                   dam said.
                                                                        cerns about school and library                                                                weed out illegitimate com-                                      “We think it’s a good policy,
                                                                        books — children’s and young                                                                  plaints,” Cushman says.                                     and it’s reasonable to allow law-
                                                                        adult books, and sometimes                                                                       The American Library Asso-                               abiding people to have effective
                                                                        dictionaries — often for inap-                                                                ciation urges schools to keep                               means for traveling with a fire-
                                                                        propriate content. The number                                                                 challenged books on the                                     arm,” Arulanandam said.
                                                                        of reported challenges in the                                                                 shelves until a review commit-                                  Gun control advocates say the
                                                                        past 30 years has hovered be-                                                                 tee can read the material and                               new rules make train travel less
                                                                        tween about 400 or 500 each                                                                   make a recommendation to key                                secure.
                                                                        year, says Deborah Caldwell-                                                                  decision-makers.                                                “A baggage car is not like an
                                                                        Stone, an attorney with the Those opposed: Mike Holzknecht speaks to the                         Sometimes the decision is                                airplane cargo hold,” said Daniel
                                                                        American Library Association.        Stockton board in September in support of the ban. questioned:                                                       Vice, senior attorney at the Bra-
                                           By Jerry Naunheim, AP
                                                                           Whereas challenges once                                                                       uIn Plano, Texas, last month,                            dy Center to Prevent Gun Vio-
Crime scene: Police investigate a shooting Tuesday                      were mostly launched by a lone parent, Caldwell-Stone the school district collected a textbook, Culture and Values:                                       lence. “Baggage cars are not as
outside Reliable Funeral Home Chapel in St. Louis.                      says she has noticed “an uptick in organized efforts” to re- A Survey of the Humanities, from classrooms after a parent                                   secured. Amtrak security has a
                                                                        move books from public and school libraries. A number of voiced concern, then reissued the book after former stu-                                         lot of concerns about it.”
Two dead in Mo. funeral home shooting                                   challenges appear to draw from information provided on dents launched a social-media campaign to object. “This                                                To transport a gun, passengers
                                                                        websites such as Parents Against Bad Books in Schools, or decision was made behind closed doors without dis-                                              must notify Amtrak at least 24
   As many as three gunmen opened fire outside a               , and, she says.                     cussion,” says Ashley Meyers, 22, a 2006 graduate who had                                hours before their departure.
St. Louis funeral home during services for a murder                        And the latest wrinkle: A wave of complaints around the used the book.                                                                                 The gun must be stored unload-
victim, killing two people and critically wounding                      nation about inappropriate material in public schools has           uAfter the school board in Stockton, Mo., voted in April                              ed in a locked, hard-sided con-
another before fleeing the scene, police said.                           stirred emotional argument over just how much freedom to ban The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Eng-                                        tainer, the guidelines say.
   Witnesses told authorities that a fourth man was                     should be extended to students                                                                lish teachers who assign the                                    Amtrak, which carried
apparently shot in the leg during the shootings out-                    in advanced courses.                                                                          book said they should have                                  28.7 million passengers last
side Reliable Funeral Home Chapel, police Capt.                            Earlier this year, a California                                                            been consulted about its educa-                             year, spent about $2 million to
Mike Sack said. Police had not been able to find                         parent objected to sex-related                                                                tional value. “We expected a                                train staff, modify the reserva-
him. Sack said the gunfire appeared related to the                       terms in a collegiate dictionary                                                              more thorough, well-devel-                                  tions system, and install secure
funeral taking place for David Davis, 27, who was                       placed in a fourth- and fifth-                                                                 oped process before a book                                  storage in 142 baggage cars to
gunned down Nov. 19 behind a St. Louis home.                            grade classroom to accommo-                                                                   was banned,” English teacher                                accommodate the guns, spokes-
   “It looks like these people have a prior history                     date advanced readers. And the                                                                Kim Chism Jasper said during a                              man Steve Kulm said.
with one another,” Sack said                                            American Library Association                                                                  public forum in September.                                      Amtrak initially imposed the
                                                                        and other groups say they have                                                                   uA chapter of Glenn Beck’s                               ban because of post-9/11 securi-
Also . . .                                                              seen a noticeable rise in com-                                                                9.12 Project, a conservative                                ty concerns, Kulm said. The ban
   uSALT LAKE CITY — Brian David Mitchell, on                           plaints about literature used in                                                              watchdog network, was a force                               continued after the rail service
trial for kidnapping and assaulting Elizabeth Smart                     honors or college-level courses.                                                              behind the removal of Revolu-                               evaluated its security in the
in 2002 when she was 14, suffered an apparent sei-                         “This is a relatively recent                                                               tionary Voices: A Multicultural                             wake of the 2004 attacks on Ma-
zure in the courtroom Tuesday and was rushed to a                       phenomenon, and it’s spread-                                                                  Queer Youth Anthology from the                              drid’s train system.
hospital. The judge adjourned the case for the day,                     ing,” says Joan Bertin, executive                                                             school library at Rancocas Val-                                 “Passenger rail was targeted,”
but it will resume today.                                               director of the National Coali-                                                               ley Regional High School in                                 Kulm said. “We took a look at
   uFRESNO, Calif. — A vast toxic waste dump at                         tion Against Censorship, a New Students support: Stockton High senior Dakota                  Burlington County, N.J. The                                 the security of our system and
the center of a birth-defects controversy was fined                      York-based group.                    Freeze, 17, opposes the ban of the book.                 ACLU of New Jersey requested                                made a decision to prohibit all
more than $300,000 for allowing cancer-causing                             More high schools are offer-                                                               documentation from school of-                               weapons.”
chemicals to leach into the soil at Kettleman Hills                     ing Advanced Placement or similar hon-                 For a map of book bans       ficials regarding how the decision was                                     Unlike air travel, Amtrak does
landfill, the Environmental Protection Agency said.                      ors courses, in part to help students earn             across the USA, visit us     made.                                                                 not screen all its passengers be-
The dump’s parent company, Waste Management,                            college credit and to give them a leg up in            at             Such controversies make headlines,                                 fore they board trains. The train
said monitoring confirmed small concentrations of                        college admissions. Nearly 12,500 U.S.                                              which helps the library association and                               service has other systems in
PCBs, a now-banned transformer fluid, but they                           high schools offered Advanced Placement English literature other anti-censorship groups track book bans. John, who                                        place, including canine teams
“did not present any risk to public health.”                            this year, up 30% since 2000, and the number of students has been studying book bans since 1993, suggests many li-                                        that can sniff out explosives and
                                                                        taking the national exam is up 86%.                              brary books simply disappear from circulation.                                           random baggage screening,
By Melanie Eversley with staff and wire reports                            This year, high schools in Hillsborough County, Fla., Eas-       “It’s more prevalent than people think,” she says.                                    Kulm said.
                                                                        ton, Pa., and Franklin Township, Ind., were asked to review                                                                                                   “We do have a robust security
                  Please recycle                                        books being read in Advanced Placement English courses.          Tang reports for the Springfield (Mo.) News-Leader                                        program,” he said.
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
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Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa
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Usa today international edition 2010.12.02 usa

  • 1. c INTERNATIONAL EDITION ‘Excited Beyond about the Hogwarts future’ mNow adults, the Harry Potter “kids” mTiger has lost a forge ahead with lot over the year, college, theater but not his passion and film, 8B By Robyn Beck, AFP/Getty Images for golf and his AFP/Getty Images Woods: At Chevron World Challenge. thirst to win. 7B Grown: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson. NO. 1 IN THE USA NFL No game? Get a refund NEGOTIATIONS mLeague will offer ticket refunds for some games canceled by a work stoppage, 1, 2B USA TODAY INTERVIEW . Thursday, December 2, 2010 THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN TSA Administrator John Pistole Newsline Cover story n News n Money n Sports n Life Report: Gays Obama Public won’t hurt military risks outcry mMost troops say there is no negative impact, Defense chief going weighed it alone vs. risk Gates says, 5A By Win McNamee, Getty Images Amtrak will allow guns mPassengers can check unloaded As the conflict TSA chief rejected PR firearms on trains starting Dec. 15, 3A continues to drag on, the advice fearing threat Browsers president faces running a a backlash from By Alan Levin USA TODAY tighter race both parties The nation’s transportation security chief says he mMobile devices, decided to launch controversial new airport pat- down searches without first warning travelers, new services help against the advice of his public relations aides. Firefox, Safari Transportation Security Administration head shrink Internet John Pistole said in a wide-ranging interview Tues- Explorer’s lead, 6A day that he rejected the advice for fear of highlight- USA TODAY ing screening weaknesses terrorists could exploit. TSA’s more intensive pat-downs of private body By Charles Dharapak, AP parts under clothing set off Two holiday gift guides “We’re here because it’s where the terrorists planned 9/11”: President Obama’s goal on what’s what he called a “media increasingly seen as his war: a stable Afghanistan that can’t be used as a base for terrorism against U.S. frenzy” leading up to the mNow in 3-D: TVs, Thanksgiving holiday travel cameras, games. By Susan Page er, and with newly empowered Re- week. m Gear, accessories USA TODAY No deal yet publican critics in Congress, who op- “What it came down to pose deadlines and timetables was I wanted to make sure fit for the A-list. WASHINGTON — Afghanistan has on tax cuts altogether. It guarantees the war will people are not subjected to At become a lonely place for President uBut Obama, be ongoing when Obama presumably additional risk of planes be- Obama. GOP pleased runs for re-election in 2012. ing blown out of the sky,” One year ago today, the president with talk, 5A And if the military and political sit- Pistole told USA TODAY’s mMoney: Cell phones could rival plastic delivered a seminal speech at West uations fail to improve in Afghanistan, editorial board. “I was USA TODAY Point, N.Y., announcing the deploy- the president could face a revolt in his gravely concerned that we Wireless carriers are working on plans to allow ment of 30,000 additional U.S. troops own party and unrelenting fire from needed to do something Pistole: Searches set customers to pay for goods with smartphones. 6A. to Afghanistan and setting a timetable to begin the GOP as he defends his leadership on what is with a sense of urgency and off “media frenzy.” mSports: Tulowitzki lands $134M deal withdrawing them in July 2011 — a combination already America’s longest war. professionalism that did calibrated to reassure those who saw the conflict Just one in five Americans in a new USA TODAY/ not signal to terrorists that Seven-year extension for Colorado Rockies short- as critical to U.S. security and those uneasy with Gallup Poll agree with the 2014 timetable, one of we had a vulnerability.” Q&A: Pistole stop marks biggest new offseason contract. 1B. an open-ended military conflict. Obama’s lowest levels of support on any policy Pistole says he wishes Now, the administration is playing down the position. there was an “easier an- mTalks about mLife: White rice for babies frowned on date combat troops will begin to come home and “Look, we know there are passions on every swer” to the balance be- threats, how Experts shift long-held view, saying brown rice focusing instead on 2014 as the target for the pull- side of this,” White House press secretary Robert tween keeping the public far searches cereals, mash and purees are more nutritious. 10B. out to be completed, conditions permitting. Gibbs says. “This is not an easy tightrope to walk.” informed and ensuring will go, 10A The new end date leaves Obama at odds with flights are safe. his Democratic base, which wants troops out fast- Please see COVER STORY page 2A u The need for more thor- USA TODAY Snapshots® S DA ough pat-downs stemmed from the attempt last Christmas to bomb a Northwest Airlines jet by a What age would Riches await Saturday winners man accused of hiding a bomb in his underwear, and from government studies that showed physical you like to live to? searches were inadequate, he said. Pistole said he 100 or 00 or Average age chosen: 92 A h older ld lde d thought most people assumed that the govern- 37% Oregon’s Kelly, others can guaranteed $7 million, was replaced in September with a six-year agreement ment had already stepped up searches. While the government continues trying to im- 80 to 8 90 to 9 0 89 0 99 years year years year reap fortune off one game that guarantees $20.5 million. prove technology to detect weapons and bombs, 25% % 25% % As seen at other schools with elite TSA has no plans to subject airline passengers to 18 to 79 8 7 By Steve Berkowitz athletics programs, Kelly’s pay increase any additional body searches beyond what was put years year USA TODAY came while the university was having in place at all airports Nov. 1, Pistole said: “I think 1 12% budget problems. Unionized employees we are at the most thorough that we will probably Note: Doesn’t When the No. 1-ranked Oregon foot- at Oregon are in the second of two years be in terms of our physical screening.” equal 100% because of ball team plays its regular-season finale of negotiated furloughs, according to Pistole said the agency is contemplating minor rounding Saturday at Oregon State, Oregon coach school spokesman Phil Weiler. Oregon changes to be more sensitive to some groups, such Source: Harris rris s Getty Images Interactive for or o Chip Kelly will have a lot more at stake President Richard Lariviere voluntarily as victims of sex abuse and those with external Genworth Financial than a chance to play for the Bowl Kelly: Bonuses and took a 4.6% cut in his state salary from medical devices. A Michigan man complained last Championship Series national title. future guarantees. July 1, 2009, through Oct. 31, 2010, week that a bag that captured his urine was de- By Anne R. Carey and Karl Gelles, USA TODAY With a victory, he would secure Weiler says. tached during an airport search. nearly $4.3 million in bonuses and future contract Kelly’s new contract includes a provision giving The combination this year of full-body screening guarantees, according to a USA TODAY review of his him a one-year extension if the Ducks — now 11-0 machines, which see through clothing, and the pat- International special edition contract. He also would keep alive his chance to add — win at least 12 games in the 2010 season or par- downs created a furor on some websites and calls This is a special edition of USA TODAY designed $250,000 for winning the national title. ticipate in this season’s BCS title game. His guaran- to protest on the day before Thanksgiving. Howev- and edited for readers around the world. Kelly’s possible payday is illustrative of the teed compensation in that extra year would be er, widespread protests never materialized. Additional content and late-breaking news and lengths schools go to reward and retain coaches, $4 million, the same amount he is scheduled to re- The TSA also announced Tuesday that it had im- sports scores can always be found at even amid difficult budgetary times. ceive in 2015-16. plemented a long-time recommendation from the Other head coaches in games that will determine His guaranteed salary for this season is $2.4 mil- 9/11 Commission that studied the 2001 terrorist ¡¿H¢ApB-740245¿ (e)i the BCS lineup have big-money incentives this lion, and he already has secured $175,000 in bo- attacks. After years in which the airlines checked weekend and in bowl games. No. 2-ranked Au- nuses. Those earnings likely will grow by $285,000 passenger names against terrorist watch lists, the burn’s Gene Chizik can earn $200,000 for winning if Oregon wins Saturday, as he will hit incentives TSA now performs the matches. the Southeastern Conference championship game that include 12 wins “in regular season” and mak- The agency requires passengers to provide full and an additional $500,000 for the national title. ing the BCS title game. names, birth dates and their gender, which leads to Kelly is under his second contract in as many sea- fewer false matches, Pistole said. The agency also ©COPYRIGHT 2010 USA TODAY sons as Oregon’s head coach. After the Ducks went uFor a data base of major college football coaching uses up-to-the-minute information so it can react a division of Gannett Co., Inc. 10-3 last season, his initial five-year deal, which salaries go to more quickly to ongoing security concerns.
  • 2. 2A · THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2010 · USA TODAY Obama’s allies are dwindling as the war drags on Continued from 1A “If it continues to be defined as 2011 he will leave the Cabinet Americans view Afghanistan war with skepticism, anxiety it is now, which is a nation-build- post he has held since the George Obama’s goal: a stable Afghan- ing mission — and that’s what W. Bush administration. With istan that can’t be used as a base Percentage saying it was a mistake to send military U.S. military deaths in and we’re doing — then I think there that, Obama will lose an advocate forces to Afghanistan near Afghanistan for terrorism against the USA. is some segment of the conserva- with strong ties to the GOP and “The president has said this 40% 400 455 tive caucus that isn’t going to like credibility on the war. publicly, in Afghan meetings and that very much,” says Christo- to commanders in the Situation 39% pher Preble, director of foreign Support in unexpected places 30% 300 Room: We’re here policy studies at the libertarian Cover because it’s where the terrorists Cato Institute. “Over time, as it looks more and more like Barack Obama does have some un- expected supporters on the war, 20% 200 story planned 9/11,” 9% Obama’s war, they’ll ask, ‘What among them Howard Dean, the Gibbs said in an in- are we trying to accomplish in Af- former Vermont governor who 10% 100 6 terview. “People understand why ghanistan?’ ” nearly claimed the 2004 Demo- we’re there. But at the same McGovern’s letter to Obama cratic presidential nomination in time, there’s a weariness among 0 0 was signed not only by seven a campaign fueled by opposition the American people for how 11/8/01 1/1/04 1/1/06 1/1/08 11/19/10 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’101 Democrats but also by three Re- to the war in Iraq. long we’ve been there.” Sources: USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of 1,037 adults by land line and cellphone Nov. 19-21. 1 – through Nov. 29 publicans with libertarian bents. “Afghanistan is a much more Margin of error: ±4 percentage points. Defense Department; USA TODAY research. The public is divided: They included Texas Rep. Ron complicated situation,” Dean said uAbout four in 10 Americans, By Julie Snider, USA TODAY Paul, a 2008 GOP presidential in an interview. “There are true including half of Democrats, say hopeful and hero to some in the threats to American security in troops should be withdrawn Committee, said in an interview. public says they don’t support it of the House’s 435 seats; in the Tea Party movement. Afghanistan, and the president is sooner than he proposes. “I have a great deal of faith in and it’s not going to work? He’s new Congress, that number is Paul’s son, Rand Paul, the sena- doing the best he can to bring uAnother four in 10, including President Obama and in (Secre- isolated, but he’s crafted a policy likely to fall to 193. tor-elect from Kentucky, says he about stability. . . . While the 61% of Republicans, say the U.S. tary of State) Hillary Clinton and I that gives him the maximum Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., would have voted in favor of the odds of success are long, we have should be prepared to keep com- want to believe that their strate- room between the extremes that and nine other House members war in Afghanistan, but that by to give the president whatever bat forces there as long as it takes. gy is the right one for the coun- would like to press him.” sent an open letter to Obama as now Congress should have support he needs.” The survey of 1,037 adults, tak- try. But I’m not sure 10 years For an electorate concerned he left to meet with NATO lead- passed a declaration of war for When he addresses skeptical en by land line and cellphone from now and with all that mon- first about the economy and un- ers in Lisbon last month express- such an extended mission. “Do audiences, Dean said, he argues Nov. 19-21, has a margin of error ey invested, things are going to be employment, the war in Afghani- ing “grave concerns that the cur- we need to be there? I want to the war is a human rights issue of +/–4 percentage points. measurably better.” stan barely registered as an issue rent course in Afghanistan is ask these questions,” he said on tied to the treatment of women The invasion of Afghanistan He argues war funding would in congressional elections this compromising our national secu- ABC’s This Week a few days after and girls in Afghanistan — a cause was launched to wide approval be better used to build schools, year. In a Pew Research Center rity interests and is unsustainable his election win. “After 10 years, I worthy of progressives’ support. after the 9/11 attacks, targeting roads and bridges at home. poll just before Election Day, 5% even in the short term.” think the Afghans need to have The fact that the war wasn’t an al-Qaeda leaders and the Taliban On the other hand, Rep. Buck of voters cited Afghanistan as the “Amongst the Democratic stepped up to do more.” issue in this year’s elections gave regime that had sheltered them. McKeon, a California Republican most important issue in deter- base, the war is a big issue, and uEstablishment Republi- Obama something of a political At the time, nine of 10 Americans set to become chairman of the mining their vote, compared the opposition to this war is going can leaders want Obama to do reprieve as Petraeus pursued a supported the combat mission. House Armed Services Commit- with 39% who named jobs, 25% to intensify,” McGovern said in an more, not less. more aggressive military strategy Most in the USA still do, al- tee next month, says he wants to health care and 17% the deficit. interview. “Every time we hear a Arizona Sen. John McCain, the and the president extended the though opposition has risen: hear from Gen. David Petraeus, In some ways, Republican speech — not just this president ranking Republican on the Senate timetable to withdraw. Four in 10 now say the military the commander of allied forces, gains in Congress should make it but his predecessor — we’re told Armed Services Committee, But there are guarantees the operation was a mistake. before any pull-out begins. “I easier for the White House to win ‘another year,’ ‘another two called the president’s promise a same will be true in the next As of last Saturday, U.S. forces hope the focus from our leaders funding for the war. years,’ and then a year goes by year ago to begin withdrawing campaign, when Obama himself have been fighting in Afghanistan this time is on winning, not on “The president will get what- and we hear ‘maybe another four U.S. troops next year “a very di- is likely to be on the ballot. longer than the Soviets did in the timetables,” McKeon said at a fo- ever he asks for with regard to Af- years.’ I don’t think we should be sastrous statement” that has “I’m still assuming the econo- debilitating conflict that ended rum this month. ghanistan,” predicts Scott there another four years.” been partly remedied by his new my will be the big issue in 2012, with their withdrawal from that Over the past year, the public’s Wheeler, executive director of Karen Bass, a former California timetable. “It’s a significant shift but Afghanistan is going to be a nation in 1989. As of Monday, assessment of the war’s course the National Republican Trust, a House speaker who was elected in recognition of reality and con- topic of discussion,” predicts An- 1,320 American servicemembers has improved. In November conservative political action to Congress last month from a ditions on the ground,” McCain, drew Wilder, an Afghanistan ex- had died in the conflict, which 2009, 32% of those surveyed said committee. Whatever their view liberal Los Angeles district, sup- Obama’s 2008 opponent, said in pert at the U.S. Institute of Peace. this year is costing taxpayers things were going well for the of Obama, congressional Repub- ports Obama but heard constitu- an interview. “It’s also a recog- “The fact is that President Obama more than $320 million a day. USA in Afghanistan. licans “understand one thing: We ents express concerns about war nition that the July 2011 date was has made this his war.” Despite a spike in casualties have troops in the field and they costs at a time they see big needs an invitation to failure. I hope it Is the war worth it? since, 45% now feel that way. have to be supported.” at home. “I do want to see us get will serve to convince our allies as Contributing: Jim Michaels Even so, a 54% majority con- But the new landscape also out of Afghanistan as soon as we well as our enemies that we are Doubts about the ability of Af- tinue to say things are going bad- poses unpredictable challenges: possibly can,” she says. in it to succeed.” ghan forces to assume security ly for U.S. forces. And by 2-to-1, uMore congressional Dem- uSome of the newly elected McKeon agrees. operations, corruption accusa- Americans worry that the war’s ocrats are in revolt. Tea Party Republicans are “I like 2014 better than 2011, tions against President Hamid costs will make it more difficult Last year, when the House con- skeptical. but I’m not sure exactly where Karzai’s regime and the latest for the government to address sidered war funding, 32 Demo- Many new lawmakers weren’t that’s coming from right now,” he embarrassment over peace talks domestic problems — an issue crats voted no. This year, that asked to take positions on the says, arguing that any timetable — a purported Taliban leader that could intensify as policy- number more than tripled, to war in campaigns dominated by emboldens the enemy. “Al-Qae- turned out to be an impostor — makers struggle to curtail the na- 102, and Democratic leaders had opposition to the health care law da gets that. The Taliban get that. have contributed to skepticism tion’s $1.4 trillion budget deficit. to twist arms on the House floor. and warnings about the national Everybody gets it, and it just about whether the war can be “He’s got a problem on his With the defeat of many cen- debt, but some in the Tea Party seems to me human nature. It’s won and is worth the cost. hands,” Richard Kohn, a profes- trist “Blue Dogs” in this month’s movement have expressed op- not good to let your enemies “I question the value of us be- sor of history, peace, war and de- elections, the House Democratic position to foreign entangle- know what your plans are.” ing there at all,” Pennsylvania fense at the University of North caucus will be more uniformly ments generally. About 40 of the One more complication for Gov. Ed Rendell, a former chair- Carolina, says of Obama. “How do liberal and more consistently an- 84 new House Republicans have Obama: Defense Secretary Rob- man of the Democratic National you prosecute a war when the ti-war. Democrats now hold 255 ties to the Tea Party movement. ert Gates has announced that in Try The World’s Finest Holiday Ham Turns every family gathering into a celebration! Over the last 137 years, we’ve stayed true to the methods that make every Harrington’s ham worthy of being called, SAVE $25 “the finest ham you’ve ever tasted”. We cure the finest quality, exceptionally lean, North American hams in our Vermont smokehouses, using a closely guarded recipe, then slowly smoke them over corn cobs and maple wood for a flavor you’ll savor with every bite. For a limited time, you can enjoy the Original Harrington’s Ham at a delicious introductory price—you save $25! Introductory offer $39.95 Regularly $64.95 FREE with your order! 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  • 3. USA TODAY · THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2010 · 3A Nation Nationline Drugs found in 33% of killed drivers Hostage-taking teen Study looks bers are “alarmingly high” always pinpoint when the Drug test results and called for more states to person took the drug: It could dies after shooting self at increase in Despite a decline in driver fatalities nationwide from 2005 to 2009, an increasing percentage of the fatally injured drivers pass laws making it a crime to have illegal drugs in the body have been days or weeks ago. The lack of research pre- A 15-year-old student who held 23 students and a teacher hostage for several hours in a Marinette, positive tests tested were under the influence of drugs: Percent of those testing while driving. Seventeen states have sents a problem for lawmak- ers, adds Scott Burns, exec- Wis., high school classroom died Tuesday from a positive for drugs Percent tested some form of such laws, ac- utive director of the National self-inflicted gunshot wound, police said. By Naomi Snyder cording to the NHTSA: Arizo- District Attorneys Association 2005 13% 56% Sophomore Samuel Hengel shot himself after po- and Brandon Gee na, Delaware, Georgia, Illi- “With respect to illegal sub- lice stormed a classroom at Marinette High School USA TODAY nois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, stances, the answer seems 2006 15% 59% on Monday night, Police Chief Jeff Skorik said. Hen- Minnesota, Nevada, North fairly easy, ‘You can’t drive gel, of Porterfield, had been holding most of the Bruce Holloway was turn- Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, with cocaine on board,’ ” he 2007 16% 63% students and their social studies teacher hostage. ing into his driveway in Rhode Island, South Dakota, says. “The tougher question No one else was wounded. Mount Juliet, Tenn., in April Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. becomes, ‘What do you do 2008 18% 65% “As far as what caused this, it seems to be a mys- 2009, when he was hit and Although much research with prescription drugs?’ ” tery,” Skorik said. killed by Brian Duffey, who, has been done on alcohol’s ef- Don Egdorf of the Houston 2009 18% 63% Skorik said the suspect fired three shots before according to police and court fects on driving, little has Police Department’s DWI police entered the room, but he had also fired at records, was driving 80 mph Source: National Highway Transportation Safety Administration been done on the impact of task force says many people least two or three shots before that. The shooter with alcohol and painkillers By Julie Snider, USA TODAY drugs on driving, researchers abuse prescription drugs. “If was carrying a 9mm semi-automatic and a .22- in his system. say. The NHTSA analysis you have tooth pain, they caliber semi-automatic, and he had additional am- “He was already home,” Highway Transportation Safe- traffic crashes, showed a 5- doesn’t address whether the give you Vicodin. You might munition in his pocket and a duffel bag, Skorik said. said Mary Loving, Holloway’s ty Administration (NHTSA) percentage-point increase in drugs were at levels that develop a tolerance,” he said. Hengel never made any demands or pointed his fiancée. “It’s so unfair.” report released Tuesday, one- the number of tested drivers would impair driving. Plus, “You might end up taking two weapons at anyone, said student Austin Biehl, 15. Duffey pleaded guilty to ag- third of all drug tests on driv- found to have drugs in their the data are reported by the instead of one.” He said the students discussed movies and actors gravated vehicular homicide ers killed in motor vehicle ac- systems since 2005. The in- states, which vary widely in David Strickland of the Hengel liked, plus deer hunting and fishing. “We and was sentenced to 22 cidents came back positive crease coincided with more how often they test for drugs, NHTSA recommends better were just trying to make him calm. Just trying to years. He was one of a grow- for drugs ranging from hallu- drivers being tested for drugs, the report notes. state records of crashes in- make him remember all the fun stuff,” Biehl said. ing number of heavily med- cinogens to prescription pain- the report shows. Jim Lavine, the president of volving prescription drugs. icated Americans who get be- killers last year. Gil Kerlikowske, director of the National Association of hind the wheel every day. The report, the agency’s the Office of National Drug Criminal Defense Lawyers, Snyder and Gee report for According to a National first analysis of drug use in Control Policy, said the num- said drug tests results don’t The Tennessean in Nashville Amtrak to allow By Phil Skinner, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, via AP Storm tears into Ga. town guns Possible twister: Mike Croker’s home lies in ruins after a severe storm struck Buford, Ga., Tuesday. New rules in Authorities have been checking on residents in Gwinnett County after reports that a tornado may effect Dec. 15 have touched down in the neighborhood. By Donna Leinwand USA TODAY Televangelist admits past affair Amtrak will allow passengers Televangelist Marcus Lamb appeared before a to transport unloaded guns on worldwide TV audience Tuesday to admit he had an trains, reversing a decade-old affair with a woman years ago — and to allege that ban in place since the Sept. 11, three people had tried to extort millions of dollars 2001, terrorist attacks. The ban from him to stay quiet about his infidelity. lifts on Dec. 15. Lamb, who created Daystar Television Network Travelers can check firearms, with his wife, Joni, said he and his wife had healed — including handguns, starter their marriage and had hoped to keep his adultery pistols, rifles and shotguns — private but went public because they would not Photos by Nathan Papes, Springfield (Mo.) News-Leader and up to 11 pounds of ammu- pay extortionists. The three people demanded School board meeting: A public forum is held in Stockton, Mo., on book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. nition at any train station that of- $7.5 million, he said. fers checked baggage service Those challenging books “They’re trying to take our pain and turn it to and if the travelers’ itinerary in- their gain,” Lamb said during a one-hour broadcast. cludes a train with a baggage car. Daystar, based in Dallas, airs some of the highest- Most big city train stations — in- profile evangelists in the world, including Joel Os- cluding New York, Boston, Chi- teen, T.D. Jakes, Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland. cago and Washington — have Dad charged in disappearance of 3 boys The father of three young brothers missing since Thanksgiving was charged with their kidnapping, find strength in numbers checked-baggage service. The gun prohibition “was an overreaction” after 9/11, said Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., who hours after police said it’s unlikely the boys will be found alive. Schools and public libraries Judith John, an English professor at Missouri State Uni- versity, suggests book bans might have become more no- proposed lifting the ban as part of a 2010 appropriations bill. John Skelton, 39, was arrested by FBI agents after his release from a medical facility in Lucas County, report ‘an uptick of organized ticeable these days because of an uncertain economy and concerns about terrorism. “When people are afraid, they “The rule was not based on any facts or any reality and was Ohio, where he was treated since attempting to hang himself Friday. efforts’ to remove books become more conservative and reject changes,” she says. Candi Cushman, education analyst for Focus on the Fam- frankly punitive toward sports- men, hunters and gun owners,” Skelton was charged in Lenawee County, Mich., By Didi Tang and Mary Beth Marklein ily, a Christian ministry in Colorado, says it’s “healthy and Wicker said. “Amtrak was un- across the state border, with three counts of paren- USA TODAY normal for parents to want to weigh in on what their kids able to accommodate hunters tal kidnapping, Morenci, Mich., Police Chief Larry are exposed to at taxpayer-funded schools, especially and sportsmen. They were Weeks said. Shortly after the fall semester began this year, Wesley when we talk about materials that are sexually explicit.” forced to choose only air travel.” The brothers — Andrew, 9, Alexander, 7, and Tan- Scroggins, a parent of three in Republic, Mo., publicly criti- Sex is not always the primary concern. A Seattle high The new rules bring train ner, 5 — have not been seen since Thursday, when cized the local school district for carrying books that he de- school recently dropped Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World travel in line with air travel, they were with their father in Morenci. Skelton told scribed as soft pornography. from its 10th-grade required where passengers are allowed authorities he left the boys in the care of a female “We’ve got to have educated reading list after a parent ob- to check firearms in an air- acquaintance, but police say he lied. kids, and we’ve got to be a mor- jected to the book’s depiction plane’s baggage compartment, “Statements he made to investigators indicate it’s al people,” Scroggins said then. of American Indians as savages. Wicker said. not going to be a positive outcome,” Weeks said. “I’ve been concerned for some Cushman’s group encour- The National Rifle Association time what students in the ages concerned parents to start supports the new guidelines, schools are being taught.” with school officials. “We trust spokesman Andrew Arulanan- Parents have long raised con- the democratic process to dam said. cerns about school and library weed out illegitimate com- “We think it’s a good policy, books — children’s and young plaints,” Cushman says. and it’s reasonable to allow law- adult books, and sometimes The American Library Asso- abiding people to have effective dictionaries — often for inap- ciation urges schools to keep means for traveling with a fire- propriate content. The number challenged books on the arm,” Arulanandam said. of reported challenges in the shelves until a review commit- Gun control advocates say the past 30 years has hovered be- tee can read the material and new rules make train travel less tween about 400 or 500 each make a recommendation to key secure. year, says Deborah Caldwell- decision-makers. “A baggage car is not like an Stone, an attorney with the Those opposed: Mike Holzknecht speaks to the Sometimes the decision is airplane cargo hold,” said Daniel American Library Association. Stockton board in September in support of the ban. questioned: Vice, senior attorney at the Bra- By Jerry Naunheim, AP Whereas challenges once uIn Plano, Texas, last month, dy Center to Prevent Gun Vio- Crime scene: Police investigate a shooting Tuesday were mostly launched by a lone parent, Caldwell-Stone the school district collected a textbook, Culture and Values: lence. “Baggage cars are not as outside Reliable Funeral Home Chapel in St. Louis. says she has noticed “an uptick in organized efforts” to re- A Survey of the Humanities, from classrooms after a parent secured. Amtrak security has a move books from public and school libraries. A number of voiced concern, then reissued the book after former stu- lot of concerns about it.” Two dead in Mo. funeral home shooting challenges appear to draw from information provided on dents launched a social-media campaign to object. “This To transport a gun, passengers websites such as Parents Against Bad Books in Schools, or decision was made behind closed doors without dis- must notify Amtrak at least 24 As many as three gunmen opened fire outside a, and, she says. cussion,” says Ashley Meyers, 22, a 2006 graduate who had hours before their departure. St. Louis funeral home during services for a murder And the latest wrinkle: A wave of complaints around the used the book. The gun must be stored unload- victim, killing two people and critically wounding nation about inappropriate material in public schools has uAfter the school board in Stockton, Mo., voted in April ed in a locked, hard-sided con- another before fleeing the scene, police said. stirred emotional argument over just how much freedom to ban The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Eng- tainer, the guidelines say. Witnesses told authorities that a fourth man was should be extended to students lish teachers who assign the Amtrak, which carried apparently shot in the leg during the shootings out- in advanced courses. book said they should have 28.7 million passengers last side Reliable Funeral Home Chapel, police Capt. Earlier this year, a California been consulted about its educa- year, spent about $2 million to Mike Sack said. Police had not been able to find parent objected to sex-related tional value. “We expected a train staff, modify the reserva- him. Sack said the gunfire appeared related to the terms in a collegiate dictionary more thorough, well-devel- tions system, and install secure funeral taking place for David Davis, 27, who was placed in a fourth- and fifth- oped process before a book storage in 142 baggage cars to gunned down Nov. 19 behind a St. Louis home. grade classroom to accommo- was banned,” English teacher accommodate the guns, spokes- “It looks like these people have a prior history date advanced readers. And the Kim Chism Jasper said during a man Steve Kulm said. with one another,” Sack said American Library Association public forum in September. Amtrak initially imposed the and other groups say they have uA chapter of Glenn Beck’s ban because of post-9/11 securi- Also . . . seen a noticeable rise in com- 9.12 Project, a conservative ty concerns, Kulm said. The ban uSALT LAKE CITY — Brian David Mitchell, on plaints about literature used in watchdog network, was a force continued after the rail service trial for kidnapping and assaulting Elizabeth Smart honors or college-level courses. behind the removal of Revolu- evaluated its security in the in 2002 when she was 14, suffered an apparent sei- “This is a relatively recent tionary Voices: A Multicultural wake of the 2004 attacks on Ma- zure in the courtroom Tuesday and was rushed to a phenomenon, and it’s spread- Queer Youth Anthology from the drid’s train system. hospital. The judge adjourned the case for the day, ing,” says Joan Bertin, executive school library at Rancocas Val- “Passenger rail was targeted,” but it will resume today. director of the National Coali- ley Regional High School in Kulm said. “We took a look at uFRESNO, Calif. — A vast toxic waste dump at tion Against Censorship, a New Students support: Stockton High senior Dakota Burlington County, N.J. The the security of our system and the center of a birth-defects controversy was fined York-based group. Freeze, 17, opposes the ban of the book. ACLU of New Jersey requested made a decision to prohibit all more than $300,000 for allowing cancer-causing More high schools are offer- documentation from school of- weapons.” chemicals to leach into the soil at Kettleman Hills ing Advanced Placement or similar hon- For a map of book bans ficials regarding how the decision was Unlike air travel, Amtrak does landfill, the Environmental Protection Agency said. ors courses, in part to help students earn across the USA, visit us made. not screen all its passengers be- The dump’s parent company, Waste Management, college credit and to give them a leg up in at Such controversies make headlines, fore they board trains. The train said monitoring confirmed small concentrations of college admissions. Nearly 12,500 U.S. which helps the library association and service has other systems in PCBs, a now-banned transformer fluid, but they high schools offered Advanced Placement English literature other anti-censorship groups track book bans. John, who place, including canine teams “did not present any risk to public health.” this year, up 30% since 2000, and the number of students has been studying book bans since 1993, suggests many li- that can sniff out explosives and taking the national exam is up 86%. brary books simply disappear from circulation. random baggage screening, By Melanie Eversley with staff and wire reports This year, high schools in Hillsborough County, Fla., Eas- “It’s more prevalent than people think,” she says. Kulm said. ton, Pa., and Franklin Township, Ind., were asked to review “We do have a robust security Please recycle books being read in Advanced Placement English courses. Tang reports for the Springfield (Mo.) News-Leader program,” he said.