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        PRODUCTO                    CAS         EINECS      Beilstein   FEMA   COE
   2,3,5-Trimetil pirazina        14667-55-1   238-712-0      2423      3244    735
 2,3,5,6-Tetrametil pirazina      1124-11-4    214-391-2     113100     3237    734
      Acetaldehído 50%             75-07-0     200-836-8     505984     2003    89
          Acetanisol               100-06-1    202-815-9     742313     2005    570
    Acetato cis-3-hexenilo        3681-71-8    222-960-1    1721854     3171    644
      Acetato de amilo             628-63-7    211-047-3    1744753             211
      Acetato de anisilo           104-21-2    203-185-8                2098    209
     Acetato de bencilo            140-11-4    205-399-7    1908121     2135    204
      Acetato de butilo            123-86-4    204-658-1    1741921     2174    194
    Acetato de cedrenilo          1405-92-1    215-789-9
      Acetato de cedrilo           77-54-3     201-036-1    2052432             527
     Acetato de cinamilo           103-54-8    203-121-9    2046000     2293    208
    Acetato de citronelilo         150-84-5    205-775-0    1723886     2311    202
     Acetato de estiralilo         93-92-5     202-288-5    1908635     2684    573
       Acetato de etilo            141-78-6    205-500-4     506104     2414    191
     Acetato de fenchilo          13851-11-1   237-588-5                3390   11769
     Acetato de geranilo           105-87-3    203-341-5    1722815     2509    201
     Acetato de guayilo           61789-17-1   94333-88-7
      Acetato de hexilo            142-92-7    205-572-7    1747138     2565    196
    Acetato de iso amilo           123-92-2    204-662-3    1744750     2055    214
    Acetato de iso bornilo         125-12-2    204-727-6                2160   2066
      Acetato de linalilo          115-95-7    204-116-4    1724500     2636    203
    Acetato de mentanilo          58985-18-5   261-543-9
     Acetato de mentilo            89-48-5     201-911-8                2668    206
      Acetato de nerilo            141-12-8    205-459-2    1722814     2773   2061
      Acetato de nopilo            128-51-8    204-891-9
      Acetato de prenilo          1191-16-8    214-730-4    1746265     4202   11796
     Acetato de terpenilo          80-26-2     201-265-7    3198769     3047    205
      Acetato de verdilo          5413-60-5    226-501-6    1949487
Acetato dimetil bencil carbinol    151-05-3    205-781-3    1941670     2392   2077
        Acetil eugenol             93-28-7     202-235-6    1964745     2469    210
      Acetil iso eugenol           93-29-8     202-236-1                2470    220
       Acetil propionilo           600-14-6    209-984-8    1699638     2841   2039
        Acetofenona                98-86-2     202-708-7     605842     2009    138
Acetoin / Acetil metil carbinol    513-86-0    208-174-1     385636     2008    749
    Ácido 2-metil butírico         116-53-0    204-145-2    1720486     2695   2002
    Ácido acético glacial          64-19-7     200-580-7     506007     2006     2
        Ácido butírico             107-92-6    203-532-3     906770     2221     5
        Ácido cáprico              334-48-5    206-376-4    1754556     2364    11
       Ácido caprílico             124-07-2    204-677-5    1747180     2799    10
       Ácido capróico              142-62-1    205-550-7     773837     2559     9
Ácido iso butírico           79-31-2     201-195-7   635770    2222     6
         Ácido iso valérico           503-74-2    207-975-3   1098522   3102     8
           Ácido láctico              50-21-5     200-018-0   1209341   2611     4
           Ácido láurico              143-07-7    205-582-1   1099477   2614    12
          Ácido mirístico             544-63-8    208-875-2   508624    2764    16
         Ácido propiónico             79-09-4     201-176-3   506071    2924     3
          Ácido valérico              109-52-4    203-677-2   969454    3101     7
              Alcanfor                76-22-2     200-945-0   1907611   4513    140
          Alcohol amílico             71-41-0     200-752-1   1730975   2056    514
         Alcohol bencílico            100-51-6    202-859-9   878307    2137    58
          Alcohol butílico            71-36-3     200-751-6   969148    2178    52
           Alcohol C-06               111-27-3    203-852-3   969167    2567    53
           Alcohol C-08               111-87-5    203-917-6   1697461   2800    54
           Alcohol C-09               143-08-8    205-583-7   969213    2789    55
           Alcohol C-10               112-30-1    203-956-9   1735221   2365    73
         Alcohol cinámico             104-54-1    203-212-3   1903999   2294    65
       Alcohol etil 2-hexílico        104-76-7    203-234-3   1719280   3151   11763
    Alcohol etílico deodorizado       64-17-5     200-578-6   1718733   2419   11891
         Alcohol fenchílico          1632-73-1    216-639-5             2480    87
       Alcohol fenil propílico        122-97-4    204-587-6   1857542   2885    80
         Alcohol furfurílico          98-00-0     202-626-1   106291    2491   2023
        Alcohol iso amílico           123-51-3    204-633-5   1718835   2057    51
       Alcohol iso propílico          67-63-0     200-661-7   635639    2929
          Alcohol láurico             112-53-8    203-982-0   1738860   2617    56
      Aldehído amil cinámico          101-85-9    202-982-8   3127316   2065    79
         Aldehído anísico             123-11-5    204-602-6   471382    2670    103
          Aldehído C-06               66-25-1     200-624-5   506198    2557    96
          Aldehído C-08               124-13-0    204-683-8   1744086   2797    97
          Aldehído C-09               124-19-6    204-688-5   1236701   2782    114
          Aldehído C-10               112-31-2    203-957-4   1362530   2362    98
    Aldehído C-11 undecilénico        112-45-8    203-973-1   1746480   3095    122
     Aldehído C-11 undecílico         112-44-7    203-972-6   1753213   3092    121
       Aldehído C-12 láurico          112-54-9    203-983-6   1703917   2615    99
       Aldehído C-12 MNA              110-41-8    203-765-0   1758291   2749   2010
Aldehído C-14 / gama undecalactona    104-67-6    203-225-4    81943    3091    179
          Aldehído C-16               77-83-8     201-061-8    12299    2444   6002
 Aldehído C-18 / gama nonalactona     104-61-0    203-219-1             2781    178
        Aldehído ciclamen             103-95-7    203-161-7   2047689   2743    133
        Aldehído cinámico             104-55-2    203-213-9   1071571   2286    102
      Aldehído hexil cinámico         101-86-0    202-983-3             2569    129
       Aldehído hidratrópico          93-53-8     202-255-5   1905601   2886    126
       Aldehído paratolúico           104-87-0    203-246-9   385772    3068    115
         Alfa damascone              24720-09-0   246-430-4             4088   11053
            Alfa pineno               80-56-8     201-291-9   3194807   2902   2113
Alil amil glicolate     67634-00-8   266-803-5
  Almizcle ambretta        83-66-9     201-493-7   1889437          495
   Almizcle cetona         81-14-1     201-328-9   2062638
    Almizcle xilol         81-15-2     201-329-4   2015910
       Anethol            4180-23-8    224-052-0   636190    2086   183
Antranilato de dimetilo    85-91-6     201-642-6   607217    2718   756
 Antranilato de etilo      87-25-2     201-735-1   878874    2421   251
Antranilato de metilo      134-20-3    205-132-4   606965    2682   250
     Aphermate            25225-08-5   246-735-2
     Apple oliffac
       Aurantiol           89-43-0     201-908-1

      Bacdanol            28219-61-6   248-908-8
Bálsamo de copaiba        8013-97-6    232-288-0
  Bálsamo de Perú         8007-00-9    232-352-8             2117   298
    Benzaldehido           100-52-7    202-860-4   471223    2127   101
Benzoato de bencilo        120-51-4    204-402-9   2049280   2138   262
 Benzoato de hexilo       6789-88-4    229-856-5   2048117   3691   645
 Benzoato de metilo        93-58-3     202-259-7   1072099   2683   260
    Benzofenona            119-61-9    204-337-6   1238185   2134   166
     Beta pineno           127-91-3    204-872-5             2903   2114
         BHA              25013-16-5   246-563-8             2183
         BHT               128-37-0    204-881-4   1911640   2184
       Borneol             507-70-0    208-080-0             2157    64
  Butil butiril lactato   7492-70-8    231-326-3   1709603   2190   2107
  Butil iso valerato       109-19-3    203-654-7   1752803   2218   444
    Butiraldehido          123-72-8    204-646-6   506061    2219    91
  Butirato de amilo        540-18-1    208-739-2   1752307   2059   270
 Butirato de bencilo       103-37-7    203-105-0   2047625   2140   277
   Butirato de etilo       105-54-4    203-306-4   506331    2427   264
 Butirato de geranilo      106-29-6    203-381-3             2512   274
  Butirato de hexilo      2639-63-6    220-136-6   1754469   2568   271
Butirato de iso amilo      106-27-4    203-380-8             2060   282

       Canfeno             79-92-5     201-234-8             2229   2227
  Caprilato de amilo       638-25-5    211-328-0             2079   393
  Caprilato de etilo       106-32-1    203-385-5   1754470   2449   392
  Caproato de alilo        123-68-2    204-642-4             2032   2181
  Caproato de amilo        540-07-8    208-732-4   1760251   2074   315
  Caproato de etilo        123-66-0    204-640-3   1701293   2439   310
 Caproato de hexilo       6378-65-0    228-952-4   1762037   2572   316
      Cariofileno          87-44-5     201-746-1   2044564   2252   2118
Cedramber              19870-74-7   243-384-7
        Cedrenol              28231-03-0   248-917-7                    10189
         Cedrol                77-53-2     201-035-6   2206347   4503   10190
        Ciclotene              765-70-8    212-154-8   2076520   2700    758
  Cinamato de amilo           3487-99-8    222-478-1             2063    328
 Cinamato de bencilo           103-41-3    203-109-3   2051339   2142    331
   Cinamato de etilo           103-36-6    203-104-6   775541    2430    323
Cinamato de iso amilo         7779-65-9    231-931-2             2063    335
Cinamato de iso butilo         22-67-8     204-564-0             2193    327
     Cis-3-hexenol             928-96-1    213-192-8   1719712   2563    750
          Citral              5392-40-5    226-394-6   1721871   2303    109
         Citralva             5146-66-7    225-918-0
         Citratal             7492-66-2    231-323-7             2304    38
    Citrato de trietilo        77-93-0     201-070-7   1801199   3083   11762
        Citronelal             106-23-0    203-376-6   1720789   2307    110
     Citronelil nitrile       51566-62-2   257-288-8
        Citronelol             106-22-9    203-375-0   1721507   2309    59
       Coumarina               91-64-5     202-086-7   383644

   Delta decalactona           705-86-2    211-889-1   117520    2361    621
 Delta dodecalactona           713-95-1    211-932-4   1282749   2401    624
 Delta undecalactona           710-04-3    211-915-1   122724    3294    688
        Diacetilo              431-03-8    207-069-8   605398    2370    752
      Dibencil eter            103-50-4    203-118-2   1911156   2371   11856
      Dietil ftalato           84-66-2     201-550-6   1912500
     Dietil malonato           105-53-3    203-305-9   774687    2375   2106
     Dietil sebacato           110-40-7    203-764-5   1790779   2376    623
      Difenil óxido            101-84-8    202-981-2   1364620   3667   2201
   Dihidrocoumarina            119-84-6    204-354-9    4584     2381    535
    Dihidromircenol           18479-58-8   242-362-4   1840872
 Dimetil bencil carbinol       100-86-7    202-896-0   1855608   2393    84
Dimetil fenil etil carbinol    103-05-9    203-074-4   2076770   3629   10281
 Dimetil hidroquinona          150-78-7    205-771-9   774605    2386   2059
     Dimetil octanol           106-21-8    203-374-5   1719638   2391    75
   Dimetil resorcinol          151-10-0    205-783-4   878582    2385    189
     Dimetil sulfide           75-18-3     200-846-2   1696847   2746    483
         Dimetol              13254-34-7   236-244-1   1733525
       Dimircetol             25279-09-8   246-788-1
    Dipropilenglicol          25265-71-8   246-770-3   1698372

        Estragol               140-67-0    205-427-8   1099454   2411
       Eter de ron            8030-89-5    232-449-5             2996   11818
Eter oenántico            106-32-1    203-385-5   1754470   2449    392
   Etil 2 metil butirato      7452-79-1    231-225-4   1720887   2443    265
    Etil amil cetona           106-68-3    203-423-0   1700021   2803   2042
      Etil vainillina          121-32-4    204-464-7   1073761   2464    108
     Etilen brasilate          105-95-3    203-347-8   212344    3543   10571
       Eucaliptol              470-82-6    207-431-5   105109    2465    182
        Eugenol                97-53-0     202-589-1   1366759   2467    171
         Evernil              4707-47-5    225-193-0
        Exaltolide             106-02-5    203-354-6   143710    2840    181

   Fir balsam oliffac
         Fixolide             1506-02-1    216-133-4
      Fleuramone               137-03-1    205-273-1   2043445
   Formiato de amilo           638-49-3    211-340-6   1743363   2068    497
  Formiato de bencilo          104-57-4    203-214-4   2041319   2145    344
Formiato de citronelilo        105-85-1    203-338-9   1723215   2314    345
 Formiato de geranilo          105-86-2    203-339-4   1724191   2514    343
        Fructone              10/1/6413    229-114-0   130164    4477
         Furfural              98-01-1     202-627-7   105755    2489   2014
  Furfuril mercaptano          98-02-2     202-628-2   383594    2493   2202

 Galaxolide 50% DEP           1222-05-5    214-946-9
  Gama decalactona             706-14-9    211-892-8   117547    2360   2230
 Gama dodecalactona            5/7/2305    218-971-6   126680    2400   2240
  Gama heptalactona            105-21-5    203-279-9   109569    2539   2253
   Gama octalactona            104-50-7    203-208-1   111677    2796   2274
        Geraniol               106-24-1    203-377-1   1722456   2507    60
        Guayacol               90-05-1     201-964-7   508112    2532    173

        Hedione               24851-98-7   246-495-9             3408   10785
   Heptoato de alilo           142-19-8    205-527-1             2031    369
   Heptoato de etilo           106-30-9    203-382-9   1752311   2437    365
       Hercolin D             8050-15-5    232-476-2
    Hidroxicitronelal          107-75-5    203-518-7   1721290   2583    100

          Indol                120-72-9    204-420-7   107693    2593    560
       Ionona alfa             127-41-3    204-841-6   3197885   2594    141
      Ionona beta             14901-07-6   238-969-9   1909544   2595    142
       Iso borneol            10385-78-1   204-712-4             2158   2020
Iso butirato de fenil etilo    103-48-0    203-116-1   2330243   2862    302
Iso butirato de fenoxi etilo    103-60-6    203-127-1   2215248   2873   2089
      Iso ciclo citral         1335-66-6    215-638-7
        Iso e super            54464-57-2   259-174-3
       Iso eugenol              97-54-1     202-590-7   1909602   2468    172
       Iso jasmone             11050-62-7   234-273-4             3552   11786
    Iso valeraldehído           590-86-3    209-691-5   773692    2692    94
Iso valerianato de cinamilo     140-27-2    205-407-9             2302    454

        Jessemal               38285-49-3   253-863-2

     Lactato de etilo           97-64-3     202-598-0   1209448   2440    371
      Laevo carbona            6485-40-1    229-352-5   2206714   2249    146
     Laurato de etilo           106-33-2    203-386-0   1769671   2441    375
           Lilial               80-54-6     201-289-8   880140
         Linalool               78-70-6     201-134-4   1721488   2635    61
           Liral               31906-04-4   250-863-4   2046455

        Manzanate              39255-32-8   254-384-1             3488   10616
        Menthone               14073-97-3   201-941-1             2667   2035
          Mentol               2216-51-5    218-690-9   1902293   2665    63
    Metil 6-courmarina          92-48-8     202-158-8    4222     2699    579
    Metil acetofenona           122-00-9    204-514-8   606053    2677    156
     Metil amil cetona          110-43-0    203-767-1   1699063   2544    136
      Metil eugenol             93-15-2     202-223-0   1910871   2475    185
  Metil heptin carbonato        111-12-6    203-836-6   1756887   2729    481
    Metil hexil cetona          111-13-7    203-837-1   635843    2802    153
     Metil ionona alfa         7779-30-8    231-926-5             2711    143
    Metil ionona gama           127-51-5    204-846-3             2714    169
     Metil iso eugenol          93-16-3     202-224-6   880472    2476    186
    Metil naptil cetona         93-08-3     202-216-2   774965    2723    147
    Metil nonil cetona          112-12-9    203-937-5   1749573   3093    150
   Metil octin carbonato        111-80-8    203-909-2   1759870   2726    479
     Metil paracresol           104-93-8    203-253-7   1237336   2681    188
         Mirceno                123-35-3    204-622-5   1719990   2762   2197
  Miristato de iso propilo      110-27-0    203-751-4   1781127   3556    386

           Nerol                106-25-2    203-378-7   1722455   2770   2018
    Nerolina bromelia           93-18-5     202-226-7   2042397   2768   2058
    Nerolina yara yara          93-04-9     202-213-6   1859408   4704   4074
Óxido de rosas             16409-43-1   240-457-5   1680588   3236   2269
   Oxiphenylon / Frambinone         5471-51-2    226-806-4   776080    2588    755

            Patchone                 98-52-2     202-676-4   1902277
      Pelargonato de etilo           123-29-5    204-615-7   1759169   2447    388
          Propilenglicol             57-55-6     200-338-0   1340498   2940   2065
  Propionato de alil ciclo hexilo   2705-87-5    220-292-5   2254663   2026   2223
     Propionato de bencilo           122-63-4    204-559-3             2150    413
     Propionato de geranilo          105-90-8    203-344-1             2517    409
      Propionato de verdilo         68912-13-0   272-805-7

      Reinoide castoreum            8023-83-4    232-427-5             2261
     Resinoide benjui siam          9000-72-0    232-556-7             2133
        Resinoide elemi             8023-89-0    232-557-2             2407
      Resinoide galbanum            9000-24-2    232-532-6             2502
      Resinoide labdanum            8016-26-0    289-711-7             2608
         Resinoide mirra            9000-45-7    232-543-6             2765
Resinoide musgo de encino café
Resinoide musgo de encino verde     9000-50-4
      Resinoide olibanum             7/5/8050    232-474-1             2816
        Resinoide stirax            8046-19-3    232-458-4             3036
            Rosacetol                90-17-5     201-972-0   2270144

    Salicilato cis-3-hexenilo       65405-77-8   265-745-8                    10685
       Salicilato de amilo          2050-08-0    218-080-2   2577253           613
      Salicilato de bencilo          118-58-1    204-262-9   2115365   2151    436
       Salicilato de hexilo         6259-76-3    228-408-6   2453103          10695
       Salicilato de metilo          119-36-8    204-317-7   971516    2745    433
            Sandalore               65113-99-7   265-453-0
             Sandela                70955-71-4   275-062-7
             Sulfurol                137-00-8    205-272-6   114249    3204   11621

   Terpenos de hierbabuena          8008-79-5
       Terpenos de limón            68917-33-9
       Terpenos de menta            68608-35-5
      Terpenos de naranja           68647-72-3
     Terpenos de petitgrain         68917-61-3
            Terpineol               8000-41-7    232-282-8
           Terpinoleno               586-62-9    209-578-0   1851203   3046   2115
        Tetrahidrolinalool           78-69-3     260-912-1
        Trans-2-hexenal             6728-26-3    229-778-1   1699684   2560    748
Trans-2-hexenol              928-95-0    213-191-2   1719709     2562    69
               Triacetina                102-76-1    203-051-9   1792353     2007
                 Triplal                68039-49-6   268-264-1               4505
               Tween 20                 9005-64-5    500-018-3               2915

                Vainillina               121-33-5    204-465-2   472792      3107    107
          Valerianato de amilo          2173-56-0    218-528-7   1754427     2085    467
          Valerianato de etilo           539-82-2    208-726-1   1744680     2462    465
     Vanitrope / propenyl guaethol       94-86-0     202-370-0   2259898     2922    170
         Veltol plus / etil maltol      11/8/4940    225-582-5   1618110     3487    692
          Veltol simple / maltol         118-71-8    204-271-8   112169      2656    148
             Veratraldehído              120-14-9    204-373-2   473899      3109    106
                 Verdox                  88-41-5     201-828-7
                Vertenex                32210-23-4   250-954-9
                 Vertofix               32388-55-9   251-020-3


           PRODUCT NAME                   CAS        EINECS      Beilstein   FEMA   COE
          2-ethyl hexyl alcohol          104-76-7    203-234-3   1719280     3151   11763
          2-methyl butyric acid          116-53-0    204-145-2   1720486     2695   2002
        2,3,5-trimethyl pyrazine        14667-55-1   238-712-0     2423      3244    735
      2,3,5,6-tetramethyl pyrazine      1124-11-4    214-391-2   113100      3237    734
           6-methyl coumarin             92-48-8     202-158-8     4222      2699    579
              acetaldehyde               75-07-0     200-836-8   505984      2003    89
               acetanisole               100-06-1    202-815-9   742313      2005    570
     acetoin / acetyl methyl carbinol    513-86-0    208-174-1   385636      2008    749
             acetophenone                98-86-2     202-708-7   605842      2009    138
             acetyl eugenol              93-28-7     202-235-6   1964745     2469    210
            acetyl propionyl             600-14-6    209-984-8   1699638     2841   2039
      aldehyde C-11 undecylenic          112-45-8    203-973-1   1746480     3095    122
        aldehyde C-11 undecylic          112-44-7    203-972-6   1753213     3092    121
          aldehyde C-12 lauric           112-54-9    203-983-6   1703917     2615    99
          aldehyde C-12 mna              110-41-8    203-765-0   1758291     2749   2010
 aldehyde C-14 / gamma undecalactone     104-67-6    203-225-4    81943      3091    179
             aldehyde C-16               77-83-8     201-061-8    12299      2444   6002
  aldehyde C-18 / gamma nonalactone      104-61-0    203-219-1               2781    178
           allyl amyl glycolate         67634-00-8   266-803-5
       allyl caproate / hexanoate        123-68-2    204-642-4               2032   2181
       allyl cyclohexyl propionate      2705-87-5    220-292-5   2254663     2026   2223
            allyl heptanoate             142-19-8    205-527-1               2031    369
alpha damascone            24720-09-0   246-430-4             4088   11053
        alpha pinene              80-56-8     201-291-9   3194807   2902   2113
 alpha-amyl cinnamyl alcohol      101-85-9    202-982-8   3127316   2065    79
 alpha-hexyl cinnamaldehyde       101-86-0    202-983-3             2569    129
        alpha-ionone              127-41-3    204-841-6   3197885   2594    141
     alpha-methyl ionone         7779-30-8    231-926-5             2711    143
    alpha-terpinyl acetate        80-26-2     201-265-7   3198769   3047    205
        amyl acetate              628-63-7    211-047-3   1744753           211
         amyl alcohol             71-41-0     200-752-1   1730975   2056    514
        amyl butyrate             540-18-1    208-739-2   1752307   2059    270
  amyl caproate / hexanoate       540-07-8    208-732-4   1760251   2074    315
  amyl caprylate / octanoate      638-25-5    211-328-0             2079    393
       amyl cinnamate            3487-99-8    222-478-1             2063    328
        amyl formate              638-49-3    211-340-6   1743363   2068    497
       amyl salicylate           2050-08-0    218-080-2   2577253           613
        amyl valerate            2173-56-0    218-528-7   1754427   2085    467
           anethol               4180-23-8    224-052-0   636190    2086    183
        anisaldehyde              123-11-5    204-602-6   471382    2670    103
        anisyl acetate            104-21-2    203-185-8             2098    209
         aphermate               25225-08-5   246-735-2
         apple oliffac
           aurantiol              89-43-0     201-908-1

B H A butylated hydroxyanisole   25013-16-5   246-563-8             2183
B H T butylated hydroxytoluene    128-37-0    204-881-4   1911640   2184
          bacdanol               28219-61-6   248-908-8
        benzaldehyde              100-52-7    202-860-4   471223    2127    101
    benzoin resinoid siam        9000-72-0    232-556-7             2133
       benzophenone               119-61-9    204-337-6   1238185   2134    166
       Benzyl acetate             140-11-4    205-399-7   1908121   2135    204
        benzyl alcohol            100-51-6    202-859-9   878307    2137    58
       benzyl benzoate            120-51-4    204-402-9   2049280   2138    262
       benzyl butyrate            103-37-7    203-105-0   2047625   2140    277
      benzyl cinnamate            103-41-3    203-109-3   2051339   2142    331
       benzyl formate             104-57-4    203-214-4   2041319   2145    344
      benzyl propionate           122-63-4    204-559-3             2150    413
       benzyl salicylate          118-58-1    204-262-9   2115365   2151    436
         beta-ionone             14901-07-6   238-969-9   1909544   2595    142
         beta-pinene              127-91-3    204-872-5             2903   2114
           borneol                507-70-0    208-080-0             2157    64
        butyl acetate             123-86-4    204-658-1   1741921   2174    194
         butyl alcohol            71-36-3     200-751-6   969148    2178    52
     butyl butyryl lactate       7492-70-8    231-326-3   1709603   2190   2107
butyl iso valerate             109-19-3    203-654-7   1752803   2218    444
         butyraldehyde                123-72-8    204-646-6   506061    2219    91
          butyric acid                107-92-6    203-532-3   906770    2221     5

           camphene                   79-92-5     201-234-8             2229   2227
            camphor                   76-22-2     200-945-0   1907611   4513    140
    capric / decanoic acid            334-48-5    206-376-4   1754556   2364    11
    caproic / hexanoic acid           142-62-1    205-550-7   773837    2559     9
    caprylic / octanoic acid          124-07-2    204-677-5   1747180   2799    10
         caryophyllene                87-44-5     201-746-1   2044564   2252   2118
      castoreum resinoid             8023-83-4    232-427-5             2261
cedramber / cedrol methyl ether      19870-74-7   243-384-7
            cedrenol                 28231-03-0   248-917-7                    10189
       cedrenyl acetate              1405-92-1    215-789-9
             cedrol                   77-53-2     201-035-6   2206347   4503   10190
         cedryl acetate               77-54-3     201-036-1   2052432           527
       cinnamaldehyde                 104-55-2    203-213-9   1071571   2286    102
       cinnamyl acetate               103-54-8    203-121-9   2046000   2293    208
       cinnamyl alcohol               104-54-1    203-212-3   1903999   2294    65
     cinnamyl isovalerate             140-27-2    205-407-9             2302    454
         cis-3-hexenol                928-96-1    213-192-8   1719712   2563    750
    cis-3-Hexenyl acetate            3681-71-8    222-960-1   1721854   3171    644
    cis-3-hexenyl salicylate         65405-77-8   265-745-8                    10685
              citral                 5392-40-5    226-394-6   1721871   2303    109
    citralva / geranyl nitrile       5146-66-7    225-918-0
 citrathal / citral diethyl acetal   7492-66-2    231-323-7             2304    38
           citronellal                106-23-0    203-376-6   1720789   2307    110
           citronellol                106-22-9    203-375-0   1721507   2309    59
       citronellyl acetate            150-84-5    205-775-0   1723886   2311    202
       citronellyl formate            105-85-1    203-338-9   1723215   2314    345
        citronellyl nitrile          51566-62-2   257-288-8
      copaiba balsam oil             8013-97-6    232-288-0
     cornmint oil terpenes           68608-35-5
            coumarin                  91-64-5     202-086-7   383644
      cyclamen aldehyde               103-95-7    203-161-7   2047689   2743    133
           cyclotene                  765-70-8    212-154-8   2076520   2700    758

   decanal / aldehyde C-10            112-31-2    203-957-4   1362530   2362    98
    decanol / alcohol C-10            112-30-1    203-956-9   1735221   2365    73
       delta-decalactone              705-86-2    211-889-1   117520    2361    621
     delta-dodecalactone              713-95-1    211-932-4   1282749   2401    624
     delta-undecalactone              710-04-3    211-915-1   122724    3294    688
diacetyl                431-03-8    207-069-8   605398    2370    752
         dibenzyl ether             103-50-4    203-118-2   1911156   2371   11856
       diethyl malonate             105-53-3    203-305-9   774687    2375   2106
       diethyl phthalate            84-66-2     201-550-6   1912500
       diethyl sebacate             110-40-7    203-764-5   1790779   2376    623
       dihydrocoumarin              119-84-6    204-354-9    4584     2381    535
       dihydromyrcenol             18479-58-8   242-362-4   1840872
   dihydromyrcenyl formate         25279-09-8   246-788-1
  dimethol / freesia heptanol      13254-34-7   236-244-1   1733525
     dimethyl anthranilate          85-91-6     201-642-6   607217    2718    756
   dimethyl benzyl carbinol         100-86-7    202-896-0   1855608   2393    84
dimethyl benzyl carbinyl acetate    151-05-3    205-781-3   1941670   2392   2077
    dimethyl hydroquinone           150-78-7    205-771-9   774605    2386   2059
       dimethyl octanol             106-21-8    203-374-5   1719638   2391    75
 dimethyl phenyl ethyl carbinol     103-05-9    203-074-4   2076770   3629   10281
      dimethyl resorcinol           151-10-0    205-783-4   878582    2385    189
        dimethyl sulfide            75-18-3     200-846-2   1696847   2746    483
         diphenyl oxide             101-84-8    202-981-2   1364620   3667   2201
       dipropylene glycol          25265-71-8   246-770-3   1698372

         elemi resinoid            8023-89-0    232-557-2             2407
           estragole                140-67-0    205-427-8   1099454   2411
    ethyl 2-methyl butyrate        7452-79-1    231-225-4   1720887   2443    265
         ethyl acetate              141-78-6    205-500-4   506104    2414    191
     ethyl alcohol / ethanol        64-17-5     200-578-6   1718733   2419   11891
ethyl amyl ketone / 3-octanone      106-68-3    203-423-0   1700021   2803   2042
       ethyl anthranilate           87-25-2     201-735-1   878874    2421    251
         ethyl butyrate             105-54-4    203-306-4   506331    2427    264
  ethyl caproate / hexanoate        123-66-0    204-640-3   1701293   2439    310
  ethyl caprylate / octanoate       106-32-1    203-385-5   1754470   2449    392
        ethyl cinnamate             103-36-6    203-104-6   775541    2430    323
       ethyl heptanoate             106-30-9    203-382-9   1752311   2437    365
          ethyl lactate             97-64-3     202-598-0   1209448   2440    371
          ethyl laurate             106-33-2    203-386-0   1769671   2441    375
    ethyl maltol / veltol plus     11/8/4940    225-582-5   1618110   3487    692
       ethyl pelargonate            123-29-5    204-615-7   1759169   2447    388
         ethyl valerate             539-82-2    208-726-1   1744680   2462    465
          ethyl vanillin            121-32-4    204-464-7   1073761   2464    108
      ethylene brassylate           105-95-3    203-347-8   212344    3543   10571
           eucalyptol               470-82-6    207-431-5   105109    2465    182
            eugenol                 97-53-0     202-589-1   1366759   2467    171
      evernyl / veramoss           4707-47-5    225-193-0
           exaltolide               106-02-5    203-354-6   143710    2840    181
fenchyl acetate              13851-11-1   237-588-5              3390   11769
          fenchyl alcohol              1632-73-1    216-639-5              2480    87
          fir balsam oliffac
               fixolide                1506-02-1    216-133-4
fleuramone / 2-heptyl cyclopentanone    137-03-1    205-273-1    2043445
       fructone / apple ketal          10/1/6413    229-114-0    130164    4477
               furfural                 98-01-1     202-627-7    105755    2489   2014
          furfuryl alcohol              98-00-0     202-626-1    106291    2491   2023
         furfuryl mercaptan             98-02-2     202-628-2    383594    2493   2202

        galaxolide 50% DEP             1222-05-5    214-946-9
         galbanum resinoid             9000-24-2    232-532-6              2502
        gamma-decalactone               706-14-9    211-892-8    117547    2360   2230
       gamma-dodecalactone              5/7/2305    218-971-6    126680    2400   2240
       gamma-heptalactone               105-21-5    203-279-9    109569    2539   2253
       gamma-methyl ionone              127-51-5    204-846-3              2714    169
        gamma-octalactone               104-50-7    203-208-1    111677    2796   2274
              geraniol                  106-24-1    203-377-1    1722456   2507    60
          geranyl acetate               105-87-3    203-341-5    1722815   2509    201
          geranyl butyrate              106-29-6    203-381-3              2512    274
          geranyl formate               105-86-2    203-339-4    1724191   2514    343
         geranyl propionate             105-90-8    203-344-1              2517    409
         glacial acetic acid            64-19-7     200-580-7    506007    2006     2
              guaiacol                  90-05-1     201-964-7    508112    2532    173
       guaiacwood acetates             61789-17-1   94333-88-7

 hedione / methyl dihydrojasmonate     24851-98-7   246-495-9              3408   10785
             hercolyn D                8050-15-5    232-476-2
      hexanal / aldehyde C-06           66-25-1     200-624-5    506198    2557    96
       hexanol / alcohol C-06           111-27-3    203-852-3    969167    2567    53
           hexyl acetate                142-92-7    205-572-7    1747138   2565    196
          hexyl benzoate               6789-88-4    229-856-5    2048117   3691    645
           hexyl butyrate              2639-63-6    220-136-6    1754469   2568    271
     hexyl caproate / hexanoate        6378-65-0    228-952-4    1762037   2572    316
          hexyl salicylate             6259-76-3    228-408-6    2453103          10695
        hydratropic aldehyde            93-53-8     202-255-5    1905601   2886    126
         hydroxycitronellal             107-75-5    203-518-7    1721290   2583    100

               indole                   120-72-9    204-420-7    107693    2593    560
            iso borneol                10385-78-1   204-712-4              2158   2020
iso e super               54464-57-2   259-174-3
       iso eugenyl acetate            93-29-8     202-236-1             2470    220
         isoamyl acetate              123-92-2    204-662-3   1744750   2055    214
         isoamyl alcohol              123-51-3    204-633-5   1718835   2057    51
        isoamyl butyrate              106-27-4    203-380-8             2060    282
       isoamyl cinnamate             7779-65-9    231-931-2             2063    335
        isobornyl acetate             125-12-2    204-727-6             2160   2066
       isobutyl cinnamate             22-67-8     204-564-0             2193    327
         isobutyric acid              79-31-2     201-195-7   635770    2222     6
          isocyclocitral             1335-66-6    215-638-7
           isoeugenol                 97-54-1     202-590-7   1909602   2468    172
           isojasmone                11050-62-7   234-273-4             3552   11786
        isopropyl alcohol             67-63-0     200-661-7   635639    2929
       isopropyl myristate            110-27-0    203-751-4   1781127   3556    386
        isovaleraldehyde              590-86-3    209-691-5   773692    2692    94
         isovaleric acid              503-74-2    207-975-3   1098522   3102     8

            jessemal                 38285-49-3   253-863-2

       labdanum resinoid             8016-26-0    289-711-7             2608
            lactic acid               50-21-5     200-018-0   1209341   2611     4
          laevo-carvone              6485-40-1    229-352-5   2206714   2249    146
           lauric acid                143-07-7    205-582-1   1099477   2614    12
          lauric alcohol              112-53-8    203-982-0   1738860   2617    56
       lemon oil terpenes            68917-33-9
               lilial                 80-54-6     201-289-8   880140
             linalool                 78-70-6     201-134-4   1721488   2635    61
          linalyl acetate             115-95-7    204-116-4   1724500   2636    203
               lyral                 31906-04-4   250-863-4   2046455

      maltol / veltol simple          118-71-8    204-271-8   112169    2656    148
   manzanate / melon valerate        39255-32-8   254-384-1             3488   10616
menthanyl/ dihydroterpinyl acetate   58985-18-5   261-543-9
             menthol                 2216-51-5    218-690-9   1902293   2665    63
            menthone                 14073-97-3   201-941-1             2667   2035
         menthyl acetate              89-48-5     201-911-8             2668    206
      methyl acetophenone             122-00-9    204-514-8   606053    2677    156
       methyl anthranilate            134-20-3    205-132-4   606965    2682    250
        methyl benzoate               93-58-3     202-259-7   1072099   2683    260
methyl ethyl ketone / 2-heptanone     110-43-0    203-767-1   1699063   2544    136
         methyl eugenol               93-15-2     202-223-0   1910871   2475    185
methyl heptine carbonate         111-12-6    203-836-6   1756887   2729    481
 methyl hexyl ketone / 2-octanone     111-13-7    203-837-1   635843    2802    153
        methyl isoeugenol             93-16-3     202-224-6   880472    2476    186
methyl nonyl ketone / 2-undecanone    112-12-9    203-937-5   1749573   3093    150
     methyl octine carbonate          111-80-8    203-909-2   1759870   2726    479
         methyl salicylate            119-36-8    204-317-7   971516    2745    433
          musk ambrette               83-66-9     201-493-7   1889437           495
           musk ketone                81-14-1     201-328-9   2062638
            musk xylol                81-15-2     201-329-4   2015910
             myrcene                  123-35-3    204-622-5   1719990   2762   2197
           myristic acid              544-63-8    208-875-2   508624    2764    16
          myrrh resinoid             9000-45-7    232-543-6             2765

      naphthyl methyl ketone          93-08-3     202-216-2   774965    2723    147
               nerol                  106-25-2    203-378-7   1722455   2770   2018
         nerolin bromelia             93-18-5     202-226-7   2042397   2768   2058
         nerolin yara yara            93-04-9     202-213-6   1859408   4704   4074
           neryl acetate              141-12-8    205-459-2   1722814   2773   2061
     nonanal / aldehyde C-09          124-19-6    204-688-5   1236701   2782    114
      nonanol / alcohol C-09          143-08-8    205-583-7   969213    2789    55
          nopyl acetate               128-51-8    204-891-9

        oakmoss resinoid             9000-50-4
     octanal / aldehyde C-08          124-13-0    204-683-8   1744086   2797    97
      octanol / alcohol C-08          111-87-5    203-917-6   1697461   2800    54
         oenanthic ether              106-32-1    203-385-5   1754470   2449    392
        olibanum resinoid             7/5/8050    232-474-1             2816
        orange oil terpenes          68647-72-3

     para-cresol methyl ether         104-93-8    203-253-7   1237336   2681    188
        para-tolualdehyde             104-87-0    203-246-9   385772    3068    115
            patchone                  98-52-2     202-676-4   1902277
         peru balsam oil             8007-00-9    232-352-8             2117    298
      petitgrain oil terpenes        68917-61-3
     phenoxy ethyl isobutyrate        103-60-6    203-127-1   2215248   2873   2089
     phenyl ethyl isobutyrate         103-48-0    203-116-1   2330243   2862    302
       phenyl propyl alcohol          122-97-4    204-587-6   1857542   2885    80
          polysorbate 20             9005-64-5    500-018-3             2915
          prenyl acetate             1191-16-8    214-730-4   1746265   4202   11796
         propylene glycol             57-55-6     200-338-0   1340498   2940   2065
raspberry ketone / oxyphenylon    5471-51-2    226-806-4   776080    2588    755
         rose acetate              90-17-5     201-972-0   2270144
          rose oxide              16409-43-1   240-457-5   1680588   3236   2269
          rum ether               8030-89-5    232-449-5             2996   11818

 sandalore / sandal pentanol      65113-99-7   265-453-0
           sandela                70955-71-4   275-062-7
    spearmint oil terpenes        8008-79-5
       styrallyl acetate           93-92-5     202-288-5   1908635   2684    573
       styrax resinoid            8046-19-3    232-458-4             3036
           sulfurol                137-00-8    205-272-6   114249    3204   11621

           terpineol              8000-41-7    232-282-8
         terpinolene               586-62-9    209-578-0   1851203   3046   2115
      tetrahydrolinalool           78-69-3     260-912-1
      trans-2-hexenal             6728-26-3    229-778-1   1699684   2560    748
       trans-2-hexenol             928-95-0    213-191-2   1719709   2562    69
           triacetin               102-76-1    203-051-9   1792353   2007
        triethyl citrate           77-93-0     201-070-7   1801199   3083   11762
            triplal               68039-49-6   268-264-1             4505

         valeric acid              109-52-4    203-677-2   969454    3101     7
            vanillin               121-33-5    204-465-2   472792    3107    107
 vanitrope / propenyl guaethol     94-86-0     202-370-0   2259898   2922    170
        veratraldehyde             120-14-9    204-373-2   473899    3109    106
    verdox / green acetate         88-41-5     201-828-7
        verdyl acetate            5413-60-5    226-501-6   1949487
 verdyl propionate / cyclaprop    68912-13-0   272-805-7
   vertenex / woody acetate       32210-23-4   250-954-9
vertofix / methyl cedryl ketone   32388-55-9   251-020-3

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Químocs aromáticos

  • 1. QUÍMICOS AROMÁTICOS PRODUCTO CAS EINECS Beilstein FEMA COE 2,3,5-Trimetil pirazina 14667-55-1 238-712-0 2423 3244 735 2,3,5,6-Tetrametil pirazina 1124-11-4 214-391-2 113100 3237 734 Acetaldehído 50% 75-07-0 200-836-8 505984 2003 89 Acetanisol 100-06-1 202-815-9 742313 2005 570 Acetato cis-3-hexenilo 3681-71-8 222-960-1 1721854 3171 644 Acetato de amilo 628-63-7 211-047-3 1744753 211 Acetato de anisilo 104-21-2 203-185-8 2098 209 Acetato de bencilo 140-11-4 205-399-7 1908121 2135 204 Acetato de butilo 123-86-4 204-658-1 1741921 2174 194 Acetato de cedrenilo 1405-92-1 215-789-9 Acetato de cedrilo 77-54-3 201-036-1 2052432 527 Acetato de cinamilo 103-54-8 203-121-9 2046000 2293 208 Acetato de citronelilo 150-84-5 205-775-0 1723886 2311 202 Acetato de estiralilo 93-92-5 202-288-5 1908635 2684 573 Acetato de etilo 141-78-6 205-500-4 506104 2414 191 Acetato de fenchilo 13851-11-1 237-588-5 3390 11769 Acetato de geranilo 105-87-3 203-341-5 1722815 2509 201 Acetato de guayilo 61789-17-1 94333-88-7 Acetato de hexilo 142-92-7 205-572-7 1747138 2565 196 Acetato de iso amilo 123-92-2 204-662-3 1744750 2055 214 Acetato de iso bornilo 125-12-2 204-727-6 2160 2066 Acetato de linalilo 115-95-7 204-116-4 1724500 2636 203 Acetato de mentanilo 58985-18-5 261-543-9 Acetato de mentilo 89-48-5 201-911-8 2668 206 Acetato de nerilo 141-12-8 205-459-2 1722814 2773 2061 Acetato de nopilo 128-51-8 204-891-9 Acetato de prenilo 1191-16-8 214-730-4 1746265 4202 11796 Acetato de terpenilo 80-26-2 201-265-7 3198769 3047 205 Acetato de verdilo 5413-60-5 226-501-6 1949487 Acetato dimetil bencil carbinol 151-05-3 205-781-3 1941670 2392 2077 Acetil eugenol 93-28-7 202-235-6 1964745 2469 210 Acetil iso eugenol 93-29-8 202-236-1 2470 220 Acetil propionilo 600-14-6 209-984-8 1699638 2841 2039 Acetofenona 98-86-2 202-708-7 605842 2009 138 Acetoin / Acetil metil carbinol 513-86-0 208-174-1 385636 2008 749 Ácido 2-metil butírico 116-53-0 204-145-2 1720486 2695 2002 Ácido acético glacial 64-19-7 200-580-7 506007 2006 2 Ácido butírico 107-92-6 203-532-3 906770 2221 5 Ácido cáprico 334-48-5 206-376-4 1754556 2364 11 Ácido caprílico 124-07-2 204-677-5 1747180 2799 10 Ácido capróico 142-62-1 205-550-7 773837 2559 9
  • 2. Ácido iso butírico 79-31-2 201-195-7 635770 2222 6 Ácido iso valérico 503-74-2 207-975-3 1098522 3102 8 Ácido láctico 50-21-5 200-018-0 1209341 2611 4 Ácido láurico 143-07-7 205-582-1 1099477 2614 12 Ácido mirístico 544-63-8 208-875-2 508624 2764 16 Ácido propiónico 79-09-4 201-176-3 506071 2924 3 Ácido valérico 109-52-4 203-677-2 969454 3101 7 Alcanfor 76-22-2 200-945-0 1907611 4513 140 Alcohol amílico 71-41-0 200-752-1 1730975 2056 514 Alcohol bencílico 100-51-6 202-859-9 878307 2137 58 Alcohol butílico 71-36-3 200-751-6 969148 2178 52 Alcohol C-06 111-27-3 203-852-3 969167 2567 53 Alcohol C-08 111-87-5 203-917-6 1697461 2800 54 Alcohol C-09 143-08-8 205-583-7 969213 2789 55 Alcohol C-10 112-30-1 203-956-9 1735221 2365 73 Alcohol cinámico 104-54-1 203-212-3 1903999 2294 65 Alcohol etil 2-hexílico 104-76-7 203-234-3 1719280 3151 11763 Alcohol etílico deodorizado 64-17-5 200-578-6 1718733 2419 11891 Alcohol fenchílico 1632-73-1 216-639-5 2480 87 Alcohol fenil propílico 122-97-4 204-587-6 1857542 2885 80 Alcohol furfurílico 98-00-0 202-626-1 106291 2491 2023 Alcohol iso amílico 123-51-3 204-633-5 1718835 2057 51 Alcohol iso propílico 67-63-0 200-661-7 635639 2929 Alcohol láurico 112-53-8 203-982-0 1738860 2617 56 Aldehído amil cinámico 101-85-9 202-982-8 3127316 2065 79 Aldehído anísico 123-11-5 204-602-6 471382 2670 103 Aldehído C-06 66-25-1 200-624-5 506198 2557 96 Aldehído C-08 124-13-0 204-683-8 1744086 2797 97 Aldehído C-09 124-19-6 204-688-5 1236701 2782 114 Aldehído C-10 112-31-2 203-957-4 1362530 2362 98 Aldehído C-11 undecilénico 112-45-8 203-973-1 1746480 3095 122 Aldehído C-11 undecílico 112-44-7 203-972-6 1753213 3092 121 Aldehído C-12 láurico 112-54-9 203-983-6 1703917 2615 99 Aldehído C-12 MNA 110-41-8 203-765-0 1758291 2749 2010 Aldehído C-14 / gama undecalactona 104-67-6 203-225-4 81943 3091 179 Aldehído C-16 77-83-8 201-061-8 12299 2444 6002 Aldehído C-18 / gama nonalactona 104-61-0 203-219-1 2781 178 Aldehído ciclamen 103-95-7 203-161-7 2047689 2743 133 Aldehído cinámico 104-55-2 203-213-9 1071571 2286 102 Aldehído hexil cinámico 101-86-0 202-983-3 2569 129 Aldehído hidratrópico 93-53-8 202-255-5 1905601 2886 126 Aldehído paratolúico 104-87-0 203-246-9 385772 3068 115 Alfa damascone 24720-09-0 246-430-4 4088 11053 Alfa pineno 80-56-8 201-291-9 3194807 2902 2113
  • 3. Alil amil glicolate 67634-00-8 266-803-5 Almizcle ambretta 83-66-9 201-493-7 1889437 495 Almizcle cetona 81-14-1 201-328-9 2062638 Almizcle xilol 81-15-2 201-329-4 2015910 Anethol 4180-23-8 224-052-0 636190 2086 183 Antranilato de dimetilo 85-91-6 201-642-6 607217 2718 756 Antranilato de etilo 87-25-2 201-735-1 878874 2421 251 Antranilato de metilo 134-20-3 205-132-4 606965 2682 250 Aphermate 25225-08-5 246-735-2 Apple oliffac Aurantiol 89-43-0 201-908-1 Bacdanol 28219-61-6 248-908-8 Bálsamo de copaiba 8013-97-6 232-288-0 Bálsamo de Perú 8007-00-9 232-352-8 2117 298 Benzaldehido 100-52-7 202-860-4 471223 2127 101 Benzoato de bencilo 120-51-4 204-402-9 2049280 2138 262 Benzoato de hexilo 6789-88-4 229-856-5 2048117 3691 645 Benzoato de metilo 93-58-3 202-259-7 1072099 2683 260 Benzofenona 119-61-9 204-337-6 1238185 2134 166 Beta pineno 127-91-3 204-872-5 2903 2114 BHA 25013-16-5 246-563-8 2183 BHT 128-37-0 204-881-4 1911640 2184 Borneol 507-70-0 208-080-0 2157 64 Butil butiril lactato 7492-70-8 231-326-3 1709603 2190 2107 Butil iso valerato 109-19-3 203-654-7 1752803 2218 444 Butiraldehido 123-72-8 204-646-6 506061 2219 91 Butirato de amilo 540-18-1 208-739-2 1752307 2059 270 Butirato de bencilo 103-37-7 203-105-0 2047625 2140 277 Butirato de etilo 105-54-4 203-306-4 506331 2427 264 Butirato de geranilo 106-29-6 203-381-3 2512 274 Butirato de hexilo 2639-63-6 220-136-6 1754469 2568 271 Butirato de iso amilo 106-27-4 203-380-8 2060 282 Canfeno 79-92-5 201-234-8 2229 2227 Caprilato de amilo 638-25-5 211-328-0 2079 393 Caprilato de etilo 106-32-1 203-385-5 1754470 2449 392 Caproato de alilo 123-68-2 204-642-4 2032 2181 Caproato de amilo 540-07-8 208-732-4 1760251 2074 315 Caproato de etilo 123-66-0 204-640-3 1701293 2439 310 Caproato de hexilo 6378-65-0 228-952-4 1762037 2572 316 Cariofileno 87-44-5 201-746-1 2044564 2252 2118
  • 4. Cedramber 19870-74-7 243-384-7 Cedrenol 28231-03-0 248-917-7 10189 Cedrol 77-53-2 201-035-6 2206347 4503 10190 Ciclotene 765-70-8 212-154-8 2076520 2700 758 Cinamato de amilo 3487-99-8 222-478-1 2063 328 Cinamato de bencilo 103-41-3 203-109-3 2051339 2142 331 Cinamato de etilo 103-36-6 203-104-6 775541 2430 323 Cinamato de iso amilo 7779-65-9 231-931-2 2063 335 Cinamato de iso butilo 22-67-8 204-564-0 2193 327 Cis-3-hexenol 928-96-1 213-192-8 1719712 2563 750 Citral 5392-40-5 226-394-6 1721871 2303 109 Citralva 5146-66-7 225-918-0 Citratal 7492-66-2 231-323-7 2304 38 Citrato de trietilo 77-93-0 201-070-7 1801199 3083 11762 Citronelal 106-23-0 203-376-6 1720789 2307 110 Citronelil nitrile 51566-62-2 257-288-8 Citronelol 106-22-9 203-375-0 1721507 2309 59 Coumarina 91-64-5 202-086-7 383644 Delta decalactona 705-86-2 211-889-1 117520 2361 621 Delta dodecalactona 713-95-1 211-932-4 1282749 2401 624 Delta undecalactona 710-04-3 211-915-1 122724 3294 688 Diacetilo 431-03-8 207-069-8 605398 2370 752 Dibencil eter 103-50-4 203-118-2 1911156 2371 11856 Dietil ftalato 84-66-2 201-550-6 1912500 Dietil malonato 105-53-3 203-305-9 774687 2375 2106 Dietil sebacato 110-40-7 203-764-5 1790779 2376 623 Difenil óxido 101-84-8 202-981-2 1364620 3667 2201 Dihidrocoumarina 119-84-6 204-354-9 4584 2381 535 Dihidromircenol 18479-58-8 242-362-4 1840872 Dimetil bencil carbinol 100-86-7 202-896-0 1855608 2393 84 Dimetil fenil etil carbinol 103-05-9 203-074-4 2076770 3629 10281 Dimetil hidroquinona 150-78-7 205-771-9 774605 2386 2059 Dimetil octanol 106-21-8 203-374-5 1719638 2391 75 Dimetil resorcinol 151-10-0 205-783-4 878582 2385 189 Dimetil sulfide 75-18-3 200-846-2 1696847 2746 483 Dimetol 13254-34-7 236-244-1 1733525 Dimircetol 25279-09-8 246-788-1 Dipropilenglicol 25265-71-8 246-770-3 1698372 Estragol 140-67-0 205-427-8 1099454 2411 Eter de ron 8030-89-5 232-449-5 2996 11818
  • 5. Eter oenántico 106-32-1 203-385-5 1754470 2449 392 Etil 2 metil butirato 7452-79-1 231-225-4 1720887 2443 265 Etil amil cetona 106-68-3 203-423-0 1700021 2803 2042 Etil vainillina 121-32-4 204-464-7 1073761 2464 108 Etilen brasilate 105-95-3 203-347-8 212344 3543 10571 Eucaliptol 470-82-6 207-431-5 105109 2465 182 Eugenol 97-53-0 202-589-1 1366759 2467 171 Evernil 4707-47-5 225-193-0 Exaltolide 106-02-5 203-354-6 143710 2840 181 Fir balsam oliffac Fixolide 1506-02-1 216-133-4 Fleuramone 137-03-1 205-273-1 2043445 Formiato de amilo 638-49-3 211-340-6 1743363 2068 497 Formiato de bencilo 104-57-4 203-214-4 2041319 2145 344 Formiato de citronelilo 105-85-1 203-338-9 1723215 2314 345 Formiato de geranilo 105-86-2 203-339-4 1724191 2514 343 Fructone 10/1/6413 229-114-0 130164 4477 Furfural 98-01-1 202-627-7 105755 2489 2014 Furfuril mercaptano 98-02-2 202-628-2 383594 2493 2202 Galaxolide 50% DEP 1222-05-5 214-946-9 Gama decalactona 706-14-9 211-892-8 117547 2360 2230 Gama dodecalactona 5/7/2305 218-971-6 126680 2400 2240 Gama heptalactona 105-21-5 203-279-9 109569 2539 2253 Gama octalactona 104-50-7 203-208-1 111677 2796 2274 Geraniol 106-24-1 203-377-1 1722456 2507 60 Guayacol 90-05-1 201-964-7 508112 2532 173 Hedione 24851-98-7 246-495-9 3408 10785 Heliotropex Heptoato de alilo 142-19-8 205-527-1 2031 369 Heptoato de etilo 106-30-9 203-382-9 1752311 2437 365 Hercolin D 8050-15-5 232-476-2 Hidroxicitronelal 107-75-5 203-518-7 1721290 2583 100 Indol 120-72-9 204-420-7 107693 2593 560 Ionona alfa 127-41-3 204-841-6 3197885 2594 141 Ionona beta 14901-07-6 238-969-9 1909544 2595 142 Iso borneol 10385-78-1 204-712-4 2158 2020 Iso butirato de fenil etilo 103-48-0 203-116-1 2330243 2862 302
  • 6. Iso butirato de fenoxi etilo 103-60-6 203-127-1 2215248 2873 2089 Iso ciclo citral 1335-66-6 215-638-7 Iso e super 54464-57-2 259-174-3 Iso eugenol 97-54-1 202-590-7 1909602 2468 172 Iso jasmone 11050-62-7 234-273-4 3552 11786 Iso valeraldehído 590-86-3 209-691-5 773692 2692 94 Iso valerianato de cinamilo 140-27-2 205-407-9 2302 454 Jessemal 38285-49-3 253-863-2 Lactato de etilo 97-64-3 202-598-0 1209448 2440 371 Laevo carbona 6485-40-1 229-352-5 2206714 2249 146 Laurato de etilo 106-33-2 203-386-0 1769671 2441 375 Lilial 80-54-6 201-289-8 880140 Linalool 78-70-6 201-134-4 1721488 2635 61 Liral 31906-04-4 250-863-4 2046455 Manzanate 39255-32-8 254-384-1 3488 10616 Menthone 14073-97-3 201-941-1 2667 2035 Mentol 2216-51-5 218-690-9 1902293 2665 63 Metil 6-courmarina 92-48-8 202-158-8 4222 2699 579 Metil acetofenona 122-00-9 204-514-8 606053 2677 156 Metil amil cetona 110-43-0 203-767-1 1699063 2544 136 Metil eugenol 93-15-2 202-223-0 1910871 2475 185 Metil heptin carbonato 111-12-6 203-836-6 1756887 2729 481 Metil hexil cetona 111-13-7 203-837-1 635843 2802 153 Metil ionona alfa 7779-30-8 231-926-5 2711 143 Metil ionona gama 127-51-5 204-846-3 2714 169 Metil iso eugenol 93-16-3 202-224-6 880472 2476 186 Metil naptil cetona 93-08-3 202-216-2 774965 2723 147 Metil nonil cetona 112-12-9 203-937-5 1749573 3093 150 Metil octin carbonato 111-80-8 203-909-2 1759870 2726 479 Metil paracresol 104-93-8 203-253-7 1237336 2681 188 Mirceno 123-35-3 204-622-5 1719990 2762 2197 Miristato de iso propilo 110-27-0 203-751-4 1781127 3556 386 Nerol 106-25-2 203-378-7 1722455 2770 2018 Nerolina bromelia 93-18-5 202-226-7 2042397 2768 2058 Nerolina yara yara 93-04-9 202-213-6 1859408 4704 4074
  • 7. Óxido de rosas 16409-43-1 240-457-5 1680588 3236 2269 Oxiphenylon / Frambinone 5471-51-2 226-806-4 776080 2588 755 Patchone 98-52-2 202-676-4 1902277 Pelargonato de etilo 123-29-5 204-615-7 1759169 2447 388 Propilenglicol 57-55-6 200-338-0 1340498 2940 2065 Propionato de alil ciclo hexilo 2705-87-5 220-292-5 2254663 2026 2223 Propionato de bencilo 122-63-4 204-559-3 2150 413 Propionato de geranilo 105-90-8 203-344-1 2517 409 Propionato de verdilo 68912-13-0 272-805-7 Reinoide castoreum 8023-83-4 232-427-5 2261 Resinoide benjui siam 9000-72-0 232-556-7 2133 Resinoide elemi 8023-89-0 232-557-2 2407 Resinoide galbanum 9000-24-2 232-532-6 2502 Resinoide labdanum 8016-26-0 289-711-7 2608 Resinoide mirra 9000-45-7 232-543-6 2765 Resinoide musgo de encino café Resinoide musgo de encino verde 9000-50-4 Resinoide olibanum 7/5/8050 232-474-1 2816 Resinoide stirax 8046-19-3 232-458-4 3036 Rosacetol 90-17-5 201-972-0 2270144 Salicilato cis-3-hexenilo 65405-77-8 265-745-8 10685 Salicilato de amilo 2050-08-0 218-080-2 2577253 613 Salicilato de bencilo 118-58-1 204-262-9 2115365 2151 436 Salicilato de hexilo 6259-76-3 228-408-6 2453103 10695 Salicilato de metilo 119-36-8 204-317-7 971516 2745 433 Sandalore 65113-99-7 265-453-0 Sandela 70955-71-4 275-062-7 Sulfurol 137-00-8 205-272-6 114249 3204 11621 Terpenos de hierbabuena 8008-79-5 Terpenos de limón 68917-33-9 Terpenos de menta 68608-35-5 Terpenos de naranja 68647-72-3 Terpenos de petitgrain 68917-61-3 Terpineol 8000-41-7 232-282-8 Terpinoleno 586-62-9 209-578-0 1851203 3046 2115 Tetrahidrolinalool 78-69-3 260-912-1 Trans-2-hexenal 6728-26-3 229-778-1 1699684 2560 748
  • 8. Trans-2-hexenol 928-95-0 213-191-2 1719709 2562 69 Triacetina 102-76-1 203-051-9 1792353 2007 Triplal 68039-49-6 268-264-1 4505 Tween 20 9005-64-5 500-018-3 2915 Vainillina 121-33-5 204-465-2 472792 3107 107 Valerianato de amilo 2173-56-0 218-528-7 1754427 2085 467 Valerianato de etilo 539-82-2 208-726-1 1744680 2462 465 Vanitrope / propenyl guaethol 94-86-0 202-370-0 2259898 2922 170 Veltol plus / etil maltol 11/8/4940 225-582-5 1618110 3487 692 Veltol simple / maltol 118-71-8 204-271-8 112169 2656 148 Veratraldehído 120-14-9 204-373-2 473899 3109 106 Verdox 88-41-5 201-828-7 Vertenex 32210-23-4 250-954-9 Vertofix 32388-55-9 251-020-3 AROMA CHEMICALS PRODUCT NAME CAS EINECS Beilstein FEMA COE 2-ethyl hexyl alcohol 104-76-7 203-234-3 1719280 3151 11763 2-methyl butyric acid 116-53-0 204-145-2 1720486 2695 2002 2,3,5-trimethyl pyrazine 14667-55-1 238-712-0 2423 3244 735 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl pyrazine 1124-11-4 214-391-2 113100 3237 734 6-methyl coumarin 92-48-8 202-158-8 4222 2699 579 acetaldehyde 75-07-0 200-836-8 505984 2003 89 acetanisole 100-06-1 202-815-9 742313 2005 570 acetoin / acetyl methyl carbinol 513-86-0 208-174-1 385636 2008 749 acetophenone 98-86-2 202-708-7 605842 2009 138 acetyl eugenol 93-28-7 202-235-6 1964745 2469 210 acetyl propionyl 600-14-6 209-984-8 1699638 2841 2039 aldehyde C-11 undecylenic 112-45-8 203-973-1 1746480 3095 122 aldehyde C-11 undecylic 112-44-7 203-972-6 1753213 3092 121 aldehyde C-12 lauric 112-54-9 203-983-6 1703917 2615 99 aldehyde C-12 mna 110-41-8 203-765-0 1758291 2749 2010 aldehyde C-14 / gamma undecalactone 104-67-6 203-225-4 81943 3091 179 aldehyde C-16 77-83-8 201-061-8 12299 2444 6002 aldehyde C-18 / gamma nonalactone 104-61-0 203-219-1 2781 178 allyl amyl glycolate 67634-00-8 266-803-5 allyl caproate / hexanoate 123-68-2 204-642-4 2032 2181 allyl cyclohexyl propionate 2705-87-5 220-292-5 2254663 2026 2223 allyl heptanoate 142-19-8 205-527-1 2031 369
  • 9. alpha damascone 24720-09-0 246-430-4 4088 11053 alpha pinene 80-56-8 201-291-9 3194807 2902 2113 alpha-amyl cinnamyl alcohol 101-85-9 202-982-8 3127316 2065 79 alpha-hexyl cinnamaldehyde 101-86-0 202-983-3 2569 129 alpha-ionone 127-41-3 204-841-6 3197885 2594 141 alpha-methyl ionone 7779-30-8 231-926-5 2711 143 alpha-terpinyl acetate 80-26-2 201-265-7 3198769 3047 205 amyl acetate 628-63-7 211-047-3 1744753 211 amyl alcohol 71-41-0 200-752-1 1730975 2056 514 amyl butyrate 540-18-1 208-739-2 1752307 2059 270 amyl caproate / hexanoate 540-07-8 208-732-4 1760251 2074 315 amyl caprylate / octanoate 638-25-5 211-328-0 2079 393 amyl cinnamate 3487-99-8 222-478-1 2063 328 amyl formate 638-49-3 211-340-6 1743363 2068 497 amyl salicylate 2050-08-0 218-080-2 2577253 613 amyl valerate 2173-56-0 218-528-7 1754427 2085 467 anethol 4180-23-8 224-052-0 636190 2086 183 anisaldehyde 123-11-5 204-602-6 471382 2670 103 anisyl acetate 104-21-2 203-185-8 2098 209 aphermate 25225-08-5 246-735-2 apple oliffac aurantiol 89-43-0 201-908-1 B H A butylated hydroxyanisole 25013-16-5 246-563-8 2183 B H T butylated hydroxytoluene 128-37-0 204-881-4 1911640 2184 bacdanol 28219-61-6 248-908-8 benzaldehyde 100-52-7 202-860-4 471223 2127 101 benzoin resinoid siam 9000-72-0 232-556-7 2133 benzophenone 119-61-9 204-337-6 1238185 2134 166 Benzyl acetate 140-11-4 205-399-7 1908121 2135 204 benzyl alcohol 100-51-6 202-859-9 878307 2137 58 benzyl benzoate 120-51-4 204-402-9 2049280 2138 262 benzyl butyrate 103-37-7 203-105-0 2047625 2140 277 benzyl cinnamate 103-41-3 203-109-3 2051339 2142 331 benzyl formate 104-57-4 203-214-4 2041319 2145 344 benzyl propionate 122-63-4 204-559-3 2150 413 benzyl salicylate 118-58-1 204-262-9 2115365 2151 436 beta-ionone 14901-07-6 238-969-9 1909544 2595 142 beta-pinene 127-91-3 204-872-5 2903 2114 borneol 507-70-0 208-080-0 2157 64 butyl acetate 123-86-4 204-658-1 1741921 2174 194 butyl alcohol 71-36-3 200-751-6 969148 2178 52 butyl butyryl lactate 7492-70-8 231-326-3 1709603 2190 2107
  • 10. butyl iso valerate 109-19-3 203-654-7 1752803 2218 444 butyraldehyde 123-72-8 204-646-6 506061 2219 91 butyric acid 107-92-6 203-532-3 906770 2221 5 camphene 79-92-5 201-234-8 2229 2227 camphor 76-22-2 200-945-0 1907611 4513 140 capric / decanoic acid 334-48-5 206-376-4 1754556 2364 11 caproic / hexanoic acid 142-62-1 205-550-7 773837 2559 9 caprylic / octanoic acid 124-07-2 204-677-5 1747180 2799 10 caryophyllene 87-44-5 201-746-1 2044564 2252 2118 castoreum resinoid 8023-83-4 232-427-5 2261 cedramber / cedrol methyl ether 19870-74-7 243-384-7 cedrenol 28231-03-0 248-917-7 10189 cedrenyl acetate 1405-92-1 215-789-9 cedrol 77-53-2 201-035-6 2206347 4503 10190 cedryl acetate 77-54-3 201-036-1 2052432 527 cinnamaldehyde 104-55-2 203-213-9 1071571 2286 102 cinnamyl acetate 103-54-8 203-121-9 2046000 2293 208 cinnamyl alcohol 104-54-1 203-212-3 1903999 2294 65 cinnamyl isovalerate 140-27-2 205-407-9 2302 454 cis-3-hexenol 928-96-1 213-192-8 1719712 2563 750 cis-3-Hexenyl acetate 3681-71-8 222-960-1 1721854 3171 644 cis-3-hexenyl salicylate 65405-77-8 265-745-8 10685 citral 5392-40-5 226-394-6 1721871 2303 109 citralva / geranyl nitrile 5146-66-7 225-918-0 citrathal / citral diethyl acetal 7492-66-2 231-323-7 2304 38 citronellal 106-23-0 203-376-6 1720789 2307 110 citronellol 106-22-9 203-375-0 1721507 2309 59 citronellyl acetate 150-84-5 205-775-0 1723886 2311 202 citronellyl formate 105-85-1 203-338-9 1723215 2314 345 citronellyl nitrile 51566-62-2 257-288-8 copaiba balsam oil 8013-97-6 232-288-0 cornmint oil terpenes 68608-35-5 coumarin 91-64-5 202-086-7 383644 cyclamen aldehyde 103-95-7 203-161-7 2047689 2743 133 cyclotene 765-70-8 212-154-8 2076520 2700 758 decanal / aldehyde C-10 112-31-2 203-957-4 1362530 2362 98 decanol / alcohol C-10 112-30-1 203-956-9 1735221 2365 73 delta-decalactone 705-86-2 211-889-1 117520 2361 621 delta-dodecalactone 713-95-1 211-932-4 1282749 2401 624 delta-undecalactone 710-04-3 211-915-1 122724 3294 688
  • 11. diacetyl 431-03-8 207-069-8 605398 2370 752 dibenzyl ether 103-50-4 203-118-2 1911156 2371 11856 diethyl malonate 105-53-3 203-305-9 774687 2375 2106 diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 201-550-6 1912500 diethyl sebacate 110-40-7 203-764-5 1790779 2376 623 dihydrocoumarin 119-84-6 204-354-9 4584 2381 535 dihydromyrcenol 18479-58-8 242-362-4 1840872 dihydromyrcenyl formate 25279-09-8 246-788-1 dimethol / freesia heptanol 13254-34-7 236-244-1 1733525 dimethyl anthranilate 85-91-6 201-642-6 607217 2718 756 dimethyl benzyl carbinol 100-86-7 202-896-0 1855608 2393 84 dimethyl benzyl carbinyl acetate 151-05-3 205-781-3 1941670 2392 2077 dimethyl hydroquinone 150-78-7 205-771-9 774605 2386 2059 dimethyl octanol 106-21-8 203-374-5 1719638 2391 75 dimethyl phenyl ethyl carbinol 103-05-9 203-074-4 2076770 3629 10281 dimethyl resorcinol 151-10-0 205-783-4 878582 2385 189 dimethyl sulfide 75-18-3 200-846-2 1696847 2746 483 diphenyl oxide 101-84-8 202-981-2 1364620 3667 2201 dipropylene glycol 25265-71-8 246-770-3 1698372 elemi resinoid 8023-89-0 232-557-2 2407 estragole 140-67-0 205-427-8 1099454 2411 ethyl 2-methyl butyrate 7452-79-1 231-225-4 1720887 2443 265 ethyl acetate 141-78-6 205-500-4 506104 2414 191 ethyl alcohol / ethanol 64-17-5 200-578-6 1718733 2419 11891 ethyl amyl ketone / 3-octanone 106-68-3 203-423-0 1700021 2803 2042 ethyl anthranilate 87-25-2 201-735-1 878874 2421 251 ethyl butyrate 105-54-4 203-306-4 506331 2427 264 ethyl caproate / hexanoate 123-66-0 204-640-3 1701293 2439 310 ethyl caprylate / octanoate 106-32-1 203-385-5 1754470 2449 392 ethyl cinnamate 103-36-6 203-104-6 775541 2430 323 ethyl heptanoate 106-30-9 203-382-9 1752311 2437 365 ethyl lactate 97-64-3 202-598-0 1209448 2440 371 ethyl laurate 106-33-2 203-386-0 1769671 2441 375 ethyl maltol / veltol plus 11/8/4940 225-582-5 1618110 3487 692 ethyl pelargonate 123-29-5 204-615-7 1759169 2447 388 ethyl valerate 539-82-2 208-726-1 1744680 2462 465 ethyl vanillin 121-32-4 204-464-7 1073761 2464 108 ethylene brassylate 105-95-3 203-347-8 212344 3543 10571 eucalyptol 470-82-6 207-431-5 105109 2465 182 eugenol 97-53-0 202-589-1 1366759 2467 171 evernyl / veramoss 4707-47-5 225-193-0 exaltolide 106-02-5 203-354-6 143710 2840 181
  • 12. fenchyl acetate 13851-11-1 237-588-5 3390 11769 fenchyl alcohol 1632-73-1 216-639-5 2480 87 fir balsam oliffac fixolide 1506-02-1 216-133-4 fleuramone / 2-heptyl cyclopentanone 137-03-1 205-273-1 2043445 fructone / apple ketal 10/1/6413 229-114-0 130164 4477 furfural 98-01-1 202-627-7 105755 2489 2014 furfuryl alcohol 98-00-0 202-626-1 106291 2491 2023 furfuryl mercaptan 98-02-2 202-628-2 383594 2493 2202 galaxolide 50% DEP 1222-05-5 214-946-9 galbanum resinoid 9000-24-2 232-532-6 2502 gamma-decalactone 706-14-9 211-892-8 117547 2360 2230 gamma-dodecalactone 5/7/2305 218-971-6 126680 2400 2240 gamma-heptalactone 105-21-5 203-279-9 109569 2539 2253 gamma-methyl ionone 127-51-5 204-846-3 2714 169 gamma-octalactone 104-50-7 203-208-1 111677 2796 2274 geraniol 106-24-1 203-377-1 1722456 2507 60 geranyl acetate 105-87-3 203-341-5 1722815 2509 201 geranyl butyrate 106-29-6 203-381-3 2512 274 geranyl formate 105-86-2 203-339-4 1724191 2514 343 geranyl propionate 105-90-8 203-344-1 2517 409 glacial acetic acid 64-19-7 200-580-7 506007 2006 2 guaiacol 90-05-1 201-964-7 508112 2532 173 guaiacwood acetates 61789-17-1 94333-88-7 hedione / methyl dihydrojasmonate 24851-98-7 246-495-9 3408 10785 hercolyn D 8050-15-5 232-476-2 hexanal / aldehyde C-06 66-25-1 200-624-5 506198 2557 96 hexanol / alcohol C-06 111-27-3 203-852-3 969167 2567 53 hexyl acetate 142-92-7 205-572-7 1747138 2565 196 hexyl benzoate 6789-88-4 229-856-5 2048117 3691 645 hexyl butyrate 2639-63-6 220-136-6 1754469 2568 271 hexyl caproate / hexanoate 6378-65-0 228-952-4 1762037 2572 316 hexyl salicylate 6259-76-3 228-408-6 2453103 10695 hydratropic aldehyde 93-53-8 202-255-5 1905601 2886 126 hydroxycitronellal 107-75-5 203-518-7 1721290 2583 100 indole 120-72-9 204-420-7 107693 2593 560 iso borneol 10385-78-1 204-712-4 2158 2020
  • 13. iso e super 54464-57-2 259-174-3 iso eugenyl acetate 93-29-8 202-236-1 2470 220 isoamyl acetate 123-92-2 204-662-3 1744750 2055 214 isoamyl alcohol 123-51-3 204-633-5 1718835 2057 51 isoamyl butyrate 106-27-4 203-380-8 2060 282 isoamyl cinnamate 7779-65-9 231-931-2 2063 335 isobornyl acetate 125-12-2 204-727-6 2160 2066 isobutyl cinnamate 22-67-8 204-564-0 2193 327 isobutyric acid 79-31-2 201-195-7 635770 2222 6 isocyclocitral 1335-66-6 215-638-7 isoeugenol 97-54-1 202-590-7 1909602 2468 172 isojasmone 11050-62-7 234-273-4 3552 11786 isopropyl alcohol 67-63-0 200-661-7 635639 2929 isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 203-751-4 1781127 3556 386 isovaleraldehyde 590-86-3 209-691-5 773692 2692 94 isovaleric acid 503-74-2 207-975-3 1098522 3102 8 jessemal 38285-49-3 253-863-2 labdanum resinoid 8016-26-0 289-711-7 2608 lactic acid 50-21-5 200-018-0 1209341 2611 4 laevo-carvone 6485-40-1 229-352-5 2206714 2249 146 lauric acid 143-07-7 205-582-1 1099477 2614 12 lauric alcohol 112-53-8 203-982-0 1738860 2617 56 lemon oil terpenes 68917-33-9 lilial 80-54-6 201-289-8 880140 linalool 78-70-6 201-134-4 1721488 2635 61 linalyl acetate 115-95-7 204-116-4 1724500 2636 203 lyral 31906-04-4 250-863-4 2046455 maltol / veltol simple 118-71-8 204-271-8 112169 2656 148 manzanate / melon valerate 39255-32-8 254-384-1 3488 10616 menthanyl/ dihydroterpinyl acetate 58985-18-5 261-543-9 menthol 2216-51-5 218-690-9 1902293 2665 63 menthone 14073-97-3 201-941-1 2667 2035 menthyl acetate 89-48-5 201-911-8 2668 206 methyl acetophenone 122-00-9 204-514-8 606053 2677 156 methyl anthranilate 134-20-3 205-132-4 606965 2682 250 methyl benzoate 93-58-3 202-259-7 1072099 2683 260 methyl ethyl ketone / 2-heptanone 110-43-0 203-767-1 1699063 2544 136 methyl eugenol 93-15-2 202-223-0 1910871 2475 185
  • 14. methyl heptine carbonate 111-12-6 203-836-6 1756887 2729 481 methyl hexyl ketone / 2-octanone 111-13-7 203-837-1 635843 2802 153 methyl isoeugenol 93-16-3 202-224-6 880472 2476 186 methyl nonyl ketone / 2-undecanone 112-12-9 203-937-5 1749573 3093 150 methyl octine carbonate 111-80-8 203-909-2 1759870 2726 479 methyl salicylate 119-36-8 204-317-7 971516 2745 433 musk ambrette 83-66-9 201-493-7 1889437 495 musk ketone 81-14-1 201-328-9 2062638 musk xylol 81-15-2 201-329-4 2015910 myrcene 123-35-3 204-622-5 1719990 2762 2197 myristic acid 544-63-8 208-875-2 508624 2764 16 myrrh resinoid 9000-45-7 232-543-6 2765 naphthyl methyl ketone 93-08-3 202-216-2 774965 2723 147 nerol 106-25-2 203-378-7 1722455 2770 2018 nerolin bromelia 93-18-5 202-226-7 2042397 2768 2058 nerolin yara yara 93-04-9 202-213-6 1859408 4704 4074 neryl acetate 141-12-8 205-459-2 1722814 2773 2061 nonanal / aldehyde C-09 124-19-6 204-688-5 1236701 2782 114 nonanol / alcohol C-09 143-08-8 205-583-7 969213 2789 55 nopyl acetate 128-51-8 204-891-9 oakmoss resinoid 9000-50-4 octanal / aldehyde C-08 124-13-0 204-683-8 1744086 2797 97 octanol / alcohol C-08 111-87-5 203-917-6 1697461 2800 54 oenanthic ether 106-32-1 203-385-5 1754470 2449 392 olibanum resinoid 7/5/8050 232-474-1 2816 orange oil terpenes 68647-72-3 para-cresol methyl ether 104-93-8 203-253-7 1237336 2681 188 para-tolualdehyde 104-87-0 203-246-9 385772 3068 115 patchone 98-52-2 202-676-4 1902277 peru balsam oil 8007-00-9 232-352-8 2117 298 petitgrain oil terpenes 68917-61-3 phenoxy ethyl isobutyrate 103-60-6 203-127-1 2215248 2873 2089 phenyl ethyl isobutyrate 103-48-0 203-116-1 2330243 2862 302 phenyl propyl alcohol 122-97-4 204-587-6 1857542 2885 80 polysorbate 20 9005-64-5 500-018-3 2915 prenyl acetate 1191-16-8 214-730-4 1746265 4202 11796 propylene glycol 57-55-6 200-338-0 1340498 2940 2065
  • 15. raspberry ketone / oxyphenylon 5471-51-2 226-806-4 776080 2588 755 rose acetate 90-17-5 201-972-0 2270144 rose oxide 16409-43-1 240-457-5 1680588 3236 2269 rum ether 8030-89-5 232-449-5 2996 11818 sandalore / sandal pentanol 65113-99-7 265-453-0 sandela 70955-71-4 275-062-7 spearmint oil terpenes 8008-79-5 styrallyl acetate 93-92-5 202-288-5 1908635 2684 573 styrax resinoid 8046-19-3 232-458-4 3036 sulfurol 137-00-8 205-272-6 114249 3204 11621 terpineol 8000-41-7 232-282-8 terpinolene 586-62-9 209-578-0 1851203 3046 2115 tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 260-912-1 trans-2-hexenal 6728-26-3 229-778-1 1699684 2560 748 trans-2-hexenol 928-95-0 213-191-2 1719709 2562 69 triacetin 102-76-1 203-051-9 1792353 2007 triethyl citrate 77-93-0 201-070-7 1801199 3083 11762 triplal 68039-49-6 268-264-1 4505 valeric acid 109-52-4 203-677-2 969454 3101 7 vanillin 121-33-5 204-465-2 472792 3107 107 vanitrope / propenyl guaethol 94-86-0 202-370-0 2259898 2922 170 veratraldehyde 120-14-9 204-373-2 473899 3109 106 verdox / green acetate 88-41-5 201-828-7 verdyl acetate 5413-60-5 226-501-6 1949487 verdyl propionate / cyclaprop 68912-13-0 272-805-7 vertenex / woody acetate 32210-23-4 250-954-9 vertofix / methyl cedryl ketone 32388-55-9 251-020-3