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Question N°1:
Nikola Tesla teaches us that if we want to find the secrets of the universe, we must
think in terms of energies, frequencies and vibrations.
What do you think ?
Every object that surrounds you vibrates at a certain frequency.
Each person around you vibrates at a certain frequency according to the energy
they release.
A sad person will have a lower energy than a child who laughs heartily for example.
Love has a frequency (528Hz) much greater than fear or hate (19Hz).
Every emotion you feel vibrates at a certain frequency.
Do you know Masaru Emoto's immense discovery ?
M.Masaru Emoto discovered that the simple fact of saying the word "I love you" transforms the observed water
under the microscope into a magnificent snowflake like here:
Conversely the word hate or I will kill you gives this:
But this is also possible by thinking, even by simply writing the word on a label and sticking it on a glass jar
containing food gives results:
And we are made up of 70% water.
You can not imagine the impact you have on yourself by having Positive
Or by distributing compliments around you ..
Quartz crystals, simple stone?
ANSWER QUESTION N°3 (Thank you Little Grandmother Kiesha)
The most powerful computer in the world runs on a small fragment of quartz crystal.
How is that possible?
Technology already uses them because they create their own energy.
They hold a frequency and retransmit this frequency or this information.
This small quartz disk can store 360TB of data forever.
The researchers say the data are stable up to 13.8 billion years at temperatures up to 190
degrees Celsius.
We created technology to preserve documents and information and store them in space for
future generations.
This technology can provide the last proof of our civilization: everything we have learned will not
be forgotten.
Energy is in everything around us, you are filled with energy, crystals are energy and they create
their own energies. This is fantastic.
Crystals exist in every particle of water on this planet.
You have so many particles of water in you that you are made to 70% water and each particle
contains crystals.
Imagine, if you take all the molecules of water from your unique body, and propagate them, you
could cover the entire planet.
Think about how many crystals you have in the body .. And what it can contain and what they
can do ... Because these crystals can communicate with each other, we can have something
miraculous. Not only do they communicate with each other, but they can contain as much
information, love, and gratitude as you want to give.
So just by holding a crystal of quartz, speaking of gratitude, speaking of love, making it feel the
love that you have in you, this crystal begins to contain it. The most important thing is the
emotion, the feeling, at this moment, you put a lot of energies into it. Once this is done, the
crystal will emanate this information, this energy.
Example: If you pray that mother earth be healed, put your love for it in a crystal and put that
crystal back in a river. Each crystal of water of this river will receive this prayer, this energy.
In relation to the water cycle, the water evaporates thereafter, and the rain falls on earth, upon
us ... and your prayers also. Program a crystal to instantly remove any harmful elements,
toxicity, purify the water and put it in a jug of water and then drink it ...
Simply brilliant.
Man is connected to earth ... by a frequency?
Man is connected to Earth ...
At the beginning of space exploration, when astronauts returned from their missions, they all
had serious health problems.
Indeed, when they were flying outside the Ionosphere, they lacked this vital frequency of 7.8
To solve this major problem, artificial Schumann wave generators were installed on board space
vessels. NASA, on this subject, has multiplied the studies and proved that if someone is locked in
a bunker totally magnetically isolated, serious health problems occur quickly accompanied by
completely anarchic heart rhythms.
As soon as pulsations of 7.8 Hertz are emitted inside, immediately the conditions stabilize.
It should be noted that many heart problems occur during electromagnetic storms on Earth;
They are due to the perturbations of these RS waves or Schumann waves.
Recall that all biological processes function as a function of the interactions of the
electromagnetic field.
These EM fields form the link between the world of shapes and resonance patterns; They store
configurations and information models.
Finally, the bridge that connects the resonances of the solar system and the cerebral frequencies
is located in the helix of human DNA ... Thus the low frequency Isoelectric field of the Earth, the
earth's magnetic field and the electrostatic field that emanate from our bodies are closely
intertwined; Our internal rhythms interact with the external rhythms affecting our balance.
Do you know the experience of the Hundredth Monkey Effect?
The hundredth monkey is an expression describing a phenomenon by which a new learned
behaviour is spread from a small group of monkeys to the entire population of monkeys of the
same species, once a certain number of them have acquired the new behaviour.
Monkey children learnt to clean inedible potatoes that were covered in sand by washing them in
the sea.
One after another they learnt this technique.
The extraordinary phenomenon is that this new behaviour was transmitted from one island to
another without any possible interaction of the monkeys given the kilometers of sea separating
Each species is interconnected.
The beautiful TV programs, the beautiful TV that you have
in your living room, do you often watch it?
Using your new knowledge, that is to say that the spoken / thought words affect you and your environment, THAT
ALL is ENERGY, that the earth and man are connected, that a part of a species that Thinks the same thing
collectively, can transmit it to the rest of the individuals of the same species without interactions.
A TV program is called a PROGRAM, which is instilled in you ... FEAR, HATE, VIOLENCE, STUPIDITY, DEPRESSING
NEWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS, is the daily dose distributed, without judgment on my part, it is a fact!
THEREFORE YOU ARE BOMBARDED WITH LOW FREQUENCIES, energy harmful to your well being that affects you on
a daily basis.
This affects you as an individual, but also our whole species.
We vibrate at the same frequency as the earth, therefore what we do to ourselves we do to it as well.
It is not THAT surprising, you are attached, you are kept in low frequencies.
The same applies to radio.
Morality: If it is not good for you, do not listen to it.
The purpose of this being to keep you unconscious.
Do you think other things can change your
That decreases:
Among other things, alcohol, tobacco, drugs. To have a negative idea of ​​oneself, to
feel guilty. Let someone else affect us negatively. FEAR, HATE, VIOLENCE,ETC
That increases :
Forgiving, loving, meditation, essence of flowers, grounding (walking barefoot),
fulvic acid, burning sage, Solfeggio frequencies, Rhodiola rosea, AFFIRMATIONS
Unconditional love, I am at peace, I love myself, I am intelligent etc ... your crystals
will receive this information), VISUALIZATIONS (imagine the world of your dreams),
nature (forest walks), music.
Our history that is taught in school is it truthful ..?
All around the earth, there are pyramids buried on each continent, the states do
not subsidize and do not allow excavations.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sam Semir Osmanagic discovered pyramids dating back
to 12000 BC, in the town of Visoko, the CONCRETE that covers it is much
better than we can make today.
He continues the excavations in spite of the attempts of prohibition on the part of
the traditional archaeological community which does not authorize the excavations
to find a pyramid, because there never was, I quote, a pharaoh in Bosnia ...
HISTORY, that is to say HIS STORY.
The story is written by the victors. Research a little on the internet, there are many
obvious sites where it is forbidden to search on the authorities' instructions.
Here in China, it is the tree that hides the forest… Rather well concealed, right?
Close your eyes ... well finish reading the question, imagine that you have
no arms, imagine that you have no legs, no mouth, nose, eyes ... go on...
What are you ?
ANSWER QUESTION N°9 (Source: Dolores Cannon)
Scientific proof is to do 1000 times the same experiment and get the same result every
Dolores Cannon has hypnotized thousands of people and ALL have had previous lives as
human, animal, insect, tree etc. ...
They are alive, they have a soul, before you have been human, you have been a tree, a
stone, a bird, a bee, a fly, etc.
You have to be all this before being a human being.
We are the guardians.
To say to a flower that you thank her for her beauty, you give her your energy. And
anyway ... flowers are REALLY BEAUTIFUL!
Thank a tree for helping you live. This is only fair.
We are ONE, all living beings come from the same source.
We are ONE divided in the flesh.
A mind is like a parachute, it does not work if it is not open.
The eye sees only what the mind is ready to understand.
Some people like to live in black and white worlds. Let them stay there. Enjoy for
yourself all the colors you see in your world.
It is never too late to give up your prejudices ...
If a duck and a duck have a baby the baby will be a ...?
If a god and a goddess have a child the child will be a …?
You have two parents.
Let me make it simple, god (or however you want to call it) and mother earth are in you.
Without both, you could not live.
All religions are man made.
We were tricked to believe that we were cut off from the "SOURCE" ( as I call him ), that he was
an old gentleman on his cloud, cut off from us.
That earth mother was a big rock floating in space ... she is alive, she is conscious, she has a soul
just like you.
So you are son / daughter of god and mother earth.
We all have that particle of light, that soul, that spark of the divine, our essence that all living
beings have ... the same light that unites us all ... our connection to the whole.
He lives in you.
You have much more power over your life than you think.
I share only my knowledge, you are free to choose your own religion, your
beliefs, your god.
I love Jesus as much as Allah, Buddha, Abraham, etc.
They are all LOVE, why limit yourselves to choosing?
We do not need a religion to love each other.
You create your own reality ...?
You create your own reality with your beliefs and thoughts.
Your thoughts / beliefs are like a magnet that attracts you to what you think /
You think of the negative? The problem? That's what you're going to attract.
So like TV, change channels! CHANGE FREQUENCIES!
When you change channels, from negative to positive, you manifest what you want
and not what you fear, you regain control over your life.
One must force oneself to think positive at all times, difficult, especially when the
environment is negative.
The more positive you think, the easier it will be, the more you will bring good
things into your reality.
We will develop this a little further later on.
You all have a life path calculated from your date of birth, do you know it?
The Life Path tells you what your soul came to work on during your time on earth.
Example: Since childhood, I have very life-like dreams. One day I dreamed that I was running
outside in my dressing gown and that my childhood friends house was on fire.
I explain my dream to my friend, then time passes. One day I returned unexpectedly to my
parents, I was at boarding school normally, but this day I was sick.
In my room, in a dressing-gown, I hear the firemens sirens, I look out the window, smoke.
My friends house was on fire!
I was born on February 4, 1989. 04/02/1989 = 4 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 33 = 3 + 3 = 6
Path of life 33/6.
In Dan Millman's book, the life you were born to live, route 33/6 gives the following definition:
Work on perfectionism, emotional expression as well as self-doubt.
Have fun discovering your life path. If you do not learn the lessons you are supposed to learn,
they will come back again and again.
This can be a kind of woman or man that you constantly attract etc ...
Once learned, it is a wonderful gift to get to know yourself better, you are more at peace with
yourself and those around you. Your reason for being here is to learn through experience.
Looking at things from a distance helps right?
Our true history / origin is hidden from us, why ban excavations if not?
Calculating our life path allows us to deepen our introspection, to know
ourselves better.
You can not judge anyone, each person is here with different lessons to learn, in
order to grow.
So, what someone else thinks of you isn’t your business.
You are on your path with your own lessons to learn.
The people around you have theirs.
You are not better than anyone, but you are no worse either.
Karma... ?
ANSWER QUESTION N°14 (Thank you little grandmother Kiesha)
You do good, good will come back to you.
You do evil, evil will return to you.
We have what no other living creature has on this earth, it is our voice, we can
speak, we have words. What an incredibly important thing to speak correctly.
To understand how much power we have with our words.
If I attack someone verbally in the street for no reason, I tell him very negative
things. How will the other person react automatically?
He will respond in exactly the same way.
So what we do with our voice comes back to us automatically : it is the same as
KARMA. If we use our voice to make us more powerful in a negative way, pushing
others down, if we use our voice to control a conversation, if we use our voice to
control others, speak harshly, say things that are not true or negative, that is what
will come back to us.
As a parent we can get frustrated, I know what I'm talking about, we all live it!
"I'm watching TV, shut up for a minute I'm tired, keep quiet in your room."
Do you know what this does to a small child? What does this do to their energy?
Our voice, so powerful, is one of our most beautiful gifts, if not the most beautiful gift we
have as a human being.
Do not say negative things, not only do you harm others but you also harm yourself. If
you are positive, you only use positively sounding words, you will perceive life positively.
If you are negative, all that comes out of your mouth is negative, you will perceive life in a
negative way, and moreover the negative will come back to you. It is a universal law, what
you think, what you give your energy to, what you give emotion to, will be your reality.
If you do something that is wrong, steal, hate, if you give your energy to the negativity of
TV, if you shout louder than someone who shouted a negative thing at you in the first
place, you are Creating negativity.
If you stop and you say to yourself, I disagree with this person but what do I believe in
myself, what brings me joy in my heart? And feel it with all your emotion. Not only do you
prevent these words from entering into you, let it become true to you, but you stopped
him in his tracks, as you did not return to him the same ugly emotion he sent you.
The food…
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Simply because their crystals are full of energies
that come directly from the earth.
I have nothing against meat but the problem is the following: The way animals are
treated, mistreatment, fear, anxiety, as if they did not really exist before the
slaughterhouse .. translates into their crystals, and when you eat them that affects
your crystals as well.
If you eat an animal, thank it for giving its life in order to sustain yours.
Quinoa, tofu are an excellent alternative in terms of protein.
There are plenty of alternatives, new ideas, yet you have to dare to ... Change. 
Read carefully the details on the packaging of the products that you eat: you will
begin to ask questions.
When you can not pronounce or read correctly the ingredients that are contained
in your food, when it is ham, there is a problem.
Your body is your temple.
The pineal gland ...?
The pineal gland could be the most important part of our entire nervous system.
It is essentially a spiritual antenna, our physical equivalent of a third eye.
It is essential to reach higher levels of consciousness while remaining in a physical body.
The pineal gland is in the geometric center of the brain.
It is hollow and filled with a fluid containing crystals.
Calcification causes crystals in the gland to attach to mineral deposits.
Thus, the crystals can no longer exert their piezoluminescence property.
The effects of calcification are depression, anxiety, bulimia / anorexia, schizophrenia and other
forms of mental illness.
Calcification also disrupts the secretion of melatonin (sleeping hormone).
There is plenty of specialized website that explains how to do this, but you can already start
eating garlic, organic beetroot etc ...
The source… ?
Nobody sent you here saying it's going to be very hard, but above all do nothing wrong, otherwise you will not be able to go to
heaven, it NEVER happened.
Love is all around you, it is in you.
You are love, your very essence is love.
In you there is a particle of light, a soul, a spark of the divine, the same essence that all living beings have ... the same light that
unites us ... our connection to the ALL.
When you can see everything as the creator sees it, you will realize that nothing is more important than life itself.
Love is the answer, it's just so and that's all there is.
During meditation, after decalcifying my pineal gland, I see a violet / white colour, and it makes me feel good. I feel as if someone
pressed my thumb between my eyes. My tiredness disappears, I am calm, zen, I appreciate the present moment and its
beautiful when I wake up.
I recharge my energy battery, I connect to the SOURCE.
Accept things as they are, chance does not exist, everything is perfect.
Everything that crosses your path every day in your reality, are things sent by him for you to learn a specific lesson, gain
No good, no harm, only experience.
If you feel guilty for something you have done wrong, forgive yourself, for now that you have done it, will you do it again?
If not, WELL DONE, you've learned!
If so, the same lesson will come back ...
We all have that particle of light, that soul, that spark of the divine, our essence that all living beings have ... the same light
Mother Earth ?
You have a god, a Father, but do not look for him in heaven, you also have a
Mother, she's right there, under your feet.
Would you throw rubbish on your mother?
She carries us on her body. The planet on which you live and walk is her body.
We are welcome here because we are part of her body, our body makes us part of
her,made of earthly matter.
She is sacred, divine, look at all the life that proliferates.
Respect your body, respect hers.
The simplest way to imagine the Law of Attraction is to consider yourself as a magnet.
Our role is to focus our thoughts on what we want, to be perfectly clear in our mind, and
from there, the most powerful law of the Universe, the Universal Law of Attraction begins
to act.
Not only do you attract what you think, but you become what you think the most. But
that's where the problem is, most people think about what they do not want, and they
wonder why it happens again and again ...
The Law of Attraction does not take into account how you perceive something like good
or bad, or if you want or do not want that.
The Law of Attraction responds to your raw thoughts.
If you are there to watch your mountain of debt feeling miserable because of this, this is
the signal you send to the Universe.
You then feel it even more at every level of your being, and you suffer even more debts.
The Law of Attraction always works, whether you believe it or not, whether you
understand it or not. The manifestation is always done whenever you have an extended
way of thinking.
So if you complain about what's wrong, you're just creating more "what's wrong".
Generally, if we are very positive in our attitude and thoughts, we attract positive
people, events and positive circumstances.
It has been scientifically proven that a positive thought is hundreds of times more
powerful than a negative thought! (Love 528Hz, Fear 19Hz)
In reality, there is a lapse of time between the moment you think and the moment
when your thought is realized.
Albert Einstein kept repeating his questions in a low voice ...
ANSWER QUESTION N°21 (Source : Dolores Cannon)
You are never alone.
There are always one or more guardian angels with you depending on the difficulty
of the lessons YOU must learn.
Your prayers are NEVER lost.
They communicate by Numerology
The series of numbers and the Angels:
Sometimes, by chance, we come across repeated series of numbers like 11:11 or
2:22 ... It sometimes even happens regularly, like waking up every night at 1:11 or
2:22 etc ... In fact, chance has no place in these coincidences, it is the Angels who
send us messages. It is important to know the meaning of these messages to
better understand what they mean for us.
I advise the site Sacred Scribes Angel Numbers.
ANSWER QUESTION N°22 (Source: Dolores Cannon)
They have always been there, from the beginning, they helped to build this
wonderful planet that you witness every day.
Why don't they come down then?
Because the powers already in place do not allow them.
Also, imagine that you are entering your own child's room, and imagine that your child is totally
afraid of you.
Would you stay in the room?
This is exactly the same problem for them.
Make us believe we are alone, make us believe they are aggressive (movies & series) still a
Did you know that we sent A signal into space containing
information on our DNA, size, number of individuals, etc…
Not only did we get an answer, but This response was
Drawn on the Side of the same radar that sent them:
Other civilizations existed before us, but at their peak, using their powers badly,
threatening the earth as we are doing now, have been destroyed (natural disaster
We are at the same point.
Mother Earth is sacred, we will not be allowed to destroy her.
But it was decided that we will not be destroyed and that the change will take
place from within.
The earth is changing its frequency, its vibration, it's happening NOW.
We will change dimension, it is the only solution to save the planet. There is a
separation between these two dimensions, the old and the new, from the 3rd to
the 5th.
This is the biggest spectacle on earth, all galaxies are watching, that a whole planet
changes dimension has never happened in the history of the universe.
Our DNA is changing, our vibrational frequency is changing.
It can not happen in one go, because the body will not stand it, it takes place
When this happens when there is a new step, we can feel some physical problems
such as heart palpitations, blood pressure, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, muscle pain,
headache, whistling in the ears ...
Those who remain in negativity, those who do not want to change, will not be able
to join the new earth because there will be no negativity.
A frequency that is low can not live in a frequency that is higher.
Living in the now. You have learned to regret /feel guilty about the past, to be
afraid of the future.
The only thing you need to do is focus on the PRESENT moment.
This is the only thing you can change, not the past, not the future, the NOW.
Do not get lost in your head thinking about this or that, the past, the future,
but live the moment NOW, see beauty in every little thing NOW around you.
Live the emotions of now, have joy, have fun ... LIVE!
Staying in your head will cut you off from that.
The more you look for beauty in small things, the more you will see them.
The consciousness of love comes from the heart.
I believe in love, I believe in you, in the beauty that there is inside of you ALL.
When you get to live in the NOW, as you see beauty in all things, you attract good
things to yourself by the law of attracting good energies.
The more people in this state of love, by the Hundredth Monkey Effect, the more
this will be transmitted to everyone.
We are here to help each other, to give our energy to the service of others, our
beautiful words, in order to nourish our brothers and sisters in good energies.
There is no need to go out on the street, all you have to do is be LOVE.
You change the world by changing your perception.
The consciousness of the ego is the head that directs.
It's when you think you're always right that you're wrong.
Get lost in confrontation.
I am the best, I am the most beautiful, I am right, you are wrong etc ..
No one is wrong, each one is right in his reality.
When a person is low in energy, he attacks others for food; these people are energy takers.
They see the negative rather than the positive and turn to the outside to try to make themselves
feel better, while the answer is inside.
You should not feel guilty if you feel like you are in this category, the whole system is made to
make you like that.
You go around in circles in life, as if everything was empty of meaning.
Being trapped by a trap, there is no surprise, that's what it's there for!
I am not trying to convince anyone, this is only knowledge,that I have assembled and that I am passing on
to you.I do not know all the answers (no-one does!). I am learning everyday as I journey through this
wonderful experience that is life, and only hope that this information can help you on your journey.
I walked off the beaten path to be able to show you the way.
That is my greatest joy.
You are creators of your lives. Your thoughts and beliefs determine your
future experiences.
We are too tied up to continue to be. If you want to lose to a game,
play with the one who invented the rules.
Your body is your temple and love is the most important thing of all.
Self-love is the key ingredient for good health and well-being.
The love of self, of others and of life connects you with the energies and the prosperity of the Universal
Self-esteem brings self-expression and allows creativity and accomplishment. Take time to take care of
yourself. Love yourself and love your life. <3

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The Secrets of Energy, Frequency and Vibration Revealed

  • 1.
  • 2. Question N°1: Nikola Tesla teaches us that if we want to find the secrets of the universe, we must think in terms of energies, frequencies and vibrations. What do you think ?
  • 3. ANSWER QUESTION N°1 Every object that surrounds you vibrates at a certain frequency. Each person around you vibrates at a certain frequency according to the energy they release. A sad person will have a lower energy than a child who laughs heartily for example. Love has a frequency (528Hz) much greater than fear or hate (19Hz). Every emotion you feel vibrates at a certain frequency. ALL IS ENERGY.
  • 4. QUESTION N°2 : Do you know Masaru Emoto's immense discovery ?
  • 5. ANSWER QUESTION N°2 THE MAGIC OF WATER ! M.Masaru Emoto discovered that the simple fact of saying the word "I love you" transforms the observed water under the microscope into a magnificent snowflake like here: Conversely the word hate or I will kill you gives this: But this is also possible by thinking, even by simply writing the word on a label and sticking it on a glass jar containing food gives results: And we are made up of 70% water. You can not imagine the impact you have on yourself by having Positive thoughts. Or by distributing compliments around you ..
  • 7. ANSWER QUESTION N°3 (Thank you Little Grandmother Kiesha) The most powerful computer in the world runs on a small fragment of quartz crystal. How is that possible? Technology already uses them because they create their own energy. They hold a frequency and retransmit this frequency or this information. This small quartz disk can store 360TB of data forever. The researchers say the data are stable up to 13.8 billion years at temperatures up to 190 degrees Celsius. We created technology to preserve documents and information and store them in space for future generations. This technology can provide the last proof of our civilization: everything we have learned will not be forgotten. NEXT…
  • 8. ANSWER QUESTION N°3 (NEXT) Energy is in everything around us, you are filled with energy, crystals are energy and they create their own energies. This is fantastic. Crystals exist in every particle of water on this planet. You have so many particles of water in you that you are made to 70% water and each particle contains crystals. Imagine, if you take all the molecules of water from your unique body, and propagate them, you could cover the entire planet. Think about how many crystals you have in the body .. And what it can contain and what they can do ... Because these crystals can communicate with each other, we can have something miraculous. Not only do they communicate with each other, but they can contain as much information, love, and gratitude as you want to give. So just by holding a crystal of quartz, speaking of gratitude, speaking of love, making it feel the love that you have in you, this crystal begins to contain it. The most important thing is the emotion, the feeling, at this moment, you put a lot of energies into it. Once this is done, the crystal will emanate this information, this energy. Example: If you pray that mother earth be healed, put your love for it in a crystal and put that crystal back in a river. Each crystal of water of this river will receive this prayer, this energy. In relation to the water cycle, the water evaporates thereafter, and the rain falls on earth, upon us ... and your prayers also. Program a crystal to instantly remove any harmful elements, toxicity, purify the water and put it in a jug of water and then drink it ... Simply brilliant.
  • 9. QUESTION N°4 Man is connected to earth ... by a frequency?
  • 10. ANSWER QUESTION N°4 Man is connected to Earth ... At the beginning of space exploration, when astronauts returned from their missions, they all had serious health problems. Indeed, when they were flying outside the Ionosphere, they lacked this vital frequency of 7.8 Hertz. To solve this major problem, artificial Schumann wave generators were installed on board space vessels. NASA, on this subject, has multiplied the studies and proved that if someone is locked in a bunker totally magnetically isolated, serious health problems occur quickly accompanied by completely anarchic heart rhythms. As soon as pulsations of 7.8 Hertz are emitted inside, immediately the conditions stabilize. It should be noted that many heart problems occur during electromagnetic storms on Earth; They are due to the perturbations of these RS waves or Schumann waves. Recall that all biological processes function as a function of the interactions of the electromagnetic field. These EM fields form the link between the world of shapes and resonance patterns; They store configurations and information models. Finally, the bridge that connects the resonances of the solar system and the cerebral frequencies is located in the helix of human DNA ... Thus the low frequency Isoelectric field of the Earth, the earth's magnetic field and the electrostatic field that emanate from our bodies are closely intertwined; Our internal rhythms interact with the external rhythms affecting our balance.
  • 11. QUESTION N°5 Do you know the experience of the Hundredth Monkey Effect?
  • 12. ANSWER QUESTION N°5 The hundredth monkey is an expression describing a phenomenon by which a new learned behaviour is spread from a small group of monkeys to the entire population of monkeys of the same species, once a certain number of them have acquired the new behaviour. Monkey children learnt to clean inedible potatoes that were covered in sand by washing them in the sea. One after another they learnt this technique. The extraordinary phenomenon is that this new behaviour was transmitted from one island to another without any possible interaction of the monkeys given the kilometers of sea separating them. Each species is interconnected.
  • 13. QUESTION N°6 : The beautiful TV programs, the beautiful TV that you have in your living room, do you often watch it?
  • 14. ANSWER QUESTION N°6 Using your new knowledge, that is to say that the spoken / thought words affect you and your environment, THAT ALL is ENERGY, that the earth and man are connected, that a part of a species that Thinks the same thing collectively, can transmit it to the rest of the individuals of the same species without interactions. A TV program is called a PROGRAM, which is instilled in you ... FEAR, HATE, VIOLENCE, STUPIDITY, DEPRESSING NEWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS, is the daily dose distributed, without judgment on my part, it is a fact! THEREFORE YOU ARE BOMBARDED WITH LOW FREQUENCIES, energy harmful to your well being that affects you on a daily basis. This affects you as an individual, but also our whole species. We vibrate at the same frequency as the earth, therefore what we do to ourselves we do to it as well. It is not THAT surprising, you are attached, you are kept in low frequencies. The same applies to radio. Morality: If it is not good for you, do not listen to it. The purpose of this being to keep you unconscious.
  • 15. QUESTION N°7 Do you think other things can change your energy?
  • 16. ANSWER QUESTION N°7 That decreases: Among other things, alcohol, tobacco, drugs. To have a negative idea of ​​oneself, to feel guilty. Let someone else affect us negatively. FEAR, HATE, VIOLENCE,ETC That increases : Forgiving, loving, meditation, essence of flowers, grounding (walking barefoot), fulvic acid, burning sage, Solfeggio frequencies, Rhodiola rosea, AFFIRMATIONS Unconditional love, I am at peace, I love myself, I am intelligent etc ... your crystals will receive this information), VISUALIZATIONS (imagine the world of your dreams), nature (forest walks), music.
  • 17. QUESTION N°8 Our history that is taught in school is it truthful ..?
  • 18. ANSWER QUESTION N°8 All around the earth, there are pyramids buried on each continent, the states do not subsidize and do not allow excavations. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sam Semir Osmanagic discovered pyramids dating back to 12000 BC, in the town of Visoko, the CONCRETE that covers it is much better than we can make today. He continues the excavations in spite of the attempts of prohibition on the part of the traditional archaeological community which does not authorize the excavations to find a pyramid, because there never was, I quote, a pharaoh in Bosnia ...
  • 19. ANSWER QUESTION N°8 (NEXT) HISTORY, that is to say HIS STORY. The story is written by the victors. Research a little on the internet, there are many obvious sites where it is forbidden to search on the authorities' instructions. Here in China, it is the tree that hides the forest… Rather well concealed, right?
  • 20. QUESTION N°9 Close your eyes ... well finish reading the question, imagine that you have no arms, imagine that you have no legs, no mouth, nose, eyes ... go on... What are you ?
  • 21. ANSWER QUESTION N°9 (Source: Dolores Cannon) Scientific proof is to do 1000 times the same experiment and get the same result every time. Dolores Cannon has hypnotized thousands of people and ALL have had previous lives as human, animal, insect, tree etc. ... They are alive, they have a soul, before you have been human, you have been a tree, a stone, a bird, a bee, a fly, etc. You have to be all this before being a human being. We are the guardians. To say to a flower that you thank her for her beauty, you give her your energy. And anyway ... flowers are REALLY BEAUTIFUL! Thank a tree for helping you live. This is only fair. We are ONE, all living beings come from the same source. We are ONE divided in the flesh.
  • 22. ANSWER QUESTION N°9 (NEXT) A mind is like a parachute, it does not work if it is not open. The eye sees only what the mind is ready to understand. Some people like to live in black and white worlds. Let them stay there. Enjoy for yourself all the colors you see in your world. It is never too late to give up your prejudices ... UNDERSTOOD ??? 
  • 23. QUESTION N°10 If a duck and a duck have a baby the baby will be a ...? DUCK! BRAVO! If a god and a goddess have a child the child will be a …?
  • 24. ANSWER QUESTION N°10 You have two parents. Let me make it simple, god (or however you want to call it) and mother earth are in you. Without both, you could not live. All religions are man made. We were tricked to believe that we were cut off from the "SOURCE" ( as I call him ), that he was an old gentleman on his cloud, cut off from us. That earth mother was a big rock floating in space ... she is alive, she is conscious, she has a soul just like you. So you are son / daughter of god and mother earth. We all have that particle of light, that soul, that spark of the divine, our essence that all living beings have ... the same light that unites us all ... our connection to the whole. He lives in you. You have much more power over your life than you think.
  • 25. ANSWER QUESTION N°10 (NEXT) I share only my knowledge, you are free to choose your own religion, your beliefs, your god. I love Jesus as much as Allah, Buddha, Abraham, etc. They are all LOVE, why limit yourselves to choosing? We do not need a religion to love each other.
  • 26. QUESTION N°11 You create your own reality ...?
  • 27. ANSWER QUESTION N°11 You create your own reality with your beliefs and thoughts. Your thoughts / beliefs are like a magnet that attracts you to what you think / believe. You think of the negative? The problem? That's what you're going to attract. So like TV, change channels! CHANGE FREQUENCIES! When you change channels, from negative to positive, you manifest what you want and not what you fear, you regain control over your life. One must force oneself to think positive at all times, difficult, especially when the environment is negative. The more positive you think, the easier it will be, the more you will bring good things into your reality. We will develop this a little further later on.
  • 28. QUESTION N°12 You all have a life path calculated from your date of birth, do you know it?
  • 29. ANSWER QUESTION N°12 The Life Path tells you what your soul came to work on during your time on earth. Example: Since childhood, I have very life-like dreams. One day I dreamed that I was running outside in my dressing gown and that my childhood friends house was on fire. I explain my dream to my friend, then time passes. One day I returned unexpectedly to my parents, I was at boarding school normally, but this day I was sick. In my room, in a dressing-gown, I hear the firemens sirens, I look out the window, smoke. My friends house was on fire! I was born on February 4, 1989. 04/02/1989 = 4 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 33 = 3 + 3 = 6 Path of life 33/6. In Dan Millman's book, the life you were born to live, route 33/6 gives the following definition: VISION and ACCEPTANCE, SENSITIVITY and EXPRESSION multiplied by 2. Work on perfectionism, emotional expression as well as self-doubt. Have fun discovering your life path. If you do not learn the lessons you are supposed to learn, they will come back again and again. This can be a kind of woman or man that you constantly attract etc ... Once learned, it is a wonderful gift to get to know yourself better, you are more at peace with yourself and those around you. Your reason for being here is to learn through experience.
  • 30. QUESTION N°13 Looking at things from a distance helps right?
  • 31. REPONSE QUESTION N°13 Our true history / origin is hidden from us, why ban excavations if not? Calculating our life path allows us to deepen our introspection, to know ourselves better. You can not judge anyone, each person is here with different lessons to learn, in order to grow. So, what someone else thinks of you isn’t your business. You are on your path with your own lessons to learn. The people around you have theirs. You are not better than anyone, but you are no worse either.
  • 33. ANSWER QUESTION N°14 (Thank you little grandmother Kiesha) You do good, good will come back to you. You do evil, evil will return to you. We have what no other living creature has on this earth, it is our voice, we can speak, we have words. What an incredibly important thing to speak correctly. To understand how much power we have with our words. If I attack someone verbally in the street for no reason, I tell him very negative things. How will the other person react automatically? He will respond in exactly the same way. So what we do with our voice comes back to us automatically : it is the same as KARMA. If we use our voice to make us more powerful in a negative way, pushing others down, if we use our voice to control a conversation, if we use our voice to control others, speak harshly, say things that are not true or negative, that is what will come back to us.
  • 34. ANSWER QUESTION N°14 (NEXT) As a parent we can get frustrated, I know what I'm talking about, we all live it! "I'm watching TV, shut up for a minute I'm tired, keep quiet in your room." Do you know what this does to a small child? What does this do to their energy? Our voice, so powerful, is one of our most beautiful gifts, if not the most beautiful gift we have as a human being. Do not say negative things, not only do you harm others but you also harm yourself. If you are positive, you only use positively sounding words, you will perceive life positively. If you are negative, all that comes out of your mouth is negative, you will perceive life in a negative way, and moreover the negative will come back to you. It is a universal law, what you think, what you give your energy to, what you give emotion to, will be your reality. If you do something that is wrong, steal, hate, if you give your energy to the negativity of TV, if you shout louder than someone who shouted a negative thing at you in the first place, you are Creating negativity. If you stop and you say to yourself, I disagree with this person but what do I believe in myself, what brings me joy in my heart? And feel it with all your emotion. Not only do you prevent these words from entering into you, let it become true to you, but you stopped him in his tracks, as you did not return to him the same ugly emotion he sent you.
  • 36. ANSWER QUESTION N°15 Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Simply because their crystals are full of energies that come directly from the earth. I have nothing against meat but the problem is the following: The way animals are treated, mistreatment, fear, anxiety, as if they did not really exist before the slaughterhouse .. translates into their crystals, and when you eat them that affects your crystals as well. If you eat an animal, thank it for giving its life in order to sustain yours. Quinoa, tofu are an excellent alternative in terms of protein. There are plenty of alternatives, new ideas, yet you have to dare to ... Change. 
  • 37. ANSWER QUESTION N°15 (NEXT) Read carefully the details on the packaging of the products that you eat: you will begin to ask questions. When you can not pronounce or read correctly the ingredients that are contained in your food, when it is ham, there is a problem. Your body is your temple.
  • 39. ANSWER QUESTION N°16 The pineal gland could be the most important part of our entire nervous system. It is essentially a spiritual antenna, our physical equivalent of a third eye. It is essential to reach higher levels of consciousness while remaining in a physical body. The pineal gland is in the geometric center of the brain. It is hollow and filled with a fluid containing crystals. Calcification causes crystals in the gland to attach to mineral deposits. Thus, the crystals can no longer exert their piezoluminescence property. The effects of calcification are depression, anxiety, bulimia / anorexia, schizophrenia and other forms of mental illness. Calcification also disrupts the secretion of melatonin (sleeping hormone). I INVITE YOU THEREFORE TO DECALIFY YOUR PINEAL GLAND! There is plenty of specialized website that explains how to do this, but you can already start eating garlic, organic beetroot etc ...
  • 41. ANSWER QUESTION N°17 Nobody sent you here saying it's going to be very hard, but above all do nothing wrong, otherwise you will not be able to go to heaven, it NEVER happened. SOURCE IS ONLY LOVE AND HE LOVES YOU ONLY. Love is all around you, it is in you. You are love, your very essence is love. In you there is a particle of light, a soul, a spark of the divine, the same essence that all living beings have ... the same light that unites us ... our connection to the ALL. When you can see everything as the creator sees it, you will realize that nothing is more important than life itself. Love is the answer, it's just so and that's all there is. During meditation, after decalcifying my pineal gland, I see a violet / white colour, and it makes me feel good. I feel as if someone pressed my thumb between my eyes. My tiredness disappears, I am calm, zen, I appreciate the present moment and its beautiful when I wake up. I recharge my energy battery, I connect to the SOURCE. Accept things as they are, chance does not exist, everything is perfect. Everything that crosses your path every day in your reality, are things sent by him for you to learn a specific lesson, gain experience. No good, no harm, only experience. If you feel guilty for something you have done wrong, forgive yourself, for now that you have done it, will you do it again? If not, WELL DONE, you've learned! If so, the same lesson will come back ... We all have that particle of light, that soul, that spark of the divine, our essence that all living beings have ... the same light
  • 43. ANSWER QUESTION N°19 You have a god, a Father, but do not look for him in heaven, you also have a Mother, she's right there, under your feet. Would you throw rubbish on your mother? She carries us on her body. The planet on which you live and walk is her body. We are welcome here because we are part of her body, our body makes us part of her,made of earthly matter. She is sacred, divine, look at all the life that proliferates. Respect your body, respect hers.
  • 45. ANSWER QUESTION N°20 The simplest way to imagine the Law of Attraction is to consider yourself as a magnet. Our role is to focus our thoughts on what we want, to be perfectly clear in our mind, and from there, the most powerful law of the Universe, the Universal Law of Attraction begins to act. Not only do you attract what you think, but you become what you think the most. But that's where the problem is, most people think about what they do not want, and they wonder why it happens again and again ... The Law of Attraction does not take into account how you perceive something like good or bad, or if you want or do not want that. The Law of Attraction responds to your raw thoughts. If you are there to watch your mountain of debt feeling miserable because of this, this is the signal you send to the Universe. You then feel it even more at every level of your being, and you suffer even more debts. The Law of Attraction always works, whether you believe it or not, whether you understand it or not. The manifestation is always done whenever you have an extended way of thinking. So if you complain about what's wrong, you're just creating more "what's wrong".
  • 46. ANSWER QUESTION N°20 (NEXT) Generally, if we are very positive in our attitude and thoughts, we attract positive people, events and positive circumstances. It has been scientifically proven that a positive thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought! (Love 528Hz, Fear 19Hz) In reality, there is a lapse of time between the moment you think and the moment when your thought is realized. Albert Einstein kept repeating his questions in a low voice ... THE GRATITUDE, THE FEELING OF GRATITUDE, TOWARDS UNIVERSAL ENERGIES, TOWARDS ALL THAT YOU HAVE IN YOUR LIFE CURRENTLY, ACCELERATES THE PROCESS. USE AFFIRMATIONS: I AM ABUNDANT, I AM PEACE, I AM UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, I AM ONE WITH ALL FORMS OF LIFE, ETC ...
  • 48. ANSWER QUESTION N°21 (Source : Dolores Cannon) You are never alone. There are always one or more guardian angels with you depending on the difficulty of the lessons YOU must learn. Your prayers are NEVER lost. THEY ARE LOVING, NEVER JUDGE YOU, WOULD LIKE TO GUIDE YOU, TO HELP YOU. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS ASK THEM. They communicate by Numerology The series of numbers and the Angels: Sometimes, by chance, we come across repeated series of numbers like 11:11 or 2:22 ... It sometimes even happens regularly, like waking up every night at 1:11 or 2:22 etc ... In fact, chance has no place in these coincidences, it is the Angels who send us messages. It is important to know the meaning of these messages to better understand what they mean for us. I advise the site Sacred Scribes Angel Numbers.
  • 50. ANSWER QUESTION N°22 (Source: Dolores Cannon) They have always been there, from the beginning, they helped to build this wonderful planet that you witness every day. Why don't they come down then? Because the powers already in place do not allow them. Also, imagine that you are entering your own child's room, and imagine that your child is totally afraid of you. Would you stay in the room? This is exactly the same problem for them. Make us believe we are alone, make us believe they are aggressive (movies & series) still a PROGRAM. Did you know that we sent A signal into space containing information on our DNA, size, number of individuals, etc… Not only did we get an answer, but This response was Drawn on the Side of the same radar that sent them:
  • 52. ANSWER QUESTION N°23 (SOURCE: DOLORES CANNON) Other civilizations existed before us, but at their peak, using their powers badly, threatening the earth as we are doing now, have been destroyed (natural disaster etc.). We are at the same point. Mother Earth is sacred, we will not be allowed to destroy her. But it was decided that we will not be destroyed and that the change will take place from within. The earth is changing its frequency, its vibration, it's happening NOW. We will change dimension, it is the only solution to save the planet. There is a separation between these two dimensions, the old and the new, from the 3rd to the 5th. This is the biggest spectacle on earth, all galaxies are watching, that a whole planet changes dimension has never happened in the history of the universe.
  • 53. ANSWER QUESTION N°23 (NEXT) Our DNA is changing, our vibrational frequency is changing. It can not happen in one go, because the body will not stand it, it takes place gradually. When this happens when there is a new step, we can feel some physical problems such as heart palpitations, blood pressure, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, muscle pain, headache, whistling in the ears ... Those who remain in negativity, those who do not want to change, will not be able to join the new earth because there will be no negativity. A frequency that is low can not live in a frequency that is higher.
  • 55. ANSWER QUESTION N°24 Living in the now. You have learned to regret /feel guilty about the past, to be afraid of the future. The only thing you need to do is focus on the PRESENT moment. This is the only thing you can change, not the past, not the future, the NOW. Do not get lost in your head thinking about this or that, the past, the future, but live the moment NOW, see beauty in every little thing NOW around you. Live the emotions of now, have joy, have fun ... LIVE! Staying in your head will cut you off from that. The more you look for beauty in small things, the more you will see them.
  • 57. ANSWER QUESTION N°25 The consciousness of love comes from the heart. I believe in love, I believe in you, in the beauty that there is inside of you ALL. You are ALL DIVINE. When you get to live in the NOW, as you see beauty in all things, you attract good things to yourself by the law of attracting good energies. The more people in this state of love, by the Hundredth Monkey Effect, the more this will be transmitted to everyone. We are here to help each other, to give our energy to the service of others, our beautiful words, in order to nourish our brothers and sisters in good energies. There is no need to go out on the street, all you have to do is be LOVE. You change the world by changing your perception.
  • 58. ANSWER QUESTION N°25 (NEXT) The consciousness of the ego is the head that directs. It's when you think you're always right that you're wrong. Get lost in confrontation. I am the best, I am the most beautiful, I am right, you are wrong etc .. No one is wrong, each one is right in his reality. When a person is low in energy, he attacks others for food; these people are energy takers. They see the negative rather than the positive and turn to the outside to try to make themselves feel better, while the answer is inside. You should not feel guilty if you feel like you are in this category, the whole system is made to make you like that. You go around in circles in life, as if everything was empty of meaning. Being trapped by a trap, there is no surprise, that's what it's there for!
  • 59. YOU ARE MAGNIFICENT CREATORS I am not trying to convince anyone, this is only knowledge,that I have assembled and that I am passing on to you.I do not know all the answers (no-one does!). I am learning everyday as I journey through this wonderful experience that is life, and only hope that this information can help you on your journey. I walked off the beaten path to be able to show you the way. That is my greatest joy. You are creators of your lives. Your thoughts and beliefs determine your future experiences. We are too tied up to continue to be. If you want to lose to a game, play with the one who invented the rules. Your body is your temple and love is the most important thing of all. Self-love is the key ingredient for good health and well-being. The love of self, of others and of life connects you with the energies and the prosperity of the Universal Energies. Self-esteem brings self-expression and allows creativity and accomplishment. Take time to take care of yourself. Love yourself and love your life. <3