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Workshops SEFRAOS
Spanish multidisciplinary care systems
Chair : Prof.Jesús Gonzalez-Macias .President of SEFRAOS
Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia.
Is it necessary a transfusion?
Dr. José A Garcia-Erce.
Servicio de Transfusión Hospital San Jorge. Huesca
Miembro IdiPaz 49
Prof. Antonio Herrera Rodríguez
Cátedra Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. University of Zaragoza
Dr. Jorge Cuenca Espiérrez
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Hospital Miguel Servet, Zaragoza
Prof. Manolo Muñoz Gómez
Medicina Transfusional. GIEMSA. Universidad de Málaga
Dr Santiago Ramón Lea-Noval
Coordinador General Documento «Sevilla» de Consenso sobre Alternativas a la
Transfusión de Sangre Alogénica
Dra. Elvira Bisbe
Department of Anaesthesiology. University Hospital Mar-Esperança, Barcelona
IACS (Institudo Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud)
Conflict of interests
Asesor externo
- AMGEN Oncología 2010 y 2012
- Roche Anemia 2009
- Ditassa-Ferrer 2004
Charlas, estudios investigación y ayudas a congresos
-Astra-Tech de Aztra Zeneca
-Sanofi Aventis/Esteve
-Cobe-Caridian/Roche Oncología
Miembro del CAT 2002-2005
Miembro del Documento de Sevilla “Alternativas a la Transfusión”
Editor Asociado Revista ANEMIA
Miembro Comité Científico NATA y TATM
Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia.
Is it necessary a transfusion?
• Entre un 30% y un 50% de los pacientes quirúrgicos puede
presentar una anemia preoperatoria, causada o no por la patología
motivo de la cirugía.
• Hasta un 90% de los pacientes quirúrgicos pueden presentar anemia
postoperatoria debido al sangrado y/o la inhibición de la
• En los pacientes quirúrgicos, la presencia de anemia se correlaciona
con un aumento de la morbi-mortalidad postoperatoria y un
descenso de la calidad de vida.
Preoperative Anemia
Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia.
Is it necessary a transfusion?
Treatment of pre-and
postoperative anemia.
Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia.
Is it necessary a transfusion?
- First problem: Preoperative Anemia Incidence
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Male Female
1-16 17- 49 50 - 64 65 - 74 75 - 84 85+
Age group (years)
26,372 individuals
WHO criteria
Preoperative Anemia Incidence
Preoperative Anemia Etiology
Community Nursing homes Hospital admissions
Preoperative Anemia Incidence
Anaemia: 18 %
Preoperative Anemia Etiology?
(250 mg)
Médula ósea
(300 mg)
(2.000 mg)
Macrófagos SRE
(500 mg)
(1000 mg)
Absorción intestinal de hierro
(1-2 mg/día)
(3 mg)
Pérdidas de hierro
(1-2 mg/día)
Peri-operative Anemia Etiology
Blood loss (mL)
Acute anemia
9 –
11 –
13 –
7 –
5 –
15 –
25% 45%
Erythrocyte mass
Major surgical procedures
(Orthopedic, cardiac, cancer, etc)
Peri-operative Anemia Etiology
Treatment of pre-and
postoperative anemia.
Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia.
Is it necessary a transfusion?
- Preoperative Anemia Incidence
- Preoperative Haemoglobin and transfusion risk
Preoperative Anaemia and
transfusion risk
ABT in anaemic patients: 57%
ABT in no-anaemic patients: 19%
ABT in anaemic patients: 62%
ABT in no-anaemic patients: 29%
1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
75 Preoperatoria
Hemoglobina admision (g/dL)
≥13 g/dL <13 - ≥10 g/dL <10 g/dL
Miguel Servet, 2007
Preoperative Haemoglobin
and transfusion risk
Hb 130-140 g/l
0 20 40 60 80 100
Hb < 110 g/l Hb 110-120 gl Hb 120-130 gl
Hb > 140 g/l
Relationship preoperative Hb and Transfusion
DE 65 AÑOS. Med Clin 2003;120(5):161-6.
Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia.
Is it necessary a transfusion?
Haemoglobin level and transfusion risk
Treatment of pre-and
postoperative anemia.
Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia.
Is it necessary a transfusion?
- Preoperative Anemia Incidence
- Preoperative Haemoglobin and transfusion risk
- Transfusion and postoperative complications
• 9598 patients (>60 years; 1983-1993)
Carson y cols. Transfusion 1999; 39:694-700
• Ajusted Risk:
– Infección bacteriana seria: 1.35
– Pneumonía postoperatoria: 1.52
• Dose-dependent efect
• Hospital cost: + 14.000 $
Transfusion and infection in hip fracture
Transfusion and
postoperative complications
Mortalidad 30d
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
15 - TSA (n=276)
+ TSA (n=156)
Infection DVT
Transfusion and
postoperative complications
Miguel Servet, 2007
Treatment of pre-and
postoperative anemia.
Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia.
Is it necessary a transfusion?
- Preoperative Anemia Incidence
- Preoperative Haemoglobin and transfusion risk
- Transfusion and postoperative complications
- Transfusion and mortality
J Orthop Trauma 2006;20:675–679
N=3625; TSA=30%
Transfusion and mortality
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
15 - TSA (n=276)
+ TSA (n=156)
Infection Mortality 30dDTV
Miguel Servet, 2007
Transfusion and mortality
Patient Blood Management
Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia?
The outcome, optimal use of blood is defined as:
The safe, clinically effective and efficient use of
donated human blood
Safe: No adverse reactions or infections
Clinically effective: Benefits the patient
Efficient: No unnecessary transfusions.
Transfusion at the time the patient needs it
Los estudios indican que los productos sanguíneos se usan a
menudo de forma inapropiada, tanto en los países desarrollados
como en los países en desarrollo.
Las transfusiones innecesarias y las prácticas peligrosas y los
errores de transfusión comprometerán gravemente la seguridad
exponiendo a los enfermas al riesgo de sufrir reacciones
transfusionales graves e infecciones transmitidas.
El uso innecesario reduce gravemente la disponibilidad de
productos sanguíneos para los pacientes que los necesitan.
Regan y Taylor, BMJ 2002
Shander, Semin Hematol 2004
Muñoz et al, Med Clin 2007
Shander, Farmer y Hoffman, Oncologist 2011
 Costes de producción y administración elevados
 Sangre humana: un recurso limitado
 TSA no está libre de riesgos:
 Errores de identificación
 Daño pulmonar (TRALI)
 Sobrecarga de fluidos (TACO)
 Recidiva de cáncer (TRIM)
 Infección postoperatoria (TRIM)
 Prolongación de la estancia
 Dudosa eficacia
 Legislación vigente
Razones para “cerrar el grifo”
Health-care services should establish a
multidisciplinary, multimodal perioperative patient
blood management program, based on:
• Preoperative optimisation of red cell mass
• Minimization of blood loss, including meticulous
surgical hemostasis
• Tolerance to postoperative anemia
WHA 63.12 (resolution). Availability, safety and quality of blood products,
21 May 2010, Geneva, Switzerland.
Available at:
Availability, safety and quality of blood products
WHA 63.12 (resolution). Availability, safety and quality of blood products, 2010.
Available at:
de la eritropoyesis
Minimización de
las pérdidas
Optimización de
la tolerancia a la
Los Servicios de Salud deben establecer
programas multidisciplinares y multimodales
para el manejo perioperatorio de los pacientes, basados en:
Patient Blood Management
Patient Blood Management
Sangre autóloga
• Donacion preoperatoria
• Hemodilución
• Recuperación perioperatoria
Criterio “restrictivo”
de transfusión
Hb <70-80 g/L
Reducción del
• Aprotinina
• Antifibrinoliticos
• Desmopresina
• rFVIIa
• Vitamina B12
• Acido Fólico
• rHuEpo
• Hierro
a la TSA
Spanish Consensus Statement on alternatives to allogeneic blood transfusion:
the 2013 update of the "Seville Document“. Blood Transfus. 2013 Jun 17:1-25.
Patient Blood Management
Patient Blood Management
Patient Blood Management
Iron deficiency Management
(250 mg)
Médula ósea
(300 mg)
(2.000 mg)
Macrófagos SRE
(500 mg)
(1000 mg)
Absorción intestinal de hierro
(1-2 mg/día)
(3 mg)
Pérdidas de hierro
(1-2 mg/día)
Hierro IV
Perioperative IV iron
- Grade of recommendation: .
“For patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery expected to develop severe
postoperative anaemia we currently suggest IV iron administration during the
perioperative period”.
For all other surgeries no evidence-based recommendation can be made. We
strongly recommend that large prospective randomised controlled trials are
undertaken in patients undergoing surgery expected to develop severe post
operative anaemia.
Perioperative IV iron
Sangrado en fracturas de cadera
Autor, año N Tipo de
Hierro IV
n (%)
n (%)
Mortalidad 30d,
n (%)
Cuenca, 2004 102 FPC --- 57 (55.9) 34 (33.3) 17 (16.7)
Cuenca, 2004 57 FSC --- 21 (36.8) 19 (33.3) 11 (19.3)
García-Erce, 2005 41 FPC, FSC --- 29 (70.7) 13 (31.4) 6 (14.6)
TOTAL 200 107 (53.5) 67 (33) 34 (17.0)
Hierro sacarosa
Cuenca, 2004 23 # FPC 100 9 (39.1) 6 (26.1)* 3 (13.0)
Cuenca, 2004 55 # FPC 200 – 300 24 (43.6) 9 (16.4)* 5 (8.9)
Cuenca, 2004 20 FSC 200 – 300 3 (15.0) 3 (15.0)* 0 (0.0)*
García-Erce, 2005 83 FPC, FSC 600## 20 (24.1)* 10 (12.5)* 6 (7.2)
TOTAL 181 56 (30.9)* 27 (14.9)* 14 (7.7)
RR [IC95%]
0,58 [0,45-0,74]
0,47 [0,32–0,69]
0,45 [0,25-0,82]
Uso perioperatorio a corto plazo Fe ev +/- EPO
Sangrado en fracturas de cadera
Autor, año N Tipo de
Hierro IV
n (%)
n (%)
Mortalidad 30d,
n (%)
Cuenca, 2004 102 FPC --- 57 (55.9) 34 (33.3) 17 (16.7)
Cuenca, 2004 57 FSC --- 21 (36.8) 19 (33.3) 11 (19.3)
García-Erce, 2005 41 FPC, FSC --- 29 (70.7) 13 (31.4) 6 (14.6)
TOTAL 200 107 (53.5) 67 (33) 34 (17.0)
Hierro sacarosa
Cuenca, 2004 23 # FPC 100 9 (39.1) 6 (26.1)* 3 (13.0)
Cuenca, 2004 55 # FPC 200 – 300 24 (43.6) 9 (16.4)* 5 (8.9)
Cuenca, 2004 20 FSC 200 – 300 3 (15.0) 3 (15.0)* 0 (0.0)*
García-Erce, 2005 83 FPC, FSC 600## 20 (24.1)* 10 (12.5)* 6 (7.2)
TOTAL 181 56 (30.9)* 27 (14.9)* 14 (7.7)
RR [IC95%]
0,58 [0,45-0,74]
0,47 [0,32–0,69]
0,45 [0,25-0,82]
Hierro sacarosa
Uso perioperatorio a corto plazo Fe ev +/- EPO
Perioperative IV iron
Transfusion. 2013 Apr 15. doi: 10.1111/trf.12195. [Epub ahead of print]
4 Spanish hospitals (October 2002 – December 2011)
Perioperative IV iron ± ESAs
Transfusion reduction (primary outcome variable)
Postoperative nosocomial infection (primary outcome variable)
Length of hospital stay (secondary outcome variable)
Postoperative 30-day mortality (secondary outcome variable)
We pooled all our observational data to ascertain the
benefits of this treatment on:
Note: Postoperative nosocomial infection was clinically diagnosed
by a senior member of the surgical or medical team, and was
always confirmed by laboratory, microbiological or radiological
Patients, procedures and groups
Patients approached
Patients included
Patients excluded (Hb <10 g/dL):
- Hip fracture = 82
- Arthroplasty = 4
Hip fracture
Perioperative IV iron ± ESAs
Intravenous iron: either 2-5 days preoperatively and/or 2-3
days postoperatively, with a maximum 600 mg.
rHuEPO: single preoperative dose (40,000 IU, sc) was
administered at the orthopedic ward to some patients
presenting with preoperative Hb level of less than 13 g/dL.
Control group: oral iron or no treatment
No other blood conservation measure was used.
Patients were managed with a restrictive transfusion trigger.
Hip fracture repair
Hip fracture repair
Hospital stay & mortality
Hip fracture repair
Effects of IVI & transfusion
Hip fracture repair
Perioperative IV iron + EPO
Fe sucrosa 200 mg iv/48 h (3 d)
EPO 40.000 UI sc ifHb<13 g/dL
Fe sucrosa 200 mg iv/48 h (3 d)
EPO 40.000 UI sc ifHb<13 g/dL
IV iron + EPO
IV iron + EPO
Is it necessary a transfusion?
Sangre autóloga
• Donacion preoperatoria
• Hemodilución
• Recuperación perioperatoria
Criterio “restrictivo”
de transfusión
Hb <70-80 g/L
Reducción del
• Aprotinina
• Antifibrinoliticos
• Desmopresina
• rFVIIa
• Vitamina B12
• Acido Fólico
• rHuEpo
• Hierro
a la TSA
Spanish Consensus Statement on alternatives to allogeneic blood transfusion:
the 2013 update of the "Seville Document“. Blood Transfus. 2013 Jun 17:1-25.
Patient Blood Management
Patient Blood Management
Patient Blood Management
Patient Blood Management
The FOCUS study
Carson y cols. NEJM 2011; 365: 2453-62
• 2016 oldie patients with Hb <10 g/dL after hip fracture repair surgery
• Cardiovascular disease antecedent or risk factor
• Liberal criteria: transfuse if Hb < 10 g/dL
• Resctrive criteria: transfuse if signs/symptoms or Hb < 8 g/dL
TSA: CR 41% vs. CL 96%
Angina inestable
Mortalidad hospital
FACIT-Fatiga 60d
No deambulación 60d
Mortalidad 60d
Liberal Restrictivo
2.3% 3.8%
0.2% 0.3%
2.7% 3.5%
8.3% 5.9%
2.0% 1.4%
41.8±7.3 42.3±7.4
40.9% 43.8%
5.2% 4.3%
Postoperative side effects
Restrictive Transfusion Criteria
•Clinical Guidelines
Red Blood Cell Transfusion:
A Clinical Practice Guideline
From the AABBJeffrey L. Carson, MD; Brenda J. Grossman, MD, MPH; Steven Kleinman, MD; Alan T. Tinmouth, MD; Marisa B. Marques, MD; Mark K. Fung, MD,
PhD; John B. Holcomb, MD; Orieji Illoh, MD; Lewis J. Kaplan, MD; Louis M. Katz, MD; Sunil V. Rao, MD; John D. Roback, MD, PhD;
Aryeh Shander, MD; Aaron A.R. Tobian, MD, PhD; Robert Weinstein, MD; Lisa Grace Swinton McLaughlin, MD; and Benjamin Djulbegovic, MD,
PhD, for the Clinical Transfusion Medicine Committee of the AABB*
Patient Blood Management
Question 1
• In hospitalized, hemodynamically stable patients, at
what hemoglobin concentration should a decision to
transfuse RBCs be considered?
The AABB recommends adhering to a
“restrictive” transfusion strategy.
In adult and pediatric intensive care unit patients, transfusion
should be considered at Hb concentrations of 7 g/dL or less.
In postoperative surgical patients, transfusion should be
considered at a Hb concentration of 8 g/dL or less or for
symptoms (chest pain, orthostatic hypotension or tachycardia
unresponsive to fluid resuscitation, or congestive heart
Quality of evidence: high; strength of recommendation: strong.
Question 2
• In hospitalized, hemodynamically stable patients with
preexisting cardiovascular disease, at what hemoglobin
concentration should a decision to transfuse RBCs be
The AABB suggests adhering to a “restrictive”
transfusion strategy.
Quality of evidence: moderate; strength of recommendation: weak.
Transfusion should be considered at a Hb concentration of 8
g/dL or less or for symptoms (chest pain, orthostatic
hypotension or tachycardia unresponsive to fluid
resuscitation, or congestive heart failure).
The existing evidence supports the use of restrictive
transfusion triggers in most patients including those with
pre-existing cardiovascular disease.
In countries with inadequate screening of donor blood, the
data may constitute a stronger basis for avoiding
transfusion with allogeneic red cells.
Overall, 39% fewer patients received transfusions in the
restrictive group than in the liberal group.
The mean number of units of RBCs transfused was 1.19
units lower and the mean hemoglobin concentration before
transfusion was 1.48 g/dL lower in the restrictive group.
These findings confirm that a restrictive transfusion strategy
leads to a clinically important reduction in RBC use and a
lower mean hemoglobin concentration.
Restrictive transfusion strategies were associated with a
statistically significant reduction in hospital mortality (RR
0.77, 95% CI 0.62-0.95) but not 30 day mortality (RR 0.85,
95% CI 0.70 to 1.03).
The use of restrictive transfusion strategies did not reduce
functional recovery, hospital or intensive care length of
Actualización Documento Sevilla
ATSA Transfusión de sangre alogénica
En pacientes críticos, politraumatizados y/o quirúrgicos, sin
afectación cardiológica y/o del Sistema Nervioso Central
recomendamos la transfusión de CH para mantener cifras de
hemoglobina entre 7 y 9 g/dL, con objeto de disminuir la tasa
Concentrado de hematíes (CH)
En pacientes críticos, politraumatizados y/o quirúrgicos, con
afectación cardiológica y/o del Sistema Nervioso Central
recomendamos la transfusión de CH para mantener cifras de
hemoglobina entre 8 y 10 g/dL, con objeto de disminuir la
tasa transfusional.
Things Physicians and Patients
Should Question
diisponible desde 12/12/13
Criterios generales de indicación
Uso adecuado:
•Presencia de signos o síntomas de hipoxia
•Ausencia de tratamiento específico de la
•Refractariedad al tratamiento específico
•La situación clínica del paciente precisa una
reposición inmediata de la masa eritrocitaria
Tratamiento transfusional
PFN Spanish Workshop. Dr garcia erce. Madrid, september 2014

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PFN Spanish Workshop. Dr garcia erce. Madrid, september 2014

  • 1. Workshops SEFRAOS Spanish multidisciplinary care systems Chair : Prof.Jesús Gonzalez-Macias .President of SEFRAOS Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia. Is it necessary a transfusion? Dr. José A Garcia-Erce. Servicio de Transfusión Hospital San Jorge. Huesca Miembro IdiPaz 49
  • 2. Prof. Antonio Herrera Rodríguez Cátedra Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. University of Zaragoza Dr. Jorge Cuenca Espiérrez Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Hospital Miguel Servet, Zaragoza Prof. Manolo Muñoz Gómez Medicina Transfusional. GIEMSA. Universidad de Málaga Dr Santiago Ramón Lea-Noval Coordinador General Documento «Sevilla» de Consenso sobre Alternativas a la Transfusión de Sangre Alogénica Dra. Elvira Bisbe Department of Anaesthesiology. University Hospital Mar-Esperança, Barcelona IACS (Institudo Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud) Acknowledgement
  • 3. Conflict of interests Asesor externo - AMGEN Oncología 2010 y 2012 - Roche Anemia 2009 - Ditassa-Ferrer 2004 Charlas, estudios investigación y ayudas a congresos -Vifor-Uriach/Ferralinze -Janssen-Cilag/GSK/Novartis -Astra-Tech de Aztra Zeneca -Sanofi Aventis/Esteve -Cobe-Caridian/Roche Oncología Miembro del CAT 2002-2005 Miembro del Documento de Sevilla “Alternativas a la Transfusión” Miembro de GIEMSA/AWGE/Socio SETS, SEHH, SEFRAOS Editor Asociado Revista ANEMIA Miembro Comité Científico NATA y TATM Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia. Is it necessary a transfusion?
  • 4.
  • 5. • Entre un 30% y un 50% de los pacientes quirúrgicos puede presentar una anemia preoperatoria, causada o no por la patología motivo de la cirugía. • Hasta un 90% de los pacientes quirúrgicos pueden presentar anemia postoperatoria debido al sangrado y/o la inhibición de la eritropoyesis. • En los pacientes quirúrgicos, la presencia de anemia se correlaciona con un aumento de la morbi-mortalidad postoperatoria y un descenso de la calidad de vida. Preoperative Anemia Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia. Is it necessary a transfusion?
  • 6. Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia. Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia. Is it necessary a transfusion? - First problem: Preoperative Anemia Incidence HIP FRACTURE
  • 7. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 0 10 20 30 Male Female 6.0% 8.7% 1.5% 12.2% 4.4% 6.8% 7.8% 8.5% 15.7% 10.3% 26.1% 20.1% 1-16 17- 49 50 - 64 65 - 74 75 - 84 85+ Age group (years) Percentwhohaveanemia 26,372 individuals WHO criteria Preoperative Anemia Incidence
  • 9. Community Nursing homes Hospital admissions Preoperative Anemia Incidence
  • 10. Anaemia: 18 % Preoperative Anemia Etiology?
  • 11. 20-30 mg/día Músculo (250 mg) Médula ósea (300 mg) Eritrocitos (2.000 mg) Macrófagos SRE (500 mg) Hígado (1000 mg) Absorción intestinal de hierro (1-2 mg/día) Transferrina (3 mg) Pérdidas de hierro (1-2 mg/día) IRON LOST! IRON BLOCK! Peri-operative Anemia Etiology
  • 12. Blood loss (mL) ι 0 ι 500 ι 1000 ι 1500 ι 2000 ι 2500 ι 3000 Acute anemia Transfusion Hemoglobin(g/dL) 9 – 11 – 13 – 7 – 5 – 15 – Bleeding 25% 45% Erythrocyte mass Major surgical procedures (Orthopedic, cardiac, cancer, etc) Peri-operative Anemia Etiology
  • 13. Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia. Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia. Is it necessary a transfusion? - Preoperative Anemia Incidence - Preoperative Haemoglobin and transfusion risk HIP FRACTURE
  • 14. Preoperative Anaemia and transfusion risk ABT in anaemic patients: 57% ABT in no-anaemic patients: 19% ABT in anaemic patients: 62% ABT in no-anaemic patients: 29% HIP FRACTURE
  • 15. 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 0 25 50 75 Preoperatoria Intraoperatoria Postoperatoria Hemoglobina admision (g/dL) PacientesconTSA(%) - EPO +EPO - EPO +EPO - EPO +EPO ≥13 g/dL <13 - ≥10 g/dL <10 g/dL * * * * # ** ** Miguel Servet, 2007 19% 52% 100% Preoperative Haemoglobin and transfusion risk HIP FRACTURE
  • 16. Hb 130-140 g/l 100 75 62 46 25 0 20 40 60 80 100 %TRANSFUSION Hb < 110 g/l Hb 110-120 gl Hb 120-130 gl Hb > 140 g/l Relationship preoperative Hb and Transfusion García Erce JA, Cuenca J, Solano VM. FACTORES PREDICTIVOS DE LA NECESIDAD DE TRANSFUSION EN LA FRACTURA SUBCAPITAL DE CADERA EN PACIENTES DE MÁS DE 65 AÑOS. Med Clin 2003;120(5):161-6. Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia. Is it necessary a transfusion? Haemoglobin level and transfusion risk HIP FRACTURE
  • 17. Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia. Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia. Is it necessary a transfusion? - Preoperative Anemia Incidence - Preoperative Haemoglobin and transfusion risk - Transfusion and postoperative complications HIP FRACTURE
  • 18. • 9598 patients (>60 years; 1983-1993) Carson y cols. Transfusion 1999; 39:694-700 • Ajusted Risk: – Infección bacteriana seria: 1.35 – Pneumonía postoperatoria: 1.52 • Dose-dependent efect • Hospital cost: + 14.000 $ Transfusion and infection in hip fracture Transfusion and postoperative complications HIP FRACTURE
  • 19. Mortalidad 30d P=0.007 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0 5 10 15 - TSA (n=276) + TSA (n=156) Incidencia(%) Cardio Vascular Infection DVT P=0.005 P=0.003 P=0.008 Transfusion and postoperative complications Miguel Servet, 2007 HIP FRACTURE
  • 20. Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia. Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia. Is it necessary a transfusion? - Preoperative Anemia Incidence - Preoperative Haemoglobin and transfusion risk - Transfusion and postoperative complications - Transfusion and mortality HIP FRACTURE
  • 21. J Orthop Trauma 2006;20:675–679 N=3625; TSA=30% Transfusion and mortality HIP FRACTURE
  • 22. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0 5 10 15 - TSA (n=276) + TSA (n=156) Incidencia(%) Cardio vascular Infection Mortality 30dDTV P=0.007 P=0.005 P=0.003 P=0.008 Miguel Servet, 2007 Transfusion and mortality HIP FRACTURE
  • 23. Patient Blood Management HIP FRACTURE Treatment of pre-and postoperative anemia?
  • 24. The outcome, optimal use of blood is defined as: The safe, clinically effective and efficient use of donated human blood Safe: No adverse reactions or infections Clinically effective: Benefits the patient Efficient: No unnecessary transfusions. Transfusion at the time the patient needs it 2010 USO ADECUADO DE LA TRANSFUSIÓN
  • 25. Los estudios indican que los productos sanguíneos se usan a menudo de forma inapropiada, tanto en los países desarrollados como en los países en desarrollo. Las transfusiones innecesarias y las prácticas peligrosas y los errores de transfusión comprometerán gravemente la seguridad exponiendo a los enfermas al riesgo de sufrir reacciones transfusionales graves e infecciones transmitidas. El uso innecesario reduce gravemente la disponibilidad de productos sanguíneos para los pacientes que los necesitan.
  • 26. Regan y Taylor, BMJ 2002 Shander, Semin Hematol 2004 Muñoz et al, Med Clin 2007 Shander, Farmer y Hoffman, Oncologist 2011  Costes de producción y administración elevados  Sangre humana: un recurso limitado  TSA no está libre de riesgos:  Errores de identificación  Daño pulmonar (TRALI)  Sobrecarga de fluidos (TACO)  Recidiva de cáncer (TRIM)  Infección postoperatoria (TRIM)  Prolongación de la estancia  Dudosa eficacia  Legislación vigente Razones para “cerrar el grifo”
  • 27. Health-care services should establish a multidisciplinary, multimodal perioperative patient blood management program, based on: • Preoperative optimisation of red cell mass • Minimization of blood loss, including meticulous surgical hemostasis • Tolerance to postoperative anemia WHA 63.12 (resolution). Availability, safety and quality of blood products, 21 May 2010, Geneva, Switzerland. Available at: Availability, safety and quality of blood products
  • 28. WHA 63.12 (resolution). Availability, safety and quality of blood products, 2010. Available at: Optimización de la eritropoyesis Minimización de las pérdidas sanguíneas Optimización de la tolerancia a la anemia Los Servicios de Salud deben establecer programas multidisciplinares y multimodales para el manejo perioperatorio de los pacientes, basados en: Patient Blood Management USO ADECUADO DE LA TRANSFUSIÓN
  • 30. Sangre autóloga • Donacion preoperatoria • Hemodilución • Recuperación perioperatoria Criterio “restrictivo” de transfusión Hb <70-80 g/L Reducción del sangrado • Aprotinina • Antifibrinoliticos • Desmopresina • rFVIIa Erythropoiesis Stimulation • Vitamina B12 • Acido Fólico • rHuEpo • Hierro Alternativas a la TSA Spanish Consensus Statement on alternatives to allogeneic blood transfusion: the 2013 update of the "Seville Document“. Blood Transfus. 2013 Jun 17:1-25. HIP FRACTURE Patient Blood Management
  • 33.
  • 34. Iron deficiency Management 20-30 mg/día Músculo (250 mg) Médula ósea (300 mg) Eritrocitos (2.000 mg) Macrófagos SRE (500 mg) Hígado (1000 mg) Absorción intestinal de hierro (1-2 mg/día) Transferrina (3 mg) Pérdidas de hierro (1-2 mg/día) Hierro IV IRON LOST! IRON BLOCK! IRON GIVEN!!! HIP FRACTURE
  • 36. - Grade of recommendation: . “For patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery expected to develop severe postoperative anaemia we currently suggest IV iron administration during the perioperative period”. For all other surgeries no evidence-based recommendation can be made. We strongly recommend that large prospective randomised controlled trials are undertaken in patients undergoing surgery expected to develop severe post operative anaemia. Perioperative IV iron HIP FRACTURE
  • 37. Sangrado en fracturas de cadera Autor, año N Tipo de Fractura Hierro IV (mg) Transfusión, n (%) Infección, n (%) Mortalidad 30d, n (%) Control Cuenca, 2004 102 FPC --- 57 (55.9) 34 (33.3) 17 (16.7) Cuenca, 2004 57 FSC --- 21 (36.8) 19 (33.3) 11 (19.3) García-Erce, 2005 41 FPC, FSC --- 29 (70.7) 13 (31.4) 6 (14.6) TOTAL 200 107 (53.5) 67 (33) 34 (17.0) Hierro sacarosa Cuenca, 2004 23 # FPC 100 9 (39.1) 6 (26.1)* 3 (13.0) Cuenca, 2004 55 # FPC 200 – 300 24 (43.6) 9 (16.4)* 5 (8.9) Cuenca, 2004 20 FSC 200 – 300 3 (15.0) 3 (15.0)* 0 (0.0)* García-Erce, 2005 83 FPC, FSC 600## 20 (24.1)* 10 (12.5)* 6 (7.2) TOTAL 181 56 (30.9)* 27 (14.9)* 14 (7.7) RR [IC95%] (p) 0,58 [0,45-0,74] (p<0,001) 0,47 [0,32–0,69] (p<0,001) 0,45 [0,25-0,82] (p:0,0065) Uso perioperatorio a corto plazo Fe ev +/- EPO
  • 38. Sangrado en fracturas de cadera Autor, año N Tipo de Fractura Hierro IV (mg) Transfusión, n (%) Infección, n (%) Mortalidad 30d, n (%) Control Cuenca, 2004 102 FPC --- 57 (55.9) 34 (33.3) 17 (16.7) Cuenca, 2004 57 FSC --- 21 (36.8) 19 (33.3) 11 (19.3) García-Erce, 2005 41 FPC, FSC --- 29 (70.7) 13 (31.4) 6 (14.6) TOTAL 200 107 (53.5) 67 (33) 34 (17.0) Hierro sacarosa Cuenca, 2004 23 # FPC 100 9 (39.1) 6 (26.1)* 3 (13.0) Cuenca, 2004 55 # FPC 200 – 300 24 (43.6) 9 (16.4)* 5 (8.9) Cuenca, 2004 20 FSC 200 – 300 3 (15.0) 3 (15.0)* 0 (0.0)* García-Erce, 2005 83 FPC, FSC 600## 20 (24.1)* 10 (12.5)* 6 (7.2) TOTAL 181 56 (30.9)* 27 (14.9)* 14 (7.7) RR [IC95%] (p) 0,58 [0,45-0,74] (p<0,001) 0,47 [0,32–0,69] (p<0,001) 0,45 [0,25-0,82] (p:0,0065) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Control Hierro sacarosa *P<0.05 Pacientes(%) * * * Uso perioperatorio a corto plazo Fe ev +/- EPO
  • 39. Perioperative IV iron Transfusion. 2013 Apr 15. doi: 10.1111/trf.12195. [Epub ahead of print] 4 Spanish hospitals (October 2002 – December 2011) HIP FRACTURE
  • 40. Perioperative IV iron ± ESAs Transfusion reduction (primary outcome variable) Postoperative nosocomial infection (primary outcome variable) Length of hospital stay (secondary outcome variable) Postoperative 30-day mortality (secondary outcome variable) Objective We pooled all our observational data to ascertain the benefits of this treatment on: Note: Postoperative nosocomial infection was clinically diagnosed by a senior member of the surgical or medical team, and was always confirmed by laboratory, microbiological or radiological evidence. HIP FRACTURE
  • 41. Patients, procedures and groups Patients approached (n=2633) Patients included (n=2547) Patients excluded (Hb <10 g/dL): - Hip fracture = 82 - Arthroplasty = 4 Hip fracture (n=1361) Arthroplasty (n=1186) Control (n=214) Treatment (n=443) PHF (n=657) Control (n=147) Treatment (n=557) SHF (n=704) THA (n=492) Control (n=360) Treatment (n=132) TKA (n=694) Control (n=288) Treatment (n=406)
  • 42. Perioperative IV iron ± ESAs Intravenous iron: either 2-5 days preoperatively and/or 2-3 days postoperatively, with a maximum 600 mg. rHuEPO: single preoperative dose (40,000 IU, sc) was administered at the orthopedic ward to some patients presenting with preoperative Hb level of less than 13 g/dL. Control group: oral iron or no treatment No other blood conservation measure was used. Patients were managed with a restrictive transfusion trigger. Treatment
  • 45. Hospital stay & mortality Hip fracture repair
  • 46. Z Effects of IVI & transfusion Hip fracture repair
  • 47.
  • 48. Perioperative IV iron + EPO Fe sucrosa 200 mg iv/48 h (3 d) EPO 40.000 UI sc ifHb<13 g/dL
  • 49. Fe sucrosa 200 mg iv/48 h (3 d) EPO 40.000 UI sc ifHb<13 g/dL Perioperative IV iron + EPO
  • 51. Is it necessary a transfusion?
  • 52. Sangre autóloga • Donacion preoperatoria • Hemodilución • Recuperación perioperatoria Criterio “restrictivo” de transfusión Hb <70-80 g/L Reducción del sangrado • Aprotinina • Antifibrinoliticos • Desmopresina • rFVIIa Erythropoiesis Stimulation • Vitamina B12 • Acido Fólico • rHuEpo • Hierro Alternativas a la TSA Spanish Consensus Statement on alternatives to allogeneic blood transfusion: the 2013 update of the "Seville Document“. Blood Transfus. 2013 Jun 17:1-25. HIP FRACTURE Patient Blood Management
  • 55.
  • 57. The FOCUS study Carson y cols. NEJM 2011; 365: 2453-62 • 2016 oldie patients with Hb <10 g/dL after hip fracture repair surgery • Cardiovascular disease antecedent or risk factor • Liberal criteria: transfuse if Hb < 10 g/dL • Resctrive criteria: transfuse if signs/symptoms or Hb < 8 g/dL Pacientes(%) TSA: CR 41% vs. CL 96% IAM Angina inestable FCC Infección Mortalidad hospital FACIT-Fatiga 60d No deambulación 60d Mortalidad 60d Liberal Restrictivo 2.3% 3.8% 0.2% 0.3% 2.7% 3.5% 8.3% 5.9% 2.0% 1.4% 41.8±7.3 42.3±7.4 40.9% 43.8% 5.2% 4.3% Postoperative side effects Restrictive Transfusion Criteria
  • 58. •Clinical Guidelines Red Blood Cell Transfusion: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the AABBJeffrey L. Carson, MD; Brenda J. Grossman, MD, MPH; Steven Kleinman, MD; Alan T. Tinmouth, MD; Marisa B. Marques, MD; Mark K. Fung, MD, PhD; John B. Holcomb, MD; Orieji Illoh, MD; Lewis J. Kaplan, MD; Louis M. Katz, MD; Sunil V. Rao, MD; John D. Roback, MD, PhD; Aryeh Shander, MD; Aaron A.R. Tobian, MD, PhD; Robert Weinstein, MD; Lisa Grace Swinton McLaughlin, MD; and Benjamin Djulbegovic, MD, PhD, for the Clinical Transfusion Medicine Committee of the AABB* CRITERIOS “RESTRICTIVOS” TRANSFUSIONALES Patient Blood Management
  • 59. Question 1 • In hospitalized, hemodynamically stable patients, at what hemoglobin concentration should a decision to transfuse RBCs be considered? Recommendations The AABB recommends adhering to a “restrictive” transfusion strategy. In adult and pediatric intensive care unit patients, transfusion should be considered at Hb concentrations of 7 g/dL or less. In postoperative surgical patients, transfusion should be considered at a Hb concentration of 8 g/dL or less or for symptoms (chest pain, orthostatic hypotension or tachycardia unresponsive to fluid resuscitation, or congestive heart failure). Quality of evidence: high; strength of recommendation: strong.
  • 60. Question 2 • In hospitalized, hemodynamically stable patients with preexisting cardiovascular disease, at what hemoglobin concentration should a decision to transfuse RBCs be considered? Recommendations The AABB suggests adhering to a “restrictive” transfusion strategy. Quality of evidence: moderate; strength of recommendation: weak. Transfusion should be considered at a Hb concentration of 8 g/dL or less or for symptoms (chest pain, orthostatic hypotension or tachycardia unresponsive to fluid resuscitation, or congestive heart failure).
  • 61. The existing evidence supports the use of restrictive transfusion triggers in most patients including those with pre-existing cardiovascular disease. In countries with inadequate screening of donor blood, the data may constitute a stronger basis for avoiding transfusion with allogeneic red cells.
  • 62. Overall, 39% fewer patients received transfusions in the restrictive group than in the liberal group. The mean number of units of RBCs transfused was 1.19 units lower and the mean hemoglobin concentration before transfusion was 1.48 g/dL lower in the restrictive group. These findings confirm that a restrictive transfusion strategy leads to a clinically important reduction in RBC use and a lower mean hemoglobin concentration.
  • 63. Restrictive transfusion strategies were associated with a statistically significant reduction in hospital mortality (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.62-0.95) but not 30 day mortality (RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.03). The use of restrictive transfusion strategies did not reduce functional recovery, hospital or intensive care length of stay.
  • 64.
  • 65. Actualización Documento Sevilla ATSA Transfusión de sangre alogénica En pacientes críticos, politraumatizados y/o quirúrgicos, sin afectación cardiológica y/o del Sistema Nervioso Central recomendamos la transfusión de CH para mantener cifras de hemoglobina entre 7 y 9 g/dL, con objeto de disminuir la tasa transfusional. 1A Concentrado de hematíes (CH) En pacientes críticos, politraumatizados y/o quirúrgicos, con afectación cardiológica y/o del Sistema Nervioso Central recomendamos la transfusión de CH para mantener cifras de hemoglobina entre 8 y 10 g/dL, con objeto de disminuir la tasa transfusional. 1A
  • 66. Things Physicians and Patients Should Question diisponible desde 12/12/13
  • 67. DE UNO EN UNO
  • 68. Criterios generales de indicación Uso adecuado: •Presencia de signos o síntomas de hipoxia tisular •Ausencia de tratamiento específico de la anemia •Refractariedad al tratamiento específico •La situación clínica del paciente precisa una reposición inmediata de la masa eritrocitaria Tratamiento transfusional