doug engelbart collective iq doug engelbart institute innovation strategy bootstrap institute unfinished revolution networked improvement communities collective intelligence co-evolution frontier augmenting human intellect bootstrapping improvement communities abcs of improvement engelbart academy bootstrap alliance engelbart institute bootstrap strategy engelbart mother of all demos christina engelbart cscw98 acm turing lecture turing award business technology open hyperdocument system (ohs) abcs of organizational improvement bootstrap paradigm map akw ahi martin hardy epic firsts personal computing epic firsts in it history the making of the demo sri-arc continuous improvement abcs of bootstrapping collaboration douglas engelbart chm live #thedemoat50 patricia seybold human computation bootstrapping innovation world library summit jeff rulifson engelbart academy bootstrap alliance 1995 vannevar bush symposium accelerating change augment transformation strategy integration and appication of knowledge (codiak) concurrent development dynamic knowledge repository (dkr) networked improvement communities (nic) jcn profiles high-performance organizations groupware journalism intelligence augmentation
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