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小農不只是傳統,                                 Smallholder farming is not pastoral
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               不停留浪漫,                                   nostalgia, but a practical path to a just
                                                                                                                         草根組織 Grassroots Mobilization                                            小農復耕                       Smallholder Farming Rehabilitation Projects                                                        還是永續未來的出路。
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and sustainable global future. Join the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TRF in our hopeful struggle for a better
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               探索台灣城鄉平衡之未來,                             tomorrow as we strive for a world with
                                                                                                                         協助組織被浮濫徵收農地、被搶奪農水的農民,爭取永續務農的                                            2009年,莫拉克風災過後,農陣結合友好團體陪伴高雄桃源與台東歷坵兩處原鄉部落,以友善耕作、發掘地方農法、                                                                         實踐永續小農的大革命。                              healthy rural-urban dynamics and
                                                                                                                         權利。2009年苗栗大埔怪手毀田事件後,農民齊聚,發表「農民                                          建立合作組織等多管齊下努力復耕農地,並因地置宜,鼓勵公田學習與在地加工。2011年起復耕點加入雲林北港水林                                                                                                                  genuine bio-cultural diversity.
                                                                                                                         反粗殘徵收聯合宣言:一方有難,八方來援」,各地農民自主串                                            農友,著重本土雜糧耕作。小農復耕旨在實踐適地適種、地方農法、資源共享、合作經濟。
                                                                                                                         動。                                                                      In October 2009, the TRF launched a smallholder farming rehabilitation project in two aboriginal villages in south
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Taiwan (in Kaohsiung and Taitung, respectively). The project sought to assist the typhoon-stricken villagers to rebuild
                                                                                                                         The TRF actively works with farmers who suffer from land and            their communities and livelihoods by way of smallholder farming. The project has successfully revived local farming
                                                                                                                         water grabbing. In the name of science and industrial park              methods, found farmers’ co-ops, and established a collective food processing and marketing system in each project
                                                                                                                         projects, the power of eminent domain has been habitually               site. In 2011, the project further expanded by involving two villages in Yunlin, central Taiwan, where new initiatives in
                                                                                                                         exercised and abused in Taiwan (as of 2011, 6378.15 Ha of land          revitalizing Taiwan’s domestic wheat and soybean production are currently underway. These rehabilitation projects put
                                                                                                                         in Taiwan is under the threat of eminent domain). In 2009,              the TRF’s call for smallholder farming, sustainable agriculture, food sovereignty, and cooperative economy into
                                                                                                                         extreme measures taken by local authority in land evictions             long-term, grounded practices.
                                                                                                                         prompted thousands of farmers to stage a mass rally and
                                                                                                                         subsequently formed the “Taiwan Farmers’ Union” (Hanwei
                                                                                                                         Nongxiang Lianmeng). Through legal consultation, legislative
                                                                                                                         lobbying, activist training, and strategic alliance building, the TRF
                                                                                                                         has worked closely with the Union to fight for land justice and
                                                                                                                         rights of the peasants in Taiwan.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Find us at :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             連絡方式                                                                    Website:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             地址:100 台北市忠孝東路一段138號11樓                                                 Facebook: 台灣農村陣線
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             電話:02-23223120                                                          Google group:
                                                                        Taiwan Rural Front                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   更多資訊請連結:                                Tel: 02-23223120
                                                                        Rooted in the Land, Learning from the Peasants                                                                                                                                                                                                       加入臉書粉絲:台灣農村陣線                                                           Address: 11F., No.138, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Taipei City
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             加入「台灣農村陣線」訊息討論群組                100, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

青年進鄉 TRF Youth “Back to the Land”                                                                                        抵抗與紮根                              Civil Resistance                     彎腰農夫市集                                   “Bow to land” Farmers’ Market                                                      立法遊說 Legislative Lobbying
農陣2009年起舉辦「夏耘──農村草根調查營隊」,喚起更多青                                                                                           結合街頭行動、田間勞動、公共論壇等多元活動及參與形式,促                                            農陣結合友好團體於2009年每年10月舉行「彎腰生活節」,包含講座、音樂會與農                                                                                     農陣積極進行國會倡議與立法遊說,堅督政策並推動體制改革,介入關鍵的農業與土地法案,包括:農村再生條
年朋友認識農民、理解農村,從而展開自主進鄉行動,部份農青                                                                                             進議題的傳播與擴散。例如717夜宿凱道,要求政府正視浮濫圈地                                          夫市集,營造小農與消費者的對話平台,透過日常生活與消費行為,推廣友善小農                                                                                        例、產業創新條例、農業基本法、土地徵收條例等。體制改革無法一蹴可幾,透過持續倡議「農」的多元價值與
投入社區工作,並有農青發起:「農村做代誌-來去宜蘭種小田                                                                                             與糧食自主議題,而後將「凱稻秧苗」運往美濃耕作,120天後將                                          耕作理念。而「彎腰農夫市集」自2011年9月起固定每月開市,結合「彎腰論                                                                                        實質政策法案的改進,扭轉農業與農村總是被忽視、犧牲的困境與迷思。
田」行動,向進鄉青年與老農拜師學藝,自行育種,手工插秧,                                                                                             熟成的稻穗,手割成「土地正義」字形,擴大社會認識,集結修                                            壇」,策劃農耕與時事議題的論辯,並持續「親子手作坊」,製作版畫筆記本、稻
學習傳統農法並傳承老農智慧。                                                                                                           法壓力。此外,也舉辦「小農耕作與永續台灣系列講座」,擴大                                            草人、植物拓染等手作體驗。                                                                                                               The TRF conducts policy research and legislative lobbying in order to pursue legal and institutional reform. We
                                                                                                                         小農耕作的公共論述。                                                                                                                                                                                          closely monitor administrative and legislative moves on agrarian issues, and make necessary interventions in key
Since 2009, the annual TRF youth summer camp (called                                                                                                                                             TRF launched the first“Bow to Land Festival” in October, 2009. The festival                                                 bills such as the Rural Revitalization Act, the Industrial Innovation Act, the Basic Agrarian Law, and the Land
“Summer Grassroots Farm Camp”) has become a major event                                                                  The TRF utilizes all available means to raise public awareness on       presented a series of activities including lectures, concerts, and a farmers’ market.                                       Expropriation Act. The TRF believes that genuine reform does not happen overnight. It is only through persistent
among activists and socially conscious college students in Taiwan.                                                       issues of our main concern. For instances: re-educate the public        The farmers’ market, in particular, served as a platform where lively exchanges                                             and accumulative efforts can we furnish a progressive legal infrastructure recognizing the multiple functions and
Over the years, the Camp has successfully mobilized hundreds of                                                          about what it means to be connected with the land through               between farmers and consumers happened, and where the TRF’s visions of                                                      benefits of smallholder agriculture. At that time, rural livelihoods will once again thrive, and the countryside will
students to participate in in-depth study trips in dozens of villages                                                    collective farm work; encourage public debates through media            smallholder farming and sustainable agriculture were socialized to the general                                              become the ideal home of many.
in Taiwan. Inspired by what they have learned from the trips,                                                            campaigns and public forums; demonstrate people’s will through          public through mundane activities of shopping, cooking and eating. Since 2011, the
some students took personal initiatives to live in the countryside                                                       creative strategies. On July 17, 2010, for example, the TRF             Bow to Land Farmers’ Market has become a monthly event, featuring fresh produce
for an extended period of time: some involved themselves with                                                            staged a successful sit-in/sleep-in to protest against unjust land      and processed food from small-scale farmers, children’s hands-on workshops, and
farmers’ co-ops and various community-building projects. Others                                                          expropriation. The two-day activities climaxed when farmers and         public forums for the serious-minded shoppers.
became local farmers’ apprentices, studying and documenting                                                              students worked side by side to plant rice seedlings in front of the
traditional farming knowledge in Yilan, northeast Taiwan.                                                                Presidential Hall. The story of these rice continues to unfold as
                                                                                                                         the TRF re-planted the seedlings and cultivated them in south
                                                                                                                         Taiwan, and eventually turned the ripened rice field into a piece
                                                                                                                         of landscape art symbolizing “Land Justice” in Chinese
                                                                                                                         characters. It is through such kind of agrarian activism that
                                                                                                                         combines creative art, media campaign, public education, and
                                                                                                                         political activism, that the TRF has become one of the key players
                                                                                                                         in shaping contemporary agrarian discourse in Taiwan.
農陣是誰?                                                                                                                            農陣的理念:小農經濟、永續農業、糧食主權
                     2008年於立法院一讀的「農村再生條例」,因其寬鬆的地目變更條件以及對農村花園景觀化的錯誤                                                                                    由於貿易自由化的壓力,台灣自1980年代逐漸開放進口市場,由糧食自足轉變為嚴重依
                     定位,將造成農村毀滅性的打擊。因此,長期在各個位置上關心台灣農業問題的行動者,包括:農                                                                                      賴進口的國家,2007年台灣的糧食自給率於僅剩30.6%。
                     民、農村工作者、NGO、媒體工作者、學者、作家、律師、工程師、藝術家、青年連結起來,從草根                                                                                    如今,在極端氣候與石油危機的雙重壓力下,利潤導向的國際農糧體制危機四伏,石油
                     組織、社會傳播、立法遊說等層面著手努力,在這個過程中成立了台灣農村陣線。                                                                                             農業無以為繼。世界各國無不重新定位糧食安全與耕作方式。

                     Who We Are : Citizens United for Rural Sustainability                                                                            為此,農陣堅持小農耕作,致力推動適地適種、多樣生產、在地經濟、合作協力的小農
                     Taiwan Rural Front (TRF) is a social movement organization formed by farmers and other citizens committed to social
                     justice and ecological sustainability in Taiwan and across the region. It emerged in 2008 as a spontaneous civil alliance
                     in opposition to the ill-conceived “Rural Revitalization Act,” which sought to commodify farmland and rural livelihood in        What We Fight For : Smallholder Farming, Sustainable Agriculture, & Food Sovereignty
Taiwan Rural Front   the name of rural development. The passing of the first reading of the Act in spring 2008 prompted thousands of
                     Taiwanese from all walks of live – including farmers, activists, writers, artists, journalists, academics, engineers, lawyers,
                                                                                                                                                      In the name of trade liberalization, the agriculture sector in Taiwan has been subject to U.S. political pressures since the
                                                                                                                                                      1980s. Over the years, these undue interventions have turned Taiwan from a food self-sufficient nation into a highly
                     and students -- to join in a common struggle against short-sighted rural development schemes. Despite that the Act was
                                                                                                                                                      dependent one, with an all-time-low food self-sufficiency rate of 30.6% in 2007. However, under the dual pressure of peak
                     eventually ratified in 2011, the TRF has thrived and continues to fight for the rights and prospects of rural livelihood
                                                                                                                                                      oil and global warming, the current oil-based agriculture and agribusiness regime are bound to fall, forcing countries all over
                     through legislative lobbying, media campaign, and grassroots mobilization.
                                                                                                                                                      the world to reformulate their food and agriculture policies. The TRF strongly opposes further agricultural trade liberalization;
                                                                                                                                                      instead, it advocates policies that will help Taiwan rebuild a localized food system and regain food sovereignty. We believe
                                                                                                                                                      that smallholder farming, which is known to be more ecologically adaptive, more environmentally sustainable, more
                                                                                                                                                          community-oriented, and a reservoir of local knowledge, will become the backbone of a necessary new agriculture and a
                                                                                                                                                                           new society where rural and urban livelihoods mutually sustain and co-flourish.

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2012 about Taiwan Rural Front

  • 1. 小農不只是傳統, Smallholder farming is not pastoral 不停留浪漫, nostalgia, but a practical path to a just 草根組織 Grassroots Mobilization 小農復耕 Smallholder Farming Rehabilitation Projects 還是永續未來的出路。 我們誠摯邀請您共同關心台灣農村, and sustainable global future. Join the TRF in our hopeful struggle for a better 探索台灣城鄉平衡之未來, tomorrow as we strive for a world with 協助組織被浮濫徵收農地、被搶奪農水的農民,爭取永續務農的 2009年,莫拉克風災過後,農陣結合友好團體陪伴高雄桃源與台東歷坵兩處原鄉部落,以友善耕作、發掘地方農法、 實踐永續小農的大革命。 healthy rural-urban dynamics and 權利。2009年苗栗大埔怪手毀田事件後,農民齊聚,發表「農民 建立合作組織等多管齊下努力復耕農地,並因地置宜,鼓勵公田學習與在地加工。2011年起復耕點加入雲林北港水林 genuine bio-cultural diversity. 反粗殘徵收聯合宣言:一方有難,八方來援」,各地農民自主串 農友,著重本土雜糧耕作。小農復耕旨在實踐適地適種、地方農法、資源共享、合作經濟。 連成立「捍衛農鄉聯盟」,投入實踐土地正義與捍衛農鄉的行 動。 In October 2009, the TRF launched a smallholder farming rehabilitation project in two aboriginal villages in south Taiwan (in Kaohsiung and Taitung, respectively). The project sought to assist the typhoon-stricken villagers to rebuild The TRF actively works with farmers who suffer from land and their communities and livelihoods by way of smallholder farming. The project has successfully revived local farming water grabbing. In the name of science and industrial park methods, found farmers’ co-ops, and established a collective food processing and marketing system in each project projects, the power of eminent domain has been habitually site. In 2011, the project further expanded by involving two villages in Yunlin, central Taiwan, where new initiatives in exercised and abused in Taiwan (as of 2011, 6378.15 Ha of land revitalizing Taiwan’s domestic wheat and soybean production are currently underway. These rehabilitation projects put in Taiwan is under the threat of eminent domain). In 2009, the TRF’s call for smallholder farming, sustainable agriculture, food sovereignty, and cooperative economy into extreme measures taken by local authority in land evictions long-term, grounded practices. prompted thousands of farmers to stage a mass rally and subsequently formed the “Taiwan Farmers’ Union” (Hanwei Nongxiang Lianmeng). Through legal consultation, legislative lobbying, activist training, and strategic alliance building, the TRF has worked closely with the Union to fight for land justice and rights of the peasants in Taiwan. Find us at : 連絡方式 Website: 地址:100 台北市忠孝東路一段138號11樓 Facebook: 台灣農村陣線 電話:02-23223120 Google group: Taiwan Rural Front 更多資訊請連結: Tel: 02-23223120 Rooted in the Land, Learning from the Peasants 加入臉書粉絲:台灣農村陣線 Address: 11F., No.138, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Taipei City 加入「台灣農村陣線」訊息討論群組 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 青年進鄉 TRF Youth “Back to the Land” 抵抗與紮根 Civil Resistance 彎腰農夫市集 “Bow to land” Farmers’ Market 立法遊說 Legislative Lobbying 農陣2009年起舉辦「夏耘──農村草根調查營隊」,喚起更多青 結合街頭行動、田間勞動、公共論壇等多元活動及參與形式,促 農陣結合友好團體於2009年每年10月舉行「彎腰生活節」,包含講座、音樂會與農 農陣積極進行國會倡議與立法遊說,堅督政策並推動體制改革,介入關鍵的農業與土地法案,包括:農村再生條 年朋友認識農民、理解農村,從而展開自主進鄉行動,部份農青 進議題的傳播與擴散。例如717夜宿凱道,要求政府正視浮濫圈地 夫市集,營造小農與消費者的對話平台,透過日常生活與消費行為,推廣友善小農 例、產業創新條例、農業基本法、土地徵收條例等。體制改革無法一蹴可幾,透過持續倡議「農」的多元價值與 投入社區工作,並有農青發起:「農村做代誌-來去宜蘭種小田 與糧食自主議題,而後將「凱稻秧苗」運往美濃耕作,120天後將 耕作理念。而「彎腰農夫市集」自2011年9月起固定每月開市,結合「彎腰論 實質政策法案的改進,扭轉農業與農村總是被忽視、犧牲的困境與迷思。 田」行動,向進鄉青年與老農拜師學藝,自行育種,手工插秧, 熟成的稻穗,手割成「土地正義」字形,擴大社會認識,集結修 壇」,策劃農耕與時事議題的論辯,並持續「親子手作坊」,製作版畫筆記本、稻 學習傳統農法並傳承老農智慧。 法壓力。此外,也舉辦「小農耕作與永續台灣系列講座」,擴大 草人、植物拓染等手作體驗。 The TRF conducts policy research and legislative lobbying in order to pursue legal and institutional reform. We 小農耕作的公共論述。 closely monitor administrative and legislative moves on agrarian issues, and make necessary interventions in key Since 2009, the annual TRF youth summer camp (called TRF launched the first“Bow to Land Festival” in October, 2009. The festival bills such as the Rural Revitalization Act, the Industrial Innovation Act, the Basic Agrarian Law, and the Land “Summer Grassroots Farm Camp”) has become a major event The TRF utilizes all available means to raise public awareness on presented a series of activities including lectures, concerts, and a farmers’ market. Expropriation Act. The TRF believes that genuine reform does not happen overnight. It is only through persistent among activists and socially conscious college students in Taiwan. issues of our main concern. For instances: re-educate the public The farmers’ market, in particular, served as a platform where lively exchanges and accumulative efforts can we furnish a progressive legal infrastructure recognizing the multiple functions and Over the years, the Camp has successfully mobilized hundreds of about what it means to be connected with the land through between farmers and consumers happened, and where the TRF’s visions of benefits of smallholder agriculture. At that time, rural livelihoods will once again thrive, and the countryside will students to participate in in-depth study trips in dozens of villages collective farm work; encourage public debates through media smallholder farming and sustainable agriculture were socialized to the general become the ideal home of many. in Taiwan. Inspired by what they have learned from the trips, campaigns and public forums; demonstrate people’s will through public through mundane activities of shopping, cooking and eating. Since 2011, the some students took personal initiatives to live in the countryside creative strategies. On July 17, 2010, for example, the TRF Bow to Land Farmers’ Market has become a monthly event, featuring fresh produce for an extended period of time: some involved themselves with staged a successful sit-in/sleep-in to protest against unjust land and processed food from small-scale farmers, children’s hands-on workshops, and farmers’ co-ops and various community-building projects. Others expropriation. The two-day activities climaxed when farmers and public forums for the serious-minded shoppers. became local farmers’ apprentices, studying and documenting students worked side by side to plant rice seedlings in front of the traditional farming knowledge in Yilan, northeast Taiwan. Presidential Hall. The story of these rice continues to unfold as the TRF re-planted the seedlings and cultivated them in south Taiwan, and eventually turned the ripened rice field into a piece of landscape art symbolizing “Land Justice” in Chinese characters. It is through such kind of agrarian activism that combines creative art, media campaign, public education, and political activism, that the TRF has become one of the key players in shaping contemporary agrarian discourse in Taiwan.
  • 2. 農陣是誰? 農陣的理念:小農經濟、永續農業、糧食主權 2008年於立法院一讀的「農村再生條例」,因其寬鬆的地目變更條件以及對農村花園景觀化的錯誤 由於貿易自由化的壓力,台灣自1980年代逐漸開放進口市場,由糧食自足轉變為嚴重依 定位,將造成農村毀滅性的打擊。因此,長期在各個位置上關心台灣農業問題的行動者,包括:農 賴進口的國家,2007年台灣的糧食自給率於僅剩30.6%。 民、農村工作者、NGO、媒體工作者、學者、作家、律師、工程師、藝術家、青年連結起來,從草根 如今,在極端氣候與石油危機的雙重壓力下,利潤導向的國際農糧體制危機四伏,石油 組織、社會傳播、立法遊說等層面著手努力,在這個過程中成立了台灣農村陣線。 農業無以為繼。世界各國無不重新定位糧食安全與耕作方式。 Who We Are : Citizens United for Rural Sustainability 為此,農陣堅持小農耕作,致力推動適地適種、多樣生產、在地經濟、合作協力的小農 經濟,以小農承載的技藝與多元社會文化內涵,豐富厚實農鄉社會,連結城鄉關係。 Taiwan Rural Front (TRF) is a social movement organization formed by farmers and other citizens committed to social justice and ecological sustainability in Taiwan and across the region. It emerged in 2008 as a spontaneous civil alliance in opposition to the ill-conceived “Rural Revitalization Act,” which sought to commodify farmland and rural livelihood in What We Fight For : Smallholder Farming, Sustainable Agriculture, & Food Sovereignty Taiwan Rural Front the name of rural development. The passing of the first reading of the Act in spring 2008 prompted thousands of Taiwanese from all walks of live – including farmers, activists, writers, artists, journalists, academics, engineers, lawyers, In the name of trade liberalization, the agriculture sector in Taiwan has been subject to U.S. political pressures since the 1980s. Over the years, these undue interventions have turned Taiwan from a food self-sufficient nation into a highly and students -- to join in a common struggle against short-sighted rural development schemes. Despite that the Act was dependent one, with an all-time-low food self-sufficiency rate of 30.6% in 2007. However, under the dual pressure of peak eventually ratified in 2011, the TRF has thrived and continues to fight for the rights and prospects of rural livelihood oil and global warming, the current oil-based agriculture and agribusiness regime are bound to fall, forcing countries all over through legislative lobbying, media campaign, and grassroots mobilization. the world to reformulate their food and agriculture policies. The TRF strongly opposes further agricultural trade liberalization; instead, it advocates policies that will help Taiwan rebuild a localized food system and regain food sovereignty. We believe that smallholder farming, which is known to be more ecologically adaptive, more environmentally sustainable, more community-oriented, and a reservoir of local knowledge, will become the backbone of a necessary new agriculture and a new society where rural and urban livelihoods mutually sustain and co-flourish.