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Intestinal Obstruction
Assessment And Management
Moh.Hazem El-Foll
Consultant General Surgeon
KJO Hospital KSA
 Failure of forward progression of
intestinal contents
 Intestinal obstruction may be:-
I. complete :No passage of fluid and air past the
II. Incomplete : passage of some air and fluid
past the obstruction.
 Intestinal Obstruction accounts for approx.20%
of acute surgical admission and about 5-10% of
Acute Abdomen Patients
 Approximately; 9.0 liters of fluid enters the small
 2.0 liters ingested fluid
 1.0 liters saliva
 2.0 liters gastric juice
 4.0 liters biliary;pancreatic and succus entericus
 4.0-5.0 liters absorbed in jejunum
 3.0-4.0 liters absorbed in ileum
 1.0 liters enters Rt.colon/day
 800ml. Reabsorbed in the colon
 200ml.excreated in faeces
 Autonomic control:
 Parasympathetic: stim.intestinal motility
and inhibitory to sphincters
 Sympathetic: inhibit intestinal motility
Types of intestinal motility:
1) Peristaltic contractions: in small
bowel;these are strong coordinated propulsive
contractions moving forward at distance of 1-
2cm/sec.These are initiated by pacemaker
potential originating in duodenum
2)Mass contractions: in
colon.these are strong
propagating contractions
occure 2-3 times/day;initiated
by gastrocolic reflex sweeping
across distal colon to deliver
faecal matter into the rectum
3.Segmental contractions:in both
small&large bowel
 These are segmental annular contractions moving
contents for short distance in both directions
 They are involved in mixing&absorbtion
4. Migrating Myoelectrical
Complex(MMC):These are waves of
contractions start in duodenum and sweep down the
small bowel and colon.These are called hous-keeper
potential as they cleared bowel from its contents
Motiline (enteric neurohormone) is associated with MMC
Intestinal obstruction can be
classified(according to pathophysiological
events into):
 Dynamic
 Failure of forward
intestinal progression
due to organic
I. Intraluminal:
s,parasitic worms as
 Adynamic
 Failure of forward
intestinal progression
due to failure of
propulsive peristaltic
movement with no
mechanical occlusion
 It covers a variety of
• .
• :
Intestinal obstruction can be
classified(according to pathophysiological
events into):
II. Intramural:
 Diverticulitis
 Neoplastic
III. Extraluminal:
 Intraperit.Bands
 Hernial Sacs&
 Intussessception
 volvulus
1. Paralytic Ileus
2. Acute Colonic
3. Acute Mesentric
Mechanical functional
Intestinal obstruction could be:
Intestinal obstruction could be:
I. Simple:Luminal Obstruction with NO
interference of mesenteric blood supply
II.Strangulated:There is interference
of mesenteric blood supply
Strangulated intestinal
Strangulated intestinal
1. Direct External compression causing local
pressure necrosis as in :tight hernial sacs and
rings ,intraperitoneal bands and adhesions
2. Interruption of mesent.blood flow as in:volvulus
and intusseception
3. Primary occlusion of mesentric blood vessles
:acute mesentric ischemia
4. Closed Loop Obstruction
Closed loop
Closed loop
 This occures when loop of bowel is occluded at both
proximal and distal ends by constricting lesion
;causing rise in intraluminal pressure&bowel wall
tension; leading to ischemic necrosis
I. When bowel loop is trapped in hernial sac
II. When bowel loop is twisted around unyielding
band( volvulus)
III. Commonest in ca. with competent
ileocaecal valve;causing creation of closed loop
between the and the valve;leading to
ischemic necrosis(common in caecum as it has
thinner wall and wide diameter)
Closed Loop
Closed Loop
Bowel loop trapped
in hernial sac or
twisted around
unyieldind band
with increase in
 Dist.Obst.:Early bowel exhibt normal perisalisis and
absorption untile it becomes empty and peristalsis
diminished.Eventually it becomes empty,pale and
 Proximal to obstruction.:
The bowel distends with fluid and gas
 Fluid persistently augmented by continous intestinal
 Gas derived initially from swallowed air ;later from
profilerating enteric flora(amonia;H2sulfid)This is the
cause of faeculenet odour and nature of vomiting
proximalto obstruction:
 The bowel exhibtes strong peristaltic
contractions(due to distention and stim.of local
stretch receptores)to overcome the obstruction
These accounts for colicky abd.pain;audibule
peristaltic rushes ;and high pitched bowel
 Continuous accumulation of fluid and gas
There rise in intraluminal pressure which result
in increase in bowel wall tension
 The rise in bowel wall tension causing
compression and occlusion of lymph.;then veins
;and finally the arteries
Proximal to obstruction:(early)
 Impairement of the venous return from bowel wall
increase in capp.pressure Fluid transudation
and RBCdiapedesis into the bowel wall
 So;bowel wall oedematous and haemorrhagic
further increase in bowel wall tension and further
impairment of blood supply
 Fluid transudation and RBCs diapedesis into bowel
lumen and into perit.surface
 Haemorrhagic exudate
Proximal to obsTruction:(_late
after few hours)
 There is cessation of peristaltic activity(due to
increased local injury of bowel wall and
systemic electrolyte disturbance) This is
protective function preventing further increase
in intraluminal pressure and bowel wall tension
so prevent excessive vascular occlusion
 Except in closed loop obstruction:where the
rise in luminal pressure and wall tension is
sufficent to compromise blood supply and cause
ischemic necrosis
 IN 20%of patients ileocaecal valve becomes
incomptent;there are anteperistaltic activity and
reflux of colonic contents into small bowel and
colonic pressure relieved so there is distention of
both small and large bowel
 If ileocaecal valve is comptent;closed loop is
created between the obst.lesion and the valve with
progressive rise in colonic pressure and wall tension
to degree to comprise blood supply and infarction
and perforation occure.According to Laplace Law
this is commonest in caecum(caecm has thin
wall&wide diameter)
Progress to Type
1B with some SB
and colonic &SB
Early:There is ischemia of bowel wall and loss
of intestinal mucosal barrier there is
translocation of enteric flora across serosal
surface into peritoneal cavity . So
haemorrhagic peritoneal exudate is
contaminated So there is a risk of gm-ve
septicaemia even before gross perforation
 With perforation there is Faecal Peritonitis;
Septic Shock and circulatory failure
IN Neglected cases ;MOF occure
 There is decrease in ECF volume due to:
 Sequestration of large volume of isotonic fluid in bowel
lumen augmented by continuous CIT secretion at higher
 Decrease oral intake and vomiting
 Initially BP is maintained due compensatory changes:
 Decrease urinary excretion of water and Na
 Shift of fluid from interstial comp.intoECF comp.
mic effects)
So;EARLY:BP is maintained but there signs
of EC .Dehydration:dry tongue;sunken eyes;loss
of skin texture ;oligourea
and prerenal uraemia
global damage to capp.Endoth.with
compartmental fluid shift accentuating hypovol,
and eventually MOF.(due to toxic and ischemic
damage to renal and pulmonary cappillaries)
 Plasma electrolytes conc.(Na,K)are not
accurate for the present depletion and so for
 Plasma Na is normal or even high as H2O loss is
more than Na loss
 Plasma K is normal until late as K is mainly IC
and there is diffusion from IC to EC
 There is marked deficit in total body K due to:
loss of K in the sequestered GIT fluid and renal
absorp. Of Na at expense of K secretion.
 In high jujenal obst.excessive vomiting and loss
of HCl with Hco3 retention(alk.tide) leading to
Metabolic Alkalosis which is worsened by renal
reabsorp.of Na at the expence of H secreation
 In distal obstruction the sequestered intestinal
fluid is highly alkaline and Metabolic Acidosis
etiology:(small bowel)
I. Adhesions(80%of causes)
A. Postoperative:
 Commonest after lower abdominal and
gynaecological surgery
 Patients can present as early as 4 weeks postop.but
often 1-5 years postoperative.
 70% of patients have single band
 Patients with complex bands are likely for recurrent
symptomatic adhesions
I. Adhesions
 Cholecystitis
 Appendicitis
 T.B
 Peritonitis
C. Radiation
D. F.B and Drugs
I. adhesions
E. Congenital:
 Ladds Band associated with midgut malrotation
 Band arise from Meckles diverticulum
 Bands can cause obstruction by:
 Kinking or snaring of bowel loop
 Twisting of loop(volvulus)
Etiology(small bowel)
II. Hernia(10% of causes)
A. External:
 Inguinal ; Femoral; Umbilical
B. Internal:
 Anatomical defects(Foramen of Winslow;
paraduod fossa; cong.mesen.defects)
 Iatrogenic defects(mesentric defects;
lateral space in stoma)
II. Hernia(10% of causes)
 Femoral hernia commonly present by obstruction
or srang.for first time
 We should differentiate between obstructed hernia
and increase size of pre-existing hernia due to bowel
obstruction due to any other cause
 Richter,s hernia present with functional obst,
with evidences of srangulation
 Evidence of strang.will appear in hernia without
obstruction;if the omentum is strangulated
 The term incarcerated is inaccurate; better to use
Irreducable ; Obstructed; or Strangulated
Strangulated small bowel
loop(strangulated ing.h.)
III.Neoplasms(5% of causes)
1. Primary Tumers:
 Benign: Adenoma;lipoma;Fibroma;Liomyoma
 Malignant:Lymphoma;Adenoca.;Carcinoid
2. Metastatic: ca.ovary;colon;stomach
 Metastatic involvement is much more likely to cause
small bowel obstruction than the rare Pr.tumers
 Primary T.cause obstruction by luminal obstruction
OR Intusseception
 Caecal ca.near ileocaecal valve present by small
bowel obstruction
IV. strictures
A.Congenital: Intestinal Atresia
B. Inflammatory:
 Crohns Disease
 Tuberculosis
 Drugs :enteric-coated KCLtab. ;NSAIS drugs
C. Neoplastic:
 Lymphoma
 Carcinoid
V. volvulus
 Small Bowel volvulus ;when loop of small bowel
is twisted around unyielding band.360 degree
rotation cause closed-loop obstruction:
A. congenital bands:
 Volvulus neonatorum; occure around narrow
mesenyric vas.pedicle or Ladds band
 Volvulus of terminal ileum around band remanant of
vitillo-intestinal duct
B. Acquired bands: postoperative. Inflammatory.
• Treatment:
• The volvulus is reduced, the
transduodenal band(Ladd’s
band) divided, the
duodenum mobilised & the
mesentry freed.
• Appendicectomy is
routinely performed to
avoid diagnostic difficulty
with appendicitis in the
Malrotation & neonatal volvulus
 Invagination of segment of bowel(intussusceptum)
into another(intussuscepien).it is often antegrade
 Most common:It is ileocolic(ileocaecal)
Ileo-ileal; ileo-ileo-colic; colo-colic (less common)
 It causes strangulated bowel obstruction
A. Primary: infants&young children
 Due to lymphoid hypertrophy of terminal ileum
B. Secondary: older children&adult
 Due pathological lead point :
 Meckles diverticulum ;polyp ;submucous lipoma ;
haemangiomas ;Lymphoproliferative disease
V.Bolus obstruction
1. F.B. usually impacted in esophagus or
duodenum;but can progress to obstruct small bowel
2. Bezoars:
 Trichobezoars:(human hair) in neurotics
 Phytobezoars:(ingested fruits&vegetables) after
partial or tootal gastrectomy
3. Parasitic worms; AS ascaris worms
4. Gall stone :(Gall stone ileus) It is mechanical
obstruction where stone passes via
cholycystoduodenal fistula and becomes impacted
in ileum
I. Colorectal carcinoma:
 Commonest cause in western
countries&North america
 75% occure in Rectosigmoid colon
 15-20% of colorectal cancer present with
 LT.colon commonest site of obstruction due
to constricting lesion&solid faeces
II. Colonic volvulus
A. Sigmoid volvulus:
 Commonest cause of colonic obstruction in
Eastern&Africa&Middle EAST. Commonest
site(80%)due to long redundant colon with freely
mobile mesocolon and narrow mesosigmoid pedicle
attached to post.parietal perit.
 Strangulation is early due to 360D.anteclockwise
rotation and interruption of mesentric
 There are 2 types of presentation:
1. Acute: mostly in young&middle age
2. Intermittent subacute: mostly in old age
Sigmoid volvulus
B. Caecal volvulus :
 Less common;account for 1% of intestinal obst.
 The caecum(and asc.colon) are mobile and have
mesocolon(not attached to post.abd.wall
 The caecum(and asc.colon) rotate 360
clockwise direction with occlusion of mesentrin and early strangulation
 The patient presents with picture of low small bowel
C. In Hirschsprungs disease &Chagas
disease: megacolon affecting lower sig.&upper
rectum predispose to volvulus
III. Strictures(benign):
I. Diverticular
II. Inflammatory(IBD)
IV.Intussussception:Due to colonic polyps
V. External Hernia
VI.Faecal impaction
Adynamic obstruction
I. Paralytic Ileus:
 There is Reflex Inhibition of Peristaltaic
Activity of SB. Due to increase sympathetic
Drive to SB. Leading to hyperpolarisation of
smooth muscle which become unresponsive
to neural and hormonal stimuli
 Causes:
1) Postlaparotomy: after Abd.Pelvic surgery
I. Paralytic ileus(
2) Intra-abdominal Sepsis
3) Abdomino-pelvic Trauma (Retroperitoneal
 Other Contributing Factors:
 Electrolytes Imbalance
 Uraemia
 Diabetic Ketoacidosis
 Drugs: Narcotics ; Antichlonergices; phenothiazines
II. Acute colonic pseudo-
 It is massive colonic dilatation affecting caecum and
Rt.colon (occasionally extend to the rectum) with
presentation of colonic obstruction without
mechanical blockage
 It is likely results from imbalance of autonomic
regulation of colonic motility with excessive
parasympathetic suppression causing atony to distal
colon and functional obstruction
 The vast majority of patients are Elderly hospitalised
patients with major TRAUMA; ILLENESS; MAJOR
 Major non-operative TRAUMA
 Myocardial infarction ; Heart Failure
 Major Abdomino-pelvic Surgery
 Orthopedic Surgery
 Gynecological ; Neurosurgical Procedures
 Cerebrovasular accident ; Spinal cord Injury
 Advanced Malignancy
 Respiratory ; Renal Failure
 Drugs: Opiates; phenothiazines ;Chanel blockers
III.Acute mesenteric ischemia(
1. Embolic: (50%) due to detached thrombi from
mural thrombi in MI; atrial thrombus in AF;
vegetative endocarditis; and athr.plaques in Ao.
2. Trombotic(20%) due to acute thrombosis on top
of pre-existing athr. of visc.A
3. Venous Thrombosis: Hypercoagulopathy
4. Non-occlusive:( 20-30%) sever reduction
of mesentric blood flow with sec.mesen. VC. In:
 SHOCK: hypovolemic& septic
 Acute heart failure and cadiogenic Shock
 Cancer (75%)
 Diverticulos.(10%)
 Volvulus(10%)
 Miscellan.(10%)
 In Eastern Countries&
Middle East volvulus
accounts for > 50% of
causes of colon
 Adhesions(80%)
 Hernia(10%)
 Tumors(5%)
 Miscellan.(5%)
Small Bowel
clinical examination
plain abdominal X-RAY
I. history
 The four cardinal symptoms are:
 These clinical features and also the clinical
course vary according to the LEVEL &CAUSE of
clinical presentation into
4 types:
A. Acute: Rapid clinical course with acute complete
 This is typically seen in small bowel obstruction
B. Chronic: Slow clinical course with progressive
constipation ; vague lower abdominal pain with late
vomiting and abdominal distension
 This is typically seen in colonic obstruction
C. Subacute: Mild symptoms with passage of gas
and liquid stool
 This is seen in partial bowel obstruction either small
bowel or colon
D.Intermittent :
 These are recurrent acute attacks of acute
small bowel obstruction which are relieved
 This is almost invariably due to adhesions
1) Abdominal pain
 Sever colicky abdominal pain Not localized
 In SBO periumbilical occure in waves/ 2-5 minutes
 In colonic obst. Less sever lower abdominal pain-
free period up to 20-30 minutes
 Persistent sharp localized pain
 It is accompained by localised tenderness(Late)
 Due to cessation of peristaltic contractions and
distension of bowel loop with inflammation of the
overlying serosa
 It signifies the onset of strangulation
2) vomiting
 Faeculent vomiting accompany all forms of bowel
obstruction at some stage The more distal the
obstruction ;The late onset of vomiting
 In high SB obst. Vomting is EARLY and initially it is
 In low SB. Obst.vomiting is LATE after onset of pain
and usually faeculent
 In colonic Obst. Vomiting is LATE MANY DAYS after
onset of even complete obstruction if ileo-caecal
valve is incomptenet.Vomiting may never occure in
complete colonic obst.if valve is competent(closed-
loop obstruction)
3) constipation
 EARLY: The patient may have normal bowel
motion which persist for sometime
especially in high jejunal obstruction
 Later: in complete bowel
obstruction(especially low ileal&colonic)
 Occasionally: in subacute partial
obstruction There is DIARRHEA due to
fermentation of faecal matter by enteric
4) Abdominal distention
 It varies according to level of obstruction:
 In HIGH SB.Obst.and EARLY mesenteric
ischemia;There is minimal distention
 In LOW SB.Obstruction.(and caecal obstruction.)
 In colonic obstruction:LATE DISTENSION mainly
in flanks and upper abdomen
 Obstructing lt colonic ca.(comp. ileocaecal valve)
 Sigmoid volvulus
 Hirschprung disease
II. examination
 EARLY: Signs of EC Dehydration:
 Dry Tongue ;Loss of tissue texture;Thirst;
 Oliguria Foeter Smel ;Mild pyrexia. BP is initially
 LATE: Hypovolaemic shock: tachycardia; cold
extremities; low BP
 High pyrexia; signifies onset of :
 Inflammatory phlegmon(Diverticular abscess or
pericolic abscess with IBD)
1) Inspection:
Scares; Distension; Hernial orifices
2) Palpation:
Localized tenderness; and rebound tenderness in
impending strangulation
Localized guarding; in perforation and peritonitis
Localized tender Mass; in Neoplasm and Inflamm.
II. examination
3) Percussion: Tympantic Abdomen(gas filled loops)
4) Auscultation: EARLY; Frequent; high pitched
bowel sounds. LATER; OR STRANGULATION; silent
5) Careful Exam. Of HERNIAL ORIFICES
 Low rectal cancer(blood in exam.figer)
 Hard stool; in faecal impaction
 Soft stool; in simple constipation
 Rectal ballooning below obstructed colonic cancer
II. examination
7) Rigid Sigmoidoscopy:
 This will complete examination of the
rectosigmoid colon:
 It can detect low sigmoid neoplasm
 It can detect rectal ballooning below
obstructing colonic carcinoma
 Insertion of rectal tube via sigmoidoscope
can be diagnostic and therapeutic for
sigmoid volvulus
III. Investigations (BASIC)
 EARLY: lab.Results may be normal
 LATE: Rise inPCV and blood urea(dehydration)
 High leucocytosis(Strang.or Peritonitis)
 Hypokalaemia(depletion of K BODY STORES)
 Confirm presence of intestinal obstruction
 Suspect level of obstruction
A. Supine Film: Gas distended Bowel Loops
B. Erect Film: Multiple Fluid Levels
 Gas-Distended CAECUM :indicate colonic
 Collapsed CAECUM(and large bowel): indicate small
bowel obstruction
 CAECAL OBSTRUCTION(near ileocaecal valve):
present as small bowel obstruction
The Difference between small
and large bowel obstruction
Small Bowel
Large bowel
•Central ( diameter 2.5cm+ vulvulae
•Ileum: may appear tubeless
•Peripheral ( diameter 5cm+)
•Presence of haustration
•Presence of solid faeces
Five Questions Should Be Answered:
I. Is The Diagnosis INTESTINAL
II. Mechanical Vs Adynamic
III.Simple Vs Strangulated
IV.Proximal SB / Distal SB / Colonic
V. The Likely ETIOLOGY
I. Is the diagnosis intestinal
 The diagnosis of intestinal obstruction depend on:
A. The standard clinical presentation: PAIN;
 These cardinal features predominate according to
B. ABDOMINAL X-RAY:Revealing gas-distended bowel
 However gas-distended bowel loops(SEC.ILEUS)
occure in other acute intra-abdominal pathology:
 Peritonitis.Localised intra-abdominal abscess
 Acute pancreatitis ;Perforation hollow viscus
 Primary Mesentric Occlusion
 NO
 Early episodes of
sever colic.Later sharp
constant pain(due
distension and
 Distention; less
 NO air or faeces
 History of major
 Usually NO PAIN(or
mild abdominal
 Diffuse marked
 Continue to pass air
and diarrheaa
II. Is mechanical vs adynamic
Adynamic(Ileus) Mechanical
 Bowel sounds:
 Abd.X-Ray:diffuse
distended SB loops
colon also
distended with
 Gastrograffine SB
 Early:Hyperactive
bowel sounds
Late: silent
 SB loops distended
colon collapsed NO
 Gastrograffine SB
detect the presence
of mechanical
III. Simple vs
Strangulated bowel obstruction:
 Prolonged History
 Sever constant sharp abdominal Pain
 High Fever;Tachycardia (Toxaemia)
 Localised Tenderness&Rebound Tenderness
 Muscle Gaurding ( Peritonitis)
 High Leucocytosis>18000/ml
 Abd.X-RAY: pnemoperitonium
;Pnemointestinalis (late signs of perforation and
IV. Level of obstruction
Proximal Small Bowel:
 Early colic
 Early Vomiting;Bilious then Faeculent
 Mild or NO Distention
 Early Marked Hypovolaemia(profuse
 ABD.X-RAY:Gas-Distended Bowel Loops in
upper lt.Q
IV. Level of obstruction
Distal Small Bowel:
 Early Abdominal Colic
 Early Marked Central Distention
 Late Vomiting Less in Amount
 Marked Hypovolaemia(Sequestered Fluid)
 Abd.x-Ray: Centrally Distended SB
loops(Ladder Pattern)
IV. level of obstruction
Colonic Obstruction:
 Progressive Constipation With LATE
Distention Mainly in Flanks& Upper Abd.
 Late Vomiting (may be absent in closed
 Vague lower Abdominal Pain
 Abd.X-RAY: Distended Caecum ;NO Gas in
Rectum; small bowel dilatation
(incompetent ileocaecal valve)
V. The likely cause of
This Depends Upon :
 Clinical Course Of Obstruction
 Anatomical Level Of Obstruction
 Age Of The Patient
 Ileocaecal
 Ing.Hernia
 Meckles Diverticulum
 Adhesions
 Hirschsprungs Disease
 Foreign Bodies
 Meconium Ileus
 Cong.Intes.Atresia
 Volv.Neonatorum
 Hirschsprung Dis.
 Cong.Anorectal
 Neonatal Necrotising
AGE-related common obstructing
 Adhesions
 Hernia
 Strictures (Crohns)
 Intussessception
 Colonic (common):
 Volvulous
 Carcinoma
 Diverticulitis
 Adhesions
 Hernia
 Meckeles Diverticulum
 Strictures (Crohns D.)
 Intussessc.(Polyp)
 Colonic Rare (volv. Or
Age-related common obstructing
Young Adult Middle Age
Age-related common obstructing
 OLD –AGE (>65 Y.):
 Adhesions ;Hernia ;Gall Stone Ileus
 Small Bowel Tumers
 Colonic Obstruction:
 Obstructing carcinoma
 Sigmoid volvulus
 Diverticulitis
 Faecal Impaction
 Acute Colonic Psedoobstruction
 Acute Mesentric Vascular Occlusion
Strangulation / Suspected
Closed-Loop Obstruction
Complete Obstruction
Pnumoperitonium/ Peritonitis
Adhesive SB. Obstruction NO
Observe&Mointoring For 48-Hours
Incomplete SB or Colonic
Investigate With Contrast Studies To
Detect Level & Cause Of Obstruction
 Adhesive SB. Obstruction Provided: Pain Is
Settled& Radiological Improvement
 Immediate Postop.Periode: Where P. Ileus Is
 Disseminated Malignancy OR Extensive
Radiation Enteritis Where Prognosis Is Bad
 Patients With History Of IBD: When
Preservation Of Bowel Length Is Major Concern
B. Investigate with contrast
1)SB. Gastrograffine Follow-
 It can detect SB. Strictures(Crohns)
 It can detect rare small bowel tumers
 Differentiate between mechanical
Obstruction&P.Ileus( in postop. Period)
 Mointoring The Saftey of continuing
Conservative Treatment
2) Instant gastrograffine
 Slow installation of the contrast under
Fluoroscopic Screening:
 Indicated in all cases of suspected colonic
a) Differentiate between mechanical& colonic Pseudo-
b) Detect site and cause of obstruction:
 Long tapperd in Diverticular stricture
 Coiled-spring in Intussessception
 Bird-beak sign in volvulus
3) Ct-scan with contrast:
 Highly Sensitive&Better than contrast Radiology in
High-grade obstruction to detect Level of Obst.;
closed-loop obstruction And Strangulation
 Highly Accurate in detecting intra-abdominal
may present as small bowel obstruction)
 It can detect small amount of intra-peritoneal AIR
 In colonic Obstruction:
 Differentiate Mechanical From Pseudo-obstruction
 Confirm Mechanical Cause& Biopsy From LESION
 Colonoscopic Decompression In Pseudo-obstruction
IV. Definitive surgical
 Decompress The Bowel
 Resect Obstructing Lesion / Ischemic
 Restore Intestinal Continuity
In small bowel:
 Adhesiolysis For Intraperitoneal Adhesions
 Division Of Tight Hernial Sacs and Rings&
 In idiopathic Intussessception: Gentle backward
Milking & Application of Warm Packs
 In Adult type: Resection & PR. Anastomosis of
involved bowel segment
 Stricturoplasty For Short SB.Strictures
 Mini-resection For Long Strictures> 5cm or Multiple
adjacent Strictures
In small bowel:
 Assessment of Small Bowel Viability ;Primary
Resection& Anastomosis If Gangrenous OR Doubtful
 In Disseminated Intra-abdominal Carinomatosis With
SB. Involvement:
 BY-PASS : Anastomosis of Proximal Distended Loop
With Collapsed Distal Loop OR
 Defunctionning Ileostomy Using Proximal Distended
 In sigmoid volvulus:
 Hartmanns procedure : If Ischemic or Gangrenous
 Sigmoidopexy : High Reccurance Rate 40%
 Sigmoid Colectomy With PR. Anastomosis Is The
Best Option (On-Table Colonic Lavage)
 Caecopexy Or Tube-Caecostomy: High Reccurance
 Rt. Hemicolectomy: Is The Best Option
 In obstructed colonic
Rt. Colonic:
 Rt. Hemicolectomy OR Extended Rt. Hemicolectomy
Can be done safely
Lt. Colonic: Options:
1) Two-Staged Procedure; Hartmanns OR Paul-
Mickulicz Procedure With Delayed
Anastomosis(After 8-12 Weeks)
2) One-Stage Procedure ; Primary Resection-
Anastomosis ( On-Table Colonic Lavage)
Surgical options : obstructed
lt.colonic ca.
3) Total Colectomy With Ileo-Rectal
4) Subtotal Colectomy With Ileo-
Sigmoid Anastomosis
 In Closed-Loop Or Ischemic / Gangrenous
 They Have Low Morbidity& Mortality And
Remove synchronous colonic Lesions And
Avoid Metachronous Lesions
Lt.colonic carcinoma
surgical options
5. Self-Expanding Metallic Stent (SEMS)
 SEMS; Has been used Recently To
Decompress The Colon (placed
Endoscopically To By-Pass The Tumer)
 Interval Period : for Optimising Patient
General Condition And Recovery Of The
 On Stage Elective Resection & Primary
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  • 1. Tips on using my ppt. 1. You can freely download, edit, modify and put your name etc. 2. Don’t be concerned about number of slides. Half the slides are blanks except for the title. 3. First show the blank slides (eg. Aetiology ) > Ask students what they already know about ethology of today's topic. > Then show next slide which enumerates aetiologies. 4. At the end rerun the show – show blank> ask questions > show next slide. 5. This will be an ACTIVE LEARNING SESSION x three revisions. 6. Good for self study also. 7. See notes for bibliography.
  • 2. Intestinal Obstruction Assessment And Management DR. Moh.Hazem El-Foll FRCS ED.UK. Consultant General Surgeon KJO Hospital KSA
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  • 5. Definition  Failure of forward progression of intestinal contents  Intestinal obstruction may be:- I. complete :No passage of fluid and air past the obstruction. II. Incomplete : passage of some air and fluid past the obstruction.  Intestinal Obstruction accounts for approx.20% of acute surgical admission and about 5-10% of Acute Abdomen Patients
  • 7. PHYSIOLOGY(SECREATION& ABSORBTION)  Approximately; 9.0 liters of fluid enters the small bowel/day  2.0 liters ingested fluid  1.0 liters saliva  2.0 liters gastric juice  4.0 liters biliary;pancreatic and succus entericus  4.0-5.0 liters absorbed in jejunum  3.0-4.0 liters absorbed in ileum  1.0 liters enters Rt.colon/day  800ml. Reabsorbed in the colon  200ml.excreated in faeces
  • 9. PHYSIOLOGY(MOTILITY)  Autonomic control:  Parasympathetic: stim.intestinal motility and inhibitory to sphincters  Sympathetic: inhibit intestinal motility Types of intestinal motility: 1) Peristaltic contractions: in small bowel;these are strong coordinated propulsive contractions moving forward at distance of 1- 2cm/sec.These are initiated by pacemaker potential originating in duodenum
  • 11. INTESTINAL MOTILITY 2)Mass contractions: in colon.these are strong propagating contractions occure 2-3 times/day;initiated by gastrocolic reflex sweeping across distal colon to deliver faecal matter into the rectum
  • 12. PHYSIOLOGY(MOTILITY) 3.Segmental contractions:in both small&large bowel  These are segmental annular contractions moving contents for short distance in both directions  They are involved in mixing&absorbtion 4. Migrating Myoelectrical Complex(MMC):These are waves of contractions start in duodenum and sweep down the small bowel and colon.These are called hous-keeper potential as they cleared bowel from its contents Motiline (enteric neurohormone) is associated with MMC
  • 13. Intestinal obstruction can be classified(according to pathophysiological events into):
  • 14.  Dynamic (Mechanical)  Failure of forward intestinal progression due to organic occlusion: I. Intraluminal: gallstone,FB,Bezoar s,parasitic worms as ascaris,polypoid tumer,impacted faeces  Adynamic (Functional)  Failure of forward intestinal progression due to failure of propulsive peristaltic movement with no mechanical occlusion  It covers a variety of syndromes: • . • : Intestinal obstruction can be classified(according to pathophysiological events into):
  • 15. II. Intramural:  IBD  Diverticulitis  Neoplastic III. Extraluminal:  Intraperit.Bands  Hernial Sacs& Rings  Intussessception  volvulus 1. Paralytic Ileus 2. Acute Colonic Pseudo- obstruction 3. Acute Mesentric Ischemia Mechanical functional
  • 17. Intestinal obstruction could be: I. Simple:Luminal Obstruction with NO interference of mesenteric blood supply II.Strangulated:There is interference of mesenteric blood supply
  • 19. Strangulated intestinal obstruction: 1. Direct External compression causing local pressure necrosis as in :tight hernial sacs and rings ,intraperitoneal bands and adhesions 2. Interruption of mesent.blood flow as in:volvulus and intusseception 3. Primary occlusion of mesentric blood vessles :acute mesentric ischemia 4. Closed Loop Obstruction
  • 21. Closed loop obstruction  This occures when loop of bowel is occluded at both proximal and distal ends by constricting lesion ;causing rise in intraluminal pressure&bowel wall tension; leading to ischemic necrosis I. When bowel loop is trapped in hernial sac II. When bowel loop is twisted around unyielding band( volvulus) III. Commonest in ca. with competent ileocaecal valve;causing creation of closed loop between the and the valve;leading to ischemic necrosis(common in caecum as it has thinner wall and wide diameter)
  • 23. Closed Loop Obstruction: Bowel loop trapped in hernial sac or twisted around unyieldind band with increase in intraluminal pressure
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  • 26. functional obstruction  Dist.Obst.:Early bowel exhibt normal perisalisis and absorption untile it becomes empty and peristalsis diminished.Eventually it becomes empty,pale and flacid.  Proximal to obstruction.: The bowel distends with fluid and gas  Fluid persistently augmented by continous intestinal secreation  Gas derived initially from swallowed air ;later from profilerating enteric flora(amonia;H2sulfid)This is the cause of faeculenet odour and nature of vomiting
  • 27. proximalto obstruction: (early)  The bowel exhibtes strong peristaltic contractions(due to distention and stim.of local stretch receptores)to overcome the obstruction These accounts for colicky abd.pain;audibule peristaltic rushes ;and high pitched bowel sounds  Continuous accumulation of fluid and gas There rise in intraluminal pressure which result in increase in bowel wall tension  The rise in bowel wall tension causing compression and occlusion of lymph.;then veins ;and finally the arteries
  • 28. Proximal to obstruction:(early)  Impairement of the venous return from bowel wall increase in capp.pressure Fluid transudation and RBCdiapedesis into the bowel wall  So;bowel wall oedematous and haemorrhagic further increase in bowel wall tension and further impairment of blood supply  Fluid transudation and RBCs diapedesis into bowel lumen and into perit.surface  Haemorrhagic exudate
  • 29. Proximal to obsTruction:(_late after few hours)  There is cessation of peristaltic activity(due to increased local injury of bowel wall and systemic electrolyte disturbance) This is protective function preventing further increase in intraluminal pressure and bowel wall tension so prevent excessive vascular occlusion  Except in closed loop obstruction:where the rise in luminal pressure and wall tension is sufficent to compromise blood supply and cause ischemic necrosis
  • 30. Pathophysiology:(colonic obstruction)  IN 20%of patients ileocaecal valve becomes incomptent;there are anteperistaltic activity and reflux of colonic contents into small bowel and colonic pressure relieved so there is distention of both small and large bowel  If ileocaecal valve is comptent;closed loop is created between the obst.lesion and the valve with progressive rise in colonic pressure and wall tension to degree to comprise blood supply and infarction and perforation occure.According to Laplace Law this is commonest in caecum(caecm has thin wall&wide diameter)
  • 31. Colonic obstruction Type1A:comptent valve Progress to Type 1B with some SB dilatation Type2:incomp.valve and colonic &SB dilatation
  • 32. Pathophysiology:(strangulated obstruction) Early:There is ischemia of bowel wall and loss of intestinal mucosal barrier there is translocation of enteric flora across serosal surface into peritoneal cavity . So haemorrhagic peritoneal exudate is contaminated So there is a risk of gm-ve septicaemia even before gross perforation  With perforation there is Faecal Peritonitis; Septic Shock and circulatory failure IN Neglected cases ;MOF occure
  • 33. pathophysiology:(systemic effects)  There is decrease in ECF volume due to:  Sequestration of large volume of isotonic fluid in bowel lumen augmented by continuous CIT secretion at higher rate  Decrease oral intake and vomiting  Initially BP is maintained due compensatory changes:  Decrease urinary excretion of water and Na  Shift of fluid from interstial comp.intoECF comp.
  • 34. Pathophysiology:(syste mic effects) So;EARLY:BP is maintained but there signs of EC .Dehydration:dry tongue;sunken eyes;loss of skin texture ;oligourea LATER:there is HYPOVOLAEMIC SHOCK and prerenal uraemia IN STRANG.ther is SETICAEMIC SHOCK; global damage to capp.Endoth.with compartmental fluid shift accentuating hypovol, and eventually MOF.(due to toxic and ischemic damage to renal and pulmonary cappillaries)
  • 35. Pathophysiology:(systemic effects)elecrolytes:  Plasma electrolytes conc.(Na,K)are not accurate for the present depletion and so for Replacment:  Plasma Na is normal or even high as H2O loss is more than Na loss  Plasma K is normal until late as K is mainly IC and there is diffusion from IC to EC compartment  There is marked deficit in total body K due to: loss of K in the sequestered GIT fluid and renal absorp. Of Na at expense of K secretion.
  • 36. Pathophysiology:(acid-base disturbance)  In high jujenal obst.excessive vomiting and loss of HCl with Hco3 retention(alk.tide) leading to Metabolic Alkalosis which is worsened by renal reabsorp.of Na at the expence of H secreation  In distal obstruction the sequestered intestinal fluid is highly alkaline and Metabolic Acidosis develop
  • 38. etiology:(small bowel) I. Adhesions(80%of causes) A. Postoperative:  Commonest after lower abdominal and gynaecological surgery  Patients can present as early as 4 weeks postop.but often 1-5 years postoperative.  70% of patients have single band  Patients with complex bands are likely for recurrent symptomatic adhesions
  • 39. I. Adhesions B.Inflamatory:  Cholecystitis  Appendicitis  PID  T.B  Peritonitis C. Radiation D. F.B and Drugs
  • 40. I. adhesions E. Congenital:  Ladds Band associated with midgut malrotation  Band arise from Meckles diverticulum  Bands can cause obstruction by:  Kinking or snaring of bowel loop  Twisting of loop(volvulus)
  • 43. Etiology(small bowel) II. Hernia(10% of causes) A. External:  Inguinal ; Femoral; Umbilical B. Internal:  Anatomical defects(Foramen of Winslow; paraduod fossa; cong.mesen.defects)  Iatrogenic defects(mesentric defects; lateral space in stoma)
  • 44. II. Hernia(10% of causes)  Femoral hernia commonly present by obstruction or srang.for first time  We should differentiate between obstructed hernia and increase size of pre-existing hernia due to bowel obstruction due to any other cause  Richter,s hernia present with functional obst, with evidences of srangulation  Evidence of strang.will appear in hernia without obstruction;if the omentum is strangulated content  The term incarcerated is inaccurate; better to use Irreducable ; Obstructed; or Strangulated
  • 46. III.Neoplasms(5% of causes) 1. Primary Tumers:  Benign: Adenoma;lipoma;Fibroma;Liomyoma  Malignant:Lymphoma;Adenoca.;Carcinoid 2. Metastatic: ca.ovary;colon;stomach  Metastatic involvement is much more likely to cause small bowel obstruction than the rare Pr.tumers  Primary T.cause obstruction by luminal obstruction OR Intusseception  Caecal ca.near ileocaecal valve present by small bowel obstruction
  • 47. IV. strictures A.Congenital: Intestinal Atresia B. Inflammatory:  Crohns Disease  Tuberculosis  Drugs :enteric-coated KCLtab. ;NSAIS drugs C. Neoplastic:  Lymphoma  Carcinoid
  • 48. V. volvulus  Small Bowel volvulus ;when loop of small bowel is twisted around unyielding band.360 degree rotation cause closed-loop obstruction: A. congenital bands:  Volvulus neonatorum; occure around narrow mesenyric vas.pedicle or Ladds band  Volvulus of terminal ileum around band remanant of vitillo-intestinal duct B. Acquired bands: postoperative. Inflammatory.
  • 49. • Treatment: • The volvulus is reduced, the transduodenal band(Ladd’s band) divided, the duodenum mobilised & the mesentry freed. • Appendicectomy is routinely performed to avoid diagnostic difficulty with appendicitis in the future. Malrotation & neonatal volvulus
  • 50. V.Intussusception:  Invagination of segment of bowel(intussusceptum) into another(intussuscepien).it is often antegrade  Most common:It is ileocolic(ileocaecal) Ileo-ileal; ileo-ileo-colic; colo-colic (less common)  It causes strangulated bowel obstruction A. Primary: infants&young children  Due to lymphoid hypertrophy of terminal ileum B. Secondary: older children&adult  Due pathological lead point :  Meckles diverticulum ;polyp ;submucous lipoma ; haemangiomas ;Lymphoproliferative disease
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  • 54. V.Bolus obstruction 1. F.B. usually impacted in esophagus or duodenum;but can progress to obstruct small bowel 2. Bezoars:  Trichobezoars:(human hair) in neurotics  Phytobezoars:(ingested fruits&vegetables) after partial or tootal gastrectomy 3. Parasitic worms; AS ascaris worms 4. Gall stone :(Gall stone ileus) It is mechanical obstruction where stone passes via cholycystoduodenal fistula and becomes impacted in ileum
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  • 56. Etiology(colonic) I. Colorectal carcinoma:  Commonest cause in western countries&North america  75% occure in Rectosigmoid colon  15-20% of colorectal cancer present with obstruction  LT.colon commonest site of obstruction due to constricting lesion&solid faeces
  • 57. II. Colonic volvulus A. Sigmoid volvulus:  Commonest cause of colonic obstruction in Eastern&Africa&Middle EAST. Commonest site(80%)due to long redundant colon with freely mobile mesocolon and narrow mesosigmoid pedicle attached to post.parietal perit.  Strangulation is early due to 360D.anteclockwise rotation and interruption of mesentric  There are 2 types of presentation: 1. Acute: mostly in young&middle age 2. Intermittent subacute: mostly in old age 
  • 59. B. Caecal volvulus :  Less common;account for 1% of intestinal obst.  The caecum(and asc.colon) are mobile and have mesocolon(not attached to post.abd.wall  The caecum(and asc.colon) rotate 360 clockwise direction with occlusion of mesentrin and early strangulation  The patient presents with picture of low small bowel obstruction C. In Hirschsprungs disease &Chagas disease: megacolon affecting lower sig.&upper rectum predispose to volvulus
  • 60. III. Strictures(benign): I. Diverticular II. Inflammatory(IBD) III.Ischemic IV.Intussussception:Due to colonic polyps V. External Hernia VI.Faecal impaction
  • 61. Adynamic obstruction I. Paralytic Ileus:  There is Reflex Inhibition of Peristaltaic Activity of SB. Due to increase sympathetic Drive to SB. Leading to hyperpolarisation of smooth muscle which become unresponsive to neural and hormonal stimuli  Causes: 1) Postlaparotomy: after Abd.Pelvic surgery
  • 62. I. Paralytic ileus( CAUSES) 2) Intra-abdominal Sepsis 3) Abdomino-pelvic Trauma (Retroperitoneal Haematoma)  Other Contributing Factors:  Electrolytes Imbalance  Uraemia  Diabetic Ketoacidosis  Drugs: Narcotics ; Antichlonergices; phenothiazines
  • 63. II. Acute colonic pseudo- obstruction  It is massive colonic dilatation affecting caecum and Rt.colon (occasionally extend to the rectum) with presentation of colonic obstruction without mechanical blockage  It is likely results from imbalance of autonomic regulation of colonic motility with excessive parasympathetic suppression causing atony to distal colon and functional obstruction  The vast majority of patients are Elderly hospitalised patients with major TRAUMA; ILLENESS; MAJOR NON-INTESTINAL SURGERY
  • 64. ETIOLOGICAL FACTORES  Major non-operative TRAUMA  SEPSIS  Myocardial infarction ; Heart Failure  Major Abdomino-pelvic Surgery  Orthopedic Surgery  Gynecological ; Neurosurgical Procedures  Cerebrovasular accident ; Spinal cord Injury  Advanced Malignancy  Respiratory ; Renal Failure  Drugs: Opiates; phenothiazines ;Chanel blockers
  • 65. III.Acute mesenteric ischemia( ami) 1. Embolic: (50%) due to detached thrombi from mural thrombi in MI; atrial thrombus in AF; vegetative endocarditis; and athr.plaques in Ao. 2. Trombotic(20%) due to acute thrombosis on top of pre-existing athr. of visc.A 3. Venous Thrombosis: Hypercoagulopathy 4. Non-occlusive:( 20-30%) sever reduction of mesentric blood flow with sec.mesen. VC. In:  SHOCK: hypovolemic& septic  Acute heart failure and cadiogenic Shock
  • 66.  Cancer (75%)  Diverticulos.(10%)  Volvulus(10%)  Miscellan.(10%)  In Eastern Countries& Middle East volvulus accounts for > 50% of causes of colon obstruction  Adhesions(80%)  Hernia(10%)  Tumors(5%)  Miscellan.(5%) incidence Small Bowel (85%) COLON (15%)
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  • 69. I. history  The four cardinal symptoms are: 1. PAIN 2. VOMITING 3. ABDOMINAL DISTENSION 4. ABSOLUTE CONSTIPATION  These clinical features and also the clinical course vary according to the LEVEL &CAUSE of obstruction
  • 70. clinical presentation into 4 types: A. Acute: Rapid clinical course with acute complete obstruction  This is typically seen in small bowel obstruction B. Chronic: Slow clinical course with progressive constipation ; vague lower abdominal pain with late vomiting and abdominal distension  This is typically seen in colonic obstruction C. Subacute: Mild symptoms with passage of gas and liquid stool  This is seen in partial bowel obstruction either small bowel or colon
  • 71. D.Intermittent :  These are recurrent acute attacks of acute small bowel obstruction which are relieved spontaneously  This is almost invariably due to adhesions
  • 72. 1) Abdominal pain  Sever colicky abdominal pain Not localized  In SBO periumbilical occure in waves/ 2-5 minutes  In colonic obst. Less sever lower abdominal pain- free period up to 20-30 minutes  Persistent sharp localized pain  It is accompained by localised tenderness(Late)  Due to cessation of peristaltic contractions and distension of bowel loop with inflammation of the overlying serosa  It signifies the onset of strangulation
  • 73. 2) vomiting  Faeculent vomiting accompany all forms of bowel obstruction at some stage The more distal the obstruction ;The late onset of vomiting  In high SB obst. Vomting is EARLY and initially it is bilious  In low SB. Obst.vomiting is LATE after onset of pain and usually faeculent  In colonic Obst. Vomiting is LATE MANY DAYS after onset of even complete obstruction if ileo-caecal valve is incomptenet.Vomiting may never occure in complete colonic obst.if valve is competent(closed- loop obstruction)
  • 74. 3) constipation  EARLY: The patient may have normal bowel motion which persist for sometime especially in high jejunal obstruction  Later: in complete bowel obstruction(especially low ileal&colonic) there is ABSOLUTE CONSTIPATION TO FAECES AND FLATUS  Occasionally: in subacute partial obstruction There is DIARRHEA due to fermentation of faecal matter by enteric flora
  • 75. 4) Abdominal distention  It varies according to level of obstruction:  In HIGH SB.Obst.and EARLY mesenteric ischemia;There is minimal distention  In LOW SB.Obstruction.(and caecal obstruction.) there is PROMINENT CENTRAL DISTENSION  In colonic obstruction:LATE DISTENSION mainly in flanks and upper abdomen  However; MARKED ABDOMINAL DISTENSION IN:  Obstructing lt colonic ca.(comp. ileocaecal valve)  Sigmoid volvulus  Hirschprung disease
  • 76. II. examination general  EARLY: Signs of EC Dehydration:  Dry Tongue ;Loss of tissue texture;Thirst;  Oliguria Foeter Smel ;Mild pyrexia. BP is initially maintained  LATE: Hypovolaemic shock: tachycardia; cold extremities; low BP  High pyrexia; signifies onset of : STRANGULATION OR PERFORATION  Inflammatory phlegmon(Diverticular abscess or pericolic abscess with IBD)
  • 77. II. EXAMINATION LOCAL 1) Inspection: Scares; Distension; Hernial orifices 2) Palpation: Localized tenderness; and rebound tenderness in impending strangulation Localized guarding; in perforation and peritonitis Localized tender Mass; in Neoplasm and Inflamm. Phlegmon .
  • 78. II. examination local 3) Percussion: Tympantic Abdomen(gas filled loops) 4) Auscultation: EARLY; Frequent; high pitched bowel sounds. LATER; OR STRANGULATION; silent abdomen 5) Careful Exam. Of HERNIAL ORIFICES 6) PR: IMPORTANT IN ALL CASES  Low rectal cancer(blood in exam.figer)  Hard stool; in faecal impaction  Soft stool; in simple constipation  Rectal ballooning below obstructed colonic cancer
  • 79. II. examination local 7) Rigid Sigmoidoscopy:  This will complete examination of the rectosigmoid colon:  It can detect low sigmoid neoplasm  It can detect rectal ballooning below obstructing colonic carcinoma  Insertion of rectal tube via sigmoidoscope can be diagnostic and therapeutic for sigmoid volvulus
  • 80. III. Investigations (BASIC) LABORATORY  CBC  BUN  SERUM ELECTROLYTES  PT;PTT  SERUM CREATININ  LIVER FUNCTION TESTS  EARLY: lab.Results may be normal  LATE: Rise inPCV and blood urea(dehydration)  High leucocytosis(Strang.or Peritonitis)  Hypokalaemia(depletion of K BODY STORES)
  • 81. III. INVESTIGATION(BASIC) PLAIN ABDOMINAL X- RAY  Confirm presence of intestinal obstruction  Suspect level of obstruction A. Supine Film: Gas distended Bowel Loops B. Erect Film: Multiple Fluid Levels  Gas-Distended CAECUM :indicate colonic obstruction  Collapsed CAECUM(and large bowel): indicate small bowel obstruction  CAECAL OBSTRUCTION(near ileocaecal valve): present as small bowel obstruction
  • 82. The Difference between small and large bowel obstruction Small Bowel Large bowel •Central ( diameter 2.5cm+ vulvulae connventines) •Ileum: may appear tubeless •Peripheral ( diameter 5cm+) •Presence of haustration •Presence of solid faeces
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  • 96. Diagnosis objectives Five Questions Should Be Answered: I. Is The Diagnosis INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION II. Mechanical Vs Adynamic III.Simple Vs Strangulated IV.Proximal SB / Distal SB / Colonic V. The Likely ETIOLOGY
  • 97. I. Is the diagnosis intestinal obstruction  The diagnosis of intestinal obstruction depend on: A. The standard clinical presentation: PAIN; VOMITING; ABD.DISTENSION; CONSTIPATION  These cardinal features predominate according to LEVEL OF OBSTRUCTION& STAGE OF PRESENTATION B. ABDOMINAL X-RAY:Revealing gas-distended bowel loops  However gas-distended bowel loops(SEC.ILEUS) occure in other acute intra-abdominal pathology:  Peritonitis.Localised intra-abdominal abscess  Acute pancreatitis ;Perforation hollow viscus  Primary Mesentric Occlusion
  • 98.  NO  Early episodes of sever colic.Later sharp constant pain(due distension and sec.perist.Failure  Distention; less  NO air or faeces  History of major surgery/ Trauma/Sepsis  Usually NO PAIN(or mild abdominal discomfort)  Diffuse marked abd.distention  Continue to pass air and diarrheaa II. Is mechanical vs adynamic Adynamic(Ileus) Mechanical
  • 99.  Bowel sounds: Hypoactive  Abd.X-Ray:diffuse distended SB loops colon also distended with GAS in RECTUM  Gastrograffine SB follow-through: confirmatory  Early:Hyperactive bowel sounds Late: silent abdomen  SB loops distended colon collapsed NO GAS in RECTUM  Gastrograffine SB follow-through: detect the presence of mechanical occlusion adynamic mechanicl
  • 100. III. Simple vs strangulated Strangulated bowel obstruction:  Prolonged History  Sever constant sharp abdominal Pain  High Fever;Tachycardia (Toxaemia)  Localised Tenderness&Rebound Tenderness  Muscle Gaurding ( Peritonitis)  High Leucocytosis>18000/ml  Abd.X-RAY: pnemoperitonium ;Pnemointestinalis (late signs of perforation and peritonitis)
  • 101. IV. Level of obstruction Proximal Small Bowel:  Early colic  Early Vomiting;Bilious then Faeculent  Mild or NO Distention  Early Marked Hypovolaemia(profuse vomiting)  ABD.X-RAY:Gas-Distended Bowel Loops in upper lt.Q
  • 102. IV. Level of obstruction Distal Small Bowel:  Early Abdominal Colic  Early Marked Central Distention  Late Vomiting Less in Amount  Marked Hypovolaemia(Sequestered Fluid)  Abd.x-Ray: Centrally Distended SB loops(Ladder Pattern)
  • 103. IV. level of obstruction Colonic Obstruction:  Progressive Constipation With LATE Distention Mainly in Flanks& Upper Abd.  Late Vomiting (may be absent in closed loop)  Vague lower Abdominal Pain  Abd.X-RAY: Distended Caecum ;NO Gas in Rectum; small bowel dilatation (incompetent ileocaecal valve)
  • 104. V. The likely cause of obstruction This Depends Upon :  Clinical Course Of Obstruction  Anatomical Level Of Obstruction  Age Of The Patient
  • 105.  Ileocaecal Intussessception  Ing.Hernia  Meckles Diverticulum  Adhesions  Hirschsprungs Disease  Foreign Bodies  Meconium Ileus  Cong.Intes.Atresia  Volv.Neonatorum  Hirschsprung Dis.  Cong.Anorectal Anomalies  Neonatal Necrotising Enterocolitis AGE-related common obstructing lesions Neonates Infants& Children
  • 106.  Adhesions  Hernia  Strictures (Crohns)  Intussessception  Colonic (common):  Volvulous  Carcinoma  Diverticulitis  Adhesions  Hernia  Meckeles Diverticulum  Strictures (Crohns D.)  Intussessc.(Polyp)  Colonic Rare (volv. Or Carcinoma) Age-related common obstructing lesions Young Adult Middle Age
  • 107. Age-related common obstructing lesions  OLD –AGE (>65 Y.):  SMALL BOWEL OBSTRUCTION:  Adhesions ;Hernia ;Gall Stone Ileus  Small Bowel Tumers  Colonic Obstruction:  Obstructing carcinoma  Sigmoid volvulus  Diverticulitis  Faecal Impaction  Acute Colonic Psedoobstruction  Acute Mesentric Vascular Occlusion
  • 111. II. INDICATIONS OF SURGICAL INTERVENTION 1.URGENT: Strangulation / Suspected Strangulation Closed-Loop Obstruction Complete Obstruction Pnumoperitonium/ Peritonitis
  • 112. 2. LESS URGENT Adhesive SB. Obstruction NO Strang. Observe&Mointoring For 48-Hours Incomplete SB or Colonic Obstruction: Investigate With Contrast Studies To Detect Level & Cause Of Obstruction
  • 114. A. CONTINUE CONSERVATIVE  Adhesive SB. Obstruction Provided: Pain Is Settled& Radiological Improvement  Immediate Postop.Periode: Where P. Ileus Is Likely  Disseminated Malignancy OR Extensive Radiation Enteritis Where Prognosis Is Bad  Patients With History Of IBD: When Preservation Of Bowel Length Is Major Concern
  • 115. B. Investigate with contrast studies 1)SB. Gastrograffine Follow- through/Enema:  It can detect SB. Strictures(Crohns)  It can detect rare small bowel tumers  Differentiate between mechanical Obstruction&P.Ileus( in postop. Period)  Mointoring The Saftey of continuing Conservative Treatment
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  • 119. 2) Instant gastrograffine enema  Slow installation of the contrast under Fluoroscopic Screening:  Indicated in all cases of suspected colonic obstruction: a) Differentiate between mechanical& colonic Pseudo- obstruction b) Detect site and cause of obstruction:  Shouldered Cut-Off in MALIGNANT OBSTRUCTION  Long tapperd in Diverticular stricture  Coiled-spring in Intussessception  Bird-beak sign in volvulus
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  • 125. 3) Ct-scan with contrast:  Highly Sensitive&Better than contrast Radiology in High-grade obstruction to detect Level of Obst.; closed-loop obstruction And Strangulation  Highly Accurate in detecting intra-abdominal NEOPLASTIC OR INFLAMMATORY MASSES (That may present as small bowel obstruction)  It can detect small amount of intra-peritoneal AIR
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  • 129. 4) FIBRE-OPTIC COLONOSCOPY  In colonic Obstruction:  Differentiate Mechanical From Pseudo-obstruction  Confirm Mechanical Cause& Biopsy From LESION  Colonoscopic Decompression In Pseudo-obstruction
  • 130. IV. Definitive surgical intervention PRINCIPLES:  Decompress The Bowel  Resect Obstructing Lesion / Ischemic Bowel  Restore Intestinal Continuity
  • 131. In small bowel:  Adhesiolysis For Intraperitoneal Adhesions  Division Of Tight Hernial Sacs and Rings& Herniotomy  In idiopathic Intussessception: Gentle backward Milking & Application of Warm Packs  In Adult type: Resection & PR. Anastomosis of involved bowel segment  Stricturoplasty For Short SB.Strictures  Mini-resection For Long Strictures> 5cm or Multiple adjacent Strictures
  • 132. In small bowel:  Assessment of Small Bowel Viability ;Primary Resection& Anastomosis If Gangrenous OR Doubtful Viability  In Disseminated Intra-abdominal Carinomatosis With SB. Involvement:  BY-PASS : Anastomosis of Proximal Distended Loop With Collapsed Distal Loop OR  Defunctionning Ileostomy Using Proximal Distended Loop
  • 133.  In sigmoid volvulus:  Hartmanns procedure : If Ischemic or Gangrenous Colon  Sigmoidopexy : High Reccurance Rate 40%  Sigmoid Colectomy With PR. Anastomosis Is The Best Option (On-Table Colonic Lavage) IN CAECAL VOLVULUS:  Caecopexy Or Tube-Caecostomy: High Reccurance Rate  Rt. Hemicolectomy: Is The Best Option
  • 134.  In obstructed colonic carcinoma Rt. Colonic:  Rt. Hemicolectomy OR Extended Rt. Hemicolectomy Can be done safely Lt. Colonic: Options: 1) Two-Staged Procedure; Hartmanns OR Paul- Mickulicz Procedure With Delayed Anastomosis(After 8-12 Weeks) 2) One-Stage Procedure ; Primary Resection- Anastomosis ( On-Table Colonic Lavage)
  • 135. Surgical options : obstructed lt.colonic ca. 3) Total Colectomy With Ileo-Rectal Anastomosis 4) Subtotal Colectomy With Ileo- Sigmoid Anastomosis  In Closed-Loop Or Ischemic / Gangrenous Caecum  They Have Low Morbidity& Mortality And Remove synchronous colonic Lesions And Avoid Metachronous Lesions
  • 136. Lt.colonic carcinoma surgical options 5. Self-Expanding Metallic Stent (SEMS)  SEMS; Has been used Recently To Decompress The Colon (placed Endoscopically To By-Pass The Tumer)  Interval Period : for Optimising Patient General Condition And Recovery Of The Bowel  On Stage Elective Resection & Primary Anastomosis
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