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C.N.A. 2 Final Exam
1. Which ofthe following is not an effective wayto communicate with a person who has Alzheimer’s disease?
A. Give compliments and praise.
B. Reassure anddistract if necessary.
C. Use manydetails in your questionsopersoncanstopyou whenyou saythe right word.
D. Use person’s life storyto buildtrust anda sense ofsecurity.
2. Person- CenteredCare is:
A. An approach to care that respects andvalues the uniqueness ofthe individual.
B. An old-fashioned caregivingstyle andwon’t be aroundmuchlonger.
C. Treating all persons the same so that providingcare is easier for the C.N.A.
D. A new caregiving modeljust introducedintoeldercare this year (2015).
3. A doctor’s order is neededto remove anindwellingcatheter.
A. True
B. False.
4. An 80-year-old womanfell andfracturedher hip. She needs hip replacement surgery. She is at riskfor shingles.
A. True
B. False
5. Wanderingandgettinglost is commonamongpeople withdementiaand canhappenat anystage; what are some of the
warning signs?
A. Person is restless, paces or makes repetitive movements
B. Asks the whereabouts ofcurrent or past friends and family.
C. Appears lost ina new or changedenvironment.
D. All the above.
6. While you are assistinga personwithdementia with their mealtheysuddenlyspit out a piece offood andit lands in your
lap. What is a possible problem/need beingexpressedbythis behavior?
A. The food was toohot.
B. Theyhave a place in their mouth that is sore and the foodpressedonthe site.
C. Both A and B.
D. Theyare being rude.
7. Tractionis usedto immobilize a fracture. This is done by
A. Applying a steadypull intwo directions.
B. Inserting wires andpins.
C. Inserting a prosthesis.
D. Applyinga stockinette.
8. When caring for terminallyill persons, the goal is to promote
A. Optimal level of functioning.
B. A peaceful and dignified death.
C. Independent functioning.
D. Exercise and activity.
9. It is acceptable to use white-out in making a correctionon your documentation, as longas youclearlyprint what youmeant
to write over it.
A. True
B. False
10. A personis angryanddemanding. It is important to always
A. Explainthat there is a shortage of staff andyou are doing the best you can.
B. Ignore the person’s behavior.
C. Keep the person waiting.
D. Treat the personwithrespect anddignity.
11. A personwithbipolar disorder
A. Has poor judgment andis always hostile.
B. Abuses others.
C. Has severe extremes inmood, energyandabilityto function.
D. Cannot interpret realitycorrectly.
12. A person’s care needs whohas cerebral palsy depends on
A. The person’s financialabilities.
B. The person’s gender.
C. The person’s degree ofbraindamage.
D. What level ofcare the facilityis where personresides.
13. This is a disease in whichstomach contents flowback from the stomach into the esophagus:
A. Jaundice.
B. Hyperglycemia.
C. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
D. Diverticulitis.
14. Hematuria refers to
A. Sugar in the urine.
B. Scant amount ofurine.
C. Difficult or painful urination.
D. Bloodinurine.
15. Person-centeredcare is basedon one person onstaffgetting to know the person best.
A. True
B. False
16. It is important to keeps lights lowthroughout the dayfor persons withdementia.
A. True
B. False
17. Suctioning is done
A. Every 1 hour
B. Every 2 hours
C. Every4 hours
D. As needed
18. The nurse asks you to assist with suctioning. Before assisting, you needto review the procedure withthe nurse.
A. True
B. False
19. HIV is spreadinthe following ways EXCEPT
A. Having unprotectedsex.
B. Sharingneedles andsyringes.
C. Breast-feeding.
D. Sharingswimming pools andhot tubs.
20. It is mandatory that persons withdementia stayat the meal table for the entire mealtime, as scheduled, to assure they
get adequate nutrition.
A. True.
B. False.
21. A personwithdementia is not able to enjoyparticipating ina groupexercise program.
A. True.
B. False.
22. Which ofthe followingwouldnot be considered a comfort measure?
A. Repositioning personwith pillows and offerring extra blankets.
B. Apologizing, but sharing truthfully, you have noidea whentheir familyis coming next to visit.
C. Reading out - loud a recent postcard sent bya familymember.
D. Putting onsoft music you know the personlikes andsitting withthem for a fewminutes.
23. When a C.N.A. provides anynursing documentation, the documentationbecomes part of the legalmedicalrecord.
A. True
B. False
24. Which of the following is not considered a “skill” ofa mentor?
A. Demonstrating goodproblem-solvingskills.
B. Helping “mentee” developgoodproblem-solving skills.
C. Demonstrating a person-centeredfocus .
D. Sharingwithco-workers things “mentee” has beendoing incorrectly.
25. Which one of the following types of painrefers to visceral pain?
A. Pain we feel whenour internalorgans are damaged.
B. Pain after an amputationof a limb.
C. Pain experiencedover a long periodof time.
D. Pain experiencedbya personwhois terminal.
26. Because of their confusion, people withAlzheimers Disease usuallydo not feel pain.
A. True
B. False
27. Person-centeredcare guidesstaff to see the personas an individual, not as the person’s diagnosis.
A. True.
B. False
28. Unless directedotherwise, urinarydrainage bags are emptied
A. Every morning
B. At bedtime
C. At the endof everyshift
D. At the start of everyshift
29. Which ofthe followingis NOT a common symptomof Norovirus?
A. Diarrhea
B. Nausea
C. Frequent coughing
D. Vomiting
30. Which ofthe followingwouldresult in a contaminatedurine specimen?
A. Putting on sterile gloves to collect the specimen.
B. Using a sterile syringe to collect the urine from the Foleydrainage tubing.
C. Slowlysquirt the urine intoa sterile specimencollectioncontainer without touchingsidesof the container.
D. Use a sterile specimen cupto collect the urine from the Foleybag.
31. While attemptingto remove a Foleycatheter, youfeel resistance as you pullon the catheter andthe patient complains of
pain. What wouldyou donext?
A. Pull onthe catheter more slowlyandinstruct the personto relax
B. STOP and report the pain and resistance to the licensednurse
C. Re-insert water into the catheter balloonandleave the Foleyinplace
D. Reassure the personthat thisis normal for the procedure andpull more quicklyto lessenthe discomfort
31. This year (2015) the Joint Commission’s National Patient SafetyGoalsfor LongTerm Care include all ofthe goalslisted
below EXCEPT:
A. Prevent residents from falling.
B. Use medicines safely.
C. Prevent bed sores.
D. Decrease C.N.A. turnover.
E. Prevent infection.
F. Identifyresidents correctly.
32. What signs of possible swallowing problems are indicated below, duringassistinga personwith dementia duringmealtime,
and should be reported to the licensednurse?
A. Person is coughing when beingassistedwithdrinking liquids.
B. Person has onset ofa clear, runnynose during the mealtime; however, the personisn’t havingcoughingepisodes.
C. Person turns their headaside whena cupis placedagainst their lips i.e. will not attempt to drink fromthe offeredcup.
D. All of the above.
33. A C.P.M. machine (Continuous Passive Motion)is used to assist a personwhois recovering fromhipsurgery.
A. True
B. False
34. What is the term usedto describe lossof abilitygreater thancanbe explainedbythe effect of a disease process alone?
A. Disability.
B. Excess Disability
C. Excessive Diagnosis.
D. Handicapped.
35. Anypersonin a long termcare facilityor hospital who is diagnosed as being terminal must accept Hospice services.
A. True
B. False
36. Subjective data refers to piecesof information or data collected by usingthe senses ofsight, hearing, smelland touch.
A. True
B. False
37. Paraphrasingand reflecting means restating the person’s message in your ownwords.
A. True
B. False
38. Deliriumis a state of agitated confusion. It comes on veryslowlyand lasts for several weeks, andis always irreversible.
A. True
B. False
39. Herpes Zoster is a reactivationof the measle virus.
A. True
B. True
40. Renal calculi means
A. An inflammationof the kidneypelvis
B. Kidneystones
C. A bladder infection
D. Pus in the urine
41. For a person withAlzheimer’s, toomuchstimuli frombeing asked toomanyquestions all at once can overwhelm the
person andcause:
A. Delusions
B. Catastrophic reactions
C. Hallucinations
D. Sundowning
42. When a personwithAlzheimer’s screams, it maybe because the person
A. Has hearingandvisionproblems
B. Has too muchstimulationinthe environment
C. Is trying to communicate
D. All of the above
43. The classic signof Alzheimer’s Disease is
A. Mood andpersonalitychanges
B. Gradualloss ofshort-term memory
C. Acute confusionanddelirium
D. Wanderingand sundowning
44. A personjust had a total hipreplacement 4 days ago. This means that
A. Theynow have nopainbecause theynowhave a newhipjoint
B. Theywill not needto use anyprecautions withtheir mobility
C. Theyneedto use compressionstockings to prevent blood clots
D. If theyare havingpain, it will be resolvedwithone week fromsurgery
45. Where are electrodesfor cardiac monitoring usinga telemetryunit placedon the person’s chest?
A. Wherever theywill comfortablyfit
B. On the upper arms and thighs
C. Over anydressings that are onthe chest
D. Accordingto manufacturer’s instructions: White-right arm; Black– left arm; Brown – midchest; Red – left side;
Green – right side
46. When suctioning the oral pharynx the C.N.A. 2 knows
A. Suctionshouldbe applied “intermittently” to prevent O2 sats from dropping
B. Suctionshouldbe applied“contantly” to prevent O2 sats fromdroping
C. It doesn’t matter since suctioningdoesnot affect the 02
47. Which ofthe followingCBG result takenbefore dinner wouldyou report immediately?
A. 128
B. 58
C. 108
D. 268
48. Your patient with anNG tube has just returned to bedfrom a walkwith her nurse. She nowis complaining ofnausea. You
A. Check to see ifthe NG tube hasbeen reconnectedto suctionandalert nurse ofnausea
B. Check to see if the NG tube has beenreconnected; ifnot just reconnect it
C. Let the patient knowit is normal to feel nauseated withanNG tube
D. Give the patient anemesis basinand come back in30 mintues to see if she is still nauseated
49. If you observe that your personwithAlzheimer’s just wasable to go throughthe exit door withvisitors (whoare unaware
the personis a resident inthe MemoryCare facility), you shouldnotifythe person’s familyimmediatelysotheycancome and
start looking for their lovedone out inthe community. You are not allowedto leave the facilityduring working hours.
A. True
B. False
50. As long as you knowhowto do a skill, you candoit andthenlet your licensednurse know it has beencompleted, without
the licensednurse assigningyou to perform the skillinthe first place.
A. True
B. False
51. Older persons are at risk for accidents because
A. Some are unsteadyon their feet
B. Theymayhave decreasedstrength andmove slowly
C. Theyoftenhave poor vision, hearing problems and a dulledsense ofsmell
D. All of the above
52. It is possible that a personwith Alzheimer’s, whohas difficultyfeedingthemselves, canbecome dehydrated and
malnourishedifnot given the cuing, coachingandassistance theyneed withmeals and in- betweensnacks and beverages.
A. True
B. False
53. A person hasa cast onher right arm. Younote that her fingers are pale andshe cannot move them. What shouldyou do?
A. Remove the cast immediately.
B. Tell the nurse at once.
C. Elevate the person’s arm onpillows
D. Assist with range –of-motionexercises
54. You have not takencare ofa resident witha total knee replacement since completingyour C.N.A.-2 certification. You
remember how to helpsomeone into the CPMmachine. The personasks you to do exactlythat. The licensednurse has not yet
askedyou to dothat task. You should
A. Help the personintothe CPMmachine because the person asked youto do so.
B. Reassure the personyou are goingto assist them, but you are goingto doublecheck withthe licensednurse first.
55. When you prepare to applya splint to a person’s right hand, you notice there is anarea ofbroken skin under the palm side
of the resident’s hand. You should
A. Find a soft clothandplace it on topof the brokenskin, thenapplythe splint
B. Applythe splint looselyto prevent hurtingthe person
C. Put the splint back intothe drawer;the brokenskinmight be healedbytomorrow.
D. Set the splint aside, and notifythe licensednurse ofthe person’s skinbreakdown.
56. Comfort measures a C.N.A. 2 can provide is to give the personthe painmeds the licensednurse just accidentallyleft on the
A. True, andbe sure to notifythe nurse immediatelythat you gave the persontheir pain medications theyneeded – you
are sure theyneeded thembecause you requestedpainmedications basedon the person’s request 30 minutesago.
B. False
57. It is withinthe scope of practice of a C.N.A.-2 to remove all non-surgicallyplaced tubes a person has after the personpasses
away. The C.N.A.-2 must be assignedthistaskbya licensed nurse.
A. True
B. False
58. A personwhois receiving Hospice services, andhasbeen bedridden for a week, requests that youhelpthem get out ofbed
into a wheelchair. Youshould
A. Report person’s request to licensednurse soa current assessment ofperson’s mobilityneeds canbe made to assure
transfer is safe.
B. Share with personyou donot thinktheywillbe strongenoughto dothis task, andyou are afraidtheymight fall, and
ask if you coulddo something to make beinginbedmore comfortable?
C. Tell personthat their request must be “relayed” to the primaryHospice nurse before getting out of bedcanhappen.
D. Offer to put a movie inthe person’s DVDfor distraction fromwantingto get out of bed.
59. When interactingand providingcare for a personwithAlzheimer’s, it is essential that you treat the personlike anadult,
even thoughtheyappear to perceive themselves as beingmuchyounger.
A. True
B. False
60. It is essentialto “screen out” troublingmessages or news inanenvironment where residents are gathered.
A. True
B. False
61. Panic is
A. A persistent thought or idea
B. False beliefs andsuspicionabout a person or situation
C. An intense and suddenfeeling of fear, anxiety, terror, or dread
D. Not able to correctlyviewor interpret reality
62. Post-traumatic stress syndrome occurs
A. After a terrifying ordeal
B. After takingillegaldrugs
C. In persons withmental illness
D. In persons withdementia
63. Which is NOT commonwith confusion?
A. Aphasia and paralysis
B. Personalityandmentalchanges
C. Anger, restlessness, anddepression
D. Behavior changes
64. The most commontreatment for gallstones is
A. Ultrasound
B. Diet change
C. Drugs
D. Surgical removal
65. An enlarged prostate cancause urinaryproblems inmen.
A. True
B. False
66. A personhas a urostomy. You know that
A. The person needs good skin care
B. The personis incontinent
C. The personneeds bladder training
D. The personneeds a urinarycatheter
67. A personwithDiabetes II can experience hypoglycemia even if theyaren’t receiving insulin
A. True
B. False
68. Level of painis considereda vital sign.
A. True
B. False
69. Which ofthe followingcouldbe considered“discomfort”?
A. Dizziness
B. Anxiety
C. Itching
D. All of the above
70. Askinga personto rate their painona pain scale is withinthe scope of practice of a C.N.A. 2
A. True
B. False
71. Which ofthe followingactions cana C.N.A. 2 do to reduce a person’s painor discomfort?
A. Try to help relieve anxietybyusing listening, supportive presence
B. Provide blankets for warmthandto prevent chilling
C. Make sure the personisn’t lying ondrainage tubesor anyobjects
D. All of the above
72. Quadriplegia is paralysis
A. In the arms
B. In the legs
C. From the waist down
D. In the arms, legs andtrunk
73. An example of active listening refers to conversingwith personwhile you are helping themto ambulate
A. True
B. False
74. All of the following are good skillsof the mentor except
A. Models goodcare-givingskills
B. Demonstratesperson-centeredfocus
C. Supervises staff for the licensednurse
D. Provides information about jobresponsibilitiesto the mentee
75. It is essentialto use the person’s life storyto buildtrust and a senseof security
A. True
B. False
76. In caringfor persons withdementia, what does it mean to “create anenvironment that facilitates goodcommunication”?
A. There should always be music playing because older people have always lovedmusic.
B. Having an area where there is always a classic old movie playingon a smalltelevisionscreenis helpful.
C. Surroundings are kept quite dark to promote a sense of calmness.
D. The surroundings are well-lit, clean, comfortable uncluttered and pleasant;noise anddistractions are kept to a
77. What does the acronym “SBARR” represent?
A. Signs, Background, Assessment (Observation), Recommendation, Read-back/Review
B. Situation, Biology, Assessment (Observation), Recommendation, Read-back/Review
C. Situation, Background, Assessment (Observation), Recommendation, Read-back/Review
D. Symptoms, Background, Assessment (Observation), Recommendation, Read-back/Review
78. Which ofthe followingcouldbe consideredmanifestations ofpain?
A. Flushing andshivering
B. Sleepiness
C. Anger
D. All of the above
79. It is important that persons attendactivities to promote a goodqualityof life. However, ifthe personis experiencing pain,
going to the activitybecomesa secondpriority – relieving the paincomesfirst priority.
A. True
B. False
80. Dementiais anumbrella term for a groupof symptoms.
A. True
B. False
81. The C.N.A. and other staff are considered part of the environment in memorycare facilities.
A. True
B. False
82. The definition of“Cultural Encounter” means the direct cross-culturalinteractions betweenpeople from culturallydiverse
A. True
B. False
83. “Cultural Skill” refers to the abilityto deliver healthcare withrelevant culturalspecifics.
A. True
B. False
84. If a personina memorycare facilityis diagnosedwithscabies, theymust be discharged to the hospital for treatment.
A. True
B. False
85. Cystitis means
A. An inflammation ofthe kidneypelvis
B. Kidneystones
C. A bladder infection
D. Pus in the urine
86. Pediculosiscannot occur withthe elderlybecause is usuallysomethingchildren contract.
A. True
B. False
87. Clostridium difficile is transmitted throughthe repiratorysystem.
A. True
B. False
88. MethicillinResistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is anorganismfoundin the stool ofmanyindividuals.
A. True
B. False
89. Pain is an unavoidable part of growing old.
A. True
B. False
90. Persons withdementia are able to report their pain.
A. True
B. False
91. Physicians and nurses are the experts on pain.
A. True
B. False
92. Symptoms of drug withdrawal, at times, can be life threatening.
A. True
B. False
93. Earlyambulation prevents post-op complications suchas thrombi, constipation, pneumonia and urinarytract infections.
A. True
B. False
94. Scope of practice refers to the skills the C.N.A. is legallypermittedto perform per the state regulations. The data gathering
skills andtechnical skills that are inthe scope of practice for the C.N.A. 2 may only be performed at the direction of a licensed
A. True
B. False
95. Open-ended questions leador invite the personto share thoughts, feelings, or ideas.
A. True
B. False
96. All the informationin the medical recordis coveredunder the confidentialityandprivacyrights of the person (HIPPA);
however, C.N.A.-2’s have advanced skillsand donot necessarilyhave to adhere to HIPPA because theyneedthe more detailed
A. True
B. False
97. A C.N.A.-1 might be a mentor for a new employee at the facility, even if the new employee just receivedtheir C.N.A.2
A. True
B. False
98. Using restraints has been veryinfrequent inlong term care settings;however, indementiacare facilities, use ofrestraints is
more acceptable andis commonpractice to prevent persons livingthere to hurt one another.
A. True
B. False
99. The “GreenHouse Project” has to dowithplanting gardens inlong termcare facilities.
A. True
B. False
100. Person-centeredcare involves families indevelopment of the care plans for their lovedones.
A. True
B. False
Cna2 finalexamdraft2
Cna2 finalexamdraft2

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Cna2 finalexamdraft2

  • 1. C.N.A. 2 Final Exam 1. Which ofthe following is not an effective wayto communicate with a person who has Alzheimer’s disease? A. Give compliments and praise. B. Reassure anddistract if necessary. C. Use manydetails in your questionsopersoncanstopyou whenyou saythe right word. D. Use person’s life storyto buildtrust anda sense ofsecurity. 2. Person- CenteredCare is: A. An approach to care that respects andvalues the uniqueness ofthe individual. B. An old-fashioned caregivingstyle andwon’t be aroundmuchlonger. C. Treating all persons the same so that providingcare is easier for the C.N.A. D. A new caregiving modeljust introducedintoeldercare this year (2015). 3. A doctor’s order is neededto remove anindwellingcatheter. A. True B. False. 4. An 80-year-old womanfell andfracturedher hip. She needs hip replacement surgery. She is at riskfor shingles. A. True B. False 5. Wanderingandgettinglost is commonamongpeople withdementiaand canhappenat anystage; what are some of the warning signs? A. Person is restless, paces or makes repetitive movements B. Asks the whereabouts ofcurrent or past friends and family. C. Appears lost ina new or changedenvironment. D. All the above.
  • 2. 6. While you are assistinga personwithdementia with their mealtheysuddenlyspit out a piece offood andit lands in your lap. What is a possible problem/need beingexpressedbythis behavior? A. The food was toohot. B. Theyhave a place in their mouth that is sore and the foodpressedonthe site. C. Both A and B. D. Theyare being rude. 7. Tractionis usedto immobilize a fracture. This is done by A. Applying a steadypull intwo directions. B. Inserting wires andpins. C. Inserting a prosthesis. D. Applyinga stockinette. 8. When caring for terminallyill persons, the goal is to promote A. Optimal level of functioning. B. A peaceful and dignified death. C. Independent functioning. D. Exercise and activity. 9. It is acceptable to use white-out in making a correctionon your documentation, as longas youclearlyprint what youmeant to write over it. A. True B. False 10. A personis angryanddemanding. It is important to always A. Explainthat there is a shortage of staff andyou are doing the best you can. B. Ignore the person’s behavior. C. Keep the person waiting. D. Treat the personwithrespect anddignity.
  • 3. 11. A personwithbipolar disorder A. Has poor judgment andis always hostile. B. Abuses others. C. Has severe extremes inmood, energyandabilityto function. D. Cannot interpret realitycorrectly. 12. A person’s care needs whohas cerebral palsy depends on A. The person’s financialabilities. B. The person’s gender. C. The person’s degree ofbraindamage. D. What level ofcare the facilityis where personresides. 13. This is a disease in whichstomach contents flowback from the stomach into the esophagus: A. Jaundice. B. Hyperglycemia. C. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). D. Diverticulitis. 14. Hematuria refers to A. Sugar in the urine. B. Scant amount ofurine. C. Difficult or painful urination. D. Bloodinurine. 15. Person-centeredcare is basedon one person onstaffgetting to know the person best. A. True B. False
  • 4. 16. It is important to keeps lights lowthroughout the dayfor persons withdementia. A. True B. False 17. Suctioning is done A. Every 1 hour B. Every 2 hours C. Every4 hours D. As needed 18. The nurse asks you to assist with suctioning. Before assisting, you needto review the procedure withthe nurse. A. True B. False 19. HIV is spreadinthe following ways EXCEPT A. Having unprotectedsex. B. Sharingneedles andsyringes. C. Breast-feeding. D. Sharingswimming pools andhot tubs. 20. It is mandatory that persons withdementia stayat the meal table for the entire mealtime, as scheduled, to assure they get adequate nutrition. A. True. B. False. 21. A personwithdementia is not able to enjoyparticipating ina groupexercise program. A. True. B. False.
  • 5. 22. Which ofthe followingwouldnot be considered a comfort measure? A. Repositioning personwith pillows and offerring extra blankets. B. Apologizing, but sharing truthfully, you have noidea whentheir familyis coming next to visit. C. Reading out - loud a recent postcard sent bya familymember. D. Putting onsoft music you know the personlikes andsitting withthem for a fewminutes. 23. When a C.N.A. provides anynursing documentation, the documentationbecomes part of the legalmedicalrecord. A. True B. False 24. Which of the following is not considered a “skill” ofa mentor? A. Demonstrating goodproblem-solvingskills. B. Helping “mentee” developgoodproblem-solving skills. C. Demonstrating a person-centeredfocus . D. Sharingwithco-workers things “mentee” has beendoing incorrectly. 25. Which one of the following types of painrefers to visceral pain? A. Pain we feel whenour internalorgans are damaged. B. Pain after an amputationof a limb. C. Pain experiencedover a long periodof time. D. Pain experiencedbya personwhois terminal. 26. Because of their confusion, people withAlzheimers Disease usuallydo not feel pain. A. True B. False 27. Person-centeredcare guidesstaff to see the personas an individual, not as the person’s diagnosis. A. True. B. False
  • 6. 28. Unless directedotherwise, urinarydrainage bags are emptied A. Every morning B. At bedtime C. At the endof everyshift D. At the start of everyshift 29. Which ofthe followingis NOT a common symptomof Norovirus? A. Diarrhea B. Nausea C. Frequent coughing D. Vomiting 30. Which ofthe followingwouldresult in a contaminatedurine specimen? A. Putting on sterile gloves to collect the specimen. B. Using a sterile syringe to collect the urine from the Foleydrainage tubing. C. Slowlysquirt the urine intoa sterile specimencollectioncontainer without touchingsidesof the container. D. Use a sterile specimen cupto collect the urine from the Foleybag. 31. While attemptingto remove a Foleycatheter, youfeel resistance as you pullon the catheter andthe patient complains of pain. What wouldyou donext? A. Pull onthe catheter more slowlyandinstruct the personto relax B. STOP and report the pain and resistance to the licensednurse C. Re-insert water into the catheter balloonandleave the Foleyinplace D. Reassure the personthat thisis normal for the procedure andpull more quicklyto lessenthe discomfort
  • 7. 31. This year (2015) the Joint Commission’s National Patient SafetyGoalsfor LongTerm Care include all ofthe goalslisted below EXCEPT: A. Prevent residents from falling. B. Use medicines safely. C. Prevent bed sores. D. Decrease C.N.A. turnover. E. Prevent infection. F. Identifyresidents correctly. 32. What signs of possible swallowing problems are indicated below, duringassistinga personwith dementia duringmealtime, and should be reported to the licensednurse? A. Person is coughing when beingassistedwithdrinking liquids. B. Person has onset ofa clear, runnynose during the mealtime; however, the personisn’t havingcoughingepisodes. C. Person turns their headaside whena cupis placedagainst their lips i.e. will not attempt to drink fromthe offeredcup. D. All of the above. 33. A C.P.M. machine (Continuous Passive Motion)is used to assist a personwhois recovering fromhipsurgery. A. True B. False 34. What is the term usedto describe lossof abilitygreater thancanbe explainedbythe effect of a disease process alone? A. Disability. B. Excess Disability C. Excessive Diagnosis. D. Handicapped. 35. Anypersonin a long termcare facilityor hospital who is diagnosed as being terminal must accept Hospice services. A. True B. False
  • 8. 36. Subjective data refers to piecesof information or data collected by usingthe senses ofsight, hearing, smelland touch. A. True B. False 37. Paraphrasingand reflecting means restating the person’s message in your ownwords. A. True B. False 38. Deliriumis a state of agitated confusion. It comes on veryslowlyand lasts for several weeks, andis always irreversible. A. True B. False 39. Herpes Zoster is a reactivationof the measle virus. A. True B. True 40. Renal calculi means A. An inflammationof the kidneypelvis B. Kidneystones C. A bladder infection D. Pus in the urine 41. For a person withAlzheimer’s, toomuchstimuli frombeing asked toomanyquestions all at once can overwhelm the person andcause: A. Delusions B. Catastrophic reactions C. Hallucinations D. Sundowning
  • 9. 42. When a personwithAlzheimer’s screams, it maybe because the person A. Has hearingandvisionproblems B. Has too muchstimulationinthe environment C. Is trying to communicate D. All of the above 43. The classic signof Alzheimer’s Disease is A. Mood andpersonalitychanges B. Gradualloss ofshort-term memory C. Acute confusionanddelirium D. Wanderingand sundowning 44. A personjust had a total hipreplacement 4 days ago. This means that A. Theynow have nopainbecause theynowhave a newhipjoint B. Theywill not needto use anyprecautions withtheir mobility C. Theyneedto use compressionstockings to prevent blood clots D. If theyare havingpain, it will be resolvedwithone week fromsurgery 45. Where are electrodesfor cardiac monitoring usinga telemetryunit placedon the person’s chest? A. Wherever theywill comfortablyfit B. On the upper arms and thighs C. Over anydressings that are onthe chest D. Accordingto manufacturer’s instructions: White-right arm; Black– left arm; Brown – midchest; Red – left side; Green – right side 46. When suctioning the oral pharynx the C.N.A. 2 knows A. Suctionshouldbe applied “intermittently” to prevent O2 sats from dropping B. Suctionshouldbe applied“contantly” to prevent O2 sats fromdroping C. It doesn’t matter since suctioningdoesnot affect the 02
  • 10. 47. Which ofthe followingCBG result takenbefore dinner wouldyou report immediately? A. 128 B. 58 C. 108 D. 268 48. Your patient with anNG tube has just returned to bedfrom a walkwith her nurse. She nowis complaining ofnausea. You should A. Check to see ifthe NG tube hasbeen reconnectedto suctionandalert nurse ofnausea B. Check to see if the NG tube has beenreconnected; ifnot just reconnect it C. Let the patient knowit is normal to feel nauseated withanNG tube D. Give the patient anemesis basinand come back in30 mintues to see if she is still nauseated 49. If you observe that your personwithAlzheimer’s just wasable to go throughthe exit door withvisitors (whoare unaware the personis a resident inthe MemoryCare facility), you shouldnotifythe person’s familyimmediatelysotheycancome and start looking for their lovedone out inthe community. You are not allowedto leave the facilityduring working hours. A. True B. False 50. As long as you knowhowto do a skill, you candoit andthenlet your licensednurse know it has beencompleted, without the licensednurse assigningyou to perform the skillinthe first place. A. True B. False 51. Older persons are at risk for accidents because A. Some are unsteadyon their feet B. Theymayhave decreasedstrength andmove slowly C. Theyoftenhave poor vision, hearing problems and a dulledsense ofsmell D. All of the above
  • 11. 52. It is possible that a personwith Alzheimer’s, whohas difficultyfeedingthemselves, canbecome dehydrated and malnourishedifnot given the cuing, coachingandassistance theyneed withmeals and in- betweensnacks and beverages. A. True B. False 53. A person hasa cast onher right arm. Younote that her fingers are pale andshe cannot move them. What shouldyou do? A. Remove the cast immediately. B. Tell the nurse at once. C. Elevate the person’s arm onpillows D. Assist with range –of-motionexercises 54. You have not takencare ofa resident witha total knee replacement since completingyour C.N.A.-2 certification. You remember how to helpsomeone into the CPMmachine. The personasks you to do exactlythat. The licensednurse has not yet askedyou to dothat task. You should A. Help the personintothe CPMmachine because the person asked youto do so. B. Reassure the personyou are goingto assist them, but you are goingto doublecheck withthe licensednurse first. 55. When you prepare to applya splint to a person’s right hand, you notice there is anarea ofbroken skin under the palm side of the resident’s hand. You should A. Find a soft clothandplace it on topof the brokenskin, thenapplythe splint B. Applythe splint looselyto prevent hurtingthe person C. Put the splint back intothe drawer;the brokenskinmight be healedbytomorrow. D. Set the splint aside, and notifythe licensednurse ofthe person’s skinbreakdown. 56. Comfort measures a C.N.A. 2 can provide is to give the personthe painmeds the licensednurse just accidentallyleft on the nightstand. A. True, andbe sure to notifythe nurse immediatelythat you gave the persontheir pain medications theyneeded – you are sure theyneeded thembecause you requestedpainmedications basedon the person’s request 30 minutesago. B. False
  • 12. 57. It is withinthe scope of practice of a C.N.A.-2 to remove all non-surgicallyplaced tubes a person has after the personpasses away. The C.N.A.-2 must be assignedthistaskbya licensed nurse. A. True B. False 58. A personwhois receiving Hospice services, andhasbeen bedridden for a week, requests that youhelpthem get out ofbed into a wheelchair. Youshould A. Report person’s request to licensednurse soa current assessment ofperson’s mobilityneeds canbe made to assure transfer is safe. B. Share with personyou donot thinktheywillbe strongenoughto dothis task, andyou are afraidtheymight fall, and ask if you coulddo something to make beinginbedmore comfortable? C. Tell personthat their request must be “relayed” to the primaryHospice nurse before getting out of bedcanhappen. D. Offer to put a movie inthe person’s DVDfor distraction fromwantingto get out of bed. 59. When interactingand providingcare for a personwithAlzheimer’s, it is essential that you treat the personlike anadult, even thoughtheyappear to perceive themselves as beingmuchyounger. A. True B. False 60. It is essentialto “screen out” troublingmessages or news inanenvironment where residents are gathered. A. True B. False 61. Panic is A. A persistent thought or idea B. False beliefs andsuspicionabout a person or situation C. An intense and suddenfeeling of fear, anxiety, terror, or dread D. Not able to correctlyviewor interpret reality
  • 13. 62. Post-traumatic stress syndrome occurs A. After a terrifying ordeal B. After takingillegaldrugs C. In persons withmental illness D. In persons withdementia 63. Which is NOT commonwith confusion? A. Aphasia and paralysis B. Personalityandmentalchanges C. Anger, restlessness, anddepression D. Behavior changes 64. The most commontreatment for gallstones is A. Ultrasound B. Diet change C. Drugs D. Surgical removal 65. An enlarged prostate cancause urinaryproblems inmen. A. True B. False 66. A personhas a urostomy. You know that A. The person needs good skin care B. The personis incontinent C. The personneeds bladder training D. The personneeds a urinarycatheter
  • 14. 67. A personwithDiabetes II can experience hypoglycemia even if theyaren’t receiving insulin A. True B. False 68. Level of painis considereda vital sign. A. True B. False 69. Which ofthe followingcouldbe considered“discomfort”? A. Dizziness B. Anxiety C. Itching D. All of the above 70. Askinga personto rate their painona pain scale is withinthe scope of practice of a C.N.A. 2 A. True B. False 71. Which ofthe followingactions cana C.N.A. 2 do to reduce a person’s painor discomfort? A. Try to help relieve anxietybyusing listening, supportive presence B. Provide blankets for warmthandto prevent chilling C. Make sure the personisn’t lying ondrainage tubesor anyobjects D. All of the above 72. Quadriplegia is paralysis A. In the arms B. In the legs C. From the waist down D. In the arms, legs andtrunk
  • 15. 73. An example of active listening refers to conversingwith personwhile you are helping themto ambulate A. True B. False 74. All of the following are good skillsof the mentor except A. Models goodcare-givingskills B. Demonstratesperson-centeredfocus C. Supervises staff for the licensednurse D. Provides information about jobresponsibilitiesto the mentee 75. It is essentialto use the person’s life storyto buildtrust and a senseof security A. True B. False 76. In caringfor persons withdementia, what does it mean to “create anenvironment that facilitates goodcommunication”? A. There should always be music playing because older people have always lovedmusic. B. Having an area where there is always a classic old movie playingon a smalltelevisionscreenis helpful. C. Surroundings are kept quite dark to promote a sense of calmness. D. The surroundings are well-lit, clean, comfortable uncluttered and pleasant;noise anddistractions are kept to a minimum. 77. What does the acronym “SBARR” represent? A. Signs, Background, Assessment (Observation), Recommendation, Read-back/Review B. Situation, Biology, Assessment (Observation), Recommendation, Read-back/Review C. Situation, Background, Assessment (Observation), Recommendation, Read-back/Review D. Symptoms, Background, Assessment (Observation), Recommendation, Read-back/Review
  • 16. 78. Which ofthe followingcouldbe consideredmanifestations ofpain? A. Flushing andshivering B. Sleepiness C. Anger D. All of the above 79. It is important that persons attendactivities to promote a goodqualityof life. However, ifthe personis experiencing pain, going to the activitybecomesa secondpriority – relieving the paincomesfirst priority. A. True B. False 80. Dementiais anumbrella term for a groupof symptoms. A. True B. False 81. The C.N.A. and other staff are considered part of the environment in memorycare facilities. A. True B. False 82. The definition of“Cultural Encounter” means the direct cross-culturalinteractions betweenpeople from culturallydiverse backgrounds. A. True B. False 83. “Cultural Skill” refers to the abilityto deliver healthcare withrelevant culturalspecifics. A. True B. False 84. If a personina memorycare facilityis diagnosedwithscabies, theymust be discharged to the hospital for treatment. A. True B. False
  • 17. 85. Cystitis means A. An inflammation ofthe kidneypelvis B. Kidneystones C. A bladder infection D. Pus in the urine 86. Pediculosiscannot occur withthe elderlybecause is usuallysomethingchildren contract. A. True B. False 87. Clostridium difficile is transmitted throughthe repiratorysystem. A. True B. False 88. MethicillinResistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is anorganismfoundin the stool ofmanyindividuals. A. True B. False 89. Pain is an unavoidable part of growing old. A. True B. False 90. Persons withdementia are able to report their pain. A. True B. False 91. Physicians and nurses are the experts on pain. A. True B. False
  • 18. 92. Symptoms of drug withdrawal, at times, can be life threatening. A. True B. False 93. Earlyambulation prevents post-op complications suchas thrombi, constipation, pneumonia and urinarytract infections. A. True B. False 94. Scope of practice refers to the skills the C.N.A. is legallypermittedto perform per the state regulations. The data gathering skills andtechnical skills that are inthe scope of practice for the C.N.A. 2 may only be performed at the direction of a licensed nurse. A. True B. False 95. Open-ended questions leador invite the personto share thoughts, feelings, or ideas. A. True B. False 96. All the informationin the medical recordis coveredunder the confidentialityandprivacyrights of the person (HIPPA); however, C.N.A.-2’s have advanced skillsand donot necessarilyhave to adhere to HIPPA because theyneedthe more detailed information. A. True B. False 97. A C.N.A.-1 might be a mentor for a new employee at the facility, even if the new employee just receivedtheir C.N.A.2 certification. A. True B. False
  • 19. 98. Using restraints has been veryinfrequent inlong term care settings;however, indementiacare facilities, use ofrestraints is more acceptable andis commonpractice to prevent persons livingthere to hurt one another. A. True B. False 99. The “GreenHouse Project” has to dowithplanting gardens inlong termcare facilities. A. True B. False 100. Person-centeredcare involves families indevelopment of the care plans for their lovedones. A. True B. False